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A simple polymerase chain reaction-sequencing analysis capable of identifying multiple medically relevant filamentous fungal species


Abstract and Figures

Due to the accumulating evidence that suggests that numerous unhealthy conditions in the indoor environment are the result of abnormal growth of the filamentous fungi (mold) in and on building surfaces it is necessary to accurately determine the organisms responsible for these maladies and to identify them in an accurate and timely manner. Historically, identification of filamentous fungal (mold) species has been based on morphological characteristics, both macroscopic and microscopic. These methods may often be time consuming and inaccurate, necessitating the development of identification protocols that are rapid, sensitive, and precise. To this end, we have devised a simple PAN-PCR approach which when coupled to cloning and sequencing of the clones allows for the unambiguous identification of multiple fungal organisms. Universal primers are used to amplify ribosomal DNA sequences which are then cloned and transformed into Escherichia coli. Individual clones are then sequenced and individual sequences analyzed and organisms identified. Using this method we were capable of identifying Stachybotrys chartarum, Penicillium purpurogenum, Aspergillus sydowii, and Cladosporium cladosporioides from a mixed culture. This method was found to be rapid, highly specific, easy to perform, and cost effective.
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A simple polymerase chain reaction-sequencing analysis capable
of identifying multiple medically relevant filamentous fungal species
Timothy R. Dean
, Michael Kohan
, Doris Betancourt
& Marc Y. Menetrez
National Risk Management Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 109 T.W.
Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC, 27711, USA;
National Health and Environmental Effects
Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle
Park, NC, 27711, USA
Received 5 April 2006; accepted in revised form 6 September 2006
Due to the accumulating evidence that suggests that numerous unhealthy conditions in the indoor envi-
ronment are the result of abnormal growth of the filamentous fungi (mold) in and on building surfaces it is
necessary to accurately determine the organisms responsible for these maladies and to identify them in an
accurate and timely manner. Historically, identification of filamentous fungal (mold) species has been based
on morphological characteristics, both macroscopic and microscopic. These methods may often be time
consuming and inaccurate, necessitating the development of identification protocols that are rapid, sen-
sitive, and precise. To this end, we have devised a simple PAN-PCR approach which when coupled to
cloning and sequencing of the clones allows for the unambiguous identification of multiple fungal
organisms. Universal primers are used to amplify ribosomal DNA sequences which are then cloned and
transformed into Escherichia coli. Individual clones are then sequenced and individual sequences analyzed
and organisms identified. Using this method we were capable of identifying Stachybotrys chartarum,
Penicillium purpurogenum,Aspergillus sydowii,andCladosporium cladosporioides from a mixed culture. This
method was found to be rapid, highly specific, easy to perform, and cost effective.
Key words: filamentous fungi, fungal identification, mold, PAN-PCR, sequencing, Stachybotrys chartarum
In recent years there has been an increase in the
awareness of the importance of a healthy indoor
environment. A central dynamic affecting the
quality of the indoor environment is the control
and removal of biological contaminants, mainly
the filamentous fungi (mold). Estimates of fungal
contamination of homes in North America indi-
cate that up to 40% contain mold growth, while in
other parts of the world such as Northern Europe
the proportion of fungal contaminated homes
ranges between 20 and 40% [1, 2]. Fungal
contaminants that can inundate the indoor
environment include microbial volatile organic
compounds (MVOC), allergenic proteins, and in
some cases mycotoxins [3, 4, 5].
Adverse health effects that have been attributed
to the filamentous fungi include itchy eyes, stuffy
nose, fatigue, headache, and in severe cases idio-
pathic pulmonary hemosiderosis (IPH) in infants
resulting in death [6–14]. The term ‘‘sick building
syndrome’’ accurately reflects the potential that
molds can have on the built environment [15].
Currently, only a small percentage of these fungal
contaminants have been implicated in adverse
health effects, however, with the increased inter-
est and research aimed at these organisms it is
Mycopathologia (2006) 162: 265–271 Springer 2006
DOI: 10.1007/s11046-006-0068-z
probable that the list of organisms that induce ill
health will be expanded.
Fungal organisms have historically been iden-
tified based on morphological characteristics, both
macroscopic as well as microscopic. Examination
of the traits and distinctions of the colonies, and
morphological characteristics such as conidial size,
texture, shape, and structure are all commonly
used methods of identification [16–20]. These
methods may require up to two weeks for an
identification to be made making them time con-
suming and highly inaccurate. It is extremely dif-
ficult to distinguish between organisms that are
similar morphologically. Additionally, not all of
the organisms in a sample will be culturable [6].
