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Validation of descriptive clinical pathway criteria in the systematic identification of publications in emergency medicine


Abstract and Figures

Background Heterogeneity in both the definition and terminology of clinical pathways presents a challenge to the systematic identification of primary studies for review purposes. Recently developed clinical pathway identification criteria may facilitate both the identification and assessment of clinical pathway studies. The goal of this publication is the validation of these five criteria in a descriptive systematic review of actively implemented clinical pathway studies in the emergency department setting. The main outcome measure is the inter-rater agreement of investigators using the clinical pathway criteria. Methods We performed a systematic literature search from 2006 to 2015 using MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL, and CINAHL. All types of prospective trial designs were eligible. We identified relevant publications using the above-mentioned clinical pathway criteria. Two reviewers independently collected data using a piloted data abstraction tool. Results We identified 5947 publications, with 472 potentially relevant full text publications retrieved. Of these, 357 did not meet preliminary study inclusion criteria, leaving 115 publications where the clinical pathway criteria were applied. Ultimately, 44 publications were included. The inter-rater agreement of the criteria was very good (κ = 0.81, 95% Confidence Interval = 0.70–0.92). The vast majority of studies were excluded because the intervention did not meet the criterion of being multidisciplinary in nature. Conclusion These criteria are a useful instrument to reliably identify clinical pathway publications for systematic review purposes in an emergency department setting. Future modification of these criteria may improve their usefulness. Particular attention should be placed on clarifying what is meant by multidisciplinary involvement within the context of clinical pathway interventions, with specific emphasis placed on delineating the level of involvement of each discipline and their decision-making responsibility.
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Reviews: Systematic Reviews & Meta-analyses
Validation of descriptive clinical pathway
criteria in the systematic identification
of publications in emergency medicine
Raffi Adjemian
, Atbin Moradi Zirkohi
, Robin Coombs
Sharon Mickan
and Christian Vaillancourt
Background: Heterogeneity in both the definition and terminology of clinical pathways presents a challenge to the
systematic identification of primary studies for review purposes. Recently developed clinical pathway identification
criteria may facilitate both the identification and assessment of clinical pathway studies. The goal of this publication is
the validation of these five criteria in a descriptive systematic review of actively implemented clinical pathway studies in
the emergency department setting. The main outcome measure is the inter-rater agreement of investigators using the
clinical pathway criteria.
Methods: We performed a systematic literature search from 2006 to 2015 using MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL,
and CINAHL. All types of prospective trial designs were eligible. We identified relevant publications using the
above-mentioned clinical pathway criteria. Two reviewers independently collected data using a piloted data
abstraction tool.
Results: We identified 5947 publications, with 472 potentially relevant full text publications retrieved. Of these, 357 did
not meet preliminary study inclusion criteria, leaving 115 publications where the clinical pathway criteria were applied.
Ultimately, 44 publications were included. The inter-rater agreement of the criteria was very good (k¼0.81, 95%
Confidence Interval ¼0.70–0.92). The vast majority of studies were excluded because the intervention did not meet
the criterion of being multidisciplinary in nature.
Conclusion: These criteria are a useful instrument to reliably identify clinical pathway publications for systematic review
purposes in an emergency department setting. Future modification of these criteria may improve their usefulness.
Particular attention should be placed on clarifying what is meant by multidisciplinary involvement within the context of
clinical pathway interventions, with specific emphasis placed on delineating the level of involvement of each discipline and
their decision-making responsibility.
Clinical pathways, critical pathways, complex interventions, reporting guidelines, methodology
Clinical pathways (CPWs) are a type of complex inter-
vention. The term ‘‘clinical pathway’’ was first coined in
1985 at the New England Medical Center (Boston, MA,
USA), primarily as a cost containment strategy.
By the late 1990s, more than 80% of hospitals in the
USA used CPWs as care strategies for at least some
groups of patients.
Since then they have become a
widely used care strategy in the UK, Europe,
Australia, Canada, and Asia.
They have the poten-
tial to improve and streamline patient care, especially
in the complicated environment of the emergency
department (ED).
Two main features of CPWs set
them apart from other complex interventions.
University of Oxford, UK
McGill University, Canada
Griffith University, Australia
University of Ottawa, Canada
Corresponding author:
Raffi Adjemian, Department of Family Medicine, McGill University,
1110 Pine Avenue West, Room 105, Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 1A3.
International Journal of Care
2017, Vol. 20(1–2) 45–56
!The Author(s) 2017
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/2053434517707971
First, they take evidence from general recommenda-
tions, such as clinical practice guidelines, and they
transform these into structured local clinical practices.
Second, these interventions utilize a multidisciplinary
approach to patient care.
Although the term clinical pathway may be one of
the most commonly used terms to describe the concept
of CPWs, at least 17 separate terms have been identified
as synonymous with CPW. These include terms such as
critical pathway, care map, and integrated care path-
While developing the protocol for a systematic
review, Kinsman et al.
observed that the existing
CPW definitions were not specific enough to guide a
systematic literature search strategy, and lacked the
precision to maximize the inter-rater agreement of
CPW study selection.
For example, the European
Pathway Association (EPA) definition may be con-
sidered adequate for use in health care service delivery,
but its use in research applications has been ques-
For this reason, Kinsman et al.
oped a set of criteria derived from an assessment of the
CPW literature and communication with the EPA. The
criteria were validated in a systematic review that exam-
ined the effects of CPWs on professional practices,
patient outcomes, lengths of stay, and hospital
Included studies were restricted to controlled
clinical trials (CCTs) and interrupted time series
(ITS). The group found that the use of these criteria
facilitated both the identification and assessment of
CPW studies despite the heterogeneity of terms used
to denote a CPW.
Although these criteria are an important step in
improving our ability to identify primary CPW publi-
cations for systematic review purposes, there were a
few potential limitations. The derivation phase of the
criteria included pilot testing of 10 publications to
refine the criteria, ultimately resulting in a set of
weighted criteria.
