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Open-Source Robotics: Investigation on Existing Platforms and Their Application in Education



In recent years a continuous effort to foster robot-ics at the earliest stages of education is reported. Robots' code and hardware are subjected to licensing, a fact that places manufacturers on the top of the beneficiaries of this new trend. Hence, open-source robotics (OSR) enter the mainstream, to enable rapid development on a lower budget. This paper provides an overview of the up-to-date commercial OSR platforms that can support education, in terms of hardware, software and simula-tors. Extensibility and applicability are investigated, and comparison of features takes place. Future challenges and possibilities are also discussed.
Open-Source Robotics: Investigation on Existing
Platforms and Their Application in Education
Eleni Vrochidou, Michail Manios, George Papakostas
Human-Machines Interaction (HUMAIN) Laboratory
Department of Computer and Informatics Engineering
Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology
Kavala, Greece
{evrochid, m.manios, gpapak}
Charalabos Aitsidis, Fotis Panagiotopoulos
Department of Business Administration
Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology
Kavala, Greece
{aitsidis, fpanag}
AbstractIn recent years a continuous effort to foster robot-
ics at the earliest stages of education is reported. Robots’ code
and hardware are subjected to licensing, a fact that places manu-
facturers on the top of the beneficiaries of this new trend. Hence,
open-source robotics (OSR) enter the mainstream, to enable
rapid development on a lower budget. This paper provides an
overview of the up-to-date commercial OSR platforms that can
support education, in terms of hardware, software and simula-
tors. Extensibility and applicability are investigated, and compar-
ison of features takes place. Future challenges and possibilities
are also discussed.
Keywords—open-source robotics; hardware; software;
simulator; education
During the last decade, the robot industry had entered all
fields of every-day life, including education [1]. It has been
proven that hands-on education can support the learning of new
material since it provides a real-world meaning to the taught
abstract knowledge [2], [3]. Robotics have demonstrated their
efficiency as powerful tools for hands-on learning, for both
robotic [4] and non-robotic subjects [5]. In an educational set-
ting, however, these tools must also be inexpensive. If robotics
are becoming essential to schools, more tools and platforms are
needed to reduce the costs in time and money of prototyping
robots. The open-source paradigm offers a potential solution to
this end.
Open-source platforms phenomenon, intensively present
only recently, has a significant impact in software and hard-
ware industries. The collaborative model associated with open-
source communities, has introduced a new evolving model that
grows and expands outside regional borders [6]. The existence
of freely available software and hardware, robust and accessi-
ble for all, allows exploration of fabrication and programming
of various robotic morphologies. Thus, faster adaptation of
technology, increased innovation and reduced costs in terms of
money and time-to-market [7]. Moreover, the fact that open-
source products lack of license fees, contributes to shifting the
traditional license-based models towards service-based models
It is therefore vital to meet the challenges related to open-
source platforms. This work provides a road map regarding the
most popular open-source platforms, in terms of hardware,
software and simulators. The aim of this work is not only to
present, but to evaluate and synthesize the up-to-date empirical
research results on open-source platforms in education and
offer possible directions for future research.
The layout of the paper is as follows: Section II provides an
overview on the most popular open-source platforms, including
advantages and disadvantages. Section III presents recent ap-
plications of OSR in education. Discussion and future chal-
lenges are provided in Section IV. Conclusions are summarized
in Section V.
This work does not mean to be exhaustive, OSR platforms
are numerous. Five of each category (hardware, software,
simulators) have been selected and presented. The selection is
based on the most recent reports of the bibliography regarding
educational applications that utilize these specific platforms.
A. Hardware
OSR hardware (OSRH) consists of physical technological
pieces designed and offered by the open design movement.
Hardware design refers to mechanical drawings, blueprints,
schematics, 3D model files, integrated circuit layouts, printed
circuit board data etc., that are distributed under free terms.
1) Sparki: A ready-made robotic construction with a
number of advanced sensors and electronic parts integrated on
an Arduino platform. Sparki can be programmed with C++ or
with block-based programming. It is designed to be an
affordable introductory robot for students from elementary-
age to adults. Sparki comes with a distance sensor,
accelerometer, infrared communications, compass, light
sensors, line-follower etc. It is used at over 2000 top schools
and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics) programs [9].
2) ArduPilot: An unmanned vehicle Autopilot Suite,
capable of controlling autonomous: multirotor drones, fixed-
wing and VTOL aircrafts, helicopters, ground rovers, boats,
submarines and antenna trackers, that run on an embedded
hardware consisting of microcontroller/s connected to
peripheral sensors for navigation. Sensors include MEMS
gyroscope, accelerometer, compass, laser or sonar altimeter,
GPS, optical flow sensors, airspeed indicators, monocular,
stereoscopic or RGB-D cameras etc. its flexibility makes it
popular in the DIY field and has been integrated into many
airplanes such as the Bixler 2.0 [10].
