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Towards a Unified In-Network DDoS Detection and Mitigation Strategy


Abstract and Figures

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have terrorized our networks for decades, and with attacks now reaching 1.7 Tbps, even the slightest latency in detection and subsequent remediation is enough to bring an entire network down. Though strides have been made to address such maliciousness within the context of Software Defined Networking (SDN), they have ultimately proven ineffective. Fortunately, P4 has recently emerged as a platform-agnostic language for programming the data plane and in turn allowing for customized protocols and packet processing. To this end, we propose a first-of-a-kind P4-based detection and mitigation scheme that will not only function as intended regardless of the size of the attack, but will also overcome the vulnerabilities of SDN that have characteristically been exploited by DDoS. Moreover, it successfully defends against the broad spectrum of currently relevant attacks while concurrently emphasizing the Quality of Service (QoS) of legitimate end users and overall SDN functionality. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme using a software programmable P4-switch, namely, the Behavorial Model version 2 (BMv2), showing its ability to withstand a variety of DDoS attacks in real-time via three use cases that can be generalized to most contemporary attack vectors. Specifically, the results substantiate that the mechanism herein is orders of magnitude faster than traditional polling techniques (e.g., NetFlow or sFlow) while minimizing the impact on benign traffic. We concur that the approach's design particularities facilitate seamless and scalable deployments in high-speed networks requiring line-rate functionality, in addition to being generic enough to be integrated into viable network topologies.
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Towards a Unified In-Network DDoS Detection and
Mitigation Strategy
Kurt Friday*, Elie Kfoury, Elias Bou-Harb*, Jorge Crichigno
*The Cyber Center For Security and Analytics, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Integrated Information Technology, University of South Carolina, USA
Abstract—Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have
terrorized our networks for decades, and with attacks now
reaching 1.7 Tbps, even the slightest latency in detection and sub-
sequent remediation is enough to bring an entire network down.
Though strides have been made to address such maliciousness
within the context of Software Defined Networking (SDN), they
have ultimately proven ineffective. Fortunately, P4 has recently
emerged as a platform-agnostic language for programming the
data plane and in turn allowing for customized protocols and
packet processing.
To this end, we propose a first-of-a-kind P4-based detection
and mitigation scheme that will not only function as intended
regardless of the size of the attack, but will also overcome
the vulnerabilities of SDN that have characteristically been
exploited by DDoS. Moreover, it successfully defends against the
broad spectrum of currently relevant attacks while concurrently
emphasizing the Quality of Service (QoS) of legitimate end-users
and overall SDN functionality.
We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme using
a software programmable P4-switch, namely, the Behavorial
Model version 2 (BMv2), showing its ability to withstand a variety
of DDoS attacks in real-time via three use cases that can be
generalized to most contemporary attack vectors. Specifically, the
results substantiate that the mechanism herein is orders of mag-
nitude faster than traditional polling techniques (e.g., NetFlow or
sFlow) while minimizing the impact on benign traffic. We concur
that the approach’s design particularities facilitate seamless and
scalable deployments in high-speed networks requiring line-rate
functionality, in addition to being generic enough to be integrated
into viable network topologies.
Index Terms—P4, Distributed Denial of Service, Data Plane,
In-Network, Real-Time
While control plane strategies offer several security advan-
tages over traditional network architectures, these relatively
newfound technologies have a large undertaking with respect
to DDoS. Indeed, this classification of misdemeanors has been
compromising the functionality of our networks for many
years; comprised of the notorious attacks on CNN, Yahoo,
Ebay, and Amazon in 2000; the specific targeting of DNS
servers in both 2002 and 2007; the assaults on Mastercard
and Visa in 2010; the bringing down of the main website
of the Malaysian Government for days in 2011; and the
disconnecting of several highly sought after Internet services,
e.g., Amazon and GitHub, in 2016. Moreover, not only have
these threats demonstrated an uncanny ability to devastate
today’s networks [1–3], but they have also increased by
84% within the first quarter of 2019 alone [4]. Further, this
excessive growth was also not only observed in the number
of recorded DDoS incidents that persisted for upwards of an
hour, but also in the average duration of time that these logged
attacks were executed for. Undoubtedly, that combined with
the record-breaking attack of 2018 which used memcache as
a means of amplification in order to reach a shocking 1.7
Tbps necessitates the dire need for real-time detection followed
by prompt mitigation. Though DDoS comes in many forms,
we effectively perform a binary classification of such mali-
ciousness for the sake of our approach herein, as subsequently
1) Stealthy Approaches: First and foremost, a sophisticated
attack vector that has warranted substantial attention from
both the research and industry communities alike is that of
a stealthier category, often simply referred to as slow DDoS.
While there are several variations such as R U Dead Yet?
(R.U.D.Y.) [5] or Slowloris [6], they each ultimately endeavor
to tie up the server’s available connections to incite Denial of
Service (DoS) to authentic clients. Furthermore, not only does
slow DDoS utilize legitimate Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) behavior, but malicious packets are sent at a frequency
similar in intensity to that of benign traffic and will thus reach
the victim undetected by traditional anomaly and signature
detection techniques [7].
2) Volumetric Attack Vectors: Similarly to that of the afore-
said stealthy approaches, volumetric DDoS varieties leverage
valid protocols as well; in turn, detecting and properly mit-
igating such conventional tactics continues to persist as an
incredibly challenging and elusive objective. Generally, these
attacks are primarily associated with the aim of saturating
bandwidth and flooding targets with attack traffic by way of
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or Internet Control Message
Protocol (ICMP), aside from that of TCP employing mixtures
of set flags within the headers of packets which do not
correspond to any valid sessions on the server. Furthermore,
malicious entities will use these protocols for adding a means
of amplification to their attacks, allowing them to send re-
quests that result in response traffic reaching magnitudes far
exceeding that sent, and even leading to DDoS throughput of
upwards of Tbps [8]. Moreover, because no authentic sessions
are required to execute such exploits, adversaries typically
evade detection via spoofing their source IP addresses [9, 10],
on top of harnessing it for reflection purposes.
To this end, we endeavor to advance the state-of-the-art not
only by way of delegating more responsibility to the data plane
but also by making the following core contributions:
Designing and developing a first-of-a-kind DDoS detec-
tion and mitigation engine that tackles a broad spectrum
of attacks in real-time solely by analyzing one-way
ingress traffic on the switch.
Placing unparalleled emphasis on practicality and end-
user QoS via its lightweight, switch-based methodology
that dynamically adjusts to input parameters based off
the unique constraints of the network in which it’s imple-
mented, and in turn possesses the ability to be dispensed
in any network using any number of programmable
Nullifying all flow table and control channel saturation
vulnerabilities by way of fixing both the amount of
storage utilized on the switch and its communications
with the control plane, irrespective of the rate of traffic
traversing the device.
Empirically evaluating the model’s ability to counter slow
DDoS attacks and varying volumetric types amid real
attack scenarios resulting in 3.5% and 0% of legitimate
clients experiencing negligible delays for the two afore-
mentioned classes of attacks, respectively, while evading
a DoS state in all instances. Further, the typical latencies
observed in past approaches for complete slow DDoS
mitigation are reduced from generally upwards of many
seconds down to under two, as well as demonstrating
a detection latency of below 0.25 seconds for SYN
floods and circumventing such delays entirely among
other volumetric attack vectors.
