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Deceptive directories and "vulnerable" logs: a honeypot study of the LDAP and log4j attack landscape



The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) has been widely used to query directory services. It is mainly utilized for reading, writing, and searching directory services like the Active Directory. The vast adoption of LDAP for authentication has entailed several attack attempts like injection attacks and unauthorized access due to third-party key storage. Furthermore, recent vulnerabilities discovered in libraries like the Log4j can lead adversaries to obtain unauthorized information from the directory services through pivoting attacks. Moreover, the LDAP can be configured to operate on UDP, motivating adversaries to exploit it for Distributed Reflection Denial of Service attacks (DRDoS). This paper presents a study of attacks on the LDAP by deploying honeypots that simulate multiple profiles that support the LDAP service and correlating the attack datasets obtained from honeypots deployed by the Honeynet Project community. We observe a total of 39, 388 malicious events targeting the honeypots and discover 273 unique attack sources performing pivot attacks in a period of one month.
Deceptive directories and “vulnerable” logs:
a honeypot study of the LDAP and log4j attack landscape
Shreyas Srinivasa
Aalborg University
Copenhagen, Denmark
Jens Myrup Pedersen
Aalborg University
Copenhagen, Denmark
Emmanouil Vasilomanolakis
Aalborg University
Copenhagen, Denmark
Abstract—The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
(LDAP) has been widely used to query directory services. It is
mainly utilized for reading, writing, and searching directory
services like the Active Directory. The vast adoption of
LDAP for authentication has entailed several attack attempts
like injection attacks and unauthorized access due to third-
party key storage. Furthermore, recent vulnerabilities dis-
covered in libraries like the Log4j can lead adversaries to
obtain unauthorized information from the directory ser-
vices through pivoting attacks. Moreover, the LDAP can
be configured to operate on UDP, motivating adversaries
to exploit it for Distributed Reflection Denial of Service
attacks (DRDoS). This paper presents a study of attacks
on the LDAP by deploying honeypots that simulate multiple
profiles that support the LDAP service and correlating the
attack datasets obtained from honeypots deployed by the
Honeynet Project community. We observe a total of 39,388
malicious events targeting the honeypots and discover 273
unique attack sources performing pivot attacks in a period
of one month.
Index Terms—LDAP, Honeypots, Deception, LDAP attacks
1. Introduction
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
has been used for querying and searching the directory
services over many years. As the name suggests, LDAP
is a lightweight implementation and the Internet variant of
the Directory Assistance Service (DAS) from the X.500
protocol (aka. Directory Access Protocol) [1], [2]. Due to
its light implementation, many applications support LDAP
for synchronizing and managing directory services (e.g.,
the Active Directory Server from Microsoft). LDAP al-
lows cross-platform clients to query the directory services
that contain attribute-value pairs of users, applications,
computers, and devices in the network through an LDAP
client [3]. Enterprise applications use LDAP for authen-
tication in applications that include email clients, SSH,
server, and workstation access.
However, over the years, there have been many vul-
nerabilities in LDAP that enable injection attacks, unau-
thorized access, and remote code execution capabilities
[4]–[6]. As many enterprise applications use LDAP for
authentication, attackers are highly motivated to exploit
the protocol to gain unauthorized access into the targeted
infrastructure. According to the ENISA Threat Landscape
Report 2021, there were several DDoS campaigns that
leveraged UDP-based LDAP services in 2020. It was
observed that a wave of DDoS attacks that targeted sev-
eral Internet Service Providers in France, Belgium and
Netherlands leveraged DNS and LDAP services for am-
plification attacks [7]. Furthermore, Internet scanning data
from Project Sonar [8], shows up to three million LDAP
services on the Internet with open TCP port 389 that
accept unencrypted requests, implying that misconfigured
LDAP services can lead to attacks of significant impact.