This inevitably leads to misidentification and
understatement of the organisms that constitute
the microbial community [21]. Due to these con-
cerns it is imperative that new methods of fungal
identification be developed that are rapid, specific,
easy to perform, and cost effective.
Because of these concerns, molecular biology
techniques have been developed that circumvent
many of the issues of morphological identification.
Techniques that have proven successful include
quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR),
restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)
analysis, random amplified polymorphic DNA
(RAPD) analysis, and image analysis. Each of these
methods has been used successfully to identify and/
or quantify fungal organisms from a number of
different environmental samples [22–27].
These methods enable rapid, sensitive, and
specific identification of fungal organisms, how-
ever in most cases they are only being used to
identify single organisms from complex environ-
mental samples. Fungal organisms found in the
environment are rarely if ever encountered singly.
A more practical approach is the identification of
numerous organisms from a single environmental
sample. Identification of multiple fungal species in
a single PCR based reaction can save time and
money, while maintaining high specificity and
accuracy. Here we describe a PAN-PCR coupled
to cloning and sequencing of the cloned insert that
we have developed and optimized. This method is
capable of identifying four organisms via analysis
of the ribosomal DNA sequence. We will also
show that this method is suitable for identification
of many fungal organisms from a single environ-
mental sample.
Materials and methods
Fungal isolates
Aspergillus sydowii,Cladosporium cladosporioides,
and Stachybotrys chartarum were all kindly pro-
vided by Research Triangle Institute (RTI). All of
the organisms provided by RTI were environ-
mental isolates obtained from environmental dust
samples from houses in Cleveland, Ohio. Penicil-
lium purpurogenum was kindly provided by Steve
Vesper from EPA/ORD/NERL. It was also iso-
lated from environmental dust samples from
houses in Cleveland, Ohio.
Growth and harvest of spores
All fungal organisms were grown on Sabouraud
Dextrose Agar (SDA) plates. Plates were prepared
according to the suppliers instructions. Each
organism was plated and grown to confluence on
three different SDA plates in preparation for spore
harvest. Organisms were allowed to grow for at
least 10 days prior to spore harvest. Spores were
harvested as previously reported [28, 29]. Spores
were harvested from plates with 3 mL of 0.01 M
phosphate buffer with 0.05% (v/v) Tween 20
(Sigma Chemical, St. Louis, MO, USA) by gently
agitating the plate surface with a bent glass rod.
The supernatant from the three plates was com-
bined and the spore suspension centrifuged at
12,000 g for 5 min. The supernatant was then
decanted leaving the spore pellet intact. The pellet
was washed three times with 10 mL of phosphate
buffer and stored at 4 C until needed. The total
spore counts were enumerated by direct micro-
scopic counting on a hemacytometer as described
by Roe [30].
Fungal DNA purification
The spore DNA was purified as previously repor-
ted [28]. The spores were mechanically broken
open using a bead milling method followed by a
–ethanol precipitation step. For
bead milling 0.25 g of acid-washed glass beads
(212–311 lm) were placed in a 2 mL screw cap
conical tube. A volume of 200 ll or approximately
spores were added to the glass beads. The tube
was then shaken in a mini bead beater (Biospec
Products, Bartlesville, OK) for 50 s at the maximal
rate. The tube was then placed on ice for 1 min to
cool the sample and then shaken a second time.
The supernatant was removed from the beads and
subjected to a phenol:CHCl
extraction and an
ethanol precipitation [31]. Following precipitation
the samples were stored at )20 C until needed.
Primers and PCR conditions
PCR reactions were carried out using forward primer
reverse primer ITS-4 (5¢-TCCTCCGCTTATTGA-
TATGC-3¢) [32]. These primers are considered
universal fungal primers and have been shown to
amplify the organisms used in this study [21]. Initial
PCR optimization consisted of obtaining amplifica-
tion of each target gene under individual reaction
conditions. In the end, each PCR reaction contained:
0.2 mM each dNTP, 1.5 mM MgCl
forward and reverse primers, 1.5 U Platinum Taq
DNA polymerase, Buffer (50 mM KCl, 10 mM
Tris–HCl, pH 9.0 at 25 C, 0.1% Triton X-100), and
variable template concentrations. PCR was per-
formed for 35 cycles of 96 C30s;50C15s;and
68 C 2 min. PCR products were separated by elec-
trophoresis in 2% low melting point agarose, and
visualized by ethidium bromide staining. To confirm
that the proper ribosomal sequences were being
amplified eachPCR product was sequenced using an
ABI 3100 Genetic Analyzer with the output
sequences analyzed for accuracy.
