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Estimate and control position autonomous Underwater Vehicle based on determined trajectory using Fuzzy Kalman Filter method


Abstract and Figures

Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV), known as underwater drones, are any vehicle that are able to operate underwater without human occupant. AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) are one of categories of these vehicles which operate independently of direct human input. This AUV is required to have a navigation system that can manoeuvred 6 Degree of Freedom (DOF) and able to estimate the exact position based on the determined trajectory. Fuzzy Kalman Filter (FKF) method is used to estimate the position of the AUV. This process is used to maintain the accuracy of the trajectory. The performance of FKF algorithm on some several trajectory cases show that this method has relatively small Root Means Square Error (RSME), which is less than 10%.
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Int’l Conf. on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture, and Industrial Automation 2015 (ICAMIMIA 2015)
Surabaya, Indonesia, on October 15-17, 2015
Estimate and Control Position Autonomous
Underwater Vehicle Based on Determined Trajectory
using Fuzzy Kalman Filter Method
1Zunif Ermayanti
Mathematics Department of
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Surabaya, Indonesia
2Erna Apriliani
Mathematics Department of
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Surabaya, Indonesia
3Hendro Nurhadi*
Mechanical Engineering of
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Surabaya, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author,
IEEE Member
4Teguh Herlambang
Post Graduate Program in
Marine Technologi of Institut
Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember,
Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstract Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV), known
as underwater drones, are any vehicle that are able to operate
underwater without human occupant. AUV (Autonomous
Underwater Vehicle) are one of categories of these vehicles which
operate independently of direct human input. This AUV is
required to have a navigation system that can manoeuvred 6
Degree of Freedom (DOF) and able to estimate the exact position
based on the determined trajectory. Fuzzy Kalman Filter (FKF)
method is used to estimate the position of the AUV. This process is
used to maintain the accuracy of the trajectory. The performance
of FKF algorithm on some several trajectory cases show that this
method has relatively small Root Means Square Error (RSME),
which is less than 10%.
Keywords AUV, estimation, Fuzzy Kalman Filter
Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) are any
vehicle that are able to operate underwater without human
occupant. These vehicles are divided into two, there are Remote
Operational Vehicle (ROV), which is operated by remote
control, and Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), which is
a machine in the water that operate independently by direct
human input [1]. AUV is now quite widely used for several
purposes in many fields, i.e. science, environment, marine
industry, military, national defense and security. In archipelago
country, such as Indonesia, which has widely ocean area, this
AUV can be used as a surveillance tool to see untouched
underwater conditions and can supervise the defense or border
areas in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition,
the AUV can also be used to see and find out the state of the sea
bottom, i.e. conditions and natural resources in the sea,
geological sampling, inspection of underwater structures, and
construction and maintenance of underwater structures.
A research which has been conducted on the AUV are
investigate the estimation on the AUV by using Ensemble
Kalman Filter [2]. That research estimate some translational
motion, i.e. surging, swaying, and heaving. However, general
forces, such as drag force and lift force, on AUV aren’t taken
into account in detail. The next research is conducted by [1]
with the same topic and method, the difference is those research
also calculate the drag and lift forces of the AUV. A research
which use Fuzzy Kalman Filter method to solve the problem is
the research which is conducted by Mahmuri, H (2011) about
the estimation of the cancer cells development by using Fuzzy
Kalman method [3].
Due to its importance and previous researches, this
research will be further developed on the estimated position and
control on AUV by using all existing motion on AUV, there are
6 DOF (Degree of Freedom) both translational and rotational
motion, whereas the method used is Fuzzy Kalman Filter.
In this research, we use Fuzzy Kalman Filter as our
method because FKF can be used for any parameter variations.
In addition, the merger between Fuzzy and Kalman Filter is
occurred because the Fuzzy system can be used for anything
inappropriate and ambiguous.
The goal of this research is to get the estimated
position of the AUV in accordance to the determined trajectory
with a relatively small error.
Two important things to note for analyzing AUV are
Earth Fixed Frame (EFF) and Body Fixed Frame (BFF) [4].
EFF is used to describe the position and orientation of the AUV
with the position of the x-axis direct to the north, the y-axis to
the east, and the z-axis toward the center of the Earth. While,
BFF is used to describe the speed and acceleration of the AUV
with the starting point at the center of gravity.
Motion of AUV have 6 DOF (Degree of Freedom)
where 3 DOF for translation motion and 3 DOF for rotational
motion in point x, y, and z. General equation of motion consists
of 3 equations for translational motion and 3 motions for
rotational motion. The general equation of motion translation
and rotation are surge, sway, and heave as motion translation
and roll, pitch, and yaw as rotation [4].
Int’l Conf. on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture, and Industrial Automation 2015 (ICAMIMIA 2015)
Surabaya, Indonesia, on October 15-17, 2015
Position and Angle Euler
  
