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Optimization of business processes by automatic reallocation of resources using the genetic algorithm


Abstract and Figures

Business process management is the process of modifying or adjusting an organization's business process in order to achieve higher productivity or lower costs. Each company or organization has a value creating process that usually involves people, machines and information. One of the main problems with such processes is that it is very difficult to predict how much of each resource is actually needed. In light of the above, the objective of this paper is to implement a methodology that is capable of optimizing the allocation of resources to tasks in a given business process. In this paper, the genetic algorithm was used for optimization. The idea is that once the units are properly presented, the optimal schedule of users should be determined using the genetic algorithm. The fitness function includes Key Performance Indicators of process: waiting time and cost of the resource. Since al the users are not qualified in performing all the tasks in the process, the algorithm has to consider minimal and the maximal available number of users for each activity. The usability of this approach is tested in the process of credit requirement. Finally, the results are compared to the current work process.
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Optimization of business processes by automatic
reallocation of resources using the genetic algorithm
Info Studio Ltd, Sarajevo
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Abstract Business process management is the process of
modifying or adjusting an organization’s business process in
order to achieve higher productivity or lower costs. Each
company or organization has a value creating process that
usually involves people, machines and information. One of the
main problems with such processes is that it is very difficult to
predict how much of each resource is actually needed. In light of
the above, the objective of this paper is to implement a
methodology that is capable of optimizing the allocation of
resources to tasks in a given business process. In this paper, the
genetic algorithm was used for optimization. The idea is that once
the units are properly presented, the optimal schedule of users
should be determined using the genetic algorithm. The fitness
function includes Key Performance Indicators of process: waiting
time and cost of the resource. Since al the users are not qualified
in performing all the tasks in the process, the algorithm has to
consider minimal and the maximal available number of users for
each activity. The usability of this approach is tested in the
process of credit requirement. Finally, the results are compared
to the current work process.
KeywordsBusiness process management, Process
optimization, Resource allocation, Business Process Modeling
Genetic algorithm, Simulation
Business processes present set of logically connected
activities using the company resources, with the aim of
   needs for products or services of
appropriate quality in an adequate period of time, with
realizing some value at the same time [1]. During the global
competition in the market, companies can achieve competitive
advantage only by offering cheaper and better products and
services, and for realizing such objectives, effective and
innovative business processes are needed.
Business Process Management (BPM) is a process-oriented
management discipline [2]. Business Process Management is a
top-down methodology designed to organize, manage, analyze,
and reengineer the processes used in an organization. BPM is
      
techniques and software to design, enact, control and analyze
operational processes involving humans, organizations,
This means that BPM is linked with areas of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) as Knowledge Management (KM),
Knowledge Engineering (KE) and Business Intelligence (BI).
Nowadays, the optimization of business processes is an
important element of existing and functioning of any
organization. Continuous improvement of business processes
results in reducing the costs, time saving, improved quality and
competitive advantage as well as staying in the market.
Processes are of crucial importance to be effectively
implemented for the organization.
There are multiple approaches of optimizing a business
process. One approach is to redesign the process model so that
the tasks are done in different order. The purpose of such
optimization is to reduce the amount of tasks that get held up
by process bottlenecks. Relocating a bottleneck task to a
position which is reached by less process instances should
improve overall performance. Another situation where
relocating a task to a later stage might be useful is when one
has a very parallel business process and some tasks need all of
the branches to be finished before it can be executed. Leaving
such tasks until the end of the process might have a significant
impact on process throughput.
Another approach for optimizing business processes is to leave
the process model as it is but try out different amounts of
resources, consider training the employees so that the task
execution times are reduced or rearrange the resources which
are responsible for executing a given task. One can always
assume that increasing the amount of resources will improve
the average cycle time of the process until the minimum cycle
time is reached [4]. Meanwhile, there are a lot of cost
considerations that have to be taken into account when
  
their tasks more quickly. If the improvements in cycle time are
not large enough, they will not justify the training cost.
Rearranging tasks between resources is another optimization
technique. In this technique one task can be allocated from one
resource to another. This might be useful when the training
costs are low and the utilization of one resource is very low.
However, caution should be taken when reassigning tasks as it
is not easy to predict whether the new assignees will manage to
handle the additional workload or not. Another downside of
such rearrangement is that the quality might suffer if people
from one role have to start doing the job of other specialists.
This paper is about the optimatization of business processes by
reallocation of resources. It is very difficult to manually check
which the best schedule of the users in the process is. It is quite
evident in complex business      
with a large number of participants in the process. In this paper,
genetic algorithm is used for solving this problem. With the
help of genetic algorithm, it is necessary to find such a
schedule of the participants in the process in order to maximize
or minimize the corresponding fitness function.
The work is organized as following: First, the related work is
discussed in more details in Section II. In Section III, there is
the principle of genetic algorithm. Optimatization of business
processes by reallocation of resources realized by using genetic
algorithm is discussed in Section IV. A concrete
implementation is given in Section V in order to demonstrate
the applicability of the approach. Section VI provides the
conclusion of the paper.
The idea of using genetic algorithm in optimization of
business processes is not new. The genetic algorithm in the
optimization of business processes, used by other authors is
described in the following section.
The paper [5] examines the various metaheuristic searching
algorithms in problems of reallocation of resources and
arrangement. There are three algorithms being compared:
genetic algorithm, the algorithm of simulated annealing and
tabu search. The problems of reallocation of resources, with or
without constraints have been analyzed. In problems of
reallocation of resources without constraints, even the data
from the algorithm of ant colonies from the second paper have
been taken into consideration, and later, all four algorithms
have been compared. The genetic algorithm resulted in the best
performances, considering the least number of iterations with
its best optimal solution found in them. The same was in
problems of reallocation of resources with constraints. Genetic
algorithm found the best optimal solution in the shortest period
of time.
In paper [6], the authors deal with the problem of optimal
reallocation of human resources considering practical
constraints that may occur during the development of the
project. All constraints are being considered through the
coefficient in the fitness function. Those coefficients are: cost,
continual efficiency being reflected through multitasking,
coefficient of balance of allocated tasks and coefficient, which
shows how successful the distribution of tasks among
participants in the process is. After using genetic algorithm,
results show that it is necessary to gperform multitasking in a
shorter period of time as possible, to minimize performing of
tasks without defining priorities in the process, and it is
necessary to allocate a larger number of resources when it is
possible. These results were presented to programmers and
managers as well, who consider the attained results useful to
software managers.
Considering a long period of time necessary for calculations
the main disadvantage of genetic algorithm, the paper [7]
compares performances of genetic algorithm with a hybrid
genetic algorithm. Algorithms were compared in terms of
duration of the project and the time of algorithm operation.
Results show that integrated (hybrid) genetic algorithm has an
approximate optimal time of project execution and gives better
results than a standard genetic algorithm. Integrated genetic
algorithms are estimated to give more realistic and promising
solutions than genetic ones.
Optimization of business processes in cloud architecture can
be implemented in a way where the genetic algorithm could be
used for the optimal selection of web services that can realize
the required service. D. Agrawal in paper [8] uses a genetic
algorithm in order to select a set of services that meet agreed
quality of services. The fitness function is equal to the total
service quality. Chromosomes were composed out of
requirements and services that can realize the requirement.
The method of roulette selection was used for the selection.
This algorithm was suggested to be implemented in the load
Unlike paper [6], the methodology of optimization of business
processes will be presented in this one. Simulation model
implemented in MATLAB will be used in order to ensure as
accurate results as possible. The usability of this approach will
be demonstrated in the process of credit requirement.
Genetic algorithm is guided random search algorithm based
on the principles of evolution and natural genetics. It
combines the exploitation of the previous results with the
exploration of new areas of the search space. In a genetic
algorithm, a population of strings (called chromosomes or the
genotype of the genome), which encodes candidate solutions
(called individuals, creatures, or phenotypes) to an
optimization problem, evolves toward better solutions.
Traditionally, solutions are represented in binary as strings of
0s and 1s, but other encodings are also possible [9]. The
evolution usually starts from a population of randomly
generated individuals and happens in generations. In each
generation, fitness is calculated for each individual, then, more
individuals are being selected out of a current population
(based on their fitness) and modified (by recombing or
mutation) into a new population. New population is used in
the new algorithm iteration. The algorithm usually ends when
the maximal number of generations is created or when
satisfactory fitness is reached. If algorithm ends by creating a
maximal number of generations, then fitness can or cannot be
satisfied [10].
Figure 1. Process of credit requirement management
Chromosomes, often referred to as a genome, represent the set
of parameters defining the solution of the problem genetic
algorithm is trying to solve. The chromosome is often
represented as a simple string, although a wide variety of other
data structures are also used [11]. The genetic representation
of individuals is called a genotype. The main criteria in
selecting the string representation of the search node are that
the new string generated from the application of genetic
operator must represent legal search node for the problem.
The reproduction process is typically based on the fitness
values of the strings. The principal is that string with higher
fitness value will have higher chance of surviving to the next
In genetic algorithms, crossover is a genetic operator used to
vary the programming of a chromosome or chromosomes
from one generation to the next. It is analogous to
reproduction and biological crossover, upon which genetic
algorithms are based. A crossover is a process of taking more
        
from them. There are methods for selection of the
In genetic algorithms of computing, mutation is a genetic
operator used to maintain genetic diversity from one
generation of a population of algorithm chromosomes to the
next. It is similar to biological mutation of the individuals.
Mutation changes one or more genes in the chromosomes. In
mutation, the solution may change entirely from the previous
solution. Hence GA can come to a better solution by using
mutation. Mutation occurs during evolution according to a
user-definable mutation probability. This probability should be
set low. If it is set too high, the search will turn into a
primitive random search [12]. One of the criteria of genetic
algorithm convergence is the change of the fitness function
change that is an indication that genetic algorithm has found
an optimal solution. In order to escape local optima mutation
operator can be used.
Human resource management usually called the personnel
management, in an inevitable and essential function of the
modern management. Human resource management is a
particular scientific discipline. Intellectual capital and large
internal reserves are in human resources and their activation
can achieve significant results regarding success and initiative.
Human resource management is a very demanding job in
business processes. It is very difficult to determine the optimal
number of resources in the process as well as their schedule.
Concerning less or unqualified resources, bottlenecks occur in
the very execution of the process. These bottlenecks prolong
the execution of the process, reduce the effectiveness of the
process and cause discontent among users. One of the possible
solutions of this problem is adding new users. Let us consider
the process of credit requirement in banks in Figure 1. For the
presentation of this process, the worldwide standard for
modeling business processes BPMN 2.0 was used [13].
Table 1. Simulation Scenarios for process of opening bank account to legal
Generally, there are several ways for acquiring process model.
A process model can be attained by analyzing log files
containing information about the execution of the process, by
using the documentation containing detailed process
description, or by interview with the owner of the process. An
interview with the owner of the process was conducted in this
paper and the model of the process was presented in the Figure
1. Oracle Business Process Management [14] was used as
software for implementation. The process begins with
receiving the credit requirement (Acceptance of the requests).
After filling the given form, the necessary documents are
collected (Collection of documents) and verified if they are
complete (Completeness check). When all the documents are
competed, the next step is verification of the creditworthiness
of the applicant of the requirement (Creditworthiness check)
and collateral check (Collateral check). If everything is
successfully done, the credit committee (Credit committee)
decides on the credit requirement and verifies requests that
could be accepted or rejected. The final activity is
Requirements review. The process is modelled according to
the work principle of processing of credit requirement in one
of the banks in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Interviewing the
owner of the process, it was found out that 3 participants
performed the step Acceptance of the request, 2 participants
performed Collection of documents etc. A detailed schedule of
users is shown in the first column of the Table 1. There is also
other information for the process of credit requirement
obtained from the interview with the owner in order to create a
valid simulation model. This is information about the duration
of certain tasks in the process, the number of submitted
requests etc. After setting the parameters of the business
process model, the simulation has been initiated [14]. The last
row in the table shows the total cost of process execution
obtained by simulation. The total cost of the process depends
on the number and cost of resources, process execution time,
bottlenecks in the process etc. For the schedule of the users
presented in Scenario 1, the total process execution cost is
67679 BAM, which can be seen in Table 1. Increasing the
number of users on the activities Collection of documents
from 2 to 3, the cost of the process almost remained
unchanged: 60618 BAM (Scenario 2). On the other hand, if
the number of users is increased on the activities Completness
check from 2 to 3 and Creditworthiness check from 1 to 2, the
total cost of the process is reduced to about 2000 BAM.
Acceptance of the
Collection of
Completeness check
Collateral check
Credit committee
Requirements review
Total cost
This shows that the process of human resource management in
business process is demanding and complex. It is difficult to
determine the optimal schedule of the users in the process of
minimizing the total execution cost or some other criterion.
Increasing the number of users in the process can make the
very process better or worse. Improvements are seen in
Scenario 2 and 3. It is unacceptable to manually change the
it is particularly expressed in complex processes with
numerous numbers of activities and users. Therefore, a genetic
algorithm for searching the optimal solution is suggested in
this paper. The idea is that genetic algorithm, through iterative
searching of the space of possible solutions determines the
schedule of users which will minimize or maximize a defined
fitness function. It is important to pay attention that all the
users being available in the process are not qualified to
perform all the tasks in the process. There is a constraint of the
total number of users that could be involved in the process, as
well as a constraint of qualified users for each activity in the
process. It is important to notice that this constraint exists in
terms of the maximum and minimum number of users in every
activity. There are some activities that can occur in the process
where the number of users cannot be less than a specific value,
Generate population P0
Initialize population P0 and generation counter g=1;
while (g < the maximum number of generation) {
Run the simulation based on chromosome;
Evaluate fitness of each chromosome;
Select c1 and c2 from population using
tournament selection;
Mutate c1 and c2;
Generate c3 from c1 and c2;
Replace the weakest candidate of Pg with c3
g= g+1;
Algorithm 1: Pseudocode of Genetic Algorithm
i.e. deciding committee and it has 3 users. It would not be
correct to take that kind of schedule of users, where the
number of users would be less than 3 on the committee.
Therefore, the resource pool is defined in the process. A
resource pool is a collection of resources that can perform a
given role or that have a certain capability required to perform
certain tasks. The mathematical model of the problem being
solved is shown in Figure 2. and pseudocode in Algorithm 1.
A. Representation
Every schedule of users in the process presents one
chromosome. Length of chromosomes matches the number of
activities in the process. If it is supposed there are 5 activities
done by 3, 2, 2, 1 and 3 users, respectively. The chromosome
that is equivalent to that model of the process is of the form [3
2 2 1 3], as shown in Figure 3.
B. Fitness Function
After, the way of representing is defined the process model
via chromosomes, it is necessary to define the fitness function.
In the beginning of the optimization of business processes, it is
preferable to choose the fitness function with KPI (Key
Performance Indicators). These indicators can be an average
time of the process, the total process cost, resource cost, an
average waiting time in the entire process or specific (critical)
activities. In addition, all the constraints that may occur in the
process can be taken as penalties in the fitness function. For
example, an unauthorized schedule of users can provide a
great value of fitness function in the process of its
minimization. In this way, solutions will be rejected during the
selection due to a high value of the fitness function.
C. Selection
Tournament selection is probably the most popular selection
method in genetic algorithm due to its efficiency and simple
implementation [15]. In tournament selection, n individuals
are randomly selected from the wider population, and then, all
the individuals are compared (compete) with each other. The
individual with the highest fitness wins and will be included as
one of the next generation population. The number of
individuals competing in each tournament is referred to as
tournament size, commonly set to 2 (also called binary
tournament). Tournament selection also gives a chance for all
individuals to be selected and thus it preserves diversity,
Figure 2. Model for Business Process Optimization using Genetic
Figure 3. Model for Business Process Optimization using Genetic Algorithm
although keeping diversity may degrade the convergence
D. Crossover
A single point crossover will be used for crossover. Such
crossover operator is selected as the most efficient in task
allocation in the process in [16]. Out of all compared
crossover operations, single point crossover managed to find
the most satisfactory solution in the shortest period of time.
Single point chooses a random integer n between 1 and the
size of the chromosome, and selects the vector entries
numbered less than or equal to n from the first parent, selects
genes numbered greater than n from the second parent, and
concatenates these entries to form the child. For example if
parents are: ,  and n=3 then
the child is ].
E. Mutation
In Mutation, the Adaptive Mean Mutation Operator
(AMMO) will be used. AMMO generates directions that are
adaptive with respect to the last successful or unsuccessful
generation. AMMO uses a combination of the Gaussian
normal and Cauchy distributions, but rather than creating a
different offspring with each the density. Functions are
convolved into one distribution and only one offspring is
created. For AMMO, offspring was created [17]:
 
 
Where the    is the vector of the population.  is a
Gaussian normally distributed random variable with mean
and newly generated for every of every population
member. Also,  is also a Gaussian normally distributed
random variable with mean and variance but is only
generated only once for each population member. The values
and allow for the evolution of the strategy parameters of the
EA and are typically s]:
The AMMO method was selected, because it converges faster
in most of the time together with FMO (Fast Evolutionary
Programming) and MMO (Mean Mutation Operator) methods.
More about AMMO method and the reason for its selection
can be found in [17]. The newly created individual is added to
the generation and the weakest one is removed from it.
The presented method of the optimization of business
processes using genetic algorithm, was tested in the process of
credit requirement (Figure 1.). MATLAB was used for the
implementation. SimEvents library [19] was used for the
in MATLAB by using SimEvents library. The equivalent
presentation of the process. The first step was to present the
process from BPMN 2.0 notation with the appropriate model
model of the process is shown in Figure 4. As previously
mentioned, for adjusting the process model parameters as the
execution time of some tasks in the process, generating time of
new process instances, minimal number of users necessary for
performing the task etc., information were provided by the
owner of the process. Also, the limits of certain resources have
been defined for each activity in the process, i.e. the capacity
of the resource pool. They are presented in the form of vector
Which means there cannot be less than 1 or more than 3 users
on the first activity, there cannot be less than 1 or more than 4
users on the second activity, there cannot be less than 1 or
more than 3 users on the third activity etc. It is necessary to
point that Credit committee always has to have exactly 3
members involved. In the processes where the clients are
being served, such as this one, it is necessary to ensure less
waiting time for the clients. Therefore, the fitness function has
to take into consideration the sum of all waitings times in the
process. The schedule of the users in the process of such a
model is obvious to be equal to vector , because when the
maximal number of users is scheduled, then the clients will
wait for the service as short as possible. The cost of the
process has to be considered, too. The fitness function
vector of the resource cost was defined per one hour of work
for each activity in the process:
All delays in the process have to be punished by penalties in
the fitness function. The minute of waiting of client in the
process is taken to be equal to the cost of working hour of the
cheapest activity. In accordance with all these facts
mentioned, the fitness function has the following form:
Figure 4. Equivalent process model in Matlab
  
where the  is the total waiting time of the
instances (clients) in the process and equals to the sum of the
waiting time in all activities, while  is the
number of scheduled resources in the process. After
application of genetic algorithm, results are obtained and
shown in Figure 5. Process has been tested for the period of
one month. The upper part of the Figure 5. shows that the
algorithm has managed to converge to the best solution after
about 15 generations. Genetic algorithm converged because
there is no significant improvement in the values of fitness
function of the population from one generation to the next.
The change in fitness function was below the threshold value,
which was 1e-6. Also, the case study was relatively small and
it was proved by brute-force approach that the solution
obtained by genetic algorithm was optimal. More complex
processes and processes with more participants are expected to
have a higher number of generations. The lower part of Figure
5. presents the algorithm that gave the optimal resource
 
The total delay in the process for the optimal model is 3719.6
minutes. The total resource cost is 282, while the value of the
fitness function is 37478. It is interesting to compare the
results with the current condition used in the bank. It is
important to mention that the current number of users in the
process has been determined on the basis of experience and
many years of work as shown in Table 1. in the third column
(Scenario 3). Total delay obtained for this model is 4227
Table 2. Comparison of current and optimized process
minutes. Total resource cost is 204 and value of the fitness
function 42474. It is obvious the resource cost has been
increased, but the total waiting in the process has drastically
been reduced. This result is logical because every additional
resource in the process results in increasing the total cost of
the resource as well as speeding up the process. Comparison
of current and optimizes process are shown in Table 2. It is
necessary to mention that the real total cost of the optimal
process is higher than it is shown in the table, because here
only resource costs are taken into account. Actually, in
realistic processes, for each new job, it is necessary to provide
the space, equipment etc., which represents additional
expenses. However, additional costs are expected to be during
a longer period of time, compensated with retaining the
clients, preserving their confidentiality and acquiring new
clients. It should be noted that the algorithm was able to find
the optimal solution considering practical constraints that can
occur in the process, such as, on one hand, the minimal
number of users that can perform a certain activity, and on the
other hand, the maximal number of the users which cannot be
exceeded because of the insufficient number of available
positions or some other reasons. The algorithm has found the
solution taking into account the number of users on Credit
committee that has to be 3. There are always 3 members of
the committee who decide if the credit requirement will be
accepted or rejected. The algorithm was run several times on
the same process. Suggested mutation was used in order not to
fall into a local minimum. Also, the proposed algorithm was
performed on larger problems. Business processes with 9, 14
and 20 activities were tested and the algorithm has found the
solution. Due to complexity of business process algorithm
needed more time and more generation were needed to
generate to find the optimal resource reallocation. For
example, in business process with 20 activities algorithm has
found the solution in 93 generation.
In this paper, method for optimization of business processes
using the genetic algorithm is presented. First, it is necessary
to define the model of business process and corresponding
parameters in the process such as: time of the activity
duration, maximal and minimal number of resources and
number of generated instances of the process. This
information is provided by the owner of the process.
Furthermore, genetic algorithm was used for obtaining the
optimal schedule of the users in the process. The fitness
function takes into consideration KPI processes such as
waiting time of process instances and the total cost of the
resources. It is proved the algorithm is able to find the optimal
schedule of users from the aspect of defined fitness function.
Also, the algorithm takes into consideration the practical
constraints such as the limited number of qualified resources
or fixed number of resources as it was in activity Credit
Committee. The algorithm has already found an optimal
solution for a small number of generations, which is better in
Current process
Optimized process
Waiting time (min)
Total resource cost
Figure 5. Results after the application of genetic algorithm
state of fitness function compared to the current schedule of
users in the process.
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... This emphasizes the importance of human resource allocation to a specific activity in the process. Nowadays, continuous improvement in banking industries is an important element of existing [3]. This research reveals the role of process mining in the credit requirement process as the main process in the banking business and points out how process mining can raise the efficiency and efficacy of the credit requirement process. ...
... Then Cullen and Frey's graph is used to identify the actual distribution function. In the final statistical analysis step, several tests were conducted to check whether the selected distribution fits our data [3]. Table III indicates the distribution probability of each activity followed by the parameter's value acquired from MLE and MOM estimation methods. ...
... In contrast, this study proposed a model to identify bottlenecks and how to resolve bottlenecks in the process. (Djedović, Žunić, Avdagić, et al., 2016) [3] Genetic Algorithm ...
Conference Paper
In the banking industry, process mining has been used in different case studies with promising results. Process execution efficiency can be improved by correctly allocating human resources, which also increases the revenue and satisfaction of clients in organizations. To gain access to these approaches among the resources, banks are trying to streamline their processes. For this reason, it is essential to take into consideration the prerequisites for an accurate view of the sessions. Nevertheless, few works have tended to process mining as it is connected to the banking industry. This work presents a new approach to solving human resource allocation problems in the credit requirement processes that combines process mining, statistical techniques, and the Theory of Constraint (TOC) method. The statistical techniques are used to build a simulation model. Moreover, to obtain more reliable results from the simulation, in this study, four scenarios are designed to simulate reality. By using it, the bottleneck in the process can be identified. At the end, TOC techniques have been used to tackle the identified bottleneck. This study suggests a combination of resources and activity within fewer iterations compared to the literature and proposes an online process to collect documents which is a second stage of the credit requirement process to overcome the existing bottleneck.
... In total, 30 studies encode some requirement as task attribute. Most studies require the resource to have a specific role (14 studies) [5,6,9,15,21,24,27,35,42,45,47,62,63,69], a certain expertise (6 studies) [20,32,34,38,42,47], or certain workload (5 studies) [19,30,45,59,65]. Only three studies consider an amount [14,15,32]. ...
... Most studies require the resource to have a specific role (14 studies) [5,6,9,15,21,24,27,35,42,45,47,62,63,69], a certain expertise (6 studies) [20,32,34,38,42,47], or certain workload (5 studies) [19,30,45,59,65]. Only three studies consider an amount [14,15,32]. Schall et al. [47] requires a performance attribute and Yaghoubi and Zahedi [66] requires a social context attribute. ...
... They belong to the so called meta-heuristic approaches, resulting in learned heuristic algorithms. Except for one work focusing on optimizing the workload of resources [64] the remaining aim at the minimization of process costs [14,15,27,51,60,72]. ...
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For delivering products or services to their clients, organizations execute manifold business processes. During such execution, upcoming process tasks need to be allocated to internal resources. Resource allocation is a complex decision-making problem with high impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of processes. A wide range of approaches was developed to support research allocation automatically. This systematic literature survey provides an overview of approaches and categorizes them regarding their resource allocation goals and capabilities, their use of models and data, their algorithmic solutions, and their maturity. Rule-based approaches were identified as dominant, but heuristics and learning approaches also play a relevant role.
... En el trabajo de tesis doctoral (Tsakalidis and Vergidis, 2017) explican el desarrollo, evaluación y verificación de una plataforma o marco de trabajo para optimizar procesos de negocio. La optimización realizada utiliza técnicas de computación evolutiva, teniendo en cuenta que han sido utilizadas efectivamente en una variedad de problemas similares. ...
... Un trabajo presentado en el Simposio internacional sobre telecomunicaciones BIHTEL XI 2016(Djedovic et al., 2016, proponen implementar una metodología que sea capaz de optimizar la asignación de recursos a tareas en un proceso de negocio dado. Presentan un método para la optimización de procesos de negocio utilizando algoritmos genéticos, en que inicialmente se necesita definir el modelo del proceso de negocio y sus correspondientes parámetros, tales como: tiempo de duración de la actividad, máximo y mínimo número de recursos (personas), y el número de instancias del proceso generadas. ...
... In [22], the authors proposed an evolutionary algorithm that takes as input a Petri Net and performs simulations to optimize the cycle time and resource cost, combined via a linear function (i.e., a weighted sum of cycle time and resource cost). Similar approaches using genetic algorithms and simulation models on single-objective problems were presented in [25,26]. Another study addressing the allocation problem as a single-objective optimization problem is presented in [21]. ...
... Existing studies used such simulations to increase the plausibility of predictions of the effect of process redesign [3], [4], [29], [34], [52], [55], [68] or executed the redesigned processes to evaluate the impact of process changes and to identify any problems that redesigned processes may cause [4], [18], [26], [29], [31]. Another approach increases the number of employees or reallocates them without changing the process model itself [2], [11], [21], [32], [35], [63]. ...
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Absence of an organization’s employees often brings negative impacts on an organization’s performance and profitability. To address this problem, various studies have been conducted to find ways to identify an appropriate substitute employee for an absent employee. However, previous studies have not reflected changes in employee work relationships over time. Furthermore, the studies have not considered the effects of task reallocation on an organization due to an absent employee. To address these limitations, this paper proposes an approach to process-oriented substitute-task reallocation when there is an absent employee. This approach includes multiple steps to find process-oriented substitute-task reallocation. First, a cooperation network, a social network that demonstrates employee work relationships, is built using the attributes of the employees obtained from event logs. Then, the node2vec algorithm is used to predict links in the cooperation network to select appropriate candidates for substitute employees. Finally, a simulation model evaluates the probable impact of the preliminary reallocation of the candidates’ tasks on the business-process cycle time and eventually finds process-oriented substitute-task reallocation that takes the shortest time to complete process instances. This research validates the approach by using a real-world event log. The validation result explains that reflecting changes in employee work relationships is critical in selecting substitute employees. By adopting the proposed approach in this research, organizations could maintain the appropriate number of employees and reallocate tasks optimally in a rapidly-changing environment.
... The paper optimizes the resource allocation regarding cycle time and cost, combined into a single performance measure through a linear function. Similar approaches using genetic algorithms and simulation models on single objectiveproblems were presented in [9,14]. In the present paper, instead of combining the time and the cost, we compute an entire Pareto front, which allows the user to explore the available trade-offs between cycle time and resource cost. ...
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The allocation of resources in a business process determines the trade-off between cycle time and resource cost. A higher resource utilization leads to lower cost and higher cycle time, while a lower resource utilization leads to higher cost and lower waiting time. In this setting, this paper presents a multi-objective optimization approach to compute a set of Pareto-optimal resource allocations for a given process concerning cost and cycle time. The approach heuristically searches through the space of possible resource allocations using a simulation model to evaluate each allocation. Given the high number of possible allocations, it is imperative to prune the search space. Accordingly, the approach incorporates a method that selectively perturbs a resource utilization to derive new candidates that are likely to Pareto-dominate the already explored ones. The perturbation method relies on two indicators: resource utilization and resource impact, the latter being the contribution of a resource to the cost or cycle time of the process. Additionally, the approach incorporates a ranking method to accelerate convergence by guiding the search towards the resource allocations closer to the current Pareto front. The perturbation and ranking methods are embedded into two search meta-heuristics, namely hill-climbing and tabu-search. Experiments show that the proposed approach explores fewer resource allocations to compute Pareto fronts comparable to those produced by a well-known genetic algorithm for multi-objective optimization, namely NSGA-II.
... Also, the simulation model can be built [1], [7]. The analysis of the resources' behaviour in the process can be performed [8], and the best allocation of the resource in the process can be found [9][10][11][12]. The bottlenecks in the process can be also analyzed [13], different systems can be integrated in order to improve processes [14][15] and more, can be done. ...
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Process mining is a technique for extracting process models from event logs. Process mining can be used to discover, monitor and to improve real business processes by extracting knowledge from event logs available in process-aware information systems. This paper is concerned with the problem of grouping events in instances and the preparation of data for the process mining analysis. Often information systems do not store a unique identifier of the case instance, or errors happen in the system during the recording of events in the log files. To be able to analyze the process, it is necessary that events are grouped into case instances. The aim of the presented rule based algorithm is to find events belonging to the same case instance. Performances of the algorithm, for different sizes of log file events and different levels of errors within log files in the real process, have been analyzed.
... Il faut différencier l'allocation de ressources de calcul, de stockage et de réseau pour les outils BPM avec l'allocation des ressources humaines pour les tâches humaines. De nombreux travaux ont été réalisés à ce dernier sujet, tels que [64][65] ...
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La disponibilité de plateformes middleware dans le cloud, avec un passage à l'échelle transparent est un vrai progrès pour les développeurs et les intégrateurs logiciels. Ils peuvent développer et déployer leurs applications sans s'inquiéter des détails opérationnels. Cependant, le coût d'exploitation d'une infrastructure dans le cloud peut devenir rapidement important. Les fournisseurs doivent disposer de méthodes pour le réduire en adaptant la taille des ressources aux besoins des clients. Dans cette thèse, nous nous focalisons sur les applications Web multi-tenant transactionnelles, plus particulièrement les moteurs d'exécution de processus métiers. Nous proposons des méthodes permettant d'optimiser les coûts opérationnels d'un fournisseur d'exécution de processus "en tant que service" (BPMaaS) tout en assurant un niveau suffisant de qualité de service. Ce type d'applications ne passe pas facilement à l'échelle à cause de sa couche persistance et de la nature transactionnelle des opérations. Il faut distribuer les installations des clients de manière à optimiser les coûts et éventuellement les déplacer en fonction de l'évolution de la charge. Ces déplacements (ou migrations) ont un impact sur la qualité de service et il faut les limiter. Dans un premier temps, nous proposons une méthode de mesure de la capacité des ressources du cloud en termes de débit d'exécution de tâches BPM, puis nous proposons une méthode de mesure de l'impact des migrations que nous avons évalué, ceci confirmant nos hypothèses. Ensuite, nous proposons plusieurs modèles d'optimisation linéaire, ainsi que des heuristiques d'allocation de ressources et de distribution des clients prenant en compte le coût de l'infrastructure, la capacité des ressources et les besoins des clients, tout en limitant les nombres de migrations. Ces modèles sont fondés sur la connaissance de l'évolution de la charge des clients par unité de temps. Nous avons expérimenté les trois méthodes que nous avons proposées sur la solution BPM Bonita, et montré qu'elles permettent des gains substantiels sur l'exploitation de l'infrastructure par rapport à une méthode basique
Declarative process models (DPMs) enable the description of business process models with a high level of flexibility by being able to describe the constraints that compliant traces must abide by. In this way, a well-formed declarative specification generates a family of compliant traces. However, little is known about the difference between different compliant traces, as the only criterion used for comparison is satisfiability. In particular, we believe that not all compliant traces are alike: some might be sub-optimal in their resource usage. In this work, we would like to support users of DPMs in the selection of compliant and optimal traces. In particular, we use Dynamic Condition Response (DCR) graphs as our language to represent DPMs, extending it with a parametric definition of costs linked to events. Multiple types of cost imply that different traces might be optimal, each according to a different cost dimension. We encode cost-effective finite trace generation as a Constraint Optimisation Problem (COP) and showcase the feasibility of the implementation via an implementation in MiniZinc. Our initial benchmarks suggest that the implementation is capable of providing answers efficiently for processes of varying size, number of constraints, and trace length.
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Software planning is very important for the success of a software project. Even if the same developers work on the same project, the time span of the project and the quality of software may change based on the project plan. When software managers plan a software project, they strive to allocate human resources in a more efficient way to produce a better software with less cost. The planning process is, however, time-consuming and complicated, especially when the size of the software project is large. Many approaches have been proposed to help software project managers by providing optimal human resource allocations in terms of minimizing the cost. Previous approaches, however, only concentrated on minimizing the cost, and no existing works have considered the practical issues affecting project schedules in practice. We elicited the practical considerations relating to the human resource allocation problem through discussions with a group of software project experts. The practical considerations can affect the project schedule in practice, but their importance has not been taken into consideration in previous approaches. Reflecting the practical considerations, we propose an approach for solving the human resource allocation problem using a genetic algorithm (GA). We compare our approach to an approach that only considers minimization of the time span. Our evaluation shows that the proposed algorithm considers the practical considerations well, in terms of continuous allocation on relevant tasks, minimization of developer multitasking time, and balance of allocation. We also conducted a survey targeting software developers and managers, and the responses showed that practical considerations are as important as minimizing the cost, and our approach would be helpful to software managers. We also investigate the effect of weight factors and coefficient between sub-scores, and find that it is difficult to consider some practical considerations at the same time.
