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Raman G band in double-wall carbon nanotubes combining p doping and high pressure


Abstract and Figures

We use sulfuric acid as pressure medium to extrapolate the G-band position of the inner and outer tubes of double-wall C nanotubes. Keeping the G-band position of the inner and outer tubes const., we can det. the fraction of double-wall and single-wall tubes in samples contg. a mixt. of the 2. A-band-related electronic interwall interaction at 1560 cm-1 is obsd., which is assocd. with the outer tube walls. This band is obsd. to shift with pressure at the same rate as the G band of outer tubes and is not suppressed with chem. doping. Differences in the interwall interaction is discussed for double-wall C nanotubes grown by the catalytic chem.-vapor method and double-wall C nanotubes obtained through transformation of peapods. [on SciFinder(R)]
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Raman Gband in double-wall carbon nanotubes combining pdoping and high pressure
Pascal Puech,1,*Ahmad Ghandour,2Andrei Sapelkin,2Cyril Tinguely,3Emmanuel Flahaut,3David J. Dunstan,2and
Wolfgang Bacsa1
1Cemes, Université Paul Sabatier, 29 rue Jeanne Marvig, 31055 Toulouse, France
2Department of Physics, Queen Mary, University of London, London E1 4NS, United Kingdom
3CIRIMAT-LCMIE, UMR CNRS 5085, Université Paul Sabatier, 118 Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse, France
Received 22 January 2008; published 10 July 2008
We use sulfuric acid as pressure medium to extrapolate the G-band position of the inner and outer tubes of
double-wall carbon nanotubes. Keeping the G-band position of the inner and outer tubes constant, we can
determine the fraction of double-wall and single-wall tubes in samples containing a mixture of the two.
A-band-related electronic interwall interaction at 1560 cm−1 is observed, which is associated with the outer
tube walls. This band is observed to shift with pressure at the same rate as the Gband of outer tubes and is not
suppressed with chemical doping. Differences in the interwall interaction is discussed for double-wall carbon
nanotubes grown by the catalytic chemical-vapor method and double-wall carbon nanotubes obtained through
transformation of peapods.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.045413 PACS numbers: 63.22.m, 62.25.g, 81.07.De
Double-wall carbon nanotubes DWsare the simplest
form of multiwall carbon nanotubes, while single-wall car-
bon nanotubes SWscan be either semiconducting or me-
tallic, depending on the orientation of the graphene sheet
with respect to the tube axis. Multiwall carbon nanotubes
MWsare metallic. The electrical conductivity of graphene
is highly anisotropic. Perpendicular to the graphene layer, the
conductivity of
bonds is less than 1% of the in-plane elec-
trical conductivity.1The electronic conductivity in MWs has
been extensively studied, and the observed intershell conduc-
tance is consistent with tunneling through orbitals of neigh-
boring walls.2DWs are suitable for the study of interwall
Two main synthesis methods for DWs are known today:
conversion of peapods leading to DWs with a narrow diam-
eter distribution,3and the use of the catalytic chemical-vapor
deposition CCVDmethod resulting in 80%–100% of DWs
with a broader diameter distribution.4,5Raman spectroscopy
is routinely used to screen the carbon nanotubes CNTs. The
diameter distribution can be obtained from the low-
frequency radial breathing mode as a function of excitation
wavelength and the quality can be assessed by measuring
defect-induced scattering Dband.6
The Gband in DWs contains contributions from the in-
ternal and external tubes, which depend on external param-
eters such as pressure, temperature, and applied electric
field.7The Gbands of the inner and outer tubes do not fall on
the same spectral position since the pressures experienced by
the inner and outer tubes are different.
We combine the influence of the G-band shape as a func-
tion of chemical doping and hydrostatic pressure to separate
contributions from inner and outer tubes and to assign an
additional spectral band at the lower-energy side of the G
band. Internal tubes in DWs are subject only to the pressure
from the outer tube and are less affected by doping 10%.8
We therefore use the contributions of the internal tubes as a
reference.9The DWs are not open in general and contain no
larger wall defects.10 Filling of DWs would also imply
changes in the G-band position of the internal tubes under
hydrostatic pressure, which we have not observed. We there-
fore assume that the DWs are not filled, which is consistent
with what is observed using high-resolution electron micros-
The spectral G-band position of the outer tube in DWs
falls at the same frequency range of the G+band in SWs,
which makes it impossible to separate different G-band con-
tributions. Kim et al.11 recently proposed a scheme to deter-
mine the purity in DW samples which contain DWs and SWs
using chemical doping. Chemical doping with sulfuric acid
has a large effect on the Gband of SWs Ref. 12and DWs.
We find that Raman spectra of DWs doped with H2SO4as
reported in literature11,13 are interpreted differently. We use
hydrostatic pressure–induced spectral changes to separate the
different spectral contributions to the Raman Gband and to
clarify the interpretation of doping-induced spectral changes.
