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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has emerged as a global health crisis with multifaceted clinical manifestations. Apart from respiratory distress, increasing evidence highlights the intricate relationship between COVID-19 and blood coagulation, significantly impacting hemostasis mechanisms. This paper aims to elucidate the complex interplay between COVID-19 and blood coagulation, delineating the implications for hemostasis, thrombotic events, and their clinical repercussions.COVID-19 is recognized for its diverse clinical presentations, extending beyond respiratory involvement. A growing body of research underscores the association between COVID-19 and coagulopathy, revealing disturbances in various facets of blood coagulation. This review synthesizes current knowledge, exploring the underlying mechanisms of COVID-19-induced coagulopathy and its profound implications for hemostasis.Moreover, this paper delves into the impact of COVID-19 on fundamental hemostasis mechanisms, encompassing disruptions in clotting factors, platelet function, fibrinolysis, and endothelial integrity. A comprehensive understanding of these interactions is pivotal in shaping clinical management strategies and improving outcomes for individuals affected by COVID-19.
Int. J. Curr. Res. Med. Sci. (2023). 9(11): 16-22
International Journal of Current Research in
Medical Sciences
ISSN: 2454-5716
(A Peer Reviewed, Indexed and Open Access Journal)
Review Article Volume 9, Issue 11 -2023
COVID-19 and Blood Coagulation: Implications for
*Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu1, Getrude Uzoma Obeagu2and
Matthew Chibunna Igwe3
1Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Kampala International University, Uganda.
2School of Nursing Science,Kampala International University, Uganda.
3Department of Public Health, Kampala International University, Uganda.
*Corresponding authour: Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu, Department of Medical Laboratory Science,
Kampala International University, Uganda.
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-
2) has emerged as a global health crisis with multifaceted clinical manifestations. Apart from respiratory distress,
increasing evidence highlights the intricate relationship between COVID-19 and blood coagulation, significantly
impacting hemostasis mechanisms. This paper aims to elucidate the complex interplay between COVID-19 and blood
coagulation, delineating the implications for hemostasis, thrombotic events, and their clinical repercussions.COVID-
19 is recognized for its diverse clinical presentations, extending beyond respiratory involvement. A growing body of
research underscores the association between COVID-19 and coagulopathy, revealing disturbances in various facets
of blood coagulation. This review synthesizes current knowledge, exploring the underlying mechanisms of COVID-
19-induced coagulopathy and its profound implications for hemostasis.Moreover, this paper delves into the impact of
COVID-19 on fundamental hemostasis mechanisms, encompassing disruptions in clotting factors, platelet function,
fibrinolysis, and endothelial integrity. A comprehensive understanding of these interactions is pivotal in shaping
clinical management strategies and improving outcomes for individuals affected by COVID-19.
Keywords: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Blood Coagulation, Hemostasis, Thrombosis, Coagulopathy
Int. J. Curr. Res. Med. Sci. (2023). 9(11): 16-22
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
pandemic caused by the novel severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-
2) has sparked a global health crisis of
unprecedented proportions. While respiratory
complications have been the hallmark of this viral
illness, mounting evidence has underscored the
intricate connection between COVID-19 and
aberrant blood coagulation, presenting profound
implications for hemostasis and thrombotic events
[1-7].COVID-19 manifests with a spectrum of
clinical manifestations, extending beyond
respiratory distress to encompass systemic
complications affecting various organ systems. Of
notable concern is the increasing recognition of
coagulation abnormalities and thrombotic events
observed in a subset of COVID-19 patients. This
review seeks to unravel the intricate relationship
between COVID-19 and blood coagulation,
elucidating the underlying mechanisms and
highlighting the consequential implications for
hemostasis [8-11].
