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A Deep Learning-Based Classification Framework for Annotated Histopathology Lung Cancer Images



Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, with one in six people dying from it. It occurs when abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and spread to other organs in the body. Lung cancer is one of the most common and deadliest types of cancer. Several methods, such as X-rays, CT scans, PET-CT scans, bronchoscopies, and biopsies, can be used to diagnose lung cancer. Studies have shown that the type of histology in lung cancer is linked to the diagnosis and treatment course, making early and accurate detection of lung cancer histology crucial for improving survival rates. Artificial intelligence (AI) can aid in the automation of cancer detection, allowing for the evaluation of more cases in less time and at a lower cost. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of a newly proposed CNN model in distinguishing between benign and malignant lung cancer images obtained from digital pathology. To conduct the experiment, the LC25000 dataset, containing 5000 images for each category, was utilized, resulting in a total of 10,000 images. The findings of the proposed CNN model were then compared to those of existing deep learning models, demonstrating its ability to accurately identify cancerous tissues with a maximum accuracy of 99.9% to 100%, while also reducing processing time. These outcomes can play a crucial role in the development of a precise and automated system for identifying various types of lung cancer.
A Deep Learning-Based Classification Framework for
Annotated Histopathology Lung Cancer Images
Esraa A.-R. Hamed1, Mohammed A.-M. Sa-
lem 2, Nagwa L. Badr1, and Mohamed F.
Tolba 1
1Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt
2Media Engineering and Technology, GUC, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract. Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, with one in six
people dying from it. It occurs when abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and
spread to other organs in the body. Lung cancer is one of the most common and
deadliest types of cancer. Several methods, such as X-rays, CT scans, PET-CT
scans, bronchoscopies, and biopsies, can be used to diagnose lung cancer. Studies
have shown that the type of histology in lung cancer is linked to the diagnosis
and treatment course, making early and accurate detection of lung cancer histol-
ogy crucial for improving survival rates. Artificial intelligence (AI) can aid in the
automation of cancer detection, allowing for the evaluation of more cases in less
time and at a lower cost. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the
effectiveness of a newly proposed CNN model in distinguishing between benign
and malignant lung cancer images obtained from digital pathology. To conduct
the experiment, the LC25000 dataset, containing 5000 images for each category,
was utilized, resulting in a total of 10,000 images. The findings of the proposed
CNN model were then compared to those of existing deep learning models,
demonstrating its ability to accurately identify cancerous tissues with a maximum
accuracy of 99.9% to 100%, while also reducing processing time. These out-
comes can play a crucial role in the development of a precise and automated sys-
tem for identifying various types of lung cancer.
Keywords: deep learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, lung cancer classi-
fication, histopathological image analysis, Squamous Cell Carcinomas.
1 Introduction
Cancer is the main cause of mortality worldwide, according to the World Health Or-
ganization (WHO). The most frequent cancer diagnosis (11.4% of all cases) and the
leading cause of cancer mortality (18.0% of all cancer deaths) is lung cancer [1]. Glob-
ally, the incidence of malignant tumors has been seen to be rising, which may be con-
nected to population expansion. Malignancy can affect any age group depending on the
histological type; however, it is typically found in elderly people between the ages of
50 and 60 [2].
The respiratory system, which includes the lungs, is important for distributing oxygen
throughout the body. In the lung, abnormal cell proliferation can develop and lead to
cancer or pulmonary carcinoma. Poor environmental conditions and an unhealthy life-
style are to reason for this [3]. Only after the tumor is sufficiently large or has spread
to other areas can symptoms of lung cancer become apparent. The success rate of ther-
apy increases with earlier cancer diagnosis [4]. Yet, there is a decreased likelihood of
recovery if cancer is indicated to have spread to other organs. Non-small cell lung can-
cer (NSCLC) accounts for 81 85% of lung cancer cases. Squamous cell carcinoma,
adenocarcinoma, and giant cell carcinoma of NSCLC are a few of the major subtypes
of lung cancer. They are all categorized as NSCLC subtypes since they came from var-
ious types of lung cells [5].
