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Effect of a Single Dose of Green Tea Polyphenols on the Blood Markers of Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress in Soccer Players

  • Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw; Faculty of Physical Education and Health in Biała Podlaska

Abstract and Figures

To evaluate the effect of acute ingestion of green tea polyphenols (GTP) on blood markers of oxidative stress and muscle damage in soccer players exposed to intense exercise. This randomized, double-blinded study was conducted on 16 players during a general preparation period, when all athletes participated in a strength-training program focused on the development of strength endurance. After ingestion of a single dose of GTP (640 mg) or placebo, all athletes performed an intense muscle-endurance test consisting of 3 sets of 2 strength exercises (bench press, back squat) performed to exhaustion, with a load at 60% 1-repetition maximum and 1-min rests between sets. Blood samples were collected preexercise, 5 min after the muscle-endurance test, and after 24 hr of recovery. Blood plasma was analyzed for the concentrations of thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances (TBARS), uric acid (UA), total catechins, total antioxidant status (TAS), and activity of creatine kinase (CK); at the same time, erythrocytes were assayed for the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD). In both groups, plasma TBARS, UA, and TAS increased significantly postexercise and remained elevated after a 24-hr recovery period. SOD activity in erythrocytes did not change significantly in response to the muscle-endurance test, whereas in both groups plasma CK activity increased significantly after 24 hr of recovery. Acute intake of GTP cased a slight but significant increase in total plasma catechins. However, GTP was found not to exert a significant effect on measured parameters. Acute ingestion of GTP (640 mg) does not attenuate exercise-induced oxidative stress and muscle damage.
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International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2012, 22, 486 -496
© 2012 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Jówko, Sacharuk, M. Charmas, and R. Charmas are with the
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska,
University of Physical Education, Warsaw, Poland. Balasinska,
Wilczak, and Ostaszewski are with the Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Warsaw Agricultural University, Warsaw, Poland.
Effect of a Single Dose of Green Tea Polyphenols
on the Blood Markers of Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress
in Soccer Players
Ewa Jówko, Jaroslaw Sacharuk, Bozena Balasinska, Jacek Wilczak,
Malgorzata Charmas, Piotr Ostaszewski, and Robert Charmas
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of acute ingestion of green tea polyphenols (GTP) on blood markers of oxi-
dative stress and muscle damage in soccer players exposed to intense exercise. Methods: This randomized,
double-blinded study was conducted on 16 players during a general preparation period, when all athletes
participated in a strength-training program focused on the development of strength endurance. After inges-
tion of a single dose of GTP (640 mg) or placebo, all athletes performed an intense muscle-endurance test
consisting of 3 sets of 2 strength exercises (bench press, back squat) performed to exhaustion, with a load at
60% 1-repetition maximum and 1-min rests between sets. Blood samples were collected preexercise, 5 min
after the muscle-endurance test, and after 24 hr of recovery. Blood plasma was analyzed for the concentrations
of thiobarbituric acid–reacting substances (TBARS), uric acid (UA), total catechins, total antioxidant status
(TAS), and activity of creatine kinase (CK); at the same time, erythrocytes were assayed for the activity of
superoxide dismutase (SOD). Results: In both groups, plasma TBARS, UA, and TAS increased signicantly
postexercise and remained elevated after a 24-hr recovery period. SOD activity in erythrocytes did not change
signicantly in response to the muscle-endurance test, whereas in both groups plasma CK activity increased
signicantly after 24 hr of recovery. Acute intake of GTP cased a slight but signicant increase in total plasma
catechins. However, GTP was found not to exert a signicant effect on measured parameters. Conclusions:
Acute ingestion of GTP (640 mg) does not attenuate exercise-induced oxidative stress and muscle damage.
Keywords: catechins, antioxidants, oxidation-reduction balance
The generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is
an inevitable consequence of normal cellular metabolism.
The body defends itself against their detrimental activity
by means of the antioxidant defense system, the objec-
tive of which is to render ROS harmless. The system
is composed of antioxidant enzymes including, among
others, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione
peroxidase, as well as nonenzymatic antioxidants includ-
ing glutathione, coenzyme Q10, uric acid (UA), vitamins,
and polyphenols (Lamprecht, Greilberger, Schwaberger,
Hofmann, & Oettl, 2008). Under conditions of intensied
ROS production, the antioxidant defense system may
prove inefcient, which in turn leads to oxidative stress,
a state induced by the imbalance between antioxidative
and pro-oxidative processes (Fisher-Wellman & Bloomer,
Strenuous physical exercise is one of the factors
alleged to induce oxidative stress. Under conditions of
exercise-induced oxidative stress, increased oxidation of
cell constituents—DNA, lipids, and proteins—has been
observed (Banerjee, Mandal, Chanda, & Chakraborti,
2003). The oxidative stress induced by acute physical
exercise may lead to aerobic damage of muscle tissue,
consequently intensifying muscle soreness and diminish-
ing exercise performance (Lamprecht et al., 2008).
It is suggested that lipids are more sensitive to oxi-
dative damage than proteins are (Morillas-Ruiz, Villegas
Garcia, Lopez, Vidal-Guevara, & Zafrilla, 2006). ROS
release causes lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty
acids in biological membranes and blood. Malondialde-
hyde, a by-product of lipid peroxide, and thiobarbituric
acid reactive substances (TBARS; indirect assay used to
measure aldehyde products, primarily malondialdehyde,
formed via decomposition of lipid hydroperoxides)
have been the most frequently used markers of oxida-
tive tissue damage during exercise (Fisher-Wellman
& Bloomer, 2009). In fact, increased oxidative-stress
biomarkers have been observed not only after aerobic
exercise (exhaustive long-distance cycling and running)
but also after anaerobic exercise (supramaximal sprints
or strength-type exercises; Bloomer & Goldfarb, 2004;
García-López et al., 2007). It is common knowledge that
intensive anaerobic exercise induces oxidative stress,
Green Tea Polyphenols and Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress 487
mainly owing to an increased—under conditions of
ischemia or reperfusion—activity of xanthine oxidase,
an enzyme that is a signicant source of ROS (Gold-
farb, Bloomer, & McKenzie, 2005). In addition, during
weight-lifting exercises cells of the skeletal muscles are
subjected to microinjuries. In these areas an accumula-
tion of inltrated phagocytic cells, neutrophils, and
macrophages occurs, while NADPH oxidase localized
in the plasma membrane of the activated phagocytes
constitutes an additional source of free oxygen radicals
(Kon et al., 2007).
Athletes are especially exposed to oxidative stress
(Alessio, 1993). While regular physical training, espe-
cially of the endurance type, may enhance the body’s
antioxidant defense by various factors—for example,
by increasing resting activity of antioxidant enzymes in
erythrocytes (Metin et al., 2003)—the pursuit of optimal
results in competitive sports requires that athletes often
undertake strenuous training under conditions of insuf-
cient postexercise restitution. This may, however, lead
to overtraining. What is more, the unfavorable changes
occurring in metabolism under conditions of postexercise
oxidative stress may negatively affect the health of an
athlete. Taking this into account, some authors suggest
that supporting athletes with antioxidants could alleviate
the negative effects of oxidative stress (Ho, Li, Chen, &
Hsu, 2007). However, it should be mentioned that preven-
tion of ROS formation by antioxidant supplementation
may delay the recovery of muscle function (Teixeira,
Valente, Casal, Marques, & Moreira, 2009) and even
hamper training-induced adaptations (Gomez-Cabrera
et al., 2008).
Although some surveys report no effects of antioxi-
dant administration on the postexercise level of plasma
markers of oxidative stress (Gaeini, Rahnama, & Hame-
dinia, 2006; McAnulty et al., 2008), and in some cases
even demonstrate their pro-oxidative activity (Silva et al.,
2008), numerous other studies have indicated a decrease
in the postexercise oxidative stress in athletes as a result of
long-term (14 days) supplementation with antioxidants
(Bonina et al., 2005; Pilaczynska-Szczesniak, Skarpan-
ska-Steinborn, Deskur, Basta, & Horoszkiewicz-Hassan,
2005). In some studies, postexercise oxidative stress
was observed to diminish after a single administration
of antioxidants. One of those surveys demonstrated that
the intake of a polyphenols-rich cocoa drink 2 hr before
intense physical exercise (increasing-intensity test on a
cycle ergometer) effected a signicant reduction in the
postexercise concentration of lipid-peroxidation indices
in blood plasma (Wiswedel et al., 2004). Furthermore,
in research conducted by Zembron-Lacny, Szyszka,
Sobanska, and Pakula (2006), a single dose of vitamin
E was observed to suppress the oxidative stress induced
by a 2000-m laboratory rowing test. In another study
with cyclists, Morillas-Ruiz et al. (2006) demonstrated
a reduction in the extent of aerobic damage to protein
after a strenuous exercise test on a cycle ergometer as a
result of taking a drink enriched with polyphenols (black
grape, raspberry, and red currant) during the exercise.
