Elisa Chaleta

Elisa Chaleta
Universidade de Évora | uevora · Department of Psychology

PhD Psychology


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Elisa Chaleta


Publications (65)
In this work, we analysed the mapping of the Sustainable Development Goals in the curricular units of the Social Sciences and Arts degree courses of the University of Évora. We took as reference the totality of the curricular units of Social Sciences (408) and Arts (261) degree courses existing in 2022. The data presented refer to the SDGs marked b...
A abrangência e a diversificação dos sistemas de ensino superior determinaram uma maior atenção por parte da sociedade e a uma maior preocupação com a qualidade dos programas oferecidos aos estudantes e, em consequência, ao aumento das avaliações públicas e das comparações internacionais das instituições de ensino superior com projeção frequente na...
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In Europe, and promoted by the European Commission, the Erasmus+ programme has been providing institutions, through various actions, with mobility and exchanges of students, teaching and non-teaching staff both within and outside Europe. In order to increase the qualitative impact of its actions and to ensure equal opportunities, the programme aims...
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Erasmus+ is an EU programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014–2021 with a major impact at the international level. These areas are making important contributions to help address socioeconomic changes and the key challenges that Europe will face until the end of the decade as well as to support the implementat...
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This chapter presents the perception of university teachers about the university, the most recent changes and how they have influenced their activity. The phenomenographic study was conducted with 10 university teachers, nine females and one male with more than 15 years of professional activity. The perception of the university emerges, in the teac...
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In this phenomenographic qualitative research, the aim is to learn about the conceptions of university professors about the university. The study was carried out with 20 university professors: 10 from the School of Social Sciences and 10 from the School of Science and Technology of University of Évora with an average age of 54 years and over 20 yea...
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In this work we analyzed the mapping of Sustainable Development Goals in the curricular units of the undergraduate courses of the School of Social Sciences at the University of Évora. Of a total of 449 curricular units, only 374 had students enrolled in 2020/2021. The data presented refer to the 187 course units that had Sustainable Development Goa...
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This study investigates the conceptions of university teachers linked to the initial formation of teachers about what it is to learn at the University. The qualitative phenomenographic study presented was carried out with ten university teachers with more than 15 years of professional activity at the University and with an average age of 52 years,...
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Due to COVID19 disease contingencies, in several countries, universities were forced to replace the face-to-face classes for a non-face-to-face system, also called as Emergency Remote Teaching - ERT. In this scenario, both teachers and students experienced several challenges and had to adapt to new ways of teaching and learning. The goal of this st...
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In Cape Verde, small family farming production suffers continuously from limited essential resources such as water and soil for a steady development. This situation is further aggravated by the lack of financial resources. We have developed a hybrid and multidimensional conceptual model for improvement of those small farming units by bringing toget...
Conference Paper
Todo docente debe conocer los enfoques o modelos teóricos del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, además de las diferentes metodologías didácticas, activas e innovadoras, congruentes con dichos enfoques. Sobre todo, aquellos docentes que asumen el rol de orientar en sus inicios a los futuros docentes que egresan del ámbito universitario, ya sea para...
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desenhado, no âmbito do projeto "Aprender e Ensinar na Universidade", o programa "Online Study" para responder às necessidades dos estudantes universitários de adaptação às A té à atualidade, a aprendi-zagem realizava-se, em geral, em sala de aula assumindo um carácter essencialmente presencial. A pandemia, provocada pelo SARS-CoV-2, suscitou a nec...
Neste artigo procura-se conhecer a percepção dos professores sobre a universidade na actualidade. A percepção de Universidade surge, na voz dos professores, centrada na descrição da sua missão, em particular como contexto de produção e difusão de conhecimento para a sociedade, como espaço de pensamento criativo e crítico sobre o mundo, como espaço...
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The purpose of the present systematic review was to examine extant research regarding the role of games used seriously in interventions with individuals with cerebral palsy. Therefore, PubMed, PsyINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, and IEEE databases were used. Search terms included: “serious games” OR “online games” OR “video games” OR “videogame” OR “g...
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Resumo Neste estudo, realizado com 1.014 estudantes do ensino superior português, procurou-se reanalisar o Conceptions of Learning Inventory (COLI), instrumento que avalia as concepções dos estudantes sobre o que é aprender. Recorrendo à metodologia idêntica à do estudo de adaptação para a população portuguesa os resultados indicaram uma estrutura...
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Aims: The aim of the present study was to examine how executive functions are assessed in children and adolescents with Cerebral Palsy. Method: A systematic literature review was conducted using four bibliographic databases (WebScience, Scopus, PubMed, and Psycinfo), and only studies that evaluated at least one executive function were selected. Bot...
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The pursuit to construct " world-class " universities is an ongoing global obsession across the world, which lays emphasis on the development of competitive higher education and research systems as core national economic approach. The portrayal " world-class " is more contextual rather than absolute, the expression " world-class university " has an...
Conference Paper
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Subjects present different ways to conceptualize and experience learning (e.g., Saljo, 1979; Marton, Dall Álba & Beaty (1993). This has also been confirmed by portuguese researches (e.g., Grácio 2002, Rosário et al., 2007). It was found the conceptions of learning influence the way students approach learning and the quality of learning outcomes. It...
