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Attitudes and Reactions to a Healthcare Robot


Abstract and Figures

The use of robots in healthcare is a new concept. The public's perception and acceptance is not well understood. The objective was to investigate the perceptions and emotions toward the utilization of healthcare robots among individuals over 40 years of age, investigate factors contributing to acceptance, and evaluate differences in blood pressure checks taken by a robot and a medical student. Fifty-seven (n = 57) adults aged over 40 years and recruited from local general practitioner or gerontology group lists participated in two cross-sectional studies. The first was an open-ended questionnaire assessing perceptions of robots. In the second study, participants had their blood pressure taken by a medical student and by a robot. Patient comfort with each encounter, perceived accuracy of each measurement, and the quality of the patient interaction were studied in each case. Readings were compared by independent t-tests and regression analyses were conducted to predict quality ratings. Participants' perceptions about robots were influenced by their prior exposure to robots in literature or entertainment media. Participants saw many benefits and applications for healthcare robots, including simple medical procedures and physical assistance, but had some concerns about reliability, safety, and the loss of personal care. Blood pressure readings did not differ between the medical student and robot, but participants felt more comfortable with the medical student and saw the robot as less accurate. Although age and sex were not significant predictors, individuals who held more positive initial attitudes and emotions toward robots rated the robot interaction more favorably. Many people see robots as having benefits and applications in healthcare but some have concerns. Individual attitudes and emotions regarding robots in general are likely to influence future acceptance of their introduction into healthcare processes.
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Attitudes and Reactions to a
Healthcare Robot
Elizabeth Broadbent, Ph.D.,
I Han Kuo, B.E.,
Yong In Lee,
Joel Rabindran, B.Sc. (Hons),
Ngaire Kerse, M.B.Ch.B., Ph.D.,
Rebecca Stafford, M.Sc.,
and Bruce A. MacDonald, Ph.D.
Department of Psychological Medicine, Faculty of Medical
and Health Sciences,
Department of Electronic and Computer
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Department of General
Practice, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, The University
of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
Northern Clinical School, Sydney Medical School, University of
Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
Objective: The use of robots in healthcare is a new concept. The
public’s perception and acceptance is not well understood. The ob-
jective was to investigate the perceptions and emotions toward the
utilization of healthcare robots among individuals over 40 years of
age, investigate factors contributing to acceptance, and evaluate
differences in blood pressure checks taken by a robot and a medical
student. Materials and Methods: Fifty-seven (n¼57) adults aged
over 40 years and recruited from local general practitioner or
gerontology group lists participated in two cross-sectional studies.
The first was an open-ended questionnaire assessing perceptions of
robots. In the second study, participants had their blood pressure
taken by a medical student and by a robot. Patient comfort with each
encounter, perceived accuracy of each measurement, and the quality
of the patient interaction were studied in each case. Readings were
compared by independent t-tests and regression analyses were con-
ducted to predict quality ratings. Results: Participants’ perceptions
about robots were influenced by their prior exposure to robots in
literature or entertainment media. Participants saw many benefits
and applications for healthcare robots, including simple medical
procedures and physical assistance, but had some concerns about
reliability, safety, and the loss of personal care. Blood pressure
readings did not differ between the medical student and robot, but
participants felt more comfortable with the medical student and saw
the robot as less accurate. Although age and sex were not significant
predictors, individuals who held more positive initial attitudes
and emotions toward robots rated the robot interaction more favor-
ably. Conclusions: Many people see robots as having benefits
and applications in healthcare but some have concerns. Individual
attitudes and emotions regarding robots in general are likely to in-
fluence future acceptance of their introduction into healthcare
Key words: technology, e-health, home health monitoring
The world’s population is rapidly aging.
The U.S. population
aged over 65 is projected to increase from 39 million in
2010 to 69 million by 2030, and the population over 85 is
projected to double by 2025 and increase fivefold by 2050.
This is placing increased pressure on elderly care facilities and
healthcare services. In the 2000 U.S. census, 1.6 million people were
living in institutions, 45% of whom were over 85.
Further, half of
those over 85 require personal assistance even when not institu-
There is mounting concern over current and projected
shortages of healthcare professionals to care for the aging popula-
The United States is expected to have a shortfall of 400,000
registered nurses by 2020, which is 29% short of the projected demand.
Assistive technologies that can supplement human care-giving are
being increasingly promoted.
Robots are being developed for
physical monitoring and physical assistance, as well as for simple
tasks such as meal preparation and removing bed linen.
assistive robots are starting to be used in areas such as stroke reha-
and dementia care.
