ChapterPDF Available

Associative and controlled cognition in divergent thinking: Theoretical, experimental, neuroimaging evidence, and new directions


Abstract and Figures

Book chapter to appear in The Cambridge handbook of the neuroscience of creativity Citation: Volle, E. (in press). Associative and controlled cognition in divergent thinking: Theoretical, experimental, neuroimaging evidence, and new directions. In R. E. Jung & O. Vartanian (eds.), The Cambridge handbook of the neuroscience of creativity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Content may be subject to copyright.
Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, Inserm, CNRS, ICM – FrontLab, Hôpital Pitié-
Salpêtrière, Boulevard de l’hôpital, F-75013, Paris, France
Book chapter to appear in The Cambridge handbook of the neuroscience of creativity
Citation: Volle, E. (in press). Associative and controlled cognition in divergent thinking:
Theoretical, experimental, neuroimaging evidence, and new directions. In R. E. Jung &
O. Vartanian (eds.), The Cambridge handbook of the neuroscience of creativity. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press
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1. Classical*divergent*thinking*approach**
1.1. DT#tasks#and#measures*
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1.2. Brain#correlates#of#DT#
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2. Cognitive*processes*and*their*brain*correlates*
"S.92.%1! 2,'*0.'9! $%-! 0'8'%2! 79:8,*(*1.8$(! $%-! %'&0*.#$1.%1! 92&-.'9! 9&11'92! $! 9'2! *;!
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2.1. Cognitive#control#processes#
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$99*8.$2.*%9! ;$8.(.2$2.%1! 2,'! /.9&$(! 0'8*1%.2.*%! *;! 98'%'9! $%-! *>B'829! 4O/'0$1$! '2! $(L?! EFGG6L!
+,.9! %'2N*03! ($01'(:! */'0($79! N.2,! 2,'! 5Aj! .%! 2,'! #'-.$(! 70';0*%2$(?! 0'20*97('%.$(! $%-!
80'$2./.2:!.%/*(/'9!>*2,! 8*%20*(('-!$%-!$99*8.$2./'!70*8'99'9L! d*N'/'0?!2,'!%$2&0'!*;! 2,'9'!
;(&'%8:?!*0.1.%$(.2:!$%-! ;('S.>.(.2:!#$:!%*2! >'!9&;;.8.'%2(:!70'8.9'!2*!-.92.%1&.9,!>'2N''%!2,'!
-.;;'0'%2! 8*1%.2./'! 70*8'99'9! .%/*(/'-! .%! 80'$2./.2:! 70*8'99'9L!+,'! #*0'! ;.%'=10$.%'-! $%-!
*>B'82./'! #'$9&0'9! *;! 80'$2./.2:! 2,$2! ,$/'! >''%! 0'8'%2(:! -'/'(*7'-! #$:! >'! &9';&(!.%!
8($0.;:.%1! 2,'9'! 70*8'99'9! $%-! 2,'.0!0*('9! .%! -.;;'0'%2! 5+! $97'829?! $9! 70'9'%2'-! .%! 2,'!
2.3. Recent#advances#in#DT#measures##
>$9'-! *%! 9'#$%2.8! $99*8.$2./'! -.92$%8'! 4K8$0! C! J&%8*?! EFGZI! Q'3'2$:'/! C! J&%8*?! EFGV6L!
['#$%2.8! -.92$%8'! #'$9&0'9! 2,'! 70*>$>.(.2:! 4*0! 2,'! ;0'<&'%8:6! N.2,! N,.8,! *%'! 8*%8'72! *0!
N*0-! .9! $99*8.$2'-! N.2,! $%*2,'0! *%'?! $%-! 0';('829! ,*N! .-'$9! *0! 8*%8'729! $0'! &9&$((:!
1./'%!92$02.%1!7*.%2?!2,'!#*0'!*0.1.%$(! .2! .9L! K(2,*&1,! 2,'! 8*%8'72!*;!0$0.2:!*;!.-'$9!-';.%'9!
*0.1.%$(.2:!.%! 5+!2,'*0.'9?!9&070.9.%1(:?!2,'!-.92$%8'!>'2N''%!.-'$9! .9!%*2!2$3'%!.%2*!$88*&%2!
>'2N''%! .-'$9?! *0.1.%$(.2:! #'$9&0'9! -'0./'-! ;0*#! 2,.9! -.92$%8'! $0'! #*0'! *>B'82./'! 2,$%!
EFGVI!5'!5':%'?!j$/$00*?!C! [2*0#9?!EFGf6L!+,'! #*92!;0'<&'%2(:!&9'-! #'$9&0'!*;!9'#$%2.8!
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4Q'$2:!C![.(/.$?! EFGZI!5&#$9!C! 5&%>$0?!EFGZI!T0''%?!O0$'#'0?!b&1'(9$%1?!T0$:?!C! 5&%>$0?!
*%!$!($01'!9'2!*;! 2'S2!8*07&9'9!$%-! '92.#$2'9!2,'!9.#.($0.2:! 4*0!-.92$%8'6!>'2N''%!N*0-9!>:!