However, these publications
were not referenced, and it is unclear if they were
part of the full text publication set of the validation
Furthermore, the authors state that there
was a ‘‘high level of agreement’’ between reviewers
applying the criteria in the validation phase.
However, there is some ambiguity as to whether this
agreement pertained to the initial coding of reviewers,
or to unresolved disagreements that needed a third
reviewer to resolve.
The goal of this publication is to validate these new
CPW criteria in a descriptive systematic review of
actively implemented CPW studies in the ED setting,
including both controlled and uncontrolled study
designs, and to quantitatively assess their inter-rater
Study design
We identified CPW interventions using criteria devel-
oped by Kinsman et al.
The criteria are as follows:
1. The intervention was a structured multidisciplinary
plan of care.
2. The intervention was used to channel the translation
of guidelines or evidence into local structures.
3. The intervention detailed the steps in a course of
treatment or care in a plan, pathway, algorithm,
guideline, protocol, or other inventory of actions.
4. The intervention had time frames of criteria-based
progression (i.e., steps were taken if designated cri-
teria were met).
5. The intervention aimed to standardize care for a spe-
cific clinical problem, procedure or episode of care in
a specific population.
These criteria have been weighted; for an interven-
tion to be considered a CPW, criterion 1 and any three
of the four remaining criteria have to be met. The cri-
teria did not precisely detail what was meant by multi-
disciplinary. Rotter et al.
indicated that the question
of what constitutes multidisciplinary involvement was
frequently raised during their review process (T Rotter,
personal communication, 2013). They placed more
emphasis on the inter-personal level of involvement in
the organization of care processes, an approach that
was also adopted by our group.
We considered interventions to be multidisciplinary
if members of at least two disciplines were intimately
involved in the CPW. This was determined by carefully
scrutinizing publications for indications of active
involvement of health care staff, including any pre-
implementation teaching that was received. Health
care workers solely performing passive tasks such as a
nurse carrying out a medication or test order, a radi-
ology technician performing a radiology request, a
respiratory technician carrying out a medication
order, or any other such actions were not considered
to be active involvement. We did not consider the
involvement of a consultant at the end-point of a path-
way to constitute an active role. We only considered the
involvement of imaging specialists (radiologist, nuclear
medicine specialist) as having an active role if they had
decision-making abilities that could alter the flow of a
CPW, and not if solely reporting the results of an ima-
ging test.
We included the following trial designs: randomized
controlled trials (RCTs), CCTs, controlled before-after
studies (CBA), ITS, prospective cohort studies, and
46 International Journal of Care Coordination 20(1–2)
prospective simple before-after studies (SBA). We
included both adult and pediatric patient groups, and
CPW interventions of any disease entity. Publications
where the CPW was part of a multifaceted intervention
were included only if the CPW was the main focus of
the study. We excluded the following: SBA studies
where both the before arm and after arm were retro-
spective, conference abstracts, doctoral theses. We also
excluded studies where the continuum of CPW care
involved the ED setting, but where the ED-related
CPW care was not the focus of the publication.
Search strategy
and CINAHL from 2006 to 2015. We used a broad
range of keywords in our search strategy, with free
text in addition to the controlled vocabulary terms of
individual databases. This is especially important
for CPWs where the terminology is inconsistent. The
search strategy was developed with the assistance of an
information specialist. Bibliographies of CPW system-
atic reviews were also searched for missed publications.
We restricted the language of publication to either
English or French.
Outcome measures
The main outcome measure was the inter-rater agree-
ment of investigators using the CPW criteria. Our sec-
ondary outcome was the terminology used by authors
to describe the CPW intervention.
Data extraction
Titles and abstracts of articles identified by the litera-
ture search were independently screened for eligibility
by two sets of trained reviewers (RA/RC and RA/AM),
who then applied CPW criteria to eligible full text pub-
lications. Data abstraction was done using a piloted
standardized data extraction tool. Disagreements
between reviewers were resolved by consensus, and
when necessary by a meeting of all investigators.
Data analysis
We used a descriptive approach to synthesize the results
of the systematic review. Almost all of the data points
were discrete quantities and are presented as raw num-
bers, proportions, or percentages. Inter-rater variation
was calculated using Cohen’s kappa coefficient with
95% confidence interval.
Statistical analysis was per-
formed using SPSS (version 20, IBM
Assessment of bias
We assessed RCTs, CCTs, ITS, and CBA studies with
the Cochrane Effective Practice and Organization of
Care Group Risk of Bias Tool.
However, since SBA
studies are essentially a comparison of two cohort
groups, we used the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality
Assessment Scale.
Our search strategy identified 5947 publications. Of
these, we retrieved 472 potentially relevant full text
publications. The study flow diagram is presented in
Figure 1. Of the full text publications, 357 did not
meet basic study inclusion criteria. The CPW criteria
were applied to 115 studies with 44 publications being
included and 71 excluded.
Of the 71 publications excluded by using the CPW
criteria, all were excluded because they did not fulfill
criterion 1 (the intervention was a structured multidis-
ciplinary plan of care). There was never an instance
where a publication met inclusion for criterion 1 but
failed to meet three of the four remaining criteria
(Table 1(a)).
We initially examined 10% of the publication data
set in order to pilot test the screening criteria and to
develop a data abstraction tool. During this phase, it
became apparent that most full-text publications that
failed to meet criterion 1 did so because the interven-
tion lacked multidisciplinary involvement. The data
abstraction tool in the pilot phase was not structured
to distinguish between interventions having multidis-
ciplinary involvement and having a structured plan.
In the subsequent 90% of publications, we divided cri-
teria 1 into structured and multidisciplinary components
(Table 1(b)). The findings confirmed that the vast
majority of publications were excluded because the
intervention was not multidisciplinary in nature. Only
five studies were excluded because the study was both
not multidisciplinary and not structured, and none of
the studies were excluded solely because they were
unstructured. Of note, assessment of criteria 2–5
revealed that only criteria 2 caused disagreement
between reviewers (occurring in only three publications,
not shown in table).
Of the 115 studies evaluated by the CPW criteria,
reviewers noted that they found it more difficult to
apply criterion 1 in 13 studies (11%). None of these
publications reproduced the study intervention and
included relatively few details about the intervention.
