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Research progress on interactions between root and beneficial microbes



Associations formed between plant roots and microbes are mutually beneficial to both organisms. In such associations, plants provide carbon source and anchoring space for the microbes while the microbes provide nutrients and enhanced stress resistance for the plants. Root exudates function as key signaling and regulatory molecules mediating the establishment of this association. In the past decade, plant microbiome has received more and more attentions due to its critical role in plant health and potential applications in agricultural practice. Here we summarized the research progress in the molecular mechanism underlying the interactions between plant and beneficial microbes, with a focus on the strategies used by plants to modulate the root microbiome. Attempts for engineering symbiosis in cereals and applications of synthetic microbiome to enhance plant performance were also discussed. These research breakthrough not only will deepen our understanding in the interaction mechanism between plants and microbial communities, but also lay the foundation for designing and improving stress resistance in crops.
Plant Physiology Journal
2020, 56 (11): 2275–2287  doi: 10.13592/j.cnki.ppj.2020.0156
收稿 2020-04-10  修定 2020-07-20
资助 国家杰出青年科学基金(31825003)
# 并列第一作者。
* 共同通讯作者: 王二涛(、张学斌
禹坷1,#, 王孝林2,#, 张学斌1,*, 王二涛2,*
1河南大学省部共建作物逆境适应与改良国家重点实验室, 河南开封475004
2中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心/植物生理生态研究所, 上海200032
摘要: 植物根系能够与微生物建立多种多样的益生关系。植物为益生菌提供碳源和生存空间, 益生菌则为植
在过去的十年间, 微生物组对植物健康的重要作用也受到了广泛的关注, 并展示出广泛的应用前景。本文总结
了植物根系与益生菌相互作用的最新研究成果, 重点介绍了植物在逆境胁迫下对根系微生物的调控机制, 以及
与微生物群落互作关系的理解, 为改良作物对逆境胁迫的抗性提供了理论基础。
关键词: 益生菌; 微生物组; 根系分泌物; 共生; 根际
, 具有极高的微生物多样性, 不仅包括能够侵染
植物造成产量损失的病原菌, 也包括能够直接或者
TkaczPoole 2015)。作为与土壤直接接触的器
, 根系是植物与环境进行营养交换的重要途径
, 通过主动或者被动运输传送到地上部分用于
植物的生长发育(Hodge2009); 植物地上部分通
(root exudates)的形式释放到土壤中, 对土壤生态
特别是其中的微生物群落产生影响, 形成特异的
根系微生物组(root microbiome) (Berendsen2012;
Sasse2018; Zhalnina2018)。根系微生物组的
与植物健康息息相关(Berendsen2012; Laksh-
manan2014; TkaczPoole 2015)。植物会通过改
代谢的改变能够影响根系分泌物的组成, 进一步
影响根系微生物组(SelmarKleinwachter 2013;
Sasse2018)。许多研究发现, 根系微生物组的改