The convergence of COVID-19 with coagulation
abnormalities has raised pertinent questions
regarding the pathophysiological mechanisms
driving these phenomena. Emerging evidence
suggests multifaceted interactions, involving
endothelial dysfunction, dysregulated
inflammatory responses, heightened platelet
activation, and disruptions in the coagulation
cascade, contributing to a prothrombotic state in
severe COVID-19 cases.Moreover, this paper
aims to explore the impact of COVID-19 on
fundamental hemostatic mechanisms,
encompassing alterations in clotting factors,
platelet function, fibrinolysis, and endothelial
integrity. These perturbations in hemostasis not
only contribute to the thrombotic complications
observed in COVID-19 patients but also
potentially influence disease severity and clinical
outcomes.Understanding the implications of
COVID-19 on hemostasis holds pivotal
significance in clinical practice. The identification
of thrombotic risk factors, prognostication of
disease severity based on coagulation profiles,
and delineating optimal anticoagulation strategies
are pressing concerns in managing COVID-19-
associated coagulopathy.This paper aims to
comprehensively dissect the intricate relationship
between COVID-19 and blood coagulation,
shedding light on the underlying mechanisms
driving coagulopathy and the consequential
implications for hemostasis. By synthesizing
current knowledge, it endeavors to provide
insights into the pathophysiological intricacies
and guide strategies for optimized clinical
management in this evolving landscape of
COVID-19-associated coagulation abnormalities.
COVID-19 and Coagulopathy
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been associated
with a spectrum of clinical manifestations,
including coagulopathy that significantly impacts
disease severity and patient outcomes. COVID-
19-associated coagulopathy has garnered
substantial attention due to its complex and
multifaceted nature, leading to thrombotic
complications and contributing to morbidity and
mortality in affected individuals [12-16].COVID-
19 is known to induce endothelial injury, leading
to endotheliitis and disruption of the endothelial
barrier. This endothelial dysfunction contributes
to a prothrombotic state, promoting microvascular
thrombosis and contributing to systemic organ
damage [17-19].Severe COVID-19 cases are
characterized by a dysregulated immune response
and cytokine storm, resulting in systemic
inflammation. The cytokine release, particularly
interleukin-6 (IL-6), activates coagulation
pathways, leading to a hypercoagulable state and
an increased risk of thrombosis [20-22].SARS-
CoV-2 infection can trigger platelet activation,
causing an increase in platelet-monocyte
aggregates and platelet hyperreactivity. This
heightened platelet activation contributes to the
formation of microthrombi and disseminated
intravascular coagulation (DIC) in severe cases
[23].COVID-19-induced coagulopathy involves
perturbations in the coagulation cascade,
including elevated levels of D-dimers, fibrinogen,
and von Willebrand factor. Concurrently, there
might be a decrease in anticoagulant factors,
contributing to a prothrombotic state [24-
25].Patients with severe COVID-19 exhibit an
Int. J. Curr. Res. Med. Sci. (2023). 9(11): 16-22
increased incidence of venous thromboembolism
(VTE), pulmonary embolism (PE), stroke, and
myocardial infarction. These thrombotic events
are associated with adverse outcomes,
necessitating vigilant monitoring and prompt
intervention.Moreover, ongoing research
endeavors are focused on elucidating predictive
biomarkers, refining treatment protocols, and
investigating the long-term consequences of
COVID-19-induced coagulopathy to optimize
management strategies and enhance patient
care.The complex interplay between COVID-19
and coagulopathy underscores the need for
comprehensive approaches to address the
hemostatic alterations associated with this viral
illness. Continued research efforts aimed at
deciphering the underlying mechanisms and
identifying effective therapeutic interventions are
crucial in mitigating the thrombotic complications
and reducing the disease burden imposed by
COVID-19-associated coagulopathy.
Hemostasis Implications
The implications of COVID-19 on hemostasis are
profound and multifaceted, encompassing
alterations in various components of the
coagulation system, platelet function, endothelial
integrity, and fibrinolytic pathways. The
dysregulation of hemostasis mechanisms in
COVID-19 contributes significantly to disease
severity, thrombotic complications, and adverse
clinical outcomes [26].COVID-19 is associated
with changes in clotting factors, including
elevated levels of fibrinogen, von Willebrand
factor, and factor VIII. These alterations
contribute to a hypercoagulable state and promote
thrombus formation, predisposing patients to
venous and arterial thrombotic events.SARS-
CoV-2 infection triggers platelet activation and
aggregation, leading to increased platelet-
monocyte aggregates and platelet hyperreactivity.
