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Natural Abundance of 15 N in Nitrogen-Limited Forests and Tundra Can Estimate Nitrogen Cycling Through Mycorrhizal Fungi: A Review


Abstract and Figures

The hyphae of ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal fungi proliferate in nitrogen (N)-limited forests and tundra where the availability of inorganic N is low; under these conditions the most common fungal species are those capable of protein degradation that can supply their host plants with organic N. Although it is widely understood that these symbiotic fungi supply N to their host plants, the transfer is difficult to quantify in the field. A novel approach uses the natural 15N:14N ratios (expressed as δ15N values) in plants, soils, and mycorrhizal fungi to estimate the fraction of N in symbiotic trees and shrubs that enters through mycorrhizal fungi. This calculation is possible because mycorrhizal fungi discriminate against 15N when they create compounds for transfer to plants; host plants are depleted in 15N, whereas mycorrhizal fungi are enriched in 15N. The amount of carbon (C) supplied to these fungi can be stoichiometrically calculated from the fraction of plant N derived from the symbiosis, the N demand of the plants, the fungal C:N ratio, and the fraction of N retained in the fungi. Up to a third of C allocated belowground, or 20% of net primary production, is used to support ectomycorrhizal fungi. As anthropogenic N inputs increase, the C allocation to fungi decreases and plant δ15N increases. Careful analyses of δ15N patterns in systems dominated by ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal symbioses may reveal the ecosystem-scale effects of alterations in the plant–mycorrhizal symbioses caused by shifts in climate and N deposition.
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Natural Abundance of
in Nitrogen-Limited Forests
and Tundra Can Estimate Nitrogen
Cycling Through Mycorrhizal
Fungi: A Review
E. A. Hobbie
* and J. E. Hobbie
Complex Systems Research Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire 03824, USA;
Marine Biological
Laboratory, Ecosystems Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02536, USA
The hyphae of ectomycorrhizal and ericoid
mycorrhizal fungi proliferate in nitrogen (N)-lim-
ited forests and tundra where the availability of
inorganic N is low; under these conditions the most
common fungal species are those capable of protein
degradation that can supply their host plants with
organic N. Although it is widely understood that
these symbiotic fungi supply N to their host plants,
the transfer is difficult to quantify in the field. A
novel approach uses the natural
N ratios
(expressed as d
N values) in plants, soils, and
mycorrhizal fungi to estimate the fraction of N in
symbiotic trees and shrubs that enters through
mycorrhizal fungi. This calculation is possible be-
cause mycorrhizal fungi discriminate against
when they create compounds for transfer to plants;
host plants are depleted in
N, whereas mycor-
rhizal fungi are enriched in
N. The amount of
carbon (C) supplied to these fungi can be stoi-
chiometrically calculated from the fraction of plant
N derived from the symbiosis, the N demand of the
plants, the fungal C:N ratio, and the fraction of N
retained in the fungi. Up to a third of C allocated
belowground, or 20% of net primary production, is
used to support ectomycorrhizal fungi. As anthro-
pogenic N inputs increase, the C allocation to fungi
decreases and plant d
N increases. Careful analy-
ses of d
N patterns in systems dominated by
ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal symbioses
may reveal the ecosystem-scale effects of altera-
tions in the plant–mycorrhizal symbioses caused by
shifts in climate and N deposition.
Key words: nitrogen isotopes; nitrogen dynam-
ics; carbon allocation; nutrient supply; ectomycor-
rhizal; ericoid mycorrhizal; fungal symbiont.
Most plants are obligate symbionts with mycorrhi-
zal fungi. Of the three main classes of mycorrhizal
fungi, ectomycorrhizal fungi and ericoid mycorrhi-
zal fungi often possess the enzymes to access re-
calcitrant forms of nitrogen (N); in contrast, the
Received 6 December 2007; accepted 28 April 2008; published online 30
May 2008
Electronic supplementary material: The online version of this article
(doi:10.1007/s10021-008-9159-7) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users.
*Corresponding author; e-mail:
Ecosystems (2008) 11: 815–830
DOI: 10.1007/s10021-008-9159-7
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with most
herbaceous plants and tropical trees lack such
enzymatic capabilities (Chalot and Brun 1998).
Tundra soils of the arctic and forest soils of tem-
perate and boreal regions typically contain high
amounts of organic N and low concentrations of
inorganic N (Aerts 2002); growth of trees and
shrubs is strongly N-limited (Nadelhoffer and others
1992). One way that plants can relieve N limitation
is to take up amino acids from the soil. This pathway
is well documented in many experiments using
labeled substrates. However, Jones and others
(2005a,b) questioned its importance to the N
budget of plants because experiments usually do
not reflect the very low concentrations of free
amino acids in the soil; such cases greatly favor
microbial uptake over plant uptake. Read and Per-
ez-Moreno (2003) point out that the large surface
area for absorption and the enzymatic capabilities of
ectomycorrhizal or ericoid mycorrhizal fungi could
extend the sources of N important to their plant
hosts beyond inorganic forms to include amino
acids, amino sugars, protein, or chitin. In return for
N and other nutrients, plants probably allocate up to
20% of net primary production to their mycorrhizal
symbionts (Hobbie 2006). Despite the key role of
mycorrhizal fungi as carbon (C) sinks and N sour-
ces, ecosystem ecologists and modelers have largely
ignored C allocation to mycorrhizal fungi and up-
take of organic N in their conceptual picture of how
terrestrial systems operate.
Knowledge of N dynamics in this symbiosis
comes primarily from studies of the ability of cul-
tured ectomycorrhizal and ericoid fungi to grow on
various sources of N or to transfer N to tree seed-
lings. In the field, the high spatial heterogeneity of
the soil environment and the cryptic nature of
interactions among roots, mycorrhizal fungi, and
the soil have slowed progress toward understand-
ing the functioning of this symbiosis (Taylor and
Fransson 2007). One promising approach to probe
the function of the symbiosis relies on fungal dis-
crimination against
N during synthesis of transfer
compounds (Hobbie and others 2000,2005; Hobbie
and Colpaert 2003). This process causes N trans-
ferred to plants to be depleted in
N relative to the
source N, whereas N remaining in mycorrhizal
fungi is enriched in
N. Based on the depletion of
N in host plants in nature, we believe that the
transfer process is similar in ectomycorrhizal and
ericoid mycorrhizal symbioses. Of the main types of
mycorrhizal fungi, only ectomycorrhizal fungi
produce macroscopic fruiting bodies that can be
readily sampled for the relative amount of
N and
N ratios, expressed as d
N values); d
data for these fruiting bodies has accordingly pro-
vided additional insight into ectomycorrhizal
functioning that is unavailable for ericoid mycor-
rhizal fungi and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
By analyzing d
N values in soil, plant foliage, and
ectomycorrhizal fruiting bodies, the amount of N
entering plants can be quantified (Hobbie and others
2000; Hobbie and Hobbie 2006). These
N natural
abundance analyses are free of artifacts from adding
N-labeled N or from disturbance during sampling.
In this review, we present recent evidence from
laboratory studies of the interactions of mycorrhizal
fungi and their plant hosts in N cycling. We then
review field and laboratory evidence that d
values can be used to investigate the key role that
mycorrhizal fungi play in supplying N to their plant
hosts in N-limited ecosystems. Such investigations
require some knowledge about d
N values of po-
tential N sources in the soil, such as ammonium,
nitrate, amino acids, and other organic N forms. We
therefore address some of the difficulties in making
such measurements and in determining the actual
sources taken up by plants and their associated
mycorrhizal fungi. Finally, we use d
N values to
quantitatively link N dynamics and C dynamics in
the plant–mycorrhizal symbiosis.
Enzymatic Activity and C Allocation
to Mycorrhizal Fungi
In N-limited ecosystems, mycorrhizal and sapro-
trophic fungi are the main sources of enzymes to
degrade organic compounds, although bacteria also
undoubtedly contribute. Read and Perez-Moreno
(2003) argued for the importance of ectomycor-
rhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal fungi in decompo-
sition from the following: (1) much of the microbial
biomass in most terrestrial ecosystems consists of
hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi; (2) mycorrhizal fungi
in culture can degrade a wide variety of organic N
compounds; and (3) genes encoding for a variety of
hydrolytic enzymes are present in cultured fungi
and in the fungal DNA extracted from soil. It is
reasonable to conclude that plants, despite lacking
hydrolytic capabilities themselves, may still obtain
the breakdown products of hydrolytic enzymes by
supplying labile carbohydrates to ectomycorrhizal
and ericoid mycorrhizal fungi with strong enzy-
matic capabilities. We note that arbuscular mycor-
rhizal fungi may provide plants access to organic
816 E. A. Hobbie and J. E. Hobbie
forms of phosphorus but lack the enzymatic capa-
bilities to degrade complex, N-containing polymers
(Chalot and Brun 1998). They appear adapted
primarily to uptake of soluble nutrients (Olsson
and others 2002).
Recent assessments of N cycling in soils have
suggested that the enzymatic degradation of com-
plex polymeric substances such as chitin and pro-
tein could largely control N availability in N-limited
systems (Read and Perez-Moreno 2003; Schimel
and Bennett 2004; Lindahl and others 2005). The
extensive enzymatic capabilities of some mycor-
rhizal fungi give plants access to breakdown prod-
ucts of complex polymers, such as chitin and
protein (Read and Perez-Moreno 2003), that can-
not be directly assimilated by either plant roots or
fungi. This access appears particularly important in
N-limited systems where mineralization is insuffi-
cient to support plant N demand (discussed in
Schimel and Bennett 2004). During decomposition,
the energy content of litter steadily declines as
compounds amenable to enzymatic attack are de-
graded by saprotrophic microbes. As the energy
content of litter declines, saprotrophic activity must
decrease (A
˚gren and Bosatta 1996). Because
mycorrhizal fungi have an energy source inde-
pendent from litter, that is, sugars from their host
plants, in the later stages of decomposition they can
successfully compete with free-living microbes for
organic N compounds (Lindahl and others 2007).
