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Melatonin-pretreated adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells efficeintly improved learning, memory, and cognition in an animal model of Alzheimer's disease


Abstract and Figures

Currently, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) based therapy has extensive attraction for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, low survival rate of MSCs after transplantation is a huge challenging. The current study aimed to improve adipose-derived MSCs (AD-MSCs)-based therapy by their pre-treatment with melatonin (MT) ‘a well-known antioxidant’ in an animal model of AD. In this study, after isolating rat AD-MSCs from the epididymal white adipose tissues, the cells were pretreated with 5μM of MT for 24 hours. Forty male Wistar rats were randomly allocated to control, sham, amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptide, AD-MSCs and MT-pretreated ADMSCs groups. The novel object recognition, passive avoidance test, Morris water maze and open field test were performed two months following the cell transplantation. The rats were sacrificed 69 days following cell therapy. The brain tissues were removed for histopathological analysis and also immunohistochemistry was performed for two Aβ1-42 and Iba1 proteins. It has been revealed that both AD-MSCs and MT-AD-MSCs migrated to brain tissues after intravenous transplantation. However, MT-ADMSCs significantly improved learning, memory and cognition compared with AD-MSCs (P<0.05). Furthermore, clearance of Aβ deposition and reduction of microglial cells were significantly increased in the MT-ADMSCs compared with AD-MSCs. Although stem cell therapy has been introduced as a promising strategy in neurodegenerative diseases, however, its therapeutic properties are limited. It is suggested that pretreatment of MSCs with melatonin partly would increase the cells efficiency and consequently could decrease AD complication including memory and cognition.
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Melatonin-pretreated adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells
efficeintly improved learning, memory, and cognition in an animal
model of Alzheimer's disease
Ebrahim Nasiri
&Akram Alizadeh
&Amaneh Mohammadi Roushandeh
&Rouhollah Gazor
Nasrin Hashemi-Firouzi
&Zoleikha Golipoor
Received: 4 January 2019 /Accepted: 17 April 2019 /Publ ished online: 25 May 201 9
#Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019
Currently, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) based therapy has extensive attraction for Alzheimers disease (AD). However, low
survival rate of MSCs after transplantation is a huge challenging. The current study aimed to improve adipose-derived MSCs
(AD-MSCs)-based therapy by their pre-treatment with melatonin (MT) a well-known antioxidantin an animal model of AD. In
this study, after isolating rat AD-MSCs from the epididymal white adipose tissues, the cells were pretreated with 5μMofMTfor
24 hours. Forty male Wistar rats were randomly allocated to control, sham, amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptide, AD-MSCs and MT-
pretreated ADMSCs groups. The novel object recognition, passive avoidance test, Morris water maze and open field test were
performed two months following the cell transplantation. The rats were sacrificed 69 days following cell therapy. The brain
tissues were removed for histopathological analysis and also immunohistochemistry was performed for two Aβ1-42 and Iba1
proteins. It has been revealed that both AD-MSCs and MT-AD-MSCs migrated to brain tissues after intravenous transplantation.
However, MT-ADMSCs significantly improved learning, memory and cognition compared with AD-MSCs (P<0.05).
Furthermore, clearance of Aβdeposition and reduction of microglial cells were significantly increased in the MT-ADMSCs
compared with AD-MSCs. Although stem cell therapy has been introduced as a promising strategy in neurodegenerative
diseases, however, its therapeutic properties are limited. It is suggested that pretreatment of MSCs with melatonin partly would
increase the cells efficiency and consequently could decrease AD complication including memory and cognition.
Keywords Alzheimersdisease .β-amyloid .AD-MSCs .Melatonin
Alzheimers disease (AD), which is recognized as a neurode-
generative disorder, is associated with the progressive loss of
neurons, leading to memory impairment and interference in
daily activities (Tong et al. 2015). Extracellular deposition of
amyloid-β(Aβ) and Tau hyperphosphorylation, as two major
factors in neuronal loss (Ruzicka et al. 2016;Zhaoetal.2017),
reduce the size of frontal and temporal lobes, which are in-
volved in memory and learning. Therefore, abnormalities,
such as progressive learning dysfunction, memory decline
and cognitive impairment occur in patients with AD
(Lemmens et al. 2011; Yan et al. 2014).
There are only a few therapeutic strategies for AD, which
just relieve the symptoms with no effects on the disease pro-
gression or factors involved in its pathogenesis (Ager et al.
2015; Choi et al. 2014; Tong et al. 2015). Cell therapy is one
of the most advanced and novel approaches that have been
suggested in treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.
According to recent researches, mesenchymal stem cells
(MSCs) transplantation improves cognitive performance in
*Zoleikha Golipoor
Cellular and Molecular Research Center, Faculty of Medicine,
Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Rasht, Iran
Department of Tissue Engineering and Applied Cell Sciences,
Faculty of Medicine, Semnan University of Medical Sciences,
Semnan, Iran
Medical Biotechnology Department, Paramedicine Faculty, Guilan
University of Medical Sciences, Rasht, Iran
Neurophysiology Research Center, Hamadan University of Medical
Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
Metabolic Brain Disease (2019) 34:11311143
animal AD models (Eftekharzadeh et al. 2015; Kan et al. 2011;
Munoz et al. 2005). MSCs produce neurotrophic factors and
neuroprotective cytokines, leading to improve dentate gyrus
proliferation of endogenous neural stem cells and enhancement
of behavioral outcomes (Kan et al. 2011; Munoz et al. 2005).
Also, they have pivotal effects on Aβclearance in animal AD
models (Eftekharzadeh et al. 2015). Adipose-derived MSCs
(AD-MSCs) is promising among other sources of MSCs be-
cause of their easy access, culture and expansion and also
immunemodulatory Properties. It is noteworthy noted that
AD-MSCs promote neurogenesis in vitro (Yan et al. 2014).
Transplantation of AD-MSCs reduces Aβdeposits and re-
stores memory in AD models (Kim et al. 2012; Lee et al. 2010).
Nevertheless, considering the noxious microenvironment of
the brain, viability reduction of transplanted cells is a potential
problem in AD (Rockenstein et al. 2015). Direct MSCs trans-
plantation is not efficacious, and nearly 80-90% of cells die
following transplantation within three days (Liu et al. 2009).
Multiple factors may be involved in the early eradication of
transplanted cells, such as inflammation, hypoxia, thermal
stress, and free radical activity (Khatibi et al. 2017;
Roushandeh et al. 2017;Tangetal.2005). Consequently, es-
tablishing a strategy to improve cell survival and homing is
necessary in cell therapy. Cell preconditioning is a promising
approach for increasing cell survival and homing after trans-
plantation; it also represents multiple therapeutic benefits
(Haider and Ashraf 2012;Tangetal.2014;Yuetal.2013).
Melatonin (MT), a pineal gland hormone, regulates multi-
ple physiological processes. It also controls different regula-
tory functions of the cells, including cell signaling, immune
responses, and inhibition of nuclear DNA damage and oxida-
tion of fatty acids. MT induces antiapoptotic effects on normal
cells and exhibits significant anti-aging properties (Esteban-
Zubero et al. 2016; Gholami et al. 2014). It is also a powerful
free radical scavenger, which activates cellular antioxidants in
different cell types (Carpentieri et al. 2016; Liu et al. 2016).
Pretreatment with MT can enhance the homing of MSCs after
transplantation (Mortezaee et al. 2016). Evidence suggests
that MT also protects human AD-MSCs against oxidative
stress and apoptosis (Rafat et al. 2018; Tan et al. 2016).
Therefore, The purpose of the present study was to inves-
tigate the antioxidant potential of MTand AD-MSC-base ther-
apy on the histological properties, cognition and memory in a
rat model of Alzheimer's disease.
