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Dual-Task Studies of Working Memory and Arithmetic Performance: A Meta-Analysis


Abstract and Figures

We performed a meta-analysis of dual-task experiments to assess the robustness of the effects of conducting working memory secondary tasks on arithmetic performance. Four hundred effect sizes from 21 studies from 1,049 participants were analyzed across a variety of specifications. Results revealed that increases in working memory load resulted in slower (7% to 19% reduction) speed of solving of arithmetic problems. Of the potential moderators, working memory load type (i.e. central executive, phonological loop, and visuospatial sketchpad), arithmetic task type (e.g. addition verification, approximate addition, exact multiplication), and authors’ predictions for significance which served as a proxy for cross-talk were statistically significant across specifications, but participants’ age was not. Working memory load type was the most substantial moderator, with central executive tasks leading to the greatest slowing of performance, suggesting that the cognitive complexity of a working memory task may exert a larger influence on performance than the domain-specific overlapping processing demands of similar tasks. We discuss the apparent discrepancy between these findings and findings from correlational studies of the relation between arithmetic performance and working memory, which have reported similar correlations across working memory domains, on average.
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Dual-Task Studies of Working Memory and Arithmetic Performance: A Meta-Analysis
Edward H. Chen, Drew H. Bailey
University of California, Irvine
Accepted at Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 1/13/2020
Address inquiries to Edward Chen;
Author note: The authors thank Dave Geary, Susanne Jaeggi, Young-Suk Kim, Hal Pashler,
Lindsey Richland, and Jeff Rouder for comments on previous versions of this project. The
authors thank André Knops and Iro Xenidou-Dervou for sharing their summary data. Bailey is
funded by a Jacobs Fellowship.
©American Psychological Association, 2020. This paper is not the copy of record and may not
exactly replicate the authoritative document published in the APA journal. Please do not copy or
cite without author's permission.
We performed a meta-analysis of dual-task experiments to assess the robustness of the
effects of conducting working memory secondary tasks on arithmetic performance. Four hundred
effect sizes from 21 studies from 1,049 participants were analyzed across a variety of
specifications. Results revealed that increases in working memory load resulted in slower (7% to
19% reduction) speed of solving of arithmetic problems. Of the potential moderators, working
memory load type (i.e. central executive, phonological loop, and visuospatial sketchpad),
arithmetic task type (e.g. addition verification, approximate addition, exact multiplication), and
authors’ predictions for significance which served as a proxy for cross-talk were statistically
significant across specifications, but participants’ age was not. Working memory load type was
the most substantial moderator, with central executive tasks leading to the greatest slowing of
performance, suggesting that the cognitive complexity of a working memory task may exert a
larger influence on performance than the domain-specific overlapping processing demands of
similar tasks. We discuss the apparent discrepancy between these findings and findings from
correlational studies of the relation between arithmetic performance and working memory, which
have reported similar correlations across working memory domains, on average.
Dual-Task Studies of Working Memory and Arithmetic Performance: A Meta-Analysis
It is widely agreed that various aspects of arithmetic performance are dependent on working
memory, but the strength of this relation and the degree to which different features of working
memory contribute to this performance is difficult to study. Arithmetic procedures involve the
temporary storage and manipulation of numerical elements across multiple steps (Hitch, 1978).
For example, individuals solving multi-digit arithmetic problems, such as 23 × 16 or 256 + 169
must encode the problem they are working with, perform a number of calculations, and maintain
these intermediate values in order to form a coherent solution to the arithmetic problem (for a
review, see Raghubar, Barnes, & Hecht, 2010). Arithmetical processing, therefore, appears to
rely heavily on working memory. Consistent with this theory, working memory has been found
to be reliably correlated with performance on mathematical tasks and has been found to
statistically predict children’s mathematics outcomes (for reviews, see Friso-van den Bos, van
der Ven, Kroesbergen, & van Luit, [2013] and Raghubar, Barnes, & Hecht, [2010]).
However, some specific questions about the nature of working memory resources influencing
arithmetic performance have been difficult to address. In particular, the specificity of these
effects to particular facets load types of working memory (e.g. differential impact of the
visuospatial system versus the phonological system on subtraction performance), types of
arithmetic, and interactions among them, is limited by the use of correlational designs. Two more
causally informative approaches are training studies, where participants learn to better utilize
working memory resources, and the dual-task experimental design, whereby participants perform
a primary cognitive task (e.g. multiplication) concurrently with another secondary task (e.g.
pressing a left key when hearing a low tone through a headset or the right key when hearing a
high tone). Dual-task experiments offer an alternative to correlational or training studies by
allowing the researcher to both experimentally manipulate working memory load and the overlap
between features of the working memory task and the arithmetic task to investigate task overlap
(Logie & Baddeley, 1987; Ashcraft, Donley, Halas, Vakali, 1992; for review, see Pashler, 1994).
Our goal is to investigate the specificity of working memory functions in arithmetic through such
a design and provide insight on the discrepancy between experimental and correlational findings.
Thus, we review the literature on the role of working memory in arithmetic processing and
provide meta-analytic evidence to characterize the causal relation between working memory and
arithmetic as studied in dual-task experiments.
Causal Effects of Working Memory on Arithmetic?
Working memory has been conceptualized in a variety of ways. Some models suggest
that it as distinct from executive functions while others argue that executive functions subsume
working memory functions. Research on the cognitive processes that underlie arithmetical
cognition has been largely influenced by the multicomponent model of working memory
conceptualized by Baddeley and Hitch (1974). According to this model, working memory is a
limited capacity system responsible for short-term storage and manipulation of elements within
cognitive processes (Diamond, 2013; Miyake & Shah, 1999). The model has been refined over
time but often separates working memory into three core subcomponents: the central executive
(CE), phonological loop (PL), and visuospatial sketchpad (VSSP). Miyake’s and colleagues’
(2000) theory of executive functions proposes three aspects of executive functions: updating,
shifting, inhibition. Updating involves the constantly monitoring and adding/deleting WM
contents, shifting involves switching between tasks and mental sets, and inhibition involves the
conscious overriding of predominant responses. Unlike the Baddeley model, there are no
subcomponent systems (i.e. the visuospatial sketchpad and phonological loop), and WM is
viewed separately as a passive-storage system that relies on executive functions. Diamond’s
model of EF is similar to Miyake’s in that it includes inhibition and views WM as a separate
construct, but it differs by including cognitive flexibility which involves task switching
(analogous to shifting). Dual-tasks have been thought to involve executive functions such as
those found in Miyake and Baddeley’s models (specifically that of shifting), but no consensus
has yet been found regarding the specificity of which executive function. Another perspective
involves EFs as part of WM, that is, WM capacity is the ability to use attention to maintain or
suppress information (Engle, 2002; Awh, Vogel, & Oh, 2006). Engle (2002) posits that a greater
WM capacity is indicative of greater ability to control attention rather than a larger memory
storage. While many alternative models to EF and WM have been proposed over the last few
decades, the focus of this meta-analysis is on Baddeley’s multicomponent model. The primary
reason for this is that dual-task research including arithmetic tasks is largely predicated on this
model, specifically predictions concerning its subcomponents and variations in arithmetic tasks.
Thus, arithmetic tasks are hypothesized to be subject to interference to the extent that they
overlap with specific arithmetic processing on Baddeley’s subcomponents. More general
processes, such as switching or inhibition, are likely required across most dual-task pairs,
although perhaps in different amounts, with tasks hypothesized to require CE resources
involving more switching and inhibition than tasks hypothesized to require only PL and VSSP.
Thus, results can be interpreted with respect to all of these theories, but hypothesized examples
of cross-talk pertain most directly to Baddeley’s.
The central executive is the most important component of Baddeley’s model. It acts in a
supervisory role between the other two subsystems by coordinating visual and verbal information
and between working memory and long-term memory. Compared to the PL and VSSP whose
functions are more domain-specific and storage-based, the CE is amodal and facilitates
processing. Beyond a supervisory position, the CE’s other main functions include selective
attention, inhibiting or suppressing automatic responses, updating working memory with new
information, and shifting between tasks. Within Baddeley’s model, the CE would appear to play
a pivotal role across all types of single- and multi-digit arithmetic operations, because of the split
in attentional resources and the necessity to maintain intermediate results (for reviews, see
Raghubar, Barnes, & Hecht [2010] and DeStefano & LeFevre [2004]).
The phonological loop aids in temporarily storing and rehearsing verbal information. In
the context of arithmetic cognition, the phonological loop seems to be primarily involved in
verbally mediating calculation strategies, such as decomposing, transforming, and counting
up/down in multi-digit arithmetic (Furst & Hitch, 2000; Imbo & Vandierendonck, 2007a).
The visuospatial sketchpad is responsible for the storage and processing of visual and
spatial information of an element, such as its shape and position. The visuospatial sketchpad has
been viewed as especially important to the development of mental arithmetic in young children
whereby their use of the mental number line is reliant on visuospatial encoding (Hubbard et al.
2005; McKenzie, Bull, & Gray, 2003). While the role of the VSSP is less understood in mental
arithmetic, some have found evidence suggesting that it is involved in strategy use (though to a
much lesser extent than the PL and CE because these more sophisticated strategies take time to
develop) and more difficult arithmetic problems in both children and adults, such as those
requiring carrying operations or the encoding of intermediate results (Rasmussen & Bisanz,
2005; Xenidou-Dervou, van der Schoot & van Lieshot, 2015; Noël, Desert, Aubrun, & Seron,
2001; Logie, Gilhooly, & Wynn, 1994; Hubber, Gilmore, & Cragg, 2014).
