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Benchmarking Audio-based Deep Learning Models for Detection and Identification of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Benchmarking Audio-based Deep Learning Models
for Detection and Identification of Unmanned Aerial
Sai Srinadhu Katta, Sivaprasad Nandyala, Eduardo Kugler Viegas, Abdelrahman AlMahmoud
Secure Systems Research Centre (SSRC)
Technology Innovation Institute (TII)
Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
{sai, siva, eduardo, abdelrahman}
Abstract—Over the last few years, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
(UAVs) have become increasingly popular for both commercial
and personal applications. As a result, security concerns in both
physical and cyber domains have been raised, as a malicious
UAV can be used for the jamming of nearby targets or even for
carrying explosive assets. UAV detection and identification is a
very important task for safety and security. In this regard, several
techniques have been proposed for the detection and identification
of UAVs, in general, through image, audio, radar, and RF based
approaches. In this paper, we benchmark the detection and
identification of UAVs via audio data from [1]. We benchmarked
with widely used deep learning algorithms such as Deep Neural
Networks (DNN), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Long
Short Term Memory (LSTM), Convolutional Long Short Term
Memory (CLSTM) and Transformer Encoders (TE). In addition to
the dataset of [1], we collected our own diverse identification audio
dataset and experimented with Deep Neural Networks (DNN).
In a UAV detection task, our best model (LSTM) outperformed
the best model of [1] (CRNN) by over 4% in accuracy, 2% in
precision, 4% in recall and 4% in F1-score. In UAV identification
task, our best model (LSTM) outperformed the best model of [1]
(CNN) by over 5% in accuracy, 2% in precision, 4% in recall
and 3% in F1-score.
Index Terms—Audio, Deep learning, Detection, Identification,
The popularity of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), com-
monly referred as drones, have significantly increased over the
last few years, followed by the technological advancements
of their on-board components. In practice, modern UAVs
have enabled the deployment of user customized solutions,
which are able to analyze the data from a variety of UAV
hardware components including the camera, microphones,
LiDAR, accelerometer, GPS among others [2]. This ease of
customized UAV solutions has paved the way for several
autonomous UAV applications, such as object delivery, field
surveillance, and even border control etc. [3].
Unfortunately, modern UAVs can also be used for malicious
purposes. Unsurprisingly, drone-based attacks can have a
significant negative impact on the economy, safety and security.
As a result, in recent years several works have been proposed
for the detection and identification of nearby UAVs [4]–[8].
Detection and identification of nearby UAVs are generally
achieved using vision-based analysis [9], radio fingerprint
detection [10], radar-based identification [11], and microphone-
based approaches [12], [13]. In this work we focus on
UAV detection and identification by audio-based approaches.
Machine Learning (ML) based techniques are predominantly
used for analyzing audio acoustic UAV signatures for UAV
detection and identification [12]–[17].
We benchmarked UAV drone detection and identification
from publicly available audio dataset [1], via commonly
used deep learning algorithms namely DNN, CNN, LSTM,
CLSTM and TE. In addition to [1], we collected our diverse
identification audio dataset and experimented with DNN models
on it.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows:
We benchmarked various deep learning models namely
DNN, CNN, LSTM, CLSTM and TE on publicly available
UAV detection and identification audio dataset [1]. Our
models perform significantly better than the [1].
In addition to the dataset of [1], we collected our own
diverse identification audio dataset consisting of 7 different
categories of UAVs namely no-UAV, drone, helicopter,
drone-membo, drone-bebop, airplane, and drone-hovering.
We experimented with DNN models on this and results
are promising.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section
II describes the literature review. Section III presents the audio-
based scheme for UAV detection and identification through
deep learning architectures. Section IV talks about experimental
results and discussion. Finally, Section V concludes our work.
Over the last years, several techniques have been proposed
for UAV detection and identification, ranging from video [5],
radio frequency [6], [18], thermal imaging [7], radar [11],
and more recently audio-based [12], [14], [19]–[22]. In such
a context, several approaches have been proposed for audio-
based UAV detection and identification techniques, as they can
be easily deployed due to their negligible equipment costs, and
the promising accuracy results reported in the literature.
