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Pleural Empyema Due to Salmonella typhi


Abstract and Figures

Salmonella serotypes most often produce gastroenteritis, enteric fever, bacteremia, vascular infection and chronic carrier state. Localized infection may occur at any site after Salmonella bacteremia. Pulmonary involvement due to Salmonella infection is rare. Empyema occurs usually in elderly patients or in patients with underlying diseases such as diabetes mellitus, malignancy, or pulmonary disease. We report the case of an 83-year-old male diabetic patient who presented with fever, productive cough, and difficulty in swallowing. The chest radiographs revealed soft shadowing mild atelactasis and pulmonary abscess on left side. CT-guided aspiration of pus was done. Salmonella enterica serotype typhi was isolated from pus sample. Pleural empyema or abscess usually requires surgical drainage in addition to antimicrobial therapy. After complete course of antimicrobial therapy, the patient improved.
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Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2012, Vol. 22 (12): 803-805 803
Salmonellae are gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic,
non-spore-forming bacilli. The wide spread distribution
of Salmonella in the environment, their increasing
prevalence in the global food chain, and their virulence
and adaptability result in enormous medical, public
health, and economic impact worldwide.1Specific
Salmonella serotypes most often produce characteristic
clinical manifestations that have been given the
syndrome designations gastroenteritis, enteric fever,
bacteremia and vascular infection, localized infections,
and chronic carrier state.1Localized infections develop
in approximately 5 – 10% cases with Salmonella
bacteremia, and the presentation may be delayed.1
Extra-intestinal infectious complication especially pleural
effusion or empyema due to Salmonella species, is
extremely rare. Although many cases of respiratory
involvement with Salmonella species have been
described worldwide, only few cases with respiratory
manifestations with Salmonella typhi (S. typhi) have
been reported from Turkey, India, and Pakistan.2-4
Serious respiratory complications like pleural empyema
usually occurs in elderly patients or in patients with
severe underlying diseases.
We report a case of S. typhi empyema in an 83-year-old
male diabetic patient.
An 83-year-old male patient was admitted in the
gastrointestinal ward of Ziauddin University Hospital,
Karachi, Pakistan with the complaints of fever with
rigors, productive cough and difficulty in swallowing for 1
week duration. He had experienced similar symptoms
about 3 months back, but did not seek medical advice
because the symptoms were self-resolved. The patient
was a known case of non-insulin dependent diabetes
mellitus and essential hypertension for 10 – 12 years. He
smoked 40 – 50 cigarettes per day upto 40 years
previously. He also had several episodes of pneumonia
in the past. These pneumonic episodes were diagnosed
by a general practitioner on clinical ground. He received
various antimicrobials. Names, dosages, and duration of
these antimicrobials are not known.
The examination revealed an ill-looking man who was
clinically anaemic and had signs of a left pleural effusion.
The pulse rate was 80 beats per minute, blood pressure
was 130/80 mmHg, temperature was 100°F, and there
were no signs of heart failure. Respiratory examination
revealed harsh vesicular breathing with scattered left
basal crepitations. Chest radiographs posteroanterior
and left lateral view (Figure 1) showed soft shadowing
mild atelactasis and pleural abscess on left side. Blood
samples were obtained for culture, fasting blood sugar
(FBS), complete picture, malarial parasite, urea,
creatinine, electrolytes, troponin-I. Troponin-I was done
to rule out any cardiac pathology. His sputum sample
was also taken for acid fast bacilli (AFB) smear. He was
started injection piperacillin/tazobactam 4.5 gm I/V 8
hourly and amikacin 500 mg I/V OD empirically. His
fever did not subside after 48 hours of antimicrobial
treatment. Computed tomography (CT) guided
aspiration of left parasternal lung abscess was done.
Approximately, 150 ml collection of pus was aspirated
and sent to laboratory for Gram stain, culture and
antimicrobial sensitivities, AFB smear, and cytology. His
FBS was 150 mg/dl, haemoglobin was 11.3 gm/dl, TLC
12.1 x 109/L, platelet count was 571 x 109/L; differential
leukocyte count was neutrophils 86%, lymphocytes 9%,
Pleural Empyema Due to Salmonella typhi
Faisal Iqbal Afridi1, Badar Jahan Farooqi1and Arif Hussain2
Salmonella serotypes most often produce gastroenteritis, enteric fever, bacteremia, vascular infection and chronic carrier
state. Localized infection may occur at any site after Salmonella bacteremia. Pulmonary involvement due to Salmonella
infection is rare. Empyema occurs usually in elderly patients or in patients with underlying diseases such as diabetes
mellitus, malignancy, or pulmonary disease. We report the case of an 83-year-old male diabetic patient who presented with
fever, productive cough, and difficulty in swallowing. The chest radiographs revealed soft shadowing mild atelactasis and
pulmonary abscess on left side. CT-guided aspiration of pus was done. Salmonella enterica serotype typhi was isolated
from pus sample. Pleural empyema or abscess usually requires surgical drainage in addition to antimicrobial therapy. After
complete course of antimicrobial therapy, the patient improved.
