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Purpose: This study aims to explore the effectiveness of Google Classroom in the learning process at the State Islamic Institute of Kendari. Methodology: The research method used in this study is a qualitative method, in-depth interview. Data collection was done through interview sessions with students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Main Findings: The findings showed that the use of Google Classroom was effective with various limitations: (1) not all students got an account what was provided by the lecturers because they did not have a smartphone, (2) Wi-Fi availability in the campus was limited and (3) the students did not have enough mobile data plan during the time of online discussion and even some students submitted their assignments using their friends' account. Applications of this study: The study will allow future initiatives to take into consideration the issues and challenges related to accessibility, connectivity and affordability among the users of the platform, in this case the students. Novelty/Originality: This study provides valuable insights into the initiatives taken by the institutions of higher education in Indonesia that lack a proper platform for implementing e-learning. Issues and challenges found in this study contribute to making important strategic decisions when designing and implementing such initiatives in the future.
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews
eISSN: 2395-6518, Vol 7, No 2, 2019, pp 240-246
240 | © Alim et al.
Nur Alim1, Wa Linda2, Fahmi Gunawan3*, Mohd Shamsuri Md Saad4
1,2,3Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kendari, Indonesia.
4Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia.,, 3*,
Article History: Received on 07th January, Revised on 19th February, Published on 19th March 2019
Purpose: This study aims to explore the effectiveness of Google Classroom in the learning process at the State Islamic
Institute of Kendari.
Methodology: The research method used in this study is a qualitative method, in-depth interview. Data collection was
done through interview sessions with students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.
Main Findings: The findings showed that the use of Google Classroom was effective with various limitations: (1) not all
students got an account what was provided by the lecturers because they did not have a smartphone, (2) Wi-Fi
availability in the campus was limited and (3) the students did not have enough mobile data plan during the time of
online discussion and even some students submitted their assignments using their friends’ account.
Applications of this study: The study will allow future initiatives to take into consideration the issues and challenges
related to accessibility, connectivity and affordability among the users of the platform, in this case the students.
Novelty/Originality: This study provides valuable insights into the initiatives taken by the institutions of higher
education in Indonesia that lack a proper platform for implementing e-learning. Issues and challenges found in this study
contribute to making important strategic decisions when designing and implementing such initiatives in the future.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Google Classroom, Learning Media, State Islamic Institute of Kendari
Advances in science and technology are increasing rapidly, especially in the field of technology. The dynamics of today's
technology achieve outstanding acceleration (Al-Emran, Elsherif & Shaalan, 2016; Jano et al, 2015). The educational
model has now proven that a majority of educational activities is inseparable from technological practices (Aagaard,
2017). Technological developments take part in supporting the learning process. Online media becomes a tool for
information and can be used as a learning resource (Evans, 2014). Hence, the learning resources can currently be
completed, which is not only coming from lecturers or teachers but information can also be obtained from the online
media. The use of online media as learning resources are deemed appropriate to produce global information without time
and distance limitation (Hamid et al, 2015).
The learning activities are educative message transformation process in the form of learning materials from learning
resources to learners. Learning resources in the learning activities are lecturers and the messages delivered are the
learning materials received by the receiver of the message, namely students. In the process of learning to communicate
the message of the lecturer to the students, the messages need to be received well to affect their understanding and induce
changes in their behavior (Anshari et al., 2017). Thus, the success of learning activities is dependent upon the
effectiveness of the communication process that occurs during the lesson (O'Flaherty & Phillips, 2015).
Approach to learning through Google classroom is a part of a strategy that uses technology to facilitate faculty and
students in the learning process (Ocampo, 2017). In Google Classroom, lecturers can provide materials on the subject
being taught. The lecturers can post some teaching materials, assign tasks for students, and upload the students’ grade, so
that they can immediately see the scores obtained in the course. In addition, Google Classroom can be an alternative to
postpone meetings when the lecturers are outside the city or are busy during class hours. Google Classroom also
minimizes the costs incurred due to the use of more affordable stationery and other materials, and can minimize time-
released energy (Inoue & Pengnate, 2018). In short, the time and energy spent by Google Classroom users will be lesser
than the usual. However, one of the significant barriers for realizing the effectiveness of learning from online classes is
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews
eISSN: 2395-6518, Vol 7, No 2, 2019, pp 240-246
241 | © Alim et al.
that not all students have an online account. In addition, there are also students who do not have smartphones or a data
plan for attending online discussion sessions. As a result, the use of Google Classroom by the faculty of teacher training
and education may not be optimally effective.
