Erhan Huseyin Comert

Erhan Huseyin Comert
Istanbul Rumeli University · Gynecology and Obstetrics/ pathology

Gynecology and obstetrics


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Erhanhüseyin Cömert currently works at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Karadeniz Technical University. Erhanhüseyin does research in Oncology, Medical Technology and Gynaecology. Their most recent publication is 'Elective repeat caesarean delivery may affect bone mineral density compared with normal vaginal delivery'.


Publications (33)
Aims: There is no study in the literature about ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) levels in amniotic fluid for Down syndrome cases. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes of IMA and HGF in Down syndrome cases at 16-20 weeks of gestation compared to normal fetuses. Methods: For this prospective case-con...
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Fusion anomalies are seen in the developmental phases of the mullerian ducts. We wanted to present a case with mullerian anomaly who had an intrauterine pregnancy and was planned for ectopic pregnancy treatment in an external center. The patient's blood Beta HCG value was positive (8000 ml/u) who applied to an external center with menstrual delay....
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Joubert syndrome(JS), was first discovered by Marie Joubert, which is a rare autosomal recessive inherited disease belonging to ciliopathy with the causative mutation of genes. A 27-years-old woman was referred to our clinic for advanced research over the detection of fetal renal cyst.We observed policycstic kidney in detailed examination.INPP5E mu...
Conference Paper
Yenidoğan ölümlerinin önemli nedenlerinden biri erken doğum ve buna bağlı morbiditedir. Komplikasyonların azaltılabilmesi için en önemli hedefler, eğer mümkünse erken doğumu durdurabilmek ve akciğer olgunluğunu etkin bir şekilde tayin edebilmektir. Preterm eylemi durdurmak için etkili bir tedavi yöntemi yoktur, ancak fetal akciğer olgunlaşması için...
Pulmonary lymphangioleimyomatosis (LAM) is a rare disorder characterized by hamartomatous proliferation of smooth muscle within lung parenchyma. LAM occurs only in women and exacerbates with menstruation, estrogen use, and taking oral contraceptives. The effect of pulmonary LAM on recurrent pregnancy loss has not been reported previously. A 28-year...
Fetal gallbladder duplication is a rare congenital malformation. In the literature only a few cases of fetal gallbladder duplication in utero is reported. A 22-year-old woman was referred to this hospital at 26 weeks of gestation for a routine ultrasound examination. A fetal duplication of gallbladder accompanied was diagnosed with ultrasonography...
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p> Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate perinatal outcome of fetal echogenic bowel. Study Design: In this retrospective cohort study, fetuses with echogenic bowel diagnosed and followed in our center between 2013-2017 were included. Fetuses and infants were evaluated in terms of antenatal comorbidities and postnatal persistent diseases....
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Most of the head and neck metastatic masses originate from the upper respiratory tracts. Urogynecologic cancers are rarely seen in distant organ metastases. Metastasis of gynecologic malignancies is usually associated with left supraclavicular lymph node involvement due to lymphatic system drainage. In supraclavicular lymph node metastases, cases w...
Background: The aim of this study evaluate to properties of patients such as gender, birth type, gestational week, birth weight, accompanied additional anomalies, education status, antenatal care and folic acid usage, neonatal operations, postnatal outcomes. Material and Methods: All infants were taken to this single center retrospective study who...
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Bernard-SoulierSendromu(BSS)nadirgörülenbirkonjenitalkanamabozukluğudur.Otozomal resesifolarakaktarılır.TrombosityüzeyindeGPIb/IXkompleksinin olmamasına veya anormalliğine bağlı trombosit adezyon bozukluğudur.GPIb/IX; trombositlerin fibrine bağlanabilmesi için reseptör görevi yapmaktadır.Bu kompleksin eksikliği veya anormalliği trombositlerin endot...
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Santral sinir sistemi iletimi dopaminerjik ve kolinerjik reseptörlerinin arasıdaki denge ile sağlanmaktadır. Bazı ilaçlar bu dengeyi bozarak distoniye sebep olmaktadır. istemsiz ağrılı tekrarlayan kas spazmları distoni olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu spazmlar korkutucu olarak görünsede hayati bir tehlike yaratmamaktadır. Antidepresan, antipsikotik ve a...
