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An experimental study on a self-repairing modular machine


Abstract and Figures

A self-assembling and self-repairing mechanical system is experimentally studied to demonstrate its effectiveness. We developed a 2-D model of autonomous me- chanical unit capable of dynamic reconfiguration and inter-unit communication. Self-assembly and self-repair experiments have been carried out using a distributed algorithm developed under the constraints of the system's homogeneity and locality of information exchange. In experiments, more than ten units successfully config- ured themselves and recovered from a fault. Besides the research of the 2-D model, a model of 3-D system and its self-assembly algorithm are also developed.
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An Experimental Study on a Self-repairing
Modular Machine
Eiichi Yoshida aSatoshi Murata aKohji Tomita a
Haruhisa Kurokawa aShigeru Kokaji a
aMechanical Engineering Laboratory, 1-2 Namiki, Tsukuba-shi, 305-8564 Japan
A self-assembling and self-repairing mechanical system is experimentally studied
to demonstrate its effectiveness. We developed a 2-D model of autonomous me-
chanical unit capable of dynamic reconfiguration and inter-unit communication.
Self-assembly and self-repair experiments have been carried out using a distributed
algorithm developed under the constraints of the system’s homogeneity and locality
of information exchange. In experiments, more than ten units successfully config-
ured themselves and recovered from a fault. Besides the research of the 2-D model,
a model of 3-D system and its self-assembly algorithm are also developed.
Key words: Distributed Autonomous System, Homogeneous Modular Machine,
Self-assembly, Self-repair
1 Introduction
We have been developing a distributed mechanical system composed of many
identical autonomous units. The key issues to build such a hyper-distributed
mechanical system are homogeneity of both hardware and software, locality
of information exchange and dynamic reconfigurability. Owing to its homoge-
neous structure, our system can realize self-assembly and self-repair functions.
It can be used as a versatile self-maintainable machine, which can work as a
mobile robot, as well as a static structure in hazardous environments.
Many studies have been made on reconfigurable mechanical systems. Polypod
[1] and Tetrobot [2] are mobile robots with variable structures. CEBOT [3]
and modular robots [4] [5] are dynamically reconfigurable.
Preprint submitted to Elsevier Preprint 1 February 2006
In contrast to the above studies, our approach is characterized by its strict
homogeneity in both hardware and software, which makes the whole system
flexible and robust against faults. Another important point is the simplicity
of the hardware and the usage of local communication.
This paper focuses on hardware experiments to confirm self-assembling and
self-repairing capability. A hardware system composed of 20 mechanical units
called “fracta” was used for the validation.
We are extending the concept of modular machine to 3-D space. The last part
of the paper addresses its hardware realization and self-assembly software.
2 Unit Hardware
We built a system with twenty units whose structure is shown in Fig. 1.
The unit is mainly composed of actuation part using electro- and permanent
magnets and information processing part using a microcomputer.
A unit has three-layered structure, with three pairs of permanent magnets
(arranged concentrically with 120 degrees) in the top and the bottom layer and
three electro-magnets (rotated by 60 degrees from outer layers) in the middle.
By changing the polarity of an electro-magnet, it is attracted into, or repulsed
from the gap between outer layers of another unit. Two units change their
connecting position by an appropriate sequence of electro-magnet operations.
A unit can connect with maximum six units. The unit is also equipped with
serial optical channels for bilateral local communication.
optical communication
processing part
(CPU, control unit)
permanent magnet
Fig. 1. Autonomous mechanical unit “fractum”
3 Self-assembly and Self-repair Algorithm
In self-assembly and self-repair, each unit has the same software and decides
its movement only according to local information. Under these constraints,
we have been developing a difference-based algorithm [6] and a nucleation
algorithm [7]. The latter, however, needs rather large amount of information
processing, and does not suit the current stage of hardware development. Thus
we extend the difference-based algorithm to enable self-repair function.
