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Integrating Machine Learning in Clinical Decision Support for Heart Failure Diagnosis: Case Study


Abstract and Figures

Heart failure is the leading cause of hospitalization in people older than 65. Accurate referrals can reduce the devastating impact of heart failure. Timely diagnosis of heart failure from other cardiovascular conditions based only on symptoms is a major challenge. Machine learning has demonstrated potential for overcoming the diagnostic challenges of cardiovascular diseases. Many research papers are now focusing on application of artificial intelligence methods applied to diagnosis of heart failure, where databases continue to be a limitation. The current study used a dataset of 368 patients (297 patients with diagnosed heart failure, 71 control subjects) from an upper middle-income country, containing information on subject population characteristics, symptoms and laboratory test results. Manual feature selection was performed, focusing on clinical symptoms that are easily measurable. Four common machine learning methods were tested and compared: Decision Tree (DT) algorithm, Random Forest (RF) algorithm, Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naïve Bayes (NB) algorithm. Models were developed through a holdout process of training-validation and testing. Our final model was a Decision Tree, achieving an AUC of 94.3%, with the advantage of being fully intelligible and easily interpreted. The performance achieved suggested that intelligible machine learning models can enhance symptom-based referral of heart failure.
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Integrating Machine Learning in Clinical
Decision Support for Heart Failure Diagnosis:
Case Study
Lemana Spahi´c1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,AdnaSofti´c1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9(B),
Azra Durak-Nalbanti´c1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,EdinBegi´c1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,
Bojan Staneti´c1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,andHarisVrani´c1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
1Verlab Research Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Medical Devices and Artificial
Intelligence, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2International Burch University Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3Bioengineering Research and Development Center BioIRC, Kragujevac, Serbia
4Clinic for Heart, Blood Vessels and Rheumatism, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo,
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
5Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
6General Hospital Abdulah Nakaš, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
7University Clinical Centre of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
8Medical Faculty, University of Banja Luka, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
9Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Abstract. Heart failure is the leading cause of hospitalization in people older than
65. Accurate referrals can reduce the devastating impact of heart failure. Timely
diagnosis of heart failure from other cardiovascular conditions based only on
symptoms is a major challenge. Machine learning has demonstrated potential for
overcoming the diagnostic challenges of cardiovascular diseases. Many research
papers are now focusing on application of artificial intelligence methods applied
to diagnosis of heart failure, where databases continue to be a limitation. The
current study used a dataset of 368 patients (297 patients with diagnosed heart
failure, 71 control subjects) from an upper middle-income country, containing
information on subject population characteristics, symptoms and laboratory test
results. Manual feature selection was performed, focusing on clinical symptoms
that are easily measurable. Four common machine learning methods were tested
and compared: Decision Tree (DT) algorithm, Random Forest (RF) algorithm,
Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naïve Bayes (NB) algorithm. Models were
developed through a holdout process of training-validation and testing. Our final
model was a Decision Tree, achieving an AUC of 94.3%, with the advantage of
being fully intelligible and easily interpreted. The performance achieved suggested
that intelligible machine learning models can enhance symptom-based referral of
heart failure.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence ·Heart failure ·Prediction ·Machine learning
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024
A. Badnjevi´c and L. Gurbeta Pokvi´c (Eds.): MEDICON 2023/CMBEBIH 2023, IFMBE Proceedings 93, pp. 696–705, 2024.
Integrating Machine Learning in Clinical Decision Support 697
1 Introduction
Heart failure remains a significant health issue for the general public, and it is anticipated
that its prevalence will rise by 46% between 2012 and 2030 [1]. Heart failure (HF) is
function of the heart that lead to either a decrease in the left ventricular ejection fraction
(LVEF) known as HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), or a preserved LVEF
known as HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) [2]. According to the World
Health Organization’s research, more than 5% of adults encounter errors in diagnosis.