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Objective Iniencephaly is a rare birth defect characterized by hyper-retrofleksion of the head with absence of neck due to spinal deformity. The etiology is unknown and is seen 01,-10 of 10, 000 deliveries. Cystic hygroma (CH) is a congenital anomaly of the lymphatic system and is a rare soft tissue tumor. CH can be seen isoolated or may be associa...
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Objective Chromosomal abnormalities are seen in nearly 1% of live born infants. Trisomy 21 is the most common aneuploidy seen in infants. Despite the fact that 1 in 1000 boys have the karyotype 47, XYY (XYY), approximately 85% or more of males with XYY are never diagnosed. Some infants with typical phenotypic features of Down syndrome may have rare...
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l ectopic pregnancy is a rare ectopic pregnancy (0,4-0,6%) with a high mortality rate (2-5%). It has high mortality rate when you are diagnosed late. Therefore early diagnosis and treatment considerably reduce mortality and morbidity. In the literature, it has been shown that methotrexate (Mtx) as a medical treatment removes the need for surgical t...
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In developed countries, there is an increase in multiple pregnancies due to the increased use of assisted reproductive techniques (ART). In multiple pregnancies, maternal and fetal obstetric outcomes have been found to increase with the incidence of fetal structural anomalies. In our case, the patient had dichorionic-diamniotic twin pregnancy and a...
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Gelişmiş ülkelerde, yardımcı üreme tekniklerinin(YÜT) kullanımının artmasından dolayı multipl gebeliklerde bir artış söz konusudur. Çoğul gebeliklerde, maternal ve fetal obstetrik sonuçlarla beraber fetal yapısal ve kromozomal anomalilerin insidansında artış olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu gebeliklerde anomalili fetus saptanmasına güncel yaklaşım fetusun s...
Our prospective, age-matched case–control study investigated the effect of delivery route (elective repeat caesarean delivery or vaginal delivery) on bone mineral density (BMD). The degree of bone loss is known to increase during the last trimester of pregnancy and the early postpartum period (lactation) [1], and pregnancy therefore has a detriment...
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Osteoporoz düşük kemik kütlesi ve mineral kaybıyla karakterize karakterize sistemik bir iskelet hastalığıdır. Normal bir gebelikte kemik mineral kaybı gebelik sürecinde ve laktasyon döneminde artar. Bu çalışmanın amacı doğum şeklinin (elektif tekrarlayan sezeryan doğum veya vajinal doğum) kemik mineral dansite üzerine etkisini değerlendirmektir. Ar...
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Cantrell pentalojisi 1958 da tanımlanmış olup abdomino torokal yetersiz füzyon defektidir. Pentaloji umblikus üstü karın defektini,sternum alt uç defektini,kardiyak anomalileri, diafragma anterior kısmında yetmezliği ve diafragmatik perikard yokluğunu içerir.1/65,000 ile 1/200,000 arasında prevelensa sahip nadir bir kongenital defekttir. Gravida 2...
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Servikal yetmezlik gebeliğin ikinci trimesterinde ağrısız servikal dilatasyon ve silinme ile karakterize bir durumdur. Bu nedenle, erken doğum ile sonuçlanan gebelik kaybı görülür. Servikal serklaj işlemi gebelikte serviksi kapalı tutmak için uygulanan dikiş işlemidir. Cerrahi yaklaşımlar transvajinal ve transabdominal servikal serklaj içerir. Bu o...
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Ekzensefali kafatasından beyin dokusunun kranium dışına çıktığı nadir görülen bir anomalidir. Erken dönemde ultrasonografi eşliğinde kolayca tanısı konulabilir. Omfalosel, batın orta hattında gözlenen membran ile kaplı karın duvarı defektidir. Omfalosel kesesinin içinde sıklıkla ince barsaklar ile beraber karaciğer bulunur; daha nadir olarak ise da...
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Objective Phocomelia is a rare congenital anomaly seen in 4 million births. Many factors play a role in the etiology of phocomelia such as environmental-genetic factors, teratogen exposure and amniotic band syndrome. Thalidomide, alcohol, cyclophosphamide and retinoic acid have also been implicated in the pathogenesis. Phocomelia may be isolated or...
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Objective Cornual pregnancy is seen in between 2% and 5% of ectopic pregnancies. These are risky pregnancies that cause hypovolemic shock due to bleeding between ectopic pregnancies. Treatment includes systemic methotrexate, laparotomy and cornual resection or hysterectomy. Concomitant gynaecologic endoscopic applications are found in the literatur...


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