3) TurtleBot: TurtleBot is an off-the-shelf differential
drive robot equipped with a Microsoft Kinect sensor. It is
based on the iRobot Create platform, with an Asus controller
and an Intel Dual Core Processor. Odometry can be improved
by using a single axis gyroscope, a laser range finder, a
Microsoft KinectTM camera etc., available with the robot.
Turtlebot was developed to meet the cost-concious needs of
schools, laboratories and companies [11].
4) E-puck mobile robot: A wheeled mobile robot,
equipped with a color camera, infrared proximity, 3D
accelerometer, microphone, loudspeaker etc. Sine it is an OSR
hardware, its price is lower than competitors, thus, it is
adopted by the scientific community despite its original
educational orientation [12].
5) iCub: A humanoid robot for research into human
cognition ad artificial intelligence. It is controlled by an an-
board PC104 controller which communicates with actuators
and sensors. It is programmed in C++ and uses YARP for
external communication via Gigabit Ethernet with off-board
software. Power and network connection are provided with an
umbilical cable. It is able to crawl on all fours and sit up to
manipulate objects and its hands have been designed to
support sophisticate manipulation skills [13].
B. Software
A robot is not only plastic or metallic parts. In order to func-
tion, the robot needs intelligence. OSR software (OSRS) ap-
plies the needed intelligence to the robots, in terms of code,
that anyone can inspect, redistribute, modify and enhance. A
global network of programmers can improve OSR software by
adding features to it or fixing parts that do not work correctly.
In that way, the software goes through a type of natural evolu-
tion, which results to rapid development, increased reliability
and decreased cost. OSR software can provide free or low-cost
technology on the classroom that otherwise would be unable
to be afforded.
1) leJOS: Lego Java Operation System, is a replacement
for the standard Lego Firmware, adapts the TinhVM Java
Virtual Machine from the original Mindstorms RCX brick to
the new more powerful NXT brick. It has support for
threading, arrays, recursion, synchronization, exceptions, non-
generic data structures, standard data types, and input and
output. For input and output, streams and sockets are
available. For control purposes, is supports direct connection
via Bluetooth-enabled GPS units for spatial location
information and keyboards for the navigation control of the
robot [14].
2) RoCK: The Robotic Construction Kit is a sorfware
framework for robotics, based on the Orocos Real Time
Toolkit. It is designed to be extensible and includes a number
of drivers and modules for existing applications. RoCK
provides all required tools to set up and run high performance
and reliable robotic systems for a variety of applications in
research and industry [15].
3) ROS: The Robot Operating System, is a collection of
libraries, drivers and tools for effective development and
building of robot systems. It has a Linux-like command tool,
interprocess communication system and various application-
related packages. The ROS-based software is language and
platform-independent. It is implemented in C++, Python, and
LISP. It has experimental libraries in Java and Lua. The ROS
packages include many sensor drivers, navigation tools,
environment mapping, path planning, interprocess
communication visualization tool, a 3D environment
visualization tool etc., that allow effective development of
new robotic systems [16].
4) URBI: The Universal Robotic Body Interface is used as
the main tool for handling various software modules. It
integrates and delivers communications between the two
lowest levels of the architecture. This permits dynamic loading
of modules and total control of their operation. It also delivers
urbiscript, a script programming language used in robotics,
oriented towards parallel and event-based programming.
Urbiscript syntax is based on widely-used programming
languages, and it is integrated with C++ and other languages
such as Java, MATLAB or Python. The orchestration
mechanism that is built into URBI, can handle scheduling and
parallelization of tasks. Thus, all activities of the robot can be
synchronized with each other [17].
5) MRPT: The Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit is a set
of cross platform C++ library and applications released under
the GPL license, that can allow multiple third-party libraries to
work together. It is cross platform, but only currently has been
tested on Windows and Linux. MRPT focuses on
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), computer
vision, and motion planning algorithms [18].
C. Simulators
Robots are meant to operate in a real-world environment,
and therefore are subjected to physical constraints such as
weather, gravity, terrain etc. Thus, the robot’s functionality
needs to be tested before starting to assemble the hardware.