In the algorithm, all the units are assumed to be connected and synchronized
in communication. The synchronization is realized by a simple distributed
method [8].
3.1 Connection Types
The “connection type” of a unit is introduced to describe the global configu-
ration. A unit can be formally described as a hexagon with six possible bonds.
The connection of a unit is classified into 12 connection types shown in Fig. 2.
The link between two types denotes that they are transferable by a single step
of unit motion. The notion of “distance” between two types is defined as the
number of links between them.
A “movable unit” is a unit which can rotate without carrying other units and
keeps the whole system connected after the movement. A unit with connection
type “e”, “o”, or ε”ismovable.
3.2 Self-assembly Algorithm
The algorithm consists of the following three procedures. Each unit
(i) calculates such measures as
“difference” between the current state and the target.
“irritation” which increases during deadlock state.
(ii) estimates the average difference around the unit using a diffusion pro-
cess through the inter-unit communication.
(iii) if the unit has relatively large difference, it moves towards the direction
to make it smaller.
A “control step” of the algorithm is composed of above (i)–(iii) procedures.
In the algorithm, this control step is iterated by each unit in parallel.
3.2.1 Target description
We describe the target formation using the connection types. Let us consider
a 10-unit triangle shown in Fig. 3. Any unit with the target type “K” is
connected to 4 units whose types are {o, K, K, s}. This situation is expressed
in a “statement” K{o, K, K, s}. In this example, the target shape is written
as a collection of the following statements:
o{K, K},
K{o, K, K, s},
s{K, K, K, K, K, K}.
Connection types of statements in (1) are sorted in increasing order of the
number of connecting units. Although there are cases where this description
does not correspond to unique target configuration, it suffices as long as the
target shape is not too complicated.
3.2.2 Calculation of difference
In every iteration of control step, each unit decides its current connection state
through local communication. Then each unit evaluates the sum of distances
between the types of its current state and each of the target statements. The
“difference” of unit iat t-th control step diff(i, t), is given as the minimum of
these sums. Namely, each unit evaluates the difference from the closest target
3.2.3 Diffusion process
To make the group of the units converge to the desired target configuration,
it is desirable for a unit which has relatively larger difference to get a larger
priority to move. We therefore introduce the following diffusion process. A
Fig. 2. Connection types and their
oKK o
Fig. 3. Description of 10-unit
diffusion variable x(i, t) represents the average difference around the unit i.It
is calculated as follows 1.
x(i, t +1)=x(i, t)+K¯x(i, t)L
x(i, t)
,x(i, 0) = diff(i, 0) [initial state],(2)
where ¯x(i, t) : “flux” of x(i, t) in the unit i
jneighbors of i
{x(j, t)x(i, t)}),
K: diffusion coefficient,
L: leak constant (effective for movable units only).
If x(i, t)<0 in eq. (2), it is reset to zero. The diffusion variable Kaffects
the velocity of the diffusion, and Lhelps to converge to target by decreasing
whole diffusion variables in the system.
3.2.4 Moving strategy
A unit is activated to move clockwise or counterclockwise by the following
condition that the ratio of difference to diffusion variable (estimated average)
is larger than an activation threshold G:
Gx(i, t)<diff(i, t).(3)
This makes units of relatively large difference move earlier. The motion is
stochastic in such a way that the direction which gives smaller difference after
the movement is chosen with larger probability.
If the target configuration is accomplished, the differences become zero in all
of the units and no more motion is made.
3.2.5 Introduction of irritation
Sometimes self-assembly process is trapped in a deadlock state. The right two
configurations in Fig. 4 are in deadlock because all the movable type “o” units
have the difference 0 with proper neighbors {K, K}.
1Suppose that each unit has a water reservoir connected to neighbors with pipes.
