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Parallelization of the mars value function approximation in a decision-making framework for wastewater treatment


Abstract and Figures

In this paper, a parallelized version of multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS, Friedman 1991) is developed and utilized within a decision-making framework (DMF) based on an OA/MARS continuous-state stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) method (Chen et al. 1999). The DMF is used to evaluate current and emerging technologies for the multi-level liquid line of a wastewater treatment system, involving up to eleven levels of treatment and monitoring ten pollutants moving through the levels of treatment. At each level, one technology unit is selected out of set of options which includes the empty unit. The parallel-MARS algorithm enables the computational efficiency to solve this ten-dimensional SDP problem using a new solution method which employs orthogonal array-based Latin hypercube designs and a much higher number of eligible knots.
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Parallelization of the MARS Value Function Approximation in a
Decision-Making Framework for Wastewater Treatment
Julia C. C. Tsai
Krannert School of Management
Purdue University
1310 Krannert Building
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1310
Victoria C. P. Chen (correspondence author)
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Campus Box 19017
University of Texas at Arlington
Arlington, TX 76019
Phone: (817) 272-2342
Fax: (817) 272-3406
Eva K. Lee and Ellis L. Johnson
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332
COSMOS Technical Report 03-02
In this paper, a parallelized version of multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS,
Friedman 1991) is developed and utilized within a decision-making framework (DMF) based on
an OA/MARS continuous-state stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) method (Chen et al.
1999). The DMF is used to evaluate current and emerging technologies for the multi-level liquid
line of a wastewater treatment system, involving up to eleven levels of treatment and monitoring
ten pollutants moving through the levels of treatment. At each level, one technology unit is
selected out of set of options which includes the empty unit. The parallel-MARS algorithm
enables the computational efficiency to solve this ten-dimensional SDP problem using a new
solution method which employs orthogonal array-based Latin hypercube designs and a much
higher number of eligible knots.
Key Words: dynamic programming, orthogonal arrays, Latin hypercubes, regression splines,
parallel computing.
1 Introduction
The goal of a city’s wastewater infrastructure is to control the disposal of urban effluents, so as
to achieve clean water. Our objective in this application to wastewater treatment is to evaluate
current and emerging technologies via a decision-making framework (DMF) based on continuous-
state stochastic dynamic programming (SDP, see Bellman 1957, Puterman 1994, Bertsekas 2000,
for general background). In general, our DMF can provide a forum in which future options may be
explored without subjecting humankind to experimental attempts at environmental remediation.
Solution methods for SDP can be extremely computationally intensive and have only become
practical due to recent advances in computational power. The most promising high-dimensional
continuous-state SDP solution method is OA/MARS (Chen et al. 1999), which utilizes a statistical
modeling approach by employing orthogonal array (OA, Chen 2001) experimental designs and
multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS, Friedman 1991).
Chen et al. (1999) and Chen (1999) solved continuous-state inventory forecasting SDP problems
with up to nine dimensions in the state space. Application to a ten-dimensional water reservoir
SDP problem appears in Baglietto et al. (2001), and preliminary results for a ten-dimensional
wastewater treatment system appear in Chen et al. (2000) and Chen et al. (2001). To-date, these
are the largest continuous-state SDP application problems in the literature; however, there is great
potential to solve much higher-dimensional problems. In this paper, we explore two new variants
of the OA/MARS statistical modeling approach:
1. Application of a parallelized version of MARS to reduce computational time and comparisons
to the serial version of MARS.
2. Utilization of OA-based Latin hypercube designs (OA-LHD, Tang 1993), permitting a larger
eligible set of knots for the MARS approximation.
It is expected that the wastewater treatment SDP problem will require more accurate univariate
modeling and fewer interactions than the inventory forecasting SDP problems, which involved a
significant portion of three-way interactions. Thus, we anticipated the need for more flexibility in
MARS knot selection than was permitted with pure OAs. However, the serial version of MARS
was already requiring excessive computational effort with the OA eligible knot set, hence, a paral-
lelization of the MARS forward stepwise search for basis functions was developed.
Parallelization of a B-splines variant of the MARS algorithm (BMARS) was presented by Bakin
et al. (2000) in the context of mining very large data sets (e.g., one million data points). Their
approach utilized data parallelism to speed up the calculation of a summation over the data points,
which takes place when orthonormalizing the basis functions. Parallelization is necessary because
their orthonormalization is conducted for every eligible basis function in the forward stepwise search.
By contrast, the original MARS conducts the orthonormalization only on the basis functions result-
ing from the search. The parallel-MARS algorithm presented in this paper is based on the original
MARS algorithm and is more generally applicable than BMARS.
The wastewater treatment system in this paper was developed by Chen and Beck (1997), and
the database of technologies was classified by Chen (1993). Appropriate parameter settings for the
purposes of optimization within the DMF were developed by the authors. Details on the wastewater
treatment system are given in the next section, and the SDP statistical modeling process is described
in Section 3. Parallelization of MARS and background on the message-passing interface (MPI) is
described in Section 4. Finally, the DMF results are presented in Section 5 and concluding remarks
appear in Section 6.
2 Wastewater Treatment System
The wastewater infrastructure and database of technologies utilized in this research is based on the
system presented by Chen and Beck (1997), which focuses on the treatment of domestic wastewater
involving both liquid and solid treatment processes with several levels. In this paper, we address
only the liquid line, which is shown in Figure 1. The levels represent the different stages of treatment
and are numbered in the order in which they are encountered by the wastewater. At each level, a
choice must be made as to the type of technology (unit process) to employ. Included among these
choices is an “empty unit” which, if selected, indicates that no treatment is performed at that level.