2022 Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things (CPS-IoTBench)
978-1-6654-7038-4/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CPS-IoTBench56135.2022.00008
2022 Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things (CPS-IoTBench) | 978-1-6654-7038-4/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/CPS-IoTBench56135.2022.00008
Authorized licensed use limited to: Pontifica Universidade Catolica do Parana. Downloaded on August 31,2023 at 17:45:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
To achieve such a goal, UAV audio-based detection and
identification is often implemented through four sequential
modules. First, the Data Acquisition module collects sound
samples from a given microphone. In general, the collected data
is evaluated according to a given predefined time interval, e.g.
second. Then, the Feature Extraction module extracts
a set of behavioral features from the analyzed audio sample,
compounding a feature set. Several techniques can be used
to fulfill such a task in audio-based detection, including the
extraction of the audio spectrogram [17], [23], and the building
of the audio coefficients [8]. Finally, the Detection/Identification
module classifies the built feature set in one of the selected
In recent years, a plethora of highly accurate audio-based
detection and identification approaches have been proposed
for the detection and identification tasks in UAV detection
and identification [1], [14], [18], [20], [24]. In general, authors
resort to ML approaches, typically implemented through pattern
recognition techniques. To fulfill such a task, the operator
typically relies in a two-phase process, namely training, and
The training step aims at training of the ML model with
the training dataset and choosing the best model on the
validation dataset. The testing phase evaluates the final model
detection and identification performance metrics. In practice,
the performance measurements obtained at testing phase are
expected to be evidenced when the designed system is deployed
in production environments.
The tasks here are detection and identification of UAV via
UAV audio signatures. The overall procedure of our method is
shown in Figure 1.
Almost all the related existing literature works [12], [13],
[15]–[17] exclusively followed the representation learning
techniques, we have also picked that as a design choice for
the implementation. Previous results on various settings of this
task gave state-of-the-art results. The audio data is sent through
feature extraction, the extracted features are passed through the
deep learning models giving the identification and detection
results. The end-to-end model is as follows: first an audio is sent
through mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) feature
extraction,followed by a deep learning model of choice (DNN,
CNN, LSTM, CLSTM, TE) giving us the result of detection
and identification. Based on the result safety/alert actions can be
performed accordingly. The detailed deep learning architectures
are as follows:
1) Deep Neural Network (DNN): The DNN is made of
fully-connected layers and non-linear activations. The input
to the DNN is the flattened MFCC features, which feeds into
a stack of hidden fully-connected layers. At the output is a
linear layer followed by a softmax layer generating the output
probabilities of the classes.
2) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN): CNNs exploit
the local temporal and spectral correlation in the features via
2D convolution. The input to the CNN is the MFCC features,
Fig. 1. Overview of the proposed deep learning model for audio-based
detection and identification of UAVs.
which feeds into a stack of convolution layers. At the output
is a linear layer followed by a softmax layer generating the
output probabilities of the classes.
3) Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM): LSTMs are known
to model long term dependencies and are shown to work very
well on various sequence modelling tasks. The input to the
LSTM is the MFCC features, and the whole flattened output
sequence is fed to a linear layer followed by softmax for output
probabilities of the classes.
4) Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (CLSTM):
CLSTMs are combination of convoultion followed by LSTMs.
This has the benefits of both CNNs and LSTMs. CLSTMs
exploit the local temporal and spectral correlation, and model
the long term dependencies well. The input to the CLSTM is
the MFCC features, which has convolution followed by LSTM,
and the whole flattened output sequence is fed to a linear layer
followed by softmax for output probabilities of the classes
5) Transformer Encoder (TE): Transformers are shown to be
the fundamental block for SOTA on various sequence modelling
tasks across various domains. In this work we use only the
Transformer Encoder part. The input is the MFCC features,
and the whole output sequence is fed to a linear layer followed
by softmax for output probabilities of the classes.
Our proposed scheme was evaluated and compared consid-
ering both literature and our own built dataset. The evaluation
aims at answering the following research questions, as follows:
(RQ1)What is the detection accuracy of audio-based techniques
in a publicly available dataset? (RQ2)What is the identification
accuracy when different UAV types are considered? (RQ3)What
is the identification performance impact when more diverse
flying devices are considered?.
