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The psilopezioid fungi. IV. The genus Pachyella (Pezizales)



Pachyella, characterized by amyloid asci, globose cells in the ectal excipulum, hyphoid hairs, and gelatinous tissue, is treated monographically. A total of six species are discussed. The new combinations P. adnata, P. violaceonigra, and P. megalosperma are proposed and one new species, P. punctispora, is described.
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... Paraphyses cylindrical, expanded at the tip to 10 µm, generally extended beyond the asci, pigmented with dark, internal amorphous granules especially in the apical part. Ascospores 19-23 × 11.5-15 µm, elliptical, smooth, usually with 2 guttules (Pfister, 1973;Baral et al., 1981). ...
... Notes: P. clypeata grows on rotten logs and stumps of woods, especially of hardwoods (Pfister, 1973;Baral et al., 1981). ...
... Although it has some similarities with P. violaceonigra (Rehm) Pfister, P. adnata (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Pfister, and P. megalosperma (Le Gal) Pfister, it is easily distinguished by its smooth spores (Pfister, 1973). ...
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Ten members of the order Pezizales J.Schröt., namely Pachyella clypeata (Schwein.) Le Gal, Terfezia cistophila Ant. Rodr., Bordallo, Kaounas & A.Morte (Pezizaceae), Genea hispidula Berk. ex Tul. & C.Tul., Lamprospora campylopodis W.D.Buckley, Lamprospora tuberculatella Seaver, Octospora grimmiae Dennis & Itzerott, Octospora lilacina (Seaver) Svrček & Kubička, Pulvinula convexella (P.Karst.) Pfister, Ramsbottomia crechqueraultii (P.Crouan & H.Crouan) Benkert & T.Schumach., and Trichophaea gregaria (Rehm) Boud. (Pyronemataceae), are recorded for the first time from Turkey. Brief descriptions and photographs of the taxa are provided.
... Morfološke osobenosti: Plodonosno tijelo ravno ili blago ispupčeno, jastučasto, priljubljeno uz supstrat, izrazito želatinozno, veličine do 10 mm. Boja himenija je lješnjaksmeđa do zemljanosmeđa (Pfister, 1973). ...
... Morfološke osobenosti: Plodonosno tijelo ravno, priljubljeno uz supstrat, veličine 3-30 mm u prečniku (Pfister, 1973), želatinozno. Boja himenija je tamnopurpurna, purpurnosmeđa, nekad skoro crna. ...
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Knjiga „Diverzitet gljiva Zaštićenog pejzaža "Konjuh" - Inventarizacija, zaštita i promocija” bavi se prezentacijom preliminarnih rezultata mikoloških istraživanja realizovanih tokom 2019. i 2020. godine na teritoriji Zaštićenog pejzaža "Konjuh", trenutno jedinog protektorata na području Tuzlanskog kantona. U okviru knjige izdvojeno je i predstavljeno 114 vrsta gljiva iz odjeljaka Ascomycota i Basidiomycota te predstavljen popis gljiva ZP "Konjuh" sa ukupno 399 različitih vrsta. Za manji broj registrovanih vrsta predloženi su odgovarajući IUCN statusi i kategorije, a u skladu sa provedenom evaluacijom i relevantnim konzervacijskim kriterijima. Na osnovu predloženih kategorija i procjene ugroženosti pojedinih staništa, upravi zaštićenog područja su predložene i odgovarajuće mjere i aktivnosti s ciljem održavanja, ali i unapređenja postojećeg stanja i diverziteta gljiva. Autori unutar knjige nastavljaju i s prijedlogom implementacije koncepta IFA područja, u koja se, uzimajući u obzir realizovana istraživanja, ubraja i ZP "Konjuh".
... In some rather rare samples, the reaction seems to be missing, probably because of external factors. PFISTER (1973) discussed the amyloid reaction of Pachyella species: "In Pachyella species, the amyloid material is present either as an external layer on the ascus wall (which may separate from the ascus wall proper), or occurs in the gel which surrounds the asci and paraphyses and is not restricted to the wall. Since the reaction is not restricted to the apex of the ascus, nor is it in the form of a J+ ring at the apex of the ascus as in Peziza, the reaction in Pachyella is said to be diffuse. ...
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Based on both molecular data obtained from databases and from new studies of type collections of species of Peziza described by Donadini and morphological characters, taxonomical changes are proposed. Some names are given based on lineages of the Pezizaceae previously assigned to Peziza. A new multigene phylogeny (LSu, RPB2, β-tubulin) is provided. The following genera are reinstated: Daleomyces Setch., with D. gardneri (syn. Peziza proteana f. sparassoides) as type species, Geoscypha (Cooke) Lambotte, with Peziza violacea as type species, and Phaeopezia Sacc. ex Vido, with Peziza apiculata as type species. Peziza sect. Pur-pureodiscus, with Peziza subisabellina as type species, is raised to the generic rank. Six new genera are proposed: Ionopezia, with Peziza gerardii as type species, Malvipezia, with Peziza howsei as type species, Elaiopezia, with Galactinia polaripapulata as type species, Paragalactinia, with Peziza succosa as type species, Phylloscypha, with Peziza phyllogena as type species, and Legaliana, with Peziza badia as type species. The genera Galactinia, Heteroplegma, Infundibulum, Iotidea, Paramitra and Podaleuris are also discussed. The amy-loid reaction of asci is also discussed and characterised with three new categories inspired by those of Hansen et al. (2001).
