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International Journal of Research and Review
Vol.7; Issue: 4; April 2020
Original Research Article E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237
International Journal of Research and Review ( 369
Vol.7; Issue: 4; April 2020
Interleukin-8: A Potential Marker for
Differentiating Papillary Thyroid Cancer
Toral Kobawala1, Kinjal Gajjar1, Nandita Ghosh2
1Research Assistant, 2Assistant Professor and Head,
Tumor Biology Lab, Department of Cancer Biology, The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Asarwa,
Corresponding Author: Nandita Ghosh
Background: Thyroid disorders represent
relatively common medical conditions
worldwide. Although better managed, it is often
difficult to distinguish benign and thyroid
cancer cells. To avoid inappropriate treatment
decisions based on unconvincing results, it is
inevitable to understand molecular mechanisms
underlying thyroid carcinogenesis. Cytokines
have a key role in an intricate relationship
between inflammation and cancer. IL-8 is one
such potent inflammatory mediator recognized
to modulate proliferation, invasion and
migration of tumor cells. Hence it was aimed to
study expression of IL-8 in benign and thyroid
cancer patients.
Methods: Circulating IL-8 levels (by ELISA)
and tumoral IL-8 expression (by
Immunohistochemistry) was studied in total 240
subjects: 67 healthy individuals, 67 benign
thyroid diseases patients and 106 thyroid cancer
patients with majority being diagnosed as
papillary thyroid cancer (PTC: N=83).
Results: Circulating IL-8 was significantly
elevated in benign and thyroid cancer as
compared to controls. Both circulating and
tumoral IL-8 expression were significantly
higher in PTC as compared to benign thyroid
diseases. Moreover, IL-8 expression was
significantly associated with aggressive tumor
characteristics of PTC patients.
Conclusion: IL-8 could be a potential marker
for differentiating patients with benign thyroid
diseases and cancer. IL-8 overexpression was
not suppressed by Suppressors of cytokine
signalling (SOCS) proteins and may induce
expression of adhesion molecules: VCAM-1 and
L-Selectin and thereby increase thyroid cancer
progression. Further, significant association of
IL-8 expression with shorter overall survival in
PTC patients treated with surgery alone,
suggests that conventional treatment strategies
may be improved by additionally targeting IL-8
signalling in such patients.
Key words: Thyroid cancer, IL-8, SOCS,
Immunohistochemistry, ELISA, Benign thyroid
- an endocrine gland plays
important role in regulating metabolism and
helps maintain body temperature, heart rate
and blood pressure. Thus, any problem that
occurs in the thyroid gland, affects every
cell of the body. Thyroid disorders represent
relatively common medical conditions
ranging from benign goitre to carcinoma.
Although its incidence is lower, thyroid
cancer represents the most frequent
endocrine malignancy. Despite the fact that
majority of patients with thyroid diseases
are better managed, pathologists often find
it difficult to distinguish benign and cancer
cells. This may result in unconvincing
treatment decisions by clinicians. Hence, it
is important to decipher the molecular
mechanisms underlying thyroid
tumorigenesis, to avoid excessive treatment
to the patients with indolent/low risk tumors
and at the same time, guarantee effective
management to the patients with aggressive
Inflammation representing one of the
hallmarks of cancer [1] includes the
existence of inflammatory mediators-
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Vol.7; Issue: 4; April 2020
cytokines. Shedding of cytokines by tumor
cells into the local microenvironment is a
key modulator of tumorigenesis. Overall,
there is an intricate relationship between the
immune system and cancer where cytokines
have a significant role.[2] Cytokines
modulate an antitumoral response in the
tumor microenvironment, but during
chronic inflammation, they can induce
malignant cell transformation based on
balance of pro- and anti- inflammatory type.
IL-8 is a cytokine recognized as
potent neutrophil activator and chemotactic
factor secreted by activated monocytes,
macrophages, fibroblasts, lymphocytes,
neutrophils, endothelial cells and a variety
of normal and malignant epithelial cells.[3, 4]
The increased secretion of IL-8 from tumor
cells can have profound effect on the tumor
microenvironment. IL-8- CXCR1/2 (IL-8
receptors) signalling mediates tumorigenesis
and tumor progression that leads to
subsequent activation of various
pathways.[5, 6] The IL-8 signalling nexus
directly influences the sensitivity of tumour
cells to chemotherapies by altering
pathways associated with apoptosis and
multidrug resistance.[6]
Increased circulating IL-8 levels and
its correlation with tumor burden and
prognosis have been observed in patients
with various malignancies.[7, 8] Moreover,
statistically significant differences in IL-8
levels in patients with thyroid disease and
normal reference group have also been
demonstrated.[9-12] To date, immense
research has been done to identify the role
of IL-8 signalling in human cancers. Given
that high expression of IL-8 is associated
with tumorigenesis and progression of
certain types of tumours, this study
hypothesized that IL-8 may serve as useful
biomarker in screening and evaluating
prognosis in thyroid cancer patients as well.
Hence it was aimed to study its expression
in benign and thyroid cancer patients and
thereby explore its role as a potential marker
for differentiation and prognosis in thyroid
carcinoma patients.
