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Management of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems


Abstract and Figures

There is an increasing policy interest toward entrepreneurial ecosystems. Yet, little is actually known about how an entrepreneurial ecosystem works and what the related policy challenges are. Drawing on research on ecological economics and community governance, this chapter develops a theoretical framework for entrepreneurial ecosystem management. Using a Scottish entrepreneurial ecosystem initiative as an example, the authors conclude that policy approaches that emphasize deep stakeholder engagement are likely to give rise to better informed, targeted, and more effectively implemented policy initiatives in entrepreneurial ecosystems than will market failure and structural failure approaches.
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Management of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Erkko Autio*1 and Jonathan Levie2
* Corresponding author
1Imperial College Business School
and Tilburg University School of Economics and Management
2University of Strathclyde
There is increasing policy interest towards entrepreneurial ecosystems. Yet, little is actually
known about how entrepreneurial ecosystems work and what the related policy challenges
are. Drawing on research on ecological economics and community governance, we develop a
theoretical framework for entrepreneurial ecosystem management. Using a Scottish
entrepreneurial ecosystem initiative as an example, we conclude that policy approaches that
emphasize deep stakeholder engagement are likely to give rise to better informed, targeted,
and more effectively implemented policy initiatives in entrepreneurial ecosystems than will
‘market’ and ‘structural’ failure approaches.
Key words: entrepreneurial ecosystems; entrepreneurship policy; ecosystem management;
Scotland; stakeholder engagement
Autio, E., & Levie, J. 2017. Management of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. In: G.
Ahmetoglu, T. Chamorro-Premuzic, B. Klinger, & T. Karcisky (Eds.). The Wiley Handbook
of Entrepreneurship: 423-449. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons
The notion of entrepreneurial ecosystems has become increasingly prevalent in the
entrepreneurship policy literature (Acs, Autio, & Szerb, 2014; Auerswald, 2014; Drexler et
al., 2014; Stam, 2014; Spigel, 2015). However, there is little evidence that entrepreneurship
policy itself has become more systemic in nature. Like many socioeconomic policy areas,
entrepreneurship policy has traditionally employed top-down, siloed approaches designed to
address specific, well-defined market and structural failures by, for example, providing
subsidized funding for new businesses or enhancing SME access to R&D facilities
(Audretsch, 2011; Lundström, & Stevenson, 2005). However, siloed approaches may not be
effective in redressing complex, systemic challenges that span across policy domains
(Blackburn, & Schaper, 2012; Stam, 2015). In this chapter we explore alternative approaches
to managing entrepreneurial ecosystems.
Acs et al. (2014. p. 479) defined entrepreneurial ecosystems as: “dynamic,
institutionally embedded interaction between entrepreneurial attitudes, ability, and
aspirations, by individuals, which drives the allocation of resources through the creation and
operation of new ventures.” Entrepreneurial ecosystems are complex socioeconomic
structures that are brought to life by individual-level action (Spigel, 2015). This action is
embedded in complex interactions between multiple individual and organizational
stakeholders that make up the ecosystem, and it is expressed through the creation and
operation of new ventures. The ultimate outcome of this trial-and-error dynamic is the
allocation of resources toward productive uses, as entrepreneurs are more likely to abandon
the pursuit of poor-quality opportunities than they are to abandon high-quality
opportunitiesthat is, those which enable them to gain high returns on their resource
In the ecological literature, the benefits generated by natural ecosystems are
commonly referred to as ecosystem services,” and the practice of managing and enhancing
such benefits is referred to as ecosystem management” (Anderies, Janssen, & Ostrom, 2004;
Grumbine, 1994; Seppelt, Dormann, Eppink, Lautenbach, & Schmidt, 2011). The dual
service created by entrepreneurial ecosystems is resource allocation towards productive uses
and the innovative, high-growth ventures that drive this process. Because entrepreneurial
ecosystem services are created through myriad localized interactions between ecosystem
stakeholders, it is not easy to trace gaps in ecosystem performance back to specific, well-
defined market and structural failures that could be addressed in a top-down mode. This
undermines the effectiveness of market failure and system failure” approaches to policy-
making in entrepreneurial ecosystems (Bergek, Jacobsson, Carlsson, Lindmark, & Rickne,
2008; Woolthuis, Lankhuizen, & Gilsing, 2005). Yet, there has been little theoretical work
exploring alternative policy approaches in entrepreneurial ecosystems.
We address this gap by drawing on literature that discusses policy approaches in
socioeconomic and socioecological systems that are comparable to entrepreneurial
ecosystems in their complexity (e.g., socioecological ecosystems, multistakeholder
communities). We find that policy approaches to address such systems share several common
features, such as deep stakeholder engagement, reinforcement of generalized reciprocity and
prosocial behaviors, multipolar coordination, and collective action (Bowles & Gintis, 2002;
Kofinas, 2009; Vollan & Ostrom, 2010). Such approaches are yet to be discussed in the
context of entrepreneurial ecosystems. In this chapter, we contribute to entrepreneurial
ecosystem theory and practice by applying socioecological and community governance
theories to develop a model for collective management of entrepreneurial ecosystems. We
show how policymakers and other stakeholders can assume a leadership role in system
renewal by acting as stewards of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and engaging a balanced set
of relevant stakeholders to find ways to mutually coordinate their actions (Feld, 2012;
Ostrom, 1990).
We summarize our insights in three propositions for successful entrepreneurial
ecosystem management: one highlighting an approach to data and analysis, another
highlighting an approach to design of activities, and a third highlighting an approach to
implementation that set entrepreneurial ecosystem policymaking apart from traditional
approaches to entrepreneurship policy. We then reflect these propositions against a live case
of regional entrepreneurial ecosystem policymaking in practice in Scotland to check their
face validity. Finally, we draw conclusions regarding the role of policymakers in
entrepreneurial ecosystems and present normative suggestions.
We advance four contributions to the entrepreneurial ecosystem literature with this
design. First, this is the first study to identify analysis and management challenges to
policymaking, as posed by the systemic characteristics of entrepreneurial ecosystems.
Second, this is the first study to translate policy insights accumulated in other socioeconomic
and socioecological ecosystem domains to the context of entrepreneurial ecosystems. Third,
we link deep stakeholder engagement, a feature of policy approaches in socioecological
ecosystems, to stakeholder theory to generate insights on stakeholder selection and
engagement. Finally, through our empirical case, we confirm the face validity of the
propositions using a recent policymaking experience of entrepreneurial ecosystem
management and draw lessons for entrepreneurial ecosystem management in national and
regional contexts.
In the next section, we discuss characteristics of entrepreneurial ecosystems and
associated challenges for policymaking. In the subsequent section, we review policy research
that focuses on policy analysis and management in complex socioeconomic and
socioecological systems. From this review we derive three general propositions for effective
entrepreneurial ecosystem management. We follow this with a section in which we reflect
these propositions against a case study of an ongoing process of Scottish entrepreneurial
ecosystem facilitation, noting examples of good practice and instances where following the
propositions could have generated superior outcomes. We then discuss the results and finish
with a concluding section that outlines the implications of our contribution to entrepreneurial
ecosystem policy.
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Definitions and Policy Challenges
It is increasingly appreciated that entrepreneurial action by individuals and
entrepreneurial teams is subject to contextual influences (Autio et al., 2014). Yet, the systems
approach to entrepreneurship remains nascent and theoretical and conceptual work
conspicuously scarce (Acs, Kenney, Mustar, Siegel, & Wright, 2014; Auerswald, 2014;
Spigel, 2015). The early works in this area have been mostly practitioner-oriented and
eschewed conceptual discussion of their object (Feld, 2012; Isenberg, 2010). Such works tend
to focus on regional agglomerations and specialized resources and also cover tacit aspects
such as culture and institutions, but formal definitions are seldom offered. This problem even
extends to more formal attempts to measure and assess entrepreneurial ecosystems (Spigel,
2015; Stangler & Bell-Masterson, 2015).
The lack of coherent theoretical underpinnings is reflected in definitional diversity.
Stam (2014) suggested that an entrepreneurial ecosystem is an interdependent set of actors
that is governed in such a way that it enables entrepreneurial action. However,
entrepreneurial action is defined as the pursuit of opportunities for innovation” (and not
opportunities for generating entrepreneurial profit), and the definition does not specify
welfare outcomes of the process
. Mason & Brown (2014, p. 5) suggested a rather more
comprehensive definition as: a set of interconnected entrepreneurial actors (both potential and
existing), organizations (e.g. firms, venture capitalists, business angels and banks),
institutions (universities, public sector agencies and financial bodies), and processes (business
birth rate, rate of [high-growth firms], number of serial entrepreneurs and blockbuster
entrepreneurs, and levels of entrepreneurial ambition and sell-out mentality in the society).
This definition lists structural, dynamic, and institutional elements attributed to
entrepreneurial ecosystems in the literature but does not specify ecosystem outcomes.
Another (unpublished) definition in the OECD LEED (Local Economic and Employment
Development) initiative was proposed by Voegel (2013, p. 6 an interactive community within
a geographic region, composed of varied and interdependent actors (e.g. entrepreneurs,
institutions and organizations) and factors (e.g. markets, regulatory framework, support
setting, entrepreneurial culture), which evolves over time and whose actors and factors
coexist and interact to promote new venture creation.
This definition is the most specific of the three in terms of its explicit focus on new
venture creationbut consequent system-level benefits are not elaborated.
The only peer-reviewed definition of entrepreneurial ecosystems, or as they called it,
systems of entrepreneurship, is the one proposed by Acs et al. (2014) and adopted in this
paper (quoted in the introduction)
. The distinctive aspect of this definition is its emphasis on
system-level resource allocation, rather than new venture creation, as the outcome of the
entrepreneurial ecosystem dynamic. In this definition, the creation of new ventures is the
mechanism that drives the resource allocation dynamic. This trial-and-error dynamic is driven
by individuals who mobilize resources to pursue opportunities they perceive. This dynamic
Stam also presents a graphical illustration which includes “framework conditions,” “systemic
conditions,” outputs (entrepreneurial businesses), and outcomes including productivity, employment, and well-
being. These are not included in the formal definition, however.
