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The diversity and distribution of endophytes across biomes, plant phylogeny, and host tissues—how far have we come and where do we go from here?



The interiors of plants are colonized by diverse microorganisms that are referred to as endo‐phytes. Endophytes have received much attention over the past few decades, yet many basic questions remain unanswered regarding patterns in their biodiversity at local to global scales. To characterize research effort to date, we synthesized results from ~600 published studies. Our survey revealed a global research interest and highlighted several gaps in knowledge. For instance, of the seventeen biomes encompassed by our survey, seven were understudied and together composed only 7% of the studies that we considered. We found that fungal endophyte diversity has been characterized in at least one host from 30% of embryophyte families, while bacterial endophytes have been surveyed in hosts from only 10.5% of families. We complimented our survey with a vote counting procedure to determine endophyte rich‐ness patterns among plant tissue types. We found that variation in endophyte assemblages in above‐ground tissues varied with host growth habit. Stems were the richest tissue in woody plants, whereas roots were the richest tissue in graminoids. For forbs, we found no consistent differences in relative tissue richness among studies. We propose future directions and guidelines to fill the gaps in knowledge we uncovered and inspire further research. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The diversity and distribution of endophytes across
biomes, plant phylogeny and host tissues: how far have
we come and where do we go from here?
Joshua G. Harrison
*and Eric A. Grifn
Department of Botany, University of Wyoming, 3165,
1000 E. University Ave., Laramie, WY, 82071.
Department of Biology, New Mexico Highlands
University, Las Vegas, NM, 87701.
The interiors of plants are colonized by diverse micro-
organisms that are referred to as endophytes. Endo-
phytes have received much attention over the past few
decades, yet many questions remain unanswered
regarding patterns in their biodiversity at local to
global scales. To characterize research effort to date,
we synthesized results from ~600 published studies.
Our survey revealed a global research interest and
highlighted several gaps in knowledge. For instance,
of the 17 biomes encompassed by our survey, 7 were
understudied and together composed only 7% of the
studies that we considered. We found that fungal
endophyte diversity has been characterized in at least
one host from 30% of embryophyte families, while
bacterial endophytes have been surveyed in hosts
from only 10.5% of families. We complimented our
survey with a vote counting procedure to determine
endophyte richness patterns among plant tissue types.
We found that variation in endophyte assemblages
in above-ground tissues varied with host growth
habit. Stems were the richest tissue in woody plants,
whereas roots were the richest tissue in graminoids.
For forbs, we found no consistent differences in rela-
tive tissue richness among studies. We propose future
directions to ll the gaps in knowledge we uncovered
and inspire further research.
In 1887, Galippe reported that soil-derived microbes could
reside within the above-ground tissues of healthy plants. At
the time, this work was underappreciated, perhaps because
of the long-prevailing attitude that microbial assemblages
solely comprised deleterious pathogens (Compant et al.,
2012), this notwithstanding the work of Frank and others
demonstrating the mutualistic nature of the mycorrhizal
host relationship (Frank, 1885, 2005; Trappe, 2005).
Nevertheless, Galippes observations set the stage for an
exploration of the non-pathogenic portion of the plant micro-
biome that took place from the late 1800s into the mid-
1900s (Laurent, 1889; Janse, 1897; Rayner, 1915; Auret,
1930; Hardoim et al., 2015). During those decades, knowl-
edge began to accumulate regarding the diversity, preva-
lence and ecological roles of the so-called endophytes
(Box 1; Campbell, 1908; Hyde and Soytong, 2008), with
much early work focused on the fungi living within grasses
(e.g. Sampson, 1937; Neill, 1940). Seminal research in the
1970s and 1980s led to widespread acknowledgement of
the ubiquitous nature of non-pathogenic fungi and bacteria
in plant tissues, particularly within leaves (Carroll and
Carroll, 1978; Carroll, 1988; Petrini, 1991). These studies
have inspired an evergrowing interest from microbial ecolo-
gists (Fig. 1), yet answers to many basic questions regard-
ing the natural history, biogeography, ecology and evolution
of endophytes remain elusive.
Box 1. What, exactly, is an endophyte?
The term endophyteis believed to have originated
with de Bary (1866), who so dubbed pathogenic,
plant-inhabiting microbes because of their habitat
(also see Link, 1809). Since then, the term endo-
phyte has been expanded to invoke both a habitat
and a non-pathogenic lifestyle (at least in some hosts
and life history stages) and encompasses fungal
(Petrini, 1991; Rodriguez et al., 2009), bacterial
Received 17 October, 2019; revised 24 February, 2020; accepted 27
February, 2020. *For correspondence. E-mail joshua.harrison@; Tel. 1-307-766-2384; Fax 1-307-766-2851
© 2020 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Environmental Microbiology (2020) 00(00), 0000 doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14968
(Ryan et al., 2008; Grifn and Carson, 2015) and
archael taxa (Müller et al., 2015; Moissl-Eichinger
et al., 2018). The term endophyte can be used sensu
lato to refer to those taxa that live inside of plant tis-
sues, either inside of or between host cells. However,
in our experience, contemporary microbial ecologists
most often use the term sensu stricto to refer to
those taxa, which over some portion of their life his-
tory do not cause obvious harm to their hosts, such
as inducing a hypersensitive response (Petrini, 1991;
Wilson, 1995; Stone et al., 2000). The lack of preci-
sion in this denition is somewhat unsatisfying, but
does hint at the complex life histories of many endo-
phytic taxa (Rodriguez et al., 2009). Indeed, for per-
haps the majority of endophytic taxa, individuals are
horizontally transmitted among hosts and, conse-
quently, may exist outside of the plant corpus for
some time, for instance as spores or endospores,
free living cells or colonies, or as epiphytic fruiting
bodies on decaying tissue (Malloch and Blackwell,
1992; Rodriguez et al., 2009). The term endophyte is
particularly strained by the mycorrhizal fungi, which
possess a mycelium that grows externally to the host
and also penetrates the root epidermis (Jumpponen,
2001; Schulz and Boyle, 2006). The categorization of
these fungi as endophytes seems to be on an
author-by-author basis (Schulz and Boyle, 2006).
These examples illustrate how the term endophyte is
useful for communication, but not biologically well
What is clear, however, is that fungal and bacterial
endophytes are important even critical components of
the worlds ecosystems. Endophytes can affect plant
phenotype, including decreasing disease susceptibility
(Arnold et al., 2003; Compant et al., 2005; Herre et al.,
2007; Busby et al., 2016; Christian et al., 2017), increas-
ing resistance to abiotic stressors (Redman et al., 2002;
Márquez et al., 2007; Rodriguez et al., 2008), shaping
phytochemical proles (Kusari et al., 2012; Panaccione
et al., 2014) and mediating plant functional trait expres-
sion (Friesen et al., 2011; Grifnet al., 2016). Recent
work has demonstrated how these various effects of
endophytes can inuence whole ecosystem level pro-
cesses (Clay and Holah, 1999; Kivlin et al., 2013; Grifn
et al., 2017; Laforest-Lapointe et al., 2017b; Christian
et al., 2019). Importantly, endophytes are often errone-
ously assumed to have predominantly mutualistic associ-
ations with their hosts. Reality is much more complex
and the inuence of endophyte taxa is highly context
dependent (Carroll, 1988; Rodriguez et al., 2009), with
interactions between hosts and endophytes ranging
from mutualism through commensalism to latent or mild
antagonism (Saikkonen et al., 1998; Schulz and Boyle,
2005; Hardoim et al., 2008).
Much of the focus on endophytes has been driven by
the desire to harness these taxa to manipulate plant phe-
notype (e.g. increase growth, Doty, 2011) and prevent
pathogen colonization of crops (Busby et al., 2017).
Endophytes have also attracted attention from natural
products chemists who survey the worlds organisms for
useful compounds (Strobel and Daisy, 2003; Aly et al.,
2010). This is motivated by the capacity of various endo-
phytes to synthesize an impressive array of bioactive
small molecules (Newman et al., 2003; Strobel et al.,
2004; Verma et al., 2009). Indeed, a number of
endophyte-synthesized compounds are of medicinal
value (Strobel et al., 1996; Kharwar et al., 2011).
Both basic and applied research regarding endophytes
have been hampered by a lack of knowledge regarding
the distribution of endophyte biodiversity at any spatial
scale from global, interbiome scales to among the tis-
sues of individual host plants. Similarly, almost nothing is
known regarding how endophyte biodiversity maps onto
the plant phylogeny. Characterizing such broad patterns
in endophyte biodiversity is extremely logistically challeng-
ing because of the outlay of effort required for large cultur-
ing and sequencing projects (Arnold and Engelbrecht,
2007; Nilsson et al., 2019; Carini, 2019). Moreover, deter-
mining the causes of patterns in endophyte diversity is
difcult because they result from the interplay of many
forcings, including both contemporary and historical eco-
logical drivers (i.e. niche determination, ecological drift,
dispersal limitation) and, at longer timescales, evolutionary
processes (i.e. divergence and extinction, Hanson et al.,
2012; Wiens and Donoghue, 2004).