The specific clinicopathological and genetic features that distinguish Squamous-Cell
Carcinomas (SCC) of the lung have changed significantly over time. The most common
subtype of non-small-cell lung malignancies in the past, these neoplasms were thought
to be central tumors with great molecular complexity and no genetic alterations that
might be targeted [6]. It often starts to develop in the cells lining the bronchi. Cancer
can spread over time by infiltrating neighboring lymph nodes and organs and "metas-
tasizing" (moving to other regions of the body through the blood). It has a close rela-
tionship to the history of smoking. There is a considerable risk of dying. Besides age,
family history, and exposure to secondhand smoke, there are other risk factors for SCC
[7]. As the kind of histology, molecular profile, and stage of the disease all affect how
the disease is treated, it is urgently necessary to identify lung cancer histology. It is also
crucial to analyze the histopathological images of the disease. Manually analyzing his-
topathology results, however, takes time and is not objective [8].
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the stimulation of human intelligence in computer soft-
ware that facilitates communication with machines like that of human communication.
Artificial intelligence (AI), which is utilized in various computer vision domains, has
recently emerged as the most significant science of the twenty-first century. In several
disciplines, machine learning [18,19,20] and deep learning [21,22] have the greatest
levels of accuracy. Deep learning techniques, especially Convolution Neural Net-
works (CNN), are being more widely used in the healthcare industry and has a signifi-
cant influence on all parts of primary care. CNN may be used in the field of medical
imaging to identify and classify any disease at an early stage, allowing for timely treat-
ment and easier recovery for the patient [7].
This study article aims to evaluate and test a proposed Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) architecture for the classification of lung cancer. The paper follows the follow-
ing structure. Section 2 describes previous research on the identification and categori-
zation of lung cancer. In Section 3, the utilized dataset is briefly introduced. Further
information on the suggested deep learning procedure using CNN architecture is pro-
vided in Section 4. Section 5 summarizes all of the experimental observations and con-
clusions. The experiment is finished in Section 6, which also makes some recommen-
dations for further research.
2 Related Work
Of all machine learning techniques, deep neural networks have shown improved out-
comes in the identification of medical images. To increase the precision of detection
and classification, several CNN algorithms are applied to the classification of lung can-
cer images.
A capsule network with numerous inputs was suggested by Mumtaz et al. [9] to build
a diagnostic model for aberrant cell cancer of the lung and colon. A convolutional layer
block and an additional convolutional layer block were employed by the capsule net-
work. Pathological images are used as input by the convolutional layer block (CLB),
whereas histopathological images are used by the Separable CLB. Based on histopatho-
logical scans, the suggested model had a 99.58% accuracy rate for anomalies in the
colon and lungs.
Gessert et al. [10] used microscopic images of colon cancer to classify the data using
transfer learning-based CNN models. They used models like Inception, VGG, and
DenseNet to train datasets. They had the most success categorizing data using the
DenseNet model, which had a classification accuracy rate of 91.2%. DHSCapsNet was
suggested by Kwabena et al. [11] to assess histological images of lung and colon cancer.
The network is made up of a combination of encoder features and DHSCaps. The en-
coder features are made up of the convolutional layer features that have a lot of strong
information. HSquash pulls data from several ckgrounds. They outperformed standard
CapsNet (85.55%) with results of 99.23%.
Vuong et al. [12] proposed a multi-purpose learning strategy to evaluate digital pathol-
ogy images. They employed a collection of pathology image data divided into four
classifications for their research. They utilized the DenseNet-121 model for dataset
training and configured the input data for the model to be 800X800 pixels. They found
an 85.91% classifier accuracy rate. A CNN Pre-Trained Diagnostic Network for Lung
and Colon Cancer was suggested by Sanidhya et al. [13]. Histological slips were ana-
lyzed using a shallow CNN architecture. For the diagnosis of colon and lung malignan-
cies, the network obtained 96% and 97% accuracy, respectively.
The DarkNet-19 model was suggested by Mesut et al. [14] to train the lung and colon
malignancy dataset from scratch. To choose the inefficient features, the Equilibrium
method was used, followed by a separation of the inefficient features from the efficient
ones. The SVM is given effective features for classification. The total accuracy rating
was 99.69%. An approach for precisely identifying lung and colon cancer cells was
presented by SHAHID et al. [15]. By altering the four fundamental layers of AlexNet
and then training it on a dataset, an accuracy of 89% was attained.
Authors in [16] used histological images of colon cancer to make their classifications
using a deep learning methodology. There are four classes in the dataset. Each image
was subjected to the cell identification technique for cell patches. Here, segmenting was
used to separate the images into discrete sizes. By using cell patches created by the used
CNN model, they carried out the classification process. Their correlation accuracy rat-
ings ranged from 90% to 96.9%.