Key words: Empyema. Salmonella typhi. Pulmonary abscess. Antimicrobial therapy.
Department of Microbiology1/ Pathology2, Dr. Ziauddin
University Hospital, North Nazimabad Campus, Karachi.
Correspondence: Dr. Faisal Iqbal Afridi, A- 79/6,
Block No. 14, Gulistan-e-Jauhar, Karachi-75290.
Received January 19, 2012; accepted April 26, 2012.
and monocytes 5%. Malarial parasite was not seen.
Blood urea was 31 mg/dl, creatinine was 0.59 mg/dl,
sodium was 136 mmol/L, potassium was 4.3 mmol/L,
and troponin-I (quantitative) was 0.23 ng/ml. His AFB
smear of sputum was negative.
Cytology report of pus sample showed evidence of acute
inflammation. AFB smear of pus sample was negative.
The pus sample was inoculated on MacConkey (Oxoid
Ltd. UK), chocolate (Oxoid Ltd. UK), sheep blood agar
(Oxoid Ltd. UK), and cooked meat broth (Oxoid Ltd. UK).
All these plates and cooked meat broth were incubated
at 37ºC aerobically for 24 hours. After overnight
incubation, the sample from the bottom of the cooked
meat broth was inoculated on anaerobic sheep blood
agar (Oxoid Ltd. UK) plate. This inoculated anaerobic
sheep blood agar plate was further incubated
anaerobically for 48 hours. Gram stain of pus showed
numerous pus cells and occasional Gram negative rods.
After overnight incubation, the blood culture broth
sample was subcultured on chocolate and MacConkey
agar and incubated at 37°C aerobically for 24 hours.
Blood culture yielded no growth after 7 days of
incubation at 37°C. Culture of pus sample yielded
pure growth of non-lactose fermenting colonies on
MacConkey agar (Figure 2). The chocolate and sheep
blood agar plates also showed pure growth of greyish
mucoid colonies. They were Gram negative rods,
catalase positive, oxidase negative, and were motile.
The organism was tested biochemically using API 20E
(bioMerieux). Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was
carried out on the Mueller-Hinton agar (Oxoid Ltd. UK)
using Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute criteria.5The
antimicrobials tested were ampicillin 10 µg (Oxoid Ltd.
UK), chloramphenicol 30 µg (Oxoid Ltd. UK), co-
trimoxazole 25 µg (Oxoid Ltd. UK), ceftriaxone 30 µg
(Oxoid Ltd. UK), cefixime 5 µg (Oxoid Ltd. UK), and
ciprofloxacin 5 µg (Oxoid Ltd. UK). Escherichia coli
American type culture collection (ATCC®) 25922 used as
control. Next day, the organism was identified as S. typhi
(Figure 3). This was confirmed by type specific antisera
(Bact-Med Diagnostics, Depto Lab Pakistan). Anaerobe
was not isolated from this pus sample after 48 hours of
incubation. The organism was sensitive to ampicillin,
chloramphenicol, co-trimoxazole, ceftriaxone and
cefixime while being resistant to ciprofloxacin. After the
sensitivity report was available, injection piperacillin/
tazobactam and amikacin were stopped and injection
ceftriaxone 1 gm I/V 12 hourly was started for 7 days
along with supportive therapy. After 48 hours of
treatment the patient was afebrile. The patient was
discharged after 7 days on oral cefixime 400 mg 12
hourly for another 2 weeks. At the end of complete 3
weeks of antimicrobial treatment, the patient remained
asymptomatic and afebrile.
