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IoT Powered Agricultural Cyber-Physical System: Security Issue Assessment


Abstract and Figures

Smart farming or development in agriculture Cyber-Physical Systems has led to the development of various IOT based innovative platforms to aid automated systems for precision agriculture. There are smart devices (IoT devices, smart vehicles, UAVs, ROVs, and drones) and sensors (magnetic, electrochemical, and mechanical sensors)constantly connected at the edge and procure data that is uploaded to cloud-based interfaces for further processing. The sensors can be maneuvered using an insecure, intelligent farming system to create choreographed cybersecurity attacks on a particular farm. End-to-end system is achieved by putting together smart devices, communication media, uploading data to the cloud, intermediate nodes, and processing this data at a central unit like the cloud or intermediate processing at other nodes. Cyber-physical systems are a combination of many technologies, resulting in a large number of security threats. This chapter is to delineate the attack vectors and categories of threats that can be performed on these innovative IOT based agricultural products; if not appropriately secured, can lead to more strategized and sophisticated security attacks that can hinder production for a region under effect and thus bringing down the economy and food stocks of Nations who implemented smart agriculture.
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IoT Powered Agricultural Cyber-Physical System:
Security Issue Assessment
Elham Kariri
To cite this article: Elham Kariri (2022): IoT Powered Agricultural Cyber-Physical System: Security
Issue Assessment, IETE Journal of Research, DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2022.2032848
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Published online: 21 Feb 2022.
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IoT Powered Agricultural Cyber-Physical System: Security Issue Assessment
Elham Kariri
Department of Information Systems, College of Computer Engineering and Sciences, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj, Saudi
Smart farming or development in agriculture Cyber-Physical Systems has led to the development
of various IOT based innovative platforms to aid automated systems for precision agriculture. There
are smart devices (IoT devices, smart vehicles, UAVs, ROVs, and drones) and sensors (magnetic, elec-
trochemical, and mechanical sensors)constantly connected at the edge and procure data that is
uploaded to cloud-based interfaces for further processing. The sensors can be maneuvered using
an insecure, intelligent farming system to create choreographed cybersecurity attacks on a particu-
lar farm. End-to-end system is achieved by putting together smart devices, communication media,
uploading data to the cloud, intermediate nodes, and processing this data at a central unit like the
cloud or intermediate processing at other nodes. Cyber-physical systems are a combination of many
technologies, resulting in a large number of security threats. This chapter is to delineate the attack
vectors and categories of threats that can be performed on these innovative IOT based agricul-
tural products; if not appropriately secured, can lead to more strategized and sophisticated security
attacks that can hinder production for a region under effect and thus bringing down the economy
and food stocks of Nations who implemented smart agriculture.
IoT security; IoT security
threats; Smart agriculture;
Smart farming; Threat
Agriculture practices have seen exponential growth as
smart technologies have been implemented in the past
decades. The evidence of technology being involved in
various steps and tiers of food production has shown
reliability on these innovative systems for adding addi-
tional ease in production. Various modules and tiers are
conjugated together to implement the functionality. This
chapter highlights the attack vectors and threat mecha-
nisms that can be devised to spike or introduce subtle
or negligible changes to disrupt the systems and ulti-
mately aect the infrastructure at par. The ideology is to
segregate and review various threat vectors that can be
exploited on IOT based smart agriculture systems, such
as exploitations of any vulnerabilities or aws to com-
promise the system integration. In a basic IoT system,
multiple parties gather, process, and store information;
or can be moduled and bought from third-party ven-
dors [1]. A resultant can be easily explored for loopholes
to disrupt the services or cause damage to the system and
its dependencies Figure 1.
The majority of the IoT systems in farming are generally
related to monitoring values such as soil humidity, soil
Ph, temperature, luminosity. The sequence of events is
generally monitored at the ground level and data pass-
ing through various nodes for nal analysis to perpetuate
results. These results are then used to make decisions that
allow the handlers/users to take necessary actions such as
whether to irrigate, fertilize the elds or not, and whether
to regulate temperature or not [2]. This data is also stored
for further check of future possibilities in crop yield, giv-
suited better to gain more yield in an area compared to
lab-controlled environments. Undoubtedly, these devices
have provided much-needed benets and real-time mon-
itoring ease for current agricultural practices, shaping for
more gains in the future Figure 2.