A robot for guiding people around
and giving reminders in an assisted-living facility has been developed.
How recipients of healthcare will react to robotic technology is an
important consideration that is not well understood. Early trials
608 TELEMEDICINE and e-HEALTH JUNE 2010 DOI: 10.1089/tmj.2009.0171
suggest that robots can be acceptable to patients and improve health
outcomes. For example, a study of 92 gastric surgery patients showed
that bed stays were reduced on average by 1 day if doctors’ bedside
visits were supplemented with four additional ‘‘virtual’’ visits from
the doctor via an ambulatory robot, saving $US 219,578.
people, including those with dementia, have been shown to respond
favorably to robotic pets
and elderly users have reported
enthusiasm for robotic walkers.
Robots have been successfully used
for physiotherapy.
There is recognition that acceptance is an
important issue among staff and patients,
and careful design is
As older people have high healthcare needs, age is an important
variable to consider in healthcare robotics. Previous research has
indicated that, compared with younger people, older people are less
comfortable with computers and new technology.
However, older
people are prepared to accept simple assistive devices in their home to
help maintain their independence,
especially when there is a per-
ceived need for the device.
The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model
stresses the importance of users’ performance expectancy, effort
expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions to accep-
tance and use of technology.
Age, sex, experience, and voluntari-
ness of use are key moderators in the model. Other models in the
adoption of technology have demonstrated the importance of intel-
ligence and attitudes toward computers to technology acceptance in
older adults.
However, these models are based on research with
simple information technologies such as phones and computers
rather than with robots. A recent review of acceptance of healthcare
robots reported that both user and robot variables were important to
acceptance, including user age, sex, experience, education, needs and
culture, and robot appearance, size, sex, ergonomics, role, and per-
The review recommended more research into how user
expectations about robots predict acceptance.
Most people have no first-hand experience with robots, and we
speculate that the ideas people hold about them arise from their
exposure to robots in literature and entertainment media. Consider-
ing the variety of potential applications for robots for disabled
people, hospital patients, and elderly people at home and in assisted-
living facilities, it is important to determine how people feel about
and react to the use of robots in healthcare. This article reports two
studies. The first exploratory study aimed to investigate people’s
perceptions about robots in healthcare by using an open-ended
response format; because little is known in this area, much can be
gained from this approach compared with constrained fixed
choice response formats. The second study aimed to investigate the
importance of attitudes and emotions toward robots in the accep-
tance of a healthcare robot. It investigated how people reacted to the
healthcare robot compared with a medical student in a blood pressure
check. We hypothesized that blood pressure would not differ between
the robot and the medical student because they both used the same
type of automatic blood pressure monitor. However, because this was
the first time the participants had interacted with a healthcare robot
and they were unfamiliar with it, we hypothesized that patients
would be less comfortable with the robot than with the medical
student and would perceive the robot as less accurate. The study
recruited middle aged and older adults as these age groups are likely
to use such technologies in the short-term and medium-term time
frames when they become readily available. The studies were approved
by the Ministry of Health Northern Regional X Ethics Committee.
Study 1—Exploratory
Participants were either patients of a local general practitioner in
the vicinity of the university campus, or in the university’s geron-
tology research group. Invitations to participate in a study that
assessed people’s thoughts and feelings about healthcare robots were
posted to 400 people who met inclusion criteria of being aged over 40
years. Only those who replied positively within 4 weeks (n¼57) were
asked to attend the university. On arrival, all individuals gave written
informed consent for both studies. Participants were 33 women and
24 men; 50 were New Zealand Europeans, 2 Maori, 2 Chinese, and 3
from other ethnic groups, with a mean age of 64.33 ( 10.05).
The participant completed the first section of Questionnaire 1.
Participants were asked whether they had seen a robot in real life
before and if they had heard of robots being used in healthcare. Five
open-ended items were included: ‘‘When you think of robots, what
comes to mind?’’ ‘‘Can you think of the names of any robots you
might have seen in movies, on TV, or in books or newspapers?’’
‘‘What do you think a robot might be able to help you with in
healthcare?’’ ‘‘Can you think of any benefits of having a robot help
you with healthcare?’’ ‘‘Do you have any reservations or fears about
having a robot help you in healthcare?’’
Fifteen participants reported having seen a robot in real life (6 in
industry, 5 in entertainment, and 4 in both). Twenty participants had
heard about healthcare robots (11 general assistance, 7 surgeries, 1
geriatric, and 1 pediatric care).
