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Radiographic appearance of apical closure in apexification: follow-up after 7-13 years



This was the radiographic evaluation of 15 maxillary incisors apexification treatment carried out on 7-9 years old patients with periapical pathology due to pulpal necrosis after dental trauma. The treatment consisted of two phases. The aim of first phase was the formation of a calcified apical barrier through calcium hydroxide medications repeated twice with a three months interval. The aim of the second phase was the obturation of the root canal system once achieved a radiographic evidence of the formation of an apical barrier. The treated teeth were radiographed at six months and then periodically once a year for a period of 7 and 13 years. The radiographic analysis allowed to underline three different kinds of apical formation: a physiological development of the apical portion with a final root length equal to the contralateral tooth; the formation of a cap tissue and an apical development with the final root length slightly shorter than the contralateral tooth; or the formation of different layers of mineralised tissue that aggregate together trough the years. Apexification is not a static phenomenon and the apexified area undergoes through the years to a conspicuous readjustment involving bone, apical root tissues and root filling material.
Radiographic appearance of
apical closure in apexification:
follow-up after 7-13 years
ABSTRACT.AimThis was the radiographic evaluation of 15 maxillary incisors apexification treatment carried out
on 7-9 years old patients with periapical pathology due to pulpal necrosis after dental trauma.
Materials and Methods The treatment consisted of two phases. The aim of first phase was the formation of a
calcified apical barrier through calcium hydroxide medications repeated twice with a three months interval. The
aim of the second phase was the obturation of the root canal system once achieved a radiographic evidence of
the formation of an apical barrier. The treated teeth were radiographed at six months and then periodically once
a year for a period of 7 and 13 years. Results The radiographic analysis allowed to underline three different kinds
of apical formation: a physiological development of the apical portion with a final root length equal to the
controlateral tooth; the formation of a cap tissue and an apical development with the final root length slightly
shorter than the controlateral tooth; or the formation of different layers of mineralised tissue that aggregate
together trough the years. Conclusion Apexification isn’t a static phenomenon and the apexified area undergoes
through the years to a conspicuous readjustment involving bone, apical root tissues and root filling material.
EYWORDS: Apexification-Apex closure-Calcium hydroxide.
University of L’Aquila (Italy)
*University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
root canal system induces the formation of an apical
diaphragm of mineralised tissues by the apical
odontoblasts and cementoblasts. The calcium
hydroxide medication induces the formation of a
reparative fibrous tissue that progressively mineralises
and that has been defined through histological
evaluations [Ham et al, 1972; Steiner et al, 1971,
Gallusi, 1987] as cementoid or osteoid tissue, in some
cases described as bone, dentin, osteodentin or
cement. The variability in composition of the apical
diaphragm is explained by the presence of residues of
apical pulp tissue and of a still active epithelial sheath
[Frank, 1966; Feiglin, 1985].
Materials and methods
The apexification treatment was performed on 15
superior central incisors, in 7-9 years old patients,
affected by periapical pathology due to pulp necrosis
following dental trauma. The treatment has been
performed in two phases at a 6 months interval. The
aim of the first procedure was the achievement of an
efficient apical barrier. The procedures of the first
Apexification is an endodontic treatment of non-vital
permanent teeth with open apex to induce the
formation of a calcified tissue and the closure of an
apex that hasn’t completed its physiological maturation
process [Frank, 1966].
The treatment is mostly performed on anterior
permanent teeth with open apex and pulp necrosis,
following a traumatic lesion, sometimes associated to
periapical abscess and vestibular sinus tract. Pulp
necrosis prevents the tooth to complete the
development of its radicular portion and to achieve the
physiological maturation of the apex. The apical
obliteration, final goal of the apexification treatment, is
the indispensable condition in order to obtain a correct
obturation of the root canal system and the healing of
the periapical infection. The application of calcium
hydroxide paste inserted with a lentulo spiral in the
phase included: isolation of the tooth with dental dam,
access to the endodontic spaces, shaping of the canal at
a working length 2 mm shorter than the actual canal
length and sodium hypochlorite alternated irrigation,
drying with sterile paper points, canal filling with
calcium hydroxide paste applied with a lentulo spiral
at the working length, obturation of the root canal with
ZOE paste.
