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Design of mini latissimus dorsi flap based on thoracodorsal vascular patterns

  • Alexandria Faculty of Medicine and college of medicine and health sciences national university


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Design of Mini Latissimus Dorsi Flap Based on
Thoracodorsal Vascular Patterns
Ehab Mostafa Elzawawy, MD,* Melad Naim Kelada, MD,* and Ahmed Farouk Al Karmouty, MD
Introduction: Latissimus dorsi (LD) flap has been used for reconstructive pur-
poses in oncoplastic breast surgery. Using large part of the muscle as a flap leads
to a residual functional loss. Muscle sparing and mini LD flaps can be used with
no functional sequelae. However, the design of such flap presents a challenge.
Methods: Twenty cadavers were dissected on both sides to identify the differ-
ent vascular patterns of the thoracodorsal (TD) pedicle. The vessels were
counted, and the following measurements were taken: diameter, length, dis-
tance from inferior angel of scapula, and vertebral level. Data were collected
and entered into the personal computer. Statistical analysis was done using
(SPSS/version 20) software.
Results: Five vascular patterns of TD pedicle were found. Type 1: a long verti-
cally descendingpedicle giving 3 to 4 transverse medial branches to LD in 40%.
Type 2: a short pedicle terminating into 1 to 2 serratus anterior collaterals and 1
to 2 transverse lateral branches to LD in 10%. Type 3: a long vertically descend-
ing pedicle giving 2 to 3 small lateral branches to upper part of LD and termi-
nating into medial and lateral branches in the lower part of LD in 10%. Type
4: a short pedicle that gives 4 to 5 terminal branches to LD, one of them is a
long vertically descending branch to lower part of LD in 20%. Type 5: a short
pedicle that terminates into a transverse medial and a long vertical branch to
LD in 20%.
Conclusion: The classically described pattern of TD pedicle (type 5) was found
in 20% of cases, whereas the most commonly found pattern was type 1. This
means that the pattern of TD branching is unpredictable, and apreoperative ultra-
sound is essential to define the existing pattern and plan the best LD flap design
for each patient. In types 1 and 5, the flap can be designed using the transverse
medial branch or branches. In type 2, one of the lateral transverse branches can
be used. In types 3, 4, and 5, the long descending vertical branch can be used.
It has a sizeable diameter (1.80.23 mm), length (12.31.64 cm), and can be located
6.50.96 cm below the inferior angle of scapula.
Key Words: mini flap, TD pedicle, breast reconstruction, muscle sparing flap
(Ann Plast Surg 2018;80: 607615)
Through many years, latissimus dorsi (LD) flaps have been used for
many reconstructive purposes as reconstruction of the breast,
and hypopharynx.
Breast reconstruction with standard LD flap maintains the natu-
ral consistency of tissue but causes loss of muscle function.
It can be
used for salvage of failed implant reconstructions,
and it is a good op-
tion after failed breast conservative therapy.
Repairing a segmental defect differs from reconstruction after
modified mastectomy. Latissimus dorsi mini flap (LDMF) may suffice
to fill a segmental defect. It involves harvesting LD muscle with or
without the overlying skin.
It is often recommended for patients who
are candidates for breast conservative therapy.
It allows wide local
excision of large tumours with preservation of the breast envelope
and nipple-areola complex.
The skin overlying the lateral thoracic area has a rich blood
supply from three rows of perforators. From anterior to posterior:
(1) direct cutaneous perforators from the lateral thoracic, (2) fasciocuta neous
perforators form thoracodorsal (TD) pedicle, and (3) musculocutaneous
perforators from TD pedicle. All these perforators are reliable as a
flap pedicle.
The TD pedicle provides the dominant blood supply to LD in
addition to segmental perforating branches from the posterior intercos-
tal and lumbar arteries (Mathes and Nahai type V circulatory pattern).
TD pedicle divides into transverse and descending branches.
The TD
pedicle gives off musculocutaneous and fasciocutaneous perforators
with a ratio of 3:2.
We would like to consider all modern flaps related to LD as mini
flaps. They only utilize part of the muscle and/or its fat and vessels.
Received October 16, 2017, and accepted for publication, after revision January 10,
From the *Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, and Department
of Breast Surgery, Medical Research Institute, University of Alexandria, Egypt.
This article was presented as a poster in ABS (Association of Breast Surgery)
conference on 1516 may 2017 in Belfast, UK and the abstract was published
in the EJSO 2017; volume 43 (5), page: S12.
Conflicts of interest and sources of funding: None declared.
Reprints: Melad Naim Kelada, MD, Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt. E-mail:
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0148-70 43/18/80060607
DOI: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000001403
FIGURE 1. Left long TD pedicle accompanied by thoracodorsal
nerve (n). It gives SAC to SA, CS to S and LD collateral (arrow)
which gives 3 large transverse medial perforators (13) and
2 small transverse lateral perforators (4, 5) to LD. It continues
downward as a small perforator (6). SAC, serratus anterior
collateral; S, subscapularis; SA, serratus anterior; CS,
circumflex scapular.
