Elnur Karimov

Elnur Karimov
Kyushu University | Kyudai · Graduate School of Law

Doctor of Philosophy
Open to the suggestions to be involved in a research project on intellectual property law and traditional knowledge.


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Intellectual property lawyer and researcher from Azerbaijan, based in Fukuoka, Japan. He holds a Bachelor's in Law from the Academy of Public Administration and a Master's in Private Law from Marmara University. Currently, a student at LL.M. International Economic and Business Law at Kyushu University, Japan. His areas of interest are intellectual property law, in particular, protection of traditional knowledge, trademarks and works of art, and arbitration.


Publications (18)
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Since the late 1950s, international investment law has experienced a new term so-called ‘umbrella clauses’ aimed for the protection of the observance of obligations agreed between foreign investors and host states. However, since the beginning of the new milennium, the umbrella clauses have faced a bunch of criticism, being condemned on eradicating...
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This article studies “Plants case” heard in October 2006 by Bamberg District Court in Germany and discusses the applicability of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods dated 1980 to this case, the conformity of the goods with the contract under Articles 35-44 and passing of risk to the buyer under Articles 6...
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Bu makale bilgisayar (video) oyununun kavramı, türleri ve unsurlarını açıklamakta, bilgisayar oyununun bütünü ve ayrı ayrı unsurlarının eser olarak hukuki niteliğini tartışmakta ve Türk fikir ve sanat eserleri hukuku bakımından hangi eser kategorisine dahil olması gerektiği sorusuna cevap aramaktadır. Konuyu bu amaçla Türk hukuku ve bazı mukayeseli...
Non-traditional trademarks, such as three-dimensional, hologram, color, sound, scent, and texture marks, have been at the core of commercial sensory marketing strategies that aim to build a long-lasting and unforgettable experience with consumers. They often come after branding, including, among others, product color, sound, and scent, while challe...
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Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu’nun 155. maddesinin 1. fıkrası önceki tarihli hak sahibinin açmış olduğu tecavüz davalarında sonraki tarihli marka, patent veya tasarım hakkı sahibinin kendi sınai mülkiyet hakkını savunma gerekçesi olarak ileri sürmesini engellemektedir. Sınai mülkiyet hukukunda öncelik ve gerçek hak sahipliği ilkelerinin bir yansıması olan b...
Blockchain technology gained popularity with the emergence of intellectual technologies, as cryptocurrencies are also being discussed within contract law along with the interpretation of the concept of consent, and the validity of the consent written in computer codes. This article discusses the validity of arbitration clauses included in smart con...
Conference Paper
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Investment by entrepreneurs in innovations and novel marketing strategies has influenced the current legal standards for the protection of trademarks. Today businessmen attempt to protect their goods or services with the help of new signs, such as color, sound, scent, and other non-traditional signs which offer a new way to build sensory connection...
1. Introduction Trade mark protection has aimed to minimize the search costs of consumers by protecting the signs that indicate a source of goods or services.¹ The same is partially true today because consumers are more often interested in product quality than their origin.² Business brands can effectively inform consumers about their quality. As a...
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This article discusses the protection of cultural heritage in Azerbaijan. After defining cultural heritage, analysing the concept of cultural treasure and sample, and describing the protection mechanisms, such as registration, ranking, and contracts, it aims to situate cultural heritage protection in the domestic laws and find out the latest approa...
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Bu makalede 5846 sayılı Türk Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu’nun 48. maddesinin 3. fıkrasında geçen vücuda getirilmemiş ve tamamlanacak eser kavramları ve bu tür eserler üzerindeki tasarruf muamelelerinin hukuki sonuçları açıklanmış, vücuda getirilmemiş ve tamamlanacak eserler arasında olan benzerlik veya farklılıklar, eserin tamamlanmasının belirle...
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Bu məqalədə "nou-hau" anlayışı, elementləri və xüsusiyyətləri izah edilir, "nou-hau" anlayışının əşya yoxsa hüquq kimi xarakterizə edilməsi problemi müzakirə olunur, praktikada "nou-hau" müqavilələrinin forması, müddəti, məqsədi, tərəfləri və tərəflərin hüquq və vəzifələri, digər müqavilələrlə oxşar və fərqli cəhətləri və "nou-hau" müqavilələrinin...
Conference Paper
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Bu makalede bilgisayar programına ilişkin temel kavramlar ve programın ve hazırlık tasarımlarının eşya, buluş yoksa 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu anlamında eser niteliği taşıdığı açıklanmış, bilgisayar programının eser niteliğinin belirlenmesinde hazırlık tasarımlarının yeri incelenmiş, bilgisayar programı sözleşmelerinin hukuki niteli...
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Energy investment arbitration is never guaranteed from unexpected challenges or outcomes that may arise from the acts of parties to the dispute. Focused on completely different purposes of negotiations, parties may sometimes make a mistake by accepting settlement agreements with general wordings. Such settlement agreements can, in turn, result in t...


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