Thoughts about robots included conceptual definitions (n¼23),
movies or novels (n¼21), industrial uses, robot looks and movement
(n¼6), reservations (n¼2), and no answer (n¼2). Names of robots
people reported included R2D2 (n¼24) and C3PO (n¼10) from the
movie Star Wars, the Daleks from the television series Doctor Who
(n¼4), the television series Lost in Space (n¼4), Tripods (n¼2), and
Robo-Cop (n¼2). Other robots mentioned were Number 5, the AI
movie, the iRobot movie, Asimo, Nara Robb, Optimus Prime and
Robbie, Lunar-Rover, and explosive robots. Twenty-one (n¼21)
participants did not give a name.
Sixty-three percent of participants (36/57) did not have any fears
or reservations about robots in healthcare. Those who did, mentioned
reliability issues (n¼9), error and safety (n¼8), loss of personal
interaction (n¼7), and having to learn how to use it (n¼1). Two
participants commented that robots needed to be used wisely as they
could only be as ethical as the programmers, and two commented
that patients should be given choices for human or robotic care.
Answers about useful tasks for healthcare robots were categorized
into ‘‘medical procedures’’ (e.g., taking blood pressure, oxygen, pulse,
respiration, diabetic levels, blood gas, blood flow, temperature,
weight, height, electrocardiogram, blood analysis, diagnostics,
ordering tests, taking history, drug administration, fine surgery, and
closing wounds), ‘‘physical assistance’’ (directing blind people,
reaching and moving heavy/high things, doing housework, moving
bedridden people, mobility, personal care, dental care, dealing with
contagious illnesses, and medical alert), and ‘‘miscellaneous’’ (games
and answer phones). Fourteen participants did not list any tasks.
Participants listed many benefits of healthcare robots: cost
advantage, never going on strike, no waiting, always available, no
travel, accuracy, speed, allowing a human free time, relief from
mundane tasks, avoiding undesirable contact, reducing workload,
overcoming staff shortages, allowing doctors to focus on the
emotional relationship with the patient, not wasting a medical pro-
fessionals time, resolving simple problems without having to visit a
doctor, organization of daily routine, reminders, reducing surgical
incisions and speeding recovery, decisions based on database, robots
not distracted by other patients, no personality factors, honesty,
perseverance, and commitment. Nine participants could not think of
any benefit.
Many participants’ were familiar with robots from popular science
fiction. They saw a wide variety of applications, including simple
procedures to relieve burden on doctors, even seeing superior qual-
ities in robots, such as honesty, and lack of distraction. Many patients
had no concerns but those who did mentioned the reliability and
capability of robots as well as the personal element being lost in
healthcare. These findings suggest that even though participants had
little personal experience with healthcare robots they held mental
representations about them.
Study 2—Experiment
After completing study 1, all participants took part in study 2. The
medical student asked the participants to complete the remaining
sections in Questionnaire 1, which included one item on how expe-
rienced the participants were with computers from 1 ‘‘not at all’’ to 8
‘‘extremely.’’ It also included the Positive and Negative Affect
Schedule (PANAS), which was used to rate responses to ‘‘how you
currently feel toward using a healthcare robot,’’ similar to previous
This scale contains a list of 10 positive and 10 negative
emotion words such as ‘‘enthusiastic’’ and ‘‘afraid,’’ which are rated
on a 5-point scale from ‘‘very slightly or not at all’’ to ‘‘extremely.’’
They also completed the 11-item ‘‘Robot Attitudes Scale,’’ which asks
the person about their views toward robots in general on 8-point
scales where lower scores represent more positive perceptions;
Cronbach’s alpha for the scale was 0.85.
The medical student measured the participant’s blood pressure and
heart rate using an Omron Digital Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor
model M10-IT, and reported the result to the patient. The assistant
then introduced the participant to the robot in another room. The
robot spoke to the participant, took their blood pressure and heart
rate (using another Omron Digital Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor
Model M10-IT that was attached to the robot), and reported the result
verbally and on the screen. The robot was a Peoplebot (Mobile
Robots, Inc.) named Charles, from (Fig. 1). The
interaction took 163 s on average ( 36 s). The participant then
completed Questionnaire 2, which included readministration of the
PANAS scale twice to measure emotions during and after the inter-
action, and questions about how accurate they thought the readings
were from 1 ‘‘very inaccurate’’ to 8 ‘‘very accurate,’’ and comfort with
the blood pressure measurement from 0 ‘‘very uneasy’’ to 8 ‘‘very
comfortable,’’ for both the robot and the medical student. Participants
rated the quality of the interaction with the robot by using a modified
version of the Social Interaction Scale by Berry and Hansen to assess
how enjoyable was the interaction with the robot.
