Conference PaperPDF Available

Fully automated myocardial strain estimation from cine MRI using convolutional neural networks

Esther Puyol-Ant´
on1, Bram Ruijsink1,3, Wenjia Bai4,H
ene Langet2, Mathieu De Craene2,
Julia A. Schnabel1Paolo Piro2, Andrew P. King1, Matthew Sinclair 4
1School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences , King’s College London, UK
2Philips Research, Medisys, Paris, France
3Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
4Biomedical Image Analysis Group, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance myocardial feature track-
ing (CMR-FT) is a promising method for quantification of
cardiac function from standard steady-state free precession
(SSFP) images. However, currently available techniques re-
quire operator dependent and time-consuming manual inter-
vention, limiting reproducibility and clinical use. In this pa-
per, we propose a fully automated pipeline to compute left
ventricular (LV) longitudinal and radial strain from 2- and
4-chamber cine acquisitions, and LV circumferential and ra-
dial strain from the short-axis imaging. The method employs
a convolutional neural network to automatically segment the
myocardium, followed by feature tracking and strain estima-
tion. Experiments are performed using 40 healthy volunteers
and 40 ischemic patients from the UK Biobank dataset. Re-
sults show that our method obtained strain values that were
in excellent agreement with the commercially available clini-
cal CMR-FT software CVI42 (Circle Cardiovascular Imaging,
Calgary, Canada).
Index TermsMyocardial Strain, Automatic pipeline,
Machine learning, MRI
Myocardial wall motion analysis (MWMA) allows for pre-
cise and comprehensive assessment of left ventricular (LV)
and right ventricular (RV) contractile function. Myocardial
strain and strain rate provide a relatively load-independent
quantitative evaluation of myocardial wall motion, and have
been shown to enable earlier and more sensitive detection of
myocardial diseases compared to global measures of cardiac
This work is funded by the Kings College London & Imperial Col-
lege London EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Medical Imaging
(EP/L015226/1) and supported by the Wellcome EPSRC Centre for Medical
Engineering at Kings College London (WT 203148/Z/16/Z). This research
has been conducted using the UK Biobank Resource under Application Num-
ber 17806.
Joint last authors.
function, such as ventricular volumes and ejection fraction
[1]. In echocardiography, strain can be measured by track-
ing naturally occurring acoustic markers (‘speckles’) in the
myocardium throughout the cardiac cycle. However, the
limited acquisition windows severely restrict the ability to
interrogate total myocardial wall motion. Cardiac magnetic
resonance (CMR) is the current gold standard for assess-
ment of global and regional myocardial function, and does
not suffer from limited acquisition windows. Several CMR
imaging techniques have been proposed for strain analysis,
such as myocardial tagging, phase contrast velocity imaging,
displacement encoding, and strain encoding. Although all of
these CMR techniques provide useful information on myocar-
dial function, they are not typically used in routine clinical
CMR as they require additional imaging and complex, time-
consuming post-processing. Instead, CMR feature tracking
(CMR-FT) has been proposed as a more accessible MWMA
technique. By tracking features between consecutive frames
from steady state free precession (SSFP) cine acquisitions,
in a way analogous to speckle tracking echocardiography,
CMR-FT is able to derive strain and strain rate from rou-
tinely acquired CMR images. However, current CMR-FT
techniques typically require manual delineation of cardiac
volumes and frequent reassessment of annotations based on
tracking results, which is skill and experience dependent.
This results in increased processing times and a significant
degree of inter and intra-observer variability [2].
Related Work: The two most common commercially
available software packages offering CMR-FT are TomTec
(TomTec Imaging Systems, Unterschleissheim, Germany)
and CVI42 (Circle Cardiovascular Imaging, Calgary, Canada).
Both require manual segmentation of the end-diastolic (ED)
frame and identification of RV-LV and mitral valve insertion
points. Furthermore, manual readjustment of the automat-
ically propagated ED segmentations is frequently needed,
resulting in significant processing time and interobserver
variability, limiting its current use for clinical assessment in
978-1-5386-3636-7/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 1139
2018 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018)
April 4-7, 2018, Washington, D.C., USA
large groups of patients. Some semi-automatic methods have
been proposed, for example Mansi et al., [3] presented an im-
provement of the diffeomorphic Demons algorithm for cine
MR sequences. They compared the estimated strain using the
proposed motion tracking algorithm to tagged-MR estimated
strains for a healthy volunteer, and with ultrasound 2-D strain
for a patient with congenital pulmonary valve regurgitations.
However, their method required manual input for segmen-
tation and motion correction. Few automatic pipelines have
been proposed before and most either focus on one type of
strain, or on a single slice. For example, Jolly et al., [4]
proposed an automatic pipeline to measure LV mean mid-
wall Eulerian circumferential strain from cine SSFP. More
recently, Vigneault et al., [5] proposed an automatic pipeline
for estimation of circumferential cardiac strain using deep
learning, although did not make a direct comparison to any
clinical software.
Contributions: In this paper we propose a fully auto-
matic pipeline to quantify myocardial longitudinal, radial and
circumferential strain from cine MR sequences. The pipeline
enables fast and accurate assessment of LV strains and elimi-
nates manual intervention and inter and intra-observer vari-
ation. To validate the proposed method we compared the
obtained strain values with those computed using CVI42,a
widely used clinical tissue-tracking CMR software package.