Materials and Methods
AD-MSCs isolation and expansion
Epididymal white adipose tissues were removed aseptically from
six-week-old male Wistar rats. Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS;
Invitrogen, USA), containing 1% penicillin/streptomycin
(Invitrogen, USA), was used twice to wash the tissues at 37°C.
Adipose tissues were then treated with 0.1% collagenase type I
(Gibco, USA), which was dissolved in 1% bovine serum albu-
min (BSA) in warm PBS. The samples were kept in a water bath
for half an hour to achieve total digestion and homogenization.
The supernatants were removed after five minutes of cen-
trifugation at 1200 rpm, and the pellets were resuspended in
1% BSA. This step was repeated in order to remove red blood
cells (RBCs) using RBC lysis buffer. Finally, the harvested
cells were cultured in DMEM/Ham F-12 medium at 37°C,
consisting of 1% penicillin/streptomycin, besides 10% fetal
bovine serum (FBS). The medium was changed every three
days, and the cells sub cultured with trypsin/EDTA (Sigma,
USA) after 90% confluences.
Flow cytometry
AD-MSCs between 35 passages were harvested and probed
for 20 minutes with CD44-FITC (550974), CD90-PerCPCY5
(557266), CD45-FITC (554877), and CD34-PE (551387) an-
tibodies (BD bioscience, USA). After rinsing the cells twice in
PBS, an NxT Flow Cytometer (Attune; Thermo Fisher
Scientific, USA) was used.
Preconditioning with MT
The passage 4 AD-MSCs with concentration of 10
cells /flask
were cultured with 5μM of MT (Sigma, USA) for 24 hours.
Animals and experimental design
The adult male Wistar rats (250-300 g) were purchased from
Pasteur Institute of Iran, which were kept in a 12:12 h light/
dark cycle with free access to food and water at 22°C. The
Research Committee of Guilan University of Medical
Sciences (IR.GUMS.REC.1396.544) approved all the proce-
dures, which were in line with the NIH guidelines. In a ran-
dom manner, the rats were classified into five groups (N=8):
control; sham; Aβ; experimental group 1 receiving AD-MSCs
through the tail vein one week post-Aβinjection; and exper-
imental group 2 receiving MT-ADMSCs from the tail vein
one week post-Aβinjection. In the sham group, a Hamilton
syringe needle was stereotaxically inserted in the brain and
removed without any injections (Fig. 1).
AD induction with Aβinjection
After Aβ1-42 dissolving (Tocris Bioscience, UK) in 100μLof
PBS, incubation was performed at 37°C for seven days before
application. For inducing deep anesthesia, ketamine (87 mg/kg),
along with xylazine (13 mg/kg), was injected intraperitoneally
(Van 1977). Bilateral intracerebroventricular injections of Aβ
(5μg) were performed using a 5-μL Hamilton microsyringe
1132 Metab Brain Dis (2019) 34:11311143
(USA) according to the stereotaxic coordinates (AP: 1.2 mm;
ML: 2 mm; DV: 4 mm from the Bregma) on a stereotaxic device
(Stoelting Co., USA). The animals recovered in cages after su-
turing the skin (Cetin et al. 2013).
AD-MSC transplantation
In line with the manufacturers protocol, the fluorescent Dil
Stain (Invitrogen) was used to label AD-MSCs and MT-
ADMSCs. Incubation of the cells was performed for 20 mi-
nutes in DiI solution (1μg/mL) at 37°C. After washing, the
cells were resuspended in PBS. Seven days following the
injection of Aβ, AD-MSCs or MT-ADMSCs (10
μL) were injected in the tail vein of rats.
Behavioral studies
Different tests including the novel object recognition (NOR)
test, open field (OF) test, Elevated plus maze (EPM) test pas-
sive avoidance learning (PAL) test, and Morris water maze
(MWM) were conducted two months after cell transplantation
(Kim et al. 2015;Kommaddietal.2018).
OF test This test was used for evaluating the animalsloco-
motor activity. It uses a white acrylic field (surface area,
50×50 cm; height of walls, 38 cm) with low ambient light
and records the time spent in the peripheral and central zones.
After placing the rats in the middle of open field, they were
given time to explore for 10 minutes. A video camera was
used to record the number of animalsentries to the center,
spent time in the peripheral and central regions, and total trav-
eled distance (Etaee et al. 2017).
Elevated plus maze (EPM) test: This test was desined to
measure anxiety behavior in rodent. Briefly, the maze
consisted of two open arms (50 × 10 cm each), two enclosed
arms (50 × 10 × 50 cm each) and a central platform (10× 10
cm). The maze was elevated 100 cm above the floor and was
illuminated with two 100 W lamps. During the 10 min test
period, each rat was allowed to explore the maze, and their
behavior was checked by a digital camera above the maze.
The time spent in the open arms, the number of open and
enclosed arms entries, and time spent in open and enclosed
arms were recorded. The number of entries and time spent in
the closed arms indicate anxiety. The time spent and number
of entries in the open arms show anxiolytic behavior in rodent
(Campos et al. 2013;Lister1987).
Novel object recognition test One day before the test, the
animals were put in an apparatus (70×50×40 cm) for 20 mi-
nutes so that their exploratory behaviors would not interrupt
their object interactions. Two round or square bowls (familiar
objects) were placed in the box on the following day (familiar-
ization phase). After placing the rat next to the front wall and at
the midpoint for 10 minutes (in front of the objects), it was
moved back to its cage. One hour later in the testing phase, a
novel object replaced a familiar object, and the animal was
given time to explore for five minutes. The distinction ratio
was determined as the ratio of spent time with the novel object
to the total spent time on either object. Using 70% ethanol, all
the areas and objects were cleaned between trials so that the rats
could perceive the olfactory cues (Komaki et al. 2014).
MWM test This test examines the animalsreference and spatial
working memory. Briefly, a circular black pool (diameter, 180
Surgery and
AD Induction
2 mounts
Fig. 1 Study design diagram; Alzheimer was induced by ICV injection of Aβ. Cell transplantation was done 7 days after the injections of Aβ. Finally,
behavioral studies (Open field, NOR test, MWM, PAL test) were performed and brain tissue samples were studied histologically
Metab Brain Dis (2019) 34:11311143 1133
cm; height, 60 cm) was divided into four quadrants (north, east,
west, and south), and at the center of the north quadrant, a black
platform was placed. The pool was placed in the room with low
light and sound insulated. The geometric shapes were pasted at
the walls for visual cues. Also, the room has various cues such as
racks, sweep, sink, water hoses and shelves.
The animals were assessed by a five-day protocol at the
same time (10:00 and 12:00). They were placed in a quadrant
and given time to find the platform in 90 seconds during the
first four days. If the animal did not find the platform at the set
time, it handler directed to the platform in training. The plat-
form was removed on day five (probe trial), and the rats were
allowed 60 seconds to swim in order to evaluate their refer-
ence memory. Thirty seconds of rest was determined between
the two trials, and a five-minute rest was allowed between the
two blocks. Then, escape latency, time in the target quadrant,
average swimming speed and travelled distance were mea-
sured (Asadbegi et al. 2017).
PAL test A step-through apparatus was usedfor the PAL test. It
consisted of two compartments (20×20×30 cm), including a
transparent plastic compartment and a dark compartment of
opaque plastic, separated by a rectangular opening (6×8 cm).
Stainless steel rods were applied on the floor of compartments,
enabling the delivery of an electric shock by the generator
(Behbood Pardaz, Iran).
For training, the door was lifted after placing the rats in the
light chamber for five seconds. As soon as the rat entered the
dark chamber, the guillotine door was closed, and they were
kept in the chamber for 30 seconds; this trial was repeated
after a 30-minute interval. The entrance latency to the dark
chamber (STLa) was also measured. The guillotine door was
shut for 30 seconds after the animals entry into the dark com-
partment; then, an electric shock was induced for three sec-
onds (0.5 mA). After two minutes, this procedure was repeat-
ed. The training ended after the ratstwo-minutestayinthe
light chamber. In addition, the number of entries to the dark
chamber was determined.