Hydrostatic pressure has been used to separate the contri-
butions of the inner and outer tubes to the Gband.14,15 The
G-band position of the inner tube when applying pressure is
found to be close to the Gband observed for graphite, while
for the outer tube the Gband shifts to higher frequency with
increasing pressure. We combine chemical doping with hy-
drostatic pressure using sulfuric acid as pressure transmitting
medium to find the experimental parameters to determine the
fraction of DWs and SWs in DW samples. The differences
observed between the two types of DW samples presents us
with the possibility of exploring interwall interaction in
double-wall carbon nanotubes. We apply the extracted and
experimentally deduced parameters in fitting the Gband
when heating DWs in air.
We have used DWs prepared by the CCVD method16 and
for comparison, we have used SWs with 0.8 nm diameter
HiPcoand SWs with 1.4 nm diameter NanoCarbLab.
High-resolution transmission electron microscopy HRTEM
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78, 045413 2008
1098-0121/2008/784/0454136©2008 The American Physical Society045413-1
images show the presence of individual and small bundles of
DWs with diameters ranging from 0.6 to 3 nm see Fig. 1.
In the CCVD method individual CNTs are grown from cata-
lytic particles formed in situ through selective reduction of
cobalt oxide to cobalt nanoparticles. After the chemical etch-
ing of the catalyst, the tubes agglomerate into bundles
through van der Waals interaction. Frequent formation of in-
terstitial channels is expected due to the broad diameter dis-
tribution 2–3 nm. The diameter has been measured in HR-
TEM images of a hundred isolated CNTs to obtain a
diameter distribution.16 The tubes are found to be single
共⬇15%, double 80%, or triple walled 5%. A typical
transmission electron microscope image is shown in Fig. 1.
We use a Renishaw Raman microprobe instrument to
record spectra for the high-pressure experiment at room tem-
perature. A microscope objective 20was used to focus
the laser beam 633 nmon the sample inside the pressure
anvil cell. The laser output power was kept low to avoid
heating. Heating effects are relatively less important at 633
nm than at shorter wavelengths.17 In general we have used
laser powers at least four times smaller than what is needed
to cause heat-induced spectral changes.
The high-pressure Raman measurements were performed
in a diamond anvil cell. The pressure was monitored using
the luminescence of a ruby chip inside the cell and the DWs
were dispersed in sulfuric acid by sonication.
For the 647 nm excitation wavelength, the Raman spectra
were recorded using a XY-Dilor spectrometer. The beam
power had been measured at the laser. To compare laser
power values accurately, one needs to take into account the
Gaussian beam profile, the transmission factor of the micro-
scope 1/10 for visible XY-Dilor system, tube orientation,
tube bundling, and surrounding medium gas, liquid, or sub-
A. p-doping effect at atmospheric pressure
Zhou et al.12 showed that the spectral G-band position of
SWs depends on the diameter and the exciting wavelength
when doping. The spectral shift is attributed to doping-
induced strain and charge transfer, which can be estimated
with corresponding shifts in graphite intercalation
The Gband shifts by 16 cm−1 for the first H2SO4inter-
calation stage and shifts two or three times this value for the
second and third intercalation stages.19 High-pressure
experiments20 on intercalated graphite show that the lattice
a/achanges by 8104for each stage, resulting
in a strain-induced shift of 4 cm−1. The remaining shift of
12 cm−1 can be attributed to modification of the electron-
phonon interaction due to charge transfer.21 Consequently,
doping-induced shifts in DWs can be attributed to changes in
the electron-phonon coupling after subtracting strain-induced
shifts as observed for intercalated graphite.
In Fig. 2, we show Raman spectra excited at 633 nm in
the spectral region of the Dand Gbands and the G2D
band of
SWs diameters: 1.4 and 0.8 nmand DWs. All spectra have
been recorded in air form samples before and after doping
using 1 mW.
We note that SWs with an average diameter of 1.4 nm
show a doping-induced shift of the Gband to higher frequen-
cies. Contributions from the Gband in SWs are strongly
reduced in intensity or absent when doped for 1.4 nm diam-
eter SWs. The average tube diameter in DWs and SWs are
larger than 1.4 nm in our DW sample and we expect a large
upshift as a result of chemical doping. However, we observe
a narrower Gband after doping for DWs containing 15%
of SWs and no upshift. To understand this difference, we
examine in Sec. III B the influence of hydrostatic pressure on
the Gband of doped DWs.
B. Hydrostatic pressure
At normal pressure, i.e., without anvil cell, the Gband
shows no apparent contributions from the inner and outer
tubes. When applying pressure, as seen in Fig. 3, the Gband
from the outer tube shifts to higher frequencies at a larger
rate and the intensity of the Gband of the inner and outer
FIG. 1. Color onlineTransmission electron microscopy images
of DWs.
1300 1400 1500 1600 2500 2600 2700
DW ∆ω=0cm-1
∆ω=20 cm-1
300K - 633nm
SW 0.8nm
SW 1.4nm
ITY (arb. u.)