Review of literature on Google Classroom shows that several studies focus on the effectiveness of E-learning Moodle,
Google Classroom and Edmodo (Hakim, 2016), optimization of using Google Classroom as a learning media (Soni,
2018), Google classroom as an alternative way to enhance learning quality (Sewang, 2017), and Google Classroom as a
media for Improving Attainment of Graduate Attributes (Madhavi, Mohan & Nalla, 2018). The present study focuses on
ways in which Google Classroom can be used effectively as a learning medium. The effectiveness is analyzed from the
aspects of message receiver, content, communication media, format, source, and appropriateness or timing. Moreover,
the purpose of this study was to analyze the nature of Google Classroom utilization in the Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education at IAIN Kendari, Indonesia.
The Effectiveness of Communication
According to Hardjana (2003), communication effectiveness is measured by several components including receiver / user
(receiver), the message content (content), communication media (media), the message format (format), the source of the
message (source), and appropriateness (timing).
1. Recipient / user (Receiver)
A receiver / user of the message is said to be effective if the recipient of the message is someone who is expected to
receive the message. If the recipient of the message is in accordance with the intended recipient, it needs to measure the
quantity of information to find out how the recipient uses the media to meet the need for information.
2. Message content (Content)
The properties of content or information that is expected from a media that conveys messages / information effectively
include (a) Contents of the message must be accurate and prudent, starting from the accuracy of the spelling of the name,
number, date and age, information and facts encountered. Not only that, accuracy also means the right to give a general
impression, correct in view of the news achieved by the presentation of the details of the facts and by the pressure
exerted on facts. (b) Contents of the message must be full, fair and balanced. What is meant by fairness and balanced is
that a maker should provide information about what is really going on. Fair and impartial element in a message /
information may be just as difficult to achieve as well as accuracy in presenting the facts. (c) Contents of the message
must be objective. Message / Information objective refer to the message / information created which reflect reality, not
biased, and free from prejudice. This objective includes the obligation of a communicator in conveying information
about an event as a whole, not cut into pieces by a subjective tendency. (d) Contents of the message should be concise
and clear. Its presentation must be simple. In short, the content must be concise, clear and simple. The message should
not use a lot of words and must be direct and coherent.
3. Communication media
Selection of channel or media is very important in planning the message centered on the receiver. If the media has a high
credibility factor, then the media is able to disseminate information quickly, easily used or accessed, and also it displays
additional features of information to the recipient of the information
4. Message format
The properties of the format of the effective message/information are as follows: (a) It should be short and simple. Short
format refers directly to the subject matter (to the point) and is not wordy, while simple means that it always gives
priority to the selection of a word or phrase having most known and heterogeneous meaning in terms of the level of
intellectual and demographic characteristics and its psychographics. (b) It should be clear and easy to grasp the point. It
also has clear meaning and objectives. (c) It is able to generate interest and capture the attention of the recipients,
triggering their willingness to read.
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews
eISSN: 2395-6518, Vol 7, No 2, 2019, pp 240-246
242 | © Alim et al.
5. Source/information
The credibility of the source is essential to know whether the information presented is high quality or not credible. The
credibility of a source of information is a level which describes the extent to which these resources can be trusted by the
6. Timing
The first thing that must be considered while using a social media is the target audience. The diversity of the audience
can be described as two sides of a coin. On the one hand it can be a positive thing for targeting wider market
opportunities, but on the other hand if it fails to target the right type of audience, it is quite likely the information will end
up in vain. Also, the target audience are active only during certain times. That is it is always important to know the right
time to post anything or any information on social media.
Google Classroom
Google Classroom is an internet-based service provided by Google as an e-learning system (Martínez-Monés et al.,
2017). This service was designed to help teachers create and distribute tasks to the students in a paperless way. Users of
this service must have an account in Google. In addition, Google Classroom can only be used by schools that have
Google Apps for Education. Google Classroom was used to facilitate the interaction of a professor or teacher with a
student or students in the virtual world (Liu & Chuang, 2016). Lecturers freely hand out a scientific assessment and
provide an independent assignment to the students (Wijaya, 2016). In addition, professors can also open space for online
discussion for students. Google Classroom utilization can be made through multiple platforms, i.e., through computers
and mobile phones. Lecturers and students can visit the website at or download the app via
Play Store on android or iOS app store with keywords Google classroom. The LMS usage is free of charge, so that
utilization can be performed as needed.
Google Classroom education is one of the features provided by Google Apps for Education (GAFE) which was released
to the public on August 12, 2014. Google Classroom is an application that allows the creation of classrooms in
cyberspace. Google Classroom can be used as a means for the distribution of tasks, assignments submission as well as
assessment. Google Classroom can be downloaded without any charge by registering themselves on the Google account
application for education [19]. Google Classroom app is very useful for online teaching and learning, and can be
obtained for free of charge and can be used on any device. One of the sophistications of this application is that it can be
used collaboratively with other groups. There are so many advantages of using Google Classroom as one of the Learning
Management Systems (LSM) (Izenstark & Leahy, 2015).
