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Twenty-seven modes of reproduction in the obligate lichen symbiosis


Abstract and Figures

Fungi exhibit some of the greatest reproductive diversity across Eukaryotes. In addition to sexual and asexual reproduction, fungi engage in parasexual (mitotic recombinatorial) processes to acquire new genetic variation. Reproduction has been studied extensively in numerous free-living fungi but comparatively less knowledge exists for lichenized fungi, which are assumed to reproduce only through sexual spores, asexual conidia, and specialized asexual lichen propagules. We present a new conceptual framework describing reproductive modes in lichens that includes sexual and asexual processes as well as accommodating the possibility of parasexual reproduction. To support the plausibility of some of these modes of reproduction, we reviewed data spanning more than 200 years of anatomical investigation. We recovered evidence supporting the possibility of 22 of 27 possible modes of reproduction and found no counter-evidence to suggest the remaining five do not occur in nature. This conceptual framework allows for a greater plurality of reproductive processes than previously acknowledged in lichens, exceeding that of their non-lichenized relatives.
Hypothesized 27 modes of reproduction possible in the obligate lichen symbiosis. See text for definitions of reproduction. Reproduction is defined as the dispersal of one or more reproductive units (e.g., propagules), these deriving from either mitosis or meiosis, to yield establishment of a new, spatially discrete thallus; see text for further details. Reproduction involves either transmission of a single reproductive unit (modes 1, 6, and 14-17; no change in ploidy) or union or two reproductive units (modes 2-5, 7-13, and 18-27; change in ploidy). Modes 1-13 involve transmission or unions of lichenized reproductive units whereas modes 14-27 involve transmission or union of fungal-only reproductive units. These modes reflect processes known or hypothesized in non-lichenized fungi but further embellished as a result of evolution of the obligate symbiosis in lichens. Additionally, the modes allow for traditionally circumscribed recombination through meiotic means as well as mitotic recombination, which is documented in non-lichenized fungi but not yet reported in lichens. Evidence in support of most of these 27 modes is described in the text. Shown at bottom of figure are types of reproductive units present in lichenized fungi (note that for ascospore, the reproductive unit is a hypha that arises from a young, germinating ascospore [vs. direct fusion of the spore itself with another reproductive unit] but for simplicity, a spore is shown); blue depicts haploid and red depicts diploid reproductive units.
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Twenty-seven modes of reproduction in the obligate lichen symbiosis
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Museum of Natural History, University of Colorado,
UCB 350, Boulder, CO 80309, USA; e-mail:
The New York Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Boulevard., Bronx, NY, USA; e-mail:
Abstract. Fungi exhibit some of the greatest reproductive diversity across Eukaryotes. In
addition to sexual and asexual reproduction, fungi engage in parasexual (mitotic
recombinatorial) processes to acquire new genetic variation. Reproduction has been studied
extensively in numerous free-living fungi but comparatively less knowledge exists for
lichenized fungi, which are assumed to reproduce only through sexual spores, asexual conidia,
and specialized asexual lichen propagules. We present a new conceptual framework describ-
ing reproductive modes in lichens that includes sexual and asexual processes as well as
accommodating the possibility of parasexual reproduction. To support the plausibilityof some
of these modes of reproduction, we reviewed data spanning more than 200 years of anatomical
investigation. We recovered evidence supporting the possibility of 22 of 27 possible modes of
reproduction and found no counter-evidence to suggest the remaining five do not occur in
nature. This conceptual framework allows for a greater plurality of reproductive processes
than previously acknowledged in lichens, exceeding that of their non-lichenized relatives.
Keywords: Genetic, haploid, meiosis, mitosis, parasexual, ploidy, recombination, symbiosis.
Traits that characterize the reproductive biolo-
gy of organisms are fundamental to understanding
evolutionary mechanisms that scale to explain
origins and fates of lineages across diverse do-
mains of life (Darwin & Seward, 1903;Tinkle,
1969; Packard & Seymour, 1997; Barrett, 2008;
Melián et al., 2012;Frohlich,2003). For example,
floral traits directly impact plant fitness and con-
tribute ultimately to diversification and persistence
of clades (Grant, 1949; Stebbins, 1974; van der
Niet et al., 2013). Similarly, animal behavioral
strategies such as avian courting determine repro-
ductive success and have fostered evolution of
remarkable morphologies in vertebrates (Ralls,
1977; Kodric-Brown & Brown, 1984;Moller&
Pomiankowski, 1993;Amundsen,2000).
Theoretical and empirical evidence has empha-
sized the paramount importance of sexual
reproduction as the primary source of recombina-
tion for most lineages (Fisher, 1941; Lynch et al.,
1993; Barton & Charlesworth, 1998;Carranza&
Polo, 2015). Accordingly, while asexuality is ram-
pant across the tree of life (Billiard et al., 2012;
Tripp, 2016), many such lineages are known to
have rare sexual phases or other mechanisms
through which they acquire genetic variation
(Fautin, 2002; Fontaneto et al., 2007;Honegger
& Zippler, 2007;Masel&Lyttle,2011).
Some lineages that are primarily asexual have
evolved mixed modes of reproduction involving
rare sexual phases or alternative,non-sexual strat-
egies to acquire new genetic variation such as
mitotic recombination or Bparasexuality^
(Pontecorvo et al., 1953a,1953b; Peacock &
Brock, 1968). Among Eukaryotes, fungi exhibit
some of the most elaborate reproductive strate-
gies, which include sexual and asexual reproduc-
tion, these oftentimes manifested concomitantly
in a given organism. Fungi additionally engage in
mitotic recombinatorial processes to generate ge-
netic diversity (Taylor et al., 1999; Yun et al.,
1999; Read & Roca, 2006; Billiard et al., 2012).
Electronic supplementary material The online version
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contains supplementary material, which is available to
authorized users.
Brittonia, DOI 10.1007/s12228-017-9500-6
ISSN: 0007-196X (print) ISSN: 1938-436X (electronic)
© 2017, by The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, NY 10458-5126 U.S.A.
Such processes, which are fundamentally differ-
ent from but functionally similar to other non-
meiotic modes of genetic exchange such as hori-
zontal gene transfer, rely on crossing over events
between homologous chromosomes in non-
meiotic cells or gene conversion mechanisms dur-
ing DNA repair and occur either within an indi-
vidual or between individuals (Stern, 1936;
McGuire et al., 2005). The extent to which para-
sexual processes contribute to the evolution of
genetic diversity in fungi remains to be answered
by additional research across a broader diversity
of fungal lineages.
Evolution of reproduction in this important
group of organisms may be even greater than fully
appreciated as a result of obligate symbioses be-
tween fungi and algae. Lichenized fungi (or simply
"lichens"; ~18,500 to 20,000 species globally),
comprise one fifth of all described fungi on Earth
and approximately half of all Ascomycetes
(Honegger, 1997; Jaklitsch et al., 2016). First, sex-
ual reproduction in Ascomycete fungi, which in-
cludes the vast majority of lichenized fungi, begins
typically with fusion of a spermatium (i.e., a type
of conidium) to an ascogonial filament. The nuclei
contained within these two types of tissues are
believed to be haploid, in which case this fusion
(i.e., plasmogamy) yields a brief phase of
dikaryotic (n+n) hyphae. These dikaryotic hyphae
give rise to asci and within asci, karyogamy occurs
and is followed immediately by meiosis. Thus, as
far as is known, diploid nuclei exist only momen-
tarily in most Ascomycetes, and fusion of ordinary
vegetative hyphae (i.e., somatogamy) is not char-
acteristic of most species. However, higher ploidy
strains of Ascomycetes are known and exist in
stable states in nature (Zhu et al., 2016) and para-
sexual recombination has been shown to occur in
some Ascomycetes (Taylor et al., 1999;Yunetal.,
1999; Read & Roca, 2006; Billiard et al., 2012).
