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Source apportionment of PM2.5 at two receptor sites in Brisbane, Australia


Abstract and Figures

In this study, samples of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 mu m (PM2.5) collected at two sites in the south-east Queensland region, a suburban (Rocklea) and a roadside site (South Brisbane), were analysed for H, Na, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, Pb and black carbon (BC). Samples were collected during 2007-10 at the Rocklea site and 2009-10 at the South Brisbane site. The receptor model Positive Matrix Factorisation was used to analyse the samples. The sources identified included secondary sulfate, motor vehicles, soil, sea salt and biomass burning. Conditional probability function analysis was used to determine the most likely directions of the sources. Future air quality control strategies may focus on the particular sources identified in the analysis.
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Source apportionment of PM
at two receptor sites
in Brisbane, Australia
Adrian J. Friend,
Godwin A. Ayoko,
Eduard Stelcer
and David Cohen
International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health, Discipline of Chemistry, Queensland
University of Technology, QLD 4001, Australia.
Institute for Environmental Research, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation,
Locked Bag 2001, Kirrawee DC, NSW 2232, Australia.
Corresponding author. Email:
Environmental context. Fine particles affect air quality locally, regionally and globally. Determining the
sources of fine particles is therefore critical for developing strategies to reduce their adverse effects. Advanced
data analysis techniques were used to determine the sources of fine particles at two sites, providing information
for future pollution reduction strategies not only at the study sites but in other areas of the world as well.
Abstract. In this study, samples of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 mm (PM
) collected at
two sites in the south-east Queensland region, a suburban (Rocklea) and a roadside site (South Brisbane), were analysed for
H, Na, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, Pb and black carbon (BC). Samples were collected
during 2007–10 at the Rocklea site and 2009–10 at the South Brisbane site. The receptor model Positive Matrix
Factorisation was used to analyse the samples. The sources identified included secondary sulfate, motor vehicles, soil, sea
salt and biomass burning. Conditional probability function analysis was used to determine the most likely directions of the
sources. Future air quality control strategies may focus on the particular sources identified in the analysis.
Additional keywords: fine particles, Positive Matrix Factorisation, receptor modelling.
Received 11 July 2011, accepted 2 August 2011, published online 17 November 2011
Particulate matter (PM) has been consistently linked to adverse
health effects upon a broad range of systems in the body.
Small particles with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 mm
) have been of particular interest as their size allows them
to penetrate the lungs.
Visibility, vegetation, materials and
climate change can also be adversely affected by air pollu-
Particles are emitted into the air from anthropogenic
and natural sources, either directly (as a primary source) or from
processes in the air that create new particles (secondary source).
Determining the identity, location and effect of a source can lead
to more targeted regulation as well as a better understanding of
the mechanisms of the effects of PM.
Current quality standards have been established by the
National Environmental Protection Council (NEPC) for various
pollution species.
For PM
the standards are: limits of
average for 24 h and 8-mgm
average for 1 year. To
monitor the level of these pollutants, the Queensland Depart-
ment of Environmental and Resource Management (QDERM)
has established more than 25 monitoring stations throughout
Queensland. In south-east Queensland, these include the
Rocklea and South Brisbane sites. The Queensland government
also releases regular reports on the State of the Environment.
These reports examine trends in the concentrations of the
detected pollutants and record the number of days that the
concentrations are higher than the national standards.
By combining these efforts with advanced data analysis, the
sources of the air pollutants could be determined.
Multivariate data analysis has been performed for source
determination and apportionment in locations around the
Common receptor models include principal
component analysis/absolute principal component scores
and Positive Matrix Factorisation
These models are based on a mass balance equation
and aim to reconstruct source emissions based on measurements
from monitoring sites.
PMF2 was the first PMF model and
was published by Paatero and Tapper in 1994.
The US
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has since developed
versions of both UNMIX and PMF (EPA PMF) that are freely
available (see,
accessed 3 October 2011). A non-negativity constraint and
individually weighted data points are used in PMF to determine
physically reasonable results. These models have been applied
to ambient PM
concentrations in numerous studies as outlined
by Watson.
In south-east Queensland there has been limited
application of modelling techniques for the determination of the
local sources of pollution.
The models applied in the
previous studies include target transformation factor analysis
and PMF.
For this study, PMF was applied to measurements recorded at
two monitoring sites, corresponding to a suburban and a road-
side site, over 3 and 1 years respectively. A range of factor
numbers (sources) was examined to determine the optimum
solution using evaluation tools.
The aims of this study were
to: (i) determine the identity and contributions of PM
to the
Brisbane airshed in order to facilitate the formation of pollution
Environ. Chem. 2011,8, 569–580
Journal compilation ÓCSIRO 2011
Research Paper
reduction strategies; (ii) compare the current results at Rocklea
with that obtained for a similar site in Rocklea from
; and (iii) compare the sources and source con-
tributions at two different sites in Brisbane in order to determine
whether it is important to have multiple air monitoring sites
around the city.
Methods and materials
Sampling program
Samples were collected at two sites in south-east Queensland,
including a suburban Rocklea site located at latitude
2783208.879400S and longitude 152859036.2400 E, and a roadside
South Brisbane site located at latitude 2782905.279400S and
longitude 15381055.6400E. The increasing population of Brisbane
should result in more anthropogenic sources and additional
pollution. South-east Queensland has high rainfall, winds and
humidity during the warm (summer) part of the year (November
to April), with dry, cold, low wind speeds during winter (May to
August). Stronger winds tend to prevail during summer and
reduce the pollution in the area, whereas during winter the
pollution does not disperse. This is accompanied by low altitude
temperature inversions that trap the pollution.
to wind roses available at the website of the Bureau of
Meteorology (
selection_map.shtml, accessed 16 June 2011), the summer is
dominated by south-south-easterly winds at 0900 hours and
east-north-easterly at 1500 hours, whereas the winter is domi-
nated by south-south-westerly at 0900 hours and west with east-
north-easterly at 1500 hours. Additional pollution enhancing
conditions in the area include the location of Brisbane city
within a valley with hills to the west, a temperature difference
between the land and sea, day–night stable wind cycles and the
location of industries in prevailing wind directions.
the period September–December, strong westerly winds from
the desert in the centre of Australia can cause dust storms. These
conditions affect the sources around the analysis site and
contribute to pollution conditions.
The sites were located in areas with numerous potential
sources that could influence the detected chemical levels
(Figs 1, 2). This includes major roads and highways, which lead
to an increase in the levels of the emissions from passing motor
vehicles. The Brisbane River and Oxley Creek are close to the
South Brisbane and Rocklea sites respectively and this may
indicate the proximity of potential sources of marine aerosols.
Biomass burning is a major concern in south-east Queensland
because of the practice of controlled burning, which is under-
taken in the dry stable winter period in an attempt to pre-
emptively reduce the risk of forest fires during summer. Railway
lines are also located close to the sites. The Brisbane Market is
,700 m from the Rocklea site. In addition to passenger vehicles
travelling along the adjacent road on weekends when the market
Rocklea site
Brisbane markets
Oxley Creek
South Brisbane
Fig. 1. Map of Rocklea site and surrounding areas.
Brisbane River
South Brisbane
Fig. 2. Map of South Brisbane site and surrounding areas.
A. J. Friend et al.
operates, significant numbers of diesel trucks deliver produce to
the market.
