Dmitry Vetrov

Dmitry Vetrov
National Research University Higher School of Economics | HSE · Faculty of Computer Sciences



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January 2007 - July 2015
Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (131)
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Diffusion distillation methods aim to compress the diffusion models into efficient one-step generators while trying to preserve quality. Among them, Distribution Matching Distillation (DMD) offers a suitable framework for training general-form one-step generators, applicable beyond unconditional generation. In this work, we introduce its modificati...
The task of manipulating real image attributes through StyleGAN inversion has been extensively researched. This process involves searching latent variables from a well-trained StyleGAN generator that can synthesize a real image, modifying these latent variables, and then synthesizing an image with the desired edits. A balance must be struck between...
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This paper introduces UnDiff, a diffusion probabilistic model capable of solving various speech inverse tasks. Being once trained for speech waveform generation in an unconditional manner, it can be adapted to different tasks including degradation inversion, neural vocoding, and source separation. In this paper, we, first, tackle the challenging pr...
Transfer learning and ensembling are two popular techniques for improving the performance and robustness of neural networks. Due to the high cost of pre-training, ensembles of models fine-tuned from a single pre-trained checkpoint are often used in practice. Such models end up in the same basin of the loss landscape and thus have limited diversity....
Methods based on Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM) became a ubiquitous tool in generative modeling. However, they are mostly limited to Gaussian and discrete diffusion processes. We propose Star-Shaped Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (SS-DDPM), a model with a non-Markovian diffusion-like noising process. In the case of Gaussi...
Domain adaptation of GANs is a problem of fine-tuning the state-of-the-art GAN models (e.g. StyleGAN) pretrained on a large dataset to a specific domain with few samples (e.g. painting faces, sketches, etc.). While there are a great number of methods that tackle this problem in different ways there are still many important questions that remain una...
Discoveries from genome-wide association studies often contain large clusters of highly correlated genetic variants, which makes them hard to interpret. In such cases, finemapping the underlying causal variants become important. Here we present a new method, the Finemap-MiXeR, based on a variational Bayesian approach for finemapping genomic data, i...
Domain adaptation framework of GANs has achieved great progress in recent years as a main successful approach of training contemporary GANs in the case of very limited training data. In this work, we significantly improve this framework by proposing an extremely compact parameter space for fine-tuning the generator. We introduce a novel domain-modu...
Neural networks are used for channel decoding, channel detection, channel evaluation, and resource management in multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) wireless communication systems. In this paper, we consider the problem of finding precoding matrices with high spectral efficiency (SE) using variational autoencoder (VAE). We propose a computationally...
A fundamental property of deep learning normalization techniques, such as batch normalization, is making the pre-normalization parameters scale invariant. The intrinsic domain of such parameters is the unit sphere, and therefore their gradient optimization dynamics can be represented via spherical optimization with varying effective learning rate (...
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Fast Fourier convolution (FFC) is the recently proposed neural operator showing promising performance in several computer vision problems. The FFC operator allows employing large receptive field operations within early layers of the neural network. It was shown to be especially helpful for inpainting of periodic structures which are common in audio...
Generative adversarial networks have recently demonstrated outstanding performance in neural vocoding outperforming best autoregressive and flow-based models. In this paper, we show that this success can be extended to other tasks of conditional audio generation. In particular, building upon HiFi vocoders, we propose a novel HiFi++ general framewor...
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Channel decoding, channel detection, channel assessment, and resource management for wireless multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are all examples of problems where machine learning (ML) can be successfully applied. In this paper, we study several ML approaches to solve the problem of estimating the spectral efficiency (SE) value for a ce...
Structured latent variables allow incorporating meaningful prior knowledge into deep learning models. However, learning with such variables remains challenging because of their discrete nature. Nowadays, the standard learning approach is to define a latent variable as a perturbed algorithm output and to use a differentiable surrogate for training....