Completely negating all TCP flooding attacks that strive
to impersonate authentic sessions with the server solely
Providing a blueprint for harnessing the abilities of
programmable switches to provide enhanced network
security measures that instrument line-rate packet anal-
ysis and offer accurate telemetry, in order to facilitate
its widespread adoption as a highly effective means of
safeguarding networks, given the untapped potential of
P4 within SDN security provisioning and research.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section II, we elaborate on recent works related to DDoS
attack detection that rely upon polling techniques (e.g., Net-
Flow or sFlow), and detail all associated research gaps that
were pinpointed in the process. To this extent, Section III
articulates how the proposed approach endeavors to mitigate
such shortcomings. Following the firm establishment of this
work’s objectives, Section IV introduces P4 and describes the
significance of its incorporation for programming the data
plane, and how said advantage was leveraged to facilitate
the proposed in-network DDoS attack detection and mitiga-
tion scheme. Subsequently, Section V presents the evaluation
methodology in the form of three use cases, and by way of
the corresponding results, empirically validates the proposed
strategy’s ability to not only bridge the aforementioned gaps
within the literature, but to do so in an efficient and practical
manner. Lastly, Section VI concludes the paper with final
remarks and aspirations going forward.
Nearly all recent works that have pioneered SDN security
[11] development are rooted in the OpenFlow protocol. One
of the most noteworthy is undoubtedly AVANT-GUARD [12]
which aspired to address control channel saturation attacks,
though it necessitated an OpenFlow extension to allow for
data plane rule modifications–a feature that P4 now does
inherently. In the years to follow, an assortment of other anti-
DDoS developments reliant upon OpenFlow have been made
[13–16]. Further, with the prevailing concern of slow DDoS
attacks targeting our networks, the aforementioned protocol
was also harnessed in a plethora of other research endeavors
dedicated to addressing this stealthy yet devastating avenue of
maliciousness [7, 17].
As of late, more attention has been brought to OpenFlow’s
inability to control the data plane’s internal behavior. To this
end, programmable switches enable the customization of the
data plane’s behavior and access to real-time metadata (e.g.,
header fields and counters), and thus greatly promote cus-
tomized network functionality and overhead reduction. That
being said, research pertaining to programming said switches
with P4 is substantially lacking within the security domain.
Aside from heavy hitter detection [18, 19] which indirectly
applies to volumetric attacks but generally fails to resolve
the issue of source IP address spoofing which coincides with
such flooding DDoS varieties, to date we have identified only
the entropy-centric in-network flooding detection approach of
Lapolli et al. [20] as being within the scope of that which
we propose. That being said, their implementation is largely
based on complex source code not feasible for real hardware
In a nutshell, each of these works offered valuable insight
pertaining to the inner-workings of the aforementioned misde-
meanors; however, despite the progress made, research gaps in
desperate need of filling still persist, as summarized in Table
I. As a result, such voids are adopted as motivations for the
proposed approach herein.
To emphasize the aim of this work to pervade the above-
mentioned research gaps, we subsequently elaborate upon how
these aspects were addressed to facilitate future in-network
A. Efficient Network Integration
The P4 programmable switch is deployed at the network’s
edge, which is in fact the only requirement for implementa-
tion being that the proposed approach endeavors to conduct
one-way ingress traffic analysis prior to it interfacing with
the network’s internal devices. Furthermore, it precedes all
network-specific switch applications, and in turn, the entirety
of attack vectors aiming to exploit flow table and control
channel saturation vulnerabilities are negated. As a result,
network administrators can be confident that all succeeding
Challenges Description
Lack of a unified detection
There is an evident need for an all-encompassing defense mechanism against the vast spectrum of DDoS classifications.
Source attribution Given the notable overhead associated with attempting to attribute spoofed sources, the contemporary security landscape is in dire need of
a more efficient alternative.
Innate SDN shortcomings Flow table and control channel saturation attacks have yet to be eradicated without incurring considerable costs, and SDN’s centralized
control predisposes its control channel to becoming a bottleneck; thus, a more robust means of communication is warranted.
Arbitrary threshold and detec-
tion techniques
With the ever-evolving copious technologies and network architectures in mind, developing a scalable, portable, and resilient DDoS detection
and mitigation scheme that isn’t dependent up a given configuration is of the essence.
Explicit end-user QoS consid-
The collateral damage of DDoS with respect to benign traffic is exorbitant yet often acquires subpar attention among proposed defenses,
and therefore thorough consideration is merited.
TABLE I: Existing SDN-based research gaps pertaining to DDoS
operations will be executed in a secure manner, on top of
having a clear modular structure separate from typical network
functionality for simplified management, provisioning, and
B. End-User Quality of Service (QoS)
To address the key challenge of enhancing QoS for legiti-
mate end-users in the midst of DDoS attacks, the methodology
herein takes a number of unequivocal measures to minimize
such collateral damage. As ingress traffic arrives at the switch,
the P4 programmable parser segregates it by ICMP, UDP, and
TCP so exploits can be resolved on the basis of the under-
lying protocol. Subsequently, stateful switch-based counting
mechanisms are utilized to form dynamic distributions of
current traffic patterns over 10 second moving averages [21] in
order to decrease the probability of impeding the traversal of
that from legitimate sources when an attack transpires. Note
that said averages were limited to 10 seconds based upon
the underlying notion that too extensive of such an interval
may not sufficiently account for the most recently measured
trends due to excessive smoothing, as well as being more
computationally expensive. For traffic of the SYN request
variety, signatures are tracked to promote source attribution
and the ensuing blocking of the corresponding malicious
packets amid spoofing to better ensure that requests originating
from benign entities are not adversely affected.
With respect to the spectrum of suspicious traffic that may
traverse the switch, dropping only occurs to remain strictly
within the bounds of the given network’s resources; in turn,
not only is the impact on authentic nodes minimized, but the
potential flash events or users with slow connections which
may present themselves as volumetric or stealthy attacks,
respectively, are also accounted for. Moreover, if an attack
transpires, all mitigation measures are executed temporarily
on an as-needed basis; therefore, the event that the attacking
entities are merely legitimate users that were infected and tem-
porarily leveraged by a botmaster [22] is effectively addressed.
Lastly, in the unlikely scenario that a legitimate user was
denied interaction with the network amid an attack, full access
to its services will resume once the thresholds are satisfied by
said mitigation effort, which in fact can equate to seemingly no
packet loss from a TCP user’s perspective when considering
its automatic retransmission feature.
C. Administrator Input
Building upon the aim of assisting the proposed strategy’s
seamless integration into contemporary network environments
consisting of copious architectures and associated hardware,
the detection and mitigation approach allows for the passing
of the network-specific parameters detailed in Table II, either
upon initialization or during runtime via conveying them
directly to the switch.
Parameters Description
syn_queue_size Acts as the maximum threshold for ingress SYN
traffic prior to receiving its corresponding ACK
timeout A unique timeout value implemented by the ad-
ministrator on the server to enable in-network TCP
connection management
max_clients The number of threads allocated by the administrator
on the server for concurrent TCP connections
bandwidth_spec[0..3] Four administrator-defined acceptable throughputs
(in Bps) that the switch will constrain ingress traffic
as a whole to (mandatory), as well as individually
(optional) that of ICMP, UDP, and TCP, respectively
TABLE II: Input parameters facilitating customization for a
given network
D. High-Speed Performance
To promote the ever-increasing need for throughput and
its associated processing, this research utilizes a switch-
centered means of functioning which allows it to perform
packet analysis within the data plane, without the need for
controller intervention. Note that P4 programmable switches
now have the capacity to process packets at rates of up to 12.8
Tbps which effectively renders alternative communications
with the control plane a bottleneck. Moreover, match-action
dependencies are minimized programmatically to leverage the
full parallel-processing capability of the switch in order to
maximize the number of operations that can be completed
within one cycle.