While the proposed model has achieved accuracy of 99.9% in classifying lung malig-
nant from benign lesions. The proposed model achieved the highest accuracies, com-
pared by the state-of-the-art models.
3. Used Dataset
The LC25000 Lung and Colon Histopathological Image collection contains 5000 im-
ages of each type of lung and colon cancerous. The dataset has been validated and com-
plies with HIPAA [17]. Just 750 original images were gathered in total, 250 of which
were given to each category and had a dimension of 1024 x 768 pixels. These images
are scaled down to 768x768 pixels using Python, and then they are enlarged using the
software package augmenter [17]. As a result, the bigger dataset has 5000 images for
each group.
By rotating left and right and flipping horizontally and vertically, augmentation is ac-
complished [17]. Table 1 displays the description of class names of the LC25000 da-
taset with a sample image for each category.
Table 1. Description of LC25000 dataset.
Lung Benign
Class name
Number of Images
Sample Image
Lung Adenocarcinoma
Lung Squamous Cell
Colon Benign
Colon Adenocarcinoma
Lung Benign
The lung cancer squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which progresses through the kerat-
inization process, is distinguished by the presence of polygonal-shaped cells. In its early
stages, this disease has no symptoms. Because of this, cancer is frequently discovered
after it has spread to other organ areas. As a result, early identification is crucial to
improving treatment outcomes. The patient's likelihood of surviving for five years is
less than 20% if the diagnosis is delayed. Therefore, 10,000 histopathological images
representing two types of lung tissue (lung squamous cell cancer and benign lung tis-
sue) were chosen from the LC25000 collection.
4. Proposed Deep Learning Approach
This section discusses the proposed method for classifying images of lung cancer his-
tology from the LC25000 dataset. The dataset was randomly split into training and test-
ing sets, and the proposed CNN model achieved high accuracy in classifying the images
into benign or malignant (squamous cell carcinoma) categories. Fig. 1 illustrates the
proposed CNN architecture, which consists of two main steps: feature extraction and
classification. Image resizing to 224x224 pixels in the RGB color space is a crucial step
in image preprocessing for training the model. During the training phase, the proposed
CNN model was trained using the training data, and the model parameters obtained
from this phase were used for classification on the testing data. The expected output of
the model is the classification of lung cancer histology images into benign or malignant
(squamous cell carcinoma) categories.
Fig. 1. Proposed Architecture System.
The structure of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) used in the study is depicted
in Fig. 2, consisting of various layers dedicated to different functions. The CNN model
includes four convolutional layers (CL) with respective kernel values of 32, 64, 128,
and 256. The first CL layer utilized a kernel size of (11x11), while the second, third,
and fourth layers used (3x3). Following each convolution layer, a max-pooling layer
with a (2x2) kernel size was applied.
Training Images
Testing Images
Classification; Benign or
Image Pre-processing
Convolutional Neural
Network CNN
A Flatten Layer was used to generate the feature vector for the Fully Connected (FC)
layers after the final CL layer. The FC layers included three layers with 1024 and 512
neurons, respectively. Due to the two classes of lung cancer, the last FC layer has two
neurons. ReLU was applied as an activation function for each convolution layer, and
Softmax was applied for the output layer. Additionally, a Dropout Layer with a rate of
0.4 was implemented.
Fig. 2. The Proposed CNN Architecture.
5 The Experimental Work and Results
This research employed a proposed CNN model to classify the LC25000 Lung histo-
pathology images. Two experiments were conducted with different proportions of data
for the training and testing sets, and a maximum of 50 epochs were used when applied
to Google Colab.
In the first experiment, the dataset was split into a testing set of 20% and a training set
of 80%, with a batch size of 150. The proposed model was compared to other deep
learning models, including VGG16, VGG19, AlexNet, Inception ResNet v2, ResNet50,
Inception v3, GoogleNet, and MobileNet. The proposed model had a minimum total
number of training parameters of 1 million and achieved a maximum accuracy of 100%,
with zero test loss, as indicated in Table 2.
Table 2. The total training parameters (Millions), the accuracy (%), and test loss (%) in first ex-
Total parame-
CNN Accuracy
Test Loss
proposed CNN model
The second experiment involved dividing the dataset into 40% for the training set and
60% for the testing set, using a batch size of 150. Subsequently, it was compared with
various other deep learning models, including VGG16, VGG19, AlexNet, Inception
ResNet v2, ResNet50, Inception v3, GoogleNet, and MobileNet. The proposed model
used a minimum of 1 million training parameters and achieved a maximum accuracy
of 99.9%, with a low-test loss of 0.3%, as illustrated in Table 3.
