Edoardo Currà

Edoardo Currà
Sapienza University of Rome | la sapienza · Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering DICEA

Doctor of Philosophy


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Professore Associato di Architettura Tecnica. Presidente Nazionale AIPAI - Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Archeologico Industriale. Ricerche recenti: - Prin 2022 Re3work - Accordo MiC - AIPAI Appia industriale, Unesco site Appia Regina Viarum - Studi per il Recupero integrato del palazzo-fabbrica della Zecca dello Stato a Roma. - BIM4W&H, programma Creatività 2020, Lazio innova. - Prin 2017 Be2Secure
Additional affiliations
February 2024 - March 2024
Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina
  • Visiting professor
  • Teaching and research on industrial archaeology and heritage
October 2019 - November 2019
Southeast University (China)
  • Visiting professor
  • Studio on Industrial Heritage
November 2015 - December 2015
Southeast University (China)
  • Visiting Professor


Publications (100)
In the mid-1930s, Shanghai was the largest industrial city in China; the factories and the workshops occupied the outermost reaches, made up of canals and workers’ housing, and the central district, where the city was grandly centred on the Bund, the riverside road of concessions which grazed the Imperial city. The current urban structure still for...
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Nel territorio della Provincia di Rieti sono sempre più numerosi gli elementi della storia industriale che occorre portare all’attenzione della gestione e della pianificazione. Si tratta di realtà produttive che, dopo un secolare ciclo di vita, hanno perso la loro funzionalità e inducono a un confronto con gli spazi, i territori e i paesaggi del la...
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Tor Bella Monaca, tra molti primati, ha anche quello di essere stata una delle più rilevanti esperienze di edilizia industrializzata della seconda metà del XX secolo a Roma e in Italia. Il quartiere era da poco ultimato quando emersero le prime problematiche nel difficile avviamento della realtà urbana, nella costruzione della compagine sociale, ne...
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Presentazione degli atti del convegno internazionale "Stati Generali del Patrimonio Industriale" organizzato da AIPAI a Padova e Venezia dal 25 al 27 ottobre 2018.
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Industrial heritage with secular production activity constitutes a specific field of application to refine digital tools for knowledge within the HBIM (Heritage Building Information Modeling) process. Industrial sites are traditionally linked to the exploitation of local resources, and, not infrequently, are settled by recovering the ruins of ancie...
Conference Paper
The undeniable fame achieved by thin concrete shells during the XX century is a well-known story. Their shapes represent the apex of the intersection between science and technology as well as a cultural distinctive character of modernity. The reasons for this enduring attraction on engineers and architects lay in the fact that the design of these g...
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In 1887, the Papermill Mecenate settled at the Sanctuary of Hercules the Victor in Tivoli, thanks to the construction of the Canevari Canal. The papermill represented, for decades, the largest industrial plant placed on the former religious site, which had already housed various manufacturing functions. The phases of greatest overlap occurred in th...
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The relationships between the Built Environment (BE) and SUdden-Onset Disasters (SUOD) are increasingly the focus of hazard mitigation investigation. Specifically, in the Historic Built Environment (HBE), defined as the network of buildings, infrastructure, and open spaces of the compact historic city, recent and past events have shown the need for...
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The relationships between the Built Environment (BE) and SUdden-Onset Disasters (SUOD) are increasingly the focus of hazard mitigation investigation. Specifically, in the Historic Built Environment (HBE), defined as the network of buildings, infrastructure, and open spaces of the compact historic city, recent and past events have shown the need for...
Three-dimensional Digital Image Correlation (3D-DIC) gained popularity as a line-of-sight, high-resolution Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) technique. Nonetheless, 3D-DIC is still impractical when the natural frequencies and the mode shapes of the structure have to be correlated. Recently, the integration of Motion Magnification (MM) as a pre-pro...
The built environment is subject to complex combinations of cascading disasters, sudden onset disasters (SUODs), such as earthquakes, or slow onset disasters (SLODs), such as pollution and heat islands. They can cause harm to people and destroy the built environment. Moreover, the historical built environment (HBE) possesses typical characteristics...
The problem of the Historical Built Environment (HBE) and risk factors representation in the Building Information Modelling (BIM)-based model is a debated topic in literature. The complex and variety of geometry and features of existing buildings and urban open spaces (OSs) raise the issue of their representation, both in terms of geometric model a...
Conference Paper
In the twentieth century, the development of industrial buildings showed a strong relationship between advanced structural solutions and the conception of the peculiar spaces of production. In this design framework, reinforced concrete thin shells and, specifically, self-supporting vaults find a significant application. In Italy, starting from the...