Moreover, in the retention test, the guillotine door was lifted
after putting the rats in the light chamber for five seconds. The
time spent in the dark compartment (TDC), as well as the step-
through latency in retention (STLr), was recorded for five mi-
nutes. The retention test ended if the rat failed to enter the dark
chamber in this period (Hasanein and Shahidi 2011).
Histopathological and immunohistochemistry studies
Sixty-nine days after cell therapy, the animals were
sacrificed, and the brain tissues were stained using an-
tibodies against Aβ1-42 and IBA1. Using xylazine and
ketamine, deep anesthesia was induced, and then, 150-
200 mL of PBS and 4% paraformaldehyde were used
for perfusion. The brain tissues were then harvested and
fixed using 4% paraformaldehyde. After tissue process-
ing, they were paraffin-embedded (Merck, Germany).
Using a microtome, 5μmtransversesectionsofbraintis-
sues were prepared. When the sections were cleared and
dehydrated, antigen retrieval was performed. Incubation was
performed overnight at 4°C using a blocking solution, follow-
ed by anti-beta-amyloid (ORB10087) and antiIba1
(ORB336635) primary antibodies. Afterwards, the sections
were washed with PBS. Incubation was performed for two
hours using a secondary anti-rabbit antibody (406403) at room
temperature. DAPI was used for counterstaining the nuclei for
45 minutes after PBS washing; the sections were then
Data analysis
KolmogorovSmirnov test was used to analyze normality of
data in SPSS v 16. Non_parametric KruskalWallis H_test
was used to assess the significance among non_normality of
data for some variables. One-way ANOVA and Tukeystests
were applied for the analysis of normal data. All data were
presented as the mean ± S.E.M. The significance level was
0.05 in all analyses.
AD-MSCs were expanded easily in culture
and presented their surface markers
The cells from rat adipose tissues were attached to a flask
during 2-3 weeks and formed a spindle shape (Fig. 2a). The
flow cytometry findings confirmed the positivity of cells for
CD44 and CD90 markers and their negativity for CD45 and
CD34 (Fig. 2b, c, e, and f).
Behavioral studies
MT pretreatment of AD-MSCs had no effects on behavioral
parameters in the OF test:
KolmogorovSmirnov test indicated nonparametric of data
for the total traveled distance (p<0.001) and moving velocity
(p<0.01). KruskalWallis test revealed no significant differ-
ences between groups for total traveled distance (H value =
4.476, P = 0.214>0.05; Fig. 3a) and moving velocity (H value
= 6.021, P = 0.111>0.05; Fig. 3b).
MT pretreatment of AD-MSCs had no effects on anxiety
behavioral parameters in the EPM test:
KolmogorovSmirnov test indicated nonparametric of data
for the time spent in open and closed arms, and number of
1134 Metab Brain Dis (2019) 34:11311143
Fig. 2 Undifferentiated ADSCs (a) under phase contrast microscopy displayed a flattened fibroblast-like morphology. Flow cytometric analysis of
ADSCs showed that they were positive for CD44 and CD90 (band c, respectively) and negative for CD34 and CD45 (dand e, respectively)
Metab Brain Dis (2019) 34:11311143 1135
entries into open and closed arms (p>0.001). Kruskal
Wallis test revealed no significant differences between
groups in time spent in the open arms (H value = 2.72, P
= 0.436>0.05) and number of entries into open arms (H
value = 5.217, P = 0.157>0.05). Also, KruskalWallis test
showed that there was no significant difference in the time
spent in closed arms [H value =0.149, P = 0.985>0.05] and
number of entries into closed arms [H value = 1.691, P =
0.639>0.05] between groups (Fig. 4).
ADSCs and MT-ADSCs had positive effects on the novel object
recognition test:
KolmogorovSmirnov test showed normality of data
(p=0.20>0.05). One-way ANOVA showed that there was sig-
nificant difference in discrimination index between groups [F
(4,39) =10.259, p> 0.001]. Compared to the Aβ+ADMSC,
Aβ+MT-ADMSC, sham, and control groups, the results of
this index were lower in the AD group (P< 0.01). Both AD-
MSC and MT-ADMSC transplantations had positive effects
on discrimination indices in contrast with the Aβgroup (P<
0.05). Interestingly, MT-ADMSC-based therapy showed more
ameliorative activities in contrast with the AD-MSC therapy
(P< 0.05) (Fig. 5).
Transplantation of MT-ADSCs ameliorated memory
impairments, as well as context and spatial learning
Based on the MWM test, the effects of Aβinjection and cell
transplantation on spatial memory were examined. Data on ac-
quisition trials are listed in Table 1.TheAβgroup spent less time
in the target quadrant in comparison with the controls in the probe
trial; also, it took more time for this group to find the platform.
Transplantation of MT-ADMSCs majorly increased the spent
time in the target quadrant, while it reduced the escape latency
in contrast with Aβ(P< 0.05). Nevertheless, the swimming speed
was not significantly different between the test groups (Fig. 6).
MT-ADSCs effect on the swimming speed at MWM test
The swimming speed data on acquisition trials are showed in
Fig. 7. One-way ANOVA showed that there was significant
difference between groups at first day [F (4,39) =77.854, p<
0.001]. Tukey post revealed that control group has more speed
compare to sham, Aβ,Aβ+ADMSC and Aβ+MT-ADMSC
groups (p< 0.001). The Aβanimals had more speed time com-
pare to sham group (p< 0.001). One-way ANOVA analysis in
second day showed that there was significant difference be-
tween groups [F (4, 39) =75.308, p< 0.001]. Tukey post
Fig. 3 Effect of cell
transplantation in Aβrat model
on distance move (a) and velocity
(b) in open field test. Data are
expressed as mean ± SEM.
1136 Metab Brain Dis (2019) 34:11311143
revealed that control group has higher speed compare to sham,
Aβ,Aβ+ADMSC and Aβ+MT-ADMSC groups (p< 0.001).
Furthermore, One-way ANOVA showed that there was signifi-
cant difference between groups at third day [F (4,39) =68.936,
p< 0.001] and forth day [F (4,39) =144.482, p< 0.001]. Tukey
post showed that control group has higher speed compare to
sham, Aβ,Aβ+ADMSC and Aβ+MT-ADMSC groups at third
and fourth days (p< 0.001).
The results of the swimming speed in the control group by
one-way ANOVA showed that there was significant difference
between groups on the different days [F (3,27) =11.15, p<0.001].
Tukey post showed that first day of learning day has high speed
Fig. 5 Effect of cell
transplantation in Aβrat model
on the discrimination index in
new object recognition test (*P
<0.01 when compared with the
control group, **P <0.05 when
compared with Aβgroup, #P
<0.05 when compared with Aβ+
ADSC group). Data are expressed
as mean ± SEM
Control Sham AβAβ+ADSC AD+MT-ADSC
Time spent in open arms (sec)
Control Sham AβAβ+ADSC AD+MT-ADSC
Number of entries in Closed arms
Control Sham AβAβ+ADSC AD+MT-ADSC
Time spent in closed arm (sec)
Control Sham AβAβ+ADSC AD+MT-ADSC
Number of open arms entries
Fig. 4 Effect of MT pretreatment of AD-MSCs on elevated plus maze
test performance: (a) Time spent in the open arms; (b)numberofentries
in closed arms; (c) Time spent in the close arms; and (d) number of total
entries into the open arms. Data were analyzed by KruskalWallis test.
Data are means ± SEM (n= 8 per group)
Metab Brain Dis (2019) 34:11311143 1137
compare to other days (p<0.001). There was not significant dif-
ference between second, third and fourth days.
The results of the swimming speed in the sham group by one-
way ANOVA showed that there was significant difference be-
tween different days [F (3,27) =23.47, p<0.001]. Tukey post
showed that first day of learning day has high speed compare
to third and fourth days (p<0.01). Also, second day of learning
day has high speed compare to third and fourth days (p<0.01).
