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Fixed-pressure nCPAP in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) syndrome and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): A 24-month follow-up study

  • Vito Fazzi A.S.L. Lecce Italy


The aim of this study was to investigate the time course of body weight, daytime sleepiness, and functional cardiorespiratory parameters in patients with both chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA), after institution of domiciliary nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP). Twelve consecutive obese outpatients (mean age = 61 +/- 11 years; four women) were evaluated before (baseline) and after 3, 12, and 24 months of nocturnal nCPAP (4 h per night). At baseline, all patients were hypercapnic and hypoxemic, suffering from night desaturation (T (90) is the percentage of total recording time (TRT) spent with SaO(2) <or= 90% = 38 +/- 2%) and sleepy (Epworth sleepiness scale [ESS] = 16.58 +/- 0.86). Three months after the implementation of nCPAP, daytime PaCO(2) and PaO(2) improved up to 45.1 +/- 0.9 and 69.0 +/- 1 mmHg, respectively; mean pulmonary artery pressure (MPAP) decreased from 24.7 +/- 1.1 to 19.2 +/- 04 mmHg. All other variables showed progressive improvements up to 12 months. At 3 and 12 months, mean body mass index was slightly decreased (to 31.6 +/- 0.2 and 30.7 +/- 0.1 kg/m(2), respectively); daytime sleepiness, nocturnal O(2) desaturation, and maximal inspiratory pressure were also improved and thereafter remained stable. In conclusion, in our patients with both severe OSA and mild-to-moderate COPD, arterial blood gasses and MPAP improved and stabilized after 3 months of nCPAP therapy, with the greatest improvements being in ESS score, T (90), and maximal inspiratory force from 3 up to 12 months; these parameters remained stable over the following 12 months. Finally, our data support early treatment with nCPAP in such patients.
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: coagulation anomalies
and treatment with continuous positive airway pressure
Domenico Maurizio Toraldo
&Michele De Benedetto
Egeria Scoditti
&Francesco De Nuccio
Received: 18 March 2015 /Revised: 22 June 2015 / Accepted: 29 June 2015 / Published online: 14 July 2015
#Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Introduction Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a
highly prevalent sleep disorder associated with severe cardio-
vascular events, morbidity and mortality. Recent evidence has
highlighted OSAS as an independent risk factor for an exces-
sive platelet activation and arterial thrombosis, but the under-
lying mechanisms have not yet been determined. Studies in
cell culture and animal models have significantly increased
our understanding of the mechanisms of inflammation in
OSAS. Hypoxia is a critical pathophysiological element that
leads to an intense sympathetic activity, in association with
systemic inflammation, oxidative stress and procoagulant ac-
tivity. While platelet dysfunction and/or hypercoagulability
play an important role in the pathogenesis of vascular disease,
there are limited studies on the potential role of blood viscos-
ity in the development of vascular disease in OSAS.
Conclusion Further studies are required to determine the pre-
cise role of hypercoagulability in the cardiovascular pathogen-
esis of OSAS, particularly its interaction with oxidative stress,
thrombotic tendency and endothelial dysfunction. Nasal con-
tinuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP), the gold standard
treatment for OSAS, not only significantly reduced apnea-
hypopnoea indices but also markers of hypercoagulability,
thus representing a potential mechanisms by which CPAP
reduces the rate of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in
OSAS patients.
Keywords Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome .
Coagulability .Thromboelastography .Continuous positive
airway pressure .Inflammation
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a highly preva-
lent sleep disorder characterized by repeated upper airway
obstruction during sleep, resulting in episodes of reduced
(hypopnoea) or absent (apnea) air flow and consequent
hypoxaemia followed by reoxygenation. OSAS is becoming
an increasingly important public health issue and the most
common form of sleep-disordered breathing worldwide over
the next few years. Given the rapid rise in the incidence of
obesity, one of the most important risk factors for OSAS, the
prevalence of OSAS is expected to increase in the near future.
Common adverse sequelae of OSAS are sleep fragmentation,
excessive daytime sleepiness and impairment of cognitive per-
formance and quality of life [1]. However, the major health
problem in OSAS patients is the increased risk for all-cause
mortality and in particular cardiovascular mortality, and its
independent association with cardiovascular complications,
including hypertension, coronary artery disease, myocardial
infarction, congestive heart failure and stroke [2]. The associ-
ation between atherosclerotic vascular diseases and OSAS
persists after controlling for known cardiovascular risk factors
such as diabetes, hypertension, smoking and dyslipidaemia [3,
4]. Evidence linking OSAS to cardiovascular disorders are
*Francesco De Nuccio
VFazziHospital Rehabilitation Department, Respiratory Care
Unit, ASL Lecce, Lecce, Italy
V. FazziHospital, ENT Unit, ASL Lecce, Lecce, Italy
National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Clinical Physiology,
Lecce, Italy
Laboratory of Human Anatomy and Neuroscience, Department of
Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies,
University of Salento, Via Prov. le Lecce-Monteroni (Centro
Ecotekne), 73100 Lecce, Italy
Sleep Breath (2016) 20:457465
DOI 10.1007/s11325-015-1227-6
provided by a recent cohort study [5] in which an independent
association between apnea-hypopnoea index (AHI) used to
estimate OSAS severity and cardiovascular diseases (heart
attack, stroke, congestive heart failure and all-cause mortality)
has been found, but this association became non-significant
after controlling for potential confounding factors. The re-
searchers have identified other OSAS-related predictors, such
as sleep time spent with SatO
less than 90 % (CT
), the
number of awakenings and sleep fragmentation or sleep dep-
rivation (arousal), mean heart rate or presence of excessive
diurnal somnolence. All these factors have been significantly
and independently associated with a 5 to 50 % increased risk
of development of composite cardiovascular outcomes. Nasal
continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) therapy is the
most effective treatment of OSAS and is also associated with a
significant reduction in cardiovascular events and mortality
after long-term treatment [6]. The pathophysiological mecha-
nisms underlying cardiovascular complications in OSAS are
incompletely understood but seem to be multifactorial and
include sympathetic activation, inflammation and oxidative
stress, leading to endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis
development [79]. Recently, it has been increasingly clear
from several clinical studies that hypercoagulability may be
a mechanism substantially contributing to the increased car-
diovascular risk in OSAS, especially stroke and myocardial
infarction [10,11]. Increase in blood clotting is determined by
changes in the rheological properties of blood, which is an
important factor associated with cardiovascular events in
OSAS [12]. Data suggest that chronic intermittent hypoxia
(IH) experienced by patients during apnea may be responsible
for a greater sympathetic nervous system activity in associa-
tion with elevation of inflammatory and oxidative stress
markers as well as an increased blood coagulability (e.g. plate-
let activation and decreased fibrinolytic activity), which pre-
disposes patients to thrombotic episodes [13].
