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The evolution of addiction treatment: RDS is the disease and addiction is its symptom

Elizabeth. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Elizabeth Gilley*
Article Received on 15/11/2017 Article Revised on 06/12/2017 Article Accepted on 27/12/2017
Enlarged perspective garnered from many sciences,
contribute to the advancement of the evolving Bio-
Psycho-Social Model of addiction-treatment (Guillemin
& Barnard, 2015; Ghaemi, 2009; Borrell-Carrio,
Suchman & Epstein, 2004; Engel, 1981). However, still
there is no unified, comprehensive model of addiction
and/or psychological theory from the last century, which
comes close to explaining cocaine addiction
complexity and neurological impairment (Henriques,
2015; Hunt, 2014). Some sufferers have described it as
soul cancer.
In 2011, The American Society of Addiction Medicine
provided more clarify and established a more formal
definition of the disease, stating in press that 
is a primary, chronic disease involving brain reward,
motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in
these circuits leads to characteristic biological,
psychological, social, and spiritual manifestations
(Smith, 2011). Practitioners from many sciences have
attempted to define addiction, characterizing the disease
according its expression within the realm of their field of
interest. However, outward expression is symptomatic
not causative. For example, addiction is psychologically
characterized by disruptions in motivation to meet basic
needs, while increasing using behaviors. This description
negates the influence of neurogenetic processes which
precede psychological and behavioral expression.
In true reductionist fashion, neuroscientists have
explored genetic precedents and created explanation for
neurological response patterns of the disease process.
Decades of research from the field of neuro-genetics
(Alguacil & Gonzalez-Martin, 2015) have provided the
foundation for the theoretical suggestion of a new
phenotype of addiction, Reward Deficiency Syndrome,
which manifests in compulsive, impulsive, and addictive
behaviors (Blum, Braverman, Holder, et al, 2000; Blum,
Gold, Liu et al, 2011a).
As RDS, redirects focus away from older addiction
models, it ignites a plethora of new research in search of
RDS solutions. Having identified polymorphic variances
which contribute to predisposition, a gene panel map can
be used to determine risk. Genetic Addiction Risk Score
(GARS) prescreening is now available (Blum, Oscar-
Berman, Demetrovics et al, 2014; Blum, Braverman,
Chen et al, 2008; Blum, Cull and Sheridan, 1995).
Cocaine is a strong central nervous system stimulant that
increases levels of dopamine, associated with pleasure,
   itry. Normally
dopamine is released by a neuron in response to a
pleasurable signal and then recycled back into the cell
that released it, thus shutting off the signal between
neurons. Cocaine acts by preventing the dopamine from
being recycled, causing excessive amounts of the
neurotransmitter to build up, amplifying the message and
effector protein response, ultimately disrupting normal
SJIF Impact Factor 4.382
Review Article
ejbps, 2018, Volume 5, Issue 1 161-166.
European Journal of Biomedical
AND Pharmaceutical sciences
ISSN 2349-8870
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
Year: 2018
*Corresponding Author: Elizabeth Gilley
The science of neurogenetics offers a new theoretical model of addiction, defining Reward Deficiency Syndrome
(RDS) as the phenotype of addiction. This model appears to be a perfect fit for understanding cocaine use disorder
and the               
support of RDS, which is now inspiring research of RDS solutions. A new science of relapse is exploring the
molecular, cellular and neurological processes of craving, drug seeking, and relapse in nonhuman samples. Results
inspire hope for the future of recovery through neurological intervention to reset brain imbalances and disrupt the
neurotransmission of relapse.
KEYWORDS: Molecular, cellular and neurological.
Elizabeth. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
communication (Blum, Chen, Giordano, 2012a).
With habituation, some develop sensitization, tolerance
and neuroadaptation as repetitive neural loops are
engrained by experience. These neural pathways can be
reactivated by cue inducement, operating beneath the
level of conscious, initiating relapse on the molecular
and cellular levels. Atypical patterns of brain wave
activity become embedded and encoded into neural
Dopaminergic dysregulation and imbalance created by
self-administration of cocaine are met   
responsive attempt to regain stability and balance by
adjusting the dopaminergic set point, creating a new
below normal for dopamine neurotransmission (Blum,
Bowirrat, Carnes et al, 2012b). Early dopaminergic
system research established that deficits of the DRD(2)
receptor and the DRD(2) A1 Allele predispose
individuals to a high risk for multiple addictive,
impulsive and/or compulsive behaviors (Bowirrat, &
Oscar-Berman, 2005; Blum, Gardener, & Oscar-Berman,
2012b). Activation instead of blocking mesolimbic
dopaminergic reward circuitry is the preferred modality
in the long term treatment of RDS (Blum, Chen, Chen
et al, 2008).