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A comprehensive account of fungal classification from freshwater habitats is outlined and discussed in the present review based on literature of biodiversity studies and recent morpho-phylogenetic analyses. A total of 3,870 freshwater fungal species are listed with additional details on the isolation source, habitat, geographical distribution, and molecular data. The Ascomycota (2,968 species, 1,018 genera) dominated the freshwater fungal taxa wherein Sordariomycetes (823 species, 298 genera) had the largest number, followed by Dothideomycetes (677 species, 229 genera), Eurotiomycetes (276 species, 49 genera), and Leotiomycetes (260 species, 83 genera). Other phyla included in the updated classification of freshwater fungi are: Chytridiomycota (333 species, 97 genera), Rozellomycota (221 species, 105 genera), Basidiomycota (218 species, 100 genera), Blastocladiomycota (47 species, 10 genera), Monoblepharomycota (29 species, 6 genera), Mucoromycota (19 species, 10 genera), Aphelidiomycota (15 species, 3 genera), Entomophthoromycota (6 species, 4 genera), Mortierellomycota (5 species, 3 genera), Olpidiomycota (4 species, 1 genus), Zoopagomycota (3 species, 2 genera), and Sanchytriomycota (2 species, 2 genera). The freshwater fungi belong to 1,361 genera, 386 families and 145 orders. The Pleosporales and Laboulbeniaceae are the largest freshwater fungal order and family comprised of 391 and 185 species, respectively. The most speciose genera are Chitonomyces (87, Laboulbeniomycetes), Verrucaria (50, Eurotiomycetes), Rhizophydium (52, Rhizophydiomycetes), Penicillium (47, Eurotiomycetes), and Candida (42, Saccharomycetes).
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Eleven taxa of the phylum Ascomycota: Bryoscyphus turbinatus (Fuckel) Spooner, Ciboria viridifusca (Fuckel) Höhn., Helvella ephippium Lév., Helvella phlebophora Pat. & Doass., Iodophanus testaceus (Moug. : Fr.) Korf, Marcelleina persoonii (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Brumm., Pachyella violaceonigra (Rehm) Pfister, Pseudaleuria fibrillosa (Massee) J. Moravec, Pseudombrophila cervaria (W. Phillips) Brumm., Pseudombrophila hepatica (Batsch) Brumm. y Tatraea dumbirensis (Velen.) Svrček. are described and illustrated. Chorologic information and some taxonomic comments are also provided.
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Short preliminary check-lists are presented as a result of last year mycological investigation on the territory of three protected areas in the Sarajevo Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Vrelo Bosne Nature Monument, Bijambare Protected Landscape and Skakavac Nature Monument). Among all findings some are more closely presented and discussed. Their ecology, phenology, local and regional or global distribution pattern, as well as main threats and additional conservation activities are especially highlighted and noted. Recommendation of adequate conservation activities within the territories of the protected areas are proposed to the local authorities and managements.
The class Pezizomycetes is monophyletic within the subdivision Pezizomycotina. The main distinguishing character of this class is operculate asci, although in some taxa this character has been lost. The circumscription of the families and generic level delimitation in Pezizomycetes is still controversial, although several molecular phylogenetic studies have been published on this group. This paper reviews 21 families of Pezizomycetes including five new families, which are introduced here, viz. Kallistoskyphaceae, Pseudombrophilaceae, Pulvinulaceae, Strobiloscyphaceae and Tarzettaceae. Moreover, this study provides a modified backbone tree based on phylogenetic analysis of five combined loci. Descriptions and illustrations of representative taxa for the families are provided from collections made in China, Thailand and the UK, herbarium material from international herbaria (FH, FLAS, H, HKAS and MA) and the literature. Pezizales separates into six major clades. Clade 1 of Pezizales includes the families Ascobolaceae and Pezizaceae. Clade 2 is the new family Kallistoskyphaceae. Clade 3 comprises the families Caloscyphaceae, Karstenellaceae and Rhizinaceae. Clade 4 represents the families Discinaceae, Helvellaceae, Morchellaceae, Tuberaceae and Underwoodia columnaris lineage. Clade 5 includes Chorioactidaceae, Sarcoscyphaceae and Sarcosomataceae and Clade 6 comprises Ascodesmidaceae, Glaziellaceae, Otideaceae, Pseudombrophilaceae, Pulvinulaceae, Pyronemataceae, Strobiloscyphaceae and Tarzettaceae. New sequence data belonging to ITS, LSU, SSU, TEF, RPB2 gene regions from 40 pezizalian species are provided here. The paper provides a working document for apothecial Pezizomycetes which can be modified as new data comes to light. It is hoped that by illustrating taxa we provide stimulation and interest in the operculate discomycetes, so that further research is carried out on this remarkable, but poorly studied group of fungi.