Total 240 subjects were included, of
which 67 were healthy individuals, 67 were
patients with benign thyroid diseases and
106 were thyroid cancer patients (PTC:
N=83, follicular thyroid cancer (FTC): N=6,
medullary thyroid cancer (MTC): N=9 and
anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC): N=8).[13-16]
None of the subjects had any history of
autoimmune disease, did not receive any
pre-treatment and they were not on any
immunosuppressive or immunomodulant
drugs. Only 45/67 patients with benign
thyroid diseases that were suspicious to be
malignant were operated at our institute.
This study was approved by
Institutional Scientific and Ethical
Committees and informed consent was
obtained from all subjects prior to sample
collection. Except 4/8 ATC patients who
were not resectable; all thyroid cancer
patients underwent surgery at Department of
Surgical Oncology of our institute. Only
PTC patients were further considered for the
correlation analysis (the number of patients
with other three types of thyroid cancer
were very low for comparative statistical
analysis). Treatment strategies were decided
by the clinicians of the institute. It included
either surgery or surgery followed by
radioiodine ablation (RIA) therapy or
surgery followed by RIA therapy and
radiotherapy both. Clinical and
histopathological details of the patients were
noted from the case files maintained at the
Medical record department of the institute.
Histological classification of the tumors was
in accordance with the WHO classification.
The PTC patients were staged according to
the AJCC/UICC TNM staging system and
were accordingly grouped into younger
      
groups. Clinicopathological characteristics
of PTC patients are depicted in Table 1.[13-
16] Follow up details of PTC patients were
noted for a period of 4 years or until death
within that period. Complete follow-up
details were obtained in 92% (76/83) of
PTC patients and hence were included for
Toral Kobawala Interleukin-8: a potential marker for differentiating papillary thyroid cancer
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overall survival (OS) analysis. Nine percent
(7/76) of these patients had persistent
disease and thus were excluded from disease
free survival (DFS) analysis. Hence, 69/76
PTC patients were included for DFS
Table 1: Clinicopathological characteristics of PTC patients
N (%)
N (%)
<45 years
41 (49)
42 (51)
61 (74)
22 (26)
Haemorrhagic area
56 (68)
27 (32)
72 (87)
11 (13)
Tumour size
T1 (N=16)+T2 (N=22)
T3 (N=30)+T4 (N=15)
38 (46)
45 (54)
67 (81)
16 (19)
Nodal status
30 (36)
53 (64)
32 (39)
51 (61)
Extrathyroidal extension
73 (88)
10 (12)
52 (63)
31 (37)
Early [Stage I (N=37) + Stage II (N=12)]
Advanced [Stage III (N=11)+ Stage IV(N=23)]
49 (59)
34 (41)
61 (74)
22 (26)
Lymphatic permeation
67 (81)
16 (19)
46 (55)
37 (45)
Vascular permeation
74 (89)
09 (11)
Moderate/ Poor
76 (92)
07 (08)
Capsular Invasion
55 (66)
28 (34)
64 (77)
19 (23)
Residual Disease
Well encapsulated
Partially/Not encapsulated
76 (92)
07 (08)
24 (29)
59 (71)
29 (35)
Surgery + RIA and/RT
54 (65)
Surgery + RIA
50 (60)
Surgery + RIA +RT
04 (05)
Disease Status
Recurrence/Distant Metastasis (N=69)
Alive/Dead (N=76)
62 (90)
68 (89)
07 (10)
08 (11)
3 (4)
Distant metastasis
4 (6)
1 (1.5)
2 (3.0)
Bone + Lung
1 (1.5)
Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) for
circulating IL-8:
Pretherapeutic blood samples were
collected from all subjects, and sera were
separated and stored at 80C until analysis.
Circulating levels of IL-8 were estimated
from the serum samples using commercially
available kit (EIA IL-8: Immunotech-
   
The unknown concentrations were
determined through Graph pad prism 5
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for tumoral
protein expression of IL-8:
Formalin fixed paraffin embedded
tissue blocks of the patients were retrieved
from Histopathology department. Four
micron thick sections were taken and
mounted on aminopropyl triethoxy silane
(APES) coated glass slides.
Immunohistochemical staining was
performed using primary mouse monoclonal
IL-8 antibody (R&D Systems-MAB208;
dilution-1:50) and MACH4 Universal HRP-
Polymer Detection System (Biocare
    
Toral Kobawala Interleukin-8: a potential marker for differentiating papillary thyroid cancer
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recommendations. Briefly, the
Immunohistochemical staining procedure
and semiquantitative scoring of the stained
sections were performed as described
Statistical analysis
Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS) version 16 (SPSS Inc,
USA) was used to analyse the data. IL-8
levels between two groups were assessed by
Independent Samples T-test. Discriminating
efficacy of IL-8 was determined by
   
curves. Tumoral protein expressions in
benign and carcinoma patients and
association with clinicopathological
parameters of carcinoma patients were
determined by Two-  
    
used to find correlation between two
parameters. Univariate survival analysis for
DFS and OS was evaluated using Kaplan-
0.05 were considered significant.