Table 2 shows the inter-rater agreement of the CPW
in the 115 articles where they were applied. The
strength of agreement was very good.
Adjemian et al. 47
Table 3 describes the general characteristics of
included studies. The five most common clinical entities
studied were sepsis (30%), asthma (16%), stroke/tran-
sient ischemic attacks (14%), myocardial infarction
(7%), and head injury (5%). In total, 10 separate
terms were used to describe the CPW intervention.
The term protocol was the most commonly used term.
It was used as a unique term in 17 studies (39%) and as
a mixed term in 5 studies (11%). Notably, the term
clinical pathway was used infrequently. It was used as
a unique term in four studies and as a mixed term in
two studies. Two different terms were used to describe
the CPW intervention in eight studies. The authors
often interchanged these terms at random between the
title, abstract, figures, tables, and text. Most studies
were performed in adults (59%). The majority of
included studies were SBA (30 of 44, 68%). The
before group of these studies were retrospective in 17
and prospective in 13 studies. A prospective cohort
design was used in 20% of studies. There were only
four RCTs and one CBA study.
Tables 4 and 5 outline the assessment of risk of bias
for SBA and prospective cohort studies, respectively.
Since there were few RCTs and only one CBA study,
their risk of bias assessment is not shown. Overall, there
was a low to moderate risk of selection bias in both
types of studies. The comparability of cohorts’ section
in SBA studies was inadequate with very few groups
attempting to match groups and control confounding.
The risk of bias was comparatively higher in the out-
come assessment section in SBA studies with less than
one-third reporting data from medical charts in a
blinded fashion.
The specific objective of this study was to validate a
recently developed set of CPW identification criteria
Figure 1. Review process flow diagram.
CPW = clinical pathway, ED = emergency department.
48 International Journal of Care Coordination 20(1–2)
for the systematic identification of CPW interventions
in the ED setting. We found the inter-rater agreement
between reviewers applying the criteria to be very good,
adding to the evidence of their efficacy.
Yet, from our
findings we offer several recommendations for future
refinement of these criteria.
We observed that once an ED intervention is deemed
multidisciplinary, the other CPW criteria are almost
always fulfilled. It is possible that the often-algorithmic
nature of emergency medicine is the reason for this.
Indeed 90% of the ED publications in the systematic
review of Rotter et al.
were excluded because they did
not fulfill criterion 1. However, even in their non-ED
publication set, the majority was also excluded because
of this reason. These observations corroborate the lit-
erature showing the paramount importance of multidis-
ciplinary involvement as a key distinguishing feature of
CPW interventions.
There is general acceptance that multidisciplinary
involvement in an intervention comprises of two or
more disciplines. Notably, it was only after we applied
the CPW criteria to the pilot set of publications that we
remarked that a member of a health care discipline
might participate in the intervention, yet their involve-
ment may be limited, not active, or not possess deci-
sion-making ability. However, we were unable to find a
reference that has systematically attempted to define or
clarify the meaning of multidisciplinary involvement in
the context of CPW interventions, particularly with
respect to the degree of involvement or decision-
making ability of disciplines. This is also true of the
‘‘sentinel’’ articles that were used to derive the CPW
For example, De Bleser et al.
a literature review in an attempt to define the concept of
a CPW. They organized the characteristics of CPWs
into 16 categories, and then attributed descriptive
terms to each category. The category of ‘‘multidiscip-
linary team’’ had the second most terms attributed to it
(36 different terms). However, no attempt was made to
amalgamate these terms into a unifying definition of
what was meant by the phrase within the context of
CPWs. Similarly, multidisciplinary involvement was
an important element in all seven of the CPW audit
tools evaluated in a systematic review by Vanhaecht
et al.,
but none explored the exact meaning of the
term. We had contacted the authors of the first system-
atic review to use these criteria, to detail what was
meant by multidisciplinary.
They indicated that the
question of what constitutes multidisciplinary involve-
ment was frequently raised during their review process
(T Rotter, personal communication, 2013). They stated
that they placed more emphasis on the inter-personal
level of involvement in the organization of care
The lack of clarity of multidisciplinary involvement
also extends to the concept of multidisciplinary teams
in other types of research. In a recent systematic review
of multidisciplinary team meetings in cancer and non-
cancer care, a major inclusion criteria specified that
multidisciplinary team meetings required a minimum
of two disciplines, and implied that each discipline
should have a decision-making ability
; an approach
similar to the one we used (see Introduction section).
Although a reference was not provided to support their
inclusion criteria, they stated that a weakness of the
literature they examined was the lack of a commonly
accepted definition of the term multidisciplinary team.
As a consequence of the discussion above, we feel
that what is meant by multidisciplinary in criterion 1
Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion of full-text articles by clinical
pathway (CPW) criteria.
a. All publications (N ¼115)
Studies included by CPW criteria 44
Fails to meet criterion 1 71
Meets criterion 1 but
fails to meet three of
four other criteria
b. Data separated into pilot and post pilot phases
Pilot phase
(N ¼20)
Post pilot phase
(N ¼95)
Included by CPW criteria 10 34
Fails to meet criterion 1 10 61
Not multidisciplinary N/A 56
Not a structured plan N/A 0
Neither multidisciplinary
or structured plan
NA 5
Meets criterion 1 but fails
to meet three of four
other criteria
Table 2. Inter-rater agreement of clinical pathway (CPW)
Reviewer 1
Reviewer 2
based on
criterion 1
based on
criterion 1
Include based on
criterion 1
37 7
Exclude based
on criterion 1
k¼0.81 (CI 95%: 0.70–0.92).
Adjemian et al. 49
Table 3. Characteristics of clinical pathway publications in the emergency department setting (N ¼44).
Author Country Year
population Clinical entity
Terminology used to
describe intervention
Andrews et al.
Zambia 2014 RCT Adult Sepsis Protocol
Bekmezian et al.
USA 2015 SBA-rp Both Asthma Clinical pathway
Callegro et al.