The most common clinical presentation of Salmonella
infection is acute enterocolitis, but Salmonella can cause
fever, sustained bacteremia, and even extraintestinal
infectious complications like pneumonia without
gastrointestinal manifestations.6The pathogenesis of
extra-intestinal infectious complications of typhoid fever
depends on the ingested inoculum size, virulence of the
strain, host's immune response, previous exposure, and
local protective factors.7
Localized infection may occur at any site after
Salmonella bacteremia. Localized infection has been
reported in the thyroid, meninges, bone, heart, lungs,
Faisal Iqbal Afridi, Badar Jahan Farooqi and Arif Hussain
804 Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2012, Vol. 22 (12): 803-805
Figure 1: Posteroanterior and left lateral chest radiographs showing soft
shadowing mild atelactasis and pleural abscess on left side.
Figure 2: Non-lactose fermenting colonies on MacConkey agar.
Figure 3: Biochemical reactions of Salmonella typhi with API 20E strip.
adrenals, pancreas, spleen, liver, testes, pericardium,
soft tissues, areas of necrosis or infarction, benign or
malignant tumours and cysts.8Pneumonia, empyema,
and bronchopleural fistulas caused by S. typhi occur in
1 – 6% of cases.7Saphra et al. reported 85 cases of
pleural empyema with Salmonella species accounting
for 1% of all cases of Salmonellosis.9Thereafter, pleural
empyema due to Salmonella species especially due to
S. typhi has rarely been reported. To our knowledge,
only one case of lung hydatid cyst infected with S. typhi
was reported from Pakistan.4Although few cases due to
S. typhi infection with respiratory involvement has been
reported from India.3,10
Pneumonia or empyema, the predominant types of
serious respiratory disease occurs usually in elderly
patients or in patients with underlying diseases such as
diabetes mellitus, malignancy, or pulmonary disease.
These underlying diseases like diabetes mellitus
decreases the immune status of the host and may result
in the localization of Salmonella empyema as a
consequence of an inapparent Salmonella bacteremia.
We could not explain whether pleural empyema was
initial focus. Bacteremia might have occurred and then
Salmonella settled in lung tissues. However, his blood
culture was sterile, probably due to prior treatment with
antimicrobials for the episodes of pneumonia before
admission. As our patient also had several episodes of
pneumonia before admission, it is possible that these
may have predisposed to the development of empyema.
In addition to this, the patient's glycemic control is not
very good as indicated by his FBS report. Due to poor
immune status, the organism which may have already
settled in pleural cavity got the chance to multiply and
produce symptoms.
The diagnosis of the localized Salmonella infection can
be confirmed by the culture of specimens that are
normally sterile, such as blood, and pleural fluid on
ordinary microbiological media. The presence of
Salmonella in sputum does not necessarily imply lower
respiratory tract infection because S. typhi may colonize
the upper respiratory tract.8
Pleural empyema or abscess usually requires surgical
drainage in addition to antimicrobial therapy. The
recommended therapy for pulmonary manifestations
caused by S. typhi is ceftriaxone or fluoroquinolones for
14 – 21 days.7Alternate therapy for susceptible strains
is co-trimoxazole, ampicillin, or chloramphenicol for
14 – 21 days.7This S. typhi isolate is sensitive to all first
line agents but was resistant to ciprofloxacin. This
indicates the non-judicious use of fluoroquinolones in
the setup.
1. Pegues DA, Ohl ME, Miller SI. Salmonella species, including
Salmonella typhi. In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, editors.
Principles and practice of infectious diseases. 6th ed.
Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone; 2005.p. 2636-54.
2. Kömüs N, Kilinç O, Günes J, Soytürk M. Pleural empyema due
to Salmonella typhi. Tuberk Torak 2005; 53:397-400.
3. Mishra S, Pattnaik D, Mahapatra A, Swain B. Pleural empyema
due to S. typhi: a case report. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2004;
4. Aslam F, Bhaila I, Nadeem N, Fadoo Z. Salmonella typhi-
infected lung hydatid cyst. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2005; 24:270-2.
5. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Performance
standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing: twentieth
informational supplement M100-S20. Wayne: CLSI; 2010.
6. Olutola PS, Familusi JB. Salmonella typhi pneumonia without
gastrointestinal manifestations. Diagn Imaging Clin Med 1985;
7. Huang DB, DuPont HL. Problem pathogens: extra-intestinal
complications of Salmonella enterica serotype typhi infection.
Lancet Infect Dis 2005; 5:341-8.
8. Rim MS, Park CM, Ko KH, Lim SC, Park KO. Pleural empyema
due to Salmonella: a case report. Korean J Intern Med 2000;
9. Saphra I, Winter JW. Clinical manifestations of Salmonellosis in
man: an evaluation of 7779 human infections identified at the
New York Salmonella Center. N Engl J Med 1957; 256:1128-34.