E. SDN Attack-Resistance
Though past OpenFlow-based research devoted to reme-
diating the vulnerabilities of SDN has demonstrated rela-
tive success, considerable network overhead and latency are
typically incurred in the process [23], and ultimately it has
yet to be fully eradicated. To address this problem, the
proposed approach first prevents control channel saturation
via maintaining a fixed control channel throughput irrespective
Fig. 1: Overview of the proposed methodology
of ingress traffic traversing the switch. Secondly, just as the
rate of control channel communications remains static, so too
does the amount of memory leveraged for the stateful logging
of traffic-related data on the switch in order to nullify flow
table saturation attack vectors. Specifically, all traffic-related
information is stored within a predefined number of counters
and registers, and it is precisely this data that is pulled by the
controller at pre-established one second intervals. For example,
the storing of such statistics relative to detecting TCP-based
attacks is achieved via Bloom filters, or arrays of registers
instantiated on the switch.
Bloom filters offer the distinct advantages of being storage
efficient while simultaneously giving a desirable runtime of
O(1), with the one caveat being potential false positives. The
probability of such undesirable events occurring is given by
the following equation:
p= (1 ek
/n )k,
where p,k,m, and nare the probability of a false positive,
number of hash functions used, amount of items in the
filter, and total number of bits encompassed by the filter,
respectively. Taking the Bloom filter employed for the fin-
gerprinting of slow DDoS as an illustration, when applying
one Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 16-bit hash function in
conjunction with the 65,536 cells both Bloom filters contain
and letting m=256, i.e., the arbitrary amount assigned to
max_clients in the evaluation conducted in Section V-C,
p0.0038986 is arrived at. Note that the methodology only
maintains such stateful data for mere seconds; thus, the size
of mwill generally remain sufficiently negligible, and in turn
so will p.
A. Protocol Independent Packet Processors (P4)
P4 not only enables the programming of the data plane
but also facilitates portable implementations over hardware
targets, and therefore optimizes network integration efficiency.
That being said, while there has been efforts devoted to
advancing the P4 compiler and BMv2, the demonstration of its
advantages and innovative potential for anomaly detection in
practice has been scarcely reported by the scientific literature
[24]. In turn, to address the aforementioned research gaps
surrounding the current cybersecurity landscape with respect
to DDoS and to facilitate future P4 development in this regard,
we subsequently detail how P4’s extensive capabilities were
leveraged to perform per-packet analysis for real-time DDoS
detection and mitigation within the switch itself.
B. P4-Based DDoS Abatement Overview
Following suit with the contemporary threat model laid out
in Section I, the methodology is effectively compartmentalized
into two distinct stages, namely, Connection Management and
Volumetric Analysis, as can be seen in parts A and B of Fig.
1, respectively, and are elaborated upon next.
Connection Management. After a packet is identified as
utilizing TCP, there are essentially two scenarios that must be
accounted for: (1) excessive SYN requests and (2) consuming
the server’s available connections. Considering the inevitable
spoofing of the source IP addresses that accompanies the
former, in order to circumvent the aforesaid pitfalls associ-
ated with source attribution attempts, signature matching is
employed by way of hashing the portions of ingress SYN
packets that have the tendency to imply source configurations,
as demonstrated in Fig. 2. The underlying notion is that botnet-
orchestrated DDoS attacks, which are largely responsible for
such coordinated maliciousness, will generally target specific
vulnerabilities such as that encompassed by a given Operating
System (OS) version that has yet to be patched appropriately,
and consequently there exists a strong likelihood that the
infected bots will induce the same signatures [25]. In turn,
such attacks can be mitigated via one-way traffic analysis,
which in turn circumvents any incurred latency resulting from
more expensive two-way measures, e.g., IP traceback or SYN
cookie techniques [12].
To this end, signature counts are accumulated in the data
plane via the Bloom filter shown in Fig. 2, as well as the
number of SYN requests per 0.25 second window noting that
the width of this measurement window is rather arbitrary and
can be scaled as an administrator deems fit. As a result,
the controller can promptly calculate the 10 second moving
average of SYN requests and proactively store said average
plus two standard deviations on the switch within the DDoS
Attack Fingerprinting match-action tables of Fig. 1.A to be
used as a dynamic threshold, and thereby facilitating real-
time detection, at line rate. If this threshold is surpassed, the
disturbance is attributed to the maximum signature counts, of
whose corresponding packets are dropped upon arrival at the
switch as subsequently shown in Fig. 1. Note that the fallback
threshold of syn_queue_size given in Table II is also
imposed on the switch to ensure the network will never reach
a state of DoS.
Fig. 2: The Bloom filter-based SYN request signature tracking
mechanism residing within the data plane
Regarding the remaining TCP transmissions, and with the
premise of slow DDoS aiming to occupy sessions on thread-
based servers in mind, all active TCP sessions are statefully
tracked on the switch by way of the Bloom filter shown
in Fig. 3. As depicted, it is here that the switch stores the
interarrival times of each connection, which is the fundamental
characteristic for distinguishing such attacks. Moreover, the
in-network tracking of the server’s active sessions enables
the switch to eradicate all other assortments of TCP flooding
attacks encompassing packets not associated with any current
valid connection.
Fig. 3: The in-network management of the current TCP
sessions by way of a Bloom filter
From a statistical perspective, we associate direct P4 coun-
ters with match-action table entries comprised by the Col-
lecting of Distribution Statistics portion of the match-action
pipeline in Fig. 1.A, which are in turn pulled by the controller
to formulate a precise distribution of the current connections
with respect to their transmission rates. The connection man-
agement component also maintains the maximum number of
consecutive session establishments cest without any existing
sessions being closed over a one second window, which is
taken as one standard deviation over a 10 second moving
average of such establishments recorded on the switch. To
this extent, cest dynamically embodies the maximum burst of
authentic connection requests that the switch should account
for during any given time window. Therefore, applying said
averages to a Probability Density Function (PDF) fof random
variable Xof interarrival times in seconds, we arrive at the
following equation:
f(x)dx =cest
max_clients ,(1)
with abeing the dynamic threshold and max_clients
noted in Table II. As previously mentioned, because bursts of
connection establishments within the small one second time
window utilized is within the realm of possibilities, the pro-
posed mechanism aims to preserve cest available connections
at all times by way of dropping packets corresponding to
xawhen necessary. Lastly, given the lack of precedent set
within the context of slow DDoS detection, it can however be
noted that such attacks exhibit a10 [5] [6], coupled with
the fact that networks will typically implement timeout>
10 seconds (detailed in Table II) where timeoutN[7];
thus, the forcing of malicious connections to inevitably timeout
will generally result in many more legitimate users’ requests
being denied due to a resultant mitigation latency equating to
timeout. To address this challenge, the mitigation strategy
proposed herein modifies the packet headers of identified
adversarial ingress traffic on the switch via P4 to immediately
cause the respective connections to terminate on the server.