Multinational 2009 SBA-rp Pediatric Febrile seizures Algorithm/care pathway
Calver et al.
Australia 2010 SBA-rp Adult Acute behavioral
Chen et al.
Taiwan 2014 SBA-pp Adult Stroke Protocol
Chern et al.
USA 2010 SBA-rp Pediatric CSF shunt malfunction Clinical pathway/protocol
Correia et al.
Brazil 2013 SBA-pp Adult Myocardial infarction Protocol
Crowe et al.
USA 2010 SBA-rp Adult Sepsis Protocol
Cruz et al.
USA 2011 SBA-rp Pediatric Sepsis Protocol
Dalcin et al.
Brazil 2007 SBA-pp Both Asthma Clinical pathway/protocol
Decostered et al.
Switzerland 2007 SBA-pp Adult Acute pain Guideline
Dexheimer et al.
USA 2014 RCT Pediatric Asthma Protocol
Ender et al.
USA 2014 SBA-pp Pediatric Sickle cell disease Clinical pathway
Fong et al.
Australia 2008 SBA-rp Adult Head injury Guideline
Geurts et al.
Netherlands 2014 SBA-pp Pediatric Urinary tract infection Guideline
Guse et al.
USA 2014 SBA-rp Both Syncope Guideline
Hoegerl et al.
USA 2011 SBA-rp Adult Stoke Protocol
Hyden and Fields
USA 2010 SBA-pp Adult Myocardial infarction Pathway
Jones et al.
USA 2007 SBA-pp Adult Sepsis Algorithm/protocol
Kim et al.
Korea 2008 SBA-rp Both Pyelonephritis Protocol
Lau et al.
Hong Kong 2010 Prospective
Adult Stroke Pathway
Li et al.
Hong Kong 2009 Prospective
Adult Urinary retention Protocol
Lougheed et al.
Canada 2009 CBA Adult Asthma Care pathway/care map
Mackey et al.
Canada 2007 SBA-pp Both Asthma Care map/protocol
MacRedmond et al.
Canada 2010 SBA-rp Adult Sepsis Protocol/algorithm
McCarthy et al.
Ireland 2013 SBA-rp Adult Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease
Mohd et al.
Malaysia 2010 Prospective
Adult Sepsis Protocol
Munoz et al.
USA 2011 SBA-rp Adult Hyperglycemia Protocol
Na et al.
Multinational 2012 Prospective
Adult Sepsis Bundle
Nguyen et al.
USA 2007 Prospective
Adult Sepsis Bundle
Norton et al.
Canada 2007 SBA-pp Pediatric Asthma Clinical pathway
Paul et al.
USA 2014 SBA-rp Pediatric Sepsis Bundle
Plambech et al.
Denmark 2012 SBA-rp Both Sepsis Guideline
Ratanalert et al.
Thailand 2007 Prospective
Both Head injury Guideline
Ross et al.
USA 2007 RCT Adult TIA Protocol
Russell et al.
USA 2013 SBA-rp Pediatric Appendicitis Pathway/guideline
Sairanen et al.
Finland 2011 Prospective
Adult Stoke Consultation
Santillanes et al.
USA 2012 Prospective
Pediatric Appendicitis Clinical practice
50 International Journal of Care Coordination 20(1–2)
needs to be clarified, with specific emphasis placed on
delineating the level of involvement of each discipline,
and their decision-making responsibility.
We found that only criterion 2 (the intervention was
used to channel the translation of guidelines or evidence
into local structures) resulted in quantifiable disagree-
ment between reviewers. We believe this is due to ambi-
guity of whether the ‘‘guidelines or evidence’’ used by
the publication in question were required to be expli-
citly referenced or not. We propose to clarify whether
‘‘evidence’’ needs to be clearly referenced in the publi-
cation being evaluated.
We found that reviewer’s had some difficulty with
the interpretation of criterion 4, especially the phrase
‘‘time frames of criteria-based progression.’’ It was
unclear whether time was actually a criterion that
should require a clinician to progress forward in the
CPW. The original CPW criteria validation article did
not elaborate on this issue.
We propose that criterion
4 be rewritten as follows: the intervention had criteria-
based progression (criteria can be a clinical event,
diagnostic test, time, etc.).
Poor reporting of study interventions made it rela-
tively more difficult to apply the CPW criteria in
one-tenth of eligible studies. Once again, much of this
surrounded the concept of multidisciplinary involve-
ment. Some studies explicitly stated the multidisciplin-
ary nature of the intervention in the reproduced CPW.
For example, in an acute pain study, the fully repro-
duced CPW incorporated color-coded roles of phys-
icians and nurses.
However, in most studies the
roles of participants were not clear within the fully
reproduced CPW. For example, in a study of the diag-
nosis of myocardial infarction, the intimate involve-
ment of physicians was clear in the reproduced CPW,
but the involvement of nurses was only made clear in
the text explanation.
Certain studies explicitly stated
that the study was not multidisciplinary and thus
allowed the publication to be confidently excluded.
One such study of a physician only pharyngitis man-
agement intervention clearly stated, ‘‘nursing staff was
not targeted in our intervention.’’
It appears that
poor reporting of study interventions can be an impedi-
ment to the meaningful application of these criteria.
Adherence to the most recent reporting guidelines
may improve this.
The vast majority of our included studies were of
SBA or prospective cohort design, with an overall
risk of bias that was low to moderate. However, despite
using appropriate scales for assessing the risk of bias,
these scales do not specifically measure the adequacy of
reporting about the intervention itself.
assessing the risk of bias of studies often focuses on
their design and conduct, poor or inadequate reporting
may represent an uncertain risk of bias.
bias may occur when intervention details, potential
inclusion and exclusion criteria for a systematic
review, are poorly reported.
In our case, missing
information about the roles and responsibilities of
the different disciplines involved in study inter-
ventions may have lead to studies being inadvert-
ently excluded and therefore contributing to selection
Our results corroborate that CPW terminology is
inconsistently used in the existing literature, and may
cause confusion when evaluating a study.