The 8-item
Quality of Experience questionnaire assessed how the participant
appraised the robot (e.g., as friendly, natural).
Using a power of 0.8, alpha of 0.05, G-Power estimated that a total
sample size of 55 participants were required to detect a correlation of
r¼0.33 between initial emotions and quality of the interaction, an
effect size based on previous research.
Data were analyzed using
SPSS software (Version 15). Repeated measures t-tests and analysis
of variance (ANOVA) were used to test for differences within groups.
Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to assess the
contribution of the predictors to ratings of the quality of interaction
and the quality of experience.
Repeated measures t-tests showed that there were no significant
differences between the participants’ blood pressure levels or pulse
taken by the robot and the medical student (Fig. 2) (diastolic, t¼
0.28, p¼0.78, Cohen’s d¼0.03; systolic, t¼0.38, p¼0.71,
d¼0.04; pulse, t¼1.16, p¼0.25, d¼0.11). However, the partici-
pants felt more comfortable with the medical student (robot 7.09
[0.99]; medical student 7.58 [0.68], Z¼3.85, p¼0.000, d¼0.64)
and thought that the medical student was more accurate (robot 6.72
[1.60]; medical student 7.07 [1.49], Z¼2.80, p¼0.005, d¼0.29).
Emotions during interaction with robot. Repeated measures ANOVA
with repeated contrasts showed that positive affect toward the
healthcare robot significantly improved from before (mean
30.24 7.68) to during the interaction (mean 32.35 8.68), and this
was maintained immediately after the interaction (mean
31.90 9.65, F¼6.52, p¼0.005). Negative affect toward the robot
significantly reduced from before (mean 11.84 2.35) to during the
interaction (mean 10.97 1.77) and immediately after the interac-
tion (mean 10.64 1.44, w
¼22.39, p¼0.000).
Quality of interaction and quality of experience. Two hierarchical
linear regression analyses were performed to assess how age, sex,
computer experience, attitude toward robots, and initial positive and
negative affect scores toward healthcare robots from the initial
questionnaire were related to the quality of interaction and the
quality of experience. Age, sex, and computer experience were
entered in block 1 and did not significantly predict the quality of
interaction [F(3,53) ¼0.78, R
¼0.02]; when attitude and emotions
were added to the regression in block 2, the model became significant
[F(6,50) ¼7.59, p¼0.000, R
¼0.48]. Initial positive emotions and
attitudes toward robots before the interaction were significant
Fig. 1. The robot ‘‘Charles’’ used in study 2.
Fig. 2. No significant differences in blood pressure readings
and pulse taken by the robot and the medical student.
predictors of the quality of interaction. Similarly, age, sex, and com-
puter experience did not significantly predict the quality of experience
[F(3,53) ¼0.71, R
¼0.04], but the model became significant with the
addition of attitude and emotions toward robots [F(6,50) ¼3.80,
p¼0.003, R
¼0.31]. Initial positive emotions and attitudes toward
robots were significant predictors of the quality of experience.
The small differences in blood pressure readings between the
robot and medical student were within interobserver errors of
measurement found in a previous work, which suggests that robots
do not cause elevated blood pressure readings.
This is an impor-
tant finding to reassure clinicians that the use of robotics in
healthcare is appropriate. In this study, the same model of auto-
mated blood pressure device was used by both the robot and the
medical student. It is not clear whether the results are generalizable
to manual blood pressure readings, or to those taken by more senior
medical staff.
Participants’ lower comfort and accuracy ratings for the robot
compared with the medical student may reflect a lack of familiarity
with the robot, as some participants wrote comments on the ques-
tionnaire that the robot reading would get more accurate as they got
more practiced with the robot. This is consistent with the finding that
feelings toward the robot became more positive and less negative
during the interaction. The most important predictors of the quality
of interaction and experience were positive emotions and attitudes
toward robots prior to the interaction. Age was not associated with
outcome ratings, which suggests that older age can be compatible
with robot use. Healthcare providers need to be aware that peoples’
preexisting attitudes and feelings toward robots may be important to
General Discussion
This study supports continued development of healthcare robots
for middle-aged and older persons, showing a positive attitude
amongst many people and acceptance of a robot to measure blood
pressure. People may take some time to get comfortable with and
trust robots in healthcare, as they are currently more familiar with
human medical staff. Healthcare robot manufacturers need to take
steps to ensure that people’s preconceived ideas do not present bar-
riers to acceptance, perhaps by eliciting and addressing negative
perceptions prior to the introduction of robots in specific settings.
