Dominika Wilczyńska

Dominika Wilczyńska
Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport · Department of Social Science



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Publications (58)
Background The human body is exposed to stressors on a daily basis. Short-term exposure to a particular stressor can cause the release of inflammatory markers – including c-reactive protein (CRP). EEG neurofeedback is a noninvasive form of therapy that aims to improve brain function. Neurofeedback is a type of feedback based on brain activity. Met...
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Background Amid extensive pregnancy exercise research, the impact of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on pregnant women’s mental health is underexplored. Despite exercise benefits, it can trigger stress responses like elevated cortisol. This study fills the gap by investigating correlations between hair cortisol levels, mental health, and HI...
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Introduction: This study aimed to assess the mental condition of aquatic athletes during COVID-19 lockdowns and identify factors that could predict changes in their emotions and mood disturbances. Materials and Methods: The sample was composed of 506 competitive swimmers (ages 15-36) in four aquatic specializations, with 82.4% competing at the nati...
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Being employed in a managerial position is often associated with maintaining high standards in many aspects of life. Many leaders pay attention to their physical activity, eating habits, and social skills. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic brought additional difficulties to the already-demanding job of managing people and forced managers to make m...
Wstęp. W ostatnich latach popularne są treningi interwałowe o wysokiej intensywności (HIIT). Celem tej pracy było określenie zmian w wybranych wskaźnikach fizjologicznych i psychologicznych po 8-tygodniowym programie treningu interwałowego o wysokiej intensywności u kobiet w ciąży. Materiał i metody. Przeprowadzono randomizowane badanie kontrolne w...
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Background In recent years high intensity interval training (HIIT) has grown in popularity. However, it rarely represents training interventions in experimental studies in pregnant populations. Therefore, in this study we aimed to assess changes in depressive symptoms, fear of childbirth, fear of Covid-19 and quality of life after an 8-week supervi...
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The aim of the study was to describe the characteristics and factors related to pain perception in pregnant women, such as optimism, personality traits, and fear of developing COVID-19 consequences. Sixty-six pregnant women aged 23 to 42 years participated in the study, and the comparison group consisted of n = 59 non-pregnant female students aged...
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(1) Background: The subject of athlete burnout is often discussed among sports psychologists. Interventions to reduce this phenomenon are still under investigation with follow-ups. Thus, the purpose of the current meta-analysis is to examine psychological interventions that was carried out to decrease or eliminate burnout syndrome in young athletes...
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AbstractThe coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), as a widespread health threat, has trig-gered an increase in health-related behaviours, both pro-and anti-health, especiallywith regard to diet and physical activity. One of the factors modifying the intensityof such activities may be the religious doctrine and religiosity with which a per-son is associa...
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The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), as a widespread health threat, has triggered an increase in health-related behaviours, both pro-and anti-health, especially with regard to diet and physical activity. One of the factors modifying the intensity of such activities may be the religious doctrine and religiosity with which a person is associated. A t...
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(1) Background: The subject of athlete burnout is often discussed among sports psychologists. Interventions to reduce this phenomenon are still under investigation with follow-up. Thus, the purpose of the current meta-analysis was to examine psychological interventions that have already been carried out to decrease or eliminate burnout syndrome in...
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Background: In recent years high intensity interval training (HIIT) has grown in popularity, however it rarely represent training interventions in experimental studies in pregnant populations so far. Therefore, in this study we aimed at assessing the changes in depressive symptoms, fear of childbirth, fear of Covid-19, quality of life after an 8-we...
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Running marathons is an increasingly popular activity with an ever-increasing number of events and participants. Many participants declare that they pursue a variety of goals by running, namely, the maintenance of good health, the development of strength and improvement of fitness, the management of emotions, and the achievement of resilience and p...
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Background: Coach workshops based on seven principles (inspiration, explanation, expectation, support, reward, appreciation, growth, and winning) enhance the sport experience of adult athletes. Here, we report effects of such workshops with coaches of child athletes and the predictors of those changes. (2) Methods: Study participants were 8 coaches...
Background The study aimed to compare the effectiveness of 12-weeks dance training with balance training on fall risk, physical and cognitive functions. The study's second aim was to evaluate the association between physical and cognitive functions with circulating markers of neurodegeneration and cognitive impairments in elders. Materials and met...
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Abstract Background The coach attitude impacts the whole mind and body system of a child athlete from emotional and motivational aspects to motor skills like motor coordination. It translates into the ability to control and stabilize posture. The vestibular system plays an important role in this regulation. This system, next to the visual system an...