Soil Structure and Mycorrhizal Activity
Lindahl and others (2005) presented a conceptual
picture of the spatial relationships between hyphae
and soil particles in which enzymes are released from
the tips of hyphae into a matrix of secreted muco-
polysaccharides (Figure 1). This matrix holds en-
zymes close to the particles containing polymers of N
compounds, keeps secreted antibiotics nearby to
repress bacterial activity, and increases the proba-
bility of the hyphae taking up the primary products
of hydrolysis are amino acids and oligopeptides, be-
fore they diffuse away. Because the degradation
products are produced close to the hyphal tips,
mycorrhizal fungi can outcompete other soil mi-
crobes for the products. We point out that this sce-
nario localizes N mobilization near hyphal tips and
does not explicitly consider the potential role of roots
in N uptake. One argument against a large role for
roots in uptake is the nearly complete colonization
(95–100%) of fine roots by ectomycorrhizal fungi
(Hobbie and others 2001; Taylor and Alexander
2005), so that almost all soil-derived N must pass
through fungal hyphae prior to entering the plant.
In an alternative scenario, we assume that N is
equally available to fungi, bacteria, and roots, and
assume that uptake is proportional to surface area
of the soil organisms. Mycorrhizal fungi may have
up to 60 times more surface area available for up-
take than their associated fine roots (Simard and
others 2002). Ectomycorrhizal hyphal lengths of up
to 100 m cm
(Coleman and others 2004), and
bacterial numbers of 3–5 ·10
cells cm
Knorr, personal communication) have been re-
ported. Given these values, if fungal hyphae are
treated as 3 lm in diameter and bacteria are cyl-
inders 1 lm long by 0.5 lm in diameter, then the
surface area (in 1 cm
of soil) for bacteria and fungi
are comparable at 790 mm
for bacteria and at
940 mm
for fungal hyphae. Surface area for fine
roots is considerably less. Jackson and others
(1997) estimated 5–11 cm
of fine root area per
of surface (forests and tundra) over a rooting
depth of 50 cm, or 10–55 mm
of fine roots per
. Based on these calculations of relative surface
area, microbial uptake should dominate relative to
plant uptake. Therefore, the symbiosis between
plants and mycorrhizal fungi allows plants to
indirectly compete against free-living soil microbes
that would otherwise assimilate the vast majority of
available N. The independence of mycorrhizal fungi
from soil C sources allows them to pursue N-con-
taining molecules of low energy content that free-
living microbes cannot profitably use, or allows
them to adopt strategies (such as secretion of
mucopolysaccharides to restrict diffusion, Figure 1)
that would be energetically unfavorable for free-
living microbes.
Researchers have generally assumed that uptake
pathways can be quantified by adding
C- and
N-labeled amino acids to laboratory cultures or to
field plots. Although tracing isotopically labeled
amino acids added to soils does indicate possible
pathways, the actual pathways and rates of uptake
in the field remain difficult to determine. For
example, the concentrations of labeled amino acids
injected into soils are generally quite high
(1.2 mM, Na
¨sholm and others 1998; 2 mM, Lipson
and Monson 1998; 11 mM, McKane and others
2002) relative to ambient soil concentrations (20–
60 lM; Jones and others 2005a; 70–350 lM
assuming dry weight half of wet weight, Nordin
and others 2001). At these high concentrations of
added substrate, the actual mechanisms for uptake
may switch from high affinity to low affinity
transporters (Jones and Hodge 1999) or even rely
on passive diffusion.
An added complication is that concentrations of
amino acids measured in water extracted from soil
N and Nitrogen Cycle Through Mycorrhizal Fungi 817
may be very different from the amount available
close to bacteria, hyphae, or fine roots. Jones and
others (2005b) point out one potential problem:
the removal of roots from soil during sample
preparation will release high concentrations of
amino acids through breakage of fine roots con-
taining approximately 10 mM amino acids. The
authors also point out the need for studies of spatial
heterogeneity at small (soil micropatches) and large
(whole soil) scales. Given soil heterogeneity and
chronic N limitation of microbes, microbial uptake
of amino acids may reduce the concentrations
actually available to the microbes to low levels that
reflect a balance between diffusion from source
regions and uptake. Amino acids in micropores or
adsorbed to clays or organic matter may represent
source regions. For these reasons, concentrations in
a bulk extract do not reflect concentrations actually
available to microbes. Because
N addition levels
are often set at levels similar to reported soil con-
centrations (for example, Na
¨sholm and others
1998), we suspect that uptake rates estimated from
isotope additions are probably much higher than
those in undisturbed ecosystems.
To accurately assess soil concentrations of dif-
ferent potential N sources, new techniques are
needed to measure the fine-scale distribution of
labile organic N compounds. One attractive option
is to deploy soil sensors designed for specific com-
pound classes such as amino acids (Johnston and
others 2004). An alternate approach for quantify-
ing uptake pathways is to apply
C- and
beled litter (for example, Bird and Torn 2006) and
trace the resulting label into microbial pools, al-
though this approach does not permit knowledge of
the exact form of N assimilated.
Isotopically labeled amino acids are commonly
added to soil but researchers have largely neglected
other potential N sources. For example, most fungi
can take up small peptides up to five amino acids in
size (Jennings 1995) yet only one study has applied
peptides in the field to study their uptake (Persson
and others 2003). In that study,
C- and
labeled peptides derived from hydrolysis of algal cells
were added to small plots of the arbuscular mycor-
rhizal Deschampsia flexuosa, the ectomycorrhizal Picea
abies, and the ericoid mycorrhizal Vaccinium myrtillus.
In the injected solution, 90% of the N consisted of
peptide fragments greater than 700 Da (!110 Da per
amino acid) and 50% of the N consisted of peptide
fragments greater than 4,000 Da. Of the three spe-
cies tested, V. myrtillus was the only species in which
C was detected in roots. Because most
peptides in the mix were larger than the ve-amino
acid limit for peptide uptake (Jennings 1995), this
study cannot conclusively address whether oligo-
peptide uptake actually occurred. However, the ratio
C to
N detected in Vaccinium roots, 3.95, was
similar to that of the applied solution (4.68), there-
fore demonstrating considerable uptake of either
Figure 1. Possible mode of structure and function of mycorrhizal hyphae near particles of plant litter, humus, and
microbial necromass. The hyphal tip produces mucopolysaccharides that form a matrix connecting hyphae to substrates.
This matrix keeps secreted enzymes close to the hyphal tip while restricting diffusion of those enzymes and enzymatically
released nutrients. Secreted antibiotics may reduce competition by bacteria for assimilable compounds. Recalcitrant
polyphenolic substrates may be degraded by oxidizing enzymes to enable proteases and chitinases to release labile organic
compounds. Wall-bound enzymes may further process labile compounds before hyphal uptake. Figure modified from
Lindahl and others (2005).
818 E. A. Hobbie and J. E. Hobbie
individual amino acids or small oligopeptides derived
from the algal cell mix.
In contrast to these ambiguous results, conclu-
sive evidence that mycorrhizal fungi can use olig-
opeptides has come from both culture studies and
genetic approaches. Experiments have included
culturing plant–mycorrhizal symbioses on alanine
peptides (Abuzinadah and Read 1989), mycorrhizal
growth on alanine peptides and glutathione (a tri-
peptide) in pure culture (Abuzinadah and Read
1986), mycorrhizal growth on glycine peptides in
pure culture (Krznaric 2004, as cited in Hobbie and
Wallander 2006), and genetic characterization of
peptide transporters (Benjdia and others 2006).
Evidence that mycorrhizal fungi can degrade chitin
and thereby use this important N-containing
polymer as an N source has come from culture
studies of fungal growth on chitin (Kerley and Read
1995), expression of chitinolytic enzymes in the
field (Courty and others 2005), and genetic evi-
dence for chitinolytic enzymes such as N-acetyl-
hexosaminidase (Lindahl and Taylor 2004).
Assessing Mycorrhizal Species and Their
Functioning in Ecosystems
Researchers have developed many novel tools in
the last decade to understand both the distribution
and functioning of mycorrhizal fungi. These in-
clude the molecular identification of mycorrhizal
fungi in mycorrhizae (Horton and Bruns 2001) and
in the soil (Rosling and others 2003; Landeweert
and others 2005) and the rapid assessment of the
enzymatic capabilities of individual mycorrhizae
isolated from soil (Pritsch and others 2004; Courty
and others 2005).
In the following sections, we discuss the natural
abundance of N stable isotopes as a tool for assessing
mycorrhizal functioning in ecosystems. In this
method, d
N values are measured in plants,
mycorrhizal fungi, and soil pools (Hobbie and
Hobbie 2006). A major advantage of natural abun-
dance measures compared to other measures is that
they are not intrusive, and accordingly reflect pro-
cesses and rates under actual soil conditions.
Fractionation of N Isotopes During
Uptake or in Reactions
N isotopes in molecules will fractionate in inverse
proportion to the mass of the reacting species.