This suggests that diploid or higher ploidy states in
lichen fungal mycelia is plausible if not to be
expected, and may arise as a product of parasexual
processes. While this sentiment is outside of cur-
rent orthodox views in lichen reproductive biology,
there are no published data documenting ploidy of
lichen mycelia. On the contrary, mycelia of several
lineages of early diverging non-lichenized
Ascomycetes have been documented to be
dikaryotic or diploid (Yamazaki & Oshima,
1979;Sugiyamaetal.2006), and a recent study
using bioinformatic methodsbut not direct visual-
ization of lichen fungal chromosomespresented
data in support of a hypothesis of either haploid
or diploid/dikaryotic lichen fungal mycelia (Tripp
et al., 2017).
Regardless of the above, it is clear is that li-
chens exhibit the full diversity of reproductive
modes present in non-lichenized Ascomycetes
but have additionally evolved other strategies as
a means of maintaining and enriching the obligate
symbiosis (Fünstück, 1926; Poelt, 1993; Nash,
2008; see below). Typical sexual forms of repro-
duction in lichens resemble those of their non-
lichenized relatives and involve fruiting bodies
termed ascomata, which are the sole structures
that produce meiotic ascospores (Letrouit-
Galinou, 1973). Ascomata usually disperse only
the mycobiont but more rarely also co-disperse
the photobiont (Vines, 1878; Thomson, 1991;
Gueidan et al., 2007). Haploid ascospores germi-
nate, become re-lichenized, yield a new thallus,
and must then go through karyogamy (i.e,
diploidization) prior to future meiotic events.
Mitotic processes, however, give rise to a much
greater diversity of reproductive units (i.e., prop-
agules), and these can be either lichenized or non-
lichenized (Pyatt, 1973). Remarkably, some of
these propagules function sexually or asexually
whereas others are thought to function only asex-
ually (Moreau & Moreau, 1928; Mitchell, 2006).
For example, conidia are mitotic, fungal-only re-
productive units that are produced on the thalli of
thousands of lichens in specialized structures
termed pycnidia (Vobis, 1980). Some authors
have demonstrated that conidia in some cases
function as sexual gametes that fertilize a recep-
tive hypha on the thallus of a compatible mating
type (Stahl, 1877;Baur,1898; Johnson, 1954). In
these instances, one maternal thallus may be fer-
tilized on multiple occasions by different paternal
conidia (Kroken & Taylor, 2001). Other authors
however have demonstrated that conidia disperse,
establish contact with new photobionts, continue
to divide mitotically, then yield new lichen thalli
that are assumed to be haploid, at least initially
(Möller, 1887; Sanders, 2014; Sanders & de los
Rios, 2015). In these latter instances, it is un-
known whether a given new thallus derives from
one or multiple such re-lichenization events.
Second, mitotic processes also give rise to a
marked diversity of lichenized propagules long
known to function asexually (Fünstück, 1926;
Poelt, 1993). These reproductive units consist of
variations on a theme of packages of photobiont
cells surrounded by differentially arranged hyphal
tissue and include soredia (sphere-shaped propa-
gules), isidia (columnar propagules), phyllidia
(miniature lobes), and schizidia (pustules). Clear
evidence exists that these lichenized propagules
disperse to new locations, continue to divide mi-
totically, and ultimately yield new thalli (Schuster,
1985;Ott,1987c; Sanders, 2005).
The above suggests a complex yet understand-
able roadmap that describes the full set of mech-
anisms through which lichens can reproduce.
Nonetheless a comprehensive map, one that spe-
cifically incorporates sexual, asexual, and poten-
tially parasexual processes across different poten-
tial ploidy states of a given thallus, has not previ-
ously been proposed. This can in large part be
attributed to the fact that lichen ploidy has never
been explicitly investigated (but see Kroken &
Taylor, 2001)that is, we still have no convinc-
ing data to suggest that lichens are exclusively
haploid, as commonly assumed, or whether dip-
loid states (see Tripp et al. 2017) and/or higher
replicates of chromosome numbers made possible
through polyploidization events are possible in
lichens. More generally, we lack detailed under-
standing of the full diversity of recombinatorial
processes in lichens. We do not have extensive
evidence regarding whether, how, when, how of-
ten, and where precisely the transition from hap-
loidy to diploidy (or dikaryotization) occurs on the
lichen thallus (but see Kroken & Taylor, 2001).
We also lack knowledge as to whether mitotic
propagules can function parasexually in lichens,
as they do in non-lichenized Ascomycetes.
Additionally, lichens that reproduce via asexual
propagules, which comprise at least a fifth of all
species in North America (Tripp & Lendemer,
unpub. data), have long been regarded as the most
difficult to study (Hodkinson & Lendemer, 2012;
Lendemer & Hodkinson, 2013). Finally, lichen
biology as a whole is marked by insufficient evi-
dence otherwise needed to understand whether
reproductive ecology and evolution is driven by
biotic factors, abiotic factors, shared evolutionary
history, or some combination of these elements.
The overall lack of modern inquiry with respect
to reproductive modes and ploidy in lichens is
noteworthy given the interest that these areas
attained historically (Bachman, 1913). It is even
more surprising when one considers that more
than a century of extensive study of reproduction
and genetics in non-lichenized fungi has
established a rich and diverse body of research
documenting reproductive biology of these
organisms (e.g., Raper, 1966; Jennings &
Rayner, 1986; Heller et al., 2016). Thus paradox-
ically, while study of the mechanisms and pro-
cesses underlying non-lichenized fungal repro-
duction has flourished, the converse is true of
lichenized-fungi despite their possessing even
more elaborate reproductive modes resulting from
the obligate symbiosis (but see numerous exam-
ples of careful developmental work of R.
Honegger, W. Sanders, and colleagues cited
throughout this contribution). Nonetheless, this
rich body of research on genetics and reproductive
biology of non-lichenized fungi provides numer-
ous opportunities to understand reproductive pro-
cesses in lichenized fungi.
Here we establish a first conceptual framework
outlining the full diversity of reproductive modes
possible in lichenized fungi assuming both haploid
and higher levels of ploidy are possible, as they are
for most other Eukaryotes (especially non-animal
Eukaryotes). Among these modes, some have pre-
viously been documented whereas others are new-
ly proposed. Our primary goal is to present these
in a single venue that unifies the various possibil-
ities into a single framework. This framework
furthermore emphasizes modes of reproduction
long held to be strictly asexual under modern
dogma but that are here reconsidered to serve as
potential sources of inter-individual recombination
through parasexual mechanisms. Several of these
newly proposed modes represent evolutionary in-
novations made possible by the obligate symbiosis
such as soredia and isidia. Because lichens have
long been largely excluded from the work of clas-
sical geneticists owing to slow growth rates, in-
ability to observe complete sexual cycles in the lab
(but see Sanders, 2014), and rare expression of the
symbiotic phenotype in culture (Honegger, 1993),
development of this framework draws on critical
evaluation of a body of literature that spans two
centuries of investigation at cellular and anatomi-
cal levels. We use this literature to more fully
support plausibility of most of 27 different modes
of reproduction possible in lichens. We conclude
that mitotic propagules are likely to have both a
greater diversity and wider function than currently
acknowledged in lichenology.