根系微生物群落建立的益生关系出发, 重点介绍
了植物在逆境下调控根系微生物组的机制, 并总
1 益生菌能够促进植物健康
病原菌, 这种识别机制能够诱导植物产生特异的
2006)。同样地, 植物也能够识别菌群中可以与其
建立共生关系(symbiosis)的益生菌, 其机制依赖
(ZipfelOldroyd 2017)。研究的比较多的例子包
bia), 以及能够与超过80%的陆生植物形成共生关
(avonoid)能够诱导根瘤菌合成结瘤因子(Nod fac-
tor) (Abdel-Lateif2012); 植物分泌到根际的激素
膜上的共生受体, 如百脉根(Lotus japonicus)中的
NFR1NFR5SYMRK (Stracke2002; Madsen
2003; Radutoiu2003)及蒺藜苜蓿(Medicago
truncatula)中的LYK3NFPDMI2 (Catoira
2000; Amor2003; Limpens2003; Smit2007),
能够识别根瘤菌产生的结瘤因子; 水稻(Oryza sativa)
根因子(Myc factor) (Zhang2015; He2019)。共
生受体识别共生因子后, 能够激活宿主体内共生
信号的产生和传导, 最终在特定组织形成共生结
(ZipfelOldroyd 2017)。根瘤菌能够诱导豆科
植物根表皮细胞形成侵染线结构(infection thread)
和根瘤(nodule)器官, 实现共生固氮(Gage 2004)
皮层细胞中形成丛枝结构(arbuscule), 实现与宿主
植物的营养交换(Genre2008; Hacquard2013)
当共生关系建立之后, 根瘤菌能够通过固氮反应
将空气中的氮气转变为氨, 从而为植物所利用
(Masson-BoivinSachs 2018); 菌根真菌能够提高
植物对土壤中无机磷的吸收(Smith2011), 相应的
另外, 有许多益生菌不与宿主植物形成共生
关系, 经典的例子包括在根际定殖的促生细菌如
mospora indica)和木霉(Trichoderma)(Pieterse
比如促生细菌Pseudomonas simiae WCS417 (后文
简称WCS417)在定殖到拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)
根际之后, 能够诱导植物产生典型的铁胁迫反应,
2015); 而印度梨形孢能够通过磷转运蛋白PiPT
接抑制病原菌的生长, 或者通过提高植物的系统
Kamilova 2009; Pieterse2014)。比如, 促生细菌
Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391能够产生吩嗪
孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum) (Mazurier2009);
(Djonovic2007; Van der Ent2008), 又称诱导系
统抗性(induced systemic resistance), 其特征是在没
有生物胁迫时, 植物免疫处于未激活状态, 而当植
物受到病原菌或者昆虫侵染时, 植物的免疫反应
统抗性的信号通路, MYC2MYB72BGLU42
(Pozo2008; Van der Ent2008; Zamioudis
组合中都有发现, 但目前鉴定到的负责激活该信
少。有意思的是, 尽管拟南芥无法与菌根真菌形
成共生关系, 但一项研究发现双色蜡蘑(Laccaria
虫的系统抗性, 并且该抗性依赖于细胞膜上免疫
植物免疫系统中的细胞膜上受体(pattern rec-
ognition receptor)和胞内受体(intracellular R protein)
胞间隙的免疫原分子(microbe-associated molecular
导不同强度的免疫反应, 从而有效遏制病原菌的
入侵(JonesDangl 2006)。由于部分免疫原分子
的保守性, 益生菌在与植物相互作用的初期也会
诱导植物产生免疫反应, 因此益生菌也演化出与
病原菌类似的机制来抑制植物免疫, 从而实现定
(ZamioudisPieterse 2012; Teixeira2019; Yu
比如百脉根根瘤菌(Mesorhizobium loti)在与宿主植
毛蛋白(agellin)分子, 从而逃避宿主对鞭毛蛋白保
守区域的识别(Lopez-Gomez2012); 印度梨形孢
内信号转导, 比如促生细菌Pseudomonas capefer-
rum WCS358WCS417能够通过酸化根际环境来
抑制拟南芥根部免疫反应(Yu2019a); 双色蜡蘑
能够分泌胞内效应蛋白MiSSP7, 与杨树(Populus
禹坷等: 植物根系与益生菌相互作用的研究进展
后阻断其降解, 从而终止免疫信号的传递(Plett
2014)。综上所述, 土壤微生物群落中的益生菌能够
生关系, 在获取碳源和空间的同时促进植物健康。
2 植物逆境胁迫影响微生物组的结构和功能
在过去的数十年间, 对植物益生菌的研究大
, 通过扩增子测序(amplicon sequencing)和宏基
