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Effect of H2O/SiO2 Molar Ratio on Direct Synthesis of ZSM-5 from Bangka's Kaolin Without Pretreatment


Abstract and Figures

The influence of the molar ratio H2O/SiO2 in the synthesis directly from Bangka Belitung's Kaolin has been studied by performing synthesis of ZSM-5 with a variation of the molar ratio H2O/SiO2 is different at 15, 25, 30, and 35. Weighing 3.980 g Bangka's kaolin are added other material so obtained molar composition 10Na2O: 120SiO2: 2Al2O3: 1800-4200H2O, and 1% of silicalite seed, subsequent hydrothermal proccess of 175°C for 24 hours. The result of solids were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and SEM EDX to analyzed morphology of ZSM-5 crystal. The synthesis of ZSM-5 was directly optimum with molar ratio H2O/SiO2 of 30 having the highest cristalinity and largest crystal size of 59.44% and 3.795 µm, respectively.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Hamzah Fansuri , Ani Iryani
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Wahyu Erizky Shahbihi , Eko Santoso ,
Hartanto et al. / Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 13, No. 4 (2017) 817-820
Effect of H2O/SiO2 molar ratio on direct synthesis of ZSM-5 from
Bangka’s kaolin without pretreatment
Djoko Hartantoa,*, Rendy Muhamad Iqbala,
Department of Chemistry, Pakuan University, Bogor, Indonesia
Corresponding author:
Article history
Received 17 November 2017
Accepted 20 December 2017
Graphical abstract
The influence of the molar ratio H2O/SiO2
in the synthesis directly from Bangka Belitung’s Kaolin has
been studied by performing synthesis of ZSM-5 with a variation of the molar ratio H2O/SiO2 is
different at 15, 25, 30, and 35. Weighing 3.980 g Bangka’s kaolin are added other material so
obtained molar composition 10Na2O: 120SiO2: 2Al 2O3: 1800-4200H2O, and 1% of silicalite seed,
subsequent hydrothermal proccess of 175°C for 24 hours. The result of solids were analyzed by X-
ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and SEM EDX to analyzed morphology
of ZSM-5 crystal. The synthesis of ZSM-5 was directly optimum with molar ratio H2O/SiO2 of 30
having the highest cristalinity and largest crystal size of 59.44% and 3.795 µm, respectively.
Keywords: Kaolin, direct synthesis, ZSM-5, hydrothermal, zeolite
© 2017 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved
Zeolite is aluminosilicat crystal that have pore and 3D framework,
Based on their framework, International Zeolite Association (IZA)
reported that zeolite have 218 framework (Kovo et al, 2009). Different
type of zeolite framework has different application and properties.
Zeolite has many utilizate on industrial area, it has many
advantages compared with others mineral because it has a uniform and
regularity pore, strength acid site, and some type of zeolite has good
thermal stability (Sun et al, 2007). Many researchers use zeolite as
adsorben, ion exchanger, molecular siever and catalyst. Zeolite also has
ability to solve waste water problem like active sludge material (Soraya
et al, 2012). Beside natural zeolite, zeolite synthetic also developed by
many researcher.
Zeolite Socony Mobil-5 (ZSM-5) is a type of zeolite that have pore
channel on it’s structure. Oil refinery and petrochemical industry use
ZSM-5 as catalyst. In catalyst area, ZSM-5 called as heterogenous
catalyst that have Brǿnsted a n d L e w i s site. ZSM-5 us e as catalyst for
many reaction such as isomerisation, alkilation, catalytic cracking,
epocsidation, hydrolisis, etc (Kovo et al, 2009). ZSM-5 can synthesized
from raw material which has high contain of silica and alumina, such
as kaolin (Wang et al, 2007 ; Hartanto et al, 2016), fly ash (Feng et al,
2009), rice husk (Prasetyoko et al, 2012), serpentin (Dong et al, 2003),
and smektit (Abdmeziem et al, 1994). Synthesis of ZSM-5 from
metakaolin as alumina source and silicate acid as silica source have
been studied, activation kaolin at temperature from 600°C to 1100°C to
form metakaolin ( P an et al, 2014). But, transformation to metakaolin
need high temperature and increase cost of production. The utilizate
source of silica and alumina from natural resource will decrease cost of
synthesis and also temperature calcined.