Figure 3enlists the various layers present in any IoT-
based system used in agricultural systems. The physical
ing values at their end. Generally, these are raw values
and often need processing for further usage. The physical
layer ensures these sensors are connected on the ground
and working in a calibrated manner for optimal system
performance [4]. The values such as soil humidity, tem-
peratures, ph values, etc., general observations from sen-
layer is further connected to the network layer, as the raw
data cannot be processed by sensor nodes and has to be
© 2022 IETE
Figure 1: Architechure model of CPS
propagated to the next tier, which is the middle layer; this
is often done via technologies of wireless band depend-
ing upon the location and feasibility to run the network
layer without much data loss. Often rural farms might
networks [1,3]. The middle layer is mainly introduced
to ease the processing burden so that any pre-processing
can be done beforehand. The Application layer is majorly
for nal presentation to user or administrator, decision
making, result analysis [1,5]. This chapter will explore the
attack vectors/vulnerabilities or threat landscape of smart
agriculture systems. Section 1, as the introduction, relates
Figure 3: Estimated IoT adoption in Agricultural sector in terms
of percentage globally
to the architecture used on IoT smart systems;the idea
explored on various levels of threats. Section 2enunciates
past work done towards ensuring security, mainly during
the use of IoT; researchers have worked on wireless sensor
networks as they are the backbone of IoT-built systems
and provide for the communication channel between lay-
ers. Section 3presents a detailed threat landscape that
highlights the variety of vulnerabilities and attacks with
case studies. Finally, section 4refers to mitigation and
practices involved.
forefront as the economy for the country would often
depend on the agricultural produce and yield. Since a
major part relies on technology, it becomes a more lucra-
tive opportunity to attack these interfaces. Therefore,
Figure 2: Layers in IoT based smart agriculture system [3]
the IoT technology which has been deployed for aid-
ing might be jeopardized. These systems are often made
to sustain the ground scenarios and be cost-ecient;
this leaves concern for the security of such devices [6].
Mainly, the usage of wireless sensor networks(WSNs) and
securing their communication has been worked upon in
recent years; apart from WSN; data protection has been
another worked upon feature. Since the WSNs limit their
processing power, it is important to secure the chan-
nels to ensure proper management, [7]havepresented
a schema against impersonation and insider attack by
applying two-factor authentication methods. However,
it lacked any high-level encryption schemes which can
easily be cracked using cryptanalysis. Another authenti-
cation scheme was presented by [8]tocombattheauthen-
tication and encryption problem by using remote authen-
tication processes. Eventhough these schemes were used,
but the threat of impersonation could still lead to spoof-
ing and man-in-the-middle attacks. Ref. [9]hasproposed
a session key management to secure the authenticated
channel and secure it against password attacks. Ref. [10]
proposed a novel remote authentication scheme using
BAN logic and session key management, automated vali-
dation of internet security protocols and applications is
used to provide this functionality. In [11], the authors
have worked upon secure user authentication alongside
WSN for secure monitoring of agricultural systems. The
system rstly veries the registered user with a smart-
card mechanism; this smartcard is authenticated via a
card reader to ensure the legit person is accessing the sys-
tem alongside giving a password set by the user. Ref. [12]
have researched possible usage of blockchain to aid the
possibility to draw smart contracts and store data for pro-
cessing and post-processing to smart ledgers to ensure
enhanced security. As more and more data is being pro-
cessed at edge and cloud nodes, it has become easier
blockchain as the main data collection point from var-
ious sensor nodes, smart contracts are drawn between
management nodes to capture data from sensors and
analyze it. Another ecient approach of creating clus-
ters has been explored by [14,15]throughLowenergy
adaptive clustering hierarchy(LEACH), in the second
ple blocks uploaded as ledgers on the blockchain, hence
securing the data them. Subsequent nodes will prop-
agate data using Voronoi architecture; the methodol-
ogy has also reduced the update of cluster data only
when a new node is added and not advertising time
andagain.Ref.[16] have implemented a secure remote
telemetry-based subsystem that can easily upload data via
a secured channel through SSH/TLS, the storage system
Figure 4: Elements of Cyber-Physical System
has been secured through a rewall, and IKE authentica-
tion through VPN has been used to propagate data from
node to node. Furthermore, isolation has been estab-
lished in the system using containerization-based SAAS
Considering the threats that pertain to IoT systems, the
threats can be categorized through four layers as specied
in Figure 5above, the vulnerabilities in IoT-based sys-
tems are more as they are mainly remotely located and
comprise various components [1719]. Therefore, it is
important to protect against such threats; Figure 5shows
a brief scenario of what attacks can be more prominent at
which layers.
3.1 Physical Layer/ Perception Layer Attacks
The physical layer is generally exposed to attacks that can
be done directly on the sensors, whereas there could be
eminent manipulations on parts of sensors and actuators;
this can easily change the crop’s analysis and lead to dire
consequences [2123]. The sensors are mainly designed
to fabricate a single task and are not used to processing
any overhead tasks; it is challenging to keep sensors in
safe places.
Figure 5: Threat Landscape for IOT-based smart agriculture devices [2,16,20]
3.1.1 Node Tampering/Jamming
Equipment such as actuators, sensors are generally
embedded in nature, having a single task to perform.