Annals of Plastic Surgery Volume 80, Number 6, June 2018 607
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
They spare its function. They include LDMF, thoracodorsal artery
perforator (TAP) flap and muscle sparing LD (MSLD) flap.
Angrigiani et al
designed LDMF without muscle. They based
it on 2 to 3 fasciocutaneous perforators of TD pedicle at the lateral bor-
der of LD. Actually, this was the first TAP flap.
It is a cutaneous flap
based on specific cutaneous perforators of TD pedicle. They originate
from the transverse or descending branches of the pedicle. It can be
used for reconstruction if the perforators are of sufficient calibre.
The MSLD flap is not based on specific perforators. It involves
harvesting skin paddlewith or without the underlying LD.It can be used
instead of TAP flap if no perforators of sufficient calibre are present.
The objective of the present study was to study the vascular pat-
terns of the TD pedicle to put an anatomical basis for the design of the
best possible LD flaps to improve the outcome of breast and other re-
constructions to avoid functional loss or necrosis of the flap with its
bad sequelae.
Twenty adult cadavers were injected with lead oxide, latex and
water, and then cooled to 4°C for 1 week before dissection. Cadavers
were dissected on both sides to identify the different vascular patterns
of TD pedicle. The vessels were counted and the following measure-
ments were taken using Vernier caliper: diameter, length and distance
from inferior angle of scapula (IAS). The site of the perforators
was described as medial, lateral and central zones in relation to the
posterior surface of LD and their vertebral levels were recognized.
Data were collected and entered into the personal computer. Sta-
tistical analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS/version 20) software. For comparison between groups, analysis
of variance test was used for parametric data, followed by post hoc test
FIGURE 2. Right long TD pedicle. It gives a SAC to SA and
LD collateral (arrow) to supply LD. LD collateral gives 3 large
transverse medial perforators (13) to LD. Perforator (2) divides
into (A, B, C, D). LD collateral ends as a small perforator (4).
The AA, AV, LT, and the right Br are noted. AA, axillary artery;
AV, axillary vein, Br, breast; LT, lateral thoracic artery.
FIGURE 3. A, Diagrammatic illustration of type 1 TD pedicle. It covers mainly medial perforator zone (1, 2, and 3). Small inconstant
perforators (4, 5) are in the lateral zone. TD pedicle continues as a small fasciocutaneous perforator (6). Note IAS and thoracic spines
(T6T12). B, Diagrammatic illustration of possible flap designs in type 1 TD pedicle. Best flap design is LDMF based on one or more of
the large medial perforators. MSLD flap can be based on the small lateral fasciocutaneous perforators (4, 5, 6) in the lateral zone.
Elzawawy et al Annals of Plastic Surgery Volume 80, Number 6, June 2018
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and Waller-Duncan method. The level of significance was 0.05. The
same small letters indicate that there was no significant difference,
while different letters indicate that there was a significant difference.
Five vascular patterns of TD pedicle were found:
Type 1: A long pedicle that gave 3 to 4 large transverse medial
and occasionally 1 to 2 small transverse lateral perforators to LD. The
first and second medial perforators were the largest and usually gave
several smaller perforators. Their length reached up to 8 cm and their
diameter reached up to 2 mm. They were located at the level of spines
of T7 and T8.TD pedicle continued downward as a small fasciocu-
taneous perforator at the lateral edge of LD. This type was found in
40% of cases (Figs. 1, 2, 3A, B).
Type 2: A short pedicle that terminated into 1 to 2 serratus ante-
rior collaterals and 2 to 3 large transverse lateral branches to the upper
and lower lateral parts of LD. LD branches gave 1 to 2 small medial
musculocutaneous perforators at level of spine of T8 or T9 and contin-
ued downwards on the edge of LD as lateral fasciocutaneous perfora-
tors. This type was found in 10% of cases (Figs. 4, 5A, B).
Type 3: A long pedicle that gave 2 to 3 serratus anterior collat-
erals and 2 to 4 small transverse lateral perforators to upper lateral part
of LD. It continued as a long vertically descending vessel and termi-
nated into medial musculocutaneous and lateral fasciocutaneous per-
forators in the lower part of LD. This type was found in 10% of cases
(Figs. 6, 7, 8A, B).
Type 4: A short pedicle that divided in a star-like fashion. It gave
4 to 5 terminal perforators to LD, one serratus anterior collateral and
occasionally a branch to teres major. The LD perforators were divided
into 2 to 4 small transverse lateral perforators, 1 to 2 large transverse
medial perforators and one long vertically descending branch to the
lower part of LD. This descending branch may divide into long medial
FIGURE 5. A, Diagrammatic illustration of type 2 TD pedicle. It covers lateral perforator zone (1, 2). Note IAS and thoracic spines
(T6T12). B, Diagrammatic illustration of possible flap designs in type 2 TD pedicle. Best flap design is TAP flap based on the large
lateral perforators (1, 2). LDMF can be based on the small medial perforator.