1. Quick and convenient setting
The setup process of Google Classroom is very fast and convenient than having it installed or registered to local LMS or
LMS provider. Lecturers can access Google applications and can begin to share tasks and learning materials. Lecturers
can do this by adding a list of students or share a unique code that allows access to their online classes in Google
Classroom. Google Classroom is simple and easy to use, making it ideal for lecturers although the levels of e-Learning
experiences are diverse.
2. Time saving
Students no longer have to download a particular task by the lecturers. Lecturers just need to create and distribute files of
duty to their students online. Lecturers can also determine the ranking, provide feedback for all the tasks and assess them
using Google Classroom. Thus, there is the potential to save most of the time for both of them, both students and
lecturers. Everything is paperless, so that no time is wasted distributing physical documents and that students can
complete their tasks online on time, making it easier for them to meet the deadline and online learning can be tailored to
daily schedule.
3. Increase in cooperation and communication
One of the most important benefits of using Google Classroom is the very possibility to achieve an efficient online
collaboration. Lecturers can send notifications to their students to start an online discussion or tell them about certain
online learning activities. On the other hand, students have the opportunity to give feedback to their friends by posting
directly to the flow of discussions in Google Classroom. Thus, if they need help because they have difficulties to
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews
eISSN: 2395-6518, Vol 7, No 2, 2019, pp 240-246
243 | © Alim et al.
understand an assignment or want to learn more about a particular topic, they can get feedback directly from their virtual
4. Centralized data storage
With Google Classroom, all participants including students and lecturers are located in one centralized location. Students
can view all their tasks in a specific folder, the lecturer can keep learning materials and activities for the academic year in
the cloud and all the scores/grades can be seen in this application. There is no need to worry about missing documents or
missing votes, because it is all stored in this free LMS.
5. Quick sharing of resources
Online facilitator/lecturer has the power to share information and resources directly online with their students. Instead of
having to update the e-Learning courses or sending individual emails to each student, they stay connected to Google
Classroom and distribute links to online resources and e-Learning materials enhancements that can benefit their students.
This gives students the opportunity to obtain timely updates related to the current lesson, so that they can better
understand the material and access multimedia equipment that can improve their eLearning experience (Anshari et al.,
Data collection is an important step in scientific research. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative
through interview sessions with students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at the State Islamic
Institute of Kendari (IAIN Kendari). The data were collected through in-depth interview phase (Creswell & Creswell,
2017) to investigate the effectiveness of Google Classroom in the learning process. This interview was conducted with
the students’ consent. Furthermore, the obtained data were analyzed to describe the information collected so that the
information can be understood not only by the researchers but also by those who seek the results of this research. The
data were thematically analyzed to develop a communication effectiveness framework to understand the phenomena
being investigated. Data analysis was conducted after the interviews were completed and the researchers analyzed the
data thematically to explain the findings in accordance to the framework (Glaser, & Strauss, 2017).
The faculty of teacher training and education is the oldest faculty at State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Kendari. The faculty
also has more departments than other faculties. From this research, we can put forward some important points that will
be formulated from data obtained, both advantages and limitations as the important points in this discussion.
The Effectiveness of Google Classroom Learning
In order to measure the effectiveness of the utilization of Google Classroom, the researchers used previous theories about
the effectiveness of the communication presented by Hardjana (2003) among others: the message recipients, contents,
communication media, format, source, and timing.
1. Effectiveness of Message Recipients
Based on the interview responses from the students, the effectiveness of the message recipients of the online classes
following the Google Classroom can be analyzed. It has been found that the message recipient is in line with the intended
recipients. This means that when the lecturers want to a post material or provide a task, they post it directly on the
accounts of students who are bound by the learning process so that the students could immediately see the lecturer’s
posts as a conduit of information.
2. Effectiveness of Content
Based on the interview responses from the students, the content of the message / information delivered by the lecturers in
Google Classroom has been found to be quite complete but this information still required more explanation from the
lecturers, especially the statistics module. So that when the students do not understand the material posted, they
immediately commented and asked each other. Some students have also been asked by the professors to meet them
directly on campus.
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews
eISSN: 2395-6518, Vol 7, No 2, 2019, pp 240-246
244 | © Alim et al.
3. Effectiveness of Communication Media
Google Classroom learning communication is effectively used by the faculty of Teacher Training and Education.
However, there are some technical constraints caused due to several issues like some students of the study group do not
access the account provided by their concerned lecturers. In addition, there are also students who do not have a
Smartphone. Wi-Fi availability on campus is still limited. There are also students do not have an ideal data plan for
attending online discussions and even some students submit their assignments using friends’ account.