10. Mohanty S, Gaind R, Paglietti B, Paul P, Rubino S, Deb M.
Bacteraemia with pleural effusions complicating typhoid fever
caused by high-level ciprofloxacin-resistant Salmonella enterica
serotype typhi. Ann Trop Paediatr 2010; 30:233-40.
Pleural empyema due to Salmonella typhi
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2012, Vol. 22 (12): 803-805 805
... However, due to increasing resistance, third-generation cephalosporins are empirically used until further susceptibility to quinolones is available [12]. Pleural empyema or abscess usually requires surgical drainage in addition to antimicrobial therapy [13]. A study reported that intrapleural administration of antibiotics resulted in a sudden increase in the antibacterial activity in the pleural fluid, leading to rapid clinical improvement and eradication of the infection in malignant pleural effusions [14]. ...
Full-text available
Thoracic empyema is a collection of infectious material (pus) in the pleural cavity. Salmonella enterica species rarely cause pleuropulmonary infections. This condition poses a significant challenge in diagnosis and management due to its atypical presentation and potential for severe complications. This is a case of an immunocompromised host with glioblastoma who presented with a large loculated fluid collection in the left pleural space. The patient received broad-spectrum antibiotics and underwent urgent chest tube placement and drainage of pus, which grew Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica. He was also found to be bacteremic with the same organism. Subsequently, he underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) with decortication and evacuation of the empyema. Even though the prognosis for empyema is generally unfavorable, with increased morbidity and mortality, due to timely intervention, a successful outcome was achieved in this patient with an atypical presentation of salmonella infection.
... 8 The most important complications of typhoid fever are Intestinal perforation, Hemorrhage and Circulatory collapse. 9 Pleural Empyema Necessitans due to Salmonella typhi is very rare and unusual and very few reports of Salmonella typhi isolation from pleural empyema were available in India. 4 ...
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Pleural Empyema necessitans refers to the extension of an empyema out of the pleural space and in to the neighbouring chest wall and surrounding soft tissues. Salmonella typhi is a versatile pathogen with amazing potential of infecting almost all organs of its host. Globally, the life threatening illness caused by Salmonella typhi have made this pathogen a serious health concern for infection control professionals. Salmonella typhi usually manifests as a febrile illness with bacteremia after initial entry through the gastrointestinal route, but it can occasionally cause significant disease in extraintestinal sites. Various microbes have been found associated with pleural cavity abscesses that ultimately lead to high morbidity and mortality rates, but pulmonary involvement due to Salmonella infection is rare. We are reporting an unusaual and rare case of pleural cavity abscess caused by Salmonella typhi in a 44 years old febrile patient, admitted to a tertiary care hospital, Bangalore with a complaints of swelling on the left sided chest wall. Diagnosis was made by HRCT THORAX which revealed an well defined hypodense collection with peripheral rim enhancement in anterior chest wall around 7th to 8th costochondral junction, communication with left pleural cavity. Pus was collected from the abscess by incision and drainage. Salmonella enterica serotype typhi was isolated from the sample. Patient was put on appropriate antimicrobial therapy.
... Pleuropulmonary infections by this Gram-negative bacteria are rare and associated with high mortality, especially in immunocompromised hosts [3][4][5][6][7]. ...
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Pleuropulmonary Samonella infections are very rare and are associated with high mortality. We present a case of empyema to Salmonella in an 83-year-old male patient, with uncontrolled hematological disease. The patient presented with a one-week history of fever, productive cough with purulent sputum, dyspnea, and pleuritic pain localized to the right hemithorax. He denied having nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. No history of smoking or respiratory diseases. Chest imaging showed a right loculated pleural effusion with adjacent parenchymal consolidation. Blood test revealed anemia without leukocytosis with elevated C-reactive protein (36.2 mg/dL). A chest tube was placed, with drainage of purulent fluid and empiric antibiotic therapy with ceftriaxone and clindamycin was started. Pleural fluid and blood cultures were positive for Salmonella serotype Enteritidis. The stool cultures were negative. Due to slow improvement, clindamycin was suspended and ciprofloxacin was initiated. The patient showed clinical and laboratory improvement. After seven weeks of antibiotic therapy, he presented with negative blood cultures and significant imaging improvement. The patient was discharged. This case describes a positive outcome in an unusual infection with a high mortality caused by non-typhoid Salmonella.
... In literature, bronchopneumonia as a pulmonary complication of typhoid has been widely reported [8][9][10]. However other complications such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [11], pulmonary haemorrhage [12], and pleural empyema [13] are less common. Pneumothorax was commonly seen in the pre-antibiotic era due to embolism or pyaemia [14] however rarely seen nowadays. ...