The proposed scheme for an audio-based detection and
identification of nearby UAVs is implemented through a
pattern recognition pipeline. Therefore, we consider a given
microphone deployed in a monitored environment (Fig. 1,
Deployed Microphone), which will be used for the collection
and periodic sending of the environment audio samples. For
instance, collection of
-sec batches of audio in a predefined
format. The main assumption is that nearby flying UAVs will
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produce audio noises that will be captured by the microphone
for further analysis. The collected audio sample is analyzed by
the feature extraction module, which goal is to extract a set
of UAV related features. To achieve such a goal the module
applies an audio filtering technique ( e.g., filtering UAV-related
audio signals through the Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients
(MFCC)), before using it for the detection and identification
tasks. As a result, a portion of non UAV-related audio can
be removed from the analyzed sample, improving the system
generalization even in highly noise environments. Finally, the
extracted filtered feature vector (Fig. 1, Filtered Feature Vector)
is used as input by a deep learning classifier, which outputs
a corresponding event class. In such a case, the used deep
learning model can output the analyzed event label in a two-
class setting, e.g. normal or UAV, or even in a multiclass setting,
e.g. outputting the type of UAV that generated the analyzed
The next subsections further describes the built datasets and
the performed experiments.
A. UAV Audio Datasets
In general, to properly evaluate ML-based techniques for
audio detection and identification, it is necessary the provision
of huge amounts of labeled data. Unfortunately, due to privacy
issues, only few datasets are publicly available.
In light of this, our work makes use of Abdulla Al-Ali et.
al. [1] dataset which provides more than
audio clips of
drone sounds. We used the dataset mainly for two tasks, one
is detection and other is identification. In detection, the classes
are Drone and Not a Drone. Number of drone samples are
1332 and not a drone samples are 10372. In classification task
the classes are membo, bebop, and not a Drone, the number
of samples are 666, 666, and 10372 respectively. Every file is
of 1sec duration. The data set is split on file level basis. The
drone data is a good representation of the real-world drone
To increase the model performance, the audio dataset is also
augmented through the introduction of noise data to ensure that
the system will be able to detect and identify the drone’s sound
from similar noises in an environment. From [1], the SNR
levels are not available. For the dataset publicly available, it
was collected in a quite indoor environment with drone flying
and hovering.
Apart from the publicly available dataset, we have also
collected a new dataset with additional diverse flying devices
audio sounds from multiple open sources to evaluate the impact
of model identification performance metrics. The dataset was
built, with
UAV types, including no-UAV,drone,helicopter,
drone-membo,drone-bebop,airplane, and drone-hovering. The
majority of audio files for each UAV type was collected for 5
For both selected datasets the audio data is made with a
sampling rate of
kHz and a linear encoding with
bits for
sample. Each input sound window is further segmented into
sub-frames of
ms using a moving Hamming window with
overlap of
ms. The sub-frames are processed by a bank of
filters to compute the short term feature in both temporal and
frequency domains [20]. For the deep learning algorithms, If
the majority of the frames is labelled with the tag ”drone” into
the given audio segment, it is assumed to recognize a flying
drone in the surrounding environment.
Both datasets are split into
% for training,
% for
validation and
% for testing. The audio files are broken
into chunks of 1second.
B. Model Building
For the Feature Extraction module, for each audio frame,
we compute the Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC)
that are commonly used in audio analysis. We make use of
Mel-scale in audio analysis to capture the comparatively higher
energy in lower frequencies compared to higher frequencies in
the range for the compounding of
MFCC features, which
are used as input by the selected deep learning model (Fig. 1,
Filtered Feature Vector).
We evaluate
commonly used deep learning algorithms for
the audio-based classification task (Fig. 1, Deep Learning),
namely Deep Neural Network (DNN), Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Convolu-
tional Long Short-Term Memory (CLSTM), and Transformer
Encoder (TE).
The DNN was implemented with
hidden layers, each with
units, coped with a relu activation function, while the
output layer relies in a softmax activation function. The CNN
was implemented with
convolutional layers, each with a relu
activation function, a kernel size of
, and a
followed by a hidden layer with a softmax activation function.