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#'$9&0'! 2,'! *0.1.%$(.2:! *;! .%-./.-&$(! 0'97*%9'9! 4Q'$2:! C! [.(/.$?! EFGZI! T0''%?! X*,'%?! J$$>?!
k'-.>$(.$%?! C! T0$:?! EFGHI! Y0$>,$3$0$%! '2! $(L?! EFGf6L! \2,'0! 9'#$%2.8! -$2$>$9'9! ,$/'! $(9*!
-'0./'-! 2,'! 9'#$%2.8! -.92$%8'! >'2N''%! 8*%8'729! ;0*#! 9'/'0$(! N*0-! %'2N*039! .%8(&-.%1!
R*0-%'2?!M-'$b.9,'0!$%-! 2,'!R*0-!K99*8.$2.*%! j'2N*03!$%-!9,*N'-!2,'!8*00'82!/$(.-.2:!*;!
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1'%'0$2.*%! .9! >$9'-! *%! 'S.92.%1! N*0-! $99*8.$2.*%! %*0#9! 2,$2! <&$%2.;:! 2,'! 9'#$%2.8!
$99*8.$2.*%9!>'2N''%!N*0-9! .%!$!1./'%! ($%1&$1'!4b'00$%-!C!K($0.*?! GUU_I!j'(9*%?!5:0-$(?! C!
2*! #.%-! $;2'0! 0'$-.%1! $! 8&'! N*0-L! +,'! $99*8.$2./'! 920'%12,! 40';('82.%1! 9'#$%2.8! -.92$%8'6!
>'2N''%! N*0-9! s! $%-! k! .9! >$9'-! *%! 2,'! 70*7*02.*%! *;! 9&>B'829! N,*! 1./'! 2,'! N*0-! k! .%!
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.%2*! $88*&%2! %*%=(.%1&.92.8! 70*8'99'9! 2,$2! 8*%20.>&2'! 2*! N*0-! #'$%.%1! .%! 2,'! ('S.8*%! 45'!
5':%'!'2! $(L?!EFGVI!A$3.!C!Q&8,$%$%?!EFF_I![2':/'09?![,.;;0.%?!C! j'(9*%?!EFFZ6L!M%!$--.2.*%?!
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K(2,*&1,!2,'*0'2.8$((:!2,'!;0''!$99*8.$2./'!%*0#9! $77'$0! 2*! >'! $!>'22'0!#'$9&0'!*;!
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9,*N'-! 2,$2! 2,'! $>.(.2:! 2*! 8*#>.%'! #*0'! -.92$%2! N*0-9! N$9! $99*8.$2'-! N.2,! 920&82&0$(!
K(2*1'2,'0?!2,'9'!92&-.'9!.((&920$2'!2,$2!2,'!&9'!*;!9'#$%2.8!-.92$%8'! ,'(79! .#70*/'!
&9'-! 2*! 'S7(*0'! 2,'! $99*8.$2./'! ,:7*2,'9.9! *;! 80'$2./.2:! >:! $((*N.%1! 2,'! '92.#$2.*%! *;!
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'S7(*0'! N,'2,'0! #*0'! 80'$2./'! 9&>B'829! ,$/'! $! ('99! 8*%920$.%'-! *01$%.P$2.*%! *;! 9'#$%2.8!
8*#7&2'0.P'-! 9'#$%2.8! %'2N*03! $770*$8,'9!&9.%1! 8*#7&2$2.*%$(! #'2,*-9! #$:! >'22'0!
$--0'99! 2,.9! .99&'! 4O'%'22?! O'%'22?! Q'%=e$8*>?! C! b$&92?! EFGGI! A$3.! C! Q&8,$%$%?! EFF_I!
A$0&7$3$?!M:'0?!C! A.%$.?!EFGEI!A*0$.9?!\(99*%?! C! [8,**('0?!EFGfI![2':/'09!'2! $(L?!EFFZ6?!$9!
Q:! 8*%9.-'0.%1! %*2! *%(:! 7$.09! *;! N*0-9?! >&2! $! ($01'! 9'2! *;! .%2'00'($2'-! N*0-9! $9! N'((?! 2,'!
9'#$%2.8! %'2N*03! $770*$8,! $((*N9! ;*0! 2,'! 92&-:! *;! .%-./.-&$(! *0! 10*&7! 9'#$%2.8!
*01$%.P$2.*%L! +,'! ! 8*%%'82./'! 70*7'02.'9! 0';('82.%1! 2,'! *01$%.P$2.*%! *;! 9'#$%2.8! %'2N*039!
8$%! >'! 'S$#.%'-! &9.%1! 10$7,9! *0! *2,'0! 8*#7&2$2.*%$(! 2**(9?! $%-! (.%3'-! N.2,! 80'$2./'!
>:! 70'9'%2.%1! $! N*0-6?! .29! $82./$2.*%! 970'$-9! 2*! $99*8.$2'-! 8*%8'729! 2,0*&1,! 2,'9'! (.%39?!
;0*#! 2,'! 8(*9'92! $99*8.$2'9! 2*! 2,'! #*0'! -.92$%2! *%'9! 4X*((.%! C! @*;2&9! GUWH6L! K88*0-.%1! 2*!
'S7(*0.%1! 2,'! (.%3! >'2N''%! 2,'! *01$%.P$2.*%! $%-! $82./$2.*%! *;! 9'#$%2.8! 3%*N('-1'! $%-!