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We report a rare case of a 12-year-old girl who presented with a short history of diarrhea, vomiting and fever after traveling to Pakistan. During the course of initial investigations, her chest radiograph showed a primary spontaneous pneumothorax. There was no previous history of pulmonary disease. She was diagnosed as having Salmonella Typhi based on positive blood cultures. In the literature, spontaneous pneumothorax has been associated with typhoid fever as a complication of the disease in the pre-antibiotic era. However, a spontaneous pneumothorax associated with typhoid fever has never been reported to our knowledge in the post-antibiotic era.
... Several antimicrobial agents can be used for the treatment of Salmonella bacteremia or localized infection. Examples include ampicillin, chloramphenicol, trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole as well as third-generation cephalosporins [3,30]. Salmonella infection of the pleuropulmonary region has a high mortality rate. ...
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Background. Salmonella species are motile, Gram-negative facultative anaerobic bacilli, which belong to the family Enterobacteriaceae . The most common clinical presentations of Salmonella infection are gastroenteritis and enteric fever. Detection of Salmonella organisms in empyema is very rare. Case presentation. We report the case of a 66-year-old female patient with bronchogenic carcinoma who developed empyema, and Salmonella was identified from the culture of pleural fluid. After antimicrobial therapy and other therapeutic measures, including the insertion of an intercostal tube, oxygen supplementation, frequent suction of respiratory secretions, and chest physiotherapy, the patient's condition improved. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case to be reported in Egypt. Conclusions. Our case sheds light on the role of Salmonella in immunocompromised patients in general and cancer patients in specific. We recommend further study of this role, since it may lead to a better understanding of the pathogenicity of this organism in these patients.
... Pleural empyema cases have been reported in immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients from various parts of the world including India. [9][10][11] There are 1-6% cases of pneumonia, empyema, and bronchopleural fistula caused by S. enterica serovar Typhi. [12] In our case, we have reported it in an immunocompetent young female without any comorbidity such as diabetes, malignancy, or respiratory diseases. ...
... S. Typhi is a highly versatile pathogen with astounding potential of infecting almost all organs of its host. Apart from causing typhoid fever, S. Typhi has been known to cause rare extra intestinal illnesses such as meningitis, endocarditis, liver abscess, myocarditis, empyema, urinary tract infection, etc. 3,4 Cases although less documented may present with fever and abscess formation at sites like liver, 5 spleen, 6 anterior abdominal wall, 7 and breast. 8 Most of the skin and soft tissue infections that have been documented have been in immunocompromised individuals such as those with Type 2 diabetes and poor glycemic control, accounting as uncommon causes of focal salmonellosis. ...
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A case of suspicious anterior chest wall mass due to Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi in a middle aged, non- diabetic male is being described. The infection was successfully treated with timely institution of antibiotic treatment. This case highlights the fact that a focal Salmonella infection involving the anterior chest wall should be considered as a differential diagnosis and not treated as tuberculosis empirically. Submission of specimens for microbiological analysis should be performed for an accurate diagnosis and management.
... S. houtenae (IV) is a rare subspecies, comprising less than 1% of all Salmonella strains (3). Although several reports on empyema due to Salmonella species have been documented (1,(4)(5)(6), few have so far been reported in association with Salmonella species-induced empyema, especially that of S. houtenae, resulting as a complication of chronic tuberculous empyema. Moreover, no clear treatments for empyema due to Salmonella species have yet been estab-lished. ...
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Salmonella spp. are food-borne pathogens that usually cause gastroenteritis, although bacteremia and subsequent focal metastatic infection can also occasionally occur. Of the known Salmonella spp., Salmonella houtenae is a rare subspecies, comprising less than 1% of all Salmonella strains. We herein report the first case of S. houtenae-induced empyema complicated with chronic tuberculous empyema, which was successfully treated by antibacterial agents alone. We wish to highlight the importance of being aware that Salmonella spp. can cause empyema in cases suffering from chronic tuberculous empyema; moreover, despite the successful completion of treatment with antibacterial agents, periodical follow-up is mandatory in such cases.