The goals of this critical review are (1) providing an anal-
ysis of the updated evidence of an association between OSAS
and haemostatic alterations, and (2) evaluating the effects of
CPAP therapy on coagulation disorders in OSAS.
Mechanisms linking OSAS to coagulopathies: role
of IH-induced inflammation
The recognition that OSAS is associated with the develop-
ment of systemic inflammation [14], oxidative stress [15],
endothelial dysfunction, coagulation disorders [16] and meta-
bolic syndrome [17] has led to a better understanding of car-
diovascular diseases in OSAS. The role of hypercoagulability
in OSAS-related adverse sequelae is a recently emerged open
issue that contributes to the complexity of OSAS in terms of
pathophysiology and treatment strategies (Fig. 1). A major
problem in assessing the association of OSAS with a state of
hypercoagulability is the coexistence of many confounding
factors in OSAS patients, such as obesity, hypertension, dia-
betes mellitus, dyslipidemia and smoking, which are per se
able of altering the haemostatic system. Obesity is associated
with a state of chronic low-grade systemic and tissue inflam-
mation and oxidative stress, which are intimately linked to the
development of insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and
cardiovascular diseases. In obesity, dysfunctional adipose tis-
sue increases the production of inflammatory adipokines in-
cluding cytokines, chemokines as well as prothrombotic fac-
tors such as plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1, while
reduces the levels of vasculoprotective adipokines such as
adiponectin. In concert, these alterations predispose to the
development of atherosclerosis and impaired haemostasis
[18]. Similarly, increased levels of PAI-1 and platelet hyper-
reactivity have been reported in hypertension, diabetes
mellitus, hypercholesterolemia and chronic smoking [19].
The mechanisms for increased coagulability in OSAS have
not yet fully elucidated, but the peculiar form of hypoxia oc-
curring in OSAS, i.e. intermittent hypoxia, is likely to play a
role in inducing an inflammatory milieu that causes endothe-
lial dysfunction, vascular derangement and therefore alters the
coagulation system. While sustained hypoxia leads to the ac-
tivation of the transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor-1
(HIF-1), resulting in adaptive and protective responses, in cell
culture models of IH as well as in OSAS patients, a preferen-
tial activation of inflammatory pathways regulated by the tran-
scription factor nuclear factor-κB(NF-κB) has been clearly
demonstrated [20]. NF-κB mediates the expression of genes
encoding for inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin(IL)-
1, IL-6, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, chemokines, includ-
ing IL-8, adhesion molecules, as well as procoagulant factors,
Fig. 1 Schematic illustration suggestive of the central role played by
nocturnal chronic intermittent hypoxia, systemic inflammation and
oxidative stress in OSA, and the development of associated condition of
systemic inflammation and hypercoagulability
458 Sleep Breath (2016) 20:457465
including PAI-1 and tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI)
[21]. Humoral factors including cytokines may be one of the
factors causing platelet hyperaggregability [22]. Furthermore,
hypoxia has been demonstrated to directly affect platelet func-
tion by increasing platelet reactivity and inducing the expres-
sion of proteins involved in coagulation [23]. In hypoxic en-
dothelial cells, the production of TF is increased while that of
thrombomodulin, a cofactor in the thrombin-induced activa-
tion of protein C in the anticoagulant pathway, is suppressed,
thus unbalancing the haemostatic system [24]. Interestingly,
human adipocytes exposed to IH have been shown to specif-
ically upregulate NF-κB-dependent expression and produc-
tion of inflammatory adipokines, to a greater extent compared
with endothelial cells, thus underscoring the important contri-
bution of adipose tissue in the inflammatory and related
procoagulant milieu observed in OSAS [25]. The sympathetic
hyperreactivity associated with OSAS and the resulting ele-
vated circulating catecholamines may also cause platelet ag-
gregation [26], thus aggravating the propensity of an athero-
sclerotic plaque to rupture precipitating thrombotic events.
Analysis of hypercoagulability in OSAS
and influence of CPAP therapy on coagulability
and vascular damage
The nature of hypercoagulability observed in OSAS is
complex and multifactorial. The system of blood clotting
is one of the pathophysiological mechanisms of athero-
thrombosis and cardiovascular damage [27]. Fibrinogen
and factor VII clotting activity (FVIIc) are independent risk
factors for cardiovascular disorder [10]. These factors are
predictors of fatal cardiovascular events and are correlated
with serum cholesterol, triglyceride concentration and body
mass index [28]. Increased levels of circulating activated
clotting factors are reported in untreated OSAS patients
[29], and CPAP treatment, the gold standard treatment for
OSAS, has resulted in an improvement of coagulation pa-
rameters (Table 1). Two studies have shown an increase in
blood level of D-dimer in untreated OSAS patients [40,41]
that is correlated with the severity of nocturnal hypoxemia,
suggesting that this is potentially involved in cardiovascu-
lar risk in patients with OSAS.
Other researches have shown (a) an increase in blood vis-
cosity in adults with untreated OSAS [42], (b) an increase in
the level of fibrinogen in both adults and children with sleep-
disordered breathing [43]and(c)anincreaseinmeanplatelet
volume, an indicator of platelet activation and aggregation,
which was reduced after treatment with CPAP therapy [30,
44]. Most studies have shown elevated individual components
of the haemostatic system in patients with OSAS, including
enhanced platelet activation and increased plasma levels of
TFPI, von Willebrand factor (vWF) and PAI-1 [31,45].