Then, the water levels will converge to an average level as water flux passes through
the pipes. This water level analogically corresponds to the local average difference.
o (K, K)
K ( o, K, K, s)
K ( K, K, s, s)
s ( K, K, K, K, s, s)
target form deadlock
Fig. 4. Examples of deadlock
To dissolve deadlock, we add another variable called “irritation” which is
augmented if the diffusion variable x(i, t) becomes stable in undesired config-
uration [9]. When non-movable units are in deadlock, their irritation values
continue to increase and are transmitted also to movable units through local
By adding a new activation condition that “the irritation exceeds than certain
threshold,” deadlock states can be dissolved in a local way. Computer simula-
tions revealed that the performance of self-assembly was greatly improved by
the algorithm using irritation [9].
3.3 Self-repair Algorithm
The above algorithm can be used for “self-repair” operation by introducing
an extended target description. This extension makes it possible to express
target shapes including spare units [9].
In adding a spare unit to the target of 10-unit triangle, we introduce descrip-
tions with priorities shown in Fig. 5. We give the first priority to the original
triangle shape and the second to the shape with a spare unit. In this example,
up to three spares can be included by slightly modifying the description.
This simple method allows units first to build the structure with spare units,
and to repair themselves if some of units are removed. Computer simulations
showed the effectiveness of the introduced algorithm.
oKK o
o {ε, f}
ε {o, K, f}
K{o, K, f, s}
K{ε, K, f, s}
f {o, ε, K, K, s}
s {K, K, K, K, K, f}
Prority 1
[original shape]
Prority 2
[with a spare unit]
o {K, K}
K{o, K, K, s}
s {K, K, K, K, K, K}
spare unit
Fig. 5. Description with priorities for self-repair
4 Self-assembly and Self-repair Experiments
Using the developed hardware setup, self-assembly and self-repair experiments
have been conducted. The algorithm presented so far is a high-level control
which decides whether a unit moves or not and the direction of the motion. In
the real mechanism, a unit’s motion requires other units’ local cooperation. We
have developed a low-level control which consists of map generation, collision
avoidance and coil drive [7] and integrated it with the upper-level algorithm.
In the following experiments, a control step including these two control lev-
els takes 23.25[sec]. The most time-consuming part is the control of electro-
magnets which should be operated appropriately with sufficient interval, so
that undesired motion may not occur. It is also necessary that resultant con-
nection type after the motion should not be unstable “e” type. The control
step includes 18 sequential operations of electro-magnets, each of which takes
The pictures in Fig. 6 are taken from one of the experiments. Starting from
a two-line configuration, 11 units form a 10-unit triangle with one spare unit
based on the proposed self-assembly algorithm. This target shape remains
stable as long as all the units are working without faults.
The 1000 simulations of this self-assembly resulted in the success ratio 98.3%
with the average convergence time 57.7 control steps. Figure 6 (left column)
shows snapshots taken from the shortest case of 6 control steps.
To verify the self-repair capacity, a simulated fault is given to one of the 11
units by cutting its electric power source (except for “s” type unit). Each unit
sends out an “OK” signal to its neighbors at the beginning of each control step
while working properly. The fault can be detected if a unit does not receive
the expected “OK” signal. In this case, the unit reverses the polarity of the
corresponding electro-magnet to cut off the faulty unit.
Then self-repair process proceeds automatically. Even though total units in
the system has changed, the global self-repair process is launched thanks to
its distributed characteristics of the algorithm. We can see the original 10-unit
triangle is constructed in the right column of Fig. 6.
We examined the self-repair capacity by giving the simulated fault to each
unit except the center “s” type. As a result, self-repair completed successfully
in all of these 9 experiments and the average self-repair time was 2.2 control
The experiments demonstrate that a mechanical system consisting of many
identical hardware and software can maintain themselves using self-assembly
and self-repair functions in a distributed manner.
starting self-assembly
spare unit
defective unit
(power source cut)
Self-assembly experiment
cutting off the
defective unit
self-repair using
the spare unit
self-repair completed
Self-repair experiment
Fig. 6. Experiment of self-assembly and self-repair
5 Development of 3-D System
We are currently attempting to extend the concept of our self-assembling
modular machine to 3-D space. This section outlines its present development
of hardware realization and software for distributed self-assembly.