Circulating levels of IL-8
Circulating IL-8 levels in different
subjects are depicted in Table 2. In patients
with benign thyroid diseases (N=67), the
circulating IL-8 levels were significantly
higher as compared to that in healthy
individuals (P=0.003). The total benign
thyroid patients were further grouped as
patients with goitre (N=45) and
autoimmune diseases (N=22). It was
observed that the patients with goitre had
significantly higher circulating levels of IL-
8 than the healthy individuals (P<0.001).
Further, patients with autoimmune diseases,
when sub grouped into Hashimoto’s
thyroiditis (N=9) and Graves’ disease
(N=13), it was noted that as compared to the
healthy individuals, the circulating levels of
IL-8 were significantly higher in both the
subgroups of patients- 
    
(P<0.001). In Total thyroid carcinoma
patients (N=106), the circulating levels of
IL-8 were significantly higher than the
healthy individuals (P<0.001). These
thyroid carcinoma patients were further sub
grouped according to their histological
subtypes as PTC, FTC, MTC and ATC. It
was observed that in all these sub groups of
thyroid carcinoma patients, the circulating
levels of IL-8 were predominantly higher
than the healthy individuals (PTC: P<0.001,
FTC: P<0.001, MTC: P<0.001 and ATC:
Table 2: Significance of circulating levels of IL-8
P value
Healthy individuals (N=67)
Benign thyroid disease (N=67)
Goitre (N=45)
Autoimmune diseases (N=22)
Thyroid carcinoma (N=106)
<0.001*; 0.023#
Papillary thyroid carcinoma (N=83)
<0.001*; 0.031#
Follicular thyroid carcinoma (N=6)
<0.001*; 0.023#
Medullary thyroid carcinoma (N=9)
<0.001*; 0.066#
Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (N=8)
<0.001*; 0.806#
*Significance of circulating levels of IL-8 in benign and thyroid carcinoma patients as compared to healthy individuals.
#Significance of circulating levels of IL-8 in thyroid carcinoma patients as compared to benign thyroid diseases.
Further, the ROC curves revealed that IL-8 exhibited a good discriminatory efficacy
between healthy individuals and patients with different thyroid diseases (Figure 1A-1H).
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Area Under the Curve
95% CI
Area Under the Curve
95% CI
Area Under the Curve
95% CI
Area Under the Curve
95% CI
Area Under the Curve
95% CI
Area Under the Curve
95% CI
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Area Under the Curve
95% CI
Area Under the Curve
95% CI
Figure 1: ROC curve for IL-8 in patients with thyroid diseases vs healthy individuals
A. Total benign thyroid disease patients vs Healthy individuals
B. Benign goitre patients vs Healthy individuals
C. Hashimoto thyroidtis patients vs Healthy individuals
D. 
E. PTC patients vs Healthy individuals
F. FTC patients vs Healthy individuals
G. MTC patients vs Healthy individuals
H. ATC patients vs Healthy individuals
Moreover, it was observed that IL-8 levels were significantly higher in thyroid carcinoma
patients, as compared to patients with benign thyroid diseases (IL-8: P=0.023). Further, when
sub grouped, the levels were found to be considerably higher in PTC and FTC patients as
compared to patients with benign thyroid diseases (PTC: P=0.031 and FTC: P=0.023). [Table
2]. In agreement to this, ROC curves also showed that IL-8 could well discriminate
between patients with benign diseases and PTC as well as between benign and FTC patients
[Figure 2A and B].
Area Under the Curve
95% CI
Area Under the Curve
95% CI
Figure 2: ROC curve for IL-8 in patients with thyroid cancer vs benign thyroid diseases
A. PTC vs Benign thyroid disease patients
B. FTC vs Benign thyroid disease patients
Tumoral protein expression of IL-8
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Cytoplasmic and/or nuclear staining was observed for IL-8 (Figure 3). The immunoreactivity
was either focal or scattered. For statistical evaluation, cytoplasmic and nuclear expressions
were scored independently and taken into account separately.
Figure 3: Photomicrographs showing staining for IL-8
A. Cytoplasmic and nuclear staining for IL-8 in benign goitre
B. Cytoplasmic and nuclear staining for IL-8 in PTC
C. Negative control for IL-8 in PTC
Median IRS of IL-8 expression was used as cut-off to divide the patients into low
3 depicts the comparison of IL-8 expression between the patients with benign thyroid
diseases and thyroid carcinomas.
Incidence of cytoplasmic IL-8 immunoreactivity was significantly high in thyroid cancer
2=8.784, r=+0.244, P=0.003). In
PTC patients too, the incidence of cytoplasmic immunoreactivity of IL-8 was found to be
significantl          2=8.474, r=+0.257,
P=0.003). In FTC patients, the cytoplasmic IL-8 expression was higher than benign thyroid
         2=1.624, r=+0.252,
Table 3: Comparison of cytokine expressions between the patients with benign thyroid diseases and total thyroid carcinoma patients
BTD (N=45)
N (%)
PTC (N=83)
N (%)
FTC (N=6)
N (%)
MTC (N=9)
N (%)
ATC (N=9)
N (%)
Median IRS- 2
Median IRS- 4
Median IRS- 1.5
Median IRS- 4
Median IRS- 2
37 (82)
47 (57)
3 (50)
5 (56)
3 (75)
8 (18)
36 (43)
3 (50)
4 (44)
1 (25)
Nuclear IL-8
Median IRS- 0
Median IRS- 0
Median IRS- 0
Median IRS- 0
Median IRS- 1
38 (84)
75 (90)
5 (83)
8 (89)
2 (50)
7 (16)
8 (10)
1 (17)
1 (11)
2 (50)
2=0.987, r=-
0.088, P=0.324
2=0.000, r=-
0.047, P=1.000
BTD- Benign Thyroid diseases; TTC- Total Thyroid Cancer patients
Correlation of IL-8 with
clinicopathological parameters of PTC
Preponderance of serum IL-8 levels was
observed in male patients (P=0.035). Also
IL-8 levels were observed to be higher in
patients having larger tumor size (P=0.050),
advanced stage disease (P=0.045) and
presence of fibrosis (P=0.005).