Further complicating matters is the disconnection
between the spatial scale of sampling endophyte assem-
blages, as dictated by logistical constraints, and the size
of the focal organisms. This problem was well illustrated
by Remus-Emsermann and Schlechter (2018) who
Num. of studies
Fungal endophytes
Bacterial endophytes
Fig. 1. The number of studies characterizing endophyte biodiversity
published each year since the late 1970s. Studies are parsed by tax-
onomy with fungal studies in grey and bacterial studies in black.
© 2020 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Environmental Microbiology
2J. G. Harrison and E. A. Grifn
pointed out that the disparity in size between a single
bacterium of 2 μm
and a leaf mirrors the ratio of sizes
between a person and a mid-sized country. Indeed, using
traditional culturing and sequencing methodologies, we
can only sample what are in effect whole regions of
endophytes that may include multiple assemblages that
never directly interact, that have been shaped by differing
community assembly processes and that may even have
divergent evolutionary histories. This complicates the
study of endophyte biogeography and community ecol-
ogy because the scale of sampling is so much larger than
many covariates that may affect the membership of endo-
phytes in a particular assemblage. For instance, micro-
habitat variation within leaves (such as proximity to upper
or lower leaf surfaces, veins) may have effects on endo-
phyte assemblages akin to those of shifting elevation
across a mountainside on forest composition, and those
forcings are unavailable for study when the unit of repli-
cation is an entire leaf or even a leaf section (Lodge
et al., 1996; Herre et al., 2007; Vacher et al., 2016;
Remus-Emsermann and Schlechter, 2018). Adding
further complexity, some bacterial endophytes can live
inside endophytic fungi (Shaffer et al., 2016); thus, for
these bacteria, the habitat covariates most relevant for
explaining interassemblage variation may be the traits of
the host fungus, not the traits of the host plant.
Although we have much to learn regarding the distribu-
tion of endophyte biodiversity, patterns observed so far
generally follow the predictions of community ecology
theory and are similar to those observed for metazoan
and plant assemblages (Nemergut et al., 2013; Christian
et al., 2015). For instance, sampling of endophyte assem-
blages recapitulates the positive speciesarea relation-
ship observed in so many natural systems as one
samples a larger area, one encounters more taxa
(e.g. Suryanarayanan et al., 2002). A necessary correlate
of this observation is that the similarity among endophyte
assemblages declines with distance, which also has
been demonstrated numerous times (e.g. Davis and Jon-
athan Shaw, 2008; Nemergut et al., 2013; Higgins et al.,
2014; Vacher et al., 2016). Although its causes are multi-
farious and poorly understood (Martiny et al., 2006;
Vellend, 2010), the existence of distance decay suggests
that endophytic microbes are inuenced not only by
deterministic forcings, but also by what are typically
regarded as neutral processes, such as dispersal limita-
tion and ecological drift (Hubbell, 2001; MacArthur and
Wilson, 2001; Nemergut et al., 2013). Also following what
is known for most large, multicellular organisms, foliar
fungal endophyte biodiversity seems to follow a latitudinal
gradient, with a higher diversity at lower latitudes, as
shown by Arnold and Lutzoni (2007). The reasons
for this pattern remain unknown, but likely include both
contemporary and historical drivers (Pianka, 1966;
Mittelbach et al., 2007). Importantly, it is unclear if this
pattern holds for non-fungal taxa and if non-foliar tissues
harbour higher fungal endophyte richness at lower
latitudes. Indeed, ectomycorrhizal fungi appear to be at
their richest in temperate zones (Tedersoo et al., 2014),
which suggests the possibility that other root-associated
microbes may be the richest at intermediate latitudes
as well.
Much of what is known regarding the patterns of endo-
phyte biodiversity demonstrates the inuence of contem-
porary ecological contingencies at either regional or local
spatial scales (i.e. niche determinism). For instance,
Zimmerman and Vitousek (2012) reported greater fungal
endophyte richness at wetter, low elevation sites on a
Hawaiian mountainside, and Bowman and Arnold (2018)
found that Pinus ponderosa hosted more diverse foliar
fungal endophyte communities at mid-to-high elevations
compared with lower elevations in southwestern Arizona
(also see Giauque and Hawkes, 2013; Glynou et al.,
2016; Lau et al., 2013). Furthermore, it is clear that endo-
phyte assemblages shift among coexisting host species
although the effect of host on endophyte assemblage
divergence can be quite modest in some cases (Redford
et al., 2010; Vincent et al., 2016; Grifnet al., 2019).
Although evidence reported to date suggests that many
cultivable endophytes are host generalists (e.g. Arnold
and Lutzoni, 2007; Suryanarayanan et al., 2018), special-
ist endophytes do exist, as demonstrated by the delity
of vertically transmitted (seed-borne) Epichloë fungi to
the members of Poaceae (Clay and Schardl, 2002;
Rudgers et al., 2009) and of swainsonine-producing
Alternaria fungi to certain Fabaceous taxa (Cook et al.,
2014; Panaccione et al., 2014). However, the host range
of the myriad endophytes that occur at low relative abun-
dance is unknown (Arnold and Lutzoni, 2007) an impor-
tant gap in knowledge given that these taxa likely
comprise the bulk of endophyte biodiversity (Arnold and
Lutzoni, 2007; Lynch and Neufeld, 2015).
Even within an individual plant, niche determinism can
shape endophyte assemblages as many studies have
conrmed that endophyte assemblages vary among tis-
sue types (e.g. the endophyte assemblages in roots often
differ from those in leaves; Coleman-Derr et al., 2016;
Haruna et al., 2018; Massoni et al., 2019), though gen-
eral patterns in endophyte richness among tissue types
have not been described.
Niche determinism is not the only force affecting endo-
phyte biodiversity within a particular substrate, though it
is likely the best studied. For instance, it is clear from
research within non-endophytic taxa that microbes can
be dispersal limited, and therefore the longstanding Baas
Becking hypothesis for microbial biogeography, namely
that everything is everywhere, but the environment
selects(Baas Becking, 1934) is too simplistic (Martiny
© 2020 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Environmental Microbiology
Endophyte diversity and distribution 3
et al., 2006; Vellend, 2010; Hanson et al., 2012; Nemergut
et al., 2013). It is still unclear, however, how dispersal limi-
tation and ecological drift (stochastic changes in commu-
nity membership due to aggregated life history events)
shape endophyte community assembly. Similarly, little is
understood regarding the inuence of historical factors,
including divergence and extinction, on endophyte bioge-
ography, though it seems likely that these factors will man-
ifest in differences in endophyte assemblages across
biomes and geographical regions, just as they do for other
taxa (Mittelbach et al., 2007). How often these forces act
at what are, to our sensibilities, small spatial scales, such
as within a forest or even a single-long-lived tree, remains
Anal challenge to the study of endophyte distribution
is the likelihood that most patterns in biodiversity will be
taxon specic, because taxa respond differently to eco-
logical contingencies and are on varying evolutionary tra-
jectories. For example, Coleman-Derr and colleagues
(2016) suggest that prokaryote taxa are more inuenced
by plant tissue type than fungal taxa, which are affected
more by host habitat and biogeography. At the order
level, Jumpponen and colleagues (2017) suggested that
Helotiales fungal root endophytes are most abundant in
forested ecosystems and Pleosporales fungi are more
common in grasslands. Studies such as these are very
rare; little is known regarding the geographical or host
ranges of endophytes at any level of the biological hierar-
chy from phylum to subspecies.
Although daunting, the study of endophyte biogeogra-
phy and community assembly will likely provide important
benets for both basic and applied research. An exem-
plar is provided by Higginbotham and colleagues (2013)
who isolated over 3000 endophytic fungi from numerous
tropical angiosperms and ferns and tested these cultures
against common diseases, including malaria, Chagas
disease and cancer. They report that 30% of the fungi
showed strong activity against at least one of the focal
diseases and that bioactivity against a specic target was
non-randomly distributed across the fungal phylogeny.
Intriguingly, they also reported a generally higher degree
of bioactivity in taxa sourced from cloud forests compared
with lowland tropical forests thus providing a biogeo-
graphic road map for natural product discovery in tropical
forests that demonstrates an important role of both biome
and host phylogeny (also see Schulz et al., 2002).