FIGURE 4. Left short TD pedicle accompanied by thoracodorsal
nerve (n). It gives 2 serratus anterior collaterals (SAC) to supply
serratus anterior (SA), and gives 2 large transverse lateral
perforators (1, 2) to supply LD. Perforator (1) divides into (A, B).
Perforator (2) divides into (C, D, E). Perforator (C) is
musculocutaneous; it passes medially and divides inside the
muscle (arrows). Perforators (A, B, D, E) end as fasciocutaneous
perforators on the lateral edge of LD. The left Br is noted.
Annals of Plastic Surgery Volume 80, Number 6, June 2018 Mini Latissimus Dorsi Flap
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and lateral terminal branches (type 4a in 10%) (Figs. 9A and B), or
continued downward and laterally and gave 2 to 3 medial side
branches (type 4b in 10%) (Figs. 10A and B, 11A, B). This type was
found in 20% of cases.
Type 5
A short pedicle that gave one serratus anterior collateral and
terminated into a transverse medial and a long vertical descending
branch to LD. The long branch gave 1 to 2 small transverse lateral
perforators to the upper lateral part of LD and divided into short medial
and lateral terminal perforators. This type was found in 20% of the
cases (Figs. 12, 13A, B).
According to these 5 types, there were 3 perforator zones: medial
zone based on medial perforators, lateral zone based on lateral perfora-
tors, and central zone based on the vertical descending branch and its
side branches or terminal perforators (Fig. 3A). Perforators in type
1 supply mainly the medial zone, type 2 supplies mainly the lateral
zone, type 3 supplies mainly lateral and central zones, and types 4
and 5 cover all zones (Table 1).
The location of these perforator zones compared with the pos-
terior surface of LD can be illustrated as follows. Medial perforators'
zone can be located between spines of T6 to T9 below and medial to
IAS (Fig. 3A). Lateral perforators' zone can be located between
spines of T6 to T12 below and lateral to IAS (Fig. 5A). Central
perforators' zone can be located between spines of T9 to T12 below
and medial to IAS; it is based on the descending branch which can
be located 6.5 ± 0.96 cm below and in line with IAS at level of
spine of T9 (Figs. 8A, 11A, 13A).
Medial perforators are mainly musculocutaneous, whereas
lateral perforators are mainly fasciocutaneous with few direct cuta-
neous perforators. Medial terminal perforator of the descending branch
is mainly musculocutaneous, whereas lateral terminal perforator of
the descending branch is mainly fasciocutaneous (Tables 1, 2).
Medial musculocutaneous perforators passed between LD mus-
cle layers. They were especially large in types 1, 3, 4, 5 and can be used
in LDMF (Figs. 3B, 8B, 11B, 13B). All these perforators were in the
medial zone except in type 3; small medial intramuscular perforators
took origin from the medial terminal branch and were located in the
central zone (Tables 1, 2).
All perforators were accompanied by venae comitantes ensur-
ing good venous return of any flap based on them. They were espe-
cially large in case of the descending perforator and its branches
(Figs. 6, 9, 12).
Large lateral fasciocutaneous perforators found in type 2 are
great for TAP flap. Despite the small size of the transverse medial
perforators in type 2, they were constant and LDMF can be designed
on them at the level of T8 and/or T9 (Fig. 5B).
In type 3, flap design is restricted to the lateral and central zones.
The LDMF can be based on the medial terminal musculocutaneous
perforator of the descending branch. The MSLD can be based on
the upper lateral perforators of the pedicle. The TAP flap can be based
on the lateral terminal fasciocutaneous perforator (Fig. 8B).
In type 4, any type and any design of flap is possible. The medial,
lateral, and vertical descending perforator and/or one of its branches
can be used in any of these flaps. They cover medial, lateral, and cen-
tral zones (Fig. 11B). In type 5, LDMF can be based on the transverse
medial branch. The TAP flap can be designed on the long vertical
descending branch which can be lengthened by including its medial
or lateral terminal branch. Lateral perforators though small, can be
FIGURE 6. Right long TD pedicle accompanied by
thoracodorsal nerve (n). It gives 2 SAC to SA. It continues
as a vertical descending vessel (arrow) which gives 2 lateral
transverse perforators (1, 2) to the upper lateral part of LD.
It terminates into M musculocutaneous and L fasciocutaneous
perforators at the lower part of LD. The AA and AV are noted.
M, medial; L, lateral.
FIGURE 7. Right long TD pedicle. It gives 3 serratus anterior
collateral branches (SAC) to SA, and 4 small transverse lateral
perforators (1, 2, 3, 4) to upper lateral part of LD. It gives a vertical
descending vessel (arrow) which terminates into M) and L
perforators at the lower part of LD. Branch (M) divides into
3 musculocutaneous perforators (A, B, C) to the lower medial
part of LD. Branch (L) is a large fasciocutaneous perforator
at the lower lateral edge of LD.