Another component, the episodic buffer, was later added to the Baddeley model to
explain how the central executive interacts with the other subsystems; however, there is little
discussion or experimental manipulation of the episodic buffer within the dual-task literature for
arithmetic (Ketelsen & Welsh, 2010).
The relations between working memory and arithmetic performance may also differ by
participant age. The solving of simple arithmetic problems is often highly practiced in adults, but
children solve problems more slowly and often use less sophisticated strategies (e.g., counting
the smaller addend rather than retrieval) because they have yet to attain the same level of
expertise (Ashcraft, 1992; Anderson, 1987, Siegler, 1988). Children tend to use more efficient
strategies to solve arithmetic problems and rely less on working memory resources as they get
older (Imbo & Vandierendonck, 2007b; McKenzie, Bull, & Gray, 2003, likely due to the
acquisition of more efficient arithmetic strategies; Halford, Cowan, & Andrews, 2007).
Working memory’s role in arithmetic processing has been studied using several different
methodological approaches. We review these approaches, findings, and the costs and benefits
associated with each approach. Here, we will examine correlational studies and two experimental
approaches: working memory training and dual-task designs.
Much of our understanding of the role of executive functions, specifically working
memory, in mathematical and arithmetic performance comes from correlational designs. In
general, all facets of working memory are known to be correlated with mathematical
performance (Friso-van den Bos, van der Ven, Kroesbergen, & van Luit, 2013; Bull & Lee,
2014), and arithmetic performance differences between children with and without mathematical
difficulties are smaller after statistically controlling for differences in working memory capacity
(Geary, Hoard, Byrd-Craven, & DeSoto, 2004; Geary, Hoard, Byrd-Craven, Nugent, & Numtee,
2007). However, while these correlational designs provide insight into the possible cognitive
processes influencing mathematical development, these designs have had inconsistent success at
demonstrating the specificity of working memory contributions. In one meta-analysis, the
average correlations for working memory and mathematical tasks were quite similar across the
phonological and visuospatial working memory tasks (r = .34 for visuospatial updating, r =.38
for verbal updating, r =.34 for VSSP, and r =.31 for PL; Friso-van den Bos, van der Ven,
Kroesbergen, & van Luit, 2013)
. Using a domain-specific model of working memory in which
the domains are divided into verbal (mathematics tasks with verbal components like word
problems), numerical (number related tasks like calculations), and visuospatial (mathematics
tasks with visuospatial components like geometry) working memory, another meta-analysis of
correlations between working memory and arithmetic tasks presented similar findings (r = .30
for verbal working memory, r =.34 for numerical working memory, and r =.31 for visuospatial;
Peng, Barnes, Namkung, & Sun, 2015). Thus, the correlational literature has not identified
substantial differences in the correlations between arithmetic performance and different working
memory task types.
These findings imply that if there is specificity in the effects of different working
memory components on arithmetic tasks, averaging correlations across studies does not reliably
Friso-van den Bos and colleagues (2013) used working memory components that were a
combination of those posited by Baddeley and Hitch (1974 – the central executive, phonological
loop, and visuospatial sketchpad) and Miyake et al. (2000 – updating, shifting, and inhibition). In
our meta-analysis, we primarily use Baddeley and Hitch’s model. We concluded this model was
more closely aligned with the dual task literature, because it more naturally makes a distinction
between domains (verbal and spatial), it makes a distinction between remembering and
manipulating information that applies to many of the working memory tasks used in the dual task
literature, and because almost all of the secondary tasks would be categorized as updating under
Miyake and colleagues’ model.
differentiate among them. Statistically controlling for facets of working memory simultaneously
may not solve this problem, as the tasks used to measure each facet may differentially reflect
broader cognitive abilities (Schmidt, 2017). Taken together, this evidence is consistent with
different aspects of working memory contributing similarly to arithmetic performance, but this
method may also lack the required sensitivity to differentiate the contributions of different
aspects of working memory to arithmetic performance.
In order to better understand the unique contributions of working memory facets to
arithmetic performance, we turn to evidence from experimental designs. One experimental
approach to estimating the effects of working memory on mathematical cognition is cognitive
training intervention. Typically, participants engage in an activity or game that targets either
general or specific cognitive skills and are later measured on both cognitive abilities and school-
related achievement tests (Diamond & Lee, 2011; Jaeggi, Buschkuehl, Jonides, & Shah, 2012;
Loosli, Buschkuehl, Perrig, & Jaeggi, 2012). For example, a recent study by Ramani et al. (2017)
trained three different groups of kindergarteners using a working memory game condition, math
game condition, and a no-contact control condition and found improvements in numerical
processing for both intervention groups. In this particular study, the working memory game
involved remembering the orientation and sequence of cartoon characters on a tablet screen. The
number of characters required of the children to remember would increase with successful
This approach has produced a number of positive effects, and its design appears to be a
straightforward approach for estimating causal links between working memory and arithmetic
performance. However, a meta-analysis of training interventions by Melby-Lervåg and Hulme
(2013) found short-term, near-transfer improvements in working memory ability, but
inconsistent effects on substantively different cognitive tasks, including arithmetic. Subsequent
meta-analyses and a systematic review reported similar findings of strong near transfer effects of
cognitive training, with limited evidence that these improvements transfer to a variety of
cognitive tasks, including verbal ability, reading comprehension, and arithmetic (Sala & Gobet,
2017; Simons et al., 2016; Melby-Lervåg, Redick, & Hulme, 2016). Notably, an evaluation of a
school-based working memory training intervention in Australian first graders found persistent
impacts on some working memory tasks at 6 and 12 months after training, but no evidence of
transfer to math computation 12 or 24 months after training (Roberts et al., 2016).
Unfortunately, such findings are ambiguous with respect to the influence of working
memory on arithmetic performance, primarily because of debates about the breadth of the
constructs being trained. Though WM training is expected to transfer across WM tasks, this often
may not be the case (Colom et al. 2013). If training fails to generalize to even other WM tasks, it
is not clear if general cognitive processes like WM have been improved at all, and by extension,
the mechanism for transfer is not clear either. If training generalizes to arithmetic or other tasks,
the possibility of effects via mechanisms other than working memory improvement (especially in
studies including a passive control condition; Shipstead, Redick, & Engle, 2012) also calls into
question simple interpretations of such effects as evidence for effects of working memory on
arithmetic performance.
Dual-Task Studies
Dual-task studies were developed and primarily used to investigate the role of WM and
its components. In arithmetic cognition, dual-task experiments provide compelling evidence for
some of the cognitive processes involved in a task, such as mental arithmetic, because they can
be used to manipulate the roles of the different components of working memory across different
arithmetic tasks (Logie & Baddeley, 1987). A dual-task design involves the completion of a
primary cognitive task (in this case mental arithmetic) while simultaneously completing a
secondary distractor task (in this case working memory tasks). Participants’ accuracy and
reaction time in a single-task condition are then compared to performance in various dual-task
Dual-task experiments vary on the types of tasks required of the participant (for review,
see Pashler, 1994). For example, a participant may be required to remember a string of letters (z,
h, d) while simultaneously completing an addition task. The interference effect of a concurrent
memory load on the speeded task is attributed to either a decrease in shared resource capacity
within WM or more likely, rehearsing the memory load causes interference in the stimulus-
response mapping or preparation of the speeded task delays the retrieval process (Logan, 1978;
1979). These designs generally produce small or null effects on performance across different task
modalities (Baddeley, 1986).
However, some studies have used secondary tasks with greater cognitive demands by
instructing participants to randomly generate letters (Vreugdenburg, Bryan, & Kemps, 2003;
Lemaire, 1996). As most commonly seen with central executive tasks, some designs have
participants perform perceptual judgments concurrently with an arithmetic task. For example, a
participant may perform an addition verification task (e.g., 5 + 6 = 11, indicating whether this is
correct or not) while completing a task designed to load the central executive, such as pressing
either a 1 or 2 key depending on whether they hear a high or low tone through a headset (e.g.
Imbo & Vandierendonck, 2007a; Tronsky, McManus, & Anderson, 2008). With regards to dual-
task interference in arithmetic, adult participants may rely on a small number of strategies when
performing arithmetic, with direct retrieval being the most common. Cognitive load induced by
dual-task experiments may interfere with the efficiency of using such strategies in calculations,
especially those that require more steps (e.g. decomposition) or that rely on specific resources
(Anderson, Reder, & Lebiere, 1996; Tronsky, 2005).
Two competing general theories have been posited to explain why these interference
effects occur in dual-task studies: serial processing and parallel processing. In serial processing,
people are believed to have some sort of structural limitation or a central bottleneck, whereby the
cognitive demands of the first cognitive process delay performance on the second (Ruthruff,
Pashler, & Klaasen, 2001). Ruthruff, Pashler, and Klaasen (2001) and Ruthruff, Pashler, and
Hazeltine (2003) provided experimental evidence that a structural limitation, rather than a
voluntary postponement, underlies slowed performance in dual-task studies. Assuming there is a
central bottleneck in processing, the memory load imposed by these secondary tasks (especially
difficult ones) are likely due to interference in the preparation of the arithmetic task rather than
the actual processing of arithmetic regardless of the modality.