因组测序(whole metagenome sequencing), 结合生
物信息学工具, 能够对不同植物种类或者生长条
件下的微生物组进行定量研究, 并精确地追溯受到
影响的微生物群落(JanssonHofmockel 2018)
子与微生物组结构变化的因果关系, 目前研究的
包括激素信号途径的激活, 如水杨酸(salicylic acid)
和茉莉酸(jasmonic acid)信号途径(Lebeis2015;
Carvalhais2017), 以及代谢产物的合成, 比如酚
类物质和萜类物质等(Badri2013; Stringlis
2018; Huang2019)。在植物与微生物建立益生
关系的过程中, 根系分泌物的作用十分关键(Sasse
, 在植物与非共生益生菌相互作用的过程中,
南芥根部分泌的苹果酸(malic acid)能够通过趋化
作用吸引芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis FB17到根际定
(Rudrappa2008); 在分根系统(split-root system)
中培养的番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)能够通过根
ylipin)物质吸引木霉Trichoderma harzianum (Lom-
bardi2018)。在生长过程中, 植物也能够通过合
成次级代谢产物来应对遇到的逆境胁迫, 如干
Kleinwachter 2013), 而这些代谢产物能够以根
系分泌物的形式, 对益生菌乃至整个微生物组的
结构和功能产生影响, 从而进一步影响植物的健
2.1 细胞壁次生化对根系微生物组的影响
, 如表皮的蜡质(cuticle)、软木质(suberin)、由木
质素(lignin)形成的凯氏带(Casparian strips)(Sch-
reiber 2010; Roppolo2014; Serrano2014)。根
几丁质后, 也能在根表皮细胞沉积胼胝质(callose),
2010; Luna2011)。根系是植物与周围环境进行
营养交换的重要通道, 控制根系分泌物的释放和对
CoA reductase, CCR)是植物合成木质素单体的关
键酶之一, 负责将阿魏酰辅酶A (feruloyl-CoA)转化
为松柏醛(coniferaldehyde) (Lacombe1997)
会积累更多的阿魏酸(ferulic acid) (Leple2007)
研究发现CCR缺陷的杨树Populus alba具有与野生
型杨树显著不同的内生微生物组, P. alba微生物
(Beckers2016), 说明在不同品种杨树中积累的
, 一项研究发现两个能够调控凯氏带形成的受
到破坏, 而内皮层的软木质显著增加, 导致erk1
有趣的是, 有研究证明凯氏带和软木质能够阻止
扩散, 从而将植物根部的免疫反应限制在与土壤
, 植物能够依据土壤中微生物的侵染方式调整
免疫反应的强度, 仅在植物受到病原的破坏性侵
染时才诱导强烈的免疫反应, 而在非侵入性的益
生菌定殖时, 其免疫反应则非常轻微, 从而保证植
根部的定殖(LeeBelkhadir 2020)
2.2 非生物胁迫对根系微生物组的影响
种营养胁迫(Shen2011; KobayashiNishizawa
(Smith2011; Zamioudis2015)。植物的营养胁
, PHR1是调控磷胁迫反应最重要的转录因子,
茉莉酸途径调控的免疫反应, PHR1缺陷突变体在
内生微生物组的结构, 这种调控机制很可能与其
微生物组能够增强PHR1的活性, 提高拟南芥在缺
在缺铁环境下, 拟南芥根系分泌大量的香豆素
2017a)。在拟南芥中, 香豆素通过苯丙素(phenyl-
propanoid)代谢途径合成, 该途径中阿魏酰辅酶A
羟化酶(feruloyl-CoA 6'-hydroxylase1, F6'H1)是香豆
素合成的限速酶, 负责将阿魏酰辅酶A羟化为香豆
素的前体6'-hydroxyferuloyl CoA (Schmid2014)
香豆素也是植物免疫反应的组成部分之一, 能够
sky2011; Sun2014)。对f6'h1突变体的根系微
的抑菌作用显著影响根系微生物组的结构, 这种
性氧的活性(Stringlis2018; Voges2019)。部分
根际益生细菌, WCS417表现出对香豆素非常高
的耐受性, 而同属假单胞菌的Root329对香豆素则
极为敏感(Stringlis2018; Voges2019)。另外,
键转录因子, 同时也在根际益生菌如WCS417诱导
的系统抗性中起着决定性的作用, 表明铁胁迫产
生的香豆素可能参与了诱导系统抗性(Van der Ent
2008; Stringlis2018)。事实上, 过表达香豆素
病原菌的持久抗性(Zamioudis2014), 但香豆素是
系统抗性, 尚需要进一步的研究。根际益生菌如
2015; Stringlis2018), 说明根际益生菌可能通过
, 磷胁迫同样能够诱导香豆素的合成和分泌(Tsai
Schmidt 2017b; Chutia2019)。以上证据说明