Elzawawy et al Annals of Plastic Surgery Volume 80, Number 6, June 2018
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FIGURE 9. A, Right short TD pedicle. It divides in a star-like fashion into a branch (arrow) to teres major muscle (TM) and 2 SAC to
SA and 4 terminal perforators (14) to LD. Perforators (1,2) are lateral and transverse. Perforator (4) is medial and transverse. Perforator
(3) is a vertical descending branch and divides into lateral fasciocutaneous terminal branch (L) and medial musculocutaneous terminal
branch (M). The AA, AV are noted. B, A close up photograph of the previous specimen. Perforator (4) is large and musculocutaneous.
It gives several perforators (arrows) to LD and terminates into 2 perforators (A, B).
FIGURE 8. A, Diagrammatic illustration of type 3 TD pedicle. It covers lateral zone(through perforators14, L)and central zone
(through perforator M). Note IAS and thoracic spines (T6T12). B, Diagrammatic illustration of possible flap designs in type 3 TD
pedicle. Best flap design is TAP flap based on the descending branch and its lateral terminal perforator (L). Central zone LDMF
is possible through the lateral terminal perforator (M). MSLD flap can be based on the upper lateral perforators (14).
Annals of Plastic Surgery Volume 80, Number 6, June 2018 Mini Latissimus Dorsi Flap
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FIGURE 10. A, Left short TD pedicle accompanied by thoracodorsal nerve(n). It gives SAC to SA and a lateral upper perforator (1) to LD.
It divides into terminal perforators (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) at the upper part of LD. Perforators (2, 3, 4) are short lateral transverse and pass into
the upper lateral part of LD. Perforator (5) is a long vertical descending vessel (arrow) reaching the lower lateral part of the muscle
and gives 2 medial perforators (7, 8) passing into the lower medial part of LD. Perforator (6) passes into the upper medial part of LD.
The AA and AV are noted. B, A close up photograph of the previous specimen. Perforator (6) is a large medial musculocutaneous
perforator. It divides into 2 branches (A, B) that pass in between the muscle layers (arrows) of LD.
FIGURE 11. A, Diagrammatic illustration of type 4 TD pedicle. It divides in a star-like fashion and covers lateral zone (through perforators
1, 2, 3, L), medial zone (through perforators 4, 5) and central zone (through perforators 7, 8, M). Descending branch (arrow) divides
into terminal branches (L and M) (type 4a) or gives medial branches (7, 8) (type 4b). Note IAS and thoracic spines (T6T12). B,
Diagrammatic illustration of possible flap designs in type 4 TD pedicle. All flap designs are possible especially LDMF and TAP flap.
LDMF is possible based on any medial perforator (4, 5, 7, 8, M). TAP flap can be based on the descending branch or its lateral
termination (L). MSLD flap can be based on the lateral perforators (1, 2, 3).
Elzawawy et al Annals of Plastic Surgery Volume 80, Number 6, June 2018
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used, along with the lateral terminal perforator of the descending branch
in MSLD flap (Fig. 13B).
Flaps have evolved from muscle based flaps to specific perfora-
tors based flaps. It can preserve underlying muscle, reduce donor site
morbidity and improve ability to design the flap. Better understanding
of the vascular anatomy of the skin, subcutaneous tissues, and muscle
can greatly advance and improve flap design.
Although there are many publications on the clinical uses of dif-
ferent LD flaps,
there is paucity of data concerning the detailed vas-
cular anatomy of TD pedicle. The detailed description of the anatomical
variations of this pedicle is crucial not only for the choice of the appro-
priate flap but also for the best design of the flap.
The number and location of perforators differ according to
TD vascular pattern. In the present study, 5 patterns were identified.
In types 1 and 5, medial zone musculocutaneous perforators were of
appropriate length and caliber. In type 1, the best LDMF design can
be based on any of the transverse medial perforators. They start at level
of T7 and continue downward till level of T10, although in type 5, the
flap can be based on the transverse medial branch present at level of T7.
The largest perforators were the first and second medial muscu-
locutaneous perforators found in type 1 at the level of the spine of T7
and T8, respectively. Thomas et al
and Mohan and Saint-Cyr
firmed that the most proximal perforator of TD pedicle is usually the
largest. It is found at the level of inferior angle of the scapula (T7).
Schaverien et al
noted that in 53% of cadaveric dissections,
there is a large fasciocutaneous perforator from the TD pedicle running
over the lateral border of LD. In our study, type 2 pedicle (10%) showed
the largest lateral fasciocutaneous perforators; they started at T6 and
continued downwards on the edge of LD till T10. While in types 3
(10%) and 4a (10%), there were large terminal lateral fasciocutaneous
perforators. They were lengthy and of largecaliber and can be used for
TAP flap.