Honeypots are deception systems that simulate target
systems or services. They work as decoys to attract attacks
and store all the attack traffic. Traditionally, honeypots
have been used to gather attacks from bots and as an
effective source for threat intelligence data. There are
several open-source honeypot projects, some maintained
by the Honeynet Project, that are focusing either on spe-
cific protocols or vulnerabilities [9]. The simulation ranges
across diverse application protocols used in IT, OT (Op-
erational Technology), and IoT environments. Honeypots
have been an obvious choice to study attack trends and,
more recently, about attacker behavior psychology [10].
In this paper, we aim to extend and deploy a honeypot
that simulates open-source implementations of directory
services to gather attack trends in LDAP. Moreover, we
add a Log4j component to our honeypots to allow an
analysis of pivoting attacks towards LDAP. Furthermore,
we enhance our findings by correlating them with attack
data gathered from honeypots deployed by the Honeynet
Project. We summarize our contributions as follows:
We extend an open-source honeypot to simulate
three different LDAP profile services.
We deploy LDAP honeypots and perform an anal-
ysis of the attacks received on the honeypots.
We correlate the attacks received in our honeypots
with attack data from the Honeynet Project.
2. Related Work
In this section, we discuss related work in the areas
of LDAP attack types and LDAP honeypots.
2.1. LDAP attacks
Several vulnerabilities have been reported on the
LDAP over the years. These include Denial of Service
attacks, remote code execution and privilege escalation on
different independent LDAP implementations [11]. Fur-
thermore, more recently, the LDAP has been exploited as
a part of APTs that exploit other vulnerabilities (for exam-
ple, CVE-2021-44228 of the Apache Log4j vulnerability)
[12]. Early research from Alonso et al. show injection
techniques possible through the LDAP [5]. The authors
present injection techniques by manipulating the filters
used for searching the directory services. Obimbo et al.
present the risks of using LDAP as an authentication pro-
tocol by executing a DoS attack exploiting the TCP three-
way handshake required for connection initialization with
an LDAP server [4]. More recently, Jeitner et al. presented
techniques to inject malicious payloads to launch injection
attacks on protocols like DNS, LDAP, and Eduroam [6].
As LDAP is extensively used in enterprise infrastructure
as an authentication service, any potential attack vector
towards LDAP is of high risk.
2.2. LDAP honeypots
Early work on LDAP Honeypots was proposed from
Grimes [13]. The author provides an overview of hon-
eypots in general and Windows-based honeypots that
administrators can deploy to detect potential zero-day
attacks. Furthermore, the author provides an overview for
modeling honeypots for windows-based environments and
protocols by using scripts from the HoneyD honeypot
framework [14]–[16]. The HoneyD honeypot framework
acts as a daemon that can create virtual hosts on a network
that can be configured to run arbitrary services. The dae-
mon can run on multiple addresses and provide scripts to
emulate an entire device or a specific protocol. Moreover,
there is active research that proposes using Honeytokens,
a subset of honeypots that emulate a digital entity like user
accounts, files, and folders to detect malicious activity or
infections. For instance, Lukas et al. propose the creation
of fake user accounts as honeytokens on Active Directory
Server to capture malicious access attempts [17].
The T-Pot project [18] is a collection of 25 differ-
ent honeypots that includes the Log4Pot honeypot [19].
Log4Pot simulates a vulnerable Log4j environment and
can be configured to listen on multiple ports. The honey-
pot further provides a log analysis tool that extracts the
attack payloads, decodes them and builds a timeline of
attacks. The GreedyBear Project [20] aggregates the attack
data from the honeypots of the T-Pot project, specifically
from the Log4Pot and Cowrie honeypots, and converts
them into actionable feeds to facilitate threat intelligence.
The GreedyBear project is currently maintained by the
Honeynet Project [9] and provides public access to feeds
aggregated by the GreedyBear project. Nevertheless, there
is no work on honeypots that aims at capturing attacks
specific to LDAP. We address this gap by extending an
open-source honeypot to simulate directory services with
LDAP and capture the attacks [21].