There are no pooling layers used in the CNN we implemented,
the input dimension size to the CNN is [1X20X33], given the
small size there was no need to use the pool layers. The CNN
model architecture is not provided in [1], due to this, we are
not able to do a proper comparison in terms of architecture,
we made our design choice to keep the model as smaller as
The LSTM was implemented with one LSTM layer with
units, followed by a hidden output layer with a softmax
activation function. Similarly, the CLSTM makes use of a
convolutional layer with a relu activation function, a kernel
size of
, and a
stride, followed by a LSTM layer with
units, followed by a hidden output layer with a softmax
activation function. Finally, the TE was implemented with a
positional encoder, number of attention heads as
, followed
by a encoder layer with
units, and a output layer with a
softmax activation function,
For the model building procedure, for all selected deep
learning algorithms
epochs are executed with a batch
size of
. As for number of epochs, 100 is similar to
the related works. It is important to note that the used set
of parameters, were set similarly to related works, and no
significant differences were found while varying them. There
is 80% train data, 10% val data, 10% test data. In each epoch
train and val data are used, model is trained on train data and
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Deep Learning Algorithm Accuracy (%) Precision Recall F1-Score
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN [1] 75.00 0.7592 0.6801 0.6838
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) [1] 96.38 0.9624 0.9560 0.9590
Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network(CRNN) [1] 94.72 0.9502 0.9308 0.9393
Deep Neural Network (DNN) 98.35 0.9661 0.9549 0.9604
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) 98.85 0.9753 0.9696 0.9724
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) 98.93 0.9759 0.9731 0.9745
Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (CLSTM) 97.78 0.9460 0.9486 0.9473
Transformer Encoder (TE) 98.35 0.9634 0.9489 0.9606
Deep Learning Algorithm Accuracy (%) Precision Recall F1-Score
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN [1] 57.16 0.5964 0.5716 0.5562
Neural Network (CNN) [1] 92.94 0.9275 0.9263 0.9263
Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) [1] 92.22 0.9254 0.9223 0.9225
Deep Neural Network (DNN) 98.52 0.9589 0.9439 0.9508
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) 98.60 0.9553 0.9447 0.9510
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) 98.60 0.9480 0.9603 0.9540
Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (CLSTM) 98.11 0.9457 0.9188 0.9314
Transformer Encoder (TE) 98.19 0.9405 0.9369 0.9386
best model on val data is updated. Finally the best val model
is tested on the unseen test data.
C. Evaluation
The selected deep learning algorithms were evaluated with
respect to their accuracy, precision, recall and F1 scores. To
achieve such a goal, the following classification performance
metrics were used:
True-Positive (TP): number of UAV-related audio samples
correctly classified as UAV-related.
True-Negative (TN): number of normal samples correctly
classified as normal.
False-Positive (FP): number of normal samples incorrectly
classified as UAV-related.
False-Negative (FN): number of UAV-related audio sam-
ples samples incorrectly classified as normal.
The F1 score was computed as the harmonic mean of
precision and recall values while considering UAV-related as
positive samples and normal as negative samples, as shown in
Eq. 3.
P recision =TP
TP +FP (1)
Recall =TP
TP +FN (2)
F1=2P recision Recall
P recision +Recall (3)
From the literature [1], there were no experiments conducted
on the publicly available dataset with DNN, LSTM and
Transformer techniques. We performed them for a proper
UAV type Accuracy (%) Prec. Rec. F1-Score
no-UAV 85.71 1.00 0.86 0.92
drone 100 1.00 1.00 1.00
helicopter 66.66 0.67 0.67 0.67
drone-membo 100 1.00 1.00 1.00
drone-bebop 100 1.00 1.00 1.00
airplane 100 1.00 1.00 1.00
drone-hovering 100 0.88 1.00 0.93
OVERALL Dataset 95 0.96 0.95 0.95
comparison to asses the overall improvement for the detection
and classification tasks.