Under the alternative graded capacity sharing model, cognitive processes are thought to
be performed in parallel, but interference effects occur due to capacity limitations rather than
with a bottleneck (Ruthruff, Pashler, & Hazeltine, 2003). A prediction specific to this model is
referred to as cross-talk, wherein if memory’s limited capacity relies on different cognitive
processes (e.g. visual and verbal processes), then completing two similar or within-modality
tasks leads to a greater decrement in performance than completing two dissimilar tasks (Lien &
Proctor, 2002; Miller, 2006; & Koch, 2009; Navon & Miller, 1987; Pashler, 1994). Cross-talk is
a recurrent hypothesis in dual-task studies of arithmetic and working memory. For example, Lee
and Kang (2002) hypothesized that arithmetic operations such as multiplication and subtraction
relied on two separate encoding processes – verbal for multiplication and visuospatial for
subtraction. Multiplication was more impaired by a verbal secondary task, while subtraction was
more impaired by a spatial secondary task, consistent with the hypothesis that separate facets of
working memory were required for different arithmetic tasks. While individuals may be able to
encode stimuli from similar tasks simultaneously, cross-talk designs would predict that the
processing of one of these tasks is harmful to the processing of the other (Treisman & Davies,
Although cross-talk is an influential hypothesis, specific findings have not always been
reliably replicated. For example, the differential interference of PL and VSSP secondary tasks on
multiplication and subtraction in the Lee and Kang (2002) study was partially replicated in
another study in a Chinese, but not a Canadian sample (Imbo & LeFevre, 2010). Some of the
apparently discrepant findings across studies may be related to confounding of working memory
task type with the cognitive demands of the working memory task: A recent study found no
selective interaction of working memory load type (PL and VSSP) with arithmetic conditions
(subtraction and multiplication) once the task demands for arithmetic and working memory were
matched on problem/set size and difficulty (Cavdaroglu & Knops, 2017). These findings do not
falsify the cross-talk hypothesis, but they suggest that any such effects may be difficult to
generalize across individuals and tasks. They also raise an alternative hypothesis: that the effects
of hypothesized specific overlapping task demands on delays in performance may be small,
especially in comparison to the general task demands inherent to the WM distractors themselves.
Altogether, it is unclear exactly how specific mental arithmetic is in recruiting working memory
resources among these dual-task designs.
Current Study
The purpose of the current study is to test theories of arithmetic cognition and dual-task
performance by meta-analyzing a body of research that has used the dual-task paradigm to study
the underlying cognitive processes involved in arithmetic. The aim of this meta-analysis is
threefold. The first aim is to address the robustness of arithmetic performance’s reliance on
working memory resources as predicted by dual-task studies by means of meta-analysis. The
second aim is to address how the effects of working memory load on arithmetic performance
might depend on factors typically manipulated in these dual-task studies: overlapping features
characterized by the types of working memory load and arithmetic operations, task complexity
characterized by the type of working memory task, level of expertise in arithmetic, as
approximated by the age of participants, and author’s prediction about significant effects of WM
load types as a proxy for the cross-talk hypothesis. The last aim is to in some way reconcile the
discrepancy between previously reported correlational and experimental findings.
Inclusion criteria and screening
A flow-chart of the identification and screening process can be found in Figure 1.
Keyword searches were used in Google Scholar and ProQuest (databases used were ERIC (1966-
Current) and PsychINFO (1806-Current)) to obtain the sample of studies to be screened for this
meta-analysis. The following search terms used included: ("working memory" OR WM OR
"executive function" OR cognition OR visuospatial OR visu* OR spatial OR "phonological
loop" OR "verbal" OR "slave system") AND (mathematics OR math OR arithmetic) AND ("dual
task" OR paradigm OR interference OR suppression). In total, 1071 results were found from
ProQuest and 5000 results were searched through Google Scholar. After removing duplicates, we
were left with a total of n=4119 records. We then proceeded with pre-screening of titles and
abstracts for relevance, which brought the number of records down to n=850 after title screening
and then n=55 after abstract screening.
Studies were considered eligible for this meta-analysis if they met the following criteria.
First, studies had to be of a dual-task design such as those described in Pashler (1994) and
Ashcraft et al. (1992). Second, a primary arithmetic task must have been performed concurrently
with a secondary working memory or cognitive load task such that accuracy or reaction time
(RT) was measured. Third, the working memory or cognitive load task needed to be
experimentally manipulated in either a within or randomized between subjects design, such that
the same or comparable individuals also completed the math task under no (or different)
cognitive load. Experimental manipulation of load allows for comparisons on arithmetic tasks
with either participants’ baseline performance or the performance of a randomized control
condition. Fourth, to be included in the database, studies had to report sufficient statistical
information to enable the computation of an unstandardized effect size (i.e., group RT means).
When information was not directly presented in a published manuscript, we asked authors whose
papers were published within the last ten years for the data (n=5) – of which we received data
from 2. Fifth, studies must only include participants who are children above the age of 5 or
adults below the age of 65. Dual-task literature generally excludes pre-school-aged children as
well as adults over the age of 65, because of the difficulty in obtaining reliable estimates within
these age groups (most data are collected from undergraduate or middle-adult samples). Lastly,
we excluded studies that used only participants who had been identified as having a learning
disability or special need prior to participating in the study.
The literature search yielded 55 records after abstract screening. Of these, 20 were excluded
during the full text screening, because cognitive load was not experimentally manipulated.
During final assessment for eligibility, 5 were excluded because studies included participants
with either a math learning disability or autism spectrum disorder. Three studies were excluded
because the primary task was a working memory task rather than an arithmetic task. Six studies
were excluded due to lack of available reaction time data. In total, 21 eligible papers containing
400 effect sizes from 51 unique samples, obtained from 1,049 individuals, were included in these
The following variables were coded for the dataset. Study characteristics included: (a)
whether the study design was within or between subjects, (b) a unique identifier for the
experiment number, because some studies included multiple experiments with different samples
or more than two conditions within the same experiment, (c) descriptions of the arithmetic and
working memory tasks, (d) the arithmetic task type (i.e. exact addition, approximate addition,
exact subtraction, exact multiplication, addition verification, and multiplication verification), (e)
the number of items per condition, (f) the two conditions being compared (e.g. central executive
cognitive load vs. control), (g) whether authors made a prediction about the significance of a
certain condition, and (h) whether strategies were reported. Sample characteristics included (i)
the mean age of the sample and (j) the type of sample (participants between the ages of 4 and 17
were considered children and participants between the ages of 18 and 65 were considered
adults). Coding for the WM distractor tasks can be found in the online supplemental materials,
Table S3. Statistical characteristics included: (l) control and experimental sample sizes and (m)
RT means and standard deviations to calculate effect sizes. While accuracy data were coded,
they were not included in effect size analyses for 2 reasons: (1) mean accuracies were very high
(around .90, as reported in Table 1) and (2) some studies (n=4) did not report accuracy data by
condition, but every study included RT means. Analyses lacked sufficient statistical power to
detect statistical interactions between every arithmetic type and every WM load type, so we used
author’s predictions as a proxy to measure the predicted non-additive effects of WM distractor
and arithmetic types. Authors’ predictions were obtained by coding each of the 21 studies
introduction and methods sections for statements hypothesizing the effect of WM distractor on
arithmetic performance. For example, “Given these arguments, we predict that the CRT-R task
will interfere more with both non-retrieval-based and retrieval-based subtraction problem solving
than the SRT-R task because of its response selection component(Tronsky, McManus, &
Anderson, 2008, p. 194). These predictions were then dichotomously coded as having
hypothesized effect of WM load or not. The passages justifying each coded prediction are
included in the online supplementary materials, Table S2.
Data Imputation and Transformations
Reaction time is a commonly used dependent variable used to draw inferences about
cognitive processing, but studies often do not account for residual processes involved with
completing RT tasks, such as encoding the item and producing a response (Rouder, 2005). For
example, Geary, Widaman, and Little (1986) estimated that encoding single digits in complex
addition and multiplication problems required approximately 170 ms. To try to account for such
residual processes, 200 ms was subtracted from all RT means prior to analyses. Missing standard
deviations for reaction times that were in studies older than ten years or those which we could
not obtain from the authors were imputed by regressing RT standard deviations on RT means
and the square of RT means. Imputing the missing standard deviations was deemed appropriate
because of the high predictability of standard deviations from a two predictor model:
SDt = b0 + b1Meant + b2Meant2 + et
SDc = b0 + b1Meanc + b2Meanc2 + ec
In these models, the subscript t indicates values from the experimental conditions across study,
and the subscript c indicates values from the control conditions across studies. The regression
equations for standard deviation used a second order polynomial term to account for the non-
linear association between means and standard deviations across effects. The models explained
the vast majority of variance in both the control and experimental conditions (control: r2 = .92;
experimental: r2 = .84). Scatterplots with best fitting lines and polynomials appear in the online
supplementary materials, Figure S1. In all, 168 (84 in the experimental conditions and 84 in the
control conditions) standard deviations (or 21%) were missing from the data. Only those
standard deviations with an available mean RT (n = 164 standard deviations: 82 in the
experimental conditions and 82 in the control conditions) were imputed, while the remaining 4
standard deviations were left missing. Imputation led to a small number of predicted negative
values of experimental standard deviations (n = 6). We set these values to the minimum observed
(i.e., non-imputed) standard deviation of experimental conditions, which was 58.19 ms. As
explained below, the meta-analysis was re-run with non-imputed values only to test the
robustness of our main findings to these data processing decisions. Initial histograms revealed
the RT data to be positively skewed (Figure S2). Further, there was a substantial relation
between RT means and RT experimental effects (b = .090, se = .023, p < .001; Figure S5, left
panel). In other words, secondary tasks resulted in more absolute slowing for arithmetic tasks
that took longer to complete. In the dual-task arithmetic literature, we found little discussion of
the functional relation between arithmetic speed and the presence of a secondary task.