In addition to dopaminergic systems, Cocaine, a triple
reuptake inhibitor, also disrupts serotonin and
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, confusing receptor
perception and effector protein response. Research has
determin       
includes the differential expression of genes that regulate
     
(Bannon, Johnson Michelbaugh et al, 2014, p. 2191).
This type of research may one day identify a unique
neurological signature or biological marker of cocaine
Cocaine self-administration shows remarkable resistance
to extinction (Weiss, 2001). Additionally, in the specific
case of cocaine, drug seeking behavior can actually
progressively increase in strength, incubating during
abstinence (Grimm, 2001). Cocaine reinstatement is a
product of molecular and cellular processes which
intensify craving and increase drug seeking on a
neurological level. It has been hypothesized that
increases in drug use are caused by decreases in
dopamine signaling within the Stratium, as such
researchers are exploring the possibility that restoring
dopamine signaling in the Stratium might therefore
reduce drug use (Willuhn, Burgeno, Groblewski, et al,
2014). Results found that L-DOPA increased dopamine
release in rat studies.
Polymorphism, or gene variance alone, does not cause
addiction. Hypo-dopaminergic trait genes combined with
the interaction of environmental influences determines
outcome of Reward Deficiency Syndrome, which can
manifest in addictive behavior, and contributes a
spectrum of dopaminergic disorder, such as depression,
     .
The complex interactions between genetic material and
environmental influences (Enoch, 2012) induce
epigenetic pressure, which result in RNA recoding DNA
While science has not yet discovered the exact cause, it
has simplified the RDS process of neurological
dysregulation which plays out in addiction. The RDS
model works perfectly for cocaine addiction. Although
currently without a great deal of research support, it has
been suggested that other drug addictions and the process
behavioral addictions may also fit neatly under the RDS
umbrella. Blum would like to establish a common
neurogenetic diagnosis for all addictions under the RDS
rubric (Blum, Febo, Bafgaiyan, et al 2017), based upon
the presence of Meso-Limbic manipulation of
hypodopaminergic function. He has been marketing this
idea in publication for the past few years (Blum, Febo,
McLaughlin, et al, 2014).
Pharmacological and pharmacokinetic research
contribute enlarged perspective of addictive variables
which may induce neuro-adaptation. Pharmacokinetic
research has provided understanding of individual
metabolism rates and processes of biotransformation,
which effect bioavailability of dosage. Routes of
substance delivery, intensity of dosage, frequency,
intermittency and reinstatement patterns all effect
neurological consequence.
Meta-analysis suggests  
      
Minogianis, Roberts, et al, 2015).  
cocaine intake determines tolerance versus sensitization
Ferris, Zimmer et al, 2013, p. 2013). Animal studies may
lead to clinical human study. However, the design of
these studies does not accurately reproduce the range of
human administration patterns, so results should not be
interpreted as generalizable to human populations.
Repetitive exposure to cocaine dysregulates
dopaminergic, serotonergic and norepinephrine systems,
initiates neuroadaptations which increase craving and
reinstate relapse. Understanding the pharmacokinetics of
drug use, and the pharmacological consequences of
cocaine use in particular, will prove to be helpful in
developing molecular and cellular pharmacological
interventions to assist in dopamine restoration and
rebalance other neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine
which is known to help regulate withdrawal and assist in
abstinence and glutamate which is associated with
intense craving and cue-induced reinstatement.
To further understand structural and functional
neuroadaptations caused by repetitive self-administration
of cocaine, researchers studied norepinephrine systems in
nonhuman primates, conditioned for self-administration
Elizabeth. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
but now forced to abstain, to check for any changes in
the artificially induced increases in norepinephrine levels
seen after repeated exposure, to find that there was no
difference in norepinephrine levels of abstaining
populations and control animals (Smith, Beveridge,
Nader et al, 2016). This line of research may someday
lead to pharmacological intervention for humans.
