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Social baseline theory and the social regulation of emotion



To survive and reproduce, organisms must take in more energy than they expend, a principle of behavioral ecology called economy of action. Social baseline theory (SBT), a framework based on this principle, organizes decades of observed links between social relationships, health, and well-being, in order to understand how humans utilize each other as resources to optimize individual energy expenditures. This general strategy helps us manage the costs of our very long period of ontogenetic development and, we argue, the many behavioral and psychological capabilities of our uniquely powerful and costly brain. Below, we review evidence that social relationships serve the energy-saving functions that we claim and describe the reasons SBT refers to social proximity as a "baseline" condition. For this chapter we place special emphasis on the role of social proximity in the regulation of emotion. In our view, the social regulation of emotion serves, in the aggregate and on average, to decrease the cost of coping with many of life's difficulties--a function that involves the brain's ability to use both internal and external information to make "bets" about how to deploy its own resources in light of expected returns. This perspective (1) highlights the importance of emotion as a source of information about current and predicted resources, and (2) entails a view of psychological measurement that extends beyond the individual to systemic processes within dyads and groups.
To survive and reproduce, organisms must
take in more energy than they expend,
a principle of behavioral ecology called
economy of action (Krebs & Davies, 1993).
Social baseline theory (SBT), a framework
based on this principle, organizes decades
of observed links between social relation-
ships, health, and well-being, in order to
understand how humans utilize each other
as resources to optimize individual energy
expenditures. This general strategy helps us
manage the costs of our very long period of
ontogenetic development and, we argue, the
many behavioral and psychological capa-
bilities of our uniquely powerful and costly
brain (Smith, 2003). Below, we review evi-
dence that social relationships serve the
energy- saving functions that we claim and
describe the reasons SBT refers to social
proximity as a “baseline” condition. For
this chapter we place special emphasis on the
role of social proximity in the regulation of
emotion. In our view, the social regulation
of emotion serves, in the aggregate and on
average, to decrease the cost of coping with
many of life’s difficulties (Cohen & Hober-
man, 1983; Cohen & McKay, 1984)—a
function that involves the brain’s ability
to use both internal and external informa-
tion to make “bets” about how to deploy its
own resources in light of expected returns.
This perspective (1) highlights the impor-
tance of emotion as a source of information
about current and predicted resources, and
(2) entails a view of psychological measure-
ment that extends beyond the individual to
systemic processes within dyads and groups
(Schilbach et al., in press).
Social Proximity and the Economy
of Action
The economy of action suggests that adap-
tations to prevailing environmental con-
ditions must, at the very least, ensure that
more energy is acquired than lost (Krebs
& Davies, 1993). The alternative— more
energy out than in—leads ultimately to
death. But because environments are rife
with danger and competition, the economy
of action tends toward optimization, where
resources are both acquired and conserved
whenever possible. For example, foraging
animals optimize energy intake per unit
of time by abandoning even plentiful food
sources if the amount of energy (e.g., calo-
ries) acquired is not optimal (MacArthur
& Pianka, 1966; Schmidhempel, Kacelnik,
& Houston, 1985). Optimization strategies
Social Baseline Theory
and the Social Regulation of Emotion
James A. Coan
Erin L. Maresh
are likely mediated through changes in sen-
sory perception. So simply wearing a heavy
backpack can make distances appear far-
ther away and hills seem steeper (Stefanucci,
Proffitt, Banton, & Epstein, 2005). Indeed,
it is increasingly apparent that perception is
influenced by not only the properties of sen-
sory stimuli but also emotions— emotions
that are themselves embodied instantia-
tions of prevailing circumstances, goals,
and physiological states (Stefanucci, Proffitt,
Clore, & Parekh, 2008).
SBT is rooted in the proposition that, for
humans, social proximity and interaction
powerfully optimize energy expenditures
(e.g., actual and perceived effort) devoted to
navigating potentially dangerous environ-
ments. Moreover, the best evidence suggests
these effects are mediated through rela-
tively automatic, bottom- up, unconditioned
perceptual mechanisms that modulate—
and regulate— emotional responding, as
opposed to mechanisms often associated
with the self-regulation of emotion (e.g., the
dorsolateral [dlPFC] and ventromedial pre-
frontal cortex [vmPFC]). SBT invokes the
economy of action here, too, by suggesting
that perceptual mechanisms of the central
nervous system are “inexpensive”1 when
compared to more effortful, self- regulatory,
vigilant, “future- thinking” processes associ-
ated with the operation of the PFC—a dif-
ference that leads to both phylogenetic and
ontogenetic pressures to achieve regulatory
ends by perceptual and hence social means.
We suggest that the ability to depend on oth-
ers for as many costly processes as possible
leads to (1) decreased overall cost in deal-
ing with an uncertain and potentially deadly
environment, and (2) pressure— throughout
the lifespan and over the course of evolu-
tion— to form and maintain close social
Before going any further, we would like to
emphasize three important points. First, our
view of social emotion regulation does not
imply that any and all effects an individual’s
behavior may have on the emotional behav-
ior of another constitute regulatory effects.
If one individual insults or compliments
another, either behavior could cause the
receiver to activate an emotional response.
This would not, however, constitute an
instance of emotion regulation. An indi-
vidual regulates another’s emotions when
his or her behavior (which might encompass
social history with the other person, an offer
of aid, or simply close physical proximity)
influences another’s emotional response to
some additional current or potential stimu-
lus or situation. Second, we acknowledge
that people vary in the extent to which they
both seek out and derive benefit from social
contact (leading to individual differences in
the broad processes described here). But on
average and in the aggregate, it is probably
the case that for humans and other social
mammals, proximity to social resources
reduces the net cost of survival. Third,
although most of the empirical evidence we
review entails the regulatory impact of social
proximity and interaction on the regulation
of negative affect, we do not intend to argue
that negative affect is the only broad form of
emotional responding that can be regulated.
Indeed, below we address some instances of
the social regulation of positive emotion.
Our Social Baseline
There is little doubt that supportive social
behaviors can modify or quell our subjec-
tive, behavioral, and physiological responses
to stress (Holt- Lunstad, Smith, & Lay-
ton, 2010). Such effects are likely rooted
in human phylogeny. Indeed, Beckes and
Coan (2011) and others (Berscheid, 2003;
Brewer & Caporeal, 1990) have suggested
that the dominant ecology to which humans
are adapted is not any one terrain, diet, or
climate, but rather each other. One of the
defining features of human beings— our
adaptability— is yoked to our ability to
cooperate with others, an ability that was
likely shaped by periods of great environ-
mental instability (Richerson, Bettinger,
& Boyd, 2005). Cooperative behavior was
likely selected as a means of managing the
energy costs of our exceedingly expensive
bodies, brains, and activities (Hill et al.,
2011; McNally, Brown, & Jackson, 2012;
Moll & Tomasello, 2007). So the first sense
in which SBT refers to a social baseline is
that social relatedness and its psychological
correlates constitute the normal, baseline
ecology of the functional human brain. That
is, the human brain is designed to operate
within a relatively predictable network of
social relationships characterized by famil-
Social Baseline Theory 223
iarity, shared intentionality, and interdepen-
dence (Tomasello, Carpenter, Call, Behne,
& Moll, 2005).