3. Methodology
This section presents the methodology for the LDAP
honeypot implementation, the experimental setup and the
analysis of attack data from the Honeynet Project com-
3.1. LDAP honeypot
To simulate LDAP service, we extend RIoTPot, an
open-source honeypot that is modular and capable of
operating in hybrid-interaction levels [21]. RIoTPot pro-
vides high-interaction capability by running services on
dedicated, ephemeral containers with capturing the traffic
as pcap files and in an attack database. Leveraging the
modular feature of RIoTPot, which facilitates easy inte-
gration of protocols and services into the simulation port-
folio, we integrate three profiles: Apache Directory Server
[22], OpenLDAP [23] and OpenDJ [24]; that support the
LDAP service and run them in containerized mode. We set
up individual containers of the three profiles and utilize
RIoTPot’s orchestration and logging features to capture
the attack traffic. Furthermore, we simulate a webservice
with the Log4J vulnerability [12] that refer to the directory
services simulated by the profiles in containers. In total,
we deploy three webservices that connect to individual
directory services. We describe the simulated profiles in
detail below.
3.1.1. Apache Directory Service. The Apache Directory
Server (ADS) [22] is an open-source, extendable imple-
mentation of Directory services. The service is imple-
mented using the Java programming language and can be
embedded as a module in a server application. ADS sup-
ports the communication through LDAP and is compliant
with the LDAP v3. In addition to the LDAP, ADS supports
Kerberos 5 and the Change Password protocols. Further-
more, ADS uses an adaptation of the X.500 basic access
control scheme with subentries to control access and at-
tributes within the Directory Information Tree (DIT). The
directory service can be configured through an LDIF file,
a known format to define the properties of DIT, directory
objects, and attributes. The Apache community actively
maintains the ADS open-source repository.
3.1.2. OpenLDAP. OpenLDAP is an open-source imple-
mentation of LDAP [23]. The package includes a stand-
alone LDAP load-balancing daemon (lloadd) , a stan-
dalone LDAP service daemon (slapd) and libraries that
implement LDAP with additional utilities. The lloadd
listens for LDAP connections on a specified number of
ports and forwards the LDAP operations received over
these connections to be processed by the backend, while
the slapd listens to incoming LDAP requests and responds
to the LDAP queries received over the connections. In
addition, the slapd offers operation in tool mode which
provides multiple profiles for the daemon.
3.1.3. OpenDJ. OpenDJ is an opensource LDAPv3 com-
pliant implementation of the directory service, developed
using Java [24]. The implementation features scalabil-
ity for large domains, monitoring tools, and replication
between multiple instances. In addition to LDAP v3,
OpenDJ supports the Directory Service Markup Language
(DSMLv2). The OpenIdentity Platform actively maintains
the OpenDJ project.
3.1.4. HTTP Service with Log4j vulnerability. Log4j is
an open-source logging Java library that provides multiple
logging levels for debugging applications. The library
is extensively used by applications developed in Java.
Recently, a bug in the Log4j library was disclosed in
which an attacker can perform remote code execution on
the victim using the library for debug-logging [12]. This
vulnerability allows unauthorized users to run arbitrary
code on the target machine when a configuration uses a
JDBC Appender with a JNDI LDAP data source URI [25].
Attackers can spawn malicious LDAP servers to carry out
the Log4j attacks on the victims. To understand if there
are any potential pivot attacks, that may target the LDAP
services through the Log4j exploit, we enhance our hon-
eypot instances (see also experimental setup below) with
an HTTP service that showcases the Log4j vulnerability
and configure them to connect to individual directory
services. The websites simulate a login dashboard with
a welcome header, fields for user login, and a login
button. The login button performs a standard procedure of
verifying the username and password from the directory
service configured. The websites are each hosted on the
same instance as the directory simulations, and a search
user is configured with the websites to be able to search
the directories, which enables the examination of LDAP
injection attacks.