Specifically, did the secondary task slow each trial by a short but constant amount of time for
participants to encode and rehearse the stimulus, or did the secondary task slow the rate of
mental arithmetic proportionally, such that more difficult problems would be more slowed than
easier problems? In the former case, one parameter of interest is a constant, which represents the
average amount of time that each trial is slowed. However, if arithmetic slowing is hypothesized
to be proportional to the amount of time the arithmetic task takes to perform in the absence of a
secondary task, a more useful parameter of interest is the percentage by which the average trial is
slowed in the presence of a secondary task. Based on our reading of the literature, authors seem
to have the latter case in mind, whereby keeping information from the secondary task in working
memory slows performance on the arithmetic task. Therefore, we used a logarithmic
transformation in our main specification to better capture the underlying cognitive effects of
secondary tasks. In addition, we also report an analysis of untransformed RT means in an
alternative specification (Table S1, No Log). We performed logarithmic transformations of the
RT data using Method 1 from Higgins, White, and Azures-Cabrera (2008). This method assumes
log-normal distributions with different standard deviations. The approximate transformations
were then converted to log base 10 for interpretability in our analyses by dividing these means
and SD by the constant, ln(10). Following the transformation, we again checked the distributions
of RT means, which were substantially less skewed (Figure S4). Average RTs and effect sizes
were no longer substantially associated (b = .020, se = .019, p = .30; Figure S5, right panel).
Effect Size Calculation
Following Method 1 from Higgins and colleagues (2008), we computed the raw and log
mean differences in the experimental and control conditions. The equation for calculating the
standard error of these differences is shown below for between-subjects designs:
Between: SEdiff =
c2/nc + SDt2/nt)
However, 17 out of the 21 eligible studies were conducted within participants, requiring a
measure of covariance between control and experimental scores to compute the standard error of
these effects. Because this information was not directly reported in most studies, we computed
within-subjects standard errors under three different assumptions of correlated performance
across conditions: r = .2, .5, and .8. These correlations were then each multiplied with the control
and experimental RT standard deviations to create 3 measures of covariance, using the following
Within: SEdiff =
c2/n + SDt2/n – 2*covtc/n)
The metafor package in R was used to conduct this meta-analysis (Viechtbauer, 2010). A
multilevel random-effects meta-analysis of these data was used to estimate and account for the
amount of heterogeneity between papers and between different samples included in the same
paper. Effect sizes were modeled as nested within samples, which were nested within papers
across all of these specifications. We performed several sensitivity analyses, including an
alternative estimation strategy of robust variance estimation adjustment of the standard errors
using the robumeta package in R (Park & Beretvas, 2018; Fisher & Tipton, 2015). All
specifications included some of the same characteristics: Nine specifications (1 main, 3
alternatives, 1 PEESE (precision-effect estimate with standard errors) adjustment, 4 robustness
checks) were used in this analyses and are as follows: (1) Main=assumed within subject
correlation=.5, (2) Alt 1=assumed within subject correlation=.2, (3) Alt 2=assumed within
subject correlation=.8, (4) Alt 3=assumed within subject correlation=.5 and RT data restricted to
5000 ms. Four other alternative specifications used for sensitivity analyses included: (6)
Nonimputed=analyses without SD imputations, (7) RVE=standard errors adjusted using robust
variance estimation with small sample correction, (8) Adult=analyses included only studies with
adult participants, (9) No Log=same as Main model but without log transformations, and (10)
PEESE=PEESE adjusted model, assumed within subject correlation=.5.. Specifications Main,
Alt 1, and Alt 2 reflected the three assumed correlations used to calculate the standard errors for
within-subject studies. Alt 3 used a subset of the RT data, such that only RTs 5000 ms were
included for analyses, because several child effect sizes had much larger RT means (Figure S4),
and because of the possibility that cognitive processing lasting longer than 5000 ms could
plausibly be differentially affected by a secondary task. We ran the latter 4 alternatives
specifications using the assumed correlation structure of the Main model as robustness checks.
The Nonimputed models used data without the SD imputations to examine any potential bias
from these estimates. Robust variance estimation (RVE) models were used as an alternative to
multilevel modeling to account for the non-independence of observations within samples and
papers. Finally, Adult models that only contained adult participants were included, because of
the small sample of child effect sizes (n=36) and some effect sizes with unreported participant
age (n=7).
To address the second aim of this meta-analysis, 5 potential moderators of the overall
effect were tested to determine differences between subgroups of samples. The first moderator
examined was participant age (adult vs. child), as a proxy for expertise in arithmetic. The second
moderator was working memory load type: central executive, verbal, visuospatial, or spatial. The
third moderator was arithmetic problem type: addition verification, exact addition, approximate
addition, exact multiplication, exact subtraction, or multiplication verification. The last
moderator was the authors’ predictions of whether load had significant effects on arithmetic
performance (given the very large number of possible interactions between arithmetic problem
type and working memory load type, this was the method we chose for examining the strength of
evidence for cross-talk). Although hypothesized cases of cross-talk make more complex
predictions, such as interactions among secondary task modality (e.g., visual vs. verbal), type of
arithmetic (e.g., multiplication vs. subtraction), and presentation format (e.g., vertical vs.
horizontal), a complex set of such instances was predicted by authors corresponding to a large
number of parameters to test. Thus, we chose a broader definition of cross-talk captured through
the authors’ predictions instead. The moderators were examined across the nine specifications.
Publication Bias
A funnel plot of the distribution of effect sizes was used as a visual aid to detect
publication bias (Figure 2) (Egger et al. 1997). Effect estimates from studies are plotted against a
precision measure from those studies (e.g. standard error). Estimates of effects from smaller
studies are more variable than those from larger studies leading to larger amount of scatter
towards the base of the plot. In the absence of bias, a symmetrical funnel shape is observed.
However, asymmetrical distribution of points around the average RT effect indicate possible
publication bias. The main specification (assuming a within subject correlation= .5) was used.
The effect estimates (log difference in RT means) were plotted along the x-axis while the
standard errors of the effect estimates were plotted along the y-axis. The vertical line in the
middle of Figure 2 represents the location of the estimated effect of a working memory task on
performance (b = .074). Examination of the dispersion of effect sizes in the funnel plot revealed
some asymmetry – specifically, for smaller studies – suggesting the possibility of some
publication bias.
The PEESE test is a meta-analytic approach to detecting publication bias using
metaregression. PEESE (precision effect estimate of standard error) uses a weighted-least-
squares regression model where the variance (squared standard errors) of each sample is used to
predict the distribution of effect sizes (Stanley & Doucouliagos, 2014). Assuming a true effect,
publication bias is stronger for studies when the standard error is large and weaker when the
standard error is small. The PEESE model revealed a smaller, non-significant effect of a working
memory task on performance (b1 = .031 se = .017, p = .070), and a moderate degree of
publication bias (QM = 24.11, p < .001) (Table S1, PEESE).
Summary Effect Size
The main model specification (assumed within subject correlation=.5) produced a
summary effect of b = .074, z = 5.21, p < .001 across 400 comparisons, which suggests a .074
difference in log RT. An effect of this size corresponds to an 18.7%
slowing of performance for
participants in experimental conditions where they are performing dual-tasks compared to
control conditions where arithmetic was tested by itself. This effect remained stable across the
six other specifications including the Nonimputed, RVE, and Adult models (Table 2). However,
as described above the PEESE adjustment decreased the estimated effect to b = .031, z = 1.81, p
= .070, which equates to a non-significant 7.3% decrease in speed. However, this model obscures
important heterogeneity in the estimates, which was explored in the following moderation
18.7% and subsequent percentage effects were calculated by taking 10b where b (e.g. .074) is
the coefficient estimate.
Participant age, working memory task type, arithmetic task type, and authors’ prediction
of whether load would be significant were entered separately as moderators in different models
(Table 3). Results of sensitivity analyses for moderators can be found in the online
supplementary materials (see Table S1). Across most specifications, working memory task type,
arithmetic task type, and authors’ predictions statistically moderated differences in log reaction
times, suggesting that differences in RT performance are dependent on the type of working
memory load (main specification: Q(2) = 796.04, p < .001), the type of arithmetic problem (main
specification: Q(5) = 12.11, p = .033), and authors’ predictions (main specification: Q(1) =
265.14, p < .001). Compared to other moderators, working memory load type explained the most
heterogeneity (22% of the total heterogeneity) across effect sizes. This finding was largely robust
across specifications.
Furthermore, dual-tasks involving the central executive appear to have the most impact
out of all load types (CE: b = .146, z = 12.35, p < .001, CI [0.123, 0.169]) (Table 3, Column 1,
WM load type). Indeed, across all specifications working memory load reflected a strong effect
of the central executive (a 40% decrease in speed) with much smaller effects for the other load
types (Table 3, Column 1, WM load type). For example, verbal tasks generated an effect of b = -
.115, z = -27.64, p < .001, CI [-0.123, -0.107] in relation to the intercept (CE); meaning an effect
of verbal distractors on performance of .031 or a 7.4% decrease in speed for dual-tasks with
verbal distractors (Table 3, Column 1, WM load type). The strong effect of CE was robust,
showing similar estimates across the sensitivity analyses.