Materials and methods
Conceptual framework: definitions.––We here
defined reproduction as an event initiated by
dispersal of one or more reproductive units, these
deriving from either mitosis or meiosis, and cul-
minating with establishment of a spatially discrete
new lichen thallus, regardless of its subsequent
development. Thus, reproduction includes asexu-
al, sexual, and parasexual processes, and may or
may not involve recombination. For the purposes
of this study, we assumed that reproductive units
that yield new individuals are only haploid or
diploid, but acknowledge the possibility that
higher ploidy levels of some reproductive units
(e.g., hyphae) may occur; however, no such in-
stances have ever been documented in the litera-
ture for lichens to our knowledge. We considered
only first generation dispersal of reproductive units
that give rise to an immediately subsequent gener-
ation of thalli, and ploidy stasis or change occur-
ring therein (i.e., we do not explore third and
subsequent reproductive generations). We defined
modes of reproduction as unique mechanisms of
thallus establishment resulting from either trans-
mission of a single reproductive unit (i.e., propa-
gule) or a union of two (and only two) reproductive
units derived from these propagules (e.g.,twohy-
pha that develop from two, genetically distinct,
germinating ascospores). Recombination is here
defined as any set of processes that break down
existing and yield new combinations of alleles.
This framework was built around reproduction of
the mycobiont because fungal taxonomy defines
the lichen symbiosis at present (Brodo et al., 2001).
Development of conceptual schematic.First,
we delimited all components of lichenized and
non-lichenized fungi that can actually or poten-
tially serve as reproductive units. We categorized
these as lichenized or non-lichenized reproductive
units, the latter thus requiring acquisition of a
compatible photobiont for new thallus develop-
ment. We distinguished reproductive units by
their ploidy, thus assuming ascospores and co-
nidia to be haploid. While it is thought that fungal
mycelia are primarily haploid in nature, this has
neither been studied extensively outside of model
organisms (Jennings & Rayner, 1986; but see
Kroken & Taylor, 2001) nor has it been demon-
Reflecting this uncertainty, our conceptual frame-
work allows other reproductive units (e.g.,
soredia, isidia, phyllidia, hyphae including pa-
raphyses) to be either haploid or diploid, consis-
tent with experimental data (Pontecorvo et al.,
1953a,1953b;Crawfordetal.,1986; Schoustra
et al., 2007; Chien et al., 2015; Tripp et al., 2017).
Second, we enumerated all possible unique
modes of reproduction via transmission or union
of reproductive units. A given unique mode can
be characterized by transmission of haploid units
or diploid units, or unions of haploid + haploid
units, haploid + diploid units, or diploid + diploid
units. These starting states comprise both
lichenized and non-lichenized reproductive units
but always yield a new, spatially discrete
lichenized thallus. Consideration of all possible
transmissions and unions permits disentangle-
ment of modes of reproduction that do not allow
for recombination (e.g., transmission of haploid
or diploid soredium into the next generation) from
those that do (e.g., transmission of ascospore or
union of conidium with hypha from different
genetic individual).
Evaluation of evidence relating to conceptual
schematic.––To evaluate evidence for reproduc-
tive modes delimited in our study, we surveyed
relevant literature spanning the year 1800 to the
present (Suppl. Material 1). Specifically, we
attempted to find examples of empirical work that
supported each of the modes herein conceptual-
ized. Most of this literature was experimental or
developmental, with only latter decades yielding
genetic evidence that could be used to evaluate
reproductive modes. Our investigation was not
limited to reviewing outcomes specifically stated
/ discussed by authors but rather also included
new interpretations of data (e.g., derived from
our study of micrographs, line drawings, or results
reported in the text) not inferred in original pub-
lications because of different focuses of such
studies. That most studies explored only the time
span between first and second generations pre-
cluded analysis of outcomes of advanced genera-
tion reproduction.
Our development of a conceptual framework
that describes lichen reproduction resulted in de-
limitation of 27 potential modes (see below). Of
these, we found evidence that supported the pos-
sibility of 22 modes; evidence was lacking for the
remaining five, but we did not uncover any
counter-evidence to suggest that these five cannot
and do not occur in nature (Suppl. Material 1).
Overall support for the hypothesis that mitotic
reproductive units have both a greater diversi-
ty and wider function than previously recog-
nized was found.
Six classes of reproductive units including hap-
loid, diploid, mitotic, meiotic, lichenized, and non-
lichenized units were identified in this study: hy-
phae from ascospore germination, conidia, undif-
ferentiated as well as differentiated hyphae such as
paraphyses (haploid, diploid), and lichenized prop-
agules such as soredia, isidia, and phyllidia (hap-
loid, diploid). The predicted transmission or union
of these six reproductive units yielded 27 unique
reproductive modes (Fig. 1; see also Figs. 2&3).
Of these 27, 13 co-dispersed the mycobiont and
photobiont (modes 113) and 14 dispersed only
the mycobiont thus assuming subsequent acquisi-
tion of a photobiont (modes 1427). Of the 27
modes, six involved no change in ploidy (trans-
mission of fungal-only reproductive units = modes
1417; transmission of reproductive units that co-
dispersed the mycobiont and photobiont = modes
1 & 6) whereas 21 involved a ploidy change
resulting from the union of two reproductive units:
11 co-dispersing the mycobiont and photobiont
(modes 25, 713) and 10 dispersing fungal-only
reproductive units thus assuming subsequent ac-
quisition of a photobiont (modes 1727).
Following traditional definitions of reproduc-
tion in lichens, seven modes would be classified
as sexual (modes 3, 7, 14, 18, 19, 22, 24) because
they implicate the sole meioticpropagule (i.e., the
ascospore) whereas the remaining 20 (all others)
would be classified as asexual because they donot
involve transmission or union of the meiotic prop-
agule. Modes 21 and 25 however may serve to
initiate the sexual process, that is, with conidia
and hyphal trichogynes assuming male and fe-
male functions, respectively.
We found evidence for numerous modes of
reproduction that transcend traditional concepts of
reproduction in lichens (i.e., modes 1, 14, and 16).
Specifically, data from the literature yielded sup-
port for plausibility of all but 5 of the 27 modes of
reproduction (modes 3, 4, 7, 10, and 19; these
discussed in detail, below). Of the 22 modes for
which support was found, 17 allow for the possi-
bility of recombination: modes 2, 5, 8, 9, 1114,
18, and 2027. Only mode 14 reflects the tradition-
al view of recombination in lichens. Four of these
modes, modes 3, 4, 7, and 10, involved union of a
lichenized reproductive units such as a soredium
with either a conidium or an ascospore. In total, the
majority of studies we surveyed addressed repro-
duction via transmission of single reproductive
units (modes 1, 6, 1417) rather than unions of
reproductive units (modes 25, 713, 1827).