Whole blood coagulability
Unlike other standard clotting tests, measuring individual as-
pect of haemostasis such as prothrombin time (PT), partial
thromboplastin time (APTT), platelet aggregation or fibrinogen
level, the thromboelastography (TEG) is a method providing
detailed information of the entire haemostatic process, starting
from the initial stages of the fibrin formation, platelet count and
function, to clot lysis (fibrinolysis). Two recent human studies
have used TEG to assess coagulability in patients with OSAS
[35,46]. Guardiola et al. [46] evaluated only the latency of clot
formation (R time, time to initiate clotting) and found a signif-
icant association between OSAS and hypercoagulability (short-
ened R time). However, healthy subjects were included as con-
trols, thus not controlling for comorbidities of OSAS, such as
obesity, arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome, as po-
tential confounding factors that may affect haemostasis.
A more recent prospective crossover study [35]usedall
TEG parameters in assessing hypercoagulability in patients
with severe OSAS. Twelve patients were randomized to either
CPAP or no-CPAP for 2 weeks, a 1-week washout period, and
then the other testing period for 2 weeks. The study demon-
strated that severe OSAS was associated with global hyperco-
agulability, and CPAP significantly reduced AHI index, clot
strength and clotting index.
Some studies have demonstrated that patients with OSAS de-
velop an increased erythropoietin level and that the
haematocrit level is positively correlated with the severity of
OSAS [4749]. An increase in haematocrit may predispose
patients to an increased tendency to thrombus formation, but
the mechanisms are still unclear. The reduction in haematocrit
is related to an improvement in cardiovascular outcomes of
OSAS. Treatment with CPAP therapy in the short term (one
night to 3 months) and long term(1 year) improves the level of
haematocrit and polyglobulia [36,50,51].
Blood viscosity
Blood viscosity is defined as the internal resistance of the blood
to shear forces. Blood viscosity is determined by plasma viscos-
ity, haematocrit (volume fraction of erythrocytes, which consti-
tute 99.9 % of the cellular elements) and the mechanical behav-
iour of erythrocytes [52]. OSAS patients, not treated with CPAP,
demonstrate an increase in blood viscosity, which could result in
a slowdown of the blood flow, stasis, clot formation and vessel
occlusion [53,54]. Some authors [55] demonstrated that noctur-
nal desaturation is correlated with the increased diurnal blood
viscosity in untreated OSAS patients. The cause of this increase
Sleep Breath (2016) 20:457465 459
can be explained by chronic IH that increases the activity of
fibrinogen with increased plasma viscosity and also by the de-
formation and aggregation of erythrocytes and platelet activation.
A short study [38] analysed rheological measurements (e.g.
blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, erythrocyte elongation and
erythrocyte deformability) in patients with OSAS, before and
after five nights of CPAP therapy, as compared with a well-
matched control group. The study showed that five consecu-
tive nights of CPAP therapy improved blood rheological prop-
erties. Increased blood clotting, caused by modifications in the
rheological characteristics of blood and plasma, seems to be
an important factor linking OSAS and cardiovascular disorder
[42]. Many studies on OSAS and cardiovascular risk factors
have been published, but few studies have assessed the role of
blood and the influence of OSAS onthe rheological properties
on the blood coagulation [56], and hyper-viscosity is a poten-
tial mechanism for increased coagulability [57,58].
PAI-1, a member of the serine protease inhibitor family, is an
important component of the coagulation system that
downregulates fibrinolysis. It has been demonstrated that
low level of oxygen desaturation was associated with a higher
concentration of circulating PAI-1 in a group of OSAS pa-
tients [29]. Increased concentrations of PAI-1 predict the oc-
currence of acute myocardial infarction in men and women
with a high prevalence of coronary heart disease [59].
Recently, one study [60] has demonstrated increased pulmo-
nary artery hypertension (PAH) in OSAS patients, which
could be correlated with a genotypic heterogeneity with PAI-
1 5G/5G polymorphism, possibly in relation to the severity of
nocturnal hypoxaemia and apnea index. This study showed
that vascular remodelling of the pulmonary artery may be
related to a genotypic alteration of the PAI 1.
von Willebrand factor
vWF is a glycoprotein that plays an important role in stopping
the escape of blood from vessels (haemostasis) following vas-
cular injury. vWF works by mediating the adherence of plate-
lets to one another and to sites of endothelial damage, and it
prevents factor-VIII degradation. Scientific evidence
Tabl e 1 Summary table
describing effects of
CPAP therapy on
with OSAS
Factor Reference
Platelet activity:
Platelet aggregation: controlled study; 3 months CPAP, improvement of parameters Hui et al. [30]
Platelet activation: (sCD40L) and (sP-selectin); nonrandomized controlled trial;
8 weeks CPAP
Akinnusi et al. [31]
Platelet aggregability: nonrandomized controlled trial; one night; reduced
platelet aggregation
Bokinsky et al. [32]
Clotting factors:
Fibrinogen and FVIIc: randomized controlled trials; 1 month CPAP; improvement
of parameters
Robinson et al. [29]
VWF, FVIII and FV: randomized crossover trial; CPAP reduced the early morning
level of vWF, and nocturnal levels of FVIII and FV; 2 months CPAP
Phillips et al. [33]
VWF: double-blind randomized to 2 weeks CPAP; decreased level von Kanel et al. [34]
Tissue factor
TF: double-blind randomized to 2 weeks CPAP; no result Von Kanel et al. [34]
TF: nonrandomized nonequivalence controlled trial; 8 weeks CPAP; decrease level El Solh et al. [61]
Fibrin degradation fragment
D-Dimer: double-blind randomized to 2 weeks; not significant von Kanel et al. [34]
TEG: crossover study; 2 weeks CPAP; reduced clotting index Toukh et al. [35]
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
PAI-1: randomized controlled study; 2 weeks; decreased level von Kanel et al. [34]
Hct: uncontrolled intervention study; 3 months; decreased level Saarelainen et al. [36]
Hct and blood viscosity: casecontrol study; no effects. Reinhart et al. [37]
Blood viscosity: short stud; improved blood rheological properties Tazbirek et al. [38]
Vascular function: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover
trial; 6 weeks CPAP; improved vascular function
Cross et al. [39]
460 Sleep Breath (2016) 20:457465
regarding the relationship between OSAS and vWF highlights
an increase in vWF levels in OSAS patients [61].