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Bias correction techniques are used by most of the high-performing methods for off-policy reinforcement learning. However, these techniques rely on a pre-defined bias correction policy that is either not flexible enough or requires environment-specific tuning of hyperparameters. In this work, we present a simple data-driven approach for guiding bia...
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Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have an enormous potential impact on digital content creation, e.g., photo-realistic digital avatars, semantic content editing, and quality enhancement of speech and images. However, the performance of modern GANs comes together with massive amounts of computations performed during the inference and high energ...
Despite the conventional wisdom that using batch normalization with weight decay may improve neural network training, some recent works show their joint usage may cause instabilities at the late stages of training. Other works, in contrast, show convergence to the equilibrium, i.e., the stabilization of training metrics. In this paper, we study thi...
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Averaging predictions over a set of models -- an ensemble -- is widely used to improve predictive performance and uncertainty estimation of deep learning models. At the same time, many machine learning systems, such as search, matching, and recommendation systems, heavily rely on embeddings. Unfortunately, due to misalignment of features of indepen...
Credit assignment is a fundamental problem in reinforcement learning, the problem of measuring an action's influence on future rewards. Improvements in credit assignment methods have the potential to boost the performance of RL algorithms on many tasks, but thus far have not seen widespread adoption. Recently, a family of methods called Hindsight C...
Ensembles of deep neural networks are known to achieve state-of-the-art performance in uncertainty estimation and lead to accuracy improvement. In this work, we focus on a classification problem and investigate the behavior of both non-calibrated and calibrated negative log-likelihood (CNLL) of a deep ensemble as a function of the ensemble size and...
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is a computational approach to fundamental problems such as inference, integration, optimization, and simulation. The field has developed a broad spectrum of algorithms, varying in the way they are motivated, the way they are applied and how efficiently they sample. Despite all the differences, many of them share the...
Tensor decomposition methods have recently proven to be efficient for compressing and accelerating neural networks. However, the problem of optimal decomposition structure determination is still not well studied while being quite important. Specifically, decomposition ranks present the crucial parameter controlling the compression-accuracy trade-of...
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Training neural networks with binary weights and activations is a challenging problem due to the lack of gradients and difficulty of optimization over discrete weights. Many successful experimental results have been recently achieved using the empirical straight-through estimation approach. This approach has generated a variety of ad-hoc rules for...
One of the generally accepted views of modern deep learning is that increasing the number of parameters usually leads to better quality. The two easiest ways to increase the number of parameters is to increase the size of the network, e.g. width, or to train a deep ensemble; both approaches improve the performance in practice. In this work, we cons...
The overestimation bias is one of the major impediments to accurate off-policy learning. This paper investigates a novel way to alleviate the overestimation bias in a continuous control setting. Our method---Truncated Quantile Critics, TQC,---blends three ideas: distributional representation of a critic, truncation of critics prediction, and ensemb...
One of the most popular approaches for neural network compression is sparsification — learning sparse weight matrices. In structured sparsification, weights are set to zero by groups corresponding to structure units, e. g. neurons. We further develop the structured sparsification approach for the gated recurrent neural networks, e. g. Long Short-Te...
Learning models with discrete latent variables using stochastic gradient descent remains a challenge due to the high variance of gradient estimates. Modern variance reduction techniques mostly consider categorical distributions and have limited applicability when the number of possible outcomes becomes large. In this work, we consider models with l...
Variational autoencoders are prominent generative models for modeling discrete data. However, with flexible decoders, they tend to ignore the latent codes. In this paper, we study a VAE model with a deterministic decoder (DD-VAE) for sequential data that selects the highest-scoring tokens instead of sampling. Deterministic decoding solely relies on...
Stochastic regularization of neural networks (e.g. dropout) is a wide-spread technique in deep learning that allows for better generalization. Despite its success, continuous-time models, such as neural ordinary differential equation (ODE), usually rely on a completely deterministic feed-forward operation. This work provides an empirical study of s...