Research study design neuroimaging nonhuman subjects
reviewed functional brain activity in response to cue
reinforcement to find that increased glucose levels before
self-administration, decrease after self-administration.
This increase is interpreted as being associated with
human addiction neuroadaptations (Porrino, Beveridge,
Smith et al, 2016).
Another study performed rat brain tissue analysis of the
role of Neurokinin-I receptors suggests it mediates
alcohol seeking in response to cue activation for addicted
rats but was not significant in mediating cocaine seeking.
Interesting results showed no effect upon non-addicted,
nongenetically predisposed populations. This study may
be helpful in future pharmacological studies which
explore NK1R antagonists utility in treating cocaine use
disorders (Schank, King, Cheng et al, 2014).
Building upon the correlation between increased
glutamate release in the NAc, upon cue presentation, and
the resulting increase in cocaine-seeking, researchers
designed a study which explored the mediating effect of
increasing mGluRi transmission, finding that mGluRi
 -AMPAR
levels, and thereby reduced cue-induced cocaine
 (Loweth, Scheyer, Milovanovic et al, 2014, p.
78), in rats.      mGluRi
PAMS should be explored in future research design as
possible pharmacological intervention to reduce craving
in human subjects.
Perhaps one of the more anticipated future contributions
from pharmacological research is the creation of a new
line of antidepressants, which function as triple reuptake
inhibitors and mimic    
dopaminergic, serotonergic and norepinephrine systems.
Results from European neuro-scientist   
study of the    
reu 
Chenu, El Mansari, et al, 2011, p. 211) offer evidence-
base support for the similarity of pharmacological
process in synthetic substitutes for commonly abused
drugs like cocaine, in rat populations. By exploring
potential dopamine expression by synthetic cocaine
replacement therapy in rat populations, Guiard
anticipates gaining insight into human response,
hopefully resulting in human pharmacotherapy
interventions (Guiard, El Mansari, & Blier, 2009). He
al      
effect upon monoaminergic lesions (Guiard, El Mansari,
Merali et al, 2008). He is building a foundation of
evidence base for future human clinical trial, one
research study at a time.
Other research study found results supporting
Vulnerability to cocaine relapse involves
neuroadaptation of glutamatergic synapses within the
    
2011, p. 623). This animal study may be useful to the
development of future research design involving
pharmacokinetic and pharmacological manipulations
which may modify accumbal glutamate to reduce
cocaine seeking drive. Prior research concluded 
background may differentially alter the glutamatergic
and GABAergic transmission associated with
vulnerability to cocaine relapse in the NAcc, and
underline the importance of considering individual
genetic differences when designing anti-relapse
    
(Miguens, Botreau, Olias, et al, 2011, p. 630).
The same year, the Kenneth Blum team of research
associates developed similar research design exploration
of the Meso-Limbic system, in human populations who
might benefit from amino-acid therapy. 
synergy between acupuncture / aurioculotherapy and
natural activation of mesolimbic dopaminergic
pathways they tested the application of putatuve natural
treatment modalities for the reduction of drug hunger and
        
with successful result. This protocol has not only been
researched, and replicated. It has been patented,
manufactured, marketed and brought to market.
Humanity owes a debt of gratitude to pioneering research
scientists for their patience, and endurance, in creating
animal study research design which contributes to future
development of human intervention protocol. The
Neurogenetic Research Foundation for RDS have
presented publication of new RDS theory, backed by its
substantial and growing evidence base in support. There
is therapeutic value in the RDS model (Diana, 2011).
Research of RDS solutions (RDSS) is presenting viable
alternatives to traditional modalities, which increase
therapeutic response options. Potential neurological
intervention, gleaned from pharmacological and
pharmacokinetic research study of the molecular and
cellular processes of relapse, will hopefully revolutionize
treatment protocol. . The sciences of RDS and new
science exploring neurological processes of craving, drug
seeking and relapse are changing the landscape of
Accomplishing the ultimate goals of stopping the
generational cycle of addiction, and resetting
neurological imbalances of RDS remain unrealized. As
focus shifts in search of population which experience
significantly higher risk and/or complexity of addictive
expression, we note that gender and/or ethnic variances
are minimal. Research of African American variance was
Elizabeth. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
insignificant (Levran, Randes, Correa da Rosa, et al,
Lets focus upon what matters, rather than what others
demand of us. We find extreme variance with
populations dually diagnosed with mental illness and co-
occurring SUD, as well as significant variance in those
populations of survivors who endured adverse childhood
experiences such as physical, emotional and/or sexual
abuse. In fact Posttraumatic Stress Disorder predicts
development of addictive behavioral patterns (Wilsnack,
Vogeltanz, Klassen, et al, 1977). Compassion demands
that these populations be given research priority.