The South Brisbane site was located between the Pacific
Motorway and the Stanley Street exit. Grassland and farming
areas surround the Rocklea site off Sherwood Road. PM
sampling was conducted with an IMPROVE cyclone sampler
adapted for the Aerosol Sampling Project (ASP) (Australian
Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), Syd-
ney, NSW) using Teflon filters (PALL Life Science, Pall Corp.,
Ann Arbor, MI) at a height of 1.5 m.
Samples were collected
from midnight to midnight on Wednesdays and Sundays be-
tween June 2007 and June 2010 (Rocklea site) and May 2009
and June 2010 (South Brisbane site). This resulted in 316 and
109 samples collected from Rocklea and South Brisbane respec-
tively. Summary statistics are provided in Tables 1 and 2.
Elemental chemical analysis was then performed on the filters
at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
(ANSTO) in Sydney, Australia. Ion beam analysis using the
STAR accelerator (2.0-MV HVEE tandetron, High Voltage
Engineering Europa, Amersfoort, the Netherlands) was per-
formed to determine 20 chemical species
(H, Na, Al, Si,
P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br and Pb) with
black carbon (BC) measured using a laser technique.
Before modelling techniques were applied, some of the data
points were removed because of the requirements of the PMF
model or other issues including mechanical faults and human
error during sampling. Samples were removed if the flow rate
was too low or if the filter was doubly exposed (sampled for 48h
instead of 24 h). By examining time series plots of each of the
elements, it became clear that some samples were outliers and
would affect the results of the modelling. Some of these samples
were removed if there was a known reason for their excessively
high concentrations. This data was then examined for trends at
each site and differences between the sites (suburban and
roadside sites).
Outliers and samples with excessively high and low flow
rates were also removed before the modelling was performed.
Consequently, 9 and 6 samples were removed from the Rocklea
and South Brisbane data, and this resulted in the retention of 307
samples for the PMF analysis at Rocklea and 103 for South
PMF data analysis
To determine the sources of the chemical species examined in
the air samples, an assumption of mass balance (that the con-
centrations determined at the sites originated from sources) was
used so that the PMF could be applied. This is represented by the
following equation for an air sample analysed for each of the
chemical species:
wij ¼X
gik fkj þeij ð1Þ
where i¼1, y,n;j¼1, y,m;k¼1, y,p;x
is the jth
species concentration in the ith sample; g
is the particulate
mass concentration from the kth source contributing to the ith
sample; f
is the jth species mass fraction from the kth source;
and e
is a residual associated with the jth species concen-
tration measured in the ith sample.
By applying the model to the samples collected and analysed,
the identified factors represent the sources of pollution prevalent
in the area at the time of sampling. An nnumber of samples by
mnumber of elements matrix is decomposed to determine
pindependent sources. These sources are defined by matrices
of g
and f
values representing the mass contributed from a
source to the collected samples and the profile of chemical
species present in a source respectively.
PMF is a receptor model developed in response to problems
associated with measurement uncertainties and rotational
Table 1. Summary statistics for the Rocklea site
Geometric mean and standard deviation (s.d.) are contained within parentheses
Chemical species Arithmetic mean (geometric mean) s.d. (geometric s.d.) Median Data zero or missing
(ng m
) (ng m
) (%)
H 164.7 (130.2) 130.5 (2.1) 122.1 0.0 %
Na 330.8 (262.5) 237.0 (2.1) 272.8 18.2 %
Al 41.6 (10.1) 236.5 (3.2) 11.2 2.8 %
Si 133.4 (50.0) 698.1 (2.6) 46.1 0.0 %
P 2.9 (1.7) 3.1 (3.4) 1.8 11.0%
S 282.4 (242.6) 159.4 (1.7) 245.7 0.0 %
Cl 231.5 (73.0) 300.9 (5.4) 105.0 1.9 %
K 54.7 (41.7) 83.9 (2.0) 39.9 0.0 %
Ca 25.0 (18.7) 46.1 (1.6) 19.0 0.0 %
Ti 7.2 (2.9) 39.2 (2.5) 2.9 0.0 %
V 0.8 (0.5) 1.0 (2.8) 0.5 14.7%
Cr 0.7 (0.4) 1.3 (2.3) 0.4 12.9%
Mn 5.3 (2.3) 9.4 (4.0) 2.1 0.0 %
Fe 85.4 (40.5) 329.5 (3.0) 38.3 0.0 %
Co 0.7 (0.4) 2.3 (3.0) 0.4 25.1%
Ni 0.5 (0.4) 0.6 (2.5) 0.4 17.9%
Cu 2.0 (1.5) 1.9 (2.2) 1.5 1.9 %
Zn 15.5 (7.9) 39.5 (2.5) 8.5 0.0 %
Br 3.0 (2.2) 2.4 (2.0) 2.4 2.2 %
Pb 5.0 (3.8) 4.2 (2.0) 4.1 4.4 %
Black carbon 878.6 (769.4) 482.4 (1.7) 743.8 0.9 %
Mass 5953.7 (4850.9) 10201.1 (1.6) 4675.0 0.0 %
Source apportionment of PM
at two receptor sites in Australia
Thus uncertainties are defined individually for
each of the data points. In this study, uncertainties were
calculated using the following equation
Uncertainty ¼concentration error þMDL ð2Þ
where MDL is the method detection limit and the error is the
determined error for each data value.
The PMF2 process initially developed by Paatero was used in
this study.
For PMF2, the results are resolved by alternating
regression fits where each row of source contribution is deter-
mined while the source profile is kept constant and each column
of source profile is determined while keeping the source
contribution constant. A non-negativity constraint is applied
for the input data, as well as the G and F results because in
environmental analysis it is more reasonable for the concentra-
tion to be positive. This also reduces the rotational ambiguity in
the results.
An object function (Q) was used to first identify the
potential number of factors by minimising and comparing with
an ideal Q:
ðeij=sij Þ2ð3Þ
where s
is an uncertainty estimate in a data point with the jth
element measured in the ith sample and e
is the amount of
measured mass that was not explained by the model.
Source profiles (F matrix) and source contributions
(G matrix) are calculated by performing multilinear regression:
wij ¼X
ðskgik Þðfkj=skÞð4Þ
where s
is determined by regressing the total PM
mass con-
centration in the ith sample against estimated source contribu-
tion values.
The determined F, G and regression coefficient
values are important in determining the number of factors.
The ideal number of factors (sources) were determined by
attempting to fit the data with a defined number of factors,
examining the results and then comparing with alternative
results obtained using other numbers of factors. Some research-
ers have outlined how to determine the number of factors.
The determined Qvalue was compared with an ideal Qvalue,
with the latter defined as the degrees of freedom of the data
As part of PMF2, the parameter FPeak is available to
reduce the rotational ambiguity of the results.
The minimum
Qvalue is then determined and compared with the global
minimum Qvalue.
If the coefficients determined during
the multilinear regression in Eqn 4 are negative, it then indicates
that too many factors have been selected.
The factors are
examined to see if they are ‘physically reasonable’. This is
performed by comparing the identified sources with previous
PMF analysis at other locations, characteristic elements defined
by measurements taken at the same type of source and the
potential sources around the site. Also, if too many or too few
factors are used, sources may be split or combined into non-
existent sources.