    
Linear and Angular Velocity
  
    
Force and Moment
  
    
There for the AUV models can be written as follows:
       
         
   (1)
        
        
      (2)
      
       
      (3)
          
       (4)
      
        
         (5)
         
        
         (6)
This chapter describes the settlement of AUV models
which are used to estimate the position and determine trajectory
that may be taken by the AUV. Further, we will estimate
position of the AUV motion due to the AUV's determined
trajectory using Fuzzy Kalman Filter method. Furthermore,
based on the results of the estimation, we conduct a control on
the AUV system in order to keep AUV moves at the determined
A. AUV Models Solution
Based on the AUV model on Equation 1-6, those equations
can be built on matric as follows:
Or can be written as:
   (8)
Int’l Conf. on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture, and Industrial Automation 2015 (ICAMIMIA 2015)
Surabaya, Indonesia, on October 15-17, 2015
  
  
  
  
  
  
  
 (9)
 (11)
 (13)
 (14)
 (15)
B. Linearization
Model of AUV is a non-linear model, therefore, this
model will be converted into common forms as:
    (16)
Where c is control.
Equation 8 will be formed into the Equation 16 by means of a
function F in Jacobi to the speed and control.
So we get Equation 17 and 18 :
Jacobi to the speed
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
Jacobi to control
Therefore, we obtained matrices A and B as follows:
     (19)
    (20)
C. Discretization Model
AUV equation of motion should be changed into the
form of discretization because FKF algorithm can only be
implemented on discrete system. To be able to use different
discretization forward, namely:
  
 
 (21)
Discretization Equation 9 is obtained generally as follows:
    (22)
     (23)
      (24)
D. Fuzzy Kalman Filter Implementation
1. Fuzzification
Fuzzification is a process that converts input from crisp shape
(firmly) into the form of fuzzy (linguistic variables) that are
usually presented in the form of fuzzy set.
Int’l Conf. on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture, and Industrial Automation 2015 (ICAMIMIA 2015)
Surabaya, Indonesia, on October 15-17, 2015
Minimum surge speed
Maximum surge speed
Minimum yaw speed
Maximum yaw speed
Minimum Surge
 
 (25)
Maximum Surge
 
 (26)
For more motion performed in the same way
2. Determining the Basic Rules
Basic rules are determined from a combination of the
maximum and minimum as many as  where is the number
of models or variables. So that the equation of the AUV motion
with 6 DOF had 6 models or variables. The possibilities that
may occur are (see Table 3). By using the basic rules
in general, namely:
Rule: if is then 
 
Thus fuzzy basic rules which are obtained are as follows: the
ground rules are numbering 64 fuzzy logic rules where the
 , which will be estimated by using the
Kalman Filter method [5].
System and measurement model
xk + 1 = Ai x+Bu + wk (27)
zk = Hx+ vk. (28)
Initial condition
 
Time Update
 
  (29)
 
  (30)
Measurement Update
Kalman Gain :
  
  (31)
Update estimation :
  
 
 (32)
Update Covarian Error :
    