5.1 Design of 3-D Unit
The difficulty of design lies in how both geometric complementarity and system
homogeneity are satisfied in 3-D space. A solution we reached is illustrated in
Fig. 7. The unit has six connecting arms in three orthogonal axes which can
rotate independently. Only one DC motor of 7[W] is used as power source in a
unit to realize compact implementation. Its torque is delivered by controlling
solenoids and electro-magnetic clutches. We confirmed that a unit generates
enough power to lift another unit.
The motion of units is basically made by pairwise operation. Consider two
connected units (shaded) on a plane Amade by 4 units in Fig. 8 (a). Unit Y
moves to the position in Fig. 8 (b) when unit Xrotates about the axis b–b
after releasing the connection of Yto Z. By repeating this elementary step
motion, various 3-D structures can be configured without external help. We
have constructed four 3-D hardware units as shown in Fig. 9 and verified their
reconfiguration capacity by experiments [10].
5.2 Self-assembly of 3-D System
A distributed self-assembly algorithm for 3-D units has been developed in
parallel with the hardware development.
Rotating armConnecting hand
Fig. 7. Schematic view of 3-D unit
(a) (b)
Fig. 8. Typical motion of 3-D units
Fig. 9. Hardware setup of the four 3-D mechanical units
One of major difficulties of developing 3-D self-assembly algorithm lies in the
multiplicity of degrees of freedom, whereas 2-D system has only to choose
one of two directions, clockwise or counterclockwise. The algorithm should be
implemented in a distributed manner in order to avoid premature convergence
to undesired shape. We introduce a stochastic relaxation process based on
simulated annealing to cope with these problems.
We classified the connection types of 3-D unit in 1-neighborhood system in
cubic lattice as shown in Fig. 10. We neglect rotational transformations in this
Assuming that a unit rotates by 90 [deg] at one step, a unit with type C1
has maximum two reachable positions. Other than C1, types C21 and C31 are
also regarded as movable here.
The target shape is described in a similar manner as the 2-D algorithm. For
instance, the target shape of a box with twelve units is simply written as:
C31{C31, C31, C41},
C41{C31, C31, C41, C41}.
The 2-D self-assembly algorithm is applied to the 3-D system with many
C40 C5 C6
Fig. 10. Connection types for 3-D units
degrees of freedom by introducing stochastic relaxation method. When a unit
has multiple reachable positions, it decides where to move according to the
probability Piof moving to the alternative ibased on Markov Random Field
(MRF) [11] as follows:
Zexp (Di
ireachable positions
exp (Di
where Diis the difference between the current and the target connection
state (4) and Tcorresponds to the “artificial temperature” in the simulated
annealing method.
The probability Piis uniform for each reachable position iwith large Tvalue,
while Pifor the lowest potential approaches 1 if Tis small. Tis decreased
according to the following formula:
log (1 + t),(6)
where tand Care the number of control steps and constant parameter con-
cerning system size, respectively.
By decreasing Tgradually in this way, units search uniformly in “searching
space” in earlier steps. As time elapses, the units come to make more con-
centrated motion to the closest position to complete target structure. The
premature convergence to undesired shapes with local minima can be avoided
in this way.
initial state after 20 steps
after 40 steps after 70 steps (completed)
Fig. 11. Self-assembly simulation of 12 units
Figure 11 shows a graphical view of a simulation of 12-unit box described in (4)
from initial ladder shape. The system succeeded in self-assembly in 70 steps.
The effectiveness of the algorithm has been verified through a quantitative
evaluation [12].