FIGURE 12. Left short TD pedicle accompanied by thoracodorsal
nerve (n). It gives SAC to SA; then divides into a medial
transverse branch (1) and a long vertical descending branch
(2) to LD. Branch (2) gives 2 small lateral transverse perforators
(3, 4) to the upper lateral part of LD and divides into medial M
and L fasciocutaneous terminal perforators at the lower lateral
edge of LD. The AV is noted.
FIGURE 13. A, Diagrammatic illustration of type 5 TD pedicle. It covers medial zone (through perforator 1), lateral zone (through
perforators 3, 4, L) and central zone (through perforator M). Note IAS and thoracic spines (T6T12). B, Diagrammatic illustration of
possible flap designs in type 5 TD pedicle. All flaps are possible. LDMF is especially feasible on the transverse branch (1). TAP flap
can be based on the descending branch and its M or L terminal perforator. MSLD flap can be based on lateral perforators (3, 4, L).
Annals of Plastic Surgery Volume 80, Number 6, June 2018 Mini Latissimus Dorsi Flap
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Boucher et al
reported that the most reliable perforators of the
TD pedicle originate from its transverse and descending branches. They
reported the presence of 2 to 8 perforators, 50% are lateral, 30% are
medial, and 20% are central. However, they did not designate spe-
cific TD pedicle types or zones.
In the present study, there were 3 perforator zones: medial zone
based on medial perforators, lateral zone based on lateral perforators,
and central zone based on the vertical descending branch and its side
branches or terminal perforators. Perforators in type 1 (40%) supply
mainly the medial zone, type 2 (10%) supplies mainly the lateral
zone, type 3 (10%) supplies mainly lateral and central zones, types 4
and 5 (40%) cover all zones.
Disagreement among authors who studied TD pedicle can be
explained by the presence of several patterns. Colohan et al
that the descending branch covers 87% of the musculocutaneous per-
fusion territory of TD pedicle. Boucher et al
reported that the aver-
age muscular surface vascularized by the transverse branch of TD
pedicle is 80% of the complete LD and that inter-muscular connec-
tions between the two branches of TD pedicle account for the overlap
in the covered areas.
Losken et al
noticed the variations in the location of TD per-
forators. They reported that in 7% of cases, the dominant perforator
originates from the transverse branch of TD pedicle. This perforator
is approximately 4 to 5 cm behind the anterior edge of the LD. They
also reported that few cases had several small perforators instead of
1 to 3 larger vessels and this calls for an alternative flap design. That
is why improved knowledge and understanding of the 5 patterns of
TD pedicle can enable better tailoring of LD flaps.
Controversies in LD flap design can be explained by the various
TD pedicle patterns. Schaverien et al
designed MSLD flap where the
most lateral edge of the skin paddle should be 1 to 2 cm anterior to the
lateral edge of LD, depending on lateral fasciocutaneous perforators.
Although Colohan et al
designed MSLD flap where the skin paddle
can be positioned at any level along the axis of the descending branch
of TD pedicle depending on its perforators.
Boucher et al
located perforators at 5, 10, and 15 cm from pos-
terior axillary fold, at, respectively, an average of 2.0, 2.4, and 2.9 cm
behind the anterior border of LD. Schaverien et al
reported that the
area of greater perforator density can be found between 9 and 15 cm
from the posterior axillary fold and within 4 cm from the lateral edge
of LD. Angrigiani et al
confirmed that perforators of TAP flap are
quite predictably localized in up to 80% of patients approximately
8 cm from the top of the axilla and close to the anterior edge of the
LD muscle.
Designing the flap based on perforators located at certain dis-
tances on the edge of LD or on posterior axillary fold or from top
of axilla is inaccurate and can lead to many fallacies, whereas using
vertebral levels is more accurate and can give confidence in perfora-
torspresence and flap survival.
In our study, medial muscular perforators passing between LD
muscle layers were constantly seen in all vascular patterns. They are
small in types 2, 3, and especially large in types 1, 4, 5. These perfora-
tors are important when planning primary closure of the donor site in
the lateral thoracic area. Thin LDMF up to 20 cm in length and
10 cm in width can be safely designed.
These flaps can be used effec-
tively for resurfacing of the hand, tibia, or foot.
To ensure survival of
these flaps, they must be based on medial zone intramuscular perfora-
tors except in type 3, where they must be based on central zone
intramuscular perforators.
Saint-Cyr et al
prefer MSLD over TAP due to simplicity of
technical dissection, lack of need for adequately sized perforators
and better neurovascular pedicle protection due to the small muscle
cuff retained. Type of TD vascular pattern should be included in the
selection criteria of flap type. In case of types 2 and 3, a TAP flap is
preferred, whereas in type 1, MSLD flap is preferred because lateral
perforators are small in size. In types 4 and 5, there are equal chances
for both types of flaps.
Park et al
lengthened TD pedicle to reconstruct remote defects.
Knowing the different TD pedicle patterns is important, it can give an
insight on whether the pedicle can be lengthened or not. Types 3, 4,
TABLE 1. Comparison Between Medial and Lateral Transverse Perforators of TD Pedicle
TD Vascular Pattern
Medial Perforators Lateral Perforators
Length Diameter Length Diameter P
Type 1 7.16 ± 1.08
1.82 ± 0.34
2.67 ± 0.25
1.11 ± 0.46
Type 2 3.91 ± 0.24
1.13 ± 0.32
7.08 ± 0.63
1.71 ± 0.36
Ty p e 3 2.82 ± 0.44
0.83 ± 0.31
Type 4 4.31 ± 0.36
1.43 ± 0.22
3.41 ± 0.93
0.96 ± 0.43
Type 5 6.23 ± 0.71
1.53 ± 0.63
2.88 ± 0.74
1.03 ± 0.34
*Significant difference.
The same small letters indicate that there was no significant difference between groups, whereas different letters indicate significant difference.
TABLE 2. The Descending Perforator of TD Pedicle and Its Terminal Branches
TD Vascular Pattern
Vertical Descending Perforator Medial Terminal Branch Lateral Terminal Branch
Length Diameter Length Diameter Length Diameter P
Ty p e 3 1 4 . 21 ± 1 . 4 2
2.13 ± 0.52
5.62 ± 0.78
1.47 ± 0.63
7.11 ± 0.43
1.53 ± 0.54
Ty p e 4a Ty p e 4 b 7 . 7 3 ± 0 . 4 8
12.30 ± 1.64
1.87 ± 0.73
1.80 ± 0.23
5.33 ± 0.62
1.15 ± 0.33
5.86 ± 0.53
1.41 ± 0.27
Ty p e 5 1 3 . 88 ± 1 . 5 2
2.21 ± 0.48
3.65 ± 0.43
0.93 ± 0.22
3.21 ± 0.58
1.13 ± 0.49
*Significant difference.
The same small letters indicate that there was no significant difference between groups while different letters indicate significant difference.
Elzawawy et al Annals of Plastic Surgery Volume 80, Number 6, June 2018
614 © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
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and 5 are great candidates for pedicle lengthening especially when the
descending branch is dissected with its lateral terminal branch. In that
case, the length of the pedicle can reach up to 21 cm.
Thomas et al
reported that the length of TD pedicle when har-
vested along with the descending perforator was 14.0 cm. Boucher et al
reported that the average length of the descending branch was 15.2 cm.
Saint-Cyr et al
reported that the mean length of the descending branch
of TD pedicle was around 15 cm.
Nowadays, the location, size, blood flow inside the perforators,
and their venae comitantes can be easily mapped, thanks to the great
advances in imaging techniques as Doppler and color duplex ultraso-
nography, computed tomographic angiography (CTA) and magnetic
resonance angiography.Therefore, providing a 3-dimensional represen-
tation of the vascular anatomy of LD. It is mandatory to use these tools
preoperatively to outline TD pedicle pattern for better flap design.
The CTA and three-dimensional image post processing can be
used to show the number, size, course and location of TD pedicle and
its perforator arteries. This is crucial for the preoperative selection of
the best perforator to use for the flap which could shorten operative time
and decrease patient morbidity. The CTA is the preferred imaging mo-
dality for mapping arteries. It has better spatial resolution than magnetic
resonance angiography and is more sensitive than ultrasound.
It is essential to know all possible TD vascular patterns. The TD
perforators can be accurately located based on prior anatomical knowl-
edge and imaging techniques. This is crucial for the proper selection of
the type and design of LD flap.
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Annals of Plastic Surgery Volume 80, Number 6, June 2018 Mini Latissimus Dorsi Flap
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... They supplied Ld and continued through the muscle into the skin. These perforators are ideal for mini latissimus dorsi flap (MLDF) and are as constant as thoracodorsal artery perforators (TDAPs) described by Elzawawy et al. [16]. Indeed, MLDF can be based on intermediate zone PICAPs sparing the rest of the muscle. ...
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Background Posterior intercostal arteries perforators (PICAPs) and lateral intercostal arteries perforators (LICAPs) are great vascular pedicles. Between the 4th and 11th spaces, they arise from the thoracic aorta. These are large perforators that can be the basis of many flaps. Yet, these perforators are underrated as they are poorly studied and scarcely utilized in plastic reconstructions. Methods Twenty (ten males and ten females) adult cadaveric dissections were done on both sides to study the types, locations, and sizes of posterior intercostal perforators to help design flaps based on them in the best possible way. Perforators were assigned into one of 3 topographical zones of the back (medial, intermediate, and lateral). Results The skin of the back was divided into 3 vertical zones: medial, intermediate, and lateral. Posterior intercostal arteries perforators (PICAPs) were found in the medial and intermediate zones. Medial zone PICAPs were large and appeared at the medial border of erector spinae (Es). Intermediate zone PICAPs appeared at the lateral border of Es and passed through latissimus dorsi (Ld) before reaching the skin. Lateral zone perforators were branches of lateral intercostal arteries and were divided into 2 types: (1) posterior branches of lateral intercostal perforators: simply named posterior lateral perforators (PLs); they were small and present in most of the spaces, and (2) anterior branches of lateral intercostal perforators (LICAPs): they were large, dominant pedicles and were found mainly in the 4th to the 7th spaces. Conclusion PICAPs and LICAPs are constant and of enormous size and run for a great distance in the skin. They can be utilized as any type of flap.