Once the aforementioned data is garnered by the Collection
of Distribution Statistics segment of the Connection Manage-
ment component, it is pulled by the controller for Traffic
Distribution Formulation. In practice, the controller obtains
the switch’s interarrival time counts as an array. Given the set
Si={x|xQi0.01 x < (i+ 1) 0.01},
we can define such an array Aas follows:
A[i] = X
1,iN(i100 timeout),
recalling that xis the interarrival time of a particular connec-
tion measured on the switch in seconds. With Aencompassing
discrete values, Eq. (1) is framed as a Probability Mass
Function (PMF) on the controller via Algorithm 1 in order to
compute the dynamic threshold ato be returned to the switch
to enable the real-time in-network detection of slow DDoS. As
it can be observed, Algorithm 1 sums over the probabilities of
the recorded interarrival times in ascending order by way of
pdf est until cest/max_clients is reached, with line 8 ensuring
PxAp(x) = 1. Upon completion of the algorithm’s itera-
tions, a=i* 0.01 is returned to the switch which corresponds
to the aforementioned set Si, and consequently any source
whose transmission rates are encompassed by or exceed said
set’s range is deemed malicious.
Volumetric Analysis. Operating under the assumption of
the proportionality of bandwidth consumption to resource
depletion of the target, the primary objective of the Volumetric
Analysis component in Fig. 1.B is to statefully record the
bandwidth used by various applications and their respective
transport protocols to promote the necessary mitigation mea-
sures amid an attack. In addition to monitoring the rates in bps
allocated to each TCP connection, the switch also tracks the
Algorithm 1: Slow DDoS threshold calculation
Input: A, cest,max_clients
Output: a
1i= 0;
2distsum = 0;
3pdf est = 0;
4for xAdo
5distsum =distsum +x;
7while i < |A|do
8pdf est =pdf est + (A[i]
9if (1 pdf est)(cest
10 return i0.01;
11 end
12 i=i+ 1;
13 end
amount of bandwidth of bandwidth_spec[1] from Table
II that is consumed by ICMP versus adopting the approach
taken by many modern-day networks of simply blocking all
ICMP traffic at the edge for security purposes. Specifically,
the proposed strategy drops such ICMP traffic when the header
field Type is equal to 0, 3, 4, 5, 8, and several others that have
been deprecated. This process not only aids the mitigating of
flooding attacks but also negates sub-classes of ICMP-related
attacks and vulnerabilities [26]. Subsequently, the bandwidth
associated with the remaining ICMP traffic is recorded and
bounded to bandwidth_spec[1] on the switch.
In a manner similar to that exercised by the Connection
Management engine of Fig. 1.A, UDP traffic traverses the
constituent tables of the Volumetric Analysis component in
Fig. 1.B to promptly arrive at a real-time distribution cal-
culation; however, alternatively to tracking interarrival times,
the bps per application layer protocol is recorded with corre-
sponding 10 second moving average calculations. Specifically,
the switch holds an individual dynamic threshold for each
UDP-encapsulated protocol found by K¨
uhrer et al. [8] to be
at the greatest risk for amplification exploitations, with an
additional dynamic threshold accounting for the aggregation
of the remainder of UDP-based protocols that do not provide
any semblance of said amplification. Note that though UDP
amplification attacks can not be concretely verified without
Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), it is later empirically demon-
strated that such exploits are successfully mitigated by the
proposed approach. Moreover, by way of additionally analyz-
ing the destination ports of incoming UDP traffic (versus the
originating ports) on the switch in a comparable fashion and
multiplying the respective UDP throughput by the associated
amplification factor, the proposed strategy vanquishes attempts
by adversaries to leverage the network’s servers as a means of
amplification towards other networks/assets as well.
With the methodology confronting the broad scope of
respective attack vectors that are currently relevant, the pro-
ceeding three use cases effectively act as an overarching
strategy of the approach’s underlying mechanisms, and in turn
facilitate the generalization of the results to the vast spectrum
of DDoS as a whole. The experimental testbed was executed
on Mininet in conjunction with BMv2 over Ubuntu 16.04.6
LTS, functioning with 16GB of memory and eight Intel Xeon
Gold 6130 CPUs at 2.10GHz. As depicted in Fig. 4, to emulate
the aforementioned scenarios, six clients were connected to a
virtualized P4-programmed switch by way of Linux network
namespaces, which in turn directed the corresponding traffic
towards the target server. Additionally, all evaluation statistics
were gathered on the switch itself via P4 and pulled by the
controller for analysis.
Fig. 4: The topology of the evaluation environment
A. Use Case 1: UDP Amplification
Considering that the strategy employed for detecting and
mitigating volumetric ICMP attacks is effectively a sub-
class of that employed for UDP-based varieties, we thereby
utilize a UDP flooding scenario leveraging DNS and NTP
for attack traffic amplification as a representative sample of
the effectiveness of both mechanisms. Further, to implement
such a real-world scenario, Client4 in Fig. 4 was configured to
emulate a resolver to consequently respond to both DNS and
NTP requests of the corresponding source IP address (spoofed
by the originating client to the server’s IP) with a level of
amplification in accordance with [8]. bandwidth_spec[2]
noted in Table II was set to 300 Mbps, and the hping3 Linux
tool was used for traffic generation. Since the approach dynam-
ically adjusts its thresholds based upon the traffic distributions
it formulates in real-time from line-rate measurements, this use
case was initiated by generating NTP, DNS, as well as other
UDP traffic encapsulating randomized destination ports not
associated with amplification, in order to establish a baseline
of expected ingress traffic rates and protocols. Specifically, as
shown in Fig. 4, Client1 and Client2 sent benign DNS and
NTP traffic, respectively, at approximately 714 datagrams/sec
to the server. To additionally represent a network environment
encompassing an assortment of UDP protocols not associated
with any amplification, Client3 transmitted such legitimate
traffic at a rate of 2,856 datagrams/sec, doubling that of the
UDP protocols exhibiting amplification to better account for
networks servicing a variety of UDP protocols. An arbitrary
10 seconds was deemed sufficient to establish said baseline,
Fig. 5: SYN flooding mitigation results
Fig. 6: UDP Amplification attack mitigation results
at which point Client5 began flooding Client4 with DNS
traffic spoofed with the source IP address of the server shown
at second 1 of Fig. 6. By second 2 of Fig. 6, it can be
observed that while the available DNS throughput had been
fully consumed, neither NTP nor any of the UDP protocols
which do not exhibit amplification were affected by the attack.
In fact, both of these groupings were able to increase their
rates amid the DNS amplification with no degradation in
service or packet loss. In the midst of said attack, Client6
launched another at second 3 of the use case utilizing NTP
as a means of amplification which was reflected off Client4
towards the server. Analogously to when the network was
subjected to only DNS amplification, the remaining protocols
(those not corresponding to any amplification in this instance)
experienced no latency or packet drops while the network
was under two separate amplification attacks and were able
to effectively double their transmission rates collectively to
5712 datagrams/sec towards the server unimpeded, which was
the allotted share of bandwidth_spec[2] defined in Table
II that was dynamically established prior to the network being
B. Use Case 2: SYN Flooding
A SYN flooding attack was chosen for Use Case 2 given
the underlying mechanisms of signature hashing and tracking
via a Bloom filter that the strategy employs in such a scenario.