The study population consisted of 40 healthy volunteers and
40 ischemic patients from the UK Biobank Imaging Study
[6], with demographics displayed in Table 1. CMR imaging
was carried out on a 1.5 Tesla scanner (Siemens Healthcare,
Erlangen, Germany). Short-axis (SA) stacks covering the full
heart, and two orthogonal long-axis (LA) planes (2-chamber
(2Ch) and 4-chamber (4Ch) views) were available for each
subject (TR/TE = 2.6/1.10 ms, flip angle = 80). In-plane
resolution of the SA stack and LA images was 1.8mm, with
slice thickness of 8mm and 6mm for SA and LA respectively.
50 frames were acquired per cardiac cycle.
Table 1: Study demographics: end-diastolic volume (EDV);
end-systolic volume (ESV); ejection fraction (EF), all ex-
pressed as mean (standard deviation); and age expressed as
mean (min-max).
Demographics Healthy volunteers Ischemic patients
Study population, n40 40
Age (years) 60.20 (43-73) 66.75 (51-73)
LV-EDV (mL/m2) 141.43 (33.74) 175.47 (48.82)
LV-ESV (mL/m2) 55.61 (15.67) 84.28 (35.72)
LV-EF (%) 60.85 (4.78) 55.08 (7.93)
The proposed framework for automatically quantifying my-
ocardial strain from cine MR sequences is summarized in Fig.
1, and each step is described below.
Fig. 1: Overview of the proposed framework for automatic
quantification of myocardial strain from cine MR sequence.
Automatic Segmentation Network: A fully-convolutional
network (FCN) with a 17 convolutional layer VGG-like ar-
chitecture was used for the automatic segmentation of the LV
myocardium and blood-pool at ED for SA and LA slices[7, 8].
Each convolutional layer of the network is followed by batch
normalisation and ReLU, except the last one, which is fol-
lowed by the softmax function. In the case of the SA stack,
each slice is segmented independently, i.e. in 2D. From the
segmentations, a bounding box was generated and used to
crop the image to only include the desired FoV, improving
pipeline speed and reducing errors in motion tracking.
Motion correction: Automatic SA and LA segmenta-
tions were used to correct breath-hold induced motion arte-
facts using the iterative registration algorithm proposed in
[7]. The motion-corrected LA/SA slices are used to correctly
identify mid-cavity SA planes for computing strain, deter-
mined by correspondence to the valves and apex identified in
the LA view.
Motion tracking: Motion tracking was performed on
each 2D plane in both SA and LA views using MIRTK; more
specifically, a 2D B-spline free-form deformation (FFD)
registration was used [9] to estimate LV motion between con-
secutive frames of the cine MR sequences.
Generation of layers and segments of the myocardium.
On the ED frame, the LV myocardium was divided into 5 lay-
ers and 6 segments as illustrated in Fig. 2, and described
below. From the SA and LA segmentations, the contours
defining the boundaries of the LV endocardium and epi-
cardium were extracted using standard morphological opera-
tions. Both contours were smoothed by fitting a spline with
the same number of equally-spaced points for both. Skele-
tonization was used to generate a centreline of the myocardial
segmentation in both the SA and LA views. Centrelines were
smoothed by fitting a further spline. Two additional contours
were generated at the midline of the centreline-epicardium
and centreline-endocardium, resulting in a total of 5 con-
centric trans-mural contours. In addition, six myocardial
sectors were identified in each slice. In the LA views, the
myocardium was divided into 6 equally sized sectors (see
Fig. 2). In the SA view, RV-LV intersections were auto-
matically detected (RV1 and RV2 in Fig. 2) and used to
divide the septum and LV free-wall into respectively 2 and 4
equally sized sectors along the arc-length of the myocardial
centreline. Finally, all spline points were transformed with
the motion tracking deformation fields.
Strain computation: Myocardial strain defines the total
deformation of a region of tissue during the cardiac cycle rela-
tive to its initial configuration at the onset of the cardiac cycle,
and it is normally expressed in percentages. Three compo-
nents of myocardial strain (radial, rr, circumferential, cc, and
longitudinal, ll) are typically measured, and each component
used to quantify different aspects of cardiac function. More
specifically, the mean Lagrangian strain over the whole my-
ocardium for each strain component j(i.e. rr,cc or ll) at each
time point twas computed as follows:
j,v =
j,v,k,s dED
where dED
j,v,k,s is the length at ED for the segment s, layer k
and view v(i.e. SA or LA) for strain component j. Radial
strain was computed with transmural distance (drin Fig. 2)
from SA/LA slices; circumferential strain using circumfer-
ential segment arclength (dcin Fig. 2) from SA slices; and
longitudinal strain using longitudinal segment arclength from
LA slices. Because there are five layers, we can calculate
the endocardial, epicardial, midwall, endo-midwall and epi-
midwall strain separately. Global strain was computed as the
average of the estimated strains from each segment and layer
to reduce noise.
Fig. 2:Left: Schema of the SA segments with radial distance
drand circumferential distance dc.Middle: SA segmentation
with 5 concentric contours within the LV wall and six sectors.
Right: LA segmentation split into 5 layers and 6 segments.
Colours represent segments.
The strain values obtained using the proposed automatic
method were compared with strain analysis obtained by an
expert CMR trained cardiologist using CVI42. Importantly,
the manual segmentations created in CVI42 were made inde-
pendently of the proposed automated framework and strain
results were computed as the mean of three analysis repeti-
tions, according to clinical consensus [2]. Furthermore, the
deep learning segmentation network was trained and opti-
mised using a separate cohort of the UKBB data set. The 2Ch
and 4Ch LA slices were used to determine LV longitudinal
strain and LV radial strain (Et
ll,LA and Et
rr,LA) alongside
the time to peak (TPK) strain duration. LV SA circumfer-
ential (Et
cc,SA ) and radial (Et
rr,SA) strains and the corre-
sponding TPK strain durations were calculated from three
mid-ventricular SA slices determined automatically in the
proposed approach. The same slices were also used in CVI42 .