Therefore, these nodes cannot have more security fore-
prevalent. In such an attack, the data generated at the
hardware is modied, which can set o an absolute dif-
ference in the data, further sent to higher layers for pro-
cessing. Refs. [2426] has discussed the usage of strong
malicious nodes within the network to launch a tam-
per attack against existing nodes in the network. Such an
attack can be detected by observing a signicant drop in
packets at the sink node [2729].
3.1.2 Interferences/Insider Attacks
The perception layer in IoT is more susceptible to
insider attacks wherein eavesdropping; interferences can
be introduced by injecting an external agent in disguise.
Ref. [30] have published the severity of insider attacks,
wherein it was observed that these attacks could often
lead to drastic consequences if left unchecked in critical
IoT systems.
3.1.3 Node Injection/Code-Based Manipulation
Injection-based attacks are often performed to spike
or manipulate the values at lower layers that can
go undetected and cause larger magnied dierences,
Ref. [31]denesthisasakindofsalamiattackthatcan
easily magnify in the long run. For instance, spiking the
values of fertilizers by a very insignicant amount, but in
the long run, the value will show a larger increase and can
3.1.4 Physical Damage
Physical damage to equipment can be natural as a result of
calamity or otherwise. It can lead to null values at receiv-
ing end or missed values, which can cause an imbalance
in the real-time processing of data. Ref. [32]described
how a drone can be controlled to take over and remotely
cause failure to other nodes in its vicinity through an
insecure UDP channel.
3.2 Network Layer Attacks
This layer is more prevalent in common wireless sen-
It makes it easier to perform eavesdropping, sning,
or disruption of services to underlying nodes leading to
missing data [33].
3.2.1 Traffic Analysis/Wireless Sensor Node Sniffing
MostIoT devices work on low power and have low pro-
cessing capabilities, generally limited to single function-
ality; this remains a challenge to secure the intermediate
layer. [demo] has introduced a 6LoWPAN based intru-
sion detection system that can detect and alert over IoT
node-based 6LoWPAN; the tests show higher accuracy in
a simulation of sniers onto node deployments that use
3.2.2 Spoofing/Cloning
disruptions in the system, inject codes through inter-
faces to manipulate upper layers. Spoong in wireless
sensor network nodes can sometimes be achieved by cre-
ating a clone of legit nodes and entering the network as
an imposter. Ref. [35] shows how machine learning can
enhance learning-based detection, authentication, access
control system that can easily formulate alerts. They have
used SVM, Q-learning, K-NN, Naive Bayes to detect
and classify between various degrees of threats. Spoong
can cause potential data leaks,leading to data compro-
mise for users attached to the system. Ref. [36]have
explored spoong against actuators, leading to integrity
violation and DoS attacks after generating control-based
spoof attacks in the network. The method of protecting
actuators has been proposed using TEE[Trusted execu-
tion environment] that monitors all commands coming
from actuators via simplex communications and gen-
erates alerts or ignores according to conditions for the
trigger [37].
3.2.3 Unauthorized Access
To provide for crops through smart IOT based agri-
culture deployments, it is highly important to properly
monitor conditions in real-time. It needs constant checks
either by an automated system or user at their end; any
unauthorized access to this system might lead to a dras-
tic outcome. Chances of replay attacks [38], stolen cre-
dentials. might lead to any unauthorized person gaining
virtue on the system. Ref. [24]havesuggestedusingan
unspent transaction outputs model for carrying out a sin-
gle set of instructions, whereas an account-based online
transaction model can be used for parallel execution in
3.2.4 Man-In-The-Middle
MITM is commonly performed through insecure wire-
less channels where the communication path is not
secure enough and can lead to packet capture, and any
unauthorized user can gain access to all the information
transferring over the insecure communication channel.
Once the attacker gains access, they can easily escalate
their privileges and gain access within the system to make
any irregular changes without the actual users noticing.
Ref. [39] has conducted security assessments on multi-
ple farm-based types of equipment with smart sensors;
they concluded that physical devices do come with added
security fabrication, but through the upper layers, these
implementations are in the hands of users, which creates
a niche for a mistake. Department of Homeland security,
US has also referred to threats of MITM attack due to
obligations on their interfaces.
3.2.5 Denial of Service
According to [5], in precision agricultural systems, the
denial of service is more frequent towards users using
smart services; the threats can be due to poorly man-
aged systems, disruption to PNT(positioning, navigation,
and timing) systems that use GPS to collect information
for processing. Other disruptions can be accounted for
at supply chains or communication channels in decision
support systems.
3.3 Middle Layer/Edge Layer
This layer generally consists of edge level processing, a
practice of pre-processing data before uploading to cloud
services; it is important to take careful security mea-
suresatthislayer[11]. The methodology of securing the
parameter consists of safekeeping data with encryption
policies, transmitting data through safe means, maintain-
ing data integrity at each node. Ref. [40]haveproposed
creatinga trust execution environment for edge devices
by creating a trust zone at the real-time operating system’s
thread level. Ref. [41] have used virtualization techniques
at edge level to lightweight implementation, decreas-
Docker containerization, and building single-purpose
appliances for ease of use.