The other sense in which SBT refers to
the social “baseline” results from work
using functional magnetic resonance imag-
ing (fMRI; Coan, Schaefer, & Davidson,
2006), which suggests that social proximity
and interaction regulate many aspects of the
brain’s response to potential threats. Spe-
cifically, the authors subjected 16 married
women to the threat of mild electric shock
under three conditions, counterbalanced
across subjects: while alone in the scanner,
while holding a stranger’s hand, and while
holding her husband’s hand. The brain was
maximally active while facing the threat
alone, exhibiting a set of responses repli-
cating a large body of work on the brain’s
response to threat, fear, stress, and pain
(Bishop, Duncan, Brett, & Lawrence, 2004;
Brooks, Nurmikko, Bimson, Singh, & Rob-
erts, 2002; Dedovic et al., 2005; Stark et al.,
2003). As levels of contact with perceived
social resources increased, however, many
of these activations either decreased in inten-
sity or vanished altogether.
For example, although both spouse and
stranger handholding caused decreased
threat responding in regions associated
with the regulation of bodily arousal and
the mobilization of behavioral action
plans—such as the ventral anterior cingu-
late cortex, supramarginal and postcentral
gyri, and posterior cingulate— only spouse
hand- holding was specifically associated
with additional attenuation in circuits asso-
ciated with effortful emotion regulation
and threat- related homeostatic functions,
such as the right dlPFC and superior col-
liculus. Most strikingly, women inhabiting
the highest quality relationships realized
dramatic attenuations in all the aforemen-
tioned threat- responsive regions in addition
to those supporting subjective suffering and
the release of stress hormones, such as the
right anterior insula and hypothalamus.
Putting it all together, there appeared to be
a relatively linear, monotonic decrease in
the degree of threat- related neural process-
ing as one progressed from being alone to
being with anyone (stranger or spouse), to
being with a spouse, to being with a spouse
in a very high- quality relationship. This sug-
gests that the perception of threat decreases
as a function of not only proximity to social
resources but also the perceived quality of
those resources.
From the perspective of SBT, the alone
condition used in the hand- holding para-
digm described earlier is not a “baseline”
condition against which the experimental
hand- holding conditions are compared. On
the contrary, the reverse is true—the hand-
holding conditions are closer to the environ-
mental conditions to which the human brain
is adapted, and the alone condition is far-
ther away. This conclusion forms part of the
basis of SBT—that social resources decrease
the perceived cost of managing a threaten-
ing environment, providing a primary and
largely unconditional opportunity for econ-
omizing both neural and behavioral activity.
Importantly, these effects are not depen-
dent upon physical touch per se. For
example, there is less hypothalamic activ-
ity during social rejection among individu-
als asked to imagine an attachment figure
(Karremans, Heslenfeld, van Dillen, & Van
Lange, 2011). Moreover, imagining a strong
attachment figure seems to have resulted in
not more but less activity in frontal regions
supporting self- regulatory effort, suggesting
that even imagining the presence of a secure
attachment figure may regulate one’s emo-
tions in such a way as to conserve perceived
Social Systems Regulate
the Emotions of Individuals
Critically, what we experience and catego-
rize as emotion powerfully impacts the way
we perceive and engage with the world (Ste-
fanucci, Gagnon, & Lessard, 2011). Emo-
tional processes carry vital, often implicit,
and embodied information about the good-
ness and badness of things (Clore & Tamir,
2002)—information that modifies percep-
tion and guides action (Barrett & Bar, 2009;
Schwarz & Clore, 1983). It follows that
emotions are indicators of, among other
things, the tension between perceived per-
sonal resources and perceived environmen-
tal demands (Moore, Vine, Wilson, & Free-
man, 2012; Tomaka, Blascovich, Kelsey,
& Leitten, 1993). In this way, emotion is
probably at or near the center of decisions
that economize activity (Bechara, 2011;
Stefanucci et al., 2008). Accordingly, SBT
suggests that the brain uses affective, expe-
riential, conceptual, and contextual knowl-
edge— in effect, emotion (Barrett, 2006;
Lindquist & Barrett, 2008)—to bias percep-
tion in ways that guide actions toward more
favorable outcomes (Beckes & Coan, 2011;
Coan, 2008).
Emotion has been identified by others
as a key link between social relationships
and health. For example, the social buffer-
ing hypothesis suggests that social relation-
ships can provide support that is tangible,
such as material support when facing loss
of income, appraisal- based support, such as
when familiar others reduce the incidence
or intensity of threat- related appraisals, or
emotional support, such as when famil-
iar others repair threats to self- esteem or
increase a sense of felt belonging (Cohen &
McKay, 1984). It has been suggested further
that social relationships grow into part of
the brain’s understanding of itself and its
available resources (Beckes, Coan, & Has-
selmo, 2012). Moreover, as it makes predic-
tions about the potential cost of coping with
a given situation, the brain follows Bayes-
ian rules of inference (Friston, 2010; Knill
& Pouget, 2004), in which judgments about
the level of personal resources to deploy are
based on (1) the current situation (particu-
larly constraints, risks, and opportunities),
(2) predicted possible future situations, (3)
situational goals, (4) current energy states,
and (5) expected future energy states (Sali-
nas, 2011).
For example, hills appear to be less steep
when standing next to a friend (Schnall,
Harber, Stefanucci, & Proffitt, 2008), and
this effect is correlated with friendship dura-
tion: the longer the friendship, the less steep
the hill appears to be. The perception that
the hill is less steep serves as a marker that
one has, in effect, more bioenergetic capi-
tal in one’s budgetcapital that can either
be spent more freely walking up the hill, or
conserved over time. Diverse studies hint
at similar conclusions regarding the brain’s
Bayesian properties. For example, Kraus,
Huang, and Keltner (2010) have observed
that more frequent physical touching among
professional basketball players corresponds
with increased late- season performance,
even after accounting for player status, pre-
season expectations, and early season per-
formance. Others have observed that one of
the best predictors of collective IQ is not the
IQs of individual group members but rather
the degree to which each member is sensitive
to social cues expressed on the face (Wool-
ley, Chabris, Pentland, Hashmi, & Malone,
2010). From the perspective of SBT, each
of these findings is attributable to the way
social resources help to conserve costly vigi-
lance and self- regulation efforts, either by
imposing less interference with motor and
perceptual activity (in the case of players in
the NBA), or by devoting those resources to
solving other kinds of problems (in the case
of collective IQ). But the question of why
social resources economize human neural
and behavioral activity remains. We pro-
pose at least two broad, distal mechanisms
by which this is accomplished: risk distribu-
tion and load sharing.