Of the various arithmetic problem types, addition and multiplication verification tasks
had consistent effects on arithmetic performance across most specifications (reference task,
addition verification: b = .077, z = 2.53, p = .011, CI [0.018, 0.137], with more slowing for
multiplication verification: b = .046, z = 2.99, p = .003, CI[0.016, 0.076]) (Table 3, Column 1,
Arithmetic problem type)
. On average, participants performing multiplication verification tasks
were slowed 13.3% more than participants performing addition verification tasks. Although
these differences were smaller than the differences among working memory load types, the effect
of arithmetic problem type was robust to the inclusion of controls for working memory load type
(addition verification: b = .131, z = 5.50, p < .001, CI [0.084, 0.178], multiplication verification:
b = .044, z = 2.99, p = .003, CI [0.015, 0.074]; Table 3, Column 1, WM load + arithtype).
Another metaregression model was analyzed to test whether differences in RT
performance were driven by authors’ predictions for significance, which measured the predicted
non-additive effects of WM distractor and arithmetic types. This analysis revealed a highly
significant effect of authors’ predictions across most specifications (b = .072, z = 16.28, p < .001,
CI [.063, .081], Q(1) = 265.14; Table 3, Column 1, sig predict). On average, authors’ predictions
predicted an 18.0% decrease in performance between experimental and control conditions in
dual-task studies. To further test whether predicted effects were driven by main effects of WM
load and arithmetic task types, another metaregression model was estimated using authors’
predictions while controlling for WM load and arithmetic task type. These analyses revealed a
smaller but usually still significant effect of authors’ prediction of significance controlling for
WM load type and arithmetic task type (b = .023, z = 4.58, p < .001, Q(8) = 820.41, p < .001;
Table 3, Column 1, sig predict + WM + arithtype). Expressed differently, the authors’
predictions were associated with a 18.0% decrease in RT performance, but this dropped to 5.3%
after controlling for WM and arithmetic task types, suggesting that authors’ predictions about the
However, it should be noted that both verification tasks were statistically significant only after
they were log-transformed (Table S1, Column 6, Arithmetic problem type).
effect of load likely contribute somewhat to slower arithmetic performance, but this is somewhat
confounded with the type of working memory and arithmetic tasks. Importantly, the effect of
unpredicted effects of CE distractors on addition verification tasks (b = .107, z = 4.33, p < .001,
CI [.058, .156]) was still significant and larger than the remaining effect of authors’ predictions
with a 27.9% slowing in arithmetic performance (Table 3, Column 1, sig predict + WM+ arith
We conducted a meta-analysis for the purpose of assessing how robust the speed of
solving arithmetic problems is affected by changes in WM resources as predicted by dual-task
studies. Consistent with our predictions, we found strong evidence for the influence of
performing a secondary WM task on arithmetic performance. The main effect of WM distractors
on arithmetic performance in dual-task studies was robust across all 9 of our specifications.
These findings suggest that arithmetic performance relies heavily on WM, specifically central
executive resources.
Among the moderators, working memory load type was the most substantial moderator
of performance decrements, followed by the type of arithmetic operation, and authors’
predictions. Tasks taxing the central executive specifically incurred greater decrements in
performance than any other WM load type, indicating the importance of considering the general
cognitive complexity of the secondary task when predicting its influence on primary task
performance. This finding was consistent with previous literature citing the overall importance of
the central executive/executive functions to working memory (Engle, 2002; Engle & Kane,
2004). Assuming the central bottleneck theory to be correct, these more difficult cognitive loads
may not be competing for shared WM resources but rather there is delay in preparation or switch
to arithmetic processing. In comparison, the PL and VSSP tasks showed much smaller impacts
than CE tasks. Consequently, the parallel processing theory is not entirely ruled out, as the
impact of PL and VSSP tasks would imply processing interference within-modality. Of course,
the larger effects of CE tasks may also be indicative of a cognitive bottleneck. The null effect of
age was somewhat surprising given its prevalence in the literature. However, it should be noted
that the number of child participants was quite small compared to adults (see Table 1).
Furthermore, both distractor and arithmetic tasks did vary in the number of observations across
our models which led some categories to have higher standard errors (see Table 3), so these
estimates are less precise. Variability in precision across estimates would imply that greater
scrutiny is required for the categories with fewer observations. For example, VSSP secondary
tasks had been used in fewer studies, and therefore estimates are less precise for this category.
However, despite a higher standard error in our analyses, the VSSP load estimate was still 2
standard errors below the estimate for CE load (Table 3, Column 1, WM load type).
Importantly, this meta-analysis’s finding that CE tasks have a much greater impact on
arithmetic processing than other WM load types appears to contrast with findings from prior
meta-analyses based on correlations between working memory and math tasks. These prior meta-
analyses reported very similar correlations across working memory facets (Friso-van den Bos,
van der Ven, Kroesbergen, & van Luit, 2013; Peng, Barnes, Namkung, & Sun, 2015).A possible
explanation for this discrepancy is that factors common to working memory tasks, such as
maintaining a constant memory of a single element (number or letter) or an element’s position in
space (carrying values or grids) inflate the correlations between arithmetic performance and
visuospatial and phonological working memory. It may also be possible that the specific
encoding behind similar modality tasks, especially subcomponent WM tasks, are being
suppressed by their relation to the central executive. For example, performance on a subtraction
task following a VSSP matrix task may be impacted by need to switch between tasks in addition
to requiring similar resources. Dual-task measures can be viewed as forms of inhibition or
shifting tasks, which may indicate that the CE is being used in addition to the PL or VSSP.
Future work might apply methods that attempt to make the magnitudes of effects from
correlational and experimental studies more directly comparable by using regression-adjusted
estimates and intervention effect sizes (e.g., Bailey, Duncan, Watts, Clements, & Sarama, 2018)
to studies of working memory and arithmetic to test this prediction directly.
We attempted to estimate cross-talk or the non-additive effects of WM distractors on
arithmetic performance by coding authors’ predictions of the effect of specific WM secondary
tasks on arithmetic performance. The effects of these predictions were nonzero, but after
accounting for the main effects of WM and arithmetic load type, the author-predicted effects
were not substantially larger than the non-predicted effects. Even these may be somewhat over-
estimated, because almost all studies were conducted before study preregistration was
encouraged in psychology. Thus, it is possible that these predictions could have been changed
over the course of data-collection or through pilot testing, inflating the estimated effect of cross-
talk when operationalized as authors’ predictions. We realize that research teams with more
specific hypotheses about cross-talk may prefer to code predicted effects in a different way. Our
hope is that, by publishing the meta-analytic database, this will allow others to test these
hypotheses in future work. Taken together, while having to process similar modalities in mental
arithmetic may explain some of the underlying processes behind mental arithmetic, general
structural limitations brought on by the general demands of each distracting task may deserve
additional scrutiny, relative to the cross-talk effects often predicted in this literature.
Notably, our preliminary analyses indicated that the detrimental effects of secondary WM
tasks on performance were strongly associated with the average RT on the arithmetic task. In
other words, RT in arithmetic tasks increased more under more difficult secondary WM tasks.
This finding mirrors Salthouse’s (1988) findings that aging-related performance deficits are
higher on more complex cognitive tasks. Our findings also provide convergent evidence for
Salthouse’s theory that changes in general cognitive resources exert the largest effects on
complex cognitive tasks. Specifically, in this meta-analysis, for participants of the same age
taking the same tests on the same day, the proportionality of WM demands is larger for more
complex arithmetic tasks when using an experimental research design.
Limitations & Future Directions
One of the key limitations was that our analyses lacked sufficient statistical power to
detect smaller effects of the interactions between arithmetic and WM load types, prompting us to
use authors’ predictions as a proxy for cross-talk. This may hide important heterogeneity in
cross-talk effects, with some being substantial and others null. Further, as noted, a moderate
degree of publication bias was present in the eligible studies; this may have inflated the apparent
effect of authors’ predictions.
As stated previously, accuracy data were not always available and mean accuracy scores
were consistently high leading us to solely use reaction time data in our analyses. We recognize
that there is a speed-accuracy trade-off meaning participants will sacrifice time in order to
correctly answer questions or vice-versa. For example, Kalaman & LeFevre (2007) reported
more errors in two-digit plus two-digit addition with carrying vs. no carrying but found no
significant differences in speed. These findings suggest that such speed-accuracy trade-offs in
dual-task studies could potentially reduce an estimated effect of working memory on mental
arithmetic based on RT data alone.
We recognize that Baddeley’s multicomponent model of WM is one of several models
used to describe the relations between memory processes. This model is commonly used in the
arithmetic dual-task literature; thus, we chose to use similar terminology as it more closely
aligned with those designs. However, more recent research (Friso-van den Bos, van der Ven,
Kroesbergen, & van Luit, 2013; Christophel et al., 2017) as well as our own findings suggest that
the use of this model in the dual-task literature lacks appropriate discussion of the central
executive’s role interacting with the more specialized domains. Moreover, other models of WM
have proposed promising alternative perspectives on the role of WM and executive functioning
(see Miyake et al., 2000; Diamond & Lee, 2011; Engle, 2002). These models were introduced
previously and most if not all would point to the strong influence of general cognitive ability
within EF or central executive functions driving dual-task performance rather than specific
modalities highlighted in Baddeley’s model. Indeed, most would argue that dual-tasks involve
quickly switching between mental tasks. Results are also consistent with Engle’s (2002) model
which posits attention rather than capacity as the limiting factor in performance. This model
would predict dual-task performance to be reliant on more domain-general processes rather than
domain-specific components. Altogether, many other perspectives of EF and working memory
are in line with our conclusions about the importance of central executive functions in mental
Most of the studies in our sample did not report data on participant strategy use.