The bacteria elimination from the canal system and
its filling with a highly antiseptic material help: the
immediate healing of the sinus tract, when present
(realised in 5-7 days), the progressive formation of a
reparative “scar” tissue (achieved in 5-6 months) and
the filling of the periapical bone gap, which is
completed over an average time of one year.
Control visits were scheduled once a month to
evaluate radiographically the treatment evolution.
The calcium hydroxide medication was repeated at a
3 months interval. It has been observed the progressive
formation of a radiopaque tissue occupying the
periapical area and, in some cases, frankly infiltrating
the apical space. Once the radiographs gave evidence of
the complete formation of a barrier at the calcium-
hydroxide/reparative tissue interface, the treatment
proceeded with the second phase according to the
following steps: isolation of the tooth with dental dam,
access to the endodontic spaces, removal of calcium
hydroxide, irrigation with sodium hypochlorite, drying
with sterile paper points, control of the presence and
consistence of the apical barrier with manual
instrument or paper coins, complete filling with gutta-
percha of the root canal system, final crown restoration.
The treated teeth were radiographed at six months
and then periodically once a year for a period of 7 and
13 years.
1) In 6 cases the obtained healing determined the
formation of an apical barrier followed through the
years by a progressive development of the apical
portion with a final root length equal to the
contralateral tooth. The apical portion developed
physiologically (Figg. 1-5).
2) In 7 cases the apical closure was determined
by the formation of a cap tissue partially
invaginated, and apically by the development of a
further apical portion with a final root length
slightly shorter than the controlateral tooth and
completely mineralised at the following
radiographic controls (Figg. 6-9).
3) In 2 cases the healing shows the formation of
different layers of mineralised tissue that through
the years will aggregate in one mineralised tissue of
high thickness (Figg.10-14).
Of the 15 teeth treated have been shown three
cases, one for each healing pattern, to exemplify the
different kinds of apical closure.
FIG. 1 - Coronal fracture of necrotic tooth 1.1 in 7 years old patient. FIG. 2 - The 2,5 years follow-up. Following apexification
the root length increased (when comparing the tooth 1.1 with the controlateral tooth) and a barrier formed apically to the root
filling material. Beyond this area it is possible to observe a radiolucent area and more apically another portion of root tissue.
FIG. 3 - At the years follow-up the radiolucent area apical to the root filling material and the a apical root tissue are more evident.
The treatment of immature permanent teeth with
calcium hydroxide is fully described in literature
[Chawla,1986; Walia et al., 2000; Saad, 1988;
Caliskan,; 1997] and with high success rates
[Chawla,1986; Walia et al, 2000].
Recently [Shabahang et al., 1999; Hachmeister et al,
2002; Ham et al., 2005; Steinig et al., 2003; Ham et al.,
2005] the application of mineral trioxide aggregate has
been introduced to obtain the immediate apical closure
FIG. 4 - 7 years follow-up. The root length of 1.1 appears similar to 2.1 while the radiolucent area apical to the root filling
material is still visible. FIG. 5 - 13 years follow up. The radiographic evidences of the previous follow-ups are confirmed even after
many years and the apical root area has completed its physiological maturation. FIG. 6 - Coronal fracture of necrotic tooth 1.1 in a
7 years old patient. The tooth appears less developed than the contralateral tooth.
FIG. 7 - 2 years follow-up: due to the apexification, the root length has increased and apically to the root filling material a barrier is invaginating
in the root. FIG. 8 - 4 years follow-up: apically to the root filling material (which seems modified in its apical portion) a radiolucent area and
more apically a further portion of root tissue are evident. FIG. 9 - 9 years follow-up: the alteration of the apical portion of the root filling material
is evident; apically to this area there is a further root portion completely mineralised; 1.1 root length is slightly shorter than 2.1.