Excluding these populations from research study distorts
perspective (Moberg, & Humphreys, 2016) which may
result in negating the validity of our diagnostic criteria
(Reiger, Laelber, Rae et al, 1998).
The population of individuals inheriting a deficiency of
DRD2 Receptors and/or the DRD2 A1 Allele have
significantly higher risk for development of impulsive,
compulsive and addictive behavioral patterns.
Populations with polymorphic influence of the GABRA2
gene display a higher risk of addictive potential. Rather
than look across boundaries of gender, or ethnicity, lets
look for genetic predisposition. This is the population
upon which to focus attention.
If the family is to survive the devastation of RDS (Please
note that I purposely did not say addiction because of the
negativity and harmful preconceptions with which
society has victimized its sufferers), it needs to be
informed. Genetic screening is a must. RDS has many
manifestations, contributing to a spectrum of
dopaminergic disorders beyond impulsive, compulsive,
and addictive expression, including depression, Autism,
the many faces of RDS. Genetic Addiction Risk Scores
(GARS) and possibly outcomes such as asperger can be
Perhaps in commitment to manifesting a brighter
healthier future, we turn our focus from disease to
wellness, develop more accurate diagnostic criteria,
better measurements of wellbeing self-efficacy
(McKiernan, Cloud, Patterson, et al, 2011), and abandon
ourselves to practice of positive psychological
applications from existential, transpersonal and integral
perspectives of whole-ism and oneness.  
science of addiction and the science of well-
(Gilley, 2017) will empower recovery. We, are
responsible for manifesting   
(Gilley, 2012). WE can recreate wholeness, wellness,
thriving. First LET US thoroughly dismantle false hurtful
constructs which disempower rather than heal, expose
half truths for the lie they are, and claim powerfulness,
rather than powerlessness.
In an ideal world, future research design will align with
quantum physics, rather than the reductionist, separatist,
Newtonian tendency. Future research will hopefully
study energy signals which are one hundred times more
powerful than molecular signals. Future research will
explore the healing potential of bio and psycho-electro-
magnetic frequencies (Gilley, 2016), include exploration
of infrared spectroscopy to identify of recovery markers
(Dempsey, Harris, Shumway et al, 2015) and effect of
frequency unbalance in energy signaling (Balconi,
Finocchiaro & Canavesio, 2014). Hopefully future
research will focus more upon developing benefit of
healing frequency, rather than investing in the weapon-i-
zation of frequency. Undoubtedly, the future of RDS and
addiction research will provide accuracy of perception,
righting a wrong created by hurtful, ugly response
patterns of improper addiction perspectives of the past
century. Perception determines behavior, on the level of
receptor and effector proteins and on the level of the
collective population. Yes, just as the quantum field
determines the expression of the particle, perception
determines behavior. Allow me to set the proper tone.
WE are not victims of our heredity. Even epigenetic
change is based upon perspective. Cellular intelligence is
powerful enough to change genetic heritage. Imagine the
power of the collective, aligned with higher truth.
Imagine the possibilities. Dare to thrive!
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... "Approximately 50 years of research have led to new understanding and a new phenotype for impulsive, addictive and compulsive behavioral expression, with the successful evidence based concept of Reward Deficiency Syndrome [10] which is linking all addiction under a common rubric [11], and changing the recovery landscape" [12]. The evolution of neurogenetic addiction science has arrived at the point, in which it is understood that Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) is neurogenetic causal influence and addiction is its symptom [13]. ...
... "Decades of research has resulted in a vast evidence base in support of RDS, which has inspired research of Reward Deficiency System Solutions (RDSS)" [13]. It is hoped that the addiction recovery treatment industry will continue to evolve as well, align with cutting edge neurogenetic addiction science, and embrace RDS theory and RDSS. ...