The first experiment, aims at answering RQ1 and evaluates
the identification accuracy of the selected deep learning algo-
rithms over the publicly available dataset [1]. The evaluation
goal is to measure how the selected techniques perform when
using publicly available dataset for audio-based detection of
UAVs. In Table I shows, modeling results of [1] and our own
benchmark results for drone detection task. All our models
outperformed the models in [1] by 4% to more than 20% in
accuracy. Our best model (LSTM) outperformed best model of
[1] (CRNN) by over 4% in accuracy, 2% in precision, 4% in
recall and 4% in F1-score. Our best detection model, LSTM
classifier achieved the highest accuracy of
%, precision
of 0.9759, recall of 0.9731 with an F1-Score of 0.9745.
The second experiment, aims at answering RQ2, and eval-
uates the UAV identification accuracy of the selected deep
learning algorithms when different UAV types are considered.
To achieve such a goal, the publicly available dataset [1] is
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evaluated with different types of UAVs. In Table II shows,
modeling results of [1] and our own benchmark results for
drone identification task. All our models outperformed the
models in [1] by 6% to more than 30% in accuracy. Our best
model (LSTM) outperformed best model of [1] (CNN) by
over 5% in accuracy, 2% in precision, 4% in recall and 3%
in F1-score. Our best identification model, LSTM classifier
achieved the highest accuracy of
%, precision of
recall of
with an F1-Score of
. For instance, our
identification LSTM model was able to achieve
accuracy, a decrease of only
% when compared to the
detection scenario (Table I vs. Table II).
The DNN model in table 3 is trained and tested on the newly
collected 7 class UAV dataset. The third experiment aims at
answering RQ3, and evaluates the identification accuracy in
our own built dataset. Table III shows that the classification
accuracy of the DNN classifier in our own built dataset. The
DNN classifier achieved a high accuracy of
%. Compared
to its counterpart, trained in the publicly available dataset, the
DNN decreased the accuracy by
%, a marginal decrease
considering that the classifiers is being used in a different and
difficult setting.
In this work, we benchmarked the detection and identification
of UAVs via audio, through multiple deep learning algorithms
namely DNN, CNN, LSTM, CLSTM, and TE. In addition to
dataset of [1], we also collected our own identification dataset
and built DNN model over it. We have demonstrated that all
of the DNN, CNN, LSTM, CLSTM and TE algorithms are
able to provide significantly higher performance metrics in
comparison to [1]. In detection task, our best model (LSTM)
outperformed the best model of [1] (CRNN) by over 4% in
accuracy, 2% in precision, 4% in recall and 4% in F1-score.
In identification task, our best model (LSTM) outperformed
the best model of [1] (CNN) by over 5% in accuracy, 2% in
precision, 4% in recall and 3% in F1-score.
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... In recent years, many research works have been published to address UAV detection, tracking, and classification problems. The main drone detection technologies are: radar sensors [24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36], RF sensors [37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47], audio sensors [48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60], and camera sensors using visual UAV characteristics [61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71]. Based on the above-mentioned sources, the advantages and disadvantages of each drone detection technology are compared in Table 2. ...
... Nevertheless, the sound produced by propeller blades is frequently employed for detection because it has a comparatively larger amplitude. Numerous research works have examined the sound produced by drones, using characteristics like frequency, amplitude, modulation, and duration to identify a drone's existence [48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60]. ...
... The resulting F1-score values proved that the CNN-based framework coped with the classification task of different UAV models: showing overall test accuracy around 97.7% and test loss around 0.05%. In [58], audiobased UAV detection and identification employing DNN, CNN, LSTM, convolutional long short-term memory (CLSTM), and transformer encoders (TE) was benchmarked with the dataset used in [55]. In addition to the dataset from [55], the authors gathered their own varied-identification audio dataset, which included seven different kinds of sound categories, such as 'drone', 'drone-membo', 'drone-bebop', 'no-UAV', 'helicopter', 'aircraft', and 'drone-hovering'. ...