The strengths of this article are that it combined an exploratory
design and an experimental design. It systematically assessed peo-
ples’ perceptions and feelings before and after having an encounter
with a healthcare robot and also included a physiological measure. A
weakness is that while people were systematically invited, people with
more positive attitudes toward robots may have been more likely to
participate. The study had a relatively small sample size, although it is
larger than many sample sizes in published user studies of robots.
The findings add to the literature on the acceptance of healthcare
technologies by demonstrating the importance of attitudes toward
robots and positive emotions toward robots for the acceptance of
healthcare robots. They demonstrate that age and sex are not barriers
to acceptance and that many people foresee benefits from robotic
This study was supported by a summer studentship from the HOPE
Foundation for Research on Ageing and a grant from the University
of Auckland (no. 3608916). The authors thank the general practi-
tioner for inviting patients to take part, and the National Institute of
Health Innovation for use of their offices.
Disclosure Statement
No competing financial interests exist.
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Address correspondence to:
Elizabeth Broadbent, Ph.D.
Department of Psychological Medicine
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Received: November 30, 2009
Revised: January 25, 2010
Accepted: January 25, 2010
... In addition, cognitive dissonance theory suggests that people, when confronted with information that is inconsistent with their personal beliefs, expectations, or values, will change their perceptions in order to minimize this sense of dissonance (Festinger, 1962). Thus, this mental maneuver allows people to derive more emotional value from their interactions, such as companionship, comfort, or entertainment, resulting in the public's preference to imagine that social robots have transcendent abilities and generate consciousness in their dealings with people (Broadbent et al. 2010). Social relationships influence emotional relationships, and social robots promise social illusions without the ability to interact socially. ...
... Social relationships influence emotional relationships, and social robots promise social illusions without the ability to interact socially. Such social illusions benefit groups in need of emotional companionship, such as elderly people living alone (Broadbent et al. 2010;Robinson et al. 2014) and children with autism (Diehl et al. 2012). Based on competence and trust, human-social robot interactions become similar to human-human interactions; people see social robots as their partners, children, or servants, and just ignore the lack of real comprehension ability and emotional competence of social robots. ...
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Humans often unconsciously perceive social robots involved in their lives as partners rather than mere tools, imbuing them with qualities of companionship. This anthropomorphization can lead to a spectrum of emotional risks, such as deception, disappointment, and reverse manipulation, that existing approaches struggle to address effectively. In this paper, we argue that a Virtual Interactive Environment (VIE) exists between humans and social robots, which plays a crucial role and demands necessary consideration and clarification in order to mitigate potential emotional risks. By analyzing the relational nature of human-social robot interaction, we discuss the connotation of such a virtual interactive environment that is similar to the emotional states aroused when reading novels. Building on this comprehension, we further demonstrate that manufacturers should carry out comprehensive Virtual Interactive Environment Indication (VIEI) measures during human-social robot interaction with a stricter sense of responsibility when applying social robots. Finally, we contemplate the potential contributions of virtual interactive environment indication to existing robot ethics guidelines.
... Prior research has evaluated barriers to adopting robotic technology, which include the culture in which nurses practice (Papadopoulos & Koulouglioti, 2018), as well as the negative feelings and emotions toward the inclusion of robots in nursing care (Papadopoulos et al., 2020;Zrínyi et al., 2022). Educational interventions have been successful where pilot studies have shown that hands-on interactions (Broadbent et al., 2010;Saadatzi et al., 2020) and video interventions (Lee et al., 2020;Zrínyi et al., 2022) elicited positive effects such as increased endorsement of the robot. Our study supports that feelings toward robots become more positive and less negative with exposure. ...
... The increasing global adoption of AI and robotics (AI/R) in healthcare presents promising advancements (Bohr & Memarzadeh, 2020;Yoon & Lee, 2019). The attitude and reactions of public to the healthcare AI/R are also various (Broadbent et al., 2010) including positive responses and concerns (Hamet & Tremblay, 2017;Reddy et al., 2019). AI/R is starting to be introduced in medical education (Masters, 2019;Paranjape et al., 2019), although there has been not so much progress until recent years (Chan & Zary, 2019). ...
... An increasing number of studies have focused on technology acceptance of SARs (Flanorder et al, 2012& Broadbent et al, 2010 because it has been widely agreed that the significance of SARs can only be realised if people accept, embrace, and use this technology (He at al, 2022). A systematic review involving 23 articles of quantitative evidence of older adults' experience with and perceptions of the use of socially assistive robots in aged care by Vandemeulebroucke et al. looked at six themes which included, intention to use SARs, general attitude toward SARs, feelings about SARs, perceived usefulness and ease of use of SARs, tasks of SARs and their appearances. ...