Peak LV strain values obtained using the proposed method
and CVI42 were compared using a Welch’s ttest (significant
differences reported for p-value<0.05 with Bonferroni’s cor-
rection). Moreover, peak LV strain values between healthy
volunteers and ischemic patients were compared using a
ttest (significant differences reported for p-value<0.05
with Bonferroni’s correction) for the proposed method and
CVI42. Fig. 3 shows an example of the three strains estimated
for a healthy volunteer and an ischemic patient. Experiments
were carried out on a PC with a Intel Xeon CPU E5-1660 v3
with 31GiB RAM, and the run-time of the proposed pipeline
was 200s per subject.
Quantification of LV strain. Table 2 shows the average peak
strain values of 40 healthy volunteers and 40 ischemic pa-
tients using both methods. Paired sample ttests, showed no
statistically significant difference between the two methods
for peak Err,LA and Err,SA in both patients and volunteers,
but showed a slight underestimation in Ell,LA and Ecc,SA
in healthy volunteers with the proposed method compared to
CVI42. Furthermore, an unpaired sample ttest showed that
the proposed method was successful in detecting a statisti-
cally significant decreased peak strain in ischemic patients
compared to healthy volunteers, similarly to CVI42.
Fig. 3: Examples of estimated strains for a healthy volunteer
and an ischemic patient. Figure shows global strain curves,
peak strain and TPK.
Table 2: Comparison of strain results derived from CVI42 and
the proposed pipeline for the cohort, reported as mean (SD).
Asterisks indicate significant differences between proposed
methid and CVI42. Daggers indicate statistically significant
differences between healthy volunteers and ischemic patients.
Healthy volunteers
CVI42 Proposed
Peak Ell,LA(%) -20.26 (2.44) -18.17 (2.49)*
TPK Ell,LA(ms) 343.75 (44.41) 383.68 (53.83)
Peak Err,LA(%) 37.11 (7.52) 36.70 (7.97)
TPK Err,LA(ms) 343.75 (44.41) 387.33 (52.24)
Peak Err,SA(%) 43.07 (7.10) 42.31 (8.48)
TPK Err,SA(ms) 336.25 (36.04) 337.93 (33.97)
Peak Ecc,SA (%) -22.02 (2.11) -19.94 (2.56)*
TPK Ecc,SA (ms) 330.60 (40.63) 331.58 (46.92)
Ischemic patients
CVI42 Proposed
Peak Ell,LA(%) -17.19 (4.26)-16.09 (4.29)
TPK Ell,LA(ms) 367.50 (66.02) 366.90 (62.53)
Peak Err,LA(%) 29.67 (10.36)31.54 (10.33)
TPK Err,LA(ms) 339.00 (58.74) 369.64 (64.72)
Peak Err,SA(%) 32.32 (8.99)31.70 (9.81)
TPK Err,SA(ms) 355.27 (34.28) 349.73 (35.26)
Peak Ecc,SA (%) -18.22 (3.40)-18.02 (3.78)
TPK Ecc,SA (ms) 362.03 (45.56) 362.03 (61.84)
Variability between CVI42 and proposed method. The
variation in peak strain estimation between the two meth-
ods was assessed using Bland-Altman analysis and Intraclass
correlation coefficients (ICC) (see Fig. 4). The level of
agreement was defined as in [2]: excellent for ICC>0.74,
good for ICC=0.6-0.74, fair for ICC=0.40-0.59, and poor for
ICC<0.4. Results show excellent agreement between our
method and CVI42, with the lowest variation in peak Ell,LA
and Ecc,SA , whereas a larger spread was observed for peak
radial strain. The latter is in line with the larger intra and
inter observer variability seen in radial strain assessment in
previously published CMR-FT literature [1].
Automatic quantification of cardiac function from cine CMR
sequences has the potential to increase accessibility of MWMA
for assessment of cardiac diseases by eliminating time con-
suming manual post-processing steps and reducing inter- and
intra-observer variation. In this paper, we have presented
a fully automated pipeline for LV strain estimation that in-
cludes segmentation, motion tracking and longitudinal, radial
and circumferential strain estimation from routinely acquired
CMR imaging. This is the first time that such a pipeline has
been described. We compared the performance of the pro-
posed method with CVI42, one of the two commercially avail-
Fig. 4: Bland Altman plots between CVI42 and the proposed
pipeline for peak global strain (%). Healthy volunteers are
shown as black circles and ischemic patients as blue trian-
gles. Dotted lines correspond to the mean difference between
methods, and dashed lines correspond to the limits of agree-
ment (95% confidence).
able software packages for CMR-FT. Our method showed ex-
cellent agreement with strain analysis manually obtained by
an expert in CVI42. The method slightly underestimated peak
longitudinal and circumferential strain compared to CVI42,
most likely reflecting minor differences in motion tracking
algorithms. However, this underestimation was consistent
throughout the range of strains observed in our study. We
also note that, although widely used clinically, tools such
as CVI42 cannot be considered as gold standards for strain
quantification due to their intra and inter observer variability.
Future work will focus on extending the strain computation
to a larger cohort and to multiple pathologies. Furthermore,
our method allows for assessment of regional 2D strain and
can be easily extended to 3D strain, which can be used in the
future for more comprehensive regional MWMA.
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... However, none of them are trained end-to-end to generate the segmentation masks and the point clouds simultaneously. Feature tracking [16,29,30] is often used to estimate cardiac motion from cine images which records a cycle of cardiac contraction and relaxation. Though tracking methods keep the correspondence between the sequential slices, the shape integrity can't be guaranteed in terms of segmentation. ...