The overarching objective of the present study
was to devise a framework within which the full
complement of potential reproductive processes
in lichens can be identified and further investigat-
ed. Our intention was to build a framework in a
manner that (1) took sexual, asexual, and parasex-
ual mechanisms into consideration and allowed
for both meiotic and mitotic recombination, and
(2) was not constrained by a lack of data or a lack
of interpretation of prior data. While we fully
recognize that the concepts herein presented are
outside the established paradigm in lichen biolo-
gy, our intention is to highlight the panoply of
possibilities that could occur in lichens outside
of the small fraction of species that have been
studied. Below, we use newly analyzed data in
combination with earlier presented data to ar-
gue that the reproductive diversity present in
Ascomycotainvolving both meiotic and mitotic
recombinationis likely also to be present in
lichenized Ascomycetes but with even further
embellishment of asexual and potentially parasex-
ual strategies owing to the plausibility of haloid
and diploid strains as well as opportunities to co-
disperse obligate symbionts. The conceptual
framework presented in Fig. 1and elaborated on
below highlights this diversity of reproductive
processes that exceeds what has been previously
recognized in past research. We found data in
support of 22 of 27 possible modes of reproduc-
tion. While evidence was lacking for the remain-
ing five modes, there similarly exists no evidence
refuting their possibilities. As such, we speculate
these may eventually be documented in nature.
Twenty-seven modes of reproduction.––Evidence
consistent with our delimited 27 modes is or-
ganized into and discussed in three sections:
(1) transmissions of mitotic reproductive units
that are asexual, (2) transmissions or unions
involving meiotic propagules that are sexual,
(3) and unions of mitotic reproductive units
that are asexual but may participate in para-
sexual processes. Although chromosome
counts have been reported for a handful of
lichens (Altman & Dittmer, 1972), we discuss
functionally similar modes that differ only in
ploidy (e.g., haploid vs. diploid soredia, or
modes 1 and 6) in concert because we know
of no lichen research in which ploidy transi-
tions (e.g., from haploid to diploid) have been
specifically investigated or documented. In the
discussion that follows, such cases are denoted
with the two functionally similar modes sepa-
Asexual modes.––In Fig. 1, only modes 1, 6,
1517 represent unambiguously asexual (i.e.,
clonal) reproduction in lichens because they
represent transmissions, not unions, of mitotic
reproductive units. However, an additional 15
modes (modes 2, 4, 5, 813, 2022, 2527) rep-
resent other opportunities for asexual reproduc-
tion when unions of these mitotic reproductive
units do not involve parasexual recombination.
FIG.1. Hypothesized 27 modes of reproduction possible in the obligate lichen symbiosis. See text for definitions of
reproduction. Reproduction is defined as the dispersal of one or more reproductive units (e.g., propagules), these deriving from
either mitosis or meiosis, to yield establishment of a new, spatially discrete thallus; see text for further details. Reproduction
involves either transmission of a single reproductive unit (modes 1, 6, and 1417; no change in ploidy) or union or two
reproductive units (modes 25, 713, and 1827; change in ploidy). Modes 113 involve transmission or unions of lichenized
reproductive units whereas modes 1427 involve transmission or union of fungal-only reproductive units. These modes reflect
processes known or hypothesized in non-lichenized fungi but further embellished as a result of evolution of the obligate symbiosis
in lichens. Additionally, the modes allow for traditionally circumscribed recombination through meiotic means as well as mitotic
recombination, which is documented in non-lichenized fungi but not yet reported in lichens. Evidence in support of most of these
27 modes is describedin the text. Shown at bottomof figure are types of reproductive units present in lichenized fungi (note that
for ascospore, the reproductive unit is a hypha that arises from a young, germinating ascospore [vs. direct fusion of the
spore itself with another reproductive unit] but for simplicity, a spore is shown); blue depicts haploid and red depicts
diploid reproductive units.
FIG.2. Examples of lichen reproduction that corroborate modes delimited in Fig. 1.ExamplesAF represent modes
encountered in our own research. A. Example of mode 14: meiotic ascospore of Rhizocarpon disporum producing a hypha
surrounding a newly captured photobiont (source: lichen development experiment in Boulder, Colorado, E. A. Tripp, unpubl.
data). B. Variation on mode 16 wherein ascospore of Anthracothecium nanum (mode 14) undergoes endosporic mitosis to yield
haploid conidia (source: R. C. Harris, unpubl. data). C. Variation on mode 16 wherein ascospore of Architrypethelium sp. (mode
14) undergoes mitosis to yield a presumably haploid pycnidium, in which conidiaare then manufactured via mitosis (source: R. C.
Harris, unpubl. data). D. Example of modes 5/12: mitotic granules (soredia) of Lepraria pacifica showing connections between
hyphae, these possibly originating from genetically different individuals (source: J. C. Lendemer, unpubl. data). E. Example of
modes 2/9/11/13: dispersed mitotic granules (soredia) of Lepraria squamatica merging with larger primary hyphae of the same
taxon but possibly a different genetic individual (source: J. C. Lendemer, unpubl. data). F. Example of modes 5/12: individual
aggregations of dispersed mitotic granules (soredia) with hyphae that have connected and begun to merge into a single thallus
(source: J. C. Lendemer, unpubl. data). Arrows indicate the following labeled structures: A = ascospore (meiotic), C = conidia
(mitotic), G = Granules functionally equivalent to soredia (mitotic), H = hyphae (mitotic), Ph = photobiont, Py = pycnidium, X =
connection between hyphae. Scale bars = 20 μminA,50μm in B and C, as indicated in DF.
FIG.3. Examples of lichen reproduction that corroborate modes delimited in Fig. 1.ExamplesAF represent modes
encountered in our review of the literature; all figures are reproduced from the original publications and are unaltered except
for scale/cropping to facilitate formatting and additional call out letters in black that follow the descriptive terms outlined in Fig. 2.
A. Example of modes 1/6: soredia of Parmelia sulcata germinated and produced hyphae (source: Anstett et al., 2014:Fig.2b). B.
Example of mode 18: two ascospores of Calopadia puiggarii germinated to produce hyphae that have begun to merge (source:
Sanders, 2014:fig.38).C. Example of modes 5/8/12: soredia of Peltigera didactyla germinated and began to merge to form a
single thallus (source Stocker-Wörgötter & Türk, 1989:fig.4).D. Example of mode 14: ascospore of Rhizocarpon lecanorinum
germinated, formed hyphae that captured an alga and produced a new thallus (source Clayden, 1997:fig.10).E. Example of mode
22: conidia of Calopadia puiggarii germinated to produce hyphae that have captured algae and begun to intermingle, presumably
they will merge to form a single thallus (source: Sanders, 2014:fig.22).F. Example of mode 18: ascospores of Endocarpon
pusillum germinated to produce hyphae that merged to produce a thallus (source: Vines, 1878: pl. 9, fig. 4). Arrows indicate the
following labeled structures: A = ascospore (meiotic), C = conidia (mitotic), T = thallus (mitotic), H = hyphae (mitotic), S =
soredia, X = connection between hyphae.
