Eva Mayerhöffer

Eva Mayerhöffer
Roskilde University · Department of Communication and Arts

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (28)
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This article maps and compares digital alternative news environments in two Scandinavian countries: Sweden and Denmark. Drawing on an analysis of over 20,000 public social media accounts that have shared alternative news content on eight different social media platforms from January 2019 to March 2022, we document the importance of different types...
The study investigates the dissemination of news content from two Russian state-backed media outlets, RT and Sputnik, within digital alternative news environments in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Sweden. We investigate these media outlets as parts of a Russian “sharp power” strategy, aimed at establishing informational influence within Western new...
This study explores partisan and group heterophily within cross-platform online communities that share alternative news media content in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, and Austria. The analysis is related to the emergence of anti-systemic cross-partisan counter-publics in Europe that have gained momentum with the outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent...
The article analyzes the in-article referencing practices of right-wing alternative online news media. It distinguishes between a journalistic logic, in which referencing practices follow established journalistic ways of ensuring facticity and context, and a movement logic, in which references are used to obtain political, movement-oriented goals o...
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Artiklen analyserer og diskuterer forandringer i det politiske informationslandskab i Danmark. Det politiske informationslandskab kan forstås som udbud og efterspørgsel af politiske nyheder og politisk information inden for et givet samfund. Artiklen fokuserer på udbuddet og efterspørgslen af (politiske) nyheder (offline, online og på de sociale me...
The article analyzes and discusses recent developments in the political information environment in Denmark, understood as the supply of and demand for political news and political information in a given society. The article focuses on the supply of and demand for (political) news by traditional news media and alternative news media, as offered offl...
The global rise of hyper-partisan media, especially on the political right, has been receiving increasing scholarly attention in the past years. In contrast to discarding these media as mere producers of fake news, this paper studies them as a case of alternative news media and thus as a self-proclaimed corrective to a perceived media mainstream. B...
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The recent rise of a more transnationally networked political right across Europe and the United States has been accompanied by an emerging alternative digital news infrastructure through which information circulates and shared epistemologies are established. This paper examines the extent to which digital news sites on the right are interconnected...
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Svingdørslobbyisme vokser i Danmark, uden at det har medført ny lovgivning. I flere lande, som Danmark normalt sammenligner sig med, har en lignende udvik-ling fundet sted og ført til ny lovgivning. Lovgivningen begrundes af isaer to over-ordnede hensyn: hensynet til den generelle tillid til det politiske system og hensy-net til beskyttelse af stat...
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Svingdørslobbyisme vokser i Danmark, uden at det har medført ny lovgivning. I flere lande, som Danmark normalt sammenligner sig med, har en lignende udvikling fundet sted og ført til ny lovgivning. Lovgivningen begrundes af især to overordnede hensyn: hensynet til den generelle tillid til det politiske system og hensynet til beskyttelse af statens...
The revolving door between politics and lobbyism is growing in Denmark without this leading to any new legislation. In several countries, with which Denmark usually compares, similar developments have led to new legislation. The legislation is justified by two general considerations: protection of public trust in the political system and protection...
This article presents a study on special ministerial advisers examining their careers beyond their role in the machinery of government. Applying a theoretical framework derived from the literature on the sociology of work and the transformation of the organization of politics in the Nordic welfare states, we make two theoretical points. First, spec...
Right‐wing online news media have emerged in many countries as an important force in the media landscape, positioning themselves as an alternative to a perceived political and media mainstream. This article studies these sites as a cornerstone of right‐wing digital news infrastructures in six Western democracies (Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria,...
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In the era of mediatized politics, political authority becomes more and more dependent on media and communication. Media elites must therefore not only be seen as elites within the particular sector of the media but also as strategic elites with significant influence on politics and society. This chapter discusses, first, who qualifies as media or...
This book offers new and compelling insight into the emergent shared culture of the relationship between political actors and journalists in nine European democracies. It is a truly comparative account of the attitudes of 2,500 political communication elites between Helsinki and Madrid on various aspects of the media's role in politics and on the m...
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Current analysis of political communication is hugely engaged in the study of the linkage between media and politics as ingrained in the structure of media systems (Hallin and Mancini, 2004, 2012). This work has not only enhanced comparative research, it also triggered a lively debate about the categories and the nature of typologies of political c...
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Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags steht eine Analyse der politischen Kommunikationskultur in Deutschland auf Basis einer quantitativen Befragung von 360 hochrangigen Politikern, politischen Sprechern und Journalisten. Wechselseitige Machtperzeptionen und Rollenwahrnehmungen dieser Akteure werden als „kognitive Geschäftsgrundlage“ der Interaktion von Poli...
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Der Beitrag untersucht in zeitvergleichender Perspektive die Bewertung von Strategien des Themenmanagements durch politische Sprecher und Kommunikationsberater. Dazu werden die in zwei Befragungen ermittelten Aussagen hochrangiger politischer Sprecher Mitte der 1990er Jahre und im Jahr 2008, d.h. vor und nach dem Regierungsumzug, systematisch vergl...
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Die Annahme, dass ein freies Pressewesen das Ausmaß an Korruption in einem Land beeinflusst, ergibt sich aus einer der zentralen normativen Funktionen, die den Massenmedien zugeschrieben werden. Demnach stellen die Medien eine ‚vierte Gewalt’ im Staat dar, welche die Regierungsgewalten kontrolliert und deren Fehlverhalten an das Licht der Öffentlic...
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Der Text hat das Ziel, Fragestellungen und Befunde über die Entwicklung der politischen Kommunikation von Regierungen, Parteien und Verbänden sowie von Sozialen Bewegungen vorzustellen und deren Implikationen für moderne Demokratien zu diskutieren. Ausgangspunkt ist die Notwendigkeit von Kommunikation in politischen Prozessen und ein Bedeutungszuwa...


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