... In former publication, Integrating the Science of Addiction and the Science of Wellbeing [16], the author has evaluated the problems facing the Addiction Treatment Industry; integrated and synthesized new theory in The Evolution of Addiction Treatment: The Disease is RDS and Addiction is its symptom [13]; as well as relayed extended RDS causal influence theory to co-occurring mental illnesses, which are linked by dopaminergic dysfunction, in The New Science of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: News from the cutting edge of research science [17]. These dopaminergic dysfunction diseases also include: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Impulse Control Disorders, Behavioral Addictions, Depression [18], the Autism Spectrum, Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome [7], and Parkinson's Disease [19]. ...
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INTRODUCTION DISCUSSION OF NEUROGENETIC AND EPIGENETIC RESEARCH ADVANCEMENT IN ADDICTION MEDICINE Approximately 50 years of research have led to new understanding and a new phenotype for impulsive, addictive and compulsive behavioral expression with the successful evidence based concept of Reward Deficiency Syndrome (Blum, Braverman, Holder, Lubar, Miller, Monastro, Commings et al, 2000) which is linking all addictions under a common rubric (Blum, Febo, McLaughin, Cronje, Han et al, 2014), and changing the recovery landscape. Although Kenneth Blum is accredited with first coining the phrase in 1995 (Febo, Blum, Badgaiyan, Baron, Thanos, Colon-Perez, et al, 2017), literally thousands of research scientists have contributed to the advancement of the field of the neurogenetics of addiction (Ducci & Goldman, 2012). There is no debate on the doctoral and post-doctoral levels of neuroscience. Some are informed. Others are not. The evolution of addiction science has revealed a new phenotype. “RDS is the disease, [and] addiction it’s symptom” (Gilley, 2018, p. 161; Smith. 2012).
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Exposure to stimuli and environments associated with drug use is considered one of the most important contributors to relapse among substance abusers. Neuroimaging studies have identified neural circuits underlying these responses in cocaine-dependent subjects. But these studies are often difficult to interpret because of the heterogeneity of the participants, substances abused, and differences in drug histories and social variables. Therefore, the goal of this study was to assess the functional effects of exposure to cocaine-associated stimuli in a nonhuman primate model of cocaine self-administration, providing precise control over these variables, with the 2-[14C]deoxyglucose method. Rhesus monkeys self-administered 0.3 mg/kg/injection cocaine (n=4) under a fixed-interval 3-min (FI 3-min) schedule of reinforcement (30 injections/session) for 100 sessions. Control animals (n = 4) underwent identical schedules of food reinforcement. Sessions were then discontinued for 30 days, after which time monkeys were exposed to cocaine- or food-paired cues, and the 2DG experiment was conducted. The presentation of the cocaine-paired cues resulted in significant increases in functional activity within highly restricted circuits that included portions of the pre-commissural striatum, medial prefrontal cortex, rostral temporal cortex, and limbic thalamus when compared to control animals presented with the food-paired cues. The presentation of cocaine-associated cues increased brain functional activity in contrast to the decreases observed after cocaine consumption. Furthermore, the topography of brain circuits engaged by the expectation of cocaine is similar to the distribution of effects during the earliest phases of cocaine self-administration, prior to the onset of neuroadaptations that accompany chronic cocaine exposure.
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Background: Following the first association between the dopamine D2 receptor gene polymorphism and severe alcoholism, there has been an explosion of research reports in the psychiatric and behavioral addiction literature and neurogenetics. With this increased knowledge, the field has been rife with controversy. Moreover, with the advent of Whole Genome-Wide Studies (GWAS) and Whole Exome Sequencing (WES), along with Functional Genome Convergence, the multiple-candidate gene approach still has merit and is considered by many as the most prudent approach. However, it is the combination of these two approaches that will ultimately define real, genetic allelic relationships, in terms of both risk and etiology. Since 1996, our laboratory has coined the umbrella term Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) to explain the common neurochemical and genetic mechanisms involved with both substance and non-substance, addictive behaviors. Methods: This is a selective review of peer-reviewed papers primary listed in Pubmed and Medline. Results: A review of the available evidence indicates the importance of dopaminergic pathways and resting-state, functional connectivity of brain reward circuits. Discussion: Importantly, the proposal is that the real phenotype is RDS and impairments in the brain's reward cascade, either genetically or environmentally (epigenetically) induced, influence both substance and non-substance, addictive behaviors. Understanding shared common mechanisms will ultimately lead to better diagnosis, treatment and prevention of relapse. While, at this juncture, we cannot as yet state that we have "hatched the behavioral addiction egg", we are beginning to ask the correct questions and through an intense global effort will hopefully find a way of "redeeming joy" and permitting homo sapiens live a life, free of addiction and pain.