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Accurate segmentation and motion estimation of myocardium have always been important in clinic field, which essentially contribute to the downstream diagnosis. However, existing methods cannot always guarantee the shape integrity for myocardium segmentation. In addition, motion estimation requires point correspondence on the myocardium region across different frames. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end deep statistic shape model to focus on myocardium segmentation with both shape integrity and boundary correspondence preserving. Specifically, myocardium shapes are represented by a fixed number of points, whose variations are extracted by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Deep neural network is used to predict the transformation parameters (both affine and deformation), which are then used to warp the mean point cloud to the image domain. Furthermore, a differentiable rendering layer is introduced to incorporate mask supervision into the framework to learn more accurate point clouds. In this way, the proposed method is able to consistently produce anatomically reasonable segmentation mask without post processing. Additionally, the predicted point cloud guarantees boundary correspondence for sequential images, which contributes to the downstream tasks, such as the motion estimation of myocardium. We conduct several experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on several benchmark datasets.
... For this purpose, a deep learning approach was utilized to automatize feature extraction, decreasing the processing time and dependency on the manual delineation of contours. In another study, a convolutional network has been integrated to CMR-FT to estimate radial, longitudinal, and circumferential strain components on a group of healthy volunteers and ischemic patients [Puyol-Anton et al., 2018]. Another deep-learning approach was implemented to characterize segmental myocardial deformation from cine CMR [Hammouda et al., 2020]. ...
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Moreover, the life quality of patients is severely decreased by the long-term care required, causing a significant increase in healthcare costs. Although several advancements have been made for CVD management in terms of diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic techniques, the development of novel and more effective approaches is still required to decrease the prevalence of cardiac-related diseases. Early and accurate diagnosis of cardiac dysfunction plays a significant role to reduce or stop disease progression. In this respect, efforts have been mainly focused on non-invasive characterization of functional measures of myocardium that can increase the diagnostic accuracy of traditional techniques.In clinical cardiology, cardiac performance is mostly assessed based on global functional parameters, e.g., ventricular volume, ventricular mass and ejection fraction (EF). Although EF has been the key parameter for disease diagnosis and management, it has been shown to be in normal ranges despite specific dysfunctional cases, e.g. in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Strain, strain rate and torsion, however, have allowed for a deeper insight into myocardial function, providing additional diagnostic and prognostic characterization on the regional level in addition to the conventional functional measures. Global longitudinal and circumferential strains are commonly used in clinical setting for assessing myocardial contractility. Although several research studies have reported left-ventricular radial strain and torsion to be early indicators of impaired myocardial contractility, they are rarely utilized in the clinical setting.Computational models have become a powerful tool to characterize cardiac physiology in health and disease and to extract functional parameters, e.g., stress and contractility, that cannot be obtained directly by any in vivo techniques. Recent cardiac models account for many aspects of cardiac behavior, spanning from electrophysiology, fluid mechanics and material behavior. Several computational models have been proposed to study dysfunctional cases, including myocardial infarction and ischemia, valvular disease and cardiomyopathies. Moreover, incorporation of patient-specific cardiac geometries and functional parameters has brought a novel perspective to cardiac research. Given the recent improvements in medical imaging technology, the generation of more detailed individualized cardiac models is a critical step towards bringing translational computational models into clinic.Several imaging modalities are utilized for diagnostic purposes in the clinics. Among them, cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is accepted as the gold standard to assess myocardial function. In the context of this thesis, the focus lies on two magnetic resonance (MR) sequences: cine and tagged CMR, having their own advantageous features. Cine CMR provides excellent tissue contrast to visualize cardiac anatomy for the characterization of global functional measures, e.g., left-ventricular mass, volumes and EF. Tagged CMR allows for the assessment of local deformation, e.g. strain, strain rate and torsion. Although global circumferential and longitudinal strains have a good reproducibility across image post-processing techniques both on cine and tagged CMR, radial strain is mostly underestimated on tagged CMR and varies significantly among different techniques regardless of the image type utilized.To investigate the accuracy and precision of strain quantification, we performed a detailed analysis using synthetic 3D tagged CMR, generated from a biomechanical model of the left ventricle. Several image characteristics were varied including image resolution, tag line distance and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). A finite element-based image registration technique was employed to track tissue motion over time. The resulting displacement and strain fields are compared to ground truth to assess the contribution of each image characteristic to tracking errors. Radial strain is shown to be sensitive to changes in image resolution and SNR while circumferential and longitudinal components are relatively robust with respect to changes in image characteristics. This study stands as a systematic investigation of image requirements for myocardial deformation quantification.To address the shortcoming of individual cine and tagged CMR data analysis, we proposed a combined image analysis technique of tagged and cine CMR to improve radial strain and twist quantification. For this purpose, tracking is first performed on cine images and the resulting displacement field is utilized to mask the tagged images; tracking is then performed on the masked tagged images. The performance of the combined technique is shown both on human and porcine datasets in terms of strain and twist quantification. The analysis results reveal the superiority of combined image registration over tagged-only analysis in terms of radial strain quantification while more physiological twist is achieved compared to cine-only registration.
... Motion tracking was performed on the cine images using nonrigid image registration between successive frames (in GitHub repository ukbb_cardiac) 48,49 . ...