Thus, N in small molecules such as ammonium
(18 Da) may fractionate upon uptake into plants
and fungi; N in amino groups on amino acids may
fractionate in biochemical reactions such as trans-
amination (Macko and others 1986). Based on the
relative masses of ammonium and amino acids
(!110 Da), isotopes in intact amino acids should
fractionate about 2.5 times less than ammonium
during uptake [(110/18)
]. Whether potential
fractionation is expressed depends on the concen-
tration of substrate available for uptake or for
chemical reactions. When concentrations or supply
rates are very low, fractionation on uptake is not
expressed because all available N is taken up,
regardless of isotopic form (Fry 2006). In contrast,
when concentrations of substrate are high, then
fractionation is expressed in the product. In the N-
limited ecosystems discussed in this review, we
assume minimal fractionation on uptake because of
low substrate concentrations (Goericke and others
1994; Nadelhoffer and Fry 1994).
Studies of d
N Patterns in Cultures
of Mycorrhizal Symbionts
The concentration of available N in culture media
can influence patterns of fractionation against
on uptake. As detailed in Supplementary Appendix
1, mycorrhizal fungi or plants in culture are gen-
erally grown in liquid media at concentrations of
1.4–4.5 mM of available N. At these high levels,
isotopes in inorganic N are almost always fraction-
ated upon uptake into hyphae and plant roots in
culture (Emmerton and others 2001a,b; Ho
and others 1999; Henn and Chapela 2004; Schmidt
and others 2006). This is not true for isotopes in
organic N compounds because of the inverse rela-
tionship between molecular mass and fractionation.
For example, uptake of amino acids into mycor-
rhizal fungi in N-rich media did not fractionate
N, whereas uptake of ammonium did
fractionate (Emmerton and others 2001a). Ex-
pressed fractionation on uptake may also differ be-
tween different N forms if either diffusion rates or
assimilation rates differ. For example, nitrate dif-
fuses more quickly than ammonium through most
media and is also often assimilated more slowly
than ammonium. This combination allows greater
opportunities for nitrate to fractionate during up-
take than for ammonium despite the higher
molecular weight of nitrate (for example, see Sup-
plementary Appendix 1, Schmidt and others 2006).
In contrast to culture conditions, the concentra-
tion of substrates in the soils of N-limited forests
and tundra is likely to be very low resulting in
minimal fractionation. Similar minimal fraction-
N and Nitrogen Cycle Through Mycorrhizal Fungi 819
ation occurs when mycorrhizal or saprotrophic
fungi are grown on solid substrates such as agar
that restrict diffusion (Hobbie and others 2004) or if
N supply closely matches uptake (for example,
exponential growth, Hobbie and Colpaert 2003).
Data in Table 1from various ecosystems indicate
that the
N in the total soil, ammonium, and ni-
trate pools is very similar to that in nonmycorrhizal
plants. We therefore assume that nonmycorrhizal
plants take up N from the soil with little fraction-
ation against
N (Hobbie and Hobbie 2006).
Plants cultured as symbionts with ectomycor-
rhizal fungi differ in d
N values from plants or
fungi grown in pure culture. Relative to supplied
ammonium, ectomycorrhizal plants are generally
depleted in
N (lower d
N values), ectomycor-
rhizal fungi are enriched in
N (higher d
N val-
ues), and plants grown asymbiotically have similar
N values (Ho
¨gberg and others 1999; Kohzu and
others 2000; Schmidt and others 2006). However,
when nitrate is the N source, ectomycorrhizal
plants differ little in d
N relative to source N or
nonmycorrhizal plants (Ho
¨gberg and others 1999;
Schmidt and others 2006). A culture experiment
(Figure 2) illustrates the changes in plant d
relative to the nonmycorrhizal state when pine
seedlings were cultured with two species of
mycorrhizal fungi at low and high rates of supplied
ammonium nitrate (Hobbie and Colpaert 2003): (1)
N values were about 2&lower in pine needles
than in supplied N; (2) the
N depletion was
greater at low N than at high N availability; (3) the
N depletion correlated positively with fungal
biomass (Figure 3); and (4) the d
N values of the
fungi were 3–4&higher than the supplied N.
Field Measurements of
N Natural
Across all terrestrial ecosystems, d
N values for
foliage range from )11 to 10&and for soil below
the surficial litter range from )2 to 10&(Handley
Table 1. Natural Abundance of
N in Plants, Soil, Inorganic N, and Mycorrhizal Fruiting Bodies in Various
Ecosystem pool Sites
1 2 3 4 5a 5b
Nonmycorrhizal 2.9 nd nd 1.9 nd )1.8 ± 0.8
Arbuscular mycorrhizal )2.1 nd )2.3 ± 2.3 )2.9 nd nd
Ectomycorrhizal )4.0 )3.7 ± 0.6 )4.7 ± 1.7 )2.9
)4.1 ± 0.5 )6.4 ± 0.5
Ericoid mycorrhizal )4.8 )3.0 ± 0.2 )2.6 ± 2.1 )3.6 )7.6 ± 0.7 nd
Ectomycorhizal 2–7 5.0 ± 3.8 4.2 ± 0.4 nd 7.5 ± 0.8 nd
Saprotrophic nd )1.3 ± 0.5 )1.8 ± 1.9 nd nd nd
Bulk organic soil 1.2 0.6 ± 0.3 )0.4 ± 1.3 4.1 0.5 ± 0.6 )0.7 ± 0.3
Mineral soil nd 6.0 ± 2.5 3.2 ± 1.3 nd 3.5 ± 0.5 nd
Ammonium 1.4 )0.7 ± 0.4 nd 4.5 nd bd
Nitrate 1.0 )0.1 ± 1.1 nd 9.5 nd nd
Coarse woody debris nd nd )0.3 ± 1.1 nd nd nd
Sites include: 1, acidic tussock tundra, Toolik Lake, Alaska, USA (Hobbie and Hobbie 2006); 2, marine boreal forest, Glacier Bay, Alaska, USA (Hobbie and others 1999a,
2000); 3, temperate coniferous forest, Washington, USA (Trudell and others 2003); 4, Australian heath (Schmidt and Stewart 1997); 5, Boreal forest/arctic tundra, Sweden
(listed, 5a, fellfield; 5b, heath values) (Michelsen and others 1996,1998). Some values are ±standard error. Nd, no data.
Designated as ectomycorrhizal or arbuscular mycorrhizal.
Figure 2. Growth rate and mycorrhizal colonization
influence d
N of ectomycorrhizal pine and ectomycor-
rhizal fungi. N supplied exponentially at rates of
3% day
(low N) or 5% day
(high N) to Pinus sylvestris
cultured with either Thelephora terrestris,Suillus luteus, or
without mycorrhizal symbionts. N was supplied as
ammonium nitrate at a d
N value of 1.4&and was the
limiting nutrient in all treatments. Data from Hobbie and
Colpaert (2003).
820 E. A. Hobbie and J. E. Hobbie
and others 1999a; Amundsen and others 2003;
Hobbie and others 2005; J. Craine unpublished).
The d
N of both foliage and soils is lower in early
successional environments, boreal forests, and
tundra than in temperate and tropical forests.
The key role in N-limited systems of mycorrhizal
fungi in influencing plant d
N patterns was first
proposed by Ho
¨gberg (1990) in studies of ectomy-
corrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal trees in Afri-
ca, and subsequently elaborated on in detailed field
studies of the d
N of plants and potential N sources
by Schmidt and Stewart (1997) in Australian
heathland, Hobbie and others (2000) in temperate
rainforest, and Hobbie and Hobbie (2006) in tundra
(Table 1). In these studies, it appears that ectomy-
corrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal fungi have taken
up soil-derived N and created a
N-depleted group
of transfer compounds that is then passed on to the
host plants. The
N-enriched compounds remain
in the fungi. This process is the most plausible
mechanism leading to both
N-depleted plants and
N-enriched fungi.
Foliar d
N usually differs by mycorrhizal type
under the N-limited conditions prevalent in boreal,
arctic, and alpine ecosystems (Michelsen and others
1996,1998; Hobbie and others 2005), with ecto-
mycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal plants lowest
in d
N, arbuscular mycorrhizal plants intermediate
in d
N, and nonmycorrhizal plants highest in d
Similar patterns have been reported from tropical
savannah and monsoon forests (Schmidt and
Stewart 2003) and in a worldwide survey of plant
N patterns (J. Craine and others unpublished;
Table 2). Although arbuscular mycorrhizal plants
are only rarely as low in d
N as co-occurring
ectomycorrhizal plants, the lower d
N of arbuscu-
lar mycorrhizal plants than of nonmycorrhizal
plants suggests that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
also fractionate against
N when transferring N to
host plants. However, the extent to which the ar-
buscular mycorrhizal symbiosis alters plant d
N is
still unclear. Culture studies to date give variable
results (Michelsen and Sprent 1994; Handley and
others 1993,1999b; Azcon-Aquilar and others
1998; Wheeler and others 2000), but no study has
yet been done under conditions where fractionation
N on uptake can be ignored.
N isotope patterns in ectomycorrhizal fruiting
bodies have provided additional insight into the
role of mycorrhizal fungi in plant N supply. The
macroscopic fruiting bodies of many ectomycor-
rhizal fungi provide an easy means to sample spe-
cific species and thereby determine which species
are most involved in N cycling. The available
studies indicate that most ectomycorrhizal fruiting
bodies are enriched in
N relative to both co-
occurring saprotrophic fungi and ectomycorrhizal
plants (Michelsen and others 1998; Kohzu and
others 1999; Hobbie and others 1999a,2001,2005;
Henn and Chapela 2001). However, the fruiting
bodies of different ectomycorrhizal taxa vary con-
siderably in d
N (Taylor and others 2003; Trudell
and others 2004). In one study in boreal forests in
Alaska, ectomycorrhizal fungi of proteolytic taxa
were higher in d
N than taxa without such capa-
bilities (Lilleskov and others 2002), and that pat-
tern may hold as well in subalpine forests (Hobbie
and others 2005) and Swedish boreal forests
(Taylor and others 2003).
