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Neural limitations in phytophagous insects: Implications for diet breadth and evolution of host affiliation



This review points out the problem of processing multiple sensory inputs and provides evidence that generalists suffer a disadvantage compared with specialists with respect to efficiency of host plant choice and discrimination. The specialists' mechanisms for improved efficiency are discussed as well as some of the processes that may be selected to increase processing efficiency in generalists. The fitness consequences of differences in efficiency of specialists and generalists are pointed out. One of the major disadvantages for generalists is the increase in vulnerability to ecological risks, especially risks imposed by various natural enemies. Efficiency-related factors are indicated as previously underestimated elements that could influence host affiliations including diet breadth and changes in host plant use.
October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2001. 46:703–27
! 2001 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved
INSECTS: Implications for Diet Breadth
and Evolution of Host Affiliation
E. A. Bernays
Entomology Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721;
Key Words specialization, herbivore, plant-insect interactions, neural constraints
Abstract This review points out the problem of processing multiple sensory inputs
and provides evidence that generalists suffer a disadvantage compared with special-
ists with respect to efficiency of host plant choice and discrimination. The specialists’
mechanisms for improved efficiency are discussed as well as some of the processes
that may be selected to increase processing efficiency in generalists. The fitness con-
sequences of differences in efficiency of specialists and generalists are pointed out.
One of the major disadvantages for generalists is the increase in vulnerability to eco-
logical risks, especially risks imposed by various natural enemies. Efficiency-related
factors are indicated as previously underestimated elements that could influence host
affiliations including diet breadth and changes in host plant use.
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704
Detection of Relevant Information
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
Discrimination and Choice Among Alternatives
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
Task Attentiveness
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706
Vigilance Against Risk
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710
. . . . . . . . . . . . 712
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
Behavior is the link between physiology and ecology of animals. Because behavior
is an expression of neural processes modified by physiological and environmental
factors, it is central to understanding interactions of organisms; therefore, studies
of both the functioning and constraints of the nervous system are important in
understanding animal evolution (104). For example, inherent limitations of the
nervous system constrain how much information may be processed in a given time
(49, 55, 98). This simple fact has major repercussions in ecology, and, in this re-
view, I make the case for neural limitations as a primary factor in phytophagous
insects’ interactions with plants, including their coevolution with plants.
Rapid, accurate perceptual judgments are relatively easy when choices are
strictly limited, but difficulties increase sharply as the perceived choices increase,
so that mechanisms for selecting and canalizing information are very important
(81). Generalists must make choices among a large number of options, and they
must do so with a nervous system that is definitely limited in its capacity to deal
with multiple inputs. It is known that, in humans, selective attention to subsets of
sensory inputs at any one time is critical for normal behavior (132).
Most experimental studies that demonstrate the constraints on processing sen-
sory information have dealt with vision. For example, animals cannot undertake
computations of the inputs across a whole visual field at once. Instead, attention
to parts of the visual field changes over time so that the whole can be interpreted
over a period (87). There may be sequential attentiveness to different stimuli in
order to encompass a large field, or there may be prolonged engagement with a
few stimuli in order to evaluate them more fully (48). Paying attention to subsets
of the visual field has been demonstrated to be important ecologically in a number
of contexts. Thus, the ability of birds to more readily notice cryptic prey with
experience indicates that certain visual cues have assumed specific importance,
and functionally this allows them to feed at a faster rate on a prey species that is
abundant (101, 105, 128). It follows that, if certain elements of the visual field are
typically conspicuous, then they should be generally detected more readily than
elements that blend into the background. This is the presumed basis for the value
of visual “sign stimuli” used by animals in many different contexts, especially
intra- and interspecific communication (56, 129).
The need for attentiveness to relevant stimuli at any particular time does in-
volve all sensory modalities, however, and many different levels of the nervous
system (81). A generalist must compute a large amount of information from differ-
ent modalities and, in changing attentiveness to different stimuli, must also retain
other inputs in memory for comparison and subsequent evaluation. Animals have
extensive capacities for working memory, allowing them to make accurate be-
havioral selections after some experience. An alternative strategy, however, that
might be adaptive in a relatively predictable environment would be to have en-
hanced sensitivity to a few relevant and important stimuli and thereby simplify
the problem of selective attention. Such a strategy should require fewer receptors
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
and smaller memory capacity. It would involve more fixed responses and perhaps
more decisiveness and faster reaction times. Presumably there is a tradeoff be-
tween the saving in neural machinery and efficient decision making on the one
hand and the flexibility of the broad sensory capacity combined with an ability
to switch attentiveness and an extensive use of learning on the other hand. The
former describes a specialist, while the latter describes a generalist.
In all animals cognitive decisions are complicated also by the fact that they must
be made in the context of a constantly changing internal chemical environment of
nutrients (116), toxins (66), hormones, and neuromodulators (2), as well as diverse
neural oscillatory processes (28) and complex, even chaotic neural interactions
(44). This complexity will influence the final commands issued by the central
nervous system for a particular behavior, but, in this report, I focus on sensory
inputs from the environment and the importance of attentiveness in achieving
efficient behavior under any particular set of internal conditions.
Since Levins & MacArthur (83) first suggested that generalist insect herbivores
may find it relatively difficult to choose among alternative host plants, a number of
authors have proposed that neural limitations have greater significance among gen-
eralists than among specialists (29, 47, 53, 54, 62, 64, 78, 82). Others have pointed
to the likelihood of neural constraints in insect herbivores as a reason for various
observed limits in insects’ behavioral repertoires (84, 95, 103). However, few at-
tempts have been made to make a synthesis of these ideas and to draw together the
available relevant material on phytophagous insects.
Identifiably different issues need to be considered in the context of neural
limitations. They are not mutually exclusive, and their relative importance varies
from one insect group to another and also in relation to the degree of specialization
of the insect being studied.
Detection of Relevant Information
For a predator, detecting cryptic prey is a major issue and requires attentiveness
to fine details of prey features that may vary at different times, and for herbivores,
detection of both visual and olfactory cues can be important. Visually, shape or
reflectance pattern matter to some species, whereas chemically there may be par-
ticularly attractive mixtures of common green plant chemicals and chemicals that
occur in particular host taxa (19, 112). From work on humans, it is certainly
known that detection of “targets” becomes significantly more difficult as the target
becomes similar to alternative aspects of the visual field, the “distracters” (81).
Host-specific characters that are conspicuous to the particular herbivore and stand
out from nonhost characters would be an advantage, particularly for specialists.
Discrimination and Choice Among Alternatives
This problem has been studied extensively in humans, and it is well known that
the more items there are to choose from, the longer it takes to make the choice.
It is in this context perhaps that herbivores have the greatest challenge. For them,
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
one of the environmental complexities is that communities of plants display an
unparalleled array of different volatile and nonvolatile chemicals (69), many
if not most of which are detectable by insect sensory systems, and many are
potentially noxious. Furthermore, nutritionally, plants demonstrate extreme varia-
tion so that decisions should involve some evaluation of nutrient quality. Idea-
lly, the best choices for food or oviposition must be made in a minimal amount of
It is likely that optimizing both host quality and time taken for the decision
is difficult. The individual may make very good decisions with respect to host
quality but take time to make them, or the individual may make rapid decisions,
perhaps compromising on host quality. Such alternatives have been demonstrated
often in other animals (52, 99). For small animals such as insects that often use
odor-conditioned upwind movements to locate food, decisions must be made first
at a distance and then in the proximity of the plant or at contact. Finally, there
may be decisions concerning the precise plant part to utilize. For less than ideal
foods, a further decision may involve when to stop feeding (or when to leave a
host without laying a full complement of eggs). When comparing insect herbivores
with different diet breadths, efficiency may be measured in either quality (relative
fitness value of the host selected, proportion of errors made, etc) or time taken to
make decisions.
Task Attentiveness
When a final host choice has been made, attentiveness to the task of egg laying
or feeding must ensue rapidly and be maintained long enough to ensure that these
behaviors are completed without delay, so that predator avoidance behaviors and
full attention to all environmental risks can be quickly resumed. A generalist, with
a choice of similarly attractive hosts, may be more readily distracted by competing
sensory information about such alternatives than is a specialist, whose sensory
input or attentiveness is dominated by the specific host cues.