4. Effectiveness of Message Format
The level of effectiveness of online classes on the message format indicator shows that the format of the message that is
the lecture materials matches to the students as recipients of the message. However, the materials posted must fully meet
the needs of students effectively in addition to taking on Google Classroom materials; they are also looking for material
in the libraries or other sources. However, not all students can understand the material posted, they need further
explanation from the lecturer.
5. Effectiveness of Source
Based on the interview responses from the students, the effectiveness of the source of the message presented explain that
the lecturers who use Google Classroom for posting the material always post only PDF materials in the form of journals
and alumni thesis. There is also a lecturer who posts materials and resources in his own BlogSpot with complete sources
at the end of their writing. Then it can be concluded that the source of the message has a clarity that can be accounted for
6. Effectiveness of Timing
The level of effectiveness of Google Classroom on punctuality indicators indicate that the level is quite effective because
professors do not have a time limit for posting material on Google Classroom. However, the students may sometimes
submit their work assignments too late beyond the time specified by the lecturer due to lack of time or too much work. In
such cases, the lecturers will provide scores/grades to students who are late.
Google Classroom is very useful in improving the abilities and skills of each student. Students can learn by themselves
and through guidance. Students can find new things by demanding to actively learn through Google Class. While the role
of supervisor is very vital for students to absorb the knowledge taught, the students can easily obtain the competence of
the supervisor. However, the use of Google Class in learning must be supported by technological infrastructure. This
requires a set of computers and the internet so that the Google Class can run well. The lecturers must prepare the material
and upload them in Google Class so that students can access the material without any space and time constraint. The
material uploaded can be in the form of articles or text, images, audio, videos, and several other teaching materials.
Google Class provides facilities for the instructors to upload material. In addition, students’ submission of online
assignments can also be monitored in an orderly manner.
Lecturers and students can interact with each other through the chat facilities provided by Google Class. Interaction
through these facilities can be carried out in groups or privately so that the lecturer is able to monitor the development of
competencies among their students. The teacher can directly interact with an individual when he/ she experiences
problems or asks something personal. Chat facilities can basically improve students' ability to communicate and
collaborate. Video conference is an alternative choice if you want to invite speakers from outside. This can reduce the
budget and costs associated with inviting speakers from outside, especially from other countries. In addition, this facility
is used if it is not possible to have a face to face interaction in a classroom setting. Google Class is one of the choices for
doing video conferencing, because it already integrates with Google Hangout. Unlike the Google Class, Edmodo can also
be used for video conferencing that are integrated with Skype and BigblueButton which must be installed in advance so
that they can be used properly (Rochmah & Majid, 2018). The use of Google Class can improve the attitude of students
towards adopting new technologies. This is because the development of technology is getting faster, so that if students
are not able to adapt well it is feared that there will be a lag in technology. Changing the learning paradigm from being
teacher centered to student centered requires the use of technology. Students are more creative in exploring science and
can easily adapt to technological developments. Thus it is hoped that when working later on, the student is able to adapt
to the work environment. Good adaptability is very much beneficial for employees in order to survive and enhance their
career opportunities at the workplace.
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eISSN: 2395-6518, Vol 7, No 2, 2019, pp 240-246
245 | © Alim et al.
The current research is in line with the research conducted by Rochmah and Majid (2018) about building virtual classes
in Indonesia. In their research, they indicated that virtual classes can improve students' abilities, skills, and independence
in mastering the subject matter taught. Students can easily obtain the competence of the supervisor and access the
learning materials easily, and the mentor will be able to blend with the students. Virtual classes are in the form of
Moodle, Edmodo, Trello, Sophia, Remix Learning, Schoology, and Twiducate. In line with this research, Gunawan and
Sunarman (2018) in their research also revealed that Google Classroom has been adopted by 88% Indonesian Vocational
Schools. Learning with Google Classroom has the potential to enhance the problem solving skills of students. In
addition, at Daffodil International University, Bangladesh, Google Classroom provides a vital chance to promote blended
learning and professional development. The study can be effective in understanding and evaluating the perceptive to
teachers 'and learners' quality teaching and learning through Google Classroom (Iftakhar, 2016). In Pangasinan State
University, Lingayen Campus, Philippines, Google Classroom is recommended in teaching and learning processes
(Ventayen, Estira, De Guzman, Cabaluna, & Espinosa, 2018). In the United States, the researchers found that students
were very positive about Google Classroom and believed that they learned more from online classes than they would
have from the traditional classes (Dufresne, Gerace, Leonard, Mestre & Wenk, 1996). Finally, this study confirms that
Google Classroom is very useful and effective in improving students' skills, abilities, discipline, and independent
learning through teaching materials.
In conclusion, the use of this application is effective. However, there are some technical constraints caused by several
things including the students of any study group not able to access the account provided by the lecturers. In addition,
there are also students who have limited access to smartphones. Besides, Wifi availability on campus is still limited.