Spigel (2015) does not advance a formal definition.
should drive productivity, as if the perceived opportunity turns out not to be real, the
entrepreneurs will abandon the opportunity pursuit, and the resources will be reallocated
towards alternative uses that yield a higher return. If, however, entrepreneurs persist in
opportunity pursuit, this implies that that no alternative use of the mobilized resources can be
found that offers a higher return. This, then, means that successful opportunity pursuits will
allocate economic resources to their most productive use, implying welfare-increasing
allocation for the resources. While Acs et al.’s (2014) definition does not elaborate specific
components of the ecosystem, their discussion and proposed measurement approach
resonates with received works by highlighting elements such as attitudes, culture, institutions,
finance, technology transfer, and infrastructure.
As a context for policy action, entrepreneurial ecosystems differ from contexts usually
addressed by entrepreneurship policy: those of “markets” (industries) and systems of
innovation” (Dodgson, Hughes, Foster, & Metcalfe, 2011). Markets and industries consist of
sets of mostly independent actors who may link to form value chains. A typical policy
challenge in such a context would arise when the market fails to perform a given activity
(say, R&D) or supply the necessary resources for entrepreneurial firms (say, funding). A
market failure mode of policy would address such gaps in a top-down mode by providing
economic incentives (usually through subsidies) to encourage specific activities; or plug
resource gaps through public intervention (Arrow, 1962; Audretsch, 2011). In contrast, a
system failure policy would address structural, institutional, and other failures in the
structure, activities, and functions of a given innovation system (Bergek et al., 2008; Carlsson
& Jacobsson, 1997; Woolthuis et al., 2005). While in this approach the structures and
mechanisms governing the production of innovations are more complex and often
multilayered, the focus of this approach remains on plugging gaps in different aspects of the
system structure by means of top-down policy analysis and design; system-level outcomes
are seen as produced by abstract “activities” and functions rather than by individual agents
(Markard & Truffer, 2008). As Acs et al. (2014) noted, the systems of innovation approach,
while recognizing the role of entrepreneurial experimentation,” still fails to see the
individuals and teams behind the function they perform.
Entrepreneurial ecosystems differ from markets and systems of innovation by
positioning the entrepreneurial individual or team at the center of the system dynamic (see
also Stam, 2015). The ecosystem influences both individual-level decision-making and
aspirations (i.e., who decides to pursue opportunities through a new venture and with which
aspirations), as well as the ability of the new venture to reach its full potential (regulated
through, e.g., resource availability and governance systems). This focus on entrepreneurial
action and the realization of the welfare-generating potential set up by that action constitutes
perhaps the most important differentiator of the entrepreneurial ecosystem concept relative to
market failure and system failure approaches. In the market failure thinking, action is
assumed to follow automatically once the appropriate economic incentives and price signals
are in place. In the system failure thinking, action (in the form of functions performed by the
system) is assumed to follow automatically once the proper structures and institutions are in
place. The entrepreneurial ecosystems approach recognizes that causeeffect relationships in
an ecosystem are complex; economic incentives alone do not fully explain individual-level
motivations to act, and the welfare resulting from an action may depend on whether the
ecosystem as a whole supports the realization of the full potential of that action.
We suggest that the complexity of entrepreneurial ecosystems challenges traditional
approaches to policy-making, for four reasons. First, knowledge of the inner workings of the
ecosystem is distributed across multiple stakeholders, whose localized, often one-to-one,
interactions collectively coproduce ecosystem-level outcomes. Second, actions taken by
stakeholders can have direct and indirect cascading effects within complex causal chains,
some of which may be mutually reinforcing. Third, the stakeholders may be imperfectly
aligned, both in goals and activities. Fourth, their interlocking relationships, combined with
imperfectly distributed information, can produce a high level of inertia. We explore these
four features below.
As noted above, the services rendered by entrepreneurial ecosystems are diffuse: the
allocation of resources towards productive uses through the creation and operation of
innovative, high-growth new ventures. This trial-and-error activity is carried out in myriad
microlevel interactions, which are embedded in an idiosyncratic ecosystem structure. Because
opportunity pursuit decisions are influenced not only by opportunity size but also by local
factors such as personal opportunity costs and local social norms, much of the knowledge
relevant for understanding the ecosystem dynamic is embedded in the ecosystem structure
itself, and therefore, not easily extracted and codified (Hayek, 1945; Kirzner, 1997). This
embeddedness means that no single individual or organization is likely to have a full and
complete insight into how the ecosystem works, nor is it trivial to create comprehensive
enough statistics to support such insight. Codified data on the ecosystem inputs and outputs
alone does not yet inform us how inputs are converted into outputs.
The second challenge, that of fully understanding how exactly entrepreneurial
ecosystems work, goes beyond mapping ecosystem structure (a reasonably straightforward
exercise), because ecosystem outcomes are often produced in cascading effect chains. For
example, if a given ecosystem does not facilitate sufficient numbers of high-growth ventures,
is the problem caused by funding gaps, lack of high-growth expertise, or failure of high-
potential individuals to start new businesses? Tracking real causes of ecosystem bottlenecks
often requires a fine-grained understanding of a range of inter-related causal chains. If the
cascading effects that coproduce system-level outcomes are not fully known, policies
designed to facilitate a given favored outcome may end up producing unintended
consequences (Merton, 1936). The possibility of unintended consequences grows higher as
the cascading effect chains grow more complex.
The third feature of the challenge is stakeholder misalignment. Although
collaboration and rational alignment of stakeholders is often assumed, there is a strong
possibility of stakeholder misalignment arising from diverging and competing stakeholder
interests and imperfect information flows between stakeholders, resulting in suboptimal local
equilibria. If left unattended, this may undermine collective commitment to implementing
policy actions, sustain inefficient generalism among competing stakeholders, and inhibit
productive interactions in entrepreneurial ecosystems.
The fourth feature of the challenge is system inertia. Due to their complexity,
socioeconomic systems tend to exhibit strong inertial properties and high path dependency
(Gustafsson & Autio, 2011). Because of complex interactions between system elements, top-
down policy effort may simply dissipate into the system without leaving much visible impact
on the system dynamic.
Although these four features of entrepreneurial ecosystemsalso common to natural
ecosystemsundermine the feasibility of market and system failure policies, the
entrepreneurial ecosystems literature has not discussed their implications for entrepreneurial
ecosystem management. However, these challenges have been explored in socioecological
ecosystem and collective governance literature. We next review insights and approaches from
this literature to develop theoretical propositions applicable in the context of entrepreneurial
Management of Complex Socioecological Ecosystems
Socioecological and collective governance literatures have explored policy
approaches that address head on the challenges of distributed knowledge, cascading cause
effect chains, stakeholder misalignment, and system inertia (e.g., Bowles & Gintis, 1998,
2002; Stringer et al., 2006; Vollan & Ostrom, 2010). These literatures have explored policy-
making approaches that entail multipolar coordination and generation of collective
commitment among hierarchically independent, yet mutually dependent, cospecialized agents
to manage shared resources for common good and resolve ecosystem bottlenecks to enhance
the overall functioning of the ecosystem. Examples of collective governance challenges
explored in these literatures include the management of fish stocks to prevent
overexploitation (Gutiérrez, Hilborn, &Defeo, 2011; McClanahan, Castilla, White, & Defeo,
2009) and the collective management of forests to prevent exhaustion of firewood stocks
(Vatn, 2007).
Entrepreneurial ecosystems resemble socioecological ecosystems in that stakeholders
need to undertake essentially voluntary action to generate common-good benefits that
materialize in the future (Autio & Levie, 2016). The collective governance literature suggests
that voluntary action to enhance ecosystem functioning cannot be motivated by economic
self-interest alone, as short-term financial incentives for participation in the common project
may distort and even crowd out common-good motivations (Vollan, 2008). Therefore,
collaborative governance literature emphasizes deep forms of stakeholder engagement, which
harness intrinsic motivations, foster a stewardship attitude towards the ecosystem, and
encourage voluntary contribution (Bowles & Gintis, 1998; Das & Teng, 2002; Ekeh, 1974;
Kofinas, 2009). Although the emphasis is on the generation of common-good benefits, this is
not purely altruistic behavior, as common-good outcomes through collective action benefit all
ecosystem stakeholders. Applied in the context of entrepreneurial ecosystems, ecosystem
management needs to rely on voluntary participation motivated by enlightened
entrepreneurial self-interest” that recognizes that the pursuit of private and common good
benefits can be more effective when aligned (Van de Ven, Sapienza, & Villanueva, 2007).
Stakeholder engagement is central for multipolar policy-making and implementation.
The depth of engagement with ecosystem stakeholders can range from shallow top-down
communication to bottom-up consultation, and to the deepest form, participation, where
information flows both ways in an iterative fashion (Stringer et al., 2006). Deep stakeholder
engagement can tap knowledge within the ecosystem and uncover hidden interactions and
causeeffect chains. It can also facilitate multipolar coordination and collective governance
(Seppelt et al., 2011). By facilitating mutual coalignment and specialization among
ecosystem stakeholders, deep stakeholder engagement can preempt potential conflicts due to
lack of trust and mutual awareness (Lichtenstein, 2014). Even when hard facts are available,
they may not be accepted by key stakeholders if these have not been constructively engaged
in the ecosystem analysis and management processes (McClanahan et al., 2009; van den Belt,
2004, p. 7). In summary, deep stakeholder engagement can overcome system inertia by
allowing stakeholders to become active participants in ecosystem analysis and management,
thus facilitating joint action to resolve ecosystem constraints (Pahl-Wostl, 2002; Smit, &
Wandel, 2006).