Although the diagram in Figure 1 does not show dependencies, there are a few cases in which a
unit at a later stage can only be utilized if a certain unit was employed at an earlier stage for a
required pretreatment.
2.1 State and Decision Variables
The state variables represent the state of the system as it moves through the levels of treat-
ment. For the liquid line of our wastewater treatment system, we monitored ten state variables:
(1) chemical oxygen demand substances (CODS), (2) suspended solids (SS), (3) organic-nitrogen
(orgN), (4) ammonia-nitrogen (ammN), (5) nitrite-nitrogen (nitN), (6) total phosphorus (totP),
(7) heavy metals (HM), (8) synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs), (9) pathogens, and (10) viruses.
The ten-dimensional state vector, denoted by xt, contains the quantities of the above ten state
variables remaining in the liquid upon entering the t-th level of the system in Figure 1. These state
variables monitor the cleanliness of the liquid at the different levels of the liquid line. Note that all
the state variables are continuous.
The decision variables are the variables we control. In the case of wastewater treatment, the
decision is which technology unit to select in each level of the liquid line. Mathematically, we
denote this decision variable by ut, where the value of utessentially indexes the selected technology
unit. For a set of Utpossible technologies in level t, the decision variable uttakes on a value in
Γt={0,1,2,...,Ut}, where ut= 0 selects the “empty unit.”
2.2 Transition Function
The transition function for level tdetermines how the state variables change upon exiting level t.
The performance of a particular technology unit is based on the removal of pollutants represented
by the ten state variables. Each technology unit in level tdetermines a different transition from
xtto xt+1 based on performance parameters specified in the database by Chen (1993). We denote
the transition function by ft(xt, ut,ǫt,ut), where ǫt,utis the stochasticity placed on the performance
parameters. The largest number of parameters for a single technology unit was 25. Since nothing
is known about the appropriate probability distributions to represent the stochasticity, only the
ranges of the performance parameters are specified, with narrower ranges assigned to well-known
technologies and wider ranges assigned to newer, emerging technologies.
2.3 Objectives and Constraints
The basic constraints are stringent clean water targets that are specified for the effluent exiting
the final level of the liquid line. In addition, to avoid the extreme situation of liquid too polluted
to be processed by any technologies available in a specific level (caused by selecting the “empty
unit” too often in earlier levels), constraints are added on the cleanliness of the influent entering
each level. These range limits on the state variables, shown in Table 1, define the state space for
each level of the liquid line. Subsequent lower limits are calculated based on the highest possible
pollutant removal in each level. The upper limits are based on the smallest possible pollutant
removal, assuming the “empty unit” was not selected.
The primary objective function is economic cost, capital and operating, which is minimized.
The costs are calculated for each selected technology unit and are subject to stochasticity modeled
in the same manner as the performance parameters of each unit. Attainment of the constraints is
achieved via a penalty function added to the primary cost objective. The same penalty function was
utilized to achieve cleanliness targets and to maintain state space limits. Due to the subsequently
extreme penalty on state space limits, these were exceeded very rarely.
Mathematically, the target penalty functions are formulated as quintic functions of the same
form as those used in Chen et al. (1999), which involve three “knots,” k,k, and k+. The lowermost
knot kis the target value at which the function hits zero (i.e., zero penalty for being below target).
The other two knots are defined as k=k+ and k+=k+ ∆, where is determined such that
the upper knot, k+, coincides with the maximum of the effluent. The exact form of the penalty
function is not important, as long as it serves the purpose of penalizing for violating targets, and
this form was chosen to facilitate modeling by MARS. Table 2 provides the state variable ranges
of the effluent exiting the liquid line, target values, values, and penalty coefficients.
3 Statistical Modeling Within The DMF
As stated earlier, our DMF is based on a SDP formulation. In this section, we present the SDP
formulation and the statistical modeling process necessary to acquire a numerical SDP solution for
the continuous-state case. The objective of the wastewater treatment SDP is to minimize “costs”
over the T= 11 levels of the liquid line, i.e., to solve
ct(xt, ut,ǫt,ut))
s.t. xt+1 =ft(xt, ut,ǫt,ut),for t= 1,...,T 1 and
xtSt,for t= 1,...,T
utΓt,for t= 1,...,T
where xtis the state vector (cleanliness of the liquid), utis the index of the selected technology
unit, ǫt,utis the stochastic component on the performance parameters of unit ut,xt+1 is determined
by the transition function ft(·), Stcontains the range limits on the state variables, Γtcontains the
indices of the available technology units, and the cost function ct(·) contains both the economic
and penalty costs.
The future value function provides the optimal cost to operate the system from level tthrough
Tas a function of the state vector xt. This is written in summation form as
Ft(xt) = min
cτ(xτ, uτ,ǫτ,uτ))
s.t. xτ+1 =f(xτ, uτ,ǫτ,uτ),for τ=t, . . . , T 1 and
xτSτ,for τ=t, . . . , T
uτΓτ,for τ=t, . . . , T
and written recursively as
Ft(xt) = min
E{c(xt, ut,ǫt,ut) + Ft+1(xt+1 )}
s.t. xt+1 =ft(xt, ut,ǫt,ut)
Given a finite number of levels T, the basic SDP problem is to find F1,...,FT. Then utcan
be found for any given xtby standard numerical minimization of (2). The recursive formulation
permits the SDP backward solution algorithm, first by assuming FT+1 0, then solving in order
for FTthrough F1(see description in Chen 1999).