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The fast development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, has brought a unique set of opportunities and challenges to both the civilian and military sectors. While drones have proven useful in sectors such as delivery, agriculture, and surveillance, their potential for abuse in illegal airspace invasions, privacy breaches, and security risks has increased the demand for improved detection and classification systems. This state-of-the-art review presents a detailed overview of current improvements in drone detection and classification techniques: highlighting novel strategies used to address the rising concerns about UAV activities. We investigate the threats and challenges faced due to drones’ dynamic behavior, size and speed diversity, battery life, etc. Furthermore, we categorize the key detection modalities, including radar, radio frequency (RF), acoustic, and vision-based approaches, and examine their distinct advantages and limitations. The research also discusses the importance of sensor fusion methods and other detection approaches, including wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi), cellular, and Internet of Things (IoT) networks, for improving the accuracy and efficiency of UAV detection and identification.
... Similar works based on the radar for drone classification in different radar systems (1-4 GHz) can achieve a high accuracy of 95-100% using machine learning methods [22][23][24]. Currently, the leading drone detection techniques are based on either RF or acoustic signals [15,[27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37]. Therefore, the following literature review focuses on related work that is based on these two approaches. ...
... Salman et al. [36] analyzed five audio features, and identified the GammaTone Cepstral Coefficients (GTCC) as efficient for drone detection, achieving 99.9% accuracy with a Gaussian SVM kernel. Katta et al. [37] benchmarked DNN, CNN, LSTM, and Convolutional-LSTM (CLSTM), achieving 98.52%, 98.6%, 98.11%, and 98.6% accuracy, respectively. ...
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The use of drones has recently gained popularity in a diverse range of applications, such as aerial photography, agriculture, search and rescue operations, the entertainment industry, and more. However, misuse of drone technology can potentially lead to military threats, terrorist acts, as well as privacy and safety breaches. This emphasizes the need for effective and fast remote detection of potentially threatening drones. In this study, we propose a novel approach for automatic drone detection utilizing the usage of both radio frequency communication signals and acoustic signals derived from UAV rotor sounds. In particular, we propose the use of classical and deep machine-learning techniques and the fusion of RF and acoustic features for efficient and accurate drone classification. Distinct types of ML-based classifiers have been examined, including CNN- and RNN-based networks and the classical SVM method. The proposed approach has been evaluated with both frequency and audio features using common drone datasets, demonstrating better accuracy than existing state-of-the-art methods, especially in low SNR scenarios. The results presented in this paper show a classification accuracy of approximately 91% at an SNR ratio of −10 dB using the LSTM network and fused features.
... Employing acoustic detection to detect the drone involves utilizing classifiers to categorize collected drone sound signal, thereby determining the presence of drone. Existing studies have utilized machine learning methods for drone detection [22,23], or integrated single-microphone setups with Deep Learning for the drone sound event detection [24,25]. However, the detectable range of drone remains limited. ...
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In recent years, drones have brought about numerous conveniences in our work and daily lives due to their advantages of low cost and ease of use. However, they have also introduced significant hidden threats to public safety and personal privacy. Effectively and promptly detecting drone is thus a crucial task to ensure public safety and protect individual privacy. This paper proposes a method that combines beamforming algorithm with Deep Learning neural network to achieve the detection of drone acoustic event using microphone array technology. The aim is to achieve maximum coverage and accuracy in drone detection. The proposed approach utilizes beamforming algorithm to perform directional audio capture of the drone sound signal acquired by the microphone array. It then extracts features such as Log-Mel spectrogram and Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients from the audio signal, which are subsequently input to a Convolutional Neural Network for classification. The final detection result is obtained through this process. The study also incorporates experimental analysis to assess the impact of different frontend processing algorithms, dataset compositions and feature selections on the detection performance. To provide a more specific and pronounced indication of the accomplishment of the drone sound event detection task, a novel evaluation criterion is introduced, termed as the Machine- Human Ultimate Distance Ratio. This criterion is employed to assess the detection effectiveness of the drone sound event detection task. The results demonstrate that the detection range and accuracy of the drone sound event detection system based on Deep Learning and microphone array surpass those of single-microphone sound event detection method. The proposed detection approach achieves effective detection within a range of up to 135 m in the surrounding environment.
... UAVs equipped with cameras and other sensors can be used to inspect and monitor equipment and infrastructure such as power lines and wind turbines. Real-time data transmission via 5G networks can enable remote monitoring and control of these systems, improving their reliability and reducing maintenance costs [66]. UAVs can also be used for emergency response and disaster management. ...