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Diastole is the sequence of physiological events that occur in the heart during ventricular filling and principally depends on myocardial relaxation and chamber stiffness. Abnormal diastolic function is related to many cardiovascular disease processes and is predictive of health outcomes, but its genetic architecture is largely unknown. Here, we use machine-learning cardiac motion analysis to measure diastolic functional traits in 39,559 participants of the UK Biobank and perform a genome-wide association study. We identified nine significant, independent loci near genes that are associated with maintaining sarcomeric function under biomechanical stress and genes implicated in the development of cardiomyopathy. Age, sex and diabetes were independent predictors of diastolic function and we found a causal relationship between genetically determined ventricular stiffness and incident heart failure. Our results provide insights into the genetic and environmental factors influencing diastolic function that are relevant for identifying causal relationships and potential tractable targets. O’Regan and colleagues use deep-learning cardiac motion analysis in participants of the UK Biobank to measure diastolic functional traits and perform a genome-wide association study to generate insights into the genetic and environmental factors that influence diastolic function.
Quantification of cardiac motion with cine Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CMRI) is an integral part of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) diagnosis. Yet, the expert evaluation of motion abnormalities with CMRI is a challenging task. To automatically assess cardiac motion, we register CMRIs from different time points of the cardiac cycle using Implicit Neural Representations (INRs) and perform a biomechanically informed regularization inspired by the myocardial incompressibility assumption. To enhance the registration performance, our method first rectifies the inter-slice misalignment inherent to CMRI by performing a rigid registration guided by the long-axis views, and then increases the through-plane resolution using an unsupervised deep learning super-resolution approach. Finally, we propose to synergically combine information from short-axis and 4-chamber long-axis views, along with an initialization to incorporate information from multiple cardiac time points. Thereafter, to quantify cardiac motion, we calculate global and segmental strain over a cardiac cycle and compute the peak strain. The evaluation of the method is performed on a dataset of cine CMRI scans from 47 ARVC patients and 67 controls. Our results show that inter-slice alignment and generation of super-resolved volumes combined with joint analysis of the two cardiac views, notably improves registration performance. Furthermore, the proposed initialization yields more physiologically plausible registrations. The significant differences in the peak strain, discerned between the ARVC patients and healthy controls suggest that automated motion quantification methods may assist in diagnosis and provide further understanding of disease-specific alterations of cardiac motion.
3D motion estimation from cine cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) images is important for the assessment of cardiac function and the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Current state-of-the art methods focus on estimating dense pixel-/voxel-wise motion fields in image space, which ignores the fact that motion estimation is only relevant and useful within the anatomical objects of interest, e.g ., the heart. In this work, we model the heart as a 3D mesh consisting of epi- and endocardial surfaces. We propose a novel learning framework, DeepMesh , which propagates a template heart mesh to a subject space and estimates the 3D motion of the heart mesh from CMR images for individual subjects. In DeepMesh , the heart mesh of the end-diastolic frame of an individual subject is first reconstructed from the template mesh. Mesh-based 3D motion fields with respect to the end-diastolic frame are then estimated from 2D short- and long-axis CMR images. By developing a differentiable mesh-to-image rasterizer, DeepMesh is able to leverage 2D shape information from multiple anatomical views for 3D mesh reconstruction and mesh motion estimation. The proposed method estimates vertex-wise displacement and thus maintains vertex correspondences between time frames, which is important for the quantitative assessment of cardiac function across different subjects and populations. We evaluate DeepMesh on CMR images acquired from the UK Biobank. We focus on 3D motion estimation of the left ventricle in this work. Experimental results show that the proposed method quantitatively and qualitatively outperforms other image-based and mesh-based cardiac motion tracking methods.
BACKGROUND Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is an important cause of sudden cardiac death associated with heterogeneous phenotypes, but there is no systematic framework for classifying morphology or assessing associated risks. Here, we quantitatively survey genotype-phenotype associations in HCM to derive a data-driven taxonomy of disease expression. METHODS We enrolled 436 patients with HCM (median age, 60 years; 28.8% women) with clinical, genetic, and imaging data. An independent cohort of 60 patients with HCM from Singapore (median age, 59 years; 11% women) and a reference population from the UK Biobank (n=16 691; mean age, 55 years; 52.5% women) were also recruited. We used machine learning to analyze the 3-dimensional structure of the left ventricle from cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and build a tree-based classification of HCM phenotypes. Genotype and mortality risk distributions were projected on the tree. RESULTS Carriers of pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants for HCM had lower left ventricular mass, but greater basal septal hypertrophy, with reduced life span (mean follow-up, 9.9 years) compared with genotype negative individuals (hazard ratio, 2.66 [95% CI, 1.42–4.96]; P <0.002). Four main phenotypic branches were identified using unsupervised learning of 3-dimensional shape: (1) nonsarcomeric hypertrophy with coexisting hypertension; (2) diffuse and basal asymmetrical hypertrophy associated with outflow tract obstruction; (3) isolated basal hypertrophy; and (4) milder nonobstructive hypertrophy enriched for familial sarcomeric HCM (odds ratio for pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants, 2.18 [95% CI, 1.93–2.28]; P =0.0001). Polygenic risk for HCM was also associated with different patterns and degrees of disease expression. The model was generalizable to an independent cohort (trustworthiness, M 1 : 0.86–0.88). CONCLUSIONS We report a data-driven taxonomy of HCM for identifying groups of patients with similar morphology while preserving a continuum of disease severity, genetic risk, and outcomes. This approach will be of value in understanding the causes and consequences of disease diversity.