There are also students who do not have a suitable data plan for taking part in online discussions and some students even
submit their assignments from their friend's account.
This study has some limitations. Only students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in IAIN
Kendari were interviewed. Future research could include students from other faculties and also lecturers in order to get
more comprehensive and meaningful findings.
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... An effective remote distance learning organization is Google Classroom. Specifics of using Google Classroom in universities in teaching students of various disciplines revealed Alim et al. (2019) (foreign language), DiCicco (2016) (social science), Mahometa and Tiahaj (2018) (math), Sranamkam (2018) (physics), Shaharanee, Jamil and Rodzi (2016) (data mining) and others. Bondarenko (2016) noted the advantages of using the Google Classroom service in teaching students the discipline "The World Regional Economic and Social Geography". ...
... There are disadvantages of using Google Classroom in addition to the advantages: the need for strict adherence to safety, problems with weak or absent Internet connection, the need to restore a user's login and password, time limits for performing tasks (DiCicco, 2016;Shaharanee et al., 2016;Negara, 2018;Alim et al., 2019). ...
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The article is about the results of theoretical and empirical researches of designing and realization of modern Web-services in the educational process of high school as well as implementation and application of Google Classroom service in the educational process of universities. Scientific and methodological bases of the research are substantiated. Features of Web-services are revealed. Economical, technical, functional, functional and educational, personal and educational advantages of using Google Classroom in institutions of higher education are determined. Methodical steps of using Google Classroom in the process of teaching and studying the discipline “Psychology of interpersonal communication” by students of the specialty 053 Psychology are characterized. Results of Google Classroom service implementation in the process of studying by students the discipline are proved, empirically and statistically validated. The results are increasing of students' levels of effective interpersonal communication qualities that demonstrate the benefits of using this service for students of specialty “Psychology” especially during pandemic times. The issues of designing and implementation of Google Classroom service in the process of studying other psychological disciplines by students of humanities at all educational levels, empirical study of the advantages and disadvantages of using this service we consider promising for further researches.
... Google Classroom helps the students in facilated and interacted with the teacher through a discussion or do an online learning activity assignment (Alim et al., 2019). They were happy and never bored in using the Google Classroom via their learning process. ...
... Lecturers can send notifications to their students to start an online discussion or tell them about certain online learning activities. On the other hand, students have the opportunity to give feedback to their friends by posting directly to the flow of discussions in Google Classroom (Alim et al., 2019). The feedback not just from the lectures, their virtual classmates could give them feedback directly if they need help once they have difficulties understanding an assignment or want to learn more about a particular topic discussed through the Google Classroom. ...
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The current development of information technology has changed the paradigm of society especially the lecturers, teachers, and also students. Education is one of the fields that is getting a significant impact within this scenario, where education is a process of communication and information from teachers to students and vice versa, that contains the information education, that sparked the birth of the idea of using e-learning. E-learning launched by Google, the Google Classrooms, is one of many e-learning systems that are currently used in the education field by the majority of students in Malaysia. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a model of user acceptance of information systems and information technology assumes that there are two individual beliefs, they are the perception of benefit (Perceived Usefulness abbreviated as PU) and ease of use (perceived ease of use, abbreviated as PEOU). Therefore, this study was developed by adopting the model of TAM to see the perception from both the perception in the TAM on the use of Google Classroom by some Semester 2 PPISMP students. The population of this research is the students who are already using Google Classroom in the lecture. Data obtained as much as questionnaires distributed by using purposive sampling technique to 79 students in the Semester 2 PPISMP Programme. Descriptive analysis using SPSS for this study showed that there is strong positive feedback on the students’ perception of the use of Google Classroom in their learning process in IPG. Students agree that Google Classroom is useful, and they are satisfied with the use of Google Classroom as an online tool in the learning process. In a conclusion, this research found out that Google Classroom is a suitable medium as the learning tool in the teaching and learning process. Abstrak Perkembangan teknologi maklumat semasa telah mengubah paradigma masyarakat terutamanya dalam kalangan para pensyarah, guru, dan juga pelajar. Pendidikan adalah salah satu bidang yang mendapat kesan yang signifikan dalam senario ini memandangkan pendidikan memerlukan pengaliran proses komunikasi dan maklumat dari guru kepada pelajar dan sebaliknya, yang melahirkan idea menggunakan e-pembelajaran. E-pembelajaran yang dilancarkan oleh Google iaitu Google Classroom, adalah salah satu daripada sistem e-pembelajaran yang kini digunakan secara meluas oleh para pelajar dalam bidang pendidikan di Malaysia. Model Penerimaan Teknologi (TAM) merupakan model penerimaan pengguna terhadap sistem maklumat dan teknologi berasaskan dua kepercayaan individu iaitu persepsi faedah (PU) dan kemudahan penggunaan (PEOU). Dengan mengadaptasikan model TAM, kajian ini dijalankan untuk melihat persepsi terhadap penggunaan Google Classroom oleh pelajar Program Persediaan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan (PPISMP) Semester 2. Populasi kajian ini adalah pelajar yang sudah menggunakan Google Classroom dalam proses pembelajaran sepanjang 2 semester. Data yang diperolehi melalui borang soal selidik yang diedarkan dengan menggunakan teknik persampelan bertujuan kepada semua pelajar PPISMP Semester 2. Analisis deskriptif menggunakan SPSS bagi kajian ini menunjukkan terdapat maklum balas yang sangat positif terhadap persepsi pelajar berkaitan penggunaan Goole Classroom dalam proses pembelajaran mereka di IPG. Pelajar bersetuju bahawa Google Classroom sangat berguna dan mereka berpuas hati dengan penggunaan Google Classroom sebagai alat dalam talian bagi proses pembelajaran. Kesimpulannya, kajian ini mendapati Google Classroom merupakan medium yang sesuai sebagai alat pembelajaran dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran pelajar.