80'$2./.2:! .9! 2,'! &9'! *;! ;0''! N*0-! $99*8.$2.*%! 2$939! 2*! 8*%920&82! ($01'=98$('! 9'#$%2.8!
%'2N*039L! ['#$%2.8! %'2N*039! 8$%! >'! #*-'('-! $%-! $%$(:P'-! >:! &9.%1! 10$7,! 2,'*0'2.8!
$770*$8,'9?! N,.8,! $((*N! ;*0! 2,'! 'S20$82.*%! *;! /$0.*&9! #'20.89! $%-! .%-.8'9! <&$%2.;:.%1! 2,'!
2*7*(*1:! *;! 2,'! 8*%%'82.*%9! >'2N''%! %*-'9! 4Q$0*%8,'((.?! b'00'0=.=X$%8,*?! Y$92*0=[$2*00$9?!
X,$2'0?! C! X,0.92.$%9'%?! EFGfI! Q*01'=d*(2,*';'0! C! K0'%$9?! EFGFI! 5'! ).8*! b$(($%.?! J.8,.$0-.?!
b'N! 92&-.'9! ,$/'! &9'-! 2,'! 10$7,! $770*$8,! .%! 2,'! ;.'(-! *;! 80'$2./'! 2,.%3.%1! 45&09*?!
O'%'22?! K%$3.?! C! b$&92?! EFGZI! [8,.((.%1?! EFFH6L! K! 9'0.'9! *;! 'S7'0.#'%29! >:! O'%'22! $%-!
8*(('$1&'9!70*/.-'-!'#7.0.8$(!%'2N*03!9&77*02!;*0!A'-%.83r9! 2,'*0:! 4O'%'22! C! K&92'0N'.(?!
$%-! 2,$2! 2,'! 70*7'02.'9! *;! 9'#$%2.8! %'2N*039! 8$%! >'! -.;;'0'%2(:! $;;'82'-! >:! 7$2,*(*1.'9?!
N.2,! $! 8*%2.%&&#! >'2N''%! 8,$*9! 4-.9*01$%.P'-6! $%-! 0.1.-! 42**! *01$%.P'-6! 9'#$%2.8!
%'2N*039?!$%-!N.2,!.#7(.8$2.*%9! .%! 80'$2./'!$>.(.2.'9!4b$&92!C!O'%'22?!EFGZI! O'%'22?! T*(-?!C!
*;! 7$02.8.7$%29! .%! ;(&'%8:! 2$939! 4T*t.! '2! $(L?! EFGFI! T*t.! '2! $(L?! EFGGI! O'%'22! C! K&92'0N'.(?!
EFGVI! O'%'22! '2! $(L?! EFGHI! @'0%'0?! \10*83.?! C! +,*#$9?! EFFU6! $%-! .%! 5+! 2$939! 4Q*99*#$.'0?!
&9'-! R*0-%'2! 2*! 8$(8&($2'! 8*##*%$(.2.'9! >'2N''%! /'0>$(! 0'97*%9'9! .%! 5+! 2$939! $%-!
$&2*#$2.8$((:! 8*#7&2'! $! 80'$2./.2:! <&*2.'%2! 8*#>.%.%1! ;('S.>.(.2:! $%-! ;(&'%8:! 98*0'9L!
Y0'/.*&9!0'9'$08,!*%!/'0>$(! ;(&'%8:! 2$939! ,$9!9,*N%!2,$2!9&88'99./'(:!70*-&8'-!N*0-9! $0'!
.%! ;(&'%8:! 2$939! .%/*(/'9! 2N*! 70*8'99'9]! 8(&92'0.%1! 42,'! 9'$08,! *;! N*0-9! N.2,.%! 2,'! 9$#'!
9'#$%2.8!70*8'99.%1!9&77*02'-!>:! 2,'!2'#7*0$(!(*>'?!N,'0'$9!9N.28,.%1! 0'(.'9!*%!920$2'1.8!
+,*#79*%=[8,.((?! EFFVI! +0*:'0! '2! $(L?! GUU_6L! K! %'2N*03! $770*$8,! 2,$2! $((*N9! ;*0!
2*! 5+! 2$939! .%! $((*N.%1! ;*0! $! >'22'0! &%-'092$%-.%1! *;! 2,'! 920$2'1.'9! $%-! 70*8'99'9!
'S7(*0'!2,'!$99*8.$2./'!/'09&9!8*%20*(('-!80'$2./.2:!70*8'99.%1!4O'%'22?! Q'$2:?! '2! $(L?! EFGV! I!
O'%'22!C!K&92'0N'.(?! EFGV6L! K!;'N!92&-.'9!>$9'-! *%!9'#$%2.8!97$8'9!*0!9'#$%2.8! %'2N*039!
,$/'! $(9*! $22'#72'-! 2*! 8($0.;:! 2,'! 7*99.>('! 9'#$%2.8! 9'$08,! #'8,$%.9#9! .%/*(/'-! .%! JK+!
7'0;*0#$%8'! 45$/'($$0?! EFGHI! T&72$! '2! $(L?! EFGEI! [#.2,?! d&>'0?! C! )&(?! EFGf6L! b.%$((:?! .2! .9!