Generally, ZSM-5 synthesized by hydrothermal from silica
precusor, alumina, metal cation, and organic template. Conventional
synthesis of zeolite using organic template like TPA+ (Petushkov et al,
2011), utilization of tetrapropilamonium (TPA+) has many problem
such as difficult to degradation, high cost, and need of higher
temperature to release the template (Dey et al, 2013). The high
temperature of calcined might able to destroyed zeolite structure and
decreasing crystalinity of ZSM-5. So, another promising way to
synthesis of ZSM-5 is direct synthesis. Kim et al reported to direct
synthesis of ZSM-5 with two step, first is nucleation at 190°C and
continuesly by crystalization at 150-165°C (Kim et al, 2004). The
advantages of direct synthesis is low calcined temperature, no treatment
for source of silica and alumina (Kaolin). Synthesis of Zeolite use
kaolin as source was reported by many researcher. Direct synthesis also
use addition of ZSM-5 seed, after condensation and polymerisation
reaction, percusor will form zeolite as well as their seed (Xue et al,
Direct synthesis of ZSM-5 without organic template was influenced
by some factor like temperature, Si/Al molar ratio, and also H
molar ratio. Generally, the higher temperature increase crystalinity, but
every material has their limit. After optimum temperature, crystalinity
of ZSM-5 would decrease, its caused higher temperature could broke
zeolite structure (Dey et al, 2013 ;Hartanto et al, 2016). Another factor
which influenced were H
molar ratio. The amount of SiO
controlled by addition of LUDOX as silica source and water play
important thing in hydrothermal synthesis, its as place to crystal
growth. But, if amount of water too much, proccess of synthesis would
disturb by increasing amount of Na
and OH
on proccess reaction. Its
would disturb crystal formation and the product would has low
crystalinity. In this study foccus to find optimum H
molar ratio
on ZSM-5 crystal formation.
NaOH (Merck, 99%), LUDOX (Aldrich, 30 wt% of Si), Bangka
Belitung’s Kaolin (45,86% of SiO
and 22% of Al
O3), ZSM-5 seed or
Silicalite seed, and aquademineralization.
Hartanto et al. / Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 13, No. 4 (2017) 817-820
Synthesis of zeolite socony mobil-5 (ZSM-5)
In this research, ZSM-5 synthesized without organic template with
different variation of H
molar ratio : 15, 25, 30, and 35. The
synthesis pathway follow a method was reported by Prasetyoko et al
with 10Na
O. 0.8 g of NaOH solute with
water (Prasetyoko et al, 2012). Then, Kaolin added into NaOH solution
under constant stirring until form white mixture. LUDOX was added
into mixture and stirring during 8 hour (speed 400 rpm). The mixture
left undisturbed condition during 12 hours at room temperature (aging).
Next step, 0.085 (1 wt%) Silicalite seed added into the mixture and
stiring for 30 minutes and then mixture moved into autoclave steel for
hydrothermal proccess. Hydrothermal proccess under close condition
at 175°C and the crystalization time is 24 hours. Solid product washed
with aquadem and drying at 110°C during 12 hour.
Characterization of ZSM-5
The product of synthesis characterized by XRD JOEL JDX 3530 to
determine crystal structure, Fourrier Transform Infrared (FTIR)
Shimadzu Instrument Spectrum One 8400S to analyze function group
on finger print area, and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) FEI
Inspect S25 and Energy Disspersive X-Ray (EDX) EDAX AMETEX
to analyze morphology and compound of product, respectively.
Crystalinity of product also determine from difractogram, which
calculated using equation :
Cristalinity (%) : Intensity of sample/Intensity of ZSM-5
Commercil x 100% ( 1 )
Direct synthesis of ZSM-5
Direct synthesis of ZSM-5 followed in this reaction (Xue et al,
2012) :
+ NaOH
+ H
+ SiO
2 (aq)
( 2 )
Reaction (Sun et al, 2007 ; Hartanto et al, 2016 ; Hartanto et al,
2016) use water as solvent and the condition was closed. In this
hydrothermal synthesis would form Al-O-Si or T-O-T (T = Al or Si) by
condentation reaction. After condentation reaction, its continuesly by
polimerisation reaction and framework would follow ZSM-5 seed, the
product will have same framework with ZSM-5 seed that followed
Mordenite Framework Inverted (MFI) or researcher called product as
Fig. 1 XRD Pattern of (a) Kaolin (b) ZSM-5 Seed (c) ZSM-5 Commercil,
ZSM-5 with H
molar ratio (d) 15 (e) 25 (f) 30 (g) 35
Diffractogram of ZSM-5
ZSM-5 characterized by XRD at 2ϴ between 5-40°. Diffractogram
of Bangka Belitung’s kaolin (Fig. 1a) shown narrow peak at : 12.32,
19.87, 20.34, 24.85, 26.61, 34.95, 35.40, 35.91, 38.97, and 39.22°. This
result match with kaolinit which has spesific peak at 2ϴ on 20.5° and
35-38.5°. Besides Kaolinit, Its possible Bangka Belitung’s kaolin
contain qwartz, iron, rutile, anatase, and also montmorilonite.
Diffractogram of ZSM-5 with molar ratio 35 (Fig. 1g) obtained
amorph phase, its sign with appearing of hump at 17-33°, if compared
with diffractogram of kaolin which has narrow peak, its indicate kaolin
was soluted to form amorphous silica after hydrothermal proccess.
Figure 1d-1f represent has same spesific peak with ZSM-5 comercil, It
indicate kaolin was transform to ZSM-5 which has Mordenite
Framework Invert (MFI) structure (Treacy et al, 2001 ; Hartanto et a l ,
2016) and narrow peak shown crystal of ZSM-5 was form
Crystalinity of ZSM-5 also studied and following equation 1 to
calculate it. Tabel 1 showed result of crystalinity of ZSM-5 with
different molar ratio.