For this use case, a syn_queue_size value of 1024 was
passed to the virtual programmable switch, and hping3 was
again used to generate SYN requests to the server. To emulate
traffic that the network would typically observe, Clients 1
through 5 each transmitted 600 SYN requests per second to
the server with subsequent ACKs. Following the topology set
forth in Fig. 4, at an arbitrary 10 seconds later Client6 began
targeting the server with malicious SYN requests peaking at
approximately 2000 packets/sec as depicted at the 0 second
mark in Fig. 5. Given that all traffic is originating from the
exact same OS environment, the configurations of each of
the six client machines were modified to better mimic the
diversity that would be observed in real-world settings in order
to effectively evaluate the signature attribution mechanism.
To empirically determine such an approach’s effectiveness,
a binary classification of the generated traffic was applied to
the use case’s results, with the positive class encompassing
benign traffic and the negative class pertaining to that with
malicious intent. In turn, the results portrayed in Fig. 5 utilize
both the true positives (TP), or correctly classified legitimate
requests, and false negatives (FN) which are those that were
incorrectly identified as being part of the attack. Additionally,
the malicious requests properly fingerprinted were deemed true
negatives (TN) and those which were wrongly classified as
benign as false positives (FP). From the aforementioned per-
formance metrics, sensitivity,specif icity,precision, and
accuracy are derived by way of the equations T P/(T P +F N ),
T N/(T N+F P ),T P/(T P +F P ), and (T P +T N )
/(TP +T N +F P +F N ),
and are depicted in parts A, B, C, and D of Fig. 5, respectively.
As given by the sensitivity, all of the legitimate requests were
treated as such throughout the duration of the attack. With
SYN flood initiating at time 0, it can be additionally observed
that the proposed approach demonstrated a dip in performance
which peaked at roughly the 0.25 second mark and can
be attributed to the length of time needed to observe the
signature deviation corresponding to the attacking machine;
however, by 0.5 seconds, a flawless performance was given
by all metrics. Furthermore, all benign requests were serviced
without any observed latency throughout the course of the
use case, and as shown in Fig. 5.E, the SYN queue never
exceeded its conservative syn_queue_size imposed for
evaluation purposes. In fact, the SYN flooding packets were
effectively fingerprinted and blocked entirely by 0.5 seconds,
which ultimately only resulted in the occupancy of the SYN
queue increasing by approximately 13%. It is also worth
mentioning that due to the proactive design of the detection
and mitigation engine coupled with its calculated dynamic
thresholds that are exercised on a per-packet basis, the 0.25 sec
time window taken to depict the results is due to how often the
control plane outputted the switch-based packet statistics, and
in all actuality it does not speak to the speed of the approach.
In fact, in a manner analogous to that which was conducted
in Use Case 1 and as articulated in Fig. 1, the proactive
calculation of the dynamic threshold imposed directly on the
switch is conducted independently of the attack fingerprinting
segment of the match-action pipeline which is executed at line
rate, on a per-packet basis.
Fig. 7: Slow DDoS attack mitigation performance
C. Use Case 3: Slow DDoS
Given that the administrator-specified max_clients pa-
rameter tailors the proposed approach to a specific network,
it was opted to take a more conservative evaluation scenario
(max_clients = 256) to better put the scheme’s full
capabilities to the test given the smaller margin for error.
With regards to the generated traffic, it is first notable to
recall that slow DDoS attacks thrive off interarrival times that
are near but not exceeding timeout in order to conserve
the adversary’s resources while simultaneously keeping the
server’s connections busy; thus, the transmission rates of the
adversarial connections were increased accordingly for this use
In particular, considering that the interarrival times of all
the traffic directed towards a server can effectively be divided
into three transmission speed groupings encapsulating legiti-
mate users whose connections support typical transport rates,
those subjected to environments inducing more pronounced
latency (e.g., traffic originating from more sparsely-connected
regions), and that from malicious entities which inherently
coincide with slower interarrival times, tb f ast Q(0.00 <
tb fast 1.00),tb slow Q(1.00 < tb slow 2.50), and
tmQ(1.75 < tm5.00) were consequently applied,
respectively. Further, tb fast,tb slow , and tmwere generated
in a randomized fashion over their respective intervals in
order to better circumvent any distribution imbalances of
interarrival times within each, i.e., tb fast U(0.01,1.00),
tb slow U(1.01,2.50), and tmU(1.75,5.00). Note that
the aforementioned groupings result in the set Sintersect =
{tintersect |tintersect =tb slow tintersect =tm}, and
therefore tintersect U(1.75,2.50), i.e., immensely hindering
the accurate fingerprinting of slow DDoS traffic by way of
interarrival times being that |Sintersect|is much greater in
this use case than would be observed in typical real-world
scenarios given the lack of distinction between tb slow and
Once more harnessing hping3 for traffic generation and
following the blueprint laid out in Fig. 4, the first of the
connections to be established were that associated with tb fast.
With 50 connections each originating from Clients 1 through 3,
150 resultant threads, or 58.59% of the available connections,
thereby became occupied as depicted at second 1 of Fig.
7.E. Following this first wave of transmissions, 50 additional
threads were then consumed by Client4 as given by 78.13%
of max_clients shown to be expended at second 3 of Fig.
7.E. In order to create a realistic traffic pattern representing
the modest number of legitimate sources being restricted to
slower connection speeds, the interarrival times corresponding
to the aforementioned 50 sessions were encompassed by
tb slow. At approximately second 4, Clients 5 and 6 then
began generating slow DDoS traffic leveraging the interarrival
times encapsulated by tmwith the aim of overtaking 128
connections each. This resulted in 22.27% of max_clients
initially being exhausted at second 5 by the attack as displayed
in Fig. 7.E, and ultimately increasing to 24.61% two seconds
later. At this juncture, the proposed approach had successfully
fingerprinted and subsequently denied 193, or 75.39% of the
malicious sources at the switch. Furthermore, 11 more had
been identified to drop by second 10, which was in fact the
dynamic value calculated for cest in this use case, thus leaving
a minimum of cest threads open on the server for expected
incoming legitimate connections.
The performance metrics utilized in Section V-B were once
again harnessed to empirically evaluate the approach’s aptitude
for slow DDoS detection and mitigation. As exhibited in
Fig. 7.A, the proportion of the legitimate sessions that were
correctly identified as such was impeccable, never extending
below 96.5% and thereby reaffirming the aforementioned
prioritization of QoS for benign clients. Alternatively, it can be
observed by way of the specificity,precision, and accuracy
in Fig. 7 that the lowest effectiveness was given at the 5
second mark when the attack traffic first reached its peak and
in turn had not been fully fingerprinted yet. Nevertheless, the
model’s performance steadily climbed form that point until
reaching its ultimate goal of freeing cest threads on the server.
To this extent, achieving this aim necessitated an accuracy of
88.32% which was the maximum that could have been attained
given the considerable magnitude of Sintersect employed in
this use case. Moreover, this gives credence to the underlying
objective of the proposed approach of always striving to
maximize its sensitivity while simultaneously endeavoring to
reach a sufficient specificity and precision, and by default
accuracy, such that ctot cav cest , given the collateral
damage of DDoS attacks pertaining to end-user QoS inevitably
follows an |Sintersect|>0.
It should also be stated that max_clients was never
exceeded throughout the duration of this use case, and only 7
of the initial 200 benign connections temporarily lost the rights
to their given thread due to the the attack as a direct result
of |Sintersect|. With regards to the mitigation effort, it only
took two seconds after exhausting the server’s threads for the
Connection Management component of Fig. 1.A to open up
cest connections for new users, with eight of such connections
(72.72% of cest) being available at one second after the
attack’s onset; thus, the resultant automatic retransmissions of
the aforementioned 7 legitimate clients would allow them to
immediately be serviced again with negligible latency being
their transmission rates are a subset of Sintersect, i.e., virtually
indistinguishable from the mitigation delay.