Issues: High rates of exclusion in substance use disorder treatment studies reduce the external validity and clinical utility of research findings to an unknown extent. Accordingly, the current review examined commonly used exclusion criteria and their effect on study samples and outcomes. Approach: English-language literature was identified by PubMed searches and review of identified articles' reference lists. Studies were included if they analysed data on: (i) the prevalence and nature of exclusion criteria in the substance use disorder treatment field; and/or (ii) the impact of exclusion criteria on sample representativeness or study results. Key findings: The search yielded 22 studies examining different aspects of exclusion criteria, including 15 empirical examinations of the impact of study exclusion criteria across different substance use disorder treatments on enrolment and outcome results. Aggregating across these 15 studies, we estimated that between 64 and 96% of potential study participants are excluded from substance use disorder treatment studies. Implications: The widespread exclusion of large proportions of people with substance use disorders limits the external validity of the substance use disorder treatment research literature. Conclusion: Although some eligibility criteria are necessary to protect participant safety and ensure internal validity, researchers conducting studies on substance use disorder treatments should thoughtfully consider the justification for and specific operationalisation of the extensive exclusion criteria they often utilise. [Moberg C, Humphreys K. Exclusion criteria in treatment research on alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use disorders: A review and critical analysis. Drug Alcohol Rev 2016;00-000.].
Various types of individuals having "Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS)" related behaviors including sugar craving (e.g. obesity) have been described and heredity has been shown to be involved in some of these types. An important role of the mesolimbic dopamine system has been suggested in the reinforcing effects of a number of addictive substances (i.e. alcohol, nicotine, sugar etc) and recent molecular genetic studies are implicating the gene for the dopamine receptor (DRD2) as well as other genes in RDS and in particular obesity. We genotyped 1,058 Dutch subjects for polymorphisms of four candidate genes (PPAR gamma 2, MTHFR, 5-HT2a, and DRD2) receiving the experimental DNA-customized nutraceutical LG839. In a subset of 27 subjects having a similar genotype pattern of the entire sample, and of all the outcomes and gene polymorphisms, only the DRD2 gene polymorphism (A1 allele vs. A2 allele) had a significant Pearson correlation with days on treatment (r=0.42, p=0.045). Compared to the DRD2 A1 carriers the number of days in treatment with LG839 was 51.9±9.9 SE (95% CI, 30.8 to 73.0) and for the DRD2 A1+ carriers the number of days on treatment with LG839 was 110.6±31.1 (95% CI, 38.9 to 182.3 ). Thus the attrition was highest in the A1- genotype group. Thus, the genotype may be a predictor of treatment persistency and compliance. The feasibility of a pharmacogenetic approach in treating certain types of obesity related behaviors is cautiously suggested and warrants rigorous larger studies for confirmation.
How much, how often and how fast a drug reaches the brain determine the behavioural and neuroplastic changes associated with the addiction process. Despite the critical nature of these variables, the drug addiction field often ignores pharmacokinetic issues, which we argue can lead to false conclusions. First, we review the clinical data demonstrating the importance of the speed of drug onset and of intermittent patterns of drug intake in psychostimulant drug addiction. This is followed by a review of the preclinical literature demonstrating that pharmacokinetic variables play a decisive role in determining behavioural and neurobiological outcomes in animal models of addiction. This literature includes recent data highlighting the importance of intermittent, 'spiking' brain levels of drug in producing an increase in the motivation to take drug over time. Rapid drug onset and intermittent drug exposure both appear to push the addiction process forward most effectively. This has significant implications for refining animal models of addiction and for better understanding the neuroadaptations that are critical for the disorder. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Repeated exposure to cocaine is known to dysregulate the norepinephrine system, and norepinephrine has also been implicated as having a role in abstinence and withdrawal. The goal of this study was to determine the effects of exposure to cocaineself-administration and subsequent abstinence on regulatory elements of the norepinephrine system in the nonhuman primate brain. Rhesus monkeys selfadministered cocaine (0.3 mg/kg/injection, 30 reinforcers/session) under a fixedinterval 3-minute schedule of reinforcement for 100 sessions. Animals in the abstinence group then underwent a 30-day period during which no operant responding was conducted, followed by a final session of operant responding. Control animals underwent identical schedules of food reinforcement and abstinence. This duration of cocaine self-administration has been shown previously to increase levels of norepinephrine transporters (NET) in the ventral noradrenergic bundle terminal fields. In contrast, in the current study, abstinence from chronic cocaine self-administration resulted in elevated levels of [³H]nisoxetine binding to the NET primarily in dorsal noradrenergic bundle terminal field structures. As compared to food-reinforcement, chronic cocaine self-administration resulted in decreased binding of [³H]RX821002 to α₂-adrenoceptors primarily in limbic-related structures innervated by both dorsal and ventral bundles, as well as elevated binding in the striatum. However, following abstinence from responding for cocaine binding to α₂-adrenoceptors was not different than in control animals. These data demonstrate the dynamic nature of the regulation of norepinephrine during cocaine use and abstinence, and provide further evidence that the norepinephrine system should not be overlooked in the search for effective pharmacotherapies for cocaine dependence.