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In times of emerging multi-drug resistance among Gram-negative bacteria (including Salmonella enterica, Serovar Typhi), we observed relapse of typhoid fever following delayed response to treatment with meropenem, suggestive for limited clinical efficacy of the drug. Three previously published cases supported our suspicion. Within this context, we discuss the case details with a focus on potential explanations for insufficient clinical response to meropenem (e.g. limited intracellular penetration, phenomena of tolerance and persistence). Meropenem is a last-resort antimicrobial agent for the treatment of multi-drug resistant Gram-negative infections. Reliable clinical data evaluating the efficacy of meropenem for the treatment of typhoid fever are urgently needed. Future clinical studies evaluating typhoid fever outcome should also investigate the impact of (i) intracellular penetration of antibiotics, and (ii) tolerance and persistence on outcome.
We report a case of a tubo-ovarian abscess infected with Salmonella enterica serotype typhi. A 19-year-old Nepalese woman presented to a hospital in Kathmandu with lower abdominal pain, constipation, fever and a non-healing, suppurative surgical wound from an emergency caesarian section performed 2 months previously at 37 weeks of pregnancy. She also had an exploratory laparotomy for an appendix perforation with peritonitis at 25 weeks of gestation. Her wound infection did not respond to cloxacillin and she had an exploratory laparotomy, and a tubo-ovarian abscess was found from which S. typhi was isolated. She had a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and responded to 14 days of chloramphenicol. A tubo-ovarian abscess is a rare complication of enteric fever.
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Pleuropulmonary involvement of salmonella infection is very rare and only two cases of salmonella empyema have been reported in Korea. We report the case of a 70-year-old female diabetic patient who presented with right flank pain and right lower chest pain. The chest radiographs revealed fibrostreaky and hazy density at right lower lung field and blunting of right costophrenic angle. Thoracentesis revealed turbid yellowish fluid. Salmonella group B was identified from the cultures of blood and pleural fluid. After antimicrobial therapy and repeated therapeutic thoracentesis, the patient was improved.
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In a 35 year old immunocompetent male, clinically diagnosed as a case of hydropneumothorax of left side, Salmonella typhi was isolated as the causative agent of pleural empyema.
An unusual case of bacteraemia with bilateral pleural effusion caused by Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi in a 10-year-old previously healthy girl is reported. The organism was isolated from pleural fluid aspirate and from blood, and exhibited high-level ciprofloxacin resistance (MIC 16 μg/ml) associated with triple mutations in the QRDRs of the gyrA and parC genes leading to the amino-acid changes Ser83→Phe and Asp87→Asn in gyrA and Ser80→Ile in parC. The patient was successfully treated with parenteral ceftriaxone and intercostal chest tube drainage. The case is notable because of the important issue of antimicrobial resistance in S. Typhi and the therapeutic dilemma faced by clinicians regarding the empirical use of ciprofloxacin and newer fluoroquinolones.
Salmonella typhi bacilli were isolated from the pleural aspirate and the blood culture of an 8-year-old girl who presented with clinical and roentgenographic alveolar pneumonia. There was no accompanying gastrointestinal manifestation. The literature on pneumonia in typhoid fever is briefly reviewed.
THE correlation of the numerous salmonella types with the clinical data on the infections that they cause is as important to the clinician as it is to the epidemiologist. The knowledge that certain types produce a particular clinical syndrome (typhoidal, septicemic, focal, gastroenteric or carrier condition) more frequently than other types will help the clinician in his diagnosis, prognosis and therapy. The correlation of certain salmonella types with particular outbreaks will aid the epidemiologist in breaking chains of transmission and in preventing further spread. There is a wealth of literature on the clinical aspects of infections with Salmonella typhi and . . .
A 12-year-old girl presented with hemoptysis, fever and weight loss. She was initially diagnosed and treated for presumed tuberculosis and a lung abscess. Salmonella typhi was isolated from the abscess. Hydatid cyst was diagnosed at surgery. This is the first reported case of a pulmonary hydatid cyst infected with S. typhi.
Typhoid fever, caused by Salmonella enterica seroptype Typhi (S typhi), has an estimated worldwide prevalence of 12-33 million cases. The pathogenesis of this disease depends on the ingested inoculum size of S typhi, the virulence of the strain, the host's immune response and previous exposure, and local protective factors. Numerous extra-intestinal complications can occur with S typhi infection, including the involvement of the central nervous system (3-35%), cardiovascular system (1-5%), pulmonary system (1-86%), bone and joints (< or =1%), hepatobiliary system (1-26%), genitourinary system (<1%), and others. Due to an increase in multidrug-resistant S typhi, fluoroquinolones and third-generation cephalosporins have been increasingly used for typhoid fever and its complications. We describe the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, pathogenesis, and treatment of extra-intestinal S typhi infections.