The exact solution for the future value functions FTthrough F1becomes impossible in the
presence of continuous state variables (except in simple problems where an analytical solution
might be derived). This is where the statistical modeling process introduced by Chen et al. (1999)
is employed to estimate these functions. The key is discretization of the state space via a finite set of
points, which are then used to construct a representation of the continuous future value functions.
In the statistical perspective, the state space discretization is equivalent to an experimental design,
such as an OA, and the approximation of the future value function is achieved by fitting a statistical
model, such as MARS.
Since ǫt,utin the minimization of (2) is based on a continuous distribution, we must also use
discrete approximations to estimate the expected value. For our implementation, we sampled 51
points from a Uniform(0,1) distribution, then combined that with a Plackett-Burman screening
design with 48 points for the edge values {0,1}to ensure that the SDP accounted for the extreme
cases (Plackett and Burman 1946).
4 Parallel Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
4.1 Background on Parallel Computing
Parallel computing generally refers to solving intensive computational problems via parallel com-
puters. A parallel computer is a set of processors working cooperatively to solve a computational
problem. Parallelism has drawn great interest in large scale operations research application prob-
lems. Lee et al. (1995) and Linderoth et al. (1999) presented a parallel implementation of branch-
and-bound mixed 0/1-integer programming and a parallel linear programming based heuristic in
solving large scale set-partitioning problems. Graph partitioning problems were shown to be com-
putationally efficient via a parallelization approach (Bhargava et al. 1993) and the visualization
software developed by West et al. (1994) for scientific analysis of high resolution, high volume
Message-passing is probably the most widely-used paradigm for expressing parallel algorithms
(Gropp and Lusk 1994, Foster 1995). The Message-Passing Interface (MPI) is a standard message-
passing library interface developed by the MPI Forum, a broadly-based group of parallel computer
vendors, parallel programmers, and application scientists. Zhuang and Zhu (1994) demonstrated
parallelization in a reservoir simulator using MPI. Beyond the basic send and receive capabilities,
some MPI features, such as communicators, topologies, communication modes and single-call collec-
tive operations (Snir et al. 1998, Gropp et al. 1999) were entertained to parallelize the serial-MARS
4.2 The MARS Algorithm
Multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), introduced by Friedman (1991), provide a flexible
modeling method for high-dimensional data. The model is built by taking the form of an expansion
in product spline basis functions, where the number of basis functions as well as the parameters
associated with each one are automatically determined by the data. MARS uses the multiple
regression model
E[yi] = g(xj1, xj2, ..., xjn ), j = 1, ..., N (3)
where nis the number of covariates x= (x1,...,xn)T,Nis the number of data points, and
the “regression function” g(·) is smooth but otherwise arbitrary. In the SDP statistical modeling
process of Section 3, the set of covariates corresponds to the set of continuous state variables, and
the data points correspond to state space discretization points. There is assumed to be very little
noise associated with the modeling of the future value functions in SDP; although, further studies
on this subject are warranted. The MARS procedure for estimating the function g(·) consists of
(i) a forward stepwise algorithm to select certain spline basis functions, (ii) a backward stepwise
algorithm to delete basis functions until the “best” set is found, and (iii) a smoothing method which
gives the final MARS approximation a certain degree of continuity.
To give MARS continuity and a continuous first and second derivative at the side knots, a
piecewise-linear MARS approximation with quintic functions was derived (Chen et al. 1999). MARS
is an adaptive procedure because the selection of basis functions is data-based and specific to the
problem at hand. We do not employ the backward stepwise algorithm with SDP due to preliminary
results indicating minimal benefit for a large additional computational burden.
The forward stepwise algorithm is the most computationally expensive component of MARS,
and in the next section we describe its parallelization. It is reprinted as Algorithm 1 and described
below to facilitate this discussion. The relevant notation is as follows: Mmax is the maximum
number of basis functions, which is used to terminate MARS; Bm(·) is the m-th basis function; Lm
is the number of splits that gave rise to Bm(·); v(l, m) indexes the covariate in the l-th split of the
m-th basis function; and kindexes the eligible knot locations (at data values).
In line S1, Algorithm 1 begins with the constant basis function, B1(x) = 1, and initializes the
counter M. Within the M-loop beginning on line S2, basis functions BM(·) and BM+1 (·) are added.
Beginning on line S3, the m-loop searches through the (M1) basis functions that have already
been added for the best one to “split.” Univariate basis functions “split” the constant basis function
at a knot kfor covariate xvin the form of truncated linear functions, b+(xvk) = [+(xvk)]+
and b(xvk) = [(xvk)]+, where [q]+= max{0, q}. Interaction basis functions are created by
“splitting” (multiplying) an existing basis function Bm(·) with a truncated linear function involving
a new covariate. Both the existing basis function and the newly created interaction basis function
are used in the MARS approximation. Lines S3–S5 loop through the possible choices for basis
function (m), covariate (v), and knot (k) in selecting the next two basis functions (Mand M+ 1)
to add. The potential “splits” are calculated in line S6.
The lack-of-fit (lof) criterion in line S7 is based on squared error loss, and is used to compare the
possible basis functions. In line S8, the indices m,v, and kare stored for the “split” that currently
yields the smallest lof. The algorithm stops when Mmax basis functions have been accumulated,
where Mmax is a user-specified constant. The MARS approximation approaches interpolation as
the number of basis functions increases, but there is a tradeoff between Mmax and computational
In our MARS, we include an option to limit the number of “splits” (Lm) for each basis function.