Plasmid construction and transformation
Plasmids were constructed and Escherichia coli
DH5awere transformed using the TOPO TA
Cloning system (Invitrogen Life Technologies,
Carlsbad, CA). Reactions were carried out fol-
lowing the manufacturer’s protocols. Briefly, 1 ll
of the PCR reaction was combined with 3 ll
O, 1 ll Invitrogen salt solution, and 1 ll
TOPO vector. The constituents were gently mixed
and incubated at room temperature for 10 min.
Following incubation, 2 ll of the reaction mixture
was added to 1 vial of one shot cells for transfor-
mation. Following gentle mixing the reaction was
placed on ice for 30 min, followed by a heat shock
for 30 s at 42 C. Following heat shock, 250 llof
SOC media were added to the reaction mixture,
mixed gently and incubated at 37 C for 1 h at
200 rpm. After incubation 10 or 50 ll was plated
onto Luria-Bertani media (LB media) contain-
ing 50 lg/ kanamycin and 40 ll of 40 mg/ X-gal
in dimethyl formamide. Plates were incubated
overnight at 37 C. Following incubation white
colonies were chosen and transferred to LB broth
containing 50 lg/ kanamycin and grown overnight
for plasmid harvest. Plasmids were harvested using
the QIAprep Spin Miniprep system following the
manufacturer’s protocols (Qiagen, Inc. Valencia,
Genetic sequencing of the amplified ribosomal
sequences was carried out utilizing the Big Dye
Terminator system (Applied Biosystems, Foster
City, CA). To ensure that the entire amplified
fragment was accurately sequenced, M13 forward
(5¢-GTAAAACGACGGCCAG-3¢) and reverse
(5¢-CAGGAAACAGCTATGAC-3¢) primers were
used. These primers anneal to locations on the
plasmid directly upstream and downstream of the
cloning site. Briefly, 1 ll of forward or reverse
primer was combined with 6 lldH
O, 5 ll plas-
mid template, 4 ll 2.5buffer, and 4 ll Big Dye
terminator ready reaction mixture and cycled
through the same PCR regimen cited above except
that only 25 cycles of replication were necessary.
Following removal of dye terminators (Micro Bio-
Spin P-30 spin columns Bio-Rad Laboratories,
Hercules, CA) samples were analyzed on an ABI
3100 genetic analyzer (Applied Biosystems, Foster
City, CA) utilizing ABI Sequencing Analysis
Software version 3.7.
Analysis on gypsum wallboard
Pieces of gypsum wallboard were cut into
coupons measuring 1.5’’ by 3.0’’ by 0.25’’. In
order to make the coupons suitable for fungal
growth each piece was wetted with 10 ml steril-
ized dH
O. After allowing the dH
O to soak into
the wallboard, 400 ll of 0.01 M phosphate buffer
with 0.05% (v/v) Tween 20 (Sigma Chemical,
St. Louis, MO, USA) containing 10
spores of
each Penicillium purpurogenum,Stachybotrys
chartarum,Aspergillus sydowii, and Cladosporium
cladosporioides was pipetted into the center of the
coupon. The spores were then allowed to grow
for 3 weeks at room temperature and 100 %
relative humidity.
Fungal material was harvested from the wall-
board coupons via wiping with a water moistened
sterile swab and placing into sterile dH
extraction and all subsequent enzymatic manipu-
lations, cloning and sequencing were completed
exactly as described as above.
Results and discussion
The rationale behind the development of this
experimental design was to develop and optimize a
fungal screen capable of identifying numerous
medically relevant indoor contaminants. The
organisms used in this study (Penicillium purpur-
ogenum,Stachybotrys chartarum,Aspergillus syd-
owii, and Cladosporium cladosporioides) were all
chosen based on their prevalence in buildings
contaminated with fungal growth [7]. Research
has shown that these organisms may possibly
serve as signature species for unhealthy indoor
Prior to PAN fungal competitive PCR each
organism was subjected to individual PCR to
ensure that sufficient amplification was obtained
with little or no spurious product formation and to
confirm that the correct sequence was being
amplified (Table 1). Primers ITS-1 and ITS-4 were
used to generate amplified ribosomal fragments.
These primers amplify from the 18S ribosomal
RNA gene, through the internal transcribed spacer
1, 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene, internal transcribed
spacer 2, and into the 28S ribosomal RNA gene.
All of the fungal strains that were used amplified
successfully producing a single PCR product of the
desired length, approximately 550–600 base pairs
(Figure 1 and Table 1). The resultant PCR prod-
ucts were very clean and did not require additional
purification prior to cloning and transformation.
Additional sequence analysis was carried out with
a thorough search of NCBI followed by alignment
and analysis with BioEdit software [33] confirming
that the proper fragments were being amplified
and that the sequences corresponded to the
organisms being used in this analysis (see accession
numbers in Table 1).