Table 1 Crystalinity of ZSM-5 with different H2O/SiO2molar ratio
Crystalinity %
Based on Table 1, the highest crystalinity is ZSM-5 with molar ratio
30 and its reach 59.44%. Crystalinity of ZSM-5 increase with
increasing amount of H2O, but it decrease on molar ratio is 35. Its
caused system of amorphous silica solution at high temperature should
form silica crystal which has good stability, so kaolin can’t transform
to ZSM-5 and the product has low crystalinity of ZSM-5 (Prasetyoko
et al, 2012).
Infrared spectrum of ZSM-5
Synthesize product characterized by FTIR to analyze functional
group at finger print area. Figure 2 exhibit infrared spectrum from
Kaolin, ZSM-5 seed, and also the synthesis product. Infrared spectrum
of kaolin on Fig 2a showed spesific peak at 429, 468, 540, 697, 757,
789, 917, 1031, and 1108 cm-1. Chandrasekar et al reported peak of
kaolin, the wavenumber of 540 cm-1 indicate vibration of Al-O, 789 and
914 cm-1 represent of vibration (Al-O)-H, 430, 693, 752, 794, 1035,
1096, and 1114 cm-1 exhibit vibration of Si-O bonding on SiO2 (Treacy
et al, 2001). The wavenumber of 1115 and 1008 cm-1 obtained by
stretching vibration from Si-O, the peak of 795 and 755 cm-1 shown
vibration of Si-O-Si , 755 and 697 cm-1 is vibration of Al-O-H, 469 and
430 cm-1 indicate vibration of Si-O (Treacy et al, 2001). Figure 2
represent peak of kaolin at 429, 468, 697, 757, 917, 1031, and 1108 cm-
1 did not appear on infrared spectrum of ZSM-5. Its indicate the bonding
of kaolin have break and start to form new bond.
Infrared spectrum of ZSM-5 with different ratio shown in Fig 2(c-
f), On spectrum appear 5 peak at 453, 545, 792, 1092 and 1222 cm-1.
Based on previous research, ZSM-5 has 5 spesific peak at 1221 and
1102 cm-1 from stretching asymmetric vibration of T-O-T, 796 cm-1
obtained by stretching symmetric vibration of T-O-T, 546 cm-1 showed
framework vibration on pentacil ring and its characteristic of zeolite
structure which has MFI type (Hartanto et al, 2016), and 450 cm-1
exhibit bending vibration from T-O-T bonding, where T is Si or Al. Ali
et al reported that peak of 1090 cm-1 represent stretching asymmetric
bending from SiO4 tetrahedral, 545 cm-1 showed external bonding from
tetrahedral with framework and 455 cm-1 represent bending vibration of
Si-O bonding (Ali et al, 2003). Peak at 1224 cm-1 exhibit a pore that
have three dimention channel (Dong et al, 2003), its caused by external
stretching asymmetric vibration of TO4 ( Ali et al, 2003 ; Hartanto et
al, 2016) . Based on data, it can concluded that the synthesize product
is ZSM-5.
Based on Fig 2(c-f), peak of ZSM-5 at 543 cm-1 from sampel with
molar ratio 15 has lowest transmintance and molar ratio 30 has highest
transmintance value.
Hartanto et al. / Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 13, No. 4 (2017) 817-820
Fig. 2 Infrared spectrum of (a) Kaolin (b) ZSM-5 Seed, ZSM-5 with
H2O/SiO2 molar ratio (c) 15 (d) 25 (e) 30 (f) 35
Fig. 3 Morphology of ZSM-5 with H2O/SiO2 molar ratio (a) 15 (b) 25 (c)
Morphology of ZSM-5
The observation of morphology ZSM-5 using Scanning Electron
Microscopy(SEM). Morphology of ZSM-5 with different molar ratio
shown by fig 3 (a-c). ZSM-5 with H2O/SiO2 molar ratio 15 shown
aggregation of crystal, and shape of crystal has irregularity. For ZSM-
5 with molar ratio 25 and 30 exhibit uniformity of crystal shape. Based
on figure, the shape of crystal is hexagonal prism.
Hexagonal prism of crystal confirm that product is ZSM-5, SEM
micrograph result support XRD and FTIR result. The shape of crystal
influenced by crystalinity of ZSM-5. The higher amount of crystalinity
will produce good hexagonal prism on SEM micrograph. Beside that,
uniformity of crystal shape also important to analyze. For more detail
shape and size of crystal, its shown by fig 4(a-c).
Fig 4 SEM Micrograph of ZSM-5 with H2O/SiO2 molar ratio (a) 15 (b) 25
(c) 30
Crystal size determined by SEM and the result shown by fig 4.