Conditional probability function (CPF) analysis
Meteorological measurements of wind speed and direction were
combined with results from the PMF analysis to determine the
direction of the sources around the site using the following
CPF ¼mDy
Table 2. Summary statistics for the South Brisbane site
Geometric mean and standard deviation (s.d.) are contained within parentheses
Chemical species Arithmetic mean (geometric mean) s.d. (geometric s.d.) Median Data zero or missing
(ng m
) (ng m
) (%)
H 235.1 (183.7) 255.6 (2.1) 159.3 0.0%
Na 332.1 (284.1) 181.8 (2.2) 301.3 27.5%
Al 104.2 (21.8) 474.6 (3.0) 21.5 0.0 %
Si 324.7 (89.1) 1428.4 (2.6) 81.7 0.0 %
P 1.9 (1.1) 2.1 (3.0) 1.2 15.6 %
S 291.9 (257.4) 156.2 (1.6) 255.5 0.0%
Cl 246.9 (73.5) 294.0 (3.8) 147.1 0.9 %
K 81.8 (54.1) 177.1 (2.1) 49.7 0.0 %
Ca 50.2 (33.7) 104.0 (1.6) 32.4 0.0 %
Ti 20.7 (8.2) 87.3 (2.1) 7.7 0.0 %
V 1.3 (0.8) 2.3 (2.5) 0.9 4.6 %
Cr 0.8 (0.6) 0.9 (2.1) 0.6 5.5 %
Mn 4.9 (2.5) 14.3 (2.3) 2.1 0.0 %
Fe 241.9 (132.3) 761.2 (1.9) 124.5 0.0 %
Co 1.3 (0.6) 5.2 (1.7) 0.6 9.2 %
Ni 0.4 (0.3) 0.3 (2.3) 0.4 11.9 %
Cu 9.9 (8.0) 7.7 (1.9) 7.8 0.0 %
Zn 14.2 (10.1) 13.1 (2.1) 10.7 0.0 %
Br 3.8 (3.2) 2.2 (1.5) 3.5 0.0 %
Pb 5.6 (4.5) 3.8 (1.9) 4.6 0.9 %
Black carbon 1529.4 (1399.1) 671.0 (1.6) 1403.5 1.8 %
Mass 10225.2 (7245.2) 24867.3 (1.5) 6741.0 0.0 %
A. J. Friend et al.
where m
is the number of events from wind sector Dythat are
greater than the 75th percentile of the fractional contribution
from each source; and n
is the total number of events from the
same wind sector.
The wind direction bins (Dy) were set at an
angle of 248in this study so that there were 15 wind sectors.
Calm wind speed samples (,1ms
) were excluded from the
The obtained outcomes that could be examined from the
PMF and CPF analysis include: the F matrix, which shows
the chemical species responsible for the sources (known as the
source profiles); and the G matrix of mass contributed from a
source to an individual sample, which can then be taken over the
entire sampling period and shown as a time series. From the
G matrix results, an average mass over a time period can be
determined and compared (e.g. by contrasting the average
summer concentration with the average winter concentration).
So, seasonal trends and differences between weekdays (Monday
to Friday) and weekends (Saturday and Sunday) can be ascer-
tained. The likely locations of the sources are indicated by the
high CPF values and displayed as a polar plot. Finally, the
percentage contribution (i.e. the mass contributed from an
individual source compared to that from all of the sources
combined) establishes how important the source is at a particular
site. From these results, the difference between two sites can be
Results and discussion
Basic data evaluation was performed to examine trends in the
data. Fig. 3 shows the PM
concentration over the sampling
period for both the Rocklea and South Brisbane sites. It was
observed that the same 2 days for both sites exceeded the NEPC
standard for 24-h PM
concentrations of 25 mgm
. These
samples were taken during severe dust storms in the area and this
was corroborated by the high concentrations for the character-
istic soil elements of Al, Si, K, Ca and Ti. Because of the outlier
nature of these points, they were excluded from the PMF
These samples also affected the yearly average. In 2009–10
(June 2009–July 2010) for the South Brisbane site, the annual
average PM
level exceeded the NEPC standard of 8 mgm
Statistical analysis showed that the mean difference between
the years and sites had no statistical significance at the 0.05
level. However, after these samples were removed from the
data, the average concentration decreased to become lower
than the standard (from 10.2 4.6 mgm
(95 % confidence
interval, CI) to 7.6 0.7 mgm
). For the Rocklea site, the
average PM
concentration was lowest for the 2008–09 period
(4.8 0.3 mgm
); however, overall there was no significant
difference between these years. South Brisbane had a higher
average annual concentration compared to Rocklea (Rocklea
2009–10 ¼5.6 0.6 mgm
, South Brisbane 2009–10 ¼7.6
0.7 mgm
) and the difference between the sites was statistically
The average monthly PM
concentration (for June 2009–
June 2010) illustrated in Fig. 4 showed that between July and
September there was a significant increase in concentrations.
During this period, the conditions in the area were more stable
with lower wind speeds and less rainfall, which causes
the pollution to be dispersed more slowly. The sources of the
particles can be affected by this condition in different ways as
demonstrated in the modelling results.
The number of factors identified in the analysis was six
factors for the Rocklea site and five factors for the South
Brisbane sites. The Qvalues determined were 5026 for Rocklea
and 2743 for South Brisbane compared to the ideal Qvalues of
4479 and 1543 respectively. This is a ratio of 1.12 and 1.78 for
the two sites. FPeak was determined to be 0 for the sites by
varying the value and examining the Qvalues and results
produced. The scaled residuals were also examined to find out
whether the values were between 3 and 3. Both sites had five
sources in common with an additional motor vehicle source
identified at Rocklea. Figs 5 and 6 are the source profile results
for the sites. Table 3 contains the seasonal and weekly variation
with percentage contribution results. Table 4 contains the
percentage contribution values for each season and Table 5
has the weekday and weekend percentage contributions for the
sources. These trends are very similar to those observed in the
contribution comparisons. The trends were established by
averaging the source contribution values over a period of time
PM2.5 concentration (µg m3)
01 Jun 2007 01 Dec 2007 01 Jun 2008 01 Dec 2008 01 Jun 2009 01 Dec 2009 01 Jun 2010
Rocklea Standard South Brisbane
Fig. 3. Time series plot for the PM
concentration (mgm
) for the Rocklea and South Brisbane sites.
Source apportionment of PM
at two receptor sites in Australia
Source fraction
Sea salt
Biomass burning
Secondary sulfate
Motor vehicle 1
Motor vehicle 2
Fig. 5. Source profile for the Positive Matrix Factorisation (PMF) analysis for the Rocklea
site. Error bars represent 95 % confidence interval.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
PM2.5 concentrattion (µg m3)
Rocklea South Brisbane
Fig. 4. Average monthly PM
concentration for the Rocklea and South Brisbane sites from June 2009 to June
2010. Error bars represent 95 % confidence interval.
A. J. Friend et al.
Source fraction
Sea salt
Biomass burning
Secondary sulfate
Motor vehicle
Fig. 6. Source profile for the Positive Matrix Factorisation (PMF) analysis for the South
Brisbane site. Error bars represent 95 % confidence interval.