.#7*02$%2!2*!%*2'!2,$2! 2,'! %'2N*03!$770*$8,!#$:!$(9*! >'! &9';&(!2*!>'22'0!&%-'092$%-!2,'!
\/'0$((?! %'N! 80'$2./.2:! #'$9&0'9! >$9'-! *%! $99*8.$2./'! %*0#9! $%-! *%! 9'#$%2.8!
%'2N*039! 70*7'02.'9! 70*/.-'! $! &9';&(! $99'99#'%2! *;! 5+! $%-?! #*0'! >0*$-(:?! *;! 80'$2./'!
0'<&.0'#'%29! *;! 0'#*2'! 2,.%3.%1! .%! 80'$2./.2:! 2$939! 4Q'%-'2*N.8P! '2! $(L?! EFGVI! T0''%?!
O0$'#'0?! '2! $(L?! EFGEI! T0&9P3$! C! j'83$?! EFFEI! J$-'(! '2! $(L?! EFGH6?! .%! $&2*#$2.8$((:! $%-!
*>B'82./'(:!#'$9&0.%1!2,'!*0.1.%$(.2:!*;! .-'$9!4K8$0!C!J&%8*?!EFGZI! 5&#$9!C!5&%>$0?!EFGZI!
[#.2,! '2! $(L?! EFGf6?! $%-! >:! $((*N.%1! ;*0! $! -''7'0! 'S7(*0$2.*%! *;! 2,'! $99*8.$2./'a8*%20*(('-!
70*8'99'9! .%! 80'$2./.2:! 4O'%'22! '2! $(L?! EFGZ?! EFGH6L! [&8,! #'$9&0'9! *;! 80'$2./.2:! ,$/'! 2,'!
$-/$%2$1'! *;! $/*.-.%1! 2,'! 7.2;$((9! *;! 9&>B'82./'! 4'L1L?! .%;(&'%8'-! >:! 80'$2./.2:=&%0'($2'-!
;$82*09! $%-! 2,'! *7'%=#.%-'-%'99! *;! 2,'! B&-1'96! $9! N'((! $9! 79:8,*#'20.8! 4'L1L?! %*0#$2./'!
0'$(! $-/$%8'! .%! &%-'092$%-.%1! .%2'0=.%-./.-&$(! $>.(.2.'9! .%! 80'$2./'! 7*2'%2.$(?! $%-! .9! $!
70*#.9.%1! 2**(! ;*0! .-'%2.;:.%1! 2,'! 70*8'99'9! .%/*(/'-! .%! 5+! 2$939?! '97'8.$((:! 0'1$0-.%1!
3. Balance*between*associative*and*controlled*cognition*for*creativity*and*implications*
3.1. Scientific#implications:#towards#a#two-processing-mode#hypothesis##
Q$9'-! *%! 2,'! 'S.92.%1! (.2'0$2&0'! 0'/.'N'-! $>*/'?! .2! 8$%! >'! ,:7*2,'9.P'-! 2,$2! $%! *0.1.%$(!
4-.92$%26! .-'$! 8$%! 0'9&(2! ;0*#! 2N*! 7*99.>('! 70*8'99.%1! #*-'9L! K99*8.$2./'! 70*8'99.%1! 2,$2!
*0.1.%$(! .-'$9! >:! $82./$2.%1! &%&9&$(! $99*8.$2.*%9?! 7$02.8&($0(:! .%! 7'*7('! N.2,! #*0'! ;('S.>('!
9'#$%2.8! %'2N*039L! M%! 2&0%?! 8*%20*(('-! 70*8'99.%1! 2,$2! 0'(.'9! *%! 8*1%.2./'! 70*8'99'9! 2,$2!
/*(&%2$0.(:!8*%920$.%!2,'!920'$#!*;! 2,*&1,2!$88*0-.%1!2*! 2,'!1*$(!8$%! ('$-!2*!2,'!$82./$2.*%!
*;!*0.1.%$(!.-'$9!>:!/*(&%2$0:!920$2'1.'9!*0!0&('9?! *0.'%2$2.*%! *;! $22'%2.*%?! 0'20.'/$(?! #'%2$(!
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$! -.;;'0'%2.$2.*%! >'2N''%! 2N*! 70*8'99.%1! #*-'9! v97*%2$%'*&9! /9L! -'(.>'0$2'! v! ;*0!
80'$2./'! 8*1%.2.*%! 4Q'$2:?! Q'%'-'3?! [.(/.$?! C! [8,$82'0?! EFGVI! 5.'20.8,?! EFFZI! T$>*0$?! EFGFI!
.%! 2,'! 5=5JKA! ,:7*2,'9.9?! 2,'! 8*%20*(('-! #*-'! .9! %*2! *%(:! .%/*(/'-! .%! 2,'! '/$(&$2.*%?!
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$770*70.$2'%'996?!>&2!.2!.9!$(9*! .%/*(/'-!.%!1'%'0$2.%1! *0.1.%$(!.-'$9!&9.%1!97'8.;.8!70*8'99'9!
2*! 8*%920$.%! 2,.%3.%1?! ;*0! .%92$%8'?! 2,*9'! &%-'0(:.%1! #'#*0:! 9'$08,! 920$2'1.'9! .%8(&-.%1!