OSR Simulators (OSRSim) play an important role in robotic
applications as tools for testing the efficiency, safety, and
robustness of new algorithms. This is crucial in realistic sce-
narios that require robots to interact closely with humans, e.g.,
in special and typical education or in medical/assistive robot-
1) Gazebo: An apache-licensed simulation solution, with
advanced 3D graphics for indoor and outdoor robots, virtual
sensors, extensive command line tool collection and the ability
to run simulations on cloud. It has a Client/Server architecture
and a topic-based Publish/Subscribe model of interprocess
communication. Gazebo has a standard Player interface and
additionally a native interface. The Gazebo clients can access
its data through a shared memory. In the process of dynamic
simulation Gazebo can access multiple high-performance
physics engines including Open Dynamics Engine (ODE),
Bullet, Simbody and Dynamic Animation and Robotics
Toolkit (DART). Utilizing Object-Oriented Graphics
Rendering Engine (OGRE), it provides realistic rendering of
environments. It can generate sensor data, from laser range
finders, 2D/3D cameras, Kinect style sensors, contact sensors,
force torque etc. It supports many plugins and many robot
models. It can run simulation on remote servers and it uses
CloudSim to run on Amazon AWS and GzWeb. Its extensive
command line tools, facilitate the simulation introspection and
control [19].
2) MORSE: The Modular OpenRobots Simulation Engine,
is a BSD-licensed project that focuses on generic simulation
for academic robotics, on realistic 3D simulations of indoor or
outdoor environments. It can be entirely controlled from the
command-line, it can be programmed with Python and renders
using the Blender game engine. The OpenGL-based Game
Engine supports shaders, lighting options and multi-texturing.
It comes with a set of standard sensors such as cameras, laser
scanners, GPS, odometry etc., actuators such as speed
controllers, generic joint controllers etc., and robotic bases
such as quadrotors, Pioneer3DX, ATRV etc. [20].
3) V-REP: The Virtual Robot Experimentation Platform is
a robot simulator with integrated development environment,
based on a distributed control architecture. Each model can be
controlled via an embedded script, a plugin, a ROS or
BlueZero node, a remote API client, or a custom solution. This
makes V-REP versatile and ideal for multi-robot applications.
Controllers can be programmed in C/C++, Python, Java, Lua,
Matlab or Octave. It is used for fast algorithm development,
factory automation simulations, fast prototyping and
verification, robotics related education etc. [21].
4) OpenRAVE: Open Robotics Automation Virtual
Environment, provides an environment for testing, developing
and deploying motion planning algorithms in real-world
robotics applications. It focuses on simulation and analysis of
kinematic and geometry information, necessary for motion
planning. It is easily integrated into existing robotic systems,
and provides many command-line tools [22].
5) USARSim: Urban Search And Rescue Simulation is a
3D high-fidelity simulator based on the Unreal Tournament
game engine. It was initially created as a research tool, to aim
urban search and rescue simulation. Currently it used for
research and education and can be extended to model arbitrary
application scenarios. A variety of sensors are supported such
as touch sensors, sound sensors, cameras, and lasers. It is
highly configurable and extendible. Users can add new sensors
or model new robots. It supports Windows, Linux and MacOS
In this section, the selected OSR are evaluated according to
the most recent results, derived from their use, in educational
applications. Tables I, II and III summarize the applications of
the bibliography where the selected OSR Hardware, software
and simulators, respectively, have been used, the year of the
application and the study details.
(Study Year)
Study details
Sparki (2017)
An informal team of adults, a teen and a toddler were
engaged in understanding the functionality of Sparki
robot on a layout of a city model.
A competition between final year robotic projects of
students, revealed that competitions can play a major
role in foundational skills like literacy and numeracy,
in soft skills like teamwork, people and time man-
agement, creativity, and in technical skills.
A cloud-based implementation of GMapping for
TurtleBot, to supply odometry details, so as to build a
map for a fast-moving robot.
Undergraduate students used e-puck to understand
and practice embedded programming. Results re-
vealed the efficiency of the robot to illustrate the
concepts of the course.
iCub (2016)
56 adult participants took part in this study, to reveal
that the robot acceptance is complex dynamic, prevail-
ing distrust on robots. Even when the robot was trust-
ed on social issues, there was a significant distrust on
functional issues.
(Study Year)
Study details
leJOS (2017)
A robotic challenge was organized to allow students
integrate the obtained knowledge of previous attended
modules and practically apply knowledge and skills to
solve a real problem.
RoCK (2016)
Students of an MSc course were subjected to a set of
laboratory exercises with a gradual increase of diffi-
culty to expose how students that had successfully
conducted the course got involved in European Robot-
ic Challenges.
ROS (2016)
An embedded robotic platform used for professional
training in Electrical Engineering. ROS was used as
communication and control software, to prove a better
appropriation of theoretical concepts, increased stu-
dents’ enthusiasm, improved ease of communication
and teamwork and greater interest in participation in
research activities.
URBI (2015)
The OSR platform URBI was used to control a robotic
companion. Experiments demonstrated
that both
children and adults feel comfortable interacting with
the robot and can easily recognize the emotions he
A team of students won the MAGIC2010 competition
with an autonomous robot that could do path plan-
ning, obstacle recognition and navigation.