The rst step towards a working knowledge of endo-
phyte distributions across spatial scales is the description
of broad patterns in their biodiversity. To understand the
scope of relevant research, we scoured the literature and
extracted basic metadata from 596 studies characterizing
endophyte assemblages. Our goal was to synthesize the
metadata from representative studies, with the hopes of
highlighting particular portions of the plant phylogeny and
specic biomes that need further exploration and to deter-
mine how information could be shared among studies.
Additionally, we paired our survey with a vote-counting
procedure where we compared patterns of endophyte rich-
ness among tissue types. The synthesis process illus-
trated the challenges of pooling information among studies
and, consequently, we offer specic guidelines for data
sharing and research reproducibility moving forward. For
our purposes in this article, we did not consider obligate
pathogens, epiphytes or mycorrhizae; nor did we include a
review of the large body of literature examining Rhizobia
and their associations with legumes, as others have
already done so (e.g. Peter et al., 1996; Willems, 2006).
We searched Google Scholar and Web of Science for
the term endophytein conjunction with fungal,bacte-
rial,diversityor community. All publications in which
the authors characterized endophyte assemblage biodi-
versity were collated. As we were primarily interested in
studies characterizing endophyte biodiversity, we did not
consider research involving manipulative experiments
where no survey of microbial diversity was conducted.
We also made the choice to omit studies that did not dis-
tinguish between epiphytes and endophytes through per-
forming some form of surface sterilization. Searches
were performed periodically from 2016 to 2018, and addi-
tional studies were added to our database as we became
aware of them until the beginning of 2019. We apologize
to those authors whose work we missed and to those
who have published their work in non-English language
journals, which typically did not appear in our searches
and were inaccessible to us because of our linguistic
From each study, we collected information on host
organism(s) studied, research location(s), tissue type(s)
surveyed and various metadata describing the nature of
the survey conducted for instance, if the endophyte
assemblage was characterized via sequencing or cultur-
ing, if spatial or temporal replication was employed, host
and culture vouchers deposited, and data made avail-
able. We considered studies spatially replicated if they
involved two or more sampling locations separated by
1 km. We chose this threshold because of work by
Higgins and colleagues (2014) who reported rapid dis-
tance decay in endophyte assemblage similarity within
tropical grasses within 1 km. It is likely that the strength
of distance decay depends upon biome, host plant, endo-
phyte taxon and other ecological conditions, thus deter-
mining what constitutes sufcient spatial replication is
challenging and study dependent. We usea1kmthresh-
old here because most studies that were replicated at a
smaller spatial scale were within a single eld, forest or
© 2020 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Environmental Microbiology
4J. G. Harrison and E. A. Grifn
greenhouse and thus were likely exposed to similar
endophyte inoculum, at least over longer timescales. If
the study location was not explicitly provided, we extrapo-
lated an estimate based on the city or country reported
by the authors. We assigned studies to biomes following
the nomenclature of Olson and colleagues (2001). Host
plants collected from urban, agricultural or areas that
were otherwise managed were classied as coming from
cultivatedlandscapes and counted independently from
those studies that occurred in unmanaged landscapes
within the same biome. We chose this approach because
managed areas experience ecological contingencies
divergent from their surroundings (e.g. irrigation). We
considered studies of stemsas those involving sampling
of woody branches, twigs or grass shoots. Studies of
rootsincluded any survey of below-ground plant tissue,
but excluded rhizosphere soil surveys and studies, that
did not attempt to surface sterilize roots. We considered
studies of leavesto be those sampling leaf sections or
whole leaves/leaets (including needles) and did not con-
sider studies that combined petioles with leaf blade
To understand the phylogenetic breadth of host plants
surveyed, we calculated the total number of hosts exam-
ined for each plant family and plotted this information on
a phylogeny of the Embryophyta (algal endophyte hosts
were thus omitted from this portion of our analysis)
generated using phyloT (online software accessible
at The National Center for Bio-
technology Information taxonomy database was used to
generate the tree (database accessed March 15, 2019;
Federhen, 2012). iTOL v4.3.2 was used for tree visualiza-
tion (Letunic and Bork, 2016). Manipulation of all data
was performed in the R statistical computing environment
(R Core Team, 2019).
Vote counting to determine patterns in relative tissue
In addition, we asked how endophyte richness shifted
among tissue types for both fungi and bacteria. We
attempted two approaches to address this question afor-
mal meta-analysis and a simple vote-counting approach.
Because few studies used the same methods, comparing
the effect of tissue type on richness among studies was
inappropriate (this limitation also precluded comparison of
richness among taxa or across biomes, unfortunately).
Thus, we only examined those studies that compared rich-
ness among multiple tissue types, and all comparisons
were made within studies.
Unfortunately, very few studies provided data sufcient
for a quantitatively rigorous meta-analysis (see Methods
and Results in Data S1; Viechtbauer, 2010), so we con-
ducted a simple vote-counting procedure where we
considered each study independently and ranked tissue
types by the relative richness reported in that study. We
only considered those studies that examined multiple tis-
sues and that standardized sampling effort among tis-
sues. In total, we examined 243 studies: 182 studies of
fungal endophytes and 61 studies of bacterial endo-
phytes. After ranking tissues by relative richness sepa-
rately for each study, we calculated, across studies, the
proportion of times one tissue type had higher richness
than another tissue (e.g. for what proportion of studies
did leaves have higher richness than roots) and calcu-
lated the probabilities of these proportions using a bino-
mial sign test (Cooper and Hedges, 1993). This test is
simply the probability of observing a particular number, or
more, of positive outcomes (in our case, one tissue type
having higher richness than another), given a certain
number of trials and assuming equal probability of posi-
tive and negative outcomes. For this vote-counting
approach, we focused on richness because fewer studies
reported diversity metrics and, when not explicitly
reported by authors, relative richness was simpler to cal-
culate and extract from published summary tables and
gures than were diversity entropies. To test how growth
habit inuenced relative microbial richness among tis-
sues, we conducted vote counting separately for studies
of hosts with the following growth habits: woody-stemmed
trees and shrubs, forbs and graminoids.
Our survey highlighted the breadth of the endophyte bio-
diversity literature, as we extracted data from 596 unique
publications. We report that interest in endophyte diver-
sity is on the rise, with a sharp increase in studies per
year since 2010 (Fig. 1). Fungi have received compara-
tively more attention than bacteria, though this disparity
is diminishing (Figs. 1 and 2E). The majority of studies
were of foliar endophytes (1694 unique combinations of
study and host species), followed by root (577 combina-
tions) and stem (540 combinations) endophytes. By com-
parison, oral tissues (39 combinations) and plant
propagules were understudied (172 combinations; Fig. 2).
Multiple host studies were not the norm approximately
66% of studies focused on a single host taxon.
The global extent of endophyte biodiversity research
The geographical range encompassed by the studies we
considered was global; endophytes, both fungal and bac-
terial, have been recovered from hosts across all major
biomes (Fig. 3). Temperate mixed coniferous and decidu-
ous forests were the best studied with 96 studies (16% of
total). However, the most unique combinations of host
and study were reported from tropical and subtropical
© 2020 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Environmental Microbiology
Endophyte diversity and distribution 5
wet forests (471, 21% of total). This was due to several
studies that surveyed many hosts within these forests
(e.g. Rojas-Jimenez et al., 2016 with 92 hosts and
Suryanarayanan et al., 2011 with 70 hosts). In terms of
unique studies, research in tropical and subtropical for-
ests composed a more modest 13% of studies in our sur-
vey. Many biomes were quite understudied. For instance,
50 or fewer studies (in terms of unique host by study
(d) (e)
Fig. 2. Summary of 596 publications characterizing endophyte biodiversity. Because many studies surveyed multiple hosts, we report both the
number of studies and number of unique host by study combinations.
AC. The number of studies surveying each plant compartment (A), biome (B) and host life history category (C; values in parentheses are unique
D. Information pertaining to study design and reproducibility.
E. The endophytic taxon characterized and the methodology employed.
© 2020 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Environmental Microbiology
6J. G. Harrison and E. A. Grifn
combinations) were conducted in 7 of the 17 biomes that
we considered (Fig. 2B). Overall, studies from these
biomes composed only 7% of those surveyed.
Across biomes, we found comparatively few studies of
hosts growing in obvious wilderness, far from human
development. Indeed, 33% of studies relied on hosts
grown in cultivated environments, including urban loca-
tions, agricultural landscapes and greenhouses (with uni-
versity campuses being particularly well sampled). This
estimate may be conservative as for some studies the
exact collection location was difcult to determine and so
we did not include them in the cultivatedcategory, but
sampling was likely not far from human development.