Aggregating reaction time data across different arithmetic strategies obscures information about
the cognitive processes underlying performance (Siegler, 1987). Because both the frequency and
efficiency of arithmetic strategy use are correlated with working memory capacity (Bailey,
Littlefield, & Geary, 2012; Geary et al., 2004, 2007), understanding whether working memory
distractors influence performance via strategy changes or slowing within strategies would be
theoretically useful.
Because identical tasks were generally not used across age groups, our analyses may have
been unable to detect a moderating effect of age, despite the strong support for this prediction in
the literature. Larger dual-task studies with child participants will be required to test for
hypothesized developmental differences in the nature of working memory effects on arithmetic
performance (Meyer, Salimpoor, Wu, Geary, & Menon, 2010; for review, see Anderson, 1987).
Because cognitive load was not matched across primary arithmetic or secondary WM
tasks types, the moderating effects of these task types may reflect some combination of the kinds
of demands and the magnitudes of demands of different tasks. Based on descriptions of the
different WM tasks, we suspect the CE tasks differed in their magnitudes of general cognitive
demands, but future work that experimentally manipulates the magnitude of demands in the
secondary tasks would be useful for testing the importance of this construct directly. For
example, a recently used approach of systematically equating demands of WM and arithmetic
tasks through the use of an adaptive psychophysical staircase to determine appropriate span sizes
per individual (Cavdaroglu & Knops, 2017) is a useful model for separating the effects of cross-
talk from general task demands.
Finally, like the previous correlational work on arithmetic and WM, the exact constructs
being measured or manipulated in the dual-task literature are not wholly clear and warrant
further attention. For example, it is not clear whether variations in working memory task type or
complexity within individuals are qualitatively similar approximations of between-individual
differences in working memory capacity. Fully reconciling these two literatures would require
more precise models of the processes and parameters underlying both the correlations and dual-
task effects.
Our meta-analysis indicates that the dual-task literature provides strong evidence that
mental arithmetic relies on working memory resources. We hope that further work will attempt
to build on these findings by both attempting to quantify the underlying domain-specific and
domain-general effects of working memory on arithmetic and by building quantitative models
that will reconcile the discrepancy between correlational and experimental literature.
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Table 1
Descriptive Statistics of Analysis Variables
Within vs. Between Subjects
Working Memory task type
Arithmetic task type
Add verification
Approximate addition
Exact addition
Exact multiplication
Exact subtraction
Mult verification
Sample Size
Log RT
Number of observations
Note. N is number of effects. Frequencies calculated from non-
missing RT data. 1 One study did not report age of participants
Table 2
Main effects by specifications
No Log
Note. SE in parentheses. QE = test for residual heterogeneity. QM = test of
moderator. Main: assumes within subject correlation = .5, Nonimputed: Without SD
imputations, assumes within subject correlation= .5, RVE: Robust Variance
Estimation for small samples (used with Main specification), Adult: subset of data
that excludes child and no age data, Alt1: assumes within subject correlation = .2,
Alt2: assumes within subject correlation = .8, Alt3: Subset of data where only RT’s
<=5000 ms are kept, PEESE: corrects for publication bias, assumes within subject
correlation = 0.5. No Log: Analyses conducted without log transformation, assumes
within subject correlation =.5 * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001
Table 3 Moderator Analyses of Working Memory and Arithmetic Performance
Main model
Alt 1
Alt 2
Alt 3
WM load type
Arithmetic problem type
Intercept(add verification)
approx addition
exact addition
exact multiplication
exact subtraction
multiplication verification
WM+arith type
Intercept(ce+add ver)
approx addition
exact addition
exact multiplication
exact subtraction
multiplication verification
Sig Predict
Sig + WM + arith type
Intercept (no+ce+add ver)
approx addition
exact addition
exact multiplication
exact subtraction
multiplication verification
Note. Model names are bolded. The variable names following each model name are the moderators included in that model. The first row of each model represents the
estimated effect at the reference group, which is given in parentheses after Intercept, for each model. Standard errors are in parentheses. k = number of effect sizes included in
the model; Qm = Q test for heterogeneity explained by the predictors (total heterogeneity for each specification appears in Table 2), ce=central executive, vssp=visuospatial
sketchpad, approx=approximate, add ver=addition verification, sig(yes)=author made a prediction on significance. Main: assumes within subject correlation = 0.5; Alt1:
assumes within subject correlation = 0.2; Alt2: assumes within subject correlation = 0.8; Alt3: Subset of data where only RT’s <=5000ms are kept, assumes within subject
Figure 1. Flowchart of Literature Search and Screening Process.
Figure 2. Funnel Plot of Log RT Differences.
Note: Standard errors were calculated using the assumptions from the main specification, assuming a within subject correlation=.5.
... Moreover, our findings support the notion that the central executive, as proposed by Baddeley's model (2002), plays a substantial role across various tasks in both literacy and numeracy domains. This implies that more complex tasks are likely to be influenced by WM, which is consistent with previous research (Chen & Bailey, 2021;Purpura & Ganley, 2014). ...
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Background The working memory (WM) system is recognized as a crucial cognitive function that underpins the acquisition of new knowledge and the development of foundational skills during childhood. Children’s early literacy and numeracy skills lay the foundation for future academic success in reading and mathematics. While previous research has established a link between WM and early literacy as well as numeracy, the specific contributions of different WM components to the development of various skills in kindergarten-aged children remain unclear. Objective This study aimed to investigate the associations between distinct profiles of WM and academic achievements in early literacy and numeracy among kindergarten children. Method A battery of memory tests (simple WM and complex WM) were administered to a cohort of 250 kindergarten children aged between five and seven years. Additionally, a range of tasks assessing mathematical and language skills were administered. Results Our findings align with our initial hypotheses, revealing differences between profiles of simple WM and complex WM in relation to early mathematics and language skills. Generally, children who exhibited higher WM abilities outperformed their peers who had lower WM capabilities. Conclusion This study emphasizes the critical role of WM in early childhood education. Children with limited WM function are at a heightened risk of academic underachievement. Furthermore, both components of WM—simple WM and complex WM—emerge as influential factors in shaping children's proficiency in early literacy and numeracy skills.
... Working memory has extensively been studied and found to be associated with mathematics and arithmetic performance (for meta-analyses, see Chen & Bailey, 2021;Friso-van den Bos et al., 2013). The component of central executive (CE), involved in controlling and processing of information, has been found to be concurrently linked to (Allen et al., 2020;Xenidou-Dervou et al., 2018) or to predict overall mathematics achievement (De Smedt, Janssen, et al., 2009), and specifically arithmetic fluency (Andersson, 2008;Barrouillet & Lépine, 2005;Geary et al., 2012;Hoff et al., 2023). ...
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We investigated Norwegian children's (n = 262) development in arithmetic fluency from first to third grade. Children's arithmetic fluency was measured at four time points, domain-specific (i.e., symbolic numerical magnitude processing and verbal counting) and domain-general skills (i.e., working memory, rapid naming, non-verbal reasoning, and sustained attention) once in the first grade. Based on a series of growth mixture models, one developmental trajectory described the data best. Multigroup latent growth curve models showed that girls and boys developed similarly in their arithmetic fluency over time. Symbolic numerical magnitude processing and counting skills predicted both the initial level and the growth in arithmetic fluency, and working memory only the initial level, similarly for boys and girls. Mother's educational level predicted the initial level of boys' arithmetic fluency and rapid naming predicted the growth for girls. Our findings emphasize the role of domain-specific skills in the development of arithmetic fluency.
... Researchers have explored how individuals manipulate numbers in their minds, examining the strategies and techniques they employ [10][11][12]. Mental arithmetic often relies on working memory, the cognitive system responsible for temporarily holding and manipulating information [13,14]. Studies have shown that individuals with strong working memory capacity tend to perform better on mental arithmetic tasks, suggesting a close relationship between this cognitive resource and mathematical ability [15,16]. ...
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The neural underpinnings of mental calculation, the fundamentals of arithmetic representations and processes, and the development of arithmetic abilities have been explored by researchers over the years. In the present work, we report a study that analyzes the brain-activated areas of a group of 35 healthy subjects (9 males, 26 females, mean age ± SD = 18.23 ± 2.20 years) who performed a serial subtraction arithmetic task. In contrast to most of the studies in the literature based on fMRI, we performed the brain active source reconstruction starting from EEG signals by means of the eLORETA method. In particular, the subjects were classified as bad counters or good counters, according to the results of the task, and the brain activity of the two groups was compared. The results were statistically significant only in the beta band, revealing that the left limbic lobe was found to be more active in people showing better performance. The limbic lobe is involved in visuospatial processing, memory, arithmetic fact retrieval, and emotions. However, the role of the limbic lobe in mental arithmetic has been barely explored, so these interesting findings could represent a starting point for future in-depth analyses. Since there is evidence in the literature that the motor system is affected by the execution of arithmetic tasks, a more extensive knowledge of the brain activation associated with arithmetic tasks could be exploited not only for the assessment of mathematical skills but also in the evaluation of motor impairments and, consequently, in rehabilitation for motor disorders.
... From a resource perspective, WMC is conceived as a limited cognitive resource that can become depleted when increasing amounts of information require attention to cope with one or more ongoing tasks (Oberauer, 2019;Oberauer et al., 2016). For example, a recent meta-analysis showed that performing a secondary task while solving arithmetic problems (i.e., dual-task paradigm) hampered arithmetic performance (Chen & Bailey, 2020). ...