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Many disciplines are involved for the industrial heritage restoration project to be successful. Achieving the knowledge necessary for heritage recognition and subsequent intervention is the result of a convergence of purpose among the technological, architectural, historical and economic sectors. The research, aimed at defining functional solutions...
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Within the overarching theme of “Managing the Digital Transformation of Construction Industry” the 23rd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2023) presented 123 high-quality contributions on the topics of: Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR), Building Information Modeling (BIM), Simulation and Automation...
Conference Paper
Natural and anthropic hazards are widely affecting the Built Environment causing damages and risks to the actual population and losses of architectural and environmental heritage to future generations. In particular, the potential value of historic city centres is threatened, both because of the intrinsic vulnerability of buildings and open spaces...
The historical built environment (HBE) in urban areas is prone to disasters, which threaten both people and the historical built heritage itself. In such a scenario, risks depend on the combination between different possible (multi-) hazards (including climate change-related ones), the vulnerability and exposure of HBE users, and the physical (morp...
Conference Paper
Il santuario di Ercole Vincitore fu edificato tra il II ed il I secolo a.C. come una grandiosa platea di tre ettari che tra le sostruzioni include un ardito percorso in galleria della via Tiburtina antica, detto via Tecta. Al livello più alto, due elementi principali, un tempio e un teatro, erano circondati su tre lati da un portico scenograficamen...
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Come AIPAI promuove da tempo, il censimento e la catalogazione del patrimonio industriale sono un passaggio nodale verso la sua conoscenza, tutela e conservazione/recupero. Associare mappatura territoriale e censimento offre la possibilità di indagare il rapporto tra l’industria e il territorio nel quale si è sviluppata, permettendo indagini esplor...
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La maggior sensibilità sul tema dell’archeologia industriale e la riscoperta di una cultura ad essa associata hanno portato istituzioni comunali e ministeriali a riflettere sul potenziale del recupero e della valorizzazione di beni legati alla produzione. Tra questi, il caso dell’ex cartiera Segrè nel distretto produttivo cartario di Tivoli rappres...
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The historical built environment (HBE) is constantly prone to many risks causing sudden (e.g., earthquakes and terrorist attacks) or slow (e.g., climate change-related and environmental pollution) onset of emergency conditions. Morphological, physical, and constructive characteristics are critically linked to system vulnerability and users’ exposur...
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This study explores the essential issues pertaining to a landscape bridge based on a multi-scale methodology, in view of the paucity of design theories for contemporary landscape bridges. We contribute to reinterpret landscape bridges on their physical temporal-spatial scales, instead of from perspectives of individual disciplines or their mechanic...
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Open spaces (OSs), such as streets, squares, and green areas, in existing built environments (BEs) are key places in disaster risk management. The seismic risk in the OSs is strictly related to BE characteristics. Scientific literature mainly focuses on extrinsic factors affecting risk, which are related to BE elements on the OSs frontier (e.g., bu...
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In recent years, three-dimensional Digital Image Correlation (3D-DIC) has proven to be a reliable technique for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) by allowing full line-of-sight, high-resolution, and contactless measurements of structures. The large amount of raw output resulting from 3D-DIC requires appropriate methods to visualise and analyse the...
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L’ambiente costruito ed i suoi utenti sono costantemente sottoposti a una molteplicità di condizioni di rischio sia ad insorgenza rapida, come terremoti e attacchi terroristici, sia ad insorgenza lenta, come quelli legati ai cambiamenti climatici e all’inquinamento ambientale. I centri storici rappresentano contesti sensibili per caratteristiche mo...
The assessment of resilience for the Built Environment (BE) and humans exposed to SUdden Onset and SLow Onset Disasters (SUOD and SLOD) is possible when simulations are performed to predict and analyze what can succeed, and awareness and preparedness are consolidated among human users. These two steps require the representation of the Built Environ...
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Planning for preparedness, in terms of multi-hazard disasters, involves testing the relevant abilities to mitigate damage and build resilience, through the assessment of deterministic disaster scenarios. Among risk-prone assets, open spaces (OSs) play a significant role in the characterization of the built environment (BE) and represent the relevan...
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A validated method for digital representation of historic construction through HBIM permits assessment of compliance with workmanlike manner and structural performance. The construction of an appropriate model is closely linked to survey methodology, to the integrated application of multiple techniques of direct and indirect survey and non-destruct...