PAN-PCR reactions were carried out using the
exact conditions outlined for successful single PCR
reactions. The only variables that were adjusted
were the template concentrations and the concen-
tration of Taq polymerase. Due to the varying size
of the resultant PCR products it was sometimes
possible to qualitatively judge the presence of all
four organisms within a competitive PCR reaction
(data not shown) by comparing the individual
reaction products with the PAN-PCR products
prior to cloning and subsequent sequencing,
however, cloning and sequencing was always
necessary for positive identification.
Due to different amplification efficiencies the
template concentrations were important variables
in generating all four fragments in a single reaction
(Figure 1). A. sydowii seemed to amplify with the
greatest efficiency and required the greatest dilu-
tion down to the equivalent of 10
spores per
reaction. C. cladosporioides and P. purpurogenum
both generated good product amplification at 10
spores per reaction. S. chartarum seemed to
amplify with the least efficiency, whereby 10
spores per reaction were required for sufficient
product generation in the presence of the other
organisms. It is also possible that differences in
ribosomal DNA copy number impact amplifica-
tion from the different organisms allowing certain
organisms to out compete other members in the
same reaction.
Shifting from single PCR to PAN- PCR reac-
tions also required an increase in the concentration
of Taq polymerase necessary for robust product
generation (data not shown). Individual reactions
required 0.75 units of Taq polymerase for ampli-
fication, while competitive reactions required 1.5
Table 1. Competitive PCR reaction products
Fungal Isolate Accession no. PCR
Penicillium purpurogenum AY373926 10
Stachybotrys chartarum AY185565 10
Aspergillus sydowii AY373869 10
Cladosporium cladosporioides AY361968 10
units of Taq polymerase for robust product gen-
eration of all four reaction templates. This increase
is most likely due to the increase in the amount of
total template and the competition generated
between these different template copies.
Individual PCR reactions were cloned into the
TOPO TA Cloning system and subsequently
sequenced to ensure that each organism was
amenable to the procedure. Initial sequencing
reactions using either ITS-1 or ITS-4 produced
usable sequence data. However, while the middle
of the sequence read was very robust, both the 5¢
and 3¢ends of the fragment decreased in
sequencing efficiency. To compensate for the
decrease in efficiency at the ends of the sequence all
cloned products were sequenced using both the
M13 forward and reverse primers. These primers
anneal outside of the cloning site and allowed for
accurate base calls throughout the entire cloned
fragment. This increase in sequencing efficiency
allowed for unambiguous species identification to
be made with each organism based on sequence
PAN competitive PCR reactions were com-
pleted and cloned into the plasmid vector. The
goal was to obtain sequence data for all four
organisms by analyzing 10% or less of the white
(transformed) colonies. Positive identification fol-
lowing analysis of only 10% of the transformed
colonies indicates the efficacy of obtaining reliable
results in a short amount of time with less cost
incurred. Table 2 clearly shows the differences that
occurred when different concentrations of initial
template were used. When each organism was
present in the competitive reaction at 10
spores it
was possible to identify all four fungal species
based on the resultant sequence data. How-
ever, the distribution was heavily skewed toward
A. sydowii, which was present in 11 of 18 clones.
By adjusting the initial concentrations of template
for each of the organisms it was possible to gen-
erate a fairly even distribution of clones (Table 2).
In order to test this methodology in a real
world application small pieces of gypsum wall
board were wetted with dH
O and inoculated with
of each Penicillium purpurogenum,Stachybot-
rys chartarum,Aspergillus sydowii, and Cladospo-
rium cladosporioides. Negative controls were
incorporated which included sterile gypsum board
that was not inoculated with fungal growth. After
allowing the fungi to grow on the wallboard for a
3 week period, it was visually observed that the
surface was completely covered with fungal
growth. Due to the morphological characteristics
of the fungal growth it was visually determined
that S. chartarum was the dominant species pres-
ent. It was at this point that the spores were har-
vested from the building material and subjected to
sequencing analysis.
We have observed in our laboratory that a
successful method of extracting fungal growth
from building materials (wallboard, ceiling tile,
etc.) is wiping or scraping with a moist sterile swab
(unpublished data). Due to the visual growth
Figure 1. Gel showing individual organism amplification as
well as differences encountered during PAN-PCR amplification
with varying amounts of templates. Lane 1: 100 bp size marker,
Lane 2: 10
spores Cladosporium cladosporioides, Lane 3: 10
spores Aspergillus sydowii, Lane 4: 10
spores Stachybotrys
chartarum, Lane 5: 10
spores Penicillium purpurogenum, Lane
6: Mix of all four organisms at above concentrations, Lane 7:
Mix of all four organisms at above concentrations except 10
spores Cladosporium cladosporioides.