Additional evidence that ectomycorrhizal fungi
use organic N sources and that this function is af-
fected by N availability comes from the European
Forest Transect, a north-south transect from north-
ern Sweden to Italy, in which the proportion of
ectomycorrhizal fungal species able to use protein N
Table 2. Mean Foliar d
N Varies among Plants of
Different Mycorrhizal Type
Mycorrhizal type d
Nonmycorrhizal 0.9 ± 0.2
Arbuscular mycorrhizal )1.1 ± 0.1
Ectomycorrhizal )2.3 ± 0.2
Ericoid mycorrhizal )5.0 ± 0.2
In a worldwide survey (J. Craine, unpublished), foliar d
N varied with tem-
perature, precipitation, N concentration, and mycorrhizal type. Because the dis-
tribution of mycorrhizal types varied with climate, foliar d
N for the four types
was here normalized to a common annual temperature (13.2!C), annual pre-
cipitation (751 mm y
), and N concentration (1.58%).
Figure 3. Fungal biomass correlates strongly with foliar
N in mycorrhizal pine. R
= 0.88, P< 0.001. N sup-
plied exponentially at rates of 3% day
(low N; empty
symbols) or 5% day
(high N; filled symbols) to Pinus syl-
vestris cultured with either T. terrestris (squares) or S. luteus
(triangles). N was the limiting nutrient in both treat-
ments. Data from Hobbie and Colpaert (2003).
N and Nitrogen Cycle Through Mycorrhizal Fungi 821
in culture decreased markedly along the gradient of
increasing N availability (Taylor and others 2000). N
deposition is the primary cause of the change in N
availability. In the transect, A
˚heden in northern
Sweden has a deposition of less than 1 kg N ha
and d
N values of )6&for foliage and 6&for fungal
fruiting bodies. In contrast, a site in Germany has N
deposition of 10–20 kg N ha
N values for
foliage of )2&, and d
N values for fungal fruiting
bodies of 2&(Taylor and others 2000).
Partitioning of N Between Plants
and Mycorrhizal Fungi
Both field and laboratory studies (Table 1and
Figures 2,4, and 5) are consistent; relative to sup-
plied N sources or soil N, mycorrhizal plants are
depleted in
N and mycorrhizal fungi are enriched
N. This pattern reflects the creation of
depleted transfer compounds by ectomycorrhizal
fungi prior to transfer to plants (Hobbie and Col-
paert 2003). Glutamine and other amino acids have
been proposed as the likely transfer compounds for
many years (Smith and Smith 1990), and ammonia
has been recently proposed as an additional possi-
ble transfer compound in arbuscular mycorrhizal
symbioses (Jin and others 2005) and in ectomy-
corrhizal symbioses (Chalot and others 2006).
The distribution of N isotopes in plants and fungi
can be expressed by the following equations, in
which D
equals fractionation against
N during
creation of transfer compounds, T
equals the
transfer ratio or the proportion of N taken up by
fungi that is transferred to the host plants, and fis
the proportion of plant N supplied by fungi (Hobbie
and others 2000).
d15Nplant ¼d15 Navailable nitrogen #Df$1#Tr
ð Þ $ f
If all plant N is supplied by the fungus (f= 1),
then the equation reduces to:
d15Nplant ¼d15 Navailable nitrogen #Df$1#Tr
ð Þ ð2Þ
The equation for the mycorrhizal fungus is:
15Nfungi ¼d15 Navailable nitrogen þDf$Trð3Þ
The exact mechanism of this fractionation is
unknown. A modeled value for D
of 8–10&gave a
good fit to data from field studies (Hobbie and
others 2000) and laboratory studies (Hobbie and
Colpaert 2003). This value is reasonable for frac-
tionation against
N during transfer of amino
groups by aminotransferases (Macko and others
1986). An additional 3&enrichment in
N during
formation of fungal fruiting bodies has also been
suggested from field studies (Hobbie and others
One problem in applying these equations to
field studies is the difficulty of determining the
N of the available N pool. The different forms
Figure 5. Foliar d
N reflects development of mycorrhi-
zae and N dynamics during primary succession. The d
of plants with standard errors (foliage, nitrogen = 5) and
individual fungi (fruiting bodies) along a primary suc-
cessional sequence at Lyman Glacier, Washington, USA
are shown. Mycorrhizal associate for plants is indicated
as: non, nonmycorrhizal; AM, arbuscular mycorrhizal;
ERM, ericoid mycorrhizal; and ECM, ectomycorrhizal.
Saprotrophic fungi are either Galerina (black triangles) or
Omphalina (black circles). Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi
(clear circles) are all Laccaria. Data from Hobbie and others
Figure 4. d
N of Picea sitchensis (Sitka spruce), organic
soil, ammonium, and ectomycorrhizal fruiting bodies in
various age forests in Glacier Bay, Alaska, USA (from
Hobbie and others 1999a,2000). Values are ±standard
822 E. A. Hobbie and J. E. Hobbie
of N taken up by plants and mycorrhizal fungi
could include ammonium, nitrate, amino acids,
oligopeptides, and even amino sugars (Riemann
and Azam 2002; Roberts and others 2007). Al-
though the forms of N taken up are relatively
small inorganic and organic molecules, chitino-
lytic and proteolytic enzymes of some mycorrhi-
zal fungi could extend the sources of N to include
complex N-containing polymers. Determining the
N values of these different N sources poses
additional problems, as methods for isolating
amino acids, amino sugars, protein, and chitin for
isotopic analyses are not standardized and diffi-
cult to validate, and what is chemically available
(can be extracted) may not correspond with what
is biologically available. In addition, d
N signa-
tures of soil N pools generally increase with
depth, but knowing the location from within a
soil profile from which uptake is occurring
requires characterizing both the fungal commu-
nity by depth and the activity of that fungal
For these reasons, studies determining the d
of available N have relied on easily measured N
pools, such as that of inorganic N or bulk N, and
have only occasionally attempted more ambitious
measures of the d
N of nucleic acids (Schwartz and
others 2007), hydrolyzed amino acids (Bol and
others 2004; Y. Yano personal communication),
dissolved organic N (Portl and others 2007), or
microbial biomass (Dijkstra and others 2006). An
alternative approach assumes that biological inte-
grators of the available N pool can be used by
determining the d
N of microbes (Hendricks and
others 2004) or of nonmycorrhizal plants (Hobbie
and Hobbie 2006). Values for the d
N of available
N can also be estimated or constrained by com-
paring those estimates against those of other pools
and developing simple analytical or computational
models of the resulting N isotope flux patterns (van
Dam and van Breemen 1995; Hobbie and others
1999b). Large challenges remain, but studies from
the last few years indicate that a wide variety of
different N forms should now be amenable to iso-
topic analysis.
Calculating the Proportion of Plant N
Supplied by Fungi (f)
Hobbie and Hobbie (2006) used a
N mass balance
approach with equations similar to (1)–(3) to
determine the proportion of plant N supplied by
fungi for the ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycor-
rhizal tundra plants (see Table 1). Three simulta-
neous equations were set up as follows:
d15Navailable nitrogen ¼1#Tr
ð Þ $ d15Nfungi
d15Nplant ¼f$d15 Ntranfer þ1#fð Þ $ d15Navailable
Df¼d15Navailable nitrogen #d15Ntransfer ð6Þ
In equation (5), plant N is either derived from
mycorrhizal transfer (f) or from direct plant uptake
(1 )f) from the soil. In these equations, d
, and d
are all known. This leaves
four unknowns (d
,f, and D
) in three
simultaneous equations. Therefore, specifying any
of the four unknowns allows calculation of the
other three. For the Alaskan tundra, the estimated
values fit the two constraints of a D
of 8–10&and
an fof less than 100% for a transfer ratio T
of 33–
43%. The percentage of plant N entering via the
mycorrhizal fungi is 61–86% when values of 1–2&
for d
available N
are used in the calculation.
Mycorrhizal Fungi During Primary
Primary successional sequences offer excellent
opportunities to study gradients of N availability
and mycorrhizal colonization and how N isotope
patterns change along those gradients. At Glacier
Bay, Alaska, glacial retreat since 1750 has pro-
duced a sequence of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis)
forests of various ages along the valley sides. Spruce
needles collected from sites 55 to 233 years old
declined in d
N with increasing site age whereas
that of the bulk soil, ammonium, and mycorrhizal
fungal fruiting bodies remained constant (Fig-
ure 4). This was accompanied by a shift from
dominance of N-fixing alder (Alnus) early in suc-
cession to spruce dominance in later succession.
Over time, the spruce shaded out alder and N
became limiting, as shown by declines in soil N
mineralization and N content of needles (Hobbie
and others 2000). Two scenarios could explain the
decline in spruce d
N. In one scenario, as N
became progressively limiting, fincreased as more
plant N came from mycorrhizal fungi as
depleted compounds (Hobbie and others 2000).
Alternatively, mycorrhizal fungi may decrease the
proportion of assimilated N that they pass to their
plant hosts (transfer ratio, T
) with decreasing N
N and Nitrogen Cycle Through Mycorrhizal Fungi 823
availability. Various combinations of shifts in T
fcould produce similar d
N patterns in plants.