The most frequent diagnostic errors were identified by analyzing 190 cases in a study,
which found that congestive heart failure is misdiagnosed in 7% of cases, a higher rate
than the 5% misdiagnosis rate for cancer [3]. Late diagnosis of cardiovascular conditions
is dangerous because the clinical outcomes and chances of recovery deteriorate quickly
in such situations. Diagnostic errors may occur when healthcare providers overlook mild
early symptoms and fail to conduct laboratory tests or additional medical exams to assess
essential cardiac parameters, such as hypertension or high blood sugar and cholesterol
The problem of defining the prognosis in HF is complex and represents a challenge
due to multiple etiologies, different age patients, frequent different comorbidities, lim-
ited possibilities of examining paracrine pathophysiological systems, distinguishing the
entities systolic versus diastolic relaxation, diverse individual progression of the disease
and outcome (sudden death compared to death in progressive heart failure), effectiveness
of treatment and therapeutic adherence. Due to the influence of all the above, as well as
their interaction, which is still incompletely examined, it is difficult to predict how each
individual will respond to a specific treatment, that is, it complicates the prediction of
the clinical outcome. Risk stratification based on existing traditional predictors is often
not adequate in daily clinical practice because it leads to failure to recognize high-risk
patients or inadequate recognition of low-risk as high-risk patients. The reason for this
may be that these conventional predictors do not reflect the existing, newly discovered
pathophysiological mechanisms in heart failure, namely inflammation, oxidative stress,
neurohumoral activation, vascular remodeling, myocyte injury, renal comorbidity. Thus,
biomarkers that represent their reflection can be potentially new predictors of survival
that will redefine risk stratification.
The artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine learning (ML) algorithms have the poten-
tial to improve the accuracy of heart failure diagnosis by identifying patterns in patient
data that may be difficult for humans to detect. The advantages of implementing AI in the
healthcare sector stem from the ability to store and manage vast amounts of data, enhance
the reliability of clinical communication, minimize the incidence of human error, and
enhance disease detection, leading to lower mortality rates. Additionally, employing AI
technology in healthcare can result in a reduction of costs, with reports suggesting that
patient outcomes may be improved by as much as 30–40% and treatment costs cut by
up to 50% [4].
This paper presents how machine learning can be used to support clinical decision-
making and improve heart failure diagnosis accuracy.
698 L. Spahi´c et al.
2 Methods
The dataset obtained from a local hospital consisted of 245 samples of patients that were
admitted to hospital with diagnosis heart failure and 255 samples of patients that did not
have any indication of heart failure. Due to the fact that almost half of the patients did not
have key parameters recorded and several others have had parameters that represented
significant outliers, they have been removed from the dataset. In the end, the dataset
used for the development of machine learning algorithms consisted of 356 samples.
The data was divided into training and testing subset with an approximately equal
representation of healthy and heart failure instances in an 80–20 (%) splitting ratio.
This splitting ratio is the most common for application of machine learning algorithms
[5]. The training subset consisted of 297 samples while the validation dataset consisted
of 71 samples. Overall, the training dataset consisted of 143 heart failure patients and
154 healthy individuals. The parameters were grouped into 4 groups: demographic fea-
tures, medical history, clinical image and biochemical parameters. The basic descriptive
statistics of all parameters included as inputs and their correlation with heart failure are
presented in Tables 1and 2.
Table 1. Statistical analysis of continuous variables in the dataset
Attribute Min Max Mean STD
Age [year] 23 90 67 14.34
Trop onin [ pg/mL] 4.7 1946 71.59 176.187
Cystatin [mg/L] 0.005 5.01 1.003 0.707
CA125 [units/mL] 0.326 1760.8 89.27 163.67
LAV volume [mL/m2]0.079 330 57.87 57.77
Right ventricular systolic
pressure (RVSP) [mmHg]
1125 35.65 20.34
E/e′′ 124 11.68 6.07
TAPSE [mm] 724 17.39 4.32
Creatinine [µmol/L] 41 266 94.72 30.73
EGFR [mL/min/1.73 m2]16 140 79.14 26.09
HGB [g/L] 76.4 178 140.49 18.19
Na [mEq/L] 121 148 139.84 3.49
Cholesterol [mmol/L] 1.128 7.4 3.48 1.19
Albumins [g/L] 20 53 39.27 6.71
Other variables that were introduced to the machine learning algorithms were
descriptive such as: Sex, presence or absence of COPD, tricuspid regurgitation, mitral
regurgitation and diastolic function. In order to select the parameters expected to have
the most pronounced influence on heart failure, Pearson correlation was determined for
all parameters in relation to heart failure diagnosis (Table 2).