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La Zona de Especial Conservación (ZEC) Gándaras de Budiño está situada en el suroeste de la provincia de Pontevedra (Galicia, Península Ibérica). A pesar de las agresiones sufridas a lo largo de la historia, aún se conservan zonas muy representativas de esta con fauna y flora propia de estos lugares y poco frecuente en el resto del N.O. peninsular. Ocupa una extensión de aproximadamente 800 ha, en las que destacan un amplio complejo de humedales, conformados por turberas, brañas, bosques aluviales y lagunas, así como brezales atlánticos, bosques de ribera y amplias extensiones más secas, constituidas básicamente por bosques mixtos de robles y pinos. En este espacio se realiza un estudio micológico con recolecciones periódicas durante 4 años, de las cuales resulta un catálogo con 359 taxa, con una aportación al catálogo gallego de 62 especies. Entre ellas destaca Chaetotyphula actinipes, que se menciona por primera vez para Europa, además de Arnium olerum, Byssosphaeria schiedermayeriana, Conocybe brachypodii, Cordyceps polyarthra, Hemimycena angustispora, Inocybe salicis, Laccaria impolita, Mollisia olivascens, Mycena atrovinosa, Mycena mucor, Oligoporus alni, Russula sphagnophila y Trichoderma piluliferum, no mencionados anteriormente para la Península Ibérica. Desde el punto de vista de la estrategia trófica destacan las especies entomapatógenas: Beauveria bassiana, Cordyceps polyarthra, Gibellula pulchra, Isaria farinosa y Torrubiella arachnophila. De las restantes 125 son micorrícicas, 211 son saprotróficas y 38 necrotróficas, en ambos casos, mayoritariamente lignícolas, justificado porque las ¾ partes del material ha sido recolectado en formaciones arbóreas de Alnus glutinosa y Salix atrocinerea. Además, se analiza la autoecología de las especies, los patrones de fructificación y su aportación corológica, tanto ibérica como mundial.
A list of the psilopezioid genera is given with nomenclatural and taxonomic comments. The genera Pachyella and Psilopezia are accepted and an emended circumscription is provided. Psilopezia is treated as a member of the tribe Otideeae in the Pyronemataceae and Pachyella as a member of the Pezizaceae. A key to the genera of psilopezioid fungi, Psilopezia, Pachyella, Iodophanus, Thecotheus, Peiziza, and "Peziza" lechithina, is included.
An account is given of submerged aquatic Discomycetes growing on reed-swamp plants and water-logged sticks in the English Lake District. The following are recorded and described: Pachyella depressa (Phill.) Boud., Apostemidium guernisaci (Cr.) Boud., Belonium excelsius (Karst.) Boud., Trichobelonium guestphalicum Retim, Pocillum boltonii Phill. and Hypoderma scirpinum DC. Apostemidium sporogyrum sp.n. and Coleosperma lacustre gen.n., sp.n. are described.
Ohio: Holotype of Pezizn pseudoclypenta, on water-soaked log of Tilia ntnericarzn
  • Wood
  • Michigan
  • Hollow
rotting wood, Michigan Hollow, Danby, 8.X.1956, L. R. Batra (R.P.K. 56-44). Ohio: Holotype of Pezizn pseudoclypenta, on water-soaked log of Tilia ntnericarzn, Cleveland (no date), Maurice B. Walters (NY = CUP 50905);
on fallen log of Cyrilla racet~l$orn (as above) (CUP-PR-3852, NY); on fallen log of Cecropia peltata, El Yunque
  • R P Korf
on fallen log of Cyrilla racet~l$orn (as above) (CUP-PR-3852, NY); on fallen log of Cecropia peltata, El Yunque, 10.VI.1970, R. P. Korf et al. (CUP-PR-4007);
CUP-PR-183 1, NY) CUBA: Wright, Fungi Cubensis No
  • Wood
  • F J Yunque
  • Carlos E Seaver
  • Chardon
on wood, El Yunque, January 24 to April 5, 1923, F. J. Seaver and Carlos E. Chardon (CUP-PR-183 1, NY). CUBA: Wright, Fungi Cubensis No. 658 (K, FH). JAPAN: on dead wood (Shiia), 7.XI.1964, K. Tubaki (CUP-J-2904).
Several collections of this species have holotype
  • Berkeley
  • Broome
  • Ann
  • Mag
NOTES: Several collections of this species have holotype. ILLUSTRATIONS: Berkeley and Broome, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV. 15, P1. 2, Fig. 5. 1875 (as Psilopezia tnyrothecioides);
Icoiles My-col. 2, P1. 312. 1910. (as Paclzyella depressa)
  • Boudier
Boudier, Icoiles My-col. 2, P1. 312. 1910. (as Paclzyella depressa);
1, P1. 29, Fig. 1. 1882 (as Pezizci sncclzarinrr)
  • Bresadola
  • Fungi
  • Trid
Bresadola, Fungi Trid. 1, P1. 29, Fig. 1. 1882 (as Pezizci sncclzarinrr);