Vigilance Against Risk
The attention to host cues should not be so demanding of neural effort that poten-
tially more important inputs, such as the presence of a predator, are not noticed.
An inability to attend to danger during decision making while foraging has been
demonstrated to increase predation risk in fish (89), birds (85), and other animals
(115). Unlike vertebrates, insect herbivores are faced with a bewildering diver-
sity of predator and parasitoid types (124). The problem for them is potentially
much greater, because the cues associated with risk are extremely diverse, and the
numbers of natural enemies are also commonly large, so that a specialist, with less
host-related sensory information to process, may have an advantage in this context.
This review is an examination of the potential importance of neural limitations in
host plant choice by phytophagous insects. I first provide evidence for the difficulty
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
they have in making decisions and for advantages accruing to specialists in each of
the four categories discussed above. I then discuss mechanisms by which specialists
may deal with informational complexity and the ways in which generalists may
improve their handling of potential sensory overload. I then survey the adaptive
significance of efficient decision-making processes, including obvious benefits
of choosing high-quality food, the ways in which time may be limiting, and the
subtle but highly significant role of improved decision making in attentiveness,
vigilance, and escape from natural enemies. I argue that these ecological benefits
provide a strong case for the evolution and maintenance of restricted diets by
insect herbivores. I further suggest that evolution of phytophagous insect diversity
and the coevolution of insects and plants are directly related to neural limitations
and can be seen as a product of adaptations of nervous systems for channeling
information and making efficient decisions.
Data from a variety of herbivorous insect species now indicate that there are indeed
limitations on efficiency of the decision-making process. These data involve time
spent making a decision, ability to make the best choice among hosts of variable
quality, and levels of distraction during a host-related activity. Where comparisons
between specialists and generalists have been specifically tested, the specialists
have the advantage.
Little data are available on relative abilities of herbivores with different diet
breadths to detect host plants, because it is difficult to determine what has been
detected before the insect approaches or reaches a plant, but a few observations
point to a problem and suggest that further work would be instructive. For example,
Papaj (96) showed that ovipositing females of the pipevine swallowtail Battus
philenor tend to specialize on one species of host plant at any one time and that, if
they do not, then host plants are found at a lower rate. At different times, however,
these butterflies might focus on alternative species. Focusing attention on one leaf
shape or developing a “search image” for a specific leaf shape apparently made
detection easier, and may be called an attentional shift (52a).
An interesting contrast is seen between the generalist species of Heliothis moths
and the closely related specialist, Heliothis subflexa. Many plants are highly at-
tractive to the generalists but are unsuitable for oviposition (61), but H. subflexa,
is strongly and solely attracted to its only host, Physalis spp. (131), suggesting
that the specialist is superior at detecting the appropriate host. Another suggestive
contrast is between the generalist aphid Myzus persicae, which lands indiscrimi-
nately on hosts and nonhosts (76), and the specialist aphid Cavariella aegopodii,
which is specifically attracted by host monoterpenes (39). In the realm of actual
detectability, however, no experimental contrasts between insects with different
diet breadths have been undertaken.
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
Ability to choose plants that are suitable hosts has been examined among but-
terflies with contrasting diet breadths. In a group of species and populations of
species that all utilize the nettle Urtica dioica, experiments were conducted to
compare those specific to nettle with those that also use a range of additional plant
species. The butterflies were given a choice of healthy green nettle plants and
senescing ones that were less suitable for growth of the caterpillars. The species
or populations of species with the greatest dietary restriction to nettle chose to lay
eggs on the healthy plants over the senescing ones, whereas the species or popu-
lations with broader host ranges did not distinguish between them, even though,
for all species, the healthy plant was the best choice for their offspring (74). This
difference is consistent with the notion that the generalists were less efficient in
choosing accurately, perhaps because of neural limitations.
Experiments with four species of generalist larval Lepidoptera and four of
Hemiptera showed that, when a choice was available, individuals commonly did
not select the most favorable host or the best mixture for growth and development
(26, 119). Although there may be various functional explanations for this appar-
ently suboptimal behavior, the data are consistent with the notion that making the
most appropriate choices incurs some difficulty. Detailed observations on one of
the lepidopterans, Grammia geneura, showed that, although decisions were made
quickly, they tended to be poor decisions with respect to what was known to be
best choices for growth.
A comparative study of different populations of the aphid Uroleucon ambrosiae
with different diet breadths demonstrated that, during a 24-h choice test, the relative
generalists remained on unsuitable hosts long after the specialists had moved on
to the Ambrosia trifida, the superior host for both populations (22). These limited
data so far suggest that the specialists have an advantage with respect to accuracy
(i.e. fitness value) of the choices made.
More comprehensive studies were undertaken to examine the question of time
taken to make decisions. Experiments with the generalist grasshopper Schisto-
cerca americana showed that individuals reared as specialists with a choice of
identical artificial foods made feeding decisions threefold more quickly and fed
with one-tenth of the amount of interruption compared with individuals reared
with a choice of similar artificial foods having different flavors (11). In contrast to
the available studies on Lepidoptera, grasshoppers appear to make decisions about
eating particular foods that are generally good for growth (16, 116), although they
may often reject plants that could enable them to grow well because of the presence
of deterrent compounds (6, 7, 41). However, grasshoppers take time to make the
decisions, the decisions being longer for developmental generalists than for devel-
opmental specialists. Non-food-related sensory inputs can also interfere with the
food choice behaviors, because, in the experiments described above, the grasshop-
pers were tested a second time in a novel environment (a differently shaped cage)
and the differences between those with diverse foods and those with identical
foods became more marked. Recently, studies with the same species of grasshop-
per feeding on one or two different host plants have provided similar results, with
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
the individuals that have a choice of two foods taking longer to make decisions
and spending protracted times foraging (14).
A variety of experiments with the aphid U. ambrosiae demonstrated benefits
in foraging efficiency for relatively specialized individuals (22). Populations of
this species differ in diet breadth although, for all of them, A. trifida is the most
acceptable host. Comparisons were made among these populations with respect to
some host-related behaviors in both choice and nonchoice situations. For example,
alates were tested in a wind tunnel with a single plant of A. trifida located upwind.
Those from the relatively specialized populations found the favored host in a wind
tunnel more quickly than did those of the relatively generalized populations, even
though there were no other plants present. It is not known whether this represents
a difference in detectability, or decisiveness, or some other factor, but no variables
relating generally to size or activity level of the aphids were observed. Experiments
with apterae that had a choice of A. trifida and various nonhosts provided in close
proximity, demonstrated that the specialists found A. trifida significantly sooner
than did the generalists. Also, apterae placed on the favored hosts all probed quite
quickly, but the specialists reached the phloem, on average, hours sooner than did
the generalists. These data not only demonstrate a strong contrast between the
insects with different diet breadths but suggest that the specialists are more highly
stimulated or aroused by the host cues than the generalists when the stringency on
host acceptance has also apparently become relaxed. In all experiments, aphids
from the more specialized populations were relatively more efficient.
Other observations are suggestive, although they do not provide definite evi-
dence. For example, Carey (36) showed that in the blue butterfly Glaucopsyche
lygdamus, those individuals that specialized their oviposition activity on one of
the available hosts were more likely to lay an egg in the limited landing time
than those that alternated among hosts. To evaluate the relative time taken to
make decisions by butterflies with different diet breadths would be worthwhile.