3.2. Experimental setup
To capture attacks on individual profiles, we deploy
RIoTPot on three hosts, with each RIoTPot instance sim-
ulating a directory service and an HTTP service. Figure 1
shows the experimental setup of the honeypots in our lab
environment. Each host is assigned a public IP address
and has ports 389 (LDAP) and 80 (HTTP) open to the
Internet. The traffic from each host is captured as a pcap
file and stored in a remote file repository. Furthermore, all
traffic received on ports 80 and 389 are logged in an attack
database. The file repository and the attack database are
set up on a remote host to avoid disruption in logging in
case of a crash. The directory service is configured with
basic authentication and is set with an admin username
with a non-complex password. We configure all the direc-
tory services with the same domain name (
and are initialized with five organization units and 120
users to look similar to a production service.
3.3. Honeynet Project dataset
To get a holistic view of attacks, we analyze the data
from the honeypots deployed by the Honeynet Project
community. In particular, we request the feed from the
GreedyBear [20] project that aggregates attacks towards
the Log4j vulnerability. We correlate these logs to the
findings of our own honeypots. Upon analysis of the
Honeynet Project data, we identify JNDI calls in the
payloads and find similar attacks in our honeypots. We
describe our findings in Section 5.
4. Results
This section lists our findings on the attacks gathered
from our honeypots.
Host-1 Host-2 Host-3
Router-1 Router-2 Router-3
Honeypot Lab Setup
Figure 1. Overview of our experimental setup
4.1. Attack traffic count
We deploy three profiles of open-source Directory
Services that support LDAP and add three vulnerable web-
sites with Log4j vulnerability associated with each profile.
We classify suspicious traffic as an LDAP attack when
an injection pattern or an irregular search is observed in
the traffic [5]. Similarly, on the HTTP, we classify the
traffic as an attack when brute-force attempts and remote
code execution patterns are detected. Figure 2summarizes
the number of attacks received on each directory service
profile on ports 389 and 80 for 30 days. At a glance,
we received at total of 39,388 attacks. The OpenLDAP
directory service received the highest number of attacks
on LDAP (2613) in comparison to ApacheDS (2414) and
OpenDJ (2341). We observe that the attacks increased
after the first 14 days of the deployment on all three
profiles. We suspect this could be because of possible
listing on the Internet-wide scanning services. Note that
the attacks shown are exclusive of probing traffic from
known Internet-scanning services. In particular, the HTTP
service received a total of 22,673 events and the LDAP
received 8,100 events from known scanning services. The
traffic from these benign scanning services was identified
using the noise-filter module of RIoTPot [21].
4.2. Attack sources
As a result of exposing our honeypots to the Internet,
we receive high traffic volume, primarily benign, from
Internet-wide scanning services. Figure 3shows the dis-
tribution of traffic from scanning services (benign) and at-
tack traffic with malicious intent. RIoTPot filters the traffic
received on the honeypots by identifying the probing traf-
fic from 19 Internet-wide scanning services [21]. Filtering
of benign scanning traffic reduces the noise in the gathered
data, thereby concentrating on the remaining suspicious
traffic. All traffic towards the honeypot instances can be
considered suspicious as there is no productive value in
interaction with a honeypot. We label suspicious traffic
to be an attack upon observing malicious intent in the
Figure 2. Attacks received over 30 days - LDAP and HTTP
requests. We observe that the OpenLDAP profile received
the highest number of malicious requests compared to the
other profiles. The honeypots received traffic from 273
unique attack sources.
Figure 3. Traffic classification on honeypots
4.3. Attack types
We observe multiple attack types in our honeypots,
including many LDAP injection attacks, suspicious search,
remote code execution, and brute-force attempts. Figure 4
shows the percentage of different attack types received on
each simulated directory service.
Figure 4. Attack types received on honeypots
The OpenDJ profile received the most LDAP Injec-
tion attacks in comparison to the other profiles. The
attacks aimed at bypassing the authentication by using
blind exploitation techniques to fetch the userPassword
attribute. The profiles further received random suspicious
search queries with logical-operators on the LDAP filters.
Moreover, we identified many brute-force attempts on the
HTTP webservice. In addition to the brute-force attacks,
the websites received attacks that exploited the Log4j
vulnerability. We observe fewer attacks towards Log4j in
comparison to the other attack types and this could be
because of the time elapsed since the disclosure of the
5. Discussion
In this section, we discuss our findings from the
analysis of the attack data received from the Honeynet
community and additional findings from the attack data
received on our honeypots.