Table 3. The total training parameters (Millions), the accuracy (%), and test loss (%) in second
Total parameters
CNN Accuracy
Test Loss
proposed CNN model
The comparison between the proposed CNN model and other deep learning models,
including VGG16, VGG19, AlexNet, Inception ResNet v2, ResNet50, Inception v3,
GoogleNet, and MobileNet, is illustrated in Fig. 3. The proposed model achieved a
maximum accuracy of 99.9% with a minimum total number of training parameters of
one million.
Fig. 3. The comparison between the proposed CNN model and other existing deep
learning models in second experiment.
6. Conclusions
This study introduces a proposed CNN model for the detection and classification of
lung cancer using the LC25000 lung histopathology image dataset. The proposed model
categorizes each image as either benign or malignant. Two experiments were conducted
to validate the proposed model using the lung histopathology images.
In the first experiment, 80% of the dataset was used for training, and 20% for testing.
In the second experiment, the dataset was split into 40% for training and 60% for test-
ing. The model's performance was evaluated using a maximum of 50 epochs when ap-
plied to Google Colab. The proposed model achieved an accuracy of 99.9% to 100%
and outperformed other deep learning models in terms of performance, using only four
convolutional layers, four maximum collection layers, two fully connected layers, and
one million parameters overall.
The experimental results showed that the proposed model achieved maximum accuracy
with the fewest parameters and that reducing the number of training images did not
significantly affect accuracy. The proposed approach was proven to be effective com-
pared to existing state-of-the-art deep learning models. In the future, the suggested
model can be improved to reduce computation time and applied to other datasets to
enhance the hyperparameters.
CNN Accuracy (%), and Total Parameters(Million)
CNN Accuracy Total parameters (M)
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Full-text available
This work aims to detect lung cancer using histopathological images more accurately. Lung cancer is one of the major diseases because of which many deaths happened each year worldwide. The mortality rate can be reduced significantly in the early-stage diagnosis of cancer. Automatic histopathological image classification plays a key role in reducing death due to lung cancer. Nowadays, with the advancement in the medical field, many pathologies consider whole-slide images for their routine clinical procedure. With the advancement in medical imaging technology, whole-slide images are becoming a routine clinical procedure in pathology. Recently, machine learning and deep learning have shown the potential to analyze pathological images for early-stage cancer prediction such as lung cancer detection. However, training neural networks from scratch requires a large number of labeled images. This is not always feasible, especially with medical imaging data. A promising solution is a transfer learning application on a neural network. In this research paper, transfer learning is applied using fine-tuning the pre-trained EfficientNet-B0 model to detect three different classes of lung cancer. The designed model achieved an accuracy of 99.15%, 99.14%, and 98.67% on the train, validation, and test set, respectively.KeywordsDeep learningTransfer learningEfficientNet-B0Fine-tuningHistopathological images
Full-text available
Cancer accounts for a huge mortality rate due to its aggressiveness, colossal potential of metastasis, and heterogeneity (causing resistance against chemotherapy). Lung and colon cancers are among the most prevalent types of cancer around the globe that can occur in both males and females. Early and accurate diagnosis of these cancers can substantially improve the quality of treatment as well as the survival rate of cancer patients. We propose a highly accurate and computationally efficient model for the swift and accurate diagnosis of lung and colon cancers as an alternative to current cancer detection methods. In this study, a large dataset of lung and colon histopathology images was employed for training and the validation process. The dataset is comprised of 25000 histopathology images of lung and colon tissues equally divided into 5 classes. A pretrained neural network (AlexNet) was tuned by modifying the four of its layers before training it on the dataset. Initial classification results were promising for all classes of images except for one class with an overall accuracy of 89%. To improve the overall accuracy and keep the model computationally efficient, instead of implementing image enhancement techniques on the entire dataset, the quality of images of the underperforming class was improved by applying a contrast enhancement technique which is fairly simple and efficient. The implementation of the proposed methodology has not only improved the overall accuracy from 89% to 98.4% but has also proved computationally efficient.