The leveraging of programmable switches by way of P4
was examined in order to target the extensive assortment of
DDoS attacks that persist within the modern-day networking
landscape while simultaneously circumventing the associated
vulnerabilities of SDN. By way of three use cases, the effec-
tiveness of the proposed approach was demonstrated amid both
volumetric and slow DDoS attack vectors, as well as validating
its explicit emphasis on end-user QoS and ease of deployment.
In particular, it was empirically demonstrated that UDP-
based exploits could be constrained to a dynamically allocated
bandwidth coinciding with the given UDP protocol being
leveraged by the attacker (e.g., NTP, DNS, etc.), at line rate,
with no degradation of QoS to legitimate users utilizing any
of the other application layer or transport-specific protocols.
Additionally, all strains of TCP flooding were either shown
to be rendered ineffective (SYN flooding) with no delays
to benign requests, or negated entirely (all other volumetric
TCP-based attacks). Lastly, the proposed strategy’s ability to
successfully counter slow DDoS was confirmed; the server
never entered a state of DoS and services to authentic clients
were reestablished prior to one second of the attack reaching
its peak, followed by a full mitigation within two seconds. This
is in contrast to the current state-of-the-art’s timeout-based
alternatives ranging to upwards of 10 seconds. Moreover, only
3.5% of legitimate users endeavoring to connect to the server
suffered a generally unnoticeable delay.
For future work, to further build upon the foundations laid
herein, we aim to deploy the methodology on real hardware
utilizing P4Runtime amid an actual network to put the
aforesaid findings to a more comprehensive test. To this
extent, a broad set of DDoS attack tools will be instrumented
to exercise the full capacity of a programmable switch to
safeguard networks amid high rates of malicious traffic.
This work was supported by the U.S. National Science
Foundation, awards 1907821 and 1925484.
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... In some studies [4,17], the counting Bloom filter (CBF) [18] is used to collect traffic information at the data plane. Given a counting array and several hash functions, the inputs access the corresponding counters according to the output of the hash functions. ...
... In the beginning, the required parameters are read in and the operation is O(1) (lines 1-3). In the for-loop , since k represents the size of the array rand, the loop executes k times, so the time complexity of this loop is O(k) (lines[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. Inside the loop, the hash computation, judgment, and setting are performed in O(1) (lines[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]. ...
... In the for-loop , since k represents the size of the array rand, the loop executes k times, so the time complexity of this loop is O(k) (lines[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. Inside the loop, the hash computation, judgment, and setting are performed in O(1) (lines[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]. The final judgment on the flag is O(1) (lines[22][23][24]. ...
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Software-defined networking (SDN) is a new network architecture that provides programmable networks, more efficient network management, and centralized control than traditional networks. The TCP SYN flooding attack is one of the most aggressive network attacks that can seriously degrade network performance. This paper proposes detection and mitigation modules against SYN flooding attacks in SDN. We combine those modules, which have evolved from the cuckoo hashing method and innovative whitelist, to get better performance compared to current methods Our approach reduces the traffic through the switch and improves detection accuracy, also the required register size is reduced by half for the same accuracy.
... Request permissions from LADC '23, October [16][17][18]2023 available systems that are able to continue operating properly despite the failure of some of their components [19]. The demand may be very high, for example, in the context of telecommunications, the availability requirements are on the order of 99.999% -at most just over 5 minutes of service interruption per year. ...
... Network security has also been addressed with in-network computing. For example, [16,25,29,48] propose in-network computing approaches to mitigate DDoS attacks. In [31] network telemetry operations are scheduled on programmable switches to improve the scalability of network-wide telemetry with respect to dynamic traffic and query loads. ...
... As a result, unsolicited IoT-related activity on the Internet continues to grow at a steady rate (with telnet being the most commonly exploited service). More importantly, hackers have also developed advanced IoTspecific malware to essentially recruit and coordinate much larger groups of devices and launch large scale distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks [1]. By far the most notable example here is the Mirai botnet which attacked Dyn DNS servers and caused massive Internet outages in 2016 1 . ...
... More importantly, hackers have also developed advanced IoTspecific malware to essentially recruit and coordinate much larger groups of devices and launch large scale distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks [1]. By far the most notable example here is the Mirai botnet which attacked Dyn DNS servers and caused massive Internet outages in 2016 1 . The financial and service sectors were also impacted by this IoT botnet. ...
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The Internet of Things(IoT) paradigm provides persistent sensing and data collection capabilities and is becoming increasingly prevalent across many market sectors. However, most IoT devices emphasize usability and function over security, making them very vulnerable to malicious exploits. This concern is evidenced by the increased use of compromised IoT devices in large scale bot networks (botnets) to launch distributed denial of service(DDoS) attacks against high value targets. Unsecured IoT systems can also provide entry points to private networks, allowing adversaries relatively easy access to valuable resources and services. Indeed, these evolving IoT threat vectors (ranging from brute force attacks to remote code execution exploits) are posing key challenges. Moreover, many traditional security mechanisms are not amenable for deployment on smaller resource-constrained IoT platforms. As a result, researchers have been developing a range of methods for IoT security, with many strategies using advanced machine learning(ML) techniques. Along these lines, this paper presents a novel generative adversarial network(GAN) solution to detect threats from malicious IoT devices both inside and outside a network. This model is trained using both benign IoT traffic and global darknet data and further evaluated in a testbed with real IoT devices and malware threats.
... In DIDA, the detection procedure is based on programming the P4 switches in a way to monitor specific values in edge and access routers and implementing different policies according to different situations. In 2020 Friday et al. [22] proposed a DDoS In-Network detection method, leveraging the P4 BMv2 switches programmability. The proposed method has focused on both slow DDoS and volumetric DDoS attacks. ...
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Software Defined Networks (SDNs) offer a comprehensive network view by separating the control plane from the data plane. However, SDNs are vulnerable to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), a dangerous attack that depletes resources, preventing service delivery. Among the DDoS attacks, the HTTP slow-rate DDoS attack is particularly critical, targeting web servers with slow or incomplete requests. Significant efforts have been made in the last few years to improve DDoS attack detection in SDNs, leading to the proposal of several detection techniques. In an effort to address these current constraints, scientists have concentrated on leveraging the computational capabilities of data plane devices. Notably, in this context, Programming Protocol-independent Packet Processors (P4) have become an important technology closely linked to the data plane components of SDN. The use of new detection techniques through the use of P4-equipped data planes for DDoS detection methods has the potential to reduce the computational load on the controller. This research paper analyzes detection system components and introduces P4httpGuard,a detection mechanism that employs machine learning (ML) techniques in conjunction with P4 switches to identify slow-rate DDoS attacks within SDNs. The model uses P4 switches programmable capabilities to enhance detection while reducing controller computational overhead. The model has been evaluated for performance metrics like detection time, bandwidth consumption, and CPU usage. The results from the implementation of our mechanism demonstrate a notable 60-second improvement in detection time, an 81.89% reduction in bandwidth consumption, and a 25.96% decrease in controller CPU overhead, in compare to the Openflow method. These findings underscore the significant impact of integrating the P4 data plane and programmable targets in substantially enhancing the efficiency of slow-rate DDoS attack detection within SDN.