5.1. Correlating data from the Honeynet Project
The data obtained from the Honeynet Project is an
aggregated feed from GreedyBear [20]. The project ag-
gregates data from 30 Log4j honeypot instances. First,
we correlate the attack sources observed on both datasets.
Over a period of 30 days, the GreedyBear feed had an
average of 3,269 events per day and 693 unique source
IPs. Figure 5shows the correlation of the number of
unique IPs that have been observed on Honeynet data
and our honeypots over the same period of 30 days. The
number of same actors denote the total attack sources ob-
served on both honeypot datasets and the different actors
denote the attack sources that were observed exclusively
on our honeypots. Upon further analysis, we find that the
different actors observed on our honeypots targeted also
the LDAP service. The different actors observed on our
honeypots may be the result of running both LDAP and
Log4j simulations. The attack sources shown in the figure
include the attacks received only on the Log4j simulation
in our honeypots. Furthermore, we find recurring probes
from attack sources that are not from known Internet-
wide scanning services and appear to be performing pivot
attacks. In addition, we examined the code that was called
through RMI to find patterns. Upon analysis we find
similarities in the code that aimed at performing LDAP
injections from many sources.
5.2. Attack samples
We list sample attacks in appendix Table 1for each
attack type categorized in Figure 4. The table further
lists different LDAP injection attack types and samples
observed on our honeypots. The Authentication Bypass
attacks aimed at injecting filtered LDAP queries with
sequences to bypass authentication. The privilege escala-
tion attacks aim at listing unauthorized directory contents
bypassing a search sequence with a low-security level. We
observe blind injection attacks that request a Boolean op-
eration to check if an admin class exists that belongs to a
domain type. In addition, the honeypot instances received
many suspicious search query requests. For instance, the
sample listed in Table 1requested a sequence from the
LDAP service on the same host. This search entails that
the adversary previously performed reconnaissance to dis-
cover open LDAP ports on the host. Many brute force
attacks were identified in which adversaries tried to log in
via a list of passwords. We further determine, by checking
the word list order, that the passwords used were part of
the NMap default password list [26]. Lastly, there were
Log4j attacks observed that performed RMI calls. We list
some sample Log4j exploits received in Table 1.
5.3. Pivot attacks
Pivoting attacks can be described as attacker move-
ment from one compromised system to more systems
Figure 5. Correlation of attack sources from the Honeynet Project and our honeypots
Figure 6. Pivot attacks overview
within the same or remote infrastructure. We observe some
attacks that try to pivot into the directory services by
leveraging the Log4j vulnerability through LDAP injec-
tion techniques. Upon examining the code from RMI calls
specified through JNDI, we find LDAP filters that aim to
list all organizational units and enumerate domain users
and domain admins groups. We observe such attacks on
all three simulation profiles of our experiment. Figure 6
depicts the number of pivoting attacks observed on each
simulation profile. The attacks begin with targeting the
Log4j vulnerability, and sequentially move on to target the
simulated directory services through LDAP. We observe
that out of 429 unique attack sources (observed exclu-
sively on Log4j), 273 of them attempted pivot attacks on
the directory services.
5.4. Limitations
We acknowledge the following limitations in our ap-
proach. First, we exclusively consider open-source imple-
mentations of directory services and LDAP. This limits our
scope as most enterprises use Microsoft Active Directory
as their directory service [27]. Second, our work is further
limited in the simulation of LDAP operational modes,
such as LDAPS and CLDAP. The simulation of CLDAP
would provide an overview of the reflection-based attacks.
Third, though we simulate a high-interaction profile for
the directory services and LDAP, we limit the experiment
in terms of the domain simulation by using an unregistered
domain. Hence, using a registered domain in our experi-
ment may enhance the deception layer and appear more
attractive for adversaries. Lastly, the total attack events
observed on each profile are the result of a month study
only; an extended study is needed for a more holistic
understanding of the field.