2,'! %*2.*%! *;! 9'#$%2.8! -.92$%8'! 2,$2! 70*/.-'9! *>B'82./'! #'$9&0'9! *;! *0.1.%$(.2:! $%-! 7&29!
;*0N$0-! 2,'! 9'#$%2.8! %'2N*03! $770*$8,! $%-! %'N! %'&0*=8*#7&2$2.*%$(! 2**(9! 2,$2! #$:! >'!
7*N'0;&(!.%! -.92.%1&.9,.%1! $99*8.$2./'! $%-! 8*%20*(('-! #*-'9L! +,'! >$($%8'! $%-! .%2'0$82.*%!
$%-! #$:! -'7'%-! *%! .%-./.-&$(! /$0.$>.(.2:! .%! 9'#$%2.8! %'2N*03! 70*7'02.'9?! .%-./.-&$(!
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... Utilizing semantic distance to measure creative thinking is such a method. Specifically, the proximity of concepts is determined by the number of defining features they share, a relationship known as "semantic distance" (Volle, 2018). For instance, the words "prince" and "princess" have a relatively close semantic distance as they often co-occur in the text, whereas the semantic distance between "prince" and "artificial intelligence" is relatively far since they rarely appear together. ...
... Therefore, we can conclude that semantic distance, as a quantitative indicator of the relationship between concepts, could indicate the level of divergent thinking. This measure effectively reflects an individual's creative thinking grounded in the associative process (Volle, 2018). ...
... This approach was fully automated and could return individuals' assessments in no time. It is worth mentioning that the use of semantic distance has been used to improve traditional scoring methods for the Alternative Uses Task (AUT) (Acar & Runco, 2014;Beketayev & Runco, 2016;Volle, 2018). In sum, automated assessment of divergent thinking, grounded in natural language processing models, effectively mitigates rater subjectivity, and enhances standardization and objectivity in scoring. ...
The Divergent Association Task (DAT), published in July 2021, is a psychological test designed to measure an individual’s divergent thinking. The test requires participants to name ten nouns that exhibit maximum dissimilarity from each other. The semantic distance between these nouns is then calculated to indicate the person’s level of divergent thinking. In this study, we explored the applicability of the DAT for elementary school students in Chinese contexts, given that it was not initially designed for this specific population and was available only in English. We recruited a total of 348 students who were asked to complete three creativity tasks: the DAT, the Alternative Uses Task (AUT), and the Bridge-the-Associative-Gap Task (BAG). We examined the associations between DAT and the scores of the AUT and BAG tests. Moreover, we tested the accuracy of the DAT using varying numbers of nouns and different natural language processing models to calculate the semantic distance between nouns. Our findings supported the suitability of using the DAT to measure divergent thinking in elementary school students within Chinese contexts. We also found that using only eight nouns, instead of ten, could achieve a relatively high accuracy in measuring divergent thinking based on the DAT method. The language model of Word2Vec performed better than the BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models when calculating semantic distances between nouns. This study has methodological and practical implications.
... This model further hypothesizes that creative abilities partly depend on the organization of the concepts in semantic memory (e.g., Abraham & Bubic, 2015;He et al., 2021). Previous research supports the role of associative thinking in creativity showing that more creative individuals are able to link distant concepts more easily, rate unrelated words as less semantically distant and are faster in judging the relatedness of concepts (Beaty, Silvia, Nusbaum, Jauk, & Benedek, 2014;Benedek & Neubauer, 2013;Rossman & Fink, 2010;Vartanian, Martindale, & Matthews, 2009), have more flexible semantic associations and connect more distant concepts or words (Bendetowicz et al., 2018;Bendetowicz, Urbanski, Aichelburg, Levy, & Volle, 2017;Benedek, Könen, & Neubauer, 2012;Kenett, Anaki, & Faust, 2014;Volle, 2018). These findings suggest that remote elements in memory may be more strongly interconnected in creative individuals. ...
... Existing MRI-based neuroimaging studies have identified a large set of brain regions involved in creative cognition Beaty, Seli, & Schacter, 2019;Boccia et al., 2015;Gonen-Yaacovi et al., 2013;Volle, 2018). A growing body of creativity neuroscience research has highlighted the importance of functional interactions within and between several brain networks, including the executive control network (ECN), salience network and the default mode network (DMN) (Zabelina & Andrews-Hanna, 2016). ...
... At later stages, the DMN is coupled with the ECN, potentially related to heightened topdown cognitive control processes related to evaluation of responses (Beaty, Benedek, Kaufman, & Silvia, 2015). Thus, our results showing the interaction between DMN, ECN, and salience network for the distant CAT trials and the negative predictive network of CAT_sensitivity potentially shared cognitive demands between combining semantically distant concepts and divergent thinking performance (Volle, 2018). Our findings correspond CPM findings linking the DMN, ECN, and salience network in relation to divergent thinking Frith et al., 2021). ...