Much of the host phylogeny remains unsampled
The studies we surveyed encompassed 1702 unique taxa
from 254 plant families. Poaceae was by far the most well-
studied family (189 hosts studied), followed by Fabaceae
(98 hosts), Pinaceae (82 hosts) and Asteraceae (79 hosts;
Fig. 4). In the studies we examined, fungal endophytes
have been surveyed in hosts from 30% of plant families
listed in the NCBI taxonomy database for Embryophyta.
By comparison, bacterial endophytes have been charac-
terized in only 10.5% of plant families. Of particular note,
very few observations of foliar microbiota have been made
among bryophyte and pteridophyte families (Fig. 4; Davis
and Jonathan Shaw, 2008; Alessandro et al., 2013). Addi-
tionally, we observed a mismatch between host family
species richness and sampling effort. For instance, only
39 Orchidaceae species have been surveyed out of the
approximately 28,000 accepted orchid taxa occurring
worldwide (Chase et al., 2015; Kew and Missouri Botani-
cal Gardens, 2019).
Replication and reproducibility could be improved
We also characterized details for each study regarding
sampling scheme and reproducibility (Fig. 2D and E).
We found that just over half of studies were spatially
replicated (sampling areas were separated by at least a
kilometre) and fewer than a quarter of studies were tem-
porally replicated. The majority of studies (~74%) relied
on culturing; however, only about a third of these studies
reported accessioning cultures (Fig. 2E). By compari-
son, 72% of studies that relied on sequence data pro-
vided clear instructions for downloading raw data,
though only 23% of these studies provided processed
data [such as an operational taxonomic unit (OTU)
table]. Surprisingly, fewer than 20% of studies men-
tioned accessioning host vouchers. For cultivated plants,
we considered a description of the cultivar as equivalent
to an accessioned voucher.
Trop. dry forests
Flooded grasslands
Temp. coniferous
Trop. wet forests
Trop. grasslands
Montane grass/shrublands
Temp. decidous/mixed forests
Temp. grasslands
Boreal forests
Fig. 3. Locations of studies considered. An interactive, zoomable version of this map can be found at
EndophyteMap/. Black points represent studies of cultivated crops and managed landscapes, purple points represent studies of uncultivated
plants in unmanaged settings. Biomes are colour coded and delineated in accordance with Olson and colleagues (2001). In some cases, multi-
ple, proximal locations were surveyed and a single point was used to graphically represent these locations. If a study did not provide exact loca-
tion information, then study location was approximated.
© 2020 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Environmental Microbiology
Endophyte diversity and distribution 7
The effects of tissue type on endophyte richness and
We performed vote counting to compare the relative rich-
ness and diversity of fungal endophyte assemblages in
varying tissue types across plant taxa. We resorted to
vote-counting procedure because data were insufcient
for a robust meta-analysis (see Methods and Results in
Data S1). We found that relative tissue richness was
dependent upon host growth habit. For instance, stems
had richer fungal endophyte assemblages than leaves for
woody-stemmed hosts, but this pattern was not observed
for either forbs or graminoids (Table S1). By comparison,
for graminoids, roots had richer fungal and bacterial
endophyte assemblages than stems (Table S3). For
forbs, no tissue type was clearly richer, on average, than
other tissues (Table S2). Additionally, for fungal endo-
phytes, we found that reproductive structures, including
owers and propagules, were relatively species poor,
while bark was species rich (Tables S1 and S2), though
these results are quite tentative given the few studies that
compared endophyte assemblages in these tissues to
those in other portions of the plant corpus.
We report that endophyte biodiversity has been studied
within all major biomes and continents (even Antarctica,
if one counts King George Island; Fig. 3; Rosa et al.,
2009). Given that widespread interest in endophytes did
not occur until the 1970s, progress has been rapid. How-
ever, great swathes of the globe still remain unsurveyed.
Certain biomes have been particularly understudied
either due to their high biodiversity, which makes thor-
ough sampling exceptionally difcult (i.e. tropical
rainforests); large geographical area (e.g. the boreal for-
est); or because they are geographically restricted and
simply have not received much attention. For instance,
we found few studies from coastal dunes, ooded grass-
lands and mangrove forests. These habitats are chal-
lenging for plants due to salinity, short intervals between
disturbances and the presence of anoxic soil. Surveys of
understudied biomes will help dene the scope of endo-
phyte biodiversity and functional traits. In particular, we
suggest that surveys in ooded grasslands and man-
groves may improve our understanding of archael endo-
phyte biodiversity (Moissl-Eichinger et al., 2018), as this
(307 ,44)
(73 ,16)
Number of unique hosts surveyed
Bacterial endophytes Fungal endophytes
Bar length proportional to number of hosts.
Concentric rings at intervals of 20 hosts.
Fig. 4. Survey effort across Embryophyta. Number of studies surveying fungal (blue) and bacterial (red) endophytes are shown extending out-
wards from the tips of the phylogeny. Tips are families. Notable taxa within Embryophyta are labelled and colour coded.
Numbers in parentheses denote unique hosts surveyed. Very few surveys of bacterial endophytes have been conducted in bryophyte hosts;
therefore, this portion of the gure has been abbreviated to aid visualization. An interactive, zoomable version of this phylogeny can be found at
© 2020 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Environmental Microbiology
8J. G. Harrison and E. A. Grifn
branch of life includes numerous halophiles and other
extremophiles that may be able to cope with the abiotic
conditions characteristic of those locations. Similarly, stud-
ies in desert and alpine biomes may uncover endophytes
with unique mechanisms for coping with the severe ultravi-
olet exposure, temperature swings and desiccation that
occurs in such harsh habitats (see e.g. Lopez et al., 2011;
Massimo et al., 2015; Sangamesh et al. 2018).
We also reported a lack of studies from Africa, west
and north Asia, and the interiors of Australia and South
America (Fig. 3). These areas hold some of the most bio-
diverse and charismatic landscapes on the planet; for
instance, the Congo basin is the second largest tropical
rainforest in the world, with thousands of endemic plant
taxa (Brenan, 1978; Linder, 2001), and it has historically
experienced less deforestation than other rainforests
(Koenig, 2008). Similarly, the Cape Floristic province in
Africa has some of the highest levels of plant endemism
in the world. Because these regions have evolutionary
histories that have facilitated endemism, it seems likely
that they harbour unique endophyte taxa and would be
prime locations to study coevolution and codivergence
between plants and endophytes. More generally, the lack
of sampling outside of North American, Europe and por-
tions of Asia precludes a robust knowledge of endophyte
The inuence of human development on endophyte
We acknowledge the logistical challenges of sampling the
remote locations that remain understudied. Indeed, we
report an imprint of this challenge in even relatively well-
studied regions, where we found that most studies were
conducted near roadways, townships and other human
development. The lack of sampling in wilderness areas
likely biases our nascent understanding of endophyte biodi-
versity. Human development is associated with pollution,
habitat fragmentation, ecosystem disturbance frequency
and the abundance of introduced hosts (Dietz et al., 2007;
Crowl et al., 2008) all of which likely affect plant
microbiomes. Evidence for this hypothesis is sparse; how-
ever, Laforest-Lapointe and colleagues (2017a) reported
many phyllosphere bacterial taxa shift in relative abundance
along an urbanization gradient, with an overall decline in
dominant Alphaproteobacteria with more urbanization. Simi-
larly, Lappalainen and colleagues (1999) reported a decline
in endophyte colonization of Betula trees with proximity to
a coppernickel smelter. Variation in heavy metal concen-
trations (Jurc et al., 1996; Tóth et al., 2009), acid rain
(Helander et al., 1994) and air pollution (Wolfe et al., 2018)
have all been associated with shifts in endophyte assem-
blages thus, it seems likely that the effects of pollution
and urbanization are multifarious and have effects that
depend upon the endophytic taxon examined and the eco-
logical context.
In addition to pollution, habitat fragmentation also
increases in proximity to human development. Very little
is known regarding how habitat fragmentation affects micro-
bial assemblages or, more generally, how metacommunity
processes manifest within microbiomes (Christian et al.,
2015). However, classic island biogeography theory
(MacArthur and Wilson, 2001) suggests that human-caused
habitat fragmentation likely shapes endophyte assem-
blages through determining proximity to inoculum sources.
In a survey spanning islands of various sizes, Helander
and colleagues (2007) reported that endophyte colonization
of Betula spp. trees was greater on larger islands and
islands closer to the mainland (also see Oono et al., 2017).
This result, coupled with work documenting dispersal limita-
tion in non-endophytic microbial systems (Andrews et al.,
1987; Peay et al., 2007; 2010; Golan and Pringle, 2017),
suggests that it is reasonable to expect variation in
endophyte assemblages routinely follows the predictions of
island biogeography, regardless of whether habitat frag-
mentation and patch size are caused by geological pro-
cesses or human inuence.