3.3.1 Encryption
Encryption of contents is extremely important when the
data is transmitted or stored; the practice helps to secure
the parameter to a vast extent. Ref. [11]haveshown
hybrid usage of hardware-based AES algorithm before
transmission of data alongside the second layer of protec-
tion by adding public key protected with RSA algorithm.
It is emphasized that an edge layer is maintained near the
IoT devices to decrease the computation and communi-
cation load. In [6], an edge-aided searchable public-key
encryption is created that uses bilinear mapping initially
and in the second phase at the edge side uses a strat-
egy of oine-online schema, the pre-computed data in
oine phase is sent to online phase for second encryp-
tion. Ref. [42] have another approach of initiating hierar-
chical identity-based encryption to contain privacy and
further use blockchain to create a tamper-proof ledger to
3.3.2 Data Based Attacks
This category of threat is related to storage, data process-
ing, and new age smart precision agricultural machin-
and articial intelligence to enhance the eciency of
the systems and decrease the dependency on users for
manual integration. The process of automation requires
better data that can be used for prediction, which can
yield better results; the decision support systems often
require long-term data to determine decisions accord-
ingly. Ref. [43]havecreatedasmartsecuritysystemfor
agriculture-based IoT systems which uses an ethereum
server to store data instead of traditional servers; EVMs
are used to contain data coming from sensors and col-
lected in a single place; any queries from the user are also
answered through the same server. The key is to hash the
data coming from sensors initially to avoid any mid-way
3.3.3 Policy-Based Threats
In IoT-based implementations, there are various agents
combined to capitulate better results. These elements
need micro-managing through policies or alerts,
required to be congured at the user’s end. The major-
ity of the issues in security arise from weak passwords,
default passwords, non-encrypted methods of sharing
information, improper authentication, and authorization
policies.Ref.[44] have shown using real-time policy
management how nodes can be managed with dier-
ent alert-based strategies to control nodes in a network;
the implementation isbased on smart city and regula-
tion control using thresholds for speed, area coverage,
3.4 Application Layer
This layer is responsible for creating an interactive inter-
face between user and system. Thus, it is relatively crucial
to mark a stricter front onthe application side. Depend-
ing upon the operating systems and underlying hardware,
multiple vulnerabilities and exploits can be harnessed.
3.4.1 Social Engineering
complete network; as [5] states how commercial farming
practices require more sophisticated equipment for better
agricultural practices, it is equally critical to ensure safety
from the user’s end. Phishing is another social engineer-
ing attack strategy that is generally used to lure the users
into clicking on synonymous links to gain access;In a
more targeted form, spear phishing is usually associated
with almost legit emails.
3.4.2 Code-Based Exploits
According to [45], a mere malicious code could easily
inject false data and project a dierent scenario. To deal
with this practice, they have used post-quantum cryptog-
raphy with parity check. In practice, an authentication
on the server is run to verify the user; afterwards device
anonymity and location privacy is practiced to ensure the
attacker cannot reach the legit nodes.
3.4.3 Cloud-Based Threats
As the data coming from sensors is used for real-time
analysis, it is much ecient if the cloud systems are
used for this purpose as they are ubiquitous, reduce
latency, and increase ease of access and availability.
The SAAS and PAAS platforms are devised to use ser-
vices and applications for real-time analytics, manage-
ment, decision-making. Mobile-based applications tend
to use permissions and target data from the user’s end;
ne-grained control must be established at the user’s
end to maintain secure data exchange [11]. Identity
privacy, location information, node compromise, and
layer cloning/ forwarding can be easily attributed; third-
party applications used from multiple cloud vendors
can extract extra information without the user’s knowl-
edge. Ref. [46] have explored gateway leaks in smart
home technologies and showed that secret data leaks
cannot be prevented due to a lack of interoperability
The growing need to provide for a large population and
ensure less food waste has led to increasing reliabil-
ity on smart farming practices that involve machinery
and sophisticated equipment [7,16,47]. It has increased
upstanding towards IoT-based devices; the practices are
automated to reduce manual intervention and burden.
However, this has brought about vulnerabilities that can
be explored and exploited to aect the associated users.
Agriculture forms a large part of the economy; any dis-
ruptions or unprecedented crop failure can impact the
economic growth of the country. If security breaches
towards such devices are ignored or left unchecked, it
could have repercussions on the economic prosperity and
lead to crop failure. According to OWASP’s index of top
ten vulnerabilities,the primary factors for insecure IoT
systems are weak passwords, insecure and unreliable net-
work usages, lack of security patch updates, outdated
components, and insucient privacy protection [48].