Table 2. Number of clones generated using different fungal spore concentrations
Organism Spore Conc. No. of Clones Spore Conc. No. of Clones
C. cladosporioides 10
S. chartarum 10
P. purpurogenum 10
A. sydowii 10
11 10
characteristics noted above, following fungal
extraction from the gypsum board a microscopic
comparison was made of the spores. This com-
parison confirmed that the predominant spore
present in the mixture was Stachybotrys. This was
not a surprising result because the environmental
conditions in which the spores were allowed grow
(heavy initial wetting and 100% relative humidity)
favored Stachybotrys.
Sequencing analysis also showed that the pre-
dominant species extracted from the gypsum
board was Stachybotrys chartarum.S.chartarum
accounted for 17 of the 20 clones analyzed, while
A. sydowii accounted for two clones and C.
cladosporioides accounted for a single clone. P.
purpurogenum did not show up in the analysis. It is
believed that more natural growth conditions with
varying levels of relative humidity and wetting
would result in a more representative fungal cul-
ture, however, the identification of both A. sydowii
and C.cladosporioides, as underrepresented mem-
bers of the fungal culture, clearly shows that the
resolving power of the methodology is sufficient to
give an accurate fungal contaminant screen in the
indoor environment.
Our laboratory set out to develop a simple yet
effective fungal screen to identify multiple indoor
fungal contaminants. Due to the inherent difficul-
ties and inaccuracies associated with attempting to
distinguish fungal organisms based on growth and
morphological characteristics and because molec-
ular techniques that only identify single organisms
are rapidly becoming cumbersome and costly, our
laboratory set out to develop and optimize a PCR/
sequencing protocol capable of identifying multi-
ple fungal species. We accomplished this when we
were able to identify Penicillium purpurogenum,
Stachybotrys chartarum,Aspergillus sydowii, and
Cladosporium cladosporioides based on ribosomal
sequences obtained following PCR amplification
and subsequent cloning and sequencing of the
amplified fragments.
Future work extending on the above results
includes testing the procedure on increasingly
complex fungal cultures. The benefit of this pro-
tocol is the potential to identify unlimited numbers
of organisms, positive identifications being limited
by the number of clones analyzed. Additionally,
work that is being undertaken is the analysis of air
samples via PCR/sequencing. This application in
fungal screening in the indoor built environment
may extend beyond surface analysis to include air
sampling as well as surface analysis allowing for a
more complete picture of the level of contamina-
tion in an indoor space.
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Address for correspondence:Timothy R. Dean, National Risk
Management Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protec-
tion Agency, 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park,
NC, 27711, USA
Phone: +919-541-2304; Fax: +919-541-2157
... Both macro-and micro-morphological characteristics of the examined strain were in agreement with the literature description of Penicillium citrinum (Bridge et al. 1989 pravastatin-producing strain was extracted. The ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of the rDNA was amplified successfully producing a single PCR product of the desired length (Dean et al. 2006). The section of rDNA sequenced from Penicillium sp. ...
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The pravastatin-producing potential of rhizosphere soil microorganisms from mangrove forests has not been investigated in detail. In this study, a total of 20 Penicillium isolates were tested for pravastatin production. Six strains were able to synthesize pravastatin directly. Among these, the isolate Penicillium sp. ESF19M was the most active pravastatin producer with a yield of 28.43 mg/L. Molecular identification of this strain showed the highest homology with Penicillium citrinum.
... However, these methods have limited utility because they are time-consuming and laborious, and require considerable expertise to clearly differentiate between closely related species. Therefore the use of advanced molecular techniques, such as PCR (polymerase chain reaction), is required for detection and identification (Larena and Melgarejo, 2009a;Dean et al., 2006;Isik et al., 2003). Compared with other diagnostic methods, these techniques have the advantage of not always requiring the target organism to be cultured before detection and being highly sensitive and specific (Knight,2000). ...
... Genomic DNA from the best pravastatin-producing ESF20P strain was extracted. The ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of the rDNA was amplified successfully producing a single PCR product of the desired length, approximately 550-600 base pairs [30]. The purified amplicon was double-stranded sequenced. ...
... Unfortunately, the traditional method of counting cfu on a semi-selective medium does not distinguish between the BCA and closely related strains or species that may not have the equivalent biocontrol efficacy (Pujol et al., 2006). Therefore, the use of advanced molecular techniques, such as PCR, is required for detection and identification (Isik et al., 2003;Dean et al., 2006;Nunes et al., 2008). For this purpose, strain-specific primers for PCR, which were designed from the nucleotide sequence of EN282 DNA, were used to develop a molecular technique for the environmental detection and identification of EN282. ...