(Study Year)
Study details
A graduate course project on humanoid robotics. The
target was for the students to map human limbs into
robotic joints, guarantee the stability of the robot and
teleoperate the robot to perform the correct move-
An OSR framework was used for two years in an
undergraduate course of robotics. The goal was path
planning and navigation in a simulated but realistic
Students of a Master program used an OSR platform
for hands-on laboratory sessions with mobile robots,
to contribute to engineering studies.
A GUI was developed for users to take part in an
educational workshop regarding control algorithms of
modular robots with the help of a framework.
A robot simulator for the Robocup competition com-
munity, promises to be an effective tool for teaching,
due to the high accuracy rendering and physical
Robot industry might be half a century old, yet, it is still
considered as a relatively closed industry. This means that
every manufacturer has its own software, algorithms, data
structures and even programming languages. OSR is a slowly
emerging open-source community. There are many reasons for
the lack of openness in the robotics industry; 1) All manufac-
turers operate in niche markets rather in open-source communi-
ties, 2) the biggest share of the market is covered by users that
make long-term investments, thus, they demand high reliability
and do not trust open-source products, 3) the academic users
who are really interested in the development of robotics and
share the vision of the open-source community, represent only
a negligible market share. As a result, OSRH industry is con-
sidered to be relatively locked-in [39]. On the other hand,
OSRS industry is emerging and ambitious. OSRS and
OSRSim, seem to evolve in the last couple of years, due to the
appearance and maturity of the Linux operating system togeth-
er with the growing employment of the Internet and its open
communication standards (TCP/IP), that allow the easy, cheap,
instantaneous and worldwide exchange of software and data.
The main advantages of OSR are 1) the long term-
availability, 2) the avoidance of locking-in, 3) the interchange-
able software and hardware with common interfaces, 3) the
ability to modify designs 4) the scientific reproducibility and 5)
the lower cost. Existing drawbacks of OSR that should be men-
tioned are 1) the reduction of profits for commercial manufac-
turers and organizations and 2) the association of open-source
with amateurism. To overcome this perception, companies that
use OSR business models, need to work harder to emphasize
their professionalism.
The objective of OSR is to bridge the gap between the re-
search and hobbyist robotics communities. The design goals
for OSR is for the system to 1) be easily assembled from com-
monly-available off-the-shelf parts, by someone with no formal
training, 2) to be affordable 3) be open and accessible, allowing
users to modify it as they please.
The open-source community promises to bring research-
level robots into the undergraduate and high school classroom.
Amateurs in robotics and non-specialists usually face some
challenges. These challenges are 1) to building their first work-
ing robot system, 2) to obtaining relevant information about the
open problems and existing solutions and 3) to find a commu-
nity to demonstrate and compare their developments. OSR
platforms, allows participants with different levels and types of
expertise to share their capabilities and introduce them to a
wider audience. There are many potentials for the design and
control of robots that have been only superficially explored.
Many robotic competitions for students exist, to motivate and
consequently provide the tools and arena with which student,
could make novel contributions. The main objective is to allow
all who can contribute to this vital field of robotics, educators,
researchers, manufacturers and more, to work together to ad-
vance the current state of robotics and beyond.
This work presents a review of OSR platforms in term of
software, hardware and simulators. Its scope is to analyze and
evaluate the effectiveness of OSR in education, according to
their most recently reported applications. Advantages and
drawbacks of OSR are discussed. The aim of the paper is to
provide comprehensive knowledge of the available OSR plat-
forms, to enlighten amateurs and researchers regarding OSR’s
usability and the possibilities they promise.
It should be acknowledged that the OSR platforms present-
ed in this work are selected by the authors based on the most
recent reports in educational applications, according to the
bibliography. Different criteria would have yield different OSR
platforms and reference articles.
This project has received funding from the European Un-
ion’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 777720.
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... On the other hand, TRIK Studio has the ability to program robots with either visual diagrams or high-level programming languages. For the development of simulators, programmers frequently use general-purpose platforms such as MATLAB [27] and Processing [28], or open-source robotics platforms like Gazebo, V-REP, and others [29][30][31]. Both Gazebo and V-REP have a 3D dynamic multi-robot environment [32]. ...
... All things considered, educational robotics simulators cover a wide range of educational scenarios. Previous reviews have focused on: (a) open source simulator platforms like Gazebo or V-REP [31], (b) simulators in teaching industrial robotics [39], and (c) simulator platforms for teaching kinematics, dynamics and control, specifically in the industrial sector [40]. Thus, this paper, focusing on ER, provides an overview of the educational robotics simulators and aims, this way, to inform both teachers and scientists about the simulators which have been scientifically used by the community. ...