FIG. 2. Effect of doping with H2SO4on Raman spectra of SW
and DWs excited at 633 nm.
PUECH et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78, 045413 2008
tubes is comparable at high pressure 4 GPa. The contri-
bution to the Gband from SWs in the DW sample is also
present but is less intense and not spectrally resolved at high
pressure. At around 5 GPa we observe a decrease in the
intensity of all the contributions to the Gband, which we
attribute to a possible freezing of the medium.
In Fig. 4, we have plotted the spectral position of the G
band corresponding to the inner and outer tubes and the rela-
tive intensity of the two main bands as a function of hydro-
static pressure. We can clearly notice the pressure-induced
transition at 5–6 GPa when the spectral shift and the inten-
sity saturates.
The relative small pressure-induced spectra shifts for both
inner and outer tubes see Table Iusing H2SO4as pressure
medium is explained by the formation of ordered molecular
shells on the surface of the tubes, which has the effect of
reducing the pressure experienced by the tubes.9,22 Figure 4
shows how the Gband of the outer tubes increases signifi-
cantly in intensity with increasing pressure when compared
to the Gband of the inner tubes. From the G-band shift with
pressure, we extrapolate the G-band position at zero pres-
sure. Interestingly, the intensity associated with the outer
tube is vanishingly small at zero pressure when excited at
633 nm. It is expected that doping moves the Fermi level
into the valence band, which changes the resonant transition
energies of the outer tubes.
C. Deducing the purity of DW samples
To determine the fraction of DWs and SWs in the sample,
we use the spectral G-band position extrapolated in Fig. 4.
Figure 5shows the G-band spectra of DW samples recorded
at three different locations A, B, and Cand recorded at
different laser power levels. The left-hand side shows Stokes
and anti-Stokes spectra at location B and a spectrum of DWs
in H2SO4. To match the background level for Stokes and
anti-Stokes spectra, we have corrected the anti-Stokes part
4and included the Bose-Einstein factor using T
=775 K. This high temperature is attributed to single-
particle excitations.23 We note that no significant Gband is
recorded for the Stokes spectrum. On the right side of Fig. 5,
we have subtracted a linear background for each spectrum
for the three locations A, B, and C.
To fit the Gband, we take into account four spectral con-
tributions: the spectral positions for inner and outer tubes of
DWs as extrapolated from high-pressure experiments, the G+
band of SWs, and an electronic coupling interwall EI
induced band located at 1568 cm−1. We keep the spectral
positions constant and take the intensities of the four contri-
butions as free parameters. The fitting parameters, as de-
duced from the hydrostatic experiment, are reported in Table
II. We find that even if a small spectral shift is allowed for
the four bands, the intensity ratio remains unchanged. For
location B, we show the spectra for two different laser pow-
ers. The fit remains stable and the higher power has the ef-
fects of simply reducing the spectral noise.
From the result of the fit, we can take the ratio of the
intensity of the two G-band contributions corresponding to
SWs and the inner tubes of DWs. We assume that the ratio of
the number of SW tubes and DW tubes, NSW/NDWi, is pro-
500 1550 1600 1650 1700
H2SO4- 633nm - 300K
FIG. 3. Gband of DW sample for pressures up to 9.5 GPa using
H2SO4as pressure transmitting medium.
Very small
- 633nm - 300
FIG. 4. G-band position of inner and outer tubes in function of
pressure leftand intensity ratio right.
1500 1550 1600 1500 1550 1600
633nm - DW 2.2nm -
W 1.6nm
Without background
S 100mW/4x25mW - B
AS 100mW B - corrected
ITY (arb. u.)
25mW - A
25mW - C
100mW - B
25mW - B
FIG. 5. Doped and undoped Raman spectra of Gband of DW
sample on three different locations A, B, and C: Stokes Sand
anti-Stokes ASspectra after including the Bose-Einstein T
=775 Kand
portional to the ratio of intensities of the Gband for SWs and
inner tubes of DWs, ISW /IDWi. Taking the experimentally
determined purity 80%by analyzing transmission electron
microscopy images and the average value of ISW /IDWire-
ported in Fig. 5, we find an empirical proportionality factor
633 nm excitation:
0.3 ISW
To understand the proportionality factor of 0.3, we should
keep in mind that the spectral G-band position for the outer
tube is at a higher frequency for DWs than that for SWs 26
and 16 cm–1and that at atmospheric pressure, the outer
tube does not contribute to the Gband significantly.
We note that considerable reduction in the G-band inten-
sity through doping of up to 50% has been reported in the
literature,12 and we observe that the intensity of the Gband
falls exponentially with pressure as I=I0exp−0.03
A. Pressure medium and excitation wavelength
Table Ilists the spectral G-band positions, pressure coef-
ficients, and relative intensities for the inner and outer tubes
and for different pressure media. We find that the pressure
medium itself influences the exact spectral position of the G
band. The larger effect of oxygen on the G-band position
compared to that of alcohol or argon can be explained by p
doping of the tubes by oxygen which upshifts the G
band.24,25 Chen et al.8investigated DWs grown from pea-
pods doped with Br2pdopingand showed that the charge
transfer is dominated by the outer tube with only 10% of the
total charge originating from the inner tube.