Risk Distribution
In group settings, many species adjust the
level of their energy expenditure in accor-
dance with the size of the group they inhabit
(Krause & Ruxton, 2002). This benefit
of group living is called risk distribution
(Coan, 2008), in that environmental risk is
probabilistically distributed across the group
rather than being concentrated on one indi-
vidual. A clear example of this can be seen
in optimal foraging theory, which proposes
that animals forage in a way that maximizes
energy intake per unit of time (MacArthur
& Pianka, 1966). For example, animals
that forage must spend a certain amount
of energy maintaining vigilance for preda-
tors. Foraging in a larger group decreases
the burden of vigilance on any one member,
and indeed, in many species, the number of
individuals that are vigilant for predators
at any given time decreases as group size
increases (Elgar, 1989; Roberts, 1996). With
regard to the social regulation of emotion,
we can construe threat vigilance as a form
of negative affect— or at least as the result
of a negative affect process that reflects the
demand for vigilance. If true, then social
proximity can be viewed as decreasing vigi-
lance behavior via the regulation of negative
affect. Evidence for this can even be seen
in the modulation by group size of physi-
Social Baseline Theory 225
ological indicators of stress in nonhuman
animals. For example, salivary cortisol con-
centration in sheep is higher when the flock
size is smaller (Michelena et al., 2012). Risk
distribution suggests further that the num-
ber of proximal conspecifics decreases nega-
tive affect, because doing so conserves effort
that would otherwise be spent either on vigi-
lance, self- regulation, or both. This is exem-
plified in humans in the hand- holding study
discussed earlier, by the finding that holding
any hand—even that of a strangerreduces
neural activity related to threat (Coan et
al., 2006), especially in regions supporting
responses to acute threats (Mobbs et al.,
Interestingly, the individual benefits of
group living described earlier often benefit
the group as well, such that as each individ-
ual’s vigilance effort decreases, total group
vigilance actually increases (Bertram, 1978;
Pulliam, Pyke, & Caraco, 1982) and time
to detect predators decreases (Siegfried &
Underhill, 1975). It is important to note,
however, that group living introduces certain
risks and stressors as well, such as increased
competition for resources, increased likeli-
hood of disease transmission, and increased
conspicuousness (Alexander, 1974). Groups
therefore iteratively move toward an optimal
size given the availability of food and other
resources (Higashi & Yamamura, 1993).
Note that risk distribution concerns only the
number of members in a group and makes
no reference to the nature and quality of the
relationships between the group members.
Coan (2008) has speculated that the brain
is sensitive to risk distribution as a general
purpose strategy that employs Bayesian- like
calculations to assess the cost- effectiveness
of affective behaviors at any given time.
Load Sharing
Load sharing builds on the benefits of risk
distribution by adding information that
increases certainty about the availability of
a given social resourcenamely, familiar-
ity, reliability, and interdependence. The
presence of an individual with whom one
has established a close relationship not only
probabilistically reduces one’s risk of envi-
ronmental threat but also signals access to a
person who will use his or her own resources
on one’s behalf, thus further reducing the
need to expend one’s own energy, and com-
mensurably decreasing the need, for exam-
ple, for negative affect. In other words, a
close companion can be trusted to share an
interest in one’s well-being. He or she may
provide additional vigilance not only in some
general sense but also specifically, with one’s
own welfare in mind (Davis, 1984). A close
companion may share resources (e.g., Rog-
ers & DeBoer, 2001), help care for young
(e.g., Ehrenberg, Gearing- Small, Hunter, &
Small, 2001), and help when one is sick or
injured (e.g., Townsend & Franks, 1995).
These additional benefits provide a much
greater opportunity for economizing neural
and behavioral activity, as can be seen in
the enhanced effect of holding hands with
a close friend or a spouse (Coan, Beckes, &
Allen, 2013; Coan et al., 2006).
SBT maintains that load sharing impacts
decisions about personal resource budget-
ing in part by altering the way the brain
encodes what constitutes the “self,” with
implications for the level of resources the
self is able to access. This is consistent with
the observation that the neural representa-
tions of threats directed at the self are highly
correlated with those directed at friends,
implying a kind of “involuntary breach of
individual separateness” (Langer, 1974,
p. 129) that does not seem to generalize to
strangers (Beckes et al., 2012). In this way,
an individual’s social support system can be
construed as an extension of the self and,
in turn, of how one perceives and interacts
with the world.
Importantly, social proximity and interac-
tion serve not only to down- regulate negative
emotions, but also to maintain and increase
positive, approach- related emotions. Admit-
tedly, our research has focused on the
social regulation of response to threat, but
we believe the basic ideas behind SBT are
generalizable to positive emotions as well.
People frequently expend energy to induce,
maintain, or even dampen experiences of
positive emotion, and this is reflected in
neural activity in prefrontal areas similar to
those seen in the self- regulation of negative
emotion (Kim & Hamann, 2007). Social
relationships may act to conserve effortful
positive self- regulation, possibly by reducing
reliance on prefrontal activity and increas-
ing activity in reward circuits. Interestingly,
neural activity in the medial PFC decreases
in mothers observing pictures of their chil-
dren, and in adults observing pictures of
their romantic partner, as compared to
when they are observing pictures of a friend
(Bartels & Zeki, 2000, 2004). Moreover,
positive responses by a relational partner to
one’s own positive news, a process known
as capitalization, may be a mechanism by
which social relationships enhance positive
emotions in ways that are less individually
effortful. Capitalization increases daily posi-
tive affect over and above the impact of the
positive event itself (Gable, Reis, Impett, &
Asher, 2004; Langston, 1994). Furthermore,
capitalization may strengthen trust and pro-
social behavior, even when one is interacting
with a stranger (Reis et al., 2010). Following
the SBT model, then, receiving supportive,
positive feedback from a partner may sig-
nal an increase in both personal and social
resources. It is interesting to note that the
perceived responsiveness of one’s partner
during positive events may be more strongly
linked with the relationship’s well-being
and longevity than perceived responsiveness
during negative events (Gable, Gonzaga, &
Strachman, 2006).
Importantly, SBT views all forms of
social emotion regulation as systemic
and dynamic, challenging the widely held
assumption that the basic unit of analysis in
human psychology is the single individual
(Beckes & Coan, 2011). By extending the
unit of analysis to the dyad or group, social
interaction and proximity emerge as adap-
tive strategies rooted in the sharing of efforts
that, left only to each individual member of
a dyad or group, would be redundant, costly,
and inefficient. Ultimately, it may be that
dyads or groups benefit from social emo-
tion regulation at least as much as the indi-
viduals who inhabit them (McComb, Moss,
Durant, Baker, & Sayialel, 2001). In consid-
ering mechanisms for these dyadic or group
effects, social emotion regulation can be
mediational, reflecting a direct intervention
on an emotional process by social resources,
or moderational, modifying the perception
of potentially emotional situations. In the
following sections, we briefly describe and
propose potential mechanisms for the dis-
Mediating Mechanisms of Social
Emotion Regulation
As mediators of emotion regulation (Baron
& Kenny, 1986), social resources serve as a
proximal mechanism through which emo-
tion regulation effects are achieved. Attach-
ment theory provides the quintessential
example of socially regulated emotion in
its description of mother– child attachment
interactions, in which infants seek attach-
ment figures during periods of distress and
are soothed by their caregiver’s presence
(Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters, & Wall, 1978;
Bowlby, 1969/1982). A common example
might be a child’s vaccination procedure,
where the child— distressed at the prospect
of receiving a shot—calls for the mother’s
support. In response, the mother may engage
in soothing behaviors like hand- holding and
offering reassuring words in a calm tone of
voice. Here, the mother’s behavior provides
an obvious mechanism through which the
child’s distress is attenuated. Specifically,
the child identifies a potential threat (the
needle), and this threat causes two reactions,
distress and the seeking of support from the
mother. In turn, the mother’s support behav-
ior exerts a down- regulatory influence on
the distress response.