Cytoplasmic IL-8 expression was
significantly higher in males 2=4.112,
r=+0.223, P=0.043); in patients with larger
  2=3.970, r=+0.219, P=0.047)
and presence of extrathyroidal extension of
 2=9.006, r=+0.329, P=0.002).
Moreover, a trend of higher cytoplasmic IL-
8 immunoreactivity was evident in patients
showing capsular invasion of tumors
2=3.262, r=+0.198, P=0.072) and in those
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having tumors in single lobe of the thyroid
 2=3.160, r=-0.195, P=0.077) as
compared to their respective counterparts.
On the other hand, higher nuclear IL-8
expression was predominant in patients with
smaller tumor size than in patients with
   2=4.487, r=-0.273,
P=0.034). Besides this, a trend of higher
nuclear IL-8 immunoreactivity was seen in
PTC patients with presence of distant
 2=3.081, r=+0.255, P=0.079)
and those who had been postoperatively
    2=3.206,
r=+0.239, P=0.073). Apart from these, IL-8
did not show significant correlation with
rest of the clinicopathological parameters
[Table 4].
Table 4: Correlation of IL-8 with clinicopathological parameters of PTC patients
Circulating levels
Tumoral protein expression
Mean ± SE
N (%)
N (%)
N (%)
N (%)
241.48 ± 76.66
36 (64)
20 (36)
591.58 ± 173.36
11 (41)
16 (59)
Tumour size
Small (T1+T2)
189.64 ± 76.60
26 (68)
12 (32)
31 (82)
7 (18)
Large (T3+T4)
495.31 ± 125.65
21 (47)
24 (53)
44 (98)
1 (2)
Early (I+II)
225.72 ± 67.74
Advanced (III+IV)
542.21 ± 159.75
68 (93)
5 (7)
7 (70)
3 (30)
224.65 ± 47.43
717.81 ± 251.70
Extrathyroidal extension
36 (69)
16 (31)
11 (35)
20 (65)
Capsular Invasion
35 (64)
20 (36)
12 (43)
16 (57)
31 (51)
30 (49)
16 (73)
6 (27)
29 (100)
0 (0)
Surgery + RIA and/RT
46 (85)
8 (15)
r- correlation coefficient
Survival analysis
The median level of IL-8 (34.20 pg/ml) and median IRS score was used as cut-off to
             
respectively. Univariate analysis revealed that neither circulating IL-8 nor the tumoral IL-8
expression was a significant predictor of DFS or OS in PTC patients [Table 5].
Table 5: Univariate survival analysis for DFS and OS in relation to IL-8 expression in PTC patients
DFS (N=69)
OS (N=76)
Patients relapsed N (%)
Patients died N (%)
Circulating IL-8 levels
3 (9)
4 (10)
4 (12)
4 (10)
Log rank=0.170, df=1, P=0.680
Log rank=0.001, df=1, P=0.969
IL-8 protein expression
Cytoplasmic IL-8
6 (15)
4 (9)
1 (3)
4 (12)
Log rank=2.572, df=1, P=0.109
Log rank=0.099, df=1, P=0.753
Nuclear IL-8
7 (11)
7 (10)
0 (0)
1 (12)
Log rank=0.831, df=1, P=0.362
Log rank=0.056, df=1, P=0.813
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Vol.7; Issue: 4; April 2020
However, cytoplasmic IL-8 expression was significant predictor of OS in subgroup of
patients treated with surgery alone. In this group, 25% (3/12) patients with high cytoplasmic
IL-8 expression had significantly shorter OS while, all the patients having lower cytoplasmic
IL-8 expressions remained alive (Log rank=4.106, df=1, P=0.043) [Figure 4].
Figure 4: Significantly reduced OS observed in PTC patients treated with surgery alone having high cytoplasmic IL-8 expression as
compared to those with low cytoplasmic IL-8 expression
Besides this, IL-8 expression when correlated with previous results on the expression
of adhesion molecules (L-Selectin and VCAM-1)[14] and with SOCS proteins (SOCS-1,
SOCS-2 and SOCS-3)[17] in PTC patients, it was observed that cytoplasmic IL-8 expressions
exhibited a significant positive correlation with L-Selectin expression (r=+0.258, P=0.018) as
well as with VCAM-1 (r=+0.437, P<0.001). It also showed significant positive correlation
with the expression of all the three SOCS proteins (cytoplasmic IL-8 vs SOCS-1: r=+0.435,
P<0.001; cytoplasmic IL-8 vs SOCS-2: r=+0.230, P=0.036; cytoplasmic IL-8 vs SOCS-3:
r=+0.336, P=0.002). In addition, nuclear IL-8 expression (r=-0.244, P=0.026) showed a
significant inverse correlation with SOCS-3 immunoexpression [Table 6].