Certainly, some butterflies may make many lengthy visits to alternative individ-
ual host plants, spending 30 min in the process, before finally deciding on
one (117), and, with such times involved, differences would be relatively easy to
With respect to task attentiveness, it is clear from the results on grasshoppers
described above that part of the problem for individuals reared as generalists was
that meals were interrupted relatively more frequently and for longer periods,
suggesting that these generalists were being distracted, and observations showed
that individuals in this food treatment were more likely to antennate alternative
foods during their meals. In a different study, detailed observations on the highly
polyphagous Bemisia tabaci showed conclusively that adults with a choice of
potential foods spent less time on any single food than those with only one food
plant present. Indeed, individuals were highly likely to move away from the best
food plant if additional plant species were present, but they were most likely to
stay on the food plant if only conspecific plants were in the vicinity (12). These
data suggest that individuals were distracted when there was additional relevant
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
food-related information present, which may have complicated their sensory
Further studies are required to enable us to generalize, but to date specialization
appears to be associated with measurable and significant advantages. These ben-
efits vary with the insect taxon but include the amount of time taken to reach the
host plant, the time taken to make decisions to accept or reject potential food, the
time taken to begin ingestion or to lay an egg, and the time spent in pauses during a
meal. In addition, the degree of fidelity to the most suitable host in the presence of
less suitable host species and genotypes or the ability to choose superior hosts in
the presence of a choice of mixed-quality hosts is shown to be greater in specialists
than in relative generalists.
No studies are available that compare specialists and generalists within a taxon
in their degree of vigilance against natural enemies or their ability to escape
attack. A comparative study with caterpillars under attack from vespid wasps
clearly demonstrated that specialists had a major advantage (5), but the relative
importance of vigilance and other factors such as different kinds of defense was
not documented. That grasshoppers switched from their rearing cages to novel
cages increased the time taken to make feeding decisions (11) does suggest that
attentiveness to nonfood factors (i.e. potential risk) had some impact, especially
since this was greater for the individuals reared as generalists than for individuals
reared as specialists.
Insects searching for an acceptable host plant must first locate and identify an
appropriate plant species. Accurate selection of host taxa and proper assessment
of individual plant quality should also be achieved with minimum time under most
ecological conditions. If speed, taxonomic accuracy, and quality of choices are
all to be maximized by very small animals in a very complex sensory world, the
adoption of high-contrast signals would be expected, as well as other processes
that improve the efficiency of neural processing (29). Certainly it has been known
for a long time that unambiguous signals are required for efficient release of re-
ceiver behavior (71). Such are the widely occurring species-specific “sign stimuli”
first described in detail for intraspecific interactions among stickleback fish (130).
These specific signals enable animals to use simple rules of behavior, ensuring
rapid recognition and discrimination and quick, appropriate responses. Among
phytophagous insects, in which chemicals are of paramount importance, it has
been known for some time that plant secondary metabolites can provide insects
with such signals (63).
The majority of insect herbivores are relative specialists, using a very restricted
number of hosts that typically share characteristic phytochemicals, some vola-
tile and some nonvolatile. A subset of these compounds seems to be of great
importance for identification of the host (for reviews, see 19, 112, 122).
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
Among specialists that have been studied so far, most seem to be specifically
and highly sensitive to particular host odor components (1, 67, 127) or to charac-
teristic mixtures of volatile compounds (110, 133). Such sensitivity of olfactory
systems is normally seen as an adaptation to host finding, especially when it can be
demonstrated that the herbivore is attracted (usually by odor-conditioned anemo-
taxis) over long distances. For example, the cabbage seed weevil Ceutorhynchus
assimilis is attracted from >20 m by isothiocyanates in its host plant (57). There
are additional functions for such sensitivity, however; the attentiveness or arousal
achieved from perception of these chemicals may be important in odor-conditioned
visual stimulation that may be the mechanism of synergism among chemical and
visual cues used in host discrimination (68). Just as in vertebrates, a mechanism
for increasing attentiveness to particular cue types could increase detectability of
related ones (8). I argue here that specific host odors have an important role to play
in efficient (rapid and accurate) detection and decision making. In other words,
the specific odor forms a high-contrast signal that rapidly releases the appropriate
Sensitivity may be achieved through having relatively large numbers of olfac-
tory receptors (37). For the aphid species U. ambrosiae, the specialists had sig-
nificantly larger numbers and sizes of secondary rhinaria than the generalists (23).
There may be a high proportion of the olfactory receptors specifically tuned to
particular host odors. This has been demonstrated in the cabbage seed weevil,
for example, in which 30% of the olfactory neurons on the antennae respond
to the isothiocyanates of its host (32). Finally, for insects in which vision is
of paramount importance, such as many butterflies (106), visual cues may be
more important than odors, and a specialist could home in on a particular shape
especially if its host plant has a leaf shape that is characteristic in the specific
Odors may function in behavioral efficiency after contact with the host, increas-
ing arousal, attentiveness, and decisiveness, but for most specialists examined in
sufficient detail, gustatory cues that signal the specific host are also important and
arguably play similar roles. In some extreme specialists, great sensitivity to one
or a few host-specific chemicals appears to result in such chemicals being the
dominant factor in host selection (60, 100, 112). That butterflies such as check-
erspots utilize plants from multiple families, simply because of the presence of
iridoid glycosides in host plants that are otherwise extraordinarily diverse physi-
cally and chemically (33), is startling evidence of the impact and dominance of
simple chemical signals on insect behavior and host use. Evidence is beginning
to suggest that such cases are not unusual. Indeed, in a recent study, the sensi-
tivity of the cabbage root fly to a novel chemical in brassicas was found to be
so extreme that the sensitivity of the chemoreceptors is actually in the range nor-
mally associated with pheromone detection (108). It is too soon to tell whether
such phenomena are widespread, but their very occurrence may suggest a value
greater than host identification per se. The remarkable diversity of chemicals found
among plant taxa and within individual plants allows potentially clear signals for
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
every specialist herbivore, whether it specializes at the level of plant species, tribe,
or family (9). The convergent evolution of certain chemical products in different
plant groups also has allowed certain insect species to use unrelated host plants, as
with the Lepidoptera, for example, which use iridoid glycosides (checkerspot but-
terflies) or glucosinolates (cabbage butterflies) for host identification. That plant
taxa heavily endowed with relatively unusual chemicals or suites of chemicals are
often hosts for relatively large numbers of specialist-insect species (4) could also
suggest that the chemicals are not just plant defenses to be overcome but strong
cues that are useful for insects in that they provide signals for making positive
As well as being sensitive to and attracted by host-specific chemicals, special-
ists tend to be deterred more than generalists by nonhost secondary metabolites
(18, 27), and I suggest that specialists benefit from the strong contrasts between
positive cues from hosts and negative cues from nonhosts.
Presumably, benefits of polyphagy outweigh disadvantages for those species that
use many host plants, but, because efficiency of decision making is likely to be of
great significance in an ecological setting (see below), one might expect there to be
selection for mechanisms to ameliorate problems of reduced efficiency. One such
mechanism may be to maintain a larger and more sophisticated nervous system,
as suggested by Levins & MacArthur (83; see below). Many insect species are
oligophagous and perhaps gain some of the neural advantages of specificity while
retaining some flexibility. However, several neural processes may aid improved
contrasts for the insect. Interactions among sensory inputs at the sense organ or
beyond can function to reduce ambiguous inputs, increasing the likelihood of
a clear negative or positive signal. For example, each sensory system has some
kind of lateral inhibition whereby the dominance of a particular sensory input is
enhanced by reduction of competing but minor inputs. This is best known in the
visual system, but there is evidence of its occurrence in other sensory modalities,
including hearing and olfaction (9).
In general it is thought that negative and positive inputs are additive centrally,
although the weights of these input types may differ (112). If the contact chemore-
ceptor cells respond to positive and negative inputs independently, then an additive
effect would lead an insect to respond to whatever the balance may be at a particular
time. If a positive input such as sugar is held constant, increasing concentrations
of a deterrent such as nicotine result in a typical concentration-response effect but
one that is shifted to the positive side by the presence of the sucrose. Among phy-
tophagous insects, interactions among chemical stimulants at the level of chemore-
ceptors commonly occur, with deterrents reducing input from positive neurons and
vice versa (112, 114, 134). Simple models illustrate that such interactions between
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
positive and negative chemicals in the sensillum can sharply alter the shape of
dose response functions so that a gradual change without interactions becomes a
step function when interactions occur (9). Critical experiments are needed to test
the relevance of this observation in practice, but Blaney & Simmonds (31) suggest
that such interactions may be more common in insects with broad host ranges. If
so, this may be seen as one of the ways in which an insect with less definitive
signal detection for high-quality hosts may improve its ability to make a positive
or negative decision quickly. An additional factor among caterpillars may be
that specialists are more readily deterred by nonhost compounds, thus improving
contrast between host and nonhost (21).