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Educational robotics (ER) seems to have a positive effect on students and, in many cases, might help them to successfully assimilate knowledge and skills. Thus, this paper focuses on ER and carries out a literature review on educational robotics simulators with Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). The review searches for relevant papers which were published in the period 2013–2020 and extracted the characteristics of the simulators used. The simulators that we describe in this article cover various robotic technologies, offering students an easy way to engage with virtual robots and robotics mechanisms, such as wheeled robots or drones. Using these simulators, students might cover their educational needs or prepare themselves for educational robotic competitions by working in as realistic as possible conditions without hardware restrictions. In many cases, simulators might reduce the required cost to obtain a robotic system and increase availability. Focusing on educational robotics simulators, this paper presents seventeen simulators emphasizing key features such as: user’s age, robot’s type and programming language, development platform, capabilities, and scope of the simulator.
... This is useful in terms of controlling robots and swarms of robots by people with basic knowledge, without specialized training. Some sources [4] provide an overview of current open source robotics (OSR) platforms that can enhance education in terms of hardware, software and simulators. The main aim of the article is to provide a comprehensive knowledge of the available OSR platforms, according to their most recently reported applications in education, so that it will be useful to teachers, amateurs and researchers. ...
... On the other hand, robotics simulation software is a valuable tool for the creation and development of robots, as it allows engineers and programmers to test and refine their designs before implementing them in the real world, which can save time, costs, and risks associated with the implementation of robotic systems in real situations. In this sense, examples of free software such as ROS, CoppeliaSim Edu, and Gazebo offer advanced tools for designing, simulating, and testing robots in the educational environment [15,18,7,6]. ...
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Robotics has become a popular topic of study at all levels of education, from elementary schools to universities. Teaching robotics helps students acquire technical and problem-solving skills and essential skills such as teamwork, creativity, and innovation. This paper presents a low-cost multidisciplinary platform that is simulated, programmed, and controlled by free software, allowing it to cover different issues related to the realization of practical robotics-related work. In this work, a low-cost platform of EV3 and free software ROS and CoppeliaSim Edu has been selected. Advances in technology have opened up a wealth of options in the field of robotics, allowing robot designers and programmers to choose the option that best suits their needs and objectives.
... Few previous reviews of open-source hardware have been conducted, and to the authors' knowledge, none has taken an all-encompassing look at hardware across the various fields within robotics. Reviews have looked at open-source projects in specific fields of robotics, such as the design of medical devices [11], Unmanned Aerial Vehicles [12], hardware in research labs [13], and in educational applications [14,15]. Initiatives such as the Open Robot Hardware website [16], and the Open Source Hardware Association's (OSHWA) directory host a compilation of open-source mechanical and electrical hardware [17]. ...
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Technologies from open source projects have seen widespread adoption in robotics in recent years. The rapid pace of progress in robotics is in part fueled by open source projects, providing researchers with resources, tools, and devices to implement novel ideas and approaches quickly. Open source hardware, in particular, lowers the barrier of entry to new technologies and can further accelerate innovation in robotics. But open hardware is also more difficult to propagate in comparison to open software because it involves replicating physical components, which requires users to have sufficient familiarity and access to fabrication equipment. In this work, we present a review on open robot hardware (ORH) by first highlighting the key benefits and challenges encountered by users and developers of ORH, and then relaying some best practices that can be adopted in developing successful ORH. To accomplish this, we surveyed more than 80 major ORH projects and initiatives across different domains within robotics. Finally, we identify strategies exemplified by the surveyed projects to further detail the development process, and guide developers through the design, documentation, and dissemination stages of an ORH project.
... El bajo nivel de adopción de enfoques de reutilización de software en la robótica industrial se debe a que la mayor parte de la cuota de mercado para la creación de software robótico son empresas, que realizan inversiones a largo plazo y exigen funcionalidad y fiabilidad, por lo que es difícil que los desarrolladores adopten nuevas técnicas de Ingeniería de Software (IS) que no están plenamente probadas y listas para la producción [19]. En segundo lugar, la heterogeneidad de los componentes de hardware y software dificulta la aplicación de estas técnicas [20], puesto que obstaculizan algunos procesos como la abstracción de modelos, la detección de patrones, la identificación del nivel de granularidad, entre otros, que son pasos esenciales para realizar una correcta reutilización del software [21]. ...