Several approaches have been developed to promote deep stakeholder engagement
and discourage free-riding in socioecological and socioeconomic systems. These include
adaptive governance (Ostrom, 1990), polycentric governance (Pahl-Wostl, 2002), adaptive
management (Stringer et al., 2006), community governance (Bowles & Gintis, 2002),
generative leadership (Lichtenstein, 2014), and transition management (Nill & Kemp, 2009).
These approaches harness the knowledge, attitudes, and actions of individual stakeholders to
produce a broader and deeper understanding of the ecosystem dynamic, promote collective
commitment to resolving problems, and incorporate learning into policy analysis and
management through feedback loops that engage these actors (Bowles & Gintis, 2002; Vollan
& Ostrom, 2010; Wilson & Howarth, 2002). We next review stakeholder consultation and
participation approaches and elaborate implications for entrepreneurial ecosystem
Stakeholder Consultation
Stakeholder consultation facilitates bottom-up flow of information from ecosystem
stakeholders to policy-makers (Stringer et al., 2006). With consultation, ecosystem
stakeholders are identified and consulted in order to help policymakers understand the
ecosystem, sometimes with the help of approaches such as Integrated Assessment (IA)
methodologies (Rotmans, 1998) or systems dynamics modeling (van den Belt, 2004). The
breadth and depth of information gleaned in basic stakeholder consultation may vary with the
method of engagement. These range from semistructured individual or group interviews
(Kaplowitz & Hoehn, 2001) to participant observation and focus groups (Smit &Wandel,
2006; Kahan, 2001; Markova, Linell, Grossen, & Salazar Orvig, 2007) to surveys (BenDor,
Shoemaker, Thill, Dorning, & Meentemeyer, 2014).
Whereas stakeholder interviews and surveys are typically broad-based, focus groups
are designed to produce insight into more narrowly defined aspects of the ecosystem (Kahan,
2001; Kaplowitz & Hoehn, 2001). Interviews and surveys solicit broad understandings of the
ecosystem as a whole, drawing on inputs from a range of different stakeholders. In contrast,
focus groups facilitate deep insight on specific issues. This has implications for how focus
groups are organized. As the purpose is digging deep into a specific issue, coherence in
participant backgrounds takes precedence over diversity. Focus group participants need to be
well aware of the domain area, and their participants need to be able to communicate
effectively with one another. Also, focus group discussions tend to be more narrowly focused
on sets of closely related issues, in lieu of exploring and uncovering previously unexplored
issues. Finally, consensus-building and commitment-building play less of a role in focus
groups, whose purpose is more on the production of well-defined outputs such as specific
calls to action. This tends to imply less free-flowing and more intense sessions that tend to be
shorter in duration than stakeholder discussion groups (Kahan, 2001).
Stakeholder Participation
Stakeholder participation assigns a more active role than stakeholder consultation to
ecosystem stakeholders, engaging stakeholders not just in ecosystem analysis but also in
ecosystem management (Stringer et al., 2006). Several methods have been reported in the
socioecological and collective governance literatures. For example, adaptive management
uses both “hard” facts (i.e., codified data) and insight derived through deep stakeholder
engagement to encourage social learning and develop simulation models to better manage
socioecological systems (Holling, 1978; Stringer et al., 2006). Feedback mechanisms are
built into this approach to enhance adaptation. Collective action draws on the theory of
adaptive governance (Olstom, 1990) as an alternative to top-down governance (Meinzen,
Dick, & Di Gregorio, 2004). This approach is increasingly deployed in large-scale renewal of
neighbourhoods and even cities, under the term collective impact” (Hanley-Brown, Kania,
& Kramer, 2012). It also has parallels in the transition approach to sustainable innovation
policy in the Netherlands (Nill & Kemp, 2009).
Collective action requires careful and sensitive management. The ecosystem needs to
be at a scale that is big enough to be self-sustaining but small enough so that the major
stakeholders know each other. Some key principles to avoid unintended consequences,
misalignment, and inertia include reciprocity, recognition, validation, and differentiation
(Meilasari-Sugiana, 2012). These help bind people collectively to the mission, whether it is to
facilitate a sustainable yield of biomass or of high-quality entrepreneurs.
The approach known as collective impact follows similar principles: common agenda,
shared measurement systems, mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication, and
the presence of a backbone organization (Hanley-Brown et al., 2012). Transition management
exhibits the following features: long-term thinking (at least 25 years) as a framework for
short-term action; thinking in terms of multiple domains; and a focus on learning, including
learning-by-doing, doing-by-learning, and learning about a variety of options (Nill & Kemp,
In stakeholder participation, stakeholders engage with each other, repeatedly, with a
view to their coordinated, collective action to pursue a shared vision. Policymakers can
facilitate this by creating relational space for stakeholders, that is, opportunities for
“reflective learning across organizational boundaries, which is enabled by, and in turn gives
rise to, collaborative projects” (Bradbury-Huang, Lichtenstein, Carroll, & Senge, 2010, p.
Finally, Lichtenstein (2014) provides a generalized five-stage model of ecosystem
emergence and renewal. They include disrupting existing patterns, encouraging experiments,
surfacing conflict, supporting rich interaction, catalysing collective action, correlating the
system, recombining resources, leaders accepting tags as role models, and leveraging local
resources. Many of these techniques can also be seen in descriptions of the collective
management of other complex socioeconomic systems (e.g., Meilasari-Sugiana, 2012;
Meinzen-Dick & Di Gregorio, 2004; Nill & Kemp, 2009). By linking them to phases of
emergence, Lichtenstein offers a manual to complex system managers on managing system
Summarizing, the ecosystem management approaches reviewed above share
numerous commonalities, deep stakeholder engagement being the defining one. This is
employed to uncover hard-to-access information on ecosystem interactions, to enhance
multipolar coordination, and to motivate and commit stakeholders to ecosystem
improvement. These characteristics respond to ecosystem management challenges created by
distributed knowledge, cascading causeeffect chains, stakeholder misalignment, and
resulting system inertia. The arguments suggest three theoretical conjectures that we explore
next in our case study of the Scottish innovation-based entrepreneurial ecosystem:
1. In entrepreneurial ecosystems, deep stakeholder engagement will produce richer
and more actionable insight into ecosystem workings than will information and
data derived from external observation alone.
2. An understanding of cascading effects will help generate more productive insight
(from a policy perspective) than will the study of market and structural failures in
entrepreneurial ecosystems.
3. A careful consideration of entrepreneurial ecosystem stakeholders, their
motivations, and power relations will enable more efficient policy action than one
that considers all stakeholders as homogenous.
By drawing on the entrepreneurial ecosystem facilitation case in Scotland, we can see
how deep and participative stakeholder engagement approaches can be harnessed to enhance
the functioning of entrepreneurial ecosystems.
Scottish Innovation-Based Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Because of the novelty of the ecosystems approach to entrepreneurship policy, there
have been relatively few policy initiatives that qualify as entrepreneurial ecosystem analysis
and management initiatives, and there is no database storing data on entrepreneurial
ecosystem policy effectiveness. A quantitative method of testing hypotheses drawn from our
propositions is therefore not feasible. We therefore adopt systematic process analysis as our
research method (Hall, 2006). Systematic process analysis uses rich longitudinal data and
reflects on findings against what the researchers would expect to see. It enables the
investigation of the face validity of propositions. Specifically, we chose a qualitative
approach called pattern matching (Geels & Penna, 2015; Yin, 1994), in which the pattern
of events predicted by theory is compared with the pattern of events exhibited in the case. To
avoid confirmation bias, we actively sought chains of events that did not fit our theory, and
compared theorized patterns against competing propositions.
Because the still ongoing initiative has progressed in stages, we are able to compare
insights produced by codified secondary data alone to insights produced through stakeholder
engagement, allowing us to compare the effectiveness of alternative approaches to ecosystem
facilitation. Because one of the authors has participated in the initiative as a participant-
observer, we had rich data available to gauge levels of stakeholder alignment, commitment,
and inertia during the initiative, enabling us to compare the effectiveness of participative
approaches against more traditional approaches to entrepreneurship policy. We next describe
our empirical context.
REAP Scotland
The Scottish entrepreneurial ecosystem policy initiative was triggered by participation
of a Scottish team in a series of workshops organized by Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) from 2012 to 2014. This programme, known as REAP (Regional
Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program) sought to facilitate policy targeting high-potential
innovation-based entrepreneurship (IBE). The Scottish team comprised two senior enterprise
agency managers, a university representative (the second author), and three entrepreneurs.
The team met regularly (usually once a month) from December 2011 to March 2015, and
there were also four intensive three-day sessions with participating teams from other
countries between 2012 and 2014.
The Scottish exercise used secondary data and interviews to assess regional
innovation capacity and entrepreneurship capacity under six themes: people, funding,
infrastructure, policy, rewards and norms, and demand. Potential growth clusters were then
identified. Early work in the Scottish exercise found that while good quality secondary data
was often available at the regional level for innovation capacity and clusters, measures of
entrepreneurial capacity were unsatisfactory. There was also a need for rigorous
benchmarking of elements of the regional ecosystem against each other and against
equivalent elements in other regions or equivalent sized nations.
The Scottish team decided to ground their analysis of the Scottish entrepreneurial
ecosystem on data provided by the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (GEDI)
method (Acs et al., 2014). The GEDI methodology builds on the systems of entrepreneurship
theory and portrays the quality (instead of quantity) of the entrepreneurially driven resource
allocation dynamic in entrepreneurial ecosystems. It does so by combining individual-level
data on entrepreneurial attitudes, ability, and aspirations with data describing the context
within which these processes are expressed or repressed. The outcome of this methodology is
an index composed of a set of interactions between national-level measures of rates of
individual attitudes, ability, and aspirations and institutional-level variables that moderate the
impact of individual-level variables on productivity growth. Unlike measures quantifying
rates of self-employment, which tend to decline with increasing rates of economic
development at a decreasing rate (Carree & Thurik, 2008), the GEDI is positively associated
with gross domestic product (GDP) per capita for most of its range (Acs et al., 2014).