 (33)
After the basic rules that are applied to the Kalman Filter
have been obtained, we gain 64 estimations at each step as
Fuzzification process is done by:
 (35)
   (36)
   (37)
E. Control position
In correction step, we get the result of position
estimation from the AUV motion. Further, based on the
estimated value, we will conduct the system control by
changing the steering angle of the motion. In general overview,
to determine the steering angle based on the results of the
estimation is given as follows [3]:
In the initial position, we assume the position of
AUV is at the point  , further the AUV move in the
position   when the AUV should be at determined
trajectory which at the point  so that the value of α
which is the steering angle obtained by:
Fig.2 Control Position
Int’l Conf. on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture, and Industrial Automation 2015 (ICAMIMIA 2015)
Surabaya, Indonesia, on October 15-17, 2015
 
F. Result and Simulation
Simulations carried out by applying the Fuzzy Kalman
Filter algorithm in motion dynamics model of AUV. The
simulation will be presented in two-dimensional graph that
describes the position on AUV. The simulation results of this
research will be compared between the trajectories determined
by the results of the estimation using the Fuzzy Kalman Filter
Method. In each case to the estimated position, the changes that
exist in every movement AUV in the form into the
coordinates,, and . by way of [6]:
        (40)
      (41)
   (42)
  (43)
Part of this simulation will show the performance of Fuzzy
Kalman Filter. In this study used a model error is 10 % of the
initial conditions. For each case there is provided a
measurement system at 4 motions i.e. surge, sway, heave, and
yaw. At this simulation given its initial velocity i.e.
= 1.5
, = 1.5
, = 1.5
, = 0 
, = 0 
, =
0 
The initial angle and  so that the point
corresponding to the trajectory and the value of the time change
  . The number of experimental results of running as
many as 30 times.
Fig.3 Case 1
Fig.3 Case 1
Fig.5 Case 3
Fig.5 Case 3
Fig.4 Case 2
Fig.4 Case 2
Fig.6 Case 4
Fig.6 Case 4
Int’l Conf. on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture, and Industrial Automation 2015 (ICAMIMIA 2015)
Surabaya, Indonesia, on October 15-17, 2015
From the case above, we can conclude that FKF can
work better to estimate the position of the determined
trajectory. However, the time required by every case depends
on the complexity of the trajectory. This condition occurs
because the speed of six DOF on AUV is varying depend on its
trajectory. RSME on the X axis is greater if the trajectory is
made on the XY dimension than on the XZ dimension. As for
the Y axis, the straight trajectory has greater error than the
curved trajectory because the distance of the straight trajectory
farther than the curved. However, on the Z axis or diving
trajectory, RMSE on the trajectory which has more curve is
greater than the RMSE on the trajectory with less curve.
Therefore, the angle RMSE on the Case 4 is greater than others.
Fuzzy Kalman Filter and Kalman Filter methods can
be used to estimate the position of AUV with the desired
trajectory. Due to the parameter measurements, i.e. in motion
surge, sway, heave, and yaw, each position has relatively small
RMSE. In other words, this estimation method can be applied
to translational and rotational motion on AUV.
This research is one of our contribution as a tool to
support for the next research on AUV field in science,
environment, marine industry, military, and national defense
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... AUV Segorogoeni ITS has several advantages: the unmanned vehicle is capable of monitoring underwater conditions, has a hydrodynamic profile, the navigation system is equipped with a compass and GPS, and provided a motion sensor IMU. The AUV Segorogeni ITS can observe underwater conditions with camera vision and wireless cable [12]. The details of AUV Segorogeni ITS are described in Table 2. ...
... Matrices C and D are measured by Jacobi Matrix application to the speed and control [12]. ...
... Fuzzy Kalman Filter is an algorithm for estimation using fuzzy set and Kalman Filter method [12]. From the linearization of state-space formation in equation (38), equation +1 = ( ∆ + 1) + ∆ is obtained, where the variable is used to be implemented in the Fuzzy Kalman Filter algorithm. ...
Full-text available