One of the most popular drinks rich in plant-origi-
nated polyphenols is green tea (Camellia sinensis). It is
well documented that green tea polyphenols (catechins),
apart from having strong antioxidative properties, may
also act as nutritional chemopreventive agents for the
treatment of cancer, atherosclerosis, and neurodegen-
erative diseases (Nicholson, Tucker, & Bameld, 2008).
Few studies are reported in the literature concerning
the effects of green tea polyphenols on blood markers
of exercise-induced oxidative stress. In rats, green
tea consumed for 6.5 weeks lowered renal lipoper-
oxidation after aerobic exercise (Alessio et al., 2002).
In weight-trained men, Panza et al. (2008) observed
protective effects of 7-day intake of green tea on blood
markers of oxidative stress after resistance exercise. How-
ever, there are no reports regarding the effects of acute
ingestion of green tea polyphenols on exercise-induced
oxidative-stress biomarkers.
Therefore, the aim of the current study was to evalu-
ate, in professional soccer players exposed to intense
exercise, the effects of a single dose of green tea poly-
phenols on some noninvasive blood markers of oxidative
stress: plasma total antioxidant status, plasma UA, plasma
TBARS, erythrocyte SOD activity, and plasma creatine
kinase (CK) activity (as a marker of muscle-cell damage).
Materials and Methods
Sixteen healthy soccer players from the local club
“Podlasie” were enrolled in the study. All subjects were
nonsmokers and disease-free and had not used drugs,
ergogenic aids, or antioxidant supplements for at least 2
months before the study. Before the experiment, all volun-
teers were informed about the aim of the studies and the
experimental procedure. The study was approved by the
ethical committee of the Academy of Physical Education
in Warsaw, and informed written consent was obtained
from all subjects before the beginning of the study.
The experiment was conducted during a general
preparation period when all soccer players were pursuing
strength training to develop strength endurance. Thus,
as an exercise protocol, a muscle-endurance test was
selected. It included three sets of bench press and back
squat to exhaustion.
Three-day dietary records (2 working days and 1
weekend day) were used to estimate each subject’s aver-
age daily intake of energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrates,
as well as vitamins A, C, and E, at the beginning of the
study. Records were analyzed using the Dietus program
based on the Table of Composition and Nutritional Value
of Foodstuffs (Kunachowicz, Nadolna, Przygoda, &
Iwanow, 2005).
To minimize the effect of other dietary products with
high polyphenol content on the collected data, the sub-
jects were asked to limit fruits, juice, wine, tea, chocolate,
and cocoa for 2 days before the muscle-endurance test
and to refrain from consuming foods other than meat, egg,
488 Jówko et al.
milk products, and water in the evening the day before
the test was conducted.
Seven days before the muscle-endurance test,
each subject was tested for the measurement of a one-
repetition maximum (1-RM) in bench press and back
squat, according to a previously described procedure
(Cramer & Coburn, 2004). The subjects were asked to
cease (discontinue) their training for 2 days before the
muscle-endurance test and 24 hr after it.
Experimental Procedure
The experimental procedure is displayed in Figure 1.
Athletes consumed a standardized breakfast of two rolls
with butter, one slice of ham, and 0.75 L of mineral water
at the university canteen at 6.00 a.m., 3 hr before they
underwent an exercise test. Then, they were randomly
assigned, in a double-blind fashion, to receive two dark
gelatin capsules containing either green tea polyphenols
(GTP group, n = 8) or placebo (PL group, n = 8). Both the
GTP and PL capsules were identical in appearance (i.e.,
size, shape, and color), and they both were manufactured
by Olimp Laboratories (Debica, Poland). The capsules
with GTP were commercially available as Olimp green
tea (Olimp Laboratories, Debica, Poland). Each GTP
capsule contained standardized green tea extract (total of
320 mg polyphenols, including about 250 mg catechins,
of which about 176 mg was epigallocatechin-3-galate-
EGCG) and additional substances (maltodextrin, micro-
crystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate). Thus, two
capsules delivered 640 mg of polyphenols (including 500
mg of catechins). PL capsules contained microcrystalline
cellulose, magnesium stearate, and maltodextrin instead
of GTP. The capsules were administered 2 hr after the
breakfast (at 8.00 a.m.).
One and a half hours after taking the capsules (at
9:30 a.m.), athletes performed the muscle-endurance test
(according to the protocol shown in Figure 2), using a
previously described procedure (Schmitz, Hofheins, &
Lemieux, 2010) that was modied for the purposes of
this experiment. The test consisted of three sets of two
strength exercises (bench press, back squat) performed
to exhaustion, with a load of 60% 1-RM and 1-min rests
between sets. The exercise protocol was performed using
a bar and free weights. Before the test, athletes carried
out a warm-up consisting of bench press and back squat,
both performed in one set of ve repetitions with loads
of 40% 1-RM.
The 90-min interval between capsule consumption
and the muscle-endurance test was adapted from the stud-
ies of Lee et al. (2002), where the highest plasma catechin
content was observed 1.3–1.6 hr after the administration
of a single dose of green tea (394 mg polyphenols).
Blood Sampling and Biochemical
Venous blood samples were drawn into heparinized test
tubes from an ulnar vein before the muscle-endurance
test (preexercise), 1.5 hr after oral administration of GTP
and PL capsules; 5 min after completing the muscle-
endurance test (postexercise); and after the 24-hr recovery
period (recovery). Blood samples were centrifuged (for
10 min at 3,000 g at 4 °C) to separate red blood cells from
plasma. Erythrocytes were washed three times with a cold
isotonic saline solution. Both erythrocytes and plasma
were frozen at –80 °C for later analysis.
In addition, capillary blood samples were taken from
a nger prick before the muscle-endurance test and 3 min
after completing the test. Capillary blood was assayed for
the concentration of lactate, as well as for parameters of
acid-base equilibrium.
Red blood cells were analyzed for the activity of
SOD by using a commercially available kit (RanSOD,
Figure 2 — Diagram of the muscle-endurance test.
Figure 1 — Experimental procedure.
Green Tea Polyphenols and Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress 489
Cat. No. SD 125, Randox, UK). The SOD activity was
measured at 37 °C and expressed in U/g Hb. Hemoglobin
was assessed by a standard cyanmethemoglobin method
using a diagnostic kit (HG 1539, Randox, UK).
Plasma CK activity, as a marker of muscle damage,
was analyzed at 340 nm and 37 °C with a diagnostic kit
(Cat. No. C6512–100, Alpha Diagnostics, USA) and
expressed as U/L.
Plasma UA concentration was analyzed at 520 nm
and 37 °C with a diagnostic kit (Cat. No. K6580-200,
Alpha Diagnostics, USA) and expressed as mg/dl.
The concentrations of TBARS in plasma were
determined as malondialdehyde equivalents according
to the modied method described by Jentzsch, Bach-
mann, Furst, and Biesalski (1996). Plasma TBARS were
determined from a standard curve generated with known
amounts of 1,1,3,3-tetraethoxypropane and expressed as
Total antioxidant status (TAS) of plasma was mea-
sured by a chromogenic method with the use of a diag-
nostic kit (Cat. No. NX 2332, Randox, UK). Antioxidant
capacity of samples was expressed as millimoles per liter
of Trolox equivalents (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-
chroman-2-carboxylic acid).
Total plasma catechin concentration (epigallocat-
echin, epigallocatechin galate, epicatechin, and epicat-
echin gallate), including unconjugated catechins and
catechins conjugated with glucuronic acid, sulfate, or
glycoside groups, was analyzed according to the method
previously described by Erlund et al. (2000). Briey,
catechin conjugates were hydrolyzed by incubating 1
ml plasma with 110 μl 0.78-M sodium acetate buffer
(pH 4.8), 100 μl 0.1-M ascorbic acid, and 40 μl of a
crude preparation from Helix pomatia containing 4,000
U of B-glucuronidase and 200 U of sulfatase activity
(Type H-2, Sigma) for 17 hr at 37 °C. After incubation,
avonoids were released from protein using solid-phase
extraction. The sample was diluted with 2 ml phosphate
buffer (70 mM, pH 2.4) and added to a Bond Elut C18
solid-phase extraction column (500 mg, Backer) precon-
ditioned with 6 ml methanol and 6 ml phosphate buffer.