Integrating Machine Learning in Clinical Decision Support 699
Table 2. Parameters and their correlation with HF
Parameter Correlation (%)
Diastolic function 69
Left atrial volume 63
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 63
Age 51
Cystatin 50
Pulmonary artery pressure 49
Cholesterol 44
Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion (TAPSE) 39
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) 34
Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) 34
CA125 21
Natrium (Na) 19
Creatinine 13
Troponin 13
Sex 11
E/e′′ 3
Hemoglobin (HGB) 2
Mitral Regurgitation (MR) 0
Albumines 0
For the purpose of development of the expert system, several machine learning
algorithms were tested, but the overall flow of decision making in this clinical decision
support system can be represented graphically as in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the classification system
As this is a classification task, the output of the expert system is patient status
expressed in the form of at risk for heart failure”and“no risk of heart failure”. A range
of different parameters represented as both categorical and continuous variables are used
700 L. Spahi´c et al.
with respect to their pronounced diagnostic significance for heart failure. The architecture
of the expert system in the processing unit is dependent upon the choice of the machine
learning algorithm Following machine learning algorithms were implemented and tested:
Decision Tree (DT) algorithm, Random Forest (RF) algorithm, Support Vector Machine
(SVM), Naïve Bayes (NB).
Performance of the proposed approaches was initially evaluated through comparisons
of accuracy and computational time, while the best performing algorithm was further
evaluated for accuracy, sensitivity and specificity.
Accuracy =TP +TN
TP +FP +TN +FN ;Sensitivity =TP
TP +FN ;Specificity =TN
TN +FP ;
where: TP means true positive, TN means true negative, FP means false positive and FN
means false negative. The confusion matrix was used to measure classifier’s accuracy
by comparing actual and predicted values.
3 Results and Discussion
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly important in medicine [6,7], espe-
cially in cardiology due to advancements in information and communication technology
that enable the easy storage, acquisition, and retrieval of large amounts of data [8,9].
Proper diagnosis of heart failure (HF) is critical because patients with HF have a poor
prognosis similar to that of oncologic malignancies, and medication can increase sur-
vival [10,11]. Assessment of left ventricular systolic and diastolic function is essential
in determining the patient’s therapeutic modality, with brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)
and N-terminal proBNP (NT-proBNP) being strong predictors of clinical outcomes [12,
13]. The left atrial volume index (LAVI) is a key determinant of diastolic function and
outside of left ventricular function, such as an increase in the left atrium diameter, mitral
regurgitation, and right ventricular dysfunction, are potential predictors of survival in
HF [1416]. BNP and NT-proBNP levels have prognostic value in patients with acute
HF, but serial measurements may be necessary for therapeutic guidance. BNP and NT-
proBNP values are affected by age, gender, and body mass index, and renal failure can
increase NT-proBNP levels. However, some patients with acute HF may not have ele-
vated BNP or NT-proBNP levels, and their values should be correlated with clinical
data. Acute regional dysfunction of the left ventricle is a sign of myocardial ischemia,
leading to cell necrosis [1720].
The presence of mitral and tricuspid regurgitation, renal injury or failure, elevated
levels of cystatin C, troponin, and CA125, and comorbidities such as chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD) are all predictors of poor prognosis and patient outcomes in
heart failure. Mitral and tricuspid regurgitation are associated with diastolic dysfunction
and may require interventional surgery. Renal injury or failure can occur even in the
absence of intrinsic renal disease and is related to high renal venous pressure, which
reduces renal perfusion pressure. Cystatin C is a superior marker of glomerular filtra-
tion compared to creatinine and predicts the degree of glomerular filtration accurately.
Elevated levels of troponin in heart failure are associated with an unfavorable outcome,
Integrating Machine Learning in Clinical Decision Support 701
and inflammation may play a role in the secretion of CA125 in heart failure. COPD
exacerbates the progression of atherosclerosis and the development of ischemic heart
disease, leads to pulmonary hypertension and right-sided HF, and is associated with a
higher prevalence of comorbidities and lower usage of beta-blockers [2128].
This paper presents the work on developing an expert system based on machine
learning algorithms for prediction of HF. During this research 5 different expert systems
were built. Figure 2.Representstheinitialresultsandcomparisonbetweenthetested
machine learning algorithms.