The mother– child dynamic is a par-
ticularly powerful example of how social
resources can mediate emotion regulation
in part because the child in the example is
developmentally limited in his or her self-
regulatory abilities, a limitation that is itself
rooted in the slow development of neural
systems that will eventually serve the child’s
self- regulatory needs (Coan, 2008). That
the mother’s soothing works is obvious and
well documented (Cassidy & Shaver, 2008).
Less obvious is that the child is relatively
incapable of emotion regulation without
the mother. Thus, we can view the mother
and child as an interactive system that is
intimately linked in an emotion activation–
regulation dynamic. Importantly, however,
the mother– child behavioral and experiential
dynamics described by attachment theorists
play out similarly within adult relationships
(Mikulincer & Shaver, 2007), where stress-
ful situations motivate social proximity, and
Social Baseline Theory 227
social proximity lowers autonomic arousal,
attenuates hypothalamic– pituitary– adrenal
(HPA) axis activity, and improves immune
function (Baron, Cutrona, Hicklin, Russell,
& Lubaroff, 1990; Heinrichs, Baumgart-
ner, Kirschbaum, & Ehlert, 2003; Uchino,
Cacioppo, & Kiecolt- Glaser, 1996). Of
interest with regard to adult relationships
is that, unlike mother– infant dyads, two or
more adults each possess fully developed and
functioning brains. Thus, although children
require maternal support for emotion regu-
lation, adults appear to utilize each other for
similar purposes more strategically.
A major focus of our work has been the
identification of proximal neural mechanisms
linking social relationships to decreased
threat responding and, in turn, increased
health and well-being. Although many can-
didate mechanisms have been postulated,
few or none have been definitively identified.
Recently, Eisenberger and colleagues (2011)
provided what they characterized as media-
tional evidence for the social regulation of
emotion by portions of the vmPFC. In this
work, participants were shown pictures of
a romantic partner, pictures of strangers, or
pictures of objects, while receiving painful
stimulation. Putative pain- related activa-
tions in regions such as the dorsal anterior
cingulate cortex (dACC) and anterior insula
were less active while participants viewed
images of a romantic partner. Moreover, the
vmPFC was more active while participants
viewed romantic partners, even during pain
stimuli, and vmPFC activation was positively
associated with relationship duration and
perceived partner support, while negatively
associated with both subjective pain ratings
and pain- related neural activity. In a simi-
lar study, Younger, Aron, Parke, Chatterjee,
and Mackey (2010) collected brain images
from 15 participants as they experienced
moderate levels of thermal pain while they
viewed pictures of their romantic partner,
pictures of attractive strangers, or engaged
in a distraction task, hypothesizing that pic-
tures of romantic partners would attenuate
pain processing via putative “reward sys-
tems.” Indeed, viewing pictures of roman-
tic partners both reduced subjective pain
reports and attenuated circuits associated
with pain processing. Moreover, subjective
pain reports were inversely correlated dur-
ing romantic partner picture viewing with
the activation of neural circuits associated
with reward processing (e.g., the caudate
nucleus, the nucleus accumbens) and effort-
ful self- regulation (e.g., the dlPFC).
Thus, emerging evidence for proximal
mechanisms supporting socially medi-
ated emotion regulation appears to include
regions associated with both the automatic
and effortful self-regulation of emotion
(vmPFC and dlPFC, respectively), as well
as putative reward circuits (e.g., the nucleus
accumbens). However, our laboratory has
not been able to produce similar results, in
our original study of hand- holding by mar-
ried couples (Coan et al., 2006), in a more
recent study of hand- holding by platonic
friends (Coan et al., 2013), or in a study of
the regulation of threat responses in chil-
dren by the presence of adult caregivers
(Conner et al., 2012). Indeed, in the latter
study, we observed decreased activation spe-
cifically in the vmPFC and ventrolateral PFC
(vlPFC), where we used a region of interest
(ROI) approach for the purpose of address-
ing the question of prefrontal mediation of
social support. Ultimately, we have thus far
failed to reliably identify any regions of the
brain that are normatively more active under
threat conditions during supportive presence
or hand- holding than while alone. More-
over, none of the regions identified by Eisen-
berger et al. (2011) and Younger et al. (2010)
are negatively correlated with any of the
threat- responsive circuits apparently down-
regulated in our work by hand- holding.
What may account for these apparently
inconsistent results? The answer, we think,
has to do with the difference between touch
and picture viewing. Specifically, there is
ample evidence that touch acts as an uncon-
ditioned or primary stimulus in social ani-
mals, not least humans (Francis et al., 1999),
who may also use touch to exchange impor-
tant social information (Gazzola et al.,
2012; Morrison, Löken, & Olausson, 2010).
By contrast, picture viewing likely involves
associative learning, particularly involv-
ing the expected value of the photographic
image—a task often mediated through
vmPFC activity (Kable & Glimcher, 2007).
Thus, vmPFC activity may be necessary
when utilizing photographs of loved ones to
regulate emotion. But a careful reading of
Younger et al. (2010) reveals that, in addi-
tion to showing their participants pictures
of loved ones, they instructed participants to
“focus on the picture and think about the
displayed person” (p. 2), effectively encour-
aging self-mediated rather than socially
mediated emotion regulation. Ultimately,
we would argue that both the Eisenberger et
al. (2011) and Younger et al. (2010) experi-
ments manipulated self- regulatory systems
and are not best understood as examples of
socially mediated emotion regulation at all.
Moderating Mechanisms of Social
Emotion Regulation
Strictly speaking, the hand- holding study
discussed earlier may also provide an
example of socially moderated emotion
regulation, in part because the provision
of social support preceded the presentation
of threat cues, thus potentially altering the
perception of those threat cues and obviat-
ing the activation of portions of the threat
response. This illustrates one of the many
ways in which social proximity and interac-
tion can be viewed as moderating emotional
responses and self- regulation needs, acting
as third variables that modify the conditions
under which emotional responses and self-
regulation strategies are either called upon
or maximally effective. Taking the example
of the vaccination procedure discussed ear-
lier, it may be the case that, as in our hand-
holding experiments, the mother holds the
child’s hand not in response to the child’s
obvious distress but in anticipation of the
child’s potential distress. In this case, mater-
nal hand- holding may cause relaxation of
the child’s vigilance processing, rendering
the appearance of the needle less threaten-
ing when it does arrive.