Among the 44 included publications, 10 separate
terms were used to describe the intervention, including
eight publications where two different terms were used
simultaneously and/or interchangeably. Furthermore
and perhaps compounding the confusion, the authors
often interchanged these two different terms at random
between the title, abstract, figures, tables, and text. Our
broad search strategy maximized the identification of
studies where the primary intervention could be con-
sidered a CPW, despite the wide variety of terms used
Table 3. Continued
Author Country Year
population Clinical entity
Terminology used to
describe intervention
Stead et al.
USA 2009 Prospective
Adult TIA Protocol
To et al.
Canada 2010 SBA-rp Pediatric Asthma Guideline
Tromp et al.
Netherlands 2010 SBA-pp Adult Sepsis Protocol
Wang et al.
China 2013 SBA-pp Adult Sepsis Protocol
Wilson et al.
Australia 2010 SBA-pp Adult Myocardial infarction Pathway
Yealy et al.
USA 2014 RCT Adult Sepsis Protocol
SBA (RP): simple before-and-after (SBA) studies where the intervention is prospective and the control is retrospective; SBA (PP): SBA studies where
both the intervention and the control phases are prospective; CBA: controlled before-and-after study; RCT: randomized control trial; CSF: cerebro-
spinal fluid; TIA: transient ischemic attacks.
These studies used two terms each.
Adjemian et al. 51
in the literature. However, as Rotter et al.
point out,
this increases the time and effort taken to identify rele-
vant studies for systematic review and makes it difficult
for clinicians and healthcare managers to appraise
CPW publications. For this reason, we feel that it is
essential to work towards having a standardized inter-
nationally accepted definition of what a clinical path-
way actually constitutes, and consensus on its
terminology. As mentioned above, we feel that particu-
lar attention needs to be given to what is meant by
multidisciplinary involvement.
There are a few limitations to the study. First, at present,
a lack of definite consensus of what a clinical pathway
actually constitutes, and the heterogeneity of terms used
to denote CPWs, makes the systematic identification of
primary studies for review purposes challenging.
example, the strict multidisciplinary inclusion criteria
inherent in using these novel criteria resulted in many
ED publications being excluded. We took multidisciplin-
ary to mean intimate involvement at the inter-personal
Table 4. Assessment of bias in simple before-after studies (SBA) using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale (N ¼30).
Selection Comparability Outcome
of the exposed
of the non-
of exposure
that outcome
of interest was
not present at
start of study
of cohorts on
the basis of
the design
or analysis
of outcome
long enough
for outcomes
to occur
Adequacy of
follow-up of
cohorts Total
Bekmezian et al.
Callegro et al.
Calver et al.
Chen et al.
Chern et al.
Correia et al.
Crowe et al.
Cruz et al.
Dalcin et al.
Decostered et al.
Ender et al.
Fong et al.
Geurts et al.
Guse et al.
Hoegerl et al.
Hyden and Fields
Jones et al.
Kim et al.
Mackey et al.
MacRedmond et al.
McCarthy et al.
Munoz et al.
Norton et al.
Paul et al.
Plambech et al.
Russell et al.
To et al.
Tromp et al.
Wang et al.
Wilson et al.
The scale had to be modified to fit the study type. ‘‘Demonstration that outcome of interest was not present at start of study’’ in the selection category
was not included (N/A) in the assessment of bias, because it is meant for epidemiological studies, and is not applicable to acute care illness studies.
Therefore, the maximum number of starred items is ¼8.
*It is used to allow a semi-quantitative assessment of study quality, such that the highest quality studies are awarded a maximum of one star for each
item with the exception of the item related to comparability that allows the assignment of two stars.
52 International Journal of Care Coordination 20(1–2)
level in the organization of care processes, in line with
the interpretation of Rotter et al.
(T Rotter, personal
communication, 2013). However, it is quite possible that
other investigators feel that the mere involvement of
healthcare workers in non-decision-making roles still
constitute multidisciplinary involvement. Furthermore,
most reporting guidelines of complex interventions do
not provide detailed direction on this matter.
Second, poor reporting of study interventions made it
relatively more difficult to apply the CPW criteria in 13 of
115 eligible publications (11%). For example, in an
excluded study on cellulitis, the authors stated that the
development of the intervention was multidisciplinary,
making it clear that physicians were intimately involved.
However, the authors provided no mention of the role of
nursing, and did not reproduce the intervention at all,
making it difficult to have a good idea of whether nurses
were intimately involved.
Difficulties in intervention
description were a problem encountered by Kinsman
et al.
during the initial validation of the CPW criteria.
They found that the main obstacle to agreement on all five
criteria was the poor reporting of the intervention compo-
nents, requiring adjustment by weighting the criteria.
As with any systematic review, our study was sus-
ceptible to publication bias. In the case of our review,
we did not examine the gray literature, particularly con-
ference abstracts and dissertations, and we only
included publications that were either in the English
or French language, both of which may have contrib-
uted to publication bias.
Our study suggests that these CPW criteria are a
useful instrument to reliably identify CPW interven-
tion publications in an ED setting. Poor reporting of
study interventions can be an impediment to the
meaningful application of these criteria, and adher-
ence to the most recent reporting guidelines may
improve this. We believe that future research and
further modification of these criteria should focus
on clarifying the meaning of multidisciplinary
involvement within the context of CPW interven-
tions, with specific emphasis placed on delineating
the level of involvement of each discipline and their
decision-making responsibility.
This publication was part of an MSc in Evidence Based
Health Care at the University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Table 5. Assessment of bias in prospective cohort studies using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale (N ¼9).
Selection Comparability Outcome
of the exposed
of the non-
of exposure
that outcome
of interest
was not
present at
start of study
of cohorts on
the basis of
the design
or analysis
of outcome
long enough
for outcomes
to occur
Adequacy of
of cohorts Total
Lau et al.
* N/A * N/A N/A N/A * 3
Li et al.
* N/A * N/A N/A N/A * * 4
Mohd et al.
* N/A N/A N/A N/A * * 3
Na et al.