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5G (fifth-generation technology) technologies are becoming more mainstream thanks to great efforts from telecommunication companies, research facilities, and governments. This technology is often associated with the Internet of Things to improve the quality of life for citizens by automating and gathering data recollection processes. This paper presents the 5G and IoT technologies, explaining common architectures, typical IoT implementations, and recurring problems. This work also presents a detailed and explained overview of interference in general wireless applications, interference unique to 5G and IoT, and possible optimization techniques to overcome these challenges. This manuscript highlights the importance of addressing interference and optimizing network performance in 5G networks to ensure reliable and efficient connectivity for IoT devices, which is essential for adequately functioning business processes. This insight can be helpful for businesses that rely on these technologies to improve their productivity, reduce downtime, and enhance customer satisfaction. We also highlight the potential of the convergence of networks and services in increasing the availability and speed of access to the internet, enabling a range of new and innovative applications and services.
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In recent years, the research focus on drone detection and identification via acoustic signals has grown significantly, spanning applications in both commercial and military domains. The predominant approach in this research area involves utilizing labeled data in the supervised machine learning models. However, this approach has inherent limitations as it trains models to detect or identify specific drone types present in the training dataset, constraining their generalization capacity to new drone types and tasks. This paper introduces a novel solution by employing self-supervised learning to address these limitations. The proposed model, trained without the need for labeled data, exhibits the capability to classify and identify diverse drone types and objects. It learns to differentiate between different drone models by training with a specific drone model, creating representations suitable for various downstream tasks such as classification and identification. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of this self-supervised method over state-of-the-art supervised approaches, particularly in the context of drone detection benchmarks that lack label information.
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Drones are becoming increasingly popular not only for recreational purposes but in day-to-day applications in engineering, medicine, logistics, security and others. In addition to their useful applications, an alarming concern in regard to the physical infrastructure security, safety and privacy has arisen due to the potential of their use in malicious activities. To address this problem, we propose a novel solution that automates the drone detection and identification processes using a drone’s acoustic features with different deep learning algorithms. However, the lack of acoustic drone datasets hinders the ability to implement an effective solution. In this paper, we aim to fill this gap by introducing a hybrid drone acoustic dataset composed of recorded drone audio clips and artificially generated drone audio samples using a state-of-the-art deep learning technique known as the Generative Adversarial Network. Furthermore, we examine the effectiveness of using drone audio with different deep learning algorithms, namely, the Convolutional Neural Network, the Recurrent Neural Network and the Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network in drone detection and identification. Moreover, we investigate the impact of our proposed hybrid dataset in drone detection. Our findings prove the advantage of using deep learning techniques for drone detection and identification while confirming our hypothesis on the benefits of using the Generative Adversarial Networks to generate real-like drone audio clips with an aim of enhancing the detection of new and unfamiliar drones.
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Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become popular in surveillance, security, and remote monitoring. However, they also pose serious security threats to public privacy. The timely detection of a malicious drone is currently an open research issue for security provisioning companies. Recently, the problem has been addressed by a plethora of schemes. However, each plan has a limitation, such as extreme weather conditions and huge dataset requirements. In this paper, we propose a novel framework consisting of the hybrid handcrafted and deep feature to detect and localize malicious drones from their sound and image information. The respective datasets include sounds and occluded images of birds, airplanes, and thunderstorms, with variations in resolution and illumination. Various kernels of the support vector machine (SVM) are applied to classify the features. Experimental results validate the improved performance of the proposed scheme compared to other related methods.
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In this work, we address the problem of UAV detection flying nearby another UAV. Usually, computer vision could be used to face this problem by placing cameras onboard the patrolling UAV. However, visual processing is prone to false positives, sensible to light conditions and potentially slow if the image resolution is high. Thus, we propose to carry out the detection by using an array of microphones mounted with a special array onboard the patrolling UAV. To achieve our goal, we convert audio signals into spectrograms and used them in combination with a CNN architecture that has been trained to learn when a UAV is flying nearby, and when it is not. Clearly, the first challenge is the presence of ego-noise derived from the patrolling UAV itself through its propellers and motor’s noise. Our proposed CNN is based on Google’s Inception v.3 network. The Inception model is trained with a dataset created by us, which includes examples of when an intruder UAV flies nearby and when it does not. We conducted experiments for off-line and on-line detection. For the latter, we manage to generate spectrograms from the audio stream and process it with the Nvidia Jetson TX2 mounted onboard the patrolling UAV.