Table 3. Seasonal and weekly trends with percentage contributions for the identified sources
Statistical significance at the 0.05 confidence level is shown in parentheses with a value less than 0.05 considered to be significant
Source identified Seasonal variation Weekly variation Percentage contribution (%)
Rocklea South Brisbane Rocklea South Brisbane Rocklea South Brisbane
Sea salt Summer Summer Constant Constant 13.42 10.78
(2.6 10
) (0.01) (0.41) (0.67)
Soil Spring Spring Weekday Weekday 6.36 6.51
(0.008) (0.05) (0.25) (0.4)
Biomass burning Winter Winter–spring Weekend Weekend 41.8 22.05
(1.5 10
) (1.3 10
) (0.03) (0.21)
Secondary sulfate Spring–summer Spring–summer Constant Weekend 24.57 30.98
(9.0 10
) (0.15) (0.48) (0.08)
Motor vehicle 1 Winter Winter Weekday Weekday 6.93 29.68
(4.8 10
) (6.6 10
) (1.8 10
) (2.810
Motor vehicle 2 Winter Weekday 6.91
(9.6 10
) (1.2 10
Source apportionment of PM
at two receptor sites in Australia
(e.g. average for summer) and compared to the other seasons.
For the purpose of these comparisons, the seasons were sepa-
rated as summer (December–February), autumn (March–May),
winter (June–August) and spring (September–November)
whereas weekdays (represented by Wednesday) were compared
with weekends (represented by Sunday). The statistical signifi-
cance was determined for each of the trends by applying one-
way ANOVA with a significance level of 0.05 for the seasonal
and two tailed t-test for the weekly variation. A value less than
0.05 indicated that the difference between the means was
statistically significant. The CPF analysis results are shown in
Figs 7 and 8, and the six identified sources, their trends, possible
locations, differences between the methods and sites and finally,
differences between this period of sampling and that described
by Friend et al.
are outlined below.
Sea salt or marine aerosol was identified as the first source, as
sodium and chlorine had the highest determined concentra-
Summer was found to have a significantly higher
average contribution because of the increased formation of sea
salt, as higher temperatures and higher wind speeds lead to more
sea spray. In addition, the warmer conditions of the land over the
sea contributed to this trend. Consequently, the wind direction
changes so that sea spray is blown towards the land. The wind
changes from south-west in winter to east from the ocean in
summer. No significant difference was determined between
weekdays and weekends, which is reasonable as marine aerosol
is a natural source and anthropogenic activities would have little
effect. This source had the third highest contribution at Rocklea
and the fourth highest at South Brisbane. CPF analysis showed
that both sites indicated the Pacific Ocean to the east of the sites
as the likely location. These CPF results are also consistent with
those observed in an earlier study conducted at Rocklea by
Friend et al.
The second source identified consistently across both analy-
sis and sites contained Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti and Fe, which were
characteristic of a soil source.
Some differences were
observed in the other elements measured but the characteristic
elements strongly indicate this identity. Seasonal trends found
that spring was the period with the highest average contribution.
This is consistent with the monthly average basic trends analysis
and the time series, which showed large peaks in September.
Dust storms are frequent during this period as indicated by the
outlier event on 23 September 2009. A higher average weekday
trend was observed but it was not statistically significant. Soil
was the lowest contributor at both sites. This relatively low value
may be attributed to soil events such as occasional dust storms
rather than a consistent source. The Rocklea site was located in a
grassed area with limited activity that would increase soil
suspension. Friend et al.
identified a similar source, however,
higher hydrogen and BC concentrations were observed possibly
indicating the influence of road dust. Also, winter was the
highest contributing season and weekdays were significantly
higher than weekends. This may be because of the influence of
road dust that would come from motor vehicle traffic travelling
along nearby roads. A similar percentage contribution was
observed for both sites. The CPF analysis indicated west and
north as the direction of the source, but as the contributions for
both sites were dominated by a few high soil days and all of these
days indicate the south-west to west, long distance dust travel-
ling from the desert may be a major contributor.
For the third source, H, K, S and BC were the elements with
the highest concentrations. It is well known that potassium is
characteristic of a biomass burning source.
However, other
elements such as Br also had relatively high fractions in the
source profile, possibly indicating an influence from motor
vehicles. This is especially true at the South Brisbane site,
which is close to a major freeway. A significantly higher
seasonal average concentration was observed in winter and is
because of the stable weather conditions in the area during this
period caused by low windspeeds and low rainfalls. Brisbane’s
climate is too warm even in winter for indoor burning to be a
significant influence but forest fires can be a problem in the area.
To reduce the likelihood of forest fires during summer, the
government routinely practices controlled burning of the poten-
tially vulnerable areas. This is practiced during the winter. PMF
identified this as the second highest contributor behind second-
ary sulfate at South Brisbane and the highest contributor at
Rocklea consistent with the State of the Environment report
released by the Queensland Government every four years.
Also, at the Rocklea site, this method identified a higher average
contribution on the weekend. Gildemeister et al.
also identi-
fied a weekend trend but it was not statistically significant,
whereas Kim et al. identified a slightly significant weekend
trend but attributed this to residential heating.
CPF analysis
showed the prominent direction at Rocklea to be to the east with
a peak to the north, whereas at South Brisbane, the peaks
occurred in most directions, from south-west to north-east and
Table 4. Seasonal trends in percentage contributions for the identified sources
Source identified Rocklea South Brisbane
Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring
Sea salt 20.80 % 11.79 % 7.81 % 13.56 % 17.82 % 11.27 % 3.73 % 11.67 %
Soil 4.29 % 3.70 % 4.24 % 10.54 % 2.82 % 2.97 % 6.00 % 10.77 %
Biomass burning 23.60 % 34.92 % 60.72 % 39.30 % 11.69 % 16.96 % 27.75 % 29.62 %
Secondary sulfate 39.48 % 29.31 % 11.00 % 24.55 % 38.32 % 30.43 % 28.16 % 20.73 %
Motor vehicle 1 5.40% 8.37 % 9.37 % 6.42 % 29.36 % 38.38 % 34.36 % 27.23 %
Motor vehicle 2 6.44% 11.91 % 6.86 % 5.63 %
Table 5. Weekly trends in percentage contributions for the identified
Source identified Rocklea South Brisbane
Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend
Sea salt 12.79 % 14.83 % 10.50% 10.99 %
Soil 7.90 % 4.58 % 8.39 % 4.79 %
Biomass burning 37.21 % 46.13 % 19.92 % 24.00 %
Secondary sulfate 21.02 % 28.52 % 26.51 % 35.31 %
Motor vehicle 1 10.64 % 2.18 % 34.68 % 24.90 %
Motor vehicle 2 10.45 % 3.77 %
A. J. Friend et al.
a peak to the south-east. This may indicate that this source is
located in multiple directions. Biomass burning was found to be
the highest contributor at a site close to the Rocklea site.
Secondary sulfate, sulfate that has reacted in the air, was
identified as the fourth source. H, S, Na and BC were consis-
tently observed at both of the sites and are characteristic for
secondary sulfate.
A significant difference between the sites
was observed for the seasonal average concentrations. Spring
and summer were found to be significantly higher than the other
seasons at the Rocklea site whereas the same trend was found at
the South Brisbane site, but it was not statistically significant.
A summer variation would be consistent with known trends in
secondary sulfate because sunlight is important for the reaction
of chloride to form sulfate in the atmosphere. Secondary sulfate
Secondary sulfate
Vehicle 1
Biomass burning
Vehicle 2
0.00 0.25 0.50
Sea salt
0.00 0.25 0.50
0.00 0.25 0.500.00 0.25 0.50
0.00 0.25 0.500.00 0.25 0.50
Fig. 7. Conditional probability function (CPF) results for the Rocklea site.