Table 6: Correlation of IL-8 with adhesion molecules (L-Selectin and VCAM-1) and SOCS (SOCS-1, SOCS-2 and SOCS-3) proteins
in primary tumors of PTC patients
Circulating IL-8
Cytoplasmic IL-8 expression
Nuclear IL-8 expression
Circulating L-Selectin
Circulating VCAM-1
r=-0.044, P=0.695
L-Selectin expression
r=+0.258, P=0.018
r=-0.062, P=0.579
VCAM-1 expression
r=+0.437, P<0.001
r=-0.124, P =0.266
SOCS-1 expression
r=+0.435, P<0.001
r=-0.184, P=0.096
SOCS-2 expression
r=+0.230, p=0.036
r=-0.066, P=0.551
SOCS-3 expression
r=+0.336, p=0.002
r=-0.244, P=0.026
r- correlation coefficient
Serum IL-8 levels were significantly
elevated in all patients with thyroid
disorders as compared to healthy
individuals. Its levels were even elevated in
the thyroid cancer patients as compared to
the patients with benign thyroid diseases.
Confirming the results, ROC curves also
revealed that serum IL-8 showed good
efficacy to discriminate between healthy
individuals and patients with different
thyroid diseases as well as between patients
with benign thyroid diseases and thyroid
cancer patients. Contrarily, studies of
Krassas and colleagues found that IL-8
 
    
thyroiditis.[18] However, similar to our
observation, some studies demonstrated
statistically significant differences in IL-8
levels in patients with thyroid disease and
normal reference group.[9-12] Our
preliminary study revealed significant
higher IL-8 levels in benign, autoimmune
and thyroid carcinoma patients, and it was
significantly associated with the advanced
stage disease in PTC patients.[19] Increased
circulating IL-8 levels have also been
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observed in patients with various other
Moreover, high IL-8 levels were
significantly positively correlated with
larger tumor size, advanced stage and
presence of fibrosis in PTC patients. Also
the levels were found to be higher in the
male patients who are more likely to be
associated with aggressive tumor behaviour
as compared to the female patients.
Recently, Sanmamed and colleagues
reported that serum IL-8 levels correlate
with tumor burden and prognosis.[8] In colon
cancer patients, its levels statistically
correlated with tumor stage,[23] and in breast
cancer, circulating IL-8 significantly
increased with tumor size[29] which is
consistent to the present results. IL-8 levels
increased significantly in patients with more
advanced stage in breast and uterine
endometrial cancers.[28, 34]
Similar to present study, de Campos
et al observed IL-8 immunostaining in
cytoplasm and focally in nucleus of
neoplastic cells in breast cancer patients,[35]
while IL-8 protein expression was seen
predominantly in cytoplasm of lung cancer
cells.[36, 37] Jenkins et al had observed a
significant increase in moderate IL-8
    
and an increase in strong staining in
adenocarcinoma tissue compared to adjacent
squamous tissue.[38] Current study also
demonstrated significantly higher
cytoplasmic IL-8 expression in PTC patients
as compared to benign thyroid diseases.
Cytoplasmic IL-8 overexpression was
significantly higher in male patients and was
substantially positively correlated with
larger tumor size and extrathyroidal
extension of tumors, while higher nuclear
expression was associated with smaller
tumor size. This indicates that cytoplasmic
expression might be related to more adverse
tumor characteristics while; nuclear IL-8
immunoreactivity may be indicative of less
hostile tumor behaviour in PTC patients.
In accordance to present study, Chen
et al reported higher IL-8 expression in
pancreatic cancer patients at both circulating
and tumor tissue levels.[39] IL-8 expression
correlated with disease progression in
prostate, breast and ovarian cancers.[40-44]
They observed increase in growth,
proliferation, angiogenesis, adhesion and
invasion with increased IL-8 overexpression
and these effects were decreased on
depletion of endogenous IL-8 expression by
transfecting cells with plasmid encoding for
antisense IL-8.[45]
IL-8 is found to be a prognostic
marker in various human cancers.[46-49] In
present study, higher cytoplasmic IL-8
immunoreactivity was associated with
significantly reduced OS in the PTC patients
who were treated with surgery alone. Thus,
it can be suggested that the patients having
higher IL-8 immunoreactivity may require
more active treatment rather than surgery
alone, for better prognosis.
Moreover, IL-8 expression exhibited
significant positive correlation with the
expression of adhesion molecules in PTC
patients. It can be suggested that, an
increased expression of adhesion molecules
may be the result of neutrophil activation by
inflammatory cytokines like IL-8.[50] In
breast cancer cells, VCAM-1 expression
was induced by cytokoine stimulation and
its up regulation directly correlated with
advanced stage.[51] It has been observed that
addition of exogenous cytokines induced
expression of endothelial adhesion
molecules thereby increasing the adhesive
property of cancer cells. This cell-cell
adhesion leads to clustering of VCAM-1
which in turn activates the PI3K/AKT
signalling that suppresses apoptosis and
promotes survival signal in the tumor
These results indicate that
production of IL-8 by cancer cells may be
one of the factors leading to expression of
adhesion molecules, which can facilitate
tumor progression through activation of
various signalling pathways and further
substantiate the link between inflammation
and cancer progression.