This permits additive modeling or exploration of a limited order of interactions. In addition, our
MARS program utilized the orthogonalized version of the forward stepwise algorithm, suggested in
the Rejoinder of citetmars. For simplicity, the parallel-MARS forward stepwise algorithm will be
presented based on the version reprinted as Algorithm 1.
4.3 Parallelization of MARS
Inside Algorithm 1, the m-loop, beginning on line S3, searches through all the (M1) previously-
added basis functions, and for each basis function m, searches over covariates vand knots kfor
the best “split.” Each of the (M1) search procedures within the m-th loop is independent of
the others, and hence, the (M1) search procedures indexed by mcan be conducted in parallel.
To achieve the greatest computational improvement, the outermost parallelizable loop is selected.
For Algorithm 1, it is the m-loop. The number of processors specified by a user, P, was used to
assign parallel jobs efficiently to the processors. Algorithm 2 shows the structure of the resulting
parallel-MARS algorithm. Where relevant, reference is made to line numbers in Algorithm 1.
MPI function MPI Type struct was used to send a collection of data items of various elementary
and derived types as a single data type. Thus, data were grouped as blocks with a data type
associated with each block and a count to represent the number of elements in each block. With
this block structure, message-passing, using the basic message-passing functions, such as MPI Send,
MPI Receive and MPI Bcast, is simplified. In Algorithm 2, preprocessing of the parallelization is
on line P2, where the master processor sends the necessary input for MARS modeling to all the
slave processors. In lines P5–P11, the main body of parallel-MARS distributes the (M1) search
procedures among the processors. In line P7, the loops over covariate vand knot kare conducted
in parallel for different basis functions Bmi. The best lof value and corresponding indices are stored
separately on each processor in line P8, and then later in line P15, the overall best is identified.
The number of jobs assigned to each processor is set as equal as possible to minimize compu-
tational time. The master processor C0runs jobs m0= 1, 1 + P, 1 + 2P, . . . and stores the local
best in lof
0, m0
, v0
, k0
; the slave processor C1runs m1= 2, 2 + P, 2 + 2P, . . . and stores its
local best, lof
1, m1
, v1
, k1
;C2runs m2= 3, 3 + P, 3 + 2P, . . . ; etc. The calculation of the new
basis functions and the update of Min lines P16–P17 is the same as serial-MARS, except that the
updated information must be broadcasted to all the slave processors in preparation for the next
parallel loop.
In this study, all computational experiments were performed on a cluster of machines consisting
of seventeen 550MHz eight-processor Pentium III Xeon computers, resulting in up to 136 processors
available for parallel computing. All machines were linked via Gigabit Ethernet and used a RedHat
Linux 6.2 operating system. Parallelism was implemented with Version MPICH 1.2, developed at
Argonne National Laboratory to facilitate parallel programs running across cluster machines and
exchanging information between different processors using message-passing procedures.
5 Results for the Wastewater Treatment Application
For discretization of the state space, as described in Section 3, OA-LHDs (Tang 1993) were con-
structed from OAs of strength two (Owen 1992). These OA-LHDs combine the LHD-property
of having all Nlevels in each dimension represented (once) in the experimental design and the
OA-property of balance in bivariate projections (for strength two). In this section, we explore
the reduction in computation due to the parallel-MARS algorithm, as applied to the wastewater
treatment system, and we present the results of the DMF.
5.1 Computational Benefits of Parallel-MARS
For our computational experiments, we limited MARS to permit at most three “splits” per basis
function (Lm= 3), and we varied:
N= number of discretization points,
Mmax = maximum number of basis functions,
K= number of eligible knots,
P= number of processors in the parallel-MARS algorithm.
Speedup,true speedup,efficiency and true efficiency (Dongarra et al. 1989) were calculated to
evaluate the performance of parallel-MARS. The speedup of Pprocessors (SP) is defined as its run
time divided into the time to execute the parallel code on one processor. The true speedup of P
processors (True SP) is the run time divided into the run time of the serial code. The efficiency
(Eff), defined as SP/P , is used to compare the overhead due to memory contention and waiting in
message-passing. Similarly, the true efficiency (True Eff) is True SP/P.
The main findings are presented via a subset of the runs illustrated in Figures 2 through 8. (Note:
The run times for the exact same parameter settings can differ slightly for different runs due to the
fact that the parallel cluster is a shared facility.) The reduction in run time as Pincreases is clear,
but the impact of parallelization is most pronounced for larger Mmax. In Figure 2, the run time
grows dramatically as Mmax increases, and the greater reduction in run time with more processors
for larger Mmax is apparent. The calculations for Sp, True Sp, Eff, and True Eff when N= 289
and K= 35 are shown in Table 3. Using Spand True Spin Figures 3 and 4, this effect is seen in
the steeper slopes of the lines for larger Mmax . In Figure 5, a generally linear increase in efficiency
is shown as a function of Mmax. For N= 289, the parallel overhead for P= 8 processors due to
memory contention and waiting (1 Eff) dropped from 82% for Mmax = 50 to 56% for Mmax = 200.