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The burgeoning elderly population, set to double by 2050 worldwide, will place immense demand on provision of elderly care. The mismatch in supply and demand of social care, made worse by the recent Covid-19 pandemic, has heightened the search for viable adjuncts to social care. The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the possible role of socially assistive robots (SAR) in care of elderly patients with frailty or mild cognitive impairment. In the past decade, SAR has emerged as a possible contender for assisted care. Through interviews with frontline NHS clinical stakeholders, review of research articles and visit to the Robot House research facility in the University of Hertfordshire, this project has identified the barriers, limitations to SARs and ethical challenges that needs addressing before the mainstream implementation of SARs to assist in care of the elderly. It is imperative to establish SARs’ safety profile and effectiveness through end-user inclusive, robustly designed, randomized clinical trials addressing the contextual factors of SAR implementation. Particular care and attention should be devoted to ensuring that future studies are enrolled with adequate numbers of participants to achieve statistically significant outcomes of SAR safety and acceptability. With paucity of social care workers and an ever-increasing population of older age adults, SARs will have a potential role to play in supporting the independence and dignity of elderly people in their own environment. SARs offer hope amidst the current social care despair, and further research is key to their eventual success in aged care, which may be years away from reality.
... It's hard to accept that people's dependence on deathbots is rooted in this very premise, that the more deeply a pretence of drama is imbued with emotion, the more it perpetrates self-deception. Therefore, before concerns about replacement, the deception one practices upon oneself is already enough to preclude acceptance of deathbots (Broadbent et al., 2010). After the demise of a loved one, the advent The grief that stems from the loss of a loved one is not merely a transitory phase of grief, rather, it is a persistent, oscillating process (Ratcliffe, 2017). ...
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Deathbots,” digital constructs that emulate the conversational patterns, demeanor, and knowledge of deceased individuals. Earlier moral discussions about deathbots centered on the dignity and autonomy of the deceased. This paper primarily examines the potential psychological and emotional dependencies that users might develop towards deathbots, considering approaches to prevent problematic dependence through temporary use. We adopt a hermeneutic method to argue that deathbots, as they currently exist, are unlikely to provide substantial comfort. Lacking the capacity to bear emotional burdens, they fall short of meeting idealistic expectations. By repositioning deathbots, we aim to mitigate the risk of emotional dependency and respect the natural grieving process. Our goal is to propose the use of deathbots as a novel means of mourning through transitory use, rather than as a method to alleviate grief or as a patterns for communication with the deceased.
... Another survey investigated perceptions and emotions towards the utilization of a healthcare robot in a questionnaire survey subsequently followed by a measurement of participants' blood pressure assessed by a robot or a human assistant [70]. Although no difference in blood pressure level was obtained between the two groups, participants stated that they were more comfortable when treated by a medical student. ...
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The idea of artificially created social robots has a long tradition. Today, attitudes towards robots play a central role in the field of healthcare. Our research aimed to develop a scale to measure attitudes towards robots. The survey consisted of nine questions on attitudes towards robots, sociodemographic questions, the SWOP-K9, measuring self-efficacy, optimism, and pessimism, and the BFI-10, measuring personality dimensions. Structural relations between the items were detected using principal components analysis (PCA) with Varimax rotation. Correlations and Analysis of Variance were used for external validation. In total, 214 participants (56.1% female, mean age: 30.8 ± 14.4 years) completed the survey. The PCA found two main components, “Robot as a helper and assistant” (RoHeA) and “Robot as an equal partner” (RoEqP), with four items each explaining 53.2% and 17.5% of the variance with a Cronbach’s α of 0.915 and 0.768. In the personality traits, “Conscientiousness” correlated weakly with both subscales and “Extraversion” correlated with RoHeA, while none the subscales of the SWOP-K9 significantly correlated with RoEqP or RoHeA. Male participants scored significantly higher than female participants. Our survey yielded a stable and convergent two-factor instrument that exhibited convincing validity and complements other findings in the field. The ASRS can easily be used to describe attitudes towards social robots in human society. Further research, however, should be carried out to investigate the discriminant and convergent validity of the ASRS.
... Moreover, medical robots are currently applied to various surgeries 11) . Robotic surgery had negative rather than positive evaluation results in its early introduction 4) . However, numerous clinical data have been collected over the last 10 years, and robotic surgery has progressively proven to be more clinically effective than conventional methods. ...