* N/A * N/A N/A N/A * * 4
Nguyen et al.
* N/A * N/A N/A N/A * * * 5
Ratanalert et al.
* N/A * N/A N/A N/A * * 3
Sairanen et al.
* N/A * N/A N/A N/A * * 4
Santillanes et al.
* N/A * N/A N/A N/A * * 4
Stead et al.
* N/A * N/A N/A N/A * * * 5
The scale had to be modified to fit the study type. ‘‘Demonstration that outcome of interest was not present at start of study’’ in the selection category
was not included (N/A) in the assessment of bias, because it is meant for epidemiological studies, and is not applicable to acute care illness studies.
Furthermore, since these are prospective studies without a control group, items related to a control group were marked as non-applicable (N/A).
Therefore, the maximum number of starred items is ¼5.
*It is used to allow a semi-quantitative assessment of study quality, such that the highest quality studies are awarded a maximum of one star for each
item with the exception of the item related to comparability that allows the assignment of two stars.
Adjemian et al. 53
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56 International Journal of Care Coordination 20(1–2)
... They conclude that case managers indeed have an important role to play, whilst emphasizing the importance of clearly explaining the role of each healthcare provider to patients and informal caregivers. 9 The challenges around the identification and assessment of the often used term 'clinical care pathways' are addressed by both Vrijhoef et al. 10 and Adjemian et al. 11 Vrijhoef et al. 10 argue, based on a mixed methods approach, that IT-supported integrated care projects for people with diabetes reveal more heterogeneity than commonalities, hence making it impossible to define a blueprint for future IT-supported integrated care initiatives. By testing a set of five criteria to identify clinical care pathways in the field of emergency care, Adjemian et al. find that, notwithstanding the very good applicability of the criteria, the lack of clarity of the term 'multidisciplinary' perhaps most clearly illustrates the inconsistent use of terminology when describing and evaluating clinical care pathways. ...
... By testing a set of five criteria to identify clinical care pathways in the field of emergency care, Adjemian et al. find that, notwithstanding the very good applicability of the criteria, the lack of clarity of the term 'multidisciplinary' perhaps most clearly illustrates the inconsistent use of terminology when describing and evaluating clinical care pathways. 11 Busetto et al. 12 address a somewhat similar challenge regarding the term 'integrated care'. In their opinion paper, they argue that a universal typology of integrated care interventions should be developed to enable the comparison of interventions that are based on different understanding of integrated care. ...
... This inconsistency has unfavorable effects on the coherent transmission of scientific evidence of health care practices as well as on the design and implementation of CPs themselves. To overcome the problem of clinical pathways taxonomy, attempts to describe them and their impact on hospital governance have been made (16) and a minimum criterion has been identified (9,15,(17)(18)(19). ...
Full-text available
Objective: To improve the safety and quality of patient care in hospitals by shaping clinical pathways throughout the patient journey. Study Setting: A risk model designed for healthcare organizations in the context of the challenges arising from comorbidity and other treatment-related complexities. Study Design: The core of the model is the patient and his intra-hospital journey, which is analyzed using a data-driven approach. The structure of a predictive model to support organizational and clinical decision-making activities is explained. Data relating to each step of the intra-hospital journey (from hospital admission to discharge) are extracted from clinical records. Principal Findings: The proposed approach is feasible and can be used effectively to improve safety and quality. It enables the evaluation of clinical risks at each step of the patient journey. Conclusion: Based on data from real cases, the model can record and calculate, over time, variables and behaviors that affect the safety and quality of healthcare organizations. This provides a greater understanding of healthcare processes and their complexity which can, in turn, advance research relating to clinical pathways and improve strategies adopted by organizations.
Introduction The accurate reproduction of clinical interventions and the evaluation of provider adherence in research publications improve the evaluation and implementation of research findings into clinical practice. We sought to examine the proportion of clinical pathway publications in an emergency department setting that adequately reported the following: (1) the exact reproduction of the clinical pathway that was implemented in the study, (2) the adherence to and correct execution of the clinical pathway intervention, and (3) the presence of a pre-implementation education phase. Methods We performed a descriptive systematic review of the literature from 2006 to 2015 using MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL, and CINAHL. All types of prospective trial designs were eligible. Validated clinical pathway criteria were used to identify relevant publications. Two reviewers independently collected data using a piloted data abstraction tool. Risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Effective Practice and Organization of Care Group Risk of Bias Tool and the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Results We identified 5947 publications, 44 of which met our inclusion criteria. The formal clinical pathway was fully reproduced in 27 (61%) publications, partially reproduced in 9 (21%), and not reproduced in 8 (18%). Only 14 (32%) studies reported whether at least one decision step was executed correctly. The presence of a pre-implementation education phase was reported in 33 (75%) studies. Conclusion The underreporting of intervention elements may present a barrier to both the evaluation and accurate replication of clinical pathway interventions. These finding may be useful for the elaboration of complex intervention reporting guidelines, improved reporting in future clinical pathway publications, and improved knowledge translation and exchange of clinical pathway interventions.
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BACKGROUND: In a single-center study published more than a decade ago involving patients presenting to the emergency department with severe sepsis and septic shock, mortality was markedly lower among those who were treated according to a 6-hour protocol of early goal-directed therapy (EGDT), in which intravenous fluids, vasopressors, inotropes, and blood transfusions were adjusted to reach central hemodynamic targets, than among those receiving usual care. We conducted a trial to determine whether these findings were generalizable and whether all aspects of the protocol were necessary. METHODS: In 31 emergency departments in the United States, we randomly assigned patients with septic shock to one of three groups for 6 hours of resuscitation: protocol-based EGDT; protocol-based standard therapy that did not require the placement of a central venous catheter, administration of inotropes, or blood transfusions; or usual care. The primary end point was 60-day in-hospital mortality. We tested sequentially whether protocol-based care (EGDT and standard-therapy groups combined) was superior to usual care and whether protocol-based EGDT was superior to protocol-based standard therapy. Secondary outcomes included longer-term mortality and the need for organ support. RESULTS: We enrolled 1341 patients, of whom 439 were randomly assigned to protocol-based EGDT, 446 to protocol-based standard therapy, and 456 to usual care. Resuscitation strategies differed significantly with respect to the monitoring of central venous pressure and oxygen and the use of intravenous fluids, vasopressors, inotropes, and blood transfusions. By 60 days, there were 92 deaths in the protocol-based EGDT group (21.0%), 81 in the protocol-based standard-therapy group (18.2%), and 86 in the usual-care group (18.9%) (relative risk with protocol-based therapy vs. usual care, 1.04; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.82 to 1.31; P=0.83; relative risk with protocol-based EGDT vs. protocol-based standard therapy, 1.15; 95% CI, 0.88 to 1.51; P=0.31). There were no significant differences in 90-day mortality, 1-year mortality, or the need for organ support. CONCLUSIONS: In a multicenter trial conducted in the tertiary care setting, protocol-based resuscitation of patients in whom septic shock was diagnosed in the emergency department did not improve outcomes. (Funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences; ProCESS number, NCT00510835.).