Source apportionment of PM
at two receptor sites in Australia
is a regional source,
and owing to the location of the Rocklea
site in an open area, it may be more easily influenced by this
source. There was no significant difference between the week-
days and weekend observed, which is consistent with a second-
ary source. Again PMF determined secondary sulfate to be the
highest contributing source at the South Brisbane site and the
second highest at Rocklea. Peaks to the north and north-east at
the Rocklea site and to the north-east at the South Brisbane site
were found in the CPF analysis. Power generation and
petroleum refining is the main source of sulfur in Brisbane,
although there is an oil refinery located to the north-east of the
South Brisbane site. In the previous analysis of the data from
the Rocklea site, a similar source was identified as a mixture of
aged sea salt and secondary sulfate.
The high concentration
of sodium in the source profile would be consistent with the
chloride in sea salt reacting in the atmosphere.
The fifth and sixth sources were identified as motor vehicles
because of the high concentration of BC. Fe was the other major
Secondary sulfate
0.00 0.25 0.50
Motor vehicle
0.00 0.25 0.50
Biomass burning
0.00 0.25 0.50
0.00 0.25 0.50
Sea salt
0.00 0.25 0.50
Fig. 8. Conditional probability function (CPF) results for the South Brisbane site.
A. J. Friend et al.
element identified in the fifth source and was observed at both
sites and so this factor may be from petrol vehicles. The sixth
source, however, had zinc, bromine and sulfur, which indicated
that the motor vehicle source was from diesel vehicles. The high
iron concentration in this source may also indicate a railway
influence as this source was only observed at the Rocklea site.
As expected, Motor vehicle 1 was significantly higher at the
South Brisbane site than at Rocklea. Passenger vehicles may
be responsible for this source and the close proximity of the
motorway to the South Brisbane site would support this inter-
pretation. Motor vehicle 2 was not observed in the data at the
second site. Both sources showed the same trends with high
average concentrations in the winter. The stable weather con-
ditions during the winter affect motor vehicle emissions and trap
them for a longer period of time. Concentrations were signifi-
cantly higher during the weekdays in keeping with the higher
volumes of vehicle traffic as people travel to and from work
during the week. CPF analysis showed that motor vehicle 1 was
from the north of the Rocklea site, which is the direction of the
road, whereas for the South Brisbane site the peak was to the
west consistent with the location of a major highway to the west
of this site. For motor vehicle 2 the peak at Rocklea was from the
south and to the east. A railway exchange is located to the east
with the Ipswich Motorway far to the south. Very similar
sources were observed by Friend et al.,
with similar trends
and percentage contributions for the Rocklea site although it was
identified as railway.
The concentrations of PM
elements were determined for two
sites in the south-east Queensland region and analysed using the
receptor model PMF. These analyses were performed to identify
the sources in the area and determine how influential they were
on the ambient pollution levels. Based on the PMF results, the five
common sources of PM
at both sites were motor vehicle
emissions, biomass burning, secondary sulfate, sea salt and soil,
with secondary sulfate as the most significant contributor of PM
aerosols at the South Brisbane site and biomass burning the most
significant at the Rocklea site. In addition, significant dust storms
that caused the PM
concentration to exceed the NEPC standard
were observed at both sites during the sampling period. However,
Rocklea and South Brisbane sites showed the most significant
differences in the motor vehicle sources. Owing to the close
proximity of the highway to the South Brisbane site, the common
vehicle emission source had a significantly higher contribution to
this site.A second vehicle emission wasidentified at Rocklea and
this is most likely because of the prevalence of diesel trucks at the
Brisbane market, which is close to this site. CPF analysis com-
bined meteorological data with the PMF results to determine the
locations of the sources. It is important to have multiple sampling
sites around a city to compare the different sampling environ-
ments (urban, rural or roadside). The results highlight the need to
take both regional and local sources of pollution into consider-
ation when formulating pollution control strategies.
The authors acknowledge the work of the Australian Nuclear Science and
Technology Organisation (ANSTO) in the analysis. The Queensland
Department of Environmental Management (QDERM) is acknowledged for
allowing access to the sites and additional assistance. Funding for the
sampling and analysis was provided by the Australian Institute of Nuclear
Science and Engineering (AINSE).
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A. J. Friend et al.
... Liquid fuels (petrol and diesel) are the primary fuels for powering vehicles in Australia accounting for 77.7 and 19.7%, respectively, of the total registered fleet of vehicles nationwide in 2015 (ABS, 2015). Similarly, forest fires are known to contribute particulate matter to Brisbane (Friend et al., 2011). To reduce the likelihood of forest fires during summer, the government routinely practices controlled burning of potentially vulnerable areas during late winter (Friend et al., 2011). ...
... Similarly, forest fires are known to contribute particulate matter to Brisbane (Friend et al., 2011). To reduce the likelihood of forest fires during summer, the government routinely practices controlled burning of potentially vulnerable areas during late winter (Friend et al., 2011). ...
... Wildfire emissions have been cited to contribute high levels of NAP to urban areas by long range aerosol transport (Jia and Batterman, 2010). Brisbane's air shed is affected by smoke from cane fires and prescribed burning during late winter (Friend et al., 2011;McAlister et al., 2006). Consequently, this factor was attributed to biomass burning. ...
Sediment samples collected over a 3-year period from Brisbane River, Australia, were analysed for fifteen (15) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The total PAH concentrations varied from 148 to 3079 ng/g with a mean concentration of 849 ± 646 ng/g. The study revealed that PAH input into the river was primarily dominated by pyrogenic sources as evidenced by the predominance of the high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs. Temporal variations of PAHs can be linked to the level of urbanization, with continuous input of combustion related PAHs in the commercial area of the river. Inherent deficiencies in using a single source identification/apportionment approach were overcome by using diagnostic ratios, principal component analysis/absolute principal component scores (PCA/APCS) and positive matrix factorization (PMF). Both, PCA/APCS and PMF resolved four (4) identical factors or sources of PAHs, namely: gasoline emissions, diesel emissions, biomass burning and natural gas combustion. Diagnostic ratios, PCA/APCS and PMF analysis indicated that vehicular emissions were the principal sources especially within the lower section of the river while biomass burning had moderate contribution. The distribution, temporal trend and source apportionment suggest the containment of industrial-derived sources of PAHs in the river. From an ecological point of view, the risk posed by PAHs in the Brisbane River sediment appears to be low. Nevertheless, when the investigated sites were ranked using multi-criteria decision making methods(MCDM) the commercial stratum was the most contaminated. Assessment of potential risks posed by incidental dermal exposure to PAHs revealed some degree of cancer risk, especially to children.
... We also created a PA MET-minutes/week score by multiplying the minutes spent in each of these PA types by an assigned metabolic equivalent value (MET) from a PA compendium [43] and summing them. Following Danaei et al. [38], these scores were used Source apportionment to motor vehicles PM 2.5 N/A Friend et al. [50], Environmental Protection Agency [51] Road trauma Gamma Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads [52] for crash data. Assumed standard deviation of 20% from the mean. ...
... This was to avoid seasonal bias in the estimates. We used source apportionment data specific to Brisbane to estimate the proportion of PM 2.5 emissions attributable to motor vehicles [50]. Source apportionment data were collected from two sites in Brisbane, one urban and one suburban, with considerable variation in the proportion of PM 2.5 attributable to motor vehicles (7% and 30%). ...