It has also been shown in generalist grasshoppers that the firing of one contact
chemoreceptor cell can inhibit the firing of another with different specificity in
the same sensillum—an interactive effect occurring after the production of the
generator potential (134). This finding has parallels in lateral inhibitory mecha-
nisms described for a variety of other sensory systems that are known to sharpen
resultant images. Such processes may also be important in producing the particular
and synchronous firing of a suite of taste cells, which appears to occur in some
beetles only when the requisite mixture of plant chemicals is present (121). With
respect to the olfactory system, there is also clear evidence of lateral inhibition at
the level of the olfactory lobes and at other steps beyond the peripheral interactions
Highly synergistic behavioral effects of multiple host compounds have been
described (120, 123) that may depend on the many additional processes occur-
ring more centrally in the nervous system and the necessary filtering of the most
appropriate information at any particular time (see 9 for additional references).
Similarly, behavioral studies indicate that insects, like other animals, respond dif-
ferently to the same level of inputs depending on current behavior. A butterfly
laying an egg, for example, is relatively insensitive to disturbance (97), and any-
one who has spent time observing insect behavior has probably been struck by the
fact that individuals are less readily disturbed during many activities than when
they are apparently resting. Central filtering or modulation of circuitry ensures that
one behavior is given priority at any one time.
Plasticity of behavior is undoubtedly critical among species whose choices of
hosts vary in availability unpredictably. In such cases, fine-tuning of the nervous
system through experience may provide many of the benefits enjoyed by special-
ists. Many species narrow their preferences as a result of experience (75), although
the underlying mechanisms are not known (30), but in some cases the change
was shown to result from increased or decreased sensitivity of their chemorecep-
tors to certain metabolites (107). Thus, currently relevant cues may be enhanced
by increasing sensitivity to them, while alternative cues may become deterrents.
Fine-tuning may also occur centrally, narrowing the range of positive and neg-
ative cues that are attended to (97). There is no reason to assume that there is
a correlated change in normally measured performance characteristics, because
the phenomenon is even found in male tephritid flies that are not feeding and are
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
separated from females. In this case, experience with fruit of one type predisposes
the flies to land on the same fruit type again and also makes it less likely that they
will land on an alternative fruit type (102).
Associative learning may serve to increase efficiency of decision making as well
as having other possible fitness benefits (46, 50, 73). It is generally expected to have
greatest value among generalists for reasons related to choosing highest-quality
hosts or most abundant suitable hosts. In the context of the argument presented
here, it should also have value in improving rapidity of decision making.
Associative learning has been given most attention in flower visitors, especially
honey bees and bumble bees and, as generalists, the findings are also relevant to
generalist herbivores. Improved efficiency of foraging has been the major focus, in
particular choosing a flower type (shape, color, and odor) with high or consistent
levels of nectar and choosing a flower type for which the mechanics of handling
have been learned (optimized) (e.g. see 88). What has had less study is the pos-
sibility that the attentiveness aspect of the learning process may be important in
itself. By focusing on specific cues (even successive ones, each for a short time),
a bee can be more effective in decision making at each point of its foraging activ-
ity. This case has been further argued elsewhere (13). There is a study, however,
demonstrating specifically that bees can selectively attend to minor cues in an en-
vironment. Individuals were unable to learn two camouflaged shapes for a food
reward, but, after training to the two shapes without camouflage, they were able
to attend to them when camouflaged (136).
In addition to adaptive aspects of learning in bees and other flower visitors,
memory constraints have typically been put forward as a mechanism underlying
floral constancy; that is, because it may be difficult to learn and keep in memory a
variety of floral types requiring different types of manipulation, bees should show
fidelity to one floral type for extended periods. However, it is difficult to weigh
the relative importance of limitations on memory and limitations on information
handling when there are several behavioral options at any particular time (42)—
perhaps, with limitations on processing, single-minded attentiveness to a few cues
has as much of a role to play as limitations on the capacity for short- or long-term
memory. It is interesting that, even in the absence of nectar rewards, individual
bees consistently go to artificial flowers of particular colors, with different bees
focusing on different colors and each switching only after a period of fidelity (70).
This suggests that there is an innate pattern of remaining constant to one cue for a
period, irrespective of memory factors or rewards.
A minority of insect herbivore species are extreme individual generalists, appar-
ently adapted to situations in which food plant quality or abundance is variable or
unpredictable or the food plants are all very rich in potentially noxious secondary
metabolites (119). Such herbivores engage in food mixing, eating a variety of
plants and frequently making choices about what to eat and what to ignore. Such
food mixers often appear to be stimulated by novel chemicals, potentially reducing
the inefficiency and complexity of decision making (15, 17, 119). In addition, in
the grasshopper Taeniopoda eques, runs of fidelity to one plant species occurred
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
even during series of encounters with diverse plant species, suggesting that, like
bees, they focused sequentially on particular food items (29).
Diet quality alters relative acceptability of alternatives depending on nutri-
ent need—a flexibility that is dependent on variation in the strength of inputs
from different nutrient chemoreceptors (116). Such physiological feedback may
improve the speed or accuracy of decision making although, among herbivores,
it has been clearly demonstrated so far only in grasshoppers and in generalist
I argue that behavioral efficiency is considerably more than simply an ability
to choose a reasonable host (26, 74). Speed of host finding and host choice has
several potential benefits, and these are compounded with the need for choosing an
appropriate plant taxon and individual plant or plant part of relatively high quality.
Clearly, choosing the best of available alternatives is very important and may be
optimized in species that are egg limited.
Speed is particularly important for ovipositing insects that are time limited
for any reason, such as those that have limited suitable flight periods (44, 77). In
a more general sense speed has been considered important in optimal foraging
models and in apostatic food selection, in which time is at a premium because
of resource limitation and/or competition (113, 125). Speed of decision making
may be much more critical for survival in phytophagous insects, however. I argue
that, for animals as small as insects, the ecological risks are sufficiently severe
that attentiveness to them is always important and that time takes on an additional
significance in decision-making processes themselves. In particular, time mat-
ters in that fast decisions reduce opportunity for predation during foraging. The
limits on simultaneous processing of diverse sensory inputs may impose a need
for selective attention to different tasks in succession. Focusing attention on find-
ing and choosing host plants reduces attentiveness to other risks and necessitates
haste in the choice of host and execution of host-related behaviors. Alternatively,
divided attention between foraging and escape from predators means that the sim-
plest possible cues about resources would be an advantage. Although not studied
specifically in insects, it is well known in birds and fish and mammals that foraging
and predator avoidance compete for attention, with outcomes that usually involve
a reduced ability to obtain suitable food (79, 85, 90, 91, 135) if not greater levels
of predation (52a, 79). The neural limitations that require selective attention and
lead to divided attention under predation risk have measurable costs. The problem
is further compounded by the fact that vigilance cannot be maintained for long
periods without rest (51).
Predation risk is one that is difficult to quantify and thus to evaluate as a selective
factor in herbivore-plant interactions, but there are indications that this has often
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
TABLE 1 Results of observations on numbers of active predators and numbers of insect
herbivores in ten 0.25-m
spaces in a Costa Rican rainforest during a period of 15 min
No. of invertebrate No. of visible Ratio of predators:
predators insect herbivores insect herbivores
Mean 6 3 2:1
Range 2–11 0–9 2:0–2:1.5
been greatly underestimated. It is not that predation (as well as parasitism) isn’t
recognized as one of the major risks of insect herbivores; extraordinary levels and
types of predation have been documented in numerous systems (see 124). Rather,
the minute-by-minute implications with respect to behavioral choices have not
been thoroughly considered. One indication of the instantaneous importance of
predators for insect herbivore behavior was obtained from observations on rela-
tive numerical abundance of insect herbivores and predaceous invertebrates over
a period of time in tropical vegetation. From ten 15-min continuous observa-
tions of forest edge plots (1 m high × 1 m wide × 0.25 m deep) in the Costa
Rican rainforest, the average numbers of active invertebrate predators and par-
asitoids (including jumping spiders, reduviid bugs, ants, and wasps) exceeded
those of visible herbivores (caterpillars, plant-sucking Hemiptera, grasshoppers,
and leaf beetles) by nearly 2 to 1 (Table 1). The relatively large numbers of natural
enemies of herbivores is a reflection of their mobility and provides direct evi-
dence of the persistent problem of this kind of ecological risk, requiring constant
Continuous watching of caterpillars for 10 h each day in the field in California
demonstrated considerable predation by invertebrate predators, even on an apose-
matic species. Furthermore, the predation was 100-fold more likely during feed-
ing than during resting (10), thus illustrating a fitness benefit of rapid feeding rates.