The enhanced platelet activation contributes to
microvascular thrombosis and systemic
inflammation, exacerbating the coagulopathy
observed in severe cases.COVID-19-induced
endotheliitis and endothelial injury compromise
endothelial function, resulting in impaired
antithrombotic properties and a prothrombotic
state. This endothelial dysfunction contributes to
microvascular thrombosis and vascular
complications seen in severe COVID-19
patients.COVID-19 is associated with impaired
fibrinolysis, leading to reduced clot breakdown
and fibrin accumulation. Altered fibrinolytic
pathways contribute to the formation of fibrin-
rich microthrombi, contributing to organ damage
and thrombotic events.The hemostatic alterations
in COVID-19 patients culminate in an increased
risk of thrombotic complications, including deep
vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism
(PE), stroke, myocardial infarction, and systemic
thromboembolic events. These complications
significantly impact patient morbidity and
mortality.The implications of COVID-19 on
hemostasis underscore the critical need for
vigilant monitoring of coagulation parameters,
risk stratification for thrombotic events, and
tailored therapeutic interventions. Anticoagulation
strategies, including prophylactic and therapeutic
anticoagulation, are being explored to mitigate
thrombotic risks in severely ill COVID-19
Clinical Implications and Management
The clinical implications of COVID-19-induced
coagulopathy are far-reaching, necessitating a
comprehensive approach to manage thrombotic
risks, mitigate complications, and improve patient
outcomes. Addressing these implications involves
vigilant monitoring, risk stratification, and
implementing appropriate management strategies
tailored to the individual patient's needs
[27].Routine monitoring of coagulation
parameters, including D-dimers, fibrinogen, and
platelet counts, assists in assessing thrombotic
risk and disease severity in COVID-19 patients.
Elevated D-dimer levels, in particular, serve as
prognostic markers for severe disease and
increased thrombotic propensity.Implementing
thromboprophylaxis protocols, including
pharmacological agents such as low molecular
weight heparin (LMWH) or unfractionated
heparin (UFH), in hospitalized COVID-19
patients based on individual risk stratification and
clinical severity. Prophylactic anticoagulation
aims to prevent venous thromboembolism (VTE)
in high-risk individuals without increasing
bleeding complications.In severely ill COVID-19
Int. J. Curr. Res. Med. Sci. (2023). 9(11): 16-22
patients with confirmed thrombotic complications
or markedly elevated D-dimer levels, therapeutic
anticoagulation might be warranted. However, the
decision to initiate therapeutic anticoagulation
should consider the individual's bleeding risk and
clinical status.Tailoring treatment strategies based
on a patient's clinical condition, comorbidities,
and coagulation profile is pivotal. Individualized
approaches aim to balance the thrombotic risks
and bleeding complications in COVID-19
patients.Regular monitoring of coagulation
parameters and clinical status is essential in
assessing the response to anticoagulation therapy,
identifying complications, and adjusting treatment
regimens accordingly. Long-term follow-up to
manage thrombotic risks post-discharge is also
crucial.Considering thrombotic complications in
specific scenarios, such as COVID-19 patients in
critical care settings, pregnant women, and
pediatric patients, to tailor appropriate
management strategies addressing the unique
needs of these populations.Ongoing research
endeavors focus on refining treatment protocols,
investigating optimal anticoagulation strategies,
evaluating novel therapies, and identifying
predictive biomarkers to enhance risk
stratification and guide management
decisions.Collaboration among healthcare
professionals, including hematologists,
pulmonologists, intensivists, and thrombosis
experts, facilitates optimal patient management
and decision-making in addressing COVID-19-
associated coagulopathy.Strategies for managing
COVID-19-associated coagulopathy remain an
active area of research and clinical exploration.
The dynamic nature of this viral illness mandates
continual reassessment of treatment protocols and
integration of emerging evidence to refine
management strategies, ultimately aiming to
reduce thrombotic risks and improve outcomes
for affected individuals.