以香豆素为代表的植物代谢产物, 在帮助植物抵
择作用。此外, 其他非生物胁迫如高盐和干旱胁
Yuan2019), 此处不再赘述。
2.3 生物胁迫对根际微生物组的影响
中研究得最为透彻的两种激素: 水杨酸主要调控
植物对活体营养型(biotroph)病原菌的抗性, 茉莉
影响拟南芥根部微生物组(Lebeis2015), 但该途
径控制的植物性状非常广泛, 因此需要进一步深
号同样能够显著影响拟南芥微生物组, 且与根系
分泌物的变化直接相关(Carvalhais2015, 2017)
当植物感受到病原或者昆虫存在时, 会合成大量的
代谢产物来抵御病原菌或昆虫的入侵, 如植保素
pene)、苯并 唑嗪酮类(benzoxazinoids, BXs)和前
文提到的香豆素等(Glawischnig 2007; Bednarek
2009; Clay2009; Thimmappa2014; Zhou
同时, 也会影响在相同生态位的其他微生物, 导致
禹坷等: 植物根系与益生菌相互作用的研究进展
的最著名的例子当属抑病土(disease suppressive
情均会逐年加重, 但在一定年限之后病情严重程
病原菌(Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici)持续
胞菌, 当达到一定的种群密度之后, 这些假单胞菌
的现象在甜菜(Beta vulgaris)上也有发现, 对抑病
丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani)侵染后, 能够选择性地
放线菌(Streptomyces)在根际富集, 同时允许噬几丁
内富集(Mendes2011; Carrion2019)。这些富集
丝核菌的生长, 而将这些细菌分离出来后接种到甜
2011; Carrion2019)。不同的植物品种在生物
番茄抗病(‘Hawaii 7996’)和感病(‘Moneymaker’)
种接种土传病原青枯菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)
, 抗病品种的根际会显著富集一种黄杆菌, 将该
病原侵染, 植物地上部分受到侵染后也能够系统
性调节根系微生物组的结构, 从而对植物健康产
peronospora arabidopsidis)侵染时, 在其根际会特
能够促进拟南芥的生长, 并系统性地诱导拟南芥
产生对霜霉病原菌的抗性。不仅如此, 叶部病原
侵染诱导的根际微生物组的改变, 能够为土壤中
(Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato), 也观察到类
明来自植物的氨基酸和长链脂肪酸(long-chain or-
ganic acids)是导致其微生物组发生改变的直接原
, 而直接在土壤中加入外源的氨基酸和长链脂
对病原菌的抑制作用, 但其对根系微生物组或者
抵御病原菌的侵染(Glawischnig 2007; Bednarek
2009; Clay2009)。植保素是十字花科植物特有
的吲哚类含硫代谢产物, 通过色氨酸(tryptophan)
途径合成, 能够有效抑制病原菌如灰霉菌(Botrytis
cinerea)的侵染(Ferrari2003; Glawischnig 2007)
多种细胞色素酶P450, CYP71A12CYP71A13
CYP71A27CYP71A28, 均参与了拟南芥根部植
保素的合成(Millet2010; Koprivova2019)。研
究表明, 根系分泌物中的植保素能够显著影响根
际微生物硫酸酯酶(sulfatase)的活性, 从而导致微
生物组结构发生改变, 同时植保素也是促生细菌
Pseudomonas sp. CH267对拟南芥促生作用所必
不可少的, 表现为在植保素合成突变体如cyp71A27
重要代谢产物, 主要通过甲硫氨酸(methionine)
芥根部, 吲哚类芥子苷(主要通过色氨酸合成)也参
(Frerigmann2016)。一项研究发现, 拟南芥根部
的内生真菌Colletotrichum tofieldiae能够促进植物
在低磷环境下对磷的吸收, 而在无法合成植保素
殖并转化为病原菌(Hiruma2016; WangWang
2016)。以上研究表明, 植物免疫相关的代谢产物
不仅能够抑制病原菌的生长, 在维持植物与微生
疫相关代谢产物包括三萜类和苯并 唑嗪酮类
valonate)途径合成, 其合成通路最近被成功解析,
组的结构产生影响, 可能与不同微生物对三萜类
广泛存在于禾本科植物如小麦和玉米(Zea mays)
, 不仅能够协助植物抵御地上和地下部分病原
和昆虫的侵染(Ahmad2011; Zhang2019b),
putida KT2440 (Neal2012)。最近的一项研究对
行分析, 发现BXs的代谢衍生物6-methoxy-benzox-
azolin-2-one能够改变根系微生物组的结构, 并诱
虫的抗性(Hu2018)。另外, BXs合成途径也会影
响玉米的整体代谢, 特别是黄酮类物质, 从而对根
综上所述, 植物在遭遇逆境胁迫时, 能够通过
对代谢的调控影响其根系微生物组的结构, 从而