These collective factors have contributed to losses in IoT-
basedsystems.Table1enlists some of the suggested mit-
igations methods layerwise that have been implemented,
Tab le 1: Mitigation measures against security vulnerabilities
Sno Layer Method Protection against
1 Physical layer/ Perception layer Hardware hardening against eavesdropping by
cryptography using AES- counter and AES
Cipher block chaining
Ensures data encryption at the node, preserves
privacy, data integrity, traffic analysis
2 Physical layer/ Perception layer Security monitor for IoT controller, sensors, and
False authentication, weak passwords, security
patch updates, firmware extraction,
code-based manipulation
3 Physical layer/ Perception layer Implement built-in security, maintenance,
updating of firmware
Reverse engineering, insecure backdoor
4 Physical layer/ Perception layer Data hiding in interferences, covert commu-
nication; easy to implement in low power
Eavesdropping, man-in-the-middle attack,
stealth attacks
5 Network Layer Radiofrequency fingerprinting based authen-
tication and secure channel communication
through wireless key generation
False authentication, unauthorized access,
node cloning, code-based manipulation
6 Network Layer Intrusion detection systems- Machine learning-
based, deep learning-based, signature-based;
method of constant vigilance over the network
in real-time
Denial of services attacks, immunity against
virus signatures, 6LoWPAN-based network
attacks, wormhole attacks, a Routing
protocol for lossy network attacks,
Distributed denial of service, traffic analysis
7 Network Layer IoT security protocols- Low power, less overhead,
Network-based attacks [23,25,26]
8 Middle layer/ Edge layer Creation of sensor layer to monitor edge data using
MQTT protocol
Data tampering, data analysis, eavesdropping,
protocol-level attacks, denial of service
9 Middle layer/ Edge layer Software-defined networking at edge layer to
prevent malicious traffic
Denial of service, traffic analysis, distributed
denial of service
10 Middle layer/ Edge layer Blockchain-based mobile computing Denial of service, traffic analysis, distributed
denial of service
11 Middle layer/ Edge layer Traffic shaping policies for IoT devices according to
code-injections, manipulations [54]
12 Middle layer/ Edge layer Advanced encryption strategies, lightweight
implementations; Attribute-based encryption
Data confidentiality, integrity, [55]
13 Application Layer Service level agreements, interoperability
standards for any data collection
secret data collection for maintenance by
third-party applications
14 Application Layer Fine-grained control policies and protocols, proper
user management
unauthorized access, social engineering, data
theft, password leaks
Figure 6: Cyber-Phisical System Internal Constrants [9]
tested, observed, and deployed on other IoT-based smart
systems Figure 6.
protocol system in order to nd out the best-suited
system for agricultural utility application to a large
Figure 7: Signal rangs vs data rate
extent.Based on calculated examinations and compari-
is the one that can be widely deployed, accepted, and has
clearly dened use-cases.
In Figure 7,avirtualcomparisonhasbeendevelopedto
understand Signal ranges in comparison with data rate
to actually determine the exact protocol as per the area of
application Figure 8.
Figure 8: Comparision table of the IoT protol under different parameter
This chapter explored the variety of threats that can be
those systems, the majority of remotely controlled nodes
using the built-in security features. The modern termi-
nology of precision agriculture encloses multiple embed-
ded systems providing for a single type of task and man-
aged by controllers and services; this revolutionizing dig-
ital model needs to adapt to tighter security measures
as negligence can have consequences and destruction of
crops. Although the extent of the potential threat model
has not been explored in this regard, it needs to empha-
size security measures.
No potential conict of interest was reported by the
The author extend their appreciation to the Deputyship for
Research & Innovation, Ministry of Education in Saudi Ara-
bia for funding this research work through the project number
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Elham Kariri is assistant professor and
researcher with 10 +years of experi-
ence teaching courses on undergraduate
and postgraduate levels in Prince Sattam
bin Abdulaziz University. Supervised 5
BA research graduation projects and 4
cles in peer-reviewed journals.
Corresponding author. Email:;
... Kariri et al. [79] conducted a comprehensive investigation of the threat landscape in IoT agriculture systems. It provides a valuable resource for developers, offering insights into developing and implementing effective and secure approaches in IoT-based agriculture. ...
... • The potential privacy and security implications associated with data sharing is not adequately addressed. [79] • Cross layer threat landscape is categorized. ...
... The centralized cloud layer's network demand and computational load are reduced. The layer for edge computing is made up of several edge nodes [26]. Every node serves as a gateway and offers many services, including data gathering, Observation, detection of security threats, prediction, and direct decision support. ...