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The aim of this editorial is to give an update on the use of the propeller thoracodorsal artery perforator flap (TAP/TDAP-flap) within the field of breast reconstruction. The TAP-flap can be dissected by a combined use of a monopolar cautery and a scalpel. Microsurgical instruments are generally not needed. The propeller TAP-flap can be designed in different ways, three of these have been published: (I) an oblique upwards design; (II) a horizontal design; (III) an oblique downward design. The latissimus dorsi-flap is a good and reliable option for breast reconstruction, but has been criticized for morbidity and complications. The TAP-flap does not seem to impair the function of the shoulder or arm and the morbidity appears to be scarce. However, an implant is often needed in combination with the TAP-flap, which results in implant related morbidity over time. The TAP-flap seems to be a promising tool for oncoplastic and reconstructive breast surgery and will certainly become an invaluable addition to breast reconstructive methods.
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Background: The thoracodorsal artery perforator (TDAP) flap has been described for breast reconstruction. This flap requires intramuscular dissection of the pedicle. A modification of the conventional TDAP surgical technique for breast reconstruction is described, utilizing instead a propeller TDAP flap. The authors present their clinical experience with the propeller TDAP flap in breast reconstruction alone or in combination with expanders or permanent implants. Methods: From January 2009 to February 2013, sixteen patients had breast reconstruction utilizing a propeller TDAP flap. Retrospective analysis of patient characteristics, clinical indications, procedure and outcomes were performed. The follow-up period ranged from 4 to 48 months. Results: Sixteen patients had breast reconstruction using a TDAP flap with or without simultaneous insertion of an expander or implant. All flaps survived, while two cases required minimal resection due to distal flap necrosis, healing by second intention. There were not donor-site seromas, while minimal wound dehiscence was detected in two cases. Conclusions: The propeller TDAP flap appears to be safe and effective for breast reconstruction, resulting in minimal donor site morbidity. The use of this propeller flap emerges as a true alternative to the traditional TDAP flap.
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Introduction: Reconstruction of the hypopharynx and cervical esophagus after tumor resection remains a challenging problem. Different techniques of reconstruction have been described for such defects. Although free flap reconstruction, including jejunum and fasciocutaneous flaps, has gained popularity for this complex defect, regional flaps are still in use worldwide. Patients and methods: We present our experience using the pedicled thoracodorsal artery perforator (TDAP) flap whereby only a small cuff of latissimus dorsi muscle around the perforators is harvested. The remaining muscle with its nerve supply is preserved. The flap is delivered to the neck through the cervicoaxillary tunnel. It was used as a complete tube in six patients and with an additional attached skin island for reconstruction of the neck skin in another four patients. Results: A total of 11 TDAP flaps were used for reconstruction in 10 patients. All flaps survived except in one patient who suffered from a complete flap loss. This was salvaged by another TDAP flap from the contralateral side. Partial sloughing of the outer part of the pedicled TDAP occurred in one other patient. Pharyngeal fistulas developed in another two patients and eventually healed spontaneously. All patients resumed an oral diet within 2 weeks except two with fistulas. All patients resumed their shoulder active range of motion within 3 weeks. Conclusion: The transaxillary TDAP flap is an ideal technique for hypopharyngeal reconstruction. It offers the advantages of free fasciocutaneous flaps, has a wide arc of rotation, a relatively larger flap dimension, a reliable vascular pedicle, and acceptable donor site morbidity.
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Background: Perforators are a constant anatomical finding in the facial area and any known flap can in theory be based on the first perforator located at the flap rotation axis. Methods: A case series of single stage reconstruction of moderate sized facial defects using 21 perforator based local flaps in 19 patients from 2008-2013. Results: A sufficient perforator was located in every case and the flap rotated along its axis (76 %) or advanced (24 %). Reconstruction was successfully achieved with a high self reported patient satisfaction. Two minor complications occurred early on in the series and corrective procedures were performed in four patients. Conclusions: The random facial perforator flap seems to be a good and reliable option for the reconstruction of facial subunits, especially the periorbital, nasal and periocular area with a minimal morbidity and a pleasing result in a one stage outpatient setting. Level of Evidence: Level IV, therapeutic study.
The authors describe the vascular anatomy an surgical technique of the muscle-sparing latissimus dorsi flap. Discussed are marking for the surgery, flap harvest and surgical applications. The donor site has undeniable advantages: functional preservation, horizontal scar better hidden and more aesthetic, the decrease or absence of seroma, and the absence of change regarding the dorsal outline following the complete removal of the latissimus dorsi muscle. The latissimus dorsi flap with muscle preservation with harvest on the descending branch of the thoracodorsal artery is a reliable and reproducible flap.