This research explains a comparison estimation for AUV position using Kalman Filter (KF), Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF), and Fuzzy Kalman Filter (FKF) algorithm in some specified trajectories. Estimation is developed for AUV Segorogeni ITS which was built by the Institute Technology of Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Indonesia. The specified trajectories are the diving, straight, and turning path which is the real trajectories. We compare the result estimation for each of the trajectories from the simulation and the RMSE (Root Mean Square Error). In this case, the best estimation is given by the difference estimation method. Fuzzy Kalman Filter gives the best result for the diving trajectory (Y-position and angle) and the straight trajectory. Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) gives the best result for the X-position in the diving trajectory. While Kalman Filter gives the best result for the straight trajectory.Keywords: AUV; Kalman Filter (KF); Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF); Fuzzy Kalman Filter (FKF); AUV Segorogeni ITS. AbstrakPenelitian ini menjelaskan tentang perbandingan estimasi untuk posisi AUV antara algoritma Kalman Filter (KF), Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) dan Fuzzy Kalman Filter (FKF) untuk trayektori tertentu. Estimasi dilakukan terhadap AUV Segorogeni ITS yang dibuat oleh ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember), Indonesia. Trayektori yang diberikan adalah menyelam, lurus dan lintasan membelok yang merupakan lintasan real. Peneliti melakukan perbandingan untuk setiap lintasan berdasarkan hasil simulasi dan Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). Pada kasus ini estimasi terbaik diberikan oleh metode yang berbeda. Fuzzy Kalman Filter memberikan hasil terbaik untuk lintasan berbelok pada posisi-Y dan pada garis lurus. Ensemble Kalman Filter memberikan estimasi terbaik untuk posisi-X pada lintasan menyelam. Sedangkan Kalman Filter memberikan hasil terbaik untuk lintasan lurus. Kata kunci: AUV; Kalman Filter (KF); Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF); Fuzzy Kalman Filter (FKF); AUV Segorogeni ITS.
... Another improved method with dynamic SMC was proposed to improve robustness overactuated autonomous underwater when exposed to under ocean current and model uncertainties [12,13]. Other strategies, such as fuzzy logic (FL) [14] and the model predictive controller (MPC) [15], have produced noteworthy outcomes. In [14], FL is integrated with the Kalman filter to assess the position of AUVs and to drive them using a specified route. ...
... Other strategies, such as fuzzy logic (FL) [14] and the model predictive controller (MPC) [15], have produced noteworthy outcomes. In [14], FL is integrated with the Kalman filter to assess the position of AUVs and to drive them using a specified route. It is also capable of handling qualitative and unclear decisionmaking issues. ...
Full-text available
With the advancement in robotics technology over the recent years, underwater robots’ design and development are gaining interest. Unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) have many applications in aquaculture, deep-sea exploration, research, and enhanced rescue tasks. However, various factors must be considered when developing any underwater vehicle system to explore the deep ends of the underwater world. In this paper, we develop the most suitable model for understanding various system parameters. The new mathematical model considers certain constraints and external disturbances exerted on the system. Also, a control strategy is suggested for the UUV’s stability and robustness. The suggested observer and model are simple, allowing for accurate estimations of all system states and the global impacts of unknown limped perturbations with a minimal computational cost.
... The NKRI's need for an applicable and multifunctional technology is a very important issue in the current effort to modernize unmanned submarines functioning as the Main Weapon System Equipment (ALUTSISTA), which is applied as a spy technology or automatic weapon [3] [4] Most underwater vehicles being developed by many countries today are unmanned underwater robots or unmanned submarines. Such a robot type, known as the Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) is a type of underwater robot relatively flexible for underwater exploration and underwater defense system equipment [5] [6]. ROV is an effective technology to protect Indonesia's marine resource potential. ...
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The development of underwater defense technology is commonly related to its usage for security and defense of a country. The need of NKRI (the Republic of Indonesia) for an applicable and multifunctional technology for highly improved unmanned submarines is urgent considering the current necessity of unmanned technology modernization functioning as The Main Weapon System Equipments (ALUTSISTA) to be applied as a spy technology or automatic weapon. This paper focus is on a motion control system design with the motion equation of 2 Degree of Freedom (DOF) applied to an unmanned submarine system or also called a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV). ROV requires a control system to control its maneuvering motion when underwater, especially in a straight line motion. The ROV motion equation of 2-DOF consisting of surge and roll motions is in the form of a nonlinear equation. The system control design applied to the ROV system used the Proportional Controller method combined with Sliding Mode Control. The simulation results of the Proportional SMC control system with the motion equation of 2-DOF on the ROV system show that the system is stable with an accuracy of surge and roll motions of 95% - 99%.