The registration of biological control agents requires the development of monitoring systems to detect and quantify the agent in the environment. Epicoccum nigrum strain 282 (EN282) is a biological control agent that reduces the incidence of brown rot in peaches. A semi-selective medium (ENSM) was developed as a preliminary screen for E. nigrum from fruit. Based on the nucleotide sequence of a 600-bp RAPD-PCR product that was specific for EN282, we designed two sets of primer pairs for use in conventional and real-time PCR that enabled the specific detection of EN282 in stone fruit. EN282 was detected and quantified by two different strategies: (1) its growth on ENSM and amplifying its DNA using conventional PCR, and (2) quantifying its DNA using real-time PCR. Real-time PCR was more sensitive than conventional PCR for quantifying EN282 DNA, but less specific for detecting EN282. We showed that EN282 can be identified in fruit by conventional and real-time PCR with two strain-specific oligonucleotide primer sets and DNA that was either extracted from viable E. nigrum colonies that were grown on a semi-selective medium (ENSM) or from fruit. From the results of all these experiments, we developed a strategy for detecting the biocontrol strain 282 of E. nigrum in fruit.
... Most of the techniques used include primers and probes assigned to identify specific fungi or groups of fungi, although universal PCR assay for fungi has also been developed (Zhou et al., 2000). The identification of many fungal species in a single PCR reaction is also possible, for instance by particle-associated nucleic acid PCR (PAN-PCR) (Dean et al., 2006). In indoor studies, qPCR has been most commonly used in analyzing microbes in house dust samples (Meklin et al., 2004;Vesper et al., 2000;Vesper et al., 2007;Vesper et al., 2006a;Vesper et al., 2006b;Vesper et al., 2004;Vesper et al., 2005). ...
Pravastatin is a cholesterol-lowering agent of high therapeutic value which is obtained based on a two-step production process. The development of a one-step fermentation process based on pravastatin-producing microfungi could be advantageous. We isolated a number of soil microfungi and screened them for pravastatin production. The aim of the present study was to investigate pravastatin accumulation by the selected microfungus. When the time course of pravastatin production by the identified strain was investigated, the maximum level of pravastatin (196.83 mg/L) was accumulated after 10 days of fermentation.
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A colorimetric assay is presented for the detection of Stachybotrys chartarum proteases as biomarkers. The assay comprises a gold film acting as solid support and carrying an immobilized peptide substrate that is specific for S. chartarum protease. The substrate was conjugated to black magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) to form a monolayer on the gold film. Hence, detection nanoprobe is black. If, however, the peptide-MNP fragments are cleaved by S. chartarum proteases present in a sample, the golden color of the detecting nanoprobe becomes apparent so that positive visual readout is enabled. The method was applied to the determination of S. chartarum in (spiked) environmental samples. The limit of detection ranges from 10 to 100 spores·mL⁻¹ depending on the kind of sample (culture, dust, mold and soil). Assay specificity was examined for Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium solani. Penicillin chrysogenum, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and negative readouts were observed visually for all samples, except for those also containing S. chartarum. Graphical abstractSchematic presentation of S. chartarum colorimetric nanoprobe.
Superficial mycoses are commonly reported in captive pinnipeds, usually maintained in wet and warm environments, favorable to fungal growth. Most superficial mycoses in pinnipeds have been described as difficult to treat; however, the majority of the reports come from past decades. Cutaneous lesions associated with opportunistic Fusarium sp. infections have been previously recognized in this taxon. We described the clinical signs, associated lesions and diagnosis (thermography, imprint cytology, histopathology, culture, electron microscopy, PCR) of a fusariosis case by Fusarium sp. in the nails and skin of an adult male captive South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) recently transferred from another zoological institution, and its successful long-term treatment with Ketoconazole PO (60 days) and Miconazole solution spray TO, followed by Itraconazole PO (30 days). Herein we provide a successful approach to the diagnosis and treatment of fusariosis. You can discover more in the link:
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The registration of biological control agents requires the development of monitoring systems to detect and quantify the agent in the environment. Penicillium oxalicum strain 212 (PO212) is being developed for the control of tomato pathogens. In this study, we demonstrated that 11,0212 was more effective for controlling Fusarium ox),oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici ill tomato plants than 13 other P. oxalicum strains. A new semiselective medium was developed as a preliminary screen for P. oxalicum from soil. This semiselective medium was a modified Fusarium selective medium that contained 0.006 g of nystatin per liter. The growth of P. oxalicum strain 212 was not inhibited on this medium, but it did inhibit the growth of I I fungal species. Specific identification, of the biocontrol strain and its quantification were achieved using a polymerase chain reaction with a strain-specific pair of prinlers (POITS1F/POITS2RI) and dilution plating. This primer set differentiated the biocontrol strain from 13 other strains of P oxalicum. There were differences in the nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the ribosomal DNA of 25 strains of P. oxalicum and those of PO212. Based oil the differences in the nucleotide sequences of the ITS regions in rDNA of PO212 and other P oxalicum strains, a relationship between the nucleotide sequences in the ITS region and biocontrol efficacy is postulated.