Even floral visitors such as bees may benefit greatly from learned efficiency in this
context, such as may develop in the course of floral constancy, because preda-
tion and parasitism risk at flowers can be very high (93). In addition, I argue that
intermittent, hesitant, or picky feeding behaviors and any kind of dithering are dan-
gerous not only because an insect is conspicuous but because an animal attentive
to food-related activities is unlikely to be attentive to simultaneous environmental
risks (49).
Nutrient quality interacts with the problems of risk and attentiveness. Because
protein is often at low concentrations in leaves (especially older leaves) and the
nitrogen requirements of insects tend to be relatively high, herbivores often com-
pensate by eating large amounts. Not only is high-quality food better for growth,
but the risk of mortality via predation is reduced on nutritious hosts because less
time must be spent feeding and thus being vulnerable to predators. Indeed, per-
haps the fitness advantage associated with predator avoidance exceeds that of
increased growth rate. Safety and growth are important together, of course, in a
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
larger time scale—feeding on high-quality foliage may also reduce development
time, reducing the lifetime risk.
Leaves present very diverse physical challenges, and highly diverse solutions
have been found by insects through adaptations of mouthpart morphology. The
frequency with which certain mandible types have evolved in separate insect lin-
eages with similar types of food indicates the adaptive value of these structures
(8, 25). Furthermore, evolution of mouthparts can be very rapid (35). In view of
the ever-present risk of predation, structures that determine handling time may be
under great selection pressure. Indeed, the preponderance of herbivores that feed
on young, easily handled leaves is probably a matter of safety as much as nutrition.
In summary, the fitness advantage of behavioral efficiency measured as speed
of finding and deciding on a host and of executing behaviors is largely a function
of escape from natural enemies, at least for insect herbivores.
A completely different but additional potential fitness advantage of specialists
is the predicted simplification of their nervous systems. Specialist grasshoppers
have smaller numbers of gustatory sensilla than do generalists (37), and studies
clearly indicate that, as diet breadth has decreased in various taxa, the numbers of
receptors have diminished, with the few extreme specialists having fewest contact
chemoreceptors (38). Even rearing individuals in an environment with reduced
sensory input can cause the development of fewer olfactory and gustatory sensilla
(20, 40, 109). However, in the aphid, U. ambrosiae, larger numbers of antennal
sensilla were found in populations that had narrower diets than in those with
broad diets (23). Nothing is known about the investment in other parts of the
neural machinery, although there are indications that the sizes of various parts of
the integrative center of insect brains are correlated with behavioral complexity
(see 29 for additional references). It is also true that, in the Orthoptera, in which
generalists predominate, brain size overall is much greater than in similarly sized
hemipteroid or holometabolous species, in which specialists predominate. Further
work is needed to establish whether there are adaptive patterns with respect to diet
It has become clear from both fossil studies (80) and molecular phylogenies (58, 59)
that, among all of the herbivorous insect groups studied, great diversification is
historically associated at some level with the expansion and increased diversity of
angiosperms. Furthermore, among sister clades of insects with different feeding
habits, it is the phytophagous ones that have diversified to a remarkable degree.
In the face of the extraordinary diversity of plant secondary metabolites, chem-
istry appears to provide the link between insect diversity and angiosperms, with
the best known scenario entailing coevolutionary arms races between insects and
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
Among the hundreds of thousands of plant phenols, alkaloids, terpenoids, iri-
doids, flavonoids, steroids, and other secondary chemicals, many appear to have no
effects at all on insect herbivores, whereas others stimulate feeding and/or growth.
Some are sequestered, either obviously in aposematic species (34) or in the cuticle
of species not warningly colored (24), although some insects gain protection from
predators as a result of the gut contents alone (126). Many are clearly toxic in gen-
eral and serve as plant defenses against many herbivores (111). It is not at all clear
whether an inability to deal with toxins reflects an ability that has been lost, as sug-
gested for grass-feeding grasshoppers (6, 21), or whether the plants have evolved
specific defenses against particular insect herbivores (4). Both seem likely. When
there are more or less congruent clades of particular insect taxa and their host
plants, arms races and coevolution tend to be invoked as the underlying reasons
for both the diversity of insect herbivores and patterns of phylogenesis (59). How-
ever, the compilation of studies presented by these authors indicates that, although
some degree of congruence in insect and plant phylogenies is common, it is rarely
Theoretically, patterns of parallel phylogenies could also easily arise from herbi-
vore tracking of diverse genotypes in a plant population and subsequent speciation
of herbivores on established plant host races or species. Neither fossil nor molec-
ular studies are likely to resolve the issue of precisely when changes occurred in
either plant or insect, so that the mechanism underlying patterns of congruence
will remain uncertain. Many recent phylogenetic studies show relatively very poor
correlation between insect and host plant clades (3, 65, 92), with strong evidence
for repeated moves between different established plant lineages. There is often
an indication that insects have moved to plants with similar chemical profiles,
regardless of whether the plants are related. Further resolution of the alternatives
through phylogenetic studies requires, in addition, knowledge of plant chemistry
and insect behavior at least. The clearest evidence for tracking chemicals in this
way has been demonstrated in one study of a group of beetles and their host plants
(3). The question then is, do they track a suite of chemicals that they are able to
tolerate (or even benefit from because they obtain protection by using the chemi-
cals as defense) or do they track a chemical or suite of chemicals that provides the
signals of their host plants? The latter has sometimes been described as a neural
constraint, yet such a constraint carries with it the great advantage of having a
clear sign stimulus.
If strong and unambiguous cues assist insect herbivores in making rapid deci-
sions and remaining attentive to a particular host during feeding or oviposition,
selection on the sensory system and its central nervous projections would favor
those insects that match the fine-tuning of their detection of distinctive signals
with particular plant chemotypes. Because the primary value of this ability relates
to survival in the presence of predators, selection on the nervous system would
thus be acting through mechanisms that could improve vigilance. In any case, as
plants changed and diversified chemically, insect herbivores, being so dependent
on specific cues, might also have changed and diversified so that discrimination
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
of signals from hosts could be maintained at maximum levels of detection and
contrast in every particular population. Many secondary chemicals in plants have
been considered toxic when closer study has demonstrated that they are actually
deterrents only (18), the effects on test insects being caused by starvation. The
interesting thing about this finding is that it demonstrates how dependent the in-
sects in question have become on particular cues that characterize their normal
hosts. It also illustrates the limitations incumbent on specialists that have opti-
mized in the direction of behavioral efficiency on one plant chemotype. Thus the
evolution of highly sensitive chemoreceptors for detecting host-specific chemi-
cals, while valuable for behavioral efficiency, may greatly restrict what can be
Testing this hypothesis requires examining populations of particular insect her-
bivore species, establishing the level of specificity of relevant receptors for host-
specific compounds, and comparing the degree of vigilance with the specificity
of the receptor or neural pathway. For example, survivorship in the presence of
predators would be correlated with degree of match between receptor specificity
and presence of specific compounds in the host(s).
Interestingly, even if tracking of plant chemotypes were to be firmly established
as a major process in evolution of host affiliation, coevolutionary processes could
still be important. However, rather than invoking arms races and toxins, the cur-
rency would be in terms of signal information. For example, a herbivore may use
chemical A as a sign stimulus for its host. Populations of the plants may evolve
to produce an enzyme altering A to B. If there is rigidity in the chemosensory
system of the herbivore that relates to sign stimuli, plants with B may escape her-
bivory until variation in the herbivore allows a switch to plants containing B as the
appropriate signal.