... Concurrently, several studies have demonstrated that the use of instructional tools increases student engagement for the instructor (Nadeem, 2019) (Gon & Rawekar, 2017) (Alim et al., 2019). However, if you are teaching using Microsoft PowerPoint, all the educational tools must be used across multiple platforms. ...
TThis study investigates the efficacy of using ClassPoint in improving student engagement during class and its impact on academic performance among electrical and electronics engineering students by using student engagement framework that established by technology-enhanced learning (TEL) environment microsystem. To achieve this objective, five instructors teaching various courses incorporated ClassPoint into their classes. Then, quantitative data on student engagement and academic performance were collected via surveys. The student’s comments are extracted from university teaching evaluation survey (EPAT) for thematic analysis. The descriptive analysis revealed a significant increase in student engagement after ClassPoint was implemented. Furthermore, students appreciated the use of ClassPoint features such as slide-drawing, multiple choice questions, and word clouds during classes. Survey results also show students have greater attentiveness, active participation, and improved interactions with their peers and instructors. Likert scale responses indicate positive correlation between the use of ClassPoint and students’ enhanced performance in class discussions, idea integration, increased interest in learning, and improved classroom dynamics. Moreover, thematic analysis shows the empowering of five element in TEL microsystem with ClassPoint increase the student engagement. This study highlights ClassPoint's effectiveness in creating an inclusive and interactive learning environment, thus, transforming teaching methods for electrical and electronics engineering students.
... Google Forms can also substitute for postponing when teachers are present from the city or occupied during class hours. Alim & Linda (2019) obtained that Google Forms can You may also preserve time-released and financial resources by employing inexpensive notebooks and various resources. In other words, Google survey respondents will spend less time and effort than usual. ...
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Google Forms is an educational application that teachers use in teaching activities to assess students. Teachers usually create questions, quizzes, and assessments through Google Forms. This research investigated the student's perception of the Google Form application as an instrument for assessment that teachers use. The researcher used a quantitative descriptive method through an online Malang senior high school students’ questionnaire. Twenty-nine students have used Google Forms in English learning for assessment, and to get more information about their perceptions in experiences using it, the researcher needs to give 16 questions in online questionnaires. The researchers found more than a few issues that stimulus the students' online learning process in assessment: In terms of utility, convenience of use, ease of learning, and satisfaction, 62.0% of participants believed that Google Forms is practical. 51.1% of them agree that the application is simple to use. The next component also agrees that 57.1% of the students went through easiness to learn how to utilize the software. The last is about the level of satisfaction; 61.8% of the students experience satisfaction. The results showed that oogle Forms can be very helpful in boosting students' abilities, skills, discipline, and impartial learning through instructional resources.
In the era of globalisation, the education system in Malaysia has undergone multiple drastic changes from time to time. A different education strategy is essential to impact students' success positively. In the Malaysian education system, Google Classroom replaced VLE-Frog to enhance teaching and learning in Malaysian schools. Technology has gained importance in all stages of education, and Google Classroom is one such tool that is free and has gained popularity quickly. The spread of COVID-19 has affected multiple sectors, including Malaysia's education sector. The decision to close schools during the Movement Control Order (MCO) has caused a severe problem for the learning environment. Therefore, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has taken proactive steps to solve this problem. Most schools carried out online teaching during this period. Teaching and learning recently emphasised online platforms, where Google Classroom is the primary application used in the Malaysian education system. As a teaching aid, Google Classroom can make learning more meaningful and effective. Therefore, this research investigates Google Classroom's effectiveness in developing linguistic accuracy in writing among ESL learners. Findings conclude that Google Classroom is a practical application to enhance linguistic accuracy in writing. Google Classroom is expected to be an essential application for learning English among Malaysian secondary school students. Currently, students have accepted using Google Classroom as a new learning norm. The positive outcomes observed in terms of linguistic accuracy suggest that Google Classroom has the potential to revolutionize the field of ESL education. However, it is essential to acknowledge that effective implementation requires thoughtful pedagogical strategies and ongoing teacher professional development. Additionally, digital access and technological literacy should be considered to ensure equitable educational opportunities for all ESL learners.