FIG. 13 - 3 years follow-up. A higher mineralization of the apical root portion is evident, with consequent reduction of the
radiolucent area between the two radiopaque bridges. No changes are visible on the radiolucent area adjacent to the root filling
material that is slightly modified when compared to the previous follow-up. FIG. 14 - 10 year follow-up. The apical root portion
has completed its mineralization. It is still present, though reduced, the radiolucent area adjacent to the root filling material
that shows further modification. Root length is slightly shorter than that of the controlateral tooth.
FIG. 10 - Coronal fracture of necrotic tooth 2.1 in a 7,5 years old patient. FIG. 11 - 6 months follow-up. Calcium hydroxide
was placed with a lentulo spiral into the canal, which was 3-4 mm shorter than root length owing to a technical problem during
treatment. There are two radiopaque areas at the coronal and apical levels. FIG. 12 - 1,5 years follow-up. The two radiopaque
bridges are more evident. Two radiolucent areas are one adjacent to the root filling material and the other one between the
radiopaque bridges. Root length is similar to that of the contralateral tooth.
of the apex and rapidly proceed with the restoration.
This treatment, though it still does not have a long
follow-up as the calcium hydroxide [Chawla, 1991;
Theter, 1988].
The complete healing after apexification is achieved
in about 1±7 months [Kleier, 1991], depending on the
presence of radiolucency and periapical infection
[Kleier, 1991; Walia, 2000], the size of the apex
opening [Kleier, 1991; Walia, 2000] and the
development of inter-appointment symptoms [Kleier,
The radiographic aspect of the apical closure
obtained after apexification treatment has been
classified [Frank, 1966; Feiglin, 1985] in 4 clinical
types according to the presence or absence of the
Hertwig epithelial sheath and its relationship with the
apical residues of the pulp tissue. If the sheath is still
present and the apical odontoblasts are still vital, the
root will develop normally with a physiological
process of apexogenesis (Type 1). If the Hertwig
sheath is still vital but are missing vital odontoblasts,
the root will lengthen without a physiological
maturation of the apex (Type 2). When the Hertwig
sheath and the odontoblasts are both non-vital, the
healing can only take place with the formation of a cap
of mineralised tissue produced by osteoblasts and
cementoblasts activity either at the apex level (Type 3)
or coronal to the apex (Type 4).
The calcified bridge formed following apexification
is a porous structure [Walia et al., 2000]. Follow-up
after 6-12 years shows that this structure remains the
same, consolidates or decreases [Chawla, 1991].
In our experience, the type of apical closure seems
related to the following factors:
a) the kind of contact between calcium hydroxide
and apical tissue;
b) vitality and potentiality of the epithelial sheath.
The healing patterns obtained allow some
In all cases there was a chronic periradicular
pathology often associated with abscess and vestibular
sinus tract. The final root length of the treated teeth,
though initially highly reduced, was slightly shorter
than that of the contralateral tooth and in some cases
aabout the same. This healing pattern does not seem
related to the proximity of calcium hydroxide to the
apical area. In no case a physiological maturation
process has been observed as time went on, nor in
radiographic anatomy. These findings show that,
though was still present a guide (Hertwig sheath) to the
root development, the specialised cells (odontoblasts)
were not available, and thus not able to immediately
perform the instructions. These were completed over a
longer period of time by mesodermic cells
differentiated under the influence of the epithelial
sheath. The final result was a root development that
never appeared absolutely physiological, though it
determined the lengthening of the apical portion.