Occasionally, problems are solved with a sudden Aha! Moment (insight), while the mundane approach to solve problems is analytical (non-insight). At first glance, non-insight appears to depend on the availability and taxation of cognitive resources to execute the step-by-step approach, whereas insight does not or to a lesser extent. However, this remains debated. To investigate the reliance of both solution types on cognitive resources, we assessed the involvement of the prefrontal cortex using vagally mediated heart rate variability (vmHRV) as an index. Participants (N = 68) solved 70 compound remote associates word puzzles solvable with insight and non-insight. Before, during, and after solving the word puzzles, we measured vmHRV. Our results showed that resting-state vmHRV (trait) showed a negative association with behavioural performance for both solution types. This might reflect inter-individual differences in inhibitory control. As the solution search requires one to think of remote associations, inhibitory control might hamper rather than aid this process. Furthermore, we observed, for both solution types, a vmHRV increase from resting-state to solution search (state), lingering on in the post-task recovery period. This could mark the increase of prefrontal resources to promote an open-minded stance, essential for divergent thinking, which arguably is crucial for this task. Our findings suggest that, at a general level, both solution types share common aspects. However, a closer analysis of early and late solutions and puzzle difficulty suggested that metacognitive differentiation between insight and non-insight improved with higher trait vmHRV, and that a unique association between trait vmHRV and puzzle difficulty was present for each solution type.
... Because of the high stakes, forensic examinees face a dual tracking task as they track cognitively challenging tests while also monitoring the effect they are having on the examiner. However, dual tracking suppresses cognitive performance (Chen & Bailey, 2020;Heyselaar & Segaert, 2019), particularly if the second task is effect monitoring (Wirth et al., 2018). Affective arousal may be another factor because it is likely greater among forensic examinees than among clinical patients. ...
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The thoughtful commentaries in this volume of Drs. Bush, Jewsbury, and Faust add to the impact of the two reviews in this volume of statistical and methodological issues in the forensic neuropsychological determination of malingering based on performance and symptom validity tests (PVTs and SVTs). In his commentary, Dr. Bush raises, among others, the important question of whether such malingering determinations can still be considered as meeting the legal Daubert standard which is the basis for neuropsychological expert testimony. Dr. Jewsbury focuses mostly on statistical issues and agrees with two key points of the statistical review: Positive likelihood chaining is not a mathematically tenable method to combine findings of multiple PVTs and SVTs, and the Simple Bayes method is not applicable to malingering determinations. Dr. Faust adds important narrative texture to the implications for forensic neuropsychological practice and points to a need for research into factors other than malingering that may explain PVT and SVT failures. These commentaries put into even sharper focus the serious questions raised in the reviews about the scientific basis of present practices in the forensic neuropsychological determination of malingering.
... An arithmetic computation such as 2 + 2 likely may not involve the use of WM resources in adults, but mathematical problem solving that incorporates reasoning, relevant information from memory, and metacognitive regulation is a process that requires WM resources. Thus, it is unsurprising that from an individual-differences perspective, mathematical problem solving ability is linked with WM (Ashcraft 2019;Chen and Bailey 2021;Peng et al. 2016;Widaman et al. 1989). ...
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Mathematical problem solving is a process involving metacognitive (e.g., judging progress), cognitive (e.g., working memory), and affective (e.g., math anxiety) factors. Recent research encourages researchers who study math cognition to consider the role that the interaction between metacognition and math anxiety plays in mathematical problem solving. Problem solvers can make many metacognitive judgments during a math problem, ranging from global judgments such as, “Do I care to solve this problem?” to minor cue-based judgments such as, “Is my current strategy successful in making progress toward the correct solution?” Metacognitive monitoring can hinder accurate mathematical problem solving when the monitoring is task-irrelevant; however, task-relevant metacognitive experiences can lead to helpful control decisions in mathematical problem solving such as checking work, considering plausibility of an answer, and considering alternate strategies. Worry and negative thoughts (i.e., math anxiety) can both interfere with the accuracy of metacognitive experiences as cues in mathematical problem solving and lead to avoidance of metacognitive control decisions that could otherwise improve performance. The current paper briefly reviews and incorporates prior literature with current qualitative reports (n = 673) to establish a novel framework of regulated attention in mathematical problem solving (RAMPS).
... Our results corroborate these findings and indicate that cognitive performance (i.e., inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility and arithmetic task performance) was slightly to moderately correlated with gait performance (i.e., longer stride length and faster gait velocity) in CLBP patients. Since arithmetic task performance (i.e., subtractions) partly depends on working memory (59,60), it might be supposed that all three core EFs (i.e., inhibitory control, working memory and cognitive flexibility (35)) are required for optimal gait performance in CLBP. This is in agreement with the notion that CLBP patients exhibit a stronger cognitive regulation of gait coordination compared to healthy controls indicating a decreased automaticity of gait control (16). ...
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Introduction: Activities of daily living, such as walking, are impaired in chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients compared to healthy individuals. Thereby, pain intensity, psychosocial factors, cognitive functioning and prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity during walking might be related to gait performance during single and dual task walking (STW, DTW). However, to the best of our knowledge, these associations have not yet been explored in a large sample of CLBP patients. Method: Gait kinematics (inertial measurement units) and PFC activity (functional near-infrared spectroscopy) during STW and DTW were measured in 108 CLBP patients (79 females, 29 males). Additionally, pain intensity, kinesiophobia, pain coping strategies, depression and executive functioning were quantified and correlation coefficients were calculated to determine the associations between parameters. Results: The gait parameters showed small correlations with acute pain intensity, pain coping strategies and depression. Stride length and velocity during STW and DTW were (slightly to moderately) positively correlated with executive function test performance. Specific small to moderate correlations were found between the gait parameters and dorsolateral PFC activity during STW and DTW. Conclusion: Patients with higher acute pain intensity and better coping skills demonstrated slower and less variable gait, which might reflect a pain minimization strategy. Psychosocial factors seem to play no or only a minor role, while good executive functions might be a prerequisite for a better gait performance in CLBP patients. The specific associations between gait parameters and PFC activity during walking indicate that the availability and utilization of brain resources are crucial for a good gait performance.
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This cohort-sequential study explored the working memory (WM) structures that underlie growth in mathematical word problem solving (WPS) performance in elementary school emergent bilingual children whose first language (L1) is Spanish. To this end, children (N = 429) in Grades 1, 2, and 3 in southwest U.S. school districts at Wave 1 were administered a battery of cognitive (short-term memory [STM], WM, rapid naming, inhibition), domain-general nonmath (reading, vocabulary, and fluid intelligence) and domain-specific math measures (arithmetic computation, estimation, and magnitude judgment) in both Spanish (L1) and English (L2). These same measures were administered 1 and 2 years later. Four important findings emerged: (a) A three-factor structure (phonological STM, visual–spatial WM, and executive WM) captured the data across three testing waves within and across both language systems; (b) growth in phonological STM and executive WM uniquely predicted WPS growth, but these two WM structures interacted within the English language system; (c) Spanish verbal WM (phonological STM, executive WM) enhanced the magnitude of predictions of English verbal WM on English WPS; and (d) growth in language-specific phonological STM and executive WM predicted cross-sectional and within-child changes in WPS independent of growth in other domain-specific and domain-general academic areas. Taken together, the results suggest that language-specific age-related phonological STM growth and executive WM growth rates underlie Spanish and English math word problem-solving performance. The results extend the contribution of development models as a function of WM structures across two language systems as they apply to complex math performance.
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The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Cognitive-behavioral play therapy (CBPT) on improving work memory (WM) and cognitive flexibility (CF) in children with Specific Learning Disorder (SLD). The research method was semi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design with a control group. The statistical population of this study included all children (540 people) with SLD referred to the Center for SLD in Rasht in 2018, from among which 24 people were selected by available sampling and randomly replaced in experimental group (12 people) and control (12 people). Then Working Memory Rating Scale (WMRS) and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) in the form of pre-test and post-test were performed on them. Experimental group participants received 10 sessions of 1 hour and twice a week Cognitive-behavioral play therapy (CBPT) program; While in the control group there was no intervention. Data were analyzed using analysis of covariance in SPSS22 software. The results showed that CBPT is effective on improving WM and CF in children with SLD. Based on this, it can be concluded that CBPT intervention method, as a complementary approach, to improve WM and CF of children with SLD, can be used. Key words: Cognitive-behavioral play therapy, working memory, cognitive flexibility, Specific learning disorder.
Because deficits in executive functions (EFs) characterize most neurodevelopmental disorders, it is appropriate to question the value of EFs for understanding learning disabilities. Two types of studies—those testing whether EFs moderate treatment effects and those testing the direction of effects between EFs and academic skills—are presented to support the idea that EFs are useful for the study of learning disabilities in the context of intervention. Moderator effects in reading and math intervention studies suggest that considering EFs to be properties of not only persons, but also interventions is important for understanding treatment effects and for designing more effective interventions. An experimental study comparing math word problem solving interventions and EF interventions provides evidence for bidirectional development of working memory and math word problem solving. Directions for future experimental research that systematically and more rapidly investigate growth in EFs and academic skills in individuals with learning disabilities are presented.