Objective : Recently, robotic-assisted spine surgery (RASS) has been considered a minimally invasive and relatively accurate method. In total, 495 robotic-assisted pedicle screw fixation (RAPSF) procedures were attempted on 100 patients during a 14-month period. The current study aimed to analyze the accuracy, potential risk factors, and learning curve of RAPSF.Methods : This retrospective study evaluated the position of RAPSF using the Gertzbein and Robbins scale (GRS). The accuracy was analyzed using the ratio of the clinically acceptable group (GRS grades A and B), the dissatisfying group (GRS grades C, D, and E), and the Surgical Evaluation Assistant program. The RAPSF was divided into the no-breached group (GRS grade A) and breached group (GRS grades B, C, D, and E), and the potential risk factors of RAPSF were evaluated. The learning curve was analyzed by changes in robot-used time per screw and the occurrence tendency of breached and failed screws according to case accumulation.Results : The clinically acceptable group in RAPSF was 98.12%. In the analysis using the Surgical Evaluation Assistant program, the tip offset was 2.37±1.89 mm, the tail offset was 3.09±1.90 mm, and the angular offset was 3.72°±2.72°. In the analysis of potential risk factors, the difference in screw fixation level ( p =0.009) and segmental distance between the tracker and the instrumented level ( p =0.001) between the no-breached and breached group were statistically significant, but not for the other factors. The mean difference between the no-breach and breach groups was statistically significant in terms of pedicle width ( p <0.001) and tail offset ( p =0.042). In the learning curve analysis, the occurrence of breached and failed screws and the robot-used time per screw screws showed a significant decreasing trend.Conclusion : In the current study, RAPSF was highly accurate and the specific potential risk factors were not identified. However, pedicle width was presumed to be related to breached screw. Meanwhile, the robot-used time per screw and the incidence of breached and failed screws decreased with the learning curve.
... Robots taking on roles as healthcare workers have incredible benefits for the population. These include accuracy in treatment performance, strong working speed, reducing workload for the human healthcare worker, organization of daily routine, optimizing healthcare resources, and resolving simple problems so that the patient does not have to visit the doctor [10]. The elderly population is increasing in size and the available supply of healthcare workers concerningly cannot support the population increase of this demographic. ...
... Care personnel accounts for a significant proportion of healthcare costs [5,6], and the robotization of the work for care personnel may therefore have significant economic benefits. As such, the integration of robots into healthcare may be a response to the need for increased human resources in these services [7][8][9]. Internationally, different types of robots have been introduced. These have been categorized into companion robots, telepresence robots, manipulator service robots, rehabilitation robots, health monitoring robots, reminder robots, domestic robots, entertainment robots and fall detection/prevention robots [10]. ...
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Aim: The integration of robots can help provide solutions in regards to the need for an increase in resources in healthcare. The aim of this review was to identify how robots are utilized in the healthcare of people who are over the age of 65 and how this population experiences interacting with healthcare robots. Design: A systematic literature review with an integrated design was conducted. Methods: A literature search was performed in the electronic databases CINAHL via EBSCO, EMBASE, and Medline via Ovid. Content analysis was performed to assess the studies that were included in this review. Results: A total of 14 articles were included. Participants in the studies included 453 older people ranging from 65 to 108 years of age. Nine of the studies focused on people with dementia or cognitive impairment. Seven studies included different types of socially assistive human-like robots, six of the studies included two different types of animal-like robots, and one study focused on a robotic rollator. The robots mainly served as social assistive- or engagement robots.
... Broadbent and colleagues have argued that a crucial factor still poorly understood is how healthcare consumers will respond to robotic applications [7]. Previous studies examining users' expectations of robots had a strong emphasis on employing measurements from interviews and questionnaires. ...
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Many older adults use walkers to improve their stability and safety while walking. We have developed a robotically augmented walker to reduce fall risk and confusion, and to increase walker convenience and enjoyment. Using a modified version of the CARMEN navigation software suite (11), the walker is capable of parking itself and returning to the user when signaled by remote control. The system also supports navigation in large indoor environments by providing simple directions to target locations such as a cafeteria. The walker received positive reviews during informal testing with residents of a Pennsylvania residence facility for older adults. This research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation under the ITR Program, which is gratefully acknowledged. The views and concussions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing official policies of endorsements, either expressed or implied, of the United States Government of the National Science Foundation.