Modes 1/6 are extremely well documented as
primary strategies for asexual reproduction in li-
chens (Kershaw & Millbank, 1970;Jahns,1979;
Jahns et al., 1979;Schuster,1985; Honegger,
1987; Ott, 1987a; Yoshimura et al., 1993;
Scheidegger, 1995;Zolleretal.,2000;Sanders
& Lücking, 2002;Ott&Jahns,2002;Sanders,
2005; Buldakov, 2010; Hilmo et al., 2011;Anstett
et al., 2014)asismode16(Möller,1887;
Hedlund, 1895; Vobis, 1977;Sanders&
Lücking, 2002;Sanders,2014; Sanders & de los
Rios, 2015). Modes 1 and 6 describe transmis-
sions of lichenized reproductive units such as
soredia whereas mode 16 describes transmission
of fungal conidia. These modes are thought to
represent the single largest source for new lichen
establishment via asexual means in nature and are
also commonly employed in culturing experi-
ments (Stocker-Wörgötter & Türk, 1989;
Kranner et al., 2002). Modes 15/17 are presum-
ably more common modes of asexual reproduc-
tion in nature than have been documented and
likely occur through fragmentation (Armaleo,
Sexual modes.––In Fig. 1, all transmissions or
unions of ascospores (modes 3/7, 14, 18, 19,
23/24) unambiguously implicate meiotic recom-
bination. The simplest and best documented
among these is mode 14, which involves trans-
mission of a single ascospore (Werner, 1931;
Stevens, 1941;Garrett,1968; Ahmadjian et al.,
1980; Ostrofsky & Denison, 1980;Ott,1987a;
Garty&Delarea,1987; Stocker-Wörgötter &
Türk, 1988; Crittenden et al., 1995 [>1,000 spe-
cies therein included]; Sanders & Lücking, 2002;
Sweetwood et al., 2012; Meeßen & Ott, 2013;
Sanders, 2014). Mode 18 describes the union of
two ascospores and has only been depicted in a
few studies (Stahl, 1877; Vines, 1878; Sanders &
Lücking, 2002;Denison,2003; Sanders, 2014)
but may be more common and important during
colony formation than previously understood
(Heller et al., 2016). The remaining modes
(modes 3/7, 19, 23/24) depict unions between a
germinating ascospore and a mitotic reproductive
unit (i.e., a conidium, hypha, or lichenized unit).
These modes have largely not been documented,
with the exception of modes 23/24 that involve
union of an ascospore with a haploid or diploid
hypha (Honegger, 1993;Sanders,2014). This
lack of documentation is not particularly surpris-
ing considering it does not serve as a source of
new lichenization and most studies do not
approach development from this perspective.
For example, the focus of Sanders (2014)was
not to discover spore-hyphal unions but rather to
document the complete life-cycle of a crustose
lichen, with emphasis on re-lichenization.
Finally, modes 21/25 may serve in a sexual or a
parasexual manner (Bitter, 1901; see below for
parasexual function). This involves the union of a
conidium with a fungal hypha. This union is
considered to be sexual when the former func-
tions in a microconidial manner, i.e., as a male
gametangium that makes contact with a sexual
hypha (termed a trichogyne) that functions as a
femalegametangium (Stevens, 1941;Sanders,
2014). This union represents an important source
of dikaryotization in Ascomycete fungi and is
well documented in lichenized Ascomycetes
(Hale, 1983;Honegger,1984).
Parasexual modes?––In Fig. 1, all unions be-
tween mitotic reproductive units may be involved
in asexual reproduction (see above) but also po-
tentially undergo mitotic recombination (modes
2/9/11/13, 4/10, 5/8/12, 20/26/27, 22, 21/25). We
found varying degrees of evidence consistent with
these modes, which is likely explainable by the
nature of study involved. For example, we have
not yet located studies consistent with modes 4/10
that describe unions between conidia and
lichenized reproductive units, but this is likely
attributable to a dearth of microscopists having
searched for this condition as well as the bias
towards study of sexual species that tend to be
more frequent in nature (Murtagh et al., 2000).
Modes 2/9/11/13, which describe unions between
fungal hyphae and lichenized reproductive units,
have also been rarely documented (but see
evidence in Lendemer, 2011), presumably for
similar reasons. By far, the best-documented
unions of mitotic reproductive units are those
depicted in modes 5/8/12 (Armstrong, 1984;
Schuster, 1985; Stocker-Wörgötter & Türk,
1989; Honegger, 1993; Lendemer, 2011). This
extensive documentation stems from the ex-
clusive use of lichenized reproductive units
in experiments (e.g., Kershaw & Millbank,
1970;Schuster,1985; Hilmo et al., 2011).
Modes 20/26/27 involve unions of fungal hy-
phae from different individuals and have been
documented with some frequency for more
than a century (Sturgis, 1890;Jahns,1972,
1987; Yarranton, 1975; Laundon, 1978;
Hawksworth & Chater, 1979; Clayden, 1997;
Sanders & Lücking, 2002). These interactions
are readily observed in nature in the context of
thallus-thallus interactions wherein zones of
inhibition do or do not form as a function of
compatibility of genotypes (e.g., Jahns, 1972;
Hawksworth & Chater, 1979; Clayden, 1997).
Similarly, mode 22 involves the union of co-
nidia from different genetic progenitors. This
interaction is not commonly sought by anatomists
but has been documented at least twice in recent
years in lichens (Wieczorek, 2009; Sanders,
2014), and more frequently in non-lichenized
Ascomycetes (Roca et al., 2003,2004,2005).
Finally, modes 21/25 can represent either sex-
ual or parasexual unions (the former context
discussed above). When asexual, these in-
volve fusion of conidia with hyphae, which
has been documented in Honegger (1984)and
Wieczorek (2009).
How reasonable are current assumptions about
lichen reproduction given (1) presentation of data
that are at least consistent with hypotheses of both
haploid and diploid hyphae in lichens as well as
(2) the remarkable diversity in reproductive
modes well established in their non-lichenized
relatives? In particular, there are exceptions to
the maxim that asexual reproduction is unsuccess-
ful in nature, for example, demonstration that
mitotic recombination accelerates adaptation in
fungi (Schoustra et al., 2007; see also Tripp,
2016). Fungi have elaborate and versatile repro-
ductive strategies, some of which facilitate their
escape of detrimental effects of asexuality and
involve mitotic recombination. Examples include
cryptic sex, other variations on mixed mating
systems, and parasexuality (Hansen, 1938;
Beadle & Coonradt, 1944; Pontecorvo, 1946;
Buxton, 1960; Caten & Jinks, 1966;
Clutterbuck, 1996, Geiser et al., 1998; Taylor
et al., 1999; Kroken & Taylor, 2001; Cornejo
et al., 2009; Billiard et al., 2012). That parasexu-
ality occurs throughout fungi has been well un-
derstood since the development of early concep-
tual models in the 1950s and 1960s(Pontecorvo,
1946; Pontecorvo et al., 1953a,1953b; Peacock
& Brock, 1968). Given this, it seems likely that
similar processes exist in lichenized fungi but
have not yet been documented.
The evidence we have presented is consistent
with a hypothesis that lichens have a greater di-
versity of reproductive modes, facilitated by the
potential of diverse ploidy levels as well as their
obligate symbioses with photobionts, than their
non-lichenized relatives and that these modes
may involve both meiotic and mitotic recombina-
tion. While it may be likely that one or two of the
27 modes dominate reproductive processes in
nature, less frequent occurrence of the other
modes does not negate their potential importance
in generating and maintaining genetic diversity in
lichens. Although it seems prudent to accept the
possibility of a greater diversity of lichen hyphae
ploidy than previously appreciated, we still lack
direct documentation of this phenomenon and
others such as parasexuality in lichens, which
representsone of the most obvious areas for future
experimental work, microscopy, and genetic re-
search. Although direct experimental evidence
is lacking, genetic and phylogenetic studies
have begun to provide increased evidence that
support an increasingly complex map of lichen
reproduction wherein fungi use diverse modes
to maintain and acquire genetic diversity
(Murtagh et al., 2000; Kroken & Taylor, 2001;
Seymour et al., 2005; Nelsen & Gargas, 2008;
Cornejo et al., 2009;Molinaetal.,2013;Otálora
et al., 2013; Rolstad et al., 2013; Singh et al.,
2015). The implications of a far greater di-
versity of reproductive strategies are substan-
tial, as has been documented for other line-
ages presumed to be largely asexual. Across
all 27 possible modes herein described, mei-
otic or mitotic recombination is possible in
22 (81.5%) of them. Yet, less than a third of
these (7 of 22, or 31.8%) involve a meiotic
ascospore. The presented framework thus
conveys a much greater potential for mitotic
recombination in lichens than has been ap-
preciated and explored.