ZSM-5 with molar ratio 15 has lowest of crystal size with the value is
2.684 µm, crystal size of ZSM-5 with molar ratio 25 is 3.562 µm, and
ZSM-5 with molar ratio 30 has highest of crystal size and its value is
3.795 µm. Increasing of crystal size equals with increasing of
crystalinity of ZSM-5.
The increasing size of crystal at higher H2O/SiO2 molar ratio (15-
30), its caused on this condition could break percusor crystal and
hydrothermal synthesis was transformed percusor to ZSM-5. The
higher amount of H2O would increasing crystal size, H2O is place to
growth of crystal, increasing amount of water can increase crystal size.
But, the amount of water has their limit and if its amount too much, its
will decrease crystalinity.
Energy Disspersive X-Ray (EDX) result
EDX analysis has purpose to determine compound of ZSM-5
product, the result shown by Table 2. ZSM-5 contain Si, Al, Na, and O
with different percentage. The high compound of ZSM-5 product is
oxygen and its percentage reach 66.16% on ZSM-5 with molar ratio 25.
Si/Al ratio of ZSM-5 product also determined on Table and the result
Hartanto et al. / Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 13, No. 4 (2017) 817-820
shown generally Si/Al for ZSM-5 product is 11.23, 11.70, and 11.41
for ZSM-5 with molar ratio 15, 25, and 30, respectively.
Table 2 Compound of ZSM-5 with different H2O/SiO2molar ratio.
Percentage %
Bangka Belitung kaolin is promising natural resource as raw
material to synthesis of ZSM-5. Where, its can use for direct synthesis
and its product has different properties based on H2O/SiO2 molar ratio.
The highest crystalinity is ZSM-5 with molar ratio 30 with the value
59.44%, its followed by molar ratio 25, 15, 35 and its value is 55.49;
49.88; 8.52%, respectively. The spectrum of infrared shown spesific
peak at 1221 and 1102 cm-1 from stretching asymmetric vibration of T-
O-T, 796 cm-1 obtained by stretching symmetric vibration of T-O-T,
546 cm-1 shown framework vibration on pentacil ring, and 450 cm-1
exhibit bending vibration from T-O-T bonding, 545 cm-1 shown
external bonding from tetrahedral with framework and 455 cm-1 shown
bending vibration of Si-O bonding. Peak at 1224 cm-1 represent a pore
that have three dimention channel.
Observation of morphology from different H2O/SiO2 molar ratio
represent different shape of crystal. ZSM-5 with H2O/SiO2 molar ratio
30 has shape like hexagonal prism and its also has highest crystal size
with the value is 3.795 µm and followed by molar ratio 25 and 15 with
value is 3.562 and 2.684 µm, respectively. EDX result shown Si/Al
ratio for ZSM-5 with H2O/SiO2 molar ratio 15;25;30 is 11.23; 11.70;
11.41, respectively. From this work can concluded the optimum
H2O/SiO2 molar ratio on direct synthesis of ZSM-5 is 30.
This work was financially supported by the Ministry of Research,
Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia under DRPM Grant.
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... This is due to the high content of SiO2 and Al2O3 in fly ash and bottom ash [6,7]. Two of the aluminosilicate-based materials that can be synthesized from waste ash are geopolymers and zeolites [8][9][10][11][12]. Both have a basic framework composed of alumina and silica compounds. ...
... The chemical contents in fly ash and bottom ash studied is shown in Table 1 According to the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM C618-12a) (ASTM C618-12a, 2012) (ASTM C618), type F fly and bottom ash is consisting of higher than 70% of SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 [9]. Another indication of type F ash, the calcium content (CaO) is less than 5% [8] [14]. ...
... The longer cured of the geopolymer, the higher the compressive strength due to the formation of C-A-S-H (Calciumaluminosilicate-hydrate) chains in geopolymers is longer [10]. Utilization of type F bottom ash have ever been studied in geopolymer concrete synthesis exposed to sea water in previous study [9]. As can be seen in Table 5., bottom ash addition in geopolymer concrete synthesis can reduce the seawater effects on the concrete. ...
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The world's population has reached 7 billion or doubled from the previous half-century and continues to increase every year. This increase in population is directly proportional to the increase in electrical energy consumption. Electricity needs in Indonesia are mostly met by Steam Power Plants. Unfortunately, the use of coal as an energy source in Steam Power Plants can cause environmental pollution, namely the waste generated by fly ash and bottom ash. However, even though it is classified as hazardous materials, silica (SiO2) and alumina (Al2O3) content in the waste are high enough so that it can be used for the synthesis of aluminosilicate-based materials. The ash waste in this study was obtained from the Steam Power Plant in Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan Province which was tested according to the ASTM D93-10 standard. The composition of SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and CaO in fly ash was 56.44; 31.31; 0.51; 0.78%. The compositions of SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and CaO in the bottom ash were 66.66; 17.09; 0.31; 5.40%. Based on its composition, fly ash and bottom ash are classified as type F ash. In addition, fly ash and bottom ash have SiO2/Al2O3 ratios of 3.90 and 1.80, respectively. It can be concluded that fly ash and bottom ash has the potential to be used as basic materials for the manufacture of aluminosilicate-based materials such as geopolymers, zeolites, and others.