The column was washed with 9 ml phosphate buffer and
0.5 ml deionized water. Flavonoids were eluted into a
conical glass tube with 2 ml methanol and dried under
nitrogen stream. All residues were diluted with 200 μl
methanol and used for high-performance liquid chro-
matography (HPLC) connected with electrochemical
detector analysis. The analysis of catechin separation
and contents was made by applying the HPLC system
(Dionex) equipped in the CoulArray electrochemical
detector (ESA Inc.) The separation was conducted on
a Hypersil BDS 150 × 4.6-mm, 5-μm column (Sigma-
Aldrich) at a mobile-phase ow rate of 1.2 ml/min. The
mobile phase consisted of sodium phosphate 50-mM and
metanol (99:1) pH 3.0. The conditions of electrochemical
detection were four electrodes with potentials 400, 500,
600, and 750 mV. The chromatograms were processed
by identifying the compounds on the base of standards
and areas of chromatographic peaks, taking into account
their retention times, as well as the ratio of the peak
area for the dominating electrode to that of neighbor-
ing electrodes. Total plasma catechin concentration was
expressed as ng/ml.
Lactate levels in the capillary blood were determined
using a diagnostic cuvette kit (Dr. Lange, Cat. No. LKM
140, Germany) and Miniphotometer Plus LP 20 (Hach
Lange, Germany). Parameters of acid-base equilibrium
in capillary blood, as pH, base deciency, and anion gap,
and hematocrit were evaluated with the use an automated
analyzer (OMNI-C, Roche Diagnostics, Austria). All
samples were corrected for plasma volume shift accord-
ing to the method of Dill and Costill (1974).
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was performed with the Statistica
v. 6.0 software package. Comparisons between groups
regarding dietary intakes, subject characteristics, and
results of the exercise test were made by applying an
unpaired Student’s t test. Biochemical-parameter data
were analyzed using two-way mixed ANOVA with two
independent variables: group (GTP vs. placebo) and time
(pre- vs. postexercise vs. 24-hr recovery). If signicant
differences in ANOVA tests were observed, data were
analyzed with a near-infrared post hoc test for multiple
comparisons. All values were reported as M ± SD. The
level of statistical signicance was set at p < .05.
The physical characteristics of the athletes and results
obtained in the muscle-endurance test are shown in Table
1. Subjects in both groups were similar in regard to mean
age, height, body mass, body-mass index, and years of
training. In addition, results obtained in the muscle-
endurance test—total number of repetitions in three sets
of bench press or back squat—did not vary signicantly
between the two groups (Table 2). Similarly, exercise
volume (i.e., total kilograms lifted in three sets of bench
press or back squat) did not differ signicantly.
Table 3 presents the daily energy intake and dietary
composition (mean intakes of protein, fat, carbohydrates,
and antioxidant vitamins in daily food rations of partici-
pants). No signicant difference was found between GTP
and PL groups for any of the variables studied. The diet in
both groups was adequate in terms of the dietary recom-
mendations for physically active men (Ziemlanski, 2001).
As shown in Table 4, the muscle-endurance test
performed by soccer players induced signicant changes
in measured parameters of blood acid-base equilibrium
(a drop in pH and increases in base deciency and anion
gap). These disturbances clearly pointed to metabolic
acidosis as a result of increased lactic acid production
during the exercise (postexercise lactate concentration
amounted to 14.70 ± 2.59 and 15.80 ± 1.44 mmol/L in
GTP and PL, respectively). However, a single dose of
green tea polyphenols ingested before the test did not
affect these changes.
490 Jówko et al.
As shown in Figure 3, acute GTP intake increased
preexercise plasma total catechin level (by 33% compared
with the corresponding value in the PL group; group main
effect, p < .05, and Group × Time interaction, p < .05). In
the PL group, no signicant changes in plasma catechins
were observed after the muscle-endurance test. However,
a signicant decrease in plasma catechins was observed in
the GTP group after 24 hr of recovery (decrease of about
22% compared with the preexercise value, p < .001, and
10%, compared with the postexercise value, p < .05; time
main effect, p < .05).
Changes in the markers of oxidative stress are pre-
sented in Table 5. The muscle-endurance test elevated
lipid peroxidation as indicated by signicant increases
in comparison with preexercise values in postexercise
plasma TBARS, which remained elevated 24 hr later
(time main effect, p < .001).
Similarly, plasma TAS and UA alterations (Table
5) were observed in response to the muscle-endurance
test (time main effect, p < .001). Both plasma TAS
and UA increased postexercise and remained elevated
compared with preexercise level until 24 hr after
the test.
No signicant changes in SOD activity in erythro-
cytes (Table 5) were observed in either group as a result
of the muscle-endurance test (time main effect, p > .05).
However, the PL group exhibited a tendency for a sig-
nicant increase in SOD activity at 5 min postexercise
(p = .0503) compared with resting activity.
Plasma CK activity did not change signicantly
immediately postexercise (Figure 4), but it increased
after 24 hr of recovery (time main effect, p < .001). In
the PL group, after the 24-hr recovery period CK activ-
ity was higher than preexercise and postexercise values,
whereas in the GTP group, CK activity was higher than
the preexercise value only.
Apart from increased preexercise plasma total
catechin level as a result of acute GTP ingestion, no
signicant effect of GTP intake on plasma TBARS,
TAS, and UA concentrations was found. Similarly, a
single dose of GTP did not affect SOD activity in eryth-
rocytes or plasma CK activity (p > .05 for group main
effect and Group × Time interaction in all mentioned
Table 1 Characteristics of Soccer Players,
M ± SD
PL (
= 8) GTP (
= 8)
Age (years) 22.9 ± 5.5 22.4 ± 3.4
Height (cm) 180.9 ± 4.4 183.3 ± 5.6
Body mass (kg) 77.6 ± 3.6 78.7 ± 7.4
Body-mass index (kg/m2) 23.8 ± 1.7 23.4 ± 1.4
Years of training 9.3 ± 3.7 9.3 ± 1.9
Note. PL = placebo group; GTP = green tea polyphenol group.
Table 2 Results Obtained in the Muscle-
Endurance Test by Soccer Players, M ± SD
PL (
= 8) GTP (
= 8)
Total repetitions in
3 series
bench press 43.0 ± 9.9 50.7 ± 11.2
back squat 46.9 ± 6.1 53.7 ± 12.3
Total kilograms
lifted in 3 series
bench press 2,053.6 ± 410.9 2,427.1 ± 364.5
back squat 2,686.4 ± 476.7 3,047.1 ± 607.2
Note. PL = placebo group; GTP = green tea polyphenol group.
Table 3 Daily Nutritional Intake in PL and
GTP Groups, M ± SD
PL (
= 8) GTP (
= 8)
Energy (kcal) 3,611.4 ± 315.1 3,822.2 ± 304.3
Protein (g) 119.7 ± 13,9 122.9 ± 15.1
Carbohydrate (g) 492.1 ± 57.8 520.4 ± 36.7
Fat (g) 109.2 ± 31.1 116.7 ± 52.9
Vitamin C (mg) 71.6 ± 14.6 75.2 ± 17.0
Vitamin E (mg) 9.9 ± 1.9 11.3 ± 2.5
Vitamin A (RE) 1,264.9 ± 309.1 1,358.4 ± 372.6
Note. PL = placebo group; GTP = green tea polyphenol group; RE =
retinol equivalents.
Table 4 Changes in Blood pH, Base Deficiency, Anion Gap, and Lactate Concentration Induced
by a Muscle-Endurance Test Performed After Ingestion of Placebo or Green Tea Polyphenols in
Soccer Players, M ± SD
Placebo (
= 8) Green Tea Polyphenols (
= 8)
Parameter Preexercise Postexercise Preexercise Postexercise
Blood pH 7.40 ± 0.02 7.22 ± 0.04*** 7.39 ± 0.02 7.22 ± 0.05***
Base deciency (mmol/L) 0.56 ± 0.95 –14.44 ± 1.57*** 0.93 ± 1.63 –13.63 ± 3.37***
Anion gap (mmol/L) 15.04 ± 1.25 28.97 ± 0.97*** 14.57 ± 2.34 28.46 ± 2.48***
Lactate concentration (mmol/L) 1.51 ± 0.42 15.80 ± 1.44*** 1.42 ± 0.69 14.70 ± 2.59***
***Signicantly different (p < .001) from the preexercise value.
Green Tea Polyphenols and Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress 491
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of
acute ingestion of green tea polyphenols on blood mark-
ers of oxidative stress in soccer players subjected to an
intense muscle-endurance test.
Described disturbances of acid-base balance (Table
4) suggest that when the soccer players performed the
high-intensity muscle-endurance test it increased per-
oxidation of membrane lipids, as indicated by elevated
TBARS concentration in the plasma. This rise was
observed in both groups 5 min postexercise and main-
tained during the 24-hr recovery period. The TBARS
response observed in this study is in agreement with
previous investigations involving resistance exercise
(three sets of eight exercises at 10-RM) in a group of
recreationally weight-trained men (McBride, Kraemer,
Triplett-McBride, & Sebastianelli, 1998). In contrast,
while using an exercise protocol similar to that applied
in the study by McBride et al., Dixon et al. (2006) did
not observe any signicant changes in plasma level of
TBARS, both in resistance-trained and in untrained
men. Likewise, Bloomer et al. (2006) and Panza et al.