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is no longer a newbie; it has a long history of serving as the primary commercial growth driver. Every business nowadays has begun to rely on IoT technology for market operational excellence. Smart Farming has also adopted IoT technology and farmers utilize these technologies to monitor crop production, evaluate soil moisture content, and deploy drones to assist with operations like pesticide spraying. As more devices link to the Internet, the problems of safeguarding smart farming settings' cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities grow. Digitalization in agriculture is regarded as the fourth agricultural revolution, as evidenced by a wide range of available digital technologies and data applications. This paper describes a systematic literature review (SLR) on IoT security and privacy and domains in the agricultural industry. This SLR was summarized by studying the research papers published in reputable journals between January 2017 and July 2023. A total of 37 articles were carefully selected from 6 databases using a systematic method, quality assessment, and classification. The primary objective of this study is to consolidate all relevant studies on IoT-based Smart Farming (SF) applications domains, privacy/security, communication/Network protocols, and sensors/devices. It also highlighted the fundamental difficulties and how smart Farming works in different countries. Moreover, this review paper analyzes the security difficulties that IoT devices face in agriculture. Finally, open issues and challenges were discussed to give research with interesting future approaches in IoT agriculture.
... Devices that are connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) produce the data, which is then transmitted to a command-andcontrol facility [1]. However, because the devices have limited capacities for storage, processing, and security measures, the CPS has considerable obstacles in its effort to deliver a service that is both secure and efficient [2]. ...
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Connected cyber and physical elements exchange information through feedback in a cyber-physical system (CPS). Since CPS oversees the infrastructure, it is an integral part of modern living and is viewed as crucial to the development of cutting-edge smart devices. As the number of CPSs rises, so does the need for intrusion detection systems (IDS). The use of metaheuristic methods and Artificial Intelligence for feature selection and classification can offer solutions to some of the problems caused by the curse of dimensionality. In this research, we present a blockchain-based approach to data security in which blocks are generated using the RSA hashing method. Using Differential Evolution (DE), we first select the blockchain-secured data, and then we partition that data into train and testing datasets to use for training and testing our model. It is also permitted for the validated model to use a deep belief network (DBN) to predict attacks. The purpose of the simulation is to evaluate the safety and precision of the classifications. It turns out that the proposed strategy not only improves classification accuracy but also makes the data more resistant to attacks.
The need for agricultural and food goods has dramatically expanded due to the rapid population growth. Agriculture's reliance on older technologies has rendered them outmoded and unable to meet demand. Agricultural goods' quantity and quality can be improved by integrating data-driven and sensor technology into the agriculture and food production sectors. Nevertheless, it might increase cyber dangers and make the farming environment worse. As a result of cyberattacks, consumers may consume unsafely, and the economy may suffer. Attackers may operate remotely and deed on-field sensors and entirely self-directed vehicles. The motivation of this chapter is to study various cyber-attacks in the smart farming ecosystem and propose a real-time cybersecurity model for a multi-cloud-based hi-tech farming system.
The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) pertains to employing conventional Internet protocols to facilitate interactions between humans and objects, as well as between objects themselves. Functioning with machines and entities, IoT enables computation, communication, and collaboration among interconnected elements. This integration has extended to various facets of agriculture such as cultivation, surveillance, processing, marketing, and consumer engagement. While recognized security needs for IoT systems have prompted standardization efforts and proposed security mechanisms, persisting challenges and gaps remain due to both unresolved use cases and inadequate security provisions in many deployed IoT devices and systems. This study offers a cybersecurity-oriented overview of IoT-based agriculture, exploring potential applications of IoT devices, classifying agriculture's IoT architecture into four layers, scrutinizing security threats, and proposing effective countermeasures based on IoT architectural layers. An innovative IoT-driven smart agriculture model, fortified by security measures, is also proposed to mitigate cyber threats and enhance agricultural productivity.
Smart farm management has complex challenges; therefore, there is a need to improve the overall adaptability, profitability, and environmental soundness of the farming systems. Agricultural production can be enhanced with the help of IoT-based cognitive tools. The rapid increase in IoT-based smart systems has raised critical concerns about efficiently utilizing the wireless spectrum. To drastically bring the improvement in the utilization of the wireless spectrum, cognitive radio (CR) has emerged as an effective solution. The inherent openness and broadcast nature of the wireless medium have given rise to many security issues in cooperative networks. Information-theoretic security or physical layer security (PLS) is evolved as an efficacious wireless prototype for reliable transmissions to avert the eavesdropper from expropriating transmittal data on the wireless connections. Security is the key factor in these networks as they are exposed and active in behavior, thus, are susceptible to fraudulent activities. We investigated the performance of the CR system in terms of secrecy and also examined the system in terms of diversity receipt and selection of relay. The secrecy outcome of channel state information at the sender was also studied. The detrimental effects of fading in cooperative networks were also extensively discussed. Cooperative diversity was examined by deploying MRC and SC strategies at receptors. It has been deduced that CSI knowledge at the sender also has an eloquent concussion on the secrecy of the cognitive system.