In a second study of primary succession, Hobbie
and others (2005) collected fruiting bodies of
ectomycorrhizal fungi, saprotrophic fungi, and fo-
liage from plants differing in mycorrhizal type
along a short (1 km) primary successional sequence
on a glacial forefront and adjacent secondary sub-
alpine forests in the Washington Cascades. Data on
mycorrhizal colonization and foliar d
N indicated
that plants of the youngest sites were probably
uncolonized by mycorrhizal fungi regardless of
mycorrhizal type, as nonmycorrhizal plants and
plants of the three main mycorrhizal types had
similar d
N values in very early succession before
ectomycorrhizal fruiting bodies appeared. In con-
trast, plants of different mycorrhizal type in later
succession differed widely in d
N (Figure 5), with
N of ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal
plants generally declining as succession proceeded
and d
N of nonmycorrhizal and arbuscular
mycorrhizal plants remaining constant. The earlier
fruiting of saprotrophic fungi than of ectomycor-
rhizal fungi reflected in Figure 5may also reflect
faster colonization in early succession of the glacial
forefront by saprotrophic fungi than mycorrhizal
C Allocation to Mycorrhizal Fungi
The few estimates of C allocation to mycorrhizal
fungi in natural ecosystems all have methodo-
logical difficulties (Hobbie 2006). Although recent
work with in-growth cores suggests substantial
allocation to ectomycorrhizal fungi (Wallander
and others 2001; Clemmensen and others 2006;
Hendricks and others 2006), this approach has
yet to be validated against whole-ecosystem
budgets. Good estimates of allocation are possible
in short-term culture studies with seedlings; the
relevance of such studies to mycorrhizal alloca-
tion in mature trees in the field is unclear. A
review of available culture studies with seedlings
indicated that up to 20% of net primary pro-
duction was allocated to growth of extraradical
hyphae and the fungal portion of mycorrhizae
(Hobbie 2006). This allocation was positively
correlated to total belowground allocation (Fig-
ure 6). C allocation belowground correlates with
C allocation to mycorrhizal fungi, and C alloca-
tion to mycorrhizal fungi correlates with N allo-
cation by mycorrhizal fungi to plants and to N
isotope patterns in plants. It should therefore be
possible to estimate C allocation to mycorrhizal
fungi from d
N measurements on the plant–
mycorrhizal–soil system.
C Allocation to Fungi from Data on Foliar
Several lines of evidence suggest that patterns of C
allocation to mycorrhizal fungi could be estimated
from foliar d
N values. Most strikingly, culture
studies indicate that plant allocation to mycorrhizal
fungi, as deduced from mycelial biomass produced,
strongly correlates with lower foliar d
N values
(Figure 3). Other evidence suggesting a link be-
tween foliar d
N values and mycorrhizal C supply
includes declining foliar d
N with increasing N
limitation in field studies (Emmett and others 1998;
Hobbie and others 2000) and increased fruiting of
ectomycorrhizal fungi as N deposition decreases
(Wallenda and Kottke 1998).
In general, it appears that: (1) foliar d
N is
controlled by mycorrhizal fungi under N-limited
conditions, (2) relative belowground allocation in-
creases with increasing N limitation, and (3) foliar
N of ectomycorrhizal plants declines with
increasing N limitation. In addition, equations (1)–
(3) above quantify how the partitioning of N be-
tween mycorrhizal fungi and their plant hosts
influences d
N patterns in the symbiosis. The
equations can accordingly be rearranged to predict
N partitioning in the symbiosis from isotopic
parameters according to equation (7).
Tr¼1þd15Nplant #d15 Navailable nitrogen
Figure 6. Allocation to ectomycorrhizal fungi is correlated
with total belowground allocation in culturestudies. Values
are expressed as a percentage relative to net primary pro-
duction. %NPP
= 0.473 ·%NPP
= 0.57, n= 33, P< 0.001). Data from Hobbie (2006).
824 E. A. Hobbie and J. E. Hobbie
Mass Balance Calculations can Estimate
the Allocation of N and C to Plants
and to Mycorrhizal Fungi
The close coupling between N and C cycling in
terrestrial ecosystems (A
˚gren and Bosatta 1996)
suggested that C fluxes in the mycorrhizal symbi-
osis could be quantified from
N patterns. In
Hobbie and Hobbie (2006), our calculations based
on d
N values [equations (4)–(6)] gave us the
following quantities: (1) the fraction of total N
uptake by mycorrhizal fungi that is transferred to
plants, and (2) the fraction of plant N derived from
this transfer. Second, when the total net primary
production is known and stoichiometrically related
to plant N budgets, the quantity of N per year
entering the plant from mycorrhizal fungi as well as
the quantity of N per year remaining in the fungi
may be estimated. Third, the annual fungal N de-
mand can be extrapolated to annual C require-
ments by dividing by the growth efficiency (!50%)
and multiplying by the C:N of hyphae (10, Lodge
1987). Growth efficiency is generally estimated at
35–60%; in Supplementary Appendix 2 we sum-
marize studies that have estimated growth effi-
ciency for mycorrhizal fungi or plant–mycorrhizal
Given that transfer ratios (T
) between mycor-
rhizal fungi and plants can be calculated from
equation (7) above, the following equation can be
applied to estimate C demand of mycorrhizal fungi.
Equation (8) is derived in Supplementary Appen-
dix 3.
Cfungal = 1/Tr#1ð Þ $ Np$C=N$1=eðÞ:ð8Þ
In equation (8), T
is the transfer ratio for
mycorrhizal fungi, the proportion of N taken up by
fungi that is transferred to host plants; N
is the
yearly amount of plant N supplied by mycorrhizal
fungi; C/N is the C:N ratio of fungal hyphae; and e
is the efficiency with which plant C (sugars) is
metabolized to fungal C. Figure 7shows fungal
demand for C at variable T
for a plant N demand of
30 kg ha
The relationship between C demand of mycor-
rhizal fungi and transfer ratios shown in Figure 7
illustrates that C demand increases rapidly at low
transfer ratios for a given plant N demand. Such
low transfer ratios prevail at low N availability. The
restricted N availability in boreal and tundra eco-
systems therefore leads to low transfer ratios, low
plant N demands, low plant d
N values in ecto-
mycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal plants, and a
high C allocation belowground to support fungal
To estimate C allocation to mycorrhizal fungi,
plant productivity measures are necessary. A few
studies have provided sufficient information for C
allocation to mycorrhizal fungi to be estimated. In
an Alaskan arctic tundra system, Hobbie and Hob-
bie (2006) used this approach and equations similar
to those above to conclude that between 61 and
86% of plant N was supplied via mycorrhizal
symbionts, and that between 8 and 17% of plant
net primary productivity was supplied to mycor-
rhizal symbionts to maintain the symbiosis. In a
mesocosm study of N-limited Douglas-fir (Pseud-
otsuga menziesii), foliar d
N values (!)4&) were
about 5&lower than the average d
N of the
probable plant N sources, litter and A horizon soil
(1.2&), 95–100% of root tips were colonized by
ectomycorrhizal fungi, and transfer ratios were
accordingly about 0.5 (Hobbie and others 2001). If
we assume that 100% of plant N was supplied by
mycorrhizal fungi, yearly N demand was 50 kg
, and the average transfer ratio was 0.50, then
yearly fungal demand of C was 1,000 kg ha
One final example comes from studies along a
primary successional sequence. At Glacier Bay,
Alaska, Hobbie and others (1999b) modeled N
isotope patterns for fungal transfer ratios between
0.2 and 0.8. The two most N-limited sites at Glacier
Bay were dominated by P. sitchensis and Tsuga
heterophylla, two strongly ectomycorrhizal species.
If we assume that all N uptakes by these species first
passed through their fungal symbionts, then data
from Hobbie and others (2000) estimates a fungal
transfer ratio of between 0.2 and 0.5 for these two
Figure 7. C demand (C
) of mycorrhizal fungi in-
creases as the mycorrhizal transfer ratio (T
) for N de-
creases, according to equation (8). Plant N demand (N
is set to 30 kg ha
, fungal C:N is set to 10, and
microbial efficiency (e) is set to 0.5. T
is the proportion of
N taken up by fungi that is transferred to host plants. All
plant N is assumed to be supplied by mycorrhizal fungi.
N and Nitrogen Cycle Through Mycorrhizal Fungi 825
sites. Based on these values, we estimate that for
the annual plant N demand of 20 kg ha
these sites, between 400 and 1,600 kg C ha
was supplied to the fungal symbionts.
From theoretical principles, we suggest that
belowground C allocation is tightly coupled to
plant N supply when growth of mycorrhizal hy-
phae or fine roots is necessary for uptake, such as
when diffusion of available N is limited (Clarkson
1985; Ingestad and A
˚gren 1988). Under such con-
ditions, transfer ratios decline as soil N availability
declines because the fungal N requirement per unit
growth remains constant, whereas the amount of
available N declines. One way to decrease the N
requirement per unit surface area is to decrease the
diameter of the nutrient-absorbing organ. The
much smaller average diameter of fungal hyphae
(3 lm) compared to the smallest fine roots (about
100 lm) should accordingly favor a switch to
investment in fungal hyphae rather than fine roots
at low N availability, leading to increased values of
f. The coupling between belowground C allocation
to mycorrhizal fungi and N uptake will be partic-
ularly tight when the strong enzymatic capabilities
of many mycorrhizal fungi are used to liberate N
from N-containing polymers such as protein or
chitin prior to uptake.