Further, the expression of SOCS
proteins might be heterogeneously induced
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by various cytoiknes including IL-8.
Usually, SOCS expression is known to be
stimulated by activation of cytokine
signalling pathway. In turn, when SOCS are
overexpressed, they tend to inhibit cytokine
induced signal transduction in a negative
feedback manner.[53, 54] Hence overall,
cancer cells are sustained by several
cytokines within the tumor
microenvironment, which lead to activation
of pathways that support cancer cell growth
and survival. Expression of SOCS proteins
may be a consequence of this.[54] Thus, in
the present study, significant positive
correlation of IL-8 with the SOCS proteins,
is indicative of a possibility that, there might
be failure of negative regulatory pathways
acting upon the IL-8 induced pathways,
which may overpower the capacity of SOCS
proteins to suppress IL-8 expression and
reduce the activity of downstream
transcriptional factors.
Additionally, the varied effects of
IL-8 signalling upon different cell types
present within the tumor microenvironment
has been suggestive of targeting of CXC-
chemokine signalling including IL-8, in
order to arrest disease progression and assist
in sensitizing tumors to chemotherapeutic
and biological agents. Repertaxin, is the
CXCR1/2 inhibitor developed to prevent IL-
8-induced injury.[55] Clinical trials are in
progress to determine the safety and
efficacy of repertaxin in combination with
docetaxel chemotherapy in patients with
advanced breast cancer.[56-58] Furthermore,
evidence for IL8-CXCR1/2 axis in CSC has
been reported by independent studies and
offers a potential therapeutic target.[59-63]
Currently, randomized, double blind phase 2
clinical trials aimed at testing the effective
targeting of CSC through this axis are in
progress.[56-58, 63]
IL-8 is not only produced by
immune cells but also by the follicular cells
of thyroid gland. Its overexpression at both
circulating and tumor tissue levels may
indicate an excessive production by tumor
cells in an inflammatory microenvironment
and subsequent release into the circulation.
Overall, IL-8 has a role as a differentiating
marker in patients with various thyroid
diseases and in advancement of thyroid
cancer. Further, IL-8 expression is not
suppressed by the SOCS proteins and it may
have a role in inducing the expression of
adhesion molecules like VCAM-1 and L-
Selectin and thereby increasing cancer cell
proliferation and progression in PTC
patients. Moreover, as its expression was
able to predict OS in PTC patients treated
with surgery alone, targeting IL-8 signalling
along with conventional treatment strategies
might be beneficial in such patients.
This work was financially supported by Gujarat
Cancer Society (GCS), and it was approved by
the GCRI/GCS ethics committee.
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How to cite this article: Kobawala T, Gajjar K,
Ghosh N. Interleukin-8: A potential marker for
differentiating papillary thyroid cancer.
International Journal of Research and Review.
2020; 7(4): 369-382.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
In this review, we will highlight several studies that revolve around interleukin-8 (IL-8) and show the multiple facets that could take in the tumor microenvironment. Chemokines that attract neutrophils (to a large extent, IL-8) can have a bimodal behavior inducing the migration of them in the first place and later favoring the formation of NETs in the place of emission focus of the chemokine. Also, this mechanism occurs when neutrophils migrate to tumor cells and where the extrusion of NETs in the tumor is observed. A possible participation of NETs in cancer progression was considered; however, until now, it is difficult to decide if NETosis plays a pro- or antitumor role, although it is necessary to emphasize that there is more experimentation focused on the protumorigenic aspect of the NETs. The formation of NETs has a relevant role in the inhibition of the immune response against the tumor generated by neutrophils and in turn favoring the processes involved in the development of tumor metastasis. It is striking that we do not have more complete information about the effects of circulating chemokines on neutrophils in cancer patients and hence the suitability of this review. No one has observed to date the impact that it could have on other cell populations to inhibit the arrival of neutrophils and the formation/elimination of NETs. However, the extent to which NETs affect the function of other cells of the immune system in the tumor context has not been directly demonstrated. It is necessary to identify possible combinations of immunotherapy that involve the modulation of neutrophil activity with other strategies (immunomodulatory antibodies or adoptive cell therapy). Therefore, knowing the mechanisms by which tumors take advantage of this ability of neutrophils to form NETs is very important in the search for antitumor therapies and thus be able to take advantage of the possible immunotherapeutic combinations that we currently have in clinical practice.
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Cancer stem-like cells (CSC) have been targeted by different strategies over the last decade. This mini review focuses on preclinical and clinical results obtained by interfering with chemokine receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2 in breast cancer. This strategy is currently being tested in a randomized, double blind phase 2 clinical trial.