We thank Rosmarie Honegger, William
Sanders, and their colleagues whose developmen-
tal studies in lichenology have helped to inspire
the present contribution. We are especially grate-
ful to William Sanders whose comments substan-
tially improved an earlier version of this manu-
script. We additionally thank Robbin Moran for
his time and editorial contributions. Funding for
this work was provided by the U.S. National
Science Foundation, Dimensions of Biodiversity
Award #s 1542629 (University of Colorado) and
#1542639 (New York Botanical Garden).
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... Lichenized fungi, growing in symbiosis with an algal and/or cyanobacterial partner, commonly exhibit sexual and asexual reproduction (reviewed in [18]). Sexual lichens undergo mating and meiosis, form reproductive structures primarily called ascomata, and release fungal spores. ...
... Conjugation occurs between a and ɑ mating strains [89] and the meiosis-specific spo11 has been co-opted for mitotic recombination between homologous chromosomes [90]. Tripp and Lendemer [18] provided evidence from L. pacifica and L. squamatica to suggest that fusion can occur between hyphae of two individuals, two soredia, or soredia and hyphae, but did not resolve whether or not the individuals involved may be genetically distinct. They also suggest that fusion could lead to diploidy, with subsequent parasexual mitotic recombination and random loss of chromosomes to regain a haploid state. ...
In the search for more effective prophylactic and possibly curative therapeutics against SARS-CoV-2, an historical-ethnobotanical approach was used to select plants described in the Receptarium of Burkhard III von Hallwyl (RBH), an influential recipe text from 16th century Switzerland. Ten species were identified based on specific historical uses presumably linked with the treatment of viral infections as well as inflammatory conditions. For each plant candidate, aqueous and hydroethanolic extracts have been produced. CellTiter-Glo® Luminescent Cell Viability Assay was used to assess antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 and the effect on cell viability of the extracts. Of the ten plant species tested, four displayed an antiviral activity ≥ 50% at 16.7 µg/ml with acceptable cell viability (> 75%): Sambucus nigra L. (leaves), Viola odorata L. (leaves), Geranium robertianum L. (arial parts) and Artemisia vulgaris L. (aerial parts). The crude extracts were partitioned in aqueous and organic fractions and further analyzed. The ethyl acetate fractions of S. nigra, V. odorata and G. robertianum expressed significant antiviral activity of nearly 100% at 5.6 µg/ml (P < 0.05). The most potent inhibitory activity was observed for the ethyl acetate fraction of Viola odorata L. (leaves) with 87% at 1.9 µg/ml (P < 0.0001). Alongside bioactivity analysis phytochemical fingerprints were made, with the aim to understand important substance classes contained. Further investigations are required to explore the active principles. Our study shows that an ethnopharmacological approach based on historical records of traditional use to select potential herbal candidates coupled with a rational screening process enables an efficient search for plant-derived natural products with antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2.
... Lichens also show a wide range of reproductive strategies (Tripp & Lendemer, 2018), but they can be simply divided between asexual versus sexual reproduction. Most common asexual reproductive strategies involve vegetative clonal propagules in which both bionts are dispersed together ensuring the availability of compatible photobionts for the fungi at the expense of suppressing genetic variability (Buschbom & Mueller, 2005;Yahr et al., 2006). ...
... Secondly, we categorised all species based on their reproduction modes. Although several reproductive strategies may be found in lichens (Tripp & Lendemer, 2018), species may be easily divided between those producing meiotic propagules (ascospores) which once settled in a new substrate must find a compatible photobiont to re-establish the symbiosis, and those producing asexual propagules in which both partners, fungus and alga, are dispersed together, and the new thalli correspond to clones of the source thallus. It should be noted that we have applied rather broad categories for both growth forms and reproductive modes. ...
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Interactions between organisms are determined by life‐history traits. Ecological strategies regarding species specialisation range from generalist to highly specialised relationships. Although it is expected that habitat fragmentation's effect on species abundance and survival depends on their degree of specialisation and life‐history traits, few studies have delved into the interplay between interaction specialisation, life‐history traits and habitat fragmentation. Here, we investigate the combined effect of habitat fragmentation, forest structure and life‐history traits (growth form and reproductive mode) on the specialisation of lichen‐forming fungi (mycobionts) toward their photosynthetic partners (photobionts) in lichen symbioses. We studied mycobiont specialisation in epiphytic lichen communities present in 10 fragments of Quercus rotundifolia forest embedded in an agricultural matrix. Both mycobionts and photobionts were identified DNA barcoding and mycobiont specialisation was measured through interaction parameters calculating the relative number of interactions (normalised degree; ND) and the specialisation of each species based on its discrimination from a random selection of partners (d'). Phylogenetic generalised linear mixed models were used to analyse the effect of patch size as well as the life history traits growth form (crustose, foliose, fruticose) and reproduction mode (sexual vs. asexual) on mycobiont specialisation. Both mycobiont and photobiont richness along the patch size gradient followed a hump‐back pattern, which was more pronounced in photobionts. Mycobionts forming crustose thalli established the largest number of interactions. Mycobiont specialisation (d') was larger for fruticose and foliose forms and species with vegetative reproduction. Along the gradient of fragment size, the relative number of interactions decreased and the specialisation of mycobionts with vegetative reproduction increased. Synthesis. The study of mycobiont specialisation towards their photobionts in epiphytic lichen communities in a fragmented Mediterranean forest revealed a complex interaction between species' life history traits and habitat fragmentation. In particular, this interplay had a significant impact on the specialisation of mycobionts. The results show the ability of some species to modulate their specialisation according to habitat conditions, suggesting that some species may be more resilient to abiotic changes than expected.
... Coexisting algal strains differ in their physiological tolerances (Casano et al., 2011), which could be a pathway to acclimation. Recombination of symbionts also occurs in lichen sexual reproduction; structures such as apothecia produce fungus-only propagules that must locate an algal partner to produce new lichen thalli (Tripp and Lendemer, 2018). ...
Premise: The long-term potential for acclimation by lichens to changing climates is poorly known, despite their prominent roles in forested ecosystems. Although often considered "extremophiles", lichens may not readily acclimate to novel climates well beyond historical norms. In a previous study (Smith et al. 2018), Evernia mesomorpha transplants in a whole-ecosystem climate change experiment showed drastic mass loss after one year of warming and drying, however the causes of this mass loss were not addressed. Methods: We examined the causes of this warming-induced mass loss by measuring physiological, functional, and reproductive attributes of lichen transplants. Key results: Severe loss of mass and physiological function occurred above +2ºC of experimental warming. Loss of algal symbionts ("bleaching") and turnover in algal community compositions increased with temperature and were the clearest impacts of experimental warming. Enhanced CO2 had no significant physiological or symbiont composition effects. The functional loss of algal photobionts led to significant loss of mass and specific thallus mass (STM), which in turn reduced water-holding capacity (WHC). Although algal genotypes remained detectable in thalli exposed to higher stress, within-thallus photobiont communities shifted in composition towards greater diversity. Conclusions: The strong negative impacts of warming and/or lower humidity on Evernia mesomorpha were driven by a loss of photobiont activity. Analogous to the effects of climate change on corals, the balance of symbiont carbon metabolism in lichens is central to their resilience to changing conditions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... Lichenized fungi have developed diverse reproduction strategies. Many have the ability to reproduce both sexually (ascospores) and asexually (conidia, thallus fragments i.e. soredia, isidia, goniocysts), while others are either sexual or asexual 11,12 . Diverse reproduction strategies are at least partly related to lichen symbiosis: asexual reproduction via thallus fragments ensures the continuation of symbiosis 13 , whereas successful sexual reproduction via ascospores requires that the germinating mycelium makes contact with a compatible free-living photobiont before the lichen thallus can develop [14][15][16] . ...