Coagulation factors
Coagulation factors including XIIa (FXIIa) and VIIa (FVIIa)
and thrombin play a key role in the cascade coagulation. Rises
in the FXIIa, FVIIa, thrombin and antithrombin (TAT) have
been shown in patients with OSAS [62]. TAT is a marker of
thrombin turnover and indicates a tendency to blood clotting
disorders [63]. Moreover, TAT is increased in patients with
severe nocturnal desaturation and FVIIa has been found to
decrease in 30 % of patients who practiced CPAP therapy
[64]. Both FVIIa and FXIIa have been associated with in-
creased mortality from cardiovascular disorders [65,66], thus
suggesting another potential mechanisms predisposing OSAS
patients to cardiovascular events.
Platelet function
Elevated levels of soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L) and soluble
P-selectin (sP-selectin), two markers of platelet activation,
have been shown in OSAS patients, in correlation with noc-
turnal oxygen desaturation, and were reduced by CPAP ther-
apy [31]. CD40L and sP-selectin appear in plasma during the
early stage of blood coagulation and are well-known indica-
tors of thrombogenic conditions, such as disseminated intra-
vascular coagulation (DIC) [67]. Furthermore, levels of both
sCD40L and sP-selectin are increased in patients with hyper-
tension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes mellitus. In acute myo-
cardial infarction (AMI), platelets play a key role in thrombot-
ic processes that limit the patency of the recanalized, infarct-
related coronary artery.
Although not consistently [37,68], some studies have doc-
umented platelet function abnormalities in OSAS patients
where a close association between platelet activation and se-
verity of OSAS has been shown [32,69]. Furthermore, plate-
let aggregation is correlated with the severity of vascular dam-
age [11,70]. One study [30] demonstrated that platelet aggre-
gation is reduced after 3 monthstreatment with CPAP com-
pared with a control group. Another study [71] has shown that
positive effects of CPAP therapy on platelet aggregation were
seen only after 3 months of treatment, but not after 1 month.
Tissue factor pathway inhibitor
TFPI is a protein that initiates the extrinsic coagulation path-
way [72], exerting a direct thrombotic action in close relation
to cardiovascular disorder. Although TFPI serum levels have
been reported to be increased in patients with OSAS [73],
TFPI elevation does not correlate with the severity of OSAS
and no definitive evidence on the effect of CPAP treatment on
TFPI has been produced [34]. The chronic intermittent hyp-
oxia induces the production of TFPI via the activation of tran-
scription factor early growth factor 1 [7476], but available
data do not support TFPI as a pathophysiological mechanism
linking OSAS and cardiovascular disorder. Recently, a role for
TFPI in signal transduction, tumour metastasis, growth,
wound-healing and angiogenesis has been reported [77].
Circadian rhythm of coagulation factors and effect
Long-term treatment of severe OSAS has been correlated with
a decrease of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The
mechanisms responsible for the reduction of cardiovascular
risk with CPAP treatment are thought to include direct im-
provements in endothelial function, and vascular inflammato-
ry markers, that also contribute to improved outcomes [16,
39]. However, some studies have documented a temporal
alignment between increased coagulability and frequency of
cardiac events in OSAS, further supporting that CPAP-
mediated reduction of cardiovascular risk may also occur
through an improvement in the coagulation system.
Haus et al. [78] have studied coagulation markers over 24 h
and have found a diurnal biorhythm that shows an increase in
coagulability in the early morning, when a peak in the tempo-
ral occurrence of cardiovascular events such as myocardial
infarction, stroke and sudden cardiac death has been reported
in the general population [79]. Of note, in OSAS patients, the
frequency of cardiac events is higher during sleep.
Accordingly, platelet aggregation and increased activation
overnight have been reported in patients with OSAS com-
pared to the period before the sleep, with significant decreases
after CPAP therapy [32].
A randomized, placebo-controlled crossover trial has dem-
onstrated that treatment of OSAS with 2-month CPAP therapy
reduced the early morning level of vWF and the nocturnal
levels of FVIII and FV [33]. These data suggest that CPAP
may reduce cardiovascular events in OSAS, partly through
reducing risk of nocturnal thrombosis. Treatment with CPAP
acts during night hours when procoagulant factors are activat-
ed. In addition, the study revealed diurnal variations in many
coagulation markers.
In contrast, another study included 51 OSAS patients and
24 non-OSAS controls, and investigated day/night rhythm of
several prothrombotic markers and their potential changes
with therapeutic CPAP [80]. The authors have demonstrated
a day/night biorhythm for some prothrombotic factors in
OSAS patients compared with controls, but treatment with
CPAP therapy for 3 weeks did not influence day/night rhythm
Sleep Breath (2016) 20:457465 461
of prothrombotic markers in patients with OSAS compared to
the placebo-CPAP.
Association between obesity, OSAS
and hypercoagulability
The obesity epidemic is an alarming worldwide public health
problem [81]. Obesity predicts various health outcomes such
as diabetes, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, and mor-
tality [82]. In obese patients, the white adipose tissue becomes
hypoxic and dysfunctional leading to a chronic inflammatory
state and to dysregulation of the endocrine and paracrine ac-
tions of adipocyte-derived factors. In particular, it may play a
role in the obesity-associated prothrombotic and
hypofibrinolytic state as it increases the production of pro-
inflammatory and procoagulant factors, and can induce plate-
let activation and coagulation cascade, that could lead to in-
creased formation of thrombus and insoluble fibrin deposition.
Several mechanisms, such as systemic inflammation and ox-
idative stress, endothelial dysfunction, disturbances of lipid
metabolism and insulin resistance, also contribute to the hy-
percoagulable state in obesity [83]. Obesity has been reported
as a risk factor for OSA [84], with between 60 and 90 % of
OSAS patients being obese [85]. Gaining in weight worsens
the severity of OSA, while a drastic weight reduction through
diet or surgical interventions improves it [86]. It has been
recently demonstrated that obesity may contribute to the path-
ogenesis of OSA through to pharyngeal collapse in patients
without responsiveness of upper airway dilator muscle [87].