Test-time data augmentation---averaging the predictions of a machine learning model across multiple augmented samples of data---is a widely used technique that improves the predictive performance. While many advanced learnable data augmentation techniques have emerged in recent years, they are focused on the training phase. Such techniques are not...
Uncertainty estimation and ensembling methods go hand-in-hand. Uncertainty estimation is one of the main benchmarks for assessment of ensembling performance. At the same time, deep learning ensembles have provided state-of-the-art results in uncertainty estimation. In this work, we focus on in-domain uncertainty for image classification. We explore...
We present MLRG Deep Curvature suite, a PyTorch-based, open-source package for analysis and visualisation of neural network curvature and loss landscape. Despite of providing rich information into properties of neural network and useful for a various designed tasks, curvature information is still not made sufficient use for various reasons, and our...
Theoretical analysis in [1] suggested that adversarially trained generative models are naturally inclined to learn distribution with low support. In particular, this effect is caused by the limited capacity of the discriminator network. To verify this claim, [2] proposed a statistical test based on the birthday paradox that partially confirmed the...
Learning models with discrete latent variables using stochastic gradient descent remains a challenge due to the high variance of gradient estimates. Modern variance reduction techniques mostly consider categorical distributions and have limited applicability when the number of possible outcomes becomes large. In this work, we consider models with l...
Recently, a lot of techniques were developed to sparsify the weights of neural networks and to remove networks' structure units, e.g. neurons. We adjust the existing sparsification approaches to the gated recurrent architectures. Specifically, in addition to the sparsification of weights and neurons, we propose sparsifying the preactivations of gat...
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Generative models produce realistic objects in many domains, including text, image, video, and audio synthesis. Most popular models---Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)---usually employ a standard Gaussian distribution as a prior. Previous works show that the richer family of prior distributions may help to a...
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Bayesian inference was once a gold standard for learning with neural networks, providing accurate full predictive distributions and well calibrated uncertainty. However, scaling Bayesian inference techniques to deep neural networks is challenging due to the high dimensionality of the parameter space. In this paper, we construct low-dimensional subs...
In this work, we investigate Batch Normalization technique and propose its probabilistic interpretation. We propose a probabilistic model and show that Batch Normalization maximizes the lower bound of its marginal log-likelihood. Then, according to the new probabilistic model, we design an algorithm which acts consistently during train and test. Ho...
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Recent works propose using the discriminator of a GAN to filter out unrealistic samples of the generator. We generalize these ideas by introducing the implicit Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. For any implicit probabilistic model and a target distribution represented by a set of samples, implicit Metropolis-Hastings operates by learning a discriminat...
Variational Inference is a powerful tool in the Bayesian modeling toolkit, however, its effectiveness is determined by the expressivity of the utilized variational distributions in terms of their ability to match the true posterior distribution. In turn, the expressivity of the variational family is largely limited by the requirement of having a tr...
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This paper proposes a semi-conditional normalizing flow model for semi-supervised learning. The model uses both labelled and unlabeled data to learn an explicit model of joint distribution over objects and labels. Semi-conditional architecture of the model allows us to efficiently compute a value and gradients of the marginal likelihood for unlabel...
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We propose a novel multi-texture synthesis model based on generative adversarial networks (GANs) with a user-controllable mechanism. The user control ability allows to explicitly specify the texture which should be generated by the model. This property follows from using an encoder part which learns a latent representation for each texture from the...
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We propose SWA-Gaussian (SWAG), a simple, scalable, and general purpose approach for uncertainty representation and calibration in deep learning. Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA), which computes the first moment of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) iterates with a modified learning rate schedule, has recently been shown to improve generalization i...
Bayesian methods have been successfully applied to sparsify weights of neural networks and to remove structure units from the networks, e. g. neurons. We apply and further develop this approach for gated recurrent architectures. Specifically, in addition to sparsification of individual weights and neurons, we propose to sparsify preactivations of g...