Associative thinking plays a major role in creativity, as it involves the ability to link distant concepts. Yet, the neural mechanisms allowing to combine distant associates in creative thinking tasks remains poorly understood. We investigated the whole-brain functional connectivity patterns related to combining remote associations for creative thinking. Using a connectome predictive modeling approach, we examined whole-brain functional connectivity patterns related to connecting close and distant remote associates in the Combination Association Task (CAT). Brain connectivity networks predicting CAT performance showed contributions from brain functional connectivity mostly related to the Default Mode Network, likely related to associative processes required in all trials of the task. Besides, the functional connectivity pattern of associative remoteness linked to CAT trials also largely involved the Executive Control Network, Dorsal Attention Network and Somatomotor networks, suggesting that more controlled processes played an important role in trials with higher associative remoteness. Critically, the functional connectivity patterns related to higher creative demands of the task share similarities with functional connectivity patterns previously found to predict divergent thinking. Thus, our work potentially offers insights into neural mechanisms that play a role in both convergent and divergent remote thinking.
... Generating creative ideas involves processes and strategies to search, reorganize, and combine ideas or concepts in memory in a novel and useful way Kenett, 2023). Two main categories of cognitive processes are involved when people come up with creative ideas: associative and controlled processes Benedek & Jauk, 2018;Volle, 2018). Associative processes have been explored since the 60s, inspired by Mednick's associative theory of creativity Mednick, 1962). ...
... Regarding slower responses, we expected that Slow-Switching responses re ect controlled processes and relate to executive abilities, as predicted by Troyer et al. (1997;1998), and Slow-Clustering re ect attentional control efforts to stay focused in a cluster and maximally exploit this cluster, which is consistent with Ovando-Tellez, Benedek Regarding creativity, based on the dual pathways for creativity (Nijstad et al., 2010), we hypothesized that Fast-Switching ( exibility pathway) and Slow-Clustering (persistence pathway) responses would relate to creative abilities. However, drawing from previous ndings (Mastria et al., 2021;) and on the established role of both associative and control processes in creativity (Beaty et al., 2014;Benedek & Jauk, 2018;Volle, 2018), one could also argue for the relevance of Slow-Switching as well as Fast-Clustering in creative performance, that should correspond respectively to the executive control and semantic memory representation involved in uency tasks (Troyer et al., 1997). ...
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Creative ideas emerge from searching, reorganizing, and combining ideas or concepts within memory. This involves an interplay between associative and controlled processes. How these processes occur during memory search varies between individuals and how they relate to creative abilities remain unclear. Here, we explored the neurocognitive correlates of semantic memory search by integrating concepts and methods from two distinct approaches: the clustering-switching characterization of responses typically explored in fluency tasks, and the principles of optimal foraging as proposed by the marginal value theorem. We used an associative fluency task involving polysemous words that enabled us to identify clusters and switches among responses with respect to the different meaning of the cue words. We additionally captured the reaction times of the retrieved words during the task, and explored individual patterns of memory search at the cognitive and brain level. Our results indicate that search in semantic memory follows a pattern consistent with optimal foraging. Furthermore, when measuring the time intervals between consecutive responses, we observed that switches during memory search occurred on average as predicted by the marginal value theorem. However, individual patterns of fast or slow clustering and switching related to creativity. Participants with more frequent slow-clustering during retrieval exhibited higher divergent thinking ability, whereas participants with more frequent fast-switching were better able to combine remote associates. Finally, patterns of slow clustering and fast switching were predicted by brain functional connectivity and mediated the brain connectivity-creativity relationship. Overall, we developed new measures of semantic search, identified neurocognitive correlates of semantic search patterns, and related them to creative abilities. Our findings uniquely highlight the significance of the type of search (clustering vs. switching), as well as its temporal modulation (slow vs. fast), in relation to individual differences in creativity.
... How does information-seeking behavior impact SemNet structure which in turn impacts creativity? How do executive processes interact with semantic memory to facilitate creative ideation (Kenett, Gooz, & Ackerman, 2023;Volle, 2018)? Regarding these questions, and many other great questions I have gotten over the years, my typical answer is: "this specific question has not been empirically investigated yet, but we now have the tools to do so." ...
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In this invited paper, I briefly review my past, current, and future lines of research. The associative theory of creativity argues that higher creative individuals have a richer semantic memory structure that facilitates broader associative search processes, that leads to the combination of remote concepts into novel and appropriate ideas. Based on this theory, in my research I investigate the role of knowledge-or semantic memory-in high-level cognition, focusing on creativity, associative thinking, and memory search, in typical and clinical populations. To do so, I apply computational tools from network science, natural language processing, and machine learning, coupled with empirical cognitive and neural research. Such computational tools are enabling the representation and operationalization of the structure of semantic memory and the processes that operate over it. This is critical as it allows us to start quantifying issues that for a very long time were studied very subjectively in creativity research-remoteness of ideas, associative thinking, flexible/ richer semantic memory structure, etc. Such work is offering unique, quantitative, ways to directly study classic theories of creativity, propelling forward our understanding of its complexity. ARTICLE HISTORY
... The given methodology and the wide range of proposed tasks serve for some unification of research with different artists and can be used both for research and for the development of artistic creative abilities. As the carried out investigation and built methodology of artistic creativity use rather close principles of both-terms of a theory-based and test control approaches and the theory-free approach in ecological condition [76]. That gives an opportunity to get-data comparable with lab conditions (most of sketching tasks and not only) and of real visual creativity processes in the ecological conditions of art studio. ...