5.3 Towards Self-assembly of Large-Scale System
The self-assembly algorithm based on stochastic process has such advantages
as flexibility and simple implementation, and works well for small number of
units, say, up to twenty units. However, it becomes less effective for larger sys-
tem in which ambiguity in description and importance of assembly “sequence”
are significant. Since few studies has been made on distributed self-assembly
of large-scale 3-D structure, we are currently working on this issue based on
a developmental scheme like nucleation method in 2-D system [7].
We introduce primitive structures which determines the geometrical relation-
ship between “nodes”, which denotes a group of units here, as shown in Fig. 12.
By assigning another sub-structure to each nodes of a primitive structure, var-
ious complex shapes as shown in Fig. 13 can be described. Figure 14 illustrates
the recursive representation of the shape in Fig. 13(a).
Self-assembly proceeds by constructing first top-level structure, then down to
sub-structure, and so forth. Using this algorithm, rough shaping is performed
in the early stages of self-assembly, and then detailed shape is assembled in a
line square octahedron cube
direction vector
normal vector
Fig. 12. Primitive types of description
(a) 48 units (b) 56 units
Fig. 13. Examples of large-scale structure
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Fig. 14. Recursive description of structure in Fig. 13(a)
concurrent and distributed manner later as shown in Fig. 15.
Figure 16 shows a self-assembly process of 56-unit structure in Fig. 13(b),
where dark colored units have reached a position in the target shape. As
can be seen, a large structure composed of more than 50 units is successfully
constructed in a distributed way.
Possible applications of such a system include machines used in environments
inaccessible to humans, for instance, planetary exploring vehicles or satellite
antennae. Transported in a compact folded form, they can expand to the
original structure when working, and repair themselves if some part becomes
group of units
[initial state]
nodes upper
detailed forms appear
by extending lower nodes
final shaperough shaping
Fig. 15. Large-scale self-assembly process
initial state after 10 steps
after 20 steps after 106 steps (completed)
Fig. 16. Self-assembly simulation of many-unit structure
6 Conclusions
We presented experimental research on self-assembly and self-repair of a dis-
tributed mechanical system. A 2-D model of identical units called “fracta” is
used as hardware which realizes dynamic reconfiguration and inter-unit com-
munication. Based on a distributed algorithm that allows a group of units
to transform themselves into a desired shape, we have demonstrated the self-
assembly and self-repair functions successfully. This experimental results con-
firmed the hardware feasibility of the self-repairing mechanical system and
opened its way to applications such as long-running explorer or surveillant in
hazardous environments.
As a further challenge, we are currently on the way to 3-D system. We designed
a prototype unit and confirmed its basic function of reconfiguration capacity.
Self-assembly algorithms for small and large systems have been implemented
as well, whose effectiveness was shown by computer simulations.
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... This algorithm was implemented in a distributed manner to avoid premature convergence to undesired shapes using a stochastic relaxation process based on simulated annealing. A hardware system composed of 20 mechanical units was used for validation [48]. ...
... In [48] to accomplish self-repair using Crystalline robot with a focus on geometric motion planning. Crystalline robots can self-repair using a three-phase process: failure detection, failed module ejection, and replacing the failed module with a good one. ...
Full-text available
Evolutionary robotics aims to automatically design autonomous adaptive morphological robots that can evolve to accomplish a specific task while adapting to environmental changes. Soft robotics have demonstrated the feasibility of evolutionary robotics for the synthesis of robots' control and morphology. The motivation of developing evolutionary soft computing techniques to that can generate task oriented structures for morphological robots makes the domain of soft-robotics worthy of serious investigation and research, and hence this article summarizes an important volume of research for a computational and software architecture perspective. This paper reviews the literature and discusses various aspects of evolutionary robotics including the application on morphological soft robots to allow self-assembly, self-reconfiguration, self-repair, and self-reproduction. Then, major milestones are outlined along with important morphological soft robotic prototypes due to their importance in the field. Finally, the current state of the art in the field is assessed.