... Friday et al. [33] propose a strategy to address DDoS attack vectors. This work performs detection based on a threshold of requests in a specific window. ...
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Network services and applications are targeted by different types of attacks on a daily basis. One of the most common and devastating types is Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Considering the emergence of data plane programmability, in this paper, we propose Bungee-ML, an innovative, hybrid approach that combines the fast processing speed of the data plane and the high capacity and intelligence of the control plane to mitigate DDoS attacks. Bungee-ML continuously monitors traffic at the data plane to detect traffic anomalies and supplies machine learning models (running in the control plane) with inputs to perform in-depth traffic analysis. We refer to this as vertical cooperation. Additionally, our approach progressively pushes back malicious traffic farther away from the victim through horizontal mitigation coordination between forwarding devices. Our evaluation of a P4-built prototype demonstrates that Bungee-ML is highly accurate in identifying and mitigating sources of attack due to the vertical cooperation and has a low resource footprint. Furthermore, our pushback strategy saves network bandwidth by mitigating non-legitimate traffic closer to its sources.
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The field of cybersecurity has witnessed a significant shift towards Programmable Data Planes with the emergence of the P4 programming P4. The existing literature lacks a comprehensive taxonomy that provides collaborative classifications and characterization of P4-based cybersecurity solutions. In this paper, we propose a novel taxonomy to better characterize published works in the field of cybersecurity solutions developed leveraging P4 and Programmable Data Planes. Our taxonomy introduces three main categories: detection techniques, mitigation actions, and deployment platforms. Unlike existing classification approaches present in literature, our taxonomy allows categorizing a given work according to different criteria, thus enabling collaborative classifications and the identification of shared features by highlighting intra-category and inter-category relationships that can be established among different works. Through our comprehensive characterization of the works identified in the literature, we present key findings that contribute to extend the current understanding of the field. By identifying the diverse range of techniques employed and the platforms utilized, we aim at addressing the needs to understand the area, which is fundamental for future advancements. Notably, we emphasize the significance of security provisioning through the adoption of cybersecurity functional abstractions. These abstractions enable the emulation of the behavior of conventional security devices, leveraging the capabilities of P4. Furthermore, we discuss several research challenges and possible future directions that have emerged from our analysis. This paper focuses on providing valuable insights and knowledge for researchers and practitioners in the field of cybersecurity solutions based on Programmable Data Planes leveraging P4, with the final goal of opening avenues for new research.
To reduce network intrusion detection latency in a high volume of data traffic, on-device detection with neuron pruning has been widely adopted by eliminating ineffective connections from a densely connected neural network. However, neuron pruning has a serious problem called output separation in which some parts of neurons can easily be pruned in the middle and become isolated from the rest of the network. To this end, we introduce a solution called the Conservation of Output Links (COOL) pruning method that iteratively preserves a set of effective connections to avoid neuron isolation. We first evaluate COOL on MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets as well as programmable networking devices such as P4-supported switches. The experimental results show that COOL outperforms existing methods in terms of both detection time and classification accuracy, especially in extremely sparse networks. Compared to three representative pruning methods, our COOL-based classification model performs at least 25% more accurately with the upper bound for the pruning probability. To further display the effectiveness of COOL-based intrusion detection, we formulate a novel detection time minimization problem by assigning suitable detection models for switches in IoT under performance requirements and resource limitations. The experimental results demonstrate that our COOL algorithm is particularly useful for delay-critical and high-traffic applications.
With the growth of network applications such as 5G and artificial intelligence, network security techniques, i.e., the techniques that detect various attacks (e.g., well-known denial-of service (DDoS) attacks) and prevent production networks (e.g., data center networks) from being attacked, become increasingly essential for network management and have gained great popularity in the networking community. Generally, these techniques are built on proprietary hardware appliances, i.e., middleboxes, or the paradigm that combines both software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) to implement security functions. However, the techniques built on middleboxes are proven to be hard-to-manage, costly, and inflexible, thereby making them an out-of-date choice in network security. For the techniques built on SDN and NFV, they virtualize and softwarize security functions on commodity servers, leading to non-trivial performance degradation. Fortunately, the recent emergence of programmable switches brings new opportunities of empowering network security techniques with the characteristics of easy-tomanage, low cost, high flexibility, and Tbps-level performance. In this survey, we focus on this promising trend in network security. More precisely, this survey first presents the preliminaries of programmable switches, which are the primary driver of next-generation network security techniques. Next, we comprehensively review existing techniques built on programmable switches, classify these techniques, and discuss their background, motivation, design, implementation, and limitations case-by-case. Finally, we summarize open issues and future research directions in this promising research topic of network security.
Conference Paper
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The insecurity of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) paradigm continues to wreak havoc in consumer and critical infrastructure realms. Several challenges impede addressing IoT security at large, including, the lack of IoT-centric data that can be collected, analyzed and correlated, due to the highly heterogeneous nature of such devices and their widespread deployments in Internet-wide environments. To this end, this paper explores macroscopic, passive empirical data to shed light on this evolving threat phenomena. This not only aims at classifying and inferring Internet-scale compromised IoT devices by solely observing such one-way network traffic, but also endeavors to uncover, track and report on orchestrated "in the wild" IoT botnets. Initially, to prepare the effective utilization of such data, a novel probabilistic model is designed and developed to cleanse such traffic from noise samples (i.e., misconfiguration traffic). Subsequently, several shallow and deep learning models are evaluated to ultimately design and develop a multi-window convolution neural network trained on active and passive measurements to accurately identify compromised IoT devices. Consequently, to infer orchestrated and unsolicited activities that have been generated by well-coordinated IoT botnets, hierarchical agglomerative clustering is deployed by scrutinizing a set of innovative and efficient network feature sets. By analyzing 3.6 TB of recent darknet traffic, the proposed approach uncovers a momentous 440,000 compromised IoT devices and generates evidence-based artifacts related to 350 IoT botnets. While some of these detected botnets refer to previously documented campaigns such as the Hide and Seek, Hajime and Fbot, other events illustrate evolving threats such as those with cryptojacking capabilities and those that are targeting industrial control system communication and control services.
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Traditional Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks usually flood network targets with malicious traffic. Recently, new types of DDoS attacks have emerged and target specifically network security devices, mainly firewalls and intrusion prevention systems (IPS). In contrast to traditional DDoS attacks, these emerging attacks use low volume of malicious traffic. This paper is concerned solely with an emerging denial of firewalling attack (DoF), called the BlackNurse attack. The attack uses special formatted ICMP error messages to overwhelm targeted firewalls’ CPUs. This paper offers detailed insights into the understanding of DoF attacks and classifying them according to the targeted firewall resources, traffic volume and attack effect. The paper also concentrates on the BlackNurse attack principles, practical attack generation, and its general effect on impacted firewalls and the networks. Performance evaluations are conducted on commercial grades, namely: Juniper NetScreen SSG 20 and Cisco ASA 5540 firewalls. The pros and cons of the available attack mitigations are discussed. OS screening features on Juniper NetScreen SSG 20 are used, as example, to test their effectiveness in thwarting the attack. Furthermore, the paper proposes a novel mechanism to defend against the BlackNurse attack using an early rejection rule with dynamic activity time duration, that depends on current and previous attack statistics and severity parameters. Evaluation are conducted to simulate the proposed mechanism defense against novice and expert BlackNurse attackers.