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Purpose: Although the significance of Interleukin-18 (IL-18) has been studied in pathogenesis of different cancers including, ovarian, gastric, breast, lung carcinoma and melanoma, its role in thyroid cancer-the most common endocrine malignancy has not yet been looked at extensively. Hence, this study intended to examine the role of IL-18 in thyroid tumorigenesis. Methods: Sixty seven patients with benign thyroid diseases and 106 thyroid cancer patients (including 83 papillary, 6 follicular, 9 medullary and 8 anaplastic thyroid carcinoma patients) were enrolled in the study. To accomplish the aim, the circulating levels of IL-18 were estimated by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) from all patients and compared with controls. Further, protein expression of IL-18 was determined from the primary tumors of the patients using immunohistochemistry. Results: It was observed that the circulating levels of IL-18 were significantly higher in all patients: benign thyroid diseases (p = 0.006), papillary (p < 0.001), follicular (p = 0.023), medullary (p = 0.002) and anaplastic thyroid cancer (p < 0.001) than the controls. In addition to this, IL-18 could well discriminate papillary (AUC = 0.627, p =0.008) and anaplastic thyroid carcinoma patients (AUC = 0.777, p = 0.011) from patients with benign thyroid diseases. However, the difference between tumoral protein expression of IL-18 in patients with benign thyroid diseases and thyroid carcinoma was not significant. The Kaplan-Meier survival analysis revealed that neither the circulating nor the tumoral protein expression of IL-18 was the significant predictor of disease free survival (DFS) or overall survival (OS) in papillary thyroid cancer patients. Conclusion: Though not a significant prognosticator, circulating IL-18 may be useful as a differentiating factor in thyroid tumorigenesis and the increase in serum IL-18 levels may be provoked in response to the tumor. Thus, including IL-18 along with the current treatment practice may have a significant role in better management of the disease. However, further exploration of this interleukin is required in a larger series of patients with longer follow up period.
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Background: Expression of IL-8 and its receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2 is a common occurrence in human epithelial thyroid cancer (TC). In human TC samples, IL-8 expression is associated with tumor progression. IL-8 enhances proliferation, survival, motility, and leads to the maintenance of stemness features and tumor-initiating ability of TC cells. Here, we studied the effects of Reparixin (formerly Repertaxin), a small molecular weight CXCR1 and CXCR2 inhibitor, on the malignant phenotype of various TC cell lines. Results: Reparixin impaired the viability of epithelial thyroid cancerous cells, but not that of the non-malignant counterpart. Reparixin treatment significantly decreased TC cell survival, proliferation, Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) and stemness. CXCR1 and CXCR2 silencing abolished these effects. Reparixin sensitized TC cells to Docetaxel and Doxorubicin in culture. Used as single agent, Reparixin significantly inhibited TC cell tumorigenicity in immunodeficient mice. Finally, Reparixin potentiated the effects of Docetaxel on TC cell xenotransplants in mice. Materials and methods: We assessed the effects of Reparixin on TC cell viability (by growth curves, BrdU incorporation, TUNEL assay), EMT (by RT-PCR, Flow Cytometry, Migration assays), stemness (by RT-PCR, Flow Cytometry, sphere-formation and self-renewal), and tumorigenicity (by xenotransplantation in nude mice). Conclusions: The present study suggests that Reparixin, both alone and in combination with classic chemotherapics, represents a novel potential therapeutic strategy for aggressive forms of TC.
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Aim: IL-8 is produced by multiple tumors and its functions include regulation of tumor angiogenesis and immune response. We evaluated the correlation of IL-8 with tumor burden and its potential role as a cancer biomarker by studying sequential levels of serum IL-8 in preclinical tumor models and in patients with multiple tumor types, at baseline and following anticancer treatment. Methods: IL-8 levels were monitored sequentially by sandwich ELISAs in three different models: a) cultured tumor cells supernatant; b) serum of tumor-xenografted mice and; c) serum and urine samples from 119 cancer patients, at baseline and following diverse anticancer treatments. We correlated IL-8 levels with tumor burden, treatment induced response and cancer prognosis. Results: IL-8 levels showed a strong correlation with tumor burden in all the models explored: a) in tumor cultures, IL-8 levels correlated accurately with the number of cancer cells; b) in tumor-xenografted mice, IL-8 serum levels correlated with tumor burden and rapidly dropped following surgical excision; and c) in patients with melanoma, renal-cell carcinoma, non-small cell lung cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma, serum IL-8 levels correlated with tumor burden and stage, survival and objective responses to therapy, including BRAF inhibitors and immunomodulatory monoclonal-antibodies. IL-8 concentrations in urine were mainly elevated in tumors with direct contact with the urinary tract. Conclusions: IL-8 levels correlate with tumor burden in preclinical models and in cancer patients and are a potentially useful biomarker to monitor response to cancer treatment. This might be particularly relevant to assess the therapeutic effects of drugs that may induce “pseudo-progressions”, such as immunomodulatory monoclonal antibodies. Disclosure: All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
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CXCR1 and CXCR2 chemokine receptors and their ligands (CXCL1/2/3/7/8) play an important role in tumor progression. Tested to date CXCR1/2 antagonists and chemokine-targeted antibodies were reported to affect malignant cells in vitro and in animal models. Yet, redundancy of chemotactic signals and toxicity hinder further clinical development of these approaches. In this pre-clinical study we investigated the capacity of a novel small molecule dual CXCR1/2 inhibitor, Ladarixin (LDX), to attenuate progression of experimental human melanomas. Our data showed that LDX-mediated inhibition of CXCR1/2 abrogated motility and induced apoptosis in cultured cutaneous and uveal melanoma cells and xenografts independently of the molecular defects associated with the malignant phenotype. These effects were mediated by the inhibition of AKT and NF-kB signaling pathways. Moreover, systemic treatment of melanoma-bearing mice with LDX also polarized intratumoral macrophages to M1 phenotype, abrogated intratumoral de novo angiogenesis and inhibited melanoma self-renewal. Collectively, these studies outlined the pre-requisites of the successful CXCR1/2 inhibition on malignant cells and demonstrated multifactorial effects of Ladarixin on cutaneous and uveal melanomas, suggesting therapeutic utility of LDX in treatment of various melanoma types.