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Neural Network is a powerful Machine Learning tool that shows outstanding performance in Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and Artificial Intelligence. In particular, recently proposed ResNet architecture and its modifications produce state-of-the-art results in image classification problems. ResNet and most of the previously proposed a...
We study the Automatic Relevance Determination procedure applied to deep neural networks. We show that ARD applied to Bayesian DNNs with Gaussian approximate posterior distributions leads to a variational bound similar to that of variational dropout, and in the case of a fixed dropout rate, objectives are exactly the same. Experimental results show...
In natural language processing, a lot of the tasks are successfully solved with recurrent neural networks, but such models have a huge number of parameters. The majority of these parameters are often concentrated in the embedding layer, which size grows proportionally to the vocabulary length. We propose a Bayesian sparsification technique for RNNs...
In this paper we propose to view the acceptance rate of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm as a universal objective for learning to sample from target distribution -- given either as a set of samples or in the form of unnormalized density. This point of view unifies the goals of such approaches as Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), Generative Adversar...
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Bayesian inference is known to provide a general framework for incorporating prior knowledge or specific properties into machine learning models via carefully choosing a prior distribution. In this work, we propose a new type of prior distributions for convolutional neural networks, deep weight prior, that in contrast to previously published techni...
We propose a novel autoencoding model called Pairwise Augmented GANs. We train a generator and an encoder jointly and in an adversarial manner. The generator network learns to sample realistic objects. In turn, the encoder network at the same time is trained to map the true data distribution to the prior in latent space. To ensure good reconstructi...
We extend the existing framework of semi-implicit variational inference (SIVI) and introduce doubly semi-implicit variational inference (DSIVI), a way to perform variational inference and learning when both the approximate posterior and the prior distribution are semi-implicit. In other words, DSIVI performs inference in models where the prior and...
We explore recently introduced definition modeling technique that provided the tool for evaluation of different distributed vector representations of words through modeling dictionary definitions of words. In this work, we study the problem of word ambiguities in definition modeling and propose a possible solution by employing latent variable model...
We propose a single neural probabilistic model based on variational autoencoder that can be conditioned on an arbitrary subset of observed features and then sample the remaining features in "one shot". The features may be both real-valued and categorical. Training of the model is performed by stochastic variational Bayes. The experimental evaluatio...
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Deep neural networks are typically trained by optimizing a loss function with an SGD variant, in conjunction with a decaying learning rate, until convergence. We show that simple averaging of multiple points along the trajectory of SGD, with a cyclical or constant learning rate, leads to better generalization than conventional training. We also sho...
In industrial machine learning pipelines, data often arrive in parts. Particularly in the case of deep neural networks, it may be too expensive to train the model from scratch each time, so one would rather use a previously learned model and the new data to improve performance. However, deep neural networks are prone to getting stuck in a suboptima...
In this work, we investigate Batch Normalization technique and propose its probabilistic interpretation. We propose a probabilistic model and show that Batch Normalization maximazes the lower bound of its marginalized log-likelihood. Then, according to the new probabilistic model, we design an algorithm which acts consistently during train and test...
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We present a probabilistic model with discrete latent variables that control the computation time in deep learning models such as ResNets and LSTMs. A prior on the latent variables expresses the preference for faster computation. The amount of computation for an input is determined via amortized maximum a posteriori (MAP) inference. MAP inference i...
Recurrent neural networks show state-of-the-art results in many text analysis tasks but often require a lot of memory to store their weights. Recently proposed Sparse Variational Dropout eliminates the majority of the weights in a feed-forward neural network without significant loss of quality. We apply this technique to sparsify recurrent neural n...
Dropout-based regularization methods can be regarded as injecting random noise with pre-defined magnitude to different parts of the neural network during training. It was recently shown that Bayesian dropout procedure not only improves generalization but also leads to extremely sparse neural architectures by automatically setting the individual noi...