Based on the above examples and analyses, further
exploration of d
N patterns in N-limited systems is
likely to provide new insights into C and N cycling
in mycorrhizal symbioses. The Hobbie and Colpaert
(2003) model of N uptake by hyphae proposes that:
N is fractionated against during the formation
of amino acids for subsequent transfer to plants,
and (2) the transfer of
N-depleted amino acids to
plants is coupled to the retention of
compounds in the fungal mycelia. Recent sugges-
tions that ammonia could also function as a trans-
fer compound in arbuscular mycorrhizal and
ectomycorrhizal fungi can also be accommodated
within our conceptual model. This model explains
N distributions within the soil–mycorrhizal fun-
gus–plant system that include the consistently high
N of ectomycorrhizal fungi relative to host
plants, the low d
N values of ectomycorrhizal and
ericoid mycorrhizal plants, the lower d
N of these
plants at low N availability than at high N avail-
ability, and the large
N enrichment of bulk soil
relative to litter and foliage in systems dominated
by ectomycorrhizal fungi. The
N enrichment in
bulk soil has been attributed to long-term stabil-
ization of N derived from
N-enriched ectomy-
corrhizal fungi (Ho
¨gberg and others 1996; Lindahl
and others 2007). Quantitative analyses of isotopic
patterns in soil could accordingly be used to predict
relative contributions of mycorrhizal fungi versus
plant litter to soil N.
We have set forth equations showing how plant
N can correlate with C allocation to mycorrhizal
fungi. The challenge in the field is to determine
under what conditions such a correlation applies,
and to determine the needed level of knowledge
about d
N patterns for its application. For exam-
ple, the C cost to their host plants of different
species of ectomycorrhizal fungi undoubtedly dif-
fers (Bidartondo and others 2001), as does their
enzymatic capabilities to access recalcitrant organic
N pools. We know that C allocation to ectomycor-
rhizal fungi correlates with plant belowground
allocation in culture studies (Hobbie 2006) and that
C allocation to ectomycorrhizal fungi decreases
with increased N availability (Hobbie 2006) or N
deposition (Wallenda and Kottke 1998). These
observations suggest that estimates of large-scale
patterns of C allocation to mycorrhizal fungi across
gradients of climate, N availability, and N deposi-
tion may be possible by combining the above
equations with regional or global surveys of foliar
and soil d
N patterns.
Despite the strengths of this analytical approach
based on d
N patterns, many uncertainties remain
about the relative proportions of the different forms
of potentially available N and their d
N values. To
address this issue, natural abundance studies are
particularly needed to improve the characterization
of d
N among different organic N components in
the soil. For example, Y. Yano (unpublished) has
recently measured low d
N values for proteins in
arctic soils, which implies that the Hobbie and
Hobbie (2006) estimates of the percent plant N
supplied by mycorrhizal fungi are somewhat high.
These natural abundance studies should be aug-
mented by parallel tracer work in the field using
N- and
C-labeled substrates such as above-
ground and belowground litter.
Obtaining N from complex polymers such as
protein and chitin becomes increasingly important
as N availability declines and free-living hetero-
trophic microbes compete for N. Under such con-
ditions, degrading these complex polymers and
taking up the resulting oligopeptides, amino acids,
or amino sugars is a key function of mycorrhizal
fungi. Oligopeptide uptake should increase at low N
availability as it minimizes opportunities for diffu-
sion away and subsequent uptake by free-living
heterotrophic microbes. Expression of oligopeptide
transporter genes should also increase under such
826 E. A. Hobbie and J. E. Hobbie
conditions. Recent culture studies in the ectomy-
corrhizal fungus Hebeloma cylindrosporum indicate
that a low affinity peptide transporter (K
250 lM) was always present and a second peptide
transporter (K
!1.5 lM) appeared to be induced
at low N availability (Benjdia and others 2006).
Obtaining realistic estimates of N availability in N-
limited forests and tundra is quite difficult using
traditional methods because of the tight cycling
between hydrolytic enzymes and fungal uptake.
To assume that measures of mineralization
equate with N availability will probably underesti-
mate actual N availability when mycorrhizal fungi
supply N to plants. Schimel and Bennett (2004)
reviewed evidence, based on the total N needed for
plant growth, that most mineralization rates are
underestimates. Information presented in this re-
view and other recent papers (Read and Perez-
Moreno 2003; Ho
¨gberg and Read 2006; Lindahl
and others 2007) indicate that mycorrhizal fungi
use proteolytic and chitinolytic enzymes to degrade
complex N-containing polymers in the soil. Be-
cause labile organic N may dominate the pool of
assimilated N for mycorrhizal fungi, we therefore
conclude that mineralization is often a poor mea-
sure of N availability. In addition, because C from
roots and mycorrhizal fungi is an important energy
source fueling the activity of free-living microbes
(for example, the priming effect, Kuzyakov and
others 2000), altering this flux will alter the bal-
ance between immobilization and mineralization
in the free-living microbial community.
In cultures with ectomycorrhizal Pinus, mycor-
rhizal transfer ratios (T
) decreased as N availability
declined because fungi retained more of the system
N (Hobbie and Colpaert 2003). In the field, as N
availability declines, the amount of N captured for a
given hyphal investment in C (and N) should
similarly decline, and therefore the proportion of
assimilated fungal N available for transfer to plants
also declines. The low amount of N transferred by
mycorrhizal fungi to host plants relative to the
supplied C is one cause of the prevalence in arctic
and boreal ecosystems of N conservation strategies
(such as long needle lifespans) that lead to in-
creased N use efficiency.
The concepts and findings reviewed here inte-
grate laboratory studies of mycorrhizal fungi, their
ability to break down complex organic N, and the
fractionation against
N during creation of transfer
compounds with field observations of
N in soils,
mycorrhizal fungi, and host plants. Can use of the
large pool of organic N in soil by the symbiosis
between mycorrhizal fungi and host plants now be
quantified? Yes, but only in ecosystems where
much is known about the N isotopes of soil pools of
organic N and about plant growth. In other eco-
systems, patterns of d
N in soils, mycorrhizal
fungi, and plants can indicate that these fungi are
actively transferring N to their host plants.
This work was supported by NSF OPP-0612598 and
NSF DEB-0614266. Comments on the manuscript
by Erik Lilleskov and two anonymous reviewers
are gratefully acknowledged.
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Supplementary resource (1)

... However, dominance of bacteria during decomposition can decrease 15 N signatures because bacteria have a greater potential for immobilizing nitrate depleted in 15 N in the residual litter [21,22,24,25]. In contrast, dominance of fungi in decay processes possibly leads to an enrichment of 15 N in decomposing litter [26]. ...
... The depletion of nitrogen isotopic values probably resulted from microbial activity [20,25,60]. Various studies have suggested that changes in bacteria-to-fungi ratios in the decaying environment have the tendency to either increase or decrease the δ 15 N values [21,22,[24][25][26]. Decomposition primarily driven by bacteria can decrease δ 15 N signatures due to discrimination and biological fractionation during nitrogen transformations [22,24]. ...
... As well as nitrogen isotopic values are particularly sensitive to the fractionation effects that happen during nitrification; fractionation during nitrification has the tendency to decrease the nitrogen isotopic values [21,22]. Contrarily, dominance of fungi can lead to an enrichment of 15 N in decomposing litter [26]. We did not investigate bacterial and fungal biomass in our study, however, a decrease in δ 15 N 11 of NSL and SPL during decomposition may be largely mediated by bacterial biomass. ...
Full-text available
We studied the dynamics of stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes in litters from Norway spruce (NSL) (Picea abies) and Scots pine (SPL) (Pinus silvestris) during in situ decomposition over a period of more than 4 years. Relative to initial values, δ13CNSL showed a weak enrichment (0.33‰), whereas δ13CSPL resulted in depletion (-0.74‰) at the end of decomposition. Both litter types experienced a depletion in δ15N during decomposition; δ15NNSL decreased by -1.74‰ and δ15NSPL decreased by -1.99‰. The effect of the selective preservation of or acid unhydrolyzable residue (AUR) in lowering δ13C of the residual litter was evident only in SPL. In the NSL, only in the initial stage C/N had a large effect on the δ13C values. In the later stages, there was a non-linear decrease in δ13CNSL with a simultaneous increase in AUR concentrations , but the effect size was large, suggesting the role of lignin in driving δ13C of residues in later stages. Depletion in 15N of the residual litters concomitant with the increase in N concentration suggests bacterial transformation of the litter over fungal components. A consistent decline in δ15N values further implies that bacterial dominance prompted this by immobilizing nitrate depleted in 15N in the residual litter.
... Subsamples were then weighed in tin capsules and sent to the UC Davis Stable Isotope Facility (Davis, CA, USA) for 15 N isotope analysis to estimate the fraction of nitrogen in the plants that may have been provided by EMF (Hobbie & Hobbie, 2008). ...
... Frankia is an endophyte (Benson & Silvester, 1993), which could explain why it was not detected abundantly in the rhizosphere. In addition, alder seedlings exhibited depletion of foliar δ 15 N that mirrored growth patterns in different soils, indicating that some of the nitrogen had been provided to the plant via microbial assimilation of primarily inorganic nitrogen with low 15 N values (Craine et al., 2015;Hobbie & Hobbie, 2008). Alder seedlings were also associated with nitrophilic EMF such as Tuber and Tomentella, with the former linked to higher seedling biomass. ...
