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Mitchell EAD, Charman DJ, Warner BG.. Testate amoebae analysis in ecological and paleoecological studies of wetlands: past, present and future. Biodivers Conserv 17: 2115-2137


Abstract and Figures

Testate amoebae are an abundant and diverse polyphyletic group of shelled protozoa living in aquatic to moist habitats ranging from estuaries to lakes, rivers, wetlands, soils, litter, and moss habitats. Owing to the preservation of shells in sediments, testate amoebae are useful proxy indicators complementary to long-established indicators such as pollen and spores or macrofossils. Their primary use to date has been for inferring past moisture conditions and climate in ombrotrophic peatlands and, to a lesser extent, to infer pH in peatlands and the trophic or nutrient status of lakes. Recent research on these organisms suggests other possible uses in paleoecology and ecology such as sea-level reconstruction in estuarine environments, as indicators of soil or air pollution, and monitoring recovery of peatland. We review the past and present use of testate amoebae, the challenges in current research, and provide some ideas on future research directions.
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Testate amoebae analysis in ecological
and paleoecological studies of wetlands: past,
present and future
Edward A. D. Mitchell · Daniel J. Charman · Barry G. Warner
Abstract Testate amoebae are an abundant and diverse polyphyletic group of shelled
protozoa living in aquatic to moist habitats ranging from estuaries to lakes, rivers, wet-
lands, soils, litter, and moss habitats. Owing to the preservation of shells in sediments,
testate amoebae are useful proxy indicators complementary to long-established indicators
such as pollen and spores or macrofossils. Their primary use to date has been for inferring
past moisture conditions and climate in ombrotrophic peatlands and, to a lesser extent, to
infer pH in peatlands and the trophic or nutrient status of lakes. Recent research on these
organisms suggests other possible uses in paleoecology and ecology such as sea-level
reconstruction in estuarine environments, as indicators of soil or air pollution, and monitor-
ing recovery of peatland. We review the past and present use of testate amoebae, the chal-
lenges in current research, and provide some ideas on future research directions.
Keywords Testate amoebae · Protozoa · Peatland · Sphagnum · Paleoecology ·
Bioindicators · Community ecology · Transfer functions · Peatland management ·
Restoration ecology
E. A. D. Mitchell (&)
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Wetlands Research Group, Station 2, Lausanne CH-1015,
E. A. D. Mitchell
EPFL, Laboratoire des Systèmes Écologiques (ECOS), Station 2, Lausanne CH-1015, Switzerland
D. J. Charman
School of Geography, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA, UK
B. G. Warner
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo,
ON, Canada, N2L 3G1
Published in Biodiversity and Conservation 17, issue 9, 2115-2137, 2008
which should be used for any reference to this work
Testate amoebae are unicellular protists, which are ubiquitous in environments such as
lakes, rivers, mosses, and soils, but also occur in estuarine environments (Meisterfeld
2002a, b). They are small (mostly 20–200 m––roughly the size of pollen grains), abun-
dant (e.g., 103–104 individuals g¡1 dry weight peat), and diverse (about 2000 species
described so far, and usually between 10 and 30 species in any given sample). Testate
amoebae build a test (shell) either from proteinaceous, calcareous, or siliceous material.
Some of them form agglutinated tests by gluing together organic or mineral particles from
their surrounding environment. These tests cover a relatively broad range of sizes (over one
order of magnitude) and a high diversity of morphologies (Fig. 1), which allows identiWca-
tion to species level. These tests are usually well preserved in peat and lake sediments
(Warner 1990).
Testate amoebae have a long fossil history, with fossils dated from the Cretaceous
(Boeuf and Gilbert 1997; Foissner and Schiller 2001; Patterson and Kumar 2002; Schmidt
et al. 2001; Schönborn et al. 1999), the Carboniferous (Loeblich and Tappan 1964), and
perhaps even Late Neoproterozoic (Porter and Knoll 2000). Despite this long fossil history,
most paleontological studies of testate amoebae focus on the Quaternary and especially on
the Holocene where they are used as paleobioindicators in lakes and peatlands (Charman
2001; Medioli et al. 1990; Tolonen 1986).
Fig. 1 Light- and scanning electron micrographs of some testate amoebae found in peatlands, illustrating the
range of morphological variability; (a) Trigonopyxis arcula, (b) Hyalosphenia subXava, (c) Bullinularia in-
dica, (d) Nebela tincta, (e) Nebela militaris, (f) Assulina muscorum, (g) Assulina seminulum, (h) Arcella arto-
crea, (i) H. elegans, (j) Physochila griseola, (k) H. papilio, (l) Centropyxis aculeata, (m) Archerella Xavum,
(n) Placocista spinosa var. hyalina, (o) DiZugia bacillifera, (p) N. carinata, (q) Amphitrema wrightianum.
Scale bars indicate approximately 50 m except for A. muscorum: 20 m. SEM were conducted at the Uni-
versity of Alaska Anchorage by K. Kishaba, J. Kudenov and E. Mitchell
In this review, we cover selected aspects of the phylogeny, taxonomy, biogeography,
biology and ecology of testate amoebae. We then discuss the application of this knowl-
edge to paleoecological research and present some new Welds of research and application.
This review also constitutes a guide to an extensive selection of the literature on testate
Testate amoeba taxonomy and biogeography: facts and open questions
Higher taxonomic levels: phylogeny
Testate amoebae are a polyphyletic assemblage of at least two major, unrelated taxonomic
groups of mostly heterotrophic unicellular eukaryotes (Meisterfeld 2002a, b; Wylezich
et al. 2002). Testate amoebae have been divided based on pseudopod morphology. The
Wrst group has lobose pseudopodia (order Arcellinida). The second group with Wlose pseu-
dopodia is represented mainly by order Euglyphida. Some testate amoebae possessing
anastomosing networks of reticulopodia, and traditionally classiWed in the phylum Gran-
uloreticulosea (Bovee 1985), have recently been placed among testate amoebae with Wlose
pseudopodia (Meisterfeld 2002b). The phylogenetic position of Arcellinida and Euglyph-
ida, among Amoebozoa and Cercozoa, respectively, has been established based on ribo-
somal DNA sequences (Cavalier-Smith and Chao 1997; Meisterfeld 2002a, b; Nikolaev
et al. 2005; Wylezich et al. 2002). However, DNA sequences are available only for a
small number of taxa and therefore the higher-level taxonomy of both orders still rests
entirely on morphological characters. It is urgent to complete the sequence data for all
families and genera, in order to establish a solid phylogeny based on molecular and mor-
phological characters.
Perhaps because of the uncertainty about their phylogeny, many diVerent names have
been used to describe these organisms: thecamoebians, rhizopods, testate amoebae, testa-
ceans, and arcellaceans. Some of these names implicitly suggest a taxonomic aYliation.
For example, the term arcellaceans implies relationships to the order Arcellinida or the
genus Arcella, which is incomplete and unrepresentative of all testate amoebae. Rhizopods
on the other hand are not restricted to testate amoebae and may include naked amoebae.