The site of the formation of the first apical cap seems
directly related to the level of insertion of calcium
hydroxide and to its contact with the apical tissue. It is
also necessary to underline that the aspect and the
quality of the apical obliteration is highlighted in its
form when radiopaque root filling material has contact
with the cap. The filling material works as contrast
medium highlighting its interface with the apical
barrier. Radiographs often show a small radiolucent
area between the root filling material and the apical
cap, that remains visible over the years. The meaning
of this area cannot be referred to a gap in the
obturation, on the contrary it is due to the presence of
a reparative tissue that can be made radiopaque with
difficulty because of the colonisation of cementoblasts
and osteoblasts; since their pattern of mineralization
goes from the periphery to the centre of the canal and
the already mineralised tissues obstructs the cell
activity and slows down the progression of the
mineralization process.
When comparing radiographs, the apexification does
not appear a static phenomenon and it is characterised
by a continuous modification of the apexified area over
the years. In fact it is evident a readjustment of the
bone structure and the apical tissues that continue their
development according to the instructions given by the
epithelial sheath; even the filling material undergoes a
certain amount of modifications.
Apexification isn ot a static phenomenon. The
apexified area undergoes a conspicuous readjustment
through the years, involving bone and apical root
tissues until the epithelial sheath instructions are
completed. Further readjustments involve the root
filling material.
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... This procedure was popularized by Frank, who emphasized the importance of reducing contamination within the canals by instrumentation and medication. Klein and Levy (1974) described the successful induction of an apical barrier with the use of calcium hydroxide and cresetin [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. ...
... Numerous clinical studies with short follow-ups (0.5 -2 years) of teeth treated with the apexification technique are currently available within literature (2,6,18,19). However, only few report long follow-up periods, with emphasis on two studies presenting 5 to 15 (4) and 7 to 13 years follow-up (20). Furthermore, few studies appraise both endodontic and restorative treatment. ...
Introduction: This study aims to evaluate the long-term outcome of sixteen permanent maxillary central incisors with nonvital pulps and open apices treated with apexification and corono-radicular adhesive restorations, within a follow-up span of 5 to 22 years. Methods: Fourteen patients providing a total of sixteen teeth treated with MTA (n = 12), Biodentine (n = 3) or β-tricalcium phosphate (n = 1) apical barrier and corono-radicular restoration, with or without fiberglass post, were included. Clinical and radiographic criteria were defined for assessment at recall. Restoration and periapical tissues' status evaluation were performed according to FDI World Dental Federation's esthetic, functional and biological criteria and Ørstavik Periapical Index (PAI). Outcome was dichotomized in "healed" (PAI ≤ 2, asymptomatic with absence of signs of infection) or "not healed" (PAI ≥ 3, presence of clinical signs and/or symptoms). Results: Fourteen out of twenty-four patients were available for the present study (recall rate = 58%). Within a follow-up of 5 to 22 years, ten (62.5%) teeth were considered "healed", fulfilling both strict clinical and radiographic success criteria. Only one tooth was missing due to root resorption and one patient was presenting with clinical signs and symptoms at recall, resulting in a survival rate of 93.8%. Conclusions: Adhesive corono-radicular restoration in nonvital permanent immature teeth treated with apexification allows for favorable long-term outcomes, by ensuring structural reinforcement and coronal microleakage prevention. Teeth sustaining a substantial loss of coronal structure may require post/core placement. In the case of failure, this endodontic-restorative combination assured teeth survival until growth phase conclusion, thus allowing for proper prosthetic rehabilitation approaches.
... The radiographic aspect of the apical closure obtained after apexication treatment has been classied [Frank, 1966;Feiglin, 1985] in 4 clinical types (table 1) according to the presence or absence of the Hertwig epithelial sheath and its relationship with the apical 13 residues of the pulp tissue. ...
Pulpal necrosis in permanent teeth with immature roots leads to development of roots which are very short, thin walled and an inadequate crown-root ratio, which overshadows their survival prognosis. Traditionally, the apexication procedure has consisted of multiple and long-term applications of calcium hydroxide to create an apical barrier to aid the obturation. Recently, articial apical barriers such as those made with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) have been used in teeth with necrotic pulps and open apices. More recently, procedures referred to as regenerative endodontics have received much attention as an option for these teeth. This paper reviews the past, present and recent concepts used for apexication.