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Introduction: An alarmingly high proportion of the Australian adult population does not meet national physical activity guidelines (57%). This is concerning because physical inactivity is a risk factor for several chronic diseases. In recent years, an increasing emphasis has been placed on the potential for transport and urban planning to contribute to increased physical activity via greater uptake of active transport (walking, cycling and public transport). In this study, we aimed to estimate the potential health gains and savings in health care costs of an Australian city achieving its stated travel targets for the use of active transport. Methods: Additional active transport time was estimated for the hypothetical scenario of Brisbane (1.1 million population 2013) in Australia achieving specified travel targets. A multi-state life table model was used to estimate the number of health-adjusted life years, life-years, changes in the burden of diseases and injuries, and the health care costs associated with changes in physical activity, fine particle (<2.5 μm; PM2.5) exposure, and road trauma attributable to a shift from motorised travel to active transport. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to test alternative modelling assumptions. Results: Over the life course of the Brisbane adult population in 2013 (860,000 persons), 33,000 health-adjusted life years could be gained if the travel targets were achieved by 2026. This was mainly due to lower risks of physical inactivity-related diseases, with life course reductions in prevalence and mortality risk in the range of 1.5%-6.0%. Prevalence and mortality of respiratory diseases increased slightly (≥0.27%) due to increased exposure of larger numbers of cyclists and pedestrians to fine particles. The burden of road trauma increased by 30% for mortality and 7% for years lived with disability. We calculated substantial net savings ($AU183 million, 2013 values) in health care costs. Conclusion: In cities, such as Brisbane, where over 80% of trips are made by private cars, shifts towards walking, cycling and public transport would cause substantial net health benefits and savings in health care costs. However, for such shifts to occur, investments are needed to ensure safe and convenient travel.
... Small amounts of sulphur components exist in gasoline, different forms of sulphur such as sulphates, sulphides or oxysulphides can also be formed in three-way catalytic converters 17 . Br is also indicating motor vehicles 25 . Near-road aerosols may comprise combustion-derived carbonaceous nuclei or ultrafine particles with trace amounts of vaporized S and P and metal constituents such as Ca, K, Fe, and Al from the fuel, the lubricating oils, or their additive 26,27 . ...
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Observations of air pollution in Krakow have shown that air quality has been improved during the last decade. In the presented study two factors affecting the physicochemical characteristic of PM2.5 fraction at AGH station in Krakow were observed. One is the ban of using solid fuels for heating purposes and the second is COVID-19 pandemic in Krakow. The PM2.5 fraction was collected during the whole year every 3rd day between 2nd March 2020 and 28th February 2021 at AGH station in Krakow. In total 110 PM2.5 fraction samples were collected. The chemical composition was determined for these samples. The elemental analysis was performed by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) technique, ions analysis was performed by ion chromatography (IC) and black carbon by optical method. In order to identify the emission sources the positive matrix factorization (PMF) was used. The results of such study were compared to similar analysis performed for PM2.5 for the period from June 2018 to May 2019 at AGH station in Krakow. The PM2.5 concentration dropped by 25% in 2020/2021 in comparison to 2018/2019 at this station. The concentrations of Si, K, Fe, Zn and Pb were lowering by 43–64% in the year 2020/2021 in comparison to 2018/2019. Cu, Mn, Zn and Pb come from mechanical abrasion of brakes and tires while Ti, Fe, Mn and Si are crustal species. They are the indicators of road dust (non-exhaust traffic source). Moreover, the annual average contribution of traffic/industrial/soil/construction work source was reduced in 2020/2021 in comparison to 2018/2019. As well the annual average contribution of fuels combustion was declining by 22% in 2020/2021 in comparison to 2018/2019. This study shows that the ban and lockdown, during COVID-19 pandemic, had significant impact on the characteristic of air pollution in Krakow.
... A long-term study of fine particle pollution in the Sydney Basin demonstrated that wood heaters in the Liverpool area represented approximately 40% of PM 2.5 during winter (Cohen et al., 2011). In Queensland, the contribution of biomass burning varied between 11% and 60% of PM, however, forest fires are frequent in this area, and these contributions cannot be assigned solely to RWC (Friend et al., 2011a(Friend et al., , 2011b(Friend et al., , 2012(Friend et al., , 2013. ...
In recent years, residential wood combustion (RWC) has become a major source of ambient particulate matter (PM) in many developed countries, and in some of these countries even the largest source of primary particle emissions. While other sources of PM have been regulated intensively during the past decades, RWC has been subject to only minor regulation despite of its impact on climate and health. This review covers recent research publications on RWC contributions to ambient PM in different regions of Europe, North America and Australasia, and on key species associated with RWC. Furthermore, factors governing emissions from wood stoves (as the typical appliance used in residential heating) are evaluated. State-of-the-art methods for estimating RWC as a source of ambient PM are discussed. We conclude by highlighting important areas for future research and policies.
... Elemental analysis for tested fuels, new and used lubricating oil were carried out and the results are presented at Tables S6-S8 in the Supporting Information. Elemental composition of particles in the ambient air was derived from previous studies [38,39] and used as a reference in the present study because their work used samples taken in the same city (Brisbane) as this study. The typical metal concentrations in Brisbane ambient air can be seen in Table S9, in which the dominant metallic elements in the ambient air (presented in the red text) are Na, Fe, Ca, K, Zn, Ti and Al. ...
Metallic composition of diesel particulate matter, even though a relatively small proportion of total mass, can reveal important information regarding engine conditions, fuel/lubricating oil characteristics and for health impacts. In this study, a detailed investigation into the metallic elemental composition at different particle diameter sizes has been undertaken. A bivariate statistical analysis was performed in order to investigate the correlation between the metallic element, measured engine performance and engine emission variables. Major sources of metallic elements in the emitted particles are considered in this study, including the fuel and lubricating oil compositions, engine wear emissions and metal-containing dust in the ambient air. Metallic solid ultrafine-particles (Dp < 100 nm) are strongly associated with metallic compounds derived from lubricating oil (Ca, Zn, Mg and K), while the fuel related metallic compounds and engine wear emissions are represented in the https://doi.
... PIXE and PIGE have long been major techniques applied to the analysis of fine particle air filters [13][14][15][16] for many years. Here at ANSTO we have measured more than 60,000 filters over the past 25 years using multiple simultaneous IBA techniques including PIXE, PIGE, RBS and PESA [14,[17][18][19][20][21]. ...
Fine particle air pollution is a significant problem in large urbanised areas across the Asian region. With funding from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) fifteen countries in Asia have been collecting weekly samples on filters of fine and coarse particles in major cities for the past 15 years. These filters have been analysed for over 20 different chemical species from hydrogen to lead using a range of analytical techniques including accelerator based ion beam techniques such as PIXE, PIGE, PESA, RBS, as well as XRF and NAA. These data have been included into a major database, which is generally available, containing over 17,000 combined sampling days from these fifteen countries spanning an area of the globe from ± 50° latitude and from 70° to 180° longitude. That is, the sampling covers an area north-south from Mongolia to New Zealand and west-east from Islamabad, Pakistan to Wellington, NZ.