The distinctive characteristics of the GEDI methodology reflect well the complexity
of entrepreneurial ecosystems, and therefore, the policy challenges described earlier. First,
the GEDI methodology contextualizes individual-level data by weighting it with data
describing a country’s framework conditions for entrepreneurship, thereby seeking to capture
embedded complexity in entrepreneurial ecosystems. Complexity is further reflected in
GEDI’s use of 14 context-weighted measures to portray entrepreneurial attitudes, ability and
aspirations in the ecosystem. The GEDI methodology also allows different index pillars to
interact and, thus, coproduce ecosystem performance. This last feature also captures the
notion that national entrepreneurial performance may be held back by bottleneck factors”—
that is, poorly performing pillars that may constrain system performance (see Acs et al., 2014
for a description of the Penalty for Bottleneck methodology).
The distinctive aspects of the GEDI approach fitted well with the aim of the Scottish
team to describe, diagnose, and enhance the Scottish entrepreneurial ecosystem. For example,
the GEDI features a holistic approach in which a deficiency in one factor can have knock-on
effects on other parts of the ecosystem, simulating the notion of cascading effects. The index
also appeared to provide comprehensive coverage of all elements of an entrepreneurial
ecosystem outlined above with the exception of policy measures, though it did cover current
institutions which could reflect past and current. It also contained a combination of multiple
input and output measures, which is necessary in any assessment of an ecosystem.
GEDI did not do was engage in any form of sectoral cluster analysis. Fortunately, a great deal
of work on clusters had already been done and designated growth sectors formed part of the
Scottish Government’s Economic Strategy (Scottish Government, 2011). At no time did the
Scottish team consider that additional analysis was required in this area.
The Scottish team adapted the GEDI methodology to a regional level of analysis and
used this to identify possible gaps between the areas of current policy focus and bottlenecks
in the entrepreneurial ecosystem suggested by the GEDI analysis. It was recognized, first,
that the GEDI analysis was only as good as the quality and choice of data, and second, that it
could stimulate wider debate on the health of an innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem, but
should not be used as a computerized policy-creating machine.”
Policymakers want to know how they can achieve most leverage in enhancing an
entrepreneurial ecosystem. Understanding the strength of the links between pillars that appear
A table of these measures is available from the authors on request.
to be linked might help reveal critical leverage points. Unfortunately, the GEDI analysis did
not reveal the strength of links between pillars. Because all ecosystems are unique, the GEDI
methodology assumes that all links have the same strength and that all pillars cost the same to
change. Furthermore, it could not reveal whether the bottlenecks were causal or merely
symptoms of underlying, deep-seated weaknesses in an innovation-based entrepreneurial
ecosystem. Therefore, the Scottish team decided it had to be supplemented by expert
stakeholder judgment.
The method of entrepreneurial ecosystem analysis and management developed by the
Scottish team is outlined in Figure 19.1. The process begins with data collection using the
GEDI framework. Once bottlenecks have been identified using sensitivity analysis, the next
step is to test the convergent validity of the bottlenecks themselves by employing alternative
measures of institutional variables. If the bottleneck measures are robust to alternative
specifications, the next step is to group them under themes and then test them on groups of
expert stakeholders. Assuming the GEDI assessment passes this test, one could explore
possible links between bottleneck pillars, underlying causes, and priorities for action with the
experts. If there are a limited number of underlying causes, this should be apparent in the
degree of agreement across the different stakeholder groups, providing both convergent
validity and face validity to the assessment.
Assuming this consultative phase delivers a consensus on a limited number of linked
causes and priorities for action, the next stage is to appoint short-term task groups of lead
stakeholders to actively participate in the process by developing solutions and taking action.
This, in turn, could lead to a monitoring and learning phase in which momentum is
maintained and the effect of different actions is compared.
[!Figure 19.1 about here!]
Field Trial in Scotland
The Scottish core team drew up a project specification which, first, requested a GEDI-
type assessment of Scotland’s entrepreneurial performance against benchmark nations within
and outside the UK on the set of six priority themes and, second, requested a sensitivity
analysis of the results to identify likely bottlenecks to the acceleration of innovative
entrepreneurship in Scotland.
The first stage was to regionalize the individual and institutional variables that the
GEDI research team had found to best represent the quality and size of the entrepreneurial
ecosystem at the national level. The actual individual and framework variables employed are
described in Levie et al. (2013), and the pillars are described in Autio et al. (2012). This list
was debated by the Scottish team both before and after the list was populated with data,
resulting in several changes to the data specification, including a change from two-year to
four-year moving averages because of the low frequency of entrepreneurs in the population,
and a change in the institutional measure used for risk capital, which was subsequently
adopted more generally by GEDI. This corresponds to the first step of the method.
Six of the 14 measures were taken from perceptual measures generated for the Global
Competitiveness Index by senior corporate managers in different countries, and it was not
possible to find equivalent regional measures. These measures were of business risk,
technology absorption capability, staff training, market dominance, technology transfer, and
business strategy. Another three measuresbusiness freedom, globalization, and venture
capitalall drawn from different global indices with national-level indicators, were assumed
to differ little at the home nation level of the UK. Truly regional estimates were found from
published sources for seven of the 14 institutional measures.
The Scottish team requested four benchmarking assessments: Scotland versus all 78
economies for which data was available; Scotland versus 27 innovation-driven economies
according to the 2011 World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2011;
Scotland versus Arc of Prosperity” countries, a Scottish Government term for small modern
nations located around Scotland (Ireland, Iceland, Norway, Denmark, and Finland); and
Scotland versus other home nations within the UK (England, Wales, and Northern Ireland).
A second work package consisted of a sensitivity analysis of the results, which used
the Penalty for Bottleneck methodology to simulate how weaknesses in one component might
affect the entrepreneurial ecosystem as a whole. In this analysis, weak pillars were artificially
boosted to gauge the effect of additional policy effort to improve them. Due to simplifying
assumptions, the purpose of this sensitivity analysis was not to be prescriptive, but rather, to
serve as a basis for discussion by stakeholders in the next phase of assessment.
Figure 19.2 is an example of benchmarking using a spider diagram, in this case
against Arc of Prosperity countries. It plots Scotland’s scores and shows visually where
Scotland fits relative to the other countries. Denmark appears strong in pillars where Scotland
is relatively weak, such as process innovation and networking, and where it is absolutely
weak, such as Opportunity Perception. Ireland follows a similar pattern to Scotland, and is
worse in some pillars, such as Opportunity Perception and Opportunity Start-up. Iceland fares
worse than Scotland in Competition but better in some pillars where Scotland is weak, such
as Process Innovation and Networking. Finland does better than Scotland in some Attitudes
measures and most aspiration measures.
[!Figure 19.2 about here!]
Against the UK’s other home nations—England, Wales, and Northern Ireland
Scotland appeared as performing less well than England in Opportunity Perception and Start-
up Skills, and better than Wales and Northern Ireland in some ability measures and
Opportunity Perception. (A full set of benchmark figures and tables is included in Levie et
al., 2013).
In relation to 27 innovation-driven countries, three weak institutional variables were
apparent: the current level of participation in postsecondary education among young adults
(aged 1822), the level of internet usage, and Gross Expenditure in R&D (GERD). These had
knock-on effects on their respective pillars: Start-up skills, Networking, and Process
Innovation. Most individual aspiration variables were also relatively weak. Scotland was in
the fourth quartile of innovation-driven nations in Process Innovation, Product Innovation
and Risk Capital. The benchmarking also revealed areas where Scotland compared well with
other countries. Scotland ranked second out of 78 countries in the Tech Sector, third in the
Competition pillar, and fourth in the Opportunity Start-up pillar.
A sensitivity analysis estimated “optimum” additional allocation of policy effort for a
20% improvement in Scotland’s GEDI score, based on simplifying assumptions. This
improvement would bring Scotland from 16th place to around 4th place in the rank of 78
countries in the GEDI database, behind the United States, Denmark, and Sweden and just
ahead of Australia. The analysis suggested that almost 50% of additional allocation should be
focused on aspiration pillars, with another 35% on three Attitudes pillars. This sensitivity
analysis assumed that the cost of improving each pillar is the same, which of course is
unrealistic. It nevertheless provided a basis for stakeholders to debate alternative scenarios, a
useful guide to possible areas for further investigation, and facilitated debate as to where the
goals should be set. The team reached a consensus that an absolute score of less than 0.5 or a
ranking of 19 or higher justified further investigation of a given pillar. Three attitude pillars
(Opportunity Perception, Start-up Skills, Networking) and all five aspiration pillars met this
Having identified eight pillars to focus on, the next stage was to validate the
bottleneck pillars with four stakeholder consultation meetings in February 2013, to which a
mix of prominent and representative members of Scotland’s entrepreneurial ecosystem were
invited to debate between one and three of the eight pillars. (In October 2012, these
individuals had all been invited to a dinner in Edinburgh. The Scottish core team felt that this
would help to give a sense of purpose and legitimacy to subsequent stakeholder engagement.)
Four different sets of about a dozen stakeholders attended one of four consultation meetings,
which were chaired by members of the core team and recorded verbatim by a professional
court recorder. These consultation meetings suggested a set of perceived weaknesses in
Scotland’s entrepreneurial ecosystem that cross-linked the bottlenecks. A 23-page summary
report was written based on a content analysis of the stakeholder consultation meetings.
Identified concerns included: networking and networks (67 mentions); business, management
and commercial skills (28 mentions) and in particular sales and selling skills (21 mentions);
global outlook (10 mentions) and the need to connect with other cultures (11 mentions); the
contribution of Scottish universities (12 mentions); mentors (12 mentions); role models (eight
mentions); access to markets (four mentions) and finance (12 mentions) including those
outside Scotland; and exits (four mentions). Several participants noted how individuals who
had had the opportunity to experience entrepreneurial environments such as Boston returned
to Scotland fired with enthusiasm.