5.5. Ethical considerations
As honeypots are systems that simulate vulnerable
environments, they can be leveraged by adversaries to
cause attacks on the Internet. To prevent such attacks, we
limit the egress traffic from our honeypots. Furthermore,
the containers spawned from our honeypots for simulation
are ephemeral, such that new instances are created peri-
odically to avoid spread of infections. In regards to the
dataset from the Honeynet project, we take care in not
disclosing the IP addresses of honeypots deployed by the
6. Conclusion
This paper conducts a honeypot study of the attacks on
LDAP by deploying three open-source directory service
profiles with the webservers simulating the Log4j vulner-
ability. We observe many attack types, including LDAP
injection attacks and suspicious search queries. Lastly,
we summarize the attack types and correlate our findings
with the data from the Honeynet community. As future
work, we aim to perform a longitudinal study of LDAP
honeypots with extended profiles that include the Active
This research was supported as part of COM3, an
Interreg project supported by the North Sea Programme
of the European Regional Development Fund of the Eu-
ropean Union. We would like to thank Matteo Lodi from
the Honeynet Project for sharing the dataset. We would
like to thank Reinholdt W. Jorck og Hustrus Fond and
Otto Mønsteds Fond for facilitating the research. Lastly
we thank the reviewers for their valuable comments.
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Appendix A.
Samples of attack types
Table 1lists the sample attacks received on our hon-
eypots like LDAP injection, suspicious search queries,
brute-force attacks and the Log4j RMI attacks. The table
further lists the different types of LDAP injection attacks
in particular the authentication bypass technique which
aims to gain unauthorized access by injection of a filter
that ignores the password attribute in the LDAP query, the
privilege escalation attacks which aims at fetching unau-
thorized information and blind injection attacks that aims
at fetching boolean information about specific objects in
the directory.
Attack-type Received Attack Sample
Authentication Bypass &(USER=admin)(&))(PASSWORD=Pwd)
LDAP -Injection
Privilege elevation “www)(security level=*))(&(directory=html”
LDAP -Injection
Blind LDAP Injections (&(objectClass=admin*)(type=domain*))
Suspicious search GET /?x=$jndi:ldap://
Brute-force #cn=root,cn=users,dc=resilient,dc=dk password
Log4j-RCE GET /$%7Bjndi:$%7Blower:l%7D$%7Blower:d%7Da$%7Blower:p%7D://*************.*.psc****
... However, for convenience, the developers of Ofbiz allowed deserialization of all classes whose names match "java\..*", inadvertently enabling attackers to bypass the allowlist policy. With class java.rmi.server.RemoteObject, attackers can achieve RCE through RMI attacks [20], [21]. Therefore, CVE-2021-26295 [9] was subsequently exposed and patched with a blocklist in line 4∼7 of Figure 3. ...
... In addition, a honeypot can also record attackers' techniques when they perform lateral movement within a network. Honeypot gathered data can be used to analyze attacks, find potential zero-day vulnerabilities, etc. [19,23]. There have been two main classes of IP camera honeypots: one is building honeypots based on real IP devices using a port forwarding approach; and the other one is building honeypots using ordinary prerecorded videos. ...
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The utilization of the Internet of Things (IoT) as an attack surface is nowadays a fact. Taking IP cameras as a use-case, they have been targeted to a great extent mainly due to the absence of authentication, the utilization of weak, in terms of security, protocols, and their high availability. To cope with the current situation and study the current state of attacks against IP cameras we propose the use of cyber-deception and in particular honeypots. Honeypots can provide useful insights into current attack campaigns, and they can divert attackers' attention away from the actual targets. In this paper, we propose an open-source medium interaction IP camera honeypot that requires minimal settings while supporting a modular architecture for adding new camera models. The honeypot, namely SweetCam, supports the emulation of SSH, RTSP and HTTP. Furthermore, it creates a web-service (HTTP) that depicts an IP camera interface with a login page and the emulation of a camera interface using user-specified 360-degree video streams and images. We deploy instances of the honeypot in different geographical locations , for a period of 3 weeks, and receive a total of 5,780, 1,402 and 218,344 attacks on HTTP, RTSP and SSH services respectively; from 5,924 unique IPs. Lastly, we further analyze the attacks, and identify common Internet scanners (e.g., Shodan) among the services that have contacted the honeypots.