However, efficiency degrades as Pincreases due to a higher probability of simultaneous memory
contention and waiting with more processors. For example, in Table 3, the parallel overhead when
Mmax = 200 increases from 18% for P= 2 to 56% for P= 8. Mathematically, this relationship is
seen in the complexity of parallel-MARS. The computational effort for serial-MARS is (Friedman
1991, Chen et al. 1999)
while our new parallel-MARS algorithm reduces this to
max]2[P+ (M
max/P )]).(4)
For parallel-MARS, the overhead is represented by the term nN[M
max]2P, which clearly grows with
A linear relationship discovered between run time and Kfor a fixed Mmax is illustrated in
Figure 6. This figure also indicates that the run times are very close for the serial code and the
parallel code with one processor. A slight upward trend between Spand Kin Figure 7 shows that
a much larger Kleads to tremendous increase in run time, but the increased work load is smoothed
by being distributed to multi-processors. However, Spand Ndo not demonstrate a significant
relationship in Figure 8. The dominant impact of parallelization with larger Mmax is logical given
that the parallelized loop in Algorithm 2 is the one that depends on Mmax . In addition, it should
be noted that the growth in the computational effort in (4) is most significantly impacted by Mmax.
5.2 DMF Solution
A strength three OA-LHD with N= 2197 discretization points was generated to compare the
various SDP solutions. As in Chen (1999), mean absolute deviation (MAD) for the last period
future value function of the SDP was calculated for the comparisons of model accuracy. The smallest
Nthat yielded reasonable results for the wastewater treatment application was 961. Smaller
Nresulted in contradictory technology selections due to poor model accuracy. With N= 961,
the best model accuracy was obtained with Mmax = 200 and K= 35. The serial-MARS run
time for this solution was 1.66 hours, while the parallel-MARS run time with P= 8 was 31.51
minutes. Figure 9 illustrates how MAD changes with K, and confirms our initial suspicion that
the wastewater treatment SDP problem would require a larger Kthan the inventory forecasting
problems, which utilized a maximum of 11 eligible knots.
The wastewater treatment DMF results provide a quantitative evaluation of the potential
process technologies. In this paper, our application only considered economic cost, but other
objectives, such as minimizing odor emissions (Chen et al. 2001), are available for exploration.
Four measures are used to quantify performance of the technologies in each period. Count is the
number of times a unit process was selected over the 2197 entering states. MOD (mean overall
deviation), MLD (mean local deviation), and MLRD (mean local relative deviation) calculate
deviations between the actual cost of selecting a unit process for a particular entering state and
a “minimum cost,” then averages over the 2197 entering states. For MOD, the “minimum cost”
is the smallest cost achieved by any unit for any of the 2197 entering states (overall minimum).
For MLD, the “minimum cost” for each entering state is the smallest cost achieved for that state
(local minimum). Finally, for MLRD, the local deviations are scaled by the local minimum cost.
Table 4 lists these four measures for the SDP solution using N= 961, Mmax = 200, K = 35. The
technologies that provided adequately clean water with lower economic cost are those with higher
Count and lower MOD, MLD, and MLRD. In Level 2, Chemical Precipitation appears to be the
clear winner; however, looking at MOD, MLD, and MLRD, Vortex SSO is a strong second choice.
Our goal here is not simply optimization, but to identify promising technologies by eliminating
clearly inferior technologies. For example, in Level 5, Lagoons/Ponds is a clear loser under the
economic objective.
6 Concluding Remarks
It is clear that increasing the number of processors Pwill improve computational performance
although Speedup will not improve infinitely since the message-passing process required by parallel
computing adds computational effort. On the other hand, while larger N, larger Kand larger
Mmax take longer to execute, Speedup does not change significantly with Nand K, and, more
importantly, better Speedup can be attained with larger Mmax , especially when Pis sufficient.
Further research will explore flexible selection of the MARS Mmax parameter.
The most accurate SDP solution (among those tested, based on MAD) utilized N= 961,
K= 35, and Mmax = 200. Parallel-MARS with 8 processors provided a 68.4% reduction in run
time for this SDP solution. Four measures are calculated by the DMF as quantitative criteria for
selecting among the technologies, and promising technologies are easily identified. Other objectives
that may be studied include odor emissions, land area, robustness (against extreme conditions),
and global desirability.
The authors’ work is supported by a Technology for Sustainable Environment (TSE) grant under the
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program (Contract
#R-82820701-0). Dr. Chen’s work is also supported by NSF Grant #DMI 0100123.
Although the research described in this article has been funded in part by the U. S. Environmental
Protection Agency, it has not been subject to any EPA review and therefore does not necessarily
reflect the views of the Agency, and no official endorsement should be inferred.
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Table 1: Lower and upper range limits (in mg/l) on the ten state variables of the wastewater
treatment system for the levels of the liquid line. Levels 1 and 4 are excluded because the state
variables are not affected by the technologies in those levels.