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Usage of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is growing rapidly in a wide range of consumer applications, as they prove to be both autonomous and flexible in a variety of environments and tasks. However, this versatility and ease of use also brings a rapid evolution of threats by malicious actors that can use UAVs for criminal activities, converting them to passive or active threats. The need to protect critical infrastructures and important events from such threats has brought advances in counter UAV (c-UAV) applications. Nowadays, c-UAV applications offer systems that comprise a multi-sensory arsenal often including electro-optical, thermal, acoustic, radar and radio frequency sensors, whose information can be fused to increase the confidence of threat’s identification. Nevertheless, real-time surveillance is a cumbersome process, but it is absolutely essential to detect promptly the occurrence of adverse events or conditions. To that end, many challenging tasks arise such as object detection, classification, multi-object tracking and multi-sensor information fusion. In recent years, researchers have utilized deep learning based methodologies to tackle these tasks for generic objects and made noteworthy progress, yet applying deep learning for UAV detection and classification is considered a novel concept. Therefore, the need to present a complete overview of deep learning technologies applied to c-UAV related tasks on multi-sensor data has emerged. The aim of this paper is to describe deep learning advances on c-UAV related tasks when applied to data originating from many different sensors as well as multi-sensor information fusion. This survey may help in making recommendations and improvements of c-UAV applications for the future.
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In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become increasingly accessible to the public due to their high availability with affordable prices while being equipped with better technology. However, this raises a great concern from both the cyber and physical security perspectives since UAVs can be utilized for malicious activities in order to exploit vulnerabilities by spying on private properties, critical areas or to carry dangerous objects such as explosives which makes them a great threat to the society. Drone identification is considered the first step in a multi-procedural process in securing physical infrastructure against this threat. In this paper, we present drone detection and identification methods using deep learning techniques such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN). These algorithms will be utilized to exploit the unique acoustic fingerprints of the flying drones in order to detect and identify them. We propose a comparison between the performance of different neural networks based on our dataset which features audio recorded samples of drone activities. The major contribution of our work is to validate the usage of these methodologies of drone detection and identification in real life scenarios and to provide a robust comparison of the performance between different deep neural network algorithms for this application. In addition, we are releasing the dataset of drone audio clips for the research community for further analysis.
With the ubiquitous availability of drones, they are adopted benignly in multiple applications such as cinematography, surveying, and legal goods delivery. Nonetheless, they are also being used for reconnaissance, invading personal or secure spaces, harming targeted individuals, smuggling drugs and contraband, or creating public disturbances. These malicious or improper use of drones can pose significant privacy and security threats in both civilian and military settings. Therefore, it is vital to identify drones in different environments to assist the decisions on whether or not to contain unknown drones. While there are several methods proposed for detecting the presence of a drone, they have limitations when it comes to low visibility, limited access, or hostile environments. In this paper, we propose DronePrint that uses drone acoustic signatures to detect the presence of a drone and identify the make and the model of the drone. We address the shortage of drone acoustic data by relying on audio components of online videos. In drone detection, we achieved 96% accuracy in a closed-set scenario, and 86% accuracy in a more challenging open-set scenario. Our proposed method of cascaded drone identification, where a drone is identified for its 'make' followed by the 'model' of the drone achieves 90% overall accuracy. In this work, we cover 13 commonly used commercial and consumer drone models, which is to the best of understanding is the most comprehensive such study to date. Finally, we demonstrate the robustness of DronePrint to drone hardware modifications, Doppler effect, varying SNR conditions, and in realistic open-set acoustic scenes.
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[correction] The paper incorrectly refers to a re-purposed ACAM 120 array as "OptiNav", please avoid conclusions regarding any OptiNav products based on this paper. Conclusions only pertain to the specific way of using a plane array of MEMS microphones.