In a 24-hour retreat in May 2013, the core team whittled down the identified issues
(and underlying causes) into five priority themes: financing for growth (including exits for
investors in angel-backed companies, increasing access to institutional and international
funds, etc.); effective connections (this included networks but was more fundamental than
mere networking); skills for growth for leadership teams within IBE ventures; role of the
universities in the IBE ecosystem; and role models and positive messages. Chairs and
members of the stakeholder community were identified for high-level task groups who would
be charged with developing and implementing solutions to each of the five themes. (This
corresponds to stakeholder participation”: the deepest level of stakeholder engagement
identified in the literature review above.) At least one member of the Scottish core team was
appointed to each task group to facilitate information flows between task groups. In
developing the briefs for the task groups, the team agreed to adopt the collective impact
approach of Hanley Brown et al. (2012) that seeks to get wide stakeholder buy-in and
consensus on the direction of travel rather than a top-down directive approach. As a reminder,
the five key aspects of this approach are a common agenda, shared measurement systems,
mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication, and the presence of a backbone
Between May 2013 and August 2015, the task groups evolved in different ways. The
Financing for Growth task group was already formed as a separate committee of the Royal
Society of Edinburgh, charged with coming up with proposals for the Scottish Government
on the financing of early-stage growth companies. It published an advice paper in June 2014.
An online questionnaire to assess the demand for growth finance was piloted. The effective
connections group developed a guide to networking within Scotland for entrepreneurs, which
was updated annually, and the group organized an event to bring networking organizations
together in November 2014. The universities group developed a set of actions and planned a
series of five workshops for relevant university staff on each action point in 20152016 and a
manual on enhancing university entrepreneurial ecosystems, sponsored by an enterprise
agency. The Scottish team also consulted with experienced entrepreneurs to draw up a list of
critical skills for CEOs of growth companies under the skills for growth” bottleneck. The
enterprise agencies took this forward to create SCALE, a skills for growth program for early-
stage entrepreneurs, launched in August 2015 with 70 entrepreneurs and input from MIT and
Harvard Business School; and the University of Strathclyde launched the Growth Advantage
program for 20 more established CEOs in May 2015. Under the role models theme, an
enterprise agency ran a series of events and initiatives to encourage women to become
entrepreneurs and to encourage women entrepreneurs to serve as role models to other women.
It also greatly expanded its online suite of videos of Scottish entrepreneurs of growing
In June 2014, a 48-page report was released by the Scottish team to all stakeholders
who had been consulted or had participated in the Scottish exercise (Chisholm et al., 2014).
The team deliberately chose a soft launch with minimal publicity, as it wished to ensure that
the process did not end with a report that might, like so many before it, be shelved and
forgotten. The report listed the calls for action under each of the five themes, and also called
for a backbone organization independent of government agencies to take on the management
of the process. At the time of the report, the team thought that a new organization might need
to be formed to do this. However, coinciding with the release of the report, the merger of two
prominent independent stakeholder organizations in the Scottish entrepreneurial ecosystem,
the Entrepreneurial Exchange and the Saltire Foundation, was announced. Subsequently, the
incoming chief executive of this new organization, Entrepreneurial Scotland, was invited to
join the core team and, at the time of writing, a proposal that Entrepreneurial Scotland serve
as the backbone organization was under active consideration.
Case Reflection
We now consider the applicability of alternative policy approaches against the chain
of events presented in the previous section. A traditional approach to correcting system
failures would rely on secondary data describing the structures and processes of the system to
be improved. Based on our literature review above, we suggest that codified (i.e., externally
observable) data alone is not likely to be sufficient to fully understand the complexities of
emergent systemic processes and uncover cascading effect chains. If the traditional approach
holds (i.e., that of relying on externally observable data alone and not engaging the multiple
stakeholders), then a policymaker that engages stakeholders for entrepreneurial ecosystem
analysis should find discrepancies between the understanding supported by codified data and
the understanding emerging from stakeholder consultations. We illustrate this logical
implication with examples of stakeholders questioning and finding weaknesses in the
secondary data, finding gaps in the secondary data, and generating actions in priority areas
that were not highlighted by the secondary data. Together, these examples suggest that a
participative stakeholder engagement approach is likely to produce better results than
external observation alone.
First, the core team driving the process of entrepreneurial ecosystem management in
Scotland actively questioned the results in several of the items included in the secondary data
analysis conducted for it by a third party. For example, the UK scored relatively poorly on the
institutional measure of risk capital used by GEDI (a measure of corporate managers’
perceptions of the availability of venture capital to early-stage ventures, published by the
Global Competitiveness Index), but measured relatively well on other international measures
of venture capital availability. The Scottish REAP team included several experts in young
venture finance, and their knowledge of the UK risk capital market conflicted with this
measure. On reflection, the GEDI team realized that the perceptions of middle managers in
corporations might not accurately reflect financial flows on the ground and this measure was
replaced with a measure of the Depth of the Capital Market for Venture Capital published by
the IESE - Ernst & Young PE-VC Country Attractiveness Index. This did not rely on
perceptions of managers with little exposure to venture capital, but instead was composed of
measures of capital flows relevant to venture exits. This measure correlated highly with
actual venture capital flows at the national level, and also reflected the expectations of the
experts in the Scottish team. It was subsequently adopted by GEDI as the default measure of
institutional risk capital.
In another example, secondary data indicated that Scotland has a relatively low
proportion of individuals who invest in other individuals’ new businesses, leading the
secondary analysis to identify risk capital as a bottleneck. But stakeholders pointed out in
consultation meetings that Scotland has a relatively well-developed business angel
infrastructure, with some 22 angel syndicates and a transparent angel market, and the UK has
exceptionally attractive incentives for wealthy individuals to invest in new ventures. Also this
discrepancy triggered debate leading to the identification of funding flows (rather than
business angels) as the real constraint of the Scottish ecosystem.
Further reflection on the pillars in which Scotland did well raised some doubts within
the core team as to what was being measured within these pillars. For example, in the
Competition pillar, the individual-level measure was the percentage of early-stage
entrepreneurs who operate in markets where not many businesses offer the same product. The
GEDI authors intended it to be a relative measure of product-market uniqueness, but it could
also be interpreted as lack of competition due to low overall levels of entrepreneurship. Thus,
Scotland appeared to do well on this measure, but it could actually be a sign of weakness
rather than strength, because of the way the original survey item was worded. The
institutional measure for this pillar was for the UK rather than Scotland, and might therefore
not reflect the dominance of firms in a regional market like Scotland. Again, this could have
flattered Scotland’s ranking.
Because Scotland had relatively few necessity-driven entrepreneurs, it scored highly
on a secondary measure of nascent and new early-stage entrepreneurs who initiated their
business because of opportunity start-up motive. This measure intended to penalize countries
with high proportions of necessity-driven, and by implication low-quality, start-ups. But, in
Scotland, which had a relatively advanced social welfare system and a strong class-based
society, it may simply have reflected the lack of perceived economic need or self-efficacy on
the part of those without employment.
A second implication of our first theoretical conjecture was that by combining
codified (secondary) data and stakeholder insights, a policymaker will produce a more
complete understanding of the ecosystem. There is evidence to support this from the Scottish
case. The four stakeholder consultation meetings conducted by the Scottish team identified
links between the bottlenecks in the entrepreneurial ecosystem suggested by the secondary
data. This is something the hard data itself did not do. Following a content analysis of the
stakeholder consultation meetings and a full day of discussion by the core team, combining
the GEDI and stakeholder analyses, the Scottish team was able to identify five linked issues
that, if tackled comprehensively, could lift a range of pillars. These five themes only partially
overlapped with the bottlenecks thrown up by the hard data analysis. For example, one issue
raised repeatedly by entrepreneurs in the stakeholder group sessions was the relatively low
perceived contribution by universities to the Scottish entrepreneurial ecosystem. This was not
identified as an issue by the GEDI analysis. If indeed the university sector was a bottleneck,
proceeding with policy based on the hard data alone would have omitted a bottleneck in the
ecosystem. If it was not, a false attribution of a bottleneck in the system would have been
identified. In the end, while the empirical evidence did not fully support the view of the
stakeholders (and this evidence was published in the June 2014 report), the high-level task
group on universities identified that the contribution of universities was uneven across
Scotland and that there was much that Scottish universities could learn from each other.
The university theme is interesting because it was raised repeatedly as a bottleneck by
entrepreneurs. Yet many of their claims were based on misunderstandings and not borne out
by hard evidence subsequently collected by the Scottish team and incorporated into its June
2014 report. Examples included the belief that entrepreneurs taught all entrepreneurship
classes in US universities, that universities were detached from industry, that it was
extremely difficult to get technology out of a university, and that academics and researchers
were unwilling to network. In fact, Scotland had one of the highest rates of R&D expenditure
in Higher Education (HERD) and one of the lowest rates of R&D expenditure in the business
sector (BERD) in the OECD, and Scottish universities had relatively high rates of knowledge
exchange compared with the rest of the UK (Chisholm et al., 2014, p. 19). One of the tasks of
the university task group, composed of entrepreneurial professors” rather than professors of
entrepreneurship, became not just how to enhance the connectivity of Scottish universities
but also to educate entrepreneurs on how Scottish universities do engage in the ecosystem.
On the other hand, it demonstrated that the degree of engagement varied greatly across the
university sector and that universities had much to learn from each other: pockets of best
practice were scattered through the university sector and not visible. This led the university
task group to the idea of the sharing of best practice within the sector.
Our second theoretical conjecture stated that deep stakeholder engagement produces
causative insights that identify areas where concerted action can bring about productive
change within an entrepreneurial ecosystem, lower the risk of unintended consequences in
entrepreneurial ecosystem management, improve stakeholder alignment, and reduce the risk
of ecosystem inertia dissipating the effect of policy action. If this proposition holds, then we
should see instances where deep stakeholder engagement produced causative insights that
identified areas where concerted action could bring about productive change within the
Scottish entrepreneurial ecosystem. These could include recommendations for action that
were identified as a result of the stakeholder participation but for which secondary data did
not suggest a gap, thus demonstrating what the Scottish team might have missed by relying
on the secondary data alone. Crucially, in order for this proposition to be supported, these
actions would not be ones that provided incentives to address perceived market failure.