This paper provides a methodology and procedure for studying the neurophysiological characteristics of artistic creativity in the natural conditions of artists’ studio. Paper provided description of equipment, investigation processes and creation of conditions for research. Recommended psychological diagnostic methods and indicators for self-report in the study are listed. A set of tasks is given that was used during the development of the methodology in addition to the study of artistic creativity processes and stages of artists’ work. The listed tasks can be used both for research and for the development of artistic creativity in different groups of participants (experienced and novice). The paper also provides review on neurophysiological investigations of visual creativity in artists, mainly in laboratory conditions
... The ADT may also find its application in the domain of creative cognition. Various divergentthinking tasks assume both spontaneous processes, mediating swift foraging through semantic network, and controlled processes, preventing fixations on prototypical meaning of a concept (but see [107] for a comprehensive review). For instance, Benedek and colleagues [36] found that associative abilities, especially associative combination and dissociation, explain approximately half of the variance of divergent thinking ability, suggesting their substantial contribution to creative ideation (also see [9,20,38]). ...
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Recent theoretical advances highlighted the need for novel means of assessing semantic cognition. Here, we introduce the associative-dissociative retrieval task (ADT), positing a novel way to test inhibitory control over semantic memory retrieval by contrasting the efficacy of associative (automatic) and dissociative (controlled) retrieval on a standard set of verbal stimuli. All ADT measures achieved excellent reliability, homogeneity, and short-term temporal stability. Moreover, in-depth stimulus level analyses showed that the associative retrieval is easier for words evoking few but strong associates, yet such propensity hampers the inhibition. Finally, we provided critical support for the construct validity of the ADT measures, demonstrating reliable correlations with domain-specific measures of semantic memory functioning (semantic fluency and associative combination) but negligible correlations with domain-general capacities (processing speed and working memory). Together, we show that ADT provides simple yet potent and psychometrically sound measures of semantic memory retrieval and offers noteworthy advantages over the currently available assessment methods.
... Keywords: creativity, question asking, Bloom taxonomy, divergent thinking Creativity entails both idea originality and appropriateness (Runco & Jaeger, 2012). Thus, creative ideas or solutions require skilled problem solvers to search their memory and "move away" from common ideas toward ideas that are more novel or conceptually distant (Abraham & Bubic, 2015;Benedek et al., 2023;Kenett, 2018;Kenett & Faust, 2019;Volle, 2018). However, creative thinking is also critically motivated by information-seeking behaviors that are driven by curiosity and the personality trait openness to experience . ...
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Question asking has been a critical tool for teaching and learning since the time of Socrates and is important in the creative problem-solving process. Yet, its role in creativity has insofar not been thoroughly explored. The current study assessed the role of question asking in the creative process. A correlational preregistered design was used to administer the alternative questions task (AQT) to explore its relation to cognitive and creative divergent thinking tasks. In the AQT—which is based on Torrance’s unusual questions task—participants are asked to generate creative and unusual questions for common objects. Responses are rated for their question level using the Bloom’s taxonomy, a widely accepted guideline in designing examination questions of differing levels of complexity, as well as their subjective and objective creativity. A significant positive relation between AQT question level and objective and subjective creativity scores was found: Higher, more complex questions were more creative, with the inverse effect for lower-level questions. We interpret these findings as supporting the hypothesis that higher question complexity is related and predictive of creative ability. A second study replicated and generalized our findings. Thus, our findings uniquely highlight the role of question asking, and especially question complexity, in creativity.
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Divergent and convergent creativity may rely on associative and executive control processes. We examined whether age-related differences in both types of creativity are mediated by executive functions and associative processes. A total of 427 primary, secondary school, and university students completed a battery of tasks measuring executive functioning (updating, inhibition, and shifting), verbal fluency (VF), and divergent (fluency, flexibility, and originality) and convergent creativity (remote-associative problems). The results confirmed that executive and associative processes accounted for age-related differences in divergent and convergent creativity, albeit to different degrees. Specifically, VF contributed to explaining age differences in both types of creativity, whereas updating and inhibition mediated age-related differences only in convergent creativity. These findings provide evidence for the differential contribution of executive and associative processes to age differences in both types of creativity and provide additional support for a dual-process view of creativity.
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The mental lexicon contains the knowledge about words acquired over a lifetime. A central question is how this knowledge is structured and changes over time. Here we propose to represent this lexicon as a network consisting of nodes that correspond to words and links reflecting associative relations between two nodes, based on free association data. A network view of the mental lexicon is inherent to many cognitive theories, but the predictions of a working model strongly depend on a realistic scale, covering most words used in daily communication. Combining a large network with recent methods from network science allows us to answer questions about its organization at different scales simultaneously, such as: How efficient and robust is lexical knowledge represented considering the global network architecture? What are the organization principles of words in the mental lexicon (i.e. thematic versus taxonomic)? How does the local connectivity with neighboring words explain why certain words are processed more efficiently than others? Networks built from word associations are specifically suited to address prominent psychological phenomena such as developmental shifts, individual differences in creativity, or clinical states like schizophrenia. While these phenomena can be studied using these networks, various future challenges and ways in which this proposal complements other perspectives are also discussed.