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Introduction: The situation of the coronavirus pandemic has affected the lives of many athletes from different disciplines. Therefore, the present study investigated the impact of Covid-19 first lockdown on emotional states and motivation of athletes from Spain and Poland. Material and methods: Polish male (N=24) and female (N=94) and Spanish male...
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The recent curriculum reform in China puts forward higher requirements for the development of physical education. In order to further improve students' physical quality and motor skills, the traditional model was improved to address the lack of accuracy in motion recognition and detection of physical condition so as to assist teachers to improve st...
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The aim of the current study is to determine how the level of state and trait anxiety differs between youth athletes of different performance levels and furthermore whether there are correlations between performance levels and psychomotor variables in the selected tasks. A sample of 97 boys, aged 11–12 years, practising soccer represented two group...
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Coach workshops based on seven principles (inspiration, explanation, expectation, support, reward, appreciation, growth and winning) enhance the sport experience of adult athletes. Therefore, we have investigated the effects of such workshops with coaches of child athletes. Study participants were coaches of 57 9- to 12-year old girls (practicing g...
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A presentation about how Spanish competitive athletes have been leaving their life during lockdown or confinement. Differences between men and women, common adaptative and emotional reactions, and also some lessons for the future for athletes, sports clubs, and federations can be found. It is a production of our COVID-19 Lab.
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Background COVID-19 has brought people many negative emotions, such as fear and anxiety about the epidemic. However, when peo-ple in different countries face the COVID-19 epidemic, the impact is also different due to different cultural and sports hab-its. Therefore, this study compares China and Poland’s sports motivations in the face of COVID-19 a...
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Background: The Marathon runners must have the proper technical preparation to reach excellence and to achieve adequate psychological preparation for the race. Against this background, the current study aims to describe the implementation results of a cognitive-behavioral intervention based on psychological skills training for marathon runners. Met...
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Objectives: Anxiety is a negative emotion that acts as a mediator between stress stimuli and emotional (physiological) reaction patterns. The myofascial system is particularly sensitive to stress. The aim of this study was to determine which of the 2 popular methods used to reduce psychophysical tension, i.e., soft tissue manipulation and Jacobson...
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This study examined the effects of different training loads on pelvic floor muscle (PFM) activity in swimming. Twelve female swimmers were included in this study (23.71±1.44 y.o.; 167±5.89 cm; 62.05±8.89 kg). They took part in an experiment with two different stages of load in swimming training. For the pelvic floor muscle assessment the Glazer Pro...
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Coping with pain plays a very important role in human life and it may differ depending on the personality characteristics of patients such as their level of optimism. The aim of this study was therefore to determine whether the coping strategies for cervical spine pain among office workers were determined by gender, the locus of pain control or an...
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Objectives. The aim of this study was to discover the relationship between the performance of different mechanical movements of rowers, and define its effect on the motor programs of the cyclic movement in athletes living in rural and urban areas. Materials and method. Twenty-two male rowers participated in the experiment using a rowing ergometer...
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Hyperbaric therapy is a relatively new non-invasive therapeutic method. It involves inhaling the patient with pure oxygen using a pressure of 2 to 3 absolute atmospheres (ATA). The main pur pose of this therapy is to improve the healing mechanisms and repairing processes in the case of various types of wounds and diseases. While this method is quit...
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Background Pelvic floor muscle exercises are a widely used and well-established form of stress incontinence treatment, with success rates varying from 21% to 84%, although with a better subjective than objective outcome. Material/Methods “Incontinence Impact Questionnaire” (IIQ), PFM EMG assessment was done at the beginning and after the 6-week tr...
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Background: Hyperbaric therapy is a relatively new non-invasive therapeutic method. It involves inhaling the patient with pure oxygen using a pressure of 2 to 3 absolute atmospheres (ATA). The main purpose of this therapy is to improve the healing mechanisms and repairing processes in the case of various types of wounds and diseases. While in medic...
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The body image is one of the most important components of self-esteem which corresponds with the psycho-physical health of the individual. The purpose of the study was to search for the relationship between the actual figure and body image. The research was conducted in 2014 among 830 adolescents. Sample selection was random. Actual figure was defi...
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Streszczenie Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie różnic między zawodniczkami uprawiającymi dyscypliny o charakterze estetycznym i dyscypliny o charakterze męskim w zakresie samooceny ciała i płci psychologicznej. W badaniu udział wzięło 60 kobiet, reprezentantek dyscyplin estetycznych (N = 30) i reprezentantek dyscyplin mę-skich (N = 30). Przy o...