By fitting the Gband of DWs, we find a contribution on
the lower-frequency side 1560 cm−1, which is also ob-
served for SWs. This band persists with increasing pressure
for DWs in contrast with what is observed for SWs.10 The
two Gbands for both type of DWs CCVD and peapods
shift at a similar rate with pressure, i.e., 3 and 6 cm−1 GPa−1
for the inner tubes and the outer ones, when using ethanol-
methanol as pressure transmitting medium. In the low-
pressure regime 3 GPa, the two bands overlap and the
numerical fit is not stable if the Gbands of the inner and
outer walls are not known. A change in shape can be either
due to intensity variation or change in spectral position. We
find that there are clear differences between the two types of
DWs for the Gband of the inner tubes when extrapolating
from pressure-induced shifts. The spectral position of the
inner tube at zero pressure deduced from linear fitting is at
1579 cm−1 for the DWs grown from peapods and at
1581 cm−1 for DWs grown by CCVD. We also find that the
shifting of the Gband of the inner tube with pressure is
delayed for DWs grown by CCVD. This can be explained by
differences in the interwall spacing between the two types of
DWs with different diameter distributions. This is consistent
when deducing the interwall distance in DWs from radial
breathing modes . This implies that the coupling of the two
walls is not the same, which is consistent with the differ-
ences observed for the band at 1560 cm−1 attributed to in-
terwall interaction.
When excited at 514 nm as compared to at 633 nm, the
spectral position of the Gband of the inner tube remains the
same, while changes in the position of the Fermi level with
respect with the excitation energy increases the intensity
from the outer tubes 1608 cm−1. In the report of Kim et
al.,11 we can see a slight change in the DW G-band shape as
the signal from the outer tube is reduced, while the signal
from the inner tube and the band due to electronic interwall
interaction is upshifted CCVD tubes.ndoping on DW
from peapods show a more complex G-band shape.26 It ap-
pears that without doping, the walls are less coupled. ndop-
ing reduces coupling between the walls due to lattice exten-
sion of the outer tube, while pdoping increases coupling
between the walls due to lattice compression of the outer
B. DWs in air and temperature variation
In this section, we use the parameters deduced here and
from previous studies27 on CCVD grown DWs to fit G-band
spectra as a function of temperature.
TABLE I. Spectral G-band positions of inner and outer tubes of DWs, corresponding pressure coefficients, relative intensities, and
spectral positions of the shoulder for four different pressure transmitting media excitation wavelength, 633 nm兲共i: inner tube; o, outer tube;
EI, electronic interwall.
cm−1 GPa−1
cm−1 GPa−1d
Me-Et 1582 1594 3.3 5.8 0.57 1.04 9 1560 35
O21584 1598 4.1 6.9 0.59 0.64 10 1560 35
Argon 1581 1592 5.1 8.6 0.59 0.54 13 1560 35
H2SO41587 1618 2.2 2.130%Linear 10
TABLE II. Parameters for fitting SW/DW spectra in H2SO4red
wavelength excitation.
Wave number
DW-inner =1587 =10
DW-outer =1618 =10
SW =1606 =10
DWEI =1568 =35
PUECH et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78, 045413 2008
We have previously determined the variation in the half
width at half maximum HWHMand the spectral G-band
position with temperature, and we have determined the
G-band position and the HWHM of DWs in Ar and O2at
zero pressure using 633 nm excitation.
When excited in the ultraviolet or red spectral region, we
find that the HWHMs of the Gband for the inner and outer
tubes range between 8 and 10 cm−1, while the electronic
coupling–induced band ranges from 25 to 35 cm−1.
In the absence of any doping, the Gband of the outer
tubes falls in the same spectral range as the G+ band of the
SWs and we consider only three bands at constant spectral
positions and constant HWHM for a given temperature. The
parameters used for the three bands including the
temperature-induced shifts are listed in Table III.
For the fitting, we use two parameters for the linear back-
ground and three parameters for the intensities of the three
bands and we include temperature-induced shifts Table III.
Two sets of spectra have been used to test the fitting scheme.
The fitted spectra are shown in Fig. 6.
Figure 6shows the Gband as a function of laser power
using two different microscope objectives and recorded at
633 nm. We find that the fits are only satisfactory when the
intensity ratio between inner and outer tube is not kept con-
stant. We find that the intensity associated with the outer tube
is small in comparison to the intensity associated with the
inner tube as observed before. We notice that at low laser
power and without any previous beam exposure, a band ap-
pears at 1610 cm−1. As the laser power is increased, the
downshift and broadening of all bands is consistent with the
increase in temperature as indicated in Table III. At tempera-
tures above 350 ° C, the Gband changes irreversibly, which
we attribute to transformation and oxidation of the tubes.