On the other hand, OSAS may contribute to obesity through
increased sympathetic activation, sleep deprivation, nocturnal
intermittent hypoxia and disrupted metabolism [88].
Furthermore, OSA may be related to changes in leptin, ghrelin
and orexin levels, and thus may increase individualsappetite
and caloric intake, which exacerbate obesity [89].
Two small longitudinal studies found a no statistically sig-
nificant correlation between change in OSA and changes in
BMI [90,91], whereas several more recent epidemiologic
studies have demonstrated significant correlations between
OSA and general and abdominal obesity [84,92,93]
As discussed above, both obesity and OSA are accompa-
nied by important changes in the haemostatic system and by
endothelial dysfunction, inflammation and oxidative stress
that may mutually and synergistically favour the development
of thrombosis [94]. This has led to the recognition of obesity
as a major confounding factor in the relationship between
OSAS and hypercoagulability. Results from clinical studies
are mixed with regard to the impact of adiposity, with some
studies demonstrating an independent association between
OSA and hypercoagulability [68], and others showing that
the relationship between OSA and hypercoagulability was
attenuated after controlling for BMI [95]. It can be
hypothesized that adiposity represents a major contributing
factor in specific derangements of the haemostatic system,
but the influence of OSA-dependent mechanism(s) cannot
be ruled out and deserves further evaluation. Well-designed
longitudinal and interventional studies that take confounding
variables, mostly obesity, into account are therefore needed to
demonstrate an independent causal link between OSA and
coagulation anomalies, to investigate underlying mechanisms
and to address whether they may be improved by CPAP
Conclusion and future directions
Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that OSAS is as-
sociated with coagulation anomalies that may contribute to
increased cardiovascular risk in patients with OSAS. Several
pathophysiological mechanisms are involved in the hyperco-
agulable state associated with OSAS, with important contri-
butions of IH-driven inflammation and obesity. Although
CPAP therapy has been demonstrated to play a beneficial role
in the coagulation disorders as well as in the vascular derange-
ments in OSAS, the available data suggest that future longi-
tudinal studies are needed to determine the relationship be-
tween OSAS severity and hypercoagulability, and the role of
anti-coagulants in patients with poor adherence to CPAP. In
addition, future trials are warranted to explore the mechanisms
that control diurnal/night variation in haemostatic balance and
if these variation is improved by long-term CPAP treatment.
Definitive evidence that reducing hypercoagulability in OSAS
may translate into reduced cardiovascular events is lacking,
and therefore would require conformation in prospective ran-
domized longitudinal studies
Conflict of interest All authors certify that they have no affiliations
with or involvement in any organization or entity with any financial
interest or non-financial interest in the subject matter or materials
discussed in this manuscript.
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... In these overlap patients, the use of CPAP significantly improved mortality and exacerbation rate. Moreover, CPAP is also able to significantly reduce P aCO 2 to normocapnia in overlap patients with chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure [16]. In these patients, the main mechanism determinant of hypercapnia is probably the sleep disturbances, which, added to the increased respiratory load of the obstructive disease, lead to nocturnal and, consequently, diurnal hypoventilation. ...
Full-text available
Home noninvasive ventilation (HNIV) improves outcomes in different disease categories. In this article, we discuss indications for when and how to initiate HNIV in COPD, obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) and neuromuscular disorders (NMD). While in COPD, significant diurnal hypercapnia and high-intensity HNIV are essential ingredients for success, in NMD and OHS, early respiratory changes are best detected during sleep through oxy-capnography associated (or not) with respiratory polygraphy. In COPD and OHS, it is crucial to consider the coexistence of obstructive sleep apnoea because treatment with continuous positive airway pressure may be the simplest and most effective treatment that should be proposed even in hypercapnic patients as first-line therapy. In NMD, the need for continuous HNIV and eventual switching to tracheostomy ventilation makes this group's management more challenging. Achieving successful HNIV by improving quality of sleep, quality of life and keeping a good adherence to the therapy is a challenge, above all in COPD patients. In OHS patients, on top of HNIV, initiation of other interventions such as weight loss management is crucial. More resources should be invested in improving all these aspects. Telemonitoring represents a promising method to improve titration and follow-up of HNIV.
... Small prospective observational studies have also shown improvement in spirometry and arterial blood gases with CPAP therapy, supporting the use of early treatment to improve hypoxaemia and reduce lung function decline with improvements maintained on follow-up for up to 12 months [70,71]. ...
Full-text available
Purpose OSA-COPD overlap is an important and prevalent condition yet remains under-recognised among the vast majority of respiratory health professionals. Patients with OSA-COPD overlap experience more severe respiratory symptoms and worse quality of life, and the relative risk of exacerbations, hospitalisations, and mortality is higher than in either disease state alone. Methods Electronic databases PUBMED and Google Scholar were searched for studies and academic papers that discussed OSA-COPD overlap. Relevant papers that discussed prevalence, pathophysiology, microbiome studies, treatment regimens and outcomes were included in this paper. Results High-risk patients with either COPD or OSA should be screened for overlap syndrome as part of routine clinical practice. Screening questionnaires can identify high-risk patients with COPD who may benefit from formal polysomnography. Patients with OSA who are aged over 40 with a significant smoking history or environmental exposures have an increased pre-test probability of obstructive airway disease. The potential roles of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and lung-gut microbiome are evolving and merit further investigation. A tailored approach to reach a timely diagnosis and thus optimisation of both conditions are key to management. CPAP is the primary therapy for OSA; however, patients with more advanced COPD, with daytime hypercapnia or severe nocturnal desaturations, may benefit from bilevel positive airway pressure. Conclusion Increased awareness, access to timely investigations and initiation of therapy will improve overall outcomes in OSA-COPD overlap by reducing hospitalisations for exacerbations of COPD and improve mortality rates.