Conference Paper
Si riporta l'esperienza di rilievo e catalogazione di un centinaio di murature tradizionali nel cratere del sisma del Centro Italia del 2016. Un territorio in condizioni di elevata fragilità dovute al notevole spopolamento che ne ha aumentato il grado di vulnerabilità. Questa condizione si ripercuote anche sulla manutenzione degli edifici tradizion...
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The profound qualitative changes of indoor air and the progressive increase in the absolute number of pollutants, combined with the scientific awareness of the health impacts deriving from spending more than 90% of one’s time inside confined spaces, have increased the attention onto the needs of well-being, hygiene, and the health of users. This sc...
Recent events have shown how the Built Environment (BE), defined as a network of buildings, infrastructures, and open spaces, and its users are more and more prone to disasters, showing very poor resilience. The chapter focuses on the state of the art concerning the relation between BE and SUdden-Onset Disasters (SUOD) considering risks and human b...
The Built Environment (BE), intended as a network of buildings, infrastructures, and open spaces, has to ensure adequate safety levels to its users in disasters that are unpredictable and quickly appear (SUdden-Onset Disasters-SUODs, e.g., earthquakes, terroristic attacks), as well as in those that emerge gradually over time (SLow-Onset Disasters-S...
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Questo volume di Edoardo Currà sul palazzo-fabbrica della Regia Zecca di Roma sviluppa le ricerche condotte nell’ambito dell’Accordo di collaborazione scientifica tra il Poligrafico dello Stato e il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale - DICEA dell’Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza, accordo finalizzato alla riqualificazion...
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The relationship between users and the built environment represents a fundamental aspect of health. The factors that define the properties linked to health and well-being are increasingly becoming part of building design. In these terms, building information modelling (BIM) and BIM-based performance simulation take on a priority role. Among the key...
Conference Paper
La necessità di affrontare la riqualificazione dell’edilizia scolastica nasce da un diffuso divario nei campi funzionale, strutturale ed energetico tra prestazioni fornite e requisiti previsti. Il panorama scolastico italiano è molto difforme sia per periodo di costruzione, tecniche e impianto funzionale, sia in quanto ad esigenze da aggiornare. La...
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Gli studi condotti in questi ultimi decenni hanno documentato un progressivo aumento in assoluto delle sostanze inquinanti nell’aria indoor. Tra le esigenze di benessere, si è ormai consolidata l’importanza di igiene e salute degli utenti, dato che la popolazione trascorre in media oltre il 90% del proprio tempo all’interno degli spazi costruiti, e...
The Built Environment (BE), especially historical parts embodying the built heritage, has to be preserved from more and more frequent SUdden Onset Disasters (SUODs): events mainly identified in seismic and terroristic risks that cannot be predicted far in advance. The aim of this research is to identify the main issues related to the features of BE...
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This research aims to propose a classification of masonry typologies in Central Italy after the earthquakes that in 2016 involved about 120 municipalities. This territory, since several decades, presents high fragility features due to the depopulation process that increase the vulnerability and risk degree. This condition affects even the maintenan...
This paper focuses on the energy retrofit cost-optimal analysis in the usual and deep building renovation scenarios, considering the importance of non-energy-related aspect in an integrated design approach. This objective is developed within the Italian regulation framework on energy efficiency and building renovation. Nowadays, the great part of t...
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Il proteggo illustra il cursus didattico di Gustavo Giovannoni nella Scuola di applicazione per gli ingegneri dell’ateneo romano, prima come studente, poi come assistente, infine come professore, attraversa oltre mezzo secolo: dal 1892, quando si iscrive al triennio di applicazione, al 1943, anno del suo ritiro. Fino ai suoi ultimi giorni l’ingegne...
Conference Paper
Facing with the great problem of the safety of the historic towns of Central Italy, the loss of human lives and the responsibility for the built heritage of the historic urban landscape preservation for future generations, the research group is specifically committed to two objectives considered closely linked. - On the one hand to drive the activi...
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L’HBIM (Heritage Building Information Modelling) assume sempre maggiore importanza nell’ambito dei processi conoscitivi del patrimonio costruito, in particolare nel supportare l’investigazione della costruzione storica e delle sue prestazioni, per cui è indispensabile scegliere la metodologia di rilievo integrato più appropriata. L’articolo affront...
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Uno studio, presentato dagli autori all’Accademia Nazionale di San Luca sulla didattica per l’architettura di Gustavo Giovannoni presso la Scuola di Ingegneria, costituisce il nucleo fondante della ricerca. Ancora oggi è possibile cogliere dalla lettura dell’esperienza della scuola romana, guidata tra il 1870 e il 1943 da Guj, Calderini, Milani e G...