This is deduced from the fact that the spectral position is
located between 1581 and 1592 cm−1 when the laser power
is reduced, inconsistent with the temperature-induced spec-
tral shifts.
We find that chemical doping with H2SO4and using hy-
drostatic pressure, we can extrapolate the G-band position of
the inner and outer tubes. The fitted spectral intensity, assum-
ing fixed spectral positions for contributions from inner and
outer walls of DWs and SWs, is used to determine the purity
of CCVD DWs containing SWs. Apart from the contribu-
tions of the Gband of the inner and outer tubes at 1581 and
1592 cm−1, a band related to electronic interwall interaction
at 1560 cm−1 is observed. This band is associated with the
outer tubes due to the fact that it shifts with pressure at the
same rate as the outer tubes. When chemical doping with
H2SO4is considered, this additional band persists, contrary
to what is observed for SWs, where the band disappears
when doping. Gbands from DWs recorded in air and at
different temperatures can be explained by using constant
G-band positions for inner and outer walls.
We thank Jenny Patterson, Intel Ireland, for stimulating
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PUECH et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78, 045413 2008
... There is a long-standing debate about the response of double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) to external pressure [1]. Many papers report shifts in the Raman G band which are interpreted as the consequence of substantial pressures both on the external tube and on the internal tube [1][2][3][4][5]. However, the individual tube walls are very stiff in plane (along their axis and around their circumference) because of the strong sp 2 bonds [6]. ...
... This is not consistent with the numerous research papers that report two in-plane vibrational modes in the Raman spectra of DWCNTs, the one of lower frequency shifting about two-thirds as fast as the other mode with external pressure. These two modes have been assigned to individual vibrations of the outer and inner tubes, and imply a 60:40 ratio of the pressures supported by the two tubes [1][2][3][4][5]. We solve this puzzle by considering the mechanics of the * † ‡ pressure transmission in more detail, and by reinterpreting the reported Raman spectra as coupled vibrational modes of both walls. ...
... In an experimental Raman spectrum, at low pressure there should be a main peak of the axial out-of-phase mode at higher frequency, and weak tangential peak(s) at lower frequency depending on the quality of the spectrum; at high pressure (e.g., above 5 GPa), there should be a broad profile consisting of three peaks in a relatively small frequency range (axial in-phase, tangential in-phase, and axial out-of-phase modes) at higher frequency, and a separate single peak of the tangential out-of-phase mode at lower frequency. These are consistent with the commonly observed spectra in the literature [1][2][3][4][5]. As seen from Fig. 6, the shift rates with pressure of the vibrations along the axial direction are 4.4 and 2.9 cm −1 GPa −1 , for in-and out-of-phase modes, respectively. ...
This paper solves a longstanding debate: Raman measurements on double-walled carbon nanotubes appear to show that significantly more pressure than expected can be transmitted to the inner tube. We reinterpret those Raman spectra consistently reported in the literature, by assigning the Raman peaks to coupled vibrational modes of both walls, instead of individual contributions from the inner and outer tubes. These coupled vibrational modes are important for the correct interpretation of the Raman shift from strained layered 2D materials (we demonstrate it on bilayer graphene as an example), for researching the mechanical properties, thermal expansion, and strain engineering of two-dimensional materials.
... DWNT have a characteristic G-band line shape due to inner and outer tubes [146]. The line width and intensity of the G-band in the friction wear area indicates that the CNTs are still intact and are not transformed in disordered forms of three folded carbon. ...
... Les signaux des DWNTs ont une forme caractéristique de la bande G due aux tubes interne et externe [146]. La largeur à mi-hauteur et l'intensité de la bande G dans la zone d'usure par frottement indiquent que les NTC sont encore sous forme cylindrique et ne sont pas transformés en carbone désordonné. ...
The incorporation of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) into polymers and metals modifies their intrinsic properties. Dispersing CNTs uniformly in a matrix remains challenging due to strong tube agglomeration. Raman spectroscopy is a compelling technique to detect the presence of CNTs and their interaction with the environment. In this work, Raman spectroscopy is applied in association with other techniques to investigate CNTs in a metallic or polymer matrix. Doping with superacids, analysis of defects in friction wear and CNT dispersion are investigated. Statistical analysis of Raman images are used to generate histograms of Raman bands maps in order to estimate the amount of CNTs and their dispersion. The diffusion of a Poly (Ether Ether Ketone) PEEK thermoplastic polymer into agglomerated carbon nanotubes when annealing on the surface of a polymer sheet is studied by Raman imaging and transmission electron microscopy. Electronic transport measurements as a function of temperature and CNT concentration show high electrical conductivity consistent with the formation of a uniform percolating CNT network
... The strain induced by the ball-milling decreases the distances between outermost tubes and triggers a transfer negative charges to the metal particles. Consequently, the p-doping process can be attributed to induced-strain changes as well, 22,27 i.e. the I Gouter increases with milling time kept at 60 min and 90 min, where the outermost tubes seem to suffer higher stress level, as shown in Fig. 3(a). The strong charge transfer at 60 min can also be seen in Fig. 3(b), in which the FWHM for outer tubes increases ∼10 cm -1 , while the FWHM the inner tubes decreases by the same value compared with the value found for the nanocomposite sample without milling. ...