Fig. 2. Expert system performance comparison based on different ML algorithms
As it can be deduced from Fig. 2.TheRFandDTclassiershadthebesttraining
accuracy, however, it was important to determine what was the most common point of
failure for other algorithms, so their validation performance was observed (Tables 36).
Table 3. Performance evaluation for expert system based on Decision Tree algorithm
HealthyExpert system Heart failureExpert system
HealthyREAL 31 0
Heart failureREAL 436
Accuracy 94.3%
As it can be seen from Tables 36,theunderperformingalgorithmssuchasNB,
DT and SVM had faced a bottleneck with classification of healthy instances. In order
to analyze this occurrence, the structure of the dataset was taken into account. As there
were 19 variables in the dataset in total, some of them non-specific to heart failure such
as the age, sex and presence of COPD, it can be discussed that these classifiers have
performed misclassification due to this.
Patient treatment and likelihood of survival is significantly impacted by early HF
diagnosis since it allows for effective and potentially successful therapy prior to any major
702 L. Spahi´c et al.
Table 4. Performance evaluation for expert system based on Random Forest algorithm
HealthyExpert system Heart failureExpert system
HealthyREAL 35 0
Heart failureREAL 036
Accuracy 100%
Table 5. Performance evaluation for expert system based on Support Vector Machine algorithm
HealthyExpert system Heart failureExpert system
HealthyREAL 0 0
Heart failureREAL 35 36
Accuracy 50.7%
Table 6. Performance evaluation for expert system based on Naive Bayes algorithm
HealthyExpert system Heart failureExpert system
HealthyREAL 0 0
Heart failureREAL 35 36
Accuracy 50.7%
decline in cardiac output. On the other hand, a late-stage diagnosis of HF dramatically
reduces the therapeutic advantages of therapies and the likelihood of survival [29]. Early
HF diagnosis is possible with the use of machine learning and data mining techniques. By
extracting useful information from the patient data sets, these approaches can efficiently
identify heart failure at an early stage [30].
including studies that looked at demographic data, medical history, laboratory and imag-
ing results, and genetic profiles. They make claims about the great accuracy of these
prediction tools while also acknowledging the difficulties that cutting-edge machine-
learning algorithms still have to face. One of the most prevalent issues in this area is that
the electronic health record cannot be fully integrated (medical reports, wide variety of
imaging results). However, since these algorithms are based on machine learning, they
are not suitable for patients with rare disorders or unusual profiles [31,32]. Pan˘aetal.
Integrating Machine Learning in Clinical Decision Support 703
(2021) implemented a contactless system that can predict the worsening of heart failure
through voice analysis. The dataset of this study consisted of 16 samples. They used
algorithms such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM)
and K Nearest Neighbors (KNN). The study sample was small, and consequently the
obtained results are preliminary [33].
The dataset used for our study consisted of 356 samples and machine learning
algorithms that were implemented and tested are: Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest
(RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naïve Bayes (NB) and Artificial Neural Network
The Artificial Intelligence-Clinical Decision Support System (AI-CDSS) is a hybrid
tool that combines expert and machine learning input to help doctors diagnose heart
failure. In their published study, Dong-Ju Choi, Jin Joo Park, and colleagues assessed the
diagnostic efficacy of the AI-CDSS on a group of 97 dyspnea patients. They measured the
degree of agreement between the algorithm’s findings and those of experts in heart failure.
With a concordance rate of 98% between AI-CDSS and heart failure specialists, 44
percent of the 97 patients had heart failure. The concordance rate between the AI-CDSS
and non-heart failure specialists was 76%, on the other hand. Finally, they emphasized
the value of AI-CDSS in diagnosing heart failure, particularly in cases where a heart
failure expert is not available [11].
4 Conclusion
The utilization of machine learning in heart failure is rapidly expanding. ML algorithms
have the potential to aid in HF diagnosis, classification, and prognosis. The availability of
validated ML tools in clinical practice will undoubtedly have a positive impact on HF care
and outcomes. In our study, we evaluated four machine learning techniques, including
the Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and
Naïve Bayes (NB) algorithms. These models were developed using a holdout process of
training-validation and testing. Our final model was the Decision Tree algorithm, which
achieved an AUC of 94.3%. Furthermore, this model is fully interpretable and easily
understood, providing an advantage over other methods. The results of our study suggest
that interpretable machine learning models have the potential to enhance the referral of
HF patients based on their symptoms.