Entering CODS SS orgN ammN nitN
Level 2 200.0 220.0 15.00 25.00 0
210.0 231.0 15.75 26.25 0.01
Level 3 130.0 22.0 4.5 22.500 0
210.0 115.5 15.0 28.875 0.01
Level 5 104.0 19.8 3.60 13.5 0
199.5 115.5 14.25 23.1 42.1675
Level 6 2.080 0.396 0.54 0 0
69.825 7000.000 100.00 21.945 122.27
Level 7 0.208 3.96(103) 0.05 0 0
69.825 350.0 100.00 21.945 122.27
Level 8 0.0200 3.96(105) 5.4(103) 0 0
62.8425 52.5 70.0 21.945 122.27
Level 9 16.64(103) 3.5(105) 4.32(103) 0 0
59.71 52.5 66.5 17.6 170.4
Level 10 3.328(103) 3.5(105) 4.32(103) 0 0
47.77 52.5 66.5 15.0 170.4
Level 11 3.328(103) 3.5(105) 4.32(103) 0 0
47.77 52.5 66.5 15.0 170.4
Entering totP HM SOCs pathogens viruses
Level 2 8.0 0.0100 15.00 5.00(107) 100.0
8.4 0.0105 15.75 5.25(107) 105.0
Level 3 0.8 0.00050 1.500 5.00(106) 10.0
8.0 0.00945 14.175 3.15(107) 63.0
Level 5 0.8 0.00050 0.2250 0 0.2
8.0 0.00945 7.0875 3.15(106) 6.3
Level 6 0.08 5(106) 2.25(105) 0 2(105)
10.00 0.00567 4.2525 1.89(106) 3.78
Level 7 0 1(107) 1.125(106) 0 1(107)
10.0 0.00567 4.2525 1.89(106) 3.78
Level 8 0 0 0 0 0
8.0 0.0018 1.063125 2.835(105) 0.567
Level 9 0 0 0 0 0
8.0 0.0018 0.532 2.835(104) 0.0567
Level 10 0 0 0 0 0
8.0 0.0018 0.266 4252.5 0.0086
Level 11 0 0 0 0 0
8.0 0.0018 0.32 212.625 0.0026
Table 2: Minimum and maximum values (in mg/l) of the ten state variables for the effluent exiting
the liquid line. Targets are approximately 10% of the maximums. For the quintic penalty function,
differences between the knots are calculated as 0.5×(maximum target). Penalty coefficients
are calculated as 2000/(maximum target).
Effluent CODS SS orgN ammN nitN
Minimum 3.328(105) 3.5(107) 4.3(104) 0 0
Maximum 47.77 52.5 66.5 15.0 170.4
Target 5.00 5.5 7.00 1.5 16.0
21.25 23.5 29.75 6.7 76.0
Penalty 47.00 43.0 34.00 150.0 13.0
Effluent totP HM SOCs pathogens viruses
Minimum 0 0 0 0 0
Maximum 8.0 0.0018 0.32 212.625 0.0026
Target 0.80 0.00015 0.04 20.0 0.00030
3.55 0.00079 0.14 95.5 0.00113
Penalty 275.00 1.29(106) 7.2(103) 10.5 8.88(105)
Table 3: Parallel performance on N= 289, K= 35.
Mmax 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100
SP1.192 1.357 1.413 1.444 1.418 1.974 2.126 2.233
Eff 0.596 0.339 0.236 0.181 0.709 0.493 0.354 0.279
True SP1.199 1.365 1.422 1.453 1.436 1.999 2.153 2.261
True Eff 0.599 0.341 0.237 0.182 0.718 0.500 0.359 0.283
Mmax 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200
SP1.544 2.313 2.528 2.756 1.641 2.628 2.968 3.527
Eff 0.772 0.578 0.421 0.344 0.821 0.657 0.495 0.441
True SP1.546 2.317 2.531 2.760 1.660 2.658 3.001 3.567
True Eff 0.773 0.579 0.422 0.345 0.830 0.665 0.500 0.446
Table 4: DMF selected technologies for economic cost optimal. New technologies (perhaps only
existing as prototypes) are in boldface, and somewhat new technologies (perhaps not yet well
understood) are shown in italics.
Level Unit Process Count MOD MLD MLRD
1 Flow Equalisation Tank
2 Empty Unit 0 6.3×1086.3×1086.8×106
Vortex SSO 0 166 106.62 1.1530
Sedimentation Tank 0 898 838.57 9.0661
Chemical Precipitation 2197 59 0 0
3 Empty Unit 0 2.2×1082.2×1082.7×106
Physical Irradiation 13 1912 59.43 0.7159
Ozonation 2184 1853 0.07 0.0008
4 Empty Unit
5 Empty Unit 0 1.9×1071.9×1072.9×105
Activated Sludge(C) 0 5201 2632.05 39.1654
Activated Sludge(C,N) 0 9901 7332.28 107.9695
Activated Sludge(C,P) 182 3208 638.62 9.8947
Activated Sludge(C,P,N) 0 8831 6262.39 92.2593
High Biomass Act. Sludge 0 4811 2241.72 33.4615
Activated Sludge(N) 0 9023 6453.76 95.1164
Multi-reactor/Deep Shaft 0 5269 2700.47 40.3886
A-B System 151 3209 640.02 10.0114
Trickling Filter 0 16997 14428.48 211.8184
Rotating Biological Cont. 3 3443 873.64 13.4603
UASB System 1861 2636 67.39 0.9050
Reed Bed System 0 62331 59762.29 875.3710
Lagoons and Ponds 0 77665 75095.97 1099.9700
6 Empty Unit 107 1.1×1071.1×1072.4×105
Secondary Settler 68 3025 712.77 16.4238
Microfiltration 509 2506 193.24 4.7106
Reverse Osmosis 901 2457 144.53 3.5391
Chemical Precipitation 612 2492 179.72 4.2878
7 Empty Unit 1 1.2×1071.2×1073.2×105
Physical Filtration 96 2014 517.81 14.5462
Microfiltration 1573 1575 79.04 1.9752
Reverse Osmosis 12 2210 713.99 20.0764
Chemical Precipitation 515 1840 344.24 10.3827
8 Empty Unit 8 1.7×1061.7×1064.6×104
Physical Irradiation 642 3111 31.10 0.9486
Ozonation 1547 3145 64.89 1.5537
9 Empty Unit 11 1.7×1051.7×1055951.2388
Air Stripping 79 3880 1019.37 40.5287
Ammonia Stripping 2107 2872 11.93 0.6961
10 Empty Unit 33 25896 22979.52 819.8374
Chlorine Disinfection 1940 2936 20.04 0.8977
Chlorating Disinfection 224 3162 245.71 9.1489
11 Empty Unit 877 2772 604.09 31.2061
GAC Adsorption 1320 2620 452.44 328.8093
Infiltration Basin 0 42805 40637.77 9803.2567
Algorithm 1 Serial-MARS: Forward Stepwise Algorithm (Friedman 1991, p. 17)
S1: B1(x)1; M2
S2: Loop until M > Mmax : lof
S3: for m= 1 to M1do
S4: for v6∈ {v(l, m)|1lLm}do
S5: for k {xvj |Bm(xj)>0}do
S6: gPM1
i=1 aiBi(xi) + aMBm(x)[+(xvk)]++aM+1Bm(x)[(xvk)]+
S7: lof mina1,...,aM+1 LOF (g)
S8: if lof <lof, then loflof; mm;vv;kkend if