... 22 However, the recent interest toward green synthesis methods 23 calls for reducing these harmful chemicals used to prepare different aluminosilicates. Researchers make various efforts to eliminate the usage of SDAs, 24,25 eliminate solvents, 26 minimize use of solvents, 27 and recycle 28 solvents during the ZSM-5 synthesis without compromising on product yield and quality. Bukhari et al. 29 published an optimal template concentration for SBA-15 in 2017 in order to obtain a wellordered structure that is favorable for CO 2 reforming of methane. ...
... MAS NMR spectra were utilized to identify the zeolite coordination system of cost-effective ZSM-5 zeolite samples. The higher-resolution 29 Si MAS NMR and 27 Al MAS NMR spectra were analyzed using a JEOL ECA-600 spectrometer (14.1 T) equipped with an additional 1 kW power amplifier. 29 Si MAS NMR analysis was executed with a pulse width of 4.1 μs and 10,000 scans. ...
... The spinning rate and relaxation delay at a resonance frequency of 119.2 MHz were kept at 15 kHz and 30 s, respectively. On the other hand, solid-state 27 Al MAS NMR spectra of cost-effective ZSM-5 zeolite samples were evaluated at a pulse width of 3.25 μs and 4000 scans. The experiment was carried out at a spinning rate and relaxation delay of 15 kHz and 0.1 s, respectively. ...
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Light olefin production from methanol using various zeolite catalysts has industrial and economic importance considering the growth of the petrochemical market. Zeolites are generally synthesized using various organic templates as structure-directing agents (SDAs). In this study, synthesis of a series of ZSM-5 zeolites was performed systematically using the microwave-assisted crystallization method, and these samples were analyzed in detail to understand the effect of the SDA concentration. Powder diffraction, N2 adsorption, scanning electron microscopy, ammonia adsorption desorption, and 27Al and 29Si NMR spectroscopies were used for the characterization. The organic SDA tetrapropyl ammonium hydroxide (TPAOH/SiO2 mole ratio = 0.0500) is found to have an optimum concentration against the silica precursor for achieving the highest crystallinity, suitable morphology, ideal pore size, effective pore volume, and tuned microporous/mesoporous area. For samples with a template concentration ratio of 0.050 or higher, 29Si and 27Al NMR data revealed the presence of an intact ZSM-5 structure. Using a fixed bed reactor at 500 °C and atmospheric pressure, the catalytic performance of the selected catalysts from the series is investigated for the methanol-to-olefin conversion reaction. The sample with the highest crystallinity showed the best conversion, selectivity toward light olefins, and time on stream stability. It is also worth noting that the highest crystallinity, micropore area, and micropore volume are reached for the optimum value rather than the highest template concentration. This allows for a reduction in the template concentration and a move closer to a synthesis pathway benign to environment and economics.
... ZSM-5 is a multifunctional catalyst that could be employed in a range of processes, including alkylation, isomerization, catalytic cracking, and hydrolysis. 3 Another use of ZSM-5 could be employed as membrane filler. 4 ZSM-5 has outstanding properties such as chemical and thermal stability, non-toxicity, a wide surface area, and cations that may undergo exchange. ...
... The characteristic uptake band ZSM-5 was found at wavenumbers 3464, 1639, 1222, 1097, and 545 cm 1 . 3,[22][23][24] The absorption band peak at 3464 cm-1 corresponded to the hydroxy group (-OH) vibration, while another absorption band peak at 1639 cm -1 corresponded to the bending vibration of the hydroxy group (-OH). The vibration of T-O-T occurred at wavenumbers 1222-1097 cm -1 , where T could be either Si or Al. 25 The peak at 545 cm -1 corresponds to the five membered ring of the pentasil structure, the zeolite's structural unit with the MFI frame. ...
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This study aims to investigate the effects of different solvents (isopropanol, benzene, and toluene) on the synthesis of carbon-modified TiO2/H-ZSM-5 composites. Carbon-modified TiO2/H-ZSM-5 composites were characterized by FTIR, XRD, and SEM. XRD analysis revealed that the TiO2 peaks at 2 = 25.3, 37.8, and 48.2° had distinct characteristics. FTIR analysis revealed that I-ZTC, B-ZTC, and T-ZTC had comparable absorption bands to ZSM-5 at 3464, 1639, 1222, 1097, and 545 cm-1, respectively. Additionally, the FTIR data revealed that I-ZTC, B-ZTC, and T-ZTC all display absorption bands around the wavenumber 450 cm-1, indicating the Ti-O bond's stretching vibration. Additionally, SEM-EDX analysis revealed that Ti was more evenly distributed on the surface of T-ZTC than on the surfaces of B-ZTC and I-ZTC. It was shown that the solvent's polarity has an effect on TiO2 dispersion. A less polar solvent disperses TiO2 more effectively. In terms of TiO2 dispersion, toluene was the preferable solvent for the production of carbon-modified TiO2/H-ZSM-5.