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... ML algorithms can analyze vast datasets, including clinical, laboratory, and imaging data, to identify early signs of heart failure, enabling proactive management. 31,32 Another application of AI in the field of cardiology is ML technologies, which are employed for the prediction, classification, and outcome prediction of stroke. They analyze clinical data, imaging, and genetic information to classify stroke types, predict occurrences, and project recovery outcomes, significantly enhancing patient care. ...
Background: Fetal neurological impairment disorders, encompassing conditions like cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and autism spectrum disorder, can result from various factors affecting fetal nervous system development. Timely diagnosis of these disorders is challenging but crucial for early intervention. Recent advancements in deep learning and ultrasound technology present an opportunity to develop a tool for early detection. Objective: This study aims to leverage convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to analyze fetal neurobehavioral movements in ultrasound images, with the goal of aiding in the early detection of neurological impairment disorders. Materials and methods: The study utilized a dataset of 3D ultrasound images extracted from 4D recordings of fetuses undergoing the Kurjak Antenatal Neurodevelopmental Test (KANET) during the third trimester. The methodology relies on the application of deep learning, more specifically convolutional neural networks (CNN) for the purpose of recognizing characteristic fetal movements. Results: The custom CNN architecture achieved an overall accuracy of 93.83%. The system was visualized by means of designing a graphical user interface that includes the developed model that works in the background every time a frame of a recorded 4D ultrasound video is deemed to be parsed through the system. Notably, distinguishing between facial and hand-to-face movements proved challenging. This pilot study lays the foundation for AI-based fetal neurological risk assessment, providing a promising tool for the early detection of fetal neurological impairment disorders. Conclusion: While acknowledging limitations such as class imbalance and the absence of differentiation between specific facial expressions, the study demonstrates the potential of AI in enhancing prenatal care. Future work will involve expanding the dataset, conducting real-time clinical validations, and further refining the model. The research holds implications for improving outcomes for affected children and making advanced diagnostic capabilities accessible in diverse healthcare settings. Keywords: Convolutional neural networks, Fetal neurological risk, 4D ultrasound, KANET, TRUEAID.
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Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and its inactive N-terminal fragment, NT-proBNP, are serum biomarkers with key roles in the management of heart failure (HF). An increase in the serum levels of these peptides is closely associated with the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying HF such as the presence of structural and functional cardiac abnormalities, myocardial stretch associated with a high filling pressure and neuro-hormonal activation. As BNP and NT-proBNP measurements are possible, several studies have investigated their clinical utility in the diagnosis, prognostic stratification, monitoring and guiding therapy of patients with HF. BNP and NT-proBNP have also been used as criteria for enrollment in randomized trials evaluating the efficacy of new therapeutic strategies for HF. Nevertheless, the use of natriuretic peptides is still limited in clinical practice due to the controversial aspect of their use in different clinical settings. The purpose of this review is to discuss the main issues associated with using BNP and NT-proBNP serum levels in the management of patients with HF under current clinical and therapeutic scenarios.
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The most common clinical sign in pediatric cardiology is heart murmur, which can often be uncharacteristic. The aim of this research was to present the results of development of a classifier based on machine learning algorithms whose purpose is to classify organic murmur that occur in congenital heart defect (CHD). The study is based on the data collected at Pediatric Clinic, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo during three-year period. Totally, 116 children aged from 1 to 15 years were enrolled in the study. Input parameters for classification are parameters obtained during basic physical examination and assessment of patient. First, analysis of relevance of the feature for classification was done using InfoGain, GainRatio, Reliefe and Correlation method. In the second step, classifiers based on Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest and Support Vector Machine were developed and compared by performance. The results of this research suggest that high accuracy (>90%) classifier for detection of CHD based on 16 parameters can be developed. Such classifier with appropriate user interface would be valuable diagnostic aid to doctors and pediatricians at primary healthcare level for diagnostic of heart murmurs.