S9: end for
S10: end for
S11: end for
S12: BM(x)Bm(x)[+(xvk)]+
S13: BM+1(x)Bm(x)[(xvk)]+
S14: MM+ 2
S15: end loop
S16: end algorithm
Algorithm 2 Parallel-MARS: Forward Stepwise Algorithm
P1: Read in data and initialize (line S1)
P2: Master processor C0distributes data to slave processors Ci,i= 1, ..., P 1
P3: while M > Mmax do
P4: if M > P then
P5: for each processor Ci(i= 0,1,...,P 1) do in parallel: lof (line S2); j0;
mi1 + i+jP do
P6: while mi< M do
P7: for basis function mi, loop through covariate vand knot k(lines S4–S7)
P8: store lof
i, mi
, vi
, ki
(line S8)
P9: jj+ 1; mi1 + i+jP
P10: end while
P11: end for parallel
P12: else if M <=Pthen
P13: run forward stepwise algorithm serially
P14: end if
P15: lofmin {lof
i, i = 0, ..., P 1}, then mmi
P16: Calculate BM(x) and BM+1(x) (lines S12–S13)
P17: MM+ 2 (line S14)
P18: Master Processor C0broadcasts the updated Mand basis functions to all slave processors
P19: end while
P20: end algorithm
Figure 1: Levels and unit processes for the liquid line of the wastewater treatment system.
0 50 100 150 200 250
Run Time (Sec)
Figure 2: Run time (seconds) vs. Mmax for several choices of P(number of processors). The number
of discretization points is N= 961 and the number of eligible knots is K= 35.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Processors
Figure 3: Speedup (SP) vs. the number of processors (P) for several choices of Mmax. The number
of discretization points is N= 289 and the number of eligible knots is K= 35.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Processors
True Speedup
Figure 4: True Speedup (True SP) vs. the number of processors (P) for several choices of Mmax.
The number of discretization points is N= 841 and the number of eligible knots is K= 35.
0 50 100 150 200 250
Figure 5: Efficiency (Eff ) vs. Mmax for several choices of N(number of discretization points). The
number of eligible knots is K= 35 and the number of processors is P= 8.
50 100 150 200 250 300
Number of Eligible Knots
Run Time (Sec)
Figure 6: Run time (seconds) vs. the number of eligible knots (K) for several choices of P(number
of processors). The number of discretization points is N= 289 and Mmax = 200.
50 100 150 200 250 300
Number of Eligible Knots
Figure 7: Speedup (SP) vs. the number of eligible knots (K) for several choices of P(number of
processors). The number of discretization points is N= 289 and Mmax = 200.
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Number of Discretization Points
Figure 8: Speedup (SP) vs. the number of discretization points (N) for several choices of P(number
of processors). The number of eligible knots is K= 35 and Mmax = 200.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Number of Eligible Knots
Mean Absolute Deviation
Figure 9: Mean absolute deviation (MAD) on the validation data set of 2197 points vs. the number
of eligible knots (K) for several choices of Mmax. The number of discretization points is N= 981.
... Multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), introduced by Friedman (1991), have had a major impact on the computational-tractability of SDP with continuous state variables (see Section 2.5; Chen et al. 1999, Chen 1999, Tsai et al. 2001). MARS has been compared against RS models and kriging in computer experiments studies by Jin et al. (2000) and Simpson et al. (2002), and MARS was particularly competitive in the latter study. ...
In this paper, we provide a review of statistical methods that are useful in con-ducting computer experiments. Our focus is primarily on the task of metamodeling, which is driven by the goal of optimizing a complex system via a deterministic sim-ulation model. However, we also mention the case of a stochastic simulation, and examples of both cases are discussed. The organization of our review separates the two primary tasks for metamodeling: (1) select an experimental design; (2) fit a statistical model. We provide an overview of the general strategy and discuss appli-cations in electrical engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and dynamic programming. Then, we dedicate a section to statistical modeling meth-ods followed by a section on experimental designs. Designs are discussed in two paradigms, model-dependent and model-independent, to emphasize their different objectives. Both classical and modern methods are discussed.
... Regression methods are one of the traditional tools used for prediction (Neter et al., 1996; Hastie et al., 2001; Walpole et al., 2002). Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS), a spline based prediction model (Friedman, 1991) was recently applied to different prediction problems (Chen et al., 1999; Tsai et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2003; Siddappa et al., 2006; Pilla et al., 2005). Neural networks, a nonlinear statistical model (Ripley, 1996; Haykin, 1999), often represented by a network diagram, can be used for prediction or classification. ...