... The success of root canal treatment is dependent from the removal of the smear layer and the debris produced during either manual or rotary root canal instrumentation. An adequate cleansing of the root canal walls reduces bacteria contamination (4), enhances sealer penetration (7-9) and reduces the possibility of microinfiltration (66). The association of EDTA and NaOCl solutions has proved effective in removing smear layer formed during endodontic instrumentation (67-69). ...
This study is to compare the cleaning effectiveness of two Ni-Ti files systems. Thirty single-rooted human teeth were selected and two NiTi rotary systems were used. Group A: canal shaping with ProTaper® Universal (Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties, Tulsa, OK) (PTU); Group B: (n=15) canal shaping with Mtwo Ni-Ti instruments (Sweden and Martina, Padova, Italy) and apical finishing with Mtwo Apical Ni-Ti instruments (Sweden and Martina, Padova, Italy). The amount of debris and smear layer were quantified on a basis of a numerical evaluation scale. The data established for scoring the debris and the smear layer was recorded separately and statistically analysed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. No significant differences were found for debris. Mtwo instruments resulted in significantly less smear layer (P less than 0.05) compared with ProTaper® Universal. Under the conditions of this study, Mtwo resulted in significantly less smear layer compared with canal preparation with ProTaper® Universal.
... [3] To overcome the drawbacks of patient compliance and incomplete barrier, Torabinejad [11] in 2000 and Witherspoon et al., [12] in 2000 pursued the single-step apexification using MTA. Ballesio et al., [13] and Felippe et al., [14] in 2006 showed that one-step apexification also does not generally result in further root development and thin dentinal walls still pose a challenge to the clinicians. ...
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The procedure of regeneration has shown promising results in the treatment of nonvital teeth with immature apices. However, the tissue being regenerated can only be confirmed through histological examination. This report describes an immature nonvital 12 with apical pathology which was treated via revascularization using 3% NaOCl and 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid as irrigants; Ca(OH)2 as intracanal medicament and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) as scaffold. On follow-up at 6 and 12 months, healing of periapical lesion, dentinal thickening, and apical closure with a canal exit forming distally were evident. The tooth, however, got fractured and was subsequently extracted at 12 months and sent for histopathological examination. It was revealed that a collagenous matrix for forming hard tissue similar to acellular cementum with a diffuse area of calcification could be seen in pulp space being attached with root canal dentin walls, suggesting that PRF may yield favorable outcomes in regenerative endodontic procedures.
... Calcium hydroxide has been used successfully in the apical barrier formation in 74-100% of cases [8,9]. Some studies show that 86% of treated teeth showed a survival rate between 5 and 13 years [22][23][24]. However, this material has been replaced by the MTA because it is necessary to do various changes, generating a time-consuming treatment, which can vary between 3 and 17 months [9]. ...
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Dental trauma is a challenge for dental integrity and can lead to pulp necrosis. The clinical case reports the diagnosis of a maxillary right central incisor traumatized and its multidisciplinary treatment. Calcium hydroxide material was used to perform the processing apexification. An apical surgery was carried out to remove the apical periodontitis and to return the aesthetics to the patient; internal and external tooth whitening in maxillary right central incisor was performed. We conclude that surgery associated with the root filling in the central incisor led to a successful completion. Moreover, it is of utmost importance to demonstrate the interaction between the various areas of dentistry.
... As apexification with calcium hydroxide is the most established of all the techniques, its long-term success rates are well documented. Ballesio et al. 43 reported success rates of up to 90% with a follow-up of 7 to 13 years, while Heithersay 38 and Cvek 44 reported success rates above 95%. Cvek observed no difference in periapical healing between calcium hydroxide treated mature and immature teeth after 4 years. 1 Equally, disadvantages have been identified with the calcium hydroxide apexification method. ...