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Next-generation edge nodes interfacing innovative IT clusters, 5G fronthaul, and internet of things (IoT) gateways to the optical metro/core network will require advanced and dynamic online quality of service (QoS) per-flow traffic treatment, assuring ultra-low latency requirements. However, current software-defined networking (SDN) implementations (e.g., OpenFlow) do not support forwarding procedures based on the network state, profile variations, and the history of flow statistics at the node level. Currently, such procedures require intervention by the SDN controller, leading to scalability issues and additional latency in data plane forwarding. Moreover, severe security challenges are expected to affect such nodes and threaten IT resources. Thus, increasing bandwidths will require direct deep packet inspection to avoid involvement of the SDN controller, as performed currently, or dedicated and costly security systems. This paper leverages on the potential of the programming protocol-independent packet processors (P4) open source language, recently introduced by the inventors of OpenFlow, to program the data plane structure and behavior of an SDN switch. P4 is able to instantiate custom pipelines and stateful objects, enabling complex workflows, user-defined protocols/headers, and finite state machines enforcement. Moreover, P4 allows portable implementations over different hardware targets, thus opening the way to open source fully programmable devices. Special effort is dedicated to motivate and apply P4 within a multilayer edge scenario, proposing the architecture and the applicability of an SDN P4-enabled packet-over-optical node. Moreover, three specific multilayer use cases covering dynamic traffic engineering (TE) (e.g., traffic offload and optical bypass) and cybersecurity (e.g., distributed denial of service port scan) are discussed and addressed through P4-based solutions. Experimental evaluations have been conducted over a multilayer SDN network exploiting reference P4 software switches (i.e., the behavioral model version 2, or BMV2) and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) at 10 gigabit Ethernet optical interfaces. Extensive results report effective dynamic TE and cybersecurity mitigation enforcement at P4 switches without any controller intervention, showing excellent scalability performance and overall latencies practically in line with current commercial OpenFlow switches.
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Science and engineering applications are now generating data at an unprecedented rate. From large facilities such as the Large Hadron Collider to portable DNA sequencing devices, these instruments can produce hundreds of terabytes and above in short periods of time. Researchers and other professionals rely on networks to move data between sensing locations, instruments, data storage devices, and computing systems. While general-purpose networks, also referred to as enterprise networks, are capable of transporting basic data such as emails and web content, they face numerous challenges when moving terabyte-and petabyte-scale data. At best, transfers of science data on these networks may last hours, days, or weeks. In response to this challenge, the Science Demilitarized Zone (Science DMZ) has been proposed. The Science DMZ is a network or a portion of a network designed to facilitate the transfer of big science data. The main elements of the Science DMZ are: i) specialized end devices, referred to as data transfer nodes (DTNs), built for sending/receiving data at a high speed over wide area networks; ii) high-throughput, friction-free paths connecting DTNs, instruments, storage devices, and computing systems; iii) performance measurement devices that monitor end-to-end paths over multiple domains; and iv) security policies and enforcement mechanisms tailored for high-performance environments. Despite the increasingly important role of Science DMZs, the literature is still missing a guideline to provide researchers and other professionals with the knowledge to broaden the understanding and development of Science DMZs. This article addresses this gap in the literature by presenting a comprehensive tutorial on Science DMZs. The tutorial reviews fundamental network concepts that have a large impact on Science DMZs, such as router architecture, TCP attributes, and operational security. Then, the tutorial delves into protocols and devices at different layers, from the physical cyberinfrastructure to application-layer tools and security appliances, that must be carefully considered for the optimal operation of a Science DMZ. The article also contrasts Science DMZs with general-purpose networks, and presents empirical results and use cases applicable to current and future Science DMZs.
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The emergence of Software Defined Network (SDN) and its promises in networking technology has gotten every stakeholder excited. However, it is believed that every technological development comes with its own challenges of which the most prominent in this case is security. This paper presents a real time detection of the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on the SDN and a control method based on the sFlow mitigation technology. sFlow analyses samples of packets collected from the network traffic and generates handling rules to be sent to the controller in case of an attack detection. The implementation was done by emulating the network in Mininet which runs on a Virtual Machine (VM) and it was shown that the proposed method effectively detects and mitigates DDoS attacks. Keywords—Software Defined Network (SDN); Mininet; OpenFlow; sFlow; DDoS; Virtual Machine
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Recent attacks have highlighted the insecurity of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm by demonstrating the impacts of leveraging Internet-scale compromised IoT devices. In this paper, we address the lack of IoT-specific empirical data by drawing upon more than 5TB of passive measurements. We devise data-driven methodologies to infer compromised IoT devices and those targeted by denial of service attacks. We perform large-scale characterization analysis of their traffic, as well as explore a public threat repository and an in-house mal-ware database, to underlie their malicious activities. The results expose a significant 28 thousand compromised IoT devices "in the wild," with 40% being active in critical infrastructure. More importantly, we uncover new, previously unreported malware variants that specifically target IoT devices. Our empirical results render a first attempt to highlight the large-scale insecurity of the IoT paradigm, while alarming about the rise of new generations of IoT-centric malware-orchestrated botnets.
Conference Paper
Many network monitoring tasks identify subsets of traffic that stand out, e.g., top-k flows for a particular statistic. A Protocol Independent Switch Architecture (PISA) switch can identify these "heavy hitter" flows directly in the data plane, by aggregating traffic statistics across packets and comparing against a threshold. However, network operators often want to identify interesting traffic on a network-wide basis. To bridge the gap between line-rate monitoring and network-wide visibility, we present a distributed heavy-hitter detection scheme for networks modeled as one-big switch. We use adaptive thresholds to perform efficient threshold monitoring directly in the data plane. We implement our system using the P4 language, and evaluate it using real-world packet traces. We demonstrate that our solution can accurately detect network-wide heavy hitters with up to 70% savings in communication overhead compared to an existing approach with a provable upper bound.
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) defense is still a difficult problem though it has been extensively studied. The existing approaches are not capable of detecting various types of DDoS attacks. In particular, new emerging sophisticated DDoS attacks (e.g., Crossfire) constructed by low-rate and short-lived “benign” traffic are even more challenging to capture. Moreover, it is difficult to enforce realtime defense to throttle these detected attacks since the attack traffic can be concealed in benign traffic. Software Defined Networking (SDN) opens a new door to address these issues. In this paper, we propose RADAR to detect and throttle DDoS attacks via adaptive correlation analysis built upon unmodified commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) SDN switches. It is a practical system to defend against a wide range of flooding-based DDoS attacks, e.g., link flooding (including Crossfire), SYN flooding, and UDP-based amplification attacks, while requiring neither modifications in SDN switches/protocols nor extra appliances. It accurately detects attacks by identifying attack features in suspicious flows, and locates attackers (or victims) to throttle the attack traffic by adaptive correlation analysis. We implement RADAR prototype using open source Floodlight controller, and evaluate its performance under various DDoS attacks by real hardware testbed based experiments. We observe that our scheme can successfully detect and effectively defend against various DDoS attacks with acceptable overhead.
A Slow HTTP Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack causes a web server to be unavailable, but it is difficult to detect in a network because its traffic patterns are similar to those of legitimate clients. In this paper, we propose a network-based Slow HTTP DDoS attack defense method which is assisted by a Software-Defined Network (SDN) that can detect and mitigate Slow HTTP DDoS attacks in the network. Simulation results show that the proposed Slow HTTP DDoS attack defense method successfully protects web servers against Slow HTTP DDoS attacks.