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In recent studies of the structure of affect, positive and negative affect have consistently emerged as two dominant and relatively independent dimensions. A number of mood scales have been created to measure these factors; however, many existing measures are inadequate, showing low reliability or poor convergent or discriminant validity. To fill the need for reliable and valid Positive Affect and Negative Affect scales that are also brief and easy to administer, we developed two 10-item mood scales that comprise the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). The scales are shown to be highly internally consistent, largely uncorrelated, and stable at appropriate levels over a 2-month time period. Normative data and factorial and external evidence of convergent and discriminant validity for the scales are also presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)
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Two studies explored the relations of positive and negative affect (PA and NA) to social interaction. In Study 1, unacquainted dyads were surreptitiously videotaped as they participated in a 6-min interaction. Participants then evaluated the quality of the interaction. Independent observers also rated the videotaped interactions. Trait PA was positively related to both participant and observer evaluations of interaction quality. In Study 2, undergraduates kept diaries of their social interactions for 1 week, PA was again related to interaction quality. Both PA and NA were positively related to the number of interactions in which participants engaged, and the amount of time spent engaged in social contact, although different types of social encounters produced these relations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Today, approximately 10 percent of the world's population is over the age of 60; by 2050 this proportion will have more than doubled. Moreover, the greatest rate of increase is amongst the "oldest old," people aged 85 and over. While many older adults remain healthy and productive, overall this segment of the population is subject to physical and cognitive impairment at higher rates than younger people. This article surveys new technologies that incorporate artificial intelligence techniques to support older adults and help them cope with the changes of aging, in particular with cognitive decline.
The growing number of disabled and elderly citizens, on one side, and the wide spreading of technology in everyday life, on the other, has led to a consistent effort devoted to the research of technological solutions for improving the quality of life of disabled and elderly people. Technology can actually provide a wide range of solutions, at different levels of complexity and cost. The recent progress of research in advanced robotics allows robotic solutions to be applied to assist disabled and elderly people in everyday life. The MOVAID project, promoted by the European Commission within the TIDE programme, and co-ordinated by the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Pisa, Italy), represents one of the first attempts to propose robotic assistance in such a personal sphere of activities as everyday life at home. Ten partners from five European countries joined the MOVAID Consortium, including Universities, validation centres, and industries. The MOVAID project proposed, applied and validated some innovative concepts for the design and development of a modular robotic solution to the problem of personal assistance, by implementing a mobile robotic system and dedicated interfaces to standard appliances. The final objective of the MOVAID project was to demonstrate two points. First, how mass consumer technological products, when accessible for disabled and elderly people, can enhance their level of autonomy in everyday activities. Second, how a robotic solution is not only technically feasible, but also acceptable from the user's point of view, if integrated in a modular assistance system. The basic philosophy of the project relies on the concepts of 'design for all' and 'user oriented approach', as key factors for the introduction of technology in everyday activities. Such concepts were realised in the functional and physical distribution of the system in the house, including docking facilities for the mobile robotic unit. The MOVAID system consists of a number of fixed workstations (PCs), located where main activities are carried out at home, such as the kitchen and the bedroom, along with a mobile robotic unit able to navigate in the house avoiding unexpected obstacles, to grasp and manipulate common objects and to dock to the fixed workstations for data exchange and power supply. Commands to the robot are given in a high level language through a graphical interface running on the fixed workstations. On the user interface, a continuous visual feed-back from on-board cameras is also shown to the user, allowing him/her not only to monitor what the robot is doing, but also to collaborate with it, by indicating objects and positions directly on the screen. Moreover, to allow and ease access to standard technological products, interfaces for standard kitchen appliances were studied, and a prototype of a microwave oven interface, offering the oven basic functionality, was developed and tested. Typical tasks for the system, defined on the basis of identified users needs, are: to warm up some food in a microwave oven and serve it at the user's bed; to clean the kitchen work surface; and to remove dirty sheets from a bed. The developed prototype MOVAID system has been successfully validated with potential users in Italy, France and Switzerland, both through demonstrations and user trials, carried out in a residential house for disabled people in Italy. The paper summarises the project and its achievements. The basic philosophy and the approach are introduced and a detailed description of the system is then provided, including the technical aspects related to the components design and development. Finally, the results of the validation phase on the system prototype are reported and discussed.
Conference Paper
Robot therapy for demented patients was conducted at a cranial nerve clinic. Two therapeutic seal robots, Paro, were introduced there. This paper describes the results of this experiment. DIMENSION (diagnosis method of neuronal dysfunction) was used to analyze recorded patient's EEG before and after 20 minutes of robot therapy. Questionnaire concerning impression of seal robots was also conducted. The results showed that their cortical neurons activity was improved by interaction with the seal robots, especially for patients who liked the robots.