An insect herbivore species may show genetically based changes in its specificity
(how many plant species it uses) or in the rank order of its preference (which plant
species is preferred). Specificity evolves in both directions in some phytophagous
groups. Rank order preference changes are the basis of host shifts seen in clades
of highly specialized insects. With respect to specificity, in the absence of risk
(ecological or physiological), an ability to use many plant species is an advantage.
By contrast, using few or one plant species can improve fitness when there are
tradeoffs obtained on different plants either for physiological or for ecological
reasons. Physiological factors examined usually involve growth and development
or correlates of these such as digestion and detoxification ability. Ecological factors
have not had the same attention but could involve such things as the differential
crypsis (46a) and other morphological traits that influence escape from natural
enemies and, as I emphasize here, the ability to find, select, and attend to the specific
plant so efficiently that vigilance towards natural enemies can be maintained or
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
TABLE 2 Possible changes that may occur neurally to effect behavioral changes in relation
to plants
Genetic change Effect
Binding-protein conformation Determines nonpolar compounds carried
to dendrite of chemoreceptor
Change in conformation of protein at Influences sensitivity of cell to particular
receptor site on chemoreceptor compounds
Alter numbers of receptor sites for Alter sensitivity of cell to particular
particular chemicals on chemoreceptor compounds
Alter second messenger or membrane Alter sensitivity of + or cell overall
properties of + or chemoreceptor
Alter gene expression pattern of receptor Switch effect of stimulation from + to
proteins on + and cells or vice versa
Alter wiring of sense cells or interneurones Switch effect of stimulation from + to
or vice versa
Alter levels of one or more neuromodulators Alter weighting of different + and inputs
at one or more synapses
Alter sign of synaptic inputs anywhere in Alter weighting of different + and inputs
the path to controlling center
enhanced. Variation in rank order of preference within and between populations
of an insect species may be the norm (45, 46, 72, 94, 118, 128), in which case one
can envisage opportunities for divergence into separate species with different hosts
If it is true that the basis for limited host use in the majority of phytophagous
insects lies with behavior (neural) rather than with postingestive constraints as
suggested elsewhere (18), then it is to the nervous system that we must look for
variation. Table 2 lists the major types of change that could occur. Some appear
to be more likely for changes of specificity, whereas others may be more likely for
changes of preference.
Evolutionary change in sensory processes and patterns of host affiliation are
probably strongly influenced by the group of insects concerned. At the level of
order, it should be noted that orthopterans have large brains and very large num-
bers of sensilla (38) and probably depend on integrative processes more than on
directly labeled lines from chemoreceptors that clearly define sign stimuli. Lep-
idopteran larvae, by contrast, have very small numbers of chemoreceptors and
simple brains. For this reason, a small change in a receptor or synapse may
have a large impact on behavior of a caterpillar but little effect on behavior of
a grasshopper. Thus it has been argued that nonorthopteroid insects may evolve
detection and discrimination systems relatively rapidly (37) and so be able to track
plant chemical evolution in a way that is less likely for grasshoppers. If this were
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October 23, 2000 12:26 Annual Reviews AR119-23
so, it would provide additional evidence for the importance of coevolution of insect
receptor systems and plants. In other words, it would provide a mechanistic basis
for commonly found congruence in plant and insect clades and for phytophagous
insect diversity.
This review depends on knowing the insect—understanding it as an organism. The
details of behavior and physiology, especially neurophysiology, have suggested
a theoretical approach to the study of insect-plant interactions, specifically the
limitations of the nervous system and the effects of these limitations in ecology and
evolution. It is suggested that the combination of neural limitations on processing
favors reduced diet breadth and that the selection pressure probably acts through
effects on vigilance and, thus, ultimately via natural enemies.
I am grateful to various friends and colleagues for discussion about these issues
including Reuven Dukas, Michael S Singer, Dan Funk, Dan Papaj, and especially
Reg Chapman, whose critical appraisal made this work much better.
Visit the Annual Reviews home page at
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Annual Review of Entomology
Volume 46, 2001
ORDER HYMENOPTERA, M. Ayasse, R. J. Paxton, J. Tengö 31
Lessons from Recent, and Not So Recent, Outbreaks, Jonathan F. Day 111
Douglas W. Tallamy 139
TICKS, Anthony E. Kiszewski, Franz-Rainer Matuschka, Andrew
Spielman 167
Approaches, David W. Severson, Susan E. Brown, Dennis L. Knudson 183
ames B. Woolle
Entomological Research and the History of Ecological Theory, Bernhard
Statzner, Alan G. Hildrew, Vincent H. Resh 291
Genetic Transformation Systems in Insects, Peter W. Atkinson, Alexandra
C. Pinkerton, David A. O'Brochta 317
H. Kern Reeve, Laurent Keller 347
Jeffrey Granett, M. Andrew Walker, Laszlo Kocsis, Amir D. Omer 387
Beshers, Jennifer H. Fewell 413
POPULATION GENOMICS: Genome-Wide Sampling of Insect
Populations, William C. Black IV, Charles F. Baer, Michael F. Antolin,
Nancy M. DuTeau 441
Briscoe, Lars Chittka 471
METHODS FOR MARKING INSECTS: Current Techniques and Future
Prospects, James R. Hagler, Charles G. Jackson 511
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2001.46:703-727. Downloaded from
by University of Arizona Library on 09/26/05. For personal use only.
Lenoir, P. D'Ettorre, C. Errard, A. Hefetz 573
Fuminori Ito 601
Ronald J. Prokopy, Bernard D. Roitberg 631
J. Lomer, R. P. Bateman, D. L. Johnson, J. Langewald, M. Thomas 667
Implications for Diet Breadth and Evolution of Host Affiliation, E. A.
Bernays 703
FOOD WEBS IN PHYTOTELMATA: ""Bottom-Up"" and ""Top-
Down"" Explanations for Community Structure, R. L. Kitching 729
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2001.46:703-727. Downloaded from
by University of Arizona Library on 09/26/05. For personal use only.
... The chemoreceptors of insects play a central role in detecting and processing phytochemical signals for the localization of food resources, as well as for identifying oviposition sites and mating opportunities (Suh et al., 2014, Hansson & Stensmyr, 2011. Given that olfactory receptors are tuned to host-specific chemicals in some insects (reviewed in: Hansson & Stensmyr, 2011, Leal, 2013, it is posited that host-plant specialists most likely alter the sensitivity of their neural signaling to accommodate a novel host-plant, rather than detect novel chemical stimuli (Bernays, 2001, Chapman, 2003. Conversely, generalist herbivores are thought to be at a disadvantage in detecting and discriminating among host-plants due to limits in neural processing ability (Bernays, 2001, Levins & MacArthur, 1969. ...
... Given that olfactory receptors are tuned to host-specific chemicals in some insects (reviewed in: Hansson & Stensmyr, 2011, Leal, 2013, it is posited that host-plant specialists most likely alter the sensitivity of their neural signaling to accommodate a novel host-plant, rather than detect novel chemical stimuli (Bernays, 2001, Chapman, 2003. Conversely, generalist herbivores are thought to be at a disadvantage in detecting and discriminating among host-plants due to limits in neural processing ability (Bernays, 2001, Levins & MacArthur, 1969. However, it remains unclear how host-plant localization and acceptance are mediated by specific genetic responses to chemosensory cues (Bohbot & Pitts, 2015). ...