Conference Paper
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The creative process involves several cognitive processes, such as working memory, controlled attention and task switching. One other process is cognitive search over semantic memory. These search processes can be controlled (e.g., problem solving guided by a heuristic), or uncontrolled (e.g., mind wandering). However, the nature of this search in relation to creativity has rarely been examined from a formal perspective. To do this, we use a random walk model to simulate uncontrolled cognitive search over semantic networks of low and high creative individuals with an equal number of nodes and edges. We show that a random walk over the semantic network of high creative individuals " finds " more unique words and moves further through the network for a given number of steps. Our findings are consistent with the associative theory of creativity, which posits that the structure of semantic memory facilitates search processes to find creative solutions.
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Divergent thinking (DT) tests are useful for the assessment of creative potentials. This article reports the semantics-based algorithmic (SBA) method for assessing DT. This algorithm is fully automated: Examinees receive DT questions on a computer or mobile device and their ideas are immediately compared with norms and semantic networks. This investigation compared the scores generated by the SBA method with the traditional methods of scoring DT (i.e., fluency, originality, and flexibility). Data were collected from 250 examinees using the “Many Uses Test” of DT. The most important finding involved the flexibility scores from both scoring methods. This was critical because semantic networks are based on conceptual structures, and thus a high SBA score should be highly correlated with the traditional flexibility score from DT tests. Results confirmed this correlation (r = .74). This supports the use of algorithmic scoring of DT. The nearly-immediate computation time required by SBA method may make it the method of choice, especially when it comes to moderate- and large-scale DT assessment investigations. Correlations between SBA scores and GPA were insignificant, providing evidence of the discriminant and construct validity of SBA scores. Limitations of the present study and directions for future research are offered.
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Making sense of the world around us depends upon selectively retrieving information relevant to our current goal or context. However, it is unclear whether selective semantic retrieval relies exclusively on general control mechanisms recruited in demanding non-semantic tasks, or instead on systems specialised for the control of meaning. One hypothesis is that the left posterior middle temporal gyrus (pMTG) is important in the controlled retrieval of semantic (not non-semantic) information; however this view remains controversial since a parallel literature links this site to event and relational semantics. In a functional neuroimaging study, we demonstrated that an area of pMTG implicated in semantic control by a recent meta-analysis was activated in a conjunction of (i) semantic association over size judgements and (ii) action over colour feature matching. Under these circumstances the same region showed functional coupling with the inferior frontal gyrus – another crucial site for semantic control. Structural and functional connectivity analysis demonstrated that this site is at the nexus of networks recruited in automatic semantic processing (the default mode network) and executively demanding tasks (the multiple-demand network). Moreover, in both task and task-free contexts, pMTG exhibited functional properties that were more similar to ventral parts of inferior frontal cortex, implicated in controlled semantic retrieval, than more dorsal inferior frontal sulcus, implicated in domain-general control. Finally, the pMTG region was functionally correlated at rest with other regions implicated in control-demanding semantic tasks, including inferior frontal gyrus and intraparietal sulcus. We suggest that pMTG may play a crucial role within a large-scale network that allows the integration of automatic retrieval in the default mode network with executively-demanding goal-oriented cognition, and that this could support our ability to understand actions and non-dominant semantic associations, allowing semantic retrieval to be ‘shaped’ to suit a task or context.
The subject of creativity has been neglected by psychologists. The immediate problem has two aspects. (1) How can we discover creative promise in our children and our youth, (2) How can we promote the development of creative personalities. Creative talent cannot be accounted for adequately in terms of I.Q. A new way of thinking about creativity and creative productivity is seen in the factorial conceptions of personality. By application of factor analysis a fruitful exploratory approach can be made. Carefully constructed hypotheses concerning primary abilities will lead to the use of novel types of tests. New factors will be discovered that will provide us with means to select individuals with creative personalities. The properties of primary abilities should be studied to improve educational methods and further their utilization. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
For complex mental functions such as creative thinking, inter-individual variability is useful to better understand the underlying cognitive components and brain anatomy. Associative theories propose that creative individuals have flexible semantic associations, which allows remote elements to be formed into new combinations. However, the structural brain variability associated with the ability to combine remote associates has not been explored. To address this question, we performed a voxel-based morphometry study and explored the anatomical connectivity of significant regions. We developed a Remote Combination Association Task adapted from Mednick’s test, in which subjects had to find a solution word related to three cue words presented to them. In our adaptation of the task, we used free association norms to quantify the associative distance between the cue words and solution words, and we varied this distance. The tendency to solve the task with insight and the ability to evaluate the appropriateness of a proposed solution were also analysed. Fifty-four healthy volunteers performed this task and underwent a structural MRI. Structure-function relationships were analysed using regression models between grey matter volume and task performance. Significant clusters were mapped onto an atlas of white matter tracts. The ability to solve the task, which depended on the associative distance of the solution word, was associated with structural variation in the left rostrolateral prefrontal and posterior parietal regions; the left rostral prefrontal region was connected to distant regions through long-range pathways. By using a creative combination task in which the semantic distance between words varied, we revealed a brain network centred on the left frontal pole that appears to support the ability to combine information in new ways by bridging the semantic distance between pieces of information.
How Creativity Happens In The Brain is about the brain mechanisms of creativity, how a grapefruit-sized heap of meat crackling with electricity manages to be so outrageously creative. It has a sharp focus: to stick exclusively to sound, mechanistic explanations and convey what we can, and cannot, say about how brains give rise to creative ideas.