对植物健康产生正向的反馈, 使自身甚至下一代
来越多的关注, 由于其成分高度复杂, 需要具有极
代谢组学技术的进步, 其检测的广度和深度使精
确分析根系分泌物的组成成为可能, 从而建立植
(Zhu2018), 而有少数植物微生物组的研究也通
的影响(Stringlis2018; Cotton2019; Huang
3 定向促进植物与微生物的益生关系
迫已经有上千年的历史, 而植物与益生菌互作的
展。对植物与益生菌互作机制的研究, 目标之一
的共生关系, 如果能够成功应用到禾本科作物,
够大量减少氮肥的施用。在过去的十年里, 随着
高通量测序技术和多组学联合分析的应用, 许多
通过对植物微生物组结构和功能的解析, 结合分
离和培养微生物的技术, 证明对微生物组的调整
3.1 共生关系的人工转化
持续的化学信号交流, 因此改造宿主或者目标菌
的代谢和合成通路来产生这些信号, 从而促进共
zobium meliloti L5-30, 后文简称L5-30)在宿主上形
项研究成功地解析了根瘤碱的合成通路, 并证明
, 该研究将L5-30和豌豆根瘤菌(Rhizobium legu-
(Hordeum vulgare), 转化后的植物能够合成和分
泌根瘤碱, 并诱导根瘤菌的生物传感器产生响应
生和根际益生菌出发, 对多种包含野生型或改造
后的固氮基因簇(nitrogen xation gene cluster)的内
替换, 使得植物分泌的冠瘿碱(opine)能够调节固氮
酶的活性, 有效避免了持续固氮反应对能量的消
禹坷等: 植物根系与益生菌相互作用的研究进展
1 逆境胁迫下植物通过调整根系微生物组来增强对逆境的抗性
Fig.1 Root exudates-mediated microbiome modulation enhances plant stress resistance
, 消除了固氮反应中的氨抑制现象并降低了固
氮酶对氧的敏感度, 使得固氮反应在施加氮肥或
研究分别通过改造作物或者益生菌, 实现了将固
菌能够在大多数陆生植物的根系定殖, 但仍有部
激酶(receptor-like kinase)能够调控其与双色蜡蘑
共生关系的建立, 而将该激酶在拟南芥中超表达
, 双色蜡蘑能够成功地定殖到非自然宿主拟南
芥的根部, 说明菌根共生有潜力向非自然宿主中
3.2 定向改造根系微生物组
来组建合成微生物组(synthetic microbiome)或者
组的功能进行验证的重要手段, 人工选择的菌株
2019)。因此, 研究植物与微生物组相互调控的机
研究发现, 籼稻根际微生物组具有比粳稻根际微
生物组更高的氮代谢能力, 这种现象由水稻中的
离并重新组合成SynCom, 接种后发现仅籼稻根际
用能力来促进水稻生长(Zhang2019a), 说明植物
另外, 也可以利用现有的益生菌来合成具有
活能力也越强, 同时根际的病原菌数量和番茄发
构的稳态(Friedman2017; Xiao2017; Ratzke
2020), 而部分微生物在整个微生物组中起着稳定
自然微生物组具有极高的多样性, 对微生物之间
2017; Xiao2017; Ratzke2020)。一项研究通过
的表型进行分析, 利用神经网络成功地优选出能
Paredes2018), 证明了数学模型在微生物组定向
4 研究展望
食危机成为本世纪需要解决的重大问题, 而对植
经成为主流, 根系分泌物作为植物与微生物群落
微生物组的研究中, 合成微生物组或“SynCom”
极大促进该领域的发展(Van DamBouwmeester
2016; Guo2020; Wang2020)。这些研究成果可
以用来对宿主植物或者微生物进行改造, 或者通
过对微生物组结构的调节, 在作物上实现对目的
性状的改良, 而技术发展和学科融合如合成生物
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禹坷等: 植物根系与益生菌相互作用的研究进展
Research progress on interactions between root and benecial microbes
YU Ke1,#, WANG Xiaolin2,#, ZHANG Xuebin1,*, WANG Ertao2,*
1State Key Laboratory of Crops Stress Adaption and Improvement, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan 475004, China
2CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences / Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai 200032,
Abstract: Associations formed between plant roots and microbes are mutually benecial to both organisms. In