... Because concrete is a composite, the quality of concrete is very influential with the concrete-forming materials used. One of the parameters used as a benchmark in the polymerization process is the adhesive used, namely SiO 2 , H 2 O and NaOH [12]. Previous studies have shown that geopolymerization can convert various aluminum silicate wastes into building materials with excellent chemical and physical properties such as fire resistance and acidic environments [13]. ...
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Building Construction Requires durability of Concrete for longer use Workability and SCGC research to determine the relationship between molarity and workability in Self-Compacting Geopolymer Concrete (SCGC), as well as mechanical properties. Compressive strength and tensile strength tests were used to characterize the mechanical characteristics in this study. In addition, this study is the optimal molarity for compaction geopolymer concrete itself. Fly ah is used as a substitute for cement in this study. In compaction of new concrete geopolymers, workability is determined using the EFNARC standard, which includes the Slump Flow, V-Funnel and L-Box tests. The ASTM 39/C 39M-99 standard is used to determine the compressive strength of self-compacting concrete geopolymers. In new concrete, workability is determined using the EFNARC standard, which consists of Slump Flow Test, V-funnel, and L-Box. The compressive strength of the concrete sample was determined according to the ASTM 39/C 39M – 99 standard. The SNI 03-2491-2002 standard was used to determine the split tensile strength of the concrete. At the age of 7, 14, and 28 days tested. The findings indicate that the new concrete at 11M-13M meets the SCGC workability criteria. The compressive strength and split tensile strength of SCGC increase with the age of the concrete. In self-compacting geopolymer concrete, the optimal molarity is 13 M.
... Structural and morphological properties. The XRD analysis was employed to investigate the phase structure of the samples [14]. As shown in Fig. 1, pronounce peaks were observed in all samples, which can be ascribed to the graphite phase g-C3N4. ...
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Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) is a photocatalyst possessing a unique layered structure, remarkable thermal and chemical stability, and tunable bandgap. However, the bulk g-C3N4 has limited active sites and fast electron-holes recombination. In this work, we prepared porous g-C3N4 with an enhanced photoactivity toward methylene blue (MB) degradation. The porous g-C3N4 were prepared from melamine with addition of various amount of citric acid as a pore-forming agent (0.0 mmole, 0.1 mmole, 0.2 mmole, and 0.3 mmole; assigned as g-C3N4-0, g-C3N4-1, g-C3N4-2, and g-C3N4-3, respectively). The structural and morphologycal properties of the samples were analyzed using XRD, SEM, FTIR, and N2 sorption. The optical property was analyzed using UV-vis diffuse reflectance and photoluminesence spectroscopy. While the electronic conductivity was analyzed using Mott-Schottky analysis and electron impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The photocatalytic test revealed that g-C3N4-2 exhibited the highest MB degradation rate (k=0.0090 min-1), while the bulk g-C3N4-0 showed the lowest rate (k=0.0068 min-1). The g-C3N4-2 possesed relatively smaller crystallite size (~43.5 nm) and a larger surface area (13.975 m2 g-1) compared to the bulk g-C3N4-0 (crystallite size: 46.9 nm; surface area: 9.163 m2 g-1). The optical property and charge carrier transfer analysis also revealed that the g-C3N4-2 possessed more efficient charge carrier transfer, which suppress the charge recombination. The combination between a larger surface area and more efficient charge carrier transfer contributes to the enhanced photocatalytic activity of porous g-C3N4 toward MB degradation.
... The crystalline phase and the purity of the samples were characterized using XRD. 27,28 As shown in Fig. 1, bare g-C 3 N 4 exhibits pronounce peaks at 2q of 13.2 and 27.5 . The peak 13.2 refers to the (100) crystal lattice of g-C 3 N 4 , which can be attributed to the in-plane repetitive unit of tri-s-triazine. ...
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ZSM-5/graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) composites were successfully prepared using a simple solvothermal method. By varying the amount of ZSM-5 and g-C3N4 in the composites, the charge carrier (electrons and holes) transfer within the materials, which contributes to the enhanced photocatalytic performance, was unraveled. The X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis revealed that more ZSM-5 component leads to a stronger interaction with g-C3N4. The photocatalytic performance test toward methylene blue (MB) degradation shows that more ZSM-5 in the composites is beneficial in enhancing photocatalytic activity. Meanwhile, the impedance electron spectroscopy (EIS) and photoluminescence (PL) analysis revealed that ZSM-5 facilitates the charge carrier transfer of photogenerated electrons and holes from g-C3N4 to the catalyst surface due to its lower charge transfer resistance. During the charge carrier migration, the interface between g-C3N4 and ZSM-5 particles may induce higher resistance for the charge carrier transfer, however after passing through the interface from g-C3N4 to ZSM-5 particles, the charge carrier can be efficiently transferred to the surface, hence suppressing the charge carrier recombination.
