Fabiana Freitas Mendes

Fabiana Freitas Mendes
Aalto University · Department of Computer Science

Doctor of Philosophy


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March 2016 - February 2020
University of Oulu
Field of study
  • Software Engineering
March 2008 - April 2010
Universidade Federal de Goiás
Field of study
  • Software Engineering - Software Process Improvement
March 2004 - February 2008
Universidade Federal de Goiás
Field of study
  • Computer Science


Publications (41)
Conference Paper
Context: Several studies report the positive impacts of gender diversity on software development teams. However, it is common knowledge that women face many challenges to remain in the job market, especially in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Goal: This paper investigates the perception of ICT women practitioners about their expecta...
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Este trabalho buscou investigar a percepção sobre conscientização em segurança cibernética de trabalhadores de uma organização pública federal brasileira. Realizou-se pesquisa descritiva, aplicando-se questionário e tratando-se dados com estatística descritiva e análise documental. Apurou-se 94,50% dos respondentes indicando que comunicação frequen...
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Background: Integrating value-oriented perspectives into the principles and practices of software engineering is fundamental to ensure that software development activities address key stakeholders' views and also balance short-and long-term goals. This is put forward in the discipline of value-based software engineering (VBSE) Aim: This study aims...
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Background: Mobile healthcare apps have transformed the healthcare industry and these apps can now be used for educational and preventive purposes, as well as providing valuable information for self-care. Apps related to Parkinson's disease can help from diagnoses to treatment, however the purpose of the app in this study is to inform and to educa...
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Background: Several researchers report the impact of gender on software development teams, especially in relation to women. In general, women are under-represented on these teams and face challenges and difficulties in their workplaces. When it comes to women who are mothers, these challenges can be amplified and directly impact these women's profe...
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Toda interação de um indivı́duo com o meio cibernético gera rastro de dados. Tais dados podem ser reaproveitados para reconstruir a história de uma pessoa e criar um avatar que a representará digitalmente no ambiente cibernético, permitindo assim a perpetuação de sua vida após a morte por meio de dados digitais. No entanto, o tema imortalidade digi...
Conference Paper
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Pesquisadores da área de psicometria geralmente utilizam questionários para a coleta de dados de personalidade, entretanto a coleta e processamento de dados em ambiente online encontra diversos desafios. Nesse contexto, este projeto teve como propósito o entendimento e validação dos requisitos de uma ferramenta web para coleta de dados de personali...
Nowadays, there is an increasing number of new digital systems and functionalities focused on digital legacy management. In this paper, our goal was to analyze digital legacy management systems - DLMS - from three perspectives (theoretical, systemic, and users’) and propose/discuss software requirements. The three viewpoints were analyzed together...
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Os jogos vêm ganhando cada vez mais espaço como uma ferramentapedagógica em diversas áreas de conhecimento. Nesse contexto, é importante ressaltar que é necessário um processo robusto de desenvolvimento centrado no jogador, cujas características e experiências almejadas pelo usuário tenham o maior foco. Para isso, este artigo objetiva analisar os a...
Context Software development involves many activities, and decision making is an essential one. Various factors can impact a decision-making process, and by understanding such factors, one can improve the process. Since people are the ones making decisions, some human-related aspects are amongst those influencing factors. One such aspect is the dec...
Context From a point of view, software development is a set of decisions that need to be made while the software is developed. Many alternatives should be considered, such as the technology to employ, or the most important features to implement. However, many factors can influence one’s decision-making, such as the decision maker’s personality. Ob...
Conference Paper
Within the context of software engineering, many decisions take place and such decisions should employ value propositions that focus on short as well as long-term goals. In 2003, Boehm coined the term Value-Based Software Engineering (VBSE), which entails the change from a value-neutral to a value-based approach. VBSE argues that decisions should b...
Conference Paper
Resumo Non-technical competencies associate knowledge, attitudes and skills in distinct areas such as social, personal and cognitive. These skills are important for the success of any software project. Besides, regarding the development of educational software they are even more fundamental. Such competencies have not been clearly observed in Comp...
Conference Paper
Goal: This work aims to identify metrics to estimate the effort to develop Business Intelligence (BI) system. Methodology: It was conducted a secondary study in order to identify metrics related to BI and to business process complexity. The results conducted to a hypothesis that relates business process complexity to effort required to implement it...
Conference Paper
One of the most important knowledge area on Software Engineering is Requirements Engineering and know properly related techniques and methods is crucial to a software practitioners. This article aims to present a method adopted to teach Requirements Engineering and Process Modelling on Software Engineering undergraduate course. It was developed a m...
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Introduction Locked-In Syndrome is admittedly the worst case of motor and speech impairment, it seriously damages the ability of oral and gestural communication of patients. In recent years, alternative and augmentative communication technology has provided resources to restore these patients' ability to communicate. Methods In order to relate and...
Conference Paper
The implementation of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) requires the support of tools and technologies capable of interpreting large quantities of data collected from different sources comprising sensors networks, mobile devices, social networks and other systems. The agent-oriented paradigm is particularly appropriate for such a scenario, because agents...
Conference Paper
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Information Technology (IT) products and services are criti- cal success factors for modern organizations. These products and services are planned, developed, delivered and operated through IT Processes which are continually improved in order to foster the organization’s per- formance. Since many IT processes are involved in this scenario, several...
Conference Paper
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The importance of Information Technology in guaranteeing the success of an organization has greatly increased, hence, many models and practices have been developed to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. In order to improve Information Technology practices, however, it is important to initially diagnose current practices and then decide what n...
Conference Paper
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During the initial software specification phase, requirement document, use cases description and interface prototypes can be generated as a way to aid in the construction of system data. The consistency among these documents is a quality attribute which must be emphasized at this phase of the software development process. The QualiCES method is pre...
Conference Paper
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During the initial software specification phase, requirement document, use cases description and interface prototypes can be generated as a way to aid in the construction of system data. The consistency among these documents is a quality attribute which must be emphasized at this phase of the software development process. The QualiCES method is pre...
Conference Paper
Usuários desejam aplicações que sejam fáceis de entender e de usar. Já desenvolvedores buscam softwares que sejam facilmente entendidos por outros e que sejam manuteníveis. Quais, entretanto, são os fatores que impactam a qualidade de um software? Alguns autores apontam para três: pessoa, tecnologia e processo. Este artigo tem como objetivo verific...
Conference Paper
A fim de ser bem sucedida, uma iniciativa de melhoria de processos de software envolve a institucionalização de processos que incorporem boas práticas de engenharia de software. O presente trabalho apresenta as dificuldades relacionadas à institucionalização do processo de software do Centro de Recursos Computacionais da Universidade Federal de Goi...
Conference Paper
O presente documento descreve uma iniciativa de melhorias de processos de desenvolvimento de software em um órgão de produção de uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior. Além disso, são apresentadas lições aprendidas durante a execução do projeto. Estas lições, bem como o resultado de uma pesquisa sobre o grau de institucionalização do processo,...
Conference Paper
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Nowadays many software organizations are investing in software process improvement, as a mean to produce software, and also the services associated, with better quality. The implementation of software process improvements (SPI) in an organization involves changes in it's member's way of working, and so, is directly involved with it's culture. This...
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Resumo. Um programa de implantação de Melhoria de Processos de Software (MPS) envolve vários desafios, dentre eles podemos citar a necessidade de um planejamento adequado. Esse planejamento deve prever os riscos a serem monitorados no decorrer do projeto e a definição de planos de contingência e mitigação adequados para tratá-los. Este artigo propõ...
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Resumo. Este trabalho analisa os resultados da implantação de melhorias de processos de software segundo o modelo cooperado de negócio do Modelo MPS.BR. A análise aqui apresentada evidencia as principais dificuldades das empresas em termos de implantação dos processos exigidos neste nível. A par-tir desta análise, as estratégias para implantação de...
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Resumo. O presente documento descreve uma iniciativa de melhorias de processos de desenvolvimento de software em um órgão de produção de uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior. Além disso, são apresentadas lições aprendidas durante a execução do projeto. Estas lições, bem como o resultado de uma pesquisa sobre o grau de institucionalização do p...
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In order to be successful, a software process improvement initiative includes the institutionalization of processes that are composed of software engineering good practices. This study presents the difficulties found in the software processes' institutionalization that took place at the Centro de Recursos Computacionais, Universidade Federal de Goi...
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This paper describes how an initiative to improve software development processes has been led in a software engineering sector of a Federal Institute of Higher Education. Moreover, it presents the lessons learned during this work. Such lessons, as well as the results of a survey on the degree of implementation of the current project, are serving as...


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