Background: Myocardial feature tracking (FT) provides a comprehensive analysis of myocardial deformation from cine balanced steady-state free-precession images (bSSFP). However, FT remains time-consuming, precluding its clinical adoption. Purpose: To compare left-ventricular global radial strain (GRS) and global circumferential strain (GCS) values measured using automated DeepStrain analysis of short-axis cine images to those calculated using manual commercially available FT analysis. Study type: Retrospective, single-center. Population: A total of 30 healthy subjects and 120 patients with cardiac disease for DeepStrain development. For evaluation, 47 healthy subjects (36 male, 53 ± 5 years) and 533 patients who had undergone a clinical cardiac MRI (373 male, 59 ± 14 years). FIELD STRENGTH/SEQUENCE: bSSFP sequence at 1.5 T (Phillips) and 3 T (Siemens). Assessment: Automated DeepStrain measurements of GRS and GCS were compared to commercially available FT (Circle, cvi42) measures obtained by readers with 1 year and 3 years of experience. Comparisons were performed overall and stratified by scanner manufacturer. Statistical tests: Paired t-test, linear regression slope, Pearson correlation coefficient (r). Results: Overall, FT and DeepStrain measurements of GCS were not significantly different (P = 0.207), but measures of GRS were significantly different. Measurements of GRS from Philips (slope = 1.06 [1.03 1.08], r = 0.85) and Siemens (slope = 1.04 [0.99 1.09], r = 0.83) data showed a very strong correlation and agreement between techniques. Measurements of GCS from Philips (slope = 0.98 [0.98 1.01], r = 0.91) and Siemens (slope = 1.0 [0.96 1.03], r = 0.88) data similarly showed a very strong correlation. The average analysis time per subject was 4.1 ± 1.2 minutes for FT and 34.7 ± 3.3 seconds for DeepStrain, representing a 7-fold reduction in analysis time. Data conclusion: This study demonstrated high correlation of myocardial GCS and GRS measurements between freely available fully automated DeepStrain and commercially available manual FT software, with substantial time-saving in the analysis. Evidence level: 3 TECHNICAL EFFICACY: Stage 3.
In myocardial T1 mapping, undesirable motion poses significant challenges because uncorrected motion can affect T1 estimation accuracy and cause incorrect diagnosis. In this study, we proposed and evaluated a motion correction method for myocardial T1 mapping using Self‐supervised Deep learning based Registration with contrAst seParation (SDRAP). A sparse coding based method was firstly proposed to separate the contrast component from T1‐weighted (T1w) images. Then, a self‐supervised deep neural network with cross‐correlation (SDRAP‐CC) or mutual information (SDRAP‐MI) as the registration similarity measurement was developed to register contrast separated images, after which, signal fitting was performed on the motion corrected T1w images to generate motion corrected T1 maps. The registration network was trained and tested in 80 healthy volunteers with images acquired using the modified look‐locker inversion recovery (MOLLI) sequence. The proposed SDRAP was compared with the Free Form Deformation (FFD) registration method regarding: 1) Dice Coefficient (DSC) and Mean Boundary Error (MBE) of myocardium contours; 2) T1 value and Standard deviation (SD) of T1 fitting; 3) Subjective evaluation score for overall image quality and motion artifact level; 4) computation time. Results showed that SDRAP‐CC achieved the highest DSC of 85.0±3.9% and the least MBE of 0.92±0.25 mm among compare methods. Additionally, SDRAP‐CC performed the best by resulting in the lower SD value (28.1±17.6 ms) and higher subjective image quality scores (3.30±0.79 for overall quality and 3.53±0.68 for motion artifact) evaluated by a cardiologist. The proposed SDRAP took only 0.52s to register one slice of MOLLI images, achieving about 7x acceleration than FFD (3.7s/slice).
Background and objective: Evaluation of the right ventricle (RV) is a key component of the clinical assessment of many cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders. In this work, we focus on RV strain classification from patients who were diagnosed with pulmonary embolism (PE) in computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) scans. PE is a life-threatening condition, often without warning signs or symptoms. Early diagnosis and accurate risk stratification are critical for decreasing mortality rates. High-risk PE relies on the presence of RV dysfunction resulting from acute pressure overload. PE severity classification and specifically, high-risk PE diagnosis are crucial for appropriate therapy. CTPA is the golden standard in the diagnostic workup of suspected PE. Therefore, it can link between diagnosis and risk stratification strategies. Methods: We retrieved data of consecutive patients who underwent CTPA and were diagnosed with PE and extracted a single binary label of "RV strain biomarker" from the CTPA scan report. This label was used as a weak label for classification. Our solution applies a 3D DenseNet network architecture, further improved by integrating residual attention blocks into the network's layers. Results: This model achieved an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.88 for classifying RV strain. For Youden's index, the model showed a sensitivity of 87% and specificity of 83.7%. Our solution outperforms state-of-the-art 3D CNN networks. The proposed design allows for a fully automated network that can be trained easily in an end-to-end manner without requiring computationally intensive and time-consuming preprocessing or strenuous labeling of the data. Conclusions: This current solution demonstrates that a small dataset of readily available unmarked CTPAs can be used for effective RV strain classification. To our knowledge, this is the first work that attempts to solve the problem of RV strain classification from CTPA scans and this is the first work where medical images are used in such an architecture. Our generalized self-attention blocks can be incorporated into various existing classification architectures making this a general methodology that can be applied to 3D medical datasets.