... Fuzzy method is a method that has a vague or unclear meaning. So, fuzzy logic is logic that is fuzzy, or contains an element of uncertainty [3]. This theory is used in the fields of control theory, decision making, etc. ...
Conference Paper
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever or what weoften hear with DHF is a disease that we often encounter in our environment, even now cases of DHF have spread in 472 districts or cities in 34 provinces. Fuzzy logic is a method that has a vague or unclear meaning. So, fuzzy logic is logic that is fuzzy, or contains elements of uncertainty. This theory is usedin the fields of control theory, decision making, etc.There are three variables in this study population density, frequency of drainage, and cases of DHF. The dataused are 2015-2020 data and the data to be tested for the output of this research is data in 2020 where the data for this year is data that has never been tested before. The forecasting results are based on research on 72 input data and 12 data used to validate the forecasting results using the Mamdani fuzzy method to get an accuracy of about 83%.
... The trajectory is used as a guide to direct that the missile reach the target by following the given trajectory. Several studies have been carried out regarding the estimation of positions such as the one implemented to AUV using Ensemble and Extended Kalman Filter [3,4,5] and Square Root Ensemble Kalman Filter (SR-EnKF) method [6] [7]and Kalman Filter with fuzzy [8], and that implemented on temperature steam drum estimation [9]. Position estimation has also been applied to ASV using the Extended Kalman Filter method [10] To maintain the accuracy of the trajectory continuously, in this study, the missile trajectory estimation was made by using Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) Algorithm. ...
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Missiles are military rocket weapons having an automatic control system to locate its targets or adjust its direction. Indonesia itself, which is a country of archipelago, covers air area of its largest territory, followed by sea area and land area. Logically, the existence of missile defense equipment (the main weapon system) or precisely the type of long-range missile is acceptable to support the defense and security of the Republic of Indonesia, but its consequences to be operated in the territory of Indonesia itself, in case of an occufanct of an error in targeting the target, will fall on of harm to its own national territory. Therefore, trajectory estimation for guided missiles is the basic requirement for guided missiles to be aimed at the precise targets. The trajectory is used as a guide to direct that the missile reach the target by following the given path. To maintain the accuracy of the trajectory continuously, the missile trajectory estimation was made by using Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) Algorithm. This algorithm was used to estimate nonlinear dynamic models The simulation results showed that the UKF method was effective, showing the accuracy of 97% by the UKF method
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ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) is a product of technological development, functioning to perform tasks in the water. Big tasks such as coral reef exploration, oil refineries, underwater monitoring, and sea accident rescue are carried out by such technology. ROV or unmanned submarines have 6 degrees of freedom, but for diving it requires only 3 movements, that is, surge, heave, and pitch motions. In its operation, the ROV requires a navigation system in the form of estimation of the ROV position under diving conditions. In this study, two methods were used to estimate the ROV position under diving conditions, that is, the H-infinity method and the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). Both methods proved reliable on other platforms. The simulation results in this study showed that the EnKF method was more accurate than the H-Infinity method. The H-Infinity method had an accuracy of around 87%, while the EnKF method reached an accurate of 99 %.