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Background: The study investigated 35 orthopedic OTs [17 with mixed flow (M-OTs), 18 with turbulent flow (T-OTs)]. Methods: The OTs were divided into two categories based on recurring architectural and construction solutions, collected by a survey form: type-A (recently built or renovated rooms), and type-B (other OTs). Assessment of microbial a...
BACK TO THE FUTURE. THE WORKS OF WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN AND JAMES BOGARDUS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PREFABRICATION FOR THE INDUSTRY In 1839 William Fairbairn built the first industrial building completely prefabricated in cast iron. A few years later James Bogardus profoundly innovates American urban architecture, starting from his factory, based on a pr...
This study examines the impact of building use variable on the energy retrofit for vernacular buildings. In Italy, the main part of the building stock is composed of urban textures based on vernacular buildings. This part shares regional values and features that distinguish the landscape and influence the global primary energy demand of buildings s...
The creation of Bund 1919 began in 2010, through the redevelopment of the historic Wing On 2 cotton industrial complex at Wusong. The renovation project was carried out by Shanghai Shenfang Investment Management, of which the sole members are Red Town Corporation (developer of Ten Steel) and Shangtex (the textile company that owns the area). The re...
To explore the origins of Shanghai’s industrial heritage we must embark on a journey through the history of one of the most exceptional and cosmopolitan cities ever established. The urban system, architecture, and technology reflect the meeting of many cultures and enterprising individuals. Some decades after the location of the foreign concessions...
La Zecca di Roma di via Principe Umberto è un organismo edilizio complesso, nato per rispondere a importanti esigenze istituzionali, produttive e culturali. In questo capitolo, nel volume curato da Rosa Maria Villani, si espongono alcuni esiti dell’indagine storica, la definizione del profilo di alcuni protagonisti e un estratto della dettagliata...
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In the Sorrento-Amalfi peninsula and in the Naples islands, a long tradition of building culture exhibits the influence that the permanence of ancient constructive techniques have had on the building types which define and characterize the historical landscape [1]. This is the case of the marked relations regarding masonry building typologies and t...
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Historical cities and towns are a valid example of resilience in a seismic context, and earthquakes have profoundly influenced their typological and constructional evolution. The improvement of this characteristic depends a great deal on the efficiency of preventative tools. Between state of the art and analytic interpretation, the development of c...
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The study of Mario and Giorgio Baroni permits us, through their respective biographies, to read into important aspects of the passage from the early theory of reinforced concrete through to the most advanced experiences of the 1950s. On one side there is Mario Baroni, a great teacher and innovative designer who transferred a fine interpretation of...
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The contribution of the German building company Dyckerhoff & Widmann was central to the pioneering experimental research on thin concrete shells. The introduction of the Zeiss-Dywidag system in Italy was due to engineer Rodolfo Stoelcker, one of the first that obtained the licence out of Germany in 1928. His builders constructed two garages for pub...
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In Italy, after the destructions of World War II, due the particular development of economy and the political decision in the field of reconstruction, a government option for building construction industrialization comes up only at the beginning of ‘60s. A wide number of different proposals of building sector industrialization came from technicians...
ll capitolo è parte di uno studio più ampio, multidisciplinare, che si occupa del processo urbano e delle potenzialità della città storica di San Gemini. La ricerca mira a mettere in campo gli strumenti per riattivare la progettualità cittadina sulla parte più interna della città. Le prospettive di gestione compatibile del centro storico di San Gem...
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Nell’ambito del progetto IM.PA.C.T. (IMproving the health of PAtients by supporting dynamiC healTh systems and new technologies), promosso dalla Regione Puglia, è stata valutata la qualità microbiologica dell’aria nelle sale operatorie (SO) ortopediche in operation, in funzione degli aspetti edilizi ed impiantistici. Lo studio, che ha riguardato 33...
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The cement factory of Civitavecchia (Rome), built in 1896 by the Anonima Casale Company and abandoned definitively in 2004, was a relevant productive industrial site for its long history and for the optimization of fabrication techniques during the XX century in order to increase as much as possible the production. With the aim of accomplishing a...
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Il patrimonio edilizio del comune di Fiamignano ha risentito, in forme diverse, delle azioni dei terremoti dell’Aquila (6 aprile 2009) e del Centro Italia (24 agosto 2016). Proprio a seguito della sequenza del Centro Italia, durante i sopralluoghi effettuati sugli immobili comunali, è conseguita la dichiarazione di totale, parziale o temporanea ina...