Exposure to fine particulate bound toxic metals in ambient air poses adverse effects to human. This study aims to determine the spatial variability in heavy metals in PM2.5 samples, for identifying their potential sources and to perform the health risk modelling. PM2.5 samples were collected using high volume sampler (HVS) on 24 h basis from three sites in Johor areas in Malaysia from January to March 2019. Metals were initially extracted using microwave assisted digestion and the metals concentrations were analysed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICPMS). Overall, the abundant metals in PM2.5 among the metals analyzed were Zn with mean (29.92 ng/m3) and Se with mean (27.02 ng/m3). The sources of PM-bound metals were identified using absolute principal component score (APCS) with multiple linear regression (MLR). The major source contribution was noted from vehicle emission (41%). Other potential sources for the metals in PM2.5 was from oil coal fired power plant (34%) and oil refinery and industrial emission (4%) leaving 22% of metals undefined. From the health risk analysis, the hazard quotient (HQ) and excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) values of the metals were within the tolerance level. The trend for HQ values were Co< Zn <Pb <Cu <Ni <As for adolescent and Co< Zn< Cu< Pb< Ni <As for adult age. Whereas for ELCR values, the trends were same for both adolescent and adult age groups as Pb< Ni < As. Few of the toxic metals showed comparatively high HQ values that might be a risk in the long-term exposure. Considering the highest noted contribution from vehicular emissions, it is advised to raise public awareness to practice carpooling and use public transportation to reduce emissions from vehicular sources.
Australia has relatively diverse sources and low concentrations of ambient fine particulate matter (<2.5 µm, PM2.5). Few comparable regions are available to evaluate the utility of continental-scale land-use regression (LUR) models including global geophysical estimates of PM2.5, derived by relating satellite-observed aerosol optical depth to ground-level PM2.5 (‘SAT-PM2.5’). We aimed to determine the validity of such satellite-based LUR models for PM2.5 in Australia. We used global SAT-PM2.5 estimates (~10 km grid) and local land-use predictors to develop four LUR models for year-2015 (two satellite-based, two non-satellite-based). We evaluated model performance at 51 independent monitoring sites not used for model development. An LUR model that included the SAT-PM2.5 predictor variable (and six others) explained the most spatial variability in PM2.5 (adjusted R2 = 0.63, RMSE (µg/m3 [%]): 0.96 [14%]). Performance decreased modestly when evaluated (evaluation R2 = 0.52, RMSE: 1.15 [16%]). The evaluation R2 of the SAT-PM2.5 estimate alone was 0.26 (RMSE: 3.97 [56%]). SAT-PM2.5 estimates improved LUR model performance, while local land-use predictors increased the utility of global SAT-PM2.5 estimates, including enhanced characterization of within-city gradients. Our findings support the validity of continental-scale satellite-based LUR modeling for PM2.5 exposure assessment in Australia.
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One source of water is rainwater. It is a pure solvent if not polluted. It has diverse functions in humans, animals and other materials. For rainwater not to be polluted, it means the values of cations, anions and particulate matter should be below water permissible limits. In this paper, we have characterized metals in rainwater harvested in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria using standard methods of analyses. The physico-chemical parameters and metals were below WHO water guidelines. The variation of the metals was as follows: Ca>K>Na>Mg>Zn>Fe>Cu>Pb>Cr. Cd was absent and the Pb content was low. Principal Component Analysis showed that factors 1, 2 and 3 showed high loadings for Cr and Zn; Pb and Ca; and Cu, Mn and Mg respectively. Sources of these metals were due to anthropogenic activities.
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Alkyl nitrates (RONO2) were measured concurrently at a mountain site (TMS) and an urban site (TW) at the foot of the same mountain in Hong Kong from September to November 2010, when high O3 mixing ratios were frequently observed. The abundance and temporal patterns of five C1–C4 RONO2 and their parent hydrocarbons (RH), the RONO2/RH ratios and photochemical age of air masses at TMS differed from those at TW, reflecting different contributions of direct emissions and secondary formation of RONO2 at the two sites. Relative to 2-BuONO2/n-butane, the measured ratios of C1–C2 RONO2/RH at the two sites exhibited significant positive deviations from pure photochemical (PP) curves and background initial ratio (BIR) curves obtained from laboratory kinetic data, suggesting that background mixing ratios had a significant influence on the RONO2 and RH distributions. In contrast to the C1–C2 RONO2/RH ratios, the evolution for the measured ratios of C3 RONO2/RH to 2-BuONO2/n-butane agreed well with the ratio distributions in the PP and BIR curves at the two sites. Furthermore, the ratios of 1-/2-PrONO2 and yields of 1- and 2-PrONO2 suggested that the C3 RONO2 were mainly from secondary formation at TMS, whereas secondary formation and other additional sources had a significant influence on C3 RONO2 mixing ratios at TW. The source apportionment results confirmed that secondary formation was the dominant contributor to all the RONO2 at TMS, while most of the RONO2 at TW were from secondary formation and biomass burning. The findings of the source apportionments and photochemical evolution of RONO2 are helpful to evaluate photochemical processing in Hong Kong using RONO2 as an indicator.
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An intensive study to test and validate the Laser Integrating Plate Method (LIPM) of determining absorption coefficient and black carbon mass was carried out. Measurements by LIPM were compared to Smoke Stain Reflectometer measurements and Mie calculations based on accelerator ion beam analysis (IBA) elemental composition measurements. Results show that the value of mass absorption coefficient ϵ = 10 mg previously used for mass determination, and widely accepted for black carbon generated by combustion processes, is an inappropriate choice for the type of carbon measured in Sydney. A value of ϵ = 7 mg for soot and ambient aerosol particles was found to be more appropriate.
Airborne fine particles were collected at a suburban site in Queensland, Australia between 1995 and 2003. The samples were analysed for 21 elements and Positive Matrix Factorisation (PMF), Preference Ranking Organisation Methods for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) and Graphical Analysis for Interactive Assistance (GAIA) were applied to the data. PROMETHEE provided information on the ranking of pollutant levels from the sampling years whereas PMF provided insights into the sources of the pollutants, their chemical composition, most likely locations and relative contribution to the levels of particulate pollution at the site. PROMETHEE and GAIA found that the removal of lead from fuel in the area had a significant effect on the pollution patterns whereas PMF identified six pollution sources, including railways (5.5%), biomass burning (43.3%), soil (9.2%), sea salt (15.6%), aged sea salt (24.4%) and motor vehicles (2.0%). Thus the results gave information that can assist in the formulation of mitigation measures for air pollution.
Aerosol samples for PM2.5 and PM10 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters less than 2.5 and 10 μm, respectively) were collected from 1993 to 1995 at five sites in Brisbane, a subtropical coastal city in Australia. This paper investigates the contributions of emission sources to PM2.5 and PM10 aerosol mass in Brisbane. Source apportionment results derived from the chemical mass balance (CMB), target transformation factor analysis (TTFA) and multiple linear regression (MLR) methods agree well with each other. The contributions from emission sources exhibit large variations in particle size with temporal and spatial differences. On average, the major contributors of PM10 aerosol mass in Brisbane include: soil/road side dusts (25% by mass), motor vehicle exhausts (13%, not including the secondary products), sea salt (12%), Ca-rich and Ti-rich compounds (11%, from cement works and mineral processing industries), biomass burning (7%), and elemental carbon and secondary products contribute to around 15% of the aerosol mass on average. The major sources of PM2.5 aerosols at the Griffith University (GU) site (a suburban site surrounded by forest area) are: elemental carbon (24% by mass), secondary organics (21%), biomass burning (15%) and secondary sulphate (14%). Most of the secondary products are related to motor vehicle exhausts, so, although motor vehicle exhausts contribute directly to only 6% of the PM2.5 aerosol mass, their total contribution (including their secondary products) could be substantial. This pattern of source contribution is similar to the results for Rozelle (Sydney) among the major Australian studies, and is less in contributions from industrial and motor vehicular exhausts than the other cities. An attempt was made to estimate the contribution of rural dust and road side dust. The results show that road side dusts could contribute more than half of the crustal matter. More than 80% of the contribution of vehicle exhausts arises from diesel-fuelled trucks/buses. Biomass burning, large contributions of crustal matter, and/or local contributing sources under calm weather conditions, are often the cause of the high PM10 episodes at the GU site in Brisbane.