... This algorithm was implemented in a distributed manner to avoid premature convergence to undesired shapes using a stochastic relaxation process based on simulated annealing. A hardware system composed of 20 mechanical units was used for validation [48]. ...
... Fitch et al. built on the work of Yoshida et al. in [48] to accomplish self-repair using Crystalline robot with a focus on geometric motion planning. Crystalline robots can self-repair using a three-phase process: failure detection, failed module ejection, and replacing the failed module with a good one. ...
Evolutionary robotics aims to automatically design autonomous adaptive robots that can evolve to accomplish a specific task while adapting to environmental changes. A number of studies have demonstrated the feasibility of evolutionary robotics for the synthesis of robots control and morphology. For that reason, we review the literature in this paper and discuss various aspects of evolutionary robotics including the application on modular robotics to allow self-assembly, self-reconfiguration, self-repair, and self-reproduce. Then, we outline some milestones and important modular robotic prototypes due to their importance in the field. Finally, we assess the current state of the art in the field. The motivation to blend evolutionary robotics and modular robotics literature review in one article came from our confidence that applying evolutionary robotics to optimize modular robots can generate marvelous robotic behavior.
... The concept of self-repairing was introduced in [23]. Their proposed algorithm was mainly based on simulated-annealing and was used for the self-assembly of Fractum robot. ...
This paper surveys modular robot systems, which consist of multiple modules and aim to create versatile, robust, and low cost systems. The modularity allows these robots to self-assemble, self-reconfigure, self-repair, and self-replicate. Therefore, the surveyed research covered the previous characteristics along with evolutionary robotics and 3D printed robots. These fields are interdisciplinary, so we organize the implemented systems according to the main feature in each one. The primary motivation for this is to categorize modular robots according to their main function and to discover the similarities and differences of implementing each system.
The solar power satellite (SPS) working in outer space offers a way to make full use of solar energy. And the modular robotic system (MRS) consisting of many basic modules is a good idea to construct a large-scale SPS because of its modularity. However, because a MRS of SPS may work for years without human in outer space, the self-repairing ability becomes vitally important. Once a modular robot breaks down, the MRS should replace it with a good one to keep the integrity and usability of system. In this paper, we first introduce an improved design of the M-Lattice MRS that comprises many identical basic modules with honeycomb structure. It also has an interesting motion mode and two prototype robots are built to verify the motion ability. Next we propose a novel self-repairing approach for this MRS and the digital hormones inspired by the concept of hormones in biological systems are introduced with taking each module as an endocrine cell. The digital hormone model (DHM) provides every module with an evaluate value so as to direct the locomotion in the self-repairing process. The concepts of secretion and attenuation as well as two kinds of digital hormones are introduced into the DHM to realize the collision avoidance of holes and faulty modules. In the end, we evaluate the performance of the proposed self-repairing approach with simulations. The simulation results show that the proposed approach is good at both scalability and robustness.
This chapter presents a review of research related to self-reconfigurable systems at AIST, particularly addressing their lattice nature. Mainly, three systems are described: Fractum in a 2D hexagonal lattice, and 3D units and M-TRAN in a cubic lattice. Each has distinctive characteristics. Their basic design, reconfiguration methods, and physical implementation issues are discussed and compared.
This paper reviews research activities related to homogeneous distributed mechanical systems at Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (from 2001 it is reorganized as AIST). Since the early 90’s we have developed various types of distributed mechanical systems in an attempt to realize a mechanical system with novel functions such as self-assembly and self-repair. In this paper, along with the history of our research, the concept of the homogeneous distributed mechanical system is explained.
For the lattice-type self-reconfigurable modular robot, a distributed self-repair algorithm based on the geometrical characteristics was presented. The algorithm applies breadth-first search and depth-first search to find locomotion path by which the bad module is ejected and replaced by an extra module. The algorithm can be used to take on the self-repair task of most lattice-type modular robots. It is effective to solve the difficult computation problem. The simulation shows the feasibility and effectiveness of this self-repair algorithm.