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We explore recently proposed variational dropout technique which provided an elegant Bayesian interpretation to dropout. We extend variational dropout to the case when dropout rate is unknown and show that it can be found by optimizing evidence variational lower bound. We show that it is possible to assign and find individual dropout rates to each...
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Despite recent advances, the remaining bottlenecks in deep generative models are necessity of extensive training and difficulties with generalization from small number of training examples. Both problems may be addressed by conditional generative models that are trained to adapt the generative distribution to additional input data. So far this idea...
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This paper proposes a deep learning architecture based on Residual Network that dynamically adjusts the number of executed layers for the regions of the image. This architecture is end-to-end trainable, deterministic and problem-agnostic. It is therefore applicable without any modifications to a wide range of computer vision problems such as image...
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Variational inference is a powerful tool for approximate inference. However, it mainly focuses on the evidence lower bound as variational objective and the development of other measures for variational inference is a promising area of research. This paper proposes a robust modification of evidence and a lower bound for the evidence, which is applic...
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Convolutional neural networks excel in image recognition tasks, but this comes at the cost of high computational and memory complexity. To tackle this problem, [1] developed a tensor factorization framework to compress fully-connected layers. In this paper, we focus on compressing convolutional layers. We show that while the direct application of t...
Conference Paper
The rapid growth of traffic and number of simultaneously available devices leads to the new challenges in constructing fifth generation wireless networks (5G). To handle with them various schemes of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) were proposed. One of these schemes is Sparse Code Multiple Access (SCMA), which is shown to achieve better link...
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We consider the task of finding M-best diverse solutions in a graphical model. In a previous work by Batra et al. an algorithmic approach for finding such solutions was proposed , and its usefulness was shown in numerous applications. Contrary to previous work we propose a novel formulation of the problem in form of a single energy minimization pro...
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We consider the problem of finding M best diverse solutions of energy minimization problems for graphical models. Contrary to the sequential method of Batra et al., which greedily finds one solution after another, we infer all M solutions jointly. It was shown recently that such jointly inferred labelings not only have smaller total energy but also...
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Deep neural networks currently demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in several domains. At the same time, models of this class are very demanding in terms of computational resources. In particular, a large amount of memory is required by commonly used fully-connected layers, making it hard to use the models on low-end devices and stopping the f...
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This paper proposes a novel approach to reduce the computational cost of evaluation of convolutional neural networks, a factor that has hindered their deployment in low-power devices such as mobile phones. Our method is inspired by the loop perforation technique from source code optimization and accelerates the evaluation of bottleneck convolutiona...
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Recently proposed Skip-gram model is a powerful method for learning high-dimensional word representations that capture rich semantic relationships between words. However, Skip-gram as well as most prior work on learning word representations does not take into account word ambiguity and maintain only single representation per word. Although a number...
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In this paper we address the problem of finding the most probable state of a discrete Markov random field (MRF), also known as the MRF energy minimization problem. The task is known to be NP-hard in general and its practical importance motivates numerous approximate algorithms. We propose a submodular relaxation approach (SMR) based on a Lagrangian...
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Structured-output learning is a challenging problem; particularly so because of the difficulty in obtaining large datasets of fully labelled instances for training. In this paper we try to overcome this difficulty by presenting a multi-utility learning framework for structured prediction that can learn from training instances with different forms o...
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In the paper we present a new framework for dealing with probabilistic graphical models. Our approach relies on the recently proposed Tensor Train format (TT-format) of a tensor that while being compact allows for efficient application of linear algebra operations. We present a way to convert the energy of a Markov random field to the TT-format and...
Recently proposed distance dependent Chinese Restaurant Process (ddCRP) generalizes exten-sively used Chinese Restaurant Process (CRP) by accounting for dependencies between data points. Its posterior is intractable and so far only MCMC methods were used for inference. Because of very different nature of ddCRP no prior developments in variational m...