... Where Its can use for direct synthesis and its product has different properties based on H 2 O/ SiO 2 molar ratio. Bangka Belitung kaolin is promising natural resource as raw material to synthesis of ZSM-5 (Hartanto et al., 2017). ...
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Low quality heavy oils and residues, which are subsequently obtained by processing heavy crudes, are considered as alternate suitable source for transportation fuels, energy and petrochemicals. ZSM-5 zeolite with high Si/Al ratio and modified with phosphorous and La has showed not only high selectivity to light olefins but also high hydrothermal stability for the steam catalytic cracking of naphtha. Kaolin is promising natural resource as raw material to synthesis of ZSM-5 zeolite. The utilization of acid catalysts with large pore size or hierarchically structured and high hydrothermal stability to resist the severity of the steam catalytic cracking (or thermal and catalytic cracking) operation conditions to maximize the olefin production.
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The Steam-Electric Power Station (PLTU) is one of the initiatives to meet the nation's current electricity requirements. The use of fuel for steam power plant is still dominated by fossil fuels such as coal. Even though domestic energy needs are met, steam power plant turns out to be a contributor to gas emissions that cause global warming, as well as a by-product in the form of fly ash which can cause environmental and ecosystem problems. Fly ash contains silica oxide (SiO 2 ) and aluminum oxide (Al 2 O 3 ) compounds which can be used as raw materials for synthesizing aluminosilicate-based materials such as geopolymers and zeolites. This study tested the characteristics and composition of chemical compounds in fly ash from Pulang Pisau’s power plant, Central Kalimantan. Characterization using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) showed that peaks of quartz material dominated fly ash from Pulang Pisau’s power plant at 2θ=20.82°;26.61° and mullite minerals at 2θ= 31.2°;33.1°; 35.4°;39.2°;59.8°. The results of the chemical compound composition were tested using the ASTM-D3682-12 standard. Fly ash has a composition of 29.00% SiO 2 , 9.98% Al 2 O 3 , 13.75% Fe 2 O 3 , and 28.37% CaO. Fly ash from Pulang Pisau’s power plant is classified as type C fly ash, which can potentially be used as a source of aluminosilicate-based material synthesis.
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Free radicals are compounds that contain one or more unpaired electrons which are very reactive, causing damage to cells or tissues and implication in the emergence of various degenerative diseases. Several methods of exploring medicinal plants have been carried out to find new sources of natural antioxidants and antibacterials that can reduce the use of synthetic drugs. This study aimed to examine the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of the stem bark extract of the plant Sterculia foetida L. The antioxidant activity of S. foetida was tested using the ABTS radical method (2,2-Azinobis 3-ethyl benzothiazoline 6-sulfonic acid). The principle of this method is that the color intensity or absorbance of the ABTS solution is inversely proportional to the concentration of antioxidant compounds. ABTS absorbance measurements were carried out at a wavelength of 734 nm. The results showed that the bark extract of the plant S. foetida could inhibit ABTS radicals with an IC50 value of 5.54 g/mL. The antibacterial activity of S. foetida was tested by measuring the optical density (OD) at a wavelength of 630 nm and expressed by the Inhibition Concentration 50 (IC50) value of 10442.29 g/mL.
Plate-like MFI zeolite with short b-axis length is highly desired in industrial application, because the larger straight channels along the b-axis are primary mass transfer way. This work reports that...
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ZSM-5 has been successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method using Indonesian Bangka kaolin as the aluminium source without an organic template and preactivation by calcination utilizing silicalite and ZSM-5 seedings. There are three parameters that made kaolin a very suitable aluminium source in the synthesis of ZSM-5 by using this method. The first parameter was the presence of types of seeds (silicalite and ZSM-5). Secondly, the molar ratio of Si/Al was in the range of 40–60. Thirdly, the concentrations of NaOH were varied from 6 to 12 mol with 1800 mol water. Interestingly, the use of silicalite seed produced pure ZSM-5 zeolite, whereas analcime and mordenite appeared as side products when ZSM-5 was used as the seed. The above effects can be illustrated by the following mechanism. Kaolin was fully dissolved in the basic mixture solution containing concentrated NaOH and silica sols, and followed by the crystallization in the presence of seeds (silicalite and ZSM-5). The mechanism was postulated on the basis of XRF, XRD, 29 Si and 27 Al MAS NMR analyses.
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The transformation of kaolin to amorphous mesoporous aluminosilicate was investigated in this study. We demonstrated the use of koalin as silica and alumina sources without prior pretreatment. Two steps synthesis method were carried out; hydrothermal reaction at 80 °C, followed by addition of mesoporogen cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr) surfactant. We observed that prolonging the synthesis period improves the surface area of the aluminosilicate with enhances mesopore volume and surface acidity.