(2008) reported no increase in lipid-peroxidation mark-
ers after resistance-type exercise in trained men. The
discrepancy in lipid peroxidation between our results
and those reported earlier by McBride et al., as well as
other ndings (Bloomer et al., 2006; Dixon et al., 2006;
Figure 3 — Plasma total catechin concentration after ingestion of placebo (PL) or green tea polyphenols (GTP) in soccer players,
M ± SD. ***Signicantly different (p < .001) from the preexercise value. †Signicantly different (p < .05) from postexercise value.
#Signicantly different (p < .05) from the placebo group.
Table 5 Changes in Plasma Concentration of Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS),
Plasma Total Antioxidant Status (TAS), Uric Acid (UA), and the Activity of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)
in Erythrocytes Induced by a Muscle-Endurance Test Performed After Ingestion of Placebo or Green Tea
Polyphenols in Soccer Players, M ± SD
Placebo (
= 8) Green Tea Polyphenols (
= 8)
Parameter Preexercise Postexercise 24-hr recovery Preexercise Postexercise 24-hr recovery
TBARS (μmol/L) 2.10 ± 0.95 4.15 ± 1.29*** 4.14 ± 1.36*** 2.00 ± 0.72 4.71 ± 0.94*** 3.65 ± 1.33**
TAS (mmol/L) 1.00 ± 0.08 1.28 ± 0.39** 1.26 ± 0.19* 1.06 ± 0.11 1.36 ± 0.10** 1.32 ± 0.08*
UA (mg/dl) 5.00 ± 1.36 6.23 ± 1.38** 6.26 ± 1.50** 5.04 ± 0.44 5.90 ± 0.97* 6.47 ± 0.81***
SOD (U/g Hb) 819.1 ± 177.0 1,014.2 ± 263.3 840.3 ± 212.4 955.9 ± 146.5 1,044.9 ± 228.9 1,036.4 ± 194.7
*p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001 (signicantly different from the preexercise value).
492 Jówko et al.
Panza et al., 2008), might be due to methodological dif-
ferences—the type of contraction performed, duration of
the protocol (Dixon et al., 2006), intensity and volume
of exercises (Bloomer et al., 2006), limited number of
muscle groups involved in the exercise (Bloomer et al.,
2006), and methodological limitations associated with
TBARS analysis (Dixon et al., 2006). However, we
used a modied TBARS assay for lipid peroxidation
(Jentzsch et al., 1996) recommended to minimize arti-
factual oxidative degeneration of lipids during the assay
and used recently by other workers (Bloomer, Cole, &
Fisher-Wellman, 2009).
The enhanced generation of ROS with acute physi-
cal exercise evokes changes in the body’s antioxidant
defense. There seems to be a general consensus in
the literature, supported by the ndings in the current
study, that plasma antioxidant levels increase after
exercise, although opposite results have been reported,
as well (Margonis et al., 2007; Skarpanska- Stejnborn,
Pilaczynska-Szczesniak, Basta, Deskur-Smielecka, &
Horoszkiewicz-Hassan, 2008). Mobilization of the tissue
nonenzymatic antioxidant stores into the plasma is a
widely accepted phenomenon that helps maintain the
antioxidant status of plasma when needed (Margonis et
al., 2007). In our study, TAS plasma level increased after
the muscle-endurance test and was maintained during the
recovery period. Likewise, the concentration of TBARS
in plasma after 24 hr of recovery was still higher than the
preexercise values. This suggests an enhanced generation
of free oxygen radicals as a result of the test performed by
the athletes, overwhelming their capacity to detoxify ROS
and thus producing oxidative stress. A similar tendency of
changes in blood levels of TAS and malondialdehyde was
demonstrated by Shing et al. (2007) after high-intensity
interval cycling in highly trained cyclists.
UA, a primary end product of purine metabolism, is
the principal water-soluble antioxidant present in blood
(Rabovsky, Cuomo, & Eich, 2006). It is well known that
elevated plasma UA concentration is responsible for one
third of the plasma TAS increase after strenuous exercise
(Child, Wilkinson, Falloweld, & Donnelly, 1998). This
was conrmed by our study, as the muscle-endurance test
affected plasma UA concentrations in the same pattern
as plasma TAS levels.
It has been previously demonstrated that ROS
generation could induce changes in the activity of anti-
oxidant enzymes in the red blood cells (Fisher-Wellman
& Bloomer, 2009). Reports of alterations in erythrocyte
SOD activity after exercise are equivocal. Decreases in
erythrocyte SOD activity after extreme running competi-
tion in well-trained athletes were observed by Machefer
et al. (2004). In turn, other works report increased SOD
activity in the red blood cells after a half-marathon (Mar-
zatico, Pansarasa, Bertorelli, Somenzini, & Della Halle,
1997) and rowing incremental test (Skarpanska- Stejn-
born et al., 2008) or a lack of changes after incremental
exercise (Vider et al., 2001) or sprint-running exercise
(Marzatico et al., 1997). In the current study, SOD activ-
ity in erythrocytes did not change signicantly after the
muscle-endurance test. However, in the PL group, a
tendency for increased SOD activity was seen at 5 min
postexercise (p = .0503), indicating an enhanced generation
Figure 4 — Changes in plasma creatine kinase (CK) activity induced by muscle-endurance test performed after ingestion of pla-
cebo (PL) or green tea polyphenols (GTP) in soccer players, M ± SD. *Signicantly different (p < .05) from the preexercise value.
†Signicantly different (p < .05) from the postexercise value.
Green Tea Polyphenols and Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress 493
of superoxide anion associated with the intense muscle-
endurance test.
There is evidence that under conditions of exercise-
induced oxidative stress, enhanced peroxidation of
membrane lipids is one of the factors leading to changes
in the integrity of the cellular membrane (Marzatico et
al., 1997). This results in an increase in the postexercise
activity of CK in plasma (Branciaccio, Maffulli, &
Limongelli, 2007). Free radicals’ substantial contribution
to muscle-tissue damage linked with acute exercise is
indicated by a positive correlation between postexercise
activity of CK and concentration of TBARS in blood
plasma that has been reported by numerous investiga-
tions (Urso & Clarkson, 2003). In the current study, the
signicant increase in plasma CK activity noted 24 hr
after the muscle-endurance test in both groups indicates
that the exercise-induced oxidative stress disrupted the
integrity of muscle-cell membranes. These results are
consistent with those of other authors (Dixon et al., 2006;
McBride et al., 1998).
Dietary antioxidants are claimed to play a major
role in the protection of cells from oxidative damage
by improving the body’s defense systems’ handling of
free-radical attack and by helping to reduce postexercise
elevations in plasma CK activity (Bloomer, Goldfarb,
McKenzie, You, & Nguyen, 2004). Green tea is a rich
sources of catechins—compounds that belong to the
polyphenol group. The antioxidative properties of green
tea polyphenols were observed in both in vitro (Raza &
John, 2007) and in vivo studies (Alessio et al., 2002).
In our study, acute ingestion of GTP resulted in a slight
but signicant increase in total catechin concentration
in plasma. Taking into account the results of other stud-
ies (Lee et al., 2002; Renouf et al., 2010), the time span
used in the current study between the administration of
GTP and the preexercise blood-sample collection (1.5
hr) should be sufcient for blood catechins to reach peak
concentration. Chow et al. (2005) showed that taking
polyphenon E with a meal reduced oral bioavailability
of green tea catechins and considerably extended the
time required to reach the peak concentration of plasma
catechins in comparison with taking polyphenon E on an
empty stomach as in an overnight fast. In our study, GTP
capsules were administered 2 hr after a light breakfast,
so the meal was presumed not to affect catechin absorp-
tion in the small intestine. In our work, however, total
plasma catechin concentration after ingestion of GTP
was consistent with Chow et al.’s observations in a fed
condition, but not in a fasting condition. It can therefore
not be excluded that, in our study, the meal could have
affected the oral bioavailability of GTP and that a period
longer than 1.5 hr would be needed to reach the peak
concentration of plasma catechins.
In the current study, despite an increase in total
plasma catechins, no changes in TAS plasma level after
acute ingestion of GTP were observed. This may explain
why GTP ingestion did not affect any other parameters of
oxidative stress. It is well known that, due their low bio-
availability, the contribution of polyphenolic compounds
to the antioxidative capacity of blood plasma is restricted
(Morillas-Ruiz et al., 2006). For this reason, the dose of
green tea polyphenols administered in our study might
have been insufcient to modify the whole antioxidant
plasmatic state. In the study of Henning et al. (2005), a
single intake of polyphenon E containing twice the dose
of polyphenols as in our study was insufcient to achieve
an increase in plasma antioxidant capacity determined
using Trolox equivalents. On the other hand, in another
study (Rabovsky et al., 2006), a single administration (to
fasted subjects) of a green tea extract in a dose of 600
mg was demonstrated to increase plasma antioxidant
capacity, measured as FRAP after enzymatic removal of
UA. In our study, acute ingestion of GTP was observed
to have no effect on plasma TAS, even when plasma TAS
levels were corrected for plasma UA (data not shown).
Therefore, it is likely that there is no acute effect of GPT
ingestion, and a longer period of GTP supplementation
(i.e., 1–7 weeks) is necessary to induce protection against
exercise-induced oxidative stress, as revealed by previous
studies (Alessio et al., 2002; Panza et al., 2008) and our
latest study (Jówko et al., 2011).
It must be emphasized that in the current study the
results obtained in the muscle-endurance test (i.e., the
number of repetitions and total weight lifted in both exer-
cises) were higher (although this rise was not signicant)
in the GTP group than in the PL group. Thus, the actual
differences between groups, although not statistically
signicant, may reach physiological signicance, which
could mask potential effects of GTP ingestion on the
parameters of oxidative stress. However, the results of
another study (Viitala, Newhouse, LaVoie, & Gottard,
2004), in which the effect of vitamin E supplementa-
tion on resistance-exercise-induced lipid peroxidation
was evaluated in trained and untrained subjects, do not
conrm the mentioned hypothesis. In Viitala et al.’s
study, a similar magnitude of oxidative stress (plasma
malondialdehyde concentration) was observed in all
investigated groups (i.e., trained supplemented, trained
placebo, untrained supplemented, and untrained placebo),
despite signicantly higher plasma vitamin E concentra-
tion in supplemented than the unsupplemented groups, as
well as signicantly greater work output in trained than
untrained participants (Viitala et al., 2004).
On the other hand, it cannot be excluded that, in
our study, the differences in the number of repetitions
and total weight lifted between groups resulted solely
from acute GTP ingestion. Consequently, the higher
volume of work done in the GTP group (though it was
not signicant), accompanied by postexercise changes
in the parameters of acid-base equilibrium and indices
of oxidative stress similar to those of the PL group, may
have resulted from acute GTP ingestion.
In conclusion, the intense muscle-endurance test
employed in the current study was observed to induce
oxidative stress and muscle damage in soccer players. A
single dose of green tea polyphenols administered before
the test failed to suppress the exercise-induced oxidative
stress. Presumably, a higher dose of polyphenols may
494 Jówko et al.
be required to exert a positive effect on oxidative-stress
parameters; this needs to be conrmed by further studies
with higher numbers of athletes per group.
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... Recent evidence shows that oral administration of polyphenols strengthens the body's antioxidant defense system and protects against oxidative stress in athletes [7,8]. However, the debate about polyphenols has gained fresh prominence with many researchers reporting disappointing outcomes [9][10][11][12][13]. Discrepancies in results remain, and the extent of the effects of polyphenols remains unclear [14]. ...
... The same effect was observed for tea catechins in human diabetic erythrocytes [90]. Conversely, others showed that catechins provided only modest protection from oxidative damage in healthy men [91] and showed no effect in soccer players [12]. Notwithstanding their high training demands, athletes' diets may not contain sufficient antioxidants to support their physical activity [92,93]. ...
... In studies of catechins, which represent flavanols, a single dose of 640 mg of green tea catechins in soccer players did not impair exercise-induced oxidative stress or muscle damage [12]. Similarly, Dean et al. concluded that 6-day intake of 270 mg epigallocatechin-3-gallate by male cyclists had no effect on TBARS [306]. ...
Full-text available
Antioxidants in sports exercise training remain a debated research topic. Plant-derived polyphenol supplements are frequently used by athletes to reduce the negative effects of exercise-induced oxidative stress, accelerate the recovery of muscular function, and enhance performance. These processes can be efficiently modulated by antioxidant supplementation. The existing literature has failed to provide unequivocal evidence that dietary polyphenols should be promoted specifically among athletes. This narrative review summarizes the current knowledge regarding polyphenols’ bioavailability, their role in exercise-induced oxidative stress, antioxidant status, and supplementation strategies in athletes. Overall, we draw attention to the paucity of available evidence suggesting that most antioxidant substances are beneficial to athletes. Additional research is necessary to reveal more fully their impact on exercise-induced oxidative stress and athletes’ antioxidant status, as well as optimal dosing methods.
... As mentioned above, all studies compared a placebo group with an experimental one that consumed a polyphenol-rich concentrate or supplements such as the following: green tea extract (GT) [28,29], Montmorency tart cherry concentrate (MC) [2,34], beetroot juice (BTJ) [16], jamelon nectar [30], tart cherry juice (TCJ) [32,33], grape juice (GJ) [35] and chokeberry juice [36]. ...
... Of the 11 studies, seven evaluated CK [2,16,[28][29][30]33,35], three evaluated CRP [2,16,33], two evaluated LDH [29,30] and one evaluated AST [29] (see Table 1). ...
... Seven out of the 11 studies evaluated oxidative stress biomarkers. Three evaluated thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances (TBARS) [28,35,36]; four evaluated total antioxidant status (TAS) [28] or total antioxidant capacity (TAC) [29,30,36]; and two evaluated lipid hydroperoxides (LOOH) [2,16] (see Table 1). ...
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Previous studies have shown that polyphenol consumption enhances recovery of the muscle after exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD). However, EIMD markers have not been studied by sport type. The main aim of this research was to perform a systematic review to determine the efficacy of polyphenolic consumption in increasing muscle recovery for performing team sport skills. Eligible studies included, following PICOS structure, presented at least one of the following outcomes: maximal isometric voluntary contraction (MVIC); countermovement jump (CMJ); delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS); 20 m sprint test; creatine kinase (CK); and C-reactive protein (hsCRP). A structured search was carried out following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The risk of bias was assessed using the PEDro scale tool. The review showed a possibly positive impact of polyphenol consumption on recovery after EIMD in team sports athletes. No differences were found between sexes. Considering the limitations, there is moderate to very low certainty of polyphenol supplementation effects on recovery of team sport females and males. A dose of 60 mL/day, divided into two times per day, ingested for >7 days may present positive effects on muscle function and muscle soreness in team sport athletes. However, further investigation is required, specifically in females.
... The studies differ from one another in terms of the PCs source: grapes [40,137,141] ; soy extract [142,143] ; cocoa [144,145] ; leaf tea [146,148] ; oat [149]; and forms of their intake (capsule of PCs rich extracts Panace-Vid2000 ® [139] or PerfLoad ® [150] juice, beverage, chocolate, tea); a supplement dose and timing; exercise type, intensity, duration, as well as training status. Most of the individuals in this study were physically active. ...
... Most of the individuals in this study were physically active. They participated in various types of endurance sports training, such as cycle ergometer [40,139,140,144,147], sprint exercise [137,138], muscle endurance strength exercise [142,148] , treadmill [143,149] and swimming [141] . The exercisers were mainly engaged in an exercise of the maximal oxygen uptake (VO 2 max) or VO 2 submaximal. ...
... Different markers of OS and inflammation, including pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines and enzymatic antioxidants, were detected using the blood samples in 14 of 15 presented studies. Twelve [40,137,138,141,142,[144][145][146][147][148][149][150] of 15 presented experimental studies observed reduction of OS markers or enhancements of TAC and TAS and reduction of inflammatory factors. Eight [137, 138, 140-142, 146, 147, 150] of 15 studies tested the effect of PCs supplementation on physical performance, observing a lack of significant effect in three studies [140,146,147], four studies [137,138,141,150] found improvement of physical performance compared with control groups. ...
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Extensive research has found strongly increased generation of reactive oxygen species, free radicals, and reactive nitrogen species during acute physical exercise that can lead to oxidative stress (OS) and impair muscle function. Polyphenols (PCs), the most abundant antioxidants in the human diet, are of increasing interest to athletes as antioxidants. Current literature suggests that antioxidants supplementation can effectively modulate these processes. This overview summarizes the actual knowledge of chemical and biomechanical properties of PCs and their impact as supplements on acute exercise-induced OS, inflammation control, and exercise performance. Evidence maintains that PC supplements have high potency to positively impact redox homeostasis and improve skeletal muscle's physiological and physical functions. However, many studies have failed to present improvement in physical performance. Eleven of 15 representative experimental studies reported a reduction of severe exercise-induced OS and inflammation markers or enhancement of total antioxidant capacity; four of eight studies found improvement in exercise performance outcomes. Further studies should be continued to address a safe, optimal PC dosage, supplementation timing during a severe training program in different sports disciplines, and effects on performance response and adaptations of skeletal muscle to exercise.