such associations, plants provide carbon source and anchoring space for the microbes while the microbes pro-
vide nutrients and enhanced stress resistance for the plants. Root exudates function as key signaling and regula-
tory molecules mediating the establishment of this association. In the past decade, plant microbiome has re-
ceived more and more attentions due to its critical role in plant health and potential applications in agricultural
practice. Here we summarized the research progress in the molecular mechanism underlying the interactions
between plant and benecial microbes, with a focus on the strategies used by plants to modulate the root micro-
biome. Attempts for engineering symbiosis in cereals and applications of synthetic microbiome to enhance plant
performance were also discussed. These research breakthrough not only will deepen our understanding in the
interaction mechanism between plants and microbial communities, but also lay the foundation for designing
and improving stress resistance in crops.
Key words: benecial microbes; microbiome; root exudates; symbiosis; rhizosphere
Received 2020-04-10 Accepted 2020-07-20
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars (31825003).
#Co-rst authors.
*Co-corresponding authors: Wang ET (, Zhang XB (
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Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi are extremely important for the regulation of forest growth and adaptability. Exploring the ECM symbiotic mechanism, especially the signal recognition mechanism in the pre-symbiotic phase, is of great significance for analyzing the coexistence mechanism between trees and microorganisms and the subsequent application of ECM fungi in forestry production. In this paper, a review of recent advances in the study of ECM pre-symbiotic mechanisms at home and abroad was presented. As for the study of ECM pre-symbiosis, the author not only systematically summarized the study object and system of pre-symbiosis the signal molecular effects of ECM fungi and host sources, but also analyzed the deficiency of research status and future research trend, hoping to provide reference for further explanation of ECM symbiotic mechanism and application of ECM fungi.