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We report the diagnosis and molecular characterization of lobomycosis-like lesions in a captive bottlenose dolphin. The clinical picture and the absence of growth in conventional media resembled the features associated with Lacazia loboi. However sequencing of ribosomal DNA and further phylogenetic analyses showed a novel sequence more related to Paracoccidioides brasilensis than to L. loboi. Moreover, the morphology of the yeast cells differed from those L. loboi causing infections humans. These facts suggest that the dolphin lobomycosis-like lesions might have been be caused by different a different fungus clustered inside the order Onygenales. A successful treatment protocol based on topic and systemic terbinafine is also detailed.
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Stachybotrys chartarum is an indoor mold that has been associated with pulmonary hemorrhage cases in the Cleveland, Ohio, area. This study applied two new quantitative measurements to air samples from a home in which an infant developed PH. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction and a protein synthesis inhibition assay were used to determine the level ofS. chartarum spores and their toxicity in air samples taken before, during, and after a remediation program was implemented to remove the fungus. Initial spore concentrations were between 0.1 and 9.3 spores/m3 of air, and the toxicity of air particulates was correspondingly low. However, the dust in the house contained between 0.4 and 2.1×103 spores/mg (as determined by hemocytometer counts). The remediation program removed all contaminated wallboard, paneling, and carpeting in the water-damaged areas of the home. In addition, a sodium hypochlorite solution was used to spray all surfaces during remediation. Although spore counts and toxicity were high during remediation, air samples taken postremediation showed no detectable levels ofS. chartarum or related toxicity. Nine isolates ofS. chartarum obtained from the home were analyzed for spore toxicity, hemolytic activity, and random amplified polymorphic DNA banding patterns. None of the isolates produced highly toxic spores (>90 μg T2 toxin equivalents per gram wet weight spores) after growth for 10 and 30 days on wet wallboard, but three isolates were hemolytic consistently. DNA banding patterns suggested that at least one of these isolates was related to isolates from homes of infants with previously investigated cases.
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Stachybotrys was found to be associated with idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage in infants in Cleveland, Ohio. Since that time, considerable effort has been put into finding the toxic components responsible for the disease. The name Stachybotrys chartarum has been applied to most of these isolates, but inconsistent toxicity results and taxonomic confusion prompted the present study. In this study, 122 Stachybotrys isolates, mainly from water-damaged buildings, were characterized and identified by combining three different approaches: morphology, colony characteristics, and metabolite production. Two different Stachybotrys taxa, S. chartarum and one undescribed species, were found in water-damaged buildings regardless of whether the buildings were in Denmark, Finland, or the USA. Furthermore, two chemotypes could be distinguished in S. chartarum. One chemotype produced atranones, whereas the other was a macrocyclic trichothecene-producer. The second undescribed taxon produced atranones and could be differentiated from S. chartarum by its growth characteristics and pigment production. Our results correlate with different inflammatory and toxicological properties reported for these same isolates and show that the three taxa/chemotypes should be treated separately. The co-occurrence of these three taxa/chemotypes in water-damaged buildings explains the inconsistent results in the literature concerning toxicity of Stachybotrys isolated from that environment.
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Idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage was diagnosed in 37 infants in the Cleveland, Ohio, area between 1993 and 1998. This rare disorder has been related to 12 deaths, including 7 originally thought to be sudden infant death syndrome. Thirty of the infants were African American, all of whom lived in a limited geographic area of eastern metropolitan Cleveland, an area of older housing stock. An investigation led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found an association with household exposure to a toxigenic mold, Stachybotrys chartarum, and other fungi. The rapidly growing lungs of young infants appear to be especially vulnerable to the toxins made by toxigenic molds. Environmental tobacco smoke was frequently present in the infants' homes and may be a trigger precipitating the acute bleeding. Stachybotrys, although not thought to be a common mold, is known to have a wide geographic distribution. An additional 101 cases of acute, idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage have been reported in infants in the United States over the past 5 years. In this overview, the investigations are summarized, the clinical profile is described, the toxicity of S. chartarum is discussed, and pathophysiologic concepts are presented.