In Chapter 2, we learned that biological systems have elaborate designs that cannot be matched by conventional engineering, thanks to the various self-organizing mechanisms deployed in each layer of their hierarchy. In Chapter 3, we summarized several attempts to reconstruct such biological mechanisms artificially. If we can uncover the principles of these mechanisms through reconstruction efforts, then we can in turn apply these principles in making devices for our own purposes. In other words, we proceed from science to engineering. Even if we obtain ideas for basic notions and principles from biological systems, though, when we actually build devices, many practical issues remain to be resolved. In such specific problem solving stages, there is no need to look to nature for ideas anymore; although humans were inspired by birds to create flying machines, the actual airplanes constructed by humans have quite different structures from those of birds. The technology or materials currently at hand must be used, and the problems may be solved with new ideas. The aim of this chapter is to construct artificial systems like the ones we discussed in Chapter 3, but this time from an engineering perspective. Specifically, we consider how to make systems which have self-assembly and self-repair functions.
Conference Paper
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A distributed reconfiguration method is proposed for a 3D reconfigurable machine, composed of many identical mechanical units. The method aims to enable the machine to transform itself into desired structure from an arbitrary initial configuration. The proposed method is implemented in such a way that each unit has identical software, so that any unit can play any role in the system. It is also featured by a stochastic relaxation process, which allows the system to converge to a given target structure by searching for a proper unit motion over many degrees of freedom. Furthermore, the method is extended for the structure to reconfigure itself dynamically according to the environment. The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by computer simulations
A novel design method for a mechanical system is proposed and a prototype model of the system is shown in this paper. Conventional mechanical systems are composed of various parts which are passive. In the new scheme, they are made with only one kind of active and intelligent units. The prototype unit of this kind is called “fractum,” which has actuators, sensors and information processing functions. The system has completely decentralized structure, and there is no concentrated part. These units are the same and have equivalent capacity so that any of them can replace any unit. The knowledge about the whole system is embedded in every unit and this enables the group of these units to organize and to repair the whole system by themselves. The algorithms for local reconfiguration, self-assembly and self-repair are designed and tested by computer simulations and also the hardware experiments are underway.
We make an analogy between images and statistical mechanics systems. Pixel gray levels and the presence and orientation of edges are viewed as states of atoms or molecules in a lattice-like physical system. The assignment of an energy function in the physical system determines its Gibbs distribution. Because of the Gibbs distribution, Markov random field (MRF) equivalence, this assignment also determines an MRF image model. The energy function is a more convenient and natural mechanism for embodying picture attributes than are the local characteristics of the MRF. For a range of degradation mechanisms, including blurring, nonlinear deformations, and multiplicative or additive noise, the posterior distribution is an MRF with a structure akin to the image model. By the analogy, the posterior distribution defines another (imaginary) physical system. Gradual temperature reduction in the physical system isolates low energy states (``annealing''), or what is the same thing, the most probable states under the Gibbs distribution. The analogous operation under the posterior distribution yields the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of the image given the degraded observations. The result is a highly parallel ``relaxation'' algorithm for MAP estimation. We establish convergence properties of the algorithm and we experiment with some simple pictures, for which good restorations are obtained at low signal-to-noise ratios.
A distributed self-reconfiguration method is proposed which allows modular mechanical systems to realize various functions through self-assembly and self-repair. We have developed a totally decentralized system composed of many identical mechanical units. Owing to homoge- neous structure, any unit can play any role in the whole system. The units are designed to change their configuration by using electro-magnetic force and to communicate with each other through optical communication channel. We have implemented the self-reconfiguration method in a distributed manner based on local communication, preserving homogeneity also in software aspect. The developed reconfiguration method enables the system to self-assemble de- sired shapes robustly without being trapped in deadlock states. Self-repair capability is also re- alized to recover the desired configuration when some units are lost or become faulty. Com- puter simulations and experiments are carried out to show its effectiveness.