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En la actualidad, los sistemas robóticos industriales han tomado gran importancia en la sociedad, debido a que se utilizan en muchos dominios como la robótica de servicios, la industria de manufactura y las ciencias de la salud, entre otros. Sin embargo, hay un aumento en la complejidad del software requerido por parte de estos sistemas electromecánicos. Como respuesta, las universidades han diseñado programas de formación relacionados con esta área de conocimiento. En particular, la construcción de robots en el ámbito académico se ha centrado en la realización de prototipos, que permiten a los estudiantes comprender el dominio y sus principales bases teóricas y prácticas. Estos prototipos suelen utilizar microcontroladores (Arduino o Raspberry Pi) para dotar de inteligencia a los dispositivos electrónicos, lo que permite emular el desarrollo de software en la industria y cómo influye en el hardware subyacente. Aunque se han realizado esfuerzos para incorporar metodologías de reutilización de software en el dominio de Arduino, no se reportan muchas investigaciones que lo hagan en robots industriales que utilicen estos microcontroladores. Por lo tanto, se hace evidente la necesidad de fomentar y aplicar enfoques de reutilización que mejoren el desarrollo de software para robots industriales con Arduino, de manera que los desarrolladores (estudiantes) puedan beneficiarse de la reutilización planificada, además, de entender y familiarizarse con estos enfoques de ingeniería de software desde su formación académica, permitiendo así que la reutilización en la industria sea más factible en estos dispositivos cuando sea necesaria. Para resolver el problema planteado, se propuso como solución una línea de productos de software (IRArduino-SPL) enfocada en robots industriales con Arduino, desarrollada a través de dos iteraciones dentro de este enfoque de reutilización, la primera para observar la viabilidad de la propuesta en el dominio y la segunda para refinar la línea en base a la experiencia adquirida e incrementar el nivel de abstracción. Posteriormente, IRArduino-SPL demostró su viabilidad en el dominio mediante una prueba de concepto y su utilidad en términos de reutilización a través de un estudio de caso, logrando reutilizar aproximadamente entre el 38 y el 41% del total de las líneas de código necesarias para el funcionamiento de un robot industrial con Arduino.
... However, engineers and programmers are resistant to the use of these approaches, which generate rework in software development, because the developers are unknown or because they do not trust the strategies to be proven and successful [11]. This low adoption may be because most IRs clients are companies that prefer reliability rather than other quality attributes, such as modifiability, as the key quality attribute [12]. Another reason for the adoption problem is the high variability in the hardware and software components, making the application of these techniques difficult [13], from domain abstraction, pattern detection, and idiom identification to characterization of granularity reuse level [8]. ...
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Software reuse has potential for educational purposes since it uses decomposition and abstraction, two necessary skills to learn programming. Software reuse techniques require abstractions that are not obvious to students or even to professionals. Taking advantage of these techniques, students can learn computer programming in a productive and organized way. This paper proposes to use the Software Product Line (SPL) reuse technique as a strategy for learning to program industrial robots with the Arduino platform. First, the paper explains SPL construction and application with first-year university students. The SPL proposes abstractions close to the industrial robots domain with a simplified variability. The paper uses the case study method to show the feasibility of using the SPL approach in a learning environment. In this evaluation, students reused 38% to 43% of the total code needed to program the robot. It represents an improvement in the time it takes students to program industrial robotics solutions facilitating their learning. In addition, the paper unveils some limitations related to usability, specific knowledge, and some exploitable technologies.
... Currently there are many robots available in the market for education and entertainment purposes like Sparki and TurtleBot [4], but in this section, we are considering the petstyle legged robots for a better comparative analysis with our robot Leo. Sony AIBO is the considered as the world's first entertainment robot [5] and it was the first step to introduce robotics as a companion. ...
... Using swarm robotic systems have gained significant interest in research and education [39][40][41] . Examples of hardware platforms for swarm robotics are Kilobot [42] , Colias [43] , e-Puck [44] , Jasmine [45] , Mona [46] and the Spiderino platform [15] , to name but a few. A comprehensive list of swarm robotics platforms for research and education can be found in [47] . ...
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The demand on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)-educated and enthusiastic employees is growing continuously. It is well known that the challenge to motivate students for a technical study needs to be taken already during compulsory schooling. Hands-on robotic experiments, referring to a topic that is well-known and connected to many future technology concepts, are one possibility to increase the attractiveness of technological applications. Many platforms have already been developed and used in education, including humanoid robots (e.g., the NAO robot), swarm robotic platforms (e.g., the e-Puck or the Spiderino) and the LEGO Mindstorm series. The Spiderino robot, being an autonomous robot build upon a toy robot platform, offers an excellent possibility, also in fusing different types of technological domains: 3D printing, robotics, programming, sensors, actuators and swarm intelligence — highly important topics packaged in a toy-like platform. In this work we study the effect of using the Spiderino swarm robotic platform in education. In particular, we applied this platform in a classroom workshop format. We evaluate if this workshop positively influences students on a personal level and increase their interest in STEM subjects, specifically computer science. Therefore, we propose an approach to measure such effects by conducting a quantitative student and a qualitative teacher questionnaire. For that matter, 5 practical workshops, 4 h each, have been done with 69 students, 14 to 18 years old. The results show a remarkable acceptance of using swarm robotic platforms as an effective educational tool: Easy-to-use, entertaining, and increasing motivation to solve tasks have been observed during the interaction between the students and the robot.