Another way in which endophyte assemblages may be
affected by proximity to human development is through the
inuence of invasive plant taxa, which are often much more
abundant near development than in wilderness areas.
Invasive host taxa could inuence endophytes in a variety
of ways from changing the inoculum pool within an area
(i.e. neighbourhoodeffects; Moeller et al., 2015), bringing
along endophyte taxa or genotypes from the ancestral
range of the host (Dickie et al., 2017), or affecting many
other aspects of the local ecology [e.g. shifting re regimes
(Brooks et al., 2004), determining litter deposition rate and
elemental composition (Allison and Vitousek, 2004),
inuencing herbivore assemblages (Forister, 2009), etc.].
Interestingly, the few studies we encountered that
surveyed endophytic microbiomes of invasive plants in
both their native and invaded ranges found that endophyte
assemblages differed between ranges. For instance, Lu-
Irving and colleagues (2019) report reduced richness in
phyllosphere and endophytic root bacteria in the invaded
portion of the range of Centaurea solstitialis compared
with the native range. Similarly, Shipunov and colleagues
(2008) report a wholesale shift in the fungal endophyte
assemblage within the leaves of Centaurea stoebe in
invaded versus native portions of its range. Thus, the biodi-
versity of endophytes within widespread, invasive plants is
also inuenced by host invasion history (also see Gundale
et al., 2016; Sikes et al., 2016; Taylor et al., 1999).
All of these anecdotes support the idea that endophyte
assemblages in relatively undisturbed areas, such as
portions of the Amazon or the Siberian forest, are likely
to be different from those in conspecic hosts growing
© 2020 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Environmental Microbiology
Endophyte diversity and distribution 9
near human habitation or that are being actively culti-
vated and thus remote locations should be the focus of
further study. Even if different microbial taxa are not
observed in less disturbed environments, the study of the
shifts in relative abundances among endophyte assem-
blages along urbanization and pollution gradients could
provide insight into how endophytes interact and commu-
nities assemble (e.g. Gazis and Chaverri, 2015).
Much of the host phylogeny remains unexplored: what
might we be missing?
We found that members of about a third of plant families
have been surveyed for fungal endophytes and only
about a tenth of plant families are represented among
studies characterizing bacterial endophyte assemblages.
These results suggest we may be missing a large portion
of endophyte biodiversity. It is true that many cultivable
endophytic taxa are known to have broad host ranges
(e.g. Arnold and Lutzoni, 2007; Suryanarayanan et al.,
2018), thus one could argue that an understanding of
endophyte biodiversity does not hinge on thorough sam-
pling of potential host taxa. However, we note that, in the
majority of multivariate studies of endophyte biogeogra-
phy, host taxon is a supported predictor of assemblage
variation (Grifnet al., 2019; Kivlin et al., 2019) albeit a
sometimes modest one (Vincent et al., 2016). Moreover,
little is known regarding the host range of those rare
endophyte taxa that compose the bulk of most assem-
blages (Arnold and Lutzoni, 2007).
Studies delineating host range are desperately needed
to understand endophyte distributions and biodiversity;
however, given the daunting nature of the sampling
required, where then should we begin? We suggest
targeting those plant lineages with unique traits, such as
production of unusual secondary metabolites or prefer-
ences for restricted or harsh habitats (e.g. halophiles and
extremophiles). As an example, certain Astragalus taxa
can hyperaccumulate selenium, and recent research has
suggested that these plants may harbour unusual endo-
phytic taxa that could inuence selenium uptake (Sura-de
Jong et al., 2015; Lindblom et al., 2018, 2013). Following
a similar rationale, we also suggest surveying those
plant families that are phylogenetically distinctive. If
coevolution or codivergence has occurred between hosts
and their endophytes, then unusual endophytic taxa
could occur in hosts from remote portions of the plant
phylogeny (Hassani et al., 2019). Non-vascular plants, in
particular, deserve more attention, as these plants have
different evolutionary histories, physiology, growth habits
and preferred habitats than vascular plants (Huang
et al., 2018).
An additional justication for surveying broadly across
the plant phylogeny is the discovery of specialist
endophyte taxa. Surveys of seeds, in particular, could lead
to the discovery of more specialist vertically transmitted
endophytes (class I and II endophytes sensu Rodriguez
et al., 2009), which are particularly interesting because of
their capacity to inuence their hosts during early ontogeny
(e.g. Hodgson et al., 2014; Truyens et al., 2015; Gundel
et al., 2017). An individual seed generally contains a very
species poor endophyte assemblage (e.g. in many cases
only a single fungus can be isolated from seeds, see,
Hodgson et al., 2014; Newcombe et al., 2018; Shipunov
et al., 2008), and relatively few instances of vertical trans-
mission of endophyte taxa have been documented. How-
ever, recent work by Hodgson and colleagues (2014)
provides evidence that vertical transmission of fungi may
occur much more often than previously suspected (also
see a review on bacterial seed endophytes by Truyens
et al., 2015). Indeed, while the well-known clavicipitaceous
endophytes seem to be limited to members of the Poaceae
(Rudgers et al., 2009), the occurrence of vertically transmit-
ted endophytes capable of systemic growth has been
documented from throughout the plant phylogeny, including
within members of the Asteraceae (Hodgson et al., 2014),
Araliaceae (Soares et al., 2016), Convulvulacea (Cook
et al., 2013), Ericaceae (Rayner, 1915), Fabaceae (includ-
ing members of Astragalus, Oxytropis and Swainsona,
Cook et al., 2009, 2014; Grum et al., 2013), Papaveraceae
(Hodgson et al., 2014) and Plantaginaceae (Hodgson
et al., 2014). This suggests that facultative vertical trans-
mission may occur in numerous plant hosts and across
many biomes. Cross-biome comparative studies of the
seed microbiome could determine whether vertical trans-
mission is more common in certain habitats, as might be
predicted if these endophytes interact mutualistically with
their hosts to ameliorate the negative effects of particular
abiotic conditions (Afkhami et al., 2014; Gundel et al.,
2017; Semmartin et al., 2015).
The effects of tissue type on endophyte assemblages
Our vote-counting approach suggested that in woody
plants stems had higher richness than other tissues for
both fungi and bacteria. However, for graminoids, roots
were the richest tissue, and for forbs, intertissue patterns
in richness were less clear (Tables S1S3). These
results suggest that tissues with greater lifetime inocula
exposure have the highest richness across plant life
histories. This hypothesis is supported by several studies
that have demonstrated that older leaves typically har-
bour richer microbial assemblages than younger leaves,
presumably because of greater exposure to inoculum
and increased time for microbial growth (Ercolani, 1991;
Arnold et al., 2003). Stems and bark of woody plants are
exposed to inocula in air, water and dust year round and
have long lifespans (indeed much bark is dead and can
© 2020 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Environmental Microbiology
10 J. G. Harrison and E. A. Grifn
remain on the trunk for a lengthy period of time), whereas
leaves, even for evergreen trees, do not persist for nearly
as long. Similarly, roots are the longest-lived tissues of
many perennial forbs and graminoids, as above-ground
tissues of these hosts often senesce annually. It is true
that roots of woody-stemmed plants can be quite long
lived; however, roots are primarily encountering inoculum
from the surrounding soil matrix, thus it is possible that
there is greater variation in the inoculum encountered by
stems than by roots over the lives of those tissues. Alter-
natively, perhaps the resources available to microbes
within stems of woody plants favour higher richness com-
pared to leaves, particularly of latent saprotrophs that
catabolize lignin or other structural carbohydrates (Oses
et al., 2006, 2008). These hypotheses are not mutually
exclusive and await experimental testing.
Our survey comes with several caveats. First, it is pos-
sible that the efcacy of surface sterilization may vary
with tissue type; thus, for instance, the high fungal rich-
ness in bark that we report could be because it was more
difcult to surface sterilize than other tissues. Also, while
we chose those studies that had the same sample size
(in terms of replicates) between each tissue type, it was
not always apparent that the same mass was used for
each sample. Additionally, both culture and sequence-
based surveys suffer from taxonomic biases (Nilsson
et al., 2019; Carini, 2019) and if those biases coincide
with taxonomic variation among tissue types, then rich-
ness estimates will be incorrect. Nevertheless, our analy-
sis demonstrates the existence of clear patterns in
richness among tissue types and suggests several
hypotheses for those patterns that deserve further study.
How can we best share information among studies?