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Below‐ground microbes can induce systemic resistance against foliar pests and pathogens on diverse plant hosts. The prevalence of induced systemic resistance (ISR) among plant‐microbe‐pest systems raises the question of host specificity in microbial induction of ISR. To test whether ISR is limited by plant host range, we tested the ISR‐inducing ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor on the nonmycorrhizal plant Arabidopsis thaliana. We used the cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni and bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pto) as readouts for ISR on Arabidopsis. We found that root inoculation with L. bicolor triggered ISR against T. ni and induced systemic susceptibility (ISS) against the bacterial pathogen Pto. We found that L. bicolor‐triggered ISR against T. ni was dependent on jasmonic acid signaling and salicylic acid biosynthesis and signaling. Heat‐killed L. bicolor and chitin were sufficient to trigger ISR against T. ni and ISS against Pto. The chitin receptor CERK1 was necessary for L. bicolor‐mediated effects on systemic immunity. Collectively our findings suggest that some ISR responses might not require intimate symbiotic association, but rather might be the result of root perception of conserved microbial signals.
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Plants live in association and interact with a multitude of microorganisms. The prevalent model for rhizosphere recruitment argues that factors produced by root attract the specific bacterial taxa in the rhizosphere and the more specialized bacterial taxa are further enriched within root. Here, we quantified the absolute abundance of root microbiota in Medicago and rice, which revealed that most of the dominant bacterial phyla are significantly elevated in the rhizosphere to different degrees, followed by the recruitment of specific phyla into the root, suggesting an amplification-selection model for root microbiome assembly.
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Organisms—especially microbes—tend to live together in ecosystems. While some of these ecosystems are very biodiverse, others are not, and while some are very stable over time, others undergo strong temporal fluctuations. Despite a long history of research and a plethora of data, it is not fully understood what determines the biodiversity and stability of ecosystems. Theory and experiments suggest a connection between species interaction, biodiversity and the stability of ecosystems, where an increase in ecosystem stability with biodiversity could be observed in several cases. However, what causes these connections remains unclear. Here, we show in microbial ecosystems in the laboratory that the concentrations of available nutrients can set the strength of interactions between bacteria. High nutrient concentrations allowed the bacteria to strongly alter the chemical environment, causing on average more negative interactions between species. These stronger interactions excluded more species from the community, resulting in a loss of biodiversity. At the same time, the stronger interactions also decreased the stability of the microbial communities, providing a mechanistic link between species interaction, biodiversity and stability in microbial ecosystems.
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Recognition of microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) is crucial for the plant's immune response. How this sophisticated perception system can be usefully deployed in roots, continuously exposed to microbes, remains a mystery. By analyzing MAMP receptor expression and response at cellular resolution in Arabidopsis, we observed that differentiated outer cell layers show low expression of pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) and lack MAMP responsiveness. Yet, these cells can be gated to become responsive by neighbor cell damage. Laser ablation of small cell clusters strongly upregulates PRR expression in their vicinity, and elevated receptor expression is sufficient to induce responsiveness in non-responsive cells. Finally, localized damage also leads to immune responses to otherwise non-immunogenic, beneficial bacteria. Damage-gating is overridden by receptor overexpression, which antagonizes colonization. Our findings that cellular damage can "switch on" local immune responses helps to conceptualize how MAMP perception can be used despite the presence of microbial patterns in the soil.