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Introduction Acute urinary retention (AUR) is a common urological presentation to emergency departments (ED). An ambulatory care protocol had been developed allowing trial without catheterization (TWOC) instead of admission to hospital after catheterization in the ED. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the ambulatory care protocol for patients with AUR. The secondary aim was to identify any independent predictor(s) for successful weaning of urinary catheter in a short duration. Methods This was a prospective cohort study. A total of 143 male patients presenting with an episode of AUR underwent urinary catheterization once. Those who were unable to pass urine afterwards were catheterized again and discharged home with a urinary catheter in-situ (Day 0). On Day 3, ability of spontaneous urination was assessed. If failed, spontaneous urination was assessed again on Day 6. Results Successful TWOC was recorded in 50.3% of the 143 patients after first catheterization. The cumulative successful rates for first (Day 3) and second (Day 6) follow-ups were 76.9% and 79.0%, respectively. Among the associated predictors, only the urine retention volume on first catheterization was found to be independently associated with successful TWOC, using binary logistic regression (p=0.001). Conclusion The ambulatory care protocol was successful in weaning off urinary catheter for 50.3% of patients with AUR after first catheterization and a further 26.6% on Day 3, making a cumulative success rate of 76.9%. Those who failed TWOC on Day 3 would get little benefit on further trials. The first catheterization volume was independently associated with the chance of successful TWOC.
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Background and Purpose Timely intravenous (IV) thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke is associated with better clinical outcomes. Acute stroke care implemented with “Stroke Code” (SC) may increase IV tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) administration. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of SC on thrombolysis. Methods The study period was divided into the “pre-SC era” (January 2006 to July 2010) and “SC era” (August 2010 to July 2013). Demographics, critical times (stroke symptom onset, presentation to the emergency department, neuroimaging, thrombolysis), stroke severity, and clinical outcomes were recorded and compared between the two eras. Results During the study period, 5957 patients with acute ischemic stroke were admitted; of these, 1301 (21.8%) arrived at the emergency department within 3 h of stroke onset and 307 (5.2%) received IV-tPA. The number and frequency of IV-tPA treatments for patients with an onset-to-door time of <3 h increased from the pre-SC era (n = 91, 13.9%) to the SC era (n = 216, 33.3%) (P<0.001). SC also improved the efficiency of IV-tPA administration; the median door-to-needle time decreased (88 to 51 min, P<0.001) and the percentage of door-to-needle times ≤60 min increased (14.3% to 71.3%, P<0.001). The SC era group tended to have more patients with good outcome (modified Rankin Scale ≤2) at discharge (49.5 vs. 39.6%, P = 0.11), with no difference in symptomatic hemorrhage events or in-hospital mortality. Conclusion The SC protocol increases the percentage of acute ischemic stroke patients receiving IV-tPA and decreases door-to-needle time.
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Objective The use of evidence-based guidelines can improve the care for asthma patients. We implemented a computerized asthma management system in a pediatric emergency department (ED) to integrate national guidelines. Our objective was to determine whether patient eligibility identification by a probabilistic disease detection system (Bayesian network) combined with an asthma management system embedded in the workflow decreases time to disposition decision. Methods We performed a prospective, randomized controlled trial in an urban, tertiary care pediatric ED. All patients 2-18 years of age presenting to the ED between October 2010 and February 2011 were screened for inclusion by the disease detection system. Patients identified to have an asthma exacerbation were randomized to intervention or control. For intervention patients, asthma management was computer-driven and workflow-integrated including computer-based asthma scoring in triage, and time-driven display of asthma-related reminders for re-scoring on the electronic patient status board combined with guideline-compliant order sets. Control patients received standard asthma management. The primary outcome measure was the time from triage to disposition decision. Results The Bayesian network identified 1,339 patients with asthma exacerbations, of which 788 had an asthma diagnosis determined by an ED physician-established reference standard (positive predictive value 69.9%). The median time to disposition decision did not differ among the intervention (228 minutes; IQR = (141, 326)) and control group (223 minutes; IQR= (129, 316));(p = 0.362). The hospital admission rate was unchanged between intervention (25%) and control groups (26%); (p = 0.867). ED length of stay did not differ among intervention (262 minutes; IQR = (165, 410)) and control group (247 minutes; IQR = (163, 379));(p = 0.818). Conclusions The control and intervention groups were similar in regards to time to disposition; the computerized management system did not add additional wait time. The time to disposition decision did not change; however the management system integrated several different information systems to support clinicians’ communication.