We report several challenges that impede meta-analysis
and synthesis of the endophyte literature (e.g. Meiser
et al., 2014). Most importantly, raw and processed
sequence data were not always available. Moreover, it
was quite rare for sufcient detail to be provided regard-
ing sequence processing including options and ver-
sions for software used and date accessed for taxonomy
training databases, which are in constant ux. Given the
challenge in reprocessing data and the inuence different
bioinformatic pipelines can have on results (e.g. Pauvert
et al., 2019), we suggest that publication of polished data
and scripts should be considered to facilitate information
sharing among studies. Those data that would be most
amenable to meta-analysis include replicate by taxon
tables, sequences of OTUs or exact sequence variants,
and the taxonomic hypotheses for those sequences.
In many cases, meta-analysis will require substantial
reprocessing of the data, so raw data should also be
made available.
Additionally, we suggest that authors consider depositing
vouchers of host taxa studied, nucleic acids extracted or
cultures obtained in an herbarium whenever possible
(Fig. 2D). This suggestion is motivated, in part, by fascinat-
ing new work by Daru and colleagues (2019) who have
shown that endophytes within herbarium specimens can
be sequenced, and, in some cases, even cultured. Thus,
vouchers could act as time capsulesthat preserve endo-
phyte genotypes and could afford insight into endophyte
evolution and shifts in host and geographic range over
time. To best share information among vouchers, standard-
ized protocols (such as drying time and temperature) could
be helpful to adopt, though we acknowledge the challenge
of implementing such standards during eld collection.
Deposited cultures could provide many of the same bene-
ts as host vouchers, but would also allow researchers
to grow endophytes of interest to meet various experimen-
tal goals (Huang et al., 2018; Suryanarayanan, 2019).
Finally, the plant taxonomy is ever-changing, thus as future
researchers interpret published work, they may wish to
examine accessions to determine the most current taxo-
nomic placement of the focal host or endophyte. In sum,
we see herbaria as tremendous resources for the study of
the plant microbiome, and consequently, we urge participa-
tion in their continued development.
To understand the evolutionary forces and ecological
pressures that shape endophyte assemblages, the delin-
eation of patterns in endophyte biodiversity across spatial
scales and the host phylogeny is required. The enthusi-
asm among microbial ecologists for endophyte biology
paired with the tools we now have at our collective dis-
posal suggests that description of such patterns is within
grasp. We hope that our survey inspires others to ll the
gaps in knowledge that we report. To that end, we have
made the metadata from each study that we consider
available in hopes that other researchers mine them for
additional insights.
Thanks go to Lyra Beltran for assistance extracting data
from publications. This review was inspired by conversations
with Betsy Arnold, to whom we offer our thanks. We appreci-
ate comments from Leho Tedersoo and two anonymous
reviewers that led to a much improved manuscript. JGH was
supported by the National Science Foundation EPSCoR grant
1655726. EAG was supported by a Smithsonian Institution
Secretarys Distinguished Research Fellowship, as well as
a Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Postdoc
Research Fellowship, the Maryland Native Plant Society, the
Washington Biologists Field Club and The New Mexico Idea
Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (NM-INBRE),
© 2020 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Environmental Microbiology
Endophyte diversity and distribution 11
and an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the
National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National
Institutes of Health.
Author contributions
J.G.H. and E.A.G. conducted the literature survey and
wrote the manuscript.
Data availability
All scripts and processed data are available at: https:// For
collated metadata from examined studies see: https://
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Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online
version of this article at the publishers web-site:
Fig. S1 Differences in fungal endophyte richness among
host tissues as determined through meta-analysis. Each
panel depicts pairwise comparisons between two tissue
types. Panel (a) depicts leaves versus roots, panel
(b) leaves versus stems and panel (c) roots versus stems.
Mean differences between tissues for each study are shown
in the right margins of each plot, with condence intervals.
No model was signicantly supported at p0.05. Results
were very similar for Shannons diversity, which can be seen
in Fig. S2. Richness for Unterseher et al. (2018) was higher
than the other studies because those authors relied on
sequencing data whereas the other studies considered relied
on culturing data. Two hosts were studied by Granzow and
colleagues (2017) and results from each host are denoted
by letters a and b.
Fig. S2 Differences in fungal endophyte diversity
(exponentiated Shannons entropy) among host tissues as
determined through meta-analysis. Each panel depicts
pairwise comparisons between two tissue types. Panel
(a) depicts leaves versus roots, panel (b) leaves versus
stems and panel (c) roots versus stems. Mean differences
between tissues for each study are shown in the right mar-
gins of each plot, with condence intervals. Results were
very similar for richness, which can be seen in Fig. S1.
Diversity for Unterseher and colleagues (2018) was higher
than the other studies because those authors relied on
sequencing data whereas the other studies considered relied
on culturing data. Two hosts were studied by Granzow and
colleagues (2017) and results from each host are denoted
by letters a and b.
Data S1 Meta-analysis methods and results
Table S1 Differences among host tissues in fungal (top
panel) and bacterial (bottom panel) endophyte richness in
woody plants. Each cell in the table provides the number of
times the tissue type on that row (the focal tissue) had
higher richness than the tissue type in that column (the com-
parison tissue) followed by the number of studies reviewed
for each comparison in parentheses. Signicance was deter-
mined using a binomial sign test. For results from herba-
ceous plants see Table S2, for results from graminoids see
2018Table S3
Table S2 Differences among host tissues in fungal (top
panel) and bacterial (bottom panel) endophyte richness in
herbaceous plants. Each cell in the table provides the num-
ber of times the tissue type on that row (the focal tissue) had
higher richness than the tissue type in that column (the com-
parison tissue) followed by the number of studies reviewed
for each comparison in parentheses. Signicance was deter-
mined using a binomial sign test. For results from woody
plants see Table 2017S1, for results from graminoids see
Table S3
Table S3 Differences among host tissues in fungal (top
panel) and bacterial (bottom panel) endophyte richness in
graminoids. Each cell in the table provides the number of
times the tissue type on that row (the focal tissue) had
higher richness than the tissue type in that column (the com-
parison tissue) followed by the number of studies reviewed
for each comparison in parentheses. Signicance was deter-
mined using a binomial sign test. For results from woody
plants see Table S1, for results from forbs see Table S2
© 2020 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Environmental Microbiology
Endophyte diversity and distribution 17
... A number of authors have shown that in dicotyledonous plants phytohormones and hormone-like compounds (salicylic acid, ethylene, jasmonic acid) limit colonisation by endophytic micromycetes. Antimicrobial peptides synthesised by some agricultural plants, such as rice and maize, reduce the degree of endophytic colonisation of these plants [9,10]. ...
... It is known that plants have an individual unique microbiome due to the selective admission of certain microorganisms into their endosphere [9]. In the present work, it is shown that representatives of the genera Penicillium, Fusarium and Rhodotorula were found in all the studied plants. ...
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Various vegetative organs of the studied crops yielded 320 isolates of cultivated forms of micromycetes, with a predominance of filamentous fungi (249 strains). The level of colonization by fungi varied widely, ranging from 6 to 40%. This indicator was lower for yeast, ranging from 2 to 12%. The isolation ratio of fungal strains ranged from 0.08 to 0.54, while yeast strains ranged from 0.02 to 0.2. The taxonomic composition of endophytic micromycetes complexes in the studied agrocultures included 7 genera of filamentous fungi (Penicillium, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Trichoderma, Beauveria, Metarhizium, and Cladosporium) and 4 genera of yeasts and yeast-like fungi (Rhodotorula, Aureobasidium, Metschnikowia, and Cryptococcus). The greatest taxonomic diversity was observed in soybean and sweet clover. Barley and sainfoin also exhibited considerable diversity. The quantitative composition and taxonomic structure of endophytes are largely influenced by species, physiological state and stage of development of the host plant, type of plant tissues and organs, and environmental conditions.
... First, the mycobiota of seedling roots and leaves in vitro were almost undifferentiated. Yet, compartment is known to be a strong factor of differentiation of the mycobiota, especially between above-and belowground compartments (Harrison & Griffin, 2020;Martins et al., 2016;Wearn et al., 2012), even though differences at juvenile stages may be lower as distance between compartments is reduced. Second, both substrate conditions (non-and autoclaved) used in the in vitro experiment resulted in similar mycobiota composition after 7 days, suggesting a low influence of this reservoir on seedling mycobiota. ...