Future Directions
Understanding the complexities of COVID-19-
associated coagulopathy remains a crucial area of
exploration, and future directions in research and
clinical practice aim to address key aspects to
enhance patient care and outcomes.Continued
research efforts focus on identifying reliable
predictive biomarkers that can stratify thrombotic
risk and predict disease severity in COVID-19
patients. Identification of specific markers
indicative of hypercoagulability or susceptibility
to thrombotic events could aid in risk assessment
and guide therapeutic interventions.Further
refinement and optimization of anticoagulation
protocols, including dosage, duration, and
selection of anticoagulants, are essential.
Tailoring anticoagulation regimens based on
individual patient characteristics, disease severity,
and coagulation profiles to balance thrombotic
risks and bleeding complications are areas of
ongoing research.Investigation of novel
therapeutic interventions targeting specific
components of the coagulation cascade or
addressing endothelial dysfunction in COVID-19
patients. This includes exploring potential agents
that modulate platelet function, mitigate
endothelial injury, or modulate the inflammatory
response to improve hemostasis and reduce
thrombotic risks.Longitudinal studies focusing on
the long-term consequences of COVID-19-
associated coagulopathy are necessary to
understand the persistence of thrombotic risks
beyond the acute phase of illness. Strategies for
post-discharge thromboprophylaxis and
management to reduce long-term thrombotic
complications need further investigation.Rigorous
clinical trials evaluating various anticoagulation
strategies, therapeutic agents, and risk mitigation
approaches in COVID-19 patients are pivotal to
establish evidence-based guidelines and refine
best practices in managing coagulopathy
associated with this viral illness.Development and
validation of comprehensive risk stratification
models integrating clinical, laboratory, and
imaging data to predict thrombotic events, guide
therapeutic decisions, and improve patient
outcomes.Continued collaboration among
researchers, clinicians, and experts across
disciplines to share insights, data, and
experiences, facilitating a comprehensive
understanding of COVID-19-associated
coagulopathy and enabling the translation of
research findings into clinical practice.Continued
research endeavors, clinical collaborations, and
advancements in understanding the
pathophysiology of COVID-19-associated
coagulopathy are pivotal in refining management
Int. J. Curr. Res. Med. Sci. (2023). 9(11): 16-22
strategies, optimizing patient care, and mitigating
thrombotic risks in affected individuals.
The intricacies of COVID-19-associated
coagulopathy have unveiled a critical intersection
between viral infection and hemostasis,
presenting a multifaceted challenge in clinical
management. The evolving understanding of the
interplay between COVID-19 and coagulation
disturbances underscores the imperative need for
continued research, vigilant monitoring, and
refined management strategies to improve patient
outcomes. Advancing our understanding of the
pathophysiological mechanisms, refining
therapeutic approaches, and integrating
multidisciplinary efforts are pivotal in addressing
the hemostatic implications of COVID-19. By
embracing these future directions, healthcare
providers can optimize management strategies,
enhance patient care, and mitigate the impact of
coagulopathy in the context of this global health
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How to cite this article:
Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu, Getrude Uzoma Obeagu and Matthew Chibunna Igwe. (2023). COVID-19
and Blood Coagulation: Implications for Hemostasis. Int. J. Curr. Res. Med. Sci. 9(11): 16-22.
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The study found that the discomfort of wearing F95 face masks and other PPE, willful refusal to wear N95 face masks, an excessive number of patients in the wards, and contracting a hospital-acquired infection as a result of using or wearing PPE are the individual factors associated with inappropriate PPE use among health workers. Also discovered: PPE access restrictions, training in infection prevention and control, a lack of PPE, and knowledge of the proper times to wash one's hands are all health system-related factors linked to inappropriate PPE use by health workers. The overwhelming number of patients on the wards (individually), the lack of PPE (health system), and the restricted access to PPE are found to be the main causes of inappropriate PPE use among health workers. When on the job, health professionals are advised to wear the PPE that is available and to do so in accordance with the industry's ethical standards. Finally, the paper suggests that because it endangers both patients' and health workers' lives, patients should, whenever possible, refuse to be treated by healthcare professionals who are not wearing PPE, such as gloves.