In the Scottish case, five priority themes were identified following stakeholder
engagement: financing for growth; effective connections, skills for growth, role of the
universities in the IBE ecosystem, and role models and positive messages. One of these,
the role of universities, was not suggested by secondary data, while the priority action within
the financing for growth theme, enabling an exit mechanism for investors, was not
immediately obvious from the secondary data. Similarly, it was not obvious from the low
networking score in the secondary data that, although Scotland had many networking
organizations for entrepreneurs, many entrepreneurs did not know this and the networking
organizations were not themselves well networked to each other. This prevented the Scottish
team from needlessly developing new networking organizations but instead led it to create a
guide to networking and an event that brought networking organizations together to inform
each other on their activities. These actions improved alignment, lowered the risk of
unintended consequences, and prevented inertia, which would have been the likely result of
action that created a new networking organization. Significantly, the Scottish entrepreneurial
ecosystem support landscape began to shift significantly in 2014 with the merger of two
major support organizations.
In another example, in addition to agreeing on the sharing of best practice, the
entrepreneurial professors group agreed a set of stretch goals for the sector, including
enterprise for all.” This combination of sharing of best practice to produce quick wins and
long-term ambitious goals helped promote alignment and avoid inertia. Where one might
have expected competitive stances between universities, instead a positive spirit of
cooperation developed. This initiative developed independently of the existing range of
financial incentives for universities to engage in knowledge exchange activity.
Under the skills for growth theme, there is evidence of actions that could be
interpreted as market failure interventions and actions that were independent of market failure
approaches. Both were initiated by stakeholders active in Scottish. The enterprise agencies
created SCALE, a skills for growth programme for early-stage entrepreneurs completely
subsidized by the Scottish Funding Council and the enterprise agencies, launched in August
2015 with 70 entrepreneurs in the first cohort and led by staff from MIT and Harvard
Business School. The University of Strathclyde launched the Growth Advantage programme
for 20 established CEOs in May 2015, which was not free but paid for in part by the
participants and in part sponsored by Santander Bank.
Our third theoretical conjecture stated that in selecting and engaging stakeholders in
an entrepreneurial ecosystem, policymakers need to understand and balance the power,
legitimacy and urgency of different stakeholders. The Scottish core team looked for a balance
between entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial financiers, government, corporates, and universities
among participating stakeholders. A prime example of the wisdom of this approach is the
issue of finance, where the two finance experts on the panel queried the measure of risk
finance used by GEDI. Another example is where the stakeholder consultations raised the
issues of exit for investors and the universities as bottlenecks, areas not covered by the GEDI
framework. Because of the wide differences in background within the core team and the
stakeholders they engaged with through consultation and participation, many differences of
perspective on the problem were raised and as learning developed, core team members and
task team members changed the way they perceived they and their organizations could
address the goal.
The makeup of the Scottish team was a difficult issue for the enterprise agencies who
funded the Scottish exercise and invited stakeholders to join it. While civil servants
responsible for entrepreneurship policy in Scotland were kept informed of the team’s
progress, they were not invited to become core team members. On the one hand, the Scottish
team was concerned that in the heated political atmosphere leading up to the Scottish
independence referendum in September 2014, part-formulated policy solutions might be
prematurely adopted and announced rather than analyzed fully and managed bottom-up. In
other words, a civil servant as a core team member might have too much power and urgency,
upsetting the stakeholder balance. But on the other hand, absence of the central
policymaker’s perspective may have led to some blind spots on the part of the core team, and
a chance was missed for social learning by civil servants.
Another constituency that was missing from the core team was corporate Scotland.
While a representative group of senior corporate executives did participate at a separate
stakeholder workshop, the presence of a corporate representative on the core team might have
changed the dynamics of the team. The three sectors representedenterprise agencies,
universities and entrepreneursall had their disagreements at times and sometimes felt they
had to defend their sectors. A corporate representative might have been seen as an honest
broker, more objective, and more results-focusedand was, in fact, recommended by MIT.
Balance within the high-level task groups was also important. The core team opted to
invite senior entrepreneurial professors in the main Scottish research universities to form the
high-level task group for universities rather than professors of entrepreneurship or officials in
technology transfer or enterprise centers. Entrepreneurial professors possessed relatively high
levels of power, legitimacy and urgency within their institutions. They bought into the vision
relatively quickly and recognized the value that could be gained from sharing best practice
across the sector. They also attracted similar individuals from other universities, expanding
the group to cover almost all higher education institutes in Scotland.
Experience with the high-level task groups to date suggests that regular monitoring
and holding of feet to the fire” is necessary to maintain momentum and prevent inertia. The
core team regularly reviewed activity under each action plan and it became clear that what
gets measured gets done.” At the same time, however, the high-level task groups represent a
form of relational space, that might otherwise be competitive, which stakeholders can
collaborate and devise new actions or spread existing successful ones in ways that
policymakers might not have imagined (Bradbury-Huang et al., 2010, p. 109). The actions
produced by the effective connections and university groups were examples of this.
In summary, our empirical analysis provides consistent support for the propositions
we derived from our theoretical analysis of entrepreneurial ecosystems, demonstrating the
importance of deep stakeholder engagement in entrepreneurial ecosystem policy
This chapter was inspired by the observation that while the concepts of
entrepreneurial ecosystems and start-up ecosystems have rapidly gained currency in policy
practitioner circles, both the concepts themselves and their implications for policy analysis
and management of policy implementation have remained undertheorized. To address this
gap, we have drawn on policy research in ecological economics to infer distinctive challenges
faced by entrepreneurial ecosystem policy analysis and management, and, also, elaborated on
the implications they pose for policy practice. Our core observation was that in complex,
multipolar entrepreneurial ecosystems, where system performance is coproduced in localized,
embedded interactions among ecosystem stakeholders, performance gaps are not easily
reducible to well-defined market failures that can be addressed by top-down approaches in
which stakeholder engagement is reduced to communication, such as those described by
Arshed, Carter, & Mason, (2014). Instead, stakeholder consultation and participation are
required to enhance the understanding of how the system works, identify coherent policy
actions that are more likely to yield a desired impact, realign stakeholders, and build
stakeholder commitment to overcome systems inertia. Moreover, the choice of stakeholder
should be determined by their current and potential influence on the ecosystem. We used the
context provided by a Scottish entrepreneurial ecosystem facilitation initiative to explore the
face validity of these propositions.
As such, participative approaches to policy design and implementation are not new
even to the increasing number of ecosystem management exercises currently under way in
the area of entrepreneurship. Nevertheless, conceptual and theoretical underpinnings have
lagged behind burgeoning policy practice. In this chapter, we have provided a theoretical
treatment of the concept of entrepreneurial ecosystems, highlighting how they differ from
other concepts that have guided policy theory and thinking notably, those of markets and
innovation systems. In our theoretical review, we highlighted four distinct challenges that
characterize entrepreneurial ecosystemsand potentially undermine the applicability of
market and structural failure approaches: (1) the creation of the ecosystem service through
localized interactions among hierarchically independent, yet mutually codependent,
cospecialized system stakeholders; (2) the potential for emergent cascading effects created by
cross-dyad influences; (3) the resulting potential for ecosystem inertia; and (4) the need for
commitment, action, and multipolar coordination by ecosystem stakeholders. Our major
conceptual contribution has been to highlight and explicate such challenges and elaborate
why received approaches to entrepreneurial ecosystem policy are not well equipped to deal
with them.
Our main contribution to policy practice was to review policy approaches discussed in
socioecological ecosystem and collective governance literatures and apply these insights in
the context of entrepreneurial ecosystem management. Specifically, we highlighted the
importance of soliciting deep stakeholder engagement in entrepreneurial ecosystem
management and reviewed policy approaches for achieving this goal. We have illustrated
why it is important to go beyond secondary, quantified data in entrepreneurial ecosystem
analysis and why exactly deep stakeholder engagement matters in practice. While these
approaches may seem like common sense to many a policy practitioner, examples of success
in entrepreneurial ecosystem management nevertheless remain frustratingly few. As
highlighted by Arshed et al. (2014), top-down policy declarations arguably remain the norm
in entrepreneurship and policy initiatives vulnerable to capture by politicians. Similarly, most
policy initiatives remain siloed, consistent with the market and structural failure approaches,
and comprehensive, ecosystem-wide actions are few. This perhaps helps explain why the
majority of attempts to replicate successful entrepreneurial hot-spots such as Silicon Valley
have failed. By explicating and theoretically justifying principles of good management of
entrepreneurial ecosystems, and by illustrating the application of these principles with rich
case evidence from Scotland, we hope to contribute toward a wider and more meaningful
adoption of an ecosystem management approach to entrepreneurship policy. We contend that,
from a policy perspective, entrepreneurship should be viewed as a complex, dynamic
ecosystem, and the effective management of such ecosystems is only possible when their
distinctive management challenges are clearly understood.