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Purpose of the study: This research aims to find out whether there is a value of responsible character education in the Sibali-Sipatambak culture in the people of Batetannga Village, Binuang subdistrict, Polewali Mandar Regency, to find out what factors influence changes in the social characteristics of the Sibali-Sipatambak culture towards society. Methodology: This type of research is qualitative. The data source used is information originating from direct observation at the research location. Data collection was carried out using field research through centralized observation and interviews. Main Findings: The results of this research show that there is a value of responsible character education in the sibali-sipatambak culture in Batetannga Village. Sibali-sipatambak is mutual cooperation in Batetannga Village in lightening the workload based on the abilities and abilities of each individual, which is based on the principles of togetherness, cohesiveness, kinship and humanity are so deep in order to lighten the burden carried together. The factors that influence changes in the socio-cultural characteristics of Sibali-Sipatambak influenced by cultural factors, modern technology, the increasing economic needs of the community and increasingly difficult life challenges. Novelty/Originality of this study: The novelty of this research is that there is still little research that specifically explores the relationship between the value of responsible character education and the Sibali-Sipatambak culture in Batetannga, Binuang District Village, Polewali Mandar Regency. Therefore, there is a description of knowledge that needs to be filled in to understand how the values of responsible character education are practiced in the Sibali-Sipatambak cultural context, as well as their impact on the formation of a society with environmental character.
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Google Classroom, which was used to teach students how to write descriptive text for Junior High School. A quasi-experimental research design used in this study. The participants in this study were students in the eighth grade at SMPN 13 in Palembang. Purposive sampling used to select 60 students for this study. The researchers used a pre-test and post-test method to collect data. The researchers used SPSS to analyze the data and test the hypothesis. When the value of significance (2-tailed) in this study was lower than the significance level (0.000 < 0.05), the Ha was accepted. It means that using Google Classroom had a significant impact on students' achievement in writing descriptive text. However, it can be concluded that Google Classroom significantly enhances the efficiency of teaching students to write descriptive text and assists them in completing and collecting assignments without regard to time or space constraints.
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Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan internet dewasa ini sangat pesat sehingga, bukan hanya mempengaruhi produduk elektronik aja , melainkan juga dalam dunia pendidikan terutama dalam metode pembelajaran. Salah satu metode pembelajaran online yang saat ini sedang berkembang dan mulai digunakan adalah google classroom. Google classroom adalah aplikasi yang dikhususkan untuk media pembelajaran online atau istilahnya adalah kelas online sehingga dapat memudahkan guru dalam membuat, membagikan serta mengelompokkan setiap tugas tanpa menggunakan kertas lagi. Hal ini tentunya akan membuat pembelelajaran menjadi lebih efektif terlebih lagi guru dan siswa bisa setiap saat bertatap muka melalui kelas online google classroom. Dan juga siswa nantinya dapat belajar, menyimak, membaca, mengirim tugas, dari jarak jauh. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi pembelajaran serta wrokshop tentang optimalisasi dalam penggunaan google classroom di lingkungan SMK Negeri 1 Bangkinang. Dengan adanya pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan dapat membantu majelis guru dalam memanfaatkan dan menerapkan google classroom sebagai media pembelajaran di SMK Negeri 1 Bangkinang.
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div style="text-align: justify;">Perkembangan teknologi telah mempengaruhi ke segala aspek kehidupan salah satunya adalah aspek pendidikan. Secara konvensional, proses belajar mengajar identik dengan adanya pertemuan tatap muka. Namun pada era perkembangan teknologi ini terdapat perubahan paradigma dengan menggunakan bantuan teknologi, salah satunya adalah Sosial Learning Networks (SLNs). Artikel ini akan membahas berkaitan dengan Sosial Learning Networks (SLNs) yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pembelajaran. Sehingga terbentuknya masyarakat madani dengan mengembangkan teknologi informasi dalam pendidikan dapat terwujud. </div
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Google classroom can work in unidirectional process as it can serve the teachers’ strategies and styles on one hand and students’ perception, understanding, and effective participation in different classroom skills on the other hand. The acceptance of Google classroom is affected by different factors. Some of them are still not clearly specified and discussed in previous research; therefore, they need further investigation. Based on the previous assumption, this study is an attempt to examine the factors that affect the students’ acceptance of Google classroom at Al Buraimi University College (BUC) in Oman. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was adopted to formulate the hypotheses of the current study. The data was collected through an online questionnaire with 337 respondents. The Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) approach was used to assess both the measurement and structural models. The results of the study prove that both the perceived ease of use (PEOU) and perceived usefulness (PU) positively influence the behavioral intention, which in turn influence the actual usage of Google classrooms. This study helps the decision makers of the higher educational institutions to have a better understanding of the effectiveness of using Google classroom by their students. It is assumed that it helps in measuring the level of students’ acceptance to the previously mentioned technology.