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We show that obligate lignicoles in lichenized Micarea are predominately asexual whereas most facultative lignicoles reproduce sexually. Our phylogenetic analyses (ITS, mtSSU, Mcm7) together with ancestral state reconstruction show that the shift in reproduction mode has evolved independently several times within the group and that facultative and obligate lignicoles are sister species. The analyses support the assumption that the ancestor of these species was a facultative lignicole. We hypothezise that a shift in substrate requirement from bark to wood leads to differentiation in reproduction mode and becomes a driver of speciation. This is the first example of lichenized fungi where reproduction mode is connected to substrate requirement. This is also the first example where such an association is demonstrated to spark lichen speciation. Our main hypothesis is that obligate species on dead wood need to colonize new suitable substrata relatively fast and asexual reproduction is more effective a strategy for successful colonization.
... Lichen symbioses are microcosms of unrelated organisms but consist of one primary fungal symbiont that typically associates with one or more photosynthetic partners, in addition to other fungi, algae and bacteria (Honegger, 2012). Among several distinctive attributes of the lichen symbiosis are numerous different types of dispersal propagules, which arise via either sexual or asexual reproduction (Tripp, 2016;Tripp & Lendemer, 2017). Sexual reproduction gives rise to propagules that disperse only the fungus and are typically smaller in size compared with propagules that arise from asexual reproduction, which co-disperse both the fungal and algal (and other) symbiotic partners and are for the most part substantially larger in size (e.g. ...
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Aim Understanding ecological distributions of global biodiversity is stymied by incomplete knowledge of drivers of species rarity. These include trade‐offs among life‐history traits that impact dispersability, competition, reproductive output and speciation and extinction. In this study, we aim to understand potential drivers of rarity in North American lichens. Location and methods With nearly 5500 species and a third of global species richness, North America is a hotspot for lichen biodiversity. Here, we employ a continental‐scale dataset on North American lichens to test potential drivers of species rarity. For all species, we determined coarse‐scale geographical distribution along with the mode of reproduction, substrate, growth form and photobiont type. Results Our analyses found that most lichens are rare and known only from one or two ecoregions. Rare species are not equally distributed across ecoregions: the Eastern temperate hardwood forests and wet tropical forests of southern Florida harbour the vast majority of rare species. Wet to seasonally wet ecoregions of western North America are home to most remaining narrowly distributed lichen species. In contrast, northern ecoregions along with drier ecoregions including the Great Plains and deserts harbour primarily widespread species. Lichen rarity is significantly associated with species that live on bark or leaves, those with a Trentepohlia photobiont, those that are small, crustose and live closely appressed to their substrates, and those that reproduce sexually, dispersing only the mycobiont. North American lichens are represented unevenly across trait categories, with 65% of them having a crustose growth form, 73% bearing a Trebouxia or other green algal photobiont, 78% living on bark or rock and 77% reproducing sexually. Main conclusions Our study, spanning an entire continental‐scale biota, helps to establish a generalized relationship among life‐history traits and rarity in lichens and highlights the significance of biotic interactions in structuring biogeographical distributions.
... Lichenized fungi have developed diverse reproduction strategies. Many have the ability to reproduce both sexually (ascospores) and asexually (conidia, thallus fragments i.e. soredia, isidia, goniocysts), while others are either sexual or asexual 11,12 . Diverse reproduction strategies are at least partly related to lichen symbiosis: asexual reproduction via thallus fragments ensures the continuation of symbiosis 13 , whereas successful sexual reproduction via ascospores requires that the germinating mycelium makes contact with a compatible free-living photobiont before the lichen thallus can develop [14][15][16] . ...
We show that obligate lignicoles in lichenized Micarea are predominately asexual whereas most facultative lignicoles reproduce sexually. Our 3 loci phylogenetic analyses (ITS, mtSSU, Mcm7) together with ancestral state reconstruction show that the shift in reproduction mode has evolved independently several times within the group and that facultative and obligate lignicoles are sister species. The analyses support the assumption that the ancestor of these species was a facultative lignicole. We hypotezise that a shift in substrate requirement from bark to wood leads to differentiation in reproduction mode and becomes a driver of speciation. This is the first example of lichenized fungi where reproduction mode is linked to substrate requirement. This is also the first example where such a linkage is demonstrated to spark lichen speciation. Our main hypothesis is that obligate species on dead wood need to colonize new suitable substrata relatively fast and asexual reproduction is more effective a strategy for successful colonization. Our main hypothesis for explaining the discovered phenomenon involves the species life cycle: species on decaying wood face a significant challenge because the ecological properties of their substratum change relatively fast. When this happens, species need to colonize new suitable substrata. This may set a time limit, where asexual reproduction is a faster and more effective strategy for successful colonization.
... Lichens are characterized by a unique and complex reproductive biology that contrasts strongly with that of other organisms, especially vertebrates and plants [54,71]. The absence of sexual selection coupled with functionally indefinite life spans due to poikilohydry, vegetative reproduction, and rampant clonality results in organisms that completely defy classification using existing life history frameworks [72]. ...
Several decades of research across disciplines have overturned historical perspectives of symbioses dominated by binary characterizations of highly specific species–species interactions. This paradigm shift has unlocked the previously underappreciated and overlooked dynamism of fungal mutualisms such as mycorrhizae. Lichens are another example of important fungal mutualisms where reconceptualization is urgently needed to realize their potential as model systems. This reconceptualization requires both an objective synthesis of new data and envisioning a revised integrative approach that unifies the spectrum of ecology and evolution. We propose a ten-theme framework that if pursued would propel lichens to the vanguard of symbiotic theory.
... Secondly, we categorized all species based on 322 their reproduction modes. Although several reproductive strategies may be found in lichens 323 (Tripp and Lendemer, 2018), species may be easily divided between those producing meiotic 324 propagules (ascospores) which once settled in a new substrate they must find a compatible 325 photobiont to reestablish the symbiosis, and those producing asexual propagules in which both 326 partners, fungus and alga, are dispersed together, and the new thalli correspond to clones of 327 the source thallus. We first explored the effect of area on the number of algae ASV and 328 mycobiont species using the function lm of the package stats. ...