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WPROWADZENIE. Wizualizacja jest metodą polegająca na stosowaniu dowolnych lub kontrolowanych wyobrażeń, które mają charakter ukierunkowany, gdy psycholog prowadzi sportowca przez kolejne sugerowane sytuacje. Trening wyobrażeniowy może dotyczyć sytuacji treningu, rywalizacji, uwzględniając w instrukcjach aspekty techniczne oraz taktyczne, jak równie...
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Background: The objective of the study was to assess the efficiency of visualization training based on motivating instructions of a general character in order to increase the knee joint mobility, reduce pain and increase the quadriceps muscle mass of the thigh in patients after the knee joint arthroscopy. Material/Methods: F10 outpatient clinic pat...
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Styl atrybucji a poziom przygotowania sportowego gimnastyków w wieku 11–13 lat. Badanie pilotażowe Streszczenie Celem badań było wykazanie związku pomiędzy stylem atrybucji a poziomem przygotowania sportowego gimnastyków w wieku 11–13 lat. Badaniami objęto 38 chłopców w trakcie odbywających się ogólnopolskich zawodów sportowych. Zawodnicy rywalizow...
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Dominika Wilczyńska, Patrycja korDoWska Terapia pozytywna w programie usprawniania u pacjentów z depresją. Rozważania na temat połączenia psychoterapii pozytywnej z programem usprawniania fizjoterapeutycznego u osób z depresją wieku podeszłego Streszczenie Coraz więcej badań wskazuje na to, że aby pomoc chorym z depresją była sku-teczna, musi wymag...
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Możliwości zastosowania technik tkanek miękkich w zmniejszaniu poziomu lęku a poziom optymizmu Streszczenie Optymiści mają bardziej pozytywną reakcję na interwencje medyczne oraz za-chowania promujące zdrowie, a jeżeli dochodzi do choroby, to bardziej wytrwa-le stosują się do rad lekarzy, realizując wzory behawioralne służące poprawie zdrowia. Cele...
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Dominika Wilczyńska małgorzata kaWa Poziom optymizmu a odczuwanie bólu u pacjentów leczonych krioterapią miejscową w połączeniu z treningiem relaksacji metodą Jacobsona Streszczenie W ostatnich latach obserwowany jest wzrost zmian cywilizacyjno-środowisko-wych, które przyczyniają się do powstawania zmian zwyrodnieniowych, a co za tym idzie, pojawie...
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Abstract. Aim of this study was determination of the degree of directiveness in the students of the Physical Education Faculty − teacher training college, differing in sex, in relation to their self-esteem and values. An analysis of the obtained results showed statistically significant relationships and interrelations between the degree of directiv...
Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
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Background. The purpose of this study was to present possibilities of using computer tests in the assessment of chosen cognitive skills and analysis of correlations between mentioned variables and level of optimism, self-efficacy, coping strategies, anxiety and perceived stress in Polish national team rowers. Material and methods. The study involve...
Conference Paper
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The purpose of the study was to determine the correlation between the subjective assessment of psychological and physiological optimal mobilization, attributional style and the result of young gymnasts. The study included 31 gymnasts aged 10-14 lat (M=12,6; SD= 0,944) . The study took place in 2014 during one of the Gymnastics Polish Competition. Y...
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Background: The purpose of the following research was to find out the influence of imaginary training based on intention implementation on throw effectiveness of young basketball players, both male and female in stressogenic situations. Individual differences (action vs state orientation) between players were also measured in this research. Materia...
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Samoocena ciała u kobiet uprawiających i nieuprawiających sportu Streszczenie Głównym celem pracy było określenie poziomu samooceny ciała u kobiet uprawiających różne dyscypliny sportu oraz u kobiet nieuprawiających sportu, jakimi były studentki. Aby scharakteryzować samoocenę ciała zawodniczek oraz studentek, wykorzystano Skalę Oceny Ciała (The Bo...
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Background: Ways are sought within sports science to determine competitors' potential achievements. One of the ways in which this may be tested is by examining the electrical activity of the sportsman's brain. The subject of research was an attempt to describe those neurophysiological parameters (Theta/Beta ratio, Theta/SMR ratio) which could have...
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Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non...
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The goal of our research was to describe the neurophysio-logical and neuropsychological parameters of the control of aggressive behaviors in an athlete of world rank, a javelin thrower, who underwent neurotherapy. The patient described here was an Olympic athlete who placed much lower than expected in the games. His mental state was measured in thr...


Questions (2)
This is the second time when I add the article to my profile and I do not see more points on my account. Why is it happening? Did any of you have the same problem?
I would like to measure relation athlete-coach and motivation among children who play sports. Any suggestions?


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