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With increasing population, the demand for agricultural productivity is rising to meet the goal of “Zero Hunger”. Consequently, farmers have optimized the agricultural activities in a sustainable way with the modern technologies. This integration has boosted the agriculture production due to high potentiality in assisting the farmers. The impulse towards the technological advancement has revived the traditional agriculture methods and resulted in eco-friendly, sustainable, and efficient farming. This has revolutionized the era of smart farming which primarily alliance with modern technologies like, big data, machine learning, deep learning, swarm intelligence, internet-of-things, block chain, robotics and autonomous system, cloud-fog-edge computing, cyber physical systems, and generative adversarial networks (GAN). To cater the same, a detailed survey on ten hot-spots of smart farming is presented in this paper. The survey covers the technology-wise state-of-the-art methods along with their application domains. Moreover, the publicly available data sets with existing research challenges are investigated. Lastly, the paper concludes with suggestions to the identified problems and possible future research directions.
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There are many optimization problems in different branches of science that should be solved using an appropriate methodology. Population-based optimization algorithms are one of the most efficient approaches to solve this type of problems. In this paper, a new optimization algorithm called All Members-Based Optimizer (AMBO) is introduced to solve various optimization problems. The main idea in designing the proposed AMBO algorithm is to use more information from the population members of the algorithm instead of just a few specific members (such as best member and worst member) to update the population matrix. Therefore, in AMBO, any member of the population can play a role in updating the population matrix. The theory of AMBO is described and then mathematically modeled for implementation on optimization problems. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated on a set of twenty-three standard objective functions, which belong to three different categories: unimodal, high-dimensional multimodal, and fixed-dimensional multimodal functions. In order to analyze and compare the optimization results for the mentioned objective functions obtained by AMBO, eight other well-known algorithms have been also implemented. The optimization results demonstrate the ability of AMBO to solve various optimization problems. Also, comparison and analysis of the results show that AMBO is superior and more competitive than the other mentioned algorithms in providing suitable solution.
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The development and technological advancement of wireless sensor networks in different fields has been a revolution for mankind. To meet the high-end requirements, the support of the cloud that provides the resources for the application is very much essential. This paper presents an architecture called cloud sense to connect cyber and physical spaces for wireless body area networks with varying high-end workflow at different perspectives. The scalability issue in collecting patient data and processing the data is established using ganglia that is a scalable, distributed monitoring system to support high-performance computing in clusters for the set of input events such as electrocardiogram (ECG), blood pressure (BP), saturation of peripheral oxygen (SPO2), temperature, and skin conductance of the kind of human body parameters. Various parameter metrics have been analyzed based on the equivalent creation of instances. The connectivity mechanism behind the proposed cyber-physical system is unique of its kind; it is exhibited through wireless Internet on a small scale of three remote locations; the system works well with specific network parameter metrics; and the results proved that availability and scalability issues were addressed with numerical analysis.
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Hand gesture recognition is one of the most sought technologies in the field of machine learning and computer vision. There has been an unprecedented demand for applications through which one can detect the hand signs for deaf people and people who use sign language to communicate, thereby detecting hand signs and correspondingly predicting the next word or recommending the word that may be most appropriate, followed by producing the word that the deaf people and people who use sign language to communicate want to say. This article presents an approach to develop such a system by that we can determine the most appropriate character from the sign that is being shown by the user or the person to the system. To enable pattern recognition, various machine learning techniques have been explored and we have used the CNN networks as a reliable solution in our context. The creation of such a system involves several convolution layers through which features have been captured layer by layer. The gathered features from the image are further used for training the model. The trained model efficiently predicts the most appropriate character in response to the sign exposed to the model. Thereafter, the predicted character is used to predict further words from it according to the recommendation system used in this case. The proposed system attains a prediction accuracy of 91.07%.
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This paper presents a framework for detecting objects in images based on global features and contours. The first step is a shape matching algorithm that uses the background subtraction process. Object detection is accomplished by an examination of the oversegmentation of the image, where the space of the potential boundary of the object is examined to identify boundaries that have a direct resemblance to the prototype of the object type to be detected. Our analysis method removes edges using bilinear interpolation and reestablishes color sensors as lines and retracts background lines from the previous frame. Object contours are generated with clustered lines. The objects detected will then be recognized using the extraction technique. Here, we analyze the color and shape characteristics with which each object is capable of managing occlusion and interference. As an extension of object detection and recognition, F1 car simulation is experimented with simulation using various layers, such as layer drops, convolutionary layers, and boundary elimination, avoiding obstacles in different pathways.