Endodontic management of the permanent immature tooth continues to be a challenge for both clinicians and researchers. Clinical concerns are primarily related to achieving adequate levels of disinfection as 'aggressive' instrumentation is contraindicated and hence there exists a much greater reliance on endodontic irrigants and medicaments. The open apex has also presented obturation difficulties, notably in controlling length. Long-term apexification procedures with calcium hydroxide have proven to be successful in retaining many of these immature infected teeth but due to their thin dentinal walls and perceived problems associated with long-term placement of calcium hydroxide, they have been found to be prone to cervical fracture and subsequent tooth loss. In recent years there has developed an increasing interest in the possibility of 'regenerating' pulp tissue in an infected immature tooth. It is apparent that although the philosophy and hope of 'regeneration' is commendable, recent histologic studies appear to suggest that the calcified material deposited on the canal wall is bone/cementum rather than dentine, hence the absence of pulp tissue with or without an odontoblast layer.
Introduction Root resorption may occur in traumatized necrotic teeth that have undergone apexification following orthodontic treatment. This study examined the effects of orthodontic treatment on the outcome of apexification. Methods This retrospective study included 36 children presenting with anterior permanent traumatized teeth with immature roots, who were treated by apexification and root canal treatment. The Orthodontic group consisted of 17 children with 24 teeth that were subjected to orthodontic treatment after apexification. The Control group consisted of 19 children with 21 teeth that underwent only apexification without orthodontic treatment. Almost half of the teeth in both groups underwent apexification with calcium hydroxide, whereas the other half were treated with mineral trioxide aggregate. The effects of sex, stage of root development, and apexification material on the outcomes of apexification were analyzed and compared between the two groups. Results Apexification was successful in 88% of cases after at least 5 years of follow-up. Neither apexification technique nor sex had a significant effect on treatment outcome. The stage of root development had a positive effect on outcome, although it was not statistically significant. Some root resorption (average 0.3 mm) was observed after orthodontic treatment, whereas teeth that underwent apexification without orthodontic treatment exhibited some root elongation (average 0.1 mm). This difference was highly significant. Conclusions Minor root resorption was observed in the Orthodontic group compared to a minor increase in root length in the Control group. Orthodontic movement of immature traumatized teeth after apexification appears to be safe.
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Aim: The aim of this study was to gather all the clinical studies regarding apexification and artificial apical barrier techniques, point out the possible differences of the clinical procedures and investigate how these are changing over time. Materials and methods: An electronic search was carried out in PubMed, covering the period from March 1968 to July 2015. More articles were retrieved by hand-searching or by the reference section of the included articles. Specific criteria were set in order to determine the relevance of each study. Results: One hundred and thirty eight articles were included, 53% of them concerned apexification with MTA plug. Long term apexification studies demonstrated 13% for a single change of the intracanal medicament and 85% for two or more. In 13% of the studies concerning artificial apical plug, the procedure included a single visit. Calcium hydroxide was left in the root canal for 3-12 months in 59% of the long term apexification studies, for 12-24 in 42% and for 24 months or more in 10%. Conclusion: Both techniques can lead to favourable clinical outcomes. There is a tendency for the artificial apical barrier apexification over the years, which usually includes the use of intracanal medicament for a short time.
This study was undertaken to determine the clinical and radiographic success of calcium hydroxide apexification in a group of 48 patients requiring endodontic therapy because of pulpal necrosis prior to root-end closure. The study examined tooth number, etiology of pulpal necrosis, age, sex, size of root-end opening, size of radiolucency, crown discoloration, interappointment symptoms, and total treatment time from initial instrumentation to completion of apexification. Apexification required an average of 1 year +/- 7 months. A statistically significant relationship was found between: the presence of a radiolucency and development of interappointment symptoms (p less than 0.04); and the size of apex opening and development of interappointment symptoms (p less than 0.02). If symptoms did develop, apexification was delayed an additional 5 months when compared to patients who did not have symptoms. Calcium hydroxide apexification was found to be statistically highly successful regardless of the clinical variables encountered.