... High ROS levels can lead to oxidative stress, which can affect physical performance. [4][5][6] People who practice exercise often seek a quick recovery from muscle injury. Green tea is used for this purpose because it contains antioxidants, which are phenolic compounds, such as the catechins identified as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epicatechin gallate (ECG), epigallocatechin (EGC), and epicatechin (EC). ...
... 8 The method of preparing the tea varies; however, the most common method is macerating leaves in hot water (70 8C to 100 8C) for one to 10 minutes. 7 Consumption of dry extract [3][4][5][6]9 in capsules may be most effective from a nutritional point of view due to the level of antioxidants, which can vary from 26 mg to 226 mg in a single cup of green tea, depending on the commercial brand, method, and storage time. 10 Thus, if capsules of green tea extract (GTE) are consumed as a food supplement, it is possible to control the amount that is ingested and the bioavailability of components, such as catechins. ...
... 4 However, there is no consensus regarding the effect of GTE and the correct dosage for DOMS, as the supplemented amounts vary from 250 mg to 780 mg. 3,5,15,16 The consumption of 500 mg/day of GTE for 15 days can minimize muscle damage and oxidative stress by decreasing creatine kinase (CK) blood levels. 6 Green tea extract consumption can also reduce pain and muscle damage markers resulting from eccentric exercise (where the muscle needs to produce strength when stretching to resist the external force, 17 which can cause some of the greatest damage and changes in muscle structure 18 ), intense aerobic exercise, and strength training. ...
Objective: The objective of the review is to evaluate the effectiveness of green tea extract (Camellia sinensis) capsule supplementation compared with placebo on post-exercise muscle pain and muscle recovery in healthy adults. Introduction: Green tea extract is popularly consumed by athletes and practitioners of physical activity, as it is easily accessible in supermarkets and health food stores. It is a source of catechins, which assist the endogenous antioxidant system in combating free radicals produced during exercise that can lead to oxidative stress and, therefore, muscle damage and delayed-onset muscle pain. However, there is no consensus on the effect of green tea extract and the ideal and safe dosage to promote muscle recovery. Inclusion criteria: Studies on the effectiveness of supplementation with green tea extract capsules compared with placebo in post-exercise muscle pain and muscle recovery in healthy adults will be included. Studies that are associated with any other source of polyphenols with green tea extract will be excluded. Methods: Studies will be identified using the following databases: Cochrane Library, PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Virtual Health Library, SPORTDiscus, Science Direct, and Scopus. OpenGrey, DART-Europe, and Google Scholar will be used to identify unpublished studies. Two authors will independently screen titles and abstracts following previously defined eligibility criteria. After excluding irrelevant studies, the authors will read the full texts of any articles potentially eligible for further evaluation. Any disagreements will be resolved by discussion or by consulting a third author. The included studies will be assessed on their methodological quality using the appropriate JBI critical appraisal checklist, and the data will be extracted by the two authors. A meta-analysis will be performed using a random effects or fixed effects model. The heterogeneity of the data will be calculated. This review will follow the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) to classify the certainty of the evidence. Systematic review registration number: PROSPERO CRD42020138772.
... The difference might come from the heterogeneity within the protocols such as the type of anti-oxidative supplementation, the intensity of physical exercise, and the overall health status -Quintanar et al., 2015), which is that a long-term intake of vitamin C and E might have a larger effect than a long-term intake of both vitamin C and E and Lippia, and a long-term intake of Lippia might have a negative effect on plasma SOD. Nevertheless, Jowko's research in 2012 found that an acute intake of 640mg green tea polyphenols would not attenuate exerciseinduced oxidative stress and muscle damage (Jówko et al., 2012), Deminice's work in 2013 showed that creatine supplementation would inhibit the increase of inflammation markers TNF-α and CRP, but not oxidative stress markers, caused by acute exercise (Deminice et al., 2013), the study of da Silva in 2019 found that β-alanine and sodium bicarbonate could increase the estimated glycolytic contribution to high-intensity intermittent exercise (da Silva et al., 2019), and the study of Goldfarb in 2005 demonstrated that vitamin E, C, and selenium supplementation could attenuate the rise in malondialdehyde, which was a marker of oxidation in the body (Goldfarb et al., 2005). Four, when it comes to the body's adaptation to oxidative stress from a one-time physical exercise, it must be emphasized at first that the result of the pair-wised meta-analysis of the different effects of supplementation and placebo intake both in long-term and one-time protocol could only be discussed under total population and generally active population, since the subgroup pair-wised meta-analysis in other three population only included one study. ...
... Eventually, 27 studies(Margaritis et al., 2003;Pilaczynska- Szczesniak et al., 2005;Tauler et al., 2006;Wang et al., 2006;Sureda et al., 2008;Kim et al., 2010;De Marchi et al., 2012;Jówko et al., 2012Jówko et al., , 2015Savory et al., 2012;Tartibian and Maleki, 2012;Deminice et al., 2013;Mila-Kierzenkowska et al., 2013;da Silva et al., 2014;Mazani et al., 2014;Carrera- Quintanar et al., 2015;Levers et al., 2015;Bunpo and Anthony, 2016;Friedenreich et al., 2016;Hajizadeh Maleki et al., 2017; ...
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Background The dynamic balance between oxidation and anti-oxidation in the body’s internal environment has a significant meaning for human health. Physical exercise and antioxidative supplementation could affect the balance of oxidation and anti-oxidation systems. The evidence on the effects of physical exercise and antioxidative supplementation is mixed. Aims To identify the effects of physical exercise, antioxidative supplementation, and their combination on the dynamic balance between oxidation and anti-oxidation in different subgroups of healthy adults. Methods All studies which reported randomized controlled trials with healthy participants were screened and included from the databases of PubMed, Medline, Embase, and Ovid. All participants were reclassified according to their different daily life activities. All physical exercise interventions were reclassified according to the intensity. The effect size would be calculated in percent or factor units from the mean level change with its associated random-effect variance. Result There were 27 studies included in this review. The agreement between authors by using The Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias Assessment Tool reached a kappa-value of 0.72. Maintaining a regular physical exercise routine in an appropriate intensity would be beneficial to the body’s anti-oxidative potential. Anti-oxidative supplementation could have some positive but limited effects on the body’s anti-oxidative status and complex interaction with physical exercise. Conclusion Keeping a regular physical exercise routine and gradually increasing its intensity according to the individual’s daily life activity might be a better choice to maintain and enhancing the body’s antioxidation potential, only using anti-oxidative supplementation is not recommended. More research is needed to explore the best combination protocol. Registration Number CRD42021241995.
... Tea polyphenols are natural, multi-functional, and high-efficiency nutraceuticals. They play important roles in anti-oxidation [124], antitumor [125,126], anti-mutation, anti-inflammation [127,128], antidiabetes functions [129], antimicrobial [130,131], reducing blood pressure [132]., radiation resistance [133], etc. (Fig. 6). The chelating and coagulating ability of chitosan have expanded its applications to [67]. ...
... With this in mind, several studies have been conducted to prevent or at least mitigate structural muscle damage, oxidative stress, peroxidation, and the release of Ca 2+ -activated proteases, and in this way, ameliorate contractile dysfunction and evoke a better recuperation [114]. Among them, the intake of phenolic compounds appears to be a beneficial strategy thanks to their ability to suppress inflammation by inhibiting oxidative damage and interacting with the immune system, and in this way, recover muscle strength and soreness, reduce fatigue and cellular damage, and preserve myocytes ( Figure 5) [105,115]. In addition, they can also contribute to improving physical performance, endurance, recovery, and cardiovascular function during exercise, as well as contributing to better psychological and physiological conditions of the athletic community [114,116]. ...
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In recent years, many efforts have been made to identify micronutrients or nutritional strategies capable of preventing, or at least, attenuating, exercise-induced muscle damage and oxidative stress, and improving athlete performance. The reason is that most exercises induce various changes in mitochondria and cellular cytosol that lead to the generation of reactive species and free radicals whose accumulation can be harmful to human health. Among them, supplementation with phenolic compounds seems to be a promising approach since their chemical structure, composed of catechol, pyrogallol, and methoxy groups, gives them remarkable health-promoting properties, such as the ability to suppress inflammatory processes, counteract oxidative damage, boost the immune system, and thus, reduce muscle soreness and accelerate recovery. Phenolic compounds have also already been shown to be effective in improving temporal performance and reducing psychological stress and fatigue. Therefore, the aim of this review is to summarize and discuss the current knowledge on the effects of dietary phenolics on physical performance and recovery in athletes and sports practitioners. Overall, the reports show that phenolics exert important benefits on exercise-induced muscle damage as well as play a biological/physiological role in improving physical performance.