In this article we examine the problem of dynamic self-reconfiguration of a class of modular robotic systems referred to as metamorphic systems. A metamorphic robotic system is a collection of mechatronic modules, each of which has the ability to connect, disconnect, and climb over adjacent modules. A change in the macroscopic morphology results from the locomotion of each module over its neighbors. Metamorphic systems can therefore be viewed as a large swarm of physically connected robotic modules that collectively act as a single entity. What distinguishes metamorphic systems from other reconfigurable robots is that they possess all of the following properties: (1) a large number of homogeneous modules; (2) a geometry such that modules fit within a regular lattice; (3) self-reconfigurability without outside help; (4) physical constraints which ensure contact between modules. In this article, the kinematic constraints governing metamorphic robot self-reconfiguration are addressed, and lower and upper bounds are established for the minimal number of moves needed to change such systems from any initial to any final specified configuration. These bounds are functions of initial and final configuration geometry and can be computed very quickly, while it appears that solving for the precise number of minimal moves cannot be done in polynomial time. It is then shown how the bounds developed here are useful in evaluating the performance of heuristic motion planning/reconfiguration algorithms for metamorphic systems. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Conference Paper
The design of a machine which is composed of homogeneous mechanical units is described. We show the design of both hardware and control software of the unit. Each unit can connect with other units and change the connection by itself. In spite of its simple mechanism, a set of these units realizes various mechanical functions. We developed the control software of the unit which realizes “self-assembly,” one of the basic functions of this machine. A set of these units can form a given shape of the whole system by themselves. The units exchange information about local geometric relation by communication, and cooperate to form the whole shape through a diffusion-like process. There is no upper level controller to supervise these units, and the software of each unit is completely the same. Three actual units have been built to test the basic movements, and the function of self-assembly has been verified by computer simulation
Conference Paper
This paper investigates new modes of robot land locomotion, in particular statically stable non-wheeled, non-tracked locomotion. These locomotion gaits are accomplished by a reconfigurable modular robot called Polypod using a control scheme combining a small number of primitive control modes for each module. The design of Polypod is first reviewed, then two and three-dimensional locomotion gaits are described along with two “exotic” gaits. These gaits have been implemented on Polypod or simulated on a graphic workstation
We make an analogy between images and statistical mechanics systems. Pixel gray levels and the presence and orientation of edges are viewed as states of atoms or molecules in a lattice-like physical system. The assignment of an energy function in the physical system determines its Gibbs distribution. Because of the Gibbs distribution, Markov random field (MRF) equivalence, this assignment also determines an MRF image model. The energy function is a more convenient and natural mechanism for embodying picture attributes than are the local characteristics of the MRF. For a range of degradation mechanisms, including blurring, nonlinear deformations, and multiplicative or additive noise, the posterior distribution is an MRF with a structure akin to the image model. By the analogy, the posterior distribution defines another (imaginary) physical system. Gradual temperature reduction in the physical system isolates low energy states (``annealing''), or what is the same thing, the most probable states under the Gibbs distribution. The analogous operation under the posterior distribution yields the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of the image given the degraded observations. The result is a highly parallel ``relaxation'' algorithm for MAP estimation. We establish convergence properties of the algorithm and we experiment with some simple pictures, for which good restorations are obtained at low signal-to-noise ratios.
Conference Paper
A three-dimensional self-reconfigurable structure made of identical units is proposed. Each unit has six arms on the surface of its base cube which can connect to neighboring units mechanically. By the connection, cubic lattice structure is formed. A unit can carry its neighbor unit from one node of the lattice to another by rotating its arm by 90 degrees. Repeating this movement, the structure can reconfigure itself to realize various 3D structures. General process of reconfiguration were proposed for this system. Four units were made and basic motions of self-reconfiguration were verified