Although we have illustrated advantages of an ecosystem approach to
entrepreneurship policy, we are not implying that traditional policy approaches have no role
to play in entrepreneurial ecosystem management. In the Scottish case, while our explorations
supported the validity of Propositions 1, 2 and 3, there was also evidence that participative
approaches alonein the absence of codified datamay, in themselves, provide an
insufficient picture of entrepreneurial ecosystem dynamics for policy analysis and
management. In the Scottish case, evidence of the importance of codified data included
stakeholders being informed and even surprised by the hard data. For example, Scottish team
members were surprised that in relation to other innovation-driven countries, the current
gross enrolment ratio in tertiary education in Scotland (proportion of 18- to 22-year-olds
undergoing third level education) was relatively low. A second surprise was that Scotland
fared best in the ability pillars. The quantity of entrepreneurship in Scotland has long been
perceived as relatively low. This demonstrated the advantage of the GEDI choice of ability
variables that reflect innovative entrepreneurship, not all entrepreneurship. Examples like this
illustrate how successful ecosystem practices should be employed to complement and
enhance insights achieved through market and structural failure practices, not blindly replace
Interestingly, throughout the whole Scottish exercise, no suggestions were made to
add dimensions to the GEDI framework, only to improve certain measures of constructs. The
hard data provided a foil, or basis for discussion rather than being accepted as the last word
on the state of the ecosystem. It also enabled statements made by stakeholders to be
compared with the hard data. In some cases, these statements were found to be untrue. In
other cases, knowledge held by stakeholders revealed that the measures used for the hard data
were unsuitable.
In an example where the systematic analysis of the hard data countered subjective
bias, the sensitivity analysis highlighted the need to focus on areas of absolute weakness,
rather than relative weakness. Scotland ranks in the fourth quartile of innovation-driven
countries for three aspiration pillars but no attitude pillars. Yet the worse score of any pillar
was Opportunity Perception, and this was identified as the bottleneck deserving the greatest
allocation of additional effort. Because the GEDI methodology is based on the premise that
the weakest pillars, not the relatively weak pillars, hold the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem
in check, the sensitivity analysis spotlighted Opportunity Perception more than the relatively
weak aspiration pillars. This example again suggests that “soft” insights complement, but do
not replace, “hard” facts.
While it is too early to conclusively assess the full impact of the ecosystem
management approach in Scotland, it is striking that not one of the actions proposed in the
Scottish report summarizing its findings required government to introduce new policies or
change old ones. The actions focused on other stakeholders in the system, challenging them
to commit to specific actions; through the high-level task groups, critical stakeholders had
already been co-opted, helped to shape, and were committed to these actions. This stands in
stark contrast to contemporary practices in the UK of superficial conference-style
communication with stakeholders and ministerial “surprise” announcements of policy
decisions (Bridge, 2010; Arshed et al., 2014). This ecosystem analysis and management
approach seems more humble, more cautious, more engaged, and more long term-oriented;
the analysis took around two years, and the action phase has only just begun and is intended
to last for the foreseeable future.
A limitation of this study is that we have focused on a single, albeit rich, case
example, that of Scotland. In addition to allowing deep longitudinal immersion into rich data,
this choice nevertheless carries obvious limitations, particularly where it comes to possible
bias induced by idiosyncratic institutional conditions. For example, one reason for the
absence of a clear role for central government in the actions may be that the general
regulatory background for entrepreneurship in Scotland is relatively favorable. In 2014, the
UK ranked eighth in the World Bank Ease of Doing Business ranking (World Bank, 2014).
This may be why regulatory issues were not identified as bottlenecks. This raises the
possibility that our propositions may be contingent on the relative maturity of the regulatory
regime for entrepreneurship in a country. In countries where regulation is burdensome or rule
of law is weak, there may indeed be a need for government as the central policy actor, at least
in relation to the regulatory regime (Autio & Fu, 2015; Levie & Autio, 2011). Given that
entrepreneurial ecosystem management engages stakeholder communities, there is little doubt
that local and regional cultural and social norms will influence the effectiveness of alternative
approaches to such engagement, for example. Future research should compare the
effectiveness of attempts at analysis and management in different entrepreneurial ecosystems,
using systematic process analysis to compare across cases (Hall, 2006).
Another limitation is that we have focused more on country-level rather than regional-
level analysis. Although part of the UK, Scotland has its own parliament and considerable
independence in economic and fiscal policy. The focus of the Scottish exercise was on the
Scottish national ecosystem framework, within which a number of regional clusters can be
found (e.g., Scotland’s “Silicon Glen). It is quite well recognized (although not sufficiently
theorized) that country-level and regional entrepreneurial ecosystems are different and may
exhibit different dynamics (Sobel & Hall, 2008; Szerb, Acs, Autio, Ortega-Argiles, &
Komlosi, 2013). It is left for future research to tease out nuances of entrepreneurial ecosystem
management in national and regional contexts.
In conclusion, this chapter has explored the various challenges an ecosystems
approach to entrepreneurship policy presents for policy analysis and management. After 30 or
so years of a market failure approach to entrepreneurship policy, an ecosystems management
approach offers the potential of new insights and, if correctly implemented, higher
effectiveness. This chapter has provided conceptual grounding to understand entrepreneurial
ecosystems, elaborated resulting challenges for entrepreneurship policy, derived principles of
successful management of entrepreneurial ecosystems, and highlighted these using rich case
data from Scotland. We hope that our study will inspire further explorations of this important,
yet underresearched domain.
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Figure 19.1 Process model of the Scottish entrepreneurial ecosystem exercise.
Validity test of bottleneck pillars
Group bottlenecks under themes
Smaller short-term task groups of stakeholders focused
on solutions to bottlenecks/underlying causes
Set of actions agreed and monitoring of actors in place
Establish national or regional benchmarks for the region
Locate regional measures of GEDI variables
Relative and absolute comparison with benchmarks
Sensitivity analysis to elicit a bottleneck configuration
Engage with 10–15 stakeholders per theme to assess face
validity of bottlenecks/ uncover underlying causes
Figure 19.2 Scotland versus Arc of Prosperity economies.
... Dalam konteks digitalisasi, pada ekosistem digital, perusahaan perlu mengadopsi alat dan sistem baru dalam operasi dan manajemennya (Autio, 2017), sebagai kunci untuk pertumbuhan dan daya saing perusahaan dalam jangka panjang (Frank et al. 2020). Proses adaptasi perusahaan terhadap transformasi digital, melibatkan penyesuaian kembali model bisnisnya, kegiatan sosial dan teknis, serta praktik-praktik dengan konteks yang baru. ...
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Digital technology changes the way of work. It can improve connections between an organization's technical and social systems as well as connections with external networks through the sharing and exchange of digital information. The average worker in ASEAN wants a salary increase and wants a promotion, and some others want to change jobs. Respondents who want to change jobs come from Indonesia. Most respondents in ASEAN want job satisfaction, and many believe that job skills will change in the next five years. Apart from that, most respondents in ASEAN also believe that their organizations will be able to stay in business for more than 10 years. Respondents from Indonesia rated the highest on variables related to workplace culture, empowerment, fairness and feedback. Meanwhile, respondents from the Philippines gave the lowest assessment to variables related to new job opportunities, opportunities to learn new skills and increased productivity with the presence of artificial intelligence. Employee welfare needs to be a priority for companies, so companies need to collect data about employee desires and motivations, segment employees and prioritize action plans for management in the company.
... Selanjutnya, masyarakat sosial adalah aktor yang banyak berinteraksi dengan petani muda. Aktivitas kewirausahaan muncul karena interaksi aktif yang terjadi antara petani muda sebagai seorang wirausaha dan masyarakat sebagai bagian dari lingkungan sosial (diadopsi dari Acs et al., 2017;Autio & Levie, 2017). Peranan masyarakat sosial adalah menyediakan sumber daya manusia bagi aktivitas usahatani yang dijalankan oleh petani muda. ...
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This paper aims to find out the actors that play the most role in the entrepreneurial ecosystem of young farmers in West Java. The analysis tool used is centrality analysis based on network theory, using the Gephi 9.2 application. Informants and respondents in this study consisted of actors involved in the entrepreneurial ecosystem of young farmers, including young farmers, government, financial institutions, universities, markets and social communities. The determination of informants is determined purposively, namely by looking at their role and involvement in the business process of young horticultural farmers, spread across Garut Regency, Cianjur Regency and Bandung Regency, West Java. Indicators of the degree of centrality, centrality of proximity, centrality of intermediaries and Eigencentrality, show that social societies are actors that consistently interact and connect a lot with young farmers. The social community acts as a liaison actor between young farmers and other agricultural stakeholders, always providing positive motivation and encouragement for farmers in agricultural activities. Social community actors must remain involved in horticultural agribusiness in West Java, especially champion farmers, community leaders and agricultural communities. Social community actors not only provide support in the aspects of labor and social capital, but become important actors in creating a conducive and productive farming climate, thus becoming an attraction for the younger generation of agriculture.
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It is recognized that the role of business environment management in the regional ecosystem is paramount to ensure the balanced development of all ecosystem elements. This is made possible based on the prerequisites for digital transformation that have been created. There is a need for a management model that will bring the spontaneity of the region’s entrepreneurial environment into line, strengthen its vector momentum in increasing the activity of the ecosphere of the territory, and allow choosing the best solutions. The study aims to formation of a model for establishing interaction between the state and business in the framework of the Russian model of digitalization based on the study and development of scientific theories and ideas, best practices, research of the state and trends of entrepreneurial activity of the region and its ecosphere. Methods: fundamental theories of entrepreneurship and approaches to modern theoretical research on business environment management, knowledge within the framework of business environment management theory, concepts of regional ecosystem theory, digitalization models, and tools of meso-ecological models of the business environment. The model of establishing the interaction between the state and business in the region proposed is based on the study of theories, methods and analysis of the role and performance trends of the business environment. An adapted management model in the conditions of digitalization of the business environment is presented concerning the regional ecosystem based on the materials of the Strategy of Digital Transformation of Stavropol Territory. In the recommended model on a new technological basis decomposition of factors, agents of the mesoecological model of the business environment and factors of their assessment, the interaction of the business environment and its communication activity between all subjects are given.