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Due to population aging, we are currently confronted with an increased number of chronic heart failure patients. The primary purpose of this study was to implement a noncontact system that can predict heart failure exacerbation through vocal analysis. We designed the system to evaluate the voice characteristics of every patient, and we used the identified variations as an input for a machine-learning-based approach. We collected data from a total of 16 patients, 9 men and 7 women, aged 65–91 years old, who agreed to take part in the study, with a detailed signed informed consent. We included hospitalized patients admitted with cardiogenic acute pulmonary edema in the study, regardless of the precipitation cause or other known cardiovascular comorbidities. There were no specific exclusion criteria, except age (which had to be over 18 years old) and patients with speech inabilities. We then recorded each patient’s voice twice a day, using the same smartphone, Lenovo P780, from day one of hospitalization—when their general status was critical—until the day of discharge, when they were clinically stable. We used the New York Heart Association Functional Classification (NYHA) classification system for heart failure to include the patients in stages based on their clinical evolution. Each voice recording has been accordingly equated and subsequently introduced into the machine-learning algorithm. We used multiple machine-learning techniques for classification in order to detect which one turns out to be more appropriate for the given dataset and the one that can be the starting point for future developments. We used algorithms such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN). After integrating the information from 15 patients, the algorithm correctly classified the 16th patient into the third NYHA stage at hospitalization and second NYHA stage at discharge, based only on his voice recording. The KNN algorithm proved to have the best classification accuracy, with a value of 0.945. Voice is a cheap and easy way to monitor a patient’s health status. The algorithm we have used for analyzing the voice provides highly accurate preliminary results. We aim to obtain larger datasets and compute more complex voice analyzer algorithms to certify the outcomes presented.
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Pneumonia is a leading cause of mortality in limited resource settings (LRS), which are common in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Accurate referrals can reduce the devastating impact of pneumonia, especially in LRS. Discriminating pneumonia from other respiratory conditions based only on symptoms is a major challenge. Machine learning has shown promise in overcoming the diagnostic difficulties of pneumonia (i.e., low specificity of symptoms, lack of accessible diagnostic tests and varied clinical presentation). Many scientific papers are now focusing on deep-learning methods applied to clinical images, which is unaffordable for initial patient referral in LMICs. The current study used a dataset of 4500 patients (1500 patients affected by bronchitis, 3000 by pneumonia) from a middle-income country, containing information on subject population characteristics, symptoms and laboratory test results. Manual feature selection was performed, focusing on clinical symptoms that are easily measurable in LRS and in community settings. Three common machine learning methods were tested and compared: logistic regression; decision tree and support vector machine. Models were developed through a holdout process of training-validation and testing. We focused on six clinically relevant, easily interpreted patient symptoms as best indicators for pneumonia. Our final model was a decision tree, achieving an AUC of 93%, with the advantage of being fully intelligible and easily interpreted. The performance achieved suggested that intelligible machine learning models can enhance symptom-based referral of pneumonia in LRS and in community settings.
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Purpose of Review One in five people will develop heart failure (HF), and 50% of HF patients die in 5 years. The HF diagnosis, readmission, and mortality prediction are essential to develop personalized prevention and treatment plans. This review summarizes recent findings and approaches of machine learning models for HF diagnostic and outcome prediction using electronic health record (EHR) data. Recent Findings A set of machine learning models have been developed for HF diagnostic and outcome prediction using diverse variables derived from EHR data, including demographic, medical note, laboratory, and image data, and achieved expert-comparable prediction results. Summary Machine learning models can facilitate the identification of HF patients, as well as accurate patient-specific assessment of their risk for readmission and mortality. Additionally, novel machine learning techniques for integration of diverse data and improvement of model predictive accuracy in imbalanced data sets are critical for further development of these promising modeling methodologies.
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The diagnosis of heart failure can be difficult, even for heart failure specialists. Artificial Intelligence-Clinical Decision Support System (AI-CDSS) has the potential to assist physicians in heart failure diagnosis. The aim of this work was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of an AI-CDSS for heart failure. AI-CDSS for cardiology was developed with a hybrid (expert-driven and machine-learning-driven) approach of knowledge acquisition to evolve the knowledge base with heart failure diagnosis. A retrospective cohort of 1198 patients with and without heart failure was used for the development of AI-CDSS (training dataset, n = 600) and to test the performance (test dataset, n = 598). A prospective clinical pilot study of 97 patients with dyspnea was used to assess the diagnostic accuracy of AI-CDSS compared with that of non-heart failure specialists. The concordance rate between AI-CDSS and heart failure specialists was evaluated. In retrospective cohort, the concordance rate was 98.3% in the test dataset. The concordance rate for patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, and no heart failure was 100%, 100%, 99.6%, and 91.7%, respectively. In a prospective pilot study of 97 patients presenting with dyspnea to the outpatient clinic, 44% had heart failure. The concordance rate between AI-CDSS and heart failure specialists was 98%, whereas that between non-heart failure specialists and heart failure specialists was 76%. In conclusion, AI-CDSS showed a high diagnostic accuracy for heart failure. Therefore, AI-CDSS may be useful for the diagnosis of heart failure, especially when heart failure specialists are not available.