Full-text available
Plant–microbial interactions in soils are considered to play a central role in regulating biodiversity in many global ecosystems. However, studies on plant–soil feedbacks (PSFs) and how these affect forest stand patterns in boreal regions are rare. We conducted a fully reciprocal PSF glasshouse experiment using four boreal tree species. Alnus glutinosa, Betula pendula, Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris seedlings were grown under controlled conditions in sterilised soil with or without soil inoculum collected under mature trees of each of the four species. Bacterial, fungal and oomycete communities in the rhizosphere were investigated using metabarcoding and correlated with differences in plant biomass. Alder grew best in conspecific soil, whereas birch grew equally well in all soil types. Pine and spruce grew best in heterospecific soil, particularly in soil from their successional predecessor. Ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) enhanced the growth of most seedlings, and Actinomycetota supported alder and birch growth and fungal plant pathogens hampered pine growth. Increased growth was linked to the ability of trees to recruit specific EMF and root‐associated fungi in heterospecific soils. Synthesis. This study experimentally examines the influence of root‐associated microbiota on the growth of boreal tree species. The observed plant–soil feedbacks mirror the successional patterns found in boreal forests, suggesting a possible contribution of soil microbiota to the successional progression. Species‐specific ectomycorrhizal fungi and a few bacteria rather than fungal plant pathogens or oomycetes seem to drive the feedbacks by promoting seedling growth in heterospecific soils.
... For N isotopes, Sphagnum moss δ 15 N can reflect N 2 fixation because fixed N usually has different δ 15 N from deposition N, which is the other N source for peatland plants (Leppänen et al., 2014). Because N sources of vascular plants are usually the inorganic N in peatland, δ 15 N of vascular plants generally reflect δ 15 N of peatland but may be modified by mycorrhizal association (Hobbie & Hobbie, 2008). ...
... Compared to CAR, NAR was more strongly influenced by different plant types. Ericaceae appeared during LIA, and its δ 15 N was significantly positively correlated with NAR ( Figures 5 and 7), which suggested that increasing Ericoid mycorrhizal activities indicated by lower δ 15 N (Hobbie & Hobbie, 2008;Martino et al., 2018) probably accelerated peat decomposition and decreased peatland NAR. ...
Full-text available
Long-term carbon and nitrogen dynamics in peatlands are affected by both vegetation production and decomposition processes. Here, we examined the carbon accumulation rate (CAR), nitrogen accumulation rate (NAR) and δ13 C, δ15 N of plant residuals in a peat core dated back to ~8500 cal year BP in a temperate peatland in Northeast China. Impacted by the tephra during 1160 and 789 cal year BP and climate change, the peatland changed from a fen dominated by vascular plants to a bog dominated by Sphagnum mosses. We used the Clymo model to quantify peat addition rate and decay constant for acrotelm and catotelm layers during both bog and fen phases. Our studied peatland was dominated by Sphagnum fuscum during the bog phase (789 to -59 cal year BP) and lower accumulation rates in the acrotelm layer was found during this phase, suggesting the dominant role of volcanic eruption in the CAR of the peat core. Both mean CAR and NAR were higher during the bog phase than during the fen phase in our study, consistent with the results of the only one similar study in the literature. Because the input rate of organic matter was considered to be lower during the bog phase, the decomposition process must have been much lower during the bog phase than during the fen phase and potentially controlled CAR and NAR. During the fen phase, CAR was also lower under higher temperature and summer insolation, conditions beneficial for decomposition. δ15 N of Sphagnum hinted that nitrogen fixation had a positive effect on nitrogen accumulation, particular in recent decades. Our study suggested that decomposition is more important for carbon and nitrogen sequestration than production in peatlands in most conditions and if future climate changes or human disturbance increase decomposition rate, carbon sequestration in peatlands will be jeopardized.
... In addition, AMF act as a nutrient activator. Simultaneously, AMF can directly affect plant nutrient uptake through extracellular hyphae uptake and intra-root hyphae transport processes (Smith and Smith 2011), as well as indirectly affect nutrient uptake by changing root morphology and physiology (Hobbie and Hobbie 2008). ...
Full-text available
Aims Comparing the effect of mycorrhizal fungi inoculation with different levels of chemical fertilizers on increasing yield and absorption of nutrients in order to achieve an environmentally friendly method to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers in lettuce cultivation in poor soils. Methods In this study, to improve the nutritional quality of red lettuce under poor soil conditions, the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (Funneliformis mosseae, Rhizophagus intraradices, and a combination of both) colonization and chemical fertilizer were compared using two different methods. Results The results showed that the seed coating method increased fresh yield of lettuce, which was more effective than NPK 25 and 50% in both seasons. The most beneficial effects of soil inoculation and seed coating on colonization percentages were measured when lettuce plants were inoculated with Funneliformis mosseae species. The greatest root length was observed when seed coating method was used to inoculate lettuce plants with Funneliformis mosseae. The highest root volume was observed when lettuce plants were inoculated with combined mycorrhizal treatment in the seed coating method and NPK 100%. In both growing seasons, the concentration of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg were increased in plants treated with mycorrhizal fungi and NPK-fertilizer compared to untreated plants. Conclusion Finally, the combined mycorrhizal treatment resulted significantly decrease in nitrate accumulation. So, to increase food safety, and protect the environment, it is recommended to use mycorrhizal fungi, especially combined mycorrhizal treatment (Funneliformis mosseae + Rhizophagus intraradices), alternative 25 up to 50% of chemical fertilizers in lettuce culture.
... Hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi extend the absorptive surface area of plant roots by several orders of magnitude (Hobbie andHobbie 2008, Frey 2019) and associated bacteria further enhance the capability of mycorrhizal fungi to acquire resources for plant hosts. Studies indicate that both AM and EM fungi support their own hyphosphere microbiome such that bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi synergistically enhance the nutrition of their host plants (Wang et al. 2023, Zhang et al. 2023, Zhang et al. 2024). ...
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Plants and their microbiomes are complex adaptive systems consisting of host plants and a dynamic network of associated microorganisms inside and around plant tissues. This article introduces Functional Team Selection (FTS) as a framework to help envision and study the movement of matter, energy, and information within plant-microbiome systems. FTS embraces the fact that belowground, plants are surrounded by trillions of soil organisms that may help or hinder the function of roots to provide essential resources for photosynthetic production. We describe how limited resources and antagonistic biotic interactions drive host-mediated microbiome engineering and how the function of belowground microbiomes can be selected-even during the host's lifespan-to generate plant adaptation in stressful but not benign environments. The FTS framework provides guidelines for how to work with, rather than against, evolutionary and ecological forces to generate durable cooperation and mutualism in plants and their microbiome.
... More specifically, when compared to AM-species (i.e. tree species associating with AM fungi), EcM-species (associating with EcM fungi) allocate more photosynthetic C to the symbiotic fungi, resulting in less investment in above-ground tree biomass (Dietrich et al., 2023;Hobbie & Hobbie, 2008;Jakobsen & Rosendahl, 1990;van der Heijden et al., 2015). On average, AM-species produce higher-quality leaf litter, facilitating higher decomposition rates and elevated rates of C and nutrient mineralization (Phillips et al., 2013), but probably suffer more from herbivory damage and pathogen infection, in contrast to EcM-species (Bennett et al., 2017;Laliberté et al., 2015;Tao et al., 2016). ...
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The relationship between biodiversity and multitrophic ecosystem functions (BEF) remains poorly studied in forests. There have been inconsistent reports regarding the significance of tree diversity effects on ecosystem functions, which may be better understood by considering critical biotic interactions of trees. This study investigates the role of tree‐mycorrhizal associations that may shape forest BEF relationships across multiple ecosystem functions. We used a field experiment (MyDiv) that comprises 10 deciduous tree species associated with either arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) or ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi to create gradients in species richness (1, 2, 4 species) and different mycorrhizal communities (only AM‐species [AM fungi associated tree species] or EcM‐species [EcM fungi associated tree species], or a combination of both). We investigated the effects of tree species richness and mycorrhizal types on crucial multitrophic ecosystem functions (foliage damage, predation [using artificial caterpillars] and soil fauna feeding activity [~0–10 cm]) and assessed how these effects were mediated by stand characteristics. Overall, we found that tree species richness and mycorrhizal types strongly affected multitrophic ecosystem functions. Compared to monocultures, 4‐species mixtures with both mycorrhizal types experienced significantly lower foliage damage. The mixtures of EcM‐species supported significantly higher predation (i.e. a greater proportion of artificial caterpillars being attacked), and this effect strengthened with tree species richness. The effects of tree species richness on soil fauna feeding activity were negative across all mycorrhizal types in the lower soil layer. Moreover, we showed that tree diversity effects were mediated by above‐ground tree biomass, vertical structural complexity and leaf quality, with the dominating mechanisms largely depending on the mycorrhizal types. Synthesis. Tree species richness affected multitrophic ecosystem functioning by (1) directly decreasing the proportion of foliage damage in the communities with both mycorrhizal types, where AM‐species benefited from mixing with EcM‐species, and (2) increasing predation rates via changes in the vertical structural complexity in mixtures of EcM‐species. Our results highlight the importance of considering mycorrhizal types for managing well‐functioning mixed‐species forests and contribute to broadening the mechanistic understanding of the context‐dependent BEF relationships in forests.
Long term atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition affects carbon (C) and N cycling in forest ecosystems, thus changing the stable C isotope abundance of plants and soils. It is still unclear whether the input of extra nitrogen will affect the response of the δ13C and δ15N of dominant tree species and soil to long-term N addition in forest ecosystems, especially in a temperate secondary forest. We conducted a 14-year experiment of N addition to study the effects of long-term N addition on the δ13C and δ15N of Populus davidiana (PD) and Betula platyphylla (BP). The results showed that after 14 years of continuous N addition, the sample plot was still in the N limited state. Nitrogen addition significantly increased the 15N in PD and BP leaves, but high N addition did not enrich the 15N by increasing N loss in N rich sites. With the increase of soil depth, soil organic carbon (SOC) decreased significantly, and the soil 13C and 15N were enriched. PD and BP13C and C had high stability, and were not affected by N addition. PD was more “N deficient” than BP, while BP was more 15N rich than PD. Under the condition of N limitation, the addition of low and high N inhibited the turnover of organic C in PD which was beneficial to its C sequestration. However, high N treatment promoted the turnover of SOC. These results further deepen our understanding of the C and N cycle mechanism in temperate forests under the background of N deposition.