... Multiple vulnerabilities exist in the implementation of the lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) protocol, which can potentially enable an unauthenticated remote attacker to induce a device reload, leading to a distributed reflective denial of service (DRDoS) condition [6]. These vulnerabilities stem from the incorrect handling of LDAP messages by affected devices. ...
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In recent years, there has been an increase in distributed reflective denial of service (DRDoS) attacks, particularly those that target open lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) servers. These attacks involve transmitting a small request to a large number of available LDAP servers, seeking information from all users. Consequently, the servers respond with significantly more data than the original request, amplifying the traffic and overwhelming the target with massive amounts of data. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel model for detecting LDAP-based DRDoS attacks by utilizing an enhanced particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm based on an adaptive weighted threshold (AWTPSO) model. The proposed AWTPSO model incorporates network traffic features and LDAP protocol characteristics to identify attack patterns. It further employs an adaptive weighted threshold model to dynamically adjust the threshold value for each feature. The enhanced PSO algorithm optimizes the threshold values, thereby improving the detection accuracy of the proposed model. The proposed AWTPSO detection model has been validated using the recent CICDDoS2019 dataset (LDAP sub-dataset). The experimental results demonstrate that the AWTPSO model effectively detects LDAP-based DRDoS attacks with exceptional accuracy of 99.99% and minimal false positives of 0.01%, surpassing other state-of-the-art techniques. Consequently, the proposed model presents a highly promising and robust solution for detecting the threat of LDAP-based DRDoS attacks on enterprise networks.
... More precisely, cyber risk can only be managed up to a point by practices such as insuring customers in different geographical locations or from different industries. While such practices are effective against incident causes such as an outage at a payment service provider servicing a market of just one or a few countries, they are ineffective against other risks, such as the Heartbleed (see, e.g., Zhang et al., 2014) or Log4J (see, e.g., Srinivasa et al., 2022) vulnerabilities, or prolonged outages at major cloud service providers (Lloyd's, 2018). It is these risks-the ones that are difficult to manage-that is our concern here. ...
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We study the impact of data sharing policies on cyber insurance markets. These policies have been proposed to address the scarcity of data about cyber threats, which is essential to manage cyber risks. We propose a Cournot duopoly competition model in which two insurers choose the number of policies they offer (i.e., their production level) and also the resources they invest to ensure the quality of data regarding the cost of claims (i.e., the data quality of their production cost). We find that enacting mandatory data sharing sometimes creates situations in which at most one of the two insurers invests in data quality, whereas both insurers would invest when information sharing is not mandatory. This raises concerns about the merits of making data sharing mandatory.
... Additionally, because LDAP can be set up to run on UDP, attackers are encouraged to use it as a tool in Distributed Reflection Denial of Service attacks. By establishing honeypots that imitate various characteristics that serve the LDAP services and relating the attack datasets received from honeypots installed by the Honeynet Project group, this article [7] gives an analysis of attacks against LDAP. ...
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A new serious flaw has been discovered in log4j, a popular open-source tool used to produce logs within Java programs. The Log4Shell vulnerability, also referred as CVE-2021-44228, enables Remote Code Execution (RCE), enabling attackers to run obfuscated code on the host. A large number of programmes and businesses, including the well-known game Minecraft, employ the well-known utility log4j. Additionally, it is utilised in numerous commercial products as well as several Apache frameworks including Struts2, Kafka, Druid, and Flink. In this paper, the authors have used an approach to exploit the Log4Shell vulnerability and then provided the mitigation methods for the same.