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This research develops a novel data-integrated simulation to evaluate nurse-patient assignments (SIMNA) based on a real data set provided by a northeast Texas hospital. Tree-based models and kernel density estimation (KDE) were utilized to extract important knowledge from the data for the simulation. Classification and Regression Tree models, data mining tools for prediction and classification, were used to develop five tree structures: (a) four classification trees from which transition probabilities for nurse movements are determined, and (b) a regression tree from which the amount of time a nurse spends in a location is predicted based on factors such as the primary diagnosis of a patient and the type of nurse. Kernel density estimation is used to estimate the continuous distribution for the amount of time a nurse spends in a location. Results obtained from SIMNA to evaluate nurse-patient assignments in Medical/Surgical unit I of the northeast Texas hospital are discussed.
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We investigate one of the possible ways for improving Friedman's Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) algorithm designed for flexible modelling of high-dimensional data. In our version of MARS called BMARS we use B-splines instead of truncated power basis functions. The fact that B-splines have compact support allows us to introduce the notion of a “scale” of a basis function. The algorithm starts building up models by using large-scale basis functions and switches over to a smaller scale after the fitting ability of the large scale splines has been exhausted. The process is repeated until the prespecified number of basis functions has been produced. In addition, we discuss a parallelisation of BMARS as well as an application of the algorithm to processing of a large commercial data set. The results demonstrate the computational efficiency of our algorithm and its ability to generate models competitive with those of the original MARS.
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In stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) with continuous state and decision variables, the future value function is computed at discrete points in the state spac e. Interpolation can be used to approximate the values of the future value function between these discrete points. However, for large dimensional problems the number of discrete points required to obtain a good approximation of the future value function can be prohibitively large. Statistical methods of experimental design and function estimation may be employed to overcome this "curse of dimensionality." In this paper, we describe a method for estimating the future value function by multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) fit over a discretization scheme based on orthogonal array (OA) experimental designs. Because orthogonal arrays only grow polynomially in the state-space dimension, our OA/MARS method is accurately able to solve higher dimensional SDP problems than previously possible. To our knowledge, the most efficient method published prior to this work employs tensor-product cubic splines to approximate the future value function (Johnson et al. 1993). The computational advantages of OA/MA RS are demonstrated in comparisons with the method using tensor-product cubic splines for applications of an inventory forecasting SDP with up to nine state variables computed on a small workstation. In particular, the storage of an adequate tensor-product cubic spline for six dimensions exceeds the memory of our workstation, and the run time for an accurate OA/MARS SDP solution would be at least an order of magnitude faster than using tensor-product cubic splines for higher than six dimensions.
This chapter presents theory, applications, and computational methods for Markov Decision Processes (MDP's). MDP's are a class of stochastic sequential decision processes in which the cost and transition functions depend only on the current state of the system and the current action. These models have been applied in a wide range of subject areas, most notably in queueing and inventory control. A sequential decision process is a model for dynamic system under the control of a decision maker. Sequential decision processes are classified according to the times (epochs) at which decisions are made, the length of the decision making horizon, the mathematical properties of the state and action spaces, and the optimality criteria. The focus of this chapter is problems in which decisions are made periodically at discrete time points. The state and action sets are either finite, countable, compact or Borel; their characteristics determine the form of the reward and transition probability functions. The optimality criteria considered in the chapter include finite and infinite horizon expected total reward, infinite horizon expected total discounted reward, and average expected reward. The main objectives in analyzing sequential decision processes in general and MDP's in particular include (1) providing an optimality equation that characterizes the supremal value of the objective function, (2) characterizing the form of an optimal policy if it exists, (3) developing efficient computational procedures for finding policies thatare optimal or close to optimal. The optimality or Bellman equation is the basic entity in MDP theory and almost all existence, characterization, and computational results are based on its analysis.
Whether sustainability can, or should, be defined in a practical operational sense, it is clear that the emergence of such a notion has prompted what seems to be a profound re-thinking of whether our society, economic system, and technology are as we would wish them to be. Sustainable development, clean technology, life-cycle analysis, pollution prevention, and so on, are expressions of a willingness to leave no stone unturned, as it were, in the search for what would be appropriate. With respect to the design and operation of a city's wastewater infrastructure, in particular, this search is characterised by a seeming explosion in the possible combinations of appropriate technologies, gross uncertainty about how novel technologies - only now emerging - might perform in the very long term, and a continuing absence of specific criteria of sustainability for determining the grounds on which any candidate technology might be preferred over another. The paper introduces a simple computational procedure for generating and screening candidate combinations of unit-process technologies for an urban wastewater infrastructure. This is based on the use of Monte Carlo simulation, with the identification of those specific technologies (and combinations thereof) that appear to have the greatest probability of being selected for use under different, possibly evolving, criteria of sustainability. Application of the procedure is illustrated with respect to just a part of this infrastructure, i.e., the wastewater treatment plant.
This paper describes the solution to inventory forecasting problems using a statistical perspective of the high-dimensional continuous-state stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) optimization model. In particular, the accuracy of the OA/MARS SDP solution method (Chen et al., 1999, Oper. Res., to appear), which employs orthogonal arrays and multivariate adaptive regression splines, is examined via simulations which vary certain user-specified parameters. For continuous-state SDP, the current definition of high-dimensional is more than five state variables. Most continuous-state problems require an approximate solution through discretization of the state space and estimation of the future value function. Under a statistical perspective, the discretization and the future value function are analogous to an experimental design and an unknown mean response.