... 75,76 has been linked with physiological benefits in OS including improved arterial blood gases (reduced PaCO 2 and increased PaO 2 ), 28,32,77 6-minute walk distance, 78 forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV 1 ), 32,79 respiratory muscle strength, 80 skeletal muscle strength, 80 exercise capacity, 80 and mean pulmonary artery pressure. 81 Patients who are adherent to PAP therapy have been found to have reduced COPD exacerbations, 82 COPD-related hospitalizations, 46,83,84 cardiovascular events, 45 and mortality. 46,82,85,86 Most of these studies employed CPAP. ...
Full-text available
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are common chronic diseases. These two noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are prevalent among approximately 10% of the general population. Approximately 1% of the population is affected by the co‐existence of both conditions, known as the overlap syndrome (OS). OS patients suffer from greater degrees of nocturnal oxygen desaturation and cardiovascular consequences than those with either condition in isolation. Besides OS, patients with COPD may suffer from a spectrum of sleep‐related breathing disorders, including hypoventilation and central sleep apnea. The article provides an overview of the pathogenesis, associated risk factors, prevalence, and management of sleep‐related breathing disorders in COPD. It examines respiratory changes during sleep caused by COPD and OSA. It elaborates upon the factors that link the two conditions together to lead to OS. It also discusses the clinical evaluation and diagnosis of these patients. Subsequently, it reviews the pathophysiological basis and the current evidence for three potential therapies: positive airway pressure therapy [including continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bilevel positive airway pressure], oxygen therapy, and pharmacological therapy. It also proposes a phenotypic approach towards the diagnosis and treatment of OS and the entire spectrum of sleep‐related breathing disorders in COPD. It concludes with the current evidence gaps and future areas of research in the management of OS.
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Purpose We assess the predictive value of diaphragm excursion (DE) in enhancing exercise tolerance following pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) among patients with COPD-OSA overlap syndrome. Material and Methods This prospective cohort study enrolled 63 patients diagnosed with COPD-OSA overlap syndrome who actively participated in a PR program from January 2021 to May 2023. Among these, 58 patients successfully completed the 20-week PR program, with exercise tolerance assessed through the measurement of six-minute walk distance (6MWD), and DE evaluated by ultrasonography. The responder to PR in terms of exercise ability was defined as a patient who showed an increase of >30m in 6MWD. The cutoff value for predicting PR response based on DE was determined using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Results Following the PR program, significant improvements were observed in mMRC, 6MWD, DE during deep breathing, and diaphragm thickness fraction (DTF). Of the participants, 33 patients (57%) were classified as responders, while 25 patients (43%) were considered non-responders. Baseline values of FEV1% predicted, 6MWD, DE during deep breathing, DTF, and PaO2 exhibited a significant elevation in responders as compared to non-responders. The changes of 6MWD were positively associated with the baseline values of DTF and DE during deep breathing, FEV1% predicted and PaO2, while negatively correlated with baseline value of mMRC. The predictive performance in terms of the area under the ROC curve for determining responder’s DTF was found to be 0.769, accompanied by a sensitivity of 85% and specificity of 68%, using a cutoff value at 17.26%. Moreover, it was observed that DE during deep breathing could predict the area under the ROC curve for responders to be 0.753, with a sensitivity of 91% and specificity of 56% at a cutoff value of 3.61cm. Conclusion Diaphragm excursion serves as a valuable predictor for determining the enhancement of exercise tolerance following PR in patients with COPD-OSA overlap syndrome. Trial Registration ChiCTR1800020257,
Full-text available
Chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure in obstructive lung diseases may benefit from nocturnal Home non-invasive ventilation (HNIV). It has been shown that in patients with persistence of hypercapnia after an acute episode of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation requiring mechanical ventilation, HNIV may improve the risk for new admission and survival. The ability to reach these aims depends on the correct timing of enrolling patients, as well as a correct definition of ventilatory needing and setting of the ventilator. This review tries to define a possible home treatment path of hypercapnic respiratory failure in COPD by analyzing the main studies published in recent years.
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Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a highly prevalent disorder that has profound implications on the outcomes of patients with chronic lung disease. The hallmark of OSA is a collapse of the oropharynx resulting in a transient reduction in airflow, large intrathoracic pressure swings, and intermittent hypoxia and hypercapnia. The subsequent cytokine-mediated inflammatory cascade, coupled with tractional lung injury, damages the lungs and may worsen several conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, interstitial lung disease, and pulmonary hypertension. Further complicating this is the sleep fragmentation and deterioration of sleep quality that occurs because of OSA, which can compound the fatigue and physical exhaustion often experienced by patients due to their chronic lung disease. For patients with many pulmonary disorders, the available evidence suggests that the prompt recognition and treatment of sleep-disordered breathing improves their quality of life and may also alter the course of their illness. However, more robust studies are needed to truly understand this relationship and the impacts of confounding comorbidities such as obesity and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Clinicians taking care of patients with chronic pulmonary disease should screen and treat patients for OSA, given the complex bidirectional relationship OSA has with chronic lung disease.
The co-occurrence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the same patient, named the overlap syndrome (OS), was first described in 1985. Although the American Thoracic Society underlined the limited knowledge of OS, stated research priorities for this condition, and recommended a “screening” strategy to identify OSA in COPD patients with chronic stable hypercapnia, research studies on OS remain scarce. This review aims to summarize the current knowledge and perspectives related to OSA in COPD patients. OS prevalence is 1.0–3.6% in the general population, 3–66% in COPD patients, and 7–55% in OSA patients. OS patients may have worse sleep quality than those with OSA or COPD alone. Scoring hypopneas may be difficult in COPD patients; desaturation episodes may have origins in these patients, namely upper airway obstruction, hypoventilation during paradoxical sleep, ventilation/perfusion mismatches, and obesity. The apnea–hypopnea index is similar in OSA and OS patients. Desaturations may be greater and more prolonged in OS patients than in patients with COPD or OSA alone. Low body mass index, hyperinflation, and less collapsible airways reduce the risk of OSA in COPD patients. OSA is a risk factor for pulmonary hypertension in COPD patients. Whether OS increases mortality and morbidity risks compared to COPD or OSA alone remains to be confirmed. No guidelines currently recommend specific approaches to the treatment of OSA in patients with COPD.