... Entre los principales factores que han afectado el nivel de adopción de técnicas o metodologías de reutilización de software en la robótica industrial se encuentra la resistencia de los desarrolladores a adoptar estos enfoques, a pesar de haber demostrado en múltiples campos los buenos resultados que pueden tener (Pons et al., 2017). Otra importante causa, es que la mayor parte de cuota de mercado para la creación de software robótico son empresas, que realizan inversiones a largo plazo y que ante todo exigen confiabilidad (Vrochidou et al., 2018), por lo tanto a los desarrolladores les resulta difícil adoptar nuevas técnicas de ingeniería de software que no estén completamente probadas y listas para producción. Finalmente, la heterogeneidad de componentes hardware y software que existen en el mercado obstaculizan la aplicación de estas técnicas (Estévez et al., 2017), pues dificultan algunos procesos como la abstracción de modelos, detección de patrones, identificación del nivel de granularidad, entre otros, los cuales son pasos fundamentales para realizar una correcta reutilización del software (Brugali, 2007). ...
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There is a tendency to use software reuse approaches in the domain of industrial robotic systems, to accelerate their development. Although some studies show the benefits of developing using different reuse approaches, these practices have not been massively incorporated in the industry, mainly due to the development of proprietary software by manufacturers and the diversity of the underlying hardware. However, these studies have been of great value in advancing their adoption. Through a systematic mapping of the literature, the adoption of different reuse approaches is shown, within which the most widely used are analyzed, such as Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE) and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). On the other hand, the frameworks are analyzed because they are the most used solutions and in terms of tools, ROS (Robot Operating System) is emphasized as a reference platform for the rapid development of applications. The main challenge identified in this area of study is to define combined and practical strategies of the MDE, CBSE, and SOA reuse approaches, to take advantage of the different reuse advantages that each one offers.
... elementary and high school), a set of robots are being equipped with a resourceful set of sensors. Example of these type of robots are the Robobo [3] or the Sparki and E-puck mobile robots [15]. ...
Robotic competitions in the context of the Robocup festival or similar, obey to a certain set of challenges that demands for each robot to have a set of sensors and actuators adapted to different environments. In this paper we present the Azoresbot robot that was developed in the context of a robotic regional competition which intends to foster the learning of robotics and programming in Azorean schools. In the context of this festival, the robot was presented as a kit that teams had to build, to test and, then, to program for different competitions. This robot was created thinking in the modularity and adaptability needed to the different challenges in the competitions.
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A growing number of libraries are introducing maker spaces for facilitating the access of a diverse audience to the activities and tools that can foster the development of digital co-creativity and learning by making artefacts. In this paper, we introduce the intergenerational techno-creative activities we have co-designed in the context of the EspaceLab makerspace under the project #smartcitymaker, and we then analyze the potential of intergenerational techno-creative activities to overcome the gender and age stereotypes related to creative uses of technologies. We observe that intergenerational learning does not occur spontaneously in most cases and makerspace facilitation must promote intergenerational collaboration for achieving the objectives of facilitating learning across the lifespan by taking advantage of the forces of each age group.
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One of the chief obstacles in achieving wider acceptance of robotics is that only experienced roboticists can develop robotics applications. If we want robots in our homes and offices, we need more tools and platforms that reduce the costs of prototyping robots them, in terms of both time and money. The open-source paradigm offers a potential solution to these key factors. However, creating open-source robotics hardware does not just mean making the design files available online. It is essential to design the hardware in such a way that it can be built and modified by non-expert users. In this article we summarize our experiences of four years of creating open-source robotics in academia that led to the social robot Ono and the Opsoro design toolkit for social robots. We detail our design approach, leveraging DIY-friendly techniques to create systems that, though complex, can be assembled and modified by novices. We describe four experiments, two focusing on the assembly of an open-source robot and two using our toolkit to create novel social robot embodiments. They show that the key elements to attract novices are the ability to build, hack and use a social robot platform at different levels of difficulty. We believe that the open-source approach holds much promise in robotics research, though this approach is not without its challenges. The main bottlenecks are: the lack of time for ancillary activities related to open-source, the difficulty of building communities around niche research topics and the challenge of consolidating open hardware approaches with traditional business models.