Conference Paper
In the paper we address a challenging problem of incorporating preferences on possible shapes of an object in a binary image segmentation framework. We extend the well-known conditional random fields model by adding new variables that are responsible for the shape of an object. We describe the shape via a flexible graph augmented with vertex positi...
Conference Paper
This paper addresses the problem of semantic segmentation of 3D point clouds. We extend the inference machines framework of Ross et al. by adding spatial factors that model mid-range and long-range dependencies inherent in the data. The new model is able to account for semantic spatial context. During training, our method automatically isolates and...
One way to perform a segmentation of the images of mouse brain sections is to register them to some reference images with known segmentation. We designed a new registration algorithm for this task. It is based on hierarchical mutual information maximizationand draws on several recent methods. Besides combining them in a novel way, we identify their...
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We analyzed the expression of transcription factor c-Fos induced by neural activity in the mouse brain after acoustic stimulation. The brain sections of the animals subjected to acoustic stimulation and controls were immunohistochemically stained for c-Fos protein. Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) was used to identify group differences in th...
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Estimating the dynamics of cell culture development using fluorescent microscopy images is of great interest in modern cellular and molecular biology. In large-scale studies of cell populations involving a great number of images taken within a certain interval, manual analysis has proved to be time consuming and inaccurate; therefore, various compu...
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We analyzed the expression of transcription factor c-Fos induced by neural activity in the mouse brain after acoustic stimulation. The brain sections of the animals subjected to acoustic stimulation and controls were immunohistochemically stained for c-Fos protein. Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) was used to identify group differences in the a...
In the paper we briefly present main active areas in modern machine learning and highlight several new paradigms which became extremely popular since the end of 90s. These paradigms make it possible to include prior domain-and task-specific knowledge in the data model. Among them are Bayesian inference, reinforcement learning, big data processing,...
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In the paper we propose a novel dual decomposition scheme for approximate MAP-inference in Markov Random Fields with sparse high-order potentials, i.e. potentials encouraging relatively a small number of variable configurations. We construct a Lagrangian dual of the problem in such a way that it can be efficiently evaluated by minimizing a submodul...
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The problem of segmentation of mouse brain images into anatomical structures is an important stage of practically every analytical procedure for these images. The present study suggests a new approach to automated segmentation of anatomical structures in the images of NISSL-stained histological sections of mouse brain. The segmentation algorithm is...
Conference Paper
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In the paper we propose a new deformable shape model that is based on simplified skeleton graph. Such shape model allows to account for different shape variations and to introduce global constraints like known orientation or scale of the object. We combine the model with low-level image segmentation techniques based on Markov random fields and deri...
Conference Paper
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In the paper we address the problem of finding the most probable state of discrete Markov random field (MRF) with associative pairwise terms. Although of practical importance, this problem is known to be NP-hard in general. We propose a new type of MRF decomposition, submodular decomposition (SMD). Unlike existing decomposition approaches SMD decom...
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In this paper a new automated hybrid method for short-term flare forecasting is introduced and suggested for future use. At the initial stage we created a flare base, and an image base for 1996–2009 years interval. Further, we derived simple and efficient parametric precedent model, which turned our prediction problem into two-class classifi-cation...
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We consider the problem of statistical analysis of gene expression in a mouse brain during cognitive processes. In particular we focus on the problems of anatomical segmentation of a histological brain slice and estimation of slice’s gene expression level. The first problem is solved by interactive registration of an experimental brain slice into...
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We consider image and signal segmentation problems within the Markov random field (MRF) approach and try to take into account label frequency constraints. Incorporating these constraints into MRF leads to an NP-hard optimization problem. For solving this problem we present a two-step approximation scheme that allows one to use hard, interval and so...
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The paper describes a method for fully automatic 3D-reconstruction of mouse brain voxel model from a sequence of coronal 2D slices for statistical analysis of gene expression. Two images of each brain slice with different stains are used. The first stain highlights the his-tology of brain, which is used for slice matching. The second stain highligh...


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