Past social experiences also impact an
individual’s self- regulation requirements
and capabilities (Allen, Moore, Kuperminc,
& Bell, 1998; Prinstein & La Greca, 2004;
Weaver et al., 2004). For example, ongo-
ing current daily social support may mod-
erate the perception of threats encountered
while alone, which may in turn reduce the
perceived need for engaging self- regulation
capabilities (Eisenberger, Taylor, Gable,
Hilmert, & Lieberman, 2007). Similarly,
mental representations of loved ones may be
used as methods by which one can exert self-
regulatory strategies related to distraction
or reappraisal. Any or all of these possibili-
ties can be modeled by SBT, such that past
social experiences or even prevailing social
conditions alter an individual’s perception of
potential threats and rewards in his or her
immediate environment even when he or she
is alone at the occasion of measurement.
A number of researchers have argued
that early childhood experiences critically
influence the ways in which individuals
view social relationships later in life. For
humans and many other species, filial bond-
ing—bonding with siblings and caregivers—
occurs rapidly, unconditionally, and during a
period of neural development that may hold
powerful consequences for subsequent func-
tioning (Bowlby, 1969/1982; Coan, 2008).
In infants, the PFC is particularly under-
developed in comparison to that of adults,
and its development takes approximately
two decades to complete. The human brain
in general grows exponentially during just
the first 2 years of life (Franceschini et al.,
2007)—growth reflected in the brain’s con-
sumption of glucose, which continues to be
approximately double that of adults until 10
years of age (Chugani, 1998). Throughout
this early development, the brain is in effect
adapting itself to environmental contingen-
cies through a process of axonal, dendritic,
and synaptic “pruning”—a process that is
itself dependent upon neural activity associ-
ated with environmental stimulation (Can-
cedda et al., 2004; Reichardt, 2006). Put
another way, the brain in early development
adheres roughly to the colloquialism “use it
or lose it”; environmental demands shape a
developing brain prepared for a wide range
of behavioral possibilities. By the process of
pruning, the brain’s responses to prevail-
ing contextual demands become more fixed
and hence more rapid—it becomes adapted
ontogenetically to its expected environment
(Hebb, 1949; Posner & Rothbart, 2007).
During this development, interactions
between social experiences, self- regulatory
activity and socially bound activations in
medial prefrontal, temporoparietal, and
posterior temporal cortices, as well as in
the amygdala, ventral tegmentum, nucleus
accumbens, periaqueductal gray and else-
where, may shape expectations about the
availability of social resources, opportuni-
ties for affiliation, expectations about the
reliability of close relational partners, and so
on (Lieberman, 2007). This in turn is likely
Social Baseline Theory 229
to shape individual differences in the way
social resources are approached and main-
tained, perhaps especially in situations that
blend social proximity with potential stress-
ors. Indeed, it is just this sort of experience-
based developmental divergence that early
attachment researchers described as mani-
festing in “working models” of attachment
figures, a theoretical perspective expressed
in more recent terms as attachment styles
(Ainsworth et al., 1978; Main, 1996; Miku-
lincer & Shaver, 2007).
A large and growing body of research has
documented effects consistent with early psy-
chosocial brain development. For example,
primates are highly sensitive to early proxim-
ity to and interaction with caregivers (Har-
low, 1958). In rats, maternal grooming may
influence the methylation of glucocorticoid
receptor genes throughout the hippocampus
and possibly elsewhere, influencing in turn
the stress reactivity of the pups throughout
their lives and even into subsequent genera-
tions (Weaver et al., 2004). Evidence sug-
gests a similar methylation process may
occur in humans (McGowan et al., 2009;
van IJzendoorn, Bakermans- Kranenburg, &
Ebstein, 2011). Hofer (2006) has proposed
that early interactions with caregivers slowly
evolve from the indirect regulation of sen-
sorimotor, thermal, and nutrient functions
via responses to expressed emotion. At first
the infant is totally dependent upon caregiv-
ers for access to primary reinforcers (food,
water, warmth, touch). The only way for the
infant to access these resources is to get the
caregiver’s attention with expressed emo-
tion. A predictable pattern emerges where
the infant cries out when a basic resource is
needed, followed by the caregiver’s response,
after which the infant stops crying. As the
infant develops, his or her emotional reper-
toire expands to include preferences beyond
simple metabolic or thermal needs, but the
process of caregiver responsiveness contin-
ues in much the same way, until it can be
said that the emotional feelings and expres-
sions are themselves the targets of the care-
giver’s responses.
Attachment theorists have had perhaps
the most to say about how social experiences
contribute to individual differences in the
social regulation of emotion (Mikulincer &
Shaver, 2005; Mikulincer, Shaver, & Pereg,
2003). Specifically, attachment theory posits
the existence of trait-like expectations— the
aforementioned attachment stylesregard-
ing the availability of social resources.
Dominant views of attachment style can
be expressed as two independent axes rep-
resenting tendencies toward social anxi-
ety and social avoidance. Individuals low
in both are said to be secure, in that their
appraisals of potential threats and views of
emotional disclosure tend to be less negative
(Mikulincer & Florian, 1998; Mikulincer &
Orbach, 1995). Critically, such individuals
are likelier to seek out, utilize, and benefit
from emotional support from others (Fraley
& Shaver, 2000; Larose, Bernier, Soucy, &
Duchesne, 1999; Rholes, Simpson, & Grich
Stevens, 1998). Secure individuals may even
benefit more from capitalization attempts:
Shallcross, Howland, Bemis, Simpson, and
Frazier (2011) found that insecurely attached
individuals more often underestimated
the responsiveness of their partners when
sharing a positive event than did securely
attached individuals. Although neuroscien-
tific investigations of attachment style are
rare, Gillath, Bunge, Shaver, Wendelken,
and Mikulincer (2005) have observed that
greater trait attachment anxiety is associ-
ated with more activity in the dACC and
temporal pole, areas associated with alarm
and negative affect— and decreased activity
in the orbitofrontal cortex— when partici-
pants are asked to think about a threatening
relationship scenario.
Future Directions
We feel these perspectives on social relation-
ships and social emotion regulation have
implications that extend both to basic and
applied domains of psychological science,
and that the ecological framework of SBT
may be useful for understanding a number
of important new findings. Clinically, we
have recently noted that SBT holds implica-
tions for how we understand the frontolim-
bic dysfunction and emotional dysregula-
tion that characterize borderline personality
disorder (Hughes, Crowell, Uyeji, & Coan,
2012), and we believe that SBT may be rel-
evant to the development and maintenance
of other psychopathologies as well. For
example, although speculative, it is possible
that the disruptions in social relationships
that characterize autism spectrum disorders
result in an overreliance on self- regulation,
leading to chronic depletion and the use of
self- regulatory strategies associated with
small children. We suggest further that SBT
may be useful for understanding emerging
approaches to relationship therapy that are
proving to be efficacious for a number of
problems traditionally treated by individu-
ally oriented psychotherapies alone (Mon-
son et al., 2012; Naaman, Radwan, & John-
son, 2009).