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The research presents an application of HBIM to the recovery process and design, which allows to highlight some potentialities and criticalities of what has become an important instrument in the documentation and conservation of architectural heritage. The object of the research is the Temple di Bacco, built by Lord Girmthorpe as his final resting...
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To once again turn our attention to the morphology of the urban fabric, of building typologies, and of the construction techniques of the whole, is not outdated behaviour favoured by morpho-typological recidivists or by urban geographers. Rather it is a necessity for the definition of the criteria for a plausible and objective sustainability for wi...
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Giorgio Calza Bini has been one of the young architects who tested, during the 30s, the functionalism principles on Italian modern architecture. He cared the design for cinemas and theatres in the years between the 1935 and the beginning of the 60s. During this period, he designed projects for different Italian towns, focusing his activity, mainly,...
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All’interno delle attività della ricerca ‘Abitare Tor Bella Monaca’ il gruppo di lavoro ‘Patrimonio Edilizio’ si è posto come obiettivo quello di investigare le conseguenze dirette che l’approccio alla città pubblica della grande dimensione degli anni ’70 e ’80 a Roma ha avuto sulle caratteristiche tipologiche e costruttive dell’edificato. Si è cer...
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The large-dimension housing complexes in Rome have grown since the late ‘60s as a result of the 1st PEEP planning of 1964. The plan tried to face the large housing emergency caused by the rising urbanization (Albano, 2001). The peripheral areas of the city started to be filled with several neighborhoods in sharp break with the close urban fabric: h...
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In historical towns, the morphology is intrinsically linked to the seismic vulnerability of the urban organism. The seismic history of the Italian peninsula has influenced its towns highlighting the close correlation among the evolution of masonry constructive technique, typologies and morphologies (Fiandaca, Lione, 2009). Through the reading of th...
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Until the first half of the last century, have departed from the plateau Rascino and from the mountains Duchessa, flocks of sheeps owned by a few wealthy families. Such activity has a long history and a vast territory, which also includes other plateaus, among which the Aquilente. The paper exposes the first campaign of catalogation, surveys, energ...
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The paper proposes a review of a specific constructive system revealed in housing reconstruction in West Germany. The first reconstruction legislation oriented the production of social housing towards the application of a soft pre-fabrication and standardization. It’s happened according to the process of normalization started in Germany in the earl...
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In the South of Italy, awareness of seismic hazard strictly affected the development of masonry techniques. Several innovations and construction systems have been developed over the ages in order to withstand the effects of earthquakes. The paper is mainly devoted to report on the distinctive construction system implemented for the reconstruction o...
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Vulnerabilità edilizia e urbana dei centri storici minori.
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The Mediterranean city represents a significant example of urban organism, based on masonry construction and characterized by typological processes of growth. The material consistency and the temporal continuity of built heritage in Mediterranean city make relevant its interpretation and analysis according to the resilient approach. The declination...
Il programma di dismissione dei beni immobili della Difesa viene avviato nell’ambito dei provvedimenti legati alla legge finanziaria per l’anno 19971. Contestualmente si attribuisce agli enti locali il diritto di prelazione sull’acquisizione dei beni dismessi. Alla sporadicità e alla saltuarietà delle dismissioni avvenute fino ad allora si sostitui...
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Italy is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the Mediterranean area. The close correlation among masonry constructive technique, typologies and morphologies in the historic Italian city, can be an important point in the analysis and definition of urban resilience, particularly regarding the role of the built environment. The paper propose...
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Rieti industrial town: evolution and features of construction Specific features of construction are the cornerstones for recognition of values and invariants that will be proposed in the elaboration of building renovation projects. For the whole industrial district, and not just for the sugar-factory, there is a “technology coherence” with Italian...
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The energy renewal of the INA‐Casa Program buildings is guided by the observations of many values expressed about their construction, architectural typology and urban fabric morphology. A study of the energy renewal approaches has been carried out regarding both the way to improve insulation and the heat and moisture transfer analysis approaches ne...
Conference Paper
In Rieti, a town of Latium, they coexist a well established rural tradition and some examples of industrial architecture dating back to the beginning of the entrepreneurship Italian story. There we can highlight at least three of the principal evolution phases in construction for industries. Principally we note the Maraini Sugar Factory, 1873, buil...