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Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD) as a blood supply provider is required to meet the demand for blood, but in reality, the blood stock does not always meet the blood demand. The blood type stocks in the Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD) relies on blood donors voluntarily donating their blood. Red blood cells only have a life span of 35 days as of the blood donation date. If overdue the blood cannot be used for transfusion. Fulfillment of the availability of blood is a very important thing. On one hand, too much blood stock results in significant losses, such as expiration. On the other hand, too low blood stock makes the people’s blood needs unfulfilled. Therefore, this paper is an effort to estimate the blood supply at Indonesian Red Cross Bojonegoro by using the Modified Kalman Filter method. The Modified Kalman Filter is a comparison of two Kalman Filter development methods, those are Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and Fuzzy Kalman Filter (FKF). The simulation results showed that the EKF method was accurate than the FKF method, with an error of 3 % generated by the EKF and that of 9% by the FKF.
Conference Paper
This paper presents the optimal control of the kinematic model of an autonomous underwater vehicle. An optimal feedback control methodology is developed for the trajectory tracking of underwater vehicles. The motion of underwater vehicles is presented first as a kinematic model. For the design of feedback control, the system is linearized and transformed into a chained form. The control for trajectory tracking of the kinematic model is presented as an H-2 optimal design. Formulating LQG as H-2 optimization is useful as it can be generalized to include frequency-domain performance specifications.
The classical Kalman filtering (KF) algorithm has recently been extended to interval linear systems with interval parameters under the same statistical assumptions on noise, where the new algorithm is called Interval Kalman Filtering (IKF) scheme. The IKF algorithm has the same structure, and preserves the same optimality, as the classical KF scheme but provides interval-valued estimates. If the interval system has confidence description about the distribution of its interval values, we can further incorporate the IKF scheme with fuzzy logic inference, so as to develop a new filtering algorithm, called Fuzzy Kalman Filtering (FKF) algorithm. This algorithm preserves the same recursive mechanism of the KF and IKF, but produces a scalar-valued (rather than an intervalvalued) estimate at each iteration of the filtering process. To compare the FKF to the IKF, computer simulation is included, which shows that the FKF is also robust against system parameter variations.
This paper proposes a multistage rule-based preci- sion positioning control method for the linear piezoelectrically actuated table (LPAT). During the coarse-tuning stage, the LPAT is actuated by coarse voltage schemes toward the target of 20 μm at a higher velocity, and during the fine-tuning stage, it is steadily and accurately driven by the fine voltage scheme to reach the target position. The rule-based method is employed to establish the control rules for the voltages and displacements of the two stages using statistical methods. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed control method can quickly reach steady state, and the steady-state error can be reduced to less than or equal to 0.02 μm for small travel (±0.1 μm) and large travel (±20 mm).
The Canadian Self-Contained Off-the-Shelf Underwater Testbed, or C-SCOUT, is an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) designed and built by graduate students at Memorial University of Newfoundland and work term students employed by the Institute for Marine Dynamics. The AUV is part of the NSERC strategic grant: Offshore Environmental Engineering Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. The project applies the vehicle technology to the problem of environmental monitoring of offshore oil production facilities. Future variations of the AUV can be configured for a wide variety of missions including search and survey, under ice operations, iceberg profiling, oceanographic sampling, and mine detection and countermeasures.
Design of Position Estimation Algorithm of Navigation and Trajectory System for Unmanned Underwater Vehicle ITS AUV-01 using Ensemble Kalman Filter (ENKF) Method, 13 th Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications
  • Hendro Nurhadi
  • Subchan
  • F R Gustiyadi
Hendro Nurhadi, Subchan, Gustiyadi FR, Design of Position Estimation Algorithm of Navigation and Trajectory System for Unmanned Underwater Vehicle ITS AUV-01 using Ensemble Kalman Filter (ENKF) Method, 13 th Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (SITIA 2012), Surabaya, 23 May 2012.
Implementation Ensemble Kalman Filter on estimates Speed of the submarine
  • Risa Fitria
Fitria, Risa.2011.Implementation Ensemble Kalman Filter on estimates Speed of the submarine. Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember,. Surabaya
Estimates spread of cancer cells by using fuzzy Kalman Filter
  • H Mahmuri
Mahmuri, H. (2011), Estimates spread of cancer cells by using fuzzy Kalman Filter, Department Mathematics,Intitute Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya.