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The autonomic nervous system in its natural environment: Immersion in nature is associated with changes in heart rate and heart rate variability



Stress Recovery Theory (SRT) suggests that time spent in nature reduces stress. While many studies have examined changes in stress physiology after exposure to nature imagery, nature virtual reality, or nature walks, this study is the first to examine changes in heart rate (HR) and vagally mediated HR variability, as assessed by Respiratory Sinus Arrythmia (RSA), after a longer duration of nature exposure. Consistent with SRT, we hypothesized that immersion in nature would promote stress recovery, as indexed by an increase in RSA and a decrease in HR. We also predicted that exposure to nature would improve self-reported mood. We used a within- subjects design (N = 67) to assess changes in peripheral physiology before, during, and after a 5-day nature trip. Results demonstrated a significant decrease in RSA and a significant increase in HR during the trip compared to before or after the trip, suggesting that immersion in nature is associated with a shift toward parasympathetic withdrawal and possible sympathetic activation. These results were contrary to our hypotheses and may suggest increased attentional intake or presence of emotions associated with an increase in sympathetic activation. We also found an improvement in self-reported measures of mood during the trip compared to before or after the trip, confirming our hypotheses and replicating previous research. Implications of this study are discussed in the context of SRT.
Psychophysiology. 2020;00:e13698.
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© 2020 Society for Psychophysiological Research
In our modern (Western) world, people are increasingly spend-
ing less time outside (Klepeis etal.,2001). Sedentary indoor
lifestyles can increase risk for negative health outcomes such as
heart disease and obesity (Lichtenstein etal.,2006). Likewise,
living in urban areas has been associated with increased levels
of stress (Lederbogen etal.,2011). Stress Recovery Theory
(SRT; Ulrich et al., 1991) suggests that time spent in natural
environments can promote the recovery of stress. Natural en-
vironments are broadly defined as “areas that contain elements
of living systems that include plants and nonhuman animals
across a range of scales and degrees of human management”
(Bratman etal.,2012; see, also Wilson,1984). SRT draws on
psycho-evolutionary theory (Plutchik,1984) to explain how
nonthreatening nature reduces stress. This theory suggests that
Received: 5 June 2020
Revised: 26 August 2020
Accepted: 28 August 2020
DOI: 10.1111/psyp.13698
The autonomic nervous system in its natural environment:
Immersion in nature is associated with changes in heart rate and
heart rate variability
Emily E.Scott1
Sara B.LoTemplio1
Amy S.McDonnell1
Glen D.McNay2
Bert N.Uchino1
David L.Strayer1
1Department of Psychology, University of
Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
2Department of Health, Kinesiology, and
Recreation, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, UT, USA
3Department of Educational Psychology,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT,
Emily E. Scott, Department of Psychology,
University of Utah, 380 S 1530 E Beh S
502, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA.
Stress Recovery Theory (SRT) suggests that time spent in nature reduces stress.
While many studies have examined changes in stress physiology after exposure to
nature imagery, nature virtual reality, or nature walks, this study is the first to ex-
amine changes in heart rate (HR) and vagally mediated HR variability, as assessed
by Respiratory Sinus Arrythmia (RSA), after a longer duration of nature exposure.
Consistent with SRT, we hypothesized that immersion in nature would promote
stress recovery, as indexed by an increase in RSA and a decrease in HR. We also pre-
dicted that exposure to nature would improve self-reported mood. We used a within-
subjects design (N=67) to assess changes in peripheral physiology before, during,
and after a 5-day nature trip. Results demonstrated a significant decrease in RSA and
a significant increase in HR during the trip compared to before or after the trip, sug-
gesting that immersion in nature is associated with a shift toward parasympathetic
withdrawal and possible sympathetic activation. These results were contrary to our
hypotheses and may suggest increased attentional intake or presence of emotions as-
sociated with an increase in sympathetic activation. We also found an improvement
in self-reported measures of mood during the trip compared to before or after the trip,
confirming our hypotheses and replicating previous research. Implications of this
study are discussed in the context of SRT.
ECG, emotion, environmental psychology, heart rate, HRV, nature, stress
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changes in emotional tone and arousal served adaptive pur-
poses to enhance our survival and reproductive success. Such
changes would occur quickly and prepare us for fight-or-flight
responses to threatening stimuli, such as a rattlesnake encoun-
ter. In this example, autonomic activation of stress is adaptive
and beneficial to our survival.
Our current environments, however, can promote
chronic stress in response to psychological stressors that do
not quickly pass (Segerstrom & Miller,2004). Activating
the stress response system frequently and over a longer du-
ration can have deleterious effects on immune functioning
and cardiovascular health (Cacioppo etal.,1998; Hawkley
& Cacioppo, 2004; Uchino et al., 2007; Ulrich-Lai &
Herman,2009). Although our physiological stress response
was adaptive from an evolutionary standpoint in response
to a physical threat, our physiological response to modern
day stress continues to reflect the demands of earlier envi-
ronments (Cacioppo etal.,1998). In other words, events or
stimuli that do not require a physical response are evoking
a physical reaction and causing us to stay in elevated states
for longer, threatening our homeostasis (Hobfoll, 1989;
Uchino etal.,2007).
Stress recovery theory
If humans are readily equipped to respond to threatening stim-
uli in natural settings (e.g., snakes), Ulrich et al. (1991) argues
that humans also have a readiness to quickly acquire restorative
responses (e.g., recharge of physical energy) that, by the same
logic, may strongly apply in natural settings. Therefore, Ulrich
proposes that recovery from stress, a restorative response, will
occur more quickly and completely in natural versus urban
settings. Ulrich et al. (1991) suggests two main components
through which this recovery quickly occurs: (1) activation of the
Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS), our “rest and digest”
system that is activated during recovery from stress, and (2) posi-
tive changes in affect, or emotional states.
In support of SRT, physiological measurements and
self-report measures have shown faster stress recovery and
improved mood with exposure to natural environments ver-
sus urban environments. For example, studies have demon-
strated lower self-reported stress (Beil & Hanes,2013; Roe
etal.,2013), greater positive affect (Beute & de Kort,2014;
Bratman etal., 2015; Lee et al., 2014), improved immune
functioning (Li etal.,2008, 2011), and reductions in stress-re-
lated hormones (i.e., cortisol; Beil & Hanes,2013) following
exposure to natural environments. Some studies have found
decreased HR (Laumann etal.,2003; Lee etal.,2014) and
decreased blood pressure (Hartig et al., 2003; Li,2010) after
viewing nature imagery or taking walks in nature, although
other studies have reported no significant changes in these
measures (Brown etal.,2013; Gladwell etal.,2012).
Additionally, correlational studies have determined
greater well-being (Grinde & Patil,2009; White etal.,2013),
lower levels of health inequality (Mitchell & Popham,2008),
and lower incidences of morbidity, especially depression and
anxiety (Maas et al., 2009), in people who live close to areas
high in green space compared to people who live in areas that
are low in green space. One study even found shorter hospital
stays in rooms with nature views compared to rooms with-
out these views (Ulrich,1984). Taken together, this literature
suggests that both access and proximity to restorative envi-
ronments may have an impact on short-term stress recovery
and long-term cardiovascular health.
Vagal tone reflects central
modulation of the periphery
The vagus nerve links the central and peripheral nervous sys-
tems through neural regulation of the heart (Porges,1995).
Resting vagus nerve activity, or vagal tone, has been used
as a measure of cognitive, emotional, and self-regulation.
Vagal tone can be indirectly captured through indices of va-
gally mediated HR variability (vmHRV), which is thought
to isolate the parasympathetic influence on the heart (Task
Force of the European Society of Cardiology,1996). Indices
of vmHRV such as Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA) are
known to be reliable measures that capture variation in heart
rate in synchrony with respiration, by which the beat-to-beat
intervals are shortened during inspiration and expanded dur-
ing expiration. Low resting RSA, or having too “fixed” a HR
interval, is associated with poor regulation of the stress re-
sponse and self-regulatory behaviors. In contrast, high rest-
ing RSA reflects greater variability among HR intervals and
is associated with efficient regulation of stress and behavior
in response to environmental demands (Porges, 1995, 2007;
Smith et al., 2020; Thayer etal.,2009).
The current study examines changes in resting RSA and
HR before, during, and after prolonged immersion in na-
ture. Recent studies have found evidence of greater activity
in measures of vmHRV following exposure to nature imag-
ery (Beute & de Kort, 2014; Brown etal.,2013; Gladwell
etal.,2012) and nature walks (Lee etal.,2014) compared to
their urban equivalents. Findings from these recent studies
are consistent with Ulrich et al. (1991) hypothesis that acti-
vation of the PNS is necessary to facilitate recovery of stress.
However, there is limited research on how longer durations in
nature may affect the autonomic nervous system activity. We
hypothesized that immersion in nature would increase resting
RSA and decrease HR compared to a control testing environ-
ment before and after immersion.
In line with SRT, this study also assesses changes in self-re-
ported mood and self-reported stress with the expectation that
nature exposure would improve mood and reduce stress. Due
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to the positive relationship between RSA and social support
(Kok & Fredrickson,2010; Smith etal.,2011, 2020; Uchino
etal.,2020), a self-report measure of social connectivity was
included to examine as a potential covariate. Similarly, we in-
cluded self-report measures of exercise and sleep disturbance,
as well as an objective measure of blood glucose levels, which
could have a metabolic influence on the physiological mea-
sures of interest (Hall et al., 2004; Sandercock etal.,2005;
Singh et al., 2000). For example, blood glucose levels are in-
versely associated with measures of vmHRV in diabetic pa-
tients (Frattola etal.,1997; Rothberg etal.,2016; Singh et al.,
2000). By administering these measures, we can examine how
these factors influence our results.
Participants were recruited from a preexisting upper level
psychology course (Trip 1) and from flyers around the
University of Utah campus and the greater Salt Lake City
community advertising a paid research trip designed for this
study (Trips 2 and 3). A total of 67 participants (33 male, 31
female, 2 transgender, and 1 other/nonbinary) were recruited
across the three trips (Trip 1: N=19, Trip 2: N=22, Trip 3:
N=26), with an age range of 18–46 (M=25.58, SD=6.27).
A majority of participants (90%) identified as White, Non-
Hispanic, 6% identified as Hispanic/Latino, 1% identified as
Pacific Islander, 3% identified as Black/African American,
1% identified as Native American/Alaska Native, and 1%
identified as Other. There were no significant differences in
demographic variables between the three trips.
Study design
Our experiment involved a quasi-experimental, within-sub-
jects design, with all participants completing a 5-day nature
trip in Bluff, UT. All participants completed three, 2-hr ses-
sions to assess changes in electrocardiography (ECG), blood
glucose, and self-report measures. The three sessions took
place up to 2weeks before (pre-testing), during days 2–4 of
the trip (desert testing), and up to 2weeks after (post-testing)
the 5-day nature trip. Repeated measures from the three ses-
sions was the within-subjects factor. We collected three ad-
ministrative waves of this study via the three trips, as trip
logistics did not permit a large sample within a single trip.
Every effort was made to keep trips identical. When in na-
ture, participants completed the same low to moderate inten-
sity hikes at the group's pace (one hike per day ranging from
2–5 miles roundtrip). Aside from hiking, participants relaxed
at the campground (e.g., reading, journaling, and swimming)
and completed their research testing session at their desig-
nated day and time. As part of the class for the first trip, edu-
cational content was provided at night around the campfire.
At each session, researchers attached ECG electrodes while
the participant filled out demographic and self-report ques-
tionnaires. All impedances were below 10 kOhms as deter-
mined using BIOPAC’s EL-CHECK electrode impedance
checker. During each testing session, the participants sat in
an enclosed, clear pod made by Under the Weather that is
designed to protect against wind- and weather-related issues.
All data were collected outdoors to control for potential dif-
ferences in signal-to-noise ratios or any artifacts due simply
to being outside. Temperature, time, and weather information
were recorded at each session.
Participants first completed a 10-min baseline used to as-
sess resting changes in RSA, followed by several cognitive
FIGURE 1 Pre and post-testing location
FIGURE 2 Desert testing location
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tasks that were part of a separate study.Participants were
instructed to sit upright in a relaxed state, as well as to min-
imize movement and to keep their eyes open. Participants
were tested at the same time for all three sessions to con-
trol for diurnal influences on the dependent variables. All
sessions were identical in procedure but differed in the
environment and location of testing in the second session
(see, Figures1 and 2). In both the desert and the pre- and
post-testing control locations, efforts were made to ensure
that there were no people nearby and that participants sat
in the pods for the duration of testing. In the control loca-
tion, participants were set up in the lab and brought outside
the psychology building for testing on a concrete terrace,
where they could see the building's exterior (see, Figure1)
but did not have a view of nature (i.e., greenery and the
surrounding mountain range). In the desert location, partic-
ipants were set up under a large tent and brought to a sandy
riverbank for testing (see, Figure 2). Altitude (control:
4,226 ft; desert: 4,324 ft) and climate (arid desert) were
similar across both the control and trip testing locations.
The second session took place during the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
days of the 5-day nature trip (due to logistics we were un-
able to test all participants on the same day).
Electrocardiography (ECG)
ECG data were recorded using BIOPAC Smart Center
(BIOPAC Systems, Goleta, CA, USA). The wireless
BioNomadix Smart Center amplified the ECG signal with a
2kHz per channel maximum sampling rate. ECG data were
observed through AcqKnowledge (Version 5.0) software.
The BioNomadix Smart Center is a small-form data acquisi-
tion unit and wireless receiver that connects to a computer
USB port and records physiological and data from a wireless
transmitter. Physiological data were collected using the lead
II configuration to place active electrodes diagonally across
the heart (Berntson etal.,2007). Before attaching electrodes,
participants were instructed to clean and lightly abrade areas
of the skin using alcohol wipes and NuPrep gel. Electrodes
were attached at each skin site location using SignaGel.
ECG preprocessing pipeline
ECG data were processed using the AcqKnowledge software
following standard guidelines for ECG artifact detection and
correction (Berntson etal.,1990). ECG recordings were band
pass filtered from 0.5–35Hz. Interbeat interval (IBI) time se-
ries were obtained based on the QRS peak detection algorithm
developed by Pan and Tompkins (1985), and QRS peaks were
marked and kept for analysis. Missing peaks were manually
placed and artifacts were edited through visual inspection using
the detection algorithm of Bernston and colleagues (1990).
Data were epoched into 60s segments and epochs with unus-
able contaminated data (e.g., drop in signal) were removed from
analyses (see, percentage removed below under data loss). If a
file contained over 80% of epochs removed due to issues in the
signal, a file was removed from analysis. The AcqKnowledge
software uses a Fast Fourier Transform with a hamming window
function to convert IBIs to the appropriate frequency band for
spectral analyses of RSA (defined as 0.15–40Hz based on rec-
ommendations from the Task Force of the European Society of
Cardiology,1996). Frequency domain (RSA) and time domain
(HR; beats per minute) parameters extracted from the epochs
were then averaged to create overall RSA and HR indices per
Data loss
Of the final data set across all three trips with 67 participants,
2 participants were excluded from ECG analysis (1 recording
failure and 1 participant did not complete ECG testing). Three
additional recordings, one per session, were removed from anal-
ysis due to issues in the signal (over 80% of epochs removed).
The remaining data set for ECG analysis included 192 record-
ings from 65 participants across the three sessions, with 64 re-
cordings per session. Of these recordings, there was an average
of 0.24 epochs (SD = 0.79) removed from the data collapsed
across sessions, which equates to 2.4% of data loss due to data
contamination. Power analyses using G*Power (Cohen,1988;
Faul etal.,2007) revealed that we were powered at 87% to de-
tect repeated-measures changes based on a medium effect size
(Cohen's d= 0.35) and our final physiological sample of 65
Blood glucose
Blood glucose was measured using the OneTouch Verio IQ glu-
cose testing kit. This measurement was included as a potential
covariate in understanding how changes in physiological activ-
ity might be influenced by blood glucose levels. Researchers
used an alcohol swab to clean the tip of either the fourth or fifth
finger of the participant before inserting a disposable lancet into
the finger. Researchers collected a 1µl blood sample onto a glu-
cose test strip, inserted the strip into the glucose reader, and dis-
posed of the testing strip and lancet into a biohazard container.
Self-report questionnaires
Participants completed a battery of self-report questionnaires
to assess changes in exercise, sleep, social connectivity, per-
ceived stress, and mood across the three sessions.
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Physical activity scale
The Brief Physical Activity Assessment (Marshall
etal.,2005) scale was used to assess changes in moderate
and vigorous weekly exercise. Scores were totaled to display
an overall physical activity score for each participant, with
greater scores reflecting more physical activity.
Sleep disturbance scale
A sleep quality score was calculated by totaling responses
to the eight items on the Sleep Disturbances Scale (Yu
etal., 2012), in which higher scores reflect greater distur-
bances, and thus poorer quality of sleep.
Social connectivity scale
Participants completed this short, 2-item scale adapted from
Kok and Fredrickson (2010). Items were averaged to obtain a
total social connectivity score, with higher scores indicating
greater perceived social connectivity.
Perceived stress scale (PSS)
A shortened version of the PSS was used (Karam etal.,2012),
consisting of four items that asked participants to rate the ex-
tent to which each item applied to them within the past few
days. Items were averaged to obtain a total stress score, with
higher scores indicating greater perceived stress.
Positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS)
Participants completed the PANAS to assess changes in
mood (Watson & Clark,1999). Participants were presented
with a series of words and asked to indicate how they felt
about each word at the present moment. These words were
categorized and summed into positive and negative affect
categories, with higher scores reflecting greater positive or
negative affect.
Quantitative methods
All analyses were conducted in R (version 3.4.2) using the
lme4 package (Bates et al., 2012) to determine within-subject
changes in RSA, HR, and subjective measures. We used linear
mixed-effects models in order to account for repeated measures
and random effects on the intercept. We created a three-level
session variable (pre-testing, desert testing, and post-testing)
as a fixed-effect predictor for the dependent measures of inter-
est. Models were estimated using maximum likelihood and p
values were obtained by likelihood ratio tests comparing the
model with the session variable against the intercept model.
Effect sizes were calculated as Cohen's d. Trip wave was also
entered as a predictor into each of the models to determine if
there were differences by trip. Exploratory Pearson correlation
analyses were conducted to determine the association between
subjective measures and blood glucose with physiological
results. Finally, an exploratory mediation analysis was con-
ducted to examine the relationship between RSA and HR
to decouple changes in parasympathetic activity (RSA) and
changes in parasympathetic/sympathetic activity (HR).
Physiological results
A moderate amount of variance in RSA was accounted for by
the clustering of subject (ICC = 0.54). There was a signifi-
cant omnibus effect of session (χ2(2) = 22.52, p < .001) on
RSA (see, Figure3). There was a significant decrease in RSA
from pre-testing to desert testing (d = −0.54; See, Table1)
and increase back to baseline from desert testing to post-test-
ing (d=0.35; See, Table1). There was no significant differ-
ence in RSA from pre-testing to post-testing. Average RSA
for pre-testing was 7.23 (SE = 0.15), for desert testing was
6.5 (SE = 0.17), and for post-testing was 6.99 (SE=0.16).
FIGURE 3 Average RSA by testing session. Error bars reflect the
standard error of the mean
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Results revealed an opposite pattern for HR, with a similar
amount of variance that could be attributed to within-subject
clustering (ICC = 0.59). There was a significant omnibus ef-
fect of session (χ2(2) = 23.12, p < .001) on HR (see, Figure 4).
There was a significant increase in HR from pre-testing to des-
ert testing (d = 0.51; See, Table 1) and a significant decrease
back to baseline from desert testing to post-testing (d = −0.37;
See, Table 1). There was no significant difference in HR from
pre-testing to post-testing. Average HR for pre-testing was 69.6
(SE = 1.3), for desert testing was 75.07 (SE = 1.4), and for
post-testing was 70.82 (SE = 1.28). Trip wave was not a signif-
icant predictor in these models (p values > .6), suggesting that
results did not vary by trip.
Blood glucose results
A relatively small amount of variance in glucose level was
accounted for by the clustering of subject (ICC = 0.07).
There was a significant omnibus effect of session on blood
glucose (χ2(2) = 17.90, p < .001), such that there was a sig-
nificant increase in blood glucose from pre-testing to desert
testing (d=0.44, See, Table2) and a significant decrease
in blood glucose from desert testing to post-testing (d =
−0.65, See, Table2). Average blood glucose for pre-test-
ing was 106.05 (SE=2.43), for desert testing was 114.81
(SE=2.79), and for post-testing was 101.67 (SE=1.9). Trip
wave did not emerge as a significant predictor when entered
into the model (p = .15), suggesting that results did not vary
by trip.
Subjective results
Physical activity
A moderate amount of variance in self-reported physical ac-
tivity was accounted for by the clustering of subject (ICC
= 0.40). There was a significant omnibus effect of session
on physical activity (χ2(2) = 9.19, p = .01). There was no
FIGURE 4 Average HR by testing session. Error bars reflect the
standard error of the mean
ΒSE df t p CI UL
Intercept (Pre) 7.23 0.16 115.04 44.6 <.001*** 6.91 7.54
Pre-Desert −0.72 0.15 126.26 −4.84 <.001*** −1.01 −0.43
Pre-Post −0.25 0.15 126.26 −1.66 .10 −0.54 0.04
Desert-Post 0.47 0.15 125.95 3.18 .002** 0.18 0.76
Intercept (Pre) 69.52 1.34 107.21 51.89 <.001*** 66.89 72.15
Pre-Desert 5.57 1.15 125.70 4.83 <.001*** 3.31 7.83
Pre-Post 1.50 1.15 125.70 1.30 .20 −0.76 3.76
Desert-Post −4.07 1.15 125.42 −3.53 <.001*** −6.32 −1.81
Abbreviations: CI LL, confidence interval lower limit; CI UL, confidence interval upper limit.
*p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.
TABLE 1 Coefficients from linear
mixed models on physiological measures
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significant difference in physical activity from pre-testing to
desert testing, but there was a significant decrease in self-
reported physical activity from desert testing to post-testing
(d = −0.41, See, Table 2). Average physical activity for
pre-testing was 2.68 (SE=0.17), for desert testing was 2.95
(SE=0.15), and for post-testing was 2.41 (SE=0.17). Trip
wave did not emerge as a significant predictor when entered
into the model (p = .18), suggesting that results did not vary
by trip.
Sleep disturbance
A large amount of variance in self-reported sleep was ac-
counted for by the clustering of subject (ICC = 0.47). There
was no significant omnibus effect of session on sleep dis-
turbance. Average sleep disturbance for pre-testing was 19.2
(SE=0.73), for desert testing was 19.07 (SE=0.68), and for
post-testing was 17.82 (SE=0.69).
βSE df t p CI LL CI UL
Blood glucose
Intercept (Pre) 106.06 2.39 180.53 44.41 <.001*** 101.39 110.73
Pre-Desert 8.70 3.24 122.01 2.68 .01** 2.33 15.03
Pre-Post −4.25 3.25 122.69 −1.21 .19 −10.64 2.12
Desert-Post −12.92 3.27 121.96 −3.96 <.001*** −19.35 −6.53
Physical activity
Intercept (Pre) 2.68 0.17 145.29 16.21 <.001*** 2.35 3.00
Pre-Desert 0.26 0.18 129.39 1.48 .14 −0.09 0.61
Pre-Post −0.28 0.17 129.39 −1.59 .12 −0.63 0.07
Desert-Post −0.54 0.18 129.26 −3.06 .003** −0.90 −0.20
Sleep disturbance
Intercept (Pre) 19.24 0.70 138.38 27.44 <.001*** 17.87 20.62
Pre-Desert −0.19 0.72 128.74 −0.27 .79 −1.60 1.22
Pre-Post −1.42 0.72 129.07 −1.97 .05 −2.83 −0.01
Desert-Post −1.23 0.71 128.00 −1.73 .09 −2.63 0.17
Social connection
Intercept (Pre) 4.73 0.17 100.88 27.95 <.001*** 4.40 5.06
Pre-Desert 0.23 0.13 127.77 1.8 .08 −0.02 0.49
Pre-Post 0.01 0.13 128.28 0.11 .91 −0.25 0.27
Desert-Post −0.22 0.13 127.72 −1.68 .10 −0.48 0.04
Perceived stress
Intercept (Pre) 6.10 0.33 125.17 18.57 <.001 *** 5.46 6.47
Pre-Desert −1.29 0.32 128.45 −4.15 <.001 *** −1.9 −0.68
Pre-Post −0.66 0.32 129.27 −2.09 .04*−1.28 −0.04
Desert-Post 0.63 0.31 128.36 2.02 .05 0.02 1.24
Negative affect
Intercept (Pre) 12.57 0.34 107.42 36.97 <.001*** 11.90 13.23
Pre-Desert −1.09 0.29 128.02 −3.77 .002** −1.66 −0.52
Pre-Post −0.32 0.29 127.81 −1.13 .26 −0.89 0.24
Desert-Post 0.77 0.29 127.75 2.66 .009*0.20 1.33
Positive affect
Intercept (Pre) 27.95 0.92 102.23 30.34 <.001*** 24.24 29.15
Pre-Desert 0.55 0.72 128.70 0.76 .45 −0.86 1.96
Pre-Post −1.94 0.72 129.06 −2.67 .009*−3.36 −0.51
Desert-Post −2.48 0.72 128.49 −3.46 .001** −3.89 −1.08
Abbreviations: CI LL, confidence interval lower limit; CI UL, confidence interval upper limit.
*p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.
TABLE 2 Coefficients from linear
mixed models on blood glucose and
subjective measures
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Social connection
A large amount of variance in self-reported social connection
was accounted for by the clustering of subject (ICC = 0.70).
There was no significant omnibus effect of session on social
connectivity. Average social connection for pre-testing was
4.73 (SE=0.18), for desert testing was 4.96 (SE=0.16), and
for post-testing was 4.73 (SE=0.17).
Perceived stress
A moderate amount of variance in self-reported perceived
stress was accounted for by the clustering of subject (ICC
= 0.52). There was a significant omnibus effect of session
on perceived stress (χ2(2) = 16.45, p < .001). There was a
significant decrease in perceived stress from pre-testing to
desert testing (d = −0.47, See, Table2), and from pre-testing
to post-testing (d = −0.24, See, Table2). There was also a
marginally significant increase in perceived stress from de-
sert testing to post-testing (d=0.23, See, Table2). Average
perceived stress for pre-testing was 6.12 (SE=0.35), for de-
sert testing was 4.81 (SE=0.32), and for post-testing was
5.47 (SE=0.32). Trip wave did not emerge as a significant
predictor when entered into the model (p = .42), suggesting
that results did not vary by trip.
Negative affect
A moderate amount of variance in self-reported negative affect
was accounted for by the clustering of subject (ICC = 0.62).
There was a significant omnibus effect of session on negative
affect (χ2(2) = 14.32, p < .001). There was a significant de-
crease in self-reported negative affect from pre-testing to desert
testing (d = −0.39, See, Table2) and a significant increase from
desert testing to post-testing (d=0.27, See, Table2) but there
was no significant difference in negative affect from pre-test-
ing to post-testing. Average negative affect for pre-testing was
12.45 (SE=0.34), for desert testing was 11.46 (SE=0.27),
and for post-testing was 12.24 (SE=0.39). Trip wave did not
emerge as a significant predictor when entered into the model
(p = .71), suggesting that results did not vary by trip.
Positive affect
A large amount of variance in self-reported positive affect
was accounted for by the clustering of subject (ICC = 0.67).
There was a significant omnibus effect of session on positive
affect (χ2(2) = 12.69, p = .002). There was no difference in
self-reported positive affect from pre-testing to desert test-
ing, but there was a significant decrease in positive affect
from pre-testing to post-testing (d = −0.25, See, Table 2)
and from desert testing to post-testing (d = −0.33, See,
Table2). Average positive affect for pre-testing was 27.78
(SE=0.94), for desert testing was 28.49 (SE=0.94), and for
post-testing was 25.94 (SE=0.89). Trip wave did not emerge
as a significant predictor when entered into the model (p =
.21), suggesting that results did not vary by trip.
Exploratory analyses
As expected, RSA and HR were strongly and negatively
correlated (r = −0.58, p < .001) such that increases in RSA
were associated with decreases in HR. Because we did not
have a direct measure of sympathetic activation, mediational
analyses were performed to determine the degree to which
parasympathetic withdraw accounted for changes in HR to
indirectly decouple parasympathetic and sympathetic activ-
ity. Notably, the mediation was conducted on coefficients
from the pre-testing to desert testing contrast. First, RSA was
entered as a predictor in the linear mixed model for HR. RSA
emerged as a significant predictor (B = −5.08, SE=0.44,
df=179.06, t = −11.53, p < .001 [CI = −5.94, −4.22] in
accounting for changes in HR over time. There was still a
significant increase in HR from pre-testing to desert testing
after controlling for RSA (B=1.89, SE=0.89, df=131.70,
t=2.12, p = .04 [CI=0.15, 3.64); however, this variance
was reduced from the original model. Multilevel mediation
analysis using Bayesian estimation (simulations = 5,000)
was performed in R using the mediate package (Tofighi &
MacKinnon,2011) with session (pre-testing to desert testing)
as the predictor variable, RSA as the mediator variable, and
HR as the outcome variable (see, Figure5). The indirect ef-
fect of RSA on HR was found to be statistically significant
(effect=3.65, p < .001 [CI=2.09, 5.32]), confirming that
RSA mediated the relationship between session and HR.
RSA was also positively associated with self-reported ex-
ercise, such that increases in exercise were associated with
increases in RSA (r = 0.14, p < .05). However, when en-
tered as a predictor into the model, self-reported exercise did
not predict changes in RSA (p = .22). HR was negatively
associated with self-reported exercise, such that increases in
FIGURE 5 Coefficients for the relationship between session and
HR as mediated by RSA. The coefficient between session and HR,
controlling for RSA, is in parentheses
9 of 14
SCOTT eT al.
exercise were associated with decreases in HR (r = −0.19,
p < .01). When entered as a predictor into the linear mixed
model, self-reported exercise emerged as a marginally signif-
icant predictor of changes in HR (p = .06). RSA and HR were
not significantly associated with any of the other subjective
measures or blood glucose levels (p values > .2).
Temperature (recorded in Fahrenheit) and type of weather
(e.g., sunny/partially sunny, windy, cloudy/overcast, etc.)
were recorded at each testing session to examine as possible
external factors that could be influencing dependent mea-
sures of interest. Weather was not significantly correlated
with RSA or HR (p values > .24). Temperature was margin-
ally correlated with RSA (r = −0.13, p = .07) and was sig-
nificantly and positively correlated with HR (r = 0.16, p <
.05), such that increases in temperature were associated with
increases in HR. When entered as a covariate in the linear
mixed models, temperature emerged as a significant predictor
of changes in HR (B=0.12, SE=0.06, df=173.41, t=2.13,
p = .03 [CI=0.01, 0.24]) and a marginally significant pre-
dictor of changes in RSA (p = .06). However, there was no
significant change in average temperature from pre-testing to
desert testing (t=1.06, p = .29), thus it is unlikely that in-
creases in temperature are driving the decrease in RSA and
increase in HR observed in the desert.
Finally, day of testing session (2, 3, or 4 of the 5-day trip)
in the desert was examined to determine whether there were
differences in average RSA or HR by testing day. Results
demonstrated that there was no significant change in aver-
age RSA (F(1, 61) = 0.266, p = .645), or HR (F(1, 61) =
0.214, p = .608) between the three testing days (RSA: Day
2 – M=6.61, SE=0.19; Day 3 – M=6.15, SE=0.34; Day
4 – M=7.08, SE=0.32; HR: Day 2 – M=74.28, SE=2.52;
Day 3 – M=75.61; SE=2.48; Day 4 – M=76, SE=1.83).
Furthermore, testing day did not emerge as a significant pre-
dictor when entered into the linear mixed models for HR or
RSA (p values > .33), suggesting that results did not vary by
testing day in the desert.
This study was one of the first to examine changes in vmHRV
during prolonged immersion in nature. While some studies
have found increases in vmHRV after nature walks or viewing
nature imagery compared to their urban equivalents (Beute
& de Kort,2014; Brown etal.,2013; Gladwell etal.,2012;
Lee etal.,2014), our study found a decrease in vmHRV and
an increase in HR while immersed in nature. These findings
were contradictory to our hypotheses of a shift toward para-
sympathetic activity in nature. Although we did not have a
direct measure of sympathetic activity, our exploratory me-
diation analysis suggests that the decrease in RSA from pre-
testing to desert testing accounts for most, but not all of the
variance involving changes in HR. These findings suggest a
shift toward parasympathetic withdrawal and possibly some
sympathetic excitation during immersion in nature compared
to a control testing environment. Replicating previous re-
search, subjective results showed an improvement in mood
and decreased stress in the desert. None of our results varied
by trip wave, suggesting these effects replicated across three
independent samples. Results from this study are discussed in
the context of SRT.
A decrease in RSA has been associated with poor cog-
nitive, emotional, and self-regulation via increased auto-
nomic activation and downregulation of the prefrontal cortex
(Porges, 1995, 2007; Thayer et al., 2009, 2012). On our
extended trip, participants were removed from their every-
day environment and could be experiencing dysregulation
while being away from friends, family, and responsibili-
ties as lower RSA is also linked to a lack of social support
(Kok & Fredrickson,2010; Smith etal.,2011, 2020; Uchino
et al., 2020). While there was no change in self-reported
social connectivity on the trip, future studies could design
conditions in an attempt to isolate social influence on nature
exposure. However, participants consistently give anecdotal
reports of positive experiences on these trips as well as our
findings showing improvements in self-reported mood on the
trip. As increases in vmHRV are also associated with increases
in cognitive demands and recruitment of the prefrontal cortex
(Honey etal.,2002; Nikolin etal.,2017; Thayer etal.,2009),
a decrease in RSA in nature could reflect downregulation of
the prefrontal cortex while participants experience decreased
cognitive demands in nature. The increase in blood glucose
levels observed in the desert, while unrelated to the physio-
logical measures of interest, may also reflect this downregu-
lation, as studies have found decreased blood glucose levels
after participants experience depletion from cognitive and
self-regulatory (effortful) tasks (Gailliot & Baumeister,2007;
Hagger etal.,2010; Heatherton & Wagner,2011). However,
this interpretation is subject to mixed findings and appears
to be sensitive to task demands, as some studies have found
decreases in vmHRV with increasing cognitive workload
(Gianaros etal.,2004) and have failed to replicate the link
between depletion, glucose, and effort (Hagger etal.,2016).
A shift in sympathetic activity could also be due to posi-
tive changes in mood; for example, several studies have found
increases in sympathetic activity after participants were pre-
sented with film clips or imagery to induce various aspects
of positive mood (Christie & Friedman, 2003; Demaree
etal.,2004; Giuliani etal.,2008; Mauss etal.,2005; Shiota
et al., 2011). However, this literature is mixed, with other
studies showing little or even reduced physiological arousal
in response to positive mood manipulations compared to
negative ones (Cacioppo et al., 2000; Levenson, 1992).
Some studies also show increased sympathetic activity due
to negative emotions or feelings of threat-based (as opposed
10 of 14
SCOTT eT al.
to positive) feelings of awe (Cacioppo etal.,2000; Gordon
et al., 2017). However, because we observed a significant
decrease in self-reported stress and negative affect in nature
compared to before or after the trip, it is unlikely that the
shift in sympathetic activity found in the desert could be due
to an increased presence of negative emotions. Future stud-
ies could incorporate a more diverse set of emotion-related
measures (e.g., awe and excitement) to further determine
how emotion may influence the autonomic activity in na-
ture. Research could also incorporate physiological measures
of sympathetic activity (e.g., pre-ejection period; Cacioppo
etal.,1994) to corroborate these findings. The dissociation
between self-report and physiological measures of stress that
we observed in our study is not consistent with SRT, and
more research is needed to confirm these effects.
Changes in autonomic activity could also be due to
changes in physical activity (Perini & Veicsteinas, 2003;
Tulppo etal.,1996). While RSA and HR were correlated with
self-reported exercise, exercise did not predict changes in
RSA and marginally predicted changes in HR. Furthermore,
self-reported exercise did not increase in nature, as there was
no difference in self-reported exercise between pre-testing and
testing in the desert. It is possible we did not find differences
in self-reported physical activity because Salt Lake City is an
active city with easy access to hiking and other outdoor activ-
ities, and thus participants may have maintained their current
level of exercise on the nature trip. Future research should use
objective measures of physical activity (e.g., reliable pedom-
eters) to determine the degree to which exercise influences
changes in physiology in nature. Experimental designs could
also tease apart the relative influence of exercise and nature
exposure by having a condition that exercises and a condition
that does not exercise in nature, or recruit participants with
low versus high levels of physical activity.
Autonomic activity has been linked to attentional intake
(Berntson & Boysen, 1987). For example, research sug-
gests that there is an inverted u-shaped relationship between
arousal and attention, such that optimal levels of arousal pro-
mote attention and increases in task performance, whereas
suboptimal and supraoptimal levels are associated with lower
levels of attention and worse task performance (Yerkes &
Dodson, 1908). Nature contains many stimuli that could
capture attention and thereby increase arousal. For example,
Ulrich et al. (1991) found increases in HR while viewing a
nature video, attributing these results to increases in involun-
tary (autonomic) attention. Our results may be due to greater
levels of involuntary attention in the desert compared to the
control testing environment.
The mixed findings on vmHRV in the nature literature
could be explained by differences in study design, measure-
ment, and duration of nature exposure. For example, in one
study, nature or urban imagery slides were presented after a
series of cognitive depletion tasks (Beute & de Kort,2014);
in another study nature imagery or urban imagery slides were
presented before a cognitive task (Brown etal.,2013) which
raises the differences in stress recovery versus reactivity. In
other studies, vmHRV was assessed during nature imagery or
a walk through the forest without the presence of a depletion
task (Gladwell etal.,2012; Lee etal.,2014). Likewise, these
studies each used different indices of vmHRV, including Root
Mean Square of Successive Differences (RMSSD), low fre-
quency (LF) to high frequency (HF) ratio (LF/HF), and HF,
which could have different implications for interpretations of
vmHRV (Smith etal.,2020). RSA is highly correlated with
other time domain (e.g., RMSSD) and HF measures that also
isolate the vagal activity (Cacioppo etal.,1994; Grossman
etal.,1990), but the interpretation of LF and LF/HF mea-
sures as an index of sympathetic activation or the ratio of
sympathetic to parasympathetic activation have been refuted,
as LF bands are thought to contain both sympathetic and
parasympathetic influences (Cacioppo et al., 1994; Moak
etal.,2007). Likewise, each of the studies included an urban
equivalent, suggesting that differences in vmHRV could also
be attributed to specific nature-urban differences. Future re-
search could look at the length, as well as the “level” of na-
ture exposure (nature imagery vs. nature virtual reality vs.
real-world nature) on measures of vmHRV. For example,
there has yet to be a study examining length of time spent in
nature (e.g., short nature walks vs. several days in nature) on
physiological measures.
Limitations and future directions
Although we attempted to measure potential covariates,
such as glucose, social connectivity, exercise, mood, and
sleep, there are many dynamic factors that may be chang-
ing as a result of nature exposure. From our within-subjects
design, we established that changes in RSA and HR ap-
pear to be modulated by immersion in nature and are not
explained by the other variables we measured. However,
nature contains many different types of stimuli (e.g., vis-
ual and auditory) and we were unable to tease apart these
stimuli in the current study to examine the respective influ-
ence of different environmental features in understanding
our results. Likewise, it is possible that natural environ-
ments may be more cognitively stimulating, rather than
something about nature per se that is causing the observed
change in autonomic activity. Future research could exam-
ine other manipulations that are cognitively stimulating,
including artistic or novel scenery, to understand how this
aspect may be contributing to these results. Future research
should continue to administer a comprehensive battery
of measures to determine the degree to which changes in
physiology during nature exposure could covary with other
factors. Studies could also include an urban trip equivalent
11 of 14
SCOTT eT al.
to further understand differences between nature and urban
environments on vmHRV.
These novel findings imply that exposure to nature may
boost mood and enhance arousal. The current research dif-
fers from past findings in that it is one of the first to exam-
ine the autonomic activity during prolonged immersion in
nature and to replicate the results across multiple samples.
This research is a critical first step in examining SRT over
longer durations of nature exposure and raises important
methodological and theoretical considerations for future
The authors thank Bret Bradshaw, Kaedyn Crabtree, Tyler
Jette, Trent Simmons, InJeong Song, Jess Thayne, Sean
Cook, Devon Jecmen, Vicky Weaver, Robert Kennedy,
Mason Stephens, Ben Sky, Logan Call, Vicki Gilbert, and
Lauren Ziegelmayer for their help during data collection.
Special thanks to Lauren Ziegelmayer, Daniel Anderson,
Dallen Garner, and Vicki Gilbert for their assistance in data
processing. The authors also thank the town of Bluff, UT,
and Sand Island Campground for letting us use their facili-
ties. Without this collective effort, this research would not
be possible.
Emily E Scott: Conceptualization; Data curation;
Formal analysis; Methodology; Project administra-
tion; Writing-original draft; Writing-review & editing.
Sara B Lotemplio: Conceptualization; Data curation;
Project administration; Writing-review & editing. Amy S
McDonnell: Conceptualization; Data curation; Project ad-
ministration; Writing-review & editing. Glen D McNay:
Data curation; Project administration; Writing-review
& editing. Kevin Greenberg: Data curation; Project ad-
ministration; Writing-review & editing. Ty McKinney:
Data curation; Project administration; Writing-review &
editing. Bert Uchino: Conceptualization; Methodology;
Supervision; Writing-review & editing. David L Strayer:
Conceptualization; Resources; Supervision; Writing-
review & editing.
Emily E. Scott
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How to cite this article: Scott EE, LoTemplio SB,
McDonnell AS, et al. The autonomic nervous system
in its natural environment: Immersion in nature is
associated with changes in heart rate and heart rate
variability. Psychophysiology. 2020;00:e13698.
... A wealth of experimental behavioral and neuroscientific data supports the idea that nature interaction can enhance attention, improve the ability to regulate emotions, and promote recovery from stress (Scott et al., 2021). On a behavioral level, randomized control trials demonstrate that, compared to control conditions, interacting with nature reliably improves all three core components of "executive functioning" (Stevenson et al., 2018), which underlies the ability to focus attention, inhibit unwanted behaviors and actions, and stay on task (Diamond, 2013). ...
... This "dose-response" science is an important direction for future research, as it is possible that there is a point at which benefits diminish. For example, some research on parasympathetic nervous activity suggests that longer (>2 hours) exposures can decrease parasympathetic activity (Scott et al., 2021; for review see Cheng et al., 2021), at least in the short term. Therefore, in the absence of additional findings, practitioners should prioritize providing opportunities for regular, routine use of nearby nature over extremely long dosages of nature to improve health outcomes. ...
Research suggests that spending time in nature is associated with numerous human behavioral health benefits, including improved executive functioning abilities, enhanced recovery from stressful situations, better mental health, and better educational outcomes. Greener neighborhoods also tend to have positive population-level health outcomes. Although promising, much of this research has focused primarily on selective populations and fails to account for cultural differences in how “nature” is conceptualized. Therefore, challenges may arise as policymakers aim to implement nature-based policies in their communities, given the immense cultural diversity of the United States alone. Given this ever-present challenge in behavioral sciences, policy recommendations aim both to maximize benefits of nature contact and to employ a flexible equity lens that allow for differences according to community need.
... Whether these benefits extend to longer duration exposures is relatively under-researched and not currently clear. For example, research on a multi-day camping trip showed that vmHRV decreased when participants were in nature [57], potentially due to arousing features of the environment. It is less clear how changes in vmHRV in nature correspond to other outcome measures such as performance on cognitive control tasks and mental health. ...
... We also recommend that studies clarify when measures of HRV are taken and include multiple measures. For example, if HRV is taken as a baseline measure, that study is measuring how nature could affect resting HRV [57]. If HRV is taken following a stress manipulation such as the Trier Social Stress Test or a measure of cognitive depletion, that study is measuring how nature could affect recovery from stress [84]. ...
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Purpose of Review Given the global burden of mental health issues, new solutions are needed to promote mental health. Nature exposure represents a promising option to promote mental health, but the mechanisms are poorly understood. Recent frameworks have argued that changes in mental health in nature are caused by activity changes in the vagus nerve, which connects the heart and the brain, and that these changes also improve executive functioning (EF) abilities. This suggests that changes in mental health symptomology in nature should be accompanied by changes in vagus nerve activity, as well as changes in executive functioning. Yet, little work has systematically examined co-variation of these outcomes in empirical studies. The present manuscript systematically examines whether changes in mental health in nature are accompanied by changes in vagus nerve activity (approximated by heartrate variability) and changes in executive functioning. Recent Findings There is compelling evidence that spending time in nature can increase heartrate variability, improve mental health, and improve executive functioning. However, despite strong theoretical claims that these three outcomes should be linked after spending time in nature settings, few studies directly examine such co-occurrence. Summary The study systematically examines whether studies that considered both mental health and executive functioning (n = 6) showed co-occurring effects in response to nature exposure. Similarly, the study also considers if studies examining mental health and heartrate variability (n = 6) showed similarly directional effects following nature exposure. This systematic review concludes with discussion about the limited number of studies (n =1) that include all three measures. We find mixed results of co-occurrence with these variables, suggesting that the relationship between these three constructs in nature may be more nuanced than current theory suggests. Perhaps more importantly, our results demonstrate that there is very little existing work linking changes in mental health to changes in EF and vagal tone. We conclude with justification for why it may be beneficial for researchers to include all three metrics as well as guidance on how to do so.
... This topic is of interest to human-biometeorology researchers in Germany, as it involves understanding the complex interactions between the atmospheric environment and human physiology [53]. While the physiological response to weather conditions varies depending on an individual's adaptive capacity and health status, establishing causal relationships between these factors is challenging [54,55]. ...
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Acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD) is a dramatic emergency exhibiting a mortality of 50% within the first 48 hours if not operated. This study found an absolute value of cosine-like seasonal variation pattern for Germany with significantly fewer ATAAD events (Wilcoxon test) for the warm months of June, July, and August from 2005 to 2015. Many studies suspect a connection between ATAAD events and weather conditions. Using ERA5 reanalysis data and an objective weather type classification in a contingency table approach showed that for Germany, significantly more ATAAD events occurred during lower temperatures (by about 4.8 K), lower water vapor pressure (by about 2.6 hPa), and prevailing wind patterns from the northeast. In addition, we used data from a classification scheme for human-biometeorological weather conditions which was not used before in ATAAD studies. For the German region of Berlin and Brandenburg, for 2006 to 2019, the proportion of days with ATAAD events during weather conditions favoring hypertension (cold air advection, in the center of a cyclone, conditions with cold stress or thermal comfort) was significantly increased by 13% (Chi-squared test for difference of proportions). In contrast, the proportion was decreased by 19% for conditions associated with a higher risk for patients with hypotension and therefore a lower risk for patients with hypertension (warm air advection ahead of warm fronts, conditions with no thermal stress or heat stress, in the center of a cyclone with thermal stress). As many studies have shown that hypertension is a risk factor for ATAAD, our findings support the hypothesized relation between ATAAD and hypertension-favoring weather conditions.
... A customized stimulus (such as music) can evoke emotions, influencing the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and the neuroendocrine system [18,19], as well as improve mental performance for different cognitive skills, including arousal [20]. VR can induce physical sensations that may activate the ANS and induce ANS-regulated responses [21]. Brain responses underlying perceptual dimensions have been found to be related to motor system activation through embodied mechanisms, which include the simulation of actions, emotions, and bodily sensations [22]. ...
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Disorders of Consciousness (DoCs) after severe acquired brain injury involve substantial impairment of cognition and physical functioning, requiring comprehensive rehabilitation and support. Technological interventions, such as immersive Virtual Reality (VR), have shown promising results in promoting neural activity and enhancing cognitive and motor recovery. VR can induce physical sensations that may activate the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and induce ANS-regulated responses. This study aimed to investigate the effects of immersive VR on the ANS in patients with DoCs through the analysis of the electrodermal activity (EDA). EDA was measured with a wearable device during a single immersive VR session consisting of static and dynamic videos depicting naturalistic environments. A pilot case–control study was conducted with 12 healthy participants and 12 individuals with DoCs. Results showed higher EDA values in patients than in healthy participants (p = 0.035), suggesting stronger autonomic activation during immersive VR exposure, while healthy subjects, in turn, showed a decrease in EDA values. Our results revealed a significant interaction between conditions and groups (p = 0.003), with patients showing significantly increased EDA values from the baseline compared to dynamic video observation (p = 0.014) and final rest (p = 0.007). These results suggest that immersive VR can elicit sympathetic arousal in patients with DoCs. This study highlights the potential of immersive VR as a tool to strengthen autonomic responses in patients with impaired consciousness.
... Much of the human evolutionary journey took place in predominantly natural environments. Since the first emergence of life on Earth some 4 billion years ago [75,76], the appearance of the hominin lineage 6-7 million years ago [77] and the arrival of anatomically modern humans~300,000 years ago [78], nature's forests, plains, coastlines, and mountains have provided the main environmental parameters within which natural selection acts to shape our biology. Consequently, due to the selection pressures imposed in those natural ancestral habitats, contemporary human biology is primarily adapted to those natural environments. ...
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Chronic stress and obesity are major public health concerns and represent significant risk factors for a plethora of non-communicable diseases. Physical exercise represents a valuable health intervention in both cases, providing benefits for mental and physical health, as well as appetite regulation. While the emerging field of ‘green exercise’ suggests that the presence of nature may amplify the benefits of exercise, the quality of evidence has been questioned. To address this, we recruited 22 healthy females to complete a crossover randomised trial comprising a 75 min walk in both a forest and urban area, separated by 2–7 days. Markers of mood (Profile of Mood States), stress (sympathetic-adreno-medullar [resting heart rate, blood pressure] and hypothalamic–pituitary axis activation [salivary cortisol]) and eating behaviour (energy intake and salivary ghrelin) were measured before and after each walk. While both walking interventions improved mood and reduced physiological stress, the nature intervention (but not the urban intervention) also led to further improvements in total mood disturbance, depression, confusion and esteem-related affect (F(1,21) ≥ 4.98, p ≤ 0.037). Salivary ghrelin (F(20) = 0.229, p = 0.637) and energy intake (t(20) = −0.54, p = 0.60) did not respond differently in the two environments. Overall, while walking improved mood and physiological stress in both environments, walking in a forested environment provided additional benefits for mood not seen following the urban walk.
... These measures can also be used to help control for changes in functional measures observed in fNIRS which may result from peripheral changes in addition to local cortical activation. The addition of HRV to prefrontal measures from fNIRS and autonomic activity via EDA will help tie together the relationships between cognitive burden and physiological responses to stress to which nature exposure is expected to mediate (Scott et al., 2021). ...
Conference Paper
One of the fundamental principles of neuroergonomics is that human cognition is profoundly shaped by the environment in which it operates. In the modern world, this environment can often be highly artificial, noisy, barren, and intentionally distracting. On the other hand, natural environments compare favorably as they may offer not only an appreciation of beauty but a rich array of sensory and contextual information which can be undemanding to the observer. Attention Restoration Theory (ART) proposes that exposure to natural environments can provide various benefits to stress, health, and cognition. Understanding how the brain responds to natural environment presentation poses a crucial hurdle to using traditional neuroimaging techniques as many approaches necessitate highly controlled and resultingly, low-fidelity stimuli presentation to mimic the environmental effects of nature. Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), a non-invasive brain monitoring technology that relies on optical techniques to detect changes in cortical hemodynamic responses to human perceptual, cognitive, and motor functioning, is an ideal candidate tool for understanding the brain in natural environments. In this paper, we will describe an experimental setup that involves the integration of mobile fNIRS systems with simultaneous wrist-based optical heart rate monitoring (OHRM) and electrodermal activity (EDA) recordings that can record the cognitive and physiological responses of individuals to natural settings.
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Purpose This population‐based study examines the associations between physical activity (PA), residential environmental greenness, and cardiac health measured by resting short‐term heart rate variability (HRV). Methods Residential greenness of a birth cohort sample (n = 5433) at 46 years was measured with normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) by fixing a 1 km buffer around each participant's home. Daily light PA (LPA), moderate PA (MPA), vigorous PA (VPA), and the combination of both (MVPA) were measured using a wrist‐worn accelerometer for 14 days. Resting HRV was measured with a heart rate monitor, and generalized additive modeling (GAM) was used to examine the association between PA, NDVI, and resting HRV. Results In nongreen areas, men had less PA at all intensity levels compared to men in green areas. Women had more LPA and total PA and less MPA, MVPA, and VPA in green residential areas compared to nongreen areas. In green residential areas, men had more MPA, MVPA, and VPA than women, whereas women had more LPA than men. GAM showed positive linear associations between LPA, MVPA and HRV in all models. Conclusions Higher LPA and MVPA were significantly associated with increased HRV, irrespective of residential greenness. Greenness was positively associated with PA at all intensity levels in men, whereas in women, a positive association was found for LPA and total PA. A positive relationship of PA with resting HRV and greenness with PA was found. Residential greenness for promoting PA and heart health in adults should be considered in city planning.
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Theory and research on self‐regulation, emotional adjustment, and interpersonal processes focus increasingly on parasympathetic functioning, using measures of vagally mediated heart rate variability (vmHRV) or respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA). This review describes models of vmHRV in these areas, and issues in measurement and analysis. We propose a framework organizing theory and research as examining (a) vmHRV as an individual difference or a situational response, and (b) resting, reactive, or recovery levels. Evidence supports interpretation of individual differences in resting vmHRV as a broad biomarker for adaptive functioning, but its specificity and underlying mechanisms require elaboration. Individual differences in vagal reactivity (i.e., trait‐like differences in vmHRV decreases during challenge or stress) are less commonly studied in adults and results are mixed. Many stressors and challenges evoke temporary decreases in vmHRV, and in some research self‐regulatory effort evokes increases. In a smaller literature, positive interpersonal experiences and some restorative processes increase resting vmHRV, whereas depletion of self‐regulatory capacity through related effort decreases it. Greater attention to conceptual distinctions regarding vmHRV constructs and several methodological issues will strengthen future research. Importantly, researchers should exercise caution in equating vmHRV with specific psychosocial constructs, especially in the absence of converging assessments and precise experimental manipulations.
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Prefrontal cortex activity has been associated with changes to heart rate variability (HRV) via mediation of the cortico-subcortical pathways that regulate the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. Changes in HRV due to altered prefrontal cortex functioning can be predicted using the neurovisceral integration model, which suggests that prefrontal hyperactivity increases parasympathetic tone and decreases contributions from the sympathetic nervous system. Working memory (WM) tasks and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) have been used independently to modulate brain activity demonstrating changes to HRV in agreement with the model. We investigated the combined effects of prefrontal tDCS and a WM task on HRV. Bifrontal tDCS was administered for 15 minutes at 2mA to 20 participants in a sham controlled, single-blind study using parallel groups. A WM task was completed by participants at three time points; pre-, during-, and post-tDCS, with resting state data collected at similar times. Frequency-domain HRV was computed for high frequency (HF; 0.15–0.4Hz) and low frequency (LF; 0.04–0.15Hz) power reflecting parasympathetic and sympathetic branch activity, respectively. Response time on the WM task, but not accuracy, improved from baseline to during-tDCS and post-tDCS with sham, but not active, stimulation. HF-HRV was significantly increased in the active tDCS group compared to sham, lasting beyond cessation of stimulation. Additionally, HF-HRV showed a task-related reduction in power during performance on the WM task. Changes in LF-HRV were moderately inversely correlated (r > 0.4) with changes in WM accuracy during and following tDCS compared to baseline levels. Stimulation of the prefrontal cortex resulted in changes to the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system in agreement with a linearly additive interpretation of effects. Sympathetic activity was not directly altered by tDCS, but was correlated with changes in WM performance. This suggests that the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches respond differentially due to similar, but distinct neural pathways. Given the ease of HRV data collection, studies of prefrontal tDCS would benefit from collection of this data as it provides unique insight into tDCS effects resulting from propagation through brain networks. © 2017 Nikolin et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Theoretical conceptualizations of awe suggest this emotion can be more positive or negative depending on specific appraisal processes. However, the emergent scientific study of awe rarely emphasizes its negative side, classifying it instead as a positive emotion. In the present research we tested whether there is a more negative variant of awe that arises in response to vast, complex stimuli that are threatening (e.g., tornadoes, terrorist attack, wrathful god). We discovered people do experience this type of awe with regularity (Studies 1 & 4) and that it differs from other variants of awe in terms of its underlying appraisals, subjective experience, physiological correlates, and consequences for well-being. Specifically, threat-based awe experiences were appraised as lower in self-control and certainty and higher in situational control than other awe experiences, and were characterized by greater feelings of fear (Studies 2a & 2b). Threat-based awe was associated with physiological indicators of increased sympathetic autonomic arousal, whereas positive awe was associated with indicators of increased parasympathetic arousal (Study 3). Positive awe experiences in daily life (Study 4) and in the lab (Study 5) led to greater momentary well-being (compared with no awe experience), whereas threat-based awe experiences did not. This effect was partially mediated by increased feelings of powerlessness during threat-based awe experiences. Together, these findings highlight a darker side of awe.
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Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a global metabolic epidemic associated with numerous adverse complications. Invasive finger prick tests or invasive monitors are currently the most common means of monitoring and controlling blood glucose levels (BGLs). Heart rate variability (HRV) is a noninvasive measure of the autonomic nervous system, and its dynamic physiological nature may provide an alternative means of blood glucose monitoring. However, the relationship between BGL and HRV parameters remains relatively unknown. Materials and methods: Thirty-two participants with diabetes (39.97 ± 17.21 years of age) and 31 without diabetes (27.87 ± 10.55 years of age) participated in the current study. Fasting preceded a 10-min three-lead electrocardiogram (ECG), which was followed by a finger prick blood glucose assessment. Following this, a regular meal was consumed, and 30 min after ingestion, a second postprandial 10-min ECG was obtained, and blood glucose assessment was conducted. Results: Low-frequency (LF) power, high-frequency (HF) power, and total power (TP) of HRV were negatively associated with BGL in participants with DM. Additionally, the ratio of LF to HF was positively correlated with BGL. Duration of DM was also associated with multiple HRV parameters, with negative associations to both LF and HF parameters as well as TP. Conclusions: This study demonstrates links between specific HRV variables and BGL. In the future the dynamic nature of HRV could provide a unique and real-time method for monitoring BGL, for continuous noninvasive prediction and/or management of DM.
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Good self-control has been linked to adaptive outcomes such as better health, cohesive personal relationships, success in the workplace and at school, and less susceptibility to crime and addictions. In contrast, self-control failure is linked to maladaptive outcomes. Understanding the mechanisms by which self-control predicts behavior may assist in promoting better regulation and outcomes. A popular approach to understanding self-control is the strength or resource depletion model. Self-control is conceptualized as a limited resource that becomes depleted after a period of exertion resulting in self-control failure. The model has typically been tested using a sequential-task experimental paradigm, in which people completing an initial self-control task have reduced self-control capacity and poorer performance on a subsequent task, a state known as ego depletion. Although a meta-analysis of ego-depletion experiments found a medium-sized effect, subsequent meta-analyses have questioned the size and existence of the effect and identified instances of possible bias. The analyses served as a catalyst for the current Registered Replication Report of the ego-depletion effect. Multiple laboratories (k = 23, total N = 2,141) conducted replications of a standardized ego-depletion protocol based on a sequential-task paradigm by Sripada et al. Meta-analysis of the studies revealed that the size of the ego-depletion effect was small with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) that encompassed zero (d = 0.04, 95% CI [−0.07, 0.15]. We discuss implications of the findings for the ego-depletion effect and the resource depletion model of self-control.
INTRODUCTION The cardiovascular system is essential for life and has been a central focus of psychophysiological investigation for several reasons. First, at least some of its parameters, like heart rate and blood pressure, are readily observed and quantified. Second, the cardiovascular system is a rich and intricate physiological system with multiple regulatory subsystems that are subject to central and peripheral autonomic controls and humoral influences. Consequently, it is highly sensitive to neurobehavioral processes. Finally, the complexity of the cardiovascular system renders it susceptible to a variety of disorders, many of which are impacted by psychological factors such as stress, and hence it assumes special significance in psychosomatic medicine. The present chapter will provide an overview of the physiology of the cardiovascular system and its central and peripheral autonomic and neuroendocrine controls. We will then consider common psychophysiological measures, from the methodological, analytic, and interpretive perspectives. Finally, we will highlight a few current issues and themes in the contemporary literature. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Overview The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, a pump, and the vasculature, a distribution system that ensures that blood reaches all tissues of the body. The heart provides for a consistent flow of oxygenated blood by sending blood into the lungs (pulmonary circulation) and then to the rest of the body (systemic circulation). Figure 9.1 shows a schematized view of the heart and vasculature to emphasize connections among all the components. Deoxygenated blood from the venous side of the systemic circulation returns via the right atrium and then to the right ventricle of the heart from which it is pumped to the lungs for re-oxygenation. Blood returns from the lungs by way of the left atrium, then enters the left ventricle from where it is pumped into the aorta, the large vessel from which all oxygenated blood is disseminated to the rest of the body. Blood leaving the aorta passes through ever smaller blood vessels, first entering the large arteries which later branch into smaller arterioles, metarterioles, and finally into capillaries. Capillaries are small, thin-walled vessels from which oxygen and other nutrients diffuse into tissues, and into which the tissues release waste products such as carbon dioxide that must eventually be secreted or excreted from the body.