Ultimately, we emphasize that human life
is in many ways defined by social relation-
ships. According to SBT, a key function of
social relationships is the social regulation
of emotion. Emotions provide rapid, embod-
ied information about current states and
contextual demands (Clore & Tamir, 2002),
guiding decision making and modifying per-
ception (Bechara, 2011; Stefanucci et al.,
2008). The modification of perception via
emotional responding is itself yoked to the
management of bioenergetic resources for the
purpose of economizing action (Stefanucci
et al., 2011). Because emotion is powerfully
regulated by social proximity (Coan et al.,
2013; Coan et al., 2006), all of the above is
controlled by proximity to social resources
(Schnall et al., 2008). Thus, the impact of
social relationships ripples through virtu-
ally everything humans do, because social
relationships are tightly linked to emotional
processes, and emotional processes inform,
bias, and direct many, if not most, of the
brain’s activities. This may not always work
in ways that are broadly socially desirable.
For example, the social regulatory pro-
cesses described throughout this chapter
may contribute to phenomena such as social
loafing (Karau & Williams, 1993), and the
“outsourcing” of health behaviors (Fitzsi-
mons & Finkel, 2011). The impact of social
relationships— manifest as perceived prox-
imity, interaction, and history— is thus likely
to be felt within any specific subdomain of
psychological science, suggesting that any
such subdomain that does not account for
social processes will be limited in impor-
tant ways. On the other hand, the extent to
which social processes impact psychological
phenomena opens wide the possibilities for
new testable hypotheses and exciting pro-
grams of research.
1. Accumulating evidence from a diverse col-
lection of laboratories suggests the psycho-
logical functions supported by the cortex—
including the PFC—are computationally, and
hence bioenergetically, expensive, especially
relative to more computationally basic per-
ceptual processes (Dietrich, 2009; Halford,
Wilson, & Phillips, 1997, 1998). At the very
least, psychological processes supported by
the PFC are often subjectively experienced
as effortful (Muraven & Baumeister, 2000;
Sheppes, Catran, & Meiran, 2009). Sus-
tained prefrontally mediated behaviors (e.g.,
attention, self- control, vigilance, behavioral
inhibition) cause subjective exhaustion and a
steady decrease in the ability to perform those
very behaviors (Baumeister, Vohs, & Tice,
2007; Vohs & Heatherton, 2000). Because
the brain maintains a fairly constant meta-
bolic rate regardless of task (Sokoloff, Man-
gold, Wechsler, Kennedy, & Kety, 1955), an
extended reliance on prefrontally mediated
processes may reduce resources (e.g., blood)
available to other regions. Indeed, there is
evidence of intrabrain competition for blood,
even within the cortex (Dietrich, 2009).
Although open to serious criticism (Kurzban,
2010), it may yet be possible that the PFC
even places a higher metabolic demand on
the brain’s resources. For example, the ratio
of glia to neurons— a ratio that covaries with
metabolic demand— is higher in the PFC of
humans than in other primates (Sherwood
et al., 2006). The PFC is among the last neu-
ral systems to develop fully (Fuster, 2002)
and among the first to show functional defi-
cits in the case of extreme emotional stress,
malnourishment, intoxication, addiction,
old age, and even exercise (Arnsten, 2009;
Del Giorno, Hall, O’Leary, Bixby, & Miller,
2010; Goldstein & Volkow, 2011; Lipina &
Colombo, 2009; Paxton, Barch, Racine, &
Braver, 2008). All of this is despite a general
consensus that the human PFC is one of the
defining characteristics of human phylogeny
(Ehrlich & Ehrlich, 2008)—a resource shaped
over evolutionary development that allows
humans a level of abstraction, creativity, vigi-
lance, self- control, and anticipatory judgment
that is unprecedented in the animal kingdom
and largely responsible for the globally domi-
nant status that humans enjoy.
Social Baseline Theory 231
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... According to this theory, the human brain acts as if it is in a social environment, so being near other people or groups is our baseline. Based on this assumption, humans experience fewer negative outcomes when embedded in social groups than when excluded or alone (Beckes and Coan, 2011;Coan and Maresh, 2014). In support to the social nature of emotion regulation, an individual's dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), which is important for the self-regulation of emotions, is less active when they are around supportive others. ...
... In support to the social nature of emotion regulation, an individual's dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), which is important for the self-regulation of emotions, is less active when they are around supportive others. Namely, the brain has to spend less attentional resources on IER when around others (Beckes and Coan, 2011;Coan and Maresh, 2014; for a review, see Ochsner and Gross, 2008). Consequently, Beckes and Coan (2011) and Coan and Maresh (2014) argue that the use of EER is not only beneficial but also more effective and efficient than self-regulation since less cognitive resources are needed to employ the regulation. ...
... Namely, the brain has to spend less attentional resources on IER when around others (Beckes and Coan, 2011;Coan and Maresh, 2014; for a review, see Ochsner and Gross, 2008). Consequently, Beckes and Coan (2011) and Coan and Maresh (2014) argue that the use of EER is not only beneficial but also more effective and efficient than self-regulation since less cognitive resources are needed to employ the regulation. In line with this idea, Levy-Gigi and Shamay-Tsoory (2017) observed that EER is more effective than IER in reducing distress. ...
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Depression is a serious psychiatric illness that negatively affects people’s feelings, thoughts, and actions. Providing emotion regulation support to others, also termed Extrinsic Emotion Regulation (EER), reduces depressive symptoms such as perseverative thinking and negative mood. In this conceptual review paper, we argue that EER may be especially beneficial for individuals with depression because it enhances the cognitive and affective processes known to be impaired in depression. Behavioral studies have shown that EER recruits processes related to cognitive empathy, intrinsic emotion regulation (IER), and reward, all impaired in depression. Neuroimaging data support these findings by showing that EER recruits brain regions related to these three processes, such as the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex which is associated with IER, the ventral striatum, which is associated with reward-related processes, and medial frontal regions related to cognitive empathy. This conceptual review paper sheds light on the mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of EER for individuals with depression and therefore offers novel avenues for treatment.
... Inline with extrinsic IER, Coan's Social Baseline Theory (SBT; Beckes and Coan, 2011;Coan and Maresh, 2014) posits that the human brain acts under the assumption that it is in a social environment. That is, proximity to others is the expected or baseline environment for humans. ...
... This is even more true when experiencing unpleasant emotions such as anxiety (Coan et al., 2006). In addition, Coan and colleagues argue that the employment of social emotion regulation is not only beneficial, but more effective and efficient because the brain is using less energy to regulate emotions (Coan et al., 2006;Beckes and Coan, 2011;Coan and Maresh, 2014). In support of the social nature of emotion regulation, it has been shown that the brain's dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), which is important for self-regulation of emotions and is less active when an individual is around others who provide Frontiers in Psychology 02 ...