The results of the swimming speed in the Aβgroup by one-
way ANOVA showed that there was significant difference
between days [F (3,27) =12.2, p<0.001]. The second day of
learning day has high speed compare to fourth days (p<0.01).
One-way ANOVA showed that there was not significant
difference between acquisition days in the ADMSC group [F
(3,27) =2-.04, p= 0.131>0.05].
The results of the swimming speed in the Aβ+MT-
ADMSC group by one-way ANOVA showed that there was
significant difference between different days [F (3,27) =10.92,
p<0.001]. Tukey post showed that first day of learning day has
low speed compare to third and fourth days (p<0.01and
p<0.05, respectively). Also, second day of learning day has
low speed compare to third day (p<0.05).
MT-ADMSCs enhanced memory in the PAL test
The results of the PAL learning phase are shown in Fig.
7. During the first acquisition trial, the test groups were
not significantly different regarding STLa (Fig. 8a). The
number of acquisition trials was different between the
test groups. The frequency of trials was higher in the
Aβgroup versus the sham, control, and experimental
groups (P< 0.05; Fig. 8b). Fig. 6.C depicts the PAL
retention phase. The test groups were significantly differ-
ent in terms of STLr; in comparison with the sham and
control groups, the Aβgroup had lower STLr (P< 0.05).
However, the AD-MSC and Aβgroups were not signif-
icantly different.
In comparison with the Aβand AD-MSC groups, MT-
ADMSC transplantation significantly increased STLr (P<
0.01; Fig. 8c). Furthermore, the MT-ADSC group spent less
time in the dark chamber in contrast with the AD-MSC and
Aβgroups (Fig. 8d). On the other hand, TDC was longer in
the Aβgroup, compared to the MT-ADMSC, control, and
sham groups. TDC was not significantly different between
the Aβgroup and AD rats receiving AD-MSCs (P <0.05;
Fig. 8d).
MT-AD-MSCs-based therapy considerably decreased Aβ
deposit in comparison with the AD-MSCs group
The AD-MSCs and MT-ADMSCs reduced the brain Aβ
deposition. However, reduction was significant only in
the MT-ADMSC group (Fig. 9a-d;P<0.05).
Table 1 Effect of cell transplantation in Aβrat model on scape latency during acquisition trials. A) Comparison between groups in each day B)
Comparison between the performances of each group in four days
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Control vs. Sham Ns Ns Ns Ns
Control vs. AβNs Ns Ns Ns
Control vs. Aβ+ ADSC * **** Ns *
Control vs. Aβ+ MT-ADSC **** Ns Ns Ns
Sham vs. Aβ* NsNsNs
Sham vs. Aβ+ADSC ** **** * *
Sham vs. Aβ+ MT-ADSC **** Ns Ns Ns
Aβvs. Aβ+ ADSC Ns ** Ns Ns
Aβvs. Aβ+ MT-ADSC **** Ns Ns Ns
Aβ+ ADSC vs. Aβ+ MT-ADSC **** **** Ns Ns
Control Sham AβAβ+ADSC Aβ+MT-ADSC
Day-1 vs. Day 2 *** ** **** Ns Ns
Day-1 vs. Day 3 **** **** **** **** Ns
Day-1 vs. Day 4 **** **** **** **** Ns
Day 2 vs. Day 3 Ns Ns Ns *** Ns
Day 2 vs. Day 4 Ns * ** **** Ns
Day 3 vs. Day 4 Ns Ns Ns Ns Ns
Ns not significant
1138 Metab Brain Dis (2019) 34:11311143
Transplanted AD-MSCs and MT-AD-MSCs were detected
in the brain and differentiated to microglia
The histological examination demonstrated the migration
of Dil-labeled AD-MSCs and MT-ADMSCs from the
delivery site to the brain. The MT-ADMSC group had
a significantly higher number of transplanted cells in
comparison with the AD-MSC group. The immunohis-
tochemistry study using Iba1 antibody showed that
transplanted AD-MSCs and MT-ADMSCs differentiated
to microglia in the brain. The microglia count in the
brain significantly decreased in both experimental
groups in comparison with the controls. However, the
number of microglia was significantly lower in the
MT-ADMSC group, compared to the AD-MSC group
(Fig. 9e-h;P<0.05).
Stem cell therapy, especially MSC-based therapy, is
promising for AD (Bali et al. 2017). The current study
took some initial steps towards the improvement of
MSC-based cell therapy for AD. The current study, for
the first time, pretreated AD-MSCs with MT and then
transplanted MT-AD-MSCs in an experimental AD
model and investigated the healing effects. It was ob-
served that MT improved ADMSC-based therapy in
AD. Also, MT-ADMSCs improved the learning ability,
memory function, and cognition significantly more than
AD-MSCs. These beneficial effects were showed with-
out change in the locomotion activity or anxiety behav-
ior in the experimental groups.
The avoidance and spatial memory of all rats were
examined by PAL and MWM test. Also, the MWM test
is a negatively reinforced task and reaching the platform
is considered rewarding (Paul et al. 2007). The average
swimming speed is best variable for measured of animal
motivation to reach reward in the water tank of MWM.
The AD rat exhibited cognition and memory impairment
without higher speed and more time of swimming in
acquisition days of MWM test. This result is accordance
to previous study in which Aβmicro-injection into brain
has been considered as suitable model for induction of
amnesia and reward learning impairment (Malin et al.
2001). The AD rats unable to distinguish various cues
to reaching to platform as reward in learning. Current
result is similar to reported study while the behavioral
task and method was different (Malin et al. 2001;Shi
et al. 2015; Shi et al. 2012). The Aβ+ADSC, Aβ+MT-
ADSC groups presented better cognition and memory in
NOR, PAL and MWM tests. The potential effect of MT
and MT-ADSC did not affect in locomotion and anxiety
behavior. However, the shorter distances have specials
for β+ADSC and Aβ+MT-ADSC groups in the open
field test (no significant). Therefore, the EPM test was
chosen for to better understanding the effect of MT and
MT-ADSC in anxiety. The result of EPM test revealed
that the lower speed of β+ADSC and Aβ+MT-ADSC
rats did not cause by anxiety. Also, the AD rats did not
exhibit anxiolytc or anxiogenic behavior in EPM test.
Fig. 6 Effect of cell transplantation in Aβrat model on mean escape
latency to find the hidden platform during acquisition trials (a), time
spent in target quadrant (b), and mean escape latency to find the hidden
platform at probe trial (c) in the Morris water maze (*P <0.05 when
compared with the control group in B, # P <0.05 when compared with
the Aβgroup, *P <0.05 when compared with the Aβgroup in C). Data
are expressed as mean ± SEM
Metab Brain Dis (2019) 34:11311143 1139
Of noted, the histopathological study showed more
migration and presence of MT-AD-MSCs in brain tis-
sues. Pretreatment of AD-MSCs with MT resulted in the
significant clearance of Aβdeposition (Jahnke et al.
1999; Sánchez-Barceló et al. 2010). According to previ-
ous studies, MT treatment could improve MSC treat-
ment for different diseases. In a study by Lee et al.,
treatment with MT improved MSC mobility in the um-
bilical cord blood, besides skin wound healing (Lee
et al. 2014).
Based on several studies, MT treatment improves AD-
MSCs treatment for sepsis-induced kidney damage, acute
ischemia-reperfusion damage, and acute interstitial cystitis
(Chen et al. 2014a;Chenetal.2014b; Yip et al. 2013).
Moreover, MT, which can promote the osteogenic differ-
entiation of bone marrow MSCs, is applied in the treat-
ment of osteoporosis (Amstrup et al. 2013; Zhang et al.