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The immune system protects the host organism from exogenous and endogenouspathogens. A finely tuned and balanced array of cytokines, coagulation factors, andcomplement together with immunocompetent cells protect the body from a wide variety ofknown and unknown invaders. Usually, pro-and anti-inflammation are tightly regulatedto adequately counter the infectious event. A pro-inflammatory milieu typically dominatesthe initial phase; however, anti-inflammation is initiated early to reach a new equilibriumand to start tissue repair processes. Various pathogens and malignant and autoimmune diseases as well as genetic changes, but also iatrogenic interventions, can disturb this equilibrium so that an excessive release of cytokines can occur. In its severe (albeit rare) form, this is referred to as cytokine storm. As a result, positive feedback mechanisms and self-sustained activation of immune cells occur. The resulting hyperinflammation can lead to a life-threatening condition.
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Covid-19 infections really created a lot of threat to the human life globally. Serious Health issues have been brought on by COVID-19 in people all around the world. It causes multiorgan dysfunction with a respiratory focus. The body activates a variety of immune cells, including macrophages, once it determines that these viral proteins are harmful. It has been observed that SARS-CoV-2 infection might affect the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, and urinary systems.
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In the broad range of human diseases, thrombo-inflammation appears as a clinical manifestation. Clinically, it is well characterized in context of superficial thrombophlebitis that is recognized as thrombosis and inflammation of superficial veins. However, it is more hazardous when developed in the microvasculature of injured/inflamed/infected tissues and organs. Several diseases like sepsis and ischemia-reperfusion can cause formation of microvascular thrombosis subsequently leading to thrombo-inflammation. Thrombo-inflammation can also occur in cases of antiphospholipid syndrome, preeclampsia, sickle cell disease, bacterial and viral infection. One of the major contributors to thrombo-inflammation is the loss of normal anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory potential of the endothelial cells of vasculature. This manifest itself in the form of dysregulation of the coagulation pathway and complement system, pathologic platelet activation, and increased recruitment of leukocyte within the microvasculature. The role of platelets in hemostasis and formation of thrombi under pathologic and non-pathologic conditions is well established. Platelets are anucleate cells known for their essential role in primary hemostasis and the coagulation pathway. In recent years, studies provide strong evidence for the critical involvement of platelets in inflammatory processes like acute ischemic stroke, and viral infections like Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This has encouraged the researchers to investigate the contribution of platelets in the pathology of various thrombo-inflammatory diseases. The inhibition of platelet surface receptors or their intracellular signaling which mediate initial platelet activation and adhesion might prove to be suitable targets in thrombo-inflammatory disorders. Thus, the present review summarizes the concept and mechanism of platelet signaling and briefly discuss their role in sterile and non-sterile thrombo-inflammation, with the emphasis on role of platelets in COVID-19 induced thrombo-inflammation. The aim of this review is to summarize the recent developments in deciphering the role of the platelets in thrombo-inflammation and discuss their potential as pharmaceutical targets.
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COVID-19 has been reported as an ongoing global epidemic from Wuhan, China, since it first emerged in December 2019. Coronavirus disease, severe acuterespiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-2), is a zoonotic disease that can betransmitted from animals to humans and from humans to humans. The main wayCOVID-19 spreads is droplets released by an infected person when they sneeze or cough. This literature provides an overview of incidence, causes, symptoms, andcomplications. Lack of personal protective equipment, heavy work, knowledge of and access to infection prevention, lack of training of health workers, lack of knowledge of infection and universal standard safety precautions, unmanageablechronic respiratory illness, and COVID Implementation and Practice-RelatedFactors-19 Prevention.