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Stainless steel 304L alloy powder and multiwalled carbon nanotubes were mixed by ball-milling under ambient atmosphere and in a broad range of milling times, which spans from 0 to 120 min. Here, we provided spectroscopic signatures for several distinct composites produced, to show that the Raman spectra present interesting splittings of the D-band feature into two main sub-bands, D-left and D-right, together with several other secondary features. The G-band feature also presents multiple splittings that are related to the outer and inner diameter distributions intrinsic to the multiwalled carbon nanotube samples. A discussion about the second order 2D-band (also known as G′-band) is also provided. The results reveal that the multiple spectral features observed in the D-band are related to an increased chemical functionalization. A lower content of amorphous carbon at 60 and 90 min of milling time is verified and the G-band frequencies associated to the tubes in the outer diameters distribution is upshifted, which suggests that doping induced by strain is taking place in the milled samples. The results indicate that Raman spectroscopy can be a powerful tool for a fast and non-destructive characterization of carbon nanocomposites used in powder metallurgy manufacturing processes.
To develop one-dimensional spintronic devices, we synthesize Gd-filled double-walled carbon nanotubes where the long spin-coherence time of a paramagnetic gadolinium (Gd³⁺) ion and the discrete phonon modes of a carbon nanotube can be combined. Here, we report Raman observation of spin–phonon coupling in the Gd-filled double-walled nanotubes by analyzing the low-temperature dependence of the dominant phonon modes (G-band). A G-band (ωGext+andωGint+) phonon frequency hardening is observed below a critical temperature of TC ∼ 110 K coinciding with the onset temperature of superparamagnetic behavior confirmed through magnetization studies. This anomalous behavior is ascribed to phonon renormalization induced by spin–phonon coupling interaction. The estimated spin–phonon coupling constant values are 12.2 and 5.0 cm⁻¹ for Gext+ and Gint+ phonon modes, respectively, analyzed by comparing the phonon frequency variation (Δω) to magnetization as a function of temperature. Realizing a spin–phonon coupling (three times higher than for other multiferroic compounds) interface and modulating it in a one-dimensional system have potential benefit when designing effective molecular qubits.
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Modulation of electronic properties of bilayer materials through the strain and doping mismatch between layers opens new opportunities in 2D-materials straintronics. We present here a new approach allowing to generate asymmetric strain or doping between layers, and a method to quantify it using supported isotopically labeled bilayer graphene studied by in situ Raman spectroscopy. Strain differences up to ~ 0.1 % between the two graphene layers have been obtained by applying pressures up to 10 GPa with non-polar solid environments. However, when immersed in a liquid polar environment, namely a mixture of ethanol and methanol, a piezo-doping mismatch between layers is observed. This asymmetrical doping increases with pressure, leading to charge concentration differences between layers of the order of 10¹³ cm⁻². Our approach thus allows disentangling strain and doping effects in high pressure experiments evidencing the asymmetries of these phenomena and comforting isotopic bilayer graphene as a benchmark system for the study of asymmetric effects in devices or composite surfaces.
The unique carbon nanotubes (CNTs) properties are mainly determined by their geometry, e.g., their aspect ratio, diameter, and number of walls. So far, chlorosulfonic acid is the only practical true solvent for carbon nanotubes, forming thermodynamically stable molecular solutions. Above a critical concentration the system forms an ordered, nematic liquid crystalline phase. That phase behavior is the basis for liquid phase processing, and the optimal translation of the carbon nanotube molecular properties to the macroscopic scale. The final material properties depend on the phase behavior of the “dope” from which it is prepared, which depends on the CNT parameters themselves. Earlier work determined that CNT aspect ratio controls the phase behavior, in accordance with classical rigid-rod theories. Here we use cryogenic transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy to understand the relation between the geometry of the CNTs, the chemical interaction with chlorosulfonic acid, and the phase behavior of crowded solutions. We show that the CNT diameter and number of walls also play an independent role in the phase transition and phase morphology of the system because of their effect on the CNT bending stiffness.
The energetic, vibrational and electronic properties of bromine polyanions intercalated in Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (DWCNTs) were investigated by resonance Raman and X-Ray Absorption spectroscopies under high pressure conditions up to values close to 25 GPa. The mechanical resistance of the bromine intercalated DWCNTs is known to be affected by the presence of bromine polyanions, which induces uniaxial constrains in the interstitial regions of DWCNT bundles, thus leading to lower collapse pressure as compared with pristine DWCNTs. An upshift of bromine Raman frequencies concomitant to changes in the local structure of bromine atoms takes place at about 15 GPa, which is the pressure where the studied DWCNT intercalated bundles collapse. This suggests a differentiation of bromine polyanions interaction depending on the local curvature and the arrangement of the collapsed carbon structures. Supported by atomistic calculations, we suggest that those chains of Br$_2^-$ and Br$_5^-$ tend to dissociate to form Br-Br$_3$-Br complexes or elongated Br$_5^-$ polyanions in the interstitial regions of DWCNTs bundles after the nanotube collapse phase transition takes place. Chains of Br$_3^-$ could be found stable even after collapse. Those transitions appears to be reversible.