2010). As previously reported, MT exhibits major ROS
elimination potential, inhibits the p53 pathway (Zhang
and Zhang 2014), and regulates intracellular signaling
Fig. 8 Effect of cell transplantation in Aβrat model on the step-through
latency in acquisition trial (a), the number of trials to acquisition (b), the
step-through latency in recognition trial (c), and the time spent in the dark
compartment (d) in passive avoidance learning task (*P <0.01 when
compared with the control group, **P <0.05 when compared with the
Aβgroup). Data are expressed as mean ± SEM
!! !! !!
## !!^^ !!^^ !!^^
Swimming speed
Control Sham AβAβ+ADSC Aβ+MT-ADSC
Fig. 7 Effect of cell
transplantation in Aβrat model
on mean of swimming speed
(Cm/S) to find a hidden platform
in the Morris Water Maze. Data
are expressed as mean ± SEM.
***= P<0.001 as compare control
group. ##= P<0.01 as compare
sham group. &&= P<0.01 as
compare Aβgroup. !!= P<0.01 as
compare to first day. ^^= P<0.01
as compared to second day. ^=
P<0.05 as compared to second
1140 Metab Brain Dis (2019) 34:11311143
(Luchetti et al. 2010). In addition, its effects on immune
regulation and senescence delay have been reported (Bali
et al. 2017; Cardinali et al. 2008; Espino et al. 2012;
Koyama et al. 2002; Son et al. 2014).
In the current study, homing of both AD-MSCs and MT-
ADMSCs in the brain was confirmed by an immunohisto-
chemical study 69 days after intravenous cell transplantation.
The results showed that preconditioning with MT increased
the transplanted cell count in the brain after this period; this
increase can be due to the greater migration or survival of
these cells in the brain (or both).
The transplanted cells were detected in the Aβdepo-
sition site. The Aβplaque studies showed that both
AD-MSCs and MT-ADMSCs could clear Aβdeposits,
which consequently led to the improvement of cognitive
performance in AD rat models. However, the effect of
Fig. 9 Effect of cell transplantation on Iba1-positive cells and Aβde-
posits in the brain of Aβrat model detected by immunohistochemistry.
ADSC (A, E), MT-ADSC (B, F), AD (C, G), percentage of amyloid beta
protein (D) and Iba1 protein (H). a: compared with the control group; b:
compared with the Aβgroup; c: compared with the ADSC group (P <
Metab Brain Dis (2019) 34:11311143 1141
MT-ADMSCs was significantly greater on the clearance
of Aβdeposits than that of AD-MSCs. Therefore, pre-
treatment with MT can increase all the outcomes of AD-
MSC transplantation (Liu et al. 2016).
The current immunohistochemical study analyzed the dif-
ferentiation of transplanted cells to microglia using Iba1. The
histological results showed the differentiation of AD-MSCs
and MT-ADMSCs into microglia at the site of Aβdeposits.
The number of microglia cells was majorly lower in MT-
ADMSCs versus AD-MSCs (Ohsawa et al. 2004). Microglia
activation can have a dual role in the AD pathogenesis. On
one hand, acute microglial activation may reduce the accumu-
lation of Aβ, and on the other hand, chronic microglia activa-
tion may lead to synapse loss and neurotoxicity through stim-
ulation of some proinflammatory cascades (Sarlus and
Heneka 2017).
It has been demonstrated that bone marrow MSCs can pre-
serve the resting microglia phenotype and control the activa-
tion of microglia (Yan et al. 2013). Also, the number of mi-
croglia depends on the plaque and Aβcount. Therefore, the
current findings regarding the few number of microglia in
MT-ADMSCs can be related to the enhanced regulatory im-
pact of AD-MSCs and the reduced amount of Aβ
(Mandrekar-Colucci and Landreth 2010).
The current study employed a simple, non-genetic engineer-
ing, and versatile strategy to improve AD-MSCs-based thera-
py, especially for AD. AD-MSCs were pretreated with one of
the well-known antiinflammatory and antioxidant agents
Melatoninand transplanted in a rat AD model. Consistent
with our assumption, MT pretreatment increased the survival
of AD-MSCs, improved learning, memory, and cognition, and
reduced Aβplaques, highlighting the positive effects of MT.
Nevertheless, future comprehensive research is essential to
clarify the mechanisms through which MTinduces its positive
effects on ADMSC-based therapy.
Acknowledgments Guilan University of Medical Sciences granted this
study (No., 96120508).
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Metab Brain Dis (2019) 34:11311143 1143
... [218][219][220] Preclinical studies have shown that cell therapy of this type could be used to dampen neurodegenerative astrogliosis and microgliosis, and to restore normal neuroglial functions/ effects. 209,[221][222][223][224] Indeed, both mesenchymal stem cells 211,212,217 and adipose-derived stem cells 223,224 can control or prevent microglial pro-inflammatory reactions. ...
... [218][219][220] Preclinical studies have shown that cell therapy of this type could be used to dampen neurodegenerative astrogliosis and microgliosis, and to restore normal neuroglial functions/ effects. 209,[221][222][223][224] Indeed, both mesenchymal stem cells 211,212,217 and adipose-derived stem cells 223,224 can control or prevent microglial pro-inflammatory reactions. ...
Full-text available
Since the original description of Alzheimer´s disease (AD), research into this condition has mainly focused on assessing the alterations to neurons associated with dementia, and those to the circuits in which they are involved. In most of the studies on human brains and in many models of AD, the glial cells accompanying these neurons undergo concomitant alterations that aggravate the course of neurodegeneration. As a result, these changes to neuroglial cells are now included in all the "pathogenic cascades" described in AD. Accordingly, astrogliosis and microgliosis, the main components of neuroinflammation, have been integrated into all the pathogenic theories of this disease, as discussed in this part of the two-part monograph that follows an accompanying article on gliopathogenesis and glioprotection. This initial reflection verified the implication of alterations to the neuroglia in AD, suggesting that these cells may also represent therapeutic targets to prevent neurodegeneration. In this second part of the monograph, we will analyze the possibilities of acting on glial cells to prevent or treat the neurodegeneration that is the hallmark of AD and other pathologies. Evidence of the potential of different pharmacological, non-pharmacological, cell and gene therapies (widely treated) to prevent or treat this disease is now forthcoming, in most cases as adjuncts to other therapies. A comprehensive AD multimodal therapy is proposed in which neuronal and neuroglial pharmacological treatments are jointly considered, as well as the use of new cell and gene therapies and non-pharmacological therapies that tend to slow down the progress of dementia.
... Overall, our results indicate that melatonin can represent a valuable tool to differentiate ASCs into neuronal cells if used in combination with other strategies. This is supported by studies in which melatonin pre-treated ASCs decreased amyloid formation and improved learning, memory, and cognitive functions in a rat model of Alzheimer's disease [66]. However, melatonin pre-treated ASCs were implanted in a rat model of spinal cord injury and tested for their neuronal differentiation, but no differences were found between native and pre-treated ASCs [67]. ...
Full-text available
Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs) are adult multipotent stem cells, able to differentiate toward neural elements other than cells of mesodermal lineage. The aim of this research was to test ASC neural differentiation using melatonin combined with conditioned media (CM) from glial cells. Isolated from the lipoaspirate of healthy donors, ASCs were expanded in a basal growth medium before undergoing neural differentiation procedures. For this purpose, CM obtained from olfactory ensheathing cells and from Schwann cells were used. In some samples, 1 µM of melatonin was added. After 1 and 7 days of culture, cells were studied using immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry to evaluate neural marker expression (Nestin, MAP2, Synapsin I, GFAP) under different conditions. The results confirmed that a successful neural differentiation was achieved by glial CM, whereas the addition of melatonin alone did not induce appreciable changes. When melatonin was combined with CM, ASC neural differentiation was enhanced, as demonstrated by a further improvement of neuronal marker expression, whereas glial differentiation was attenuated. A dynamic modulation was also observed, testing the expression of melatonin receptors. In conclusion, our data suggest that melatonin’s neurogenic differentiation ability can be usefully exploited to obtain neuronal-like differentiated ASCs for potential therapeutic strategies.