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Associating with plant hosts is thought to have elevated diversification of insect herbivores, which comprise the majority of global species diversity. In particular, there is considerable interest in understanding the genetic changes that allow host-plant shifts to occur in pest insects and to determine what aspects of functional genomic diversity impact host-plant breadth. Insect chemoreceptors play a central role in mediating insect-plant interactions, as they directly influence plant detection and sensory stimuli during feeding. Although chemosensory genes evolve rapidly, it is unclear how they evolve in response to host-shifts and host specialization. We investigate whether selection at chemosensory genes is linked to host-plant expansion from the buffalo burr, Solanum rostratum, to potato, Solanum tuberosum, in the super-pest Colorado potato beetle (CPB), Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). First, to refine our knowledge of CPB chemosensory genes, we develop novel gene expression data for the antennae and maxillary-labial palps. We then examine patterns of selection at these loci within CPB, as well as compare whether rates of selection vary with respect to nine closely related, non-pest Leptinotarsa species that vary in diet breadth. We find that rates of positive selection on olfactory receptors are higher in host-plant generalists, and this signal is particularly strong in CPB. These results provide strong candidates for further research on the genetic basis of variation in insect chemosensory performance and novel targets for pest control of a notorious super-pest.
... For instance, the behavioral and physiological adjustments of herbivorous insects to their original host can influence their successful adaptation to and utilization of new hosts, which, in turn, impacts their development and reproductive success [21][22][23]. At the same time, herbivorous insects are constrained by biological factors such as predation risk, competition, or parasitism during host switching, thereby reducing the possibility of host switching between larvae and adults [24]. Generally, the advantages of host switching between larvae and adults surpass the associated costs. ...
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Both larvae and adults of the Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata feed on leaves of potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants. Given the variation in planting times of host plants in the Jianghan Plain, host switching between larvae and adults of H. vigintioctopunctata is inevitable to ensure continuous food availability. We evaluated the effect of consistent versus diverse larval and adult host plant feeding experience on growth performance, fecundity, longevity, and feeding preferences of H. vigintioctopunctata through match-mismatch experiments. Host plant quality significantly influences larval development and adult reproduction. Potatoes are identified as the optimal host plant for H. vigintioctopunctata, whereas eggplants significantly negatively affect the adult fecundity. Adult stage host feeding experience determines the fecundity of H. vigintioctopunctata, irrespective of the larval feeding experience. The fecundity of H. vigintioctopunctata adults on eggplant leaves remains significantly lower than that observed on potato leaves. Similarly, adult H. vigintioctopunctata demonstrate a preference for consuming potato leaves, irrespective of the larval feeding experience. Although host switching between larval and adult stages offers lesser benefits for the performance of herbivorous insects compared to a consistent diet with potato leaves, it maintains H. vigintioctopunctata population continuity amidst shortages of high-quality potato hosts.
... This may stem from weaker selection on host choice or constraints on the efficient processing of information from the numerous host species available within a landscape (Gripenberg et al. 2010). Polyphagous insects may overcome the challenges associated with an overabundance of chemical information in the landscape via the generalization of olfactory receptors (Carrasco et al. 2015), reliance on cues shared across many hosts (Bernays 2001), utilization of context-or habitat-dependent cues (Silva and Clarke 2020), or a combination of these. ...
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Lygus hesperus Knight is a polyphagous pest of major concern to numerous cropping systems across western North America. Lygus hesperus exhibits well-documented host preferences which may be used to develop behavioral management strategies for this pest. This study sought to identify plant volatiles that mediate L. hesperus host preferences and assess the potential of those compounds to improve monitoring and management of this pest. Gas chromatography with electroantennographic detection was applied to identify antennally active compounds in headspace extracts from four host plants of varying attractiveness. Y-tube olfactometer assays were then conducted to determine L. hesperus responses to each of these 17 antennally active compounds individually. Six compounds attracted female L. hesperus, and subsequent tests revealed that females were attracted to an equal-parts blend of these six attractive compounds versus clean air, and that this blend was as attractive as flowering Medicago sativa. We then examined L. hesperus attraction to attractive compounds individually and an equal-parts blend of five attractive compounds in the field. An equal-parts blend of five attractive compounds was tested in strawberry, whereas the blend and each individual component were tested in alfalfa. In both field settings, neither the individual compounds nor the blend increased L. hesperus capture rates compared to unbaited control traps. Low attraction in the field could result from a masking effect of background volatiles or the failure to include important compounds in tested blends. It remains important to assess whether the compounds tested in this study may facilitate L. hesperus management in other cropping systems.
... Selain kandungan nutrisi, kmiripan morfologi P. purpureum dengan daun jagung tersebut menjadi salah satu faktor seringnya rumput gajah diserang oleh S. frugiperda pada penelitian ini. Kesamaan morfologi pada ke-dua tanaman ini juga dapat menarik ngengat betina untuk meletakan telurnya, karena ngengat betina saat melakukan oviposisi salah satunya mengandalkan respon visual dalam pemilihan tanaman inang (Bernays, 2001). ...
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Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) merupakan hama utama pada tanaman jagung, bersifat invasif dan polifag yang berasal dari Benua Amerika dan telah masuk ke Indonesia pada awal tahun 2019. Sifat polifag yang dimiliki oleh S. frugiperda dapat menyebabkan hama ini menyerang tanaman tingkat tinggi lainnya, seperti padi, kacang-kacangan, kapas, dan tanaman Poacee lainnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis jenis serangan dari S. frugiperda yang paling sering ditemukan pada tanaman inang alternatif dan menganalisis jenis tanaman inang alternatif yang paling sering digunakan S. frugiperda di Kabupaten Kulon Progo, D.I. Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan di sekitar perkebunan jagung pada 12 kecamatan yang terdapat di Kabupaten Kulon progo. Penentuan lokasi pengambilan sampel ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive. Kriteria tanaman inang yang diambil adalah yang didapatkan gejala serangan dari S. frugiperda dicirikan dengan adanya paket telur, terdapat kotoran atau bekas aktivitas makan larva, atau lubang bekas gigitannya. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil berupa adanya serangan dari S. frugiperda pada tanaman tingkat tinggi lain selain jagung pada 12 kecamatan di Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Jenis serangan yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah berupa lubang bekas gigitan larva S. frugiperda pada daun dan jenis tanaman inang yang paling sering digunakan oleh S. frugiperda di Kabupaten Kulon Progo adalah Pennisetum purpureum.
... Next, certain bitter Gr genes expressed in deterrent neurons were mis-expressed in the common stimulus cells, causing subtle changes in the balance of positive and negative inputs. Subsequently, these Grs changed over time as a result of mutation and variants were selected that favor host-plant specialization, e.g., because they allow fast behavioral decision-making through labeled-line coding (Bernays 2001). The neurons that evolved in this way retained sensitivity to a few secondary substances and lost Grs to chemically unrelated compounds. ...
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In this paper, we take a historical perspective by going back to Verschaffelt’s landmark study published in 1910, in which he found that glucosinolates were used as token stimuli by larvae of Pieris butterflies, specialist feeders on plants in the family Brassicaceae. This classic discovery provided key evidence for Fraenkel (Science 129:1466–1470, 1959) to elaborate on the function of secondary plant substances and for Ehrlich and Raven (Evolution 18:586–608, 1964) to put forward the hypothesis of insect–plant coevolution. The discovery by Schoonhoven (Kon Nederl Akad Wetensch Amsterdam Proc Ser C70:556–568, 1967) of taste neurons highly sensitive to glucosinolates in Pieris brassicae was an important milestone in elucidating the chemosensory basis of host-plant specialization. The molecular basis of glucosinolate sensitivity was elucidated recently (Yang et al., PLoS Genet 17, 2021) paving the way to unravel the evolution of gustatory receptors tuned to glucosinolates that are crucial for host-plant selection of Pieris butterflies. We propose a hypothetical model for the evolution of labeled-line neurons tuned to token stimuli.
... Among phytophagous insects, polyphagous species can interpret combinations of stimuli to exploit a wide variety of plants (Wiklund and Friberg 2009). However, their decision-making process is constrained by neural limitations (Bernays 2001) that increase their ability to locate reliable cues for efficient foraging (Mazzi and Dorn 2012). Additionally, the sensory capabilities of the insects (Bruce and Pickett 2011), resource availability, seasonality (Sandre et al. 2013), and intraspecific variations in their locomotory appendices (Kant et al. 2008) all contribute to their decision-making process in finding suitable habitats and effectively exploiting host plants. ...