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Persistent infection or chronic inflammation contributes significantly to tumourigenesis and tumour progression. C-X-C motif ligand 8 (CXCL8) is a chemokine that acts as an important multifunctional cytokine to modulate tumour proliferation, invasion and migration in an autocrine or paracrine manner. Studies have suggested that CXCL8 and its cognate receptors, C-X-C chemokine receptor 1 (CXCR1) and C-X-C chemokine receptor 2 (CXCR2), mediate the initiation and development of various cancers including breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, colorectal carcinoma and melanoma. CXCL8 also integrates with multiple intracellular signalling pathways to produce coordinated effects. Neovascularisation, which provides a basis for fostering tumour growth and metastasis, is now recognised as a critical function of CXCL8 in the tumour microenvironment. In this review, we summarize the biological functions and clinical significance of the CXCL8 signalling axis in cancer. We also propose that CXCL8 may be a potential therapeutic target for cancer treatment.
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This study sought to reveal the significance of IL-6 in papillary thyroid carcinoma by determining its circulating levels, tumoral protein, and mRNA expressions. As compared to the healthy individuals, serum IL-6 was significantly higher in patients with benign thyroid diseases and PTC. Further, its level was significantly higher in PTC patients as compared to patients with benign thyroid diseases. ROC curves also confirmed a good discriminatory efficacy of serum IL-6 between healthy individuals and patients with benign thyroid diseases and PTC. The circulating IL-6 was significantly associated with poor overall survival in PTC patients. IL-6 immunoreactivity was significantly high in PTC patients as compared to the benign thyroid disease patients. Significantly higher IL-6 mRNA expression was also observed in the primary tumour tissues of PTC patients than the adjacent normal tissues. The protein expression of IL-6 at both the circulating and tissue level correlated with disease aggressiveness in PTC patients. Moreover, a significant positive correlation was observed between the IL-6 protein and mRNA expression in the primary tumours of PTC patients. Finally in conclusion, IL-6 has an important role in thyroid cancer progression. Thus targeting IL-6 signalling can help in clinical management of thyroid carcinoma patients.
Purpose: To evaluate the interaction between tumor-infiltrating macrophages and cancer cells and its effect on the expression of a potent angiogenic factor, interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumor angiogenesis, and patient outcome in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Experimental Design: We measured tumor IL-8 mRNA expression (by real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR), intratumor microvessel counts, and tumor-infiltrating macrophage density (by immunohistochemical staining) in 35 NSCLC surgical specimens and correlated with the patient's clinical outcome. We then investigated the interaction between macrophages (cell line THP-1) and six different human cancer cell lines (four NSCLCs, one osteosarcoma, and one hepatoma) and its effect on IL-8 mRNA expression using a macrophage/cancer cell coculture system, IL-8 mRNA expression in lung cancer cells, and macrophages being measured separately after coculture in the presence or absence of six anti-inflammatory agents, i.e., pentoxifylline, aspirin, indomethacin, dexamethasone, celecoxib (a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor), and pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate, a specific nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) inhibitor. NF-kappaB transcriptional activity and protein levels were measured by reporter gene assay and Western blot. Results: The tumor-infiltrating macrophage density correlated significantly and positively with tumor IL-8 mRNA expression and intratumor microvessel counts and significantly and negatively with patient survival. In addition, after cell-cell interaction in cancer cell:macrophage cocultures, marked IL-8 mRNA expression was induced in lung cancer cells (similar to270-fold) and, to a lesser degree, in macrophages (4.5-fold). The increase in IL-8 mRNA expression correlated with the in vitro metastatic potential of the cancer cells. All six anti-inflammatory agents suppressed induction of IL-8 mRNA expression in lung cancer cells by >90%, four (pentoxifylline, celecoxib, pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate, and dexamethasone) having a dose-dependent effect. NF-kappaB transcriptional regulation and protein levels were simultaneously increased in the nuclei of cancer cells in macrophage/cancer cell cocultures, this effect also being suppressed by all six anti-inflammatory agents. Conclusions: The interaction between infiltrating macrophages and cancer cells up-regulates IL-8 mRNA expression, especially in the cancer cells; this may contribute greatly to the increased tumor angiogenesis and adverse outcome in NSCLC patients with a high density of tumor-infiltrating macrophages. Anti-inflammatory agents can suppress the induction of IL-8 mRNA expression seen in lung cancer cells after coculture with macrophages, and this suppression is mediated, in part, through the NF-kappaB pathway.