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Carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) has long been used as an ovarian cancer biomarker. However, because it is not specific for ovarian cells, CA125 could also be used to monitor congestion and inflammation in heart disease. Acute heart failure (HF) is used to identify patients with a worse prognosis in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). We aimed to determine the association of CA125 with acute HF in STEMI and to compare CA125 with N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide (NTproBNP) with a cross-sectional study. At admission, patients were examined to define Killip class and then underwent coronary angioplasty. Blood samples, preferably taken in the hemodynamic ward, were centrifuged (1500 g for 15 min at ambient temperature) and stored at −80°C until biomarker assays were performed. Patients were divided into two groups according to the presence or absence of congestion. Patients in Killip class ≥II were in the congestion group and those with Killip <II in the absence of congestion group. We evaluated 231 patients. The mean age was 63.3 years. HF at admission was identified in 17.7% of patients. CA125 and NTproBNP levels were higher in patients with Killip class ≥II than those with Killip class <II (8.03 vs 9.17, P=0.016 and 772.45 vs 1925, P=0.007, respectively). The area under the receiver operator characteristic curve was 0.60 (95%CI 0.53−0.66, P=0.024) for CA125 and 0.63 (95%CI 0.56−0.69, P=0.001) for NTproBNP. There was no statistical difference between the curves (P=0.69). CA125 has similar use to NTproBNP in identifying acute HF in patients presenting with STEMI.
Conference Paper
Increasing incidence of cardiovascular disease and their mortality rate render them as second leading cause of death worldwide. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used in many fields of science and industry, but also has found its use in medicine for diagnosis, treatment and prediction of diseases. This paper presents the review of AI application in cardiology. The review is based on research papers published in Medline database. Findings of the review indicate that, according to accuracy parameter, the overall performance of AI based models for cardiovascular application is above 83%. Based on the results, AI algorithms and deep learning can be rendered as accurate, hence showing possibility to be used as a diagnostic tool now and in the future. New era of modern diagnosing is coming and Artificial Intelligence has the potential to change the way in which medicine is practiced.
Acute heart failure (AHF) is a syndrome defined as the new onset (de novo heart failure (HF)) or worsening (acutely decompensated heart failure (ADHF)) of symptoms and signs of HF, mostly related to systemic congestion. In the presence of an underlying structural or functional cardiac dysfunction (whether chronic in ADHF or undiagnosed in de novo HF), one or more precipitating factors can induce AHF, although sometimes de novo HF can result directly from the onset of a new cardiac dysfunction, most frequently an acute coronary syndrome. Despite leading to similar clinical presentations, the underlying cardiac disease and precipitating factors may vary greatly and, therefore, the pathophysiology of AHF is highly heterogeneous. Left ventricular diastolic or systolic dysfunction results in increased preload and afterload, which in turn lead to pulmonary congestion. Fluid retention and redistribution result in systemic congestion, eventually causing organ dysfunction due to hypoperfusion. Current treatment of AHF is mostly symptomatic, centred on decongestive drugs, at best tailored according to the initial haemodynamic status with little regard to the underlying pathophysiological particularities. As a consequence, AHF is still associated with high mortality and hospital readmission rates. There is an unmet need for increased individualization of in-hospital management, including treatments targeting the causative factors, and continuation of treatment after hospital discharge to improve long-term outcomes. Acute heart failure (AHF) is a syndrome characterized by signs and symptoms of heart failure (typically systemic congestion) that occurs in the presence of an underlying cardiac dysfunction (previously diagnosed, undiagnosed or new-onset) and precipitating factors. AHF is associated with high mortality and hospital readmission rates.