Full-text available
Lung and colon cancers are two of the most common causes of death and morbidity in humans. One of the most important aspects of appropriate treatment is the histopathological diagnosis of such cancers. As a result, the main goal of this study is to use a multi-input capsule network and digital histopathology images to build an enhanced computerized diagnosis system for detecting squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas of the lungs, as well as adenocarcinomas of the colon. Two convolutional layer blocks are used in the proposed multi-input capsule network. The CLB (Convolutional Layers Block) employs traditional convolutional layers, whereas the SCLB (Separable Convolutional Layers Block) employs separable convolutional layers. The CLB block takes unprocessed histopathology images as input, whereas the SCLB block takes uniquely pre-processed histopathological images. The pre-processing method uses color balancing, gamma correction, image sharpening, and multi-scale fusion as the major processes because histopathology slide images are typically red blue. All three channels (Red, Green, and Blue) are adequately compensated during the color balancing phase. The dual-input technique aids the model’s ability to learn features more effectively. On the benchmark LC25000 dataset, the empirical analysis indicates a significant improvement in classification results. The proposed model provides cutting-edge performance in all classes, with 99.58% overall accuracy for lung and colon abnormalities based on histopathological images.
Full-text available
This paper proposes a new dual horizontal squash capsule network (DHS‐CapsNet) to classify the lung and colon cancers on histopathological images. DHS‐CapsNet is made up of encoder feature fusion (EFF) and a novel horizontal squash (HSquash) function. The EFF aggregates the extracted feature from the 2‐lane convolutional layers, which provides rich information for better accuracy. HSquash is proposed as a squash function to ensure that vectors are effectively squashed and produces sparsity for a high discriminative capsule to extract important information from images with varied backgrounds. To present the effectiveness of DHS‐CapsNet empirically, we applied this method on histopathological images (LC25000 dataset). We achieved better results of 99.23% compared to traditional CapsNet (85.55%). The DHS‐CapsNet provides the top‐1 classification error of 0.77% compared to 14.45% of the traditional CapsNet. Our results illustrate that our method improves CapsNet and can be adopted as a computer‐aided diagnostic method to support doctors in lung and colon cancer diagnostics.
Full-text available
This article provides an update on the global cancer burden using the GLOBOCAN 2020 estimates of cancer incidence and mortality produced by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Worldwide, an estimated 19.3 million new cancer cases (18.1 million excluding nonmelanoma skin cancer) and almost 10.0 million cancer deaths (9.9 million excluding nonmelanoma skin cancer) occurred in 2020. Female breast cancer has surpassed lung cancer as the most commonly diagnosed cancer, with an estimated 2.3 million new cases (11.7%), followed by lung (11.4%), colorectal (10.0 %), prostate (7.3%), and stomach (5.6%) cancers. Lung cancer remained the leading cause of cancer death, with an estimated 1.8 million deaths (18%), followed by colorectal (9.4%), liver (8.3%), stomach (7.7%), and female breast (6.9%) cancers. Overall incidence was from 2‐fold to 3‐fold higher in transitioned versus transitioning countries for both sexes, whereas mortality varied <2‐fold for men and little for women. Death rates for female breast and cervical cancers, however, were considerably higher in transitioning versus transitioned countries (15.0 vs 12.8 per 100,000 and 12.4 vs 5.2 per 100,000, respectively). The global cancer burden is expected to be 28.4 million cases in 2040, a 47% rise from 2020, with a larger increase in transitioning (64% to 95%) versus transitioned (32% to 56%) countries due to demographic changes, although this may be further exacerbated by increasing risk factors associated with globalization and a growing economy. Efforts to build a sustainable infrastructure for the dissemination of cancer prevention measures and provision of cancer care in transitioning countries is critical for global cancer control.
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This study applied a deep-learning cell identification algorithm to diagnostic images from the colon cancer repository at The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Within-image sampling improved performance without loss of accuracy. The features thus derived were associated with various clinical variables including metastasis, residual tumor, venous invasion, and lymphatic invasion. The deep-learning algorithm was trained using images from a locally available data set, then applied to the TCGA images by tiling them, and identifying cells in each patch defined by the tiling. In this application the average number of patches containing tissue in an image was ~900. Processing a random sample of patches greatly reduced computation costs. The cell identification algorithm was applied directly to each sampled patch, resulting in a list of cells. Each cell was labeled with its location and classification (“epithelial,” “inflammatory,” “fibroblast,” or “other”). The number of cells of a given type in the patch was calculated, resulting in a patch profile containing four features. A morphological profile that applied to the entire image was obtained by averaging profiles over all patches. Two sampling policies were examined. The first policy was random sampling which samples patches with uniform weighting. The second policy was systematic random sampling which takes spatial dependencies into account. Compared with the processing of complete whole slide images there was a seven-fold improvement in performance when systematic random spatial sampling was used to select 100 tiles from the whole-slide image for processing, with very little loss of accuracy (~4% on average). We found links between the predicted features and clinical variables in the TCGA colon cancer data set. Several significant associations were found: increased fibroblast numbers were associated with the presence of metastasis, venous invasion, lymphatic invasion and residual tumor while decreased numbers of inflammatory cells were associated with mucinous carcinomas. Regarding the four different types of cell, deep learning has generated morphological features that are indicators of cell density. The features are related to cellularity, the numbers, degree, or quality of cells present in a tumor. Cellularity has been reported to be related to patient survival and other diagnostic and prognostic indicators, indicating that the features calculated here may be of general usefulness.