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Plants host diverse communities of fungi (the mycobiota), playing crucial roles in their development. The assembly processes of the mycobiota, however, remain poorly understood, in particular, whether it is transmitted by parents through the seeds (vertical transmission) or recruited in the environment (horizontal transmission). Here we attempt to quantify the relative contributions of horizontal and vertical transmission in the mycobiota assembly of a desert shrub, Haloxylon salicornicum, by comparing the mycobiota of in situ bulk soil and seeds to that of (i) in situ adult individuals and (ii) in vitro‐germinated seedlings in soil collected in situ. We show that the mycobiota are partially vertically transmitted through the seeds to seedlings, whereas bulk soil has a limited contribution to the seedling's mycobiota. In adults, root and bulk soil mycobiota tend to resemble each other, suggesting a compositional turnover in plant mycobiota during plant development due to horizontal transmission. Thus, the mycobiota are transmitted both horizontally and vertically depending on the plant tissue and developmental stage. Understanding the respective contribution of these transmission pathways to the plant mycobiota is fundamental to deciphering potential coevolutionary processes between plants and fungi. Our findings particularly emphasize the importance of vertical transmission in desert ecosystems.
... Our previous study in Cinnamomum cassia Presl showed that 1-monolinolein and bafilomycin D from Streptomyces cavourensis YBQ59 are actively against multidrug-resistant bacteria and human lung cancer A-549 cells (Vu et al., 2018). Nevertheless, different ecological environments and plant genotypes greatly influence the biological diversity and distribution of endophytic species within the host plants (Gohain et al., 2015;Harrison et al., 2020). In this study, Cinnamomum cassia Presl plants were collected from Lai Chau province at 1,500 metres above sea level in altitude for the isolation of potential actinomycetes. ...
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New antimicrobials are urgently needed to combat the threat of multidrug-resistant bacteria worldwide. Our study aimed to access the antimicrobial and cytotoxic profiles of endophytic actinomycetes associated with Cinnamomum cassia Presl taken from a mountainous region in the Northwest of Vietnam. The antimicrobial activity, capability for anthracycline-like compounds production and presence of secondary metabolite-biosynthetic genes were consequently determined. Finally, the cytotoxicity of antibiotic-producing actinomycetes was carried out towards various cancer cell lines. A total of 81 actinomycetes were recovered from different organs (roots, stems, leaves) of Cinnamomum cassia, of which 20/81 isolates exhibited antimicrobial activities against at least one of nine microbial strains. The analysis of 16S rRNA genes indicated that antibiotic-producing isolates were grouped into 4 genera Streptomyces, Micromonospora, Saccharothrix, and Microbacterium, among which Streptomyces was the most prevalent. The presence of biosynthetic genes pks-I, pks-II or nrps was detected in 17/20 of isolates. Five strains of Streptomyces griseorubens LCQ8, Streptomyces variabilis LCQ43, Streptomyces californicus LCQ44, Streptomyces fragilis LCQ75, and Streptomyces beijiangensis LCQ77 exhibited broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against various pathogens with the MIC values ranging from 16 to 256 µg/mL. Furthermore, characterized strains showed considerable cytotoxicity against MCF-7 cell lines with a 50% inhibition concentration of crude culture extracts of less than 30 µg/mL. The findings demonstrated that Streptomyces species isolated from Cinnamomum cassia in mountainous regions hold the potential for growth inhibition of human disease agents.
... Sometimes, these molecules can be found in the host plant and therefore the selection of host plants producing bioactive secondary metabolites has been suggested as criteria for the isolation of fungal endophytes with the ability to produce bioactive secondary metabolites 7,8 . ...
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The continuous search for natural product-based biopesticides from fungi isolated from untapped sources is an effective tool. In this study, we studied a pre-selected fungal endophyte, isolate Aa22, from the medicinal plant Artemisia absinthium, along with the antifungal, insect antifeedant and nematicidal compounds present in the extract. The endophyte Aa22 was identified as Stemphylium solani by molecular analysis. The antifungal activity was tested by broth microdilution against Fusarium solani, F. oxysporum, F. moniliforme and Botrytis cinerea, the insect antifeedant by choice bioassays against Spodoptera littoralis, Myzus persicae and Rhopalosiphum padi and the in vitro mortality against the root-knot nematode Meloiydogyne javanica. The structures of bioactive compounds were determined on the basis of 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The ethyl acetate extract obtained from the solid rice fermentation showed mycelial growth inhibition of fungal pathogens (EC50 0.08–0.31 mg/mL), was antifeedant to M. persicae (99%) and nematicidal (68% mortality). A bioguided fractionation led to the isolation of the new compound stempholone A (1), and the known stempholone B (2) and stemphol (3). These compounds exhibited antifeedant (EC50 0.50 mg/mL), antifungal (EC50 0.02–0.43 mg/L) and nematicidal (MLD 0.5 mg/mL) activities. The extract activities can be explained by 3 (antifungal), 1–3 (antifeedant) and 1 (nematicidal). Phytotoxicity tests on Lolium perenne and Lactuca sativa showed that the extract and 1 increased L. sativa root growth (121–130%) and 1 reduced L. perenne growth (48–49%). These results highlight the potential of the endophytic fungi Aa22 as biotechnological source of natural product-based biopesticides.
... Previous studies have highlighted the presence of similar fungal species as endophytes in various tree seeds across different countries, suggesting a widespread occurrence (Pautasso et al., 2015;Vaz et al., 2018;Harrison et al., 2020). Climate and habitat disturbance have been identified as influential factors affecting microfungi diversity, aligning with the current findings (Genevieve et al., 2019). ...
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Key words: This study delves into the impact of seasonal variations on the diversity of endophytic fungi inhabiting the foliage of Grevillea robusta trees along highways in Hawassa, Ethiopia. With 765 fungal isolates categorized into 73 distinct morphotaxa, 90.41% were identified across eight known genera, leaving 9.58% unidentified. Notably, Phoma and Pestalotiopsis emerged as the most diverse genera, presenting 13 and 11 morphotaxa respectively, while Alternaria and Xylaria showed lower diversity with 3 and 2 morphotaxa each. The research unveiled heightened fungal counts and diversity in trees situated in more polluted environments, leaves sampled during dry seasons, those exhibiting signs of disease, lower leaf sections, and midrib samples. These findings underscore the rich assortment of endophytic fungi associated with Grevillea robusta leaves within roadside plantations in Hawassa, emphasizing the need for further exploration of this fungal community's dynamics. Understanding the pivotal role of these endophytic fungi in tree health, ecosystem resilience, and potential applications in agriculture, forestry, and biotechnology remains imperative.
... Endophytes can affect plant phenotype and whole ecosystem level processes (Christian et al. (2019); Harrison and Griffin, 2020. Knowledge of endophytes, their diversity and factors affecting their patterns and assembly in host plants, is fundamental to our understanding of plant-microbial interactions and how plant microbiomes affect stress tolerance. ...
... Under natural conditions, plants are colonized by microbial communities (epiphytic, endophytic, and rhizospheric communities), which contribute to the solubilization of nutrients and the production of phytohormones for resistance against phytopathogens [16]. Endophytic microorganisms are characterized by living inside plants (roots, stems, leaves, fruits, or flowers) without causing damage and are considered extremophilic endophytes when they colonize plants growing under various abiotic stress conditions. ...
Endophytic microbial communities colonize plants growing under various abiotic stress conditions. Candelilla ( Euphorbia antisyphilitica Zucc.) is a shrub that develops functionally in arid and semi‐arid zones of Mexico; these conditions generate an association between the plant and the microorganisms, contributing to the production of enzymes as a defense mechanism for resistance to abiotic stress. The objective of this research was to isolate and identify endophyte fungi of candelilla and bioprospection of these endophytic fungi for enzyme production using candelilla by‐products. Fungi were isolated and identified using ITS1/ITS4 sequencing. Their potency index (PI) was evaluated in producing endoglucanase, xylanase, amylase, and laccase. Fermentation was carried out at 30°C for 8 days at 200 rpm, with measurements every 2 days, using candelilla by‐products as substrate. All fungi exhibited higher cellulase, amylase, and laccase activities on the 2nd, 6th, and 8th day of fermentation, respectively, of fermentation. The fungus Aspergillus niger ITD‐IN4.1 showed the highest amylase activity (246.84 U/mg), the genus Neurospora showed the highest cellulase activity, reaching up to 13.45 FPU/mg, and the strain Neurospora sp. ITD‐IN5.2 showed the highest laccase activity (3.46 U/mg). This work provides the first report on the endophytic diversity of E. antisyphilitica and its potential role in enzyme production.
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TEE 2023-Diversity of fungal endophytes associated with the Philippine endemic ginger Vanoverberghia sepulchrei Merr. (Zingiberaceae). Abstract The pantropical Zingiberaceae family is among the most threatened monocotyledonous plants, with numerous species endemic to the Philippines, and thus, is an ideal host to study fungal endophytes. In this study, we determined the occurrence and diversity of fungal endophytes associated with the Philippine endemic ginger Vanoverberghia sepulchrei Merr. All major plant organs, i.e., leaf, pseudostem, rhizome, and root, were surface-sterilized to isolate Vanoverberghia-associated fungal endophytes (VFE). A combination of morphological characteristics and phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences derived from ITS were used to identify selected isolated fungi. Our results showed the isolation of twenty fungal morphospecies, and these were identified as belonging to the genera Bjerkandera, Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, Cosmospora, Diaporthe, Fusarium, Leptographium, Mucor, Nigrospora, Perenniporia, Phomopsis, Phyllosticta, Phytophthora, Pseudopithomyces, Rhizopus, and Trichoderma. The results of this study paved the way for the first report of fungal endophytes from the Philippine endemic ginger.