Stachybotrys was found to be associated with idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage in infants in Cleveland, Ohio. Since that time, considerable effort has been put into finding the toxic components responsible for the disease. The name Stachybotrys chartarum has been applied to most of these isolates, but inconsistent toxicity results and taxonomic confusion prompted the present study. In this study, 122 Stachybotrys isolates, mainly from water-damaged buildings, were characterized and identified by combining three different approaches: morphology, colony characteristics, and metabolite production. Two different Stachybotrys taxa, S. chartarum and one undescribed species, were found in water-damaged buildings regardless of whether the buildings were in Denmark, Finland, or the USA. Furthermore, two chemotypes could be distinguished in S. chartarum. One chemotype produced atranones, whereas the other was a macrocyclic trichothecene-producer. The second undescribed taxon produced atranones and could be differentiated from S. chartarum by its growth characteristics and pigment production. Our results correlate with different inflammatory and toxicological properties reported for these same isolates and show that the three taxa/chemotypes should be treated separately. The co-occurrence of these three taxa/chemotypes in water-damaged buildings explains the inconsistent results in the literature concerning toxicity of Stachybotrys isolated from that environment.
Allergenic diseases triggered by aeroallergens extract a health cost in quality of life and in economic impact. People generally spend 90% to 95% of their time indoors, so understanding the environmental factors that affect the presence of aeroallergens indoors are important in understanding health impact and potential intervention methods. Describe the relationship of indoor airborne pollen and fungal spores in occupied mobile homes with outdoor concentrations and other environmental factors within geographically diverse areas of Texas. Airborne pollen and fungal spores were collected during the daytime with RotoRod samplers indoor and outdoor of mobile homes in Houston and El Paso, Texas. Samples were counted simultaneously with a dual eyepiece microscope and identified morphologically and through staining techniques. Geometric mean concentrations (counts/m3) indoors and outdoors for pollen, respectively, were Houston 7.1 and 196.4; and El Paso 17.5 and 71.5. Geometric mean concentrations (counts/m3) indoors and outdoors for spore, respectively, were Houston 98.5 and 196.4; and El Paso 36.9 and 71.5. Indoor to outdoor ratios (I/O) for pollen and fungal spores were found to be higher on average than has been previously reported. Modeling of predictive factors in Houston demonstrate that 62% and 41% of indoor levels of pollen and fungal spores, respectively, can be explained by their corresponding outdoor levels. These data suggest that the many factors associated with individual exposure to airborne pollen and fungal spores indoors are under the control of the occupant, and may additionally be influenced by the physical characteristics of mobile homes, in particular the high surface area to volume ratio and restricted flow patterns.
This study examined the relationship between measures of home dampness and respiratory illness and symptoms in a cohort of 4,625 eight- to 12-yr-old children living in six U.S. cities. Home dampness was characterized from questionnaire reports of mold or mildew inside the home, water damage to the home, and the occurrence of water on the basement floor. Symptoms of respiratory and other illness were collected by questionnaire. Pulmonary function was measured by spirometry. Signs of home dampness were reported in a large proportion of the homes. In five of the six cities, one or more of the dampness indicators were reported in more than 50% of the homes. The association between measures of home dampness and both respiratory symptoms and other non-chest illness was both strong and consistent. Odds ratios for molds varied from 1.27 to 2.12, and for dampness from 1.23 to 2.16 after adjustment for maternal smoking, age, gender, city of residence, and parental education. The relationship between home dampness and pulmonary function was weak, with an estimated mean reduction of 1.0% in FEF25-75 associated with dampness and 1.6% with molds. We conclude that dampness in the home is common in many areas of the United States and that home dampness is a strong predictor of symptoms of respiratory and other illness symptoms among 8- to 12-yr-old children.
Rapid non-culture-dependent assays for identification of fungi quicken diagnosis and prompt treatment of invasive fungal disease. Fungal DNA extracts from pure cultures of the most frequently isolated fungal pathogens belonging to the Genera Aspergillus, Candida and Cryptococcus along with less common pathogenic Genera were amplified with the general fungal primer pair internal transcribed spacer-1/4. Subsequently, the amplicon was digested with the restriction endonucleases MspI, HaeIII, HinfI and EcoRI in order to generate genus- or species-specific patterns for identification of the fungus. HinfI produced indistinguishable fingerprints for all Aspergillus species tested. MspI produced species-specific patterns for: Cryptococcus neoformans, Cryptococcus non-neoformans, Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis. EcoRI succeeded in differentiating penicillia from aspergilli and cryptococci from Candida spp. It is concluded that this procedure can differentiate genera and occasionally species of medically important fungi and that following the necessary validation experiments, it can be used directly on clinical samples to assist prompt diagnosis of systemic fungal infections.