The role and choice of preoperative imaging for planning in breast reconstruction is still a disputed topic in the reconstructive community, with varying opinion on the necessity, the ideal imaging modality, costs and impact on patient outcomes. Since the advent of perforator flaps their use in microsurgical breast reconstruction has grown. Perforator based flaps afford lower donor morbidity by sparing the underlying muscle provide durable results, superior cosmesis to create a natural looking new breast, and are preferred in the context of radiation therapy. However these surgeries are complex; more technically challenging that implant based reconstruction, and leaves little room for error. The role of imaging in breast reconstruction can assist the surgeon in exploring or confirming flap choices based on donor site characteristics and presence of suitable perforators. Vascular anatomical studies in the lab have provided the surgeon a foundation of knowledge on location and vascular territories of individual perforators to improve our understanding for flap design and safe flap harvest. The creation of a presurgical map in patients can highlight any abnormal or individual anatomical variance to optimize flap design, intraoperative decision-making and execution of flap harvest with greater predictability and efficiency. This article highlights the role and techniques for preoperative planning using the newer technologies that have been adopted in reconstructive clinical practice: computed tomographic angiography (CTA), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), laser-assisted indocyanine green fluorescence angiography (LA-ICGFA) and dynamic infrared thermography (DIRT). The primary focus of this paper is on the application of CTA and MRA imaging modalities.
Background: Unsuccessful breast reconstruction management represents a complex challenge for the plastic surgeon. Although these events rarely occur, many patients are not suitable candidates for conventional flaps, because of either previous donor-site surgery or lack of sufficient tissue. Methods: In this study, a contralateral free latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap (CL-LDMF) was planned for correction of major lesions in the anterior chest wall. Twelve patients underwent secondary/tertiary breast reconstruction with CL-LDMF with a customized shape (horizontal, oblique, or "fleur-de-lis") depending on the amount of tissue necessary. The technique was indicated in patients with large thoracic defects who lacked a donor site and had undergone previous unsuccessful pedicled LDMF. Results: The mean follow-up time was 42.5 months (range: 18-72 months). Five local complications occurred in four of the 12 patients. Dorsal dehiscence was observed in one, local wound infection in one, small partial CL-LDMF necrosis in one, and dorsal seroma in one patient. All cases of complications were limited and treated with a conservative approach except for one implant extrusion 4 months after reconstruction. No total flap loss was reported. All patients achieved a satisfactory thoracic and breast reconstruction. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrate that free CL-LDMF is a reliable technique and should be considered in selected cases of tertiary reconstructions. The majority of complications were immediate, minor, and comparable to other reconstructive techniques. We believe that in selected patients, especially those who do not have available donor-site areas, free CL-LDMF is advantageous and should be part of the armamentarium of all plastic surgeons who deal with tertiary breast reconstructions.
The surgical management of breast cancer has dramatically evolved over the past 20 years, with oncoplastic surgery gaining increased popularity. This field of breast surgery allows for complete resection of tumor, preservation of normal parenchyma tissue, and the use of local or regional tissue for immediate breast reconstruction at the time of partial mastectomy. These techniques extend the options for breast conservation surgery, improve aesthetic outcomes, have high patient satisfaction and result in better control of tumor margins. This article will detail the approach to evaluating and treating patients undergoing oncoplastic reconstruction. Different oncoplastic approaches will be described and applied to an oncoplastic reconstructive algorithm. Surgical complications, oncologic outcomes and aesthetic outcomes are reviewed.
The success of autologous tissue transfer is reliant on adequate blood supply and as we endeavour to tailor our reconstructive options through our flap choices and design. Autologous breast reconstruction has made substantial progress over the years and the evolution of refinements over the last 30 years has allowed flaps to be based on specific perforators. The ultimate goal of breast reconstruction following mastectomy is to match optimal tissue replacement with minimal donor-site expenditure. In parallel surgeons will seek ways to ensure safe flap design and harvest while maintaining predictability and reliable tissue perfusion. Better understanding of the vascular anatomy and physiology of the cutaneous circulation of soft tissues, and that of patterns of blood flow from individual perforator has provided insight to advance perforator flap harvest and modifications in flap design. The aim of this article is to review the principles of blood supply and flap design exemplified through common flaps used in autologous breast reconstructive surgery, to better understand approaches for safe flap harvest and transfer of well perfused tissue.
The latissimus dorsi muscle flap is a type V according to Mathes and Nahai. It is vascularized by a proximal main pedicle represented by the thoraco-dorsal pedicle and pedicle distal accessory represented by the dorsal branches of the posterior intercostal arteries. The main thoraco-dorsal pedicle has a descending branch and a transverse branch. This anatomical study clarifies the muscular territory vascularized by the transverse branch of thoraco-dorsal artery for a secondary use after harvesting a thoraco-dorsal artery perforator flap or a muscle-sparing latissimus dorsi flap.