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Background: This research titled; Pathology changes among Norvegicus Rattus exposed on novel smoked Bambusa vulgaris: Cigarette substitute during COVID 19 lockdown in Nigeria is stimulated following increase use of the aforementioned substances as a substitute to drugs during covid-19 lock down in Nigeria where a number of psychoactive substances were limited and restricted for months, both known addicts to cannabis and cigarette smoking and frustration induced initial smokers engaged massively on the use of bamboo leaf and that had continued after years of the lockdown. Methods: The experimental subjects were grouped into acute and chronic for both smoked and the control. Norvegicus rattus subjects were exposed to the 0.01g/g bamboo vulgaris dry leaf smoke twice daily for 21 and 42 days (acute and chronic) exposure respectively. The Animals were sacrificed and the organs harvested following ethical procedures for animal killing. The brain and lungs were divided and parts subjected into histopathological examination using formalin fixed paraffin processed methods stained with both routine and special stains, and the other parts were homogenized to investigate the oxidative stress biomarkers. Results: Histopathology results first revealed a severe cellular injury in both lungs and brain compare to the normal control; significance (p<0.5) elevation found in MDA and reduced SOD, Gpx, GSH and catalase correlate the histology results with oxidative stress biomarkers. Conclusion: Smoking Bambusa vulgaris dry leaf is been found in this study to be more harmful to the respiratory system and brain in more rapid manner compared to conventional abused substances and should be discourage using state agency and enlightenment campaign
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Background Understanding the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 household transmission is important for adequate infection control measures in this ongoing pandemic. Methods Households were enrolled upon a PCR-confirmed index case between October and December 2020, prior to the COVID-19 vaccination program. Saliva samples were obtained by self-sampling at day 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 from study inclusion. Nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS) and oropharyngeal swabs (OPS) were collected by the research team at day 7 and capillary blood samples at day 42. Household secondary attack rate (SAR) and per-person SAR were calculated based on at least one positive saliva, NPS, OPS, or serum sample. Whole genome sequencing was performed to investigate the possibility of multiple independent SARS-CoV-2 introductions within a household. Results Eighty-five households were included consisting of 326 (unvaccinated) individuals. Comparable numbers of secondary cases were identified by saliva (133/241; 55.2%) and serum (127/213; 59.6%). The household SAR was 88.2%. The per-person SAR was 64.3%. The majority of the secondary cases tested positive in saliva at day 1 (103/150; 68.7%). Transmission from index case to household member was not affected by age or the nature of their relationship. Phylogenetic analyses suggested a single introduction for the investigated households. Conclusion Households have a pivotal role in SARS-CoV-2 transmission. By repeated saliva self-sampling combined with NPS, OPS, and serology, we found the highest SARS-CoV-2 household transmission rates reported to date. Salivary (self-)sampling of adults and children is suitable and attractive for near real-time monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in this setting.
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Covid 19 vaccine hesitancy is when there is delay in acceptance or refusal of Covid 19 vaccine despite availability of the services. Indeed it is caused by complex and context specific varying across time, place and vaccines. Covid 19 vacine hesitancy could be linked to misinformation and conspiracy theories which are often times disseminated online, including through social media such as whatsapp, facebook etc. Lack of trust in the manufacturing and country of production of vaccines, vaccine technology, the pharmaceutical industry, government, and public health bodies have worsen the issue of covid 19 vaccine hesitancy.
The fight against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection is still raging. However, the pathophysiology of acute and post-acute manifestations of COVID-19 (long COVID-19) is understudied. Endothelial cells are sentinels lining the innermost layer of blood vessel that gatekeep micro-and macro-vascular health by sensing pathogen/danger signals and secreting vasoactive molecules. SARS-CoV-2 infection primarily affects the pulmonary system, but accumulating evidence suggests that it also affects the pan-vasculature in the extrapulmonary systems by directly (via virus infection) or indirectly (via cytokine storm), causing endothelial dysfunction (endotheliitis, endothelialitis and endotheliopathy) and multi-organ injury. Mounting evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to multiple instances of endothelial dysfunction, including reduced nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability, oxidative stress, endothelial injury, glycocalyx/barrier disruption, hyperpermeability, inflammation/leukocyte adhesion, senescence, endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndoMT), hypercoagulability, thrombosis and many others. Thus, COVID-19 is deemed as a (micro)vascular and endothelial disease. Of translational relevance, several candidate drugs which are endothelial protective have been shown to improve clinical manifestations of COVID-19 patients. The purpose of this review is to provide a latest summary of biomarkers associated with endothelial cell activation in COVID-19 and offer mechanistic insights into the molecular basis of endothelial activation/dysfunction in macro-and micro-vasculature of COVID-19 patients. We envisage further development of cellular models and suitable animal models mimicking endothelial dysfunction aspect of COVID-19 being able to accelerate the discovery of new drugs targeting endothelial dysfunction in pan-vasculature from COVID-19 patients.