PM2.5 (particulate matter less than 2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter) speciation data collected between 2003 and 2005 at two United State Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Speciation Trends Network monitoring sites in the South Coast area, California were analyzed to identify major PM2.5 sources as a part of the State Implementation Plan development. Eight and nine major PM2.5 sources were identified in LA and Rubidoux, respectively, through PMF2 analyses. Similar to a previous study analyzing earlier data (Kim and Hopke, 2007a), secondary particles contributed the most to the PM2.5 concentrations: 53% in LA and 59% in Rubidoux. The next highest contributors were diesel emissions (11%) in LA and Gasoline vehicle emissions (10%) in Rubidoux. Most of the source contributions were lower than those from the earlier study. However, the average source contributions from airborne soil, sea salt, and aged sea salt in LA and biomass smoke in Rubidoux increased.To validate the apportioned sources in this study, PMF2 results were compared with those obtained from EPA PMF (US EPA, 2005). Both models identified the same number of major sources and the resolved source profiles and contributions were similar at the two monitoring sites. The minor differences in the results caused by the differences in the least square algorithm and non-negativity constraints between two models did not affect the source identifications.
PM2.5 particulate matter has been collected on Teflon filters every Sunday and Wednesday at Hanoi, Vietnam for nearly eight years from April 2001 to December 2008. These filters have been analysed for over 21 different chemical species from hydrogen to lead by ion beam analysis techniques. This is the first long term PM2.5 dataset for this region. The average PM2.5 mass for the study period was (54 ± 33) μg m−3, well above the current US EPA health goal of 15 μg m−3. The average PM2.5 composition was found to be (29 ± 8)% ammonium sulfate, (8.9 ± 3.3)% soil, (28 ± 11)% organic matter, (0.6 ± 1.4)% salt and (9.2 ± 2.8)% black carbon. The remaining missing mass (25%) was mainly nitrates and absorbed water. Positive matrix factorisation techniques identified the major source contributions to the fine mass as automobiles and transport (40 ± 10)%, windblown soil (3.4 ± 2)%, secondary sulfates (7.8 ± 10)%, smoke from biomass burning (13 ± 6)%, ferrous and cement industries (19 ± 8)%, and coal combustion (17 ± 7)% during the 8 year study period.
The mathematical details of the Unmix multivariate receptor model for air quality data are given. Primary among these is an algorithm to find edges (more correctly hyperplanes) in sets of points in N-dimensional space. An example with simulated data is given.
A new variant ‘PMF’ of factor analysis is described. It is assumed that X is a matrix of observed data and σ is the known matrix of standard deviations of elements of X. Both X and σ are of dimensions n × m. The method solves the bilinear matrix problem X = GF + E where G is the unknown left hand factor matrix (scores) of dimensions n × p, F is the unknown right hand factor matrix (loadings) of dimensions p × m, and E is the matrix of residuals. The problem is solved in the weighted least squares sense: G and F are determined so that the Frobenius norm of E divided (element-by-element) by σ is minimized. Furthermore, the solution is constrained so that all the elements of G and F are required to be non-negative. It is shown that the solutions by PMF are usually different from any solutions produced by the customary factor analysis (FA, i.e. principal component analysis (PCA) followed by rotations). Usually PMF produces a better fit to the data than FA. Also, the result of PF is guaranteed to be non-negative, while the result of FA often cannot be rotated so that all negative entries would be eliminated. Different possible application areas of the new method are briefly discussed. In environmental data, the error estimates of data can be widely varying and non-negativity is often an essential feature of the underlying models. Thus it is concluded that PMF is better suited than FA or PCA in many environmental applications. Examples of successful applications of PMF are shown in companion papers.
Aerosol samples for PM2.5 were collected at a suburban site of India during Jan 2007 to Jan 2008. The sampling site is exposed to different antropic source emissions like vehicular emission, wood burning, coal based industries and other industrial activities. The mass concentrations of PM2.5, major elements (Al, Si, P, S, Na, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Te, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Sn, Sb, and Pb) and major ions (Cl−, NO3−, SO42−, and NH4+) were determined for winter and rainy seasons. Their levels were found higher than those of in various European and American cities, however, comparable to those of some Asian cities. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant seasonal variation for concentrations of PM2.5, NO3−, SO42− and most of the elements. This seasonal variation is due to enhanced heating activities and stagnant climatic conditions in winter and removal of pollutants by wet deposition in the rainy period. Source apportionment was undertaken using enrichment factor (EF), Spearman's correlation and absolute principal component analysis. A five-factor model for explaining the observed PM2.5 levels was found to provide realistic results. Evaluation of element abundance at site indicates different pollution levels. The source identification of this study shows that PM2.5 levels were influenced by not only local and industrial activities but also long range transport. Traffic induced crustal sources (38%); coal combustion (26%), industrial and vehicular emissions (19%), wood burning (9%) and secondary aerosol formation (8%) are the major contributors to PM2.5 levels in the city.
In this work the performance and theoretical background behind two of the most commonly used receptor modelling methods in aerosol science, principal components analysis (PCA) and positive matrix factorization (PMF), as well as multivariate curve resolution by alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) and weighted alternating least squares (MCR-WALS), are examined. The performance of the four methods was initially evaluated under standard operational conditions, and modifications regarding data pre-treatment were then included. The methods were applied using raw and scaled data, with and without uncertainty estimations. Strong similarities were found among the sources identified by PMF and MCR-WALS (weighted models), whereas discrepancies were obtained with MCR-ALS (unweighted model). Weighting of input data by means of uncertainty estimates was found to be essential to obtain robust and accurate factor identification. The use of scaled (as opposed to raw) data highlighted the contribution of trace elements to the compositional profiles, which was key to the correct interpretation of the nature of the sources. Our results validate the performance of MCR-WALS for aerosol Pollution studies. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Several multivariate data analysis methods have been applied to a combination of particle size and composition measurements made at the Baltimore Supersite. Partial least squares (PLS) was used to investigate the relationship (linearity) between number concentrations and the measured PM2.5 mass concentrations of chemical species. The data were obtained at the Ponca Street site and consisted of six days’ measurements: 6, 7, 8, 18, 19 July, and 21 August 2002. The PLS analysis showed that the covariance between the data could be explained by 10 latent variables (LVs), but only the first four of these were sufficient to establish the linear relationship between the two data sets. More LVs could not make the model better. The four LVs were found to better explain the covariance between the large sized particles and the chemical species. A bilinear receptor model, PMF2, was then used to simultaneously analyze the size distribution and chemical composition data sets. The resolved sources were identified using information from number and mass contributions from each source (source profiles) as well as meteorological data. Twelve sources were identified: oil-fired power plant emissions, secondary nitrate I, local gasoline traffic, coal-fired power plant, secondary nitrate II, secondary sulfate, diesel emissions/bus maintenance, Quebec wildfire episode, nucleation, incinerator, airborne soil/road-way dust, and steel plant emissions. Local sources were mostly characterized by bi-modal number distributions. Regional sources were characterized by transport mode particles (0.2–).