Study objectives: Both obesity and airways disease can lead to chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure, which can be managed with positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy. The efficacy of PAP has been studied in obesity hypoventilation syndrome as well as in chronic hypercapnic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients, but not in patients where both obesity and airway obstruction coexist. This pilot study aims to compare the efficacy of continuous positive airway pressure vs bilevel positive airway pressure spontaneous mode in the treatment of hypoventilation disorder with obesity and obstructive airways disease. Methods: We sequentially screened PAP-naïve patients with stable chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure (PaCO2 > 45 mm Hg), obesity (body mass index > 30 kg/m2), and obstructive airways disease. Participants were randomized to continuous positive airway pressure or bilevel positive airway pressure spontaneous mode treatment for 3 months. Participants were blinded to their PAP allocation. Change in awake PaCO2 was the primary endpoint. Secondary endpoints included change in lung function, daytime sleepiness, sleep quality, quality of life, PAP adherence, and neurocognitive function. Results: A total of 32 individuals were randomized (mean ± SD: age 61 ± 11 years, body mass index 43 ± 7 kg/m2, PaCO2 54 ± 7 mm Hg, forced expiratory volume in 1 second 1.4 ± 0.6L, apnea-hypopnea index 59 ± 35 events/h). Sixteen participants in each PAP group were analyzed. Bilevel positive airway pressure yielded a greater improvement in PaCO2 compared to continuous positive airway pressure (9.4 mm Hg, 95% confidence interval, 4.3-15 mm Hg). There were no significant differences in PAP adherence, sleepiness, sleep quality, or neurocognitive function between the two therapies. Conclusions: Although both PAP modalities improved hypercapnic respiratory failure in this group of individuals, bilevel positive airway pressure spontaneous mode showed greater efficacy in reducing PaCO2. Clinical trial registration: Registry: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry; Name: Nocturnal ventilatory support in obesity hypoventilation syndrome; URL:; Identifier: ACTRN12605000096651. Citation: Zheng Y, Yee BJ, Wong K, Grunstein R, Piper A. A pilot randomized trial comparing CPAP vs bilevel PAP spontaneous mode in the treatment of hypoventilation disorder in patients with obesity and obstructive airway disease. J Clin Sleep Med. 2022;18(1):99-107.
Increasingly compelling data link chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) to cardiovascular complications independent of known comorbidities. It remains unclear whether the association is amplified in the presence of both conditions. The aims of this study are to assess the prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) in overlap syndrome (OS) and to identify risk factors predisposing to this atrial arrhythmia. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 268 adults without past or current AF who were referred for an initial diagnostic polysomnogram from 2012 to 2019. A logistic regression analysis was performed to identify risk factors for incident AF. Incident AF occurred in 64 subjects [cumulative probability 24%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 19–29]. Independent predictors of incident AF were age-adjusted Charlson index [Odds ratio (OR) 1.62; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.3–2.0], percentage of time spent with O2 saturation below 90% (CT90) (OR 3.72, 95% CI 1.18–11.71), and CPAP adherence (OR 0.32, 95% CI 0.13–0.71). OS patients with AF experienced higher hospitalization rates (OR 1.25, 95% CI 1.03–2.37) and worse mortality rates (OR 1.92, 95% CI 1.04–3.54). In multivariate Cox proportional regression, age-adjusted Charlson Index, severity of airflow obstruction, and CPAP adherence were independent predictors of mortality. The burden of hypoxemia and severity of comorbidities are independent factors for incident AF in individuals with OS. CPAP adherence may mitigate the risk of AF and reduce the rate of mortality in this population.
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This summary presents an overview of the entire document or the health practitioner, which is readily available online (www.copd-ats-ers, and This summary does not include any reference to the patient document, which, due to its inherent characteristics, cannot be presented in a conventional format. The readers are encouraged to visit the website to access both full documents. The committee that developed this document fully understands that the field is rapidly changing and that individual components of this document need to be updated periodically as the need arises. However, the modular and flexible design allows for this to occur easier than ever before. The challenge for the future is to develop mechanisms to permit the updated flow of valid scientific information to reach all who need it.
Hypoxaemia occurs during sleep in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This may have clinical consequences, but routine studies of breathing and oxygen during sleep in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is not advocated. Domiciliary oxygen therapy is the current treatment of choice in patients who are hypoxaemic both during the day and at night. The roles of nocturnal intermittent positive pressure ventilation and respiratory stimulants may grow.
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of nocturnal nasal ventilation (NNV) in patients with rigidly defined, severe but stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and hypercapnia. Design: By randomization, eligible patients were assigned to an active or a sham treatment arm. Data from these two groups were analyzed statistically. Material and Methods: Initially, 35 patients with severe COPD (forced expiratory volume in I second [FEV1] of less than 40% predicted) and daytime hypercapnia (arterial carbon dioxide tension [PaCO2] of more than 45 mm Hg) were enrolled in a 3-month NNV trial. After a minimal observation period of 6 weeks, 13 patients were judged to be clinically stable and were randomized to NNV (N = 7) or sham (N = 6) treatment, consisting of nightly use of a bilevel positive airway pressure (PAP) device set to deliver an inspiratory pressure of either 10 or 0 cm of water (H2O). The device was used in the spontaneous or timed mode and set to a minimal expiratory pressure of 2 cm H2O. Patients underwent extensive physiologic testing including polysomnography and were introduced to the bilevel PAP system during a 2.5-day hospital stay. Results: The NNV and sham treatment groups were similar in mean age (71.0 versus 66.5 years), PaCO2 (54.7 versus 48.5 mm Hg), and FEV1 (0.62 versus 0.72 L). Only four of seven patients in the NNV group were still using the bilevel PAP device at the completion of the trial, as opposed to all six patients in the sham group. Only one patient had a substantial reduction in PaCO2-from 50 mm Hg at baseline to 43 mm Hg after 3 months of NNV. He declined further NNV treatment with bilevel PAP. Sham treatment did not lower PaCO2. Lung function, nocturnal oxygen saturation, and sleep efficiency remained unchanged in both groups. Conclusion: Disabled but clinically stable patients with COPD and hypercapnia do not readily accept and are unlikely to benefit from NNV.