Highly aligned, packed, and doped carbon nanotube (CNT) fibers with electrical conductivities approaching that of copper have recently become available. These fibers are promising for high-power electrical applications that require light-weight, high current-carrying capacity cables. However, a microscopic understanding of how doping affects the electrical conductance of such CNT fibers in a quantitative manner has been lacking. Here, we performed Raman spectroscopy measurements combined with first-principles calculations to determine the position of the average Fermi energy and to obtain the temperature of chlorosulfonic-acid-doped double-wall CNT fibers under high current. Due to the unique way in which double-wall CNT Raman spectra depend on doping, it is possible to use Raman data to determine the doping level quantitatively. The correspondence between the Fermi level shift and the carbon charge transfer is derived from a tight-binding model and validated by several calculations. For the doped fiber, we were able to associate an average Fermi energy shift of ∼-0.7 eV with a conductance increase by a factor of ∼5. Furthermore, since current induces heating, local temperature determination is possible. Through the Stokes-to-anti-Stokes intensity ratio of the G-band peaks, we estimated a temperature rise at the fiber surface of ∼135 K at a current density of 2.27 × 10(8) A m(-2) identical to that from the G-band shift, suggesting that thermalization between CNTs is well achieved.
Sulfuric acid (H(2)SO(4))-doped single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) was investigated using density functional theory (DFT) method in order to characterize the effect of H(2)SO(4) on the structural and electronic properties of SWCNT For this purpose, we geometry-optimized the SWCNT and the H(2)SO(4)-doped SWCNT within the periodic boundary conditions using GGA PBE functional and DNP basis set Due to the H(2)SO(4) doping, we found that the lattice parameters (a and b) are increased whereas the diameter of SWCNT is decreased. The binding energy of H(2)SO(4)-SWCNT was calculated as -0 20 eV, which is comparable to the binding energy of Br(2) and O(2). By analyzing the energy band structure, we found the band gap is decreased by 0.017 eV due to the doping, explaining experimental observation that the conductivity of SWCNT is enhanced by doping H(2)SO(4). However, the decrease of band gap with decreasing SWCNT diameter is not consistent with our understanding of neutral SWCNT. Through Mulliken population analysis, we found that the SWCNT is positively charged because of the charge transfer from SWCNT to H(2)SO(4), which allows the decrease of band gap despite the decrease of the SWCNT diameter.
Radial buckling stresses of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) need to be studied in high-pressure resonance Raman scattering spectrum. In this work, the closed-form expression of the critical buckling stress of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) under hydrostatic pressure is derived that can be conveniently employed. Using the derived formulae, the critical buckling stresses of single-walled carbon nanotubes and double-walled carbon nanotubes with different diameters are calculated. The results are in good agreement with other reported literatures. In addition, the critical buckling stresses of each layer of a quintuple-walled CNT in different buckling modes are predicted, showing that the buckling instability can occur not only in the outermost rolled layer, but also in other rolled layer of MWCNTs by considering different diameters and buckling modes.
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We performed high pressure resonant Raman experiments on well characterized purified single-wall carbon nanotubes up to 40GPa using argon as pressure transmitting medium. We used two different excitating wavelengths, at 632.8nm and 514.5nm . In contrast with other studies no clear sign of phase transformation is observed up to the highest studied pressure of 40GPa . Our results suggest that the progressive disappearance of the radial breathing modes observed while increasing pressure should not be interpreted as the sign of a structural phase transition. Moreover, a progressive change of profile of the tangential modes is observed. For pressures higher than 20GPa the profile of those modes is the same for both laser excitations. We conclude that a progressive loss of resonance of single-wall carbon nanotubes under pressure might occur. In addition, after high pressure cycle we observed a decrease of intensity of the radial breathing and tangential modes and a strong increase of the D band.
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Liquid anhydrous sulfuric acid forms a partly ordered structure in the presence of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). X-ray scattering from aligned fibers immersed in acid shows the formation of molecular shells wrapped around SWNTs. Differential scanning calorimetry of SWNT-acid suspensions exhibits concentration-dependent supercooling/melting behavior, confirming that the partly ordered molecules are a new phase. We propose that charge transfer between nanotube pi electrons and highly oxidizing superacid is responsible for the unique partly ordered structure.
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We report on detailed studies of the n-type doping dependence of the Raman response of double-wall carbon nanotubes using potassium intercalation. The charge transfer is monitored by a shift of the G line. Upon doping the G line shifts to higher frequencies for the outer and to lower frequencies for the inner tubes. This is explained by different Coulomb interactions for the inner and outer tubes. The response of the radial breathing mode upon doping shows that a charge transfer from the dopant happens predominantly to the outer tubes at low doping. Charge transfer to the inner tubes occurs at higher doping levels. The previously observed cluster behavior of the inner tube RBM response allows a detailed analysis of the dependence of the inner tube doping from specific inner tube–outer tube configurations.
