Evelina Kvedaraviciute

Evelina Kvedaraviciute
Vilnius University · Department of Business Economics and Management

PhD Candidate
Working on blockchain research in finance, monetary policy and macroeconomics and overall financial innovations.


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Evelina Kvedaraviciute is a PhD candidate in economics at Vilnius University, with extensive experience in asset management in Norway and Lithuania. She also possesses expertise in banking supervision and the implementation of financial innovations in Lithuania and cross-border. Her unique blend of academic pursuit and practical experience positions her as a promising researcher in the field.


Publications (4)
Purpose We aim to conduct a bibliometric analysis that explores and maps quantitative data of the emerging field of central bank digital currencies in science and its implications in practice. We seek to clarify the underlying research structures and streams of the new phenomena, and our motivation is the rising number of pilots between governments...
Conference Paper
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We have conducted a systematic literature review using bibliometric technic to evaluate the current streams and the future research topics of the central bank digital currencies. We have identified 7 main streams and 5 main research approach.
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The presentation about Regulatory sandbox environment in finance and its application in Lithuania.
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Evelinos Kvedaravičiūtės pristatymas „Lietuvos FinTech sektorius: neatrastų galimybių beieškant“ per 2022 m. gegužės 18 d. vykusį IQ forumą „VAKARŲ GALIA 2022. Investicijos geopolitinės sumaišties metu: pavojai ir galimybės“. Šiame forume buvo aptarti Vakarų Lietuvos regiono ekonominės plėtros scenarijai ir iššūkiai.


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