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Legumes obtain nitrogen from air through rhizobia residing in root nodules. Some species of rhizobia can colonize cereals but do not fix nitrogen on them. Disabling native regulation can turn on nitrogenase expression, even in the presence of nitrogenous fertilizer and low oxygen, but continuous nitrogenase production confers an energy burden. Here, we engineer inducible nitrogenase activity in two cereal endophytes (Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 and Rhizobium sp. IRBG74) and the well-characterized plant epiphyte Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5, a maize seed inoculant. For each organism, different strategies were taken to eliminate ammonium repression and place nitrogenase expression under the control of agriculturally relevant signals, including root exudates, biocontrol agents and phytohormones. We demonstrate that R. sp. IRBG74 can be engineered to result in nitrogenase activity under free-living conditions by transferring a nif cluster from either Rhodobacter sphaeroides or Klebsiella oxytoca. For P. protegens Pf-5, the transfer of an inducible cluster from Pseudomonas stutzeri and Azotobacter vinelandii yields ammonium tolerance and higher oxygen tolerance of nitrogenase activity than that from K. oxytoca. Collectively, the data from the transfer of 12 nif gene clusters between 15 diverse species (including Escherichia coli and 12 rhizobia) help identify the barriers that must be overcome to engineer a bacterium to deliver a high nitrogen flux to a cereal crop. The comparison of the ability of native and engineered gene clusters transferred into bacteria that live on or inside cereal roots to regulate nitrogenase activity reveals different strategies to control nitrogen fixation in rhizobia and paves the way to engineer a bacterium able to deliver high nitrogen fluxes to crops.
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Significance Certain adapted insect herbivores utilize plant toxins for self-defense against their own enemies. These adaptations structure ecosystems and limit our capacity to use biological control agents to manage specialized agricultural pests. We show that entomopathogenic nematodes that are exposed to the western corn rootworm, an important agricultural pest that sequesters defense metabolites from maize, can evolve resistance to these defenses. Resisting the plant defense metabolites likely allows the nematodes to infect and kill the western corn rootworm more efficiently. These findings illustrate how predators can counter the plant-based resistance strategies of specialized insect herbivores. Breeding or engineering biological control agents that resist plant defense metabolites may improve their capacity to kill important agricultural pests such as the western corn rootworm.
The organizational principles of the root immune system are largely uncharacterized. In the February 6, 2020 issue of Cell, Zhou et al. showed roots are built entirely by immunocompetent cells that require distinct instructions to unlock cell-autonomous immune programs. A root cell’s developmental identity combined with its spatial distribution fine-tunes immune signal sensitivity, enabling sector-specific immune responses.
Synthetic community (SynCom) approaches can provide functional and mechanistic insights into how plants regulate their microbiomes, and how the microbiome in turn influences plant growth and health. Microbial cultivation and reconstruction play pivotal roles in this process, which enables researchers to reproducibly investigate the interactions between plants and a major proportion of plant-associated microbes in controlled laboratory conditions. Here, we summarize the emergence, current achievements, and future opportunities for using SynCom experiments in plant microbiome research, with a focus on plant root-associated bacteria.
The root microbiome consists of commensal, pathogenic, and plant-beneficial microbes [1]. Most members of the root microbiome possess microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) similar to those of plant pathogens [2]. Their recog- nition can lead to the activation of host immunity and suppression of plant growth due to growth- defense tradeoffs [3, 4]. We found that 42% of the tested root microbiota, including the plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria Pseudomonas capeferrum WCS358 [5, 6] and Pseudomonas simiae WCS417 [6, 7], are able to quench local Ara- bidopsis thaliana root immune responses that are triggered by flg22 [8], an immunogenic epitope of the MAMP flagellin [9], suggesting that this is an important function of the root microbiome. In a screen for WCS358 mutants that lost their ca- pacity to suppress flg22-induced CYP71A12pro: GUS MAMP-reporter gene expression, we identi- fied the bacterial genes pqqF and cyoB in WCS358, which are required for the production of gluconic acid and its derivative 2-keto gluconic acid. Both WCS358 mutants are impaired in the production of these organic acids and conse- quently lowered their extracellular pH to a lesser extent than wild-type WCS358. Acidification of the plant growth medium similarly suppressed flg22- induced CYP71A12pro:GUS and MYB51pro:GUS expression, and the flg22-mediated oxidative burst, suggesting a role for rhizobacterial gluconic acid- mediated modulation of the extracellular pH in the suppression of root immunity. Rhizosphere popula- tion densities of the mutants were significantly reduced compared to wild-type. Collectively, these findings show that suppression of immune re- sponses is an important function of the root microbiome, as it facilitates colonization by benefi- cial root microbiota.