h2>Introduction To assess whether there is: a) a clinical difference between patients with cellulitis treated according to the recommendations of a clinical cellulitis guideline, and those treated otherwise and b) a difference in the cost of antibiotic treatment of the two groups Methods Emergency Department (ED) patients diagnosed with cellulitis at a community hospital were graded using a 4-point scale, and physicians were encouraged to treat based on an established practice guideline. Patients were contacted 5 days after their ED visit, and again at 10 days if they had not improved by 5 days. Physician 'compliance' was defined as having followed three or more of the five elements of the guideline. Results Of the 272 patients, 147 (54.1%) were classified as Grade I, 53 (19.5%) Grade II, 33(12.1%) Grade III, and 6 (2.2%) Grade IV. In 12.1% the grade was not assigned. 43.5% were treated in compliance with the guidelines, of which 83.3% reported improvement at 5 days, compared to 87.7% of those treated otherwise. At 10 days, 98.8% of the patients treated in compliance with the protocol had improved compared to 94.7% of those treated otherwise. Average antibiotic cost/patient was: Grade 1: $8.48, Grade II: $16.65, Grade II: $96.53 in the 'compliance' group, and $35.68, $51.28, and $150.18 respectively in the 'non-compliance' group. Conclusion Patients treated in accordance with the cellulitis guideline had similar outcomes to those treated otherwise, at significantly lower cost. Efforts to encourage compliance with the guideline are indicated.</p
Poor adherence to the National Institute of Health (NIH) Asthma Guidelines may result in unnecessary admissions for children presenting to the emergency department (ED) with exacerbations. We determine the effect of implementing an evidence-based ED clinical pathway on corticosteroid and bronchodilator administration and imaging utilization, and the subsequent effect on hospital admissions in a US ED. A prospective, interventional study of pediatric (≤21 years) visits to an academic ED between 2011 and 2013 with moderate-severe asthma exacerbations has been conducted. A multidisciplinary team designed a one-page clinical pathway based on the NIH Guidelines. Nurses, respiratory therapists and physicians attended educational sessions prior to the pathway implementation. By adjusting for demographics, acuity and ED volume, we compared timing and appropriateness of corticosteroid and bronchodilator administration, and chest radiograph (CXR) utilization with historical controls from 2006 to 2011. Subsequent hospital admission rates were also compared. A total of 379 post-intervention visits were compared with 870 controls. Corticosteroids were more likely to be administered during post-intervention visits (96% vs. 78%, adjusted OR 6.35; 95% CI 3.17-12.73). Post-intervention, median time to corticosteroid administration was 45 min faster (RR 0.74; 95% CI 0.67-0.81) and more patients received corticosteroids within 1 h of arrival (45% vs. 18%, OR 3.5; 95% CI 2.50-4.90). More patients received > 1 bronchodilator dose within 1 h (36% vs. 24%, OR 1.65; 95% CI 1.23-2.21) and fewer received CXRs (27% vs. 42%, OR 0.7; 95% CI 0.52-0.94). There were fewer admissions post-intervention (13% vs. 21%, OR 0.53; 95% CI 0.37-0.76). A clinical pathway is associated with improved adherence to NIH Guidelines and, subsequently, fewer hospital admissions for pediatric ED patients with asthma exacerbations.
Background and objectives: Thirty-five percent of children experience syncope at least once. Although the etiology of pediatric syncope is usually benign, many children undergo low-yield diagnostic testing. We conducted a quality improvement intervention to reduce the rates of low-yield diagnostic testing for children presenting to an emergency department (ED) with syncope or presyncope. Methods: Children 8 to 22 years old presenting to a tertiary care pediatric ED with syncope or presyncope were included. We excluded children who were ill-appearing, had previously diagnosed cardiac or neurologic disease, ingestion, or trauma. We measured diagnostic testing rates among children presenting from July 2010 through October 2012, during which time we implemented a quality improvement intervention. Patient follow-up was performed 2 months after the ED visit to ascertain subsequent diagnostic testing and medical care. Results: A total of 349 patients were included. We observed a reduction in the rates of low-yield diagnostic testing after our quality improvement intervention: complete blood count testing decreased from 36% (95% confidence interval 29% to 43%) to 16% (12% to 22%) and electrolyte testing from 29% (23% to 36%) to 12% (8% to 17%). Performance of recommended testing increased, such as electrocardiograms and pregnancy testing in postpubertal girls. Despite a reduction in diagnostic testing among children with syncope, patients were not more likely to undergo subsequent diagnostic testing or seek further medical care following their ED visit. Conclusions: Implementation of a quality improvement intervention for the ED evaluation of pediatric syncope was associated with reduced low-yield diagnostic testing, and was not associated with subsequent testing or medical care.
Objective: To assess the efficacy of a simple, goal-directed sepsis treatment protocol for reducing mortality in patients with severe sepsis in Zambia. Design: Single-center nonblinded randomized controlled trial. Setting: Emergency department, ICU, and medical wards of the national referral hospital in Lusaka, Zambia. Patients: One hundred twelve patients enrolled within 24 hours of admission with severe sepsis, defined as systemic inflammatory response syndrome with suspected infection and organ dysfunction Interventions: : Simplified Severe Sepsis Protocol consisting of up to 4 L of IV fluids within 6 hours, guided by jugular venous pressure assessment, and dopamine and/or blood transfusion in selected patients. Control group was managed as usual care. Blood cultures were collected and early antibiotics administered for both arms. Measurements and main results: Primary outcome was in-hospital all-cause mortality. One hundred nine patients were included in the final analysis and 88 patients (80.7%) were HIV positive. Pulmonary infections were the most common source of sepsis. In-hospital mortality rate was 64.2% in the intervention group and 60.7% in the control group (relative risk, 1.05; 95% CI, 0.79-1.41). Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex was isolated from 31 of 82 HIV-positive patients (37.8%) with available mycobacterial blood culture results. Patients in Simplified Severe Sepsis Protocol received significantly more IV fluids in the first 6 hours (2.7 L vs 1.7 L, p = 0.002). The study was stopped early because of high mortality rate among patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure in the intervention arm (8/8, 100%) compared with the control arm (7/10, 70%; relative risk, 1.43; 95% CI, 0.95-2.14). Conclusion: Factors other than tissue hypoperfusion probably account for much of the end-organ dysfunction in African patients with severe sepsis. Studies of fluid-based interventions should utilize inclusion criteria to accurately capture patients with hypovolemia and tissue hypoperfusion who are most likely to benefit from fluids. Exclusion of patients with severe respiratory distress should be considered when ventilatory support is not readily available.