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Nel panorama dell'edilizia industriale del Lazio spiccano alcuni insediamenti significativi per la dipendenza dall'acqua come elemento fondamentale nel ciclo produttivo. In particolare sono numerosi, in precisi contesti laziali, gli stabilimenti per la produzione sia della carta sia delle fibre tessili artificiali, cioè quegli insediamenti produtti...
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Aree industriali dismesse e città storica: Rieti, laboratorio di sinergie sostenibili E' possibile proporre un approccio integrato alle problematiche della sostenibilità culturale, nella città storica e nelle archeologie industriali, e di quella energetico-ambientale generale. A Rieti, a ridosso della città storica, si colloca un'area ex-industrial...
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The study of the Supertessile complex at Rieti has brought to light the application of the Italian Baroni-Lüling patent and some of its effects on the development of constructional techniques in reinforced concrete, especially in the field of the planning and construction of light components for large covered structures. A notable impulse towards t...
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L'articolo analizza il ruolo di Giorgio Calza Bini nella definizione di un nuovo volto del quartiere dell'Esposizione Universale di Roma del 1942 nel secondo dopo guerra. GCB viene chiamato da Piacentini, nuovamente responsabile della pianificazione urbanistica del quartiere, e gli viene affidata la direzione tecnica dell'ufficio preposto alla reda...
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Il volume raccoglie contributi di studio relativi alle cartiere storiche della provincia di Frosinone. In particolare viene approfondita la vicenda storico-costruttiva della cartiera più antica e più longeva, quella di Sant'Elia Fiumerapido (E. Currà), della cartiera del Fibreno (E. Leggieri), della cartiera Mancini (S. M. Mancini) e del complesso...
Even if the decomissioning of military buildings in Rome, barracks, military areas, stocks, modern fortifications, has been considered by governments and administrations at least twenty years ago, nowadays only a few number of the objects considered has been renewed to civil uses. When it happend, the decomissioning and the renovation have been the...
The detailed reconstruction of the evolution of the industrial paper mill of Sant'Elia Fiume Rapidor is an opportunity to trace the salient points in the definition of industrial building types in parallel to the emergence of innovations in production. The small town of Sant'Elia has always been linked to factories that routinely arise in the water...
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Il volume è stato pensato e fortemente voluto dalla Giunta della Regione Lazio «come strumento di divulgazione e trasparenza» al fine di rendere noti, e quindi da tutti valutabili, i progetti presentati dai Comuni e finanziati nell’ambito degli interventi previsti dalla legge 38/1999 “Norme sul governo del territorio”. Si è cosituitoun gruppo di r...
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Il saggio analizza il complesso rapporto esistente tra il dato materiale e l'intento spaziale e fenomenico immateriale nell'approccio progettuale di Luigi Moretti, con particolare riferimento al caso della ex-GIL. Materia, materiali e immateriale generano sistemi biunivoci di riferimento che contribuiscono a qualificare il valore d'arte dell'opera...
Nell'ambito delle costruzioni degli anni cinquanta e sessanta, che spaziano dalle iniziative pubbliche e private della ricostruzione residenziale per arrivare alle grandi opere pubbliche e al boom edilizio dei centri urbani, legati alla rapida crescita economica, è possibile individuare i caratteri di un atteggiamento culturalmente omogeneo da part...
Il contributo ricostruisce la vicenda storica e l'evoluzione architettonica del centro studi ed esperienze e della città di fondazione di Guidonia. E' basato su ricerche originali, documenti inediti, rilievi diretti e riporta un notevole apparato di disegni ricostruttivi ed immagini d'epoca. The contribution traces the historical events and the ar...
Il contributo analizza e descrite costruttivamente e tipologicamente, il quartiere di Torre Spaccata a Roma, progettato da un nutrito gruppo di architetti a ragione considerati maestri del moderno italiano. Le scelte organizzative, operate da Plinio Marconi, il coordinatore dell'intera operazione, hanno comportato il frazionamento dell'opera in num...
Il volume nei contributi degli autori indaga la vicenda materiale della città di fondazione di Guidonia, proponendo rilievi architettonici e costruttivi, ricostruzioni della configurazione originale, analisi delle criticità nella conservazione e nella gestione. La Città di Guidonia e l'Aeroporto A. Barbieri si prestano come campo di studio di metod...
L'originalità della costruzione moderna in Italia si presenta sotto forma di ibridazione delle tecniche, invenzioni autarchiche, superfici di materiali naturali e carattere d'astrazione. Sono architetture murarie integrate dal ferro e dal cemento e legate a visioni mediterranee e consapevoli della storia della città e delle moderne istanze esigenz...


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