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The United Nations defined tenable progress as a development that responds to the demands of the current without adjusting the capacity of further generations to fulfil their own requirements; this is a fundamental idea in this article. This study recognizes three aspects, financial, social, and environmental sustainability, although its emphasis is on the latter. An electronic copy is sometimes characterized a physical thing, a real counterpart, and the data, which indicates the presence of a connector and block for effective and efficient data transmission. This article offers a systematic literature review on the sustainability of designed technology-based systems. This article also introduces the major requirements which can be helpful in designing optimal design for sustainability of a digital double-form system. Many articles on DT have also been chosen since they referenced the studied SLRs and were deemed to be significant for the objectives of this study. Selected and analysed for papers revealed so many flaws and challenges: the boons of are not clear; DTs throughout the result the wheel of life of the DTs is not adequately surveyed; DTs can contribute to cost reduction or to support decision-making is unclear; Internet practice should be improved and better integrated Moreover, it has not been feasible from our study to locate a publication which solely discusses DTs in relation with situational sustainability.
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The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has emerged as one of the most important key applications of IoT. IoMT makes the diagnosis and care more convenient and reliable with proven results. The paper presents the technology, open issues, and challenges of IoMT-based systems. It explores the various types of sensors and smart equipment based on IoMT and used for diagnosis and patient care. A comprehensive survey of early detection and postdetection care of the neural disorder dementia is conducted. The paper also presents a postdiagnosis dementia care model named “Demencare.” This model incorporates eight sensors capable of tracking the daily routine of dementia patient. The patients can be monitored locally by an edge computing device kept at their premises. The medical experts may also monitor the patients’ status for any deviation from normal behavior. IoMT enables better postdiagnosis care for neural disorders, like dementia and Alzheimer’s. The patient’s behavior and vital parameters are always available despite the remote location of the patients. The data of the patients may be classified, and new insights may be obtained to tackle patients in a better manner.
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This study draws attention towards the application of identification nanoparticle (NPs) sensor based on back propagation (BP) neural network optimized by genetic algorithm (GA) in the early diagnosis of cancer cells. In this study, the traditional and optimized BP neural networks are compared in terms of error between the actual value and the predictive value, and they are further applied to the NP sensor for early diagnosis of cancer cells. The results show that the root mean square (RMS) and mean absolute error (MAE) of the optimized BP neural network are comparatively much smaller than the traditional ones. The particle size of silicon-coated fluorescent NPs is about 105 nm, and the relative fluorescence intensity of silicon-coated fluorescent NPs decreases slightly, maintaining the accuracy value above 80%. In the fluorescence imaging, it is found that there is obvious green fluorescence on the surface of the cancer cells, and the cancer cells still emit bright green fluorescence under the dark-field conditions. In this study, a phenolic resin polymer CMK-2 with a large surface area is successfully combined with Au. NPs with good dielectric property and bioaffinity are selectively bonded to the modified electrode through a sulfur-gold bond to prepare NP sensor. The sensor shows good stability, selectivity, and anti-interference property, providing a new method for the detection of early cancer cells.
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The novel paradigm of Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining recognition in the numerous scenarios promoting the pervasive presence of smart things around us through its application in various areas of society, which includes transportation, healthcare, industries, and agriculture. One more such application is in the smart office to monitor the health of devices via machine learning (ML) that makes the equipment more efficient by allowing real-time monitoring of their health. It guarantees indoor comfort as per the user’s satisfaction as it emphasizes on fault prediction in real-life devices. Early identification of various types of faults in IoT devices is the key requirement in smart offices. IoT devices are becoming ubiquitous and provide an assistant to supervise an office that is regulated by ML and data received from sensors is stored in cloud. A recommender system facilitates the selection of an appropriate solution for faults in IoT-enabled devices to mitigate faults. The architecture proposed in this paper is used to monitor each and every office appliance connected via IoT technology using ML technique, and recommender system is used to recommend solutions for fault patterns without much human intervention. The ultrasonic motion sensor is used to fetch the information of employee availability in cubicles and data is sent to the cloud through the WiFi module. ATmega8 is used to control electrical appliances in the office environment. The significance of this work is to forecast the faults in IoT appliances which will have an impact on life and reliability of IoT appliances. The main objective is to design a prototype of a smart office using IoT that can control and automate workplace devices and forecast whether the device needs repairing or replacing, thus reducing the overall burden on the employee and helping out in increasing physical as well as mental health of the person.
Nowadays, COVID-19 is considered to be the biggest disaster that the world is facing. It has created a lot of destruction in the whole world. Due to this COVID-19, analysis has been done to predict the death rate and infected rate from the total population. To perform the analysis on COVID-19, regression analysis has been implemented by applying the differential equation and ordinary differential equation (ODE) on the parameters. The parameters taken for analysis are the number of susceptible individuals, the number of Infected Individuals, and the number of Recovered Individuals. This work will predict the total cases, death cases, and infected cases in the near future based on different reproductive rate values. This work has shown the comparison based on 4 different productive rates i.e. 2.45, 2.55, 2.65, and 2.75. The analysis is done on two different datasets; the first dataset is related to China, and the second dataset is associated with the world's data. The work has predicted that by 2020-08-12: 59,450,123 new cases and 432,499,003 total cases and 10,928,383 deaths.