Conference Paper
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This research is focused on solving problems in the area of software project management using metaheuristic search algorithmsand as such is research in the field of search based software engineering. The main aim of this research is to evaluate the performance of different metaheuristic search techniques in resource allocation and scheduling problemsthat would be typical of software development projects.This paper reports a set of experiments which evaluate the performance of three algorithms, namely simulated annealing, tabu search and genetic algorithms. The experimental results indicate thatall of themetaheuristics search techniques can be used to solve problems in resource allocation and scheduling within a software project. Finally, a comparative analysis suggests that overall the genetic algorithm had performed better than simulated annealing and tabu search.
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The Silences of the Archives, the Reknown of the Story. The Martin Guerre affair has been told many times since Jean de Coras and Guillaume Lesueur published their stories in 1561. It is in many ways a perfect intrigue with uncanny resemblance, persuasive deception and a surprizing end when the two Martin stood face to face, memory to memory, before captivated judges and a guilty feeling Bertrande de Rols. The historian wanted to go beyond the known story in order to discover the world of the heroes. This research led to disappointments and surprizes as documents were discovered concerning the environment of Artigat’s inhabitants and bearing directly on the main characters thanks to notarial contracts. Along the way, study of the works of Coras and Lesueur took a new direction. Coming back to the affair a quarter century later did not result in finding new documents (some are perhaps still buried in Spanish archives), but by going back over her tracks, the historian could only be struck by the silences of the archives that refuse to reveal their secrets and, at the same time, by the possible openings they suggest, by the intuition that almost invisible threads link here and there characters and events.
Conference Paper
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Resource management has been recognised as an important topic for the execution of business processes since long time ago. Yet, most exiting works on resource allocation have not paid enough attentions to process characteristics, such as structural and task dependencies. Furthermore, no effort has been made on optimising resource allocation by improving business processes. To address this issue, we propose an approach that optimises the use of resources in an enterprise by exploring the structural features of a business process and adapting the structures of the business process to better fit the resources available in the enterprise. After a motivating example, we describe a role-based business process model for resource allocation. Then we present strategies for resource allocation optimisation and discuss the relationship between resource allocation and business process improvement. A set of heuristic rules are discussed and algorithms based on these rules are designed for optimising resource allocation with a particular optimisation goal.
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Abstract Three main streams of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), i.e. probabilistic optimization algorithms based on the model of natural evolution, are compared with each other in this article: Evolution Strategies (ESs), Evolu- tionary Programming (EP), and Genetic Algorithms (GAs). The comparisonis performed with respect to certain characteristic components of EAs, i.e. the representation scheme of object variables, mutation, recombination, and the selection operator. Furthermore, each algorithm is formulated in a high-level notation as an instance of the general, unifying basic algorithm, and the fundamental theoretical results on the algorithms are presented. Finally, after presenting experimental results for three test functions representing a unimodal and a multimodal case as well as a step function with discontinuities, similarities and differences of the algorithms are elaborated, and some hints to open research questionsare sketched.
Genetic algorithms (GA) are wide class of global optimization methods. Many genetic algorithms have been applied to solve combinatorial optimization problems. One of the problems in using genetic algorithms is the choice of crossover operator. The aim of this paper is to show the influence of genetic crossover operators on the performance of a genetic algorithm. The GA is applied to the job shop scheduling problem (JSSP). To achieve this aim an experimental study of a set of crossover operators is presented. The experimental study is based on a decision support system (DSS). To compare the abilities of different crossover operators, the DSS was designed giving all the operators the same opportunities. The genetic crossover operators are tested on a set of standard instances taken from the literature. The makespan is the measure used to evaluate the genetic crossover operators. The main conclusion is that there is a crossover operator having the best average performance on a specific set of solved instances.
Conference Paper
Construction project resource scheduling problems have been interesting and challenging subjects of extensive research for several decades in the optimization study area in order to put them in practical application. Recently, the integrated genetic algorithm rather than the stand-alone GA is being increasingly applied to solve the problems. An adaptive hybrid genetic algorithm search simulator (AHGASS) for resource scheduling problems has been developed in the previous stage of this research. Previous work outlined the strategies and practical procedures for the algorithm development, but did not deal with algorithm performance with regard to algorithm runtime, especially against runtime used in generating optimality. Since the major drawback of using GA is a great length of time required, it is meaningful to investigate the significance in algorithm runtime between AHGASS and optimality. To address this issue, this paper attempts to investigate the difference in algorithm performance with regard to algorithm runtime.
Computers play an integral part in designing, modelling, optimising and managing business processes within and across companies. While Business Process Management (BPM), Workflow Management (WfM) and Business Process Reengineering (BPR) have been IT-related disciplines with a history of about three decades, there is still a lack of publications clarifying definitions and scope of basic BPM terminologies like business process, BPM versus WfM, workflow, BPR, etc. Such a myriad of similar-sounding terminologies can be overwhelming for computer scientists and computer science students who may wish to venture into this area of research. This guide aims to address this gap by providing a high level overview of the key concepts, rationale, features and the developments of BPM.