... Stem cells and their secretions regulate neurons and promote neuro-regeneration. Hence, they may play the significant role in neuronal circuit remodeling and also in learning processes and memory formation [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. New therapies in neurodegenerative disease, such as the administration of stem cells and stem cell-derived products, require an easily accessible source [26]. ...
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Memory problems are often the first signs of cognitive impairment related to Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and stem cells and stem cell-derived exosomes (EXOs) have been studied for their therapeutic potential to improve the disease signs. While many studies have shown the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of stem cells and exosomes on improving memory in different AD models, there is still insufficient data to determine how they modulate neural plasticity to enhance spatial memory and learning ability. Therefore, we conducted a study to investigate the effects of exosomes derived from 3D-cultured human Unrestricted Somatic Stem Cells (hUSSCs) on spatial memory and neuroplasticity markers in a sporadic rat model of AD. Using male Wistar rats induced by intracerebral ventricle injection of streptozotocin, we demonstrated that intranasal administration of hUSSC-derived exosomes could decrease Aβ accumulation and improve learning and memory in the Morris water maze test. We also observed an increase in the expression of pre-synaptic and post-synaptic molecules involved in neuronal plasticity, including NMDAR1, integrin β1, synaptophysin, pPKCα, and GAP-43, in the hippocampus. Our findings suggest that intranasal administration of exosomes can ameliorate spatial learning and memory deficits in rats, at least in part, by increasing the expression of neuroplasticity proteins. These results may encourage researchers to further investigate the molecular pathways involved in memory improvement after stem cell and exosome therapy, with the goal of increasing the efficacy and safety of exosome-based treatments for AD.
... Another source of MSCs is represented from adipose tissue, where MSCs adipose tissue-derived (AT-MSCs) can differentiate in cholinergic neurons under specific morphogenic treatments in vitro models [174]. When treated with melatonin, these MSCs attenuate symptoms of AD associated with naïve AT-MSCs [175]. Finally, MSC transplantation improved neurogenesis and synaptic activity, suppressing neuroinflammation in AD murine models [176]. ...
Full-text available
In an ever-increasing aged world, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) represents the first cause of dementia and one of the first chronic diseases in elderly people. With 55 million people affected, the WHO considers AD to be a disease with public priority. Unfortunately, there are no final cures for this pathology. Treatment strategies are aimed to mitigate symptoms, i.e., acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEI) and the N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist Memantine. At present, the best approaches for managing the disease seem to combine pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies to stimulate cognitive reserve. Over the last twenty years, a number of drugs have been discovered acting on the well-established biological hallmarks of AD, deposition of β-amyloid aggregates and accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau protein in cells. Although previous efforts disappointed expectations, a new era in treating AD has been working its way recently. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave conditional approval of the first disease-modifying therapy (DMT) for the treatment of AD, aducanumab, a monoclonal antibody (mAb) designed against Aβ plaques and oligomers in 2021, and in January 2023, the FDA granted accelerated approval for a second monoclonal antibody, Lecanemab. This review describes ongoing clinical trials with DMTs and non-pharmacological therapies. We will also present a future scenario based on new biomarkers that can detect AD in preclinical or prodromal stages, identify people at risk of developing AD, and allow an early and curative treatment.
... After centrifuging the samples for 5 min at 1200 rpm, the supernatant was removed, and the granules were suspended in 1% bovine serum albumin. Then the cultivation of harvested cells was carried out in DMEM at 37 C, and the medium was replaced with a new one every three days [21]. After harvesting adipose-derived MSCs between 3 and 5 passages, using flow cytometry, cell surface antigens were analyzed for MSC phenotypic characteristics (CD34, CD44, CD45, and CD90). ...
Aim: Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) has been suggested to be a promising method for treating neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the poor survival rate of transplanted MSCs has limited their therapeutic application. This study aimed to evaluate whether preconditioning MSCs with dimethyl fumarate (DMF), a Nrf2 inducer, could enhance MSC therapeutic efficacy in an amyloid-β (Aβ1-42)-induced AD rat model. Methods: The survival and antioxidant capacity of MSCs treated with DMF were assessed in vitro. Aβ1-42 intrahippocampal injection was used to create a rat model of AD. Following the transplantation of MSCs preconditioned with DMF and using the Morris blue maze test, spatial learning and memory were assessed. Using RT-qPCR, we evaluated the gene expression related to apoptosis and neurotrophins in the hippocampus region. Results: Treatment with DMF enhanced cell survival and Nrf2 protein expression in MSCs in vitro. Preconditioning with DMF also enhanced the efficacy of transplanted MSCs in rescuing learning and spatial memory deficits in Aβ-AD rats. Besides, DMF preconditioning enhanced the neuroprotective effect of transplanted MSCs in the hippocampus of rats treated with Aβ1-42 by decreasing the expression of apoptotic markers (Bax, caspase 3, and cytochrome c), and elevating the expression of the anti-apoptotic marker Bcl2 and neurotrophins, including BDNF and NGF. Conclusion: Preconditioning MSCs with DMF boosted the therapeutic efficacy of these cells; therefore, it could serve as a targeted strategy for increasing the therapeutic efficacy of MSCs in treating neurodegenerative disorders, including AD.
... And both of them have a potential for potential tumorigenicity and the risk of chromosome aberration and genetic instability (Karnoub et al., 2007;Okita et al., 2008;Barkholt et al., 2013;Liu et al., 2018;Parrotta et al., 2020). Compared with the low reprogramming efficiency of iPSCs, the advantages of MSCs include that they can be produced on a larger scale and can be widely used in clinical applications such as neurodegenerative diseases, skin diseases, and liver diseases (Scudellari, 2016;Shin et al., 2017;Nasiri et al., 2019;Boika et al., 2020). Human iPSCs are stable at low temperatures without loss of function. ...
Full-text available
Fibrotic diseases result in organ remodelling and dysfunctional failure and account for one-third of all deaths worldwide. There are no ideal treatments that can halt or reverse progressive organ fibrosis, moreover, organ transplantation is complicated by problems with a limited supply of donor organs and graft rejection. The development of new approaches, especially induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based therapy, is becoming a hot topic due to their ability to self-renew and differentiate into different cell types that may replace the fibrotic organs. In the past decade, studies have differentiated iPSCs into fibrosis-relevant cell types which were demonstrated to have anti-fibrotic effects that may have the potential to inform new effective precision treatments for organ-specific fibrosis. In this review, we summarize the potential of iPSC-based cellular approaches as therapeutic avenues for treating organ fibrosis, the advantages and disadvantages of iPSCs compared with other types of stem cell-based therapies, as well as the challenges and future outlook in this field.
Aim: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have emerged as an intriguing candidate in cell therapy for treating neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). To achieve the maximum efficiency of cell therapy, determining the optimal dose of MSCs is essential. This study was conducted to assess the dose-dependent therapeutic response of MSCs against pathological and behavioral AD-associated alterations. Methods: Aβ1-42 was injected intrahippocampally to establish an AD rat model. The MWM test was utilized to evaluate the animal's behavioral functions after receiving low and high doses of MSCs in the hippocampus region. ELISA and RT-qPCR were also employed to assess the concentration of markers related to antioxidant activity and inflammation and the gene expression related to apoptosis in the hippocampus region, respectively. Results: Low-dose MSC transplantation by increasing the concentrations of the antioxidant GSH, the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, as well as by lowering the concentrations of TNF-α, and the expression levels of apoptotic factors (Bax and caspase 3), exerted a neuroprotective effect in the hippocampus of AD rats and relatively ameliorated spatial learning and memory impairments. However, increasing the dose of MSCs decreased the therapeutic benefits of these cells and had no significant effect on the recovery of behavioral disorders. Conclusion: Our findings reveal the dose-dependent neuroprotective effect of MSCs in AD. The therapeutic response of MSCs to ameliorate the pathological and behavioral alterations associated with AD is attenuated when the dosage of MSCs is increased.