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A systematic review was carried out to examine the use of robots in early childhood and lower level education. The paper synthesizes the findings of research studies carried out in the last ten years and looks at the influence of robots on children and education. Four major factors are examined - the type of studies conducted, the influence of robots on children's behaviour and development, the perception of stakeholders (parents, children and educators) on educational robots, and finally, the reaction of children on robot design or appearance. This review presents the approach taken by researchers in validating their use of robots including non-experimental (mixed-method, anecdotal, cross-sectional, longitudinal, correlational, and case studies) and quasi-experimental (pre- and post-test). The paper also shows that robot's influence on children's skills development could be grouped into four major categories: cognitive, conceptual, language and social (collaborative) skills. Mixed results are shown when it comes to parents' perception of the use of robots in their children's education while design was shown to influence children's perception of the robot's character or capabilities. A total of 27 out of 369 articles were reviewed based on several criteria.
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An increasing amount of research is being conducted to determine how a robot tutor should behave socially in educational interactions with children. Both human-human and human-robot interaction literature predicts an increase in learning with increased social availability of a tutor, where social availability has verbal and nonverbal components. Prior work has shown that greater availability in the nonverbal behaviour of a robot tutor has a positive impact on child learning. This paper presents a study with 67 children to explore how social aspects of a tutor robot's speech influences their perception of the robot and their language learning in an interaction. Children perceive the difference in social behaviour between 'low' and 'high' verbal availability conditions, and improve significantly between a pre-and a post-test in both conditions. A longer-term retention test taken the following week showed that the children had retained almost all of the information they had learnt. However, learning was not affected by which of the robot behaviours they had been exposed to. It is suggested that in this short-term interaction context, additional effort in developing social aspects of a robot's verbal behaviour may not return the desired positive impact on learning gains.
This paper presents our experience in integrating agents and robotics in our Computer Science Curriculum. We present a series of modules throughout our curriculum that progressively address these themes and other AI related topics, which ends with a specialised final year module central to teaching and learning multi-agent systems and principles of robotics. As part of this module a Robotics Challenge is organised, allowing students to integrate the knowledge they obtained in previously attended modules, and to practically apply knowledge and skills in order to solve a real problem.
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The increasing spreading of robotics applications requires the formation of more and more experts with knowledge in core aspects of robotics systems. This paper introduces eduMorse, a novel framework for the education in the scope of mobile robotics. The framework addresses the accurate simulation of single- and multi-robot systems, with special focus on the possibility to implement path planning, navigation and control strategies, to handle sensors and actuators, and the communication among robots, thus allowing for the simulation of multi-robot coordination strategies. eduMorse leverages open-source tools to build a modular client-server framework for the simulation of mobile robots, with the aim of a simple setup of the simulation as a primary goal. The paper describes the components of eduMorse and its architecture. An example of application is also presented to show the effectiveness of the robotics simulation and the usage workflow of the system.
Robotics is a popular vehicle to introduce young people to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) with various approaches worldwide that use robotics to teach or entertain or both, accompanied by various tools and repositories. However, the stakeholders involved have different goals and methods, thus difficulties in finding common ground. E.g. the focus in most cases is on increasing interest in STEM, but research methods are unspecified or vague; or despite the vastness of offerings, teachers are reluctant to incorporate activities in the classroom. In this paper, we introduce the Educational Robotics for STEM (ER4STEM) project that will realize a creative and critical use of educational robotics to maintain children’s curiosity in the world. An open and conceptual framework will bring three main stakeholders of educational robotics—teachers, educational researchers and organizations offering educational robotics—together through a user- and activity centered repository.
This paper shows the use of an embedded robotic platform of low cost and high performance, hand in hand with problem-based learning strategies, to professional training in Electrical Engineering at the District University Francisco José de Caldas (Colombia). These technical training and research tools involves several innovations, among which stand out the robot itself, which is inexpensive, robust and with high performance (suitable for both training and research), the study of real problems and the support with software tools that complement a smart learning environment. The robot has a mechanical differential platform that is easy to build and modify, a processing hardware supported in a 900 MHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU able to run a graphical OS, and ROS as communication and control software. As advantages of its implementation has documented a better appropriation of theoretical concepts, increased student enthusiasm, improved ease of communication and teamwork, and greater interest in participation in research activities.
Conference Paper
The paper describes how the graduate course “Autonomous Robotics” innovatively introduces robotics to Master of Science students of the Faculty of Computer Engineering of the University of Padova (Italy). The main contributions are: 1) The adoption of a Project-Based Learning constructivist approach. This teaching methodology makes students able to autonomously build their robotic knowledge base; 2) The assignment of laboratory experiences according to an increasing difficulty, from mobile robots (the simple Lego Mindstorms NXT) to humanoids (the Vstone Robovie-X and the Aldebaran NAO). Humanoids are not a widespread teaching tool because of their complexity: the course simplifies the resolution of the robots stability problem by adopting teleoperation; 3) The adoption of the open-source Robot Operating System framework. The framework encourages students to implement reusable code. The effectiveness of the adopted approach has been proven building a team of students that had successfully concluded the course. The team is participating in the European Robotics Challenges and has successfully accomplished the challenge’s first stage.