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This article introduces a methodology for maximizing the effectiveness of deception technology in detecting sophisticated cyber attacks and overcoming the limitation of intrusion detection systems’ ability. The proposed methods implement multi-layered deception techniques at different network, system, and application levels to enhance coverage and improve attack detection by using decoys that mimic real systems to attract and identify potential attackers. The method proposes dynamic adaptation to changes in the network environment and employs obfuscation to maintain the effectiveness of the proposed techniques. Implementing this method can provide organizations with an early warning system to respond quickly and mitigate potential damage from cyber attacks, and we shall prove that by performing multiple cyber attacks towards a network with an intrusion detection system and decoys, then compare the detection capability on both technologies.
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Honeypots are often used as a proactive attack detection mechanism and as a source of threat intelligence data. However, many honeypots are poorly maintained and cumbersome to extend. Moreover, low-interaction honeypots are prone to fingerprinting attacks due to their limited emulation capabilities. Nonetheless, low-interaction honeypots are essential for environments with limited resources. In this paper , we introduce RIoTPot, a modular and hybrid-interaction honeypot for Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Operational Technology (OT) protocols mainly used in Industrial Control System environments. RIoTPot's modularity comes as a result of plug-n-play container services while its hybrid-interaction capability enables users to switch between low-and high-interaction modes. We deploy RIoTPot on the Internet, receive a large amount of attacks and discuss the results received on both low-and high-interaction modes.
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The threat of cyber attacks is a growing concern across the world, leading to an increasing need for sophisticated cyber defense techniques. Attackers often rely on direct observation of cyber environments. This reliance provides opportunities for defenders to affect attacker perception and behavior by plying the powerful tools of defensive cyber deception. In this paper we analyze data from a controlled experiment designed to understand how defensive deception, both cyber and psychological, affects attackers~\cite{ferguson-walter_kimberly_j._tularosa_2019}. Over 130 professional red teamers participated in a network penetration test in which both the presence and explicit mention of deceptive defensive techniques were controlled. While a detailed description of the experimental design and execution along with preliminary results related to red teamer characteristics has been published, it did not address any of the main hypotheses. Granted access to the cyber and self-report data collected from the experiment, this publication begins to address theses hypotheses by investigating the effectiveness of decoy systems for cyber defense through comparison of various measures of participant forward progress across the four experimental conditions. Results presented in this paper support a new finding that the combination of the presence of decoys and providing information that deception is present has the greatest impact on cyber attack behavior, when compared to a control condition in which no deception was used.
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The increase in the number of databases accessed only by some applications has made code injection attacks an important threat to almost any current system. If one of these applications accepts inputs from a client and executes these inputs without first validating them, the attackers are free to execute their own queries and therefore, to extract, modify or delete the content of the database associated to the application. In this paper a deep analysis of the LDAP injection techniques is presented. Furthermore, a clear distinction between classic and blind injection techniques is made.
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A honeypot is a closely monitored network decoy serving several purposes: it can distract adversaries from more valuable machines on a network, can provide early warning about new attack and exploitation trends, or allow in-depth examination of adversaries during and after exploitation of a honeypot. Deploying a physical honeypot is often time intensive and expensive as different operating systems require specialized hardware and every honeypot requires its own physical system. This paper presents Honeyd, a framework for virtual honeypots that simulates virtual computer systems at the network level. The simulated computer systems appear to run on unallocated network addresses. To deceive network fingerprinting tools, Honeyd simulates the networking stack of different operating systems and can provide arbitrary routing topologies and services for an arbitrary number of virtual systems. This paper discusses Honeyd's design and shows how the Honeyd framework helps in many areas of system security, e.g. detecting and disabling worms, distracting adversaries, or preventing the spread of spam email.
The CCITT/ISO standard “The Directory” defines a major new OSI application and represents a major milestone in the development of large-scale distributed systems. The Standard provides a specification for a distributed global on-line directory. Distributed operation of the Directory is achieved through a complex combination of protocols and the knowledge each component system has of the others. This paper examines the distributed operation of the Directory. It has a threefold purpose: firstly, it gives a comprehensive tutorial on the distributed operation of the Directory; secondly, it shows the rationale behind the design; and thirdly, it provides further insights into various aspects, revealing potential traps and optimisations for implementors. Together the material caters for a range of reader, from those wanting to understand the subject for the first time through to X.500 implementors.