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University students become the main target of marketing of information technology developers. Based on the results of a survey with random sampling technique on users of wireless fidelity (wi-fi) service and internet service providers on smartphones, there are 98% of physics students use it and 80% of them actively use it to access various social media. Interactive learning media developed and accessible via smartphone but it is not widely used by lecturers and students yet. There is only 14.3% of lecturers who use e-learning. Virtual Class on e-learning is an online learning environment, in the form of web-based, portal or software. Learning in the real world, every participant both lecturers and students must meet the rules agreed upon during the college contract. One of the strategies to improve the independence of study of physics student is through learning media based on Virtual Class assisted by Google drive. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a lesson that can support conventional learning in the classroom. Mahasiswa menjadi sasaran utama marketing para pengembang teknologi informasi. Berdasarkan hasil survei yang dilakukan dengan teknik random sampling pada pengguna layanan wifi dan layanan internet provider pada gawai, terdapat 98% mahasiswa fisika menggunakannya dan 80% diantaranya aktif menggunakannya untuk mengakses berbagai media sosial. Media pembelajaran interaktif banyak dikembangkan dan dapat diakses melalui gawai. Akan tetapi, belum banyak digunakan dosen dan mahasiswa, hanya 14,3 % saja dosen yang menggunakan e-learning. Virtual Class pada e-learning merupakan lingkungan belajar online, berupa berbasis web, portal atau software. Pembelajaran di dunia nyata, setiap peserta baik dosen maupun mahasiswa harus memenuhi aturan yang disepakati saat kontrak kuliah. Salah satu strategi untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar mahasiswa fisika adalah melalui media pembelajaran berbasis Virtual Class berbantuan Google drive. Oleh karenanya, perlu dikembangkan pembelajaran yang dapat menunjang pembelajaran konvensional di kelas
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Google Classroom (GC) is gaining momentum in the educational milieu, but its functionalities are limited. Learning analytics applications integrated with GC can help to face these limitations, but to reach this aim, developers need access to the data generated by GC's users. This paper reports on the results of an analysis of the existing alternatives to collect data from GC. The study is based on the analysis of the documentation provided by the involved tools. The analysis shows that GC's API is a potential source of data about the activity of the users in GC-enabled settings, but that the information it provides is limited. Further work is needed to explore if Chrome OS synchronization functions can deliver more detailed information about GC usage, thus enabling for more advanced learning analytics applications.
Most writing on sociological method has been concerned with how accurate facts can be obtained and how theory can thereby be more rigorously tested. In The Discovery of Grounded Theory, Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss address the equally Important enterprise of how the discovery of theory from data-systematically obtained and analyzed in social research-can be furthered. The discovery of theory from data-grounded theory-is a major task confronting sociology, for such a theory fits empirical situations, and is understandable to sociologists and laymen alike. Most important, it provides relevant predictions, explanations, interpretations, and applications. In Part I of the book, "Generation Theory by Comparative Analysis," the authors present a strategy whereby sociologists can facilitate the discovery of grounded theory, both substantive and formal. This strategy involves the systematic choice and study of several comparison groups. In Part II, The Flexible Use of Data," the generation of theory from qualitative, especially documentary, and quantitative data Is considered. In Part III, "Implications of Grounded Theory," Glaser and Strauss examine the credibility of grounded theory. The Discovery of Grounded Theory is directed toward improving social scientists' capacity for generating theory that will be relevant to their research. While aimed primarily at sociologists, it will be useful to anyone Interested In studying social phenomena-political, educational, economic, industrial- especially If their studies are based on qualitative data. © 1999 by Barney G. Glaser and Frances Strauss. All rights reserved.
Outcome Based Education (OBE) has become world wide standard in the current education system. OBE provides a clear and unambiguous framework for curriculum planning. It stresses on the end product-what graduate can do after completing course rather than on the educational process. Graduate Attributes can be defined as qualities, attitudes and dispositions that graduates should possess in full or part, when they have completed their course of study. OBE is measured by assessing the attainment of Graduate Attributes. This paper presents a case study of a course using Google Classroom and compared with two other courses being taught that do not use Google Classroom in terms of attainment of GraduateAttributes. © 2018, Rajarambapu Institute Of Technology. All rights reserved.