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Penyakit Alzheimer atau Alzheimer’ s disease (AD) merupakan salah satu penyakit neurodegeneratif yang paling umum didiagnosis pada populasi dunia, terkhusus pada wanita. Beberapa manifestasi patologi yang dapat diobservasi adalah deposisi beta-amyloid (Aβ), hiperfosforilasi protein tau, dan inflamasi yang ketiganya berperan sebagai core-pathology dari AD. Permasalahan terberat dari terapi AD saat ini adalah ketidakmampuan berbagai agen farmakologis saat ini untuk menghentikan progresivitas AD. Oleh karena itu, salah satu ikon terapi medis modern yaitu terapi sel punca atau stem cell (SC), khususnya menggunakan sel punca mesenkimal atau mesenchymal SC (MSCs) pada beberapa tahun terakhir telah dijadikan sebagai salah satu fokus studi terapi kuratif penyakit degeneratif yang selama ini hampir selalu tidak mungkin tercapai. Manuskrip tinjauan sistematis ini bertujuan untuk menjabarkan pengaruh transplantasi MSCs secara xenogenik maupun alogenik pada berbagai spesies tikus yang telah diinduksi dengan Aβ untuk mengalami kondisi AD buatan yang dilaporkan oleh berbagai penelitian orisinal pada beberapa tahun terakhir. Sebanyak 32 penelitian dijadikan sebagai referensi utama yang keseluruhannya menunjukkan perbaikan perihal manifestasi patologis seperti reduksi dari deposisi Aβ, penurunan kondisi inflamasi melalui berbagai biomarka, peningkatan aktivitas neurogenesis pada beberapa regio otak seperti hipokampus, dan efek neuroproteksi yang cukup signifikan. Pengaruh tersebut juga dapat diobservasi pada kondisi tingkah laku (behavior) tikus percobaan seperti perbaikan fungsi kognitif dan memori yang diukur berdasarkan metode observasi tertentu. Oleh karena itu, MSCs diduga memiliki potensi untuk menjadi sebuah terapi kuratif bagi AD yang selama ini tidak mampu menghentikan progresivitasnya.
Neurodegenerative disorders occur through progressive loss of function or structure of neurons, with loss of sensation and cognition values. The lack of successful therapeutic approaches to solve neurologic disorders causes physical disability and paralysis and has a significant socioeconomic impact on patients. In recent years, nanocarriers and stem cells have attracted tremendous attention. as a reliable approach to treating neurodegenerative disorders. In this regard, nanoparticle-based labeling combined with imaging technologies has enabled researchers to survey transplanted stem cells and fully understand their fate by monitoring their survival, migration, and differentiation. For the practical implementation of stem cell therapies in the clinical setting, it is necessary to accurately label and follow stem cells after administration. Several approaches to labeling and tracking stem cells using nanotechnology have been proposed as potential treatment strategies for neurological diseases. Considering the limitations of intravenous or direct stem cell administration, intranasal delivery of nanoparticle-labeled stem cells in neurological disorders is a new method of delivering stem cells to the central nervous system (CNS). This review describes the challenges and limitations of stem cell-based nanotechnology methods for labeling/tracking, intranasal delivery of cells, and cell fate regulation as theragnostic labeling.
As the size of the population aged 65 and older continues to grow, the incidence and mortality rates of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are increasing annually. Unfortunately, current treatments only treat symptoms temporarily and do not alter the patients’ life expectancy or course of AD. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have shown a certain therapeutic potential in neurodegenerative diseases including AD due to their neuroinflammatory regulation and neuroprotective effects. However, the low survival and homing rates of MSCs after transplantation seriously affect their therapeutic effectiveness. Therefore, appropriate in vitro preconditioning is necessary to increase the survival and homing rates of MSCs to improve their effectiveness in treating AD. Here we summarize the therapeutic mechanisms of MSCs in AD and the chemical reagents used for the pretreatment of MSCs.
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Objective: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from various sources have the potentials to positively affect regenerative medicine. Furthermore, pre-conditioning strategies with different agents could improve the efficacy of cell therapy. This study compares the effects of an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent, melatonin, on protection of bone marrow-derived MSCs (BMSCs) and adipose tissue-derived MSCs (ADSCs). Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, rat BMSCs and ADSCs were isolated and expanded. Pre-conditioning was performed with 5 μM melatonin for 24 hours. Cell proliferation and viability were detected by MTT assay. Expression of BAX, BCL2, melatonin receptors and osteocalcin genes were evaluated by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Also, apoptosis was detected with tunnel assay. Osteogenic differentiation was analyzed using alizarin red staining. Results: No significant increase was found in cell viability between BMSCs and ADSCs after melatonin preconditioning. Following melatonin preconditioning, BAX expression was significantly down-regulated in both ADSCs and BMSCs (P
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Dendritic spine loss is recognized as an early feature of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Dendritic spine structure is defined by filamentous actin (F-actin) and we observed depolymerization of synaptosomal F-actin accompanied by increased globular-actin (G-actin) at as early as 1 month of age in a mouse model of AD (APPswe/PS1ΔE9, male mice). This led to recall deficit after contextual fear conditioning (cFC) at 2 months of age in APPswe/PS1_E9 male mice, which could be reversed by the actin-polymerizing agent jasplakinolide. Further, the F-actin-depolymerizing agent latrunculin induced recall deficit after cFC in WT mice, indicating the importance of maintaining F-/G-actin equilibrium for optimal behavioral response. Using direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM), we show that F-actin depolymerization in spines leads to a breakdown of the nano-organization of outwardly radiating F-actin rods in cortical neurons from APPswe/PS1ΔE9 mice. Our results demonstrate that synaptic dysfunction seen as F-actin disassembly occurs very early, before onset of pathological hallmarks in AD mice, and contributes to behavioral dysfunction, indicating that depolymerization of F-actin is causal and not consequent to decreased spine density. Further, we observed decreased synaptosomal F-actin levels in postmortem brain from mild cognitive impairment and AD patients compared with subjects with normal cognition. F-actin decrease correlated inversely with increasing AD pathology (Braak score, Aβ load, and tangle density) and directly with performance in episodic and working memory tasks, suggesting its role in human disease pathogenesis and progression.
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Obesity and consumption of a high fat diet (HFD) are known to increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In the present study, we have examined the protective and therapeutic effects of thymol (main monoterpene phenol found in thyme essential oil) on a HFD-fed rat model of AD. Fourty adult male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to 5 groups:(n = 8 rats/group): group 1, control, consumed an ordinary diet, group 2 consumed a HFD for 8 weeks, then received phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) via intrahippocampal (IHP) injection, group 3 consumed HFD for 8 weeks, then received beta-amyloid (Aβ)1–42 via IHP injections to induce AD, group 4 consumed HFD for 8 weeks, then received Aβ1–42, and was treated by thymol (30 mg/kg in sunflower oil) daily for 4 weeks, and group 5 consumed HFD for 8 week, then received Aβ1–42 after what sunflower oil was administered by oral gavage daily for 4 weeks. Biochemical tests showed an impaired lipid profile and higher glucose levels upon consumption of HFD, which was ameliorated by thymol treatment. In behavioral results, spatial memory in group 3 was significantly impaired, but groups treated with thymol showed better spatial memory compared to group 3 (p ≤ 0.01). In histological results, formation of Aβ plaque in hippocampus of group 3 increased significantly compared to group 1 and group 2 (p ≤ 0.05), but group 4 showed decreased Aβ plaques compared to group 3 (p ≤ 0.01). In conclusion, thymol decreased the effects of Aβ on memory and could be considered as neuroprotective.