... These positive effects can be then transferred to the SR. This transfer can be understood through the intrinsic IER (Zaki and Williams, 2013) and SBT (Beckes and Coan, 2011;Coan and Maresh, 2014) lenses. Even though very little research has examined the extra-personal effects of MT, recent studies provided preliminary support for these theoretical foundations. ...
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According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, over 14% of the US population practice mindfulness meditation. The effects of mindfulness training on physical and mental health have been consistently documented, but its effects on interpersonal relationships are not yet fully understood or investigated. Interpersonal relationships play a crucial role in the wellbeing of individuals and society, and therefore, warrants further study. The aim of this paper is to present a tri-process theoretical model of interpersonal mindfulness and a study protocol to validate the proposed model. Specifically, according to the proposed model, mindfulness meditation training increases the self-awareness, self-regulation, and prosociality of those receiving the training, which ameliorates the quality of interpersonal interactions and the socioemotional support provided to other individuals. Finally, better socioemotional support increases the support receiver’s ability to regulate their emotions. Using a multiphasic longitudinal design involving 640 participants randomized into 480 dyads, the proposed protocol aims to validate the tri-process model and to investigate its mechanisms of actions. The proposed study has important theoretical and social implications and will allow devising new and more effective interpersonal mindfulness programs with applications in multiple fields.
... The Social Baseline Theory posits that humans have evolved to be social creatures and that social interactions are essential for the efficient regulation of physiological and psychological processes (17,18). Biobehavioral synchrony refers to the coordination of physiological and psychological processes during social interactions, such as the coordination of nonverbal behaviour, autonomic regulation, heart rhythms, brain-to-brain synchrony, and the release of neurotransmitters like oxytocin (19,20). ...
... Similarly, individuals often collaborate to find the most efficient action through therapeutic touch. Intuitively, this amounts to minimizing the effort required to maintain homeostasis and accomplish the crucial task of growth and recovery, which is especially critical for infants who cannot usually achieve this on their own (18,50,51). ...
... This may be partly due to synchronization with a caregiver, helping to minimize prediction errors and regulate allostasis, especially during times of distress or uncertainty in the external environment, which could put additional strain on their allostatic regulation (23,118,119). Additionally, socio-affective regulation elicited by touch can result in beneficial changes in inflammation, immunity, stress, and allostatic load, as well as the effort required to maintain homeostasis in critically ill, premature, or multifactorial medical conditions (18,51,120,121). ...
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Therapeutic affective touch has been recognized as essential for survival, nurturing supportive interpersonal interactions, accelerating recovery-including reducing hospitalisations, and promoting overall health and building robust therapeutic alliances. Through the lens of active inference, we present an integrative model, combining therapeutic touch and communication, to achieve biobehavioural synchrony. This model speaks to how the brain develops a generative model required for recovery, developing successful therapeutic alliances, and regulating allostasis within paediatric manual therapy. We apply active inference to explain the neurophysiological and behavioural mechanisms that underwrite the development and maintenance of synchronous relationships through touch. This paper foregrounds the crucial role of therapeutic touch in developing a solid therapeutic alliance, the clinical effectiveness of paediatric care, and triadic synchrony between health care practitioner, caregiver, and infant in a variety of clinical situations. We start by providing a brief overview of the significance and clinical role of touch in the development of social interactions in infants; facilitating a positive therapeutic alliance and restoring homeostasis through touch to allow a more efficient process of allostatic regulation. Moreover, we explain the role of CT tactile afferents in achieving positive clinical outcomes and updating prior beliefs. We then discuss how touch is implemented in treatment sessions to promote cooperative interactions in the clinic and facilitate theory of mind. This underwrites biobehavioural synchrony, epistemic trust, empathy, and the resolution of uncertainty. The ensuing framework is underpinned by a critical application of the active inference framework to the fields of pediatrics and neonatology.
... The mechanisms accounting for the effects of IER on the quality of romantic relationships are not well studied, although several explanations seem possible (Niven et al., 2012). For instance, receiving effective IER from partners may elicit positive affect (Coan & Maresh, 2014;Debrot et al., 2013;Horn et al., 2019;Zaki & Williams, 2013). In turn, this positive affect may improve relationship evaluations when it is attributed to the relationship or partner, or when it triggers happy memories of the partner (Forgas, 1995;Goldring & Bolger, 2022;Schwarz & Clore, 1983). ...
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The current research unveils a novel mechanism through which interpersonal emotion regulation enhances romantic relationship quality and affective experience. Across three studies, we tested the hypothesis that depending on interactions with a romantic partner for emotion regulation (emotion regulation dependence [ERD]) motivates people to see their partner as more supportive and responsive, and evaluate their partner’s traits more positively. In turn, we expected these elevated perceptions to partially account for the positive effect of ERD on relationship satisfaction and affective experience. In Studies 1 and 2 (N = 395 and 397), experimental manipulations of subjective ERD increased perceived partner support provision, perceived partner responsiveness, and, in Study 2, evaluation of partner traits. In Study 3, a multimethod dyadic study (N = 470), ERD predicted greater perceived partner support provision, perceived partner responsiveness, and positive evaluation of the partner’s traits independently of the partner’s self-reports and objective observers’ assessments of partner behavior. ERD also predicted change over time in these perceptions. These findings were replicated in terms of everyday experiences using daily diary methods (daily n = 9,653). Global and daily ERD indirectly predicted greater relationship satisfaction and mood through positive interpersonal perceptions. Results underscore the importance of intrapsychic processes in interpersonal emotion regulation and suggest that positively biased interpersonal perceptions may be a common pathway through which depending on interactions with romantic partners for emotion regulation improves relationship quality and affective experience.
... Which emotion management strategy or strategies will be adopted to achieve the particular emotion management goal? Part of the answer may hinge on context-specific factors, such as the type and intensity of emotion that needs managing, and a person's perceptions of his or her currently available social and/or psychological resources (Coan & Maresh, 2014;Opitz et al., 2012). Other factors that govern strategy selection may be more stable across situations, such as emotion management self-efficacy belief, which is a kind of belief related to whether one believes one is able to engage in a particular form of emotion management when one wishes to do so. ...