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Our thirty years of research at Vivekananda Institute of Tropical Mycology (VINSTROM) on fungal endo-phytes of terrestrial and aquatic plants have yielded many interesting insights into this ecological group of fungi, a constituent of the plant microbiome. Having pioneered the study of fungal endophytes in India, we have established a culture collection of these fungi in VINSTROM. It now has about 1700 fungal endophyte isolates obtained from plants of different ecosystems in different parts of India. Endophytes produce an extraordinary array of bioactive compounds, novel industrial enzymes and enhance the fitness of the plants they colonize by elevating their tolerance to abiotic and biotic stressors. Considering such desirable traits of fungal endophytes, VINSTROM's culture collection is a unique repository that needs to be explored for the technological use of endophytes.
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Bacteria colonizing the aerial parts of plants (phyllosphere) are linked to the biology of their host. They impact plant–pathogen interactions and may influence plant reproduction. Past studies have shown differences in composition and structure of the leaf, flower, and host microbiota, but an investigation of the impact of individual taxa on these variations remains to be tested. Such information will help to evaluate disparities and to better understand the biology and evolution of the plant–microbe associations. In the present study, we investigated the community structure, occupancy of host and organ, and the prevalence of phyllosphere bacteria from three host species collected at the same location. Almost all (98%) of bacterial taxa detected in the phyllosphere were not only shared across leaves and flowers, or different plant species but also had a conserved prevalence across sub-environments of the phyllosphere. We also found nonrandom associations of the phylogenetic diversity of phyllosphere bacteria. These results suggest that the phyllosphere microbiota is more conserved than previously acknowledged, and dominated by generalist bacteria adapted to environmental heterogeneity through evolutionary conserved traits.
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Plants associate with a wide diversity of microorganisms. Some microorganisms engage in intimate associations with the plant host, collectively forming a metaorganism. Such close coexistence with plants requires specific adaptations that allow microorganisms to overcome plant defenses and inhabit plant tissues during growth and reproduction. New data suggest that the plant immune system has a broader role beyond pathogen recognition and also plays an important role in the community assembly of the associated microorganism. We propose that core microorganisms undergo coadaptation with their plant host, with the plant immune system allowing them to persist and propagate on their host. Microorganisms, which are vertically transmitted from generation to generation via plant seeds, putatively compose highly adapted species with plant-beneficial functions. The extent to which plant domestication has impacted the underlying genetics of plant–microbe associations remains poorly understood. We propose that the ability of domesticated plants to select and maintain advantageous microbial partners may have been affected. In this review, we discuss factors that impact plant metaorganism assembly and function. We underline the importance of microbe–microbe interactions in plant tissues, as they are still poorly studied but may have a great impact on plant health. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Phytopathology Volume 57 is August 26, 2019. Please see for revised estimates.
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Fungal communities associated with plants and soil influence plant fitness and ecosystem functioning. They are frequently studied by metabarcoding approaches targeting the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS), but there is no consensus concerning the most appropriate bioinformatic approach for the analysis of these data. We sequenced an artificial fungal community composed of 189 strains covering a wide range of Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, to compare the performance of 360 software and parameter combinations. The most sensitive approaches, based on the USEARCH and VSEARCH clustering algorithms, detected almost all fungal strains but greatly overestimated the total number of strains. By contrast, approaches using DADA2 to detect amplicon sequence variants were the most effective for recovering the richness and composition of the fungal community. Our results suggest that analyzing single forward (R1) sequences with DADA2 and no filter other than the removal of low-quality and chimeric sequences is a good option for fungal community characterization.
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Sometimes, to move ahead, you must take a look at where you have been. Culturing microbes is a foundational underpinning of microbiology. Before genome sequencing, researchers spent countless hours tediously deducing the nutritional requirements of bacterial isolates and tinkering with medium formulations to entice new microbes into culture. This art of cultivation took a back seat to the powerful molecular tools of the last 25 years, and as a result, many researchers have forgotten the utility of having a culture in hand. This perception is changing, as there is clearly a renewed interest in isolating microbes from various environments. Here, I suggest three focus areas to ensure continued growth and success of this “cultural” renaissance, including (i) setting clear cultivation goals, (ii) funding exploratory cultivation, and (iii) culturing and studying unusual organisms. “Unculturable” is a frame of mind, not a state of microbiology; it is time to dust off the bottle of yeast extract.
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This review describes examples of naturally occurring bioactive compounds obtained from fungal endophytes from various host plants. The main topics addressed are sources, identification, biological activity, biosynthesis, and ecological and chemosystematic significance of those bioactive compounds whose sources were well defined.
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Previous studies have found that introduced plants commonly experience more favorable microbial interactions in their non-native range, suggesting that changes to the microbiome could be an important contributor to invasion success. Little is known about microbiome variation across native and invading populations, however, and the potential sources of more favorable interactions are undescribed. Here, we report one of the first microbiome comparisons of plants from multiple native and invading populations, in the noxious weed yellow starthistle. We identify clear differences in composition and diversity of microbiome bacteria. Our findings raise new questions about the sources of these differences, and we outline the next generation of research that will be required to connect microbiome variation to its potential role in plant invasions.
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Despite colonizing nearly every plant on Earth, foliar fungal symbionts have received little attention in studies on the biogeography of host-associated microbes. Evidence from regional scale studies suggests that foliar fungal symbiont distributions are influenced both by plant hosts and environmental variation in climate and soil resources. However, previous surveys have focused on either one plant host across an environmental gradient or one gradient and multiple plant hosts, making it difficult to disentangle the influence of host identity from the influence of the environment on foliar endophyte communities. We used a culture-based approach to survey fungal symbiont composition in the leaves of nine C3 grass species along replicated elevation gradients in grasslands of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. In these ecosystems, the taxonomic richness and composition of foliar fungal symbionts were mostly structured by the taxonomic identity of the plant host rather than by variation in climate. Plant traits related to size (height and leaf length) were the best predictors of foliar fungal symbiont composition and diversity, and composition did not vary predictably with plant evolutionary history. The largest plants had the most diverse and distinctive fungal communities. These results suggest that across the ~ 300 m elevation range that we sampled, foliar fungal symbionts may indirectly experience climate change by tracking the shifting distributions of plant hosts rather than tracking climate directly.
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Bacterial endophytes may be fairly host‐specific; nonetheless, an important subset of taxa may be shared among numerous host species forming a community‐wide core microbiome. Moreover, other key factors, particularly the supply of limiting macronutrients and disturbances, may supersede the importance of host identity. We tested the following four non‐mutually exclusive hypotheses: (a) The Host Identity Hypothesis: endophytes vary substantially among different host‐plant species. (b) The Core Microbiome Hypothesis: a subset of microbial taxa will be shared among all host‐plant species. (c). The Soil Resource Supply Hypothesis: endophytes vary substantially among habitats with experimentally elevated levels of macronutrients. (d) The Disturbance–Disruption Hypothesis: disturbances created by the periodic application of antibiotics structure bacterial endophyte communities. We tested these hypotheses by characterizing endophytes using high‐throughput sequencing among seedlings of five phylogenetically diverse tree species nested within a long‐term, full factorial nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium soil fertilization experiment. We artificially disturbed one of our focal species by applying antibiotics every 10–14 days for 29 months within the soil (N, P, K) fertilization experiment. While we detected a significant effect of host identity and soil nutrient additions, together they explained little variation in endophyte community composition (<10%). We found unequivocal evidence for a core microbiome shared by all species. Specifically, we inferred that nine OTUs were present among 95% or more of all control saplings, representing a third of the total reads. These bacterial taxa belonged to the Actinobacteria. In contrast, disturbance (antibiotics) explained more endophyte variation than all nutrient addition combinations combined and twice the variation explained by host identity for all five tree species. Synthesis. Our results challenge the idea that host identity is a primary filter shaping bacterial endophyte communities; this suggests that many of the same bacterial taxa occur inside plant hosts even if those host plants are phylogenetically diverse. Moreover, we documented a distinct core microbiome shared among our five focal tree species. Finally, we found that disturbance rather than host identity and soil nutrient availability was an important driver of microbial community composition, which parallels the importance of disturbance in other areas of community ecology.