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Transplantation with neural stem cells (NSCs) is a promising clinical therapy for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, the final fate of grafted NSCs is mainly determined by the host microenvironment. Therefore, this study investigated the role of Sanjiao acupuncture in the NSCs-treated hippocampus of a mouse model, senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 (SAMP8) using Western blot, real-time fluorescent PCR, and immunofluorescence techniques. Meanwhile, we developed a co-culture model of hippocampal tissue specimens and NSCs in vitro, to observe the effects of acupuncture on survival, proliferation and differentiation of grafted NSCs using flow cytometry. Results showed that acupuncture pre- and post-NSCs transplantation significantly improved senescence-induced cognitive dysfunction (P < 0.05); upregulated the expression of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (P < 0.05); and also increased the count of neuron-specific nuclear protein (NeuN)- and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-positive cells (P < 0.05). Therapeutic acupuncture may regulate the cytokine levels associated with survival, proliferation, and differentiation of NSCs in hippocampal microenvironment, to promote the repair of damaged cells, resulting in improved cognitive performance in mice.
Microglia are brain-resident myeloid cells that mediate key functions to support the CNS. Microglia express a wide range of receptors that act as molecular sensors, which recognize exogenous or endogenous CNS insults and initiate an immune response. In addition to their classical immune cell function, microglia act as guardians of the brain by promoting phagocytic clearance and providing trophic support to ensure tissue repair and maintain cerebral homeostasis. Conditions associated with loss of homeostasis or tissue changes induce several dynamic microglial processes, including changes of cellular morphology, surface phenotype, secretory mediators, and proliferative responses (referred to as an "activated state"). Activated microglia represent a common pathological feature of several neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Cumulative evidence suggests that microglial inflammatory activity in AD is increased while microglial-mediated clearance mechanisms are compromised. Microglia are perpetually engaged in a mutual interaction with the surrounding environment in CNS; thus, diverse microglial reactions at different disease stages may open new avenues for therapeutic intervention and modification of inflammatory activities. In this Review, the role of microglia in the pathogenesis of AD and the modulation of microglia activity as a therapeutic modality will be discussed.
Microglia are brain-resident myeloid cells that mediate key functions to support the CNS. Microglia express a wide range of receptors that act as molecular sensors, which recognize exogenous or endogenous CNS insults and initiate an immune response. In addition to their classical immune cell function, microglia act as guardians of the brain by promoting phagocytic clearance and providing trophic support to ensure tissue repair and maintain cerebral homeostasis. Conditions associated with loss of homeostasis or tissue changes induce several dynamic microglial processes, including changes of cellular morphology, surface phenotype, secretory mediators, and proliferative responses (referred to as an "activated state"). Activated microglia represent a common pathological feature of several neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Cumulative evidence suggests that microglial inflammatory activity in AD is increased while microglial-mediated clearance mechanisms are compromised. Microglia are perpetually engaged in a mutual interaction with the surrounding environment in CNS; thus, diverse microglial reactions at different disease stages may open new avenues for therapeutic intervention and modification of inflammatory activities. In this Review, the role of microglia in the pathogenesis of AD and the modulation of microglia activity as a therapeutic modality will be discussed.
Methamphetamine (Meth) abuse and dependence are major global problems. Most of previous studies showed that Meth is anxiogenic. While buprenorphine (Bup) is used to treat anxiety-related behaviors, the effects of Meth in combination with Bup on anxiety-like behavior are unclear. In this study, we examined the effects of these drugs on anxiety-like behavior with the elevated plus maze (EPM) and open field (OF) tests, which are widely used to assess anxiety-like behavior in small rodents. Forty male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: sham, Meth, Bup, and Bup + Meth. The groups were administered their assigned treatments for 7 days. The time spent in the open arms, and number of total entries into the arms (total activity) in the EPM were recorded. In addition, locomotor activity and number of entrances into the center area in the OF were recorded. The 7-day administration of Meth or Bup increased open arm exploration in the EPM. In contrast, the combined administration of Bup and Meth had the opposite effects. In addition, Meth and Bup had no effects on total and locomotor activity. Furthermore, the rats in the Meth and Bup groups spent more time in the center of the OF, while the group given both Bup and Meth spent less time in the center of the OF. The administration of Meth and Bup alone was anxiolytic in rats, whereas the coadministration of Bup and Meth was anxiogenic.
Today, the prevalence of kidney diseases is increasing around the world, but there has still been no effective medical treatment. The therapeutic choices are confined to supportive cares and preventive strategies. Currently, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)-based cell therapy was proposed for the treatment of kidney injuries. However, after the transplantation of MSCs, they are exposed to masses of cytotoxic factors involving an inflammatory cytokine storm, a nutritionally-poor hypoxic environment and oxidative stresses that finally lead to minimize the efficacy of MSCs based cell therapy. Therefore, several innovative strategies were developed in order to potentiate MSCs to withstand the unfavorable microenvironments of the injured kidney tissues and improve their therapeutic potentials. This review aims to introduce MSCs as a new modality in the treatment of renal failure. Here, we discuss the clinical trials of MSCs-based therapy in kidney diseases as well as the in vivo studies dealing with MSCs application in kidney injuries mainly from the proliferation, differentiation, migration and survival points of view. The obstacles and challenges of this new modality in kidney injuries are also discussed.
Melatonin (MEL), the “hormone of darkness,” is an indolamine mainly secreted at night by the pineal gland. It is also synthesized by other tissues, being the enterochromaffin cells the most important extrapineal sites. The ubiquity, pleiotropy, and complexity are the three terms that summarize the properties and actions of MEL. Two well-characterized enzymes participate in its synthesis: N-acetyltransferase, the first-rate limiting enzyme in MEL production, which converts serotonin to N-acetylserotonin (NAS), and hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase, which converts NAS to MEL. Most of the MEL’s actions are mediated by membrane (MT1 and MT2) and nuclear (ROR/RZR) receptors. However, some MEL effects seem to be independent of the involvement of receptors or related to Ca2+-binding proteins. The signal transduction pathways triggered by MEL involve the AC/cAMP/PKA/CREB, phospholipase C (PLC)-β and PLC-η, and Rafs/MEK1/2/ERK1/2 cascades. MEL participates in the circadian rhythms, the modulation of season changes, in reproduction, as well as an antioxidant, antiapoptotic, anti-inflammatory, oncostatic, and anticonvulsant drug. Exogenous MEL is employed in a number of physiopathological conditions, mainly for the treatment of sleep disorders and jet lag. The antioxidant properties of MEL have been proven to be beneficial to patients with rheumatoid arthritis, females with infertility, elderly patients with primary essential hypertension, and multiple sclerosis patients. The spectrum of the uses of MEL seems to be wide, although more investigation is needed in order to know better the molecular mechanisms and the possible side effects.
Neural stem cells (NSCs) have been considered as potential therapy in Alzheimer's disease (AD) but their use is hampered by the poor survival of grafted cells. Supply of neurotrophic factors to the grafted cells has been proposed as a way to augment survival of the stem cells. In this context, we investigated the utility of Cerebrolysin (CBL), a peptidergic mixture with neurotrophic-like properties, as an adjunct to stem cell therapy in an APP transgenic (tg) model of AD. We grafted murine NSCs into the hippocampus of non-tg and APP tg that were treated systemically with CBL and analyzed after 1, 3, 6 and 9 months post grafting. Compared to vehicle-treated non-tg mice, in the vehicle-treated APP tg mice there was considerable reduction in the survival of the grafted NSCs. Whereas, CBL treatment enhanced the survival of NSCs in both non-tg and APP tg with the majority of the surviving NSCs remaining as neuroblasts. The NSCs of the CBL treated mice displayed reduced numbers of caspase-3 and TUNEL positive cells and increased brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and furin immunoreactivity. These results suggest that CBL might protect grafted NSCs and as such be a potential adjuvant therapy when combined with grafting.