Background and objective: Abnormalities of the heart motion reveal the presence of a disease. However, a quantitative interpretation of the motion is still a challenge due to the complex dynamics of the heart. This work proposes a quantitative characterization of regional cardiac motion patterns in cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by a novel spatio-temporal saliency descriptor. Method: The strategy starts by dividing the cardiac sequence into a progression of scales which are in due turn mapped to a feature space of regional orientation changes, mimicking the multi-resolution decomposition of oriented primitive changes of visual systems. These changes are estimated as the difference between a particular time and the rest of the sequence. This decomposition is then temporarily and regionally integrated for a particular orientation and then for the set of different orientations. A final spatio-temporal 4D saliency map is obtained as the summation of the previously integrated information for the available scales. The saliency dispersion of this map was computed in standard cardiac locations as a measure of the regional motion pattern and was applied to discriminate control and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) subjects during the diastolic phase. Results: Salient motion patterns were estimated from an experimental set, which consisted of 3D sequences acquired by MRI from 108 subjects (33 control, 35 HCM, 20 dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), and 20 myocardial infarction (MINF) from heterogeneous datasets). HCM and control subjects were classified by an SVM that learned the salient motion patterns estimated from the presented strategy, by achieving a 94% AUC. In addition, statistical differences (test t-student, p<0.05) were found among groups of disease in the septal and anterior ventricular segments at both the ED and ES, with salient motion characteristics aligned with existing knowledge on the diseases. Conclusions: Regional wall motion abnormality in the apical, anterior, basal, and inferior segments was associated with the saliency dispersion in HCM, DCM, and MINF compared to healthy controls during the systolic and diastolic phases. This saliency analysis may be used to detect subtle changes in heart function.
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Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) can be used for quantitative analysis of heart function. However, CMR imaging typically involves acquiring 2D image planes during separate breath-holds, often resulting in misalignment of the heart between image planes in 3D. Accurate quantitative analysis requires a robust 3D reconstruction of the heart from CMR images, which is adversely affected by such motion artifacts. Therefore, we propose a fully automated method for motion correction of CMR planes using segmentations produced by fully convolutional neural networks (FCNs). FCNs are trained on 100 UK Biobank subjects to produce short-axis and long-axis segmentations, which are subsequently used in an iterative registration algorithm for correcting breath-hold induced motion artifacts. We demonstrate significant improvements in motion-correction over image-based registration, with strong correspondence to results obtained using manual segmentations. We also deploy our automatic method on 9,353 subjects in the UK Biobank database, demonstrating significant improvements in 3D plane alignment.
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Abstract Background In patients with cancer receiving potentially cardio-toxic chemotherapy, measurements of left ventricular (LV) circumferential or longitudinal strain are often used clinically to identify myocardial dysfunction. Using a new software algorithm, we sought to determine in individuals receiving treatment for cancer the association between automated assessments of LV mean mid-wall circumferential strain and conventional measures of LV ejection fraction (EF) both obtained from cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) cine balanced steady-state free-precession (bSSFP) white-blood acquisitions. Methods Before and 3 months after initiating treatment with potentially cardio-toxic chemotherapy, 72 individuals (aged 54 ± 14 years with breast cancer [39%], lymphoma [49%], or sarcoma [12%]) underwent serial CMR cine bSSFP assessments of LV volumes and EF, and mean mid-wall circumferential strain determined from these same cine images as well as from additional tagged CMR images. On the cine images, assessments of strain were obtained using the newly developed deformation-based segmentation algorithm. Assessments of LV volumes/EF from the cine images and strain from tagged CMR were accomplished using commercially available software. All measures were analyzed in a blinded fashion independent of one another. Results Acceptable measures for the automated assessments of mean mid-wall circumferential strain from the cine images were obtained in 142 of 144 visits (98.6%) with an overall analysis time averaging 6:47 ± 1:06 min. The results from these automated measures averaged −18.8 ± 2.9 at baseline and −17.6 ± 3.1 at 3 months (p = 0.001). Left ventricular EF declined slightly from 65 ± 7% at baseline to 62 ± 7% at 3 months (p = 0.0002). The correlation between strain from cine imaging and LVEF was r = −0.61 (p
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Feature tracking Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) has recently emerged as an area of interest for quantification of regional cardiac function from balanced, steady state free precession (SSFP) cine sequences. However, currently available techniques lack full automation, limiting reproducibility. We propose a fully automated technique whereby a CMR image sequence is first segmented with a deep, fully convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture, and quadratic basis splines are fitted simultaneously across all cardiac frames using least squares optimization. Experiments are performed using data from 42 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and 21 healthy control subjects. In terms of segmentation, we compared state-of-the-art CNN frameworks, U-Net and dilated convolution architectures, with and without temporal context, using cross validation with three folds. Performance relative to expert manual segmentation was similar across all networks: pixel accuracy was \(\sim 97\%\), intersection-over-union (IoU) across all classes was \(\sim 87\%\), and IoU across foreground classes only was \(\sim 85\%\). Endocardial left ventricular circumferential strain calculated from the proposed pipeline was significantly different in control and disease subjects (\(-25.3{}\%\) vs \(-29.1{}\%\), \(p=0.006{}\)), in agreement with the current clinical literature.
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Background UK Biobank’s ambitious aim is to perform cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) in 100,000 people previously recruited into this prospective cohort study of half a million 40-69 year-olds. Methods/design We describe the CMR protocol applied in UK Biobank’s pilot phase, which will be extended into the main phase with three centres using the same equipment and protocols. The CMR protocol includes white blood CMR (sagittal anatomy, coronary and transverse anatomy), cine CMR (long axis cines, short axis cines of the ventricles, coronal LVOT cine), strain CMR (tagging), flow CMR (aortic valve flow) and parametric CMR (native T1 map). Discussion This report will serve as a reference to researchers intending to use the UK Biobank resource or to replicate the UK Biobank cardiovascular magnetic resonance protocol in different settings.
