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Semirings with idempotent multiplication

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The main objective of this paper is to prove a theorem according to which a method of successive elimination of unknowns in the solution of systems of linear equations in the semi-rings with iteration gives the really smallest solution of the system. The proof is based on the graph interpretation of the system and establishes a relationship between the method of sequential elimination of unknowns and the method for calculating a cost matrix of a labeled oriented graph using the method of sequential calculation of cost matrices following the paths of increasing ranks. Along with that, and in terms of preparing for the proof of the main theorem, we consider the following important properties of the closed semi-rings and semi-rings with iteration. We prove the properties of an infinite sum (a supremum of the sequence in natural ordering of an idempotent semi-ring). In particular, the proof of the continuity of the addition operation is much simpler than in the known issues, which is the basis for the well-known algorithm for solving a linear equation in a semi-ring with iteration. Next, we prove a theorem on the closeness of semi-rings with iteration with respect to solutions of the systems of linear equations. We also give a detailed proof of the theorem of the cost matrix of an oriented graph labeled above a semi-ring as an iteration of the matrix of arc labels. The concept of an automaton over a semi-ring is introduced, which, unlike the usual labeled oriented graph, has a distinguished "final" vertex with a zero out-degree. All of the foregoing provides a basis for the proof of the main theorem, in which the concept of an automaton over a semi-ring plays the main role. The article's results are scientifically and methodologically valuable. The proposed proof of the main theorem allows us to relate two alternative methods for calculating the cost matrix of a labeled oriented graph, and the proposed proofs of already known statements can be useful in presenting the elements of the theory of semi-rings that plays an important role in mathematical studies of students majoring in software technologies and theoretical computer science.
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The article is devoted to the investigation of semirings with idempotent multiplication. General structure theorems for such semirings are proved. We focus on the study of the class \( \mathfrak{M} \) of all commutative multiplicatively idempotent semirings. We obtain necessary conditions under which semirings from \( \mathfrak{M} \) are subdirectly irreducible. We consider some properties of the variety \( \mathfrak{M} \) . In particular, we show that \( \mathfrak{M} \) is generated by two of its subvarieties, defined by the identities 3x = x and 3x = 2x. We explore the variety \( \mathfrak{N} \) generated by two-element commutative multiplicatively idempotent semirings. It is proved that the lattice of all subvarieties of \( \mathfrak{N} \) is a 16-element Boolean lattice.
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Semirings are modifications of unitary rings where the additive reduct does not form a group in general, but only a monoid. We characterize multiplicatively idempotent semirings and Boolean rings as semirings satisfying particular identities. Further, we work with varieties of enriched semirings. We show that the variety of enriched multiplicatively idempotent semirings differs from the join of the variety of enriched unitary Boolean rings and the variety of enriched bounded distributive lattices. We get a characterization of this join. © 2015, Vilnius Gedminas Technical University. All rights reserved.
It follows from [1, p. 377, Lemma 1] that a noncommutative subdirectly irreducible ring, with no nonzero nilpotent elements, cannot possess any proper zero-divisors. From [2, p. 193, Corollary 1] a subdirectly irreducible distributive lattice, with more than one element, is isomorphic to the chain with two elements. Hence we can say that a subdirectly irreducible distributive lattice with 0 possesses no proper zero-divisors.