Interactions between organisms are determined by species traits and differ in specialization, from generalist to highly specialized relationships. Although we expect that the effect of habitat loss and fragmentation on the abundance and survival of species depends on their degree of specialization, few studies have deepened into the interplay between interaction specialization and habitat loss. Here, we investigate the combined effect of habitat fragmentation and life traits (growth type and reproductive mode) on the specialization of lichen-forming fungi (mycobionts) towards its photosynthetic partners (photobionts) in lichen symbioses. We studied mycobiont specialization in epiphytic lichen communities present in ten fragments of Quercus rotundifolia trees embedded in an agricultural matrix. Both mycobionts and photobionts were identified through DNA sequencing and mycobiont specialization was measured through interaction parameters calculating the relative number of interactions (normalized degree; ND) and the specialization of each species based on its discrimination from a random selection of partners (d’). Phylogenetic generalized linear mixed models were used to analyze the effect of patch size as well as the life traits growth type (crustose, foliose, fruticose) and reproduction mode (sexual vs asexual) on mycobiont specialization. Both mycobiont and photobiont richness along the patch size gradient followed a hump-back pattern, which was more pronounced in photobionts. Mycobionts forming crustose biotypes established the largest number of interactions. Mycobiont specialization (d’) was larger for fruticose and foliose biotypes and for species with vegetative reproduction. Along the gradient of fragment size, the relative number of interactions decreased and the specialization of mycobionts with vegetative reproduction increased. Synthesis : The analysis of mycobiont specialization towards their photobionts in communities of epiphytic lichens in a fragmented Mediterranean forest revealed that the interaction between species life traits and habitat loss on specialization cannot be neglected. The results also pointed to the ability of some species to modulate their interactions to certain extent, suggesting that species might have a greater resilience to abiotic changes than expected, presumably creating extinction debt or even avoiding extinction processes to some extent. Resumen Las interacciones entre organismos están determinadas por los rasgos funcionales de las especies y difieren en su grado de especialización, desde interacciones generalistas hasta las altamente especializadas. Aunque se espera que el efecto de la pérdida y fragmentación del hábitat sobre la abundancia y la supervivencia de las especies dependa de su grado de especialización, pocos estudios han profundizado en la interacción entre la especialización de las interacciones y la pérdida de hábitat. En este artículo investigamos el efecto combinado de la fragmentación del hábitat y los rasgos funcionales de las especies (tipo de crecimiento y modo reproductivo) en la especialización de los hongos liquenizados (micobiontes) hacia sus socios fotosintéticos (fotobiontes) en las simbiosis de líquenes. Se estudió la especialización de micobiontes en comunidades de líquenes epífitos presentes en diez fragmentos de árboles de Quercus rotundifolia incrustados en una matriz agrícola. Tanto los micobiontes como los fotobiontes fueron identificados mediante la secuenciación del ADN y la especialización de los micobiontes se midió a través de parámetros de interacción calculando el número relativo de interacciones (grado normalizado; ND) y la especialización de cada especie en función de su discriminación de una selección aleatoria de simbiontes (d’). Se utilizaron modelos lineales mixtos generalizados filogenéticos para analizar el efecto del tamaño del parche, así como los rasgos de tipo de crecimiento (crustáceo, folioso, frutal) y el modo de reproducción (sexual frente a asexual) sobre la especialización de los micobiontes. Tanto la riqueza de micobiontes como de fotobiontes a lo largo del gradiente de tamaño de los parches siguió un patrón de U inversa, que fue más pronunciado en los fotobiontes. Los micobiontes que forman biotipos crustáceos establecieron el mayor número de interacciones. La especialización de los micobiontes (d’) fue mayor para los biotipos fruticulosos y foliosos y para las especies con reproducción vegetativa. A lo largo del gradiente del tamaño del fragmento, el número relativo de interacciones disminuyó y la especialización de los micobiontes con reproducción vegetativa aumentó. Síntesis: El análisis de la especialización de los micobiontes hacia sus fotobiontes en comunidades de líquenes epífitos en un bosque mediterráneo fragmentado reveló que no se puede descartar la interacción entre los rasgos de vida de las especies y la pérdida de hábitat sobre la especialización. Los resultados también apuntaron a la capacidad de algunas especies para modular sus interacciones hasta cierto punto, sugiriendo que las especies podrían tener una resiliencia a los cambios abióticos mayor de lo esperado, presumiblemente creando una deuda de extinción o incluso evitando los procesos de extinción hasta cierto punto. Palabras clave: Bosque mediterráneo, epífitos, fotobiontes, hongos liquenizados, selectividad.
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Lichen thalli host complex microbial communities, which may foster the ecological stability and longevity of the lichen symbiosis. Yet, we lack a holistic understanding of the processes contributing to the assembly of the lichen holobiont. This study assessed the diversity and community structure in taxonomically diverse co-occurring lichens associated with Trebouxiophyceae algae from Bolivian forests. We focused on three components of the lichen holobiont: the lichenized fungus (mycobiont) and its associated algae (photobiome) and fungi (mycobiome). We specifically tested the influence of mycobiont identity, thallus morphological type, reproductive strategy, and lichen secondary metabolites on the lichen-associated photobiome and mycobiome. To understand the specialization patterns between holobiont components, we investigated interaction networks. We observed that co-occurring mycobiont taxa host diverse, taxon-specific, yet overlapping photobiome and mycobiome. In particular, these communities are significantly influenced by the host’s thallus morphological type and its secondary metabolites. Finally, we demonstrated that both photobiome and mycobiome are structured mainly by mycobiont identity, which results in modular networks with strong phylogenetic signals and high levels of specialization. In conclusion, the symbiotic interactions within lichen are structured mainly by the mycobiont, which appears to be the leading architect of the lichen holobiont.
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Forest vegetation is key for buffering microclimatic factors and regulating atmospheric deposition. Epiphytic lichens are sensitive to these factors and can indicate the overall health status of the ecosystem. Specifically, the analysis of morpho-anatomical variations allows us to understand the degree of tolerance or sensitivity of these organisms exposed to agricultural crops and how vegetation might buffer this response. We analyzed variations in vegetative and reproductive characters and injuries in thalli of Parmotrema pilosum as a response to distance to crops and forest cover. The study was conducted in forest patches of the Espinal in central Argentina, an ecosystem threatened by agricultural activity. We selected 10 sites with different forest cover areas and two collection points differing in distance to crops: sites adjacent to (0 m) and far from (150 m) crops. We collected five thalli from each collection point and analyzed variations in morpho-anatomical characters at macro- and microscopic levels. We found a lower number of algae and a higher proportion of simple cilia in individuals at points adjacent to crops. At points with low forest cover, a thinner upper cortex was observed, whereas at points with greater forest cover, an increase of necrosis and greater presence of apothecia were detected. Bleaching was the most frequent injury at sites adjacent to crops, decreasing with increasing forest cover. Conservation and reforestation of Espinal forest patches would promote the propagation of lichens affected by agricultural practices.
In Stereocaulon nesaeum Nyl. ascogonia are first found in young apothecial primordia that do not differ macroscopically from other terminal phyllocladia. Numerous ascogonia develop as the primordia expand and deep-staining connecting hyphae uniting adjacent ascogonia have been observed. Each ascogonium develops a trichogyne which may project a considerable distance into the air. Spermogonia containing free spermatia are formed near apothecial initials bearing trichogynes. These observations suggest that spermatia have a sexual function in this species.
Successful resyntheses were achieved between a mycobiont of Cladonia cristatella and 13 isolates of Trebouxia phycobionts. The same mycobiont did not establish symbiotic associations with 10 isolates of Pseudotrebouxia phycobionts or with the free-living alga Pleurastrum terrestre. The mycobiont Lecanora chrysoleuca formed soredia with five isolates of Pseudotrebouxia and with one isolate of Trebouxia. The synthesized squamules were identical in morphology to the natural squamules of C. cristatella—they produced mature pycnidia and short podetia with immature apothecia. Concentric bodies were seen in the hyphae of C. cristatella synthesized with the phycobionts of Cladonia boryi and Lecidea tumida.