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Wing morphology may affect the foraging efficiency of polyphagous insects via effects on their flight ability. Variations in wing morphology may be triggered by host plant quality, while landscape composition can also play a role in filtering the ability of vari-ants to colonize new habitats. We investigated how intraspecific variations in wing morphology in a polyphagous insect are mediated by the quality of local resources and the role of the landscape in filtering these variations. We used Bemisia tabaci MEAM-1 (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) as a model since the existence of morphotypes that engage in long- and short-distance flights has been proposed previously. We collected B. tabaci adults in the vegetative, flowering, and senescence stages of tomato plants on 15 farms embedded in distinct landscape types. We also performed a greenhouse experiment to evaluate whether resource quality influences B. tabaci wing shape. The wing shape of individuals was measured using geometric morphometry analyses. We found sexual dimorphism in wing shape, with males presenting more straight wings and females with more elongated wings. The dispersal morphotypes appear with more rounded wings at the vegetative (colonizing individuals) and senescence stages (dispersing indi-viduals). When the resource is predictable (flowering stage), the wing shape becomes more adapted for short-distance flights, possibly dictated by an intergenerational effect that facilitates habitat exploitation. The natural vegetation acted as an environmen-tal filter in morphotype selection by impairing individuals’ movement among habitat patches. We showed for the first time that insect–plant–landscape interactions mediate intraspecific variation in the wing morphology of B. tabaci. This polyphagous mul-tivoltine pest insect presents a specialized morphological response to food resource quality, and the amount of natural vegetation may constrain its movement across the landscape. Our results indicate that local resources and landscape features produce interacting bottom–up effects that affect polyphagous insects’ morphological variation within the habitat.
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The gustatory system in insects is composed of detectors screening different panels of ligands, which enable or suppress life behaviors depending on the context. Single sensillum electrophysiology recordings were conducted from the antennal sensilla chaetica of an adult female moth of Spodoptera littoralis to ascertain whether these sensilla have a gustatory function. Five test stimuli (NaCl, sucrose, ethanol, green cotton leaves extract, and conspecific larval frass extract) were used to stimulate each sensillum. Two types of gustatory sensilla chaetica located on the same flagellomere of the distal third of the antenna were characterized, each sensillum enclosed three gustatory receptor neurons (N1, N2, and N3). Overall, responses (spikes/s) were higher in the case of low concentration of sucrose and higher concentration of ethanol than of salt and higher concentration of sucrose. Individual differences were observed in the response patterns of these sensilla to the tested stimuli but functional sensillum types could not be identified. Higher concentrations of sucrose, ethanol extracts of green cotton leaves, or conspecific larval frass significantly stimulated the same neuron of ventral and lateral sensilla chaetica. Response patterns revealed that antennal gustatory sensilla contain gustatory neurons, which are possible receptors for host-plant recognition. Moreover, stimulation of the female's antennae with the phagostimulative sucrose evoked activation of the proboscis extension reflex with dose-dependent responses. Differences in sensilla distribution and their response patterns suggest that gustatory sensilla on the antennae of the female S. littoralis have a key role in adaptation and host plant recognition.
Female herbivorous insects are expected to oviposit on the host plant providing the best performance of the offspring. However, in some insects the larvae are mobile and are not totally dependent on the mother's choice. They can change host plant when conditions for development or exposure to natural enemies vary between individual plants within a patch. Here we study larval migration and preference between two host plants, cotton and alfalfa, in the Egyptian leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Previous studies have shown that although larval performance is better on cotton, females prefer to oviposit on alfalfa, and this preference corresponds to a higher survival of the eggs. In this study, S. littoralis larvae showed directed movement between host plants and were found to prefer alfalfa over cotton in field test in Egypt, as well as in laboratory selection of feeding site assays. To determine effects by natural enemies, the parasitism rates and various life‐history traits were measured for one larval parasitoid, Microplitis rufiventris Kokujev (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), on several host plants including cotton and clover (equivalent host plant to alfalfa). Overall, parasitism was higher on cotton and parasitoid performance (cocoon mass, adult longevity, and female egg load) was better on cotton compared to clover. This fact suggests an enemy‐free space on clover and alfalfa, as parasitism rate is higher on cotton, and the parasitoid performance is also better on cotton‐fed larvae.
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Herbivorous insects utilize olfactory and visual cues to orient on suitable host plants, and such cues can be employed to facilitate insect monitoring. Lygus lineolaris Palisot de Beauvois is a polyphagous pest throughout North America. Monitoring this pest as it moves between crop and non-crop hosts remains challenging and a lack of effective monitoring tools complicates management of this insect. In this study, we examined the electrophysiological and behavioral responses of L. lineolaris to the volatile emissions of two crop hosts: Medicago sativa and Fragaria ananassa . Gas chromatography with electroantennographic detection was applied to identify antennally active compounds in headspace extracts of flowering host plants, before responses to individual compounds were examined in the field. Five compounds consistently elicited antennal depolarizations in adult L. lineolaris and, of these, (±)-linalool increased female L. lineolaris capture rate in the field. Subsequent experiments examined the influence of visual cues and stereochemistry on capture rate, revealing that lures containing (±)-linalool and ( S )-(+)-linalool significantly increased female L. lineolaris capture rates compared to traps baited with ( R )-(-)-linalool and controls, indicating that L. lineolaris is attracted to ( S )-(+)-linalool. While lures increased capture on red traps, this was not the case for white traps, emphasizing the importance of visual cues in L. lineolaris monitoring. This study demonstrates that L. lineolaris is attracted to ( S )-(+)-linalool in the field, and that attraction depends on trap color. This knowledge is expected to improve L. lineolaris monitoring in agricultural systems.
Addresses diversity of phytophagous insects and their host plants from a phylogenetic perspective. This approach is particularly successful because host use by many phytophagous insects is a relatively conservative trait, and in extreme cases host and insect phylogenies are tightly concordant. The authors focus on evidence bearing on Ehrlich and Raven's "escape and radiation' hypothesis, which postulates that insect and host lineages have evolved successive adaptations to one another (new defenses by plants, and new counteradaptations by insects), and that each group experienced bursts of diversification while it (temporarily) had the upper hand. Among the most striking finds is that one plant defense, secretory canals, is consistently associated with higher plant diversity within clades possessing this trait. Speciation rate is not higher in the tropics; rather, the latitudinal gradient in species diversity may result because insect clades originated in the older tropics, and only later colonised more recent temperature environments. -from Editors
A plant deterrent may be defined as “a chemical which inhibits feeding or ovi-position when present in a place where insects would, in its absence, feed or oviposit” (Dethier et al. 1960). In general, we believe that behavioral deterrence caused by such chemicals in plants plays a major role in host selection (Dethier 1954; Jermy 1966; Bernays and Chapman 1977), and the chemicals effectively protect most plants from most insects. All plants have a complex profile of secondary compounds ranging in number from a few to hundreds and there are an estimated 100,000–400,000 different secondary compounds in terrestrial plant species (Swain 1977). Most that have been investigated are deterrent to one or other of the insect species tested. The more restricted the insect’s host range, the more compounds that are found deterrent and the lower the threshold for rejection of such deterrents (Jermy 1983).
The feeding behavior of insects changes, often radically, according to their stage of development, with individuals in different developmental stages differing as regards amounts and, often, the kinds of food they eat. It is well known, for example, that the larvae and adults of most holometabolous insects have very different feeding behaviors and diets. Perhaps less widely recognized are the less striking, but nonetheless still substantial, changes which can occur during larval development, both within and between instars, and during adult life in relation to stages of somatic and reproductive development and to the level of an insect’s reproductive activity.
It is said that Julius Caesar was able to dictate two different letters to two secretaries almost simultaneously, switching between letters sentence after sentence. The fact that this anecdote has been passed on to our time suggests that Caesar’s ability is appreciated as an exceptional one. Given that the anecdote is true, modern experimental psychology would tell us that Julius Caesar’s brain must have had a supernormal channel capacity. Normally the nervous system is limited in its ability to process sensory data (= channel capacity) which makes it increasingly difficult to fulfil two different tasks at the same time, as each single task gets harder (Broadbent 1965, Blough 1979).