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Phase transformation of rice husk ash in the synthesis of ZSM-5 without organic template at various crystallization times has been studied. Zeolite has been synthesized using the hydrothermal method at 175 °C with molar ratio 10Na2O : 100SiO2 : 2Al2O3 : 1800H2O with addition of silicalite-1 as seed. Solids were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared (IR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Analysis of the results of XRD and IR spectroscopy indicated that ZSM-5 crystalstarted to form at 12 h of crystallization time, reaching high crystallinity after 24 h. With a crystallization time of more than 48 h, the ZSM-5 crystals had completely transformed into more stable quartz phase. Results indicated that phase transformation has occurred, in which an amorphous phase of rice husk ash has been transformed to ZSM-5 crystal phase during the early crystallization stage and continued to transform to disordered α-cristobalite phase and lastly quartz phases. SEM showed that the morphology of the ZSM-5 crystal was of an irregular hexagonal shape with particle size distribution around 3-7 μm.
ZSM-5 was successfully synthesized by a template-free method using coal-series kaolinite as the only silica and alumina source. The physicochemical properties of obtained samples were characterized by XRD, SEM, FT-IR and nitrogen adsorption. According to the results, the relative crystallinity of template free ZSM-5 was ca. 94.2%, and crystal size was about 4.0 mu m. Due to the absence of an organic template during the synthesis process, the obtained ZSM-5 samples have an opened pore system and could avoid calcination, which could reduce the cost and avoid generating environmental pollution. Furthermore, the process of heterogeneous synthesis for ZSM-5 using kaolinite as a silica source without an organic template has been discussed.
ZSM-5 zeolite particles were synthesized through in-situ extraction of silica from rice husk ash in the absence of organic template by a simple hydrothermal condition at 150 1C/72–96 h. The powders were characterized by XRD, TGA, DTA, FTIR, N 2 physisorption studies, and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). Crystallization of ZSM-5 started at 150 1C/72 h. The vibration bands at around 540 and 1220 cm À 1 indicated the presence of characteristic double 5-ring of ZSM-5. The BET surface area and pore volume increased with increase in synthesis time from 72 to 96 h at 150 1C. FESEM images showed coffin-shaped morphology of ZSM-5 particles.
Mesoporous ZSM-5 aggregates were synthesized with wide SiO2/Al2O3 ratio range using tetrapropylammonium hydroxide as single template through seed-induced route. The influences of SiO2/Al2O3 ratio, Na2O/SiO2 ratio and seeding gel amount on the textural properties of the mesoporous ZSM-5 aggregates were investigated and the possible formation mechanism was brought forward. The mesoporous ZSM-5 aggregates of approximately 2.0 μm in diameter were formed by nanosized crystals several tens nanometers in size, which avoid the filtration difficulties for nanosized crystals. This synthesis process is facile and much less expensive while the prepared mesoporous ZSM-5 aggregates possess large external surface area and large mesopore volume.
Development of new zeolite based materials is essential for a variety of applications in catalysis, separations, and medicine. Increasing the specific surface area and decreasing the micropore diffusion pathlength in zeolites are important factors for improving the performance of zeolites in catalytic applications and these factors can be optimized by decreasing the zeolite particle size. Creation of a hierarchical zeolite material that possesses both micro- and mesopores with very large surface areas and improved mass transport properties is an effective solution. In this study, a facile approach to a one step synthesis of nanocrystalline ZSM-5 zeolite from a single template system in 12–24h at 140°C and with high yield is presented. ZSM-5 zeolite crystals as small as 6nm which form mesoporous aggregates of approximately 200nm in diameter were synthesized using this method. The mesopore volume and size distribution showed a dependence on particle size such that smaller particles lead to higher mesopore volumes and narrower pore size distributions. The size of individual crystals, as well as mesopore surface area and pore volume can be controlled by adjusting the pH of the reaction mixture, as well as the hydrothermal treatment temperature and duration.
Zeolite Y was synthesised, for the first time, using Nigerian Ahoko kaolin. In addition, a novel metakaolinization technique was used to produce the necessary reactant phase. The first step involves the refining of the raw kaolin sample, which removes a substantial amount of quartz, a major impurity present in all kaolin including Ahoko kaolin. The second step, metakaolinization, was carried out at a significantly lower temperature and for a shorter time than in previous studies. The method for the production of metakaolin, based on rapidly exposing a sample of refined kaolin to elevated temperature was investigated in this work. Metakaolin was obtained after 6 min of exposure at 600 °C. The metakaolin produced was then used to synthesis zeolite Y and ZSM-5 using conventional hydrothermal treatment and the shortened thermal treatment cycle was shown to be effective for commercial kaolin as demonstrated by the synthesis of zeolite A.
ZSM-5 zeolite has been hydrothermally synthesized in-situ on the external surface of calcined kaolinite in the presence of n-butylamine. This supported zeolite was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and N2 adsorption. Several synthesis variables were systematically investigated, including SiO2 to Al2O3 ratio, pH, crystallization time, and crystallization temperature. After mixing the ZSM-5 with a Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) catalyst, catalytic performance was evaluated by cracking vacuum gas oil (VGO) in a micro-fixed bed reactor. ZSM-5 addition was favorable for the production of light olefins by catalytic cracking of VGO.