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Tissue tracking technologies such as speckle tracking echocardiography and feature tracking cardiac magnetic resonance have enhanced the noninvasive assessment of myocardial deformation in clinical research and clinical practice. The widespread enthusiasm for using tissue tracking techniques in research and clinical practice stems from the ready applicability of these technologies to routine echocardiographic or cardiac magnetic resonance images. The technology is common to both modalities, and derived parameters to describe myocardial mechanics are the similar, albeit with different accuracies. We provide an overview of the normal values and reproducibility of the clinically applicable parameters, together with their clinical validation. The use of these technologies in different clinical scenarios, and the additive value to current imaging diagnostics are discussed. (J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2015;8:1444–60) © 2015 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.
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To assess intervendor agreement of cardiovascular magnetic resonance feature tracking (CMR-FT) and to study the impact of repeated measures on reproducibility. Ten healthy volunteers underwent cine imaging in short-axis orientation at rest and with dobutamine stimulation (10 and 20 μg/kg/min). All images were analysed three times using two types of software (TomTec, Unterschleissheim, Germany and Circle, cvi(42), Calgary, Canada) to assess global left ventricular circumferential (Ecc) and radial (Err) strains and torsion. Differences in intra- and interobserver variability within and between software types were assessed based on single and averaged measurements (two and three repetitions with subsequent averaging of results, respectively) as determined by Bland-Altman analysis, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), and coefficient of variation (CoV). Myocardial strains and torsion significantly increased on dobutamine stimulation with both types of software (p<0.05). Resting Ecc and torsion as well as Ecc values during dobutamine stimulation were lower measured with Circle (p<0.05). Intra- and interobserver variability between software types was lowest for Ecc (ICC 0.81 [0.63-0.91], 0.87 [0.72-0.94] and CoV 12.47% and 14.3%, respectively) irrespective of the number of analysis repetitions. Err and torsion showed higher variability that markedly improved for torsion with repeated analyses and to a lesser extent for Err. On an intravendor level TomTec showed better reproducibility for Ecc and torsion and Circle for Err. CMR-FT strain and torsion measurements are subject to considerable intervendor variability, which can be reduced using three analysis repetitions. For both vendors, Ecc qualifies as the most robust parameter with the best agreement, albeit lower Ecc values obtained using Circle, and warrants further investigation of incremental clinical merit. Copyright © 2015 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Analysing heart motion provides crucial insights on the con- dition of the cardiac function. Tagged-MRI and 2D-strain ultrasound enable quantitative assessment of the myocardium strain. But estimat- ing 3D myocardium strain from cine-MRI remains attractive: cine-MRI is widely available and it yields detailed 3D+t anatomical images. This paper presents an image-based method to estimate myocardium strain from clinical short-axis cine-MRI. To recover non-apparent cardiac mo- tions, we improve the dieomorphic demons, a non-linear registration algorithm, by adding two physical constraints. First, myocardium near- incompressibility is ensured by constraining the deformations to be di- vergence free. Second, myocardium elasticity is modelled using smooth vector filters. The proposed physically-constrained demons are compared with the dieomorphic demons and evaluated in a healthy subject against tagged MRI. The method is also tested on a patient with congenital pulmonary valve regurgitations and compared with 2D-strain measure- ments. In both cases, obtained results correlate well with ground truth. This method may become a useful tool for cardiac function evaluation.
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In this paper the authors present a new approach for the nonrigid registration of contrast-enhanced breast MRI. A hierarchical transformation model of the motion of the breast has been developed. The global motion of the breast is modeled by an affine transformation while the local breast motion is described by a free-form deformation (FFD) based on B-splines. Normalized mutual information is used as a voxel-based similarity measure which is insensitive to intensity changes as a result of the contrast enhancement. Registration is achieved by minimizing a cost function, which represents a combination of the cost associated with the smoothness of the transformation and the cost associated with the image similarity. The algorithm has been applied to the fully automated registration of three-dimensional (3-D) breast MRI in volunteers and patients. In particular, the authors have compared the results of the proposed nonrigid registration algorithm to those obtained using rigid and affine registration techniques. The results clearly indicate that the nonrigid registration algorithm is much better able to recover the motion and deformation of the breast than rigid or affine registration algorithms.
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Training a fully convolutional network for pixel-wise (or voxel-wise) image segmentation normally requires a large number of training images with corresponding ground truth label maps. However, it is a challenge to obtain such a large training set in the medical imaging domain, where expert annotations are time-consuming and difficult to obtain. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised learning approach, in which a segmentation network is trained from both labelled and unlabelled data. The network parameters and the segmentations for the unlabelled data are alternately updated. We evaluate the method for short-axis cardiac MR image segmentation and it has demonstrated a high performance, outperforming a baseline supervised method. The mean Dice overlap metric is 0.92 for the left ventricular cavity, 0.85 for the myocardium and 0.89 for the right ventricular cavity. It also outperforms a state-of-the-art multi-atlas segmentation method by a large margin and the speed is substantially faster.
Feature tracking Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) has recently emerged as an area of interest for quantification of regional cardiac function from balanced, steady state free precession (SSFP) cine sequences. However, currently available techniques lack full automation, limiting reproducibility. We propose a fully automated technique whereby a CMR image sequence is first segmented with a deep, fully convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture, and quadratic basis splines are fitted simultaneously across all cardiac frames using least squares optimization. Experiments are performed using data from 42 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and 21 healthy control subjects. In terms of segmentation, we compared state-of-the-art CNN frameworks, U-Net and dilated convolution architectures, with and without temporal context, using cross validation with three folds. Performance relative to expert manual segmentation was similar across all networks: pixel accuracy was ~97%, intersection-over-union (IoU) across all classes was ~87%, and IoU across foreground classes only was ~85%. Endocardial left ventricular circumferential strain calculated from the proposed pipeline was significantly different in control and disease subjects (-25.3% vs -29.1%, p = 0.006), in agreement with the current clinical literature.