Purpose Innovation management in the healthcare sector has undergone significant evolutions over the last decades. These evolutions have been investigated from a variety of perspectives: clusters, ecosystems of innovation, digital ecosystems and regional ecosystems, but the dynamics of networks have seldom been analyzed under the lenses of entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs). As identified by Cao and Shi (2020), the literature is silent about the organization of resource allocation systems for network orchestration in EEs. This article investigates these elements in the healthcare sector. It discusses the strategic role played by entrepreneurial support organizations (ESOs) in resource allocation and elaborates on the distinction between sponsored and nonsponsored ESOs in EEs. ESOs are active in network orchestration. The literature explains that ESOs lift organizational, institutional and cultural barriers, and support entrepreneurs' access to cognitive and technological resources. However, allocation models are not yet discussed. Therefore, our research questions are as follows: What is the resource allocation model in healthcare-related EEs? What is the role played by sponsored and nonsponsored ESOs as regards resource allocation to support the emergence and development of EEs in the healthcare sector? Design/methodology/approach The article offers an explanatory, exploratory, and theory-building investigation. The research design offers an abductive research protocol and multi-level analysis of seven (sponsored and nonsponsored) ESOs active in French healthcare ecosystems. Field research elaborates on semi-structured interviews collected between 2016 and 2022. Findings This article shows explicit complementarities between top-down and bottom-up resource allocation approaches supported by ESOs in the healthcare sector. Despite explicit originalities in each approach, no network orchestration model prevails. Multi-polar coordination is the rule. Entrepreneurs' access to critical technological and cognitive resources is based on resource allocation modalities that differ for sponsored versus nonsponsored ESOs. Emerging from field research, this research also shows that sponsored and nonsponsored ESOs manage their roles in different ways because they confront original issues about organizational legitimacy. Originality/value Beyond the results listed above, the main originalities of the paper relate to the instantiation of multi-level analysis operated during field research and to the confrontation between sponsored versus nonsponsored ESOs in the domain of healthcare-related innovation management. This research shows that ESOs have practical relevance because they build original routes for resource allocation and network orchestration in EEs. Each ESO category (sponsored versus nonsponsored) provides original support for resource allocation. The ESO's legitimacy is inferred either from the sponsor or the services delivered to end-users. This research leads to propositions for future research and recommendations for practitioners: ESO managers, entrepreneurs, and policymakers.
The concept of an ‘entrepreneurial ecosystem’ has become a major means for both theorizing and making policy decisions concerning entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development. The notion of an entrepreneurial ecosystem captures the way in which entrepreneurship is increasingly performed and undertaken via the innate interdependencies existing between the elements and components of what are essentially biotic communities (consisting of complex interactions between human agents and an array of tangible and intangible components). This book takes a multi-lensed view and perspective on the emergence of entrepreneurship within ecosystems in cities and regions, the manner in which these ecosystems evolve and operate, and their future development. The introductory chapter provides some initial theoretical background relating to the nature of ecosystems in the context of entrepreneurship and urban and regional development, before providing a summary of the book’s three parts: (1) The Emergence of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems; (2) The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems; and (3) The Future of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.
The concept of an ‘entrepreneurial ecosystem’ has become a major means for both theorizing and making policy decisions concerning entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development. The notion of an entrepreneurial ecosystem captures the way in which entrepreneurship is increasingly performed and undertaken via the innate interdependencies existing between the elements and components of what are essentially biotic communities (consisting of complex interactions between human agents and an array of tangible and intangible components). This book takes a multi-lensed view and perspective on the emergence of entrepreneurship within ecosystems in cities and regions, the manner in which these ecosystems evolve and operate, and their future development. The introductory chapter provides some initial theoretical background relating to the nature of ecosystems in the context of entrepreneurship and urban and regional development, before providing a summary of the book’s three parts: (1) The Emergence of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems; (2) The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems; and (3) The Future of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.
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This research article examines the implementation of service-dominant logic in technology-based business incubators, specifically focusing on Bandung Techno Park in Indonesia. The research examines the connection between service providers and clients, the function of technology-based business incubators in assisting enterprises, and the consequences of transitioning from a focus on products to a focus on services. This study offers an extensive literature analysis on technology-based business incubators, goods-dominant logic, and service-dominant logic. Additionally, it analyzes the business process structure and services provided by Bandung Techno Park. The study highlights the significance of comprehending service-dominant logic principles while evaluating and improving services in technology-based business incubators. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of collaborations between universities and industries, the transition to more participatory innovation models, and the involvement of service-dominant logic in generating value. The article recommends doing further research in this field, namely with larger sample sizes and longitudinal investigations.
The purpose of current research to investigate the influence of chaos theory on application of innovation, as it is the top of the pyramid in the security strategic decision-making, as the place of application was the National Security Advisory being within the structure of the security system of the Iraqi government, as the importance of the research stemmed from building a theoretical framework for the theory of chaos, And an intellectual contribution that’s made at field of strategic management practices, in order to bridging of perception and awareness gaps from the perspective of culture, leadership capabilities, and wisdom in disposing of resources and according to priorities when achieving the set goals, as well as the method of applying innovative ideas concerned with developing creative directions and in a proactive manner, and on this basis the research problem was formulated With a main question (Was the National Security Adviser able to employ chaos theory in applying innovation to develop creativity?), so that the research adopts the descriptive, exploratory approach, so the research community was (144), while the research sample was (133) from the leaders of the National Security Adviser (Deputy National Security Adviser And general managers, assistant general managers, consultants, department managers, division managers), to distribute to them (the questionnaire), which was designed based on a number of reliable international standards for its variables, to analyze its data by adopting the two statistical packages (SPSS V.28 & AMOS V. 25), to conclude Analyzing its data to identify the practices of the National Security Adviser in improving investment opportunities for application of innovation to reach the development of adoptions of organizational creativity, with the adoption of the dimensions of the strange attractor / the butterfly effect, the point of bifurcation, feedback, and self-organization, as dimensions of chaos theory. To improve innovation application practices.
Social innovations (SIs) offer creative solutions to complex social problems and often require the exchange of necessary resources, knowledge, and expertise among various actors. These actors form an ecosystem that can support the development of successful SIs. In this special topic forum introduction, we first discuss the literature related to the support function of ecosystems. We use the theoretical lens of prosocial behavior to explain the various types of support in an ecosystem. We argue that there are three archetypes of support in ecosystems, namely, altruistic, communitarian, and commercial support. Subsequently, we present the three papers accepted for publication in the special topic forum. One paper refers to the three support archetypes, although indirectly, while the other two refer to one specific archetype of ecosystem support for SIs. This introductory paper concludes with discussion on the opportunities for future research. Without a clear understanding of the different archetypes of support, it would be difficult for both scholars and practitioners to design vibrant ecosystems in assistance to SI.
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How do you measure your entrepreneurial ecosystem? How should you interpret the data about your startup community? What economic indicators should matter for vibrancy and growth? These questions come up repeatedly in conversations with entrepreneurs, program heads, event organizers, investors, policymakers, and others. The frequency of these queries reflects the phenomenon: With the rapid spread of efforts to build entrepreneurial ecosystems, it’s only natural to wonder what outcomes should be tracked. And, what you track depends on what you’re trying to achieve.In some places, the desired outcome is simply more: more entrepreneurs, more companies, and more jobs. Other communities design their ecosystem efforts around a particular type of company or type of job. Some regions, moreover, see the “entrepreneurial ecosystem” as a marketing effort, and focus on a particular type of individual they hope to attract to their area. For other cities, the only thing that matters is the “exit” - initial public offerings and acquisitions. These are all worthy objectives, and communities must define their own goals. Yet where most places fail is in reliance on a handful of limited input metrics rather than outcomes. To judge the vibrancy of their entrepreneurial ecosystems, many states and regions focus on things like research and development funding at universities, available investment capital, and engineering degrees. These may be associated with more entrepreneurial activity, but they are inputs, not necessarily the outcomes to be tracked. Other regions focus on patents or technology licenses out of universities - these are a piece of the puzzle, but they’re not necessarily the leading indicators of entrepreneurial vibrancy. At the other end of the spectrum is the kitchen-sink approach - because every part of an entrepreneurial ecosystem is critically important, you must track everything. This approach has the admirable quality of avoiding Campbell’s Law but provides no sense of prioritization or focus for those community leaders involved in the ecosystem. There must be some middle ground between trying to capture every dimension of an entrepreneurial ecosystem and overly focusing on only one or two indicators. There are also different levels of measurement for entrepreneurial ecosystems. In this paper, we focus on the overall performance of the ecosystem in terms of outcomes and vibrancy. In future work, we will explore measurement indicators that can be instituted at the level of programs and organizations.
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"Nowhere does history indulge in repetitions so often or so uniformly as in Wall Street," observed legendary speculator Jesse Livermore. History tells us that periods of major technological innovation are typically accompanied by speculative bubbles as economic agents overreact to genuine advancements in productivity. Excessive run-ups in asset prices can have important consequences for the economy as firms and investors respond to the price signals, resulting in capital misallocation. On the one hand, speculation can magnify the volatility of economic and financial variables, thus harming the welfare of those who are averse to uncertainty and fluctuations. But on the other hand, speculation can increase investment in risky ventures, thus yielding benefits to a society that suffers from an underinvestment problem.
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Mediated modeling is an innovative new approach that enhances the use of computer models as invaluable tools to guide policy and management decisions. Rather than having outside experts dispensing answers to local stakeholders, mediated modeling brings together diverse interests to raise the shared level of understanding and foster a broad and deep consensus. It provides a structured process based on system dynamics thinking in which community members, government officials, industry representatives, and other stakeholders can work together to produce a coherent, simple but elegant simulation model. Mediated Modeling by Marjan Van Den Belt is a practical guide to participatory modeling for both practitioners and students, one that is firmly theoretically grounded in the field of systems dynamics and environmental modeling. Five in-depth case studies describe the successful use of the technique in a variety of settings, and a final chapter synthesizes the lessons highlighted by the case studies. Mediated Modeling's step-by-step description of the techniques and practical advice regarding implementation offer a real-world solution for all those seeking to make sound decisions about the environment. - See more at:
Policies to increase the level of enterprise and entrepreneurship, in many countries and regions, have often failed. This book explores this and gives alternative views to derive a different model, based on social influence, which is consistent with the evidence and which might therefore lead to better policy.