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During exercise, there is a redox imbalance that increases reactive oxygen species, generating oxidative stress that favors muscle damage, affecting physical and sports performance. Different antioxidant supplements have been used to optimize muscle recovery after physical exercise. However, the effects of various antioxidants have been counterproductive, since the reactive oxygen species generated by exercise are necessary for muscle adaptation and their reduction prevents correct intracellular signaling and consequently the adaptation of skeletal muscle to exercise. Polyphenols are a type of antioxidant that are present in various fruits and herb extracts that have different characteristics depending on their structure and composition, some presenting a cell signaling pathway similar to exercise, generating different stimuli at the skeletal muscle level, being able to reduce the oxidative damage generated by exercise and even being able to enhance its effects. The aim of this literature review is to describe the effect of various polyphenols on muscle damage and biomarkers of oxidative stress on different forms of physical exercise and sports in adults.
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Compounds with high bioactive are commonly used as a nutritional approach for accelerating muscle damage recovery after strenuous exercise. There are still inconsistent results of post-exercise antioxidant supplementation on the circulating muscle damage biomarker. This study aimed to examine the effect of post-exercise Curcuma extract supplementation in ice cream on muscle damage and inflammatory markers in amateur soccer players. Male amateur soccer athletes (aged 14-18 years) participated in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study under two conditions: control group (n = 10) and treatment group (n = 10). The treatment group was treated with Curcuma extract ice cream (250 mg/100 g) for 21 days. Blood samples were drawn before training, considered baseline, and 3 h after training on day 21. The level of creatine kinase, IL-6, haemoglobin (Hb), and lactic acid were quantified. There was a significant decrease in creatine kinase change in the treatment group compared to the control group (p <0.05). No change in IL-6 and Hb levels in the treatment group. Lactic acid decreased by 16.3% from baseline in the treatment group (p <0.05). Curcuma extract ice cream potentiates to ameliorate exercise-induced muscle damage.
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LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese. This study investigated the resting levels of malondialdehyde plus 4-hydroxy 2-(E)-nonenal (MDA+4-HNE) in plasma, erythrocyte superoxide dimutase (SOD) and glutathione (GSH) in 12 long-distance runners (LR), 12 weight lifters (WL), and 12 age match sedentary nonathletes (SN). The subjects were asked to maintain the lifestyle and original training (Monday to Friday) and were requested not to take any medicines and supplementation two weeks ago before sampling. No significant differences were found in MDA+4-HNE levels among three groups. The LR group had lower erythrocyte SOD activities than SN group (p <0.05). Additionally, the erythrocyte GSH concentrations in WL group was significantly lower than LR and SN groups (p <0.05). The results indicated that the adaptation and changes in resting antioxidant status would be different due to various exercise training modes. Furthermore, athletes should take the antioxidant supplementation appropriately to overcome the high oxidative stress cause by heavy training. 本實驗比較經長期運動訓練之12位舉重選手、12位長跑選手,以及12未受訓練的坐式生活者,其休息狀態下血液中抗氧化數 值之差異。抗氧化數據包括血漿中之MDA+4HNE,紅血球中之過氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase; SOD)之活性及穀胱甘肽(glutathione; GSH)之含量。受試者維持其原本之生活型態及訓練(星期一至星期五),從兩個星期前即不能服用藥物及營養補充劑。結果顯示三組間血漿中脂質過氧化產物MDA+4HNE之濃度並無明顯差異,長跑選手紅血球SOD之活性明顯較坐式生活者來得低(p<.05),舉重選手紅血球GSH含量明顯較其他兩組來得低(p<.05)。結果顯示,不同的訓練可能會造成不同型式的氧化壓力,經過長期之適應後,體內的抗氧化狀態也有所差異。此外,為了抵抗高度訓練所造成之氧化壓力,運動員應該適當的補充抗氧化劑。
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The relationship between exhaustive exercise, oxidative stress, the protective capacity of the antioxidant defense system and cellular immune response has been determined. Exhaustive exercise in well-trained young men (n =19)-induced leukocytosis, decreased proportion of activated-lymphocyte subsets (CD4 + and CD8+) expressing CD69, decreased lymphocyte mitogenic response to concanavalin A (ConA) and phytohemagglutinin (PHA), increased lipid peroxidation, increased total antioxidant status (TAS) and catalase activity, immediately after exercise. Suppressed blood concentration of T-lymphocyte subsets (CD3 +, CD4+, CD8+, NK), increased TAS and blood total glutathione (TGSH) in early recovery period (30 min after exercise) were found. Strong positive correlation was observed between TGSH and lymphocyte mitogenic response to ConA and PHA (r=0.85 and 0.85, respectively) immediately after exercise. Moderate positive correlation was observed between TAS and lymphocyte mitogenic response to PHA (r=0.59) immediately after exercise as well as between TAS and lymphocyte mitogenic response to PHA and ConA (r=0.69 and 0.54, respectively). Moderate to weak correlation was observed between TAS and conjugated dienes with exercise (r =0.66) as well as in 30-min recovery (r =0.50). After a short-term bout of exhaustive exercise, immune system was characterized by acute phase response, which was accompanied with oxidative stress. Suppression of the cellular immunity 30 min after exercise shows that this period is not enough for recovery after exhaustive exercise. The results suggest the interactions between exercise-induced oxidative stress and immune response.
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High-intensity physical exercise decreases intracellular antioxidant potential. An enhanced antioxidant defense system is desirable in people subjected to exhaustive exercise. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of supplementation with artichoke-leaf extract on parameters describing balance between oxidants and antioxidants in competitive rowers. This double-blinded study was carried out in 22 members of the Polish rowing team who were randomly assigned to a supplemented group (n = 12), receiving 1 gelatin capsule containing 400 mg of artichoke-leaf extract 3 times a day for 5 wk, or a placebo group (n = 10). At the beginning and end of the study participants performed a 2,000-m maximal test on a rowing ergometer. Before each exercise test, 1 min after the test completion, and after a 24-hr restitution period blood samples were taken from antecubital vein. The following redox parameters were assessed in red blood cells: superoxide dismutase activity, glutathione peroxidase activity, glutathione reductase activity, reduced glutathione levels, and thiobarbituric-acid-reactive-substances concentrations. Creatine kinase activity and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were measured in plasma samples, lactate levels were determined in capillary blood samples, and serum lipid profiles were assessed. During restitution, plasma TAC was significantly higher (p < .05) in the supplemented group than in the placebo group. Serum total cholesterol levels at the end of the study were significantly (p < .05) lower in the supplemented group than in the placebo group. In conclusion, consuming artichoke-leaf extract, a natural vegetable preparation of high antioxidant potential, resulted in higher plasma TAC than placebo but did not limit oxidative damage to erythrocytes in competitive rowers subjected to strenuous training.
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We have determined the differences of the influence of prolonged exercise or higher intensity lactacidemic exercise, on plasma lipid peroxidation and on erythrocyte antioxidant enzymatic defence system. We measured plasma indices of lipid peroxidation, conjugated dienes (CD) and malondialdehyde (MDA) and erythrocyte enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) and catalase (CAT). The biochemical evaluations were performed in six healthy control males (C) and twelve athletes: six marathon runners (MR) and six sprint-trained athletes (STA) at rest and after a half-marathon (MR) and a training session of 6 x 150 m (STA). In resting conditions MDA was higher in STA and MR than in C (p < 0.01), while only the MR showed significantly elevated levels of CD (p < 0.05). In STA the enzymatic scavenging capacity showed a significantly higher SOD (p < 0.01) and GSHPx (p < 0.01), while CAT was lower than in controls (p < 0.05). In MR only SOD (p < 0.01) was significantly higher than in C. It increased significantly immediately after half-marathon, while CAT decreased 24 and 48 hours postexercise respectively. In these athletes the lipoperoxidative indices increased in the early postexercise phase, while at 24 and 48 hrs both CD and MDA levels decreased. In STA enzyme activities were not modified by anaerobic performance while CD showed a peak 6 hrs postexercise and the MDA showed a progressive increase until 48 hrs afterwards. Both strenuous long duration exercise and exhaustive sprint training overwhelm our capacity to detoxify ROS, producing oxidative stress. Thus an adequate supply of antioxidants could be appropriate.