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This research aimed to explore the emotion impact factors and emotion management strategies for college students quarantined as close contacts during the COVID-19 outbreak by analyzing data collected in real time (Lee et al. in DARPA information survivability conference and exposition II, DISCEX’01, vol 1, pp 89–100, IEEE, 2001), and built an emotion impact factors—emotion management strategies model. This study was undertaken among colleges in Shanghai Omicron wave in 2022, whose scale exceeded the original outbreak in Wuhan. An exploratory qualitative research design was adopted. From March to April in 2022, in-depth interviews were carried out with 54 Chinese college students with an average age of 19.91 years during the quarantine period, who were identified as close contacts by the local Center for Disease Control and were quarantined at designated quarantine centers away from campus. Data was collected during the quarantine period and was analyzed with grounded theory approach. The results revealed that there were two paths of emotion impact factors and the corresponding emotion management strategies. Participants adopted spatial-temporal, self-care, social support and control strategies to solve emotional issues separately, when they were influenced by different cultural emotion impact factors, including spatial-temporal, personal, interpersonal and informational emotion impact factors. They adopted the same four strategies as well when influenced by the biological emotion impact factors of perceived threat and perceived efficacy (see Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4 in the “Results”). These findings contribute to the framework of Hochschild’s concept of emotion management to understand how college students quarantined as close contacts adapted by combining the cultural and biological emotion impact factors, and combining the process of effort and ability aspects of emotion management during quarantine, and to expand on the concept of emotion management in the context of being in isolation for a period of time, especially in a life-stage vulnerable to emotional issues, and have implications for public health practitioners and policymakers.
... Secure social attachments provide positive benefits to individuals participating in the pair bond, which might also explain why males appear to be predisposed to forming bonds. The social baseline theory predicts that social individuals in group-living species rely on each other to regulate their affect and well-being, presumably leading to longer and healthier lives (Beckes and Coan, 2011;Coan, 2008;Coan and Maresh, 2014). Indeed, prairie voles show emphatic behaviors only to familiar mating partners (Burkett et al., 2016) and partner loss has been shown to induce anxiety and increase depressive-like behaviors (Bosch et al., 2009;McNeal et al., 2014;Osako et al., 2018). ...
... Interpersonal emotion regulation is as a relevant construct since it has been suggested that emotion regulation has a social nature and it has been recorded that emotional experiences vary in the presence of others, with a tendency to a decreased emotional activation (Beckes & Coan, 2011;Coan & Maresh, 2014). In turn, as essentially gregarious beings, the functioning of our emotional systems and our emotional regulation takes place mostly in social environments, and IER seems to occur simultaneously -and as frequently asintrapersonal regulation (Hofmann, 2014;Zaki & Williams, 2013). ...
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Interpersonal emotional regulation has been gaining research interest. There are several theoretical models and assessment instruments available, among which one of the most widely studied has been the Interpersonal Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (IERQ) developed by Hofmann et al. (2016). The objective of this study was to translate the IERQ into Spanish and to analyse its psychometric properties in a non-representative sample of 323 Uruguayan university students (M = 23.16; SD = 6.59). The evaluation of the construct validity through a confirmatory factor analysis reflected the same factorial structure as the original study and other adaptations (𝜒²(164, N = 323) = 452.10, p < .000; 𝜒²/df = 2.76; RMSEA = 0.074, 95% [0.066, 0.082], CFI = 0.96; TLI = 0.95) and the reliability analyses using Cronbach’s Alpha showed indices ranging from acceptable to good (0.73 − 0.89). In addition, discriminant and convergent validity analyses found congruent associations with related constructs (e.g., personal emotional regulation), even though they were weak. Overall, the results showed that, in its Spanish version, the IERQ holds good psychometric properties, supporting its utility in various cultural groups.
... BPD features can be reliably diagnosed in adolescence and implicate severely impaired interpersonal functioning and selfregulation [12,13]. Based on Social Baseline Theory and the assumption that regulation is an interpersonal process [39], BPD has recently been described as the disorder of impaired social regulation [17]. Adolescents with BPD present with a pervasive pattern of instable relationships, self-image and affect [40], and BPD traits such as anger outbursts or impulsivity are primarily expressed in interpersonal contexts [41]. ...
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Background Associations between parent and child cortisol levels (“cortisol synchrony”) are often reported and positive synchrony may mark dyadic regulation on a physiological level. Although dyadic behavior during interaction and adolescent borderline personality disorder (BPD) traits are linked with individual and dyadic regulatory capacities, little is known about how both factors influence parent-adolescent cortisol synchrony. We hypothesized that cortisol synchrony would differ depending on behavioral synchrony, i.e., smooth reciprocal dyadic interaction patterns, adolescent BPD traits, and their interactions. Methods Multilevel state-trait modeling was implemented to investigate associations between concurrent mother-adolescent state cortisol and mother-adolescent average cortisol levels in a community sample of 76 mother-adolescent dyads. Three saliva samples were collected across interaction paradigms. Behavioral synchrony was observed, and adolescent BPD traits were evaluated using clinical interviews. Results First, behavioral synchrony and absence of BPD traits were linked with positive associations between adolescent and maternal state cortisol (positive synchrony), BPD traits with negative associations (negative synchrony). When interaction effects were examined, results were more nuanced. In low-risk dyads (higher behavioral synchrony, no BPD traits) asynchrony was found. When risk (BPD traits) and resource (higher behavioral synchrony) were combined, synchrony was positive. Lastly, in high-risk dyads (lower behavioral synchrony, adolescent BPD traits), negative synchrony was observed. Average adolescent and maternal cortisol levels were consistently positively associated in dyads with higher risk. Conclusions Positive dyadic interaction patterns are associated with positive state cortisol synchrony in mother-adolescent dyads and could buffer the effect of BPD traits, possibly supporting the process of physiological regulation.
Against the backdrop of the global outbreak of Covid-19, the question of why therapists experience remote psychotherapy as more taxing than traditional face-to-face encounters, is interrogated. From an experience-near perspective, I draw on concepts such as reverie, the frame, and holding; self psychological constructs such as self-states and empathy; and reference emotion regulation from the perspectives of neuroscience and social psychology. At a meta-level, this different way of working is unusually tiring because rapid change without warning in response to a pandemic—which is happening to therapists too—is intrinsically demanding. Anxiety is a key consideration. At a finer scale, I proffer a set of ideas regarding the implications for core aspects of the psychoanalytic scaffolding: how reverie can be hampered and confidentiality compromised; how holding can become less reliable, empathic attunement harder to maintain, and therapist self-cohesion disrupted. In consequence, the therapist has to work harder. The heightened importance of therapist self-care, ongoing professional development, and the need to hold the frame in mind, are suggested as strategies for ensuring clinically and ethically sound practice.
With the onset of COVID-19, governments around much of the world implemented strict social distancing and stay-at-home orders that profoundly affected the amount of time many couples were spending together. In the present research, we examined whether perceptions of a change in time spent with a partner were associated with stress, and whether stress levels in turn predicted relationship commitment and satisfaction, both in the short term (Time 1) and longer term (Time 2; i.e., after 10 months). Results indicated partial mediation, such that less (vs. more) time spent with the partner was associated with greater stress at Time 1, which in turn partly accounted for lower commitment and relationship satisfaction both at Time 1, and satisfaction at Time 2. Less (vs. more) time spent with partner at Time 1 also predicted a greater likelihood of relationship dissolution at Time 2, again partially mediated by stress. An increase in quality time spent together at Time 2 predicted stress and relationship outcomes over and above the change in time spent together more generally. This research has important implications for understanding the ongoing effects of the pandemic on romantic relationships. In addition, this study provides new evidence regarding how changes in time spent with a partner are associated with stress and subsequent relationship outcomes.
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