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Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais em dignidade e em direitos (...) Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos (Artigo 1º.) Quem não conhece a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos (DUDH), pelo menos o seu Artigo 1º, tal como foi formulada pela Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas, em 1948? O Preâmbulo, que antecede os 30 artigos do...
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A existência de relação entre as formas de conceptualizar a aprendizagem em geral (concepções de aprendizagem) e as formas de experienciar a aprendizagem em tarefas específicas (abordagens à aprendizagem) tem sido estabelecida pela literatura no domínio dos modelos SAL (Students Approaches to Learning). Neste estudo realizado com 920 estudantes do...
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This study aims to validate the construct of approaches to learning in higher education with Angolan students using the ASSIST – Approaches to Study Inventory – revised (Chaleta & Entwistle, 2011). For this purpose we use a sample of 542 students of the 1st and 3rd year undergraduate courses at the Methodist University of Angola. According to the r...
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Research in the field of higher education established strong relationship between how students learn and their perception about the contexts in which this learning takes place. In this study we resorted to the instrument adapted to the Portuguese population by Chaleta et al (2012) to evaluate the experience in the course of higher education student...
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A praxe académica constitui um tema pouco consensual que tem escapado a um debate profundo, apesar de constituir um fenómeno presente em todas as instituições de ensino superior e uma vivência a que poucos estudantes escapam quando nelas ingressam pela primeira vez. Olhadas com tolerância pelos que reconhecem que podem ter um papel na integração do...
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Several elements are fundamental to an Inclusive School's success. In order to that become a reality it's fundamental to change the conception of education, school, pedagogical practice, curriculum, evaluation, etc. But none of these elements will be effective if there is no training and formation of teachers to enforce an inclusive education (UNES...
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The study presented here sought to identify approaches to learning in students of the University of Évora, depending on their characteristics including gender, year and school of attendance, perception of course difficulty and self-assessment as students. We applying the ASSISTsv (Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students - short version)....
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This study examine the experience in the course of the 1st year students who entered at the University of Évora. Studies on the perception of students on the learning environment in higher education indicate a strong relationship with the approaches to learning and have strong relevance to the understanding how students access the knowledge and the...
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In the last decades the SAL model focused on three fundamental components of the learning process: concepts, approaches and perceptions about the learning contexts. Based on the experiences described by students, these studies revealed the existence of relations between the three components, the quality of learning and academic results (Entwistle 2...
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O presente estudo avalia as componentes de implementação e de impacto do Programa das Atividades de Enriquecimento Curricular no 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico, a partir das opiniões e perceções de diversos atores inquiridos por questionários (responsáveis pelas AEC das entidades promotoras e das entidades parceiras; direção dos agrupamentos de escolas...
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Research on learning in higher education established association between the way students learn and their perception about the contexts in which this learning takes place. Given the relevance of this component to the quality of learning in higher education the aim of this study is to identify the factorial structure of the CEQ - Course Experience Q...
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Subjects present different ways to conceptualize and experience learning (e.g., Saljo, 1979; Marton, Dall Álba & Beaty (1993). This has also been confirmed by portuguese researches (e.g., Grácio 2002, Rosário et al., 2007). It was found the conceptions of learning influence the way students approach learning and the quality of learning outcomes. It...
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No momento em que a investigação se debruça sobre a forma como os seres humanos constroem o seu conhecimento e em que se tenta explicar a intricada relação entre cognição, emoções e sentimentos torna-se necessário, também, compreender como se manifesta esta dinâmica em contextos de aprendizagem formal. A situação de aprendizagem, em particular em c...
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O significado atribuído ao fenómeno "aprender" é influenciado pela inte-relação entre indivíduos, contextos e culturas. A idade do aluno, as concepções familiares e culturais e o contexto de ensino constituem-se como alguns dos aspectos que influenciam as concepções de aprendizagem dos alunos. O estudo apresentado, realizado no marco teórico fenome...
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People’s concept on ‘learning’ is influenced by the interrelation among individuals, contexts and cultures. The student’s age, his family and cultural conceptions and the learning context are some of the main aspects that can influence the conceptions regarding the student’s learning process. Under the framework of phenomenographic theory, this pap...
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There is a need to view homework (HW) as a process for which a vast number of obstructive factors converges. In this report the interrelations between students of English as a Foreign Language, homework attitudes and behaviors, and their parents' education and students' perceived self-efficacy in EFL are analyzed. The correlation between students'...
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There is a need to view homework (HW) as a process for which a vast number of obstructive factors converges. In this report the interrelations between students of English as a Foreign Language, homework attitudes and behaviors, and their parents' education and students' perceived self-efficacy in EFL are analyzed. The correlation between students'...


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