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The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of supplementation with Gaspari Nutrition's SOmaxP Maximum Performance™ (SOmaxP) versus a comparator product (CP) containing an equal amount of creatine (4 g), carbohydrate (39 g maltodextrin), and protein (7 g whey protein hydrolysate) on muscular strength, muscular endurance, and body composition during nine weeks of intense resistance training. Using a prospective, randomized, double-blind design, 20 healthy men (mean ± SD age, height, weight, % body fat: 22.9 ± 2.6 y, 178.4 ± 5.7 cm, 80.5 ± 6.6 kg, 16.6 ± 4.0%) were matched for age, body weight, resistance training history, bench press strength, bench press endurance, and percent body fat and then randomly assigned via the ABBA procedure to ingest 1/2 scoop (dissolved in 15 oz water) of SOmaxP or CP prior to, and another 1/2 scoop (dissolved in 15 oz water) during resistance exercise. Body composition (DEXA), muscular performance (1-RM bench press and repetitions to failure [RTF: 3 sets × baseline body weight, 60-sec rest between sets]), and clinical blood chemistries were measured at baseline and after nine weeks of supplementation and training. Subjects were required to maintain their normal dietary habits and follow a specific, progressive overload resistance training program (4-days/wk, upper body/lower body split) during the study. An intent-to-treat approach was used and data were analyzed via ANCOVA using baseline values as the covariate. Statistical significance was set a priori at p ≤ 0.05. When adjusted for initial differences, significant between group post-test means were noted in: 1-RM bench press (SOmaxP: 133.3 ± 1.3 kg [19.8% increase] vs. CP: 128.5 ± 1.3 kg [15.3% increase]; p < 0.019); lean mass (SOmaxP: 64.1 ± 0.4 kg [2.4% increase] vs. 62.8 ± 0.4 kg [0.27% increase], p < 0.049); RTF (SOmaxP: 33.3 ± 1.1 reps [44.8% increase] vs. 27.8 ± 1.1 reps [20.9% increase], p < 0.004); and fat mass (SOmaxP: 12.06 ± 0.53 kg [9.8% decrease] vs. 13.90 ± 0.53 kg [4.1% increase], p < 0.024). No statistically significant differences in vital signs (heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressures) or clinical blood chemistries were noted. These data indicate that compared to CP, SOmaxP administration augments and increases gains in lean mass, bench press strength, and muscular performance during nine weeks of intense resistance training. Studies designed to confirm these results and clarify the molecular mechanisms by which SOmaxP exerts the observed salutary effects have begun. Both SOmaxP and the CP were well-tolerated, and no supplement safety issues were identified.
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Coffee and green tea are two of the most widely consumed hot beverages in the world. Their respective bioavailability has been studied separately, but absorption of their respective bioactive phenolics has not been compared. In a randomised cross-over design, nine healthy subjects drank instant coffee and green tea. Blood samples were collected over 12 h and at 24 h to assess return to baseline. After green tea consumption, (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC) was the major catechin, appearing rapidly in the plasma; (-)-EGC gallate (EGCg) and (-)-epicatechin (EC) were also present, but (-)-EC gallate and C were not detected. Dihydroferulic acid and dihydrocaffeic acid were the major metabolites that appeared after coffee consumption with a long time needed to reach maximum plasma concentration, suggesting metabolism and absorption in the colon. Other phenolic acid equivalents (caffeic acid (CA), ferulic acid (FA) and isoferulic acid (iFA)) were detected earlier, and they peaked at lower concentrations. Summations of the plasma area under the curves (AUC) for the measured metabolites showed 1.7-fold more coffee-derived phenolic acids than green tea-derived catechins (P = 0.0014). Furthermore, we found a significant correlation between coffee metabolites based on AUC. Inter-individual differences were observed, but individuals with a high level of CA also showed a correspondingly high level of FA. However, no such correlation was observed between the tea catechins and coffee phenolic acids. Correlation between AUC and maximum plasma concentration was also significant for CA, FA and iFA and for EGCg. This implies that the mechanisms of absorption for these two classes of compounds are different, and that a high absorber of phenolic acids is not necessarily a high absorber of catechins.
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High-kilocalorie feedings induce oxidative stress. Acute exercise has the potential to attenuate postprandial oxidative stress. No study has determined whether there are racial differences in postprandial oxidative stress with and without a preceding bout of acute exercise. To investigate the impact of acute exercise on blood oxidative-stress biomarkers, triglycerides (TAG), and glucose in African American (AA) and White (W) women. 10 AA (age 29 +/- 3 yr, body-mass index [BMI] 31 +/- 3 kg/m(2)) and 10 W (age 30 +/- 2 yr, BMI 30 +/- 3 kg/m(2)) women consumed a meal of 1.2 g of fat and carbohydrate and 0.25 g of protein per kilogram body mass, on 2 occasions-with and without a session of aerobic exercise 15 min preceding the meal (45 min cycling at 65% heart-rate reserve)--in a random-order crossover design. Blood samples were collected premeal (fasted), and at 1, 2, 4, and 6 hr postmeal and assayed for TAG, glucose, xanthine oxidase activity, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and malondialdehyde (MDA). Area under the curve (AUC) was calculated for each variable. AUC was lower for AA compared with W for both the exercise and the no exercise conditions for H2O2, MDA, and TAG (p < .01). However, acute exercise had no effect on decreasing the AUC for any variable in either AA or W women (p > .05). Postprandial lipemia and oxidative stress are lower in AA than in W overweight/obese women. However, acute exercise, performed at the intensity and duration in the current study, does not influence postprandial lipemia or oxidative stress in AA or W women.
Intense physical exercise represents a condition that is often associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species and free radicals in various tissues; supplementation of antioxidants may be desirable to reduce oxidative stress and provide a larger protective margin against its possible consequences. The aim of the present study was to evaluate, in a group of professional handball players, the effects of short-term dietary supplementation with a standardized red orange extract (containing anthocyanins, flavanones, hydroxycinnamic acids, and ascorbic acid; Red Orange Complex [ROC]) on some noninvasive biomarkers of oxidative stress. Eighteen professional handball players and 17 healthy volunteers were enrolled in this study. The supplementation consisted of 50 mg ROC per capsule in micronized form; all subjects were recommended to take 1 capsule twice a day for 2 months. The end points of oxidative stress taken in consideration were the serum total antioxidant status, the serum level of thiol groups, lipid hydroperoxides and malondialdehyde, and the frequency of spontaneous sister chromatide exchanges in peripheral lymphocytes. The results obtained clearly reflect an overall lower level of oxidative stress in the athletes examined after short-term dietary supplementation with the ROC. Dietary supplementation with the ROC (which is endowed with strong antioxidant capacity) is able to decrease oxidative stress and thus might protect against its short- and long-term health consequences in athletes engaged in regular training programs.
The effects of green tea on biomarkers of exercise-induced oxidative status were measured in young male Sprague-Dawley rats. Rats (n = 12) drank green tea or water ad lib for 6.5 weeks. Half of each group was sacrificed at rest, and the other half ran 25 m/min at 0% grade for approximately 30 min immediately before sacrifice. Green tea had no effect on resting heart rate, blood pressure, body weight, cholesterol, or triglycerides. Tea consumption had a mild influence on total plasma antioxidants, heart glutathione, and plasma ascorbic acid. Exercise had a major impact on malonaldehyde (MDA) equivalents in kidney (+290%, p = 0.0001), and to a lesser extent, liver (+81%, p = 0.18) in rats that drank water. In contrast, kidney MDA equivalents were unchanged by exercise in rats that drank green tea. Green tea may have selective protective effects within the body, especially on the kidney.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a long-term (4-week) green tea extract (GTE) supplementation in combination with strength training on selected blood markers of oxidative stress and muscular damage after a short-term exercise in previously untrained men. We hypothesized that GTE supplementation would elevate antioxidant potential and attenuate exercise-induced oxidative stress and muscular damage. Thirty-five male students were exposed to 4 weeks of strength training and received (in a randomized, double-blind design) GTE (n = 17; 640 mg polyphenols/d) or placebo (P; n = 18). Before (term I) and after 4 weeks of strength training and supplementation (term II), students performed a short-term muscular endurance test. Blood samples were collected at rest, 5 minutes after the muscular endurance test, and after 24 hours of recovery. Supplementation with GTE enhanced plasma total polyphenols at rest and 5 minutes after the muscular endurance test. Supplementation also contributed to the rise of resting total antioxidant status in plasma. Throughout the experiment (terms I and II), a reduction in plasma lipid hydroxyperoxides was observed 24 hours after the muscular endurance test. Four weeks of strength training resulted in an increase in plasma lipid hydroxyperoxides at rest, but only in the P group. In term I, the muscular endurance test induced an increase in activity of creatine kinase in plasma after 24 hours of recovery in both the P and GTE groups. In term II, plasma creatine kinase activity after 24 hours of recovery was elevated only in the P group. In conclusion, in previously untrained men, dietary supplementation with GTE (in combination with strength training) enhances the antioxidant defense system in plasma at rest and, in turn, may give protection against oxidative damage induced by both short-term muscular endurance test and long-term strength training.