Thirty 'apexified' immature permanent anterior teeth treated utilising Ca(OH)2 as root canal dressing assessed clinically and radiographically after greater than 6 less than or equal to 12 years revealed that in 15 teeth bridge remained the same; in 10 consolidated, while in 3 it decreased. Periapical radiolucency reappeared in one case, while in two it was questionable but clinically the teeth were comfortable; these cases were ones showing decrease in bridge consolidation: two teeth had been extracted during this observation period by some dentists because of complaint of discolouration.
Of twenty-five cases presented here, eighteen were boys and seven were girls who required apexification through December 1986. Nine teeth were considered treatment failures after a 9.5-year follow-up period. With these nine cases, however, five teeth to date have had successful endodontic treatment. Additional follow-up time (5-8 years) is required to evaluate the final outcome of pulp canal therapy applied in cases of traumatized maxillary permanent incisor teeth, with incomplete root formation.
The procedure of apex closure in wide-apexed nonvital teeth usually involves repeated Ca(OH)2 root canal dressings. In this trial of single dressing, only two teeth of twenty-six teeth studied required repeat Ca(OH)2 dressings.
In immature teeth, apexification once only produced occassionally - can now be induced in most cases by the use of calcium hydroxide paste. The different types of apices produced are presented in this paper and warning is given as to the young, very immature tooth where apexification may occur, but will leave the tooth with a very poor prognosis.
The results of a radiographic and histologic study of twenty-seven monkey teeth indicate that periapical healing and the formation of calcified tissue at the root ends of pulpless, infected, immature teeth can occur after either of two treatments: filling of the canal with a paste dressing or use of an induced blood clot. The best chance for success with inducing apical closure is in those cases in which the pulpal and periapical pathosis has not been present very long. If pulpal necrosis is not complete, a more normal type of root continuation can be expected. When complete necrosis and extensive periapical destruction are present, the chances of successful results are lessened, particularly if a negative culture cannot be obtained.
Clinical experience illustrates the success of endodontic therapy based on the normal physiologic pattern of root development. The technic described brings about the resumption of apical development; after which the root canal can be obliterated by conventional lateral condensation technics.
The rhesus monkey appears to be a suitable experimental animal for investigations aimed at establishing a rational basis for Ca(OH)2-induced root apexification. The radiopaque material bridging the foramen in this study satisfied the usual histologic criteria for identification as cementum.
A case with a wide-open apex and a large cystlike periapical lesion in an adult is presented. The lesion formed as a result of necrosis from trauma to a maxillary central incisor 12 years ago. After nonsurgical endodontic treatment with calcium hydroxide paste and a calcium hydroxide-containing root canal sealer, apical closure and significant healing of the periapical lesion within 15 months were observed. This report suggests that even large periapical lesions (likely cystic) could respond favorably to nonsurgical treatment.
Calcium hydroxide has been the material of choice for apexification. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of osteogenic protein-1 and mineral trioxide aggregate with that of calcium hydroxide in the formation of hard tissue in immature roots of dogs. Sixty-four roots of premolars were used. After induction of periradicular lesions, the canals were debrided and filled with calcium hydroxide for 1 wk. After the removal of calcium hydroxide, the root canals received one of the treatment materials in a balanced design. The animals were euthanized 12 wk later. The degree of hard tissue formation and amount of inflammation were evaluated histomorphically. Data were statistically evaluated using ANOVA, chi 2, and Kruskal-Wallis. Mineral trioxide aggregate produced apical hard tissue formation with significantly greater consistency. The difference in the amount of hard tissue produced among the three test materials was not statistically significant. Furthermore, the degree of inflammation was not significantly different between the various test groups.