Objectives: We examined the association of baseline plasma fibrinogen with future risk of myocardial infarction (MI) in the Physicians' Health Study. Background: Elevated plasma fibrinogen increases and low dose aspirin decreases risk of MI. However, prospective data are limited about their interrelationships. Methods: Blood samples were prospectively collected at baseline from 14,916 men in the Physicians' Health Study, aged 40 to 84 years, who were randomly assigned to take aspirin (325 mg every other day) or placebo for 5 years. We measured baseline plasma fibrinogen among 199 incident cases of MI and 199 age- and smoking-matched control subjects free of cardiovascular disease at the time of the case's diagnosis. Results: Cases had significantly higher baseline fibrinogen levels (geometric mean: 262 mg/dl) than did control subjects (245 mg/dl, p = 0.02). Those with high fibrinogen levels (> or =343 mg/dl, the 90th percentile distribution of the control subjects) had a twofold increase in MI risk (age- and smoking-adjusted relative risk = 2.09, 95% confidence interval = 1.15 to 3.78) compared with those with fibrinogen below 343 mg/dl. Adjustment for lipids and other coronary risk factors as well as randomized aspirin assignment did not materially change the result. Furthermore, we observed no interaction between fibrinogen level and aspirin treatment. Conclusions: Among these apparently healthy U.S. male physicians, fibrinogen is associated with increased risk of future MI independent of other coronary risk factors, atherogenic factors such as lipids and antithrombotics such as aspirin.
Sleep disordered breathing (SDB), namely hypoventilation and obstructive sleep apnoea, occur in about 50% of patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Previous studies that have investigated the reversal of SDB in such patients with nasally applied intermittent positive airway pressure have reported a fall in PaCO2 but little change in airflow obstruction. We reasoned that the lack of improvement in airflow obstruction may be due to insufficient expiratory pressure. Accordingly, we sought to determine the effects of chronic nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), at highest tolerable levels, upon blood gases and airflow obstruction in patients with severe COPD and SDB. Fourteen patients were studied, ten of whom were able to tolerate CPAP (10.2 +/- 0.9 cmH2O) for at least 3 months. Within the CPAP compliant group, there was a fall in PaCO2 (58.0 +/- 3.5 to 48.0 +/- 0.9 mmHg, P = 0.015) associated with a rise in PaO2 (54.8 +/- 3.8 to 63.2 +/- 1.8 mmHg, P = 0.015) and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (0.95 +/- 0.13 to 1.10 +/- 0.13 L, P < 0.005). Concurrent with these improvements was a substantial fall in hospitalization rates (from 3.85 to 0.73 admissions per annum). Improvements in gas exchange, airflow obstruction and hospitalization rates were observed in patients with COPD and SDB treated with nasal CPAP during sleep.
Obstructive sleep apnea-hypoapnea syndrome (OSA) is a disorder that results in repetitive occlusion of the airway and hypoxemia during sleep. Epidemiologic studies have associated this disorder with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Systemic hypertension is prevalent among patients with OSA and has been recognized as a common identifiable cause of hypertension. Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) ventilation is an effective therapy for OSA and it may additionally reduce blood pressure. The use of nCPAP ventilation to treat hypertension in patients with OSA has been studied extensively. However, whether it is effective in treating hypertension in this population remains unclear. This review evaluates the recent literature that investigates the effects of nCPAP ventilation on hypertension in patients with OSA.
Our aim was to analyze rheological properties of blood and plasma in patients (n=31) with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) before and after five nights of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy as compared with a well-matched control group (n=19). Rheology measurements included blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, erythrocyte elongation and erythrocyte deformability variables specific to the aggregation process. The mean whole blood viscosity of the OSA groups was 18.6% higher than that of the control group (P<0.001), plasma viscosity was 7.2% higher (P<0.001), and the blood count was 6% higher (P<0.001). The corrected viscosity of the OSA group was elevated 6.6% (P<0.05) and the aggregation index was 9.3% higher (P<0.05) relative to the control group. Aggregation half-time of the OSA group was 23.5% shorter than that of the control group (P<0.05). Following CPAP therapy, the rheological variables of the OSA group were significantly reduced: whole blood viscosity was 10.5% lower (P<0.001), plasma viscosity was 4.1% lower (P<0.05), corrected blood viscosity was 4.8% lower (P<0.05), and the aggregation index was 7% lower (P<0.05), while the aggregation half-time was increased 25.4% (P<0.05). There were significant correlations between rheologic and polysomnographic variables for the OSA group. Therefore, five consecutive nights of CPAP therapy improved blood rheological properties in patients with OSA. These findings may help to determine cardiovascular prognoses in these patients.
Previous preliminary results have shown an overnight decrease in haematocrit and red cell count after the first night of treatment with nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients. The present study was designed to confirm these preliminary data, and to analyse the long-term effects of CPAP. The haematocrit and red cell count (RCC) were measured in 80 OSA patients on two consecutive mornings, after an untreated night and after a CPAP treatment night. The haematocrit and RCC significantly decreased with CPAP (from 44.0 +/- 0.5 to 42.4 +/- 0.4%, p less than 0.0001 and from 4.769 +/- 0.051 to 4.597 +/- 0.052 x 10(12) red cells.l-1, p less than 0.0001, respectively). Neither the decrease in haematocrit nor the decrease in RCC were correlated with the decrease in urine volume or flow which occurred with CPAP. Thirty five of these patients remained untreated for 45 +/- 4 days, before home treatment with CPAP was initiated. The haematocrit and RCC had returned to values close to those before initial treatment and decreased again after the first treatment night. Twenty one of the patients were re-evaluated after at least one year of home treatment with CPAP, again on two consecutive nights either with CPAP or untreated. The follow-up, post-CPAP haematocrit and RCC were slightly and nonsignificantly higher than after the baseline CPAP night, but still lower than after the baseline untreated night (p less than 0.02). After the untreated follow-up night, no significant change in haematocrit was observed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)