Drugs of abuse activate the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway. Genetic variations in the dopaminergic system may contribute to drug addiction. Several processes are shared between cocaine and heroin addictions but some neurobiological mechanisms may be specific. This study examined the association of 98 single nucleotide polymorphisms in 13 dopamine-related genes with heroin addiction (OD) and/or cocaine addiction (CD) in a sample of 801 African Americans (315 subjects with OD ± CD, 279 subjects with CD, and 207 controls). Single-marker analyses provided nominally significant evidence for associations of 24 SNPs) in DRD1, ANKK1/DRD2, DRD3, DRD5, DBH, DDC, COMT and CSNK1E. A DRD2 7-SNPs haplotype that includes SNPs rs1075650 and rs2283265, which were shown to alter D2S/D2L splicing, was indicated in both addictions. The Met allele of the functional COMT Val158Met was associated with protection from OD. None of the signals remained significant after correction for multiple testing. The study results are in accordance with the results of previous studies, including our report of association of DRD1 SNP rs5326 with OD. The findings suggest the presence of an overlap in genetic susceptibility for OD and CD, as well as shared and distinct susceptibility for OD in subjects of African and European descent. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/University College London.
Addictive disorders (substance use disorder and gambling disorder) are collected together in the fifth edition of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) partially because of a common brain origin, which seems to involve dysfunction of the reward system. Beyond these disorders, other neuropsychiatric diseases also share abnormal reward sensitivity, maladaptive impulsivity, or compulsive behaviours, and have been reunited under the 'reward deficiency syndrome' (RDS) umbrella. Research in this field could then provide novel drugs with positive actions in all these diseases, but many animal models used for this purpose lack enough translational value to enable the identification of novel targets and should be then avoided. As we discuss here, only selected protocols could provide reliable targets that would be common to the whole family of diseases, thus qualifying for further validation in patients. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Background: Addiction science has primarily utilized self-report, continued substance use, and relapse factors to explore the process of recovery. However, the entry into successful abstinence substantially reduces our assessment abilities. Advances in neuroscience may be the key to objective understanding, treating, and monitoring long-term success in addiction recovery. Objectives: To explore functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIR) as a viable technique in the assessment of addiction-cue reactivity. Specifically, prefrontal cortex (PFC) activation to alcohol cues was explored among formally alcohol-dependent individuals, across varying levels of successful abstinence. The aim of the investigation was to identify patterns of PFC activation change consistent with duration of abstinence. Methods: A total of 15 formally alcohol-dependent individuals, with abstinence durations ranging from 1 month to 10 years, viewed alcohol images during fNIR PFC assessment. Participants also subjectively rated the same images for affect and arousal level. Results: Subjective ratings of alcohol cues did not significantly correlate with duration of abstinence. As expected, days of abstinence did not significantly correlate with neutral cue fNIR reactivity. However, for alcohol cues, fNIR results showed increased days of abstinence was associated with decreased activation within the dorsolateral and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex regions. Conclusions: The present results suggest that fNIR may be a viable tool in the assessment of addiction-cue reactivity. RESULTS also support previous findings on the importance of dorsolateral and dorsomedial PFC in alcohol-cue activation. The findings build upon these past results suggesting that fNIR-assessed activation may represent a robust biological marker of successful addiction recovery.