The stable nitrogen (N) isotope ratio (δ15N) of forest samples (soils, tree foliage, and tree rings) has been used as a powerful indicator to explore the responses of forest N cycling to atmospheric N deposition. This review investigated the patterns of δ15N in forest samples between climate zones in relation to N deposition. Forest samples exhibited distinctive δ15N patterns between climate zones due to differences in site conditions (i.e., N availability and retention capacity) and the atmospheric N deposition characteristics (i.e., N deposition rate, N species, and δ15N of deposited N). For example, the δ15N of soil and foliage was higher for tropical forests than for other forests by >1.2 ‰ and 4 ‰, respectively due to the site conditions favoring N losses coupled with relatively low N deposition for tropical forests. This was further supported by the unchanged or increased δ15N of tree rings in tropical forests, which contrasts with other climate zones that exhibited a decreased wood δ15N since the 1920s. Subtropical forests under a high deposition of reduced N (NHy) had a lower δ15N by 2-5 ‰ in the organic layer compared with the other forests, reflecting high retention of 15N-depleted NHy deposition. At severely polluted sites in East Asia, the decreased δ15N in wood also reflected the consistent deposition of 15N-depleted NHy. Though our data analysis represents only a subset of global forest sites where atmospheric N deposition is of interest, the results suggest that the direction and magnitude of the changes in the δ15N of forest samples are related to both atmospheric N and site conditions particularly for tropical vs. subtropical forests. Site-specific information on the atmospheric N deposition characteristics would allow more accurate assessment of the variations in the δ15N of forest samples in relation to N deposition.
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The nutrition of a vegetative fungal colony can be viewed as a web of interconnected processes. In this volume, the author provides a mechanistic basis to the subject, focusing on the processes at the plasma membrane, the modulating effects of the fungal wall, and the fate of nutrients entering the fungus. The major emphasis is physiological, but biochemical and molecular biological information has also been drawn upon when appropriate, to reflect the power of a multifaceted approach and further encourage such study. A comprehensive review of what is known about the more commonly studied fungal species is complemented by information on other fungi, to provide an indication of the diversity of nutritional processes which exist in the fungal kingdom.
Ectomycorrhizal fungi are symbiotically associated microorganisms which ecological importance has been repeatedly demonstrated. There has been a considerable amount of research aimed at assessing the ability of ectomycorrhizal fungi and ectomycorrhizas to utilize organic nitrogen sources. The fate of soil proteins, peptides and amino acids has been studied from a number of perspectives. Exocellular hydrolytic enzymes have been detected and characterized in a number of ectomycorrhizal and ericoid fungi. Studies on amino acid transport through the plasma membrane have demonstrated the ability of ectomycorrhizal fungi to take up the products of proteolytic activities. Investigations on intracellular metabolism of amino acids have allowed the identification of the metabolic pathways involved. Possible intracellular compartmentation of amino acids will be examined by immunocytochemistry. Further translocation of amino acids in symbiotic tissues has been established by experiments using isotopic tracers, although the exact nature of the nitrogenous compounds transferred at the symbiotic interface remained unclear. One of the main future challenges in the physiology of organic nitrogen acquisition is to determine the nature, the regulation and the location of N-compound transporters at the soil-fungus and fungus-plant interfaces. The molecular approach which is just emerging in this particular research area will greatly improve our knowledge. Future research should also address the extent of competition between different ectomycorrhizal species and between different microbial populations for organic nitrogen. (C) 1998 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) which are among the most important tree species, respectively, of boreal and temperate forest ecosystems in Europe are characteristically ectomycorrhizal (Meyer 1973). While the forests dominated by these plants have a low diversity of tree species, the trees themselves typically support a very diverse community of fungal symbionts (Trappe 1962; Väre et al. 1996). In recent years, however, concern has been expressed over an apparent reduction in the number of fungal species represented in the form of carpophores in European forests (Arnolds 1991). While this is an important concern in itself, from the standpoint of tree nutrition and forest health the key issue is the structure of the fungal community on the roots rather than that observed above ground as carpophores.
The aim of this chapter is to summarize recent developments in the study of the natural abundance of stable isotopes, primarily15N and13C, in fungal sporocarps. The main focus will be on saprotrophic fungi but, owing to a scarcity of studies, considerable use is made of the more abundant literature on ectomycorrhizal fungi. A brief introduction to the terminology used in the determination and use of the stable isotopes15N and13C is provided. This is followed by a discussion of the most significant findings from investigations into ectomycorrhizal fungi and how these compare with the available data from saprotrophic fungi. Recent results from a study focusing on saprotrophic fungi are then presented. Finally, some suggestions are given as to where isotope data may be useful in investigating the ecology of saprotrophic fungi. Microorganisms are integral components of most biogeochemical cycles in terrestrial ecosystems (Dighton, 1995). The role of fungi, in particular, in boreal and temperate forests is pivotal. Most of the trees in these forests form mutualistic associations with a wide range of ectomycorrhizal fungi (Smith & Read, 1997) while the breakdown of woody debris is almost exclusively carried out by saprotrophic fungi (Tanesaka italic., 1993). In addition to these essential ecological roles, fungi make up a large proportion of the total organism diversity in these systems. Despite their evident importance, relatively little is known about fungal activities in situ. © Cambridge University Press 2007 and Cambridge University Press, 2009.
As a result of increasing anthropogenic nitrogen deposition, N availability in many forest ecosystems, which are normally N-limited, has been enhanced. We discuss the impacts of this increased N availability on the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) symbiosis which is generally regarded as an adaptation to nutrient limited conditions. Nitrogen deposition can influence fruit-body formation by ECM fungi, the production and distribution of the extraradical mycelium in the soil and the formation of ectomycorrhizas. Available data from long-term N deposition studies indicate that the most prominent effects might be discernible above-ground (i.e. on the formation of fruit bodies). 'Generalist' species, forming a symbiosis with a wide range of tree species, seem to be less affected by increased N availability than 'specialist' species, especially those living in symbiosis with conifers. However, the importance of below-ground investigations to determine the impacts of N deposition on the ECM symbiosis must not be underestimated. Culture experiments show an optimum N concentration for the formation of extraradical mycelium and mycorrhizas. Often, negative effects only become visible at comparatively high N concentrations, but the use of a few easily cultivated species of ECM fungi, which are adapted to higher N concentrations, undermines our ability to generalize. So far, N deposition experiments in the field have only shown minor changes in the below-ground mycorrhizal population, as estimated from the investigation of mycorrhizal root tips. However, effects on the ECM mycelium, which is the main fungal component in terms of nutrient uptake, cannot be excluded and need further consideration. Because the photoassimilate supply from the plant to the fungal partner is crucial for the maintenance of the ECM symbiosis, we discuss the possible physiological implications of increasing N inputs on the allocation of C to the fungus. Together with ultrastructural changes, physiological effects might precede obvious visible changes and might therefore be useful early indicators of negative impacts of increasing N inputs on the ECM symbiosis.
This fully revised and expanded edition of Fundamentals of Soil Ecology continues its holistic approach to soil biology and ecosystem function. Students and ecosystem researchers will gain a greater understanding of the central roles that soils play in ecosystem development and function. The authors emphasize the increasing importance of soils as the organizing center for all terrestrial ecosystems and provide an overview of theory and practice of soil ecology, both from an ecosystem and evolutionary biology point of view. This volume contains updated and greatly expanded coverage of all belowground biota (roots, microbes and fauna) and methods to identify and determine its distribution and abundance. New chapters are provided on soil biodiversity and its relationship to ecosystem processes, suggested laboratory and field methods to measure biota and their activities in ecosystems.
Introduction Ecosystem ecologists have calculated carbon and nitrogen budgets for a variety of forest ecosystems. Despite a growing awareness of the importance of mycorrhizal fungi in nitrogen uptake, as carbon sinks for photosynthate and as conduits for carbon from plants to the below-ground community, few ecosystem ecologists have incorporated mycorrhizal fungi in their conceptualmodels of howforests function. Longstanding difficulties in assessing the presence and quantity of mycorrhizal fungi in soil, in identifying mycorrhizal fungi to species, and in assessing the mycorrhizal role in carbon and nitrogen cycling, have probably limited the willingness and ability of ecosystem ecologists to incorporate mycorrhizal fungi into their research. In particular, ecosystem models have not yet included mycorrhizal fungi, despite the key role of mycorrhizal fungi at the interface of plants, the soil and microbial communities below-ground. In this review we will focus on ectomycorrhizal fungi that form symbioses with many of the dominant trees of temperate and boreal forests, particularly in trees of the Pinaceae, Fagaceae, Betulaceae and Salicaceae. Ectomycorrhizal fungi also form symbioses with many tropical trees, including the Dipterocarpaceae of southeast Asia and Eucalyptus of Australia. We will lay out the current state of knowledge of the functioning of ectomycorrhizal fungi in carbon and nitrogen cycling of forest ecosystems as inferred from field and laboratory studies. Finally, we will discuss progress in integrating mycorrhizal fungi into quantitative frameworks of forest ecosystem function.