We suggest that the terms testaceans or testate amoebae should be preferred as they are
Lower taxonomic levels: genera and species
The taxonomy of testate amoebae at lower taxonomic levels is largely based on shell mor-
phology and is also unresolved (Lee et al. 2000; Patterson 1996). Although uncertainties at
the higher taxonomic levels have little impact on the usefulness of testate amoebae in eco-
logical and paleoecological research, the establishment of solid phylogenetic relationships
is necessary for determining the taxonomic signiWcance of some important morphological
features that are used to identify the species.
Despite the fact that the common species can usually be identiWed with conWdence, there
is an urgent need for taxonomic revision and a synthesis of the existing data. There are no
recent updated complete monographs or even species lists and many of the approximately
2000 described species are probably never securely identiWed by most ecologists for lack of
appropriate identiWcation criteria, the diYculty in accessing the original descriptions, or
simply because no up to date synthesis exists in which the identiWcation characteristics of
all species are clearly described. The identiWcation of species is usually based on mono-
graphs, which often date back to decades or even over a century and which, despite the fact
that none of them includes all the described species, are still the most useful resources
(Cash and Wailes 1915; Chardez 1969, 1991; Corbet 1973; DeXandre 1928, 1929, 1936;
Grospietsch 1958, 1964; Harnisch 1958; Ogden 1983; Ogden and Hedley 1980; Penard
1902; Schönborn 1965b). A few more recent studies provided clariWcations on some
selected taxa (Foissner and Korganova 1995, 2000; Lüftenegger et al. 1988; Schönborn
et al. 1983). A valuable guide for paleoecologists was recently published by the Quaternary
Research Association (Charman et al. 2000). However, much remains to be done to make
the identiWcation of testate amoebae more straightforward for ecologists and paleoecolo-
gists, and through this, the comparison among studies more reliable. The amount of work
involved in such a task is huge and will require a signiWcant investment.
Moreover, the intra-speciWc variability of test morphology in most taxa has not yet been
satisfactorily assessed. It is quite likely that many species have been described based on the
extremes of a continuum of morphotypes of the same variable species (Bobrov and Mazei
2004). Recent studies show that (1) abiotic and biotic environmental factors such as food
source, temperature, and insecticides aVect the shell morphology (Chardez 1989; Schönborn
1992a; Wanner 1999; Wanner et al. 1994; Wanner and Meisterfeld 1994), and (2) testate
amoebae are characterized by a high degree of morphological variability both among and
within populations (Bobrov and Mazei 2004), and (3) even under controlled conditions, the
morphological variability of the shell increases with time (Schönborn 1992a). Such variabil-
ity is apparently at least partly genetically determined and allows the species to adapt to the
spatial or temporal heterogeneity of their environment (Bobrov and Mazei 2004).
Phenotypic plasticity may however not necessarily mean that testate amoebae are less
useful as a tool for ecologists and paleoecologists. Indeed if the relationships between
environmental conditions and shell morphology were well understood and could be
reliably predicted, then this information could be used to infer environmental conditions
on the basis not only of community composition but also of shell morphological charac-
teristics. Instead of having discrete categories (species) along a gradient, ecologists and
paleoecologists would have a continuum. Inference (forecasting) models could then be
built from the analysis of such continua, with linear or polynomial regression. We there-
fore call for more detailed morphometric analyses of (1) living taxa under known environ-
mental conditions, and (2) cultures grown under controlled conditions. This approach will
enable a predictive model of morphological characteristics as a function of environmental
conditions to be created. Such a model would have direct applications for paleoenviron-
mental reconstructions.
The fact that testate amoebae have been found to be useful despite these imperfections
suggests that they could become an even better tool for ecologists if the taxonomy was
improved. The present state of testate amoebae taxonomy and the above-mentioned Wnd-
ings call for (1) a conservative approach to the description of new species and (2) a test of
the morphology-based taxonomy using molecular data (e.g., phylogenetic trees derived
from ribosomal RNA sequences) with the long-term goal of revising the taxonomy of
testate amoebae based on the combination of molecular and morphological data. We
suggest a combined approach focusing on the morphology, molecular taxonomy, and
ecology of problematic groups of species such as the genera DiZugia, Centropyxis,
Phryganella, Trinema, and Euglypha or groups of species within otherwise “easy” genera
such as the Nebela tincta species complex.
The debate over cosmopolitanism
The question of the cosmopolitanism of microorganisms is of great importance to the glo-
bal use of testate amoebae as bioindicators and paleobioindicators in peatland. There is cur-
rently a lively debate as to whether free-living protists are ubiquitous (Finlay 2002; Finlay
and Clarke 1999; Finlay et al. 2001; Finlay et al. 1999; Finlay and Fenchel 1999) or
whether some, and perhaps indeed most, of them have limited geographical distributions
(Foissner 1997a, 1998, 1999). Testate amoebae represent an interesting paradox as they
provide evidence for both views. Indeed, the available data suggests that they include both
species small enough to be transported passively over long distances and species large
enough for this to be impossible (Wilkinson 1994; Wilkinson 2001). An often-cited exam-
ple of the latter is Apodera (Nebela) vas (Fig. 2), a species that has so far been found
mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, with some Northern Hemosphere records in Hawaii,
Venezuela, and Central America, but no records from Eurasia or North America (DeXandre
1936; Van Oye 1944). Given the large size of this species (130–210 m), its distinct mor-
phological characteristics, and the larger number of studies on testate amoebae of the
Northern Hemisphere as compared to the Southern Hemisphere, it is very unlikely that it
would have been overlooked.
Excessive splitting of taxa may also give the impression of a higher rate of endemism
than actually exists. Given the variability of shell morphology discussed above, we believe
that many of the described species and even more of the subspecies and varieties should not
be used as evidence for limited distribution ranges as many of them were not conWrmed or
observed by anyone else than the person who Wrst described them. On the other hand, the
existing literature on testate amoebae biogeography is mostly based on the observation of
morphotypes. It remains possible that a given morphological species may in fact hide sev-
eral genetically distinct species (i.e. cryptic species) that may diVer with respect to geo-
graphical distributions and/or ecological requirements. In a diVerent context, cryptic
species of both benthic and planktonic foraminifera have recently been discovered, some of
which have cosmopolitan distribution while others have not (Darling et al. 2004; Darling
et al. 2000; Hayward et al. 2004).
In addition to size, there might also be a diVerence in the cosmopolitanism of species
depending on their habitat: wetland species and species living in the soil litter and mosses
are more likely to be transported over long distances than species living deeper in the soil.
Clearly the debate on cosmopolitan distribution versus local endemism is unlikely to be
resolved unless the size range and habitat are speciWed. Even so, the possible existence of
Fig. 2 Apodera vas (Certes), a testate amoeba found in South and Central America and Sub-Sahara Africa
but lacking from North America and Eurasia. This individual is from a Sphagnum moss collected in Tanzania.
SEM conducted at the University of Alaska Anchorage by K. Kishaba, J. Kudenov and E. Mitchell
cryptic species calls for caution and further studies of global and local distribution patterns,
ideally with an approach combining morphological, ecological, and molecular methods
such as ribosomal RNA sequencing (Mitchell and Meisterfeld 2005).
A review of the present knowledge of the biology of testate amoebae is beyond the scope of
this paper. Much remains unknown about their life, for example the relative importance of
asexual and sexual reproduction (Mignot and Raikov 1992), and their physiology. In the
following paragraphs we will focus only on two aspects that are most relevant to the ecolo-
gist: their shell characteristics and their general role in the ecosystem.
Source of material for test construction
Testate amoebae need to Wnd the required material to build their test and this requirement
may be one of the constraints that determine the micro-distribution of species (Meisterfeld
1977; Schönborn 1963). An example of niche separation between two closely related taxa
can be seen in the vertical micro-distribution of Amphitrema wrightianum and A. Xavum.
Both species may both be found in wet and oligotrophic conditions such as pools in the
centre of raised bogs, with A. Xavum usually with its optima in slightly drier conditions
than A. wrightianum. A. Xavum produces a shell that is entirely composed of proteinaceous
material whereas A. wrightianum uses xenosomes (usually minute organic debris) and
cements them together to create a test. This diVerence in shell construction may prevent A.
wrightianum from fully colonizing the uppermost part of Sphagnum mosses (the capitu-
lum) because there may not be enough free organic or mineral material for shell construc-
tion. A further example of this kind is the occurrence of a number of taxa of the genus
DiZugia (e.g., D. bacillifera, D. elegans, D. leydyi) in very wet conditions on oligotrophic
peatlands. The tests of this genus are also xenosomic and it is likely that the silica particles
predominantly used in the tests are more abundant in shallow pools. These constraints may
also explain some of the patterns of species distribution along micro-environmental gradi-
ents, which are usually interpreted as representing responses to variables such as pH or
moisture that are more easily measured than the availability of xenosomes for shell
Functional role of testate amoebae
Testate amoebae are usually considered to be predators of bacteria and fungi (Hausmann
et al. 2003). As such they play an important role in the cycling of nutrients in soil, although
clearly Xagellates, naked amoebae and/or ciliates are probably more important, at least in
mineral soils (Clarholm 1981, 1985, 2002; Clarhom and Rosswall 1980; Coûteaux and
Pussard 1983; Schönborn 1992b). However, despite the fact that there are few data on the
functional role of testate amoebae in peatlands, the observation that they are by far the
dominant group of protozoa in Sphagnum suggests that in these ecosystems they play a
signiWcant role (Gilbert et al. 1998a; Gilbert et al. b). In support of this idea, peatland
testate amoebae have also been found to use a wide variety of food sources including other
protists, fungi, organic matter and micro-metazoa such as rotifera (Gilbert et al. 2000).
Despite this general knowledge, it is striking that we still do not have a good idea about the
exact trophic role of most soil protozoa, even of the dominant species.
Environmental inXuences on testate amoebae include many potential direct and indirect
eVects. Environmental conditions, such as rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, global
warming, increased nitrogen deposition, drainage, or changes in rainfall patterns may aVect
soil protozoa directly and, perhaps more importantly, also indirectly through their eVect on
the vegetation and prey organisms (Gilbert et al. 1998a, b; Lussenhop et al. 1998; Mitchell
2004; Mitchell et al. 2003; Treonis and Lussenhop 1997).
Ecology and paleoecology
Community structure and responses to ecological gradients
The responses of testate amoebae to the major ecological gradients in peatlands, such as the
fen-bog transition and the humidity gradient, have long been established (Harnisch 1925,
1927; Heal 1961, 1962, 1964; Schönborn 1962). Later work has provided a more quantita-
tive understanding of these relationships and tested them over a larger geographical range.
The earliest ecological classiWcation of peatland testate amoebae is the eight-class wetness
scale of Jung (1936). More recently, multivariate classiWcations of communities (Meister-
feld 1978, 1979; Mitchell et al. 1999; Tolonen et al. 1994) and quantitative relationships
between community structure and speciWc environmental variables have been explored
using univariate and multivariate statistics (Bobrov et al. 1999; Booth 2001; Charman
1997; Charman and Warner 1992, 1997; Lamentowicz and Mitchell 2005; Mitchell et al.
2000b; Mitchell et al. 1999). These studies generally show that testate amoebae respond
primarily to some measure of moisture (usually either the moisture content of the sample or
the water table depth). Seasonal changes in soil moisture content appear to inXuence shifts
in abundance and community composition (Heal 1964; Quinn 2003; Warner et al. 2007).
SigniWcant relationships have also been found with pH and macro-nutrients when a signiW-
cant range of variability has been sampled (Tolonen et al. 1992). However, in general, the
relationship with pH is secondary to that of hydrology (Booth 2001).
It is also important to emphasise that these empirical relationships do not necessarily
reXect the causes of species responses and are not yet based on a thorough physiological
understanding of testate amoebae. Indirect eVects such as materials for test construction
(see above) may be important, but processes related more directly to hydrology can be sug-
gested. For example, higher soil moisture may allow species with larger tests to success-
fully reproduce because of the thicker water Wlms on plant surfaces (e.g. Assulina
seminulum vs A. muscorum; Nebela tincta var. major vs. N. militaris). In addition to size,
shape is important: Thin tests may be better suited to life in the thin water Wlms under drier
conditions (e.g., Xattened Arcella species such as A. arenaria versus rounder ones such as
A. gibbosa). The spines on the surface of some taxa may be an adaptation to limit move-
ment in very wet conditions and where similar spined and glabrous taxa occur, the former
mostly occupies wetter niches (e.g., Euglypha ciliata and E. ciliata var. glabra, Placocista
spinosa and P. spinosa var. hyalina) (Bobrov et al. 1999). Further work on the ecological
and physiological mechanisms underlying the recorded gradients is required to fully under-
stand why testate amoebae communities vary in response to the key variables of hydrology
and water chemistry.
Comparisons among diVerent areas of the world reveal that many taxa have very similar
water table depth optima but that others (e.g., Centropyxis aculeata, Hyalosphenia papilio,
H. elegans, Cyclopyxis arcelloides, Nebela tincta, H. subXava) vary in their relative posi-
tion on the hydrological gradient (Fig. 3). Such comparative results can however be
strongly biased by (1) the range of hydrological conditions sampled, (2) the way the water
table was measured (e.g., single point measurement or long-term average), and (3) the tax-
onomic resolution (see above). The only way to truly ascertain that testate amoebae indeed
have similar responses to ecological gradients in diVerent regions is to carry out a multi-site
study with a standard protocol, from sampling strategy to numerical analyses. This has not
been done to date. This question also relates to two other fundamental questions: (1) the
supposed cosmopolitanism of testate amoebae (see above), and (2) the possible response of
testate amoebae to climate (see below). If testate amoebae are not truly cosmopolitan, or if
they respond to temperature in addition to responding to moisture and pH, then it may be
possible that the ecological preferences of a given morphological species is not identical in
diVerent geographical areas. If true this could also mean that the ecological preferences of
species could have change over time, perhaps even within the Holocene.
Within each community or microhabitat type there are more subtle diVerences in faunas
such as changes in the relative abundance of species. For example, the micro-distribution of
testate amoebae along Sphagnum stems suggests that they are highly sensitive to vertical
micro-environmental gradients (e.g., light, moisture) (Bonnet 1958; Booth 2002; Chacharo-
nis 1954, 1956; Heal 1962, 1964; Meisterfeld 1977; Mitchell and Gilbert 2004; Schönborn
1963). Furthermore, even in an apparently homogeneous surface such as an almost Xat,
Fig. 3 Water table depth optima of testate amoebae in Sphagnum peatlands: a summary of studies fro
Europe, North America and New Zealand, modiWed from Booth (2001), with kind permission from the Jour-
nal Wetlands
monospeciWc Sphagnum lawn, complex patterns of community structure can be observed.
Using geostatistical tools, such patterns may be explained by the heterogeneity of the envi-
ronment such as the micro-topography (e.g. maximum vertical diVerence of 6 cm within a
40 £60 cm area) and associated small diVerences in moisture conditions and water chemis-
try (Mitchell et al. 2000a).
Questions remain surrounding the degree to which seasonal changes and microsite spa-
tial patterns in faunal abundances and composition are controlled by biological inXuences
on the animals themselves or by environmental factors or both. In a recent study, Warner
et al. (2007) collected Sphagnum from various microhabitats an open peatland for seasonal
comparisons of testate amoebae faunas. A moderate shift in testate amoebae community
composition is observed in spring compared to summer and fall faunas (Fig. 4). These
changes may be due to moisture Xuctuations, or to diVerences in seasonal dynamics among
testate amoebae species.
Much of the work to date has focussed on testate amoebae in Sphagnum-dominated
peatlands, primarily in the northern hemisphere. Very little is known about testate amoe-
bae faunas in other types of peatlands, especially in tropical and subtropical latitudes.
For example, testate amoebae have been found in peat cores from herbaceous “popales”
peatlands in tropical central Mexico (Primeau 2004). Similarly, testate amoebae have
been found in the isolated high-altitude “bofedales” Juncaceae-dominated peatlands in
the central Andes of South America (Earle 2000; Warner unpublished). Much remains to
be learned about the ecology and paleoecology of testate amoebae in the lesser-known
Fig. 4 Sample plot of canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of testate amoebae data in an open peatland
area. The study site is a small “schwingmoor” peatland complex dominated by Sphagnum in southern Ontar-
io, Canada. The site is dominated by Chamaedaphne calyculata and Vaccinium oxycoccus with hummocks
of S. fuscum and S. capillifolium, and lawns of S. magellanicum, and hollows of S. cuspidatum. Samples o
Sphagnum were collected for testate amoebae analysis. Species data were log-transformed, and rare species
were down-weighted. Empty circle: spring; Wlled circle: summer; triangle: fall (October). Warner et al.
-1.0 1.0Axis 1
.1-0 .10xAsi2
peatlands in other geographic regions of the world. Perhaps some light could be shed on
the evolutionary and biogeographic questions discussed above and help assess the
reliability of testate amoebae-derived transfer functions over broad geographical areas
and using that as a substitute for time, the long-term stability of these models.
Transfer functions using testate amoebae in peatland paleoecology
The development of large ecological data sets relating testate amoebae to major ecological
gradients has led to the development of transfer functions used in paleoecology. Transfer
functions describe the relationship between species and an environmental variable of inter-
est (e.g., depth to water table) statistically, and then apply this relationship to fossil assem-
blages to provide estimates of changes in the environmental parameter through time.
Several characteristics make testate amoebae especially useful in paleoecological studies:
(1) the tests of many taxa of testate amoebae are well preserved in a variety of lacustrine
and terrestrial organic sediments, (2) they are abundant and diverse (Warner 1987), (3) they
respond quickly to environmental changes (Buttler et al. 1996), (4) they provide informa-
tion about the exact coring location (as opposed to e.g. pollen and spores), and (5) they may
not respond to exactly the same factors as other indicators such as vascular plants (Mitchell
et al. 2000b) and thus provide an independent line of evidence for multi-proxy paleoeco-
logical reconstructions (Schreve and Thomas 2001). The growing number of paleoecologi-
cal studies that have used testate amoebae now attest to the value of the transfer function
approach to palaeoenvironmental reconstruction (Beyens and Chardez 1987; Charman
2001; Charman et al. 2001; Charman and Hendon 2000; Charman et al. 1999; Charman
et al. 1998; Mitchell et al. 1999; Warner and Charman 1994; Warner and Chmielewski
1992; Woodland et al. 1998). Testate amoebae are also central to an EU-funded research
project (ACCROTELM), which aims to provide data on mid-late Holocene climate
changes by analysing testate amoebae in peat sediments.
The robustness of any transfer function approach depends partly on the availability of
good quality modern data sets but also on an assumption that the species-environment
relationship has been stable through time. It is impossible to verify that the ecology of the
species has remained constant through time, which is one of the basic assumptions of
paleoecology. But it is possible to assess if species-environment relationships are similar
across broad geographical areas. The rationale for this approach is that if testate amoebae
were able to adapt to local conditions relatively rapidly, it would then be possible to detect
diVerences in their ecological optima among study sites. As noted above, when this is done,
the ecological preferences of most species generally compare quite well even between
widely spaced sample regions (Booth 2001; Lamentowicz and Mitchell 2005), and this
provides a good basis for the application of transfer functions over at least recent geological
time periods. But there are also exceptions and these call for further studies.
Another possible limitation of testate amoeba analysis is the lack of modern analogues
to some past communities. One such example has recently been stressed for a community
strongly dominated by Hyalosphenia subXava and DiZugia pulex (Caseldine and Gearey
2005). It remains to be established is such lack of modern analogues are real or if they
perhaps reXect an incomplete sampling for the development of transfer functions. It is
indeed possible that such communities represent very degraded situations that could be
avoided, consciously or not, when collecting surface samples. For example, Hyalosphenia
subXava was found to be associated with forested peatlands in Ontario (Charman and
Warner 1992), while it was characteristic for drained peatlands in Finland (Tolonen et al.
1994). The case of DiZugia pulex is more complex as this species has not been found to
dominate any surface sample to this date. Perhaps we should aim speciWcally for unusual
habitats within peatlands to Wnd communities such as the above-mentioned one?
In ombrotrophic peatlands, the moisture content of the Sphagnum mosses and the depth
to the water table are directly linked to climate, and more speciWcally to the balance
between evaporation and precipitation (direct responses to temperature are treated further).
The response of testate amoebae to moisture in these ecosystems therefore makes them
good indicators of paleoclimate and this is how reconstructed water table depths are now
often being interpreted (Charman et al. 2004; Chiverrell 2001; Hendon and Charman 2004;
Hendon et al. 2001; Langdon et al. 2003; Mauquoy and Barber 1999, 2002; McGlone and
Wilmshurst 1999; Wilmshurst et al. 2002). In these cases, modelling the relationship
between testate amoebae and hydrology is only one part of the process. The reconstructions
that can be obtained using this approach have been tested against other hydrological prox-
ies such as plant macrofossils and peat humiWcation (Blundell and Barber 2005; Booth and
Jackson 2003; Booth et al. 2004; Charman et al. 2001; Charman et al. 1999; Lavoie and
Richard 2000; Mauquoy and Barber 2002; McGlone and Wilmshurst 1999; McMullen
et al. 2004; Mitchell et al. 2001; Wilmshurst et al. 2002). Blundell and Barber (2005) con-
cluded that testate amoebae provided more consistently reliable reconstructions that the
other techniques, but that a multi-proxy approach is nevertheless preferable. The accuracy
of reconstructions that can be obtained can also be demonstrated by comparisons with
instrumental records of water table change and climate variability over the relatively recent
past (Charman et al. 2004). This study showed that even the relatively low amplitude
changes in water table that have occurred over the past 50–200 years can be reconstructed
with some conWdence using a transfer function approach. The root mean squared error of
prediction for the transfer function used in this study (Woodland et al. 1998) was only
3.5 cm.
The degree of preservation of subfossil testate amoebae in peat or other sediments can
be quite variable and may depend on both the condition under which the sediment was pro-
duced and its subsequent history. A major gap exists in our understanding of taphonomic
processes associated with transformation of living plant to peat, and hence transformation
of living testate amoebae faunas to dead faunal assemblages. If we consider that Sphagnum
plants and litter generally lose integrity and mass rapidly immediately upon senescence and
early stages of decomposition compared to later stages, and how Sphagnum litter travels
through the oxic layer before entering the deeper anoxic layers, how might such processes
and length of time shape dead testate amoebae communities? Is it possible that dead fossil
assemblages are mixed assemblages that originated from diVerent microhabitats? In order
to provide answers to such questions, more attention should be devoted testate amoeba
taphonomy; it could indeed become a discrete Weld of study in itself.
Future applications of testate amoebae
The short generation time and wide distribution (albeit with reservations in mind regarding
cosmopolitanism) of testate amoebae makes them good indicators for the monitoring of
environmental change. Their usefulness as bioindicators is not restricted to long-term
hydrological development of Sphagnum peatlands. Although a large proportion of the work
on peatland ecology has focused on the reconstruction of former hydrological conditions,
other applications have also been developed. In particular, pH changes can be reconstructed
eVectively (Mitchell et al. 2001). Testate amoebae can also be used to assess the ecological
impact of some speciWc events such as the deposition of volcanic ash on peatlands (Dwyer
and Mitchell 1997). A range of new applications has thus been emerging over the past
10 years and others are being reinvigorated by renewed interest. A number of examples are
given here. Such new developments are very promising and may still represent only a frac-
tion of the full potential of testate amoebae in ecological and paleoecological research.
Limnology and palaeolimnology
Studies on the ecology of lake and river testate amoebae have shown that they respond to
the trophic status, pH, and pollution (Beyens et al. 1986; Burbidge and Schröder-Adams
1998; Dalby et al. 2000; Kumar and Patterson 2000; Moraczewski 1962; Ruzicka 1982;
Schönborn 1965a, 1966, 1973; Schönborn et al. 1965). Testate amoebae communities may
also respond to large scale changes in land use such as deforestation and subsequent
watershed management such as fertilizer and pesticide use (Patterson et al. 2002; Scott and
Medioli 1983). It has also been suggested that some taxa respond directly to climate and
mean temperature change (McCarthy et al. 1995). As in peatlands, the preservation of tests
in many lake sediments means that subfossil testate amoebae communities can be used to
trace changes in these environmental conditions over time (Ellison 1995; Ruzicka 1982;
Schönborn 1973). It is important that interpretation of lacustrine assemblages take into
account the diverse range of inXuences on testate amoebae in these environments. For
example changes to more acidic indicators in a lake may reXect soil development in the
catchment and transport of soil dwelling tests in run oV water rather than a change in lake
water conditions (Ellison 1995).
Sea-level change
Testate amoebae have been found in estuarine environments, where their range overlaps
with that of foraminifera, a large group of protists much better known in the marine realm
(Charman et al. 1998; Gehrels et al. 2001; Medioli et al. 1990; Scott et al. 2001). As with
other habitats there are still diverse opinions on the taxonomy of this particular group of
testate amoebae but it is clear that in marginal coastal settings there is a strong zonation of
testate amoebae assemblages. This has been shown in a number of locations in the UK
(Charman et al. 2002), and North America, where the testate data are normally considered
along with foraminifera (e.g., Scott et al. 2001). Earlier studies tended only to examine
larger taxa found in the same size range as foraminifera (>63 m) but more recent studies
have demonstrated that a much greater abundance and diversity of taxa can be found when
a smaller size range is included (Charman et al. 1998).
In a similar approach to that used for peatland water tables (see above), multivariate sta-
tistical methods can also be applied to the sea-level data to provide estimates of individual
taxon optima and their ability to predict mean sea-level elevation (Fig. 5). By comparison
with other bio-indicators of sea level, testate amoebae are particularly abundant and show
strongest zonation in the upper parts of saltmarshes. In these situations, they have the
potential to produce much more precise estimates of sea-level elevation than groups such as
foraminifera and diatoms. Combining groups together may provide an optimum approach
to reconstruction of former sea levels from saltmarsh sediments (Gehrels et al. 2001). Use
can also be made of testate amoebae in understanding the rates of transition from saline
lagoon to freshwater lake environments in isolation basins where sea level has fallen. As
with saltmarsh sediments, extending the range of size fractions analysed yields a much
richer assemblage of tests (Lloyd 2000; Roe et al. 2002).
While all the modern studies conWrm that elevation in relation to mean sea level is by far
the most important determinant of assemblage composition in coastal environments, it is
clear that other factors may also play a signiWcant role. Elevation is a proxy for period of
tidal inundation, which creates diVerences in hydrological and salinity conditions across a
saltmarsh. However, salinity may vary independently from elevation (for example in rela-
tion to micromorphology of a saltmarsh) and other factors such as particle size and organic
content of the substrate probably also play a role (Charman et al. 2002).
To date, most of the work on coastal testate amoebae has focused on contemporary ecol-
ogy. The ultimate aim of much of the work is to apply it in palaeo-reconstructions. Initial
assessments of the abundance of fossil tests in a variety of coastal sediments suggests preser-
vation of tests may be quite variable and that capitalising on this potential application will
need careful site selection (Roe et al. 2002). Certainly conditions in coastal settings are more
physically dynamic and geochemically variable than those found in acid peatlands and lakes,
and this probably explains why Wnding well-preserved tests is still a challenging prospect.
Testate amoebae are now being used as indicators of paleoclimate in ombrotrophic peat-
lands only indirectly, through their response to hydrological changes. Their usefulness as a
paleoecological tool would be much greater if one could show that they also respond
directly to temperature changes. Such a response is suggested by patterns of testate amoe-
bae diversity in relation to latitude. Indeed, testate amoeba diversity decreases with increas-
ing latitude: §300 taxa in the Arctic (Beyens and Chardez 1995) from a total of §2000,
and a decline in nebelid (Nebela species and closely related taxa) species richness were
observed towards high southern latitudes (Smith 1992, 1996; Wilkinson 1994). But are
these trends real or are they rather due to lower available and therefore sampled habitat
Fig. 5 Optimum position in the tidal frame of testate amoebae in British saltmarshes. The circles show the
optimum and the bars the tolerance of each taxon. Data are plotted as the % of time (square root) that a loca-
tion is Xooded by the tide over an annual cycle. i.e., lower values are higher up the saltmarsh and subject to
less Xooding. See Gehrels et al. (2001) for details. Reproduced with permission of the Quaternary Research
Testate amoe
showing the vertical distribution,
as relative proportions, of testate
amoebae in a peat monolith from
Le Cachot, a cutover bog in the
Swiss Jura Mountains. Zone des-
ignations are: L, living Sphagnum
mosses; S, secondary peat; D&O,
detrital and old cutover horizon;
DC, highly decomposed catotelm
peat; CA, catotelm peat. See But-
tler et al. (1996) for details.
Reproduced with permission of
the New Phytologist
The main diYculty to address the possible inXuence of temperature on testate amoebae
is to take into account the confounding eVects of factors such as water table, pH, and host
plants. Indeed, plant communities and soil types are generally strongly correlated to latitu-
dinal and altitudinal gradient (Odum 1971). It is not surprising that micro-organisms living
in soil or mosses also respond strongly to this gradient if they are analysed in the diVerent
habitats (soil type or moss species) found along a climatic gradient, as has usually been the
case (Loranger et al. 2001; Todorov 1998).
One way to avoid confounding factors is to limit the study to a very speciWc habitat such
as one moss species. To date the only study in which a standard substrate was used (a single
moss species, Hylocomium splendens, sampled in similar situations along three altitudinal
gradients) has failed to demonstrate a signiWcant overall reduction in diversity with increas-
ing altitude (Mitchell et al. 2004). Such a result suggests that testate amoebae may not
respond very clearly to temperature, at least not in terms of overall diversity. Further stud-
ies are needed, perhaps in diVerent regions or habitats. To properly address this issue
requires (1) a well-deWned sampling protocol to explore the natural patterns, and (2) an
experimental approach to test the eVect of temperature alone on the amoebae.
Peatland regeneration and management monitoring
Much of this review concerns applications of testate amoebae analysis to palaeoenviron-
mental reconstructions and interpretation of past conditions. Some of these cover the recent
past (i.e., less than 300 years) (Buttler et al. 1996; Hendon and Charman 2004; Patterson
et al. 2002; Reinhardt et al. 2001). However, there is a growing recognition that testate
amoebae can also be used in shorter-term biomonitoring. For example, testate amoebae are
starting to be used in the monitoring of peatland regeneration (Davis and Wilkinson 2004;
Jauhiainen 2002; Laggoun-Défarge et al. 2004), and peatland management (McMullen
et al. 2004; Vickery and Charman 2004) (Fig. 6).
In wetlands, the small scale variability of testate amoebae assemblages may make represen-
tative repeat sampling diYcult (Mitchell et al. 2000a) and careful sampling strategies are
needed to reliably identify statistically signiWcant diVerences over time or between manage-
ment treatments. Experiments need to include adequate replication to account for spatial vari-
ability. Vickery and Charman (2004) compared testate amoebae populations in experimental
plots following diVerent forestry harvest and hydrological management on a Scottish raised
bog. The overall health of testate amoebae communities was assessed by the percentage of liv-
ing tests present. Improved conditions were created by leaving some tree remains on the bog
rather than clearing away all remnants of harvested trees, and this probably reXects a mulching
eVect, which keeps the moisture content of surface moss higher than in open conditions.
The response of testate amoebae to soil moisture rather than water table depth suggests
that major vegetation change on the mire surface may aVect palaeohydrological reconstruc-
tions independently of climate change. Such changes are only likely to arise from major
human disturbance or severe Wre, which would generally be visible in the pollen or plant
macrofossil record.
Soil and air pollution monitoring
Given the sensitivity of testate amoebae to water chemistry and other micro-environmental
gradients, it is not very surprising that several studies have illustrated how they respond to
soil pollution (Kandeler et al. 1992; Wanner and Dunger 2001, 2002), and to atmospheric
pollution (Balik 1991; Nguyen-Viet et al. 2004). These studies showed that the diversity
and in some cases the density of testate amoebae was lower in polluted situations. As was
observed in lake studies, some species seem to tolerate higher pollution levels than others
and may even be found only in the polluted sites (Nguyen-Viet et al. 2007). The exact
reason why some species are more tolerant than others remains to be determined. Very lit-
tle is known about the exact mechanisms by which water chemistry inXuences testate
This response of testate amoebae to pollution could make them very valuable as integra-
tive monitors of pollution. Indeed one major challenge of pollution monitoring is the spatial
and temporal variability of the pollution. To accurately describe the pollution, and hence to
take appropriate actions to limit its impact on the health of Humans and the environment, it
is necessary to have continuous or very regular measurements. This approach, combined
with the observation of living organisms, constitutes the optimal approach. This may be an
option in developed countries, but is not in many poor regions. In such cases, a biomonitor-
ing approach, either alone or combined with a lower resolution sampling for chemical anal-
yses, could constitute a viable low-cost alternative.
Other possible Welds of study or applications
The reasons that testate amoebae oVer so much potential for biomonitoring applications are
similar to those listed for palaeoenvironmental applications; the speed of response to change is of
the order of days to weeks, and the diversity of the fauna is high. A unique characteristic of tes-
tate amoebae (as compared with ciliates or nematodes for example) is the preservation of the
tests of dead individuals, at least over short periods of time (months to years) in soils. This
means that living and dead assemblages could be used to provide information on very short-term
or long-term conditions respectively. Some comparative studies suggest that testate amoebae
respond more dramatically than ciliates to the conversion of a soil to agriculture, by a reduction
in species richness of up to 50% as compared with neighbouring natural soils (Foissner 1997b).
We believe that we are only seeing a fraction of the potential applications of testate
amoeba analysis as an ecological tool. As examples of some unusual application (albeit far
from the general topic of this review), testate amoebae have been shown to be reliable indi-
cators of the truZe-bearing potential of soils in the South of France (Bonnet 1977, 1979)
and were also used in a murder case: by analysing the testate amoebae found in the mud on
the shoes of a suspect, it could be proven that he had been present at the murder scene
(Lambert and Chardez 1978)!
Concluding remarks
Testate amoebae are clearly an interesting group of bioindicator organisms in peatland
ecology and paleoecology. Like any method, this one currently suVers from some limita-
tions. Some of these are certainly inherent to the organisms themselves but others are due
to current limitations in the knowledge we have on their taxonomy, ecology and biogeogra-
phy. The current interest and research eVort in these organisms will no-doubt increase their
reliability and also extent the range of possible applications in the future.
Acknowledgements Edward Mitchell is supported by Swiss NSF project n° 205321-109709/1 and was
supported by EU project RECIPE, partly funded by the European Commission (n° EVK2-2002-00269) and
partly, for the Swiss partners, by the State Secretariat for Education and Research, Switzerland. SEM illus-
trations were produced at the SEM lab of the University of Alaska Anchorage under the direction of Dr. Jerry
Kudenov. Jan Pawlowski of the University of Geneva provided critical comments on parts of the manuscript.
The critical comments of two anonymous reviewers on the manuscript are gratefully acknowledged.
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... This study uses a multiscale approach that has been recognised as one of the most efficient for understanding the relationship between the community structure of testate amoebae and environmental conditions (Beyens & Meisterfeld, 2001;Charman, 2001;Mitchell et al., 2008). Matching the species-based and morphology-based approaches makes it possible to match the ecological preferences of species and morphological adaptations to the related environmental conditions inside the metalimnetic zone, and to describe the influence of the metalimnion and its thermocline on benthic testate amoebae assemblages (Céréghino et al., 2018;González-Miguéns, Soler-Zamora, et al., 2022;Oliverio et al., 2015;Winemiller et al., 2015). ...
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Testate amoebae are widely used as bioindicators in the study of modern ecotopes and as proxies in palaeoecological reconstructions of lacustrine environments. The metalimnion with thermocline in stratified water bodies strongly affects the species structure of a number of aquatic animals and often plays a role as an ecotone for pelagic animals, but our knowledge on the influence of the metalinmion on benthic organisms, especially on testate amoebae, is still limited. This study aims to describe the influence of the metalimnion and its thermocline on benthic testate amoebae assemblages along a temperature gradient in the stratified freshwater Lake Valdayskoe. Twenty‐eight samples from nine sites were collected along the transect starting in the littoral zone, passing through a long metalimnion and its thermocline and finishing in the hypolimnion on the bottom slope. We identified four species assemblages, six non‐attributed samples and five morphotrait compositions in the transect, including those corresponding to the area inside the metalimnetic zone. We observed similarities in the transitions in benthic species assemblages, morphotype compositions, and species and morphotrait structures from shallow to deep water, and two shifts corresponded well with the upper and lower limnological boundaries of the metalimnion. The combination of the observed biological and hydrological characteristics suggests that the metalimnion plays a role of an ecotone between shallow and deep water in stratified freshwater lakes, and maintains the integrity and sustainability of benthic communities of testate amoebae. We explored a multivariate approach to demonstrate that the combination of highly abundant species and dominant morphotypes may be an efficient indicator of related environmental conditions. Thus, the high abundances of Cylindrifflugia acuminata , Centropyxis aculeata, Difflugia lacustris, D. linearis and C. discoides in combination with the dominance of elongate‐spiky and flattened‐spiky shells are closely related to the littoral zone with sandy sediments covered by many macrophytes. The combination of a high abundance of D. petricola and D. penardi, and the dominance of pyriform, necked and oval shells are closely related to deep depth. The studied species and morphotrait transition from littoral to deep water provides additional information about the morphological adaptations of testaceans, and about the processes of forming and maintaining benthic testate amoebae assemblages along the depth gradient. The described species and morphotrait assemblages related to specific water depths may be useful for palaeoreconstructions.
... peat, soil, lake sediments and marine sediments like saltmarshes), making them well suited for palaeoecological analyses. Individual species' tests vary in size, shape and composition and can be used to identify species in both neo-ecological and palaeoecological studies (Meisterfeld, 2000;Mitchell et al., 2008). ...
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Research over the past decade has shown that quantifying spatial variation in ecosystem properties is an effective approach to investigating the effects of environmental change on ecosystems. Yet, current consensus among scientists is that we need a better understanding of short‐ and long‐term (temporal) variation in ecosystem properties to plan effective ecosystem management and predict future ecologies. Trait‐based approaches can be used to reconstruct ecosystem properties from long‐term ecological records and contribute significantly to developing understandings of ecosystem change over decadal to millennial time‐scales. Here, we synthesise current trait‐based approaches and explore how organisms' functional traits (FTs) can be scaled across time and space. We propose a framework for reconstructing long‐term variation in ecosystems by means of analysing FTs derived from palaeoecological datasets. We then summarise challenges that must be overcome to reconcile trait‐based approaches with palaeo‐datasets. Finally, we discuss the benefits and limitations of trait‐based reconstructions of ecosystem temporal dynamics and suggest future directions for research. Reconstructing environmental properties through time vis‐à‐vis FTs can be separated into two parts. The first is to record trait data for organisms present in modern ecosystems, and the second is to reconstruct temporal variability in FTs from palaeoecological datasets, capturing changes in trait composition over time. Translating palaeoecological datasets into FTs is challenging due to taphonomic, taxonomic and chronological uncertainties, as well as uniformitarian assumptions. Explicitly identifying and addressing these challenges is important to effectively calculate changes in FT through time. Palaeo‐trait research offers insights into questions related to short‐ and long‐term ecosystem functioning, environmental change and extinction and community assembly rules across time. As work in this area matures, we expect that trait‐based approaches integrating palaeoecology and neo‐ecology will improve understanding of past ecologies and provide a deeper insight of their implications for present‐day and future ecosystem management and conservation. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
... Euglyphid testate amoebae plates accounted for ∼30% of the microfossils in this zone, which is similar to their abundance in the Terminal Lake Zone, but significantly higher than periods in between. Testate amoebae are most common and abundant in shallow lakes and ponds, wetlands, peatlands, and bogs, as well as in wet organic-rich soils and moss beds (Ogden and Hedley, 1980;Escobar et al., 2008;Mitchell et al., 2008;Amesbury et al., 2018;Siver et al., 2020). In addition, water depth and pH often are reported as the most important variables controlling diversity and abundance of testate amoebae in freshwater habitats (Mitchell et al., 1999;Booth, 2002;Patterson et al., 2012;McKeown et al., 2019;Tsyganov et al., 2019;Siver et al., 2020). ...
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How will freshwater lakes in the Arctic respond to climate change, especially if polar amplification results in even greater warming at these northern latitudes? Deep time analogs offer opportunities to understand the potential effects of future climate warming on arctic environments. A core from the Giraffe Pipe fossil locality located in the Northwest Territories of Canada offers a window into the life of a thriving Arctic freshwater ecosystem in the Eocene during greenhouse conditions. The remains of an extensive deposit of microfossils, including photosynthetic protists (chrysophytes, diatoms, and green algae), heterotrophic protists (euglyphids, heliozoans, paraphysomonads, and rotosphaerids), and sponges, were used to reconstruct the history of the ancient waterbody. Concentrations and diversity of chrysophyte taxa were extensive throughout the core, accounting for >70% of the microfossil remains. The ratio of chrysophyte cysts to diatom valves, with a mean value near 14 throughout the core, further emphasized the dominance of the chrysophytes, and given the high diversity of taxa, the locality represents a “paleo-hotspot” for this eukaryote lineage. Based on the totality of fossil evidence, the waterbody within the Giraffe Pipe crater represented a series of relatively shallow aquatic habitats, with changing physical and chemical conditions, and varying water depths. Five major zones were identified, each found to be stable for an extended period of time, but with distinct transitions between successive zones signaling significant shifts in environmental conditions. The study provides valuable insight on how Arctic freshwater ecosystems responded to past warm climates, and to the organisms that could potentially thrive in these environments under future warming scenarios.
... It is important to note the extraordinary preservation of the tests from the genera Trinema and Euglypha, and even their domination in our study, because shells from these genera have the weakest robustness in ombrotrophic peat (Mitchell et al. 2008a). Until now, testate amoeba analysis was applied mainly to peat from ombrotrophic bogs (Mitchell et al. 2008b). However, the high values of test density and species richness of testate amoebae in minerotrophic peat, revealed in this study, expand the performance of testate amoeba analysis to palaeoecological reconstruction in minerotrophic mires as well. ...
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Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions from peat are strongly focused on ombrotrophic mires, but this study demonstrates that eutrophic mires can also be used. A multi‐proxy approach was applied to a eutrophic mire on a floodplain terrace in the southern taiga of West Siberia. The results of the reconstruction were considered in the wide geographic context of the surrounding regions, including Siberia and Central Asia. Different palaeoecological proxies (analysis of plant macrofossils, testate amoebae, oribatid mites, molluscs, peat humification, ash content and spectral characteristics of humic acids) were used in this study. The results of different proxies showed a high level of consistency among themselves, which allowed for a robust interpretation of Holocene mire development. Throughout the ~7800 years history of the mire, there was a high level of surface wetness. The presence of mineral matter in the peat between 7800 and 5100 cal. a BP indicates regular flooding caused by the intensive fluvial activity, apparently resulting from increased precipitation. This was followed by a trend towards a gradual decrease in surface wetness from conditions of high surface moisture (stagnant water) between 5100 and 3000 cal. a BP to present day conditions of moderate surface moisture with a water table slightly below the mire surface. This pattern is consistent with the well‐documented long‐term trend from palaeoecological records throughout the taiga and arctic zones in West Siberia and central arid Asia. Our data further support the idea that the westerlies were the dominant driver of climate for the southern taiga of West Siberia during the Middle to Late Holocene.
... Visual comparison of these morphological attributes to those found in literature indicated that all amoebas seen belong to a polyphyletic group of testate amoebas (Fernández, 2015). Testate amoebas are shelled protozoa often found in rivers, lakes, estuaries and wetland habitats (Mitchell et al., 2008). ...
Biofilms serve to house diverse microbial communities, which are responsible for the majority of wastewater constituent degradation and transformation in treatment wetlands (TWs). TW biofilm has been generally conceptualized as a relatively uniform film covering available surfaces. However, no direct visual 3D representation of biofilm morphology in TWs has been conducted. This study focuses on imaging the morphology of detached, gravel-associated, and rhizospheric (Phalaris arundinacea) biofilms from subsurface TW mesocosms. Images obtained through both traditional light microscopy, environmental scanning electron microscopy (E-SEM) and Wet-SEM revealed that TW biofilms are structurally heterogeneous ranging from corrugated films to clusters of aggregates. Features such as water channels and pores were observed suggesting that pollutant transport inside biofilms is complex, and that the interfacial surface area between water and biofilm is much larger than previously understood. Biofilm thickness generally ranged between 170 and 240 μm, with internal biofilm porosities estimated as 34 ± 10 %, reaching a maximum of 50 %. Internal biofilm matrix pore diameters ranged from 1 to 205.2 μm, with a distribution that favored pores and channels smaller than 10 μm, and a mean equivalent spherical diameter of 8.6 μm. Based on the large variation in pore and channel sizes it is expected that a variety of flow regimes and therefore pollutant dynamics are likely to occur inside TW biofilm matrices. Based on the visual evidence and analysis, a new conceptual model was created to reflect the microscale TW biofilm dynamics and morphology. This new conceptual model will serve to inform future biokinetic modelling, microscale hydrology, microbial community assessment, and pollutant treatment studies.
... Thus, their fossil shells can be preserved for thousands of years in peat and sediments. For these reasons, testate amoebae analysis is considered a powerful tool for ecologists to reconstruct past environments (Charman et al. 2007;Mitchell, Charman, and Warner 2008;Väliranta et al. 2012). ...
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Two graves, initially discovered in the 1930s, were reopened and examined in 2017 and 2018 at the Early Medieval cemetery of Toppolanmäki, Finland. Soil samples taken from the graves were sampled for macrofossils, pollen and microfauna. Pollen and spore analysis provided possible evidence for the use of mosses and juniper branches in the graves. Also, moss-indicating microfauna (Euglypha spp.) was detected. At Toppolanmäki, mosses were used in both coffins and earth burials. The clubmoss found in the latter could even indicate the presence of a woven carpet or mattress in the grave pit. The use of juniper, on the other hand, could indicate ritual continuation from the Iron Age as it is a common find in older cemeteries. It is also possible that the early medieval environment around the site was characterised by dry meadows and juniper bushes at the time of the burial, and even that one of the burials took place in early summer. The study highlights the research potential of graves that have been excavated decades ago and presents a new biological indicator of the use of moss in burials: the testate amoeba Euglypha. ARTICLE HISTORY
Metabarcoding approaches targeting microeukaryotes have deeply changed our vision of protist environmental diversity. The public repository EukBank consists of 18S v4 metabarcodes from 12,672 samples worldwide. To estimate how far this database provides a reasonable overview of all eukaryotic diversity, we used Arcellinida (lobose testate amoebae) as a case study. We hypothesised that (1) this approach would allow the discovery of unexpected diversity, but also that (2) some groups would be underrepresented because of primer/sequencing biases. Most of the Arcellinida sequences appeared in freshwater and soil, but their abundance and diversity appeared underrepresented. Moreover, 84% of ASVs belonged to the suborder Phryganellina, a supposedly species‐poor clade, whereas the best‐documented suborder (Glutinoconcha, 600 described species) was only marginally represented. We explored some possible causes of these biases. Mismatches in the primer‐binding site seem to play a minor role. Excessive length of the target region could explain some of these biases, but not all. There must be some other unknown factors involved. Altogether, while metabarcoding based on ribosomal genes remains a good first approach to document microbial eukaryotic clades, alternative approaches based on other genes or sequencing techniques must be considered for an unbiased picture of the diversity of some groups.
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Combining different diverse data on human and environmental history during the Anthropocene is an extremely challenging task, particularly, if one wants to compare written or cartographic data with a whole range of environmental data recorded for more than the past 200–300 years. In this article, our objective was to demonstrate that one of the keys to facilitating syntheses for the study of forest landscape dynamics was to conduct a thorough investigation into the historical phenomena of modernization. We believe that a comprehensive understanding of the advancements in post-enlightenment thought and contextualizing them within the evolution of the state apparatus during the 18th and 19th centuries will empower us to formulate new research questions and broaden our understanding of the mutual relations between nature and humans in the past.
Lake and peat sediments are frequently used to reconstruct palaeoclimate records from all continents using a variety of proxy techniques. This chapter explores the advances that have occurred in the last 20 or more years for using lake and peat sediments to reconstruct past climate change. It demonstrates the impact these advances have had for palaeoclimate research, and implications for archaeology. Fossilized insect remains are often abundant in a wide range of sediments, including lake, river, and peat deposits. Fire is a natural disturbance in many ecosystems, and lake sediments often contain charcoal that can be used to infer fire dynamics. Ombrotrophic bogs have accumulated deep peat deposits throughout the last 10 000 years in temperate latitudes and elsewhere around the world. The chapter focuses on the research that underpins estimates of past palaeoclimate variability as inferred from peatlands.
The study of a subfossil peat from the northwestern part of Edgeoya (Svalbard) enabled a reconstruction of the changes in the testate amoebae communities from c. 5000 BP to c. 3800 BP to be made. Two stratigraphical zones are recognized. The ecological interpretation of these sequences revealed rather humid and unstable hydrological conditions at the bog surface in the oldest zone, which presumably lasted until about 45004300 BP. The communities in the upper zone indicated a more stable and drier environment.
Using scanning electron micrographs, this book illustrates most of the common species of testate amoebae found in freshwater habitats. Information on the biology, ecology, geographical distribution, and classification is followed by descriptions of 95 species, each illustrated by several views of the shell. The text serves both as an identification guide and as an introduction to the biology and taxonomy of these freshwater protozoa. Readership: protozoologists, ecologists, limnologists, water tyreatment specialists, and micropaleontologists interested in recent sediments.