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We investigate laser heating of double wall carbon nanotubes deposited on surfaces and immerged in liquids as a function of laser wavelength. Observing the Raman spectrum we find that laser heating of agglomerated double wall carbon nanotubes is six times larger at 488 nm than at 647 nm. The wavelength dependence of the Raman G band is linear in the visible spectral range. The frequency shift of the Raman G band obtained in methanol as a function of temperature is close to what is observed for graphite.
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In this work, we performed a detailed study of the Raman spectra of double-wall carbon nanotube DWNT bucky paper samples. The effects of H 2 SO 4 doping on the electronic and vibrational properties of the DWNTs are analyzed and compared to the corresponding effects on single-wall carbon nanotubes SWNTs. Analysis of the radial breathing mode RBM Raman spectra indicates that the resonance condition for the outer wall nanotubes and the SWNTs are almost the same, indicating that the effect of the inner-outer wall interaction on the transition energies of the outer walls is weak compared to the width of the resonance window for the RBM peaks. The effect of H 2 SO 4 on the RBM frequencies of the outer wall of the DWNTs is stronger for larger diameter nanotubes. In the case of the inner walls, only the metallic nanotubes were affected by the acid treatment, while the RBM peaks for the inner semiconducting nanotubes remained almost unchanged in both frequency and intensity. The G + band was seen to upshift in frequency with H 2 SO 4 doping for both DWNTs and SWNTs. However, the effect of the acid treatment on the G − band frequency for DWNTs was opposite to that of SWNTs in the 2.05– 2.15 eV range, for which the acid treatment causes a G − upshift for SWNTs and a downshift for DWNTs. The G band line shape of the DWNTs is explained in terms of four contributions from different components which are in resonance with the laser excitation. Two of these peaks are more related to the inner wall nanotube while the other two are more related to the outer wall.
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We use the signal from the internal tubes of double-wall carbon nanotubes as an ideal pressure ref. The intensity assocd. with the G band of the external tubes is shown to be related to the interaction of the pressure medium and the carbon nanotube. We observe clear pressure medium dependent pressure coeffs. of the Raman G band using at. argon, oxygen, and alc. The G band of the internal tubes shifts between 5.1 and 3.3 cm-1/GPa and for the external tubes between 5.8 and 8.6 cm-1/GPa for the different pressure media used. We find that the spectral shape of the optical phonon band depends clearly on the pressure medium. Ab initio calcns. support local partial ordering and shell formation of the pressure medium around the nanotube. The shell formation around the tube has a strong impact on the local pressure transmission. [on SciFinder(R)]
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A carbon nanotube-Co-MgO composite powder is prepared by reducing a Mg0.9Co0.1O solid solution in H2-CH4 atmosphere. The oxide matrix and part of the Co catalyst are dissolved by acid treatment without damage to the nanotubes. More than 80% of the carbon nanotubes have either one or two walls. The diameters of the nanotubes are in the range 0.5-5 nm. The utilized method may be a real improvement in the low-cost, large-scale synthesis of single- and double-walled carbon nanotubes.
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Synthesis of clean double-walled carbon nanotubes by a catalytic chem. vapor deposition (CCVD) method is reported. The catalyst is a Mg1-xCoxO solid soln. contg. addns. of Mo oxide. This MgO-based catalyst can be easily removed, leading to gram-scale amts. of clean carbon nanotubes, 77% of which are double-walled carbon nanotubes. [on SciFinder(R)]
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UV photon absorption was used to heat single- and double-wall C nanotubes and peapods in vacuum. By increasing the laser intensity up to 500 mW, a downshift and a broadening of the optical phonons are obsd. corresponding to a temp. of 1000°. The UV Raman measurements are free of blackbody radiation. The linewidth changes for the G+ and G- bands differ considerably in single-wall C nanotubes. This gives evidence that the phonon decay process is different in axial and radial tube directions. The authors observe the same intrinsic linewidths of graphite (highly oriented pyrolytic graphite) for the G band in single- and double-wall C nanotubes. With increasing temp., the interaction between the walls is modified for double-wall C nanotubes. UV photon induced transformations of peapods are different on SiO2 and diamond substrates. [on SciFinder(R)]
The structural and electronic charge distributions of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) chemically modified with Ag and CrO3 were investigated by ab initio methods. Using first-principles spin-polarized calculations, we studied the structural and electronic behavior of Ag atoms and CrO3 molecules interacting with an (8, 0) semiconducting SWNT. We have found that the Ag atom behaves as an electron donor and the CrO3 as an electron acceptor in the presence of the SWNT. Resonance Raman experiments performed on Ag and CrO3-adsorbed SWNTs confirm the donor and acceptor behavior, respectively.