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People often have trouble performing 2 relatively simple tasks concurrently. The causes of this interference and its implications for the nature of attentional limitations have been controversial for 40 years, but recent experimental findings are beginning to provide some answers. Studies of the psychological refractory period effect indicate a stubborn bottleneck encompassing the process of choosing actions and probably memory retrieval generally, together with certain other cognitive operations. Other limitations associated with task preparation, sensory–perceptual processes, and timing can generate additional and distinct forms of interference. These conclusions challenge widely accepted ideas about attentional resources and probe reaction time methodologies. They also suggest new ways of thinking about continuous dual-task performance, effects of extraneous stimulation (e.g., stop signals), and automaticity. Implications for higher mental processes are discussed.
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Ensuring that kindergarten children have a solid foundation in early numerical knowledge is of critical importance for later mathematical achievement. In this study, we targeted improving the numerical knowledge of kindergarteners (n = 81) from primarily low-income backgrounds using two approaches: one targeting their conceptual knowledge, specifically, their understanding of numerical magnitudes; and the other targeting their underlying cognitive system, specifically, their working memory. Both interventions involved playing game-like activities on tablet computers over the course of several sessions. As predicted, both interventions improved children’s numerical magnitude knowledge as compared to a no-contact control group, suggesting that both domain-specific and domain-general interventions facilitate mathematical learning. Individual differences in effort during the working memory game, but not the number knowledge training game predicted children’s improvements in number line estimation. The results demonstrate the potential of using a rapidly growing technology in early childhood classrooms to promote young children’s numerical knowledge.
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Purpose Meta-regression is widely used and misused today in meta-analyses in psychology, organizational behavior, marketing, management, and other social sciences, as an approach to the identification and calibration of moderators, with most users being unaware of serious problems in its use. The purpose of this paper is to describe nine serious methodological problems that plague applications of meta-regression. Design/methodology/approach This paper is methodological in nature and is based on well-established principles of measurement and statistics. These principles are used to illuminate the potential pitfalls in typical applications of meta-regression. Findings The analysis in this paper demonstrates that many of the nine statistical and measurement pitfalls in the use of meta-regression are nearly universal in applications in the literature, leading to the conclusion that few meta-regressions in the literature today are trustworthy. A second conclusion is that in almost all cases, hierarchical subgrouping of studies is superior to meta-regression as a method of identifying and calibrating moderators. Finally, a third conclusion is that, contrary to popular belief among researchers, the process of accurately identifying and calibrating moderators, even with the best available methods, is complex, difficult, and data demanding. Practical implications This paper provides useful guidance to meta-analytic researchers that will improve the practice of moderator identification and calibration in social science research literatures. Social implications Today, many important decisions are made on the basis of the results of meta-analyses. These include decisions in medicine, pharmacology, applied psychology, management, marketing, social policy, and other social sciences. The guidance provided in this paper will improve the quality of such decisions by improving the accuracy and trustworthiness of meta-analytic results. Originality/value This paper is original and valuable in that there is no similar listing and discussion of the pitfalls in the use of meta-regression in the literature, and there is currently a widespread lack of knowledge of these problems among meta-analytic researchers in all disciplines.
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Developmental theories often posit that changes in children's early psychological characteristics will affect much later psychological, social, and economic outcomes. However, tests of these theories frequently yield results that are consistent with plausible alternative theories that posit a much smaller causal role for earlier levels of these psychological characteristics. Our paper explores this issue with empirical tests of skill building theories, which predict that early boosts to simpler skills (e.g., numeracy or literacy) or behaviors (e.g, antisocial behavior or executive functions) support the long-term development of more sophisticated skills or behaviors. Substantial longitudinal associations between academic or socioemotional skills measured early and then later in childhood or adolescence are often taken as support of these skill-building processes. Using the example of skill-building in mathematics, we argue that longitudinal correlations, even if adjusted for an extensive set of baseline covariates, constitute an insufficiently risky test of skill-building theories. We first show that experimental manipulation of early math skills generates much smaller effects on later math achievement than the non-experimental literature has suggested. We then conduct falsification tests that show puzzlingly high cross-domain associations between early math and later literacy achievement. Finally, we show that a skill-building model positing a combination of unmeasured stable factors and skill-building processes is able to reproduce the pattern of experimental impacts on children's mathematics achievement. Implications for developmental theories, methods, and practice are discussed.
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Rational number understanding is a critical building block for success in more advanced mathematics; however, how rational number magnitudes are conceptualized is not fully understood. In the current study, we used a dual-task working memory (WM) interference paradigm to investigate the dominant type of strategy (i.e., requiring verbal WM resources vs. requiring primarily visuospatial WM resources) used by adults when processing rational number magnitudes presented in both decimal and fraction notation. Analyses revealed no significant differences in involvement of verbal and visuospatial WM, regardless of notation (fractions vs. decimals), indicating that adults rely upon a mix of strategies and WM resources when processing rational number magnitudes. However, this pattern interacted with algebra ability such that those performing better on the algebra assessment relied upon both verbal and visuospatial WM when engaging in rational number comparisons, whereas rational number performance by adults with low algebra fluency was affected only by a simultaneous verbal WM task. Together, results support previous work implicating the involvement of WM resources in rational number processing and is the first study to indicate that the involvement of both verbal and visuospatial WM, as opposed to relying primarily on verbal WM, when processing rational number magnitudes may be indicative of higher mathematical proficiency in the domain of algebra.
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The putative effectiveness of working memory (WM) training at enhancing cognitive and academic skills is still ardently debated. Several researchers have claimed that WM training fosters not only skills such as visuospatial WM and short-term memory (STM), but also abilities outside the domain of WM, such as fluid intelligence and mathematics. Other researchers, while acknowledging the positive effect of WM training on WM-related cognitive skills, are much more pessimistic about the ability of WM training to improve other cognitive and academic skills. In other words, the idea that far-transfer – i.e., the generalization of a set of skills across two domains only loosely related to each other – may take place in WM training is still controversial. In this meta-analysis, we focused on the effects of WM training on cognitive and academic skills (e.g., fluid intelligence, attention/inhibition, mathematics, and literacy) in typically developing (TD) children (aged three to 16). While WM training exerted a significant effect on cognitive skills related to WM training (g ̅ = 0.46), little evidence was found regarding far-transfer effects (g ̅ = 0.12). Moreover, the size of the effects was inversely related to the quality of the design (i.e., random allocation to the groups and presence of an active control group). The results suggest that WM training is ineffective at enhancing TD children’s cognitive or academic skills and that, when positive effects are observed, they are modest at best. Thus, in line with other types of training, far-transfer rarely occurs and its effects are minimal.
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In 2014, two groups of scientists published open letters on the efficacy of brain-training interventions, or “brain games,” for improving cognition. The first letter, a consensus statement from an international group of more than 70 scientists, claimed that brain games do not provide a scientifically grounded way to improve cognitive functioning or to stave off cognitive decline. Several months later, an international group of 133 scientists and practitioners countered that the literature is replete with demonstrations of the benefits of brain training for a wide variety of cognitive and everyday activities. How could two teams of scientists examine the same literature and come to conflicting “consensus” views about the effectiveness of brain training? In part, the disagreement might result from different standards used when evaluating the evidence. To date, the field has lacked a comprehensive review of the brain-training literature, one that examines both the quantity and the quality of the evidence according to a well-defined set of best practices. This article provides such a review, focusing exclusively on the use of cognitive tasks or games as a means to enhance performance on other tasks. We specify and justify a set of best practices for such brain-training interventions and then use those standards to evaluate all of the published peer-reviewed intervention studies cited on the websites of leading brain-training companies listed on Cognitive Training Data ( ), the site hosting the open letter from brain-training proponents. These citations presumably represent the evidence that best supports the claims of effectiveness. Based on this examination, we find extensive evidence that brain-training interventions improve performance on the trained tasks, less evidence that such interventions improve performance on closely related tasks, and little evidence that training enhances performance on distantly related tasks or that training improves everyday cognitive performance. We also find that many of the published intervention studies had major shortcomings in design or analysis that preclude definitive conclusions about the efficacy of training, and that none of the cited studies conformed to all of the best practices we identify as essential to drawing clear conclusions about the benefits of brain training for everyday activities. We conclude with detailed recommendations for scientists, funding agencies, and policymakers that, if adopted, would lead to better evidence regarding the efficacy of brain-training interventions.
Primary studies increasingly report information that can be used to provide multiple effect sizes. Of interest in this study, primary studies might compare a treatment and a control group on multiple related outcomes that result in multiple dependent effect sizes to be synthesized. There are a number of ways to handle the resulting within-study “multiple-outcome” dependency. The present study focuses on use of the multilevel meta-analysis model (Van den Noortgate, López-López, Marín-Martínez, & Sánchez-Meca, 2013) and robust variance estimation (Hedges, Tipton, & Johnson, 2010) for handling this dependency, as well as for estimating outcome-specific mean effect sizes. We assessed these two approaches under various conditions that differed from each other in within-study sample size; the number of effect sizes per outcome; the number of outcomes per study; the number of studies per meta-analysis; the ratio of variances at Levels 1, 2, and 3; and the true correlation between pairs of effect sizes at the between-study level. Limitations and directions for future research are discussed.
Studies in humans and non-human primates have provided evidence for storage of working memory contents in multiple regions ranging from sensory to parietal and prefrontal cortex. We discuss potential explanations for these distributed representations: (i) features in sensory regions versus prefrontal cortex differ in the level of abstractness and generalizability; and (ii) features in prefrontal cortex reflect representations that are transformed for guidance of upcoming behavioral actions. We propose that the propensity to produce persistent activity is a general feature of cortical networks. Future studies may have to shift focus from asking where working memory can be observed in the brain to how a range of specialized brain areas together transform sensory information into a delayed behavioral response.