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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer worldwide and the fourth most common cause of cancer death. Predictions of the future burden of the disease inform health planners and raise awareness of the need for cancer control action. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) mortality database for 1989–2016 were used to project colon and rectal cancer mortality rates and number of deaths in 42 countries up to the year 2035, using age‐period‐cohort (APC) modelling. Mortality rates for colon cancer are predicted to continue decreasing in the majority of included countries from Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania, except Latin America and Caribbean countries. Mortality rates from rectal cancer in general followed those of colon cancer, however rates are predicted to increase substantially in Costa Rica (+73.6%), Australia (+59.2%), United States (+27.8%), Ireland (+24.2%) and Canada (+24.1%). Despite heterogeneous trends in rates, the number of deaths is expected to rise in all countries for both colon and rectal cancer by 60.0% and 71.5% until 2035, respectively, due to population growth and ageing. Reductions in colon and rectal cancer mortality rates are probably due to better accessibility to early detection services and improved specialized care. The expected increase in rectal cancer mortality rates in some countries is worrisome and warrants further investigations.
Lung and colon cancers are deadly diseases that can develop simultaneously in organs and adversely affect human life in some special cases. Although the frequency of simultaneous occurrence of these two types of cancer is unlikely, there is a high probability of metastasis between the two organs if not diagnosed early. Traditionally, specialists have to go through a lengthy and complicated process to examine histopathological images and diagnose cancer cases; yet, it is now possible to achieve this process faster with the available technological possibilities. In this study, artificial intelligence-supported model and optimization methods were used to realize the classification of lung and colon cancers' histopathological images. The used dataset has five classes of histopathological images consisting of two colon cancer classes and three lung cancer classes. In the proposed approach, the image classes were trained from scratch with the DarkNet-19 model, which is one of the deep learning models. In the feature set extracted from the DarkNet-19 model, selection of the inefficient features was performed by using Equilibrium and Manta Ray Foraging optimization algorithms. Then, the set containing the inefficient features was distinguished from the rest of the set features, creating an efficient feature set (complementary rule insets). The efficient features obtained by the two used optimization algorithms were combined and classified with the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method. The overall accuracy rate obtained in the classification process was 99.69%. Based on the outcomes of this study, it has been observed that using the complementary method together with some optimization methods improved the classification performance of the dataset.
Purpose The gold standard for colorectal cancer metastases detection in the peritoneum is histological evaluation of a removed tissue sample. For feedback during interventions, real-time in vivo imaging with confocal laser microscopy has been proposed for differentiation of benign and malignant tissue by manual expert evaluation. Automatic image classification could improve the surgical workflow further by providing immediate feedback. Methods We analyze the feasibility of classifying tissue from confocal laser microscopy in the colon and peritoneum. For this purpose, we adopt both classical and state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks to directly learn from the images. As the available dataset is small, we investigate several transfer learning strategies including partial freezing variants and full fine-tuning. We address the distinction of different tissue types, as well as benign and malignant tissue. Results We present a thorough analysis of transfer learning strategies for colorectal cancer with confocal laser microscopy. In the peritoneum, metastases are classified with an AUC of 97.1, and in the colon the primarius is classified with an AUC of 73.1. In general, transfer learning substantially improves performance over training from scratch. We find that the optimal transfer learning strategy differs for models and classification tasks. Conclusions We demonstrate that convolutional neural networks and transfer learning can be used to identify cancer tissue with confocal laser microscopy. We show that there is no generally optimal transfer learning strategy and model as well as